Irina Pleshcheva was born on May 13, 1987 in the village of Khokholsky, Voronezh Region. - straight as an arrow: after school in 2004, she entered the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University, which she graduated in five years. Already at the age of 18, she was the press secretary of the Voronezh branch of the Nashi movement. Apparently, since the same 2005, she has been an active participant in Seliger.

At nineteen Irina Pleshcheva becomes the founder, publisher, editor-in-chief of the city avant-garde youth publication "Fortchk"; organizer of CARRIAGE - School of Russian Journalism Sharks; Head of the Center for the Development of Youth Media; host of the regional MTV (talk show "PRoMovement").

Since 2008 Irina Pleshcheva is a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; member of the OP Commission on Communications, Information Policy and Freedom of Speech in the Media; member of the commission for supporting the media as the basis of civil society, ensuring freedom of speech and access to information.

Most Notable Achievements Irina Pleshcheva as a journalist, these are, apparently, the notes “A Few Words in Defense of the Khimki Forest ...” (the article, of course, criticizes the defenders) and “The Quiet Evil of Alexei Navalny”. Judging by the photo on VKontakte, Irina got married back in October 2012. By the way, Irina loves to be photographed, often posing in a bathing suit and even partially without. The authors of the "Moscow Region" community in LiveJournal have collected the most successful pictures of it.
As you can see, there is no reason to doubt the skills of social communications of the new head of the relevant department of the Moscow Region.

On February 4, 2014, the "wise" governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov at a meeting of the regional government announced that a 26-year-old ex-activist of the Nashi movement had been appointed the new head of the Main Directorate of Social Communications of the Moscow Region with the status of a minister. Vorobyov pointed out that Irina Pleshcheva- a young and energetic employee, and placed high hopes on her.

In August, a short but meaningful discussion took place on the Ulyanovsk Internet on the topic: “Who is Irina Pleshcheva?”. A certain blogger wondered: why is the Ulyanovsk region represented in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation by a 23-year-old girl from Voronezh?

He also unearthed and posted photographs in which Irina is depicted next to the powers that be: with Putin at the Nashi festival on Seliger, with the Kremlin’s “gray eminence” Vladislav Surkov, with political scientist and propagandist Gleb Pavlovsky, with oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov. Perhaps these photos contain the answer: who is she and how did she get into the ward.

However, these pictures did not have to be dug up: they are on Pleshcheva's page on the VKontakte social network, from where they migrated to blogs. There is also an enticing photo of this youngest member of the Public Chamber in a T-shirt with the inscription "I want Medvedev" on the chest. But the most lively exchange of comments was caused by other photographs in which Ms. Pleshcheva is depicted in a bathing suit and even without the top of it (however, in these photographs, the model chastely covers her breasts with her palms, although not entirely). Since nothing is known about the social activities of Irina Pleshcheva in Ulyanovsk, the discussion on the Internet forum at some point became fixated on her feminine virtues. Volunteer art critics (“Save the Motherland from such future managers…”, “Usually they are not sent to the Chamber, but to the State Duma to tone up the overstayed elected representatives”) were confronted by ironic defenders of female beauty: “Why did they attack the girl? Such a wonderful ... Let her sit there for Ulyanovsk ... Leave me alone, dense ones, from such a sweetie!

Despite her young age, Irina Pleshcheva has been working in the Public Chamber of Russia for the second time. To the chamber of "conscription" in 2008 Irina Pleshcheva was included by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, and the Ulyanovsk regional organization of the All-Russian public organization "Center for Support of Youth Initiatives" nominated it to its current composition. In the release of the regional Civic Chamber (OP), for some reason, she was then named the head of the URO LLC "CPMI", although formally this organization is headed by a certain Konstantin Antonovich - a phantom man who cannot be found in Ulyanovsk, as well as the headquarters of this organization itself: at the legal address such was not found.

However, in the biographical information of Irina Pleshcheva on the website of the federal OP, it is not indicated that she ever led the specified organization or had any relation to it at all. Obviously herself Irina Pleshcheva does not attach any importance to "CPMI".

Nomination of Irina Pleshcheva as a candidate member of the OP RF was very curious. The presentation of her candidacy took place at the end of October 2009 at a meeting of Ulyanovsk public organizations, where delegates were elected to a conference of interregional and regional public associations of the Volga Federal District for further nomination of candidates for members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The candidate Pleshcheva himself was not present at this meeting (!), she was represented in absentia by Ilya Paimushkin, the organizer and head of the local branch of the Center for Support of Youth Initiatives (he works in Moscow, is an assistant to the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs, and is also a member of the Moscow city electoral commissions). “Pleshcheva's nomination is my decision,” Mr. Paimushkin later said. “I know her as an enterprising, active person.”

At a meeting of regional public activists, the question could not help but arise: why should a Voronezh girl, whom few people know about in Ulyanovsk, represent the region in the Public Chamber of Russia? And Paimushkin was asked such a question. As a participant in this meeting, a trade unionist and a member of the regional OP of the last convocation, Galina Shpanko, recalls, he answered approximately the following: Pleshcheva lives in Moscow, but is connected with our city by social work, she is a member of the highest legislative bodies, with her mediation it is possible to solve some local problems, so its nomination is necessary in the interests of the Ulyanovsk region. “Yes, her surname was not widely known,” said Shpanko, “but since she is engaged in our region, it was decided that maybe she would be more useful there. In our system, everything is decided where the main legislative acts are adopted.”

As Alexander Frolov, the former secretary of the Ulyanovsk region OP, said, no vote was required on Pleshcheva's candidacy, because it was not a nomination, but a presentation of her candidacy by a public organization - everything was according to the law. It turns out that the law is arranged in such a way that a representative of a semi-underground organization called the Center for Support of Youth Initiatives, which cannot be found in Ulyanovsk, puts the Ulyanovsk public before the fact: here is Irina Pleshcheva, your candidate for the OP, because I decided so, but look you can’t see her, because she is in Moscow, but take my word for it - she is terribly active and helpful.

The district conference on nominating candidates for the federal chamber was held on November 20, 2009 in Saransk. From the Ulyanovsk region, in addition to Pleshcheva, members of the regional chamber Anna Lebedko and Galina Batrakova also nominated their candidacies for the federal OP. “I know that Pleshcheva is “not ours”, and no one here knows her, but we were immediately given to understand that she would win,” said doctor Anna Lebedko.

And so it happened. Of the candidates proposed by the district conference, Irina Pleshcheva was among the six approved by the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation - the third round of the formation of the OP took place on December 24, 2009 (both Ulyanovsk social activists did not pass into the "big" chamber). A young graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University (for the first time she got into the OP while still a student) seemed to be led into the ward by some invisible, but very influential hand. As Western Sovietologists would say, "the hand of Moscow." The pun is that Pleshcheva is “not ours” for the Ulyanovsk region, but in a certain sense she is very “ours”, and even more specifically, “Ours”: she is the commissioner of the pro-Kremlin Nashi movement, she was the press secretary of the Voronezh branch of this movement , was active on Seliger, judging by the photograph, she is personally acquainted with the supreme Labrador Koni. So there is a reason to talk not even about the hand, but about the “paw of Moscow”.

So, "CPMI" put forward Irina Pleshcheva as a potential lobbyist of the Ulyanovsk region in the highest echelons of power, and the regional OP agreed with this argument, although it is unlikely that the then 22-year-old girl's flywheel of influence was so strongly untwisted. However, Irina herself does not consider herself the "plenipotentiary" of the Ulyanovsk region in the OP, as she said in a telephone interview: - The Public Chamber is not the Federation Council. This is a huge platform, but there is no “regionality” there. I represent all the youth and the media there. I can roughly imagine how youth can be helped in general, regardless of the region. I openly told your governor and other officials: I am ready for all proposals, invite me, I will participate in everything, if you have any questions, let's do it. But during this time no one contacted me.

Thus, Pleshcheva considers her nomination from the Ulyanovsk organization as a formality and does not consider her connection with the region necessary. Oddly enough, she is right: she does not owe anything to the region, nor can it be argued that, by her status, she represents the Ulyanovsk region in the OP. Pleshcheva is not embarrassed by the fact that she is practically unknown in Ulyanovsk, and in absentia answers her less fortunate colleagues from the ranks of the Ulyanovsk public: - Why should people who are known in Ulyanovsk, but not known in Russia, be in the OP? They can sit there with dead furniture. Let them not worry: they don’t pay money, they don’t erect monuments, this is a social burden, people go there who can really do something, and not for the sake of status.

So, Pleshcheva is ready to help the region if a request or, if you like, a special invitation comes from Ulyanovsk. Ilya Paimushkin reproaches the regional authorities: they say that they do not use the potential of a capable person, but Irina could receive citizens in Ulyanovsk, you can “move” some questions through her, but no one asks her for anything. In his opinion, if it were not for Pleshchev, then there would be no one at all in the OP from the Ulyanovsk region. Well, it’s not even now, because initially there was some kind of substitution or even deception: “CPMI” put forward Pleshcheva as a potential lobbyist for regional interests, but at the same time, as it turns out, she is not obliged to support the region.

So who is Irina Pleshcheva? And how do these children manage to make a career almost from the cradle? It seems that for some it’s enough to go to Seliger, stroke the Labrador Koni and the case in the hat, that is, in the presidential decree (by the way, when Pleshcheva is interviewed, she insists that the words “president” and “government” be written with a capital letter, even if the grammar dictates otherwise). There, on Seliger, they seem to be given "flashing lights" for unhindered travel through life. By the way, the head of the First Youth Channel in Ulyanovsk, Vyacheslav Akramovsky, met Pleshcheva there, who considers her a “bright, intelligent person,” and a good journalist as well. Indeed, for six months (in 2008-2009) she hosted a socio-political talk show on the local MTV channel, for which she came from Moscow, and this, apparently, is her only connection with Ulyanovsk that can be traced.

According to Pleshcheva, she makes a living mainly by working with the media. Is she really a good journalist? Well, certainly not stronger than his colleague in the Public Chamber, Nikolai Svanidze. In any case, she is not known to me as a deep analyst, a bright publicist or a prominent TV presenter. Yes, and where to get the experience and depth of yesterday's university graduate? In addition, in accordance with the code of ethics of a journalist, this profession is not compatible with party membership. Judging by Pleshcheva's publications and interviews, her point of view on events coincides with the point of view of the Kremlin and the owner of the dog Koni, which is not surprising for Nashi. Not bad in form, the texts are permeated with youthful pro-government cynicism. For example, her comment on the Khimki forest problem begins like this: “In order to protect the forest, you need to stop protecting it. Wood is used for this: for press releases, newspapers, flyers, magazines, books, toilet paper…”. She calls the actions of the defenders of the forest "environmental hypocrisy and cheap posturing of individual cultural figures" (a familiar style, isn't it?).

Here is her apologetics of the scandalous “Seliger” exposition “You are not welcome here” with photographs of Russian and foreign political and public figures in hats with Nazi symbols: “Some guys who came to the forum are “only teething”, and they unsuccessfully tried to position themselves "outside" ... But this inadequate demarche has a good side: according to the Constitution, everyone has the right to express their point of view, today's youth have their own position, not coordinated with either the leadership or society. Seliger is the place where you can express it. I think it's quite democratic." But on the air of the Voice of Russia radio station, a supporter of the pluralism of Pleshchev's opinions, in fact, justified the persecution launched by Nashi against the human rights activist and publicist Alexander Podrabinek after one of his scathing publications.

On the back of the T-shirt with the inscription "I want Medvedev", it turns out, there is a continuation: "...for president!". Under the photo in this t-shirt Irina Pleshcheva left a comment: "This T-shirt will soon be out of date." She probably knows something that we don't. I won’t be surprised that with such knowledge, Irina will indeed soon decorate the State Duma.

26-year-old ex-activist of the Nashi movement Irina Pleshcheva has become the new head of the Main Directorate of Social Communications of the Moscow Region. This was announced on February 4 by the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov at a meeting of the regional government. Governor Andrei Vovrobyov noted that Irina is a very young and energetic employee, and high hopes should be placed on her.

Irina Pleshcheva was born on May 13, 1987 in the village of Khokholsky, Voronezh Region. Her biography is as straight as an arrow: after school in 2004, she entered the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University, from which she graduated five years later. Already at the age of 18, she was the press secretary of the Voronezh branch of the Nashi movement. Apparently, since the same 2005, she has been an active participant in Seliger.

At nineteen, he became the founder, publisher, editor-in-chief of the city's avant-garde youth publication "Fortchk"; organizer of CARRIAGE - School of Russian Journalism Sharks; Head of the Center for the Development of Youth Media; host of the regional MTV (talk show "PRoMovement").

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; member of the OP Commission on Communications, Information Policy and Freedom of Speech in the Media; member of the commission for supporting the media as the basis of civil society, ensuring freedom of speech and access to information.

The most notable achievements of Irina as a journalist are, apparently, the notes “A Few Words in Defense of the Khimki Forest ...” (the article, of course, criticizes the defenders) and “The Quiet Evil of Alexei Navalny”. Judging by the photo on VKontakte, Irina got married back in October 2012. By the way, Irina loves to be photographed, often posing in a bathing suit and even partially without. The authors of the "Moscow Region" community in LiveJournal have collected the most successful pictures of it.

I don't understand, why don't you like the new Minister of the Moscow Region for Social Communications? Why was there such a cry all of a sudden? Look! Well, what is a bad minister? For example, I really like it too.

Official: Irina Pleshcheva was born on May 13, 1987 in the village of Khokholsky, Voronezh Region, after school in 2004 she entered the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University. Already at the age of 18, she was the press secretary of the Voronezh branch of the Nashi movement.

At nineteen, he became the founder, publisher, editor-in-chief of the city's avant-garde youth publication "Fortchk"; organizer of CARRIAGE - School of Russian Journalism Sharks; Head of the Center for the Development of Youth Media; host of the regional MTV (talk show "PRoMovement").
Since 2008, he has been a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; member of the OP Commission on Communications, Information Policy and Freedom of Speech in the Media; member of the commission for supporting the media as the basis of civil society, ensuring freedom of speech and access to information. And yesterday she was appointed the new head of the Main Directorate of Social Communications of the Moscow Region with the status of a minister.

Not official:

Irina Pleshcheva

Irina Pleshcheva

And you must admit that no actions of the Moscow Region “Minister for Communications” will in any way affect our standard of living and well-being. Yes, and there is nothing to steal. So, let it please the eye against the background of the rest of the gloomy jackets.

And yet, I don’t really understand the anger and banter of the opposition public about the appointment of Irina Pleshcheeva to a ministerial position in the government near Moscow. Understand, guys, we are moving noticeably towards the world level by such an appointment. Here, see for yourself. You'll like it.

Barbara Stiman, Belgium
But this beautiful blonde is not from the Hollywood hills, she is a simple hard worker-politician from an area that has only 40 thousand people. When Barbara was photographed like this for a magazine, an urgent council was called in the city. But, they quickly calmed down. By the way, in 2005 Barbara became Miss Belgium.

Alejandra Benitez Romero. Venezuela.
The world champion in fencing and a participant in three Olympics led the sport of Venezuela, becoming the Minister of Sports.

Eva Kaili, 33, Greece
Eva became a member of the Greek Parliament back in 2007. Previously, she was a TV reporter, inthe presenttime is considered the most beautiful female politician in Greece.

Ruby Dhalla, 36, Canada
Ruby Dhala is a member of the Liberal Party of Canada and has been in politics for a long time. Back in 1984, during the conflict in India, Ruby wrote a letter to Indian Prime Minister Gandhi. At that time she was only 10 years old. Dhalla has been involved in politics almost all his life. By the way, part-time she starred in some Bollywood films.

This woman politician has recently received the title of Miss Indonesia. She was born in Australia, where she received her education, then received a degree in economics in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is now a member of the Indonesian Parliament.

Marie Rosari Carfagna, 35, Italy
This woman is a former Italian TV presenter and model. She began her political career in 2004 and was elected to the country's council. In May 2008, she became the Minister for Equality in the Government of Italy. Journalists call this sexy brunette with languid eyes "the most beautiful minister in the world."

This 43-year-old female politician is one of the most popular politicians in Lebanon. Her reputation is so high not only because she is a woman, but also because she is a determined politician. In particular, Giga was able to resist Syrian domination in Lebanon, and now the majority of the citizens of this country support her. Her husband spent 11 years in prison as a political prisoner. His release was greatly facilitated by Setrida Giga, who was able to release her husband in 2005.

Yana Parizkova. Czech.
Yana is not a minister, although she works in parliament: she started out as a public relations specialist and now oversees social issues. And Yana did not hesitate to act for the famous calendar, which greatly increased her rating and, accordingly, the rating of her entire team. But this alone is enough to be in the rating of politicians. The most beautiful politicians, we note in the end.

Levi-Abukasis Orly. Israel.
Orly became a member of the Knesset, where she conducts active parliamentary work. She is a member of the commission on the rights of the child, the commission on labor, welfare and health.

Vera Kabalia, 33 years old, Georgia.
In the period from 2010 to 2012, Vera worked as the Minister of Economy and Development of Georgia.

In her country, Anna Maria was recognized as one of the most important people. By the way, Anna-Maria is original in everything, even in the ways of protest. When she was accused of misusing public money for toiletries, she posed naked in Playboy on purpose. And I think that this is the most correct way to protest.

And why listen to them, they still do not decide anything. Let's just watch.

UPDATED: This post about the dizzying career of a young blonde from the Voronezh village blew up the networks, for three years Ira Pleshcheva has been the most "popular" official of the Moscow region.

If with the governor of the Moscow region Boris Gromov life was getting better, then with the governor Andrey Vorobyov life is not only better, but also more fun. Ministers who call the Moscow region Podmoskovnaya and confuse Klin with Klimovsk sometimes change so quickly that they don’t even have time to memorize the names of the entrusted cities and even the region.
At today's meeting of the government of the Moscow region, the governor of the region Andrey Vorobyov announced the next personnel changes. They touched on eight positions of regional officials at various levels. The most fun was the appointment of the head of the main department of social communications, with the rank of minister of the Moscow region, 26-year-old Irina Pleshcheva.

The official, led by Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region Andrey Ilnitsky, a former deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission of the United Russia party, will build a constructive civil society in the Moscow Region, in particular, form public chambers in the cities of the Moscow Region.
However, the civil society of the Moscow region, which has already begun to get used to miracles in the government, is shocked by this appointment. And this is not surprising, the career of a sexy minister near Moscow, who has already served two terms in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and has always shocked the population before.
conducted a small investigation - a scandalous compromising evidence on the Minister of the Moscow Region, Irina Pleshcheva, in bulk.
Conclusion - society, of course, it can represent, but only exhibitionists.

The official activity of the future minister was ambiguous. Here is just one paragraph from the article"Who is Irina Pleshcheva?":
“According to Pleshcheva, she earns her living mainly by working with the media. Is she really a good journalist? Well, certainly not stronger than her colleague in the Public Chamber, Nikolai Svanidze. Besides, in accordance with the code of ethics of a journalist, this profession is not compatible with party membership.
Judging by Pleshcheva's publications and interviews, her point of view on events coincides with the point of view of the Kremlin and the owner of the dog Koni, which is not surprising for Nashi. Not bad in form, the texts are permeated with youthful pro-government cynicism.
For example, her comment on the Khimki forest problem begins like this: “To protect the forest, you need to stop protecting it. Wood is used for this: for press releases, newspapers, flyers, magazines, books, toilet paper…”. She calls the actions of the defenders of the forest "environmental hypocrisy and cheap posturing of individual cultural figures" (a familiar style, isn't it?).
Here is her apologetics of the scandalous “Seliger” exposition “You are not welcome here” with photographs of Russian and foreign political and public figures in hats with Nazi symbols: “Some guys who came to the forum are “only teething”, and they unsuccessfully tried to position themselves "outside" ... But this inadequate demarche has a good side: according to the Constitution, everyone has the right to express their point of view, today's youth have their own position, not coordinated with either the leadership or society. Seliger is the place where you can express it. I think it's quite democratic."
But on the air of the Voice of Russia radio station, a supporter of the pluralism of Pleshchev's opinions, in fact, justified the persecution launched by Nashi against human rights activist and publicist Alexander Podrabinek after one of his scathing publications.

And here is one of the works of Irina Pleshcheva - "The Quiet Evil of Alexei Navalny"

However, the countrymen of Irina Pleshcheva were most interested not so much in her activities as in her photo - she lit up on the entire Internet with T-shirts with scandalous inscriptions, and even without T-shirts at all. It was they who most of all attracted the attention of the Voronezh and Ulyanovsk press. Now, apparently, the photo of Irina Vladimirovna, already in the rank of minister, will have to be studied by residents of the Moscow region.

By the way, the girl’s career success aroused genuine interest in the NTV channel back in 2009:

P.S. - reaction after this publication.

According to the rating of LiveJournal in the zoneEN, this postentered the "Most visited posts of the past week in the category "News"".
The publication hung in the 1st place for 17 hours, becoming the fourth in terms of holding the championship, overtaking the best publications of such well-known bloggers as: A. Navalny -
navalny , A. Malgin - avmalgin , A. Nosik - dolboeb and others.

As Kommersant FM reported, Minister of the Moscow RegionIrinaPleshchevawas in the TOP of Internet queries!

The very next day after the appointment, the Minister of Social Communications of the Moscow Region stopped communicating even with the pro-Kremlin media. That's what RIA Voronezh reported:
"Irina Pleshcheva herself refused to comment on her appointment to Voronezh journalists, citing being busy. Then an assistant answered the phone of the Minister of Social Communications of the Moscow Region, who said that “Irina Vladimirovna is busy. And she does not give comments to the media.

Vesti TV channel about the "excited blogosphere" - a sex scandal with the Minister of the Moscow Region.

It's funny, but the opposition TV channel "Dozhd", reporting that "sincethe most popular in social networks is the appointment of Irina Pleshcheva as the new Minister of Social Communications"did not give what the Vesti state channel gave earlier - a photo of a half-naked minister.

Irina Pleshcheva gave her first TV interview, having understood about the informational noise that accompanied her appointment.

The first tweets of the minister, and in the past a "famous journalist" Pleshcheva, shocked many:

Hard everyday life of the Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region Irina Pleshcheva in the second year of service...

Many Russian viewers have noted on the TV screens the young political scientist Dmitry Abzalov, who has recently appeared on various political talk shows. His statements are very accurate and correspond to topical issues, which speaks of the professionalism and competence of the politician.

Even ordinary people listen with great pleasure to his comments, in which patriotism and intelligence are felt. It is not surprising that interest in the biography and personal life of this person is very high, which indicates his popularity.

Brief biography and family

Dmitry is a native Muscovite, born in the capital on February 21, 1984 in an intelligent family. His father, Gambit Abzalov, who has Asian roots, was engaged in his upbringing; and mother, Olga Braga, is Russian by nationality. The political scientist also has a brother, Konstantin, and a sister, Irina. There is no extensive information about his childhood and what his parents do, since in his interviews Abzalov touches only on important aspects of his profession. There is also no data on what kind of education he received after graduation. Perhaps the growing popularity of a young man will soon help to find out more voluminous information about him.

In the photo Dmitry Abzalov with his parents and brother.

Today it is known that Dmitry is one of the leading political experts, economists, analysts, as well as the president and founder of the Center for Strategic Communications. His professional activities include both the study of industries and the analysis of the Russian economy, relationships with foreign trade partners, and an objective assessment of the political situation.

In the photo, a political scientist with his wife Irina Plasheva.

Despite the fact that Abzalov does not talk about his personal life, on the Internet you can read information that he is married. Irina Pleshcheva, who occupies an equally serious position, became his chosen one. The girl was trained at the Faculty of Journalism in her hometown of Voronezh, and then took up work at the Center for the Development of Youth Media. Irina was able to quickly move up the career ladder, and at the moment the wife of a popular political scientist is a member of the Public Chamber, the head of the Main Department of Social Communications of the Moscow Region. Their wedding took place at the end of 2012. It is not yet known whether there were children in this family.

Participation in TV projects and other activities

Abzalov manages not only to fulfill his main duties, but also to cooperate with numerous printed and electronic publications, where he comments on various situations. It is published in such media as Trud, Ekonomika, Vedomosti, Novye Izvestia, RBC Daily and many others. As an expert, the political scientist takes part in political debates on talk shows (“Time Will Show”, “Meeting Place”, “60 Minutes”, “Revealing the Secrets of the Day”) and various radio programs (“Moscow Says”, “Vesti-FM”, "Freedom"). He classifies himself as a "patriotic camp", boldly expressing an opinion different from many on any issue. Dmitry did not accidentally acquire the status of "a person who knows how to explain", which is very much appreciated by viewers.

Frame from the program Time will tell.

He does not communicate with fans on social networks and tries not to attract close attention to himself, as is customary with other public people. Having a page in Odnoklassniki, the 34-year-old political scientist does not post fresh photos from his speeches or with his wife there.

The political scientist believes that ... ..

  • The aggravation of relations between Russia and the United States will someday end, but that system of relations between countries will never be the same. Therefore, our country must move independently towards the new conditions of economic policy;
  • In the future, Ukraine will face great upheavals and complete degradation;
  • In foreign policy there are only partners and opponents. As a result, it is necessary to come up with such mechanisms that would firmly bind our partners;
  • It is necessary to change the structure of the Russian economy, which must develop not only at a rapid pace, but also in new conditions;
  • Summing up the results of the presidential elections in 2018, we would like to expect new economic reforms from Putin. It is necessary to increase income from the Internet and the digital economy, raise and develop agriculture, and shake up the entire government apparatus.