An underground garage in a private house is an excellent solution for those who value the square meters of their land. However, a car owner who is planning to build a subway will probably have some questions:

How to build an operationally convenient garage under the house? How much more expensive will the work be compared to building a conventional garage? and etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Photo of underground brick garages

First, consider the pros and cons of an underground garage..

  • Space saving;
  • Ease of use;
  • The least susceptibility to hacking (according to statistics).

Unfortunately, it is not without its negative points.:

  • The construction of the subway is more expensive than the construction of a conventional garage.
  • It is possible to build an underground garage under the house only at the stage of construction of the main building.
  • If the groundwater is high, then it will be difficult to build an underground cottage garage. Careful calculations and a responsible approach to waterproofing and drainage are necessary, otherwise there is a risk of flooding the premises.


The process of planning and creating a project is important.

Properly planning an underground garage

The design of the underground garage will depend on how high the groundwater is. Their level will determine how deep underground the garage will be built. It can be placed both completely underground and partially (immersed in the ground at 1/2 or 2/3 of the height).

Most often, partially recessed garages are used, because. their construction is more economical and easier. In addition, building a garage completely underground usually does not allow the level of groundwater.

How to build an underground garage? The conditions, rules and requirements for such construction can be found in the regulatory documents (SNiP 21-02-99).

When choosing a project for a future house with a garage, it should be remembered that the room above the subway cannot be used as a residential one, but in any case, the overlap between them must be further strengthened.

Cottage project with underground garage

However, as practice shows, in a large number of finished projects, the norms are not respected and BEDROOMS are designed over the garage. The garage is an explosive room, and such a gross violation can lead to human casualties.

The walls and gates of the underground garage must be made of a material with a high degree of fire resistance.

When drawing up a plan for an underground garage, attention should also be paid to the design of the check-in. When saving space, it is important not to overdo it. Of course, if the entrance is steep, it will take up a minimum of space. In summer, such a rise will not create any particular problems, but in winter it can become an insurmountable obstacle. In addition, the steeper the slope, the more likely it is that in rainy weather water will be poured into the garage.

exit road

So that during the period of operation the road does not collapse due to subsidence of the soil, it is necessary to avoid adding soil when forming the path. The earth must be carefully cut to the required level, which is pre-marked with marks.

Then the future road is covered with rubble and well rammed. The layer of such a coating should be at least 15 cm.

A layer of concrete with a minimum thickness of 12 cm is placed on the rubble. The solution for the carrier layer should be viscous and thick enough.

After the concrete has completely dried, a topcoat is applied.

To avoid problems with the exit, when arranging the entrance road, you must comply with some requirements:

  • The slope of the outbound path should not exceed 25%.
  • The length of the path depends on how deep the garage is. For example, when the subway is drowned by 140 cm, the entrance road should be 14.5 m. But with careful calculations, it can be reduced to 8.5 m.
  • The path should consist of sections:
  • Start zone (horizontal section not less than 3 m);
  • Main zone (inclined);
  • Area in front of the goal (horizontal section 120 cm).
  • An anti-slip material must be used for the driveway. You can additionally apply strips for braking.
  • It is advisable to arrange a footpath with handrails.
  • Directly in front of the gate, a “storm drain” is installed, at a distance of at least 50 cm from the start of the ascent. Sewerage should be equipped with a cable for heating, to protect it from freezing.
  • A wall is built on the sides of the entrance road (similar to the walls of a garage) to prevent soil collapses.

Construction and arrangement

Arrangement of an underground garage

An underground garage in a private house begins to be built by digging a foundation pit. Its bottom is covered with a mixture of sand and gravel, and waterproofed with a special material, roofing material, for example. After that, reinforced concrete slabs are placed on this filter pad.

The walls, they are the foundation of the underground garage and the future home, as well as the ceiling-floor, are also laid out with reinforced concrete slabs. A so-called pillow of sand and gravel is laid between the wall slabs and the ground, it will serve as a drainage system, and waterproofing material is placed on top.

The floor and wall surfaces are covered with roofing felt, the joints are covered with liquid waterproofing material.

Next, the room must be insulated with mineral wool or foam. After laying a layer of thermal insulation, the surface is reinforced with a special mesh. Then you can do the finishing: plaster or sheathe with cladding.

Ventilation device

ventilation of underground garages: scheme

In order to protect the living quarters above and adjacent to the garage, as well as to prevent the accumulation of a large amount of moisture in the garage, it is necessary to equip a ventilation system.

In an underground garage, the ventilation system will be effective only when forced mechanisms are installed, such as:

  • Monoblock (two connected blocks providing supply and exhaust);
  • Modular design (two separate units for supply and exhaust).

The installation of the gate and the power supply of the garage is carried out last. All wires and cables must be insulated with fire-resistant material. Fire alarm installation required.

So, a do-it-yourself underground garage is not a dream, but a completely feasible idea. The main thing, as in any construction, is to comply with the norms and requirements, strictly follow the project, be attentive to all the details and try to make as few errors as possible.

In former times, the construction of dwellings from earth and clay was a necessity. Over time, this technology was forgotten, as new more modern materials appeared. But the high safety for the environment and for humans made us think again about building a house underground.

Only now such a dwelling will not look gray and boring. On the contrary, it attracts with its eccentricity, comfort with the right approach to selecting a project and performing all the work.

The subtleties of construction and features of underground dwellings

The dwelling, equipped at a depth, remains unusual and unique. Its implementation requires a special approach, compliance with safety regulations during the work. Digging a pit is considered the most dangerous moment, there is always the possibility of a collapse of the walls.

Of course, a preliminary study of soils and their bearing capacity, moisture levels, and freezing is carried out. In any case, digging occurs at a certain angle, as if it narrows down, where it reaches the required level. Be sure to perform waterproofing and other manipulations that protect the base of the dwelling.

The formwork is assembled, a monolithic floor slab is arranged. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to build a house underground with your own hands. Although the conduct of all work must be entrusted to specialists, this choice is much more economical.
  1. The object does not have a facade, the implementation of which requires considerable financial investments and time.
  2. There are unlimited opportunities for using the adjacent territories of the site for the construction of a beautiful landscape park, recreation area.
  3. Such a dwelling will turn out to be much warmer in the winter, and in the summer it will keep the necessary coolness.
  4. It is absolutely safe not only in environmental terms. You can not be afraid of the penetration of thieves.
  5. Owners can always feel protected, especially if windows with mirrors are installed. This will allow you to enjoy the surrounding beauties. But none of the neighbors or other personalities will be able to see anything in such windows.
  6. Natural disasters such as tornadoes will not harm such a building, since it is underground and is not afraid of such influences.
And yet, in some cases, it is possible to build a house underground with your own hands, if you choose not a completely buried structure, but only partially created in the thickness of the earth's crust. Sometimes this allows you to work completely independently, using special clay blocks, stone, wood and other natural materials.

To learn how to build an underground garage, you can rely on the experience of foreign countries that have been practicing this type of construction for a long time. Storing a car in an underground shelter saves precious square meters of the site.

The construction of a separate room is wasteful, and the underground construction serves as the ground floor of the main building. Those who have planned such a construction will face a number of questions. To get a reliable, safe and durable garage space, you need to consider all factors.

I drove the car and immediately went home. What could be better than a house with underground parking? So it seems at first glance. If you believe the statistics, then the probability of hacking is less than that of the classic one. Quite an attractive fact.

When deepening into the ground by 2-3 meters, a relatively stable temperature regime and air humidity can be achieved, which will save on the arrangement of the premises.

Any motorist can doubt this type of construction, having familiarized himself with its disadvantages. First of all, it is a question of price. If you are planning to build a "bunker" style underground garage, the price can easily go up.

It is important to consider at what level the groundwater is in order to carefully carry out calculations in order to avoid flooding the premises.

Construction features

Before building a garage underground, you should take into account all its features. In order to stick to the planned budget and not arrange long-term construction from construction, it is necessary to foresee such problems in advance: digging a pit, excavating soil, and also how to carry bags of cement and building materials.

Make a separate emphasis on waterproofing the room. To avoid dampness, accumulation of moisture and the formation of condensate, it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing. A room with increased dampness quickly collapses, metal corrosion threatens and harms human health.

Good ventilation of the room will create a safe and comfortable working environment. The ventilation system, ideally, should be dual. The soil must be carefully compacted both in the room itself and under the access roads.

In an underground shelter for a car, it is imperative to make an additional exit, with which you can leave the premises in case of danger.

When building an underground garage, it is important to take into account the thermal insulation properties of building materials. The living room above it may be exposed to low temperatures. You should familiarize yourself with the features and requirements for construction in SNiP. There are key points to be observed.

Project preparation

When planning to build an underground shelter on a private property, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various projects on offer. The project of the underground premises must be prepared with high quality in order to successfully fit into the construction site. There are many examples on the Internet.

According to the results, it can be noted that there are two ways to arrange an underground garage:

  • the object is located completely underground;
  • the object is partially located underground, at 1/2 or 2/3 of its height.

The second option is more popular because it is easier to perform, more practical and cheaper. For the correct choice of the depth of construction, you need to know how high the groundwater is.

Project preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. An image of the site at a certain scale.
    It is important to note all access roads, green spaces and buildings.
  2. Designation of free space for arranging the entrance.
    It is recommended to first depict the room on a transparent tracing paper, and then move it according to the basic plan to select the optimal location.
  3. The area for the lift entrance is important to carefully draw.
    When doing this, consider the dimensions of your car. It is advisable to do everything with a margin. The slope of the entrance to the underground garage should be up to 25 degrees. If the slope is higher, it will be difficult for a car to leave the building, especially in winter.
  4. Tying the shelter to the terrain.
    It is important to know what materials will be used for construction. Most often, concrete and expanded clay, brick and metal are used.
  5. Determining the depth of the garage.
    Usually it is deepened by 50-60%, the rest remains outside.
  6. After all the clarifications, you can start preparing the workflow, taking into account the specific parameters and the amount of materials used.

When choosing a project for building a garage in the country, it is important to remember that the overlap between it and the room above it must be further reinforced. The construction of living rooms above the garage is prohibited, since it is considered an explosive place. When choosing materials for the construction of a car park, consider the degree of their fire resistance.

building material

Before you build an underground garage, you need to decide on the materials for construction. What are the options?

  1. Frame made of metal.
    To create a structure, use a welding machine. Treat the frame with an anti-corrosion compound, then it will last much longer.
  2. Use of red brick.
    First, a box is built, then floors are erected.
  3. Monolithic blocks are considered the most durable.
    For the construction of this material will require specialized equipment and the work of experienced craftsmen.

If you plan to build a garage without additional heavy equipment, then use red brick. The construction of monolithic blocks cannot be erected independently.

Construction of the future garage

One of the advantages of building an individual underground garage is the ability to build structures of almost unlimited size. Almost anyone can make a garage underground. The main thing is to seriously approach the work, make efforts and allocate funds.

For the construction of an underground motorhome, you will need lifting equipment, special equipment and building materials.

Construction begins with the development of a project, plan and calculation of the amount of materials. Immediately it is necessary to provide waterproofing.

The whole process looks like this:

  1. After completing all the calculations and purchasing materials, you can proceed to action.
    First of all, you need to dig a pit of a suitable size. In this case, the slope of the entrance road should be taken into account.
  2. The bottom of the pit is covered with a mixture of sand and gravel.
    The sand cushion is waterproofed with a special material, for example, roofing material.
  3. Laying reinforced concrete slabs.
    For their installation, special lifting equipment is used. It is also possible to perform self-filling of the plane. In this case, reinforcement of concrete is mandatory.
  4. The foundation of the walls is formed from reinforced concrete slabs.
    They are load-bearing and carry a large load. Between the wall slabs and the ground, it is necessary to make a pillow of sand and gravel. It functions as a drainage system.
  5. The material for waterproofing is laid on top.
    Wall and floor surfaces should be covered with roofing material. Use liquid waterproofing material to seal the joints.
  6. Mineral wool or polystyrene is used to insulate the room.
    After laying the thermal insulation layer, it is necessary to reinforce the surface.
  7. Now you can do the finishing, that is, plaster or sheathe the cladding.
    The base plane should be pre-treated with an antifungal compound and primed. Surface adhesion must be performed with high quality.
  8. After the above steps, you can proceed with the installation of garage doors and the design of the entrance road.
  9. In the underground garage, you need to properly plan the lighting.
    Make a plan and decide on the installation of a switchboard.
  10. Cable laying. Decide on its cross section first.
    To have enough voltage, take the cable more by 20%.
  11. At the final stage of construction, heating and electricity are installed.
    After that, waterproof, ventilate and arrange the entrance to the garage.

Entry road

When building an underground garage, there is a temptation to save free space on the site and make a short and steep entrance. Such a decision can be disastrous. In summer and dry time, the car can easily cope with the slope, and in winter and snowy period there is a chance not to get out of the garage.

Precipitation will quickly fill up the recess and will drain directly into the room.

To avoid such problems, there are a number of requirements that must be followed. Namely:

  1. Correct inclination of the entrance road.
    The maximum slope is 25% as a percentage.
  2. The length of the driveway depends on the depth of the garage.
    The deeper, the longer. The ideal parameters are considered to be 14.4 m of the entrance road with a deepening of 1.3 m.
  3. Broken trajectory.
    The entry length is divided into three mandatory sections:
    – “starting” zone – minimum slope;
    - zone "X" - part with a maximum slope;
    - "red" zone - horizontal section.
  4. Use of non-slip materials.
  5. Installation of handrails along the wall for safe exit from the premises on slippery surfaces.
  6. Storm sewer installation.
  7. Arrangement of retaining walls.
  8. Entrance lighting.

Waterproofing, heating and ventilation

For safety and comfort, an individual underground garage must have high-quality ventilation and waterproofing. Install hoods. They will prevent corrosion of the metal, as well as get rid of excess moisture.

There are two ways to install a ventilation system:

  • monoblock installation;
  • installation of a modular system.

An example of an underground garage.

To prevent moisture from entering the room, be sure to waterproof the garage.

It is performed in two stages:

  1. Installation of a drainage system on the outside of the garage.
    Covering the surface of the system with waterproofing material.
  2. Formation of a filter pad on the sides and under the floor.

Before you make a heating system in the garage, you need to figure out its location. Standard methods of heating houses are not quite suitable for garage spaces. Laying a gas pipeline is expensive, using solid fuel is also inconvenient, and building tanks for liquid fuel is generally inefficient.

The most optimal source of energy is electricity. You can choose a water or air heating system.

Water heating is advisable if the room is large. Otherwise, the cost of their installation will not justify itself. In small rooms, more energy will be spent on heating water, pipes and batteries.

Air heating is much more attractive and will meet all expectations. Direct heating of the air and its movement through the garage will reduce energy consumption and ensure rapid heating of the room.


It is realistic to build an underground garage on a private plot, it is worth making enough effort and responsibly approaching the matter. The main thing in the work is to strictly follow the norms and requirements, to be attentive to all details.

Try to take into account and control all aspects of construction and avoid errors if you want a long and safe operation of the building.

The construction of an underground garage is sometimes a rather topical issue. For example, among the owners of small plots, the issue of saving space is relevant. How an underground garage is built and what should be taken into account - we will consider today.

Often there is not much space in the areas. At the same time, there is clearly a need to build a garage. Of course, it will immediately catch the eye, it is not so easy to fit it into the landscape. And most importantly, that it will take up additional space. There is a good solution - to build an underground garage.

This is how some motorists managed to solve two problems at once: to get an excellent garage space at full disposal and save space on the site. The space above remains free, aesthetic, and below is a modern underground garage.

How to build an underground garage

Making a reliable, safe, durable underground garage is not easy. There are many important points to be taken into account. Today we will consider in detail how to build an underground garage with our own hands, learn specific work algorithms and useful tips from experienced garage workers.

Advantages and disadvantages of an underground garage

First of all, we will try to evaluate the pros and cons of building an underground garage on the site. You must be 100% sure that you want to have an underground garage for working with a car and storing a car. Therefore, we will focus not only on the advantages, but also on the disadvantages.

Here are the key downsides:

  1. You will have to think about the construction budget. Of course, at the stage of building an underground garage, and also later, in the process of arranging it, you will have to invest more money than when building a standard room.
  2. Much will depend on the specific characteristics of your site. It is desirable to conduct special geological surveys. Of course, this will also require some investment. But you will accurately find out the level of occurrence of groundwater, the condition of the soil. If the groundwater is too high, it will make it much more difficult or even impossible to build an underground garage.
  3. To build a garage directly under the house, this should be done already at the stage of building a cottage, and not later. Near a private house, it is quite possible to lay, build and equip an underground garage at almost any time.

Despite the existing shortcomings, it is underground garages that are now in growing demand. Increasingly, responsible garage workers decide to build such a structure with their own hands.

Benefits of underground garages

Of course, houses with underground garages have many advantages. Consider the most significant advantages of such a solution.

  • Only when building an underground garage can maximum space savings be achieved. You do not have to look for a place on the site, think about the problem of general landscape design. No need to count every meter. In the process of building an underground garage, it is just more convenient to make it larger, to provide special places for a workshop, a cellar.
  • Almost everyone who decided to build an underground garage on their site notes that such a room is very convenient during operation. You can practically equip the entrance, make the garage more spacious, work calmly in it.
  • Another significant plus is the increased level of security. It is believed that underground garages are better protected from intruders than the usual above-ground buildings.

Of course, every motorist must decide for himself whether he is ready for such a responsible job. It is extremely important to insulate the underground garage space with the highest quality, to provide decent waterproofing, ventilation of the room, and to make a reliable drainage system.

We are preparing an underground garage project

When you decide to build an underground garage in a private house, the first thing you need to do is prepare the project. There are two key questions to be addressed here. How to prepare a competent project of an underground structure in order to successfully fit into the appropriate construction site. Then, during construction, it will be necessary to carefully control the markings on the ground in order to ideally enter the designed site. Filigree work.

Let us denote what is most important during the preparation of the project.

First you need to depict the area in a certain scale. Designate buildings, green spaces, and also be sure to pay special attention to access roads.

Then you need to allocate free space, which is suitable for arranging the entrance to the garage. By car, you need to move in reverse, forward, and make turns with a smaller radius. Then all the results are also plotted on the plan.

A good option is to depict the garage on a transparent tracing paper, and then move it around the base plan, choosing the best site.

Carefully draw a site for an inclined entrance, take into account the specific dimensions of the car. At the same time, experienced garage workers advise doing everything with a margin: after all, you may well buy a larger car later. Remember that the slope of the entrance should not exceed 25 degrees. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to leave the underground garage, especially in winter.

Then you need to bind the project to the area. Here you can’t do without clarifications: it’s important to know what materials you will build a garage from, what its design will be.

You need to know the exact thickness of the walls in order to determine the specific parameters of the garage space outside and inside. Such garages are most often built from concrete and expanded clay, brick and metal.

It is important to determine the depth of immersion of the structure. Sometimes garages are buried only by 50-60%, and part of the structure is carried out above the ground.

When everything has already been clarified, you can begin to prepare a working draft, with the determination of the amount of materials and specific parameters.

Choosing material for the garage

Let's briefly consider what materials an underground garage can be built from.

  • It is easier and faster to make a metal frame using a welding machine. If the structure is treated with an anti-corrosion compound in several layers, it will last for many years.
  • Red brick is easy to use. A garage from such material will be able to build one person. The box is erected, and then the floors are installed. Of course, waterproofing is also necessary here.
  • Monolithic concrete blocks have the greatest strength. And here you will need to use specialized equipment, resort to the help of experienced craftsmen. Do not build a concrete garage with your own hands.

If you still want to build an underground garage with your own hands, it is most reasonable to choose a brick. It is more reliable and durable.

Features of construction, construction of an underground garage

During the construction process, one significant problem may arise: it will be difficult to dig a pit, manually remove soil, carry bags of cement and building materials. It is important to foresee this in advance so as not to turn the garage into a long-term construction and not go beyond the planned budget.

There are a few other important points that need to be taken into account.

  • The site may be flooded from time to time. It is important to know exactly how high the groundwater is.
  • Be sure to put special emphasis on waterproofing. If it is not done with sufficient quality, it will be damp in the garage, moisture will begin to accumulate, and condensation will form. And this is a direct threat to the car. Metal corrosion must not be allowed. In addition, in dampness, the garage itself will begin to collapse. Even being in an underground room with high humidity is harmful.
  • Take care of the density of the soil. It must be carefully sealed: in the garage itself, under the driveways. Then it is worth additionally protecting it from external influences by covering it with paving slabs.
  • It is important to ensure good ventilation of the room. This will create a comfortable, safe environment, quickly get rid of harmful toxic compounds and excess moisture.

Be extremely careful to build an underground garage efficiently.

Entrance to the underground garage

Properly equip the entrance to the underground garage. It should be borne in mind that the entire entrance route consists of three main parts.

  1. The horizontal section is located in front of the gate.
  2. The main entrance goes downhill. Don't forget that it shouldn't be too big.
  3. Then comes the starting area, which is already inside the garage.

It is desirable to make all transitions smooth. Additional zones with slight slopes will help here. Their length should be approximately 70% of the total length of the entry way.

Remember some important nuances. The recommendations will come in handy when building the entrance to the garage.

  1. It is better to make the entrance way longer, but more convenient. Then even in the cold and rain it will be comfortable to move around.
  2. The length is also calculated relative to the depth of the garage. Since we need to make a smaller angle of inclination, the entrance will be longer for a deeper garage.
  3. It is advisable to use non-slip materials, as well as supplement the entrance with braking serifs.
  4. A storm sewer with a grate is needed next to the gate.
  5. On the side of the entrance, it is worth equipping a walking path with a handrail, a staircase.
  6. Retaining walls on the sides of the entrance will prevent soil shedding. Remember that it will be subject to a significant mechanical impact.

Ventilation, heating and waterproofing

Be sure to provide effective ventilation in the underground garage. This is necessary for the safety, comfort, safety of the car. Hoods will eliminate excess moisture, harmful fumes, get rid of dampness and prevent metal corrosion.The waterproofing of the underground garage space is carried out especially carefully. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

The owner of a small plot of land is especially interested in its rational use. The construction of a detached or attached "motor house" in such conditions is an unforgivable waste, because you will have to sacrifice at least 30 sq.m. precious space. This is where the useful experience of foreign neighbors comes to the rescue, who have long been practicing the construction of underground garages, both for low-rise and high-rise buildings. The benefit is obvious: the "car stable" is the ground floor of the main building, thereby significantly saving space on the site.

But, despite the attractiveness of such a garage design, many car owners have quite logical doubts:

  • How much more expensive will the "subway" cost?
  • How to ensure comfortable conditions for the machine and the person in it?
  • How to build an underground garage so that they are not afraid to use the premises in bad weather conditions (snow, ice, rain)?

The questions are serious and require detailed familiarization with the topic. We hasten to reassure you: a solid individual underground garage built by yourself is not a dream, but a completely feasible project. Of course, if you approach it from the position of strict implementation of all prescribed building canons.

We think and choose: a house project with an underground garage

If you are looking for a suitable project for a private house with an underground garage, then most likely you have already reviewed a lot of photos of finished samples on the Internet. In order not to be distracted by design "tricks" and architectural "gadgets", we will help you summarize the search results. There are two ways of arranging the "car subway":

  1. Underground garage located completely underground
  2. The underground garage is partially “drowned” into the ground (usually 1/2 or 2/3 of its height)

The second option is more popular among the people, as it is cheaper and more practical in terms of the execution of the plan. The main problem of underground premises is the fight against dampness. The deeper the garage is hidden, the more “barriers”: increased soil pressure and the negative impact of groundwater (especially when you consider that the average depth of the aquifer for our region is 1.5-2 m).


Where can I find all the necessary requirements for the planned construction? In SNiP, underground garages are described in detail: all the key conditions under which their normal operation is guaranteed are indicated. Recommendations for the wiring of all engineering networks are also documented here (SNiP 21-02-99 “Parking lots”).

We want to draw your attention to an important aspect of the CORRECT project of a house with an underground garage:

  • The room located above the underground "motor house" should be fenced with a thicker and additionally reinforced floor slab. It cannot be equipped as a LIVING ROOM

Unfortunately, a large proportion of virtual projects posted on the Internet for everyone to see ignore this norm. Bedrooms are placed above the "subway", which is grossly contrary to safety standards. The garage belongs to the category of explosive premises, therefore, a residential building with such a technical zone is planned so that in the event of an emergency, people will not be injured in any way.

As for the possibility of arranging a combined dwelling of a person and a machine, there is a clear rule under which such a neighborhood is impossible:

  • LPG vehicles cannot be stored in public buildings, including individual underground garages
    As can be seen from the two specified norms, much attention is paid to the fire safety of the technical room in the rules. The SNiP indicates the fire resistance levels for the walls and gates of the underground garage: І 90 and І 60, respectively.

The next rule for the normal operation of the "subway" is the correct entry into its interior. If in a virtual picture everything can look compact and very beautiful, then in practice the car owner will feel all the inconveniences of an erroneously designed road path.

What should be the entrance to the underground garage?

The main decoration of a private house is a beautifully landscaped garden plot. By building an underground garage, the car owner is trying to save free space for the landscape, so he decides to equip a steep short entrance to the parking lot. If in summer and dry weather the car calmly copes with an obstacle, then in a snowy winter or rainy autumn the “barrier” may not be taken. Snow will quickly fill up the “hole”, and streams of water will flow into such a tempting “reservoir”.

Here are a number of requirements for entering the "subway", following which you will not encounter any difficulties during its year-round operation:

  • The slope of the entrance road should not exceed a certain value
  • It is clear that the steeper down, the less space the technical zone will take. Don't overdo it! The maximum slope of the entrance road for the underground garage is 140-150 (or as a percentage - 25%). An increase in the angle will lead to problems during its operation in the autumn-winter-spring period.

  • The deeper the underground garage is in the ground, the longer the driveway.
  • A sufficient length of the "finish" will help to avoid all weather troubles. Almost no one adheres to the ideal parameters of the entrance, because the bar is high: for example, for an underground garage lowered by 1.30 m, the entrance should be 14.4 m long! A clear calculation allows you to shorten it by almost half (up to 8.4 m, of which 3 m is the “starting” horizontal zone).

  • The entrance is a broken path
  • The minimum length of the entrance garage road is divided into three mandatory sections:

    - "starting" zone: 3 meters with a slope of 00-20
    - zone "X": part of the road with a maximum slope of 140-150 (50% of the total length of the entrance)
    - "red" zone: obligatory 1.20 m of horizontal section in front of the garage door

    All changes should be smooth, without sharp boundaries.

    For an ideal entrance to the "subway" before and after the section with a maximum slope, sections of the path with an average slope (70-80) should be equipped. In their length, they should be slightly shorter than the "X" zone (≈75-80% of it).

  • The road path is made of non-slip materials
  • It is advisable to supplement it with special serifs that help to overcome the route when the track is iced. Special braking strips for wheels are popular.

  • Be sure to provide a footpath with a handrail along the wall
  • The footpath will help the driver get to the "surface" quickly and without injury, even with an icy road.

  • At the gates of the underground garage, it is necessary to provide a storm sewer
  • The sewer grate, into which water flows, should be located in front of the gate on a direct section of the entrance (it should be at least 0.5 m of a straight section of the path), which will protect the garage from falling into the middle of rain streams. Storm sewage with a siphon is equipped with a heating cable that prevents it from freezing.

  • Retaining walls are built on the sides of the entrance
  • They protect the entrance road from destruction and collapse of the soil. According to the rules of SNiP, a ground drop of more than 80 requires such a protective structure.

In order to effectively solve the problem of icing on the road, it is desirable to install a system that prevents the formation of ice on the road section. Do not forget to provide entrance lighting for convenience.

How to build an entrance road for an underground garage?

The construction process is divided into the following stages:

To avoid failure of the pavement, the geometry of the road is formed without adding soil. To do this, each "step" is carefully cut to the desired level, guided by the prepared mark (stretched fishing line).
The prepared and “cut out” area is covered with crushed stone with a layer of 15 cm and carefully tamped
The bearing layer is made of concrete grade B10 with a thickness of 12-15 cm. The solution is kneaded thick and viscous. After the first setting, the surface is constantly moistened and protected from the sun.
Then comes any finish
We figured out the entrance in detail, now we will move on to arranging the underground garage itself, namely protecting it from a water “attack”.

How to effectively protect the "underground" from dampness?


The construction of the built-in "subway" implies an additional load on the foundation of the house. Usually the owner prefers to lower the entire floor, rather than part of the building, by dividing the entire space into several technical zones (parking, workshop, gym, etc.).

Most often, the project provides for a slab ribbed foundation, which increases the stability of the building. But it all depends on the main building material and the design calculations of the architect (we once again insist that the design should be carried out by a specialized specialist).

When building an underground garage with their own hands, the car owner must take care of comfortable living conditions for his iron friend. It is necessary to protect the room from the slightest water "assaults", because excessive moisture is detrimental to the car.

How to waterproof an underground garage?

The walls of the "subway" are designed by analogy with retaining walls: a drainage system is equipped along the outer contour of the room, and the entire outer surface is waterproofed with built-up waterproofing (for example, roofing material or its modern counterparts). Additionally, a massive filter pad is formed under the floor and on the sides of the "subway".

The complexity of the drainage system is determined by the results of survey work that determines the type of soil and the level of the aquifer. Geological exploration will tell you whether it is rational to build a "subway", because if the groundwater is too high, then you will have to drain the site and complicate the drainage scheme. And this is a significant additional cost.


Liquid waterproofing for interiors is not a panacea for all problems. With its help it is impossible to equip an effective water barrier. It only plays the role of an aid. If, after the construction of an underground garage, water appeared in it, then no putty will correct the situation.

You can often hear complaints that due to the presence of a built-in underground "motor house", the unpleasant smell of gasoline and other chemicals penetrates into the residential area. So that the garage does not "poison" your life, you should take care of a constant air vortex for this technical room.

The norms for the intensity of air exchange in the "autohouse" are prescribed in SNiP: 180 cubic meters. m per hour per car. Abroad, the requirements are even higher - 360 cubic meters. m per hour. Only the well-coordinated work of supply and exhaust ventilation can provide such a “wind”. Brief ventilation under the gate opener will not solve the problem.

Ventilation not only protects against exhaust gases, but also removes excess moisture from the room. This is especially true for heated garages, where the temperature difference between a cold car and a relatively warm room (no more than + 50C) will inevitably cause condensation on the body. A stable supply of fresh air will quickly remove dampness and save the car from premature corrosion.

Since the level of the underground garage is below the ground, forced mechanisms are necessary for effective ventilation. There are two options for its arrangement:

1. Monoblock

In this device, two blocks are connected, responsible for the inflow and exhaust of air. The monoblock is distinguished by its compact dimensions and ease of installation, but the cost is expensive (from 2000 USD). But the atmosphere inside the room is perfect.

2. Modular design

Consists of two separate blocks responsible for air supply and exhaust. Their joint work is established with the help of sensors that monitor the microclimate of the technical room.


All cables in the underground "car house" must be covered with a special layer of insulation that prevents combustion. Also, the car owner is obliged to install a fire alarm.