Production, transmission and use of electrical energy Question

  • What are the advantages of alternating current over direct current?
  • Generator - devices that convert energy of one kind or another into electrical energy.
Types of energy Alternator
  • The generator consists of
  • a permanent magnet that creates a magnetic field, and a winding in which an alternating EMF is induced
  • The predominant role in our time is played by electromechanical induction alternators. There mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.
  • TRANSFORMER - a device that converts alternating current, in which the voltage increases or decreases several times with virtually no loss of power.
  • In the simplest case, the transformer consists of a closed steel core, on which two coils with wire windings are put on. That of the windings that is connected to an alternating voltage source is called primary, and the one to which the "load" is connected, that is, devices that consume electricity, is called secondary.
  • Primary Secondary
  • winding winding
  • connects
  • to source
  • ~ voltage to "load"
  • closed steel core
  • The principle of operation of the transformer is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
Transformer characteristic
  • Transformation ratio
  • U1/U2=N1/N2=K
  • K>1 step down transformer
  • K<1трансформатор повышающий
Production of electrical energy
  • Electricity is produced at large and small power stations mainly with the help of electromechanical induction generators. There are several types of power plants: thermal, hydroelectric and nuclear power plants.
  • Thermal power plants
Electricity use
  • The main consumer of electricity is industry, which accounts for about 70% of electricity produced. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction. Almost all villages and villages receive electricity from state-owned power plants for industrial and domestic needs. About a third of the electricity consumed by industry is used for technological purposes (electric welding, electric heating and melting of metals, electrolysis, etc.).
Electricity transmission
  • Transformers change voltage
  • at several points along the line.
Efficient use of electricity
  • The need for electricity is constantly increasing. This need can be met in two ways.
  • The most natural and at first glance the only way is the construction of new powerful power plants. But thermal power plants consume non-renewable natural resources, and also cause great damage to the ecological balance on our planet.
  • Advanced technology makes it possible to meet energy needs in a different way. Priority should be given to increasing the efficiency of electricity use, rather than increasing the capacity of power plants.
  • № 966, 967
  • 1) voltage and current strength can be converted (transformed) over a very wide range with almost no energy loss;
  • 2) alternating current is easily converted to direct current
  • 3)The alternator is much simpler and cheaper.
  • §§38-41 ex 5 (c 123)
  • THINK:
  • Prepare a presentation "The use of transformers"
  • (for those who wish)
  • Physics. Grade 11: textbook for educational institutions: basic and profile. levels /G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev. - M: Enlightenment, 2014. - 399 p.
  • O.I. Gromtsev. Physics. USE. Full course. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2015.-367 p.
  • Volkov V.A. Universal lesson developments in physics. Grade 11. - M.: VAKO, 2014. - 464 p.
  • Rymkevich A.P., Rymkevich P.A. Collection of problems in physics for grades 10-11 of high school. – 13th ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014. – 160 s

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The use of electricity in the fields of science Science directly affects the development of energy and the scope of electricity. About 80% of GDP growth in developed countries is achieved through technical innovations, most of which are related to the use of electricity. Everything new in industry, agriculture and everyday life comes to us thanks to new developments in various branches of science. Most scientific developments start with theoretical calculations. But if in the nineteenth century these calculations were made using pen and paper, then in the age of scientific and technological revolution (scientific and technological revolution), all theoretical calculations, selection and analysis of scientific data, and even linguistic analysis of literary works are done using computers (electronic computers), which operate on electrical energy, the most convenient for its transmission to a distance and use. But if initially computers were used for scientific calculations, now computers have come to life from science. Electronization and automation of production are the most important consequences of the "second industrial" or "microelectronic" revolution in the economies of developed countries. Science in the field of communications and communications is developing very rapidly.

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Unusual ways to generate electricity

There are many ways to generate electricity, among which there are quite unusual ones. The sale of chocolate factory specialty products led a British scientist to find a way to extract energy from chocolate waste. The microbiologist fed bacteria solutions of caramel and nougat, and they broke down sugar and produced hydrogen, which was sent to the fuel cell. The generated energy was enough to run a small electric fan. The second unusual way to get electricity was proposed by London architects. They decided that it was possible to use the vibrations that occur when pedestrians walk as a renewable source of electricity. In the future, it is planned to use vibrations from passing pedestrians, trains and trucks and convert them into energy for street lighting. Now architects are working on the development and implementation of a new technology that allows you to collect vibrations and use their energy for good.

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American inventors have learned how to get energy from living trees. With the help of a metal rod stuck into a tree and immersed in the ground, scientists extract electricity through a filtering and voltage-boosting circuit. It is enough to charge the battery. In the future, they are going to store energy in batteries, which will be used as needed.

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Electricity generation has always been a fairly profitable business. Especially original are the ideas for generating electricity in unusual ways. Today, most business centers are equipped with revolving doors. Professional designers Carmen Trudel and Jenifer Browtyre, who are employees of the American studio Fluxxlab, have created a truly excellent development. They produce and use electricity through the kinetic energy of people.

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Power generation. Production and use of electricity

The production of electricity is as follows. At the entrance to the business center, people rotate the revolving door, which generates electricity. This idea is quite simple and does not require capital investment at all. The production and use of electricity, thus, significantly saves the funds of the management of enterprises, which should have been spent on paying for electricity. Electricity generation can be carried out in many ways, the main thing is to study the most acceptable ones and put them into practice. You can also offer your ideas for generating electricity to other enterprises for a certain fee.

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Unusual sources of energy

Non-standard sources of electricity is an extremely topical issue in recent times. In modern conditions, many scientists are looking for new sources of electricity, while some of them come up with completely non-standard solutions. In this article, we have collected for you a number of the most unusual ways to generate electricity.

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Waste from chocolate factories

Lynn McCaskey, a microbiologist at the British University of Birmingham, has found a way for bacteria to generate energy from chocolate waste. Lynn fed the Escherichia coli bacteria nougat and caramel, or rather a solution of these two ingredients, obtained from the waste of a chocolate factory. These bacteria broke down the sugar, and also produced a whirlpool directed to the fuel cell, which generated enough electricity for a small fan.

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Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have created a kind of toilet power plant that generates electricity by decomposing organic waste. The bacteria present in ordinary waste water are used for this installation. These bacteria consume organic matter and release carbon dioxide. Scientists have found a way to wedge in the transition of electrons between atoms, forcing the electrons to go along the external circuit.

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star energy

This method was created by Russian nuclear scientists who developed a battery that can transform the energy of stars (including the energy of the sun) into electricity. The presentation of this device was recently held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. This unique device has no analogues in the world and can work around the clock. This development has already shown high efficiency in the dark and in the cloudy time of the day.

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Hitachi has unveiled its new development designed to generate electricity from naturally occurring vibrations in the air. And while the technology so far provides fairly low voltage, it is very attractive due to the fact that the generators are designed to work in any conditions, unlike, for example, solar panels.

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Running water

The invention of Canadian scientists is called an electrokinetic battery, which, in fact, is a rather primitive device from a glass vessel pierced with hundreds of thousands of microscopic channels. The device works like a simple heating battery, which is possible due to the electric field phenomenon created by the two-layer medium. Recently, the number of new ways to generate electricity, devices designed for these purposes, is becoming more and more. However, only a few of them are used in the future. .

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Electricity generation Electricity generation has always been a fairly profitable business. Especially original are the ideas for generating electricity in unusual ways.

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Power generation. Production and use of electricity. The production of electricity is as follows. At the entrance to the business center, people rotate the revolving door, which generates electricity. This idea is quite simple and does not require capital investment at all. The production of electricity, therefore, significantly saves the funds of the management of enterprises, which should have been spent on paying for electricity.

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Electricity generation can be carried out in many ways, the main thing is to study the most acceptable ones and put them into practice. You can also offer your ideas for generating electricity to other enterprises for a certain fee. Electricity used in homes, offices and factories is generated by power plants, most of which run on coal or natural gas, using fuel oil as a backup fuel. Some power plants run on nuclear energy or use the energy of water cascading from high dams. In Russia in 2002, thermal power plants generated 65.6% of electricity, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants accounted for 18.4% and 16%, respectively. In modern fossil fuel power plants, the heat released during its combustion is used to heat water in a boiler-steam generator. The resulting steam is fed through pipes to the turbine blades and causes it to rotate.

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The turbine drives the generator, which produces electricity. Steam Generator The steam generator is a high boiler, inside of which pipes are connected, through which water enters. In coal-fired power plants, fuel is fed into the steam generator by belt conveyors. Coal is crushed into a powder as fine as flour, mixed with air and blown into the boiler by fans, where it burns. The released heat heats the water in the boiler to a boil. Steam is first captured and then recirculated through the hottest parts of the boiler. This is how superheated steam is obtained. Turbine Superheated steam flows through pipes to three turbines connected together. When the steam passes the first of them - the high-pressure turbine - it again enters the steam generator, where it heats up again.

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After that, it passes through two other turbines, gradually giving them its energy. The steam is eventually converted to water in a condenser, a large reservoir cooled by pipes that circulate cold water from a nearby body of water. The cooling water "takes" the remaining heat from the steam, which condenses and turns into hot water, the water is returned to the steam generator, after which the cycle is repeated. Generator Rotating turbines drive generators, the main elements of which are two coils of wire. One, called the rotor, is rotated by the turbine. The other - the stator - is wound on an iron core and fixed to the floor. The iron core is constantly slightly magnetized, so that when the generator is started, a small electric current is generated in the rotating coil. Part of this current flows into a fixed coil, which turns into a strong electromagnet. After that, the current strength gradually increases until it reaches the maximum power. see also energy resources, alternative energy, mechanical engineering

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Electricity use The main consumer of electricity is industry, which accounts for about 70% of electricity produced. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction.

About a third of the electricity consumed by industry is used for technological purposes (electric welding, electric heating and melting of metals, electrolysis, etc.). Modern civilization is unthinkable without the widespread use of electricity. The disruption of the power supply of a large city in an accident paralyzes his life.

Electricity transmission Electricity consumers are everywhere. It is produced in relatively few places close to sources of fuel and water resources. Electricity cannot be conserved on a large scale. It must be consumed immediately upon receipt. Therefore, there is a need to transmit electricity over long distances.

Energy transfer is associated with noticeable losses. The fact is that electric current heats the wires of power lines. In accordance with the Joule-Lenz law, the energy spent on heating the line wires is determined by the formula where R is the line resistance.

Since the current power is proportional to the product of the current strength and voltage, in order to maintain the transmitted power, it is necessary to increase the voltage in the transmission line. The longer the transmission line, the more advantageous it is to use a higher voltage. So, in the high-voltage transmission line Volzhskaya HPP - Moscow and some others use a voltage of 500 kV. Meanwhile, alternating current generators are built for voltages not exceeding kV.

Higher voltage would require complex special measures to isolate the windings and other parts of the generators. Therefore, step-up transformers are installed at large power plants. For the direct use of electricity in the motors of the electric drive of machine tools, in the lighting network and for other purposes, the voltage at the ends of the line must be reduced. This is achieved using step-down transformers.

Recently, due to environmental problems, the scarcity of fossil fuels and their uneven geographical distribution, it becomes expedient to generate electricity using wind turbines, solar panels, small gas generators.

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Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other types of energy. It can be transmitted over wires over long distances with relatively low losses and conveniently distributed among consumers. The main thing is that with the help of fairly simple devices it is easy to turn this energy into any other types of energy: mechanical, internal, light energy, etc.

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The 20th century has become a century when science invades all spheres of society: economy, politics, culture, education, etc. Naturally, science directly affects the development of energy and the scope of electricity. On the one hand, science contributes to the expansion of the scope of electrical energy and thereby increases its consumption, but on the other hand, in an era when the unlimited use of non-renewable energy resources poses a danger to future generations, the development of energy-saving technologies and their implementation in life become topical tasks of science.

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The use of electricity.

Electricity consumption is doubling in 10 years

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Let's consider these questions on concrete examples. About 80% of GDP growth (gross domestic product) in developed countries is achieved through technical innovation, most of which is related to the use of electricity. Most scientific developments start with theoretical calculations. All new theoretical developments are verified experimentally after computer calculations. And, as a rule, at this stage, research is carried out using physical measurements, chemical analyzes, etc. Here, scientific research tools are diverse - numerous measuring instruments, accelerators, electron microscopes, magnetic resonance tomographs, etc. Most of these instruments of experimental science run on electrical energy.

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But science not only uses electricity in its theoretical and experimental fields, scientific ideas constantly arise in the traditional field of physics associated with the generation and transmission of electricity. Scientists, for example, are trying to create electrical generators without rotating parts. In conventional electric motors, a direct current must be applied to the rotor in order to create a "magnetic force". Modern society cannot be imagined without the electrification of production activities. Already at the end of the 1980s, more than 1/3 of all energy consumption in the world was carried out in the form of electrical energy. By the beginning of the next century, this proportion may increase to 1/2. Such an increase in electricity consumption is primarily associated with an increase in its consumption in industry. The main part of industrial enterprises works on electric energy. High electricity consumption is typical for energy-intensive industries such as metallurgy, aluminum and engineering industries. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction. Almost all villages and villages receive electricity from state-owned power plants for industrial and domestic needs.

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Transmission and distribution of electricity

1% of electricity losses per day - 0.5 million rubles loss decrease in current strength, it is necessary to increase the voltage U in power lines (U-500 Kv.; 750 Kv.; 1150 Kv.; - PTL)