In 2017, few people know the concepts of Hedonist, Epicurez and Sibarrit. If you do not delve into philosophy and psychology, these words will remain unfamiliar. These concepts are already calmly considered archaisms (outdated words) or at least the terms, which resort to the use of which is extremely rare. After reading the article, you will not only learn the importance of unknown words, but will be able to understand if you have something in common with these concepts.

Meaning of the word

The hedonist is a man who lives for the sake of pleasure. Simple words, this is the one who egoously cares about their own comfort, pleasure and good. Such people do not think about tomorrow and do not worry about physical benefits. One of these was.

Hedonist is important that his feeling of aesthetic pleasure and pleasure he has left. Such people in their own psychology live "one day." In addition, the hedonists are subject to stressful factors if the main happiness is deprived - sense of satisfaction.

Philosophy and psychology of hedonism

In general, hedonism in philosophy involves a feeling of pleasure as the main meaning of life. If you consider this concept in more detail, then two philosophers appear on the scene - Aristipp and Epicur.

Aristipp - an ancient Greek philosopher, which led the course of hedonism. Aristipp believed that the meaning of life is to achieve happiness through the emotion of pleasure, avoiding pain and suffering. At the same time, pleasure is considered as a soft and gentle, which inspires and brings physical happiness.

Unlike Aristippa, the epicurus was a follower of the landed hedonic concept. Epicurus considered this course as a deliverance from driving worries, trust, suffering and offended. In the concept of philosopher, the emotion of moral and physical satisfaction meant the feeling of successful life. According to the concept of Epicur, the meaning of life was delivering from suffering and offended.

Interestingly, an example of hedonism is Oscar Oscar Ualda "Portrait of Dorian Gray." For a modern example, consider the behavior of the Bander's robot from the Futuram cartoon series, where the replicas of the person cars brightly reflect the tendency to hedonism.

The bad hedonism

It would seem that the bad thing is that a person is constantly striving for good and happiness? All would be nothing if it was achieved by those paths that do not interfere with the rest of people and society as a whole. However, the hedonists sometimes pose a threat to others and this makes a lot of enemies.

Now let's think about the fact that the happiness of each individual individual is different. On the planet, the land is 7 billion people, and everyone enjoys concrete things. One is happy after sex, another like the feeling of euphoria from drugs, and some brings satisfaction with delicious food. Also, most people enjoy power, money and status powers. In addition, adolescents have gambling when the computer game becomes the meaning of life.

All this is nothing but a form of hedonism. Do not believe? Think yourself. A drug addict uses drugs, from which it gets satisfaction in the attacks of Euphoria. The dependent is not going to refuse harmful substances, arguing that the drugs make a person happy. Is it not hedonism? Similarly, with other cases, for example, random sexual communications, overeating, excess authority and authority.

In such cases, the hedonists openly offer enemies without thinking about the consequences. Conventional conversations are unlikely to help in solving this problem. It is no longer able to do without the help of a psychologist and loved ones.

No one says that the desire for the highest benefits - wrong. But do not forget that hedonism is manifested in a pair with egoism. So, the surrounding will suffer.

How to identify hedonism

You can check the person on the tendency to hedonism with the help of online tests on the Internet. In addition, a number of features are described below that inherent in such people:

  • weak willpower;
  • the desire to good efforts;
  • ignorance, irresistible, egoism, pride;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • laziness;
  • the weak ability of self-control.

When this flow was only born in ancient Greece, the philosophers were unlikely to imagine the current world with depravity, sex and drugs, which sometimes take the top over common sense. In ancient world, this course assumed reflections on the beautiful and desire to obtain satisfaction by enjoying the beauty of women and the taste of wine.

Now the direction remains the same, however, it has become more pleasure. Many ways to achieve satisfaction contradict society. What, in fact, is the problem of hedonism at the present time.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Related term terms - Sibarrit, Epicurez. Slightly remote, but still a close concept - Estet. Consider each synonym separately.

Sibarrit is a person who lives for luxury and balobiness. Before us, this concept came from the ancient Greek city of Sibaris, which was distinguished by a special pomp, and the inhabitants of him - unfastened. The ancient Sibarits loved to eat exclusively delicacies. Seafood (crabs, oysters, mollusks) and other expensive treats prevailed on their tables. At this time, when Sibarrit say, they have a person who is spoiled by luxury.

Epicurets - a man who lives for the sake of the achievement of pleasure by liberation from suffering and offended. This concept is identical with hedonism, however, it is characterized by the fact that it does not possess his own purpose of searching for sources of happiness. After all, the main source of satisfaction is spiritual tranquility and atraxia - serenity. Epicureism does not bring so much harm as hedonism. After all, epicusers appreciate friendship and moral goods, unlike selfish hedonists.

Epicurus, a philosopher who put forward one of the concepts of hedonism, adhered to his own current - epicureism, from where this name appeared.

Since hedonism is a form of aesthetic pleasure, it is impossible not to mention the aesthetes.

Estet is a connoisseur beauty, elegance, elegance. In other words, Estet enjoys everything that he likes to watch. Sometimes there are forms of aesthetism, when satisfaction brings a delicious food or a view of a beautiful body. The disadvantages of such people include the fact that the aesthetes appreciate everything in appearance.

In addition to the synonyms, antonyms of the concept of "hedonist" are also distinguished by the meaning of synonyms. Such words refers "Asket".

Asket is an individual, refraining from getting satisfaction and a leading strict lifestyle. Such a person limits himself in all the benefits that make pleasure and joy.

Ascetics are prone to rebuild at work, load the head with problems and a little rest. These stress factors initially become the cause of depression. And after a deep mental disorder, even reach suicide.

Now almost every representative of the human race wants three things:

  • pleasure;
  • eternal youth (health);
  • happiness.

Moreover, pleasure and happiness in most cases merge into one phenomenon. People believe that, reaching pleasure, they will get to the highest point of human existence - happiness.

What is hedonism

The hedonism is a system of values, seeing the highest goal of human existence in pleasure. For the hedonist, pleasure and happiness are synonyms. Moreover, it does not matter here, from which a person gets the most pleasure: from sensual (sex, gastronomic) or intellectual-spiritual (reading books, watching movies) pleasures. Intellectual efforts and sensual pleasures are put in one row when the first does not pursue the purpose of learning, but are committed solely for the sake of pleasure. In other words, it can be said that hedonism is, among other things, also activities, not burdened by the goal and whatever external or internal results. For example, a person watching movies and reads books only for entertainment or improving self-esteem.

Gedonism is deeply rooted in the nature of man

Probably the most well-known psychologist of the 20th century Z. Freud put in the foundation of his teaching (psychoanalysis) the principle of hedonism (pleasure). According to the Austrian doctor, a man is a natural hedonist. In infancy, its needs are satisfied directly and quickly: thirst, hunger, the need for maternal care. When a person grows up, the society presents the requirements for him and insists that he controlled, restrained his desire to pleasure and satisfy his needs at the right time. Speaking by psychoanalytic language, society wants "the" principle of reality "to obey" the principle of pleasure. "

Thus, society in a sense manages a person by means of a "token method": I learned, worked out - enjoy. At the same time, it is clear that life cannot consist of one solid pleasure, because such a form of existence, even though it is possible for some (for example, children of very rich parents), leads to a moral decay and as a result to social degradation.

Alcoholics and drug addicts as sacrifices of mindless desire for pleasure

There is one very famous experiment: the electrode attached to the center of pleasure in the brain of the rat, and the wire coming from him attached to the pedals and did so that every time the rat had pressed on the pedal, the electric discharge stimulated the pleasure center. After some time, the rat abandoned the water and food and only sting on the pedal, constantly enjoying, drowning in sweet toast, but pleasure gradually killed her. That is why hedonism is a value system that needs moral and moral limiter.

Maybe it will sound brutally and cynical, but alcoholics and drug addicts are the same "rats" who forgot the world for pleasure. Alcoholic for the sake of the bottle. Dosage drug addict. The trick of the dependencies is that they give the rapid feeling of happiness. In general, in life, a moment of happiness should be earned. For example, a person works, works, and when the work is completed, it is experiencing a sudden (maybe expected) "injection" of happiness. But after a while again it is necessary to work. Who will agree to this?

Stimulants also give a vast sense of happiness almost without effort compared to real labor, in fact embodying the main postulate of human existence, on which the ethics of hedonism insists in its vulgar expression: it is necessary to live so that being delivered as much pleasure as possible. And if possible, enjoyment should be as intense as possible.

Food and sex like traps for connoisseurs of sensual pleasures

But in the risk group, not only lovers of experiments with their consciousness. Luzhoras and Sostromils should not be relaxed too. True, the first losing human appearance and destroy only themselves, but the second may well harm others.

The film "Main Instinte". Case Catherine Tramell

It will not be a detailed description of the plot of the film, because it is not included in the task, but it should be said that Catherine Tramell is a classic case of Hedonist, who passed the border of good and evil. Why did she do it? Because she was bored with ordinary sex, and she appealed to sex, conjugate with murder for the severity of sensations. If the pleasure does not pursue any moral goal, then it quickly bows. A person goes from one pleasure to another, nowhere to find peace (a classic description of such a condition is given from S. Kierkegor in his book "Enjoying and debt"). Then he also accidentally, without noticing, leaves behind all moral public institutions. And if the measure of boredom exceeded all possible limits, then the hedonist will not stop even before the murder - everything is just to somehow entertain himself. By the way, such a person was also the Roman emperor Nero. In this case, the foregoing does not mean that the pleasure or desire for him is criminally. The pleasure itself can not be somehow morally painted. Hedonism is a crime, but only when the pleasure for a person gecticly and he is determined, from which source it is drawn.

Forms of moral restriction of desires

  1. Gold rule of morality. Delight is a result, and human desires are in the motivating force. Therefore, ideally, all the aspirations of a person must be coordinated with the golden rule of morality, which sounds (in the most general form) as follows: "Do the way you want them to come with you."
  2. Creation. It also has passionism, and rapidness of gusts, and freedom. When a person is creating, he dates back to the Everest of pleasure, and this is the pleasure of the highest sample. It is mixed and spiritual, and sensual pleasures. It has a rest, and work. At the same time, it requires the creator of the highest concentration and dedication.

Delight and meaning of life

Armed with the above, it is not difficult to understand that the motto "meaning of life - hedonism" can exist only if the pleasure is spiritualized and obeys certain moral restrictions. Enjoy themselves cannot be based on the basis of life or human happiness, because they always bring boredom with them, and this is not avoided.

Another thing is when a person finds pleasure in labor or self-sacrifice, then he wins, and society. In addition, any, even the most insignificant activity, which does not harm others and leads to the harmonization of the inner world, can become a source of life meaning for a person. For rare exceptions, the wise men were also believed (for example, A. Shopenhauer and Epicur). For them, hedonism in philosophy is, first of all, not the intensity of pleasures, but the lack of suffering.

Of course, those who insisted on pleasure in all his diverse forms (for example, the Thinkers of the Renaissance). But now, most people literally went crazy on the soil of worship pleasures. A modern man desperately craves pleasures, harmony of inner and outdoor life and therefore buys and buys different things, hoping that they will replace him happiness. And in the society of total consumption of everything and everything, as the way, it is impossible to determine that hedonism in philosophy is mainly the absence of suffering, and not a constant turbid stream of dubious sensual pleasures.

On the example of hamburgers, the author highlights 4 archetype of human behavior, characterized by psychological installations specific to him: a hedonist, a nihist, a member of rat race and just a happy person

(I think without hamburgers would be better, but what to do, the American author)


The first archetypal hamburger is delicious, but harmful to health bun with dubious stuffing. Eating such a hamburger currently, it would be a good because I would give me pleasure ("the current benefit"), but in the future it would certainly wrapped evilSince subsequently I would feel bad ("Future evil").

Characteristic feature defining archetype hedonism, just and lies in the fact that everything that happens at the moment is perceived as a good, but in the future will certainly turn the evil. Hedonists live according to the principle: "strive to enjoy and avoid suffering"; All their efforts are aimed at enjoying life today and now, ignoring the potential negative consequences of their actions in the future.

The hedonist is looking for pleasures and avoids suffering. He cares only about the thoughts of his own desires and is almost at all thinking about future consequences. A full-fledged life, in his opinion, is reduced to the sequence of pleasant sensations. If at the moment something gives him pleasure, it serves as sufficient excuse for doing this until a new one will come to replace the lack of passion. The hedonist with enthusiasm starts new friends and beloved, but as soon as their novelty is fading, it instantly finds himself new attachments. Since the hedonist is loaning only on what is happening with him at the moment, he is ready to make any actions that are subsequently able to cause him a huge damage. If drugs bring him pleasure, he will take them; If it seems to him that work is too hard, he will avoid it.

The hedonist makes a mistake, identifying any effort with suffering, and enjoyment - with happiness. We will not be able to find happiness if we are looking for only alone pleasures and avoid suffering. And nevertheless, the hedonist living inside each of us, in an inextentive longing for some kind of heavenly garden continues to identify work with suffering, and idleness with pleasure.

Mihai Chixentmichei, who in his scientific work explores almost exclusively the state of the highest creative activity and mental lifting, claims that " the best moments in the life of a person usually occur when his body or mind is tense to the limit in a voluntary desire to perform some difficult task or make a feat" Hedonistic existence without struggle - not a recipe for happiness.

To live a hedonistic manner at times, it is also useful. Anyone who lives today's day, the soul, only in the long term, this has not led any negative consequences (such as those who come from drug intake). If we relax a little, we will become fierce and rejoice in life - we are on the beach, we press hamburgers from Mak-Donalds, and then we still enjoy ice cream with fruits and whipped cream or simply paging on TV, - we will only be happy.

Question: Return to the memory in those times - whether it is the only episode or a sufficiently long period of time - when you lived as a hedonist. What have you purchased and what have lost, living in this way?

Archetype rat race

The second type of Hamburger, who came to me to the mind, is a tasteless bun with a lean vegetarian filling, prepared exclusively from the healthy ingredients. Eating such a hamburger would beneficial for the futurebecause as a result, I would be healthy and felt well ("Future good"), but at the moment I can't have any troubleSince I would disgust to chew this rubbish ("current evil").
This Hamburger corresponds archetype rat race. From the point of view of "rats", the present is not worth a broken penny compared to the future, and the poor fellow suffers in the name of some anticipating benefit.

The participants in rats are distinguished primarily by their inability to enjoy their classes, as well as their indestructible faith in what they should achieve some particular purpose - and they will be happy in the eyelids.

The reason that there are so many people around us participating in rat runs, lies in our culture, which contributes to rooting such superstitions. If we finish the semester on one dozens, we get a gift from parents; If we perform a plan at work, then at the end of the year we receive a premium. We get used to do not think about anything, except the goal that looms in front of us on the horizon, and not pay attention to what is happening with us at the moment. All your life, we chase in an infinitely eluding the ghost of the future mustachepeg. We are awarded and prases not for what happens to us on the way, but only for the successful completion of the trip.Society rewards us for results, and not for the process itself; For the fact that we have reached the goal, and not for the fact that we have passed the path that leads to it.

We should only achieve the intended goal, as we immediately experience a sense of relief that is so easy to confuse with happiness. The harder the burden that we carry on the way, the stronger and more pleasant to us the feeling of relief. When we confuse this minute relief with happiness, we thus strengthen the illusion, as if happy we will make a simple achievement of the goal. A feeling of relief, of course, has a certain value for us - because it is pleasant and quite real - and yet it is not necessary to confuse him with happiness.

The feeling of relief can be considered a kind of negative happiness, since its source is the same stress and anxiety, but taken with the opposite sign. By its very nature, relief involves unpleasant experiences, and therefore happiness arising from a sense of relief cannot last any long time. If a woman suffering from a painful attack of migraine, suddenly ceases to split their head, then because of the absence of pain, it will feel a happiest man in the world. But since such "happiness" is always preceded by suffering, then the lack of pain is just a minute relief from extremely negative experiences.

In addition, a sense of relief is always temporary. When we stop knocking in the temples, in itself the absence of pain gives us a certain pleasure, but then we will be accustomed very quickly to this condition and consider it for some reason.

A participant in rat runs, which confuses relief with happiness, holds all his life in pursuit of his goals, considering that for happiness it is enough for him to achieve something.

Question: Do you feel from time to time that you are exactly the same member of rat runs? If you had the opportunity to look at your life from the side, what advice would you give yourself?

Archetype Nihilism

The third type of hamburger is the worst of all possible - both tasteless and harmful to health. If I ate him, it would hurt me and in the present, since this hamburger has a disgusting taste, and in the future, since his eating order would spit health.
The most accurate parallel for such a hamburger is archetype Nihilism. It is characteristic of a person who lost the taste for life; Such a person is unable to enjoy the minute joys, nor rushing to the Great Goal.

In the context of this book, nihilist is a person who disappointed in the possibility of happiness and submracting with the fact that there is no point in life. If the archetype of rat runs very well characterizes the state of a person who lives for the sake of a bright future, and the archetype of hedonism is a state of a person who lives today, then the archetype of nihilism is exactly the condition of the person who is chained to the past. Those who resigned with their current misfortunes and are confident in advance that the same life is prepared by him in the future, they cannot throw their former unsuccessful attempts from their heads to become happy.

Question: Try to remember that time - whether it is the only episode or a sufficiently long period of time, when you felt like a nihilist, unable to get out of the shell of our then misfortune. If you had the opportunity to look at this situation from the side, what advice would you give yourself?

And the participant of rats, and the hedonist, and a nihilist - all of them, each on their own, are mistaken - incorrectly interpret reality, do not understand the true nature of happiness and do not know what you need for a full-fledged life. The participant of rat race suffers from the "deceptivity of any achievements" - a false belief that if we achieve a very important goal, then we will be happy until the end of our days. The hedonist suffers because of the "deceptivity of the current moment" - a false belief that happiness can be experienced by immersed in an endless flow of minute pleasures in the separation from our life destination. Nihilism is also a delusion, the incorrect interpretation of reality is an erroneous faith in the fact that no matter how cool, and happiness is still unattainable. Mentioned misconception stems from the inability to see the possibility of synthesis between the desire of something to achieve and the current moment - a certain third path that can be selected from the wrong position in which we fell.

Archetype of happiness

However, these three archetype represented by me do not exhaust all possible options - there is another one that we need to consider. What do you say about Hamburger, who would be no less tasty than the one from whom I refused, and at the same time no less useful for health than lean bun with a vegetarian stuffing? Hamburger, which would at the same time contain in itself and the present, and the future of good?

This hamburger essence live illustration archetype happiness. Happy people live calmly, staying in solid confidence that T e the most classes that give them a lot of pleasure in the present will provide them with a full life in the future.

The illusion of the participant of rat runs is that if he ever in the future, it will be able to achieve a targeted goal, will be happy until the end of his days; He is not less important to him that the way to goal is no less important than the goal itself. The illusion of the hedonist, on the contrary, is that only the path is important for him, but not a goal. Nihilist, desperate to achieve the goal and waving his hand and on her, and on the path to her, completely disappointed in life. The participant of rat runs becomes a slave of the future, the hedonist is a servant of the present, and a nihist is a slave of the past.

In order to become happy seriously and for a long time, it is necessary to enjoy the road itself to the goal that we consider worthyth. Happiness is not to climb on the top of the mountain, and not in order to wander in the mountains aimlessly; Happiness is what we experience when we climb on top.

Our main goal is to spend as much time as possible, doing those cases that are for us the source of not only real, but also future benefits.

Question: Remember one or two periods in your life when you enjoyed simultaneously with real and future benefits.

Exercise Four Sectors

Polls of people who regularly lead a diary indicates that a written report on the events of our life is both negative and positive - contributes to an increase in our mental and physical health.

For four days in a row, at least fifteen minutes a day, write about what happened in each of these four sectors. Write about those times when they were a member of rat jigs, a hedonist and a nihilist. On the fourth day, write about happy times in your life. If you are steadworking to such an extent that you want to write about some particular sector more, do it, but do not write more than one sector per day.

Do not worry about grammar or spelling - just write. It is important that in its essay you honestly talked about those emotions that you have experienced sometime or experience now, as well as what kind of behavioral scenario you are carried out (that is, what actions you then committed) and what thoughts were in your head or arose in it while writing this text.

Here are some instructions on what to write in each of these four sectors:
. Participant of rat race. Tell us about any period in your life when you felt like a rat, non-stop running forward and forth along the treadmill to the "bright future". Why did you do it? What benefits did you bring you a similar life if, of course, in this for you was some good? What price did you pay for it or did not pay any?
. HEDONIST. Tell us about any period in your life when you lived as a hedonist or indulged in hedonistic joy. What benefits did you bring you a similar life if, of course, in this for you was some good? What price did you pay for it or did not pay any?
. NIHILIST. Tell us about the hardest minutes in your life when you, waving on your own hand, humble with your bitter fate. Or about what happened with you at a longer period of time, during which you felt helpless. Share the most intimate feelings and thoughts that you came to mind then and now when you write this text.
. HAPPY MAN. Tell us about any incredibly happy time in your life or about those minutes when you were especially happy. Transfer in your imagination at that time, try to re-test your then emotions and then write about them.
Whatever you write while you write it, your writings are intended only for your own eyes. If, having finished writing, you want to read what you have happened, a close person, you, of course, have the right to do this, but it is important that when performing this exercise you did not feel cowardly. The more you can open, the more benefit you remove from your writings.

The nihilism sector and the sector of happiness will need to work for a minimum of twice. When you exercise again, you can remember the same events or write about something else. From time to time, review again everything they wrote, it can be done every three months, once a year or every two years.

on the book Tal Ben-Shahar: learn to be happy

pleasure ") - ethical teaching, which considers the pleasure of the highest blessing, and the desire to enjoy the principle of behavior. Developed by Aristipp (Keereniac). It should be distinguished from Eupremism, which recognizes the basis of moral behavior aspirations.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


Greek. Enjoyment) - a way to substantiate morality and interpretation of its nature and goals in the history of ethical thought. All content of various moral requirements of the city is reduced to a common goal - to obtain pleasure and avoiding suffering. This goal is regarded as the OSN. The driving principle in a person laid in it with nature (naturalism) ft ultimately defining all its actions. As the principle of morality, prescribing to people, the desire for earthly joys, g (as well as Eudemonism) is opposite to asceticism. In ancient. Greece among the first philosophers who conducted the principle of the city in ethics were democritus and Aristipp. The most famous for his rationale for the epicurus, with the name of K-Pogo, the whole flow in the theory of morality - the epicureism of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe city was also preached by the Roman follower of epicuria of Lucretia. In the Epoch of the Middle Ages, the ideologists of the Christian church sharply condemned G., considering the earthly pleasures of sinful (sin) The principle of the city in ethics is reborn in the era of the emergence and approval of bourgeois relations. This is not by chance, since it should not be better answered by the "classic" bourgeois views on a person, first of all, as a private entrepreneur ("The moving start of the Oba is a private person who pursues its own interests; the purpose of Oba and, therefore, morality It should be the benefit of this private person, and its material well-being is ultimately the content of the universal good). Hobbes, Locke, Gassende, Spinoza, FR. Materialists of the XVIII century. In the fight against religious understanding of morality, morality was often resorted to the hedonistic interpretation of morality. In Further, the principle of G. found the most complete expression in utilitarianism. The ideas of the city are divided by MN. Theorists Sovr. Bourgeois ethics - J. Santyana, M. Shlik, D. Treats, etc. In antiquity and in the New Time, played in general the progressive role and ethics because he opposed religious morality and represented the Council attempt to interpret morality of materialistic positions However, it cannot be considered the scientific principle of ethical Those theory, especially he does not respond to the SOCK level of titles about a person. Marxism considers a person as a social being. With this t prob. The reduction of diverse humanities "needs to be enjoyed is extreme simplification and: ultimately comes from a biological or purely psychological understanding of a person as soon as the natural creature is a hedonistic principle, in addition, an individualistic character and often to ethical relativism. The pleasures themselves, people strive to see a specific historical nature, their maintenance is different in different hysterical epochs and from different social groups. Therefore, only in social practice should seek the origins of the desires and goals, which put people in front of them. A complex of moral representations of Anarho-g was formed to the SOCU of the bourgeois-g., Where the "natural" tendency of man is missed and deified, labor discipline, social responsibilities, cultural and moral norms as a support of conservatism (nihilism) are rejected, the requirements of the search for new uncontrolled primitive links between people, leakage immoralism. Anarcho-g. Serves, on the one hand, an extreme means for mass distribution / morality of consumerism, and with others - a way to distract the critical layers of bourgeois circulation from genuinely revolutionary morality

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Pay attention to our society. It is divided into parts by the criterion "Sincere Smile on the face, emitting positive", and much more people are always unhappy with something, and this fact does not necessarily depend on the material status or family well-being. Absolutely healthy and successful people do not know how to be happy and enjoy the fact of life itself.

A person who enjoys life and is constantly happy, often becomes a rougom society. The hedonist is a person who is able to take everything from life, at the same time can give part of pleasures to others, its main goal is the constant preparation of the sensation of the buzz and the state of eternal happiness.

Nowadays, students are just doing that they complain about poverty, on how difficult to maintain a disturbed, hedonistic lifestyle.
Jonathan Cow. House sleep

The birth of hedonism - roots deep in history

Any culture is determined by their teachers and founders. Hedonism can already be recognized for the fact that it originated for a long time, in ancient Greece, and the founder of this direction was the student, respected so far, the great Socrates.

Freud, developing this teaching, determined that a person from his birthday is a natural hedonist, but over time, everything comes, and to obtain pleasure from life requires control over their actions and the method "worked out, tried - to enjoy life."

Hedonist: the meaning of life in the meaning of the word

Who is a hedonist, we define the meaning of the word. Gedonism is a system of beliefs, principles and values \u200b\u200bof a person who are determining the highest life mission to receive every second pleasure.

Perhaps society and is ready to support the good gusts to be happy, but not the methods that most hedonists reach their "ceiling" of pleasure.

Methods for obtaining permanent kaif hedonists

The hedonist is convinced that the sake of obtaining pleasure can be sacrificed, installed in the society in society, the norms of morality, honor and ethics.

Consider the main ways to obtain pleasure hedonists:
  1. sex;
  2. alcohol;
  3. hobby;
  4. work;
  5. friends;
  6. confession;
  7. achieving higher spiritual development.
In addition to the main methods leading to bliss, the hedonist is able to catch the moments of happiness from any little things: be it contemplation of nature, organizing parties, travel around the world, even virtue can cause a realization of complete happiness.

Our expectations as an obstacle to hedonism

The hedonist is, above all, the term philosophical. From the point of view of human psychology, only he himself can give an assessment to his state, and it consists of its expectations and attitude towards life and situations that occur in it. For example, a person can "catch" the absolute buzz when eating quick cooking noodles, while the other is necessary to find happiness to go to dine into the elite restaurant of his beloved kitchen. In both cases, they both get the maximum pleasure.

In sexual relationships there may also be a substitution of concepts. For someone, sex with your beloved wife once a week is absolute bliss, and someone needs daily intimacy with different partners. Much closer to the term "hedonism" will be the one who will argue the scale of "happiness" in his head and will try to realize himself according to her.

The hedonist is convinced that he does himself happy himself, so satisfying the primary needs need to determine in advance the bar, which will allow, implementing them at a minimum, to get a maximum of pleasure.

Hedonist and Egoist - Different people?

Often hedonists do not like, as they believe that they live only for themselves, in fact it is not at all. When the happy people are near, their number is growing every day, you can infect optimism, but it is much more difficult to make it than to dissolve around the negative.

Hedonists try to develop constantly, because the degrading can only be obtained by the short-term buzz, mostly the alcoholics and drug addicts suffer. Therefore, it is desirable to enjoy that without harming others, but first of all themselves.

The hedonist approaches the egoist in the desire to comprehend himself spiritually, learn the purpose of his own "I" and put it with absolute happiness in my head. A person who translates grandmothers across the road helps close materially, ready to provide moral support to his relatives, can also be a hedonist, but only if he becomes happier from his good deeds.

What is afraid of the hedonist?

The worst word for hedonists is "duty." If you tell him that he must do something or his commitment includes the following actions, the answer will be the cause and indifference.

Any resistance in his body, separating him from getting pleasure, useless by the conviction of the hedonist action leads the human mechanism into a stupor. It turns into a negative character, both for society as a whole and for his family and friends.

The hedonist can be a man as responsible as possible, to fulfill all the instructions qualitatively and on time, but it does not need to push it and rush, and, especially, to impose his own opinion.

Hedonists among us

Carefully looking at your friends, colleagues at work, relatives and loved ones, easy to reveal the hedonist. Basically, these are creative people who are excellent from the majority of people lifestyle, often look, or strive to seem younger than their years, can be very active or philosophically looking for life. They have a distinctive sense of humor, self-irony, wounded, sensitive, romantic.

If you can look into their soul and understand them, then you will be interested in to spend time with them, communicate and even conduct business.


Let's summarize: Hedonists among us and this factor cannot be refuted. While we do not understand their soul and do not divide some of the views, it is difficult for us to take them into your own circle.

The hedonist is a person who is able to bring the benefit to society without causing harm to his beliefs and principles.

Your choice becomes a hedonist or not to take this teaching at all, but respect a person who can be happy is simply necessary, because the world develops only with a positive attitude towards him, and not vice versa.

Try to answer a number of questions: how much is the hedonism is developed in you, who of his friends you will define as a true hedonist, and give an assessment with your attitude towards this term?