Most of the well-known in the past and modern predictors predict difficult and terrible times for the coming year. But at the same time, their prophecies indicate that the opportunity to avoid all the horrors of this terrible time is associated with the arrival of the Russian Tsar. It all depends on which path the Russian people choose. Will he accept a new worldview or will he stick to the old vicious system that leads humanity to inevitable death?


- Father Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What can we expect?

— Then there will be a military man.

- Soon?

- ... His power will be linear. But his age is small, and he himself. There will be persecution of the Chernorizians and the Church. Power will be like under the communists and the Politburo.

- And after that there will be an Orthodox Tsar.

- Will we survive, father?

— You something - yes.


Batiushka said that the world is not going to salvation, but to its imminent death. When Boris Yeltsin was still in power, the priest said: “He did nothing good, but he does not touch the Church either, and this is the main thing. And after him he will be young, he will generally confuse everything ... Everything will be done cunningly and cunningly ... And then it will begin such that only God will figure it out. ... You will all return to manual labor.”

Note. Apparently, the whole civilization with its technical progress will be destroyed, since instead of machines, people will work manually.


"After the reign of the Marked Bear (Mikhail Gorbachev), the second titan "Giant" (Boris Yeltsin) will appear in Rus'. In the last years of his reign, the Giant (Boris Yeltsin) will wander through the maze, and a dwarf with a black face (Vladimir Putin) will sit on his shoulders. Titan (Boris Yeltsin) will leave in such a way that no one will expect it (sudden and unexpected departure at the end of 1999 of Boris Yeltsin from the post of President of Russia).

A dwarf with a black face (Vladimir Putin) will be like a man with a helmet and a visor, half bald, half hairy, his eyes cast green and swampy, long-nosed. He will be in power when he has two fives and will sit on two tables (two positions - President and Prime Minister). He will not be loved by the people, but he will be able to rally a great force around him. And there will be blood associated with the fall of the green-eyed helmet-bearer. Then he (Vladimir Putin) will be cast into the abyss.”

Note. A dwarf with a black face means a person who has black and bad thoughts displayed on his face, but he will pretend to be a bright and good person.

A man with a helmet and a visor means a man with hidden thoughts, having plans that he hides from everyone, prone to deceiving people.

Long-nosed means a person who directs all his strength to ensure that no one says or does anything against him, and for this he sticks his long nose into all spheres of people's lives.

The prophets are talking about the return under Putin of communism (in terms of its methods being similar to those of the communists) at its worst with surveillance, jailing of innocents and protesters. The only difference is that the communists justified their methods by the national interests of the Soviet Union, while Putin and his entourage act in the interests of transnational corporations and outright enemies of Russia. Russia's national interests are alien to the Kremlin's liberal leadership. Putin's dictatorship is still relatively soft, but it will be much worse in the future (for example, the so-called repressive package of Yarovaya laws, which was sent to the State Duma from the table of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation).

The prophets directly said about Putin that "the beast will wake up in him." And this

it is logical, because when the economy reaches its complete collapse, as a result of which the people become impoverished (freezing pensions and salaries, curtailing social programs), the ruler turns into a dictator in order to stay in power. The indignation of the people with the mediocrity of the ruler can only be suppressed by force. Moreover, the use of force against the people is justified by the use of force for the good of the people and for the sake of saving the country. In fact, it is necessary to save the country from the dictator himself, because nothing can harm the country more than the mediocrity of the dictator.


“The Lord will so blind their minds that they will destroy each other with gluttony. The Lord will allow it on purpose to do a big purge. As for the one who rules the country, he will not last long, and what is happening now will not be long, and then immediately the war. …There will be a big carnage. Only the dead will be about 600 million people ... ".


“There will be a big famine. There will be no electricity, no water, no gas. Only those who grow their own food will have a chance to survive. China will go to war against us and take all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will be in charge in the Far East. Russia will be torn apart. A terrible war will begin... Russia will remain within the borders of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. ... The authorities will literally go berserk. There will be such a famine that those who have accepted the "seal" will eat the dead. And most importantly - pray and hurry up to change your life so as not to live in sin, since there is no time left at all ... ".


“In 2017, humanity will perish. Pray, bad times are coming, pray. The end is near. Do less of the chores of life. Turn to God, save your soul. You don't know what awaits you. Such sorrows await you, which you do not know what awaits you ... There will be many victims, all the dead will lie on the ground ... ".


“... The collapse of Russia, despite the apparent strength and rigidity of the authorities, will happen very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples will be divided ... After that, the central power in Russia will become even more weakened, so that autonomous republics and regions will separate. Then there will be even greater collapse: the authorities of the Center will no longer actually recognize individual regions that will try to live independently, and will no longer pay attention to Decrees from Moscow. ... The country will lose the main deposits of raw materials ... The Lord will allow the loss of huge lands granted to Russia, because we ourselves could not adequately use them, but only polluted, spoiled ... The Slavic peoples have a common destiny ... ".


“There will be great sorrow when the servants of the Antichrist will deprive believers of food, work, pensions ... There will be groaning, crying and much more ... Many will die ... There will be terrible hunger ... There will be no food, no water, unspeakable heat, remorse by animals, at every step strangled men will hang... The Russian people will be strangled by all means. There will be so many suicides in our country. Still ahead. Hunger, and with hunger - cannibalism! War…

Terrible misfortunes will befall Russia, many cities will be destroyed by the Lord Himself, although all churches will be opened. This government will change... These communists will be back!.. What a capitalist, what a communist, everyone takes care of himself... Only the Tsar cares about the people. God will choose him! And almost all the people, the people now spoiled, will choose the Antichrist for themselves! .. There is no need to save money, they will be lost ...

Many people will not be able to endure this, and because of the loss of their money they will hang themselves and lay hands on themselves... There will be even greater persecution of our Faith... They will even take taxes from icons!.. All evil spirits will take up arms against Russia, against true Orthodoxy. ... The Antichrist in Russia will come to power and begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will reveal his Tsar in Russia. He will be of the royal family and will be a strong defender of our Faith! .. A lot of people from all over the earth will gather to serve this King.


“... The Lord does not promise anything good, we will not get anything ... War, everyone will be in war ... many people will be killed ... The dead are properly laid, and we will have to turn somersaults. There will be no one to bury, so they will dump them in a pit and bury them... A bad life will come... There will be a big famine, there will be no bread - we will divide the crust in half... A crop failure will begin... There will be a big uprising. Too bad we made it to the end of the world. Now there is a little left... They will start persecuting, taking away... First they will take away the books, and then the icons. The icons will be taken away… no one will give you a piece of bread.”

Reverend Lavrenty of Chernigov:

“... Such a world war will be that no one will be left anywhere, except in the gorge ... Christians will be killed or exiled to desert places ... This disaster will last three and a half years.”


“Terrible disasters are coming to earth: fire, famine, death and destruction, and who can avert them! And this time is very close, do not listen to anyone if they say that there will be peace, no, there will be no peace, there will be war. And then there will be a terrible famine. And where does it all go! There will be nothing to eat, and death awaits people from hunger. The people will be sent to the east, but not a single soul will return, they will all die there. From famine there will be a terrible death, and whoever remains alive will die from pestilence. This contagious disease has no cure. It was not in vain that the holy prophet Ezra said: woe, woe for you, our land, one grief will pass, a second, a third, etc. will come.


“Was it a war (World War II). There will be war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl into Russia. This is going to be a war!


“This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them ... People will run from place to place.


“... Cities will be a terrifying sight. Even those that avoid total destruction, deprived of water and electricity, heat and food supply, they will resemble huge stone coffins, so many people will die. Gangs will endlessly commit their atrocities, even during the day it will be dangerous to move in the city. At night, people will gather in large groups in order to try to live together until morning.

Sunrise, alas, will not herald the joy of a new day, but the grief of the need to live this day. Do not think that peace and prosperity will reign in the countryside. Poisoned, disfigured, incinerated by drought or flooded with downpours, fields will not produce the required harvest. There will be an unprecedented loss of livestock and people, unable to bury the animals, will leave them to decompose, poisoning the air.

The peasants will suffer from the attacks of the townspeople, who, in search of food, will disperse to the villages, ready to kill a person for a piece of bread. Yes, for this piece, which now does not climb into their throats without seasonings and sauces, blood will flow. Cannibalism will become commonplace. By accepting the seal of Antichrist, humanity will erase all boundaries of morality. For the villagers, the night is also a period of special fear, because this time will be with the most cruel robberies. And you need not only to survive, but also to save property for work, otherwise starvation also threatens.

The people themselves, as in the city, will also be the objects of hunting. From the side it will seem that antediluvian times have returned. Every large city is a desecration of nature, and it will become a source of disaster for people. First, a source of misfortune, and then a common coffin of those who lived in it. China will overwhelm most of Russia. Yellow will be all the lands beyond the mountains and after them. The yellow invasion is not the only one. There will be a black invasion - hungry Africans stricken with incurable diseases will fill our cities and towns ... Lately, everyone and everything will be in evil.

Banks will burst to bring people to their knees. And they will burst overnight ... And in the daytime it will be dangerous to be on the street because of gangs of robbers. They will die akin to urban stray animals - without confession, without Communion, without a funeral service, even without coffins. It will not be so easy to even bury the bodies in the cemetery, the corpses will lie in the houses for days, until relatives and friends can negotiate with the bandits who control the resting places. Therefore, as always in difficult times, graves will begin to appear in courtyards, squares, wherever possible.

They will bury secretly there, trying to hide the grave, because at night crowds of the most fallen cannibals - scavengers will wander in the city in the hope of profiting from carrion ... Cattle will disappear, there will not be enough food for her life, and water. The rivers will either dry up or turn into sewers exuding a deadly miasma. The same will happen with lakes, ponds… Inland seas will also die, and it will be impossible to live near them. Rotting floating fish, marine animals, hydrogen sulfide rising from the bottom will bring unexpected death to the inhabitants of the coast.

Here is your hunger. He is always terrible, but like this the earth has not yet seen - there will be no bread, no water, no gospel love and compassion. Such will be the sad result of human immoderation, following one's passions. The famine of the last time will be even worse - the hope for the best will go away. Previously, people knew that it was worth somehow holding out by the grace of God, you see, from the new harvest you would leave, you would improve your strength. Now this will not happen, faith in God will disappear, and faith in the best will also disappear.

The calculation will be only on their own strength, on how to survive at the expense of their neighbor. As in besieged Leningrad, bandits pulled out bread cards from people, or took them away by force, dooming a person, and sometimes a whole family, to starvation, so now they will steal and take away food. And kill. Siberia will be completely yellow. Far East Japanese. And for Siberia, for its oil and gas, gold, etc., all the battles will not even be with ours, but with the Americans ... The whole south will burn, Slavic blood will be shed! Everyone, you hear Father, everyone will have to endure moral, spiritual and physical torment during these years.

Vasily Nemchin: After the “reign of the Marked Bear”, a “second titan”, the “Giant”, will appear in Rus'. In the last years of his reign, the Giant "wanders through the labyrinth", and "a dwarf with a black face" will sit on his shoulders. "The Titan will leave in a way that no one will expect it." “a dwarf with a black face” will be like: “a man with a helmet and a visor, half bald, half hairy, his eyes cast green and swampy, long-nosed.” “He will be in power when he has two fives, and will sit on two tables” “he will be an unsociable people, but he will be able to rally a great force around him” “and there will be blood associated with the fall of the green-eyed helmet-bearer. Then he will be thrown into the abyss"

Yandex PHOTO

Commentary: Nikita Mikhalkov made a film about Putin "55"."Sit on two tables" - Putin sat at the tables of the President and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, that is, he changed one table to another. “And there will be blood associated with the fall of the green-eyed helmet-bearer. Then he will be thrown into the abyss” - The President of the Russian Federation loves alpine skiing and the Russian Air Force, where he rides or flies in a helmet here and there. Suffice it to recall the famous flight with the Siberian Cranes of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Putin ...

Archpriest Nikolai (Talabsk Island, September 1997):After Yeltsin there will be a military man. His power will be linear, but his age is small, and he himself. There will be persecution against Chernorizians and the church. Power will be like under the communists and the Politburo.

Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin, died 04/06/1982) from Rakitnoye (1977):“During the memorable conversation, a young woman from a Siberian city was present. The elder said to her: “You will accept martyrdom at the hands of the Chinese in the stadium of your city, where they will drive the Christian inhabitants and those who disagree with their rule.” This was an answer to her doubts about the words of the elder that almost all of Siberia would be captured by the ChineseThe elder said that the collapse of Russia (1977. He, like Wang, called the USSR - Russia), despite the seeming strength and rigidity of power, would happen very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples will be divided, then the union republics will fall away: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldavia. The biggest tragedy will be the capture of Siberia by China. This will not happen by military means: due to the weakening of power and open borders, the Chinese will begin to move to Siberia in droves, buying up real estate, enterprises, and apartments. Through bribery, intimidation, agreements with those in power, they will gradually subjugate the economic life of the cities. Everything will happen so that in one morning the Russian people living in Siberia will wake up in the Chinese state. The Chinese will brutally crack down on any attempt at resistance."

Commentary: Everything is going to this. One day in Russia, people will wake up, and the power in the city has passed to the Chinese, who for the time being pretended to be guest workers.Let's wait and see if Russia "survives" within its current borders until 2022. The United States is already "banking" on the Maidan of the city of Kyiv, and China, according to Twitter, has set out to invest BILLIONS of dollars in Crimea. The United States is replacing Siberia with its debt to China, the Far East and the Kuril Islands with its debt to Japan, other US countries will forgive their debts. Under his protectorate, of course. And Putin will be left with the Principality of Moscow, since on the maps of China from the 5th century A.D. there was no such country as the Russian Federation. I hope you are aware of why and how a dispute arose over Damansky Island during Soviet times? If not, read on..

News from 05/27/2014 - The Deputy Chairman of the People's Republic of China proposed to import Chinese collective farmers to Siberia

Vanga (1993): “... Near the red wall, on the same square, the dead Vladimir is taken out and buried. Living Vladimir will be brought and imprisoned. There was a crypt, now there is a prison. And they will keep him there during the day tied to the bedAnd the bed will not be a bed at all, but an oil barrel so that he cannot lie on it, but can only sit. And so that he does not die on the iron, they will heat that barrel with gas, like a pan on the stove.And there will be a queue. Look at him. But not for money. Everyone who enters into the sitting one will spit. And the prisoner will only be given bread, no water will be given. He will drink human saliva instead of water. And dab the bread with salt from your forehead.But other people will not only spit, but also throw heavy hours at the inmates. And those of them that are decorated with diamonds will hurt painfully. And his skin and soul. After all, he knew many throwers and raised them from the mud.And sad will be the fate of those who arrived in an expensive car and did not throw an expensive watch at the living Vladimir ... "

Seeing your face in a dream as smooth, clean and pleasant in appearance means well-being and prosperity in business. Beautiful to see your face in a dream is a sign of reconciliation and success in business. If you dream that in a dream your face has become indecently beautiful, then try to give up bad habits and avoid doing things that you may later be ashamed of. Looking at your face in a dream means that you need to make a decision on an issue that is of great importance for your future. A face soiled in mud in a dream is a sign of shame. Seeing your face in a dream as unlike yourself means that something will change in your life so much that you yourself will be surprised and wonder: "are you this?". The same applies to a dream in which you will see the face of another person unlike him. To see many faces around you - to change. Change will be good if the faces around you are beautiful or happy. If the faces in a dream are terrible and frighten you, then expect losses, disappointments and beware of the machinations of enemies. Seeing the face of a familiar person staring at you up close in a dream means that that person does not trust you and is trying to find out more about you before becoming your partner or just getting close to you. A dream in which you saw that your spouse (or spouse) is very beautiful (a) and has a beautiful, healthy complexion, then happiness and prosperity await you. Seeing in a dream a stranger with a swarthy face portends success in business. If in a dream you see a woman with a very dark face, then a serious illness awaits you. Seeing a smiling face in a dream means that you have true friends and soon you will receive good news from them. An interesting face to see in a dream is a harbinger of dissatisfaction with oneself, illness or poverty. Seeing your face pale in a dream is a sign of weakness in your spirit or an unenviable position in which you will forget what laughter is. However, just as pallor often passes quickly, so your situation will soon change for the better, and joy will return to your home. To see the face of an enemy or rival pale in a dream means that his affairs are going very badly and you had a hand in this. Rejoice. But your triumph will not last long. Seeing a face through glass is a sign of good change or success in business. Tinting your face in a dream is normal only for women. For men, such a dream predicts shame and shame.

Washing yourself with water in a dream is a sign of good health, good spirits and longevity after long disappointments and regrets about your unfortunate lot. Spots on your face in a dream are a sign of shame and humiliation that you will be subjected to due to the frivolous actions of your children or loved ones. Seeing your face ugly in a dream is a sign of anxiety, worries. Hiding your face and covering something in a dream is a sign that your conscience is unclean. Such a dream warns you that you should not embark on risky adventures or activities in order not to get caught. Sometimes such a dream predicts bad news.

Covering someone's face in a dream or seeing it covered is a sign of that person's death. To dream of people who do not want to turn to face you portends failure due to the ill will of your loved ones or business partners. Seeing your face reflected in the water is a harbinger of misfortune for your loved ones; such a dream can threaten you with death. The same thing means a dream in which you will see someone else's face reflected in the water. Seeing in a dream the reflection of your face in the mirror is a harbinger of profit or addition to the family. See interpretation: blush, mirror, makeup.

Interpretation of dreams from

What do the prophecies say about the coming days of Rus'?

A small man with a black face will be half bald, half hairy. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then he will play the role of a servant. He will come from a southern family. He will change appearance twice. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. There will be a war in the Prometheus Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third Tauride war - a crescent moon will appear there and the torn Taurida will bleed. And then they will put an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he, along with his retinue, will be declared impostors and driven from Rus'. Demons rushing to power will hopelessly smash against a bear's head and paws into which the spirit of the Russian ancestors will be embodied.

Who is this dark-faced man of small stature, sitting on the shoulders of the Giant, who played the role of a servant, from a southern family, who changed his appearance twice? This character is very similar to Vladimir Vladimirovich - a man a little shorter than Boris Nikolayevich, whom Boris Nikolayevich brought into politics, to whom he probably constantly gave some advice, that is, he seemed to hold him on his shoulders. Everyone is watching - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is sitting in the Kremlin, but in fact ALL the people around Putin are people placed by Boris Nikolayevich. That is, Yeltsin retained all the levers, and Putin, by and large, sits in an empty cab and portrays the driver. Hence the analogy: "sitting on the shoulders of the Giant."

With the twice-changing appearance of Vladimir Vladimirovich, everything is clear at first glance: two presidential terms are, as it were, two appearances, two changes of face. But why is Vladimir Vladimirovich's face described as "dark"? There is a suspicion that the prophet from the depths of the 18th century could not see this face. It was blurred. Mysterious. For example, the prophet could see several "Vladimirov Vladimirovich" - twins. Hence the darkness. Hence the change of faces: first, one person is shown on TV, then his double.

On the other hand, a change in appearance is also a change in image, a change in rhetoric.

How did Vladimir Vladimirovich come to Olympus? Vladimir Vladimirovich promised to “kill terrorists in the toilet”, which meant bad people from the North Caucasus who offend the Russian people. And the Russian people voted for Vladimir Vladimirovich. And before 2004, what did Vladimir Vladimirovich answer to a resident of the North Caucasus who asked about the Russians? Vladimir Vladimirovich said: these are fools. Here is the face change. He was, as it were, for the Russians - but he became for the "Russians".

Finally, Nemchin's words about the "southern family" of Vladimir Vladimirovich and his performance of the "servant role" give some hints both to the past and to the future of Putin. Hints on the past - this is a mysterious story with the Georgian mother of Vladimir Vladimirovich, which has not yet been proven in any way, but has not been refuted in any way. Allusions to the future are hints at the premiership of Putin, who was president and then became prime minister - that is, as if in the role of a servant of the next president.

Who are the "dog children" and "demons striving for power" we believe it is not necessary to explain - and so everyone understands everything. As follows from the prophecies, the demons will be torn apart by some "bear paws". These paws are also mentioned by Nemchin, Abel, and St. Basil the Blessed, and even in some texts by Rasputin. That is, in the book, written by the hand of Abel himself and carefully kept by the Cheka-KGB-FSB, these bear paws are present unequivocally. The question arises: what should demons do, rushing to power and possessing knowledge of their shitty future (the archives of the KGB of the USSR are at their complete disposal)? The demons have no choice but to continue to "dress up in disguise", that is, after the disguise of the Democrats, to pull on the skin of this legendary bear, thereby, as it were, inverting the prophecy in their favor. And what do we see? We see the emergence of the Unity party, which was suddenly renamed “The Bear” from some business, taking the bear as a symbol. We see a "successor" with a suitable last name - Medvedev. Accident?

No, this is not an accident. This is cause and effect. The reason is the mention in the prophecy of "bear paws". The consequence is the renaming of "Unity" and the appearance in the Kremlin of Mr. Menachem Medvedev - an infantile young man who did not do physical labor for a single day, did not serve in the army and is a 14-year-old teenager by psychotype, that is, by the very same "unintelligent young man", who will be moved "to the kingdom."

Actually, they are already moving - we see. The impostor will be expelled from Rus', along with his retinue. Although with regard to the retinue, it will be a little slow. The retinue will twitch, cling to power. If you believe the prophecies and objective reality (and we believe in both), the fate of the retinue will be gloomy.

Yeltsin was recognized first (Globa's first texts with references to Nemchin appeared as early as 1988, if not earlier). Then Putin was recognized. Now the turn of the “unintelligent youth” Menachem has come. Who do we recognize next?


According to Vasily Nemchin, the new century will begin under the sign of the Great Renewal. But after a quiet period, "ten kings for an hour" will come, who will rule for eight months. Here they are:

1. "A man with a helmet and visor", not revealing his face. Nemchin calls him “a faceless image, a sword-bearer. He will be in power when he has two fives. He had a mortal wound, but it is healed. He fell, but got up again. Then he will be thrown into the abyss."

2. “The other will be long-nosed. He will not be loved by the people, but he will be able to rally a great force around him.

3. "A man sitting on two tables will seduce five more like him, but on the fourth step of the ladder they will fall ingloriously."

5. Tagged will even return for a while.

"Five boyars close to the tsar will be put on trial":

6. The first is the judge;

7. The second boyar flees abroad and will be caught there;

8. The third will be the governor;

9. The fourth will be red;

10. The fifth boyar will be found dead in his bed.


According to Nemchin's prophecy, this will be a difficult time for Russia. But then someone will appear whom he calls "The Great Horseman" and "The Short-Righting Great Sovereign." This is a determined person, “new” to the country. With him, relative calm will come, but only for two years, because the “horseman” will be killed or he will die in a terrorist attack. After him, a certain “golden-haired wife of great stature” will come to power, or maybe his wife. But she will also not be in power for long - she will leave herself. Finally comes the "Great Potter".


The "Great Potter" has another name - "The Lame Potter". In this name are signs of physical appearance and profession. With him, Nemchin connects the "new monarchy" and the "golden age" of Russia. He is destined for "a long and blessed reign." Nemchin sometimes even calls him a "magician", an esotericist who owns secret knowledge. Judging by the prediction, Russia under his rule will not only be reborn, but will also be, as it were, molded anew. There must also be an unification of 15 leaders who will create a new state. And we, as I recall, had 15 republics that were part of the USSR. And the full flowering of Russia will begin after 2025.

We just need to check how accurate these predictions are. And to note in parentheses that the prophet somehow bypasses the question of who will replace the current president in this decade, although in one of the variants of Nemchin’s predictions circulating on the Internet, the Swift Sovereign could come immediately after the current ruler, not postponing it for a whole decade. Well, let's wait and see...

One can believe or not believe all sorts of predictions, but it is simply impossible not to see the fact that Russia needs a new leader.

Alexey Navalny, has rapidly entered the arena of political struggle and is confidently pushing one-faced representatives cemented into its foundation.

37 is long gone, but the principles of "the work of power" taken as a basis are veiledly visible in modern Russia. And the People, the people are still the same patient and inert, everything is still "harnessing for a long time." But the time has come! It's time to go! And judging by recent events, Russia is waking up and the Russians will win again!

And the rider on the white horse - of course, Alexei Navalny ... it is he who is fighting the real snake of our time - corruption. And just on the coat of arms of Moscow, in the form of a rider on a white horse, George the victorious is depicted striking a fallen serpent with a spear.

So, we can say that the history of Russia goes in a certain spiral and the time for change is coming. And I would call this time - the time of the victory of the white horseman.

The rider on a white horse is a symbol of the Moscow kingdom and a symbol of Russia. It depicts a certain ancient archetype of the "White Rider" fighting the "Black Serpent". It contains a symbolic visual image of the legend of the struggle of the ancient Slavs, in the form of their gods Svarog and Svarozhich, with some absolute evil, acting in the form of the "Great Black Snake". In the image of the Rider on a white horse, Prophetic Oleg appears in ancient Rus', going to battle with the Khazar Khaganate, whose main cult was the worship of the Serpent. It should be clarified that the battle of the Prophetic Oleg with the Serpent manifests itself not only on the human (military), but also on the magical level. The multiple repetition of the same plot - the struggle of the White Horseman with the Serpent runs through the entire history of the peoples and tribes that inhabited the territory of modern Russia as a red line. After the baptism of Rus', this ancient Slavic archetype was transformed into the image of St. George the victorious Serpent.

Good evening, dear site visitors!
For the first time in my life, I will now try to write down what happened to me, so I'm a little worried. I'll try to write more coherently.
I spent all my childhood in the Children's Health City (DOG). It's 2 in 1! Kindergarten and camp. My parents worked in this town, and my sister and I were taken there every summer. There were many people like me and my sister (who came with their parents). We did not belong to either the camp or the children. garden, were, as it were, on their own. We could go for walks wherever we wanted, go to bed whenever we wanted, yes, in general, a lot of privileges. It was a good place ... The whole town was located in a pine forest, fresh air, a river, everything, ... but sometimes strange and inexplicable phenomena occurred there. The story I'm about to tell is probably the scariest paranormal thing that's happened to me in my 26 years.
I was then (I think) 11 years old. It all happened on a warm summer evening. Still light. Somewhere about 8 hours. We decided with a friend (also Nastya, by the way) to take a walk around the territory of the kindergarten. We had a gate in the garden overlooking a small field and forest (in the evening there were no people there). If you go through this gate and go along the perimeter of the fence, you will get to the main gate of the kindergarten.
We went to our evening promenade and, not having time to walk 150 meters, we saw in front of some uncle coming out of a small forest (planting pines). I want to note that at that time, our parents scared us: “if you see villagers, run away: they will rape you, beat you, but you never know what else they can do!” I don’t know where our parents had such thoughts from, but at that time we were really afraid of strangers coming from a neighboring village.
And since the uncle was walking towards us, we decided to go back to the gate, wait for him to pass, and continue our walk. We returned, we stand near the gate, we wait, and along the way we look at it. And, it seems, everything would be fine, the man is like a man, he goes with a bag, collects something in it (it seemed to me that the bottles), but he has a black face. We began to assume that it was a mosquito net, smeared with something, God knows what else it could be, but unusual.
And so, when this uncle was at a distance of approximately 10-15 meters from us, he sat down to pick up his next find. A friend turned away in the other direction, and I stood and looked at him, trying to understand why his skin was black on his face (I warn you right away: NOT A NEGRO, and there was no mosquito net there in the end). Moreover, the color is so uniform ....
And at this moment, he, squatting, raises his head in our direction and begins to growl. We immediately took off and ran to the territory of the kindergarten. When we ran a decent distance, I turned back. And through the cracks in the fence (a high concrete fence; each slab consists of 3 prefabricated parts) I saw (heard) that he was still sitting in the same place and continued to growl. I want to say that the roar was somehow unnatural. And a person cannot repeat this, and I have not heard this in animals.
In general, we ran to our hostels in tears and snot, and my laughter also broke through to something. Probably, all this could be attributed to some insane person who decided to paint his face black and go growling to himself enough. BUT! At that moment, when we ran to the hostels, two more of our friends ran out to meet us in the same chaotic state as we were. As it turned out later, these two girls also decided to take an evening walk, but from the other side. They decided to go through the main gate, go around the fence and return through the gate (it turns out that we were walking towards each other). And the same situation happened to them, but, it turns out, in a different place, but at the same time.
When the emotions subsided a bit, our guys got together, took the dog and asked me to show them the place where everything happened. Going out the gate, I was only able to point my finger: “Over there!” The legs did not go, and I did not want to approach the place where this something was sitting. The guys began to drag the dog, Sheriff, to this patch (I don’t know why, maybe in order to take the trail), but the dog rested with all four paws, howled, and did not come closer.
This is what happened to me once! Even now, it's scary to remember. As a small afterword: Nastya had almost a nervous breakdown, she was treated for a long time with valerian or something similar, and after what happened, I was buggy for another two weeks. So much so that I woke up in the middle of the night and, as if in reality, I saw him at the foot of my bed. After about 20 seconds, the hallucination passed, but this did not make it any easier.