The age-old question plaguing modern society, why do wives cheat? Indeed, at the root of it lie numerous unhappy marriages and broken destinies. Society still suffers from a certain amount of hypocrisy and duplicity. After all, it is always a joy for him to forgive and justify the strong half of the constant treachery in marriage, as well as to condemn the ephemeral adultery of their spouses.

Husbands are not only forgiven for infidelity, but often even justified and ranked almost as normal. At the same time, the inconsistency and bias of society in relation to gender equality could not yet save a single woman from adultery, which, perhaps, after each of them tearfully regretted. But that's not what's important. The main thing in adultery is the motivator that served as an impetus for the perfidy of the prisoners of Hymen. After all, every married woman who embarked on the path of sweet deceit had serious or not very good reasons for that.

Reasons why wives are not faithful

Contrary to popular belief, the reasons why wives cheat on their husbands are not always hidden in the relationship of spouses. First of all, the origins of adultery must be sought in a set of human qualities absorbed with mother's milk and acquired in the process of life's "wandering". After all, for some wives, cheating is an unacceptable act, but for others, third-party romances are natural and inevitable, like a sunset.

Cheating wife should not be considered a consequence of sexual promiscuity or a sign of neglect of moral and ethical standards. Women's infidelity, rather, is a voluptuous self-deception. This is a kind of compromise with one’s own soul: not to destroy the family, not to break the usual way of life, but also not to prevent oneself from being loved, enjoying compliments, the warmth of the hands of the beloved and drowning in the abyss of his glowing eyes.

This is an opportunity to relive the explosion of long-forgotten emotions and a hurricane of passions. This is another attempt to become happier without changing anything in the existing existence. Yet such secret romances cannot last forever. And the feeling of happiness is not endless. When the passion subsides, all so diligently ignored messages of conscience and thoughts come out, caused by fears of the consequences of adultery and the need to make a decision, as well as some negative aspects of the novel and the negative traits of the chosen one himself, previously not noticed due to clouded eyes with love.

To the question why wives cheat, psychology gives such an answer - there is no single reason explaining the origins of female infidelity. It is by nature that it is difficult for married women to decide on a love affair. Therefore, cases of spontaneous female infidelity are quite rare.

Often, married girls decide on adultery only after months of reflection and endless weighing of pros and contemplation of possible minuses. It is often because of despair, disappointment and ignorance of another way that a woman becomes on the path of lies and betrayal. Only when the wife does not believe in the further well-being of family relationships, does not see the prospects for a marriage union, is she able to cheat on her missus. Often, for married ladies, a third-party affair seems to be the only way out of the trap called "marriage."

Below are other most common reasons that push ladies into a whirlpool of passion and deceit.

Early entry into family life, when partners entered into an alliance while still too young and completely unprepared for coexistence, can give rise to infidelity in a more mature state. Fledgling young ladies see family life in pink, imagine a cloudless existence inseparable from their loved ones. However, gradually the pink color is replaced by gray shades, and the “horizon of matrimony” is increasingly filled with thunderclouds. The coexistence of the once madly in love becomes gray and routine. The status of the wife, which once pleased so much, becomes disgusting, life is stuck, tired of the “monochrome” of existence. Here, cheating for a woman is some breath of fresh emotions, an opportunity to get vivid impressions, a chance to relive the madness of young love.

The feeling of love, forgotten and revived by a new acquaintance, can also plunge a wife into the abyss of forbidden passion. In an effort to find something new, or by chance, a woman gets to know a man who gives rise to a feeling of falling in love with her. And such a feeling is often so attractive that a woman simply cannot resist it. As a result of such love, coexistence with a spouse seems unbearable. At the same time, the presence of joint children protects against a complete rupture of marriage ties.

Dissatisfaction with intimate relationships often becomes a pretext for adultery. Often there are seemingly prosperous couples - they feel good together, they are happy, but they have different or just an intimate life is very rare, for example, due to the spouse's busy work schedule. If a partner, for example, has enough intimacy a couple of times a week, and this amount is not impressive for a woman, then she becomes irritable and, in order to break loose on family members, she finds joy on the side.

The constant business trips of the spouse can also lead to the cause of infidelity on the part of the spouse. The long absence of a husband often negatively affects family relationships. A rare wife will put up with long periods of being without the presence and affection of her husband. Every woman needs her partner's daily attention, admiration and compliments. Not getting what she wants from the faithful, the woman goes in search of someone who will satisfy her needs.

The most common reason leading to adultery on the part of a wife is disappointment, reinforced by a lack of intimate relationships. A weak half can endure friendly living on a common territory for a long time, but a breakdown will come anyway, the result of which will be treason.

Another fairly common reason why a wife cheats is revenge. When a woman catches her husband red-handed, she has a desire to get even with the adulterer. After all, she was betrayed, humiliated, hurt. Negative emotions need an outlet. In addition, this method will help the young lady feel again desirable and seductive.

The desire to feel the unknown can also push the lady to the lung. At the same time, the young lady loves her husband and does not even think about divorce. She perceives this situation as a game, realizing that at any moment she is able to interrupt the hateful affair on the side.

Another reason why wives cheat and have lovers is the difficulties that arise on the path of family life. Problems in the relationship of spouses do not bypass any family. Their diversity destroyed more than one marriage. People are fed up with the monotony of living together, the constant lack of finances is depressing, the constant quarrels annoy, the partner is nervous or his drinking is morally destroying. Domestic violence is also common.

On the way to happiness in marriage, harmony and mutual understanding, spouses encounter many difficulties that some couples courageously overcome, and love reigns in their house for a long time, while others give up and try to build relationships with new partners. When the family situation is heated to the limit, a woman subconsciously seeks calmness and confidence, which pushes her to adultery.

It's no secret that beautiful ladies are much more emotional than the stronger half. They care about the emotional aspect of relationships. They also want to see support in their own chosen one. From childhood, young charmers, reading tales of courageous princes, create in their own imagination the ideal of a future spouse. Usually such an ideal is first love, but over time, the sphere of social interaction of the young lady expands, new young people appear in her environment, she grows up, her life priorities and goals change. As a result, a new acquaintance wins a victory over a habitual husband to the point of soreness.

Often the reason for an affair can be the desire to assert itself. A new wrinkle, a couple of extra pounds, dull skin, cellulite - all this leads to a decrease in self-esteem. If, against the background of the above, the spouse also begins to pay less attention, makes few compliments or reproaches her for extra pounds, then in an effort to make sure of her own desirability, the young lady can start a third-party romance.

Why change, but do not leave

The issue of loyalty is a tricky one. There are people who can’t even think about cheating, there are also individuals who can “stumble” a couple of times, and there are those for whom adultery is like a breath of fresh air. Situations, as well as personalities, are different. Each person is a unique set of qualities, attitudes and moral principles.

It happens that adultery is the result of a momentary desire, provoked by alcohol and resentment against her husband for inattention. There can be many reasons for third-party intrigues, but not all adultery leads to the collapse of the cell of society.

A common reason why wives love to cheat, according to the opinion of the infidels themselves, is a lack of care, a lack of attention, a lack of compliments from the faithful, spiritual loneliness. When wives begin to miss all of the above, they embark on a thorny path of betrayal. This is not the most adequate solution, but it is the simplest. After all, it is easier to find a man on the side, meetings with whom will always be akin to a holiday, while there will be no obligations to burden the young lady, tortured by monotony and disgusted with life.

Why try to find the cause of what is happening in yourself, because it’s easier to blame your spouse for everything, why waste your energy in order to change yourself for the sake of reviving your former passion, when it’s easier to find this very passion on the side. It is always easier to retreat than to fight to win. It is easier to change than to speak frankly with your husband, telling him about your feelings, aspirations and hopes. That is why young ladies often cheat, but they don’t even think about divorce. They get some relaxation, after which life seems to become brighter. And even if it's just self-deception, but it's easier.

Often the reason that a wife cheats, but does not leave her lawful husband, lies in her face of an unknown future. She got used to her husband, got used to a certain way of life, the distribution of responsibilities. Throwing everything familiar and going into the unknown is scary. After all, it is not known what awaits her there. People have always been afraid of the unknown. Actually, that is why many people go to a disgusted robot all their lives, live with a "stranger" person, spend time with "stranger" people.

So, often a young lady is stopped by fear of the unknown, due to the fact that the current chosen one is: poor, does not seek to legitimize communication, does not have a stable income, her own home, is not reliable, loses to a lady in social status, does not express feelings of deep affection, much younger.

Often a lady does not want to destroy a marriage due to the presence of children, material security, lack of her own housing, still existing love for her spouse or dependence on him. All of these reasons firmly bind the young lady to her husband.

It happens that a lady does not try to find a lover, she seeks to acquire a friend, but the relationship is out of her control. In the situations described, the partner often does not suit the young lady in terms of status or age. But since she needs mutual understanding, she does not end the relationship.

If a spouse cannot occupy her own individual “niche” in marriage, then this state of affairs also often becomes an incentive to cheat. At the same time, she does not seek to break existing bonds. With an affair on the side, the young lady is only trying to eliminate the emptiness inside, take her free time, feel loved again, prove something to herself.

Sometimes after the children grow up and leave their parental home, when the children no longer need the support of their parents, the latter have an emptiness inside. When the spouses are no longer connected by this most powerful stimulus, they slowly move away from each other. At the same time, women suffer more because they are used to feeling needed and constantly taking care of their children.

This time usually comes when the young lady is still quite young, so she fills the vacant space with her lover. She gives him all the accumulated warmth and care. And the spouse at the same time retains the “position” of the head of the family. He remains a reliable person, that stronghold that will always support and solve problems. It is with him that the lady is going to while away the remaining days. And a new friend just helps her fill the spiritual emptiness. Often such friends become victims of such relationships, because behind the external warmth and care of women there is no desire to create a strong bond.

Cheating happens by chance, when the unfaithful spouse did not want to, but it happened. Such an unplanned adultery can occur at a resort, during a business trip, after visiting a corporate party, a nightclub, being away, after absorbing a certain amount of alcohol.

Despite the above factors, adultery is always a serious test for women. This is what makes them angry with their husbands, for whom a third-party affair is often just an opportunity to dispel boredom. Therefore, the unwillingness of ladies to destroy marriage bonds is usually due to the uncertainty of new conditions or if such conditions are worse than the existing ones.

The nature of a woman forces her to coexist with her beloved. But when the spouse becomes unloved, and the freshly baked gentleman is not able to provide a reliable rear, the young lady finds herself in a difficult situation that is contrary to her nature.

In addition, breaking the bonds of marriage is a rather painful thing. At the same time, the longer the union was, the more painful the divorce will be. First of all, the dissolution of a marriage for a lady is associated with gossip, slander, ostentatious sympathy and discussion. However, in addition to the above, the young lady can also lose a stable social status, understanding of children, respect for loved ones, a sense of security.

Therefore, if a woman has made the final decision to break the marriage union, then she will not rush. She will take a stand. If the spouse shows devotion and proves the faithful sincerity of her love, then the young lady is unlikely to decide to break the marriage, most likely, she will end the relationship with her lover.


Why do wives cheat?

Why do wives cheat?


Snezhana Ivanova

Wives cheat, first of all, when there is no mutual understanding in the family, constant swearing and quarrels lead to open conflicts.

The infidelity of a woman in society is perceived as something out of the ordinary. When wives cheat, a man perceives it much stronger and more dramatically than in the opposite case. Unlike husbands, wives know how to carefully hide their love affairs. And if the woman herself does not want to admit the fact of infidelity, then no one will know anything for a long time. Women know how to perfectly manipulate the feelings of others, they act more often, relying on their own emotions than on logic. Why do wives cheat? Let's try to figure it out!

Why wives cheat: reasons

Constant conflicts

Wives change, first of all, when there is no mutual understanding in the family. Constant swearing and quarrels lead to open conflicts. When the confrontation continues for a significant period of time, it becomes difficult for a woman to restrain her feelings. Overwhelmed by resentment, bitterness, the desire to take revenge, to achieve due attention. The lack of respect, the desire to help each other gradually accumulates and, as a result, unspent negative energy needs to be put somewhere. An unsatisfactory relationship with her own husband often forces the wife to seek solace on the side. At the same time, most often, wives become strongly attached to their lover and try to build a serious relationship with him. But, of course, in most cases this fails. Husbands are often unaware that they are being deceived. Outwardly, the family continues to be quite prosperous, but inside there is a void that cannot be filled with anything. Men are not as sensitive to other people's feelings as ladies. When a person tries to understand the reasons why a family collapsed, he often cannot understand where happiness has gone, because it seemed so unshakable.


Resentment, especially long-term resentment, is a powerful thing that can destroy even the strongest and most trusting relationships. It can be compared to an unhealed wound that disturbs the soul again and again. Wives who find out about the betrayal of their husbands experience great suffering about this. Some, in a fit of despair, decide to take a retaliatory step - they cheat themselves in order to take revenge on the offender. Sometimes no one will know about the fact of infidelity, in other cases everything is done with the intention of immediately revealing the cards. Wives cheat in order to regain their peace of mind, to deal with the doubts that torment them. It is very difficult to stop hoping for the best, especially if the wife has lived with her husband for many years. The sudden news of betrayal can stun, knock out the ground under your feet. There are many reasons for infidelity, however, much depends on the behavior of the woman herself. Resentment sometimes overwhelms more than the most stormy relationships in which African passions boil. The psychology of the beautiful half of humanity is such that a woman constantly wants to feel the attention coming from a loved one. If there is no proper attention, there is no admiration, the wife feels abandoned, unnecessary. This is where the serious problems begin. And they are barriers to happiness.


Wives cheat because they're bored. Yes, there is such a reason. A bored wife who sits at home all the time feels some curiosity about how her friends live and how the world around her “breathes”. Sometimes she just has nothing to do, nothing to fill her emotions. This is especially true for housewives who love to watch endless television series. Many women immerse themselves in reading romance novels, while others prefer to play in life. Curiosity often pushes a person to inexplicable and unpredictable actions. Not always unfaithful wives sincerely regret their act. Many are quite satisfied with the situation when their husbands provide them financially. For the sake of such constancy, they are even ready to endure counter betrayals.

age crisis

There are moments in a person's life when he rushes about, looking for answers to his own questions and trying to prove something to himself. Age crises (mid-life crisis) also do not bypass women. Wives, especially those who have nothing to boast, after reaching a certain age, begin to count their victories. Not everyone has achievements to be truly proud of. Having reached the turn of thirty or forty years, many wives begin to doubt their own attractiveness, prospects and relevance. Attracting the attention of other men, you can calm down, regain your peace of mind. It must be admitted that housewives are experiencing this difficult period much more acutely than women involved in building a business or even working for hire. The psychology of the beautiful half of humanity is such that they always want to remain confident in their own irresistibility. The age crisis often pushes for treason. It's just that women want to make sure that they have something to love for, and they themselves deserve much more than they have at the moment. It is psychologically difficult for someone to decide to cheat, while other wives do not look for reasons to remain faithful to their husbands.

different values

When a husband and wife hold opposite points of view on important issues, this cannot but give rise to additional fears and doubts about a joint future. Different values ​​\u200b\u200boften lead to betrayal, this is a significant reason for the growth of family conflict. The wife feels uninteresting for her husband and therefore seeks an opportunity to feel better. If she manages to attract the attention of another male representative, then she considers herself quite satisfied. This is the psychology of a woman, you can’t get away from it. However, the feeling of fullness and happiness at the same time often completely leaves her. Various human values ​​do not allow to improve relations in the family. Husband and wife begin to move further away from each other. Often such families exist for years, actually being on the verge of breaking. However, none of the spouses wants to discuss the current conflict, to look for worthy ways to resolve the depressing situation. At some point, they simply no longer have a reason to be together. People who have absolutely nothing to do with each other are simply contraindicated to live together. In this case, married life will bring many disappointments.

strong feelings

This also happens. Wives sometimes fall in love with strangers, but their own husbands are safely forgotten. Such a phenomenon cannot be explained or predicted in advance. If passion for her own husband cools, many wives prefer not to hide this unpleasant fact. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that relations with the other half will develop really strong and worthy. Strong feelings force a woman to make decisions precisely when the situation is aggravated every day. Some serious act is required that would change everything, put it in its place. Strong feelings for another person, not your husband, are a good reason to think about your own life, the expediency of the chosen path and personal values. Lovers are often more attentive and caring than spouses. That's why wives cheat. A woman decides to cheat in order to feel happy and self-sufficient. The psychology of beautiful ladies is very difficult. And not every man wants to bother solving this mystery.

early marriage

When a girl marries too early, it is difficult for her to adapt to her new role as a wife. You have to take on tasks that you didn’t have to think about before. Not always a young girl is ready for this. Not everyone develops tolerance, respect for the spouse, the desire to be useful, to give joy so quickly. If the sudden birth of a child is added to this circumstance, it becomes quite difficult: systematic lack of sleep, problems associated with caring for the baby, its development and upbringing - all this falls on the shoulders of the wife. If a woman has not had time to properly realize herself as a spouse and mother, she will begin to look for "happiness" on the side. It will constantly seem to her that real life is passing by, and her dull existence is located between cooking for her husband and a child. A rare young girl would call such a prospect tempting. In addition, marriages are not always made for love. It happens that early marriage is due to the need for a child to be born in a complete family. Of course, this is not an option, but few people in their youth are aware of this fact. The psychology of a woman is a very delicate branch. Unfortunately, it is not always clear to men, especially if they are not prone to analysis at all.

Lack of attention

Why do wives cheat? Many men ponder this question for a long time and do not find an answer. Every woman wants to feel irresistible and desirable. But not always her partner really pays her due attention in marriage, shows sincere concern. How many women are forced to endure the bullying of their legal spouses. However, some of these wives, instead of severing outdated relationships, prefer treason. They unconsciously attract a new partner and begin to build interaction with him. Of course, the situation is aggravated, complicated by many details. Psychologically, the woman in this case suffers a lot, she has a good reason for this. Lack of attention from your own husband can give rise to numerous problems in the future. That is why it is so important to be able to show your feelings, to clarify all grievances and omissions in time. Sometimes a woman is driven by self-doubt. If she does not feel attractive and beautiful enough, then she can start to test it in practice. Complexes prevent you from feeling happy, impose additional fears and doubts on a person. You need to know how to get rid of them in time. Otherwise, it is unlikely that harmony will be achieved in married life.

Thus, women have many reasons for cheating. The psychology of a woman is one of the most complex and unexplored areas of this science. But in a loving family, people always strive for mutual understanding, and this practically excludes the fact of infidelity.

Cheating spouse or loved one is a common reason for contacting a psychologist. Clients come one by one, sometimes whole families turn to a specialist to solve a problem.

On the unacceptability of moral assessments in the psychologist's approach

The specialist in the process of counseling does not give advice, but only encourages the client to make an independent choice. At the same time, it is important that the psychologist does not get involved in the problem and does not bring in his own projections, i.e. their attitude towards the situation.

The psychologist has personal experience of relationships, attitudes, moral principles and views on the problem of infidelity. Nonjudgmental judgment is the key to effective therapy.


In Russia, about 70% of the men surveyed during the period of marriage had an affair on the side at least once. Among women, this figure is 30%. About 65% of the respondents explain their connections on the side with bad relationships with a partner and intra-family problems. Various fantasies about cheating on a spouse are visited by 15% of men and 25% of women.

Germany and England are considered the first countries by "infidelity" in Europe. In these states, treason is typical for 67% of families living in a civil marriage. At the same time, 65% of respondents say that adultery is a reason for divorce or separation.

Interesting! 85% of men who cheat on their wives are not going to leave and say they are satisfied with their marriage. Two-thirds of relationships on the side last no more than a month, in 25% of cases the partner leaves the family.

What psychologists say about the cause of betrayal

In science, adultery is understood as "the entry of a partner who is married to a person who is not married, without the consent of the spouse."

Representatives of the traditional approach condemn treason, consider it destructive for marriage. The opposite point of view is held by those who believe that betrayal is a kind of signal for a deceived partner, that marriage is “bursting at the seams”, there is some critical dissatisfaction in family life.

There are a huge number of reasons for betrayal, since a person is not always guided by common sense, sometimes he acts, succumbing to impulse or momentary emotions. Men and women explain their behavior differently.

The most common causes of adultery:

What scientists have found out: why wives cheat on their husbands

Women cheating on their husbands is not as rare as it might seem. There is a saying about this: "Men tend to exaggerate the number of their victories, and women tend to underestimate."

The reasons why a wife goes for treason are as follows:

  1. Conflicts and lack of warmth between partners.

Often, having entered into marriage, a man ceases to care for a woman, married life becomes a routine. At the same time, the woman begins to suffer, because she does not feel loved, as before. Instead of telling her husband about her desires, she plunges headlong into a romantic relationship on the side, where she gets everything that she lacks at home.

  1. Revenge for the offense or betrayal of the spouse.

If a woman finds out about infidelity, it hits hard on her self-esteem and self-esteem. It seems that you can restore peace of mind by striking back. Such connections are usually short-lived, since their goal is to hurt the partner.

  1. The husband is often absent from home.

If a woman is formally married, but her husband rarely pleases with his presence, she begins to feel her loneliness. In order to compensate for isolation, a woman decides to cheat.

The main difference between female infidelity and male infidelity is the presence emotional component in adultery. If a man does not always assume the presence of affection for his random partner, then for a lady this is a key point. Romances on the side are longer for women than for men. In addition to sexual satisfaction, ladies realize their secret desires, dreams and hopes.

Why a woman cheats on her beloved and good husband

Women cheat on good husbands because they do not have passionate love feelings. A good husband is a comfortable husband. You can always return to it. If, in the understanding of a woman, love is equal to suffering, then an adequate, caring person simply does not arouse sexual interest. Many ladies in a relationship need a constant heat of passion, otherwise it becomes boring.

Important! A woman is often in a neurotic relationship when her husband drinks, beats, walks, humiliates, behaves inappropriately. At the same time, the marriage can last long enough, and the woman remains faithful to her husband. In this case, we are not talking about love, but about a strong emotional dependence on a partner and on the adrenaline that he gives her.

Why do some men want their wife to cheat on them?

In psychology, there is such a thing as a “provoked betrayal complex”, when the spouse himself pushes the partner to adultery. In some cases, the "deceived" husband may be watching.

What are the reasons for this phenomenon?

If a man loves his wife, wants to save the marriage at all costs, he agrees to cheating, but only so that they are exclusively “physiological”.

Some husbands, approving the adventures of their spouses, want to look more modern and advanced in the eyes of others. They may even share details of their wife's sex life with a friend, thus showing their own authority.

Particularly insecure men perceive the abundance of their wife's sexual partners as a sign of competition for her heart. The realization that his woman is popular fuels sexual interest in his wife.

The most banal reason why a man pushes his wife to infidelity is his own infidelity. Feelings of guilt replace euphoria. To get rid of it, you need to share responsibility for what you have done with your partner. Having learned about the betrayal of the spouse, the feeling of guilt decreases.

The wife's adultery can be a reason for manipulation in a relationship. It is generally accepted that the game of guilt is more typical for women. This is not entirely true. Women receive material benefits (money, a fur coat), a man uses adultery in order to more strongly bind his partner to himself.

The main reasons that push people to cheat are the inability and unwillingness to build relationships, the wrong choice of a partner, intrapersonal conflicts, the illusion of choice.

The key to a harmonious relationship in marriage lies in a good relationship with yourself. It is important not only to understand your motives, needs, desires, but also to be able to tell your spouse about them. A loving person will do everything necessary for the happiness of a partner. If a person, being married, feels lonely, or constantly compromises with himself, you should think about the appropriateness of such relationships and make a choice in favor of your own well-being.

Video consultation

On the causes of female infidelity - Elena Zaitova.

Male infidelity is hardly surprising, and in some cultures, polygamy is even considered acceptable. Fewer and fewer representatives of the weaker half of humanity believe in the devotion of their spouses. Society treats female adultery in a completely different way, and yet today this phenomenon is gaining momentum. Why do wives cheat on their husbands? We will analyze the reasons for this in this article.

Sex and love

So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what makes them commit such immoral acts? There are two main reasons for this: new love and the desire to take revenge on her husband. Moreover, in most cases, female infidelity occurs precisely in dysfunctional families, while men tend to “go to the left” even when they consider their marriage to be quite successful. For a man, love and sex are not the same thing, but for the fair sex, these concepts are inseparable.

By and large, women cannot imagine sex without love and commitment. Married ladies, all the more, will not behave inappropriately, unless they have a good enough reason. Sex for a woman is not just a process of intercourse, but something very significant, one might even say spiritual.

What is cheating for a woman

Female infidelities rarely occur spontaneously. Most often, ladies decide on this only after they carefully consider and weigh everything. At the same time, we can say that cheating on her husband for the fairer sex is, in a sense, a desperate step. Usually, only when family well-being is not visible and there is no faith in a happy marriage, a woman is able to decide on treason. That is why wives cheat, because sometimes such a scenario seems to a woman the only way out of this situation.

And if a man who has acted in a similar way can, as if nothing had happened, return home to his family, then for a woman there is, as a rule, no return back. From the moment of betrayal, new feelings capture her, and there may no longer be room in her heart for her once beloved husband. The world familiar to her is collapsing, everything becomes different, different - for real.

Lack of attention from husband

The answer to the question of why wives begin to cheat on their husbands can be found in the depths of female psychology. One of the reasons for unsuccessful marriages can be cooling in the relationship of the spouses. This often happens when, over time, they get bored with each other and begin to move away. In the case when the husband does not pay due attention to his wife, she feels abandoned, unhappy and unloved.

Loss of mutual interest, unwillingness to concede, find a compromise - these are far from all possible options for worsening relations in a couple. Over time, in such a family, the situation can heat up, the spouses will quarrel and conflict over various trifles. In the end, the husband becomes so distant from his wife that he simply stops noticing her. He does not pay attention to her, spends more and more time with friends, prefers to engage in a car or play computer games. Unfortunately, a man simply ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. It is understandable why wives cheat when they are in such an environment.

Is the woman to blame?

Many women, having married, forget about their belonging to the beautiful half of humanity. Previously, they tried to be beautiful and charming, but now, when the marriage has already taken place, they turn into nondescript housewives, and aprons and dressing gowns become their outfits. However, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since family life requires its victims, but nevertheless, a man can be little attracted to curlers on the head of his chosen one. As a result, a woman becomes less desirable for her man, which results in many disagreements that occur in married couples.

In fact, all of the above, rather, can be the cause of male betrayal or even leaving the family. But if you are looking for an answer to the question of why wives cheat on their husbands, these factors should also be considered. The prerequisites for such female behavior lie precisely in the insufficient attention of husbands to their halves.

Permanent absence of husband

Sometimes it happens that a woman seems to take care of herself and look attractive enough, and her man loves her and idolizes her. But even in such families, things don't always go smoothly. So why do wives cheat on their husbands, what is the reason for this behavior? In this case, a woman may lack the attention of her beloved husband due to the fact that he is constantly absent from home. He tries to provide for his family, earns a living and often has to go on business trips, attend business negotiations or just stay late at work. A woman understands that this is how it should be, and appreciates her caring husband, but she still feels lonely.

At such moments, another man may appear in a woman's life, one who can be there, will be able to give what she lacks: warmth, care and love. Cheating happens because this other man is there and with him the woman feels needed by someone.

Revenge for cheating husband

In the modern world, it is quite common for women to betray their husbands in retaliation for their betrayal. They act on the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", thinking that this is the best way to punish a traitor. It often happens that an offended lady can cheat on her husband with the first man she comes across.

Revenge is a dish best served chilled. But why do wives cheat on their husbands in response to their betrayal, if by doing so they only aggravate the situation and, in addition to their spouses, also harm themselves? Of course, not everyone will take such a step, because a man is able to forgive his soulmate anything, but not treason. Even if he says that everything is fine, or does not know about the betrayal at all, the woman will no longer be able to remain the same. She will always remember her betrayal, in which she will blame her husband, and also despise both him and herself for it.

Looking for new sensations

Unfortunately, the relationships of many married couples eventually come to a standstill, become somehow gray and monotonous. Both men and women may lack drive, this feeling that captured them at the very beginning, when they first met and realized that they fell in love with each other. But each new day becomes more and more like the previous one, and the fire of their feelings gradually fades away. Such a family is held together by children, the spouses are already accustomed to each other and are even sure that their love is mutual. But here's something missing.

A woman who knows her husband like her own five fingers, when her husband becomes predictable, is looking for new sensations. This is the answer to the question of why wives cheat. The opinions of scientists on this subject are reduced to elementary physiology. As the senses subside, so does the body's production of certain hormones, the presence of which makes a person happy and contented. Sometimes, in search of thrills, a woman can cheat on her husband.

Sexual dissatisfaction

Often the reason for female infidelity lies in the inability of the husband to satisfy her sexually. However, this may be due to other factors. For example, certain living conditions do not allow spouses to be alone when they want to. Also, a similar problem may arise in a large family. In the end, a woman may decide to cheat in order to diversify her sexual life and fulfill unrealized sexual fantasies. It's trite, but it happens.

What is the point of looking for the culprit in such cases? It is more correct to think not about why wives cheat, but about how to prevent it. If sexually, a married couple has some difficulties, then you need to look for ways to solve them, because betrayal of these problems will not solve, but will only aggravate and add new ones.

A woman who thinks she deserves better

This reason for betrayal is perhaps the most inexplicable. However, here, rather, all of the above factors take place - a little of everything. These are cases in which a woman, for various reasons, is not satisfied with marriage, but she is also not ready to divorce. A woman can have a psychological attitude that she deserves better, consider herself free in some sense, so she provides herself with almost unlimited opportunities for maneuvers. For her, marriage is just a social status. Trying to understand why wives cheat on their husbands on vacation or on a business trip, this factor should not be overlooked.

Having changed, such a woman does not feel guilty about herself and even considers her behavior quite natural. Such an emotional attitude is initially dangerous, because a man, feeling that he is not appreciated, can also begin to behave accordingly.

Why do wives cheat on their husbands. Opinions of scientists

Finally, it is worth giving here a few excerpts from the results of various studies on the topic of change. So, it is quite obvious that women who are unhappy in marriage are more likely to cheat - compared to prosperous families, in such couples, intrigues on the side occur 2.6 times more often. The probability that a husband will be betrayed by a sexually unsatisfied wife increases by 2.9 times. These statistics show why wives cheat on their husbands, the reasons are always the same. And here are the statistics about those men with whom unfaithful wives have affairs:

  • 12% - a guy who rolled up in a public place;
  • 20% - a longtime friend;
  • 13% - former;
  • 10% - colleague;
  • 1% - one of her man's friends;
  • 44% is someone else.

British scientists were completely surprised by saying that women cheat more often than men. However, the representatives of the weaker sex value the reputation of a “good wife”, and also prefer not to brag about their adventures. They are much more careful and sophisticated both in the betrayals themselves and in hiding traces.


Unfortunately, all kinds of difficulties happen in the family life of people. Husbands and their soul mates cheat. But if everything is more or less clear with men, then why do wives cheat? The psychology of human relations, which has been formed over the centuries, has established a woman as a faithful keeper of the family hearth. The betrayal itself contradicts her essence, because by betraying her husband, she betrays her family, her children and even herself.

After the betrayal for a woman, there will be no turning back. She will always remember her act and is unlikely to be able, as before, to look her husband in the eye. Obviously, both men and women need to work on marriage and relationships. Married couples should solve all the problems and difficulties that have arisen together, together, and then, perhaps, no one will have a reason to cheat.

Why is my wife cheating

Cheating in a relationship

Why is my wife cheating

Unfortunately or fortunately, but some men are faced with such an unpleasant concept as "cheating wife." And in addition to realizing the need to overcome this situation, much simpler things appear, for example, the desire to find out the reason. “So why did my wife cheat on me?” - men ask, and today we will answer this question.

It is also worth saying that when there is such an opinion in society that if a man cheats, then he is a goat that needs to be abandoned. And if a woman has changed, then this is not only a pure accident, but also a real tragedy for the woman herself. She, of course, needs to be forgiven and understood. But this has nothing to do with the present state of affairs. After all, the logic of the behavior of men and women is quite different.

Let's remember one simple phrase for the entire article: "A man is looking for novelty and freshness, and a woman is looking for strength and confidence."

Why do we have a false idea of ​​treason

All the knowledge we get about female infidelity comes from women caught cheating. Naturally, they use the only opportunity to justify their act by blaming their husband for inattention, lack of passion, and many other things. Although such reasons also take place, they are by no means fundamental.

If you have time, you can study the concept of Survivor Bias. Thanks to him, you will be able to better understand why cheating cannot be judged only by the women who cheated.

The natural basis of treason

If you were attentive, you might have noticed that most women prefer to have sex in the evening, or at least in the afternoon. And this feature lies in the fact that for many thousands of years women have adapted to life in difficult conditions. When they had to inspire their men to exploits and get food. And it became obvious to them that if you have sex with a man in the morning, then he loses all desire to perform feats. And a woman needs to somehow live and eat something. This is how she got used to it.

Infidelity is essentially the same adaptive mechanism in a woman, which serves only one purpose: to provide a woman with the best option for coexistence in the current conditions. And to put it simply, to ensure the presence of the most powerful, influential and prolific male nearby.

The woman is at rest with the current man, but when a more “stronger” option appears on the horizon, she begins to ask herself questions: “Why shouldn’t I try my luck with a stronger male?”

Naturally, a smart woman will not just give up the current stability and security that she has. She will carefully study the situation, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the final decision. Whether the risk is worth the potential reward or not.
More stupid girls believe in "castles in the air" that men promise them. And, of course, comparing their boring and ordinary life with her husband and bright evenings with another man, they give preference to him. Such men splurge, have sex and go to the next, and the woman is left with a broken family.

Conclusion. A woman almost always compares her man and the men around her, preferring the best option. In this case, stability and security, a promising benefit, are put on the scales.

The most cunning and unprincipled women try to get both sides of the coin at once, running from their husband to their lover and back.

The sexual basis of infidelity

The main goal of any woman is to give life to her offspring and provide him with the maximum chances for survival. You can, of course, talk about feminists who put other goals at the forefront, but they most likely would not become someone's wife.

Therefore, as soon as children reach a more or less independent age, sometimes it is 4-5 years old, sometimes 15-18 (it all depends on perception and upbringing), a woman begins to think about the next generation on a subconscious level. And this, at least, implies increased sexual desire.

If for some reason the sexuality of the husband does not satisfy the wife, then she begins to suffer and look for ways out of this situation. Someone begins to play sports, someone transfers energy into work and career, and someone succumbs to the temptation to fill the gap in her husband's capabilities with the help of another man.

Therefore, she is not looking for another man-husband, she is looking for a lover and romantic intrigues. As a rule, women do not go to such men, but often they themselves spend family money on their entertainment. Therefore, if the wife began to spend a lot of money, but there are no updates as such, this is a threatening sign.

Conclusion: If a woman has sexual dissatisfaction, then she can get herself a lover. Most often, such a woman is not going to leave the family and hides her relationship, but this causes other problems:

  1. These intrigues draw money out of her, and they need to be replenished somewhere.
  2. There are times when a lover in love eliminated his competitor (did you understand the depth of the problem?)

The social reason for cheating

Every woman not only wants to be with a strong and sexually gifted man, but also to be with an "infatuated man". In other words, it can be said that women of about her level should envy her to some extent. And, as a rule, this is achieved either by the inner energy of a man, or by his material ambitions.

For example, a woman is ready to spend her time, strength and energy on a man who is a poor but brilliant artist. But with an average, but boring man, she will feel lonely and "useless." Those. she has no great goal before her eyes to follow. You can often meet women who look at a man and say that he directly glows with his enthusiasm and aspirations. And let it be a trifle, but it is visible, and it attracts.

Again, if your man is boring and uninteresting, and there is an enthusiastic and interesting person nearby, then a woman can commit adultery so as not to make her nature suffer.

Conclusion: If a woman does not see the fire in her man, then she can go after the fire to another. This rarely happens in our time, and is more typical of either very poor or very wealthy women.

Why do women cheat?

The remaining causes are extremely rare and are partly included in the above blocks. Is it possible to note separately impulsive fools who climb from one man to another for absolutely no reason. But if this is your case, then you yourself are to blame, you knew that you were taking as a wife.