Pepper is one of the favorite crops of gardeners. It is difficult to find a person who would leave her unattended and never try to grow glossy fragrant fruits in his garden.

In anticipation of the season, let's talk about pepper seedlings and the possible problems that anyone can face when growing this wonderful vegetable.

It would seem that they planted, groomed, cherished, and suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the seedlings. Let's figure out what's what.

We will look at the most common cases when peppers need urgent help and try to save your future crop.

Why do pepper seedlings turn yellow leaves

How to help the pepper, if suddenly its leaves began to turn yellow? For what reason is this happening?


Yellowing of the lower cotyledon leaves is not critical, but it is worth paying attention to. If all the leaves turn yellow, this is already an alarm signal. Thus, the pepper reports that he is very uncomfortable. There may be several reasons:

  • over or under watering
  • watering with cold or hard water
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • low temperature content
  • diseases


If yellowing does not have a large-scale and pronounced destructive character, then the matter is most likely in non-compliance with growing conditions. You need to pay attention to watering. The soil should not be constantly wet, this contributes to the decay of the root system, but also the earthen ball should not dry out completely. We need a balance. Some articles strongly recommend "watering-heavy watering", but we want to argue that everything should be in moderation!

Just an earthen lump when watering should be well and completely moistened. It should be exactly moist, not wet through. And re-watering should be done only when the top layer of soil dries.

Check if water flows down the walls and further into the pan during irrigation, and at the same time the earthen ball itself remains almost dry. This happens when the soil is not loose enough, it is compressed and forms gaps between the walls of the container and the earthen clod. If this happens, loosen the soil around the edges.

Water for irrigation should be settled, soft enough and its temperature should be at least 24-25 degrees. Do not water or spray peppers with cold water.

The soil should be loose and breathable. If the earth is very clumpy, it is heavy and dense, then moisture will certainly stagnate and cause rotting of the roots and, as a result, poor plant nutrition and its yellowing from a lack of necessary substances.

It is this bright yellow color of the leaves that indicates that the conditions of detention listed above are violated.

If you planted seeds in pure peat or coconut substrate, or maybe not in very high quality, poor soil, then the seedlings no longer have enough nutrition. This is especially noticeable in the strongly grown seedlings, which suddenly begin to slowly turn yellow leaves.

Also, due to a lack of iron and magnesium, leaf chlorosis occurs, while the leaf plate turns yellow, veins stand out brightly.

Seedlings need to be fed, and not only with nitrogen fertilizer, but with a complex set containing not only nitrogen, but also potassium, phosphorus, iron and other necessary elements, without which the sprouts also starve. Use Humat + 7 or Zdraven turbo for seedlings.

Top dressing with these preparations can be not only root, but also by spraying. It is produced by a nutrient working solution on the undersides of the leaves. It is important that the water is not cold!

Also, in order to avoid yellowing, pay attention to the temperature of the seedlings, it should be at least 22-24 degrees. Eliminate drafts and cold air currents when airing.

Also, yellowing occurs due to some diseases, such as mosaic, phytoplasmosis (pillar), black leg, about them a little lower.

Pepper seedlings grow poorly

Pepper seedlings are weak, thin, lethargic, sitting on their own and not particularly willing to grow big for your joy? What is the reason?


The frailty of seedlings and its slow growth may be due to the following factors:

  • low temperature content
  • poor quality, old seeds
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • lack of lighting
  • weak root system


If the seedlings do not please with rapid growth, but seem to “freeze”, stubbornly sit in one pore and confuse you with their frail appearance, you should pay attention to the air temperature. When seedlings are cold, they categorically refuse to grow and wait for better times. As already mentioned, maintain 22-24 degrees and no drafts.

Again, we forget that a lot depends on the original planting material. Some manufacturers are now dishonest in the production of their goods. If the seeds are not very good or old, this can be seen both in the germination and in the appearance of the plants that come out of these seeds, they will be weak, with poor immunity, and only perfect care will allow them to survive and grow stronger. We will have to actively feed such seedlings and be sure to use products for improved root formation and immunity, so that the nutrients that we introduce the plant can fully assimilate.

We talked about the lack of nutrients a little higher, the pepper, as a rule, turns yellow. But sometimes obvious yellowness may not be observed. Shoots may simply be pale green, thin, weak and slow growing. In this case, it is better to immediately feed with complex fertilizers for seedlings.

If the seedlings were planted early in February-March, when the sunny day is not yet so long, and if the seedlings are placed on poorly lit windows (for example, the north, east and west sides), then do not be surprised if the pepper seedlings become capricious , will grow frail, thin and elongate greatly. Such plants are vulnerable to all diseases, because their immunity is initially weakened. In such conditions, additional illumination with fluorescent lamps or red-blue spectrum lamps is simply necessary.

An important factor affecting the growth of seedlings is the insufficient development of the root system. This is rather a consequence of the quality of the seeds and growing conditions (watering with cold water inhibits the development of roots), but again it leads to the fact that the seedlings look weak, grow slowly. In this case, it is necessary to use drugs that improve root growth and the general well-being of plants, such as Kornevin, Athlete, Zircon, Epin, Heteroauxin, Energen.

Why do the leaves of pepper seedlings curl?

If pepper seedlings turn leaves, you need to pay attention to the following factors.


  • uneven growth caused by soil characteristics or excess fertilizer
  • lack of potassium
  • pest or disease damage


In addition, curling can also be caused by fungal diseases, which are also characterized by spots, blackening, gray or brown moldy spots that grow rapidly and cause decay. In this case, spraying with Fitosporin or another fungicide is indicated.

Worse, if the plant has become a victim of a viral disease. Such as, for example, a tobacco mosaic, in which the leaves are twisted in a boat, while twisting is accompanied by deformation, uneven spotty color, with chlorotic yellowness at the edges.

Pepper Tobacco Mosaic

An equally unpleasant disease is phytoplasmosis (aka stolbur), although it is not the most common. With it, the leaves of peppers twist up, turn yellow and deform, fruit formation is disturbed.

Phytoplasmosis (stolbur)

A damaged plant, even if it did not die immediately and survived, will no longer be able to give a good harvest. Diseased plants are destroyed to avoid further infections.

If it is difficult for you to recognize what kind of disease affected your seedlings, you can act by elimination. Treat seedlings from pests and fungi comprehensively.

In some cases, everything is not so serious and twisting can be caused by improper feeding.

Pepper seedlings are sensitive to top dressing. Sometimes it happens that the purchased soil does not meet the requirements.

This entails uneven growth of leaf plates, their deformation, the leaves may grow crooked, but at the same time they are green, healthy and shiny. The same thing happens if you overdo it with top dressing, with their wrong dosage. These deformations do not lead to any critical consequences, and there is no need to fight them.

Leaf curl can also be due to a lack of potassium. It can be replenished by adding wood ash or potassium nitrate under each bush.

Why do pepper seedlings wither and fall leaves

Why do outwardly healthy green leaves suddenly begin to wither, dry and fall off?


  • verticillium or fusarium wilt
  • lack of watering
  • bay
  • pests


Unfortunately, verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt are two such problems for which treatment is not effective. Seedlings exposed to these diseases rapidly wither, wither and die, even sometimes not having time to turn yellow. Infected plants are destroyed. Only multi-stage comprehensive preventive measures save them from them. The diseases look about the same, the only difference is in the pathogen.


The leaves of pepper seedlings lose their elasticity both with insufficient moisture and with excess watering. Humidity needs to be adjusted.

And of course, pests that imperceptibly draw juices from the plant can be the culprits for leaf lethargy. Check seedlings for spider mites, aphids, and other pests. If any are found, treat with insecticides.

White, gray, black and brown spots on the leaves of pepper seedlings

Any spots on the leaves signal a plant disease.


  • bacterial diseases
  • fungal diseases
  • viral diseases


White spots with a brown border (pictured) are characteristic of septoria disease. This is a fungal disease and you need to fight it with antifungal drugs.

The same is the case with pepper powdery mildew - when whitish focal spots or white bloom appear on the leaves, both on the outside and on the inside. Immediate treatment with fungicides is required.

brown And black spots can be signs of bacterial spot, dry spot, and many other bacterial lesions. In this case, it is necessary to treat the seedlings with Phytoflavin.

Wet, brown and putrefactive spots appear with late blight disease, it is also fungal and the plants must be treated with anti-fungal preparations.

With any disease, if part of the seedling is still healthy, there is a good chance of saving it. Plants that have not yet been damaged are treated with antifungal drugs and antibiotics, the soil and planting capacity are completely replaced and pre-disinfected. After transplantation, seedlings are treated with immune stimulants such as Epin.

Black leg on pepper seedlings

The leaves of pepper seedlings turn yellow and become lethargic, due to the fact that the plant ceases to receive nutrition, because its stem rots at the base. The disease has a very clear localization, only the basal area suffers and turns black.

As a rule, when infected with a black leg, young seedlings die. If a large, well-developed seedling is already sick, then the plants can survive, but their nutrition will be disturbed, respectively, the yield will also be much lower.


This is an unpleasant disease caused by pathogenic fungi found in the soil. It is poor-quality, contaminated soil that causes the death of seedlings from a black leg.

And also, in many ways, the risk of the disease is increased by excessive watering and unsuitable conditions of detention, poor plant immunity.


Sprouts that have already been affected by the disease will have to be removed. Those that are still healthy must be urgently transplanted into another, previously disinfected, soil and other container, having treated the seedlings and its roots with Fitosporin before planting. After transplantation, spraying with Epin or Zircon is shown.

Aphids on pepper seedlings



Of course, such a tenant must be urgently driven with a filthy broom, otherwise, even if the bush survives this invasion, you can not expect a good harvest. Therefore, in your arsenal there must be some good insecticidal drug.

For example . It is the most harmless and can be used indoors, following the rules of safe use. It does not affect the future harvest, is biodegradable within 24 hours, and copes well with aphids.

But if you still prefer not chemical, but folk methods of struggle, then these recipes will come in handy for expelling aphids:

  • spray seedlings with vodka from a spray bottle
  • spraying with ammonia (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water)
  • spraying with a solution of laundry soap (50 g per 3 liters of water)
  • treatment with garlic and onion peel (1 tightly packed glass of a mixture of garlic and onion peel pour 3 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 3-4 hours. Dilute in 10 liters of water)
  • processing with tobacco dust (pour 1 kg of dust with 10 liters of hot water (about 60 ° C). Infuse for a day, then strain)

Why pepper seedlings turn yellow video

A detailed video on seedling problems and how to deal with them.

How to avoid seedling diseases

Most of the above, the disgrace can be avoided even at the stage of preparation for sowing seedlings. Yes, this is how, by following simple rules, you can protect your crops from most problems.

So, the main prevention methods that you must definitely use before planting any seedlings are in this list:

  • buy proven, quality seeds and dress them in a fungicide solution before planting
  • if you take a used container for seedlings, pre-treat it (wash, scald with boiling water or a strong infusion of hot potassium permanganate, wipe with alcohol
  • always disinfect the soil, both purchased and your own (this can be done by calcining in the oven, steaming in the microwave for 20 minutes, spilling with a hot dark solution of potassium permanganate)
  • after heat treatment of the soil, in order to return beneficial microorganisms to the soil, spill it with the Baikal biological product and leave it to stand for a week
  • the soil for seedlings should be loose, with a high content of peat, coco or perlite, this is necessary to avoid its compaction, which entails stagnant water
  • it is necessary to illuminate the seedlings, if you have a shady side and planting is done in February-March, this contributes to good plant immunity
  • do not thicken the plantings, try to avoid crowding. dive small seeds immediately, without waiting for real leaves, or immediately thin out plantings after germination
  • do not expose seedlings to drafts and direct streams of cold air when airing, a wet earth ball freezes very quickly and negatively affects root development
  • provide good drainage and regulate watering
  • for safety, you can shed the soil with Fitosporin, the Healthy Earth preparation, or put Glyocladin tablets in it to prevent fungal diseases

These apply to absolutely any seedlings. Follow these simple rules and your peppers will delight you with their health and wonderful harvest!

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The most common type of vegetable pepper in our country is bell pepper, which forms large, thick, short tetrahedral fruits and is widely used in cooking. White leaves on pepper do not appear too often, but indicate a plant disease, so it is necessary to correctly determine the cause and choose the most effective remedy to combat this symptom.

Optimal growing conditions

Peppers are among the most heat-loving crops.

In order to prevent damage to a vegetable crop by various diseases and grow the strongest, with good immunity, abundantly fruiting plants, pepper should be provided with the right conditions for full growth and good development:

  • carry out advance preparation and disinfection of the soil;
  • monitor the fertility and acidity of the soil;
  • carry out irrigation activities in a timely manner;
  • use a standard feeding scheme at different stages of development;
  • observe the terms and scheme of planting vegetables;
  • carry out the prevention of damage by diseases and pests.

Along with other nightshade species, peppers react very sharply to the lack of proper care, as a result of which the leaves turn white or fall off, and the entire plant development cycle is disrupted. Strict adherence to the technology of growing pepper is a guarantee of a high yield and minimizes the risk of damage to garden crops by diseases and pests.

How to treat peppers from pests (video)

The main reasons for the appearance of white leaves

There are several main, most common reasons, as a result of which white spots form on the leaves or a complete change in their coloring occurs. If the leaves turn white not due to a violation of agricultural technology, then the main reason can be considered the defeat of the most common fungal infections.

The damaging factor Latin name Signs of defeat Maliciousness
powdery mildew Conidia of Cladosporium species Most often, greenhouse plants are affected, on the leaves of which large, chlorotic and irregularly shaped spots appear. As a rule, the level of harmfulness of powdery mildew on peppers is insignificant and is associated with the loss of part of the photosynthesis apparatus.
Septoria Septoria fungus On the leaves of the plant, white or grayish spots of an indefinite shape are formed, which grow rapidly and can occupy the entire leaf surface. Fungal infection can destroy up to 35-40% of the crop both in greenhouses and on open ground ridges
Sclerotinia marsupial fungus Sclerotinia White spots with dark, fairly well-defined dots in the middle The main blow is taken by the root zone of the plant, and the fruits become watery and unsuitable for eating.

The reason for the whitening of pepper leaves is often sunburn, which arose as a result of irrigation activities during the daytime and water entering the aerial part of the plant. The leaves on the seedlings may turn white when transplanted to a permanent place, if the young plants have not been pre-hardened. A necessary condition for maintaining the health of pepper is the hardening of vegetable seedlings for a week before planting in open or greenhouse soil.

Preventive actions

To protect peppers from powdery mildew, plants planted in a permanent place should be treated with biological preparations based on Bacillus subtilis, which include Alirin-B, Gamair and Fitosporin-M. Multiple preventive spraying of the aerial parts is also allowed with folk remedies.

To prevent damage by white spot or septoria, it is recommended to carry out preventive spraying of pepper bushes. "Trichodermin" or "Fitosporin", very strongly infected plants are best removed from the site. A prerequisite is the maintenance of clean ridges with vegetable crops, which is due to the ability of fungal spores to remain viable on weeds and plant debris for a long time. This feature often causes re-infection of crops.

Sclerotinia is often caused by a lack of nutrients such as iron and nitrogen. Prevention of damage is aimed at filling the nutritional deficit through the introduction of special fertilizers and control over the state of soil fertility in the area allotted for growing pepper. The risk of fungal infection can also be reduced by strict adherence to the temperature regime and humidity indicators when growing garden crops in protected ground conditions.

Effective treatments

For the treatment of fungal infections of vegetable pepper, it is advisable to use the most powerful and modern chemical pesticides, which allow you to destroy the pathogen as soon as possible.

In order to improve the survival rate of pepper seedlings and increase the immunity of vegetable crops, it is also recommended to use "Etamon", "Epinom-Extra", "Energy-M" And "Mivalom-Agro". These drugs have proven themselves in home gardening and have a stimulating effect on various garden crops, including pepper.

Sweet pepper: growing mistakes (video)


Pepper seedlings affected by black leg One of the very first fungal diseases that a gardener has to deal with in the process of growing seedlings is the “black leg”. It is this disease that can kill most of the seedlings, especially under conditions of high relative humidity and insufficient lighting (see LED lamps - efficiency in action). The pathogen fungus spreads with seeds, poorly disinfected soil and plant debris. The main symptoms of this disease, as a result of pathogen penetration, in seedlings are:

  • darkening of the root neck; thinning and rotting of the stem in this area; wilting, followed by death of plants.

"Black leg" can affect not only seedlings, but also adult plants growing in a greenhouse. Signs of this disease in adult plants are somewhat different than in seedlings: An adult pepper plant with signs of black leg damage

  • the lower part of the stem, located at the level of the soil, becomes dark brown; the tissues of the stem in this area become, as it were, “depressed”.

The reason why the pepper turns yellow in the greenhouse, in the case of the "black leg", is a malnutrition, which primarily manifests itself on old leaves that turn yellow and wilt.

verticillium wilt

This disease is very similar in some of its manifestations to the defeat of plants by the cucumber mosaic virus. This is due to the fact that in both cases the vascular system of the plant is affected. The main symptoms of verticillium in sweet peppers are as follows:

  • even before flowering, the plants affected by the fungus noticeably lag behind in growth; the leaves are much smaller than normal and have a dark green color; starting from the lower leaves, yellow spots appear, first small, and then spreading to the entire leaf plate; the disease affects plants from the base and gradually moves to its top; when plants are infected in the early stages of development, an ovary does not form on them; a plant infected at later stages of growth forms an ovary, but the fruits are not large and shriveled.

The characteristic signs of verticillium wilt are:

  • dark green color of the leaves; absence of curvature of the central vein of the leaves; staining of the vascular tissue in a dark color.

Particularly unpleasant

Fusarium wilt

This disease affects both pepper seedlings and adult plants planted in a greenhouse, and at various stages of development. The most dangerous damage to plants by fusarium during fruit set. This disease manifests itself in a very similar way to verticillium: the leaves of plants, starting from the bottom, turn yellow and then fall off. Unlike verticillium, fusarium wilt leads to rotting of the root system, and ultimately and death of the plant.

White spotting (septoria)

Septoria usually affects the leaves, and in some cases the stems and fruits of pepper. The activity of the pathogenic fungus that causes this disease increases at a relative humidity above 80% and an air temperature of + 15 + 270C. The development of the disease begins from below and first covers old leaves, on which small grayish-white spots appear, surrounded by a darker rim.

Gradually, the disease moves up and affects the upper leaves. There are more and more spots and gradually they merge into one large spot that covers the entire leaf plate, after which the leaves become brownish-yellow in color and dry out. drug.

After about two weeks, the treatment must be repeated. Important: the causative agent of white spot is stored exclusively on plant debris. That is why it is so important to remove them all with your own hands and disinfect the soil.

Alternariosis (dry spotting)

Alternariosis most often affects the stems and leaves of pepper, much less often the fruits. The first signs of the disease appear on the lower leaves in the form of round brown spots. Gradually, spots appear on the upper leaves, and also increase in size and merge.

After that, the leaves dry up. When the stems are affected by the fungus, oval, with concentric rings, brown or brown spots appear on them. Stems are affected by dry rot or die. Fruits are affected, for the most part, near the stalk, or in places of damage or cracking.

Small, as if depressed, watery spots appear on them. There may be one single spot on the outer surface, and the entire interior of the fetus may be affected.

If the greenhouse has high air humidity, then the spots are covered with a dark velvety coating. When the first signs of damage appear on the leaves, the plants must be treated with a solution of Bordeaux liquid, diluting 100 g of the drug in a bucket of water, or with any copper-containing drug. Most often, this infectious disease of peppers manifests itself in greenhouses, in which there are sharp temperature changes. The most favorable temperature for active reproduction +13+160С.

Cladosporiosis (brown spot)

Brown spotting affects the leaves, petioles, stalks and the ovary of pepper, which later falls off. The symptoms of this disease are:

  • light green spots with a touch of fungus on the inside of the leaves of the lower tier; spots of the same or dark brown color on the outer surface of the leaf blade; rapid spread of the lesion from the leaves of the lower tier to the upper; the affected leaves wither and dry.

The disease is transmitted through contaminated soil, infected tools and plant debris. Cladosporiosis is not transmitted through seeds. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to spray the plants with copper chloride or any other copper-containing preparation.

To do this, dilute 1 cup of finely chopped or grated garlic in 3 liters of water, and then let it brew for 10 days. In the future, for the treatment of plants, we dilute 1 cup of the resulting infusion in 10 liters of water, and spray the affected bushes.

Gray rot

Pepper fruits affected by gray rot Most often affects pepper growing in film greenhouses, where the humidity and temperature conditions are not observed. If the humidity in the greenhouse is above 80%, and the temperature is kept within +10+150С, then all above-ground parts of the plant become ill. It manifests itself in the form of moist brown spots, covered with an abundant gray bloom. Spores of the fungus remain on plant debris and can spread through soil and water.

White rot (sclerotinia)

This disease affects the plant in the root zone. On the affected area of ​​the stem, as you can see in the presented photo, a white “fluffy” bloom appears, and inside there are hard, black formations. Fruits affected by the fungus become watery and soft, white bloom appears in some areas. The causative agent of this pepper disease in the greenhouse it can be both on plant residues and in the soil itself. To prevent the occurrence of this fungal disease, it is necessary to maintain the optimum level of humidity for pepper, both air and soil in the greenhouse, remove stepchildren, withering leaves and diseased plants in a timely manner. If you do not carry out all these activities, then the price will be quite high - the loss of the entire crop. Tip: places affected by white rot, as well as places where stepchildren and leaves are removed, can be powdered with crushed chalk or charcoal.

late blight

The development of this disease, which affects all parts of the plant, is facilitated by:

  • sharp temperature changes;prolonged and sustained cooling;high humidity.

Late blight can occur at any time during the growing season, however, it most often appears after the flowering of peppers. The most typical signs of this disease are:

  • the appearance on the leaves of large watery brown spots surrounded by a light green halo; rotting of the root neck; rotting that spreads to the entire stem, forming depressed dark spots; drying of the peduncle; dark, watery spots on the fruits.

How to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases?

For all fungal diseases presented, the prevention instruction will be common:

  • It is necessary to carefully collect and remove all plant residues from greenhouses with your own hands, followed by their destruction. Mandatory disinfection of both the greenhouse structures themselves and the soil in them.

Tip: to disinfect the soil in a greenhouse, you can use a warm solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), dissolving in about 10 liters of water. 5 g drug.

  • Compliance with the rules of crop rotation: plant pepper in those places where nightshade (tomatoes, eggplant) grew only after two or three years. In the event that it is not possible to change the planting site, it is necessary to disinfect, and it is best to completely change the soil in the greenhouse. use seeds of varieties resistant to fungal diseases, for example, Kakadu, Pioneer, Horizont. Carry out mandatory disinfection of seeds before planting. (See Planting seedlings in a greenhouse) It is most effective to combine thermal and chemical disinfection.

Tip: one of the most effective ways to disinfect seeds is thermal disinfection. A week before the start of planting seeds for seedlings, they are soaked for 20 minutes in 0.2% solution zinc sulfate, the temperature of which should be about +500C. Then the seeds are cooled in water, the temperature of which should not exceed +200С and then dried.

  • Reject weakened and retarded seedlings. Do not thicken plantings during planting in greenhouses. Compliance with agricultural practices for growing peppers, especially humidity and temperature regimes, as well as ventilation. Treat plants before fruiting with antifungal drugs. Conduct periodic foliar spraying with copper-containing drugs. Cull and remove the affected parts of the plants, or the entire diseased bush.

Mycoplasma diseases

Mycoplasma diseases of pepper can affect all parts of the plant except the seeds. They are caused by the smallest microorganisms - mycoplasmas, which are carried by various insects, for example, cicadas or aphids. In a greenhouse, pepper is most often affected by a disease such as stolbur (phytoplasmosis).


This disease manifests itself in greenhouse pepper with the following symptoms:

  • dwarfism;
  • the color changes to rich yellow or yellow-green; crushing of the leaves of the upper tier with a change in the color of the underside to purple-blue; the leaves of the lower tier are coarser, yellowish in color, can curl; the veins on the leaves are sinuous.
  • the fruits are small, not corresponding to the variety; the seeds in the fruits are small, prone to germinating inside the fruit.

The carriers of the disease are various insects, such as aphids, cicadas of various species and mites that live on various weeds.

Control and prevention measures

The main methods of dealing with stolbur in pepper are:

  • cultivation of varieties resistant to mycoplasma infections; (See also Cultivation of sweet pepper) the destruction of all weeds, both in the greenhouse and around it; preventive treatment of plants with insecticidal preparations - before planting in the greenhouse, and two weeks after planting in a permanent place; foliar feeding of plants with complex fertilizers and biostimulants for increase resistance to diseases; thorough cleaning and disinfection of greenhouses.

Symptoms of bacterial tomato cancer: plants affected by the disease wither, spots appear on the fruits and leaves. The stalks, stems and petioles are covered with ulcers. Withering begins from the lower leaves, spreads slowly. If you cut the petiole of a diseased leaf, you can notice the darkening of the vessels of the plant. With the development of the disease, the stems and petioles become covered with longitudinal cracks in the form of dark stripes.

: On different types of plants, signs of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways. It can be rotting of the head, cobweb raids on the underside of the leaves, white bloom on root crops, rotting of the bottom of the onion ... Often the disease is common in storage facilities. The disease is especially pronounced on lettuce, parsley, cucumber, carrots, horseradish, cabbage, peppers, beans, onions, sunflowers.

Symptoms of septoria (white spotting): on the lower leaves (even on tomato seedlings) there are separate off-white spots with a dark border. Black spores develop inside the spot. With a mass defeat of white spotting, the disease affects not only leaves, but also stems, petioles and even green tomatoes.

Symptoms of tomato brown spot (leaf mold): yellowish spots appear on the upper side of the leaf, under which a dark brown coating of the pathogen fungus develops on the underside. The disease spreads especially strongly at high humidity (about 95%), while the spots can cover the entire tomato leaf, which leads to its death.

Why do pepper leaves turn white? What to do if the pepper leaves turn white?

11 months ago

What is missing from the pepper if the leaves begin to turn white?

Galina Skulkina 11 months ago

If this question refers to the time of planting pepper seedlings in the ground, then the obvious reason is sunburn. It's okay, these leaves can be carefully removed, because others will grow to replace them. If the leaves turn white after a considerable time after planting, then you need to think: is it too wet for the peppers and reduce watering or even not water for a week, but only loosen and loosen .

Foliar top dressing can be carried out if the soil has been excessively compacted for a long time. The second reason is the mosaic, but then yellow spots should appear soon. Here the prognosis is disappointing, because there is no way to fight. I also don’t want to think that this is septoria and you just missed the onset of the disease.

It is necessary to see if a surrounding rim appears around the spots. If yes, then it is necessary to treat with preparations containing copper.

This may be due to a chemical burn or it may turn white from improper care, the pepper may be affected by one of the following diseases that cause leaf whitening. Soft bacterial rot can be identified by a hollow stem and a changed stem color, leaf death and leaf chlorosis, as a result, the pepper leaf becomes white, along a brown indentation near the pepper stalk. The disease affects the entire plant, from roots to fruits.

The disease occurs from a long period of humid warm weather, and the plant becomes infected through damage to the stem. So that next year the crop does not suffer from soft bacterial rot, remove the remains of the tops, disinfect the soil and seeds before sowing. Seeds can be pickled in this way. Crush 3-4 cloves of garlic into half a glass of water and mix.

In this solution, leave the pepper seeds for one hour in a tightly closed jar. then rinse the seeds with cold water and dry a little. There is such a disease as infectious and non-infectious chlorosis, which causes whitening of the leaves. Non-infectious chlorosis can be caused by a lack of iron, magnesium, nitrogen and proteins, increased acidity of the earth. The development of the disease is affected by poor drainage of the earth. Affected plants must be destroyed, because non-infectious chlorosis is transmitted to the next generation of peppers. Plants are affected by infectious chlorosis through vectors, these are insect pests that pick up a fungus or disease virus and transfer it to another plant. To pickle seeds and at the same time increase their germination, it is recommended to hold the seeds for 10 minutes in a 2% solution of caustic soda.

It is no secret to anyone that peppers are a healthy crop that can be used to diversify almost every dish, giving it a unique taste. Plus, it contains many vitamins, which are not enough for a sufficiently large number of people. Such a deficiency provokes the development of many diseases. It is because of this that gardeners prefer to grow heat-loving plants in a greenhouse. Yes, of course, this procedure is slightly different from growing in open ground, it is more complicated and requires a competent approach. However, if you do everything right, you will receive a rich harvest as a reward.

Please note that very often gardeners are faced with the fact that pepper leaves that are grown in a greenhouse begin to turn white. The cause of this condition can be both illness and improper care. But be that as it may, it is important to establish the true cause of such a manifestation, otherwise the struggle may not bring the desired result.


Peppers are a very sensitive crop that is prone to many diseases. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the plant and, at the first changes, respond competently, helping it. As for the whitening of the leaves, the following diseases can cause this condition.


In most cases, it affects the leaves of the crop. In some cases, it can also affect stems and fruits. But keep in mind, the fungus is active at an air temperature of fifteen to twenty-seven heat. In this case, the humidity of the air should be about eighty percent. The disease begins to progress from below and gradually moves to the top. Initially, small white spots appear on the leaves, the rim of which has a slightly gray tint. Over time, the spots begin to become larger and larger, as a result of which they merge into one, the sheet becomes completely white. Then they acquire a brown-yellow color and dry up, fall off.

It is very easy to get rid of such a scourge - just spray the plant with a preparation that contains copper. To strengthen the effect, the procedure must be repeated after two weeks. It is also important to remove damaged foliage and disinfect the soil.


This disease strikes the plant in the root zone. White spots have dark dots in the middle. Over time, they move to the leaves. The fruits of this culture have a watery taste, soft peppers. It is difficult to cure them of such a disease, as a result of which it is best to try to prevent it. To do this, you need to maintain the level of humidity and air optimal for this crop. As for the struggle, it is carried out by treating the affected areas with charcoal or chalk.

Another reason for this phenomenon is an insufficient amount of substances. Leaves in a greenhouse in pepper can turn white with a lack of iron or nitrogen. In this case, it is recommended to use specially designed fertilizers, with which it will be easy to eliminate such a deficiency.

When growing seedlings of bell pepper, various complications can arise in the gardener. One of the difficulties is that the leaves of the pepper turned white after planting in the ground. There are several reasons why pepper leaves turn light green or white.

There are several reasons why the leaves turn light, white and light green. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to compliance with all norms and rules of agricultural technology. Their non-compliance can lead to the fact that the pepper will become pale leaves.

Another reason that bell pepper leaves turn white is sunburn. It can occur if you water the plant during the daytime under the scorching sun, and when water gets on the leaves. In addition, transplanting a bush into open ground without first hardening it can also serve as a reason.

Section 1. Lack of essential elements in the diet

Seedlings usually suffer, appear with a lack of light, heat, and a sharp temperature drop, excessive dampness also contributes to its development. It affects the lower part of the stem: the leg near the root darkens, rots, the plant dries up. To save the remnants of seedlings, you need to stop watering, create favorable conditions. In the fight against the fungus, the drug "Barrier" is effective.

Section 2 Diseases

Diseases of this culture are especially frequent in cool rainy summers. What ailments are these plants prone to:

  • blackleg;
  • sharp wilting and dropping of leaves;
  • black bacterial spot of pepper seedlings;
  • late blight;
  • white rot in pepper seedlings;
  • gray rot;
  • viral diseases.

Diseases of sweet pepper in the greenhouse, as well as diseases of pepper in the open field, are caused by various reasons - fungi that inhabit the soil, viruses, the result of the life of pests

diseases and pests - the main danger is phytophthora, viral mosaic, spotting and spider mites.

More often than others, greenhouse plants are affected by black leg, fusarium, verticillium, septoria, gray rot, late blight, etc. The first symptom of almost all these diseases is the yellowing of the leaves;

chapter 2. What to do if the leaves of peppers turn pale

Peppers can have pale leaves in several cases:

evidence of illness. It is necessary to inspect the soil for the presence of ants, bears and other pests that can damage the root system of the plant. Treat if necessary with an appropriate agent.

Overflow. In this case, reduce the intensity of watering.
Lack of copper and trace elements. Often occurs when the plant grows on the ground for several years in a row. The solution is nutrition.

Section 1. Folk remedies

The intensity with which peppers should be fed depends directly on the quality of the soil on which they grow. The poorer the soil, the more actively it is necessary to compensate the plant for the lack of nutrients. Because pepper is a gourmet, and his appetite is excellent. Greenhouse-grown pepper requires special care.

Of course, many gardeners use a complex of mineral fertilizers. But today we are increasingly turning to the so-called grandmother's means and we are convinced that the grandmothers knew what they were doing.

In general, modern summer residents are always ready to feed vegetables with improvised means, using coffee grounds, banana peels, egg shells, and potato peels. But are all folk remedies effective and harmless?

Many agrotechnicians are convinced that peppers do not need mineral fertilizers. Moreover: they have enough so-called green fertilizers. That is, without humus, which has a reputation as a necessary thing when feeding plants, in this case, you can perfectly do without. But all sorts of kitchen waste is what you need. So, we stop sending eggshells, banana skins and all sorts of vegetable waste to the trash can. We collect all this stuff, and there are ashes up to the heap.

How useful is this "garbage"? Banana peel is a source of potassium. It can be dried and crushed into powder. If this powder is added to the soil, fertilizers containing potassium will no longer be required. You can prepare a tincture (leave the peel of 2-3 bananas in 3 liters of water for three days) and water the plants with it.

The eggshell contains many trace elements. Effectively lay it in the compost. A tincture is also made from the shells: the crushed shells of 3-4 eggs are infused for three days in 3 liters of warm water. The jar should be in a dark place. This top dressing is useful when growing seedlings.

Peppers benefit from dairy products - those that are no longer suitable for food. Very good tinctures on stale bread.

Drink green tea on the peppers. This will require leaves and flowers.

  • plantain;
  • nettles;
  • dandelion;
  • woodlice;
  • coltsfoot.

This silo is crushed and filled with cold water. You need to infuse herbs for a week. And then - a liter for each bush.

If you still consider it necessary to use bird droppings or manure - please, it will not hurt the peppers. Chicken manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1x5. Manure needs 1 kg ha 10 liters of water. These nutritional compositions will come in handy especially at the time of flowering.

Of course, top dressing of peppers with ash is useful. It makes plants more viable, stimulates growth, is a source of potassium and phosphorus. And what is very important, it makes any fruit tastier. A good result is the addition of ash to the wells when planting peppers - a handful per hole. Vegetable growers and infusion use: 1 tablespoon of ash per 2 liters of hot water, leave for 24 hours.

Chapter 3 Prevention

Prevention depends on the fungus that has infected the plant.

First of all, it is necessary to regularly check each bush in order to detect the disease from the very beginning.

It is important to control the humidity in the greenhouse so that it is not too high.
The affected bush must be removed from healthy ones. If the disease has just begun, then you can tear off the affected leaves and treat the plant with copper-containing preparations.

To protect the bush from powdery mildew, it is recommended to use biological products such as Gamair, Alirin-B or Fitospori-M. It is possible to feed a bush to prevent white spot infection with Fitosporin or Trichodermin. If the bush is heavily infected, then it must be disposed of.

To avoid re-infection, it is recommended to keep the pepper bed constantly clean, as fungal spores can live on weeds and plant debris for a long time.
To protect your plant from various diseases, it is necessary to apply the necessary fertilizers in a timely manner and maintain the optimal temperature and humidity in the greenhouse.

Diseases are susceptible to the fruits of the plant at any phase of ripeness, putrefactive spots and gray mold develop on them. Fungicides are suitable for the fight, as well as the drug "Barrier". The soil after their planting is thoroughly disinfected with potassium permanganate, boron or vitriol.