Teaching method(from the Greek. methodos - "the way, the way to achieve the goal") - a system of sequential interrelated actions of the teacher and students, ensuring the assimilation of educational material.

Method is a multidimensional and multidimensional concept. In pedagogical science there is no single approach to the selection of methods. Different authors distinguish the following teaching methods: story, explanation, conversation, lecture, discussion, work with a book, demonstration, illustration, video method, exercise, laboratory method, practical method, test, survey (varieties: oral and written, individual, frontal, compacted), method of programmed control, test control, abstract, didactic game, etc.

learning techniques usually defined as elements of methods. Reception is not yet a method, but its integral part, however, the practical implementation of the method is achieved precisely with the help of techniques. So, in the method of working with a book, the following techniques can be distinguished: 1) reading aloud; 2) drawing up a text plan; 3) filling in the table according to the material read; 4) drawing up a logical scheme of what was read; 5) note-taking; 6) selection of citations.

The same method in different situations can be carried out using different techniques. For example, working with a book in one case may include reading aloud and drawing up a text plan, in another case, drawing up a logical diagram and selecting quotes, and in a third case, taking notes.

The same technique can be included in different methods. Thus, drawing up a logical diagram can be part of an explanatory and illustrative method (for example, a teacher, explaining new material, draws a diagram on a blackboard), and can also be used as part of a research method (for example, students draw up a diagram reflecting the material they study independently).

The practical application of teaching methods and techniques is possible only if the necessary material resources are available. So, to work with a book, a book is needed, for a laboratory method, appropriate laboratory equipment, etc.

Means of education- this is the substantive support of the educational process: material and materialized objects used as tools for the teacher's activity, as well as as information carriers in the educational process. Teaching materials include textbooks, visual aids (illustrations, dummies, stuffed animals, collections of minerals, etc.), didactic material, technical teaching aids (TUT), and other equipment used in teaching. Materialized means are speech, facial expressions and gestures, as well as various activities (labor, cognitive, communicative, etc.)

Functions of Learning Tools due to their didactic properties. In the educational process, teaching aids perform four main functions:

1) compensatory (learning tools facilitate the learning process, help to achieve the goal with the least effort and time);

2) adaptive (teaching aids help the teacher to adapt the content of education to the age and individual abilities of children, create favorable conditions for learning: help organize the necessary demonstrations, independent work of students, differentiate learning tasks, etc.);

3) informative (teaching aids are either a direct source of information (for example: a textbook, an educational video), or they contribute to the transfer of information (for example: a computer, projection equipment, laboratory equipment);

4) integrative (the use of teaching aids allows us to consider the studied objects and phenomena multilaterally, to identify and observe the various properties of the studied, to penetrate deeper into its essence, for example, when studying any law of physics, the use of educational and laboratory equipment allows us to observe the effect of this law, to understand it value, etc.).


Teaching methods and techniques

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Teaching methods and techniques
Rubric (thematic category) Education

Method education (from the Greek. methodos- ʼʼway, way to achieve the goalʼʼ) - a system of sequential interrelated actions of the teacher and students, ensuring the assimilation of educational material.

Method is a multidimensional and multidimensional concept. Each teaching method has many properties and features, as a result of which there are quite a few principles for their differentiation. For this reason, in pedagogical science there is no single approach to the allocation of teaching methods.

Different authors distinguish the following teaching methods: storytelling, explanation, conversation, lecture, discussion, work with a book, demonstration, illustration, video method, exercise, laboratory method, practical method, test work; survey (varieties: oral and written, individual, frontal, compacted), method of programmed control, test control, abstract, didactic game, etc.
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This list is far from complete.

In the process of teaching, the teacher uses various methods: a story, work with a book, an exercise, a demonstration, a laboratory method, etc.
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At the same time, it is important to remember that no method is universal, that is, a single method will not give the necessary results in full. Good learning outcomes can only be achieved by using a range of complementary methods.

The effectiveness of teaching methods in any pedagogical situation depends on the specific goals and objectives of teaching. The most important component of pedagogical competence is the teacher's ability to choose and apply teaching methods correctly.

The choice of teaching methods is determined by a number of factors, including:

 goals of education, upbringing and development of students;

 features of the content of the studied material;

 features of teaching methods of a particular academic subject;

 the time allotted for the study of a particular material;

 the level of preparedness of students, their age characteristics;

 the level of pedagogical skills of the teacher;

 material and technical conditions of training.

Rice. 4.4. Choice of teaching methods

Teaching methods in the practice of work are implemented with the help of techniques and teaching aids, ᴛ.ᴇ. the method in its specific embodiment is a set of certain methods and means.

learning techniques(didactic techniques) are usually defined as elements of methods, single actions as part of a general teaching method. Reception - ϶ᴛᴏ is not yet a method, but its integral part, however, the practical implementation of the method is achieved precisely with the help of techniques. So, in the method of working with a book, the following techniques can be distinguished: 1) reading aloud; 2) drawing up a text plan; 3) filling in the table according to the material read; 4) drawing up a logical scheme of what was read; 5) note-taking; 6) selection of quotes, etc.

The learning process can be seen as a separate step in the practical application of the method. The sequence of these steps in the process of implementing the method leads to the learning goal.

Rice. 4.5. Reception and method ratio

The same method in different situations can be carried out using different techniques. For example, working with a book in one case may include reading aloud and drawing up a plan of the text; in another case, drawing up a logical diagram and selecting quotes; in the third case, taking notes.

The same technique can be included in different methods. So, drawing up a logical diagram can be part of an explanatory and illustrative method (for example, a teacher, explaining new material, draws a diagram on the blackboard), and can also be used as part of a research method (for example, students draw up a diagram that reflects the material they study on their own) .

Teaching methods are developed in the experience of many teachers and improved over decades. Many of the modern methods originated many centuries ago. For example, a story and an exercise were already known in the schools of the Ancient World, and in Ancient Greece Socrates improved the method of conversation and began to apply it to develop thinking and activate the cognitive interest of students. Unlike methods, techniques can be created in the experience of an individual teacher, determining the uniqueness of his individual pedagogical style.

There are relatively few methods, while there are countless techniques, in connection with this, it is very difficult to classify the techniques and it is almost impossible to compile a complete, exhaustive list of all didactic techniques. On fig. 4.6. only some groups of teaching methods are presented.

Rice. 4.6. Types of teaching methods

Methods and techniques of teaching - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Teaching methods and techniques" 2017, 2018.

Gulnara Valiullina
Pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques in practice

First of all, each technology is aimed at the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education. Among pedagogical technologies, which are used in work with preschool children, can be distinguished;

Health saving pedagogical technologies,

technology person-centered interaction teacher with children,

technology of project activity,

research technology,

Gaming technologies,

technologies"Portfolio of a preschooler" And "Portfolio teacher» ,

Information and communication technologies.

In his pedagogical activity implement various technologies, because I believe that they are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of preschool children in modern conditions, the realization of the child's right to an affordable, high-quality education.

Technology developmental learning. These include the developing environment of the preschool educational institution, the programs of the preschool educational institution. Developing environment, group program corresponding to the requirements and age of children in this group.

Health saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of impact teacher on the health of the child at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic. In health education technologies training I use two groups methods: specific (characteristic only for the process healing pedagogy) And general pedagogical(used in all cases of training and education).

tricks that I use on practice various are morning meetings of children on the street, various types of games, dynamic pauses, relaxation, gymnastics (finger, for the eyes, breathing, etc., dynamic gymnastics, corrective, orthopedic. These are physical education classes, communicative games, a series of classes "Health Lessons", which includes various tricks, information and training (advice to parents, teachers)

Only the optimal combination of specific and general pedagogical methods in accordance with the methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of a set of tasks of health-saving educational learning technologies.

Learner-Centered technologies represent the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. I use a person-centered approach in my work with children. technology placing the personality of the child at the center of the entire educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potential. The personality of the child in this technology is not only a subject, but the subject is a priority. I organize the educational process on the basis of respect for the personality of the child, taking into account the peculiarities of his individual development, attitude towards him as a conscious, full participant in the educational process. In my classes, there is an emphasis on a personality-oriented approach to communication. I plan classes, joint activities with children so that it is not aimed at finding out what the child knows, but at how developed his “mind power”, inclinations and abilities to reason, think critically, find the right solution, apply knowledge to practice. I use didactic material that differs in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for completing tasks.

Wide in its practice I use the design activity. Since I think that this kind technologies gives children the opportunity to purposefully activities with a specific purpose, according to a specific plan for solving search, research, practical tasks in any direction. At the heart of the design activities lies the idea of ​​direction activities(during which the child discovers a lot of new and previously unknown) on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of an adult and children on a certain practical problem. In 2014-2015 we implement projects with children and parents "Children about the War" and project "I live in Langepas". Projects, regardless of type, need constant attention, help and support from adults at every stage of implementation. Specifics of use methods projects in preschool practice is what adults need "point" child, to help discover the problem or even provoke its occurrence, to arouse interest in it and "pull in" children in a joint project, while not overdoing it with the guardianship and help of parents.

Information and communication technologies used in working with children give me the opportunity to make the learning and development of children more attractive and exciting. This gives me the opportunity to keep up with the times, to become a guide for the child into the world of new technologies, to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality, to improve the professional level of competence of parents.

ICT helps me in my work V:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups (scanning, internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of others teachers from Russia and abroad.

4. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and only make the necessary changes in the future.

5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and pedagogical competencies of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

concept "gaming pedagogical technologies» includes a fairly large group methods and techniques of organizing pedagogical process in the form of various educational games.

Gaming first technologies I used as game moments. Game moments are very important in pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a children's institution. For me, the main task was the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person, an interesting partner in the game. She used frontal game situations so that no child would feel deprived of attention. These are games like "Round dance", "Catching" and "Blowing soap bubbles". In the future, I tried to ensure that game moments penetrated into all types children's activities: work and play (Games "Everything has its place", "Whose closet is better", "Who is the hardest working", educational activity and play(Outdoor games, eye gymnastics, breathing, dynamic pauses, logarithmics, relaxation, self-massage (finger games) gaming technologies with Gyenes blocks, V. Voskobovich, Kuneser sticks, everyday household activity associated with the execution of the mode and the game (All types games: didactic, role-playing, business, dramatization games, gaming technologies with Gyenes blocks, V. Voskobovich) As I understand it, the game is the most accessible form for children activities, this is a way of processing the impressions and knowledge received from the outside world.

Using gaming technologies in the educational process, I kindly try to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and fantasy of the child. Only in this case, the game will be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

Technologies"Portfolio of a preschooler". Individual educational achievements are a kind of treasury of success, a tool in the formation of self-esteem and self-presentation of the child's personal achievements. In previous years, I actively participated in this sport. technologies, of course, not in the form proposed by the Federal State Educational Standard, but more simplified. The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. There are a lot of portfolio options. I believe that this kind technology will be in the future, very much in demand, especially, section "My achievements", in the section certificates, diplomas (from various organizations: Kindergarten, media holding contests, as it will help teachers

Technologies"Portfolio teacher» . We all know that modern education needs a new type of teacher: creative thinking, owning modern educational technologies, methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, ways of self-construction pedagogical process under specific conditions practical activities the ability to predict your end result. Everyone has it teacher there should be a record of success that reflects everything that is joyful, interesting and worthy of what happens in life teacher. A portfolio can become such a dossier teacher. This kind technology will be in the future, very much in demand, as it will help teachers systematize your piggy bank of achievements and will play a big role in advanced training.

Thus, if using pedagogical technologies in a preschool educational institution for a teacher it is possible to increase the reserve of development of the child, then we can talk about their positive impact on the child. For teacher who has learned to work technological level, the main guideline will always be the child's self-development, because an educational institution should form a person's main need - the need for self-development, since human life is woven from diversity technologies(activities functionally related to each other.


1. Krulekht M.V. Pedagogical technology program implementation "Childhood" in the educational process of children garden: Methodological advice for the program"Childhood". St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2002 pp. 3-15.

2. Pedagogical technologies. Study guide for students pedagogical specialties / Under the general. ed. Kukushina V. S. Series « Teacher Education» . Rostov-on- Don: Publishing Center "March", 2002 –320 s.

3. Selevko G. K. Modern educational technologies. - M., Publishing house "People's Education" 1998 - 256s.

4. Khabarova T.V. Pedagogical technologies in preschool education. - SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2011.- 80 p.

The main features of techniques and teaching methods

One of the main features of the educational process is two-way activity, which is manifested by both the teacher and the students. The development of this process is influenced in many aspects by techniques and teaching methods.

Such ways of interaction between the teacher and students, which are aimed at the joint solution of educational problems, are called teaching methods. Reception is one of the individual aspects of the method or one of its components. That's why techniques and teaching methods are in constant interaction, influencing one another. As an example, we can consider the method of work of students with educational literature. It involves the use of such techniques as taking notes, compiling abstracts, a plan and a thematic dictionary, citing, writing a review.

How techniques and teaching methods can have mutual influence, is also evidenced by the fact that the methods include separate techniques. For example, the construction of a schematic model is an element of the method of working with educational literature and at the same time an integral part of the presentation of material by the teacher, when students are given the task of creating a reference abstract based on the new material being studied.

In some cases, the applied method of teaching can act either as a separate method or as a technique. So, the explanation of the material is a teaching method, but if in the process of analyzing errors or practical work the teacher resorts to explanation, then this is already a technique that makes up the method of practical work.

However, techniques and teaching methods sometimes they can be interchangeable. So, if during the lesson the teacher uses the method of presenting new material and refers to the drawings, graphs, drawings in the textbook for greater clarity and better assimilation of what is being studied, this will be a technique. If during the lesson the method of working with educational literature is used, and the teacher needs to give an explanation of a particular concept or term, then this method will already act as an additional technique.

Thus, the methods used during teaching consist of two kinds of methods - teaching and learning.

Types of pedagogical techniques in teaching

Teaching methods in pedagogy are designed to transfer knowledge from teacher to student. To achieve the best results in the process of education and training, a necessary condition is the combination of basic methods with non-traditional ones.

Teaching methods are a process of interaction between a teacher and students, resulting in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that were provided for by the content of the training.

The means of teaching in pedagogy are the objects used by the teacher in the process of mastering knowledge by students. In other words, these are any materials that the teacher uses in the process of education and upbringing.

Objects that perform the function of learning are divided into material (textbooks, tables, illustrations) and ideal (knowledge and skills of the teacher and students).

Teaching methods in pedagogy

Modern pedagogy involves the classification of teaching methods, based on the source of knowledge.

The main ones are:

  • verbal;
  • practical;
  • visual.

Non-traditional methods of learning have also become very popular, involving the introduction of a significant share of creativity into the process.


Its basis is the word, and the task of the teacher is to present information to students through words. Verbal reception is the leading one in the learning system, since it allows you to transfer a large amount of information in a minimum period of time.

The verbal teaching method includes: a story, a lecture, an explanation, a conversation, a discussion, as well as independent work with a textbook.

Unlike storytelling and lectures (monologic methods), conversation and discussion (active methods) involve the inclusion of students in the discussion of the material, which develops their interest in the cognitive process.

In addition, the discussion teaches to listen to other people's opinions and objectively evaluate the value of different points of view.

Working with printed materials is aimed at developing students' attention, memory and logical thinking. Also, working with a textbook helps to better remember the material covered.


This technique involves the active practical activity of students. Practical teaching methods can be represented as:

  • exercises(performance by students of mental or practical actions, the purpose of which is to master a certain skill to perfection);
  • laboratory and practical work, during which students study any phenomena with the help of equipment or teaching machines;
  • didactic games– modeling of the studied processes or phenomena.


It implies the use of visual aids or other means in the learning process that reflect the essence of the objects, processes or phenomena being studied.

Visual aids are closely related to the sensory perception of the material, due to which the assimilation of information occurs in a more understandable form and is securely fixed in the memory of students.

Visual methods can be divided into two groups:

  1. Illustrations (drawings, tables, maps);
  2. Demonstrations (this includes watching movies and conducting experiments).

The latter is considered the most effective, because it has more opportunities to influence the human mind. The use of a computer and modern technologies makes it possible to introduce new tools into the system of visual methods.


The heuristic or partial search method of teaching involves the teacher asking a question and the students searching for an answer to it. Thus, students do not receive “ready-made” knowledge, but actively participate in the search for a solution, thereby developing their thinking abilities.

Thanks to the active activity of the brain and the enthusiasm for the task, students receive more conscious and solid knowledge.

Heuristic learning methods include various competitions, research, essays. Heuristic forms of classes are a heuristic lesson, olympiads, intellectual games, creative defenses, interactive forms of education.


Problem learning is understood as learning that takes place in the form of solving the set problem situations. The problem should activate the thinking processes of students and encourage them to actively search for a solution.

In addition to mastering knowledge, the method of problem-based learning allows students to master the ways of obtaining them:

  • search practice;
  • analysis skills;
  • independent research activities;
  • arrangement of the received information.

Problem-based learning involves the use of non-standard methods of solving problems, therefore, it develops the creative abilities of students, requires them to display intellectual, as well as personal and social activity.


The essence of this method lies in the fact that the teacher does not communicate knowledge to students, they must themselves obtain them in the process of active research of the problem posed.

The teacher forms the problem, and the students independently realize it, put forward a hypothesis, draw up a plan to test it and draw conclusions.

As a result, the knowledge gained during the search is distinguished by its depth, the learning process is intensive, and students show interest in the problem posed.

Unfortunately, due to the large amount of time, the research method cannot be used frequently in the classroom and must be combined with other teaching methods.


According to this method, knowledge is already communicated to students in a “ready-made” form, the teacher also explains them. To master knowledge, the teacher gives tasks that students perform according to the previously considered model.

The criterion for mastering knowledge is the ability to reproduce them correctly. Repetition of the material allows students to learn and remember it.

The main advantage of the reproductive method is its practicality, but the learning process should not be based solely on it.


This method is one of the most economical teaching methods, and its effectiveness has been proven by centuries of practice. The essence of the method is that the teacher presents information using combined means: oral and printed word, visual and practical materials.

Students perceive information and perform the actions necessary for its assimilation - they listen, watch, read, compare with previously studied material and remember.

The explanatory and illustrative method is widely used in the preschool education system.

Consolidation of the studied material

The teacher's explanation of the material is the initial stage of learning. An equally important component of the assimilation of knowledge by students is the subsequent work on assimilation of the information received, which includes consolidation, memorization and comprehension of the material presented in the lesson.

The main methods of consolidating the material are a conversation, a survey and work with a textbook;

In addition to reproductive reinforcement, a creative method is very effective. It may include various practical tasks, such as searching for examples to confirm a theory in literature and life.

Game methods in pedagogy also serve as an excellent platform for reinforcing the material: intellectual or role-playing games are used with great success in educational institutions.

Independent work of students on the assimilation of the passed

Experienced teachers believe that only independent work of students contributes to a deep mastery of knowledge and the development of thinking. For independent work, the teacher gives a task, but he himself does not take an active part in the process of assimilation of the material by students.

The main methods of independent assimilation of the material:

  • work with the textbook (thoughtful study and comprehension of the material);
  • training exercises (for example, solving mathematical problems or remembering historical data);
  • laboratory classes.

A prerequisite for preparing students for work on independent assimilation of the material is the teacher's detailed explanation. The teacher needs to make sure that the material is understandable to everyone and does not cause any particular difficulties.

Also, tasks should not be too difficult, so that students do not get the feeling that they are not able to cope with the task.

Checking and assessing knowledge

An important component of training is regular testing and assessment of knowledge throughout the school year. So the teacher can assess the degree of assimilation of the material by students, and, if necessary, correct the course of the educational process.

The main methods of verification and evaluation:

  • current (during training sessions);
  • fourth (according to the results of the academic quarter);
  • annual (at the end of the year);
  • transfer and final exams.

The current check can be carried out in the form of observation of students, and in the form of an oral - individual, frontal or compacted, and a written survey.

Also, methods of testing knowledge include conducting tests, evaluating homework and modern forms of tracking, for example, programmed control - testing knowledge using tasks with multiple answers.

All of the above teaching aids are practiced both by the general education system and by special pedagogy, one of the main branches of which is correctional pedagogy, which develops the foundations of the educational process for children with developmental disabilities.

Family pedagogy also advises parents, when resorting to methods of teaching children, to use not one or two methods, but to include as many different methods and means as possible in the process of education and training.

Video: What innovative teaching methods are