Omsk city. Placement of evacuated enterprises. Omsk region during the Great Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War. Omsk industry during the Great Patriotic War. Stream method. The problem of industrial personnel. Monument to the home front workers. Growth of production of the Omsk industry during the war years. Omsk region. All for the front, all for victory. Providing the front with everything necessary.

"Soviet aircraft" - Simplicity and accessibility in management. Air Marshal (May 6, 1985). IL-2. Kozhedub, Ivan Nikitovich. I-16 (above) I-15 (below). Aircraft Kozhedub. Shot down 59 enemy aircraft personally and 6 - in the group. Air Marshal (1972). Time does not wait. High maneuverability and strong armament. The pilot is one of the most romantic and at the same time dangerous military professions. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1942. MiG-3. Yak-1b - the result of phased work to improve the Yak-1 in 1942

"Military equipment of the Second World War" - Tiger. Tula Tokarev. Tank gun. Mosin rifle. DP. MG-08. Reich Minister for Armaments. Machine gun "Maxim". Machine gun of the Second World War. Soviet single-engine fighter aircraft. Factory. KOR-2. Science and technology in the Second World War. Pe-2. Simonov automatic rifle. Tank Pz.Kpfw.V "Panther". Faustpatron. Technical characteristics of the heavy tank IS-3. PPD-34/38/40. Fast tanks. Tank T-70. Government of Germany.

"Clothes of the Great Patriotic War" - About the military uniform. What did WWII uniforms look like? Clothing of that era. Illustrations for "Vasily Terkin" by A. Tvardovsky. Stills from films about the Great Patriotic War. Photo of Dasha Veselova's relatives who fought in the Second World War. Interview processing. Types of military uniform. WWII warrior clothing. Stages of work on the project. Illustrations for the book by V. Kataev "Son of the Regiment".

"Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War" - The famous 316th Rifle Division under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov and Regimental Commissar A.S. Yegorov played a big role here. Baurzhan Momyshuly. The production of liquid fuel at the enterprises of the Ural-Emba oil-producing region increased by 39%, and electricity generation almost doubled. "Two-thirds of the casualties are among the civilian population. The victory aroused a sense of national pride and self-confidence among the people.

"Soviet rear during the war" - Labor feat of the Trans-Urals. CD-ROM. Write a cinquain. From the Kremlin to the Reichstag. Intelligence. V.L. Komarov. Soviet rear during the war. Workers. Everything for the front. Poster by V. Koretsky. Brothers and sisters. M.I. Toidze. K.M. Simonov. Write a short note. Kukryniksy. Illustrations. Science and artistic culture during the war. We know from the confused and difficult stories about the bitter victorious path. Write a miniature essay.

The German attack on the USSR required the country to transfer the economy to a military footing, i.e. development and maximum expansion of military production. It was envisaged to transfer the economy to a military footing, taking into account the current situation at the front and in the country, to increase the production of weapons, ammunition, the production of fuels and lubricants and other products of paramount importance, to relocate enterprises from the front line to the east, and to create state reserves. The Soviet economy during the war years went through two stages in its development: the first restructuring of the national economy on a war footing (June 1941, autumn 1942), the second growth of the military economy (autumn 1942, September 1945). Perestroika proceeded along two main lines: first, switching to military production in almost all branches of industry, a sharp reduction or cessation of the production of civilian products; secondly, the relocation (evacuation) of productive forces to areas remote from the front.

During the war years, the labor force declined sharply. If in 1940 the national economy of the USSR employed 31.2 million workers and employees, then in 1942 only 18.4 million. By May 1945, it increased from 5.4 million to 11.4 million people. During the war years, agriculture found itself in an extremely difficult situation. In the years important agricultural areas were lost. The number of collective farms and state farms, tractors, cars, horses decreased by 40-60%. Investments in the village were reduced to a minimum. The situation with labor resources in the countryside remained exceptionally acute. The number of able-bodied population of the village decreased by 38%. The year 1943 turned out to be the most severe. The drought hit the main agricultural areas. Gross agricultural output in 1943 amounted to 37% of the pre-war level of 1940. Grain yields dropped sharply. The turning point came only in 1944.

Despite the success of industry, 1942 was a particularly difficult year for the country's agriculture. Due to the occupation by the enemy of important food regions of the USSR, the sown areas and the gross grain harvest were significantly reduced. The losses suffered by agriculture were significant, its material and technical supply deteriorated sharply, and there was an acute shortage of labor. By the end of the year, the number of able-bodied collective farmers had halved compared to pre-war times, the machine park of the MTS and state farms had decreased, there was not enough fuel, and the production of mineral fertilizers was reduced. All this affected the production of agricultural products. The village workers were given the task of developing new lands in the east. In a short time, sown areas were increased by 2.8 million hectares.

Workers of science and culture worked for the needs of the front, in the interests of victory. Science focused on the development of military-technical problems, the mobilization of the country's raw materials for defense needs. In 1943, work began on the creation of the Soviet atomic bomb, which was carried out by a special laboratory for the fission of the uranium nucleus under the direction of Academician I.V. Kurchatov. Soviet tanks T-34, KB surpassed the best German models. Aircraft designers A.S. Yakovlev, S.A. Lavochkin, S.V. Ilyushin (the creator of attack aircraft, the best of which was the IL-2 “flying tank”), A.N. Tupolev, N. N.Polikarpov, V.M. Petlyakov, V.M. Myasishchev, creators of aircraft engines A.D. Shvetsov, V.Ya. The method proposed by him for the treatment of skull wounds with sulfa drugs made it possible to sharply, from 65 to 25%, reduce mortality among the wounded. N.N. Burdenko

Soviet Rear Youth to the Front In the second half of 1941, 360,000 students in grades 8-10 joined the work. Already in the third year of the war, the share of workers and employees under the age of 18 in various industries ranged from 40 to 60% Fundraising Voluntary assistance from workers made it possible to send to the front: More than 2.5 thousand aircraft More than 5 thousand tanks By loans and lotteries over 118 billion. rub. Village workers to the front! 80% of the entire labor force in the village were women, the elderly and children. collective farms and state farms gave the country 4.3 billion poods of grain The working class to the front! From 1941 to 1944 the production of aircraft increased by 3.3 times, aircraft engines by 5.4 times, tanks by 2 times, diesel engines by 4.6 times.


The front was also in the rear - in that part of the country's territory that was outside the boundaries of hostilities. Life in the rear was subordinated to the main thing: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" Women, old people, teenagers got up to the machines, mined fuel and cooked steel, drove cars, worked on tractors and combines instead of husbands, sons, fathers who had gone to the front. Faith in justice, confidence in victory lived in the hearts of people. The victory of the Soviet Union in the Patriotic War would have been unthinkable without the selfless titanic labor of workers and peasants, engineers and designers, the complete dedication of leading figures in science and culture, who mobilized the Soviet people to defeat the aggressor. Soviet society in the first period of the war.

The loss of a significant part of the economic potential and the relocation of thousands of industrial enterprises to the east of the country, the huge destruction and human losses in the national economy led to a sharp reduction in industrial production at the beginning of the war, which was especially felt in the defense industries. By the end of 1941, the gross industrial output of the USSR had more than halved. Under these conditions, the chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR of the country took extremely tough measures to strengthen the Soviet rear. From the very beginning of the fascist aggression, mass mobilization of the civilian population to the labor front began. Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR The front has approached, the inhabitants are leaving their native lands. The picture was taken: 1941.

During the first six months of the war, the equipment of more than 15 thousand large enterprises was taken to the regions of the Volga region, to the Urals, to Siberia. Skilled workers were also evacuated here, who immediately installed equipment in a new place, set up the production of products that the front needed. Workers did not leave the defense factories for weeks. They worked two shifts, sometimes more. Rest right in the shop. Home front workers sewed overcoats, tunics, harem pants, hats, caps, and shoes for the army. Workers of a factory that produces shells for the production of defense products in Moscow

In April 1942, mobilization extended to rural residents. These measures primarily affected women and adolescents. Thus, in 1942, more than half of all those employed in the national economy were women. One of the most difficult was the problem of qualified personnel. The evacuated enterprises had no more than 30% of workers and specialists, therefore, in December 1941, a training plan was developed, designed for training in short courses and in the order of brigade apprenticeship, about 400 thousand people, and in 1942 almost 4 were trained, 4 million people. Nevertheless, the number of employees decreased in comparison with 1940 from 33.9 million to 18.4 million people in 1942. Perm. At the Perm Motor-Building Plant named after Ya. M. Sverdlov, during the war years, very young workers worked with them, some were flying. On the picture: a twelve-year-old miller. Photo taken: 1943. Historical information about Pestyaki from the museum

All possible assistance to the front was provided by children. For example, in the cities they collected ordinary glass bottles, which were then filled by workers of military factories with a combustible mixture. They were on duty on the roofs of houses in order to extinguish incendiary bombs in time. Helped care for the wounded. Village children, along with adults, worked in the field, in repair shops, and took care of livestock.

In total, about 25 million people, more than enterprises, millions of tons of food, raw materials and other material and cultural values ​​were moved to the rear areas. In difficult conditions, the plants and factories that arrived in the eastern regions were quickly restored in new places. By the middle of 1942, more than 1,200 large evacuated enterprises had already resumed work here. "... Our eastern regions, the union and autonomous republics, said M. I. Kalinin, literally survived the industrial revolution. From the very beginning, the soldiers continuously poured evacuated factory equipment into them, thousands of new workers and their families came ... The work has been done truly gigantic ... It can be said with confidence that our party, Soviet and technical cadres have shown the whole world their great organizational skills, have gone through such a practical school that history has not yet known. The rear during the war lived a life with the front, working hard. There were not enough people. With food pensioners stood up to the tanks. h to replace those who walked with their sons. Photo taken: 1942

Manufacture of products by the leading industries of the USSR. Name of products Units of measurement 1939 1940, 1st half of the year Electricity billion kWh 43.248.327.4 Oil million tons 30.331.317.3 Coal million tons 146.2165.991.9 Pig iron million tons 14.514, 99.0 Steel million tons 17,618,311.4 Rolled products million tons 12,713.18.2 Iron ore million tons tons 26,929,916.6 Manganese ore mln. tons Metal-cutting machines thous.

However, until the end of 1941, the needs of the army and navy for weapons and military equipment were far from being fully satisfied. For the production of aircraft, tanks and other military equipment, a lot of high-quality steel was required. In connection with the relocation of the defense industry to the Urals and Western Siberia, it was necessary to change the technology and the system of organizing production at most metallurgical plants. The Urals became the main forge of the country's defense industry. With the loss of the Donbass and the coal regions of the Rostov region, the shortage of coal increased sharply. The most important task was to provide the army with weapons and military equipment. At the beginning of the war, as a result of huge losses, Soviet aviation was significantly weakened. In this regard, a sharp increase in the production of new combat aircraft was required. The tank industry launched mass production of new types of combat vehicles. Workers and engineers made considerable efforts to increase the production of weapons and ammunition, the shortage of which was especially noticeable at the fronts. The workers of the rear of the front. N a N - skom plant Photo taken: 1942

Until the end of 1941, almost 1.5 million wagons with evacuated cargo were transported, and more than 10 million people were transported to the rear areas. On this basis, the entire national economy was restructured on a war footing. Such were the tasks of the first stage in the formation of the war economy.

Military production in the USSR reached its climax in 1944. Its high level was based on a solid foundation for the continuous development of the leading branches of heavy industry. The growth in production occurred due to more efficient use of the capacities of existing enterprises, the commissioning of new ones and the restoration of plants and factories in the liberated areas. At the same time, the output of non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, including the production of armaments and ammunition, significantly exceeded the pre-war level. Compared to 1943, agricultural output, capital investment, and retail trade turnover also increased. The most important role in the production of heavy industry products was played by the eastern regions of the country. At the same time, metal production increased in the center and in the south of the country. As a result, in 1945 almost twice as much steel was smelted as in 1943. The production of rolled products, special steels and non-ferrous metals increased especially. The fuel and energy base expanded. Coal mining was approaching pre-war levels. Coal industry Production of the most important types of industrial products in the eastern regions of the USSR in 19401

Our scientists, designers and engineers made a great contribution to the victory. New models of aircraft, tanks and other weapons were created. Everyone knows the famous Katyushas, ​​the T-34 tank, the Kalashnikov assault rifle ... Doctors found new ways and means of treating the wounded. After treatment in hospitals, many of them returned to duty. Assembling a tank Reactive with outfits "Katyusha"

The experience of the war years convincingly proved that the command system of production management that had taken shape on the eve of the war had great potential for mobilizing the country's economic potential. It was characterized by flexibility and maneuverability, combined with a rigid repressive system of production and personnel management. Planned centralized management made it possible in a short time to completely rebuild the economy in accordance with the needs of the front and surpass the production potential of almost all of Europe in terms of arms production (65-68% of all manufactured products in kind were military consumption items.). The war caused significant changes both in the structure of the country's economy and in the distribution of productive forces.

In agriculture, women, old people and teenagers also worked in the fields. They tried to uninterruptedly supply the army and the population with food, and industry with raw materials. However, the loss of important agricultural areas and food supplies required the economical and prudent use of food. So, on July 18, 1941, cards for bread and other products were introduced in Moscow, Leningrad and some other cities. It was difficult, food was scarce. But people understood, otherwise it is impossible. Poster during the Great Patriotic War

Agriculture was heavily damaged during the war. Despite the efforts of agricultural workers in 1941, the procurement of grain and other products was sharply reduced. The main food and raw material base was the eastern and southeastern regions of the country: the Volga region, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, and although there were many difficulties. As a result of the extraordinary measures taken, by the middle of 1942 the Soviet Union had a well-coordinated military economy, which ensured the production of military products on an ever-increasing scale, and from 1943 a general rise in production began. national income

Agricultural production in the USSR in 19402 Grain (gross harvest), million tons,6 Raw cotton, million tons,2 Sugar beet (factory), million tons, thousand tons,0 Potatoes, million tons,1 Vegetables, million tons,7 Meat (slaughter weight), million tons,7 Milk, million tons,6 Eggs, billion pieces,2 Wool, thousand tons .0

The Great Patriotic War opened the artist's gaze to a scattering of material that concealed enormous moral and aesthetic wealth. The mass heroism of people has given art as human science so much that the gallery of folk characters begun in those years is constantly replenished with new and new figures. The most acute life conflicts, during which the ideas of loyalty to the Fatherland, courage and duty, love and comradeship, were manifested with particular brightness, are capable of nourishing the plans of the masters of the present and future. One of the most important types of fine arts during the war years was the poster. Poster artists promptly responded to the events of the first days of the war. Within a week, five poster sheets were issued in mass editions, and more than fifty more were being prepared for printing in publishing houses. Wartime posters are not only original works of art, but also truly historical documents.

Wartime literature enjoyed great success and recognition both at the front and in the rear. The courage of the heroes - the blockade of Leningrad was sung in the "Leningrad Poem" by O. F. Berggolts and in the "Pulkovo Meridian" by V. M. Inber. The feat of the defenders of Stalingrad was immortalized by "Days and Nights" by K. M. Simonov and "The Direction of the Main Strike" by V. S. Grossman. The steadfastness and courage of the defenders of the capital was glorified in the story of A. A. Vek "Volokolamsk Highway". The image of Vasily Terkin, created in the poem of the same name by A. T. Tvardovsky, has become truly popular.

Frontline writers fully shared with their people both the pain of retreat and the joy of victories. Georgy Suvorov, a front-line writer who died shortly before the victory, wrote: “We lived our good age as people, and for people.” Writers lived one life with the fighting people: they froze in the trenches, went on the attack, performed feats and ... wrote. Russian literature of the period of the Second World War became the literature of one theme - the theme of war, the theme of the Motherland. The writers felt like "trench poets" (A. Surkov), and all literature as a whole, in the apt expression of A. Tolstov, was "the voice of the heroic soul of the people." The slogan "All forces - to defeat the enemy!" related directly to writers. The writers of the war years owned all sorts of literary weapons: lyrics and satire, epic and drama. Nevertheless, the first word was said by the lyricists and publicists. Video clip

A good song has always been a faithful assistant to a fighter. With a song, he rested in short hours of calm, recalled relatives and friends. Many front-line soldiers still remember the battered trench gramophone, on which they listened to their favorite songs to the accompaniment of artillery cannonade. A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the writer Yuri Yakovlev writes: “When I hear a song about a blue handkerchief, I am immediately transferred to a cramped front-line dugout. We are sitting on the bunk, the stingy light of the oil lamp is flickering, firewood is crackling in the stove, and there is a gramophone on the table. And the song sounds so dear, so understandable and so tightly merged with the dramatic days of the war. "A modest blue handkerchief fell from lowered shoulders ...". In one of the songs popular during the war years, there were these words: Who said that we should abandon the Songs in the war? After the battle, the heart asks for Music doubly! Photos from the school museum

Despite the evacuation of the leading film studios to Central Asia, the domestic cinema did not stop its activities. Filmmakers during the war years produced about 500 newsreels and 34 full-length films. Especially popular were those that were dedicated to the fight against the enemy ("Two soldiers" L. D. Lukov, "Secretary of the district committee" I. A. Pyryev, "A guy from our city" A. B. Stolper, "Invasion" A M. Rooma and others). Traveling artistic brigades were created to go to the front line. More than 40 thousand artists visited the front during the war years. Among them were outstanding actors M. I. Zharov, I. V. Ilyinsky, A. K. Tarasova, A. A. Yablochkina, M. I. Tsarev, N. K. Cherkasov and others. and from the film "Secretary of the district committee"

Year data Spring, there are 57 official schools in the region, including 2 secondary ones, students - 6954, of which 347 are in grades 8-10, teachers War: meetings, rallies, seeing off the defenders of the fatherland. October! th Collection of voluntary donations to the Red Army fund rub. Collective farmers of the agricultural artel "Forward" collected 17 thousand rubles. for the construction of the tank column "Ivanovsky Kolkhoznik", for which they received a telegram of thanks from Comrade Stalin. 2160 warm clothes, 625 pairs of felted shoes and 2652 sheepskins were sent. Compared with 1941, the collective farms increased their sown area by 1,708 hectares. Autumn work was completed earlier than planned. Komsomol members, young people continue to leave their homes and volunteer for the front. The remaining girls and boys, along with adults, show examples of high labor productivity. The population sent 22 cows, 55 sheep, 5 pigs to the areas of the Smolensk region liberated from the invaders. Rural workers achieve high labor productivity. So the collective farmers M. Khudyakova and M. Mogutova worked out manually - 381 kg., The second 351 kg. good flax fiber. The youth section of M. Kournikova received 17.6 centners of spring wheat per hectare, and the Pestyakov flax mill fulfilled the plan by 112.6%. For high work at the radio station, she was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" by N. I. Glebov.

Schoolchildren of the Pestyakovskaya secondary school during the war years actively helped the front: they knitted mittens, socks and other clothes. Thanks to this, the students were awarded the "Stalin's diploma", but unfortunately, the diploma was lost. A large army of teachers went to the front: M. S. Andrianov, V. A. Belyshev, V. I. Kochnev, A. F. Kochnev, M. M. Mamonov and others. thousand roubles. A second orphanage was opened in the boarding school building. M. G. Pogodina, T. I. Ptitsyna and others worked in it.

Ivanovo region, far from the front, has become, in fact, front-line. Explosions were sometimes heard on the border of the Verkhnelandekhovsky and Pestyakovsky districts, when the Nazis tried to bomb the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). Residents of Pestyakov helped dig ditches in the Verkhnelandekhovsky district on the right bank of the Lukh River. This ditch, as a monument of those years, has survived to this day.

The path to victory was difficult. Our countrymen, drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army during the war, participated in the liberation of 13 regions, 7 republics, 7 states. We have not forgotten anything: neither immeasurable difficulties, nor the bitterness of irreparable losses, we pay tribute to the glorious soldiers and home front workers.

Milyutin Viktor Alexandrovich (October 1924) In January 1943 he was drafted into the Soviet army. He served near Moscow, for health reasons in April 1943 he was dismissed from the ranks of the Soviet army. By decision of the district committee of the party, he was appointed chairman of the collective farm "Lenin's Testament" until 1961. My great-grandfather's collective farm was engaged in animal husbandry, poultry farming, and sheep breeding, which ranked first in the region. Everything was done by hand, there was no machinery, with the help of horses they plowed the land.

Galkin Ivan Alexandrovich. Born in 1906 in the village of Pokhmelino. For health reasons, he was not called to the front. All his life he worked as the chairman of the Mayak collective farm of the Beklemishchensky village council. For his work he received Certificates of Commendation and gifts from the city of Ivanovo.

The damage caused by the war to the economy of the USSR can hardly be accurately measured. According to official information, as a result of the German attack, 1710 cities and workers' settlements, more than 70 thousand industrial enterprises, 65 thousand km were destroyed or badly damaged. railway lines, about 100 thousand collective farms and state farms were ruined, about 17 million heads of cattle were slaughtered or stolen. The area under crops has been reduced by a quarter in the country. But despite all the trophies, the winners lived in post-war Europe no better than the vanquished.

Military industry "All forces to help the front!" "The front needs it - we'll do it!" "If we don't complete the tasks of the front, we won't go home!" The name of the plant Produced Sickle and Hammer switched to the production of new grades of steel and rolled products. them. S. Ordzhonikidze special machines, bombs, mines, ammunition. Compressor production of jet mortars. Milling cutter military products. Dynamo parts for the military industry. them. Vladimir Ilyich production of ammunition. Red proletarian special machines, bombs, mines, ammunition. Stankolit military products Car factory vehicles for the army (ZIS - 32), motorcycle engines. Fighter mortars, shells for "Katyusha", large-caliber mines. Trekhgornaya manufactory of fabrics for uniforms, overcoat cloth, parachute silk, technical fabrics. Red rose fabrics for uniforms, overcoat cloth, parachute silk, technical fabrics. Paris Communal Army Footwear The Moscow Meat Processing Plant organized the production of new types of food, medical and technical products.

Types of productsIn absolute terms As a percentage of all production Electricity, billion kWh 10.722.1 Oil, million tons 3.611.6 Coal, million tons 59.535.9 Cast iron, million tons 4.328.9 Steel, million tons 5.932.2 Ferrous metal products, million tons 3,728.0 Iron ore, million tons 8,628.8 Copper ore, thousand tons 7950.096.8 Nickel ore, thousand tons 1041.185.8 Bauxite, thousand tons 326.049.9 Zinc , thousand tons 41.344.8 Lead, thousand tons 85.593.0 Mineral fertilizers, million tons 1.031.5 Machine tools, thousand units 4,17.1 Metallurgical equipment, thousand tons 7,531.9 Tractors, thousand units 8,627.1 Tractor plows, thous. 18.748.5

The national income, the state budget, industrial output, and transport freight turnover have increased markedly. Already in 1943, the rearmament of the army and navy with the latest models of military equipment accelerated, the share of which reached: 42.3% in small arms, 83% in artillery, more than 80% in armored weapons and 67% in aviation. 1) in 1940, 15% of national income was spent on defense needs, in 1942 - 55%; 2) in industrial production, the share of military products in m - 26%, in m - 68%; in agricultural products - respectively 9 and 24%; 3) in 1942 the production of the military industry exceeded the pre-war level by 86%.

The main items of the state budget of the USSR (billion rubles in the prices of the corresponding years) 4 Budget items of the years. (three years of the 3rd five-year plan) Including in 1940 the total amount on average per year Total income 462.2154.1180.2 Including: turnover tax and deduction from profits 331.2110.4127.6 state funds social insurance 23,17,79.0 taxes, fees, loans 53,817,920.8 Total expenditures 451,7150,6174.4 Including: national economy 170,656,958.3 social and cultural events 113,637,940.9 defense 119,139,756.8

The German attack radically changed the lives of the Soviet people. In the first days of the war, not everyone realized the reality of the threat that had arisen: people believed in pre-war slogans and promises of the authorities to defeat any aggressor on his own land in a short time. However, as the territory occupied by the enemy expanded, moods and expectations changed. People acutely realized that the fate of not only the Soviet government, but also the country itself was being decided. The mass terror of the German troops, the merciless attitude towards the civilian population more clearly than any agitation told people that it can only be about stopping the aggressor or perishing. Soviet society in the first period of the war.

Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky - Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR Voznesensky Nikolai Alekseevich (18.11 (01.12)), party member since 1919, member of the Central Committee in the years. (member of the KSK since 1934), member of the Politburo (candidate from the city). Born in with. Warm Tula region. Russian. In 1924 he graduated from the Communist University. Ya. M. Sverdlova, Doctor of Economics (since 1935), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1943). He began his career as an apprentice locksmith. In the years in Komsomol work. Since 1924, at party work in the Donbass. Since 1928, a student of the Institute of Red Professors. Since 1932 at the Central Control Commission of the RKI. In the years Lengorplan chairman and deputy. harm, the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. Since 1937, deputy. chairman, in and gg. Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, at the same time in the years. deputy Chairman, in first deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

The Soviet Union, which suffered in the war immeasurably more than the other members of the anti-Hitler coalition, was the first to restore what had been destroyed and rebuilt the national economy. Plan for the restoration and development of the national economy for the years. was developed under the direction of Voznesensky. Now it is customary to scold the Soviet era, but one cannot but admit that there was still an “economic miracle” in our past. This is Victory and post-war reconstruction. One of the organizers of these outstanding achievements was Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky. Voznesensky in the 1930s spoke about the need to create the Unified Energy System of the country. This idea of ​​Voznesensky was realized at the end of the 20th century. In 1947, as about the urgent tasks of the "current moment", he spoke about the creation of mass television, nuclear technology, jet liners. And these were not empty dreams, but part of the state plan. Today, when the whole world is shaken by the economic crisis, the world community is unwittingly convinced that the planned economy has undeniable advantages over the market forces. I would like to believe that the scientific heritage of Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky will still be in demand in modern times.

Collective farms on the territory of the Pestyakovsky district in the years.

Sections: History and social studies

Class: 9

Appendix 1 (Lesson steps)

Appendix 2 (Cards)

Purpose: to expand and deepen students' knowledge about the role of the rear during the war, about the emergency conditions of life, work and life in the rear.

To characterize the transition of the economy to a war footing, to show the contribution of home front workers, scientists, and cultural figures to the common cause of victory;

Continue the formation of skills for independent work with a textbook, additional literature, the ability to analyze historical facts and draw conclusions; to develop the worldview beliefs of students, to expand their social experience;

To create conditions for the education of citizenship, patriotism on the example of the hardest work in the rear - the work of our relatives and friends.

Type of lesson: learning new and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Equipment: textbook; copies of documents, the book “Tobolsk” author Kopylov D.I., Pribylsky Yu.P., the book “Chronicle of the Tobolsk region” author Samotslov V.A., map “The Great Patriotic War”, multimedia equipment.

Preparatory work: reports on the contribution of our countrymen, home front workers of the city of Tobolsk and the Tobolsk region, to the cause of victory.

New concepts: evacuation, locum tenens.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

(One verse of the song “Holy War” sounds).

Hello guys! Sit down. Almost 70 years have passed since the beginning of that terrible war, but not after 70 and even after 170 years we must not forget about it.

2. Repetition of previously studied material.

"He who does not remember his past is doomed to repeat it" -

D. Santayana said. (Slide No. 1) And we guys should always remember those terrible years and those thanks to whom we live like this now. I bring to your attention a test of 10 tasks with a choice of answers (we work for 7 minutes). (Slide No. 2 - self-examination)

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

Look carefully at the illustrations on the board. What is shown in the picture? (student answers). Pay attention to the tables (Slide number 3). Here are the figures for the production of weapons in the USSR in 1940 and 1944. What can you say about these numbers? Thanks to whom was it possible to achieve such military superiority? (Student answers). That's right, the guys in the rear, the labor of ordinary workers, created these same tanks and mortars, planes and rifles, bread and everything that no army in the world can fight without. We will talk about the Soviet rear during the Great Patriotic War today in the lesson. (Slide number 4 - topic) The war caused a huge moral and political upsurge, the enthusiasm and personal interest of most people in defeating the enemy and ending the war as soon as possible. Everyone was aware of the need to fight the enemy by any means. How else can you “forge victory” in the rear? (Student answers). (Slide number 5 - goals and objectives of the lesson)

4. Learning new material:

Work in pairs. (Students are given excerpts from documents, books, etc.) After analyzing the proposed facts and documents, additional literature, tell what role they played in the victory:



Fiction and culture;

After the report of the pairs, fill out the table (Slide No. 6).

5. Physical education (exercise for the eyes).

6. Consolidation of the studied material.

a) What is the contribution of home front workers to the common cause of victory? What conclusion did you come to. (Slide number 7 - checking the correctness of filling out the table)

7. Primary control.

Test (5 tasks with multiple choice - slide number 8)

Homework (optional) : - p. 31, questions No. 2, No. 4, No. 5;

Prepare a message about some of the greatest scientific or technical discoveries made at that time and which played a big role in defeating the enemy (for example, a message about “The T-34 tank is a weapon of victory”;

Write an essay "The contribution of my family to the cause of victory."

  • Teacher Zhilionene S.V.

Lesson plan

3. Education and science.

4. Figures of culture to the front.

5. Church during the war years.

Assignment for the lesson

Home front workers

1.Soviet society during the war.

The war radically changed people's lives. At first, there was hope that the fighting would move to enemy territory, but it soon became clear that the fate of the country itself was being decided during the course of the war. The atrocities of the fascists led the Soviet people to the need for a merciless struggle against the aggressor. In his speech on July 3, Stalin unexpectedly said: “Brothers and sisters!” People understood the need for unity and selflessness in the struggle, and this became a prerequisite for the partisan movement.

Refugees on the roads

2.Restructuring the economy on a war footing.

The threat of occupation of the front-line regions forced the export of all the most valuable equipment, raw materials, people, etc. from there. led this activity Evacuation Council. In a short time, a huge amount of cargo was transferred to the East. Within 5 months, 1,500 large enterprises and 10 million people were evacuated, new production facilities were erected for them in a new place, or merged with existing enterprises (Tankograd).


plant on

new place.

2.Restructuring the economy on a war footing.

Many industries were re-profiled for the production of military products. In December 1941, the decline in production stopped and its growth began. In the middle of 1942 The restructuring of the country's life for a military one was successfully completed, although Western experts believed that we would need at least 5 years for this. The Soviet economy eventually won the competition against the economy of Nazi Germany and this was one of the reasons for our victory in the war.

Children of war will be equated

to the home front workers

3. Education and science.

The war dealt a heavy blow to the education system. Thousands of schools were destroyed, there were not enough textbooks and notebooks. But the work of schools continued even in the besieged Sevastopol, Leningrad, Stalingrad and other cities. In the occupied regions, the education of children ceased.

Scientific centers during the war moved to the East. Research institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences were evacuated here.




3. Education and science.

During the war years, Soviet scientists worked for the needs of the army. Academician E. Paton developed a new method of steel welding, which made it possible to obtain heavy-duty tank hulls. A. Ioffe created the world's first radars. Doctors developed a technique for blood transfusion and for the first time began to use penicillin.

In 1943, the development of Soviet nuclear weapons began. The designers worked on the creation of new types of weapons.


Boris Evgenievich

4. Figures of culture-front

From the first days of the war, thousands of figures of Soviet culture went to the front. Defending the Motherland, A. Gaidar and E. Petrov perished. M. Sholokhov, K. Simonov, A. Fadeev and others worked as front correspondents. O. Bergolts, V. Inber, D. Shostakovich continued to work in the besieged Leningrad. The events of those days were reflected in the “Front Diaries” of K. Simonov,

I. Erenburg, N. Tikhonov

Mikhail Sholokhov

4. Figures of culture to the front.

Other representatives of culture went to the front as part of artistic brigades. In Central Asia, films continued to be made at the joint film studio. Lyrical songs (Spark, In the Dugout, Katyusha, etc.) Leningrad wrote the Seventh Symphony, which in the summer of 1942 was performed in the besieged city. Theaters continued to operate in Moscow and Leningrad.

Performed in besieged Leningrad

(“Leningrad”) symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich

5. Church during the war years.

By 1941, 7 bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church remained free. locum tenens

On June 22, 1941, Metropolitan Sergius of the Patriarchal Throne called on the faithful to defend the Motherland. His example was followed by leaders of other faiths. The church not only carried out ideological work, but also raised funds for the needs of the front. Under these conditions, in September 1943, Stalin restored the patriarchate and released some of the priests.

Priests and monks - veterans

Great Patriotic War

We will answer the questions:

Prove that the home front workers made a significant contribution to the defeat of the Nazi invaders