Cycling, with the exception of some special cycling sports, involves movement on roads and streets. Actually, the bike was created for this.
We live in Kirovo-Chepetsk, so cyclists can't wait for bike paths in the foreseeable future.
Cycling on sidewalks is prohibited by the Rules of the Road (which many motorists and cyclists have not heard of) and is extremely inconvenient - pedestrians, curbs, broken glass.
On the roads and streets - from year to year increasing intensity of traffic.
Where can the poor cyclist go?
Actually, there are only two options.
The first is to ride specialized mountain bikes on empty country roads and paths when it is not too damp and not swept up by snow. But even these places will have to be reached by public roads.
The second is to ride any bike on any road, taking care of your own safety.

The road is a place of increased danger. How not to become a victim or the culprit of an accident?

First, passive safety.

Of course the bike is perfect. The chain and sprockets are not worn out, the brakes are in order, the bushings spin without constriction and play. The cables of the brakes and switches are not ragged, the jackets of the cables are clean inside. Handles (grips) on the steering wheel do not rotate. All bolts and nuts are tight. Tires correspond to the road surface and are inflated to the norm.
A bright red lantern is fixed on the back of a bicycle or on clothes, a backpack, a bright headlight with white light is in front, and orange reflectors are on the knitting needles. At the slightest deterioration in visibility, turn on the lights, do not be shy.
You have a comfortable seat. It makes no sense to ride around the city on a road bike in the lower grip - visibility is reduced, and aerodynamics in the city is clearly not in the foreground.
You are dressed in specialized cycling clothing in bright colors - both comfortable and visible from a mile away on the road. Recommended colors are lemon, yellow, orange, red, etc. And in the dark, reflective stripes shine on your clothes - front, side, back.
On the head is a bicycle helmet. On the face - sports glasses. A midge or a grain of sand in the eye on the road is dangerous.
In addition to your visibility, bright cycling clothing and a bicycle helmet tell motorists that you are on the road in earnest and for a long time. Just changing clothes from ordinary to cycling increases the lateral distance from overtaking cars on the left by half a meter. And you need it.

And now - about active safety.

Needless to say, since you are driving on the road, you have studied the Rules of the Road.
You know that, according to the Rules, in addition to the general duties established for drivers of vehicles, a cyclist must also perform the following:
24.2. Bicycles must move only in the rightmost lane in one row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

24.3. Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:
drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;
move along the road if there is a bike path nearby;
turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

But, the Rules are the Rules, but there are also unwritten laws. One of them - DDD - give way to the fool. If you are a hundred times right, but if you are right, you find yourself in a hospital bed, it will not be easier for you.
Try to see the situation on the road and anticipate its development.
A significant part of drivers still believe that since they are driving a car, and you are riding a bicycle (fool, poor peasant), they have an advantage over you, regardless of what is indicated in the traffic rules. Some still remember the clause in the old edition of the Rules, which ordered cyclists to move no further than 1m from the right side of the road.
Still others believe that since they are traveling on business, and your childhood plays on bicycles on the saddle, then you have no place on the road.
These people with a low culture, who do not know traffic rules or openly violate them, can be recognized by impatient signals behind your back or by boorish behavior on the road.

All of us - both cyclists, and motorists, and motorcyclists, and tractor drivers - need to understand: on the road we are all equal, as in a bathhouse. Regardless of what, why, and at what speed we are moving. We are all road users.

Another of your tasks is to be predictable on the road for other road users. What does it mean? So - no jerks left and right, sudden braking, rebuilding, jumping onto curbs and jumping off them. We see a hole on the road - we indicate the direction of the turn with our hand and smoothly, in advance, move to the side to bypass it, then smoothly return back.
Most often, pits, cracks, heaps of sand and debris stretch along the asphalt along the side of the road. If you drive without clinging to the side of the road, but moving closer to the middle of the right lane in advance, then there will be much less reason for wobbling when avoiding obstacles.
This will be called - perhaps more to the right. In winter, this possibly right place will be the track from the right wheel of cars. Pits, sand, snow along the roadsides do not give you the opportunity to move even more to the right.
What will a reasonable, traffic-observant driver of a car do in a situation where he drives up behind you, and you have nowhere to go to the right? Will the signals drive you off the road? Or will he try to squeeze into the narrow gap between you and the oncoming car, thereby creating a life-threatening or even emergency situation? Not at all. He will wait until oncoming cars pass, when the solid white dividing strip ends, and then calmly overtake you. Your task in this extremely common situation is to drive straight and remain calm. At the same time looking back - not all drivers are reasonable.

A few more common emergencies.

1. The car overtakes the cyclist on the left and immediately turns right, into the passage, or into the crossed street, substituting the right side. There are two outcomes. Either a collision, or you brake hard and fly over the front wheel. And then how lucky - in the car, under the car, or undershot. Clearly, the culprit is the driver. How to avoid? There is only one way out - do not drive around the city at your usual speed.

2. The cyclist moves as far to the right as possible in the right lane. There are parked cars on the side of the road. When the cyclist has caught up with the car, the driver or rear passenger opens the door and meets the cyclist in their cabin. It is clear who is to blame. But what to do? I saw a car standing by the side of the road - show a left turn signal with your hand and change lanes so that the interval from the bike to the car is a meter and a half. And don't rush, again.

3. Frequent situation on the highway Chepetsk - Kirov. The cyclist is driving in the right lane. Behind - no one. Cars are moving forward in their lane. Suddenly, one of them drives into the oncoming lane for itself, into yours, and tries to overtake the cars in front. You are bright and conspicuous, like a clown in the arena, but your presence on the road is ignored by the driver of the overtaking car. Frontal attack. Ram. You can feel like Gastello against kamikaze. Or a tank destroyer dog. But without conferring the title of Hero.
You can only save yourself by jumping to the side of the road. What else can be opposed to suicidal behavior?
To the topic. Having pulled over to the side of the road, try not to fall, stand in the sand or mud, you need to stop smoothly. Don't try to get back on the road right away. There may during this time appear behind the car. In addition, the roadway is often higher than the curb - without jumping, you will fall on your left side.

Many points were left out of the scope, but in order for everything to be in order with you on the bike, in one word it’s better not to say Kozma Prutkov: “Be careful!”.

The rules of the road still very conditionally regulate the life of a cyclist on the road. Driving normally around the city without breaking the rules is very difficult. Let's start with the fact that there is no normal bicycle infrastructure in the city. Like any Moscow cyclist, I sometimes have to break the rules. I would like not to do this, but every time I become a victim of circumstances. The most important thing to remember when you break the rules is safety first.

Sidewalk riding

Current traffic rules allow driving on the sidewalk. Of course, you must ride on the carriageway, but there is a clarification in the rules: “Cyclists are allowed to move along the sidewalk or footpath in the following cases: there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the carriageway or curb"

What is "there is no ability to move on them," the rules do not specify, so everyone can perceive it in their own way. For some, this is a parked or uncleaned roadside, but for some it’s just scary.

I often drive on the sidewalk myself. The most important thing to remember is: you drove onto the sidewalk, do not interfere with pedestrians. Remember, on the sidewalk you are a guest, and you must behave accordingly! You can not rush along the sidewalk, signaling to pedestrians. You can overtake - overtake. If people are moving in a heavy stream, ride slowly behind them or get off your bike and roll it alongside. Sometimes, I politely ask people to give way if I see that the sidewalk ahead is empty and thank you later. But once again I try not to disturb pedestrians.

Terribly infuriates when some asshole on a bicycle starts pushing pedestrians in different directions. Normal cyclists never do that.

For this, by the way, in the SDA there is also clause 24.6. “If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount”

Zebra road crossing

Here is the story. You can not run over an unregulated zebra on a bicycle. I drove up to a zebra - get off and carry the bike. What happens to assholes who run over a zebra on a bike, you can see on YouTube, a lot of videos. If the traffic light is adjustable and I see that all the cars have stopped, then such a zebra can be run over. For example, long passages through the Garden Ring. Most importantly, for a motorist, your appearance at the crossing should not be a surprise.

Crossing the road in the wrong place

Yes, you heard right, often I cross the road on a bicycle in the wrong place. This is due to the lack of normal ground crossings. It is not always possible to drag a bicycle into the underpass. You have to cross the road. For example, there is a place opposite the Bolshoi Theater, where you can cross the road in this way. There, a traffic light stops the flow of cars going to Lubyanka, and you can safely cross the road. There is no question of crossing the road where you like. All cases are unique and must be considered individually.

Oncoming driving

In exceptional cases, I consider it acceptable to drive in an oncoming lane on quiet one-way streets in the city center. It all depends on the circumstances. If it is not possible to drive safely on the road, then it is better to go to the sidewalk. But in general, it is better to never drive in the opposite direction.

Sometimes I break the rules in clause 24.8. SDA

Cyclists are prohibited from:

“to control a bicycle without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand” - it happens that I release the steering wheel to stretch my back. Ashamed.

“turn left or turn around on tramways and on roads
having more than one lane for traffic in a given direction” - sometimes I turn left, first changing lanes for turning, if it is safe and does not interfere.

Well, a few tips.

Behavior on the road

The most important rule here is that all your actions should be as predictable as possible! There should be no unexpected maneuvers on the road, especially when you are a small defenseless cyclist. Show with outstretched hand if you are going to turn. Thank the cars that let you through.

Remember that for many riders a bike on the road is still an extraordinary phenomenon. Even if you're crossing an intersection and you're on a main road, it's best to stop and make sure no one is coming, and if they do, they let you through.

Remember an important rule - if you drive along parallel parked cars, keep at least a meter away from them! Sometimes drivers open the door. This may come as an unpleasant surprise.

When driving on the road, you need to stay close to the side of the road so that you can be seen and that you do not interfere with anyone. This is not how you can do it:

3rd row of Moscow Ring Road. Photo: russo

Also remember that a car stops faster than a bike! It is very important to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of assholes on the road. I run into this all the time. Some motorists for some reason begin to honk, cut or swear at cyclists. It is completely incomprehensible what is in their head. Several times some body drove up to me and began to yell what I was doing on the road. Once it was a traffic police officer who assured that cyclists should ride on the sidewalk if life is expensive.

Take care of yourself and be careful.

The bicycle boom in the Belarusian capital began several years ago. Of course, Minsk is not Copenhagen, but all cyclists in the world have one thing in common: the requirement to comply with the traffic rules of their countries

1. Can a cyclist ride on the road?

If there is no bike path, the cyclist must ride on the sidewalk or footpath without obstructing pedestrians.

If there is no bike path, sidewalk and pedestrian zone nearby, you need to ride along the side of the road or along the edge of the carriageway. BUT! Firstly, you can go no further than one meter from the right edge of the carriageway. Driving beyond one meter is only allowed to bypass an obstacle and, in permitted cases, turn left or make a U-turn. Secondly, if there is an asphalt shoulder on the road, separated from the main carriageway by a solid white or yellow line, you need to drive without stopping at the line.

2. At what age can you ride a bike on the roads?

In pedestrian and residential areas, on sidewalks, on bicycle or pedestrian paths, you can ride at any age. But to go on the road unaccompanied by an adult is possible only from the age of 14.

3. How to pass intersections?

Cycling on the pedestrian crossing is prohibited. The cyclist must stop, get off the bike and roll it in his hands along the zebra. Exception: "green bike crossings" - places marked with special green markings. These are already being made in Minsk.

But keep in mind that according to the rules, intersections are not places where the bike path crosses the road. It is not necessary to get off the bike here, but you need to give way to all vehicles that cross the bike path.

4. What should be on the bike

At night, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility, for example, in fog, according to the rules, a lantern with a white light should be lit on a bicycle in front, and a red one in the back. The use of other light elements (reflective vests, reflectors, flickers, and others) is not regulated in traffic rules, but experienced cyclists are advised to have them. The same goes for helmets.


What not to do as a cyclist

Turn left or turn around on roads with more than one lane in each direction.

Turn left or turn around on the roads where the tram runs.

Carry passengers on the frame or on the trunk without a special seat.

Drive in snow or ice.

Carry loads that stick out more than half a meter beyond the dimensions, and loads that interfere with the control of the bike.

To pull another bicycle on a rope (except for an industrial bicycle trailer).

Ride bad bikes.

Ride a bike "without arms" or "without legs"


“When driving on the sidewalk, stay close to the roadway”

Yevgeny Khoruzhy, Chairman of the Board of the Minsk Cycling Society, shared his advice with the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

1. If we are driving along the road and need to make a maneuver or go around an obstacle (for example, a parked car), we do this. First, we show with our hand that we are turning, hold our hand for a few seconds, look back and only then turn, making sure that the path is clear. When driving around parked cars, be careful - the door may suddenly open in them.

2. The bell will help warn pedestrians of your arrival. If you do this in advance, then it will be much easier to ride on the sidewalk - try it!

3. When crossing exits from yards, do not forget that visibility in these places is often limited, and some car drivers may be inattentive. Therefore, control the situation and slow down if it seems to you that the driver may not notice you or simply not let you through.

4. When driving on the sidewalk, keep to the side closest to the roadway. So it will be calmer for you and for pedestrians. This is a general rule for laying bike lanes because pedestrians often enter buildings along the street and cross the road in much fewer places.

5. If you go around some kind of obstacle that blocks visibility, slow down and stay as far away from it as possible so as not to knock down a pedestrian or a cyclist who has left the corner. Pedestrians, too, do not drive too close, so you will not scare them and will not collide if someone suddenly steps to the side.


A cyclist is a full-fledged participant in the road traffic. Therefore, the responsibility for violations is the same as that of car drivers.

For violation of traffic rules, a cyclist can be punished with a fine of up to 450 thousand rubles. If the violating cyclist is drunk or high, or he refuses to be examined, the fine will be from 450 to 750 thousand rubles. But they cannot take away a car from a drunk cyclist, even if they catch him in this state several times: cyclists do not fall under the law on confiscation.

If the violation of the cyclist (albeit "sober") led to the creation of an emergency - a fine from 450 thousand to 1.2 million.

Well, if property is damaged as a result of an accident or the victim receives a slight bodily injury, the fine can reach 3 million rubles. The same punishment threatens a cyclist who left the scene of an accident.


Europe punishes for walking on a bike path

In all European countries, a bicycle has every right to be on the roadway, - Yevgeny Khoruzhy, chairman of the board of the Minsk Bicycle Society, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - What's more, in many countries, cycling on the sidewalk is prohibited, and you can be fined a considerable amount for this. Belarus is the only country I know where cyclists are actually equated with pedestrians, which leads to a lot of conflicts and disputes.

Some countries allow traffic on sidewalks, some allow left turns on a multi-lane road (this is a rather dangerous maneuver that requires appropriate infrastructure and driving culture of road users). Often cyclists are allowed to overtake parked or slow moving vehicles on the right hand side with caution.

Pedestrians can enter the bike path only as a last resort - if it is not possible to walk along the sidewalk, if it is impossible to move along the sidewalk, being careful and not interfering with cyclists. Unfortunately, pedestrians are not punished for being on the bike path.


According to Belarusian rules, electric bicycles are equated to mopeds, which means that you need an AM category license. But the traffic rules of European countries classify such transport as ordinary bicycles, however, subject to certain conditions.

In addition, the rules of most European countries provide signs that can allow oncoming traffic of cyclists on one-way roads (a popular solution for the main streets of many cities).

Designed not only for motorists and pedestrians, but also for cyclists. They must comply with the norms prescribed by law to prevent and interfere with other road users.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Consider what traffic rules for cyclists are in force in Russia in 2020.

What changes have taken place

In 2020, there were no changes in the rules for cyclists. But the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has prepared a draft law, according to which amendments will be made to the current regulations.

So, in Russia it is planned to allocate a line on the road for the movement of cyclists. On this lane, it will be allowed to move at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. The beginning and end of the cycle zone will be indicated by road signs.

There will also be cycle paths for cyclists and pedestrians. They will be divided into two sides. One for bicycles, the other for pedestrians.

The Ministry of Transport also offers:

  • prohibit vehicles from stopping on cycle lanes;
  • allow cyclists to turn left on a multi-lane road;
  • allow through traffic in residential areas;
  • install traffic lights on bike paths;
  • define punishment for cyclists who create dangerous situations on the road and who ride with headphones.

Obligations of a cyclist on the roadway according to traffic rules

Consider the main responsibilities of cyclists:

  1. A cyclist can ride on a bicycle path, a bicycle path, and also on the side of the road if the first two are missing.
  2. Children under the age of 14 should only ride on designated paths or sidewalks. A similar rule applies to cyclists who carry children under 7 years of age.
  3. A cyclist must manually transport a bicycle across a pedestrian crossing and act in accordance with the rules for pedestrians.
  4. On the carriageway, cyclists should move only on the right side and in a column. It is not allowed to move in two lanes.
  5. Cars and pedestrians are prioritised.

What cyclists are not allowed to do:

  • ride without hands (at least one hand must be on the steering wheel);
  • carry a load whose width exceeds 0.5 meters on the sides of the bike;
  • carry passengers on a bicycle, the design of which does not allow this;
  • transport children without special equipment;
  • cross the carriageway through a pedestrian crossing;
  • turn left or make U-turns on tram tracks or roads with multiple lanes.


Cycling seems to be a harmless activity for people and cars. But you can agree with this, provided that the rider complies with all the prescribed rules and requirements.

Compliance with the requirements reduces the risk of traffic accidents associated with traffic violations. And if they are ignored, then law enforcement officers have the right to fine the violator.

To the cyclist

The cyclist must:

  • follow the rules of the road;
  • treat other road users with respect;
  • pass pedestrians and cars;
  • keep the speed limit.


You can ride a bike at any age. But under the age of 14 it is forbidden to ride on the roadway. The child should move only on special paths or sidewalks.

At the same time, the child must drive along the sidewalk carefully, without interfering with passers-by. The responsibility for enforcing this rule rests with parents, who are required to teach their children how to ride a bicycle properly.


Paragraph 2.7 of the SDA states that it is forbidden to drive a vehicle while intoxicated. This rule also applies to cyclists.

Moreover, the responsibility for drunk driving rests not only with the cyclist himself, but also with the person who entrusted him with driving his own vehicle.

For example, if you give a bike to your friend who is intoxicated, both you and him will have to pay a fine.

attitude towards pedestrians

According to paragraph 14.1 of the SDA, the cyclist is obliged to give way to pedestrians at unregulated crossings. He, like a car driver, must slow down before crossing, then let people through and only after that continue moving.

As for riding on sidewalks, the cyclist must ride on the side so as not to interfere with pedestrians. If you need to overtake people, then a horn or voice signal is given.

To the bike

Separate requirements are put forward for bicycles. It is necessary to check the technical serviceability of the vehicle and its readiness to drive. And again, the responsibility for the moment rests with the cyclist.

In the presence of malfunctions, driving a bicycle is life-threatening. What can happen:

  • a serious breakdown of the bicycle and the subsequent fall of the vehicle, which will lead to injury to the rider;
  • breakdown of lighting devices leads to the fact that the bike becomes invisible to pedestrians and cars;
  • Serious faults increase the risk of an accident.

turn signals

When turning, the cyclist must give a hand signal so that other road users are ready to maneuver the vehicle. It is even better when special turn signals are installed on the bike, which are visible even at night.

According to paragraph 8.2 of the SDA, the turn signal must be given in advance. Approximately 10 meters away, you need to indicate to drivers that a maneuver is planned.

It is recommended that you practice signaling with your hand on a flat surface and avoid potholes before turning. It is important to remember that the arm must be extended exactly before the turn and returned to the steering wheel when performing the maneuver.


Light signals and headlights must be installed on each vehicle if it is planned to drive a bicycle at night.

At the same time, the rules also indicate the need to turn on the dipped beam headlights in the daytime. However, lights are rare on bicycles.

But that doesn't mean you can avoid fines. The traffic police inspector has the right to punish a cyclist whose vehicle has no headlights.

Technical condition

According to paragraph 2.3 of the SDA, the driver is obliged to check the technical serviceability of the vehicle before the trip. And this rule applies to cyclists. In the presence of breakdowns, as mentioned above, the risk of an accident increases.

It is forbidden to ride a bicycle with a defective brake or steering system. It is better to leave such vehicles at home so as not to become the culprit of an accident and not suffer yourself.

This rule also applies to changes in the design features of the bike. For example, many remove the brake system to make transport easier. However, such an action will cause punishment from the traffic police.

Basic traffic rules

The previously described traffic rules for cyclists are observed, unfortunately, not always. And the most common violation is driving towards vehicles. In second place is crossing the road on a bicycle.

Many people forget that at a pedestrian crossing everyone becomes a pedestrian, so you need to get off the vehicle and carry it with your hands.

Both maneuvers are very dangerous. And violation of these rules often leads to death. Particularly affected are children whose parents did not teach traffic rules.

Therefore, each person must learn the rules by heart, and parents are obliged to teach this to their children. With the right behavior on the road, an accident due to the fault of a cyclist is excluded.

So what do cyclists need to know?

  1. If there is a dedicated lane for cyclists on the road, then you need to ride only on it. In this case, you can appear on the side of the road to cross the road.
  2. If there is no bike path, then driving on the right side of the carriageway is allowed. At the same time, it is recommended to drive at a speed of no more than 25 km / h and control the situation. Listening to music with headphones can result in a missed car sound signal, so you should give up the gadget to save your life.
  3. When riding a bicycle, ideally, you need to wear a special helmet. This is especially true for children. In the event of a collision with another vehicle, the head will remain intact. The main thing is not to save on uniforms and buy only high-quality protection.
  4. Sharp maneuvers on the roadway and pedestrian zone are excluded. Any turn must be accompanied by a signal for other drivers. To do this, the arm is extended in the direction of rotation. It is important to remember that cars travel faster than a bicycle, so it is more difficult for a car to brake. And sharp maneuvers on the part of the cyclist can be fatal.
  5. Cars and pedestrians always take precedence. Therefore, they must be skipped.
  6. You can not drive in two lanes on the roadway. Cyclists should only move in columns.
  7. Turns to the left are excluded (for now, until the adoption of amendments). If you need to turn left, you should drive to a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing, get off your bike and cross the road as a pedestrian.
  8. At night, drive with your headlights on. Ideally, the cyclist should wear reflective clothing.

It is important not to forget about respect on the road. Cyclists must obey signs, road markings and be sure to reckon with car drivers.

Only careful riding, in compliance with these rules, will make cycling safe for life.

What is the penalty for violating

Cyclists are fined much less frequently than car drivers. But there is an administrative penalty, and it will not be possible to avoid it in case of serious violations.

Each road user is obliged to comply with traffic rules, and is also responsible for his own and other people's lives.

Fines for cyclists are small. So, for violation of any traffic rule, according to (paragraph 2), a penalty is expected in the form of a fine in the amount of 800 rubles.

This includes a technical malfunction of the vehicle, lack of lighting devices, incorrect behavior on the road, etc.

You will have to pay a little more for driving a bicycle while intoxicated. According to article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (paragraph 3), drunk driving is punishable by a fine of up to 1,500 rubles.

But there is another article of the Code that applies to cyclists. It has paragraph 1 states that for interfering with other vehicles and pedestrians, you will have to pay a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles. For example, if a cyclist does not move along the outer lane, but along the road itself, which prevents the movement of cars.

Paragraph 2 of the same article indicates the actions of a cyclist that caused harm to people's health. In this case, the severity is from light to medium. And you will have to pay a fine for this. 1500 rubles.

Do not forget about other types of responsibility for drivers. So, if a cyclist violated the rules and caused damage to someone else's property (car), then you will have to pay the cost of repairs.

Summer is coming soon. You and your children will go rollerblading, scooters, bicycles. Each parent, before explaining to the child where he can ride according to the traffic rules, must find out for himself whether it is possible to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks, on the road.

Now the laws change almost every day, and it will take a lot of time to follow them. In this article, I will tell you whether a cyclist can ride on sidewalks and where he generally has the right to ride.

Basic concepts you need to know

The wording accurately says “TC,” which means that all the rules that apply to cars also apply to bicycles.

If you are riding a bicycle, you are a direct participant in the traffic, and you are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk, and if you are walking next to a bicycle, then you are a pedestrian.

Where can you ride a bike?

Since 2014, there are six points where you can cycle through:

Over 14 years old:

  1. Extreme right lane;
  2. roadside;
  3. Sidewalk.

You need to look from top to bottom, that is, if there is no bike path, then you should drive on the rightmost lane of the road. If you can’t go there either, then you can go along the side of the road, and if it is busy or not, then you are guided by the fourth point - the sidewalk!


  • You can drive along the road if the width of the load is more than one 100 cm;
  • If you are traveling in a group, then you can go along the road.

Since 2014, dedicated lanes for cyclists have been equipped. And since 2015, cyclists have received the right to ride in dedicated lanes on the road!


Traffic police officers are quite loyal to cyclists, but the law provides for fines for them too!

If you look closely at this wording, then any violation that the cyclist made should be punished by a fine of 800 rubles. If he was not sober, then a fine from one thousand rubles to one thousand five hundred rubles!

Fines for cyclists cannot be compared with fines for motorists. For the latter, driving while intoxicated is fifty thousand rubles!

Despite the fact that there are fines for cyclists, they are rarely fined in Russia.

In Poland, prisons are overflowing with drunken cyclists

Ride a bike, have fun and do not violate traffic rules!

This story happened to my friend. (Further narration from his face)

Once I went on a bike ride with my friends. On the first day we had planned to get to Ryazan. It is not far. We all already had a lot of experience in such events. I alone have a decade of cycling experience behind me.

When we were not far from Voskresensk, a traffic cop stops us and starts telling us that we have no right to drive along the highway. We begin to tell him that we are moving in a group, that we have good reason for this, but he claims that we still have to drive along the side of the road. As a result, we argued with him for about five minutes, then we realized that he just needed money. We chipped in and it turned out that the nine of us gave him five thousand rubles.

We continued the route, reached Ryazan, stopped there for a couple of days, drove around the city and drove further towards Ufa through Penza.

It also happens that sometimes they stop and just take the money, although my friends tried to tell him something, but the traffic cop did not even want to listen to them.