“The image of a teacher in cinema” - The First Teacher. The image of a teacher-friend. Crowds of girls. Creating an image of a teacher. You never dreamed of it. We'll wait until Monday. Behavior strategies. Film story. The image of the teacher on the screen. First grader. Being a teacher is both honorable and difficult. Favorite films about school. Big change. Schedule for the day after tomorrow. Attractive mathematician.

“Teacher's Hobby” - Title of the fairy tale. Color. Form of organization of educational and cognitive activities. Character. Introducing students to foreign-language fairy tales. Creative personality traits. Teacher's hobby. Stage area. Act out this dialogue. Hobbies in the teaching profession. Creative didactic environment. Present. Hobby. The boy meets different animals.

“Model of a modern teacher” - Pedagogical criteria for the success of a teacher. Teacher's communication style. S. Soloveichik. The value system of a modern teacher. Personal qualities of teachers. Psychological criteria for teacher success. Ranking of teacher values ​​by teachers themselves. Teacher's personality. Image is a representation of the internal appearance, image.

“Analytical activity of the teacher” - Operational analysis. Epigraph. The lesson is a mystery. Analytical activities. Modern lesson. Pedagogical analysis. Introspection. Ways to improve analytical culture. Final analysis. Thematic analysis.

“Signs of a Teacher” - Your child’s fate is to wait. Work in pairs. A mountain of waste paper. Walk past book stalls. You carry everything from home that may be useful at your workplace. There is always more money in your purse than your own. Half the area. Beginning of the school year. The family is sacrificed for education. A real teacher.

“What a teacher should be like” - What is necessary for the formation of a child’s personality. Fundamentals of psychology and didactics of modern pedagogy. Our new school. The most important thing in a modern teacher. Personal and individual qualities of a teacher. What kind of teacher would you like to see today? "Sow the eternal." Professional skills and qualities of a modern teacher.

There are a total of 35 presentations in the topic

Olga Nekrasova
Presentation “Initial teaching council “Happy new academic year 2017–2018”

Organizational teachers' council 2017–2018 school year. G.

Installation teachers' council

"WITH new educational

2017-2018 year».


"The Scarlet Flower"


August 2017

Installation teachers' council"WITH new educational

2017-2018 year».

Form - oral journal.

Target: Coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in the new 2017 -2018 academic year. Motivate teachers to work and achieve high results in the new academic year.


1. Congratulatory speech from the manager.

2. The parable of coffee.

3. Evaluation of summer health work 2017

4. Interactive game “Teacher, what is he like?”

5. Discussion of issues of organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions at The new school year. Review and approval annual MDOU work plan for the 2017-2018 school year. year.

6. Approve applications to the main educational program of the institution, the work schedule of teachers, cyclograms of teachers of the MDOU, work programs of educators and specialists, documentation of teachers of the MDOU.

academic year.

8. Parable about time

9. Solution teachers' council.

10. Miscellaneous.

Congratulations page

1. Teachers gather in the teaching room and watch a festive video.

Then the head of the preschool educational institution congratulates them on the beginning of a new school year.

Text of the manager's speech MDOU:

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your new beginning school year! Let it be bright and interesting, successful and fruitful and bring us all only positive emotions, success and good mood!

Art. teacher The pedagogical council is a place where each member of the team has the right to be heard, where common problems are solved together, where a start is given new undertakings and sums up the work already done by the teaching staff. Today's teachers' council will take place in the form of an oral journal, on the page of which we will discuss the results of the summer health work, get acquainted with the events and documents coordinating the activities of our preschool educational institution in the new academic year and, we hope that we will inspire the teaching staff to active, creative work. To keep minutes of meetings of the pedagogical councils of our preschool educational institution on new educational year it is necessary to select a secretary. What proposals will there be?

And today it will help us to tune in to effective communication "The Parable of Coffee".

2. The Parable of Coffee

Text of the speech:

One day I came to a sage tired man said:

I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I swim against the current all the time, but I don’t have any more strength to resist. What should I do?

Instead of answering, the sage put three identical pots of water on the fire. I threw carrots into one, put an egg into another, and ground coffee beans into the third. After a while, he took the carrots and egg out of the water and poured coffee into a cup.

What changed? - he asked.

“The carrots and the egg were boiled, and the coffee beans dissolved in the water,” answered tired man.

No, this is just a superficial look at things. Look, hard carrots, having been in boiling water, have become soft and pliable. The fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly they have not changed. They only changed their structure under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. Likewise, people who are strong outwardly can fall apart and give up where the fragile and gentle ones only harden and get stronger...

ABOUT! This is the most interesting! The coffee beans completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - turned it into a magnificent aromatic drink.

There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, extracting benefit and knowledge from the situation.

1. Summing up the results of summer health work.

Analytics page

Text of the senior's speech teacher:

The goals of the summer health work of the preschool educational institution are to satisfy the needs of children for rest, cognitive activity, creative activity and movement, to maintain and strengthen their physical and mental health. The success of this work is determined by how prepared the participants in the educational process are for it.

This year our team faced tasks:

ensure the protection of the lives of pupils, strengthen their health, prevent morbidity and injury;

organize events that are aimed at improving the health and physical education of children, developing their independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity;

Conduct educational work with parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children during the summer.

What was done? Teachers will tell you about this.

Thus, all the tasks of the summer health work were not fully realized.

2. Interactive game “Teacher – what is he like?”

Materials and equipment: pencils or pens for everyone present, leaves with letters (a word cut into individual letters "Educator"

Target: Increase teachers’ self-esteem and motivation to work.

All participants receive a piece of paper and a pen and write down all the definitions for the word "Educator" to a given letter, for example, "IN"- well-mannered, polite, "ABOUT"- educated, sociable, etc.

Then read out all their definitions one by one.

3. Review and approval annual MDOU work plan for

2017-2018 academic year year.

Staffing level of teaching staff at the end of 2016-2017 academic year was 100%, at the beginning of 2017-2018 educational year is 100%. Today in our team there are 5 teachers with the highest category, with 1 qualification category - 2 teachers, without category - 3 teachers. This year, 3 teachers plan to be certified for the first qualification category and 1 for the highest

Based on monitoring results at the end of 2016-2017 school year, compared to 2016 – 2017 academic year. g., the assimilation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution in full increased by 19%.

Results of mastering the educational program

children Results of mastering the educational program at the end school year

The program has been mastered in full The program has been mastered partially

Number of pupils % of pupils Number of pupils % of pupils

2014-2015 academic year 111 110 98.9% 1 1.1

2015-2016 academic year 106 105 98.94% 1 1.06

2016-2017 academic year 107 106 98.93% 1 1.07

This year our children only participated V:

Regional Olympics for preschoolers "On the road of knowledge";

In a discussion on Ren TV “Who is Santa Claus?”;

At the regional thematic exhibition "Bouquet for Mom";

In a regional drawing competition "Laboratory";

In the military parade of the Preschool Troops.

The first document that we will familiarize ourselves with at the meeting of our pedagogical council is “ Annual preschool work plan for 2017-2018 academic year»

primary goal:

Creation of an educational space aimed at continuous

the child’s accumulation of cultural experience of activity and communication in the process of active interaction with the environment, communication with other children and adults when solving problems of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

Methodological topic of preschool educational institution:

“Health-saving pedagogical system: Organization of a motor development environment in a preschool educational institution.”


1. Formation of cognitive interests in mathematics through interaction with objects of the surrounding world.

2. Formation of social and personal relationships with the outside world through gaming activities.

In the 2017 - 2018 academic year. year planned conduct:

- 4 teaching tips:

1. Installation teaching council No. 1. Installation teaching council No. 1. "WITH new academic year 2017-2018» .

2. Pedagogical Council No. 2 “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in integration with other types of children's activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.”

3. Pedagogical Council No. 3 “Social and personal development of preschool children”.

4. Teachers' Council No. 4"Summarizing school year» . Planning work for the 2018-2019 school year. year. Approval of the work plan for the summer period.”

2 workshops and 2 masters class:

Seminar - workshop "A standard tale about physical education", responsible Slinko L.I. (January)

Workshop “Formation of coherent speech of preschoolers, "Mnemonics", responsible Lagutkina I.N. (February).

Master Class “Use of gaming equipment for the development of FEMP”, responsible Levchenko O. V., Yartseva G. A. (november).

Master Class “The use of non-traditional techniques in art classes”, responsible St. Nekrasova O. A.

"Pedagogical Festival" Open views:

1. "Pedagogical Festival" open views on mathematical development.

2. "Pedagogical Festival" open screenings on cognitive development (ecology).

3. "Pedagogical Festival" open screenings on speech development.

4. "Pedagogical Festival" open screenings in physical education.

Exhibitions, shows, competitions, stock:

1. Review-competition of groups to the beginning school year"Groups' readiness for new academic year» , September

2. Review competition "Best physical education corner"(non-traditional equipment, April.

3. Review competition "Fun Math", november.

4. Exhibition of books - babies "Golden Autumn", October.

5. Military uniform competition "Our army is dear". Reading competition, February.

6. "Winter and summer, one color"- January.

7. "Bouquet and cake for mom"- March.

8. "Gift to Mother Earth"- April.

9. Promotion "Bird's Dining Room"- January.

10. Promotion "Take care of the Christmas tree"- December.

11. Promotion "Clean house, clean street, clean city"- April.


1. Thematic: “Implementation of a program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts” (October).

2. Thematic control “Social development of preschool children” (February).

3. Frontal based on the results of the educational program "Childhood" in the preparatory school group (May).

Work of pedagogical and creative workshops (circles, sections).

1. Circle "Olympic"- Slinko L.I.

2. Circle "Land of Chrysostom"- Lagutkina I. N.

3. Circle "In union with nature"- Levchenko O. V.

4. Circle "In the world of beauty"- Yartseva G. A.

5. Circle "Nightingale"- Klimantova N.V.

Self-education of teachers:

No. Full name of the teacher Name of the topic of self-education How many years he has been working Deadlines Reporting form

Lagutkina I. N. “Development of speech of preschoolers in the process of observing nature” 2 years Throughout the year Open lesson

L. I. “Unconventional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschool children.” 2 years Throughout the year Open lesson

Kalabekova V.V. “Development of fine motor skills of hands in children of early preschool age” 0 years During the year Message on the hour method

G. A. “Formation of patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age.” 0 year Throughout the year Presentation

Sizentseva G. A. “Me, my family and my small homeland”. 1 year Throughout the year Presentation

Levchenko O. V. “The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in children of primary preschool age.” 1 year During the year Message on the hour method

Klimantova N.V. “Development of creative abilities of preschool children through folklore”. 2 years Throughout the year Entertainment

6. In order to coordinate the activities of the preschool educational institution in the upcoming academic year at the orientation teachers' council a list of documents regulating the organization of the educational and educational process in preschool educational institution:

Cyclogram of planning educational activities

Daily regime

Schedule of educational activities for the 2017-2018 school year. year (subgroup form)

Morning exercise grid.

Work schedule of teaching staff of the MDOU.

Approval of work programs for educators and specialists.

Approval of teachers' documentation preschool educational institution: plan of work with parents (parental committees of groups and preschool educational institutions, work plan on traffic rules, work plan on the topic of self-education, work plans for circles.

7. Summarize the results of the review-competition of groups, familiarize yourself with the certificate based on the results of checking the groups for readiness for new things academic year(certificate on the results of the competition, head).

8. Miscellaneous.

Draft decision of pedagogical council:

1. Approve annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2017 - 2018 school year. year

2. Approve applications to the Educational Program of the MDOU.

3. Continue to ensure compliance with the subject-spatial environment of the MDOU for physical development.

4. Create a plan - a schedule of advanced training courses for teaching staff of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Strengthen control over the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

I bring questions for consideration:

accept annual work plan of the preschool educational institution;

become familiar with thematic planning and daily routine;

approve topics for self-education;

approve the schedule of educational activities, teachers’ work schedules, work plans for clubs, work plans for traffic rules;

familiarize yourself with the schedule for certification of teaching staff;

familiarize yourself with the plan-scheme of the methodological work of the MDOU for the 2017-2018 school year. year.

What will be the opinions on the draft decision? What changes and proposals will there be? A proposal was made to adopt the draft decision as a basis. Let's vote.

Final page.

Parable about the price of time

Text of the speech:

Imagine that there is a bank that deposits 86,400 rubles into your account every morning. It does not store daily balances. Every night, it resets to zero any balance you didn't use during the day. What will you do? Of course, you will withdraw every day to the last penny.

Know that each of you has an account in this bank. Bank name TIME. Every morning this bank credits us with 86,400 seconds. Every night this bank wipes the data and looks at how much of this loan you did not invest for the right purposes. This bank does not store money and does not allow it to be transferred to other accounts. Opens every day new account. Every night the balance for the day is forfeited.

If you don't use time, you waste it. We cannot go back or borrow tomorrow's credit. We must live in the present and make the most of what we are given. Invest our time in your health, happiness, your favorite job, success and achieve the maximum in a day.

Thank you for your attention!

I bring to your attention a presentation that I prepared specifically for eleventh graders. The last school year is coming for them. It does not promise to be easy, like all previous years. But without a doubt, this will be a special and very exciting year for them. The last one in the school biography of students. Many still have more than one year of study ahead - at the institute, in courses, in graduate school, but this is a completely different story. I propose now to look back and remember all the past school years.

At the event, the fruit of memories will be the “Brief Encyclopedia of School Life.” After all, who, if not eleventh graders, knows what school life is like!

Target audience: for 11th grade

This class is the first of the school year. After the summer vacation, the class guys meet again and decide what the coming year will be like? The whole year will be associated with the magical number 7. The purpose of the class hour: to create a festive atmosphere, teach how to communicate, and focus on the fact that the children have become older.

Target audience: for 7th grade

This resource is very well suited for conducting a Knowledge Lesson in 4th grade. A bright, high-quality interactive presentation is designed in the form of a journey through school subjects. Children travel through school subjects and perform various interesting tasks related to the knowledge they received in 3rd grade.
This lesson evokes positive emotions and will prepare children to happily go to school and gain knowledge.
The resource contains music files, which has an emotional impact on children.
Students who have just returned from a long vacation will find this lesson very interesting.

Target audience: for 4th grade

The presentation contains accompaniment to the song "First time in first grade."
The first day of school, the first lesson, the first teacher, new friends - all this is exciting for a child. The presentation will help create a festive mood, a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The presentation runs automatically.

Target audience: for 1st grade

We present to your attention a presentation that was used during the first class hour in the newly formed 10th grade.
Goal: overcoming barriers, relieving tension in communication, establishing emotional contacts between children.
Each person is unique and inimitable. However, there are some characteristic personality traits inherent in one or another zodiac sign. Knowing who your friend is according to your horoscope, it is much easier to find a common language with him.

Target audience: for the class teacher

The event on the theme “Journey through the Ocean of Knowledge” is held on September 1 and is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. This event is held in 3rd grade.
Purpose of the lesson: to keep children in a festive mood from meeting with school; create the mood for learning activities.
The lesson takes place in a playful way. During the journey, the boundless expanses of the ocean of Knowledge open up before the children. They will have to visit the Logical Bay, sail past the Heroic Cape, anchor in the Guess the Guess harbor, visit the Igrivy port, sail to the Muzykalny Island and enter the Zhelanii Bay. Children are given entertaining quizzes, creative tasks, and competitions for ingenuity and ingenuity.

Lyubov Kartamysheva

Just recently the first bell rang in all schools new school year. Within the walls of preschool educational institutions, we cannot hear the bell calling for a lesson. But new training We celebrated the year just as solemnly. In the senior and preparatory groups, the “Soon to School” entertainment took place. And the teachers The academic year began invariably with the orientation teachers' council!

Work is in full swing! There is so much I want to do in a year! In addition to discussing the annual plan, the plan of the district methodological association, approval of programs, the NOD schedule, regimes and other necessary documentation, I decided to please my colleagues by giving each congratulation own composition.

I am sure that this year we will be able to fulfill our plans, enjoy our work and simply enjoy life! At least a little belatedly, but I want congratulate and you, dear friends, colleagues, the beginning of the new school year! My poem - congratulations for you!

Laughter, fun, children - and so on from morning to morning!

You couldn't find a better job. How long is waiting for you? ahead:

Plans, holidays, clubs, courses, certification,

Seminars, competitions, games, innovations!

There is no time to sit still, you and I need to get everything done!

After all, there is a desire, and there is enthusiasm in the eyes,

This means the result is not far off.

I wish you inspiration, victories,

May good luck and success be with you!

Publications on the topic:

Cyclogram for the 1st half of the 2016–2017 academic year Cycle of Events for August, September 2016 – 2017 academic year. year (adjustment period) 19.08. – 09.00 – “Caution, Fire!” Carrying out.

Analysis of educational activities in the preparatory group at the end of the school year Analysis of educational activities in preparatory “B” group. Preparatory “B” group “Zvezdochki” is a general developmental group.

Another school year has passed. The senior group is behind us, the preparatory group is ahead of us. This means that we have a busy schedule ahead of us.

Results of the year 2015-2016 The presentation “Results of the 2015-2016 academic year” was prepared for the pedagogical council in May 2016, together with mine.

Comprehensive thematic plan for September 2016–2017 academic year September 1st week Theme of the period: “Day of Knowledge” Objectives of the period: Expand children’s ideas about autumn. Develop installation skills.

Report on the results of monitoring at the end of the school year for children in the middle group In the middle group No. 3 “Pochemuchki” of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 “Pochemuchki” monitoring was carried out to solve the following tasks: - Identification of the level.

Work plan for the summer recreational period of the 2016–2017 academic year Work plan of the structural subdivision of MBDOU kindergarten No. 9 “Ryabinka” kindergarten “Raduga” for the summer health period 2016-2017.

Minutes of the parent meeting at the end of the school year Minutes of the parent meeting in secondary group No. 4 dated May 24, 2017 Present: 23 people Absent: 2 people Topic: ".