Beautiful lips are the dream of every woman. Smooth, velvety, appetizing lips of a beauty always attract the eyes of admiring men. But due to inadequate unhealthy nutrition, aggressive weather conditions, unsafe decorative cosmetics and insufficient care, lips often suffer - they dry, peel, crack and even bleed. In general, there are enough problems with the lips.

It is known that already 5,000 years ago, the weak half of humanity tried in every possible way to give their lips freshness, brightness and a healthy look, while using all sorts of tricks. One anecdotal story is told when the habit of painting lips became fashionable, thanks to a blatant misunderstanding. In 1803, slave traders brought to Amsterdam a composition with which slaves painted their lips bright red. And only later it became clear that women of African tribes thus informed their men that they had critical days, and it was useless to flirt with them.

In the Middle Ages, not only women, but also men used lip balms and ointments to make them stand out against the background of the face, mustache and beard. And the softness of the lips in all ages was considered a necessary sign of a woman who wants to please a man. And in our time, everything remains the same, and we also want to please and look good and beautiful. And if it doesn’t always work out, we read useful tips. Today I will tell you the causes of cracked lips and how to get rid of them. After all, this is a common problem, especially in the cold season.

Why do lips crack

The beauty of the lips has always been important for women. However, this beauty can disappear if you do not take care of yourself. Sometimes cracks form on the lips as a result of dry skin, a lack of vitamins, amino acids, or long-term work on the street, where wind, frost or sun dry out the delicate skin of the lips. Also, these symptoms may occur in those who often lick their lips.

Another cause of this trouble can be an allergy to cream or lipstick, as well as smoking as a weakening factor of the whole organism and the cause of the disease of the oral mucosa.

Cracks most often form on the lower lip or at the corners of the mouth. The causes of cracks in the lower lip are mentioned above, and cracks in the corners of the mouth are the result of infection with staphylococcus aureus or yeast, as well as a consequence of malocclusion. It follows that the methods of treating these symptoms will be completely different.

Treatments and vitamins

To treat cracked lips, first, you need to provide enough moisture to the entire skin. A person should drink about 2 liters of fluid per day in order for the water-salt metabolism in the body to be normal.

Secondly, with dry lips, it is imperative to treat them with special balms, oils and moisturizers. A good therapeutic and prophylactic remedy can be a hygienic lipstick containing petroleum jelly - it softens the skin of the lips very well and retains moisture in the skin.

If this does not help, you can try treating the lips with a synthomycin emulsion, as well as taking vitamins A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, as well as foods rich in these vitamins: butter, oatmeal, liver, meat, egg yolk, milk and dairy products, parsley, rye bread, lettuce, blackcurrant.

In pharmacies there are many special complexes of these vitamins, you can also use them. Or take universal vitamins that strengthen overall immunity. If the cause is not an infectious disease, these measures will certainly help. Otherwise, it is better to go to an appointment with a specialist.

They say that the best treatment is prevention. For sensitive skin, it is good to use sunscreen, apply Vaseline or balm as a base for lipstick. You can also do cold salt baths for the lips, use a special peeling or a soft toothbrush to exfoliate dead cells. After the procedure, it is good to smear the lips with a healing balm containing menthol or camphor. These products will help to deeply moisturize the lips.

Another means of prevention is massage with an emollient cream, when the cream is easily driven into the lips with the fingertips, and then the excess is removed with a damp cloth.

As for cracks in the corners of the mouth or seizures, it is better to treat them with the help of a specialist, because in this case it will be very important to determine the root cause of the disease, to make a diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed based on the cause of the disease.

As a rule, homemade lip care products are good because they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are easy to manufacture, made without the use of preservatives, all the ingredients in them are fresh, which means they are the most effective. So, what can be used to treat dry and chapped lips?

Folk remedies for cracked lips

  • Lubricate your lips with fresh butter or melted bird fat several times a day. Thus, you will provide the skin with vitamin B and soften them.
  • Ready for a casserole? Then take some cottage cheese, a drop of carrot juice and make a lip mask. Vitamins A and B, as well as nutrition for the lips are provided.
  • If the cracks on the lips are deep, make an effective homemade cream: grind 5 grams of Potentilla rhizome into powder and boil in 200 grams of butter. This cream will contain medicinal substances and vitamin B.
  • If your lips are chapped, warm up the candle wax with hemp oil, mix and smear the composition on your lips overnight. Everything will be all right in the morning.
  • To prevent cracks, you can lubricate your lips with any vegetable juice or honey at night - it nourishes, disinfects, and provides the necessary trace elements.
  • Abrasions and cracks on the lips are well treated with apple pulp mixed with butter. The skin is treated and nourished.
  • If red spots appear on the lips, it means that soon the skin will begin to peel off and crack. A decoction of flaxseed will help here: boil 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in two glasses of water, bring the mass to a state of gruel. Lubricate your lips with this composition.
  • Slightly chapped and dry skin of the lips can be saved with a composition of one rose petals and a spoonful of lard. All this must be rubbed well and applied to the lips.

How to avoid cracked lips? So, prevention and more prevention! Make sure that the skin on your lips never lacks moisture so that it is less affected by adverse factors and allergens. Supply your body with a sufficient amount of vitamins, trace elements, fats - and then you will have no reason to think about why your lips dry out and crack. And you will look your best!

The following folk remedies are used for cracked lips: pork or goose fat, butter, homemade cottage cheese, heavy cream, honey.

Cracks on lips, as a rule, those appear who has the habit of licking his lips, and especially in windy weather, who often gnaws at the tip of a pencil or pen, prefers spicy or very hot food, as well as at.

Why lips crack and what to do about it? Video

Therefore, it should be removed first annoying factor, get rid of .

Often quite educational cracks in the lips cause lack of vitamins of groups "A" and "B" is in the body. It is quite easy to make up for their lack: include in your diet milk, butter, eggs, carrots, rye bread,.


It so happens that cracked lips from dehydration in the body. If this is your reason, then try to drink at least two liters of water a day, it is even better to drink mineral water, without gas.

Why do lips dry? Video


It so happens that as only a crack lives one, as soon as a new one appears. In this case treatment is required. For the appearance new crack warning can be lubricated lips goose or pork fat. If a no fat lubricate butter or hygienic lipstick. But, it is best to prepare an effective and simple remedy for cracked lips treatment with their own hands.

In windy and cold weather, this recipe helps a lot of people: mix one teaspoon cottage cheese and one teaspoon and the mixture obtained lips apply for fifteen minutes. Then rinse.

Folk recipe for cracked lips. At cracked lips helps great infusion, which is prepared from twenty-five gr. root galangal. It needs to be crushed finely, and then pour Art. fifty gr. . brew to give for a period of ten to twelve days in a dark and warm place. Then, you have to express. Ready ointment must be applied to sore spots.

Lip balm with your own hands - Six recipes. Video


For crack prevention appearance Lubricate lips with pork or goose fat, butter. Mix half a teaspoon with one teaspoon fat cream. The mixture obtained from lips apply for ten to fifteen minutes. Then, rub your lips cotton swab and vaseline grease them or hygienic lipstick.


A balm that revives your lips. Video

The following ointment helps to smooth cracks on the lips and eliminate dryness of the lips: teaspoon melted butter and half a teaspoon cocoa mix, bring to a boil and then transfer to a glass jar and smear in a thick layer for fifteen minutes. Lubricate your lips.

Scrub for lips. Video The presence of cracked lips is painful but easily treated. Use traditional medicine recipes and be healthy!

Cracks on the lips, treatment of cracks on the lips. Video

It's no secret that the skin on the lips is the most sensitive and thin on the entire human body. That is why the lip is so easy to bite through, injure or chapped. Due to changeable weather or improper care, our lips dry out and crack. Since the lips are perhaps the most noticeable part of the face, no one wants to see bleeding cracks and peeling skin on them. So what to do so that delicate skin is not subjected to such tests?

Causes of cracked lips

First you need to deal with those factors that have such a negative effect on the sensitive epithelium, which, with proper care, does not peel off, does not crack and does not bleed.

  1. The most common reason is cold. At low temperatures, a person often begins to breathe through the nose, so warm breath settles on the skin in microscopic drops. A frosty wind dehydrates the upper skin, which causes the lips to peel and crack quite quickly.
  2. Frequent licking of the lips. A fairly common gesture designed to soften dry lips, but in reality it gives the exact opposite effect: the skin dries out even more.
  3. Improper use of hygienic lipstick. Yes, you didn't think so! Few people know that this lipstick was created to moisturize the lips, and not to protect them from negative external factors. If you want to use lip balm, it's best to apply it while you're indoors. For the street, it is better to take a long-lasting lipstick with pigments that penetrate the upper layer of the epithelium: they will create a protective barrier.
  4. Lack of vitamins A, E and B. The lack of these elements leads to the fact that the skin loses its elasticity and cracks (this is especially noticeable in the corners of the mouth).
  5. Smoking and drinking alcohol. Bad habits also lead to dehydration of body tissues.
  6. Insufficient fluid intake, as well as an allergy to cosmetic or hygiene products, can lead to cracked lips.

Crack repair

After you have found the true cause of cracked lips, you need to decide on the correct and effective way to get rid of them. What can be done?

Start using lipstick regularly (and correctly!) You need to remember the following:

  • Apply it 15 minutes before going out, after massaging the lips with your fingertips;
  • More suitable - with hyaluronic acid and jojoba oil in the composition;
  • "Summer" and "winter" lipsticks are different in composition, so carefully read the instructions for use before buying;
  • In summer, lipstick is recommended to be applied only before going to bed; in winter - as described above.

Review your diet:

  • Include more meat and fish dishes, fresh vegetables, dairy products in your daily diet;
  • Limit your intake of sweet, salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • Eat more orange vegetables and fruits - they are a source of vitamin A (carrots, dried apricots, persimmons, etc.);
  • Meat, beans, nuts and eggs will make up for the missing amount of vitamin E in the body.

Resort to cosmetic and folk remedies:

  • Buy capsules with liquid vitamins A and E at the pharmacy and apply directly to the skin of the lips;
  • Sea buckthorn and olive oil mask;
  • Mask of olive oil and kiwi.
  • Honey mask (should be rubbed with fingertips into damaged skin with massaging movements).

Consult a doctor:

  1. Perhaps you are allergic to any cosmetic product, then experienced specialists will establish this;
  2. You can be prescribed an individual course of vitamins or special ointments that prevent dryness and cracking of the lips (Symtomycil ointment, Salcoseryl paste).

Prevent cracking and peeling

Of course, the methods described above will have an effect if they are applied correctly and in a timely manner, but after all, after you get rid of such an unpleasant problem, you don’t want it to return again. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a kind of prevention so that the lips do not peel off and do not crack.

  1. Do not go out under the scorching sun or in the cold without protecting your lips in any way. Remember: the skin on them is extremely sensitive! Apply lipstick before going out.
  2. Control the habit (if any) of licking your lips.
  3. Maintain skin elasticity with a daily lip massage. For example, in the morning you can massage your lips with a toothbrush in a circular motion for a couple of minutes.
  4. Lubricate lips after using makeup with peach or olive oil.
  5. As a good folk remedy, it is recommended to freeze a decoction of chamomile, calendula or mint into cubes and massage your lips with them.
  6. Apply coconut oil to your lips twice a day. It promotes the healing of microcracks on them, preventing the skin from cracking to bleeding wounds.

Pay attention to the little things! Each of them individually is a trifle, but when there are many such trifles, they become one big problem, which is much more difficult to solve. Prevention of cracked lips is not an empty phrase. If you do not want to have chapped dry lips with bleeding wounds, do not neglect the means of protection against negative external factors!

Video: protect lips from cracks and dryness