Topic of the seminar - workshop: The system of prevention of bad habits among minors

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: Municipal educational institution "Semigorsk secondary school"

The purpose of the seminar - workshop: increasing the competence of teachers on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by students.


1. Develop the ability for cognitive structuring and comprehension

situations, positivity and rationality of thinking.

2. Learn to develop an active life position.

3.Together with colleagues to solve the problem of drug prevention

PAS by minors.

Decor: poster with Albert Einstein saying “Our time is marked by amazing advances in scientific knowledge. How not to rejoice in this? But, we must not forget that knowledge and skill alone cannot lead people to a happy and dignified life. Humanity has every reason to place the heralds of moral values ​​higher than the discoverers of scientific truths.

Equipment: Three personal computers, color printer, scanner, Internet access, multi-projector.


Demo material:

Presentation "The system of preventive work with minors"

Handout: teaching materials and visual aids in electronic and printed form. Three sheets of drawing paper, three markers, cards ("bricks") with useful and harmful activities, envelopes with assignments, cards; cards - tasks; clean sheets A - 4.

The course of the seminar - workshop:

I. Theoretical part

Leading: It's no secret that smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are quite "contagious" diseases that have taken the form of an epidemic. So isn't it time to think about developing immunity?

The theme of the seminar - workshop "The system for the prevention of bad habits among minors" (Slide 1, 2,3)

Question: How can schoolchildren develop a negative attitude towards the use of psychoactive substances?

Parable: A traveler walking along the river heard desperate children's cries. Running to the shore, he saw children drowning in the river and rushed to save them. Noticing a man passing by, he began to call him for help. He began to help those who were still afloat. Seeing the third traveler, they called him for help ... But he, ignoring the calls, accelerated his steps ...

"Do you care about the fate of the children?" - asked the rescuers.

The third traveler answered them: “I see that you two can cope. And I'd rather run to the turn and find out why the children fall into the river and try to prevent it.

speaker : the school as a social institution has a number of unique opportunities for the successful prevention of bad habits. She can: (Slide 4)

  • To instill in students the habits of a healthy lifestyle;
  • To influence the level of claims and self-esteem of children;
  • Work together with the teenager's family to control the situation;
  • Involve specialists - doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.

There are three main areas of school work on the prevention of substance use: (Slide 5)

1. work with children:

1) educational work- raising the cultural level, organizing the reasonable use of schoolchildren's leisure, developing a network of circles and electives.

The entire curriculum of the secondary school provides an opportunity to communicate scientific information about the physiological and social consequences of alcohol, drugs, smoking in the study of various disciplines. In the lessons of literature, biology, social science, history, chemistry, life safety, etc., teachers should find convincing facts showing students the harmful effects of drugs on human health and life.

An important role in preventive work is played by an activity alternative to the use of surfactants - this is additional education. Analyzing the employment of schoolchildren in circles and sections over the past three years, it can be noted that there is a gradual increase in the percentage of students covered by leisure activities. So, in the 2011 - 2012 academic year, the coverage of school students employed in circles and sports sections was 93%, in 2012 - 2013 - 95%. Now - 98%. The employment of registered students is 100%.

2) health education- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the development of physical culture movement, the eradication of bad habits.

It has been proven that the systematic motor activity of a person leads to the production of endorphins in him, which increase emotional and relieve depressive states, fears, an inferiority complex and self-doubt. Therefore, it is especially important to include regular physical education, sports and tourism in the program for the prevention of drug addiction and other bad habits.

3) Public measures of struggle- involvement of the public in the work.

As part of the Days of Prevention, the following are involved in holding events with students:

medical staff

Police officers

Specialists of USZN and TsZN.

Implementing work in this direction, you can use a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms of work: (Slide 6)

  • Physical education in every lesson
  • Daily morning exercises
  • Dynamic pauses conducted by high school students and teachers
  • Health Day (1 time per quarter)
  • Prevention Day (2 times a year)
  • Themed class hours
  • Round tables
  • Master classes
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, thematic wall newspapers
  • Role-playing games
  • business games
  • Group trainings
  • Psychological theater
  • Brainstorm
  • Discussions
  • Design and research technology
  • Stock
  • propaganda team
  • Adolescent Issues Lab
  • Interactive games
  • Creation of videos, films, presentations
  • Prevention films
  • Virtual Tours

2. work with the teaching staff

Understanding the importance of this problem, the school conducts:

Teachers' councils, pedagogical readings, pedagogical workshops, round tables, training seminars, school methodological associations of class teachers.

3. work with parents

A healthy lifestyle that is taught to a schoolchild should find everyday implementation at home, that is, be fixed, filled with practical content. To teach parents this, you can use such forms of robots as:

  • Parent Readings.
  • Parenting Evenings.
  • Thematic, group and individual consultations.
  • Parent training.
  • parent rings.

Thus: (Slide 7) Substance use prevention will be effective, reduce the risk of substance use and improve the quality of a healthy lifestyle if:

Both traditional and modern approaches are used in preventive work

Preventive work is carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children

Children and adults are provided with objective information about psychoactive substances; their impact on humans and the consequences of their use.

Coffee pause

II. Practical part

Leading : today at the seminar - workshop we will deal with the problem of prevention of bad habits together. To do this, I suggest that all participants of the seminar divide into three groups, and sit at tables separately standing from each other according to the statement they like. (Annex 1).

(Selected aphorisms reflect the different characters and styles of people's behavior). At the end of the seminar - workshop I will give a brief description of the choice.

Task 1. "Brainstorming"

Each group receives a creative task on a card (Appendix 2), a piece of drawing paper and a marker.


  • Express as many ideas as possible;
  • Do not repeat, name only new ideas;
  • Don't rate ideas.

Groups work on the task for 15 minutes. Then each group nominates its representative, who tells what conclusion their group came to, working by the "brainstorming" method, highlights the problem, demonstrates the designed drawing paper, the rest of the participants supplement.

  • The teacher must take the first step towards meeting the teenager and in communication be on a level with him. As a Russian writer said: “Never show that you are smarter than a child; having felt your superiority, he, of course, will respect you for the depth of thought, but he himself will immediately withdraw into himself with lightning speed, hide like a snail in a shell.

Task 2. Exercise “Health Wall”

And now we will assemble the “Health Wall” with you. We have multi-colored bricks on the table, on which many interesting and useful activities are written, but among them there are also bad habits. (Go in for sports, read books, eat a lot of sweets, eat a lot of fried and smoked foods, do morning exercises, watch TV a lot, take care of clothes, harden, smoke, wash your face, play computer games for a long time, spend a lot of time outdoors, brush your teeth, do not brush your teeth, drink alcohol, eat right, observe the daily routine, learn lessons on time, play music, draw, bite your nails, help your mother). Each of you will choose the brick you like and, after reading it, decide whether to attach it to the “Health Wall” or throw it in the trash.

Teachers take turns going to the table to the music and, having made a choice, attach the bricks to the image of the wall. (Appendix 3).

Conclusion: Primary prevention of the use of surfactants must be carried out - comprehensively and differentiated.

Task 3. Role play

Each group chooses an envelope with a task in which the category of the family is indicated (Appendix 4).

The task of each group is to conduct an individual conversation with the “parent” on the prevention of PAS, while two people from each group are selected for the role of a teacher and a parent, they also play out the situation. The rest of the group members help.

PROBLEM: The son is seen drunk at the disco.

Acting out the situation with each group

  1. How did the prosperous family react to the problem? What are the solutions?
  2. How did the dysfunctional family react to the problem? What are the solutions?
  3. How did the incomplete family react to the problem? What are the solutions?
  4. « a child is a person who brings something to the world;

a child is a person who has not reached independence

and responsibility, and therefore we are responsible for it;

a child is a mystery that is impossible and unnecessary to guess.

For all these reasons, the child is of increased value. The child is given to us so that we love him” S. Soloveichik.

A child's substance use often begins in conditions that we ourselves create. Not consciously, of course, but does that make it any easier? If in the end it turns out that our own children are paying for our mistakes in education.

Task 4. Creative workshop

Each group is given a task within 30 minutes to prepare and defend:

Group 1 - Preventive Bulletin. (Annex 5)

Group 3 - Booklet "Advice to teenagers" (Appendix 7)

Colleagues are offered computers, a color printer, a scanner, access to the INTERNET, methodological and visual material in electronic and printed form.

Result: After the workshop, the finished printed matter will be reproduced and distributed among the students of the school and parents.

At the end of the workshop, I give a brief description of the choice of aphorisms and draw the attention of teachers on what basis like-minded people gathered at each table. (Appendix 8).

Thus: it should be clearly understood that for productive work in the field of PAS prevention, an important role should be assigned to specialists who must operate with modern methodology. Educational institutions need advanced, purposeful, systematic work in this direction.

Work on the formation of psychological immunity to PAS in children will be more effective and efficient if the teacher enjoys sufficient authority among students. If hearts and souls are drawn to him, then the desire to imitate him, his style of behavior in certain life situations will be limited. The principled views of such a teacher, openness in communication, the ability to conduct frank conversations on topics that concern the younger generation, make the influence of the teacher maximum.

Leading. Parable ( conclusion).

A sage lived in a distant country, he knew the answers to many questions, and hundreds of people came to him for advice and help. In the same country there lived a young man who, quite recently, was still a child and was just beginning his life path. But then he thought that he already knew everything, knew how much, and he did not need to listen to other people's advice. He decided to lead the sage - he caught a butterfly, squeezed it between his palms and asked the sage: “What is in my hands - living or inanimate?” If the sage answered "living", he would squeeze his hands harder, the butterfly would die, and the sage would be wrong, and if the sage answered "inanimate", the young man would open his hands, the butterfly fluttered out, and the sage would again be wrong . But when the young man approached the sage and asked his question, the old man looked at him attentively and said: "ALL IN YOUR HANDS…"

Analysis of the seminar - workshop

The workshop was held on April 26, 2013 for class teachers of the Semigorsk secondary school. The workshop was attended by 11 class teachers. This event was held in the school library. The room was prepared in advance for the seminar: a poster was fixed, equipment was installed: personal computers, a color printer, a scanner, Internet connection was prepared, cards, teaching aids, and albums were laid out. Tables have been set up, wet cleaning has been done, and the classroom has been ventilated. The preliminary work included conducting a sociological survey among students of the school on the use of psychoactive substances.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve three main tasks: educational, developmental and educational.

The purpose of the seminar - workshop: increasing the competence of teachers on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by students.

During the workshop, such methods and forms of work were used as: a report accompanied by a presentation, group work, brainstorming, role-playing, a creative workshop.

The workshop consisted of two parts - theoretical and practical.

At the first stage of the event, all organizational moments were carried out and a goal was set.

Stage II consisted of the theoretical part of the seminar - workshop, where knowledge was systematized on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances among minors and work with parents on this issue. This stage of the seminar wore the traditional form.

The innovation of this event was creative activity, which consisted in the production of preventive bulletins, recommendations for parents and booklets with tips for teenagers. The result of this creative activity was the distribution of this printed matter by class teachers among the students of the school and the population of the village. This project was in demand and relevant. Residents respected the work of teachers - thanked them and studied this material with interest. School students also showed interest in the information provided. High school students expressed their suggestions and wishes, as well as the topics of new bulletins.

At stage III, teachers defended their projects, drew conclusions on the event and held a reflection.

At the workshop, class teachers listened with interest and attention to the proposed material, emotionally played a role-playing game, gave their own examples, played along with the characters of the plot. Brainstormed vigorously. We were able to identify the problem and find solutions.

Since the problem of preventing the use of psychoactive substances is not only for schools, but also for families, it is necessary to solve it together. Therefore, it was decided in the next academic year to draw up a school project for parental universal education, since this problem can only be achieved through targeted interaction between the family and the school.

Development Institute "EcoPro", Educational portal "My

2. Galichkina O.V., The system of work of the school administration for

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3. Davydov V.V., Problems of developmental education, Moscow,

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5. Lyapina E.Yu., Prevention of socially dangerous behavior

schoolchildren - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

6. Sukhovolskaya T.S. "Pedagogical conditions for the prevention of harmful

habits in teenagers

7. Trostanetskaya G.N., To help an educational institution:

abuse prevention

8. Khizhnyakova O. N., Modern educational technologies

in primary school. - S. 2006

April 3 - 4, 2018. The discussion of the strategy of the psychological services of the education system, psychological, medical and social centers and PMPK in terms of organizing the prevention of social risks, juvenile delinquency, psychological and pedagogical support for children and adolescents with deviant and delinquent behavior, preventive work in educational organizations was devoted to the All-Russian scientific and practical seminar-meeting "Prevention of social risks and juvenile delinquency" (hereinafter referred to as the seminar-meeting), held Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University April 3 - 4, 2018 together with the All-Russian public organization " Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia« and the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Seminar-meeting co-organizers spoke City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow and National Foundation for the Protection of Children from Abuse.

The information partners of the seminar-meeting were: "Social Navigator" MIA "Russia Today" (), Internet site of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University http://mgppu.rf (), Internet site of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (), Internet site Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia, Portal http://site, site of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers ().

In a seminar-meeting in person and remotely more than 800 people from 57 subjects of the Russian Federation took part: representatives of federal and regional executive authorities implementing state policy in the field of education and the field of social protection of the population, representatives of municipalities, educational organizations, social service organizations, representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian and foreign specialists and experts in the field of childhood.

The plenary session, which was attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation T.Yu. Sinyugina, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations M.V. Gordeeva, Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation M.V. Avdeenko, as well as made plenary reports by Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation L.P. Falkovskaya, Chief Researcher of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education I.V. Dubrovina, chief researcher, head of the laboratory of the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology. V.P. Serbsky E.G. Dozortseva, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Psychology of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University N.V. Dvoryanchikov, Chairman of the Board of the National Foundation for the Protection of Children from Cruelty A.M. Spivak, Executive Director of the National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of Family Values ​​L.A. Sanatovskaya was held in an open interactive mode at the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. The speeches of the participants revealed the main tasks of the psychological service in the education system, the problems of comprehensive support for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, the basics of psychological culture and the tasks of education in a modern school, a draft model for working with adolescent risks in educational organizations, modern approaches to organizing preventive work with a child and his family and others.

Seminar-meeting on April 3 united two discussion platforms in the areas of prevention of social risks and juvenile delinquency on the basis of PPMS centers and educational organizations, as well as on April 4 six round tables, which made it possible to present scientific and practical developments in the field of preventing social risks and ensuring the safety of educational environments, to discuss the experience of implementing algorithms for interdepartmental interaction of educational organizations in the context of the juvenile delinquency prevention system, as well as the strategy of federal and regional educational policy in the field of organizing the education of children with deviant behavior . Round tables of the seminar-meeting were held on the basis of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Moscow Department of Education, the Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.


Information letter about the seminar-meeting download
Seminar-meeting program download
Resolution of the seminar-meeting download
Electronic journal "Psychological and pedagogical research", No. 3 - 2017, the theme of the issue is "Approbation and application of the professional standard" Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) "
Approbation and application of professional standards in the social sphere: implementation of models of interdepartmental interaction. The collective monograph was prepared in accordance with the instructions of the Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on Guardianship in the Social Sphere download
Recommendations for the application of the professional standard "Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)" in the adaptation mode download
Professional standard "Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)" download
Dozortseva Elena Georgievna Psychological diagnostics in the system of complex support for children and adolescents with deviant behavior download
Dvoryanchikov Nikolai Viktorovich On the development of a model for working with adolescent risks in educational organizations download
Vasyagina Natalia Nikolaevna Interdepartmental interaction in the prevention of delinquent behavior of adolescents download
Udina Tatyana Nikolaevna A model for organizing preventive work with students in the context of network interaction between the PPMS center and educational institutions and social partner organizations download
Tkacheva Olga Yurievna Service of emergency psychological assistance in the education system of Perm. Providing psychological assistance to children in crisis situations download
Samsonova Gulnara Khaydarovna The experience of the Chuvash Republic in conducting the republican caravan "Chuvashia in defense of childhood", as an effective practice in the prevention of social risks and offenses download
Galuzina Olga Alekseevna Accessible PPMS Center: ideal and real models of working with parents. download
Bannikov Gennady Sergeevich. Early detection of actual and potential risk factors for suicidal behavior in minors download
Kolchugina Lesya Gennadievna. Improving the psychological, pedagogical and informational competence of school teachers in the city of Yekaterinburg in matters of creating and maintaining a psychologically safe educational environment download
Danilenko Olga Vasilievna "School of a young psychologist" as a form of preventive and corrective work with adolescents at risk download
Gorlova Elena Leonidovna Questions of teenagers to the psychologist: the way of co-development of reflection download
Kochetova Tatyana Viktorovna Preventive work with juvenile traffic offenders as the basis for reducing the level of road traffic injuries download
Draganova Oksana Alexandrovna Psychological-pedagogical and scientific-methodological aspects of preventive work with minors

Is the quiet boy from the last desk safe?

On January 24, 2018, the first interuniversity seminar "Problems of preventing antisocial behavior in the family and school" was held. The organizers of the seminar are employees of the Laboratory for the Prevention of Antisocial Behavior of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the partners of the seminar are the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian State Pedagogical University im. Herzen, V.P. Serbian.

The past seminar was devoted to the characteristics of the school, which, on the one hand, can be risk factors for increasing school violence, and, on the other hand, on the contrary, the resource that can help in the prevention of school violence. Among the problems of school cruelty, school bullying has always been one of the first places. International studies have shown that almost 75% of teenagers who staged mass attacks and shootings in schools were previously victims of prolonged and severe bullying at school. In the context of the recent tragic events that have taken place in Russian schools, we cannot discount this factor. How a child feels at school influences a variety of indicators, from physical well-being and academic performance to a tendency to depression and anxiety and / or aggressive behavior.

The meeting began with an introductory speech by the head of the seminar, Chairman of the Scientific and Coordinating Council of the Russian Academy of Education on issues of family and childhood, academician of the Russian Academy of Education. In it, emphasizing the need for all educational practitioners to have good knowledge in the field of asocial behavior of adolescents, he gave vivid examples of how school employees tend to make mistakes in their predictions about which of their students can go down a criminal path. Characteristics of a child that are important to the teacher (for example, how noisy, distracting, or interrupting the lesson) are not really predictors of whether the child will become a murderer or an arsonist. Therefore, systematic studies of social, demographic, personal, contextual predictors of asocial behavior are necessary, on the basis of which its effective prevention will be possible.

The seminar presented the results of a study of the involvement of Russian high school students in school bullying, conducted by the Laboratory for the Prevention of Antisocial Behavior (speaker - M.A. Novikova). According to the data received, only 30% of students in grades 9-10 have never experienced bullying as victims; more than half of all respondents also acted as forwards at least once. Social correlates of bullying were shown: children from low-income families, families where only the mother works, as well as those whose parents do not have higher education, are more likely to become victims of bullying.

Separately, the characteristics of the school itself were considered: in schools where children feel less safe (both in classrooms, corridors and toilets, and in the territories adjacent to the school), where teachers are less available for emotional contact or assistance, and the rules of intra-school routine are opaque and do not act equally for all children, more children turn out to be both victims and aggressors.

The report aroused interest and many questions from the audience, among whom were leading experts in the field of child psychology and psychiatry, teachers, representatives of public organizations, as well as journalists, students and graduate students.

During the discussion that followed the report, several important directions for the further work of the Laboratory were noted. Thus, the head of the Department of Legal Psychology and Law of the Faculty of Legal Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Elena Dozortseva drew attention to the importance of continuing and in-depth study of the topic of cyberbullying, as research results show that less than 10% of children living in the capital have never been victims of online bullying.

Scientific Supervisor of the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics Isak Froumin shared his own experience as a school director in a disadvantaged area of ​​the city and the ways in which he managed to resist vandalism and cruelty even among the most difficult teenagers.

Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Education Viktor Basyuk, reminded the audience that in addition to school and family, the child also has free time (albeit less and less), additional activities, leisure and communication with friends, which can also act as prevention or risk factors for antisocial behavior.

The seminar will be of a regular nature, and will gather on one discussion platform leading psychologists, teachers, doctors and representatives of other specialties who, in the course of their work (both scientific and purely practical), regularly encounter the problems of "difficult" children and adolescents, adolescents risk groups, or those who have already committed offenses and are registered with law enforcement agencies.

Sections: social pedagogy

Preparation for the event:

  1. Prepare a presentation (Appendix 1)
  2. Preparation of an announcement-invitation to participate in the seminar (Appendix 2)
  3. Selection of literature to help speakers
  4. Prepare memos, questionnaires, etc. (Annex 3)

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector

(slide number 1)

Preventive work with students is a complex, multifaceted and time-consuming process. The specific task of the school in the field of crime prevention is to conduct early prevention, because. no other social structure is able to solve this problem. The exception is the family, however, it itself often acts as an object of preventive activity. The basis of early prevention is the creation of conditions that ensure the possibility of the normal development of children, the timely identification of typical crisis situations that arise in students of a certain age.

None of us will refute the truth - THE WAY OF A HUMAN INTO LIFE BEGINS WITH THE FAMILY. The family was, is and will be the leading social institution in the formation of personality.

Let's turn to the data of the State Statistics Committee: (slide number 2) every year 2 million children fall under the heavy hand of their parents, 50 thousand leave home, every year 500-600 thousand families break up, forming single-parent families, and almost the same number of children under the age of 18 become children of families at risk.

According to statistics, there are now 700 thousand orphans in Russia, 3.5 million children are homeless, 900 thousand are social orphans, which is 2.5 times more in percentage terms than after the war.

The average age of starting smoking and drug use is decreasing. The average age of onset of sexual relations is 11 years 4 months.

These are statistical data for Russia for 2004, at present the figures have not decreased, but increased.

This state of affairs cannot leave anyone indifferent. Only all together can fix it: the administration, teachers, and parents.

Sadly, the attitude of parents to school and teachers to the family is not always positive. These contradictions cause chronic depression on both sides and increased anxiety among students. Modern Russian society has been seized by a serious social and economic crisis. Unfortunately, today there is also a crisis in the Russian family. It is characterized by:

The emergence of youth childless families (and this is the demographic situation of population decline);

An increase in the number of incomplete families;

Violence, alcoholism in the family, the emergence of non-traditional types of families;

The deterioration of the health of family members, not only the elderly, but also the young;

Changing the traditional roles of family members, especially women. More and more Russian children find themselves in difficult life situations

The stressful situation of starting school is also a serious factor in the deterioration of health and loss of interest in learning for the student. Emotional immaturity, unformed labor and social skills of children often cause their school performance to be lower than that which corresponds to their abilities.

Timely noticed deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents and properly organized psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance can play an important role in preventing the deformation of the personality of a growing person, which leads to delinquency and crime.

/1st speaker, slide No. 3/

The moral deformation of the emerging personality and deviations in behavior are often the result of violations of the relationship with the microsphere. Friendly communication with peers is one of the main needs in adolescence and youth. As a rule, outside of school, children communicate with like-minded people, getting what they cannot get in the family and at school. / 2nd speaker, slide #6 /

Consider the most significant defects in interpersonal relationships that a child encounters in the family. / A family is a small socio-psychological group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual material and moral responsibility. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) declares that “for the full development of his personality, a child needs to grow in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.”

/3rd speaker, slide No. 4\

Most of the time children spend at school. What shortcomings in the work of the school can have a negative impact on the behavior of students.

/Slide number 5.\

“Education is the organization of activity, and the teacher is the organizer of activity,” wrote one of the classics of Russian psychology, L.S. Vygotsky / Speech by Deputy. Director of BP, slides 13-18/

The crisis of the family has practically led to the destruction of the Russian tradition - to prevent the violation of intergenerational ties. Russians have always been characterized by the desire to have as many children as "as God sends", it was observed in peasant families, and in noble, and philistine, and merchant families.

But perhaps the saddest thing is that the family, for various reasons, has become more and more removed from raising children. The truth is forgotten that the parent, figuratively speaking, is a pedagogical profession. Who, no matter how a teacher, a class teacher, a school, in our time will teach parents to build communication with their own children in a pedagogically correct way? And for this, teachers themselves must know the most important conditions for the success of family education.

/5th speaker, slide #24/

In the system of preventive activities of the school, two directions should be distinguished: general prevention measures to ensure the involvement of all students in the life of the school/slides 12, 19, 20,22/, and measures of special prevention, consisting in identifying students in need of special pedagogical attention, and conducting work with them on individual level/slides 7-11/.

Practice shows that the resources of the school for the prevention of delinquency and crime are only partially used. We deal with the prevention of deviant behavior occasionally. There is nothing to hide - this work is difficult, because at a particular stage it may not give positive results.

/slide 25/ But the walking one will master the road, so in conclusion I would like to read a parable.

One dark, rainy night, a young man needed to swim across a wide, fast river. The old fisherman gave him his boat and pointed to a barely noticeable light on the opposite bank: “Row it, son, with all your strength, row and don’t even think about lowering the oars!” And the young man swam. A strong wind blew towards him. The rain covered his eyes, and he rowed and rowed, holding the landmark in front of him. Each subsequent stroke was harder than the previous one. And suddenly he saw a big white steamer that was floating downstream. He peered into the darkness and saw another small boat floating downstream. And more... and more... It seemed that the whole world surrendered itself to the mighty flow of the river. And the young man wanted to take the oars out of the water, but the light continued to flicker before his eyes, and he again rushed to his goal. And when he was on the shore, he heard incomprehensible sounds that, as he approached the turn, became stronger and stronger ... IT WAS A WATERFALL.


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