In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386 ; No. 37, item 4702; 2014, No. 2, item 126; No. 6, item 582; No. 27, item 3776; 2015, No. 26, item 3898; No. 43, item 5976; 2016, No. 2, article 325; No. 8, article 1121; No. 28, article 4741), paragraph 17 of the Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 No. 661 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4377; 2014, No. 38, Art. 5069; 2016, No. 16, Art. 2230), as well as in order to implement paragraph 3 of the set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary education, for 2015 - 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2015 No. 349-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 11, art. 1629), I order:

1.5. Training according to the educational program in an educational organization is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education.

1.6. When implementing an educational program, an educational organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

When teaching disabled people and persons with disabilities, e-learning and distance learning technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

1.7. The implementation of the educational program is carried out by the educational organization both independently and through a network form.

1.8. The implementation of the educational program is carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.

The implementation of the educational program by an educational organization located on the territory of the republic of the Russian Federation may be carried out in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the educational program in the state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.

1.9. The term for obtaining education under the educational program in full-time education, regardless of the educational technologies used, is:

on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months;

on the basis of secondary general education - 2 years 10 months.

The term for obtaining education in the educational program in full-time and part-time forms of study, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases compared to the period for obtaining education in full-time education:

no more than 1.5 years when receiving education on the basis of basic general education;

for no more than 1 year when receiving education on the basis of secondary general education.

When studying according to an individual curriculum, the period for obtaining education in an educational program, regardless of the form of education, is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education. When studying according to an individual curriculum for students with disabilities and persons with disabilities, the period of education may be increased by no more than 1 year compared to the period of education for the corresponding form of education.

The specific term for obtaining education and the volume of the educational program implemented in one academic year, in part-time and part-time forms of education, according to an individual curriculum, are determined by the educational organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

1.10. An educational program implemented on the basis of basic general education is developed by an educational organization based on the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, taking into account the specialty received.

1.11. An educational organization develops an educational program in accordance with the qualifications of a mid-level specialist specified in the List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2013, registration No. 30861), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2014 No. 518 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014, registration No. 32461), dated November 18, 2015 No. 1350 (registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2015, registration No. 39955) and dated November 25, 2016 No. 1477 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2016, registration No. 44662):


II. Requirements for the structure of the educational program

2.1. The structure of the educational program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable part).

The obligatory part of the educational program is aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies provided for by this Federal State Educational Standard, and should not exceed 70 percent of the total time allotted for its development.

The variable part of the educational program (at least 30 percent) makes it possible to expand the main type (s) of activity, for which a graduate who has mastered the educational program should be ready, according to the qualifications received, specified in this Federal State Educational Standard of SVE (hereinafter referred to as the main types of activity) , deepening the training of the student, as well as obtaining additional competencies necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market.

The specific ratio of the volumes of the mandatory part and the variable part of the educational program is determined by the educational organization independently in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph, as well as taking into account the exemplary basic educational program (hereinafter referred to as the POEP).

2.2. The educational program has the following structure:

general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle;

mathematical and general natural science cycle;

general professional cycle;

professional cycle;

state final certification, which ends with the assignment of the qualification of a mid-level specialist specified in this FSES SPO.

Table 1

Structure and scope of the educational program

The structure of the educational program The volume of the educational program in academic hours
General humanitarian and socio-economic cycle at least 468
Mathematical and general natural science cycle at least 144
General professional cycle at least 612
Professional cycle at least 1728
State final certification 216
The total volume of the educational program:
on the basis of secondary general education 4464
on the basis of basic general education, including obtaining secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education 5940

2.3. The list, content, volume and procedure for the implementation of disciplines and modules of the educational program is determined by the educational organization independently, taking into account the PEP in the relevant specialty.

To determine the volume of the educational program, an educational organization can apply a system of credits, while one credit unit corresponds to 32-36 academic hours.

2.4. In the general humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural sciences, general professional and professional cycles (hereinafter referred to as training cycles) of the educational program, the amount of work of students in cooperation with the teacher is allocated according to the types of training sessions (lesson, practical lesson, laboratory lesson, consultation, lecture, seminar), practice (in the professional cycle) and independent work of students.

At least 70 percent of the volume of study cycles of the educational program provided for by this Federal State Educational Standard of SVE should be allocated for conducting training sessions and practices when mastering the study cycles of the educational program in full-time education, at least 25 percent in part-time education, in correspondence form training - at least 10 percent.

The training cycles include intermediate certification of students, which is carried out as part of the development of these cycles in accordance with the funds of assessment tools developed by the educational organization, which allow assessing the achievements of the learning outcomes planned for individual disciplines, modules and practices.

2.5. The obligatory part of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle of the educational program should include the study of the following compulsory disciplines: "Fundamentals of Philosophy", "History", "Psychology of Communication", "Foreign Language in Professional Activities", "Physical Education".

The total volume of the discipline "Physical Education" cannot be less than 160 academic hours. For students with disabilities and persons with disabilities, the educational organization establishes a special procedure for mastering the discipline "Physical Culture", taking into account their state of health.

2.6. When forming an educational program, an educational organization should provide for the inclusion of adaptive disciplines that ensure the correction of developmental disorders and the social adaptation of students with disabilities and people with disabilities.

2.7. Mastering the general professional cycle of the educational program in full-time education should include the study of the discipline "Life Safety" in the amount of 68 academic hours, of which 70 percent of the total amount of time allotted for this discipline is for mastering the basics of military service (for boys).

The educational program for subgroups of girls may provide for the use of 70 percent of the total time of the discipline "Life Safety", provided for studying the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

2.8. The professional cycle of the educational program includes professional modules that are formed in accordance with the main activities provided for by this Federal State Educational Standard.

The professional cycle of the educational program includes the following types of practices: educational practice and industrial practice.

Educational and industrial practices are carried out when students master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules and are implemented both in several periods and dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within the framework of professional modules.

The part of the professional cycle of the educational program allocated for conducting internships is determined by the educational organization in the amount of at least 25 percent of the professional cycle of the educational program.

2.9. State final certification is carried out in the form of defense of the final qualification work (thesis (thesis project).

At the discretion of the educational organization, the demonstration exam is included in the final qualifying work or is conducted in the form of a state exam.

The requirements for the content, volume and structure of the final qualifying work and (or) the state exam are determined by the educational organization independently, taking into account the PEP.

III. Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program

3.1. As a result of mastering the educational program, the graduate should form general and professional competencies.

3.2. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must have the following general competencies (hereinafter - OK):

OK 01. Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity, in relation to different contexts.

OK 02. Search, analyze and interpret the information necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

OK 04. Work in a team and team, interact effectively with colleagues, management, clients.

OK 05. To carry out oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural context.

OK 06. Show a civil-patriotic position, demonstrate conscious behavior based on traditional universal values.

OK 07. Promote the preservation of the environment, resource conservation, and act effectively in emergency situations.

OK 08. Use the means of physical culture to maintain and improve health in the course of professional activities and maintain the required level of physical fitness.

OK 09. Use information technology in professional activities.

OK 10. Use professional documentation in the state and foreign languages.

OK 11. Plan business activities in the professional field.

3.3. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must be ready to perform the main activities in accordance with the qualifications of a mid-level specialist specified in this FSES SVE:

maintenance and repair of automobile engines;

maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles;

maintenance and repair of car chassis;

body repair;

organization of the process of maintenance and repair of the car;

organization of the process of modernization and modification of vehicles.

Also, the main activities include the development of one or more professions of workers, positions of employees specified in this Federal State Educational Standard.

3.4. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must have professional competencies (hereinafter referred to as PC) corresponding to the main types of activity:

3.4.1. Maintenance and repair of car engines:

PC 1.1. Carry out diagnostics of systems, components and mechanisms of automobile engines.

PC 1.2. Carry out maintenance of automobile engines in accordance with technological documentation.

PC 1.3. Carry out repairs of various types of engines in accordance with the technological documentation.

3.4.2. Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles:

PC 2.1. Carry out diagnostics of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles.

PC 2.2. Carry out maintenance of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

PC 2.3. Carry out repairs of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

3.4.3. Maintenance and repair of car chassis:

PC 3.1. Carry out diagnostics of the transmission, chassis and controls of vehicles.

PC 3.2. Carry out maintenance of the transmission, chassis and controls of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

PC.3.3. Carry out repairs of transmission, chassis and controls of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

3.4.4. Carrying out body repairs:

PC 4.1. Detect vehicle defects.

PC 4.2. Repair damage to car bodies.

PC 4.3. Paint car bodies.

3.4.5. Organization of the process of car maintenance and repair:

PC 5.1. Plan the activities of the unit for the maintenance and repair of systems, components and engines of the car.

PC 5.2. Organize the logistics of the process for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

PC 5.3. To organize and control the activities of the personnel of the department for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

PC 5.4. Develop proposals for improving the activities of the unit, maintenance and repair of vehicles.

3.4.6. Organization of the process of modernization and modification of vehicles:

PC 6.1. Determine the need for modernization of the vehicle.

PC 6.2. Plan the interchangeability of components and assemblies of a motor vehicle and improve their performance.

PC 6.3. Master the technique of car tuning.

PC 6.4. Determine the residual resource of production equipment.

3.5. The minimum requirements for the results of mastering the main activities of the educational program are presented in this Federal State Educational Standard.

3.6. An educational organization independently plans learning outcomes for individual disciplines, modules and practices, which must be correlated with the required results of mastering the educational program (graduates' competencies). The set of planned learning outcomes should ensure that the graduate masters all the OK and PC established by this Federal State Educational Standard.

IV. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program

4.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program include general system requirements, requirements for material and technical, educational and methodological support, personnel and financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2. General system requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2.1. An educational organization must have, on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds, a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of educational activities of students provided for by the curriculum, taking into account the PEP.

4.2.2. In the case of the implementation of an educational program using the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the educational program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical and educational support provided by educational organizations participating in the implementation of the educational program using the network form.

4.2.3. In the case of the implementation of the educational program at the departments or other structural divisions created by the educational organization in accordance with the established procedure, the requirements for the implementation of the educational program must be provided by the totality of the resources of these organizations.

4.3. Requirements for the material, technical and educational and methodological support for the implementation of the educational program.

4.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for all types of classes provided for by the educational program, including group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work, workshops and laboratories equipped with equipment, teaching aids and materials , taking into account the requirements of international standards.

4.3.2. Premises for independent work of students should be equipped with computer equipment with the ability to connect to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the educational organization (if available).

In the case of the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, it is allowed to use specially equipped rooms, their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master OK and PC.

4.3.3. An educational organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

4.3.4. The library fund of an educational organization should be completed with printed publications and (or) electronic publications for each discipline, module at the rate of one printed publication and (or) electronic publication for each discipline, module per student. The library fund should be completed with printed editions and (or) electronic editions of basic and additional educational literature published over the past 5 years.

As the main literature, the educational organization uses textbooks, teaching aids provided for by the POOP.

If there is an electronic information and educational environment, it is allowed to replace the printed library fund by granting the right of simultaneous access to at least 25% of students to the electronic library system (electronic library).

4.3.5. Students with disabilities and persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources adapted to their disabilities.

4.3.6. The educational program must be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all academic subjects, disciplines and modules.

4.4. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.4.1. Implementation of the educational program by the teaching staff of the educational organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the educational program on the terms of a civil law contract, including from among the heads and employees of organizations whose activities correspond to the field of professional activity specified in this Federal State Educational Standard work in this professional field for at least 3 years).

4.4.2. The qualifications of teaching staff of an educational organization must meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards (if any).

Pedagogical workers involved in the implementation of the educational program should receive additional professional education in advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in organizations whose activities correspond to the field of professional activity specified in this Federal State Educational Standard, at least once every 3 years from taking into account the expansion of the range of professional competencies.

The share of teaching staff (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) that ensure the development of professional modules by students who have at least 3 years of experience in organizations whose activities correspond to the field of professional activity specified in this Federal State Educational Standard of SVE, in the total number of teaching staff implementing educational program must be at least 25 percent.

4.5. Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.5.1. Financial support for the implementation of the educational program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of state-accredited secondary educational programs, taking into account adjustment factors.

4.6. Requirements for the applied mechanisms for assessing the quality of the educational program.

4.6.1. The quality of the educational program is determined within the framework of the internal evaluation system, as well as the external evaluation system on a voluntary basis.

4.6.2. In order to improve the educational program, the educational organization, when conducting a regular internal assessment of the quality of the educational program, involves employers and their associations, other legal entities and (or) individuals, including teaching staff of the educational organization.

4.6.3. An external assessment of the quality of an educational program can be carried out when employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, including foreign organizations, or professional and public organizations that are part of international structures, carry out professional and public accreditation in order to recognize the quality and level of training of graduates, who have mastered the educational program that meets the requirements of professional standards, the requirements of the labor market for specialists of the relevant profile.


* Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 29, 2014 No. 667n “On the Register of Professional Standards (List of Professional Activities)” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 19, 2014, registration No. 34779).

** See Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Article 2878; No. 27, Article 3462; No. 30, Article 4036; No. 48, Article 6165; 2014, No. 6, Article 562, Article 566; No. 19, Article 2289; No. 22, 2769; No. 23, 2933; No. 26, 3388; No. 30, 4217, 4257, 4263; 2015, No. 1, 42, 53, 72; No. 14, Article 2008, No. 18, Article 2625; No. 27, Article 3951, Article 3989; No. 29, Article 4339, Article 4364; No. 51, Article 7241; 2016, No. 1, Article 8, Item 9, Item 24, Item 72, Item 78, No. 10, Item 1320, No. 23, Item 3289, Item 3290, No. 27, Item 4160, Item 4219, Item 4223 4238, 4239, 4245, 4246, 4292).

Application No. 1
to the middle
vocational education in the specialty


professions of workers, positions of employees recommended for development within the framework of the educational program of secondary vocational education in the specialty 23.02.07 Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and assemblies of vehicles

Code according to the List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 8, 2013, registration No. 9322), as amended , introduced by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2013 No. 348 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2014, registration No. 31163), dated March 28, 2014 No. 244 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 15 2014, registration No. 31953) and dated June 27, 2014 No. 695 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 22, 2014, registration No. 33205) Name of professions of workers, positions of employees

Application No. 2
to the middle
vocational education in the specialty
23.02.07 Maintenance
and repair of engines, systems and units

Minimum Requirements
to the results of mastering the main activities of the educational program of secondary vocational education in the specialty 23.02.07 Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and units of vehicles

Main activity Requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience
Maintenance and repair of car engines know: the device and the basics of the theory of rolling stock of road transport; classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of an automobile engine; methods and technologies of maintenance and repair of automobile engines; quality indicators and selection criteria for automotive operating materials; the main provisions of the current regulatory documentation for the maintenance and repair of automobile engines. be able to: carry out technical control of vehicles; choose methods and technologies for maintenance and repair of an automobile engine; develop and implement the technological process of maintenance and repair of the engine; perform maintenance and repair of automobile engines; carry out an independent search for the necessary information to solve professional problems. have practical experience in: conducting technical control and diagnostics of automobile engines; disassembly and assembly of automobile engines; maintenance and repair of automobile engines.
Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles know: classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of elements of electrical equipment and electronic systems of the car; methods and technologies of maintenance and repair of elements of electrical equipment and electronic systems of the car; basic circuits for switching on electrical equipment elements; properties, quality indicators and selection criteria for automotive operating materials. be able to: choose methods and technologies for maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles; develop and implement the technological process of maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles; perform maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles; carry out an independent search for the necessary information to solve professional problems. have practical experience in: conducting technical control and diagnostics of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles; Carrying out maintenance and repair of cars and car engines.
Maintenance and repair of car chassis know: classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of the chassis of cars; methods and technologies of maintenance and repair of car chassis. be able to: carry out technical control of the chassis of cars; choose methods and technologies for maintenance and repair of car chassis; develop, implement the technological process and perform maintenance and repair of transmission elements, running gear and motor vehicle controls. have practical experience in: carrying out technical control and diagnostics of units and components of vehicles; carrying out maintenance and repair of transmission elements, chassis and controls of motor vehicles.
Carrying out body repairs know: classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of car bodies; rules for drawing up technical and reporting documentation; methods for assessing and controlling the quality of car body repair. be able to: choose methods and technologies of body repair; develop and implement the technological process of body repair; perform body repair work. have practical experience in: carrying out repairs and body painting.
Organization of processes for the maintenance and repair of the car know: the basics of organizing the activities of the enterprise and its management; legislative and normative acts regulating production and economic activities; provisions of the current quality management system; methods of rationing and forms of remuneration; basics of management accounting and lean production; main technical and economic indicators of production activity; the procedure for the development and execution of technical documentation; rules for labor protection, fire and environmental safety, types, frequency and rules for issuing briefings. be able to: plan and manage the work of the production site; ensure a rational distribution of workers; monitor compliance with technological processes and check the quality of work performed; analyze the results of the production activity of the site; ensure the correctness and timeliness of the execution of primary documents; calculate the main technical and economic indicators of production activities according to the accepted methodology. have practical experience in: planning and organizing the work of a production post, site; checking the quality of work performed; evaluation of the economic efficiency of production activities; ensuring labor safety at the production site.
Organization of the process of modernization and modification of vehicles. know: design features of cars; features of maintenance and repair of special vehicles; standard circuit solutions for the modernization of vehicles; features of maintenance and repair of modernized vehicles; perspective designs of the main units and components of the vehicle; requirements for the safe use of equipment; features of operation of the same type of equipment; rules for commissioning technical equipment. be able to: monitor the technical condition of the vehicle; draw up technological documentation for the modernization and tuning of vehicles; determine the interchangeability of components and assemblies of vehicles; make a comparative assessment of technological equipment; organize training of workers to work on new equipment. have practical experience in: collecting regulatory data in the field of vehicle design; modernization and tuning of vehicles; calculation of economic indicators of modernization and tuning of vehicles; testing of production equipment; communication with representatives of trade organizations.

Document overview

The federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and units of vehicles" was approved (23.02.07).

The standard is a set of mandatory requirements for secondary vocational education in the specified specialty.

The characteristic of training and professional activity of graduates is given. The requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program and its structure are determined.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region

regional state budget professional

educational institution

Dimitrovgrad Technical College


deputy Director for SD


R.N. Baigullov "____" __________________ 20___

WORKING PROGRAM of the professional module

PM. 04. PERFORMANCE OF WORKS FOR one or more professions of workers, positions of employees

by specialty

23.02.07. " Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and units of vehicles



Working program of the professional modulePM.04. Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 23.02.07 "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and assemblies of vehicles" (basic training) (approved by order of the Ministry of Defense and the NRF dated 09.12.2016 No. 1568, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 44946).

Organization-developer: Regional State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution Dimitrovgrad Technical College


at the meeting of the cyclic commission "General professional disciplines and professional modules of the enlarged group of professions and specialties" Equipment and technologies of land transport "

Commission Chairman

M.N. Petrova

Minutes of the meeting of the Central Committee No. _____

from "__" ________________ 20___

Scientific and Methodological Council


Protocol No. ___ dated "____" ________________ 20___


Gainetdinov R . R . - teacher OGBP OU DTK


Full name, academic degree, title, position


Full name, academic degree, title, position





5. CONTROL AND EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE PROFESSIONAL MODULE…........................................................... ................................................. . 19

1. Passport of the professional module program.

PM. 04. Inperformance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees

1.1. Scope of the program

The program of the professional module PM.04 Performing work according to the professions of workers 18511 Car repair mechanic, is part of the educational program of secondary vocational education - the program for training mid-level specialists of the specialty 23.02.07 Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and assemblies of cars, enlarged group 23.00.00 Technique and land transport technologies.

The program of the professional module is designed to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of SPO in the specialty 23.02.07 Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and assemblies of vehicles, the formation of general (OK 1 - OK 11) and professional competencies (PC 1.1 - PC 1.3; PC 2.1 - PC 2.3, PC 7.1-PC 7.2)

1.2. Goals and objectives of the professional module - requirements for the results of mastering the professional module: In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

    Participation in the performance of work of medium complexity in the repair and assembly of cars under the guidance of a more highly qualified car repairman.

be able to:

    use fixtures, metalwork tools and equipment when performing metalwork;

    disassemble, repair, assemble simple connections and assemblies of electrical equipment of cars

    perform work of medium complexity in the repair and assembly of cars under the guidance of a more highly qualified car repairman


1.1.1. List of general competencies

Namegeneral competencies

OK 1

Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity, apply

relevant to different contexts.

OK 2

Search, analyze and interpret the information necessary to

fulfillment of tasks of professional activity.

OK 3

Plan and implement your own professional and personal development


OK 4

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues,

management, clients.

OK 5

To carry out oral and written communication in the state language with

taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural context.

OK 6

Show a civic-patriotic position, demonstrate a conscious

behavior based on traditional human values.

OK 7

Promote environmental conservation, resource conservation, efficiently

act in emergency situations.

OK 8

Use the means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Vya in the process of professional activity and maintaining the necessary

level of physical fitness.

OK 9

Use information technology in professional activities.

OK 10.

Use professional documentation in national and foreign

nominal language.

OK 11.

Plan business activities in the professional field.

1.1.2. List of professional competencies

Drive category "B" cars in accordance with the rules of the road

PC 7.2

1.1.3. As a result of mastering the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

The use of fixtures, locksmith tools and equipment in the performance of locksmith work;

    dismantling of trucks, except for special and diesel engines, cars,

    participation in the performance of work of medium complexity in the repair and assembly of cars under the guidance of a car repairman of a higher qualification.

be able to:

    use fixtures, locksmith tools and equipment when performing plumbing work;

    disassemble, repair, assemble simple connections and assemblies of electrical equipment of cars

    perform work of medium complexity in the repair and assembly of cars under the guidance of a more highly qualified car repairman


    basic information about the device of cars

    the main types of locksmith work, the procedure for their implementation, the tools and devices used;

    safety precautions when performing metalwork and assembly work

Total hours - 338 hours., including

mandatory classroom teaching load - 122 hours.

practical work - 64 hours.

Educational practice – 216 hours.

2. Structure and approximate content of the professional module.

2.1. Thematic plan of the professional module.

Independent work

Educational practice, hours



Total hours

including laboratory and practical work

PC 7.1.-7.2.

MDK 04.01.

Section 1.

Section 2 .

Section 3

Section 4 Performing dismantling and assembly works by car.








3.2. The content of training in the professional module (PM).

MDK 04.01.

Theoretical training in the working profession 18511 "Automobile mechanic".


Section 1. Fulfillment from forestry work.

Be able to:

Comply with safety rules during locksmith work;

Mark flat surfaces;

Perform locksmith work;


Rules selection and use of tools for various types of plumbing work;

- locksmith work;

The main directions of the mechanization of locksmith work.




1.1. Safety rules for working in a locksmith shop.

1.2. Organization of the locksmith's workplace.

1.3. Types of plumbing work.

1.4. Sequence of plumbing operations.

1.5. Execution techniqueslocksmith work.

1.6. Mechanized hand tool.

1.7. Requirements for the quality of processing parts.

Practical work:

Practical lesson No. 1: Tool sharpening.

Practical lesson number 2: Cutting metal.

Practical lesson No. 3: Metal bending.

Practice #4: Metal cutting.

Practical lesson No. 5 Marking flat surfaces. Sawing metal.

Practical lesson No. 6 Shabreniye.

Practice #7: Drilling, countersinking, reaming and reaming.

Practice #8 External threading: Internal threading.

Practice #9: Riveting, soldering and tinning.


Section 2 Performing various types of work on turning and milling machines.

Be able to:

Perform turning of parts;

Carry out machining of parts.


- sequence of operations when executing turning works;

Basic fixtures when working on a lathe;

The sequence of operations when performing milling work;

Basic tools for working on a milling machine.




2.1. Labor protection and safety when working in a turning workshop.

2.2. General information about turning.

2.3. Devices for turning.

2.4. Methods for fixing workpieces on the machine.

2.5. Technological bases. Parts quality control.

2.6. Labor protection and safety when working in a milling workshop.

2.7. Technological process of processing blanks.

2.8. Machine control rules.

2.9. Rules and technology for quality control of machined parts.

Practical work:

Practical lesson No. 10 Tool sharpening and lathe control. Rough and finish turning of cylindrical surfaces

Practical lesson No. 11 Cutting ends and ledges. Grooving and parting off

Practice #12 Holemaking and Threading

Practical lesson No. 13 Controlling a milling machine. Plane milling

Practice #14 Slot and Groove Milling

Practical lesson No. 15 Device and setting of the dividing head

Practice #16 Milling with a dividing head


Section 3 Execution of forging and welding works.

Be able to:

Comply with safety rules during blacksmithing;

Rationally organize the workplace.


Technological process of welding;

- forging process.




3.1. Occupational health and safety when working in a blacksmith shop.

3.2. General information about forging. Technological process of forging

3.3. Quality control and ways to prevent marriage during forging

3.4. Labor protection and safety when working in a welding workshop.

3.5. General information about welding

3.6. Technological process of welding.

3.7. Quality control and prevention of marriage during welding

Practical work:

Practical lesson No. 17: Preparation for the operation of welding equipment.

Practical lesson No. 18: Carrying out welding work by gas welding.


Section 4 Carry out assembly and disassembly work.

Be able to:

Comply with safety rules during dismantling and installation work;

Rationally organize the workplace;


- principles of dismantling and installation of the main components.

- principles of disassembly and assembly of the main components.



4.1. Labor protection and safety when performing dismantling and assembly work on a car

4.2. Production and technological process of dismantling and installation works

4.3. Dismantling and assembly work on engines

4.4. Dismantling and assembly work on the transmission of the car.

4.5. Dismantling and assembly work on the car suspension

4.6. Dismantling and assembly work on vehicle control mechanisms

Practical work:

Practical lessonNo. 19. Dismantling and installation of the engine.

Practical lessonNo. 20. Removal and installation of the gearbox and transfer case.

Practical lessonNo. 21. Removing the rear and middle axles from the car and installing them.

Practical lessonNo. 22. Removal and installation of vehicle suspension parts.

Practical lessonNo. 23. Removal and installation of steering parts on a car.

Practical lessonNo. 24. Removal and installation of parts of brake systems on a car.


Educational practice according to PM.04

Types of jobs:

    Metal cutting with various tools of flat and round section.

    Cutting of external and internal threads.

    Thread restoration.

    Riveting of brake linings, clutch friction linings, car plumage parts.

    Tube flaring.

    Drilling various holes with an electric drill, processing edges with electric scissors and a grinder.

    ABOUT Turning of external cylindrical surfaces, tapping and die cutting, boring of internal holes, manufacturing of bolts, nuts, studs.

    cutting off workpieces, milling ledges, grooves, grooves, planes, dividing the workpiece into equal and unequal parts using UGD, drilling.

    Draft, bending, punching, piercing of metal in the manufacture of tool fixtures and products. Performance of welding works of electric welding and gas welding in the manufacture of parts.

    Assembly and disassembly of units and components of the car, lubrication of units and assemblies, restoration of worn parts.

    Performing work to determine the technical condition of the vehicle and its components,diagnostics of vehicle systems using stands and control devices, preparation of technological documentation, disassembly, repair and assembly of vehicle components and assemblies, performance of vehicle maintenance


3. Conditions for the implementation of the professional module program.


3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the module program assumes the presence of an educational locksmith workshop, a welding workshop, a blacksmith shop, a turning shop.

Equipment of the workshop (workshop) and workplaces of the workshop (workshop):


Jobs by the number of students;

Machine tools:

1) desktop drilling;

2) floor drilling;

3) grinding;

4) student turning;

Locksmith workbenches according to the number of students;

A set of measuring tools, fixtures;

Preparations for performing locksmith work;



Locksmith workbenches;



Locksmith workbenches;

Blacksmith hammer;


Pipe bender;


Machine tools:

1) screw-cutting;

2) desktop drilling;

3) floor drilling;

4) grinding;

5) milling.

3.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

1. Alai S.I., P.M. Grigoriev, A.N. Rostovtsev. Technology of structural materials and materials science. M.: education, 2006.-252 p.

2. Karogodin V.I., Shestopalov S.K., Car mechanic: A practical guide. - M.; Higher School, 2010.- 239 p.

3. Kozlov Yu. S. Maintenance and repair of machines in agriculture. M.: Higher School, 1980.-222s., Ill.-(Professional education. Mechanization and electrification of agriculture).

4. Kondratiev E. T. Technology of structural materials and material science. M.: Kolos, 2013.3. 283s.

5. Kruglov S.M. Automotive Mechanic's Handbook for Maintenance and Repair

cars. - M.; Higher School, 1995, -304 p.

6. Kuzmin B. A. Technology of metals and structural materials. - M.:

Higher School, 1989.- 256s.

7. Lakhtin Yu.M. Metal science and heat treatment of metals. (4th edition) - M.: Metallurgy, 1994. - 187p.

8. Makienko N.I. Fundamentals of plumbing. M.; Higher School, 1998-278pp., ill.

9. Makienko N.I., Practical work on plumbing. M. Higher School, 1982.-223s.-ill.

10. Solntsev Yu.P., E.I. Pryakhin. Materials Science. Ed. 3 Enhanced and revised. - St. Petersburg: KHIMIZDAT, 2004.-336s.

11. Electrotechnical and structural materials: Reference book, M.: Academy, 2000.-232p.

12. Handbook of electrical materials - T. 1, 2, 3. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 2006-1988.-287p.

Additional sources:

Internet resources Service Device Tutorials

car repair and maintenance . Car maintenance. Car service. . Car device. . Car repair. . Company car service.

6. Technical characteristics of automobiles. .ru. Plumbing and technical measurements. . Device, car maintenance and repair. . monthly magazine"Behind the wheel"

3.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

The development of this professional module should be preceded by the study or parallel study of the interdisciplinary course "Car Device"

3.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualification of pedagogical (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in interdisciplinary courses: the presence of higher professional education corresponding to the profile of module PM 03 performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees

23.02.07. "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and units of vehicles."

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff who manage the practice.

Engineering and teaching staff: graduates - teachers of interdisciplinary courses, as well as general educational disciplines: "Fundamentals of Materials Science", "Plumbing", "Engineering Graphics", "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", "Labor Protection", "Life Safety".

Masters: the presence of 5-6 qualification category with a mandatory internship in specialized organizations at least 1 time in 3 years. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory.


Main indicators for evaluating the result

(mastered professional competencies)

PC 7.1 Driving category B vehicles

in accordance with the rules of the road

before departure

Performing vehicle maintenance

en route

Workplace organization

PC 7.2 Perform work by profession 18511 Automotive mechanic


Compliance with labor safety requirements

Workplace organization

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.



OK 01. Choose ways to solve problems

professional activities, in relation to

various contexts.

Possession of a variety of methods (including innovative ones) for

implementation of professional activities.

The use of special methods and methods for solving professional

tasks in a specific area and at the junction of areas.

Development of variable algorithms for solving professional problems

dachas activities in relation to different contexts.

Choosing efficient technologies and rational ways of doing things

professional tasks.

OK02. Search, analyze and interpret

information needed to perform

niya problems of professional activity.

Planning information retrieval from a wide range of

precision, necessary for the effective implementation of professional

tasks and development of one’s own professional activity and

activities of subordinate personnel.

nie, presentation.

Possession of methods of systematization and interpretation of the received information

formations in the context of their activities and in accordance with the task of in-

formational search.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own

Carrying out an objective analysis of the quality of the results of their own activities

new professional and personal development.

value and indicates the subjective value of the performance results.

Making managerial decisions to improve own


Organization of own professional development and self-education in

for effective professional and personal self-realization and

career development.

Self-education to solve well-defined, complex

ny and non-standard problems in the field of professional activity


OK 04. Work in a team and team, effective

Teaching members of the group (team) rational methods of organization

interact effectively with colleagues,

activities for the effective implementation of the collective project.

leadership, clients.

The distribution of the amount of work among the participants of the collective


The ability to cope with interaction crises together with a member

us groups (teams).

Conducting an objective analysis and indicating a subjective value

performance results.

The use of verbal and non-verbal methods of effective communication

communication with colleagues, management, clients and others

interested parties.

OK 05. Perform oral and written

communication in the state language with

taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural


The use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication in

state language, taking into account the characteristics and differences of social

and cultural context.

Compliance with the norms of public speech and regulations.

Independent choice of the style of monologue utterance (service

presentation, presentation at the meeting, presentation of the project and

etc.) depending on its purpose and target audience and taking into account especially

stey and differences of the social and cultural context.

Creation of a product of written communication of a certain structure

tours in the state language.

Independent choice of style (genre) of written communication

in the state language, depending on the purpose, content and


OK 06. Show civil and patrioticposition, demonstrate conscious behaviorbased on traditional universal values.

Awareness of constitutional rights and obligations. Compliance with the law

and law and order.

Participation in events of a civil and patriotic nature, volunteer

Terek movement.

Reasoned presentation and upholding of one’s opinion in compliance with

niem ethical norms and universal values.

Carrying out its activities on the basis of compliance with ethical

norms and human values.

Demonstrating the formation of the Russian civil identity

sti, patriotism, respect for one's people, respect for the state

ny symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

OK 07. Promote the preservation of the environment, resource saving, and act effectively in emergency situations.

Compliance with environmental cleanliness and safety standards.

Implementation of activities to conserve resources

cutting environment.

Forecasting man-made consequences for the environment,

trade and industrial activity of man.

Forecasting the occurrence of dangerous situations by characteristic

signs of their appearance, as well as based on the analysis of special information,

obtained from various sources.

Possession of techniques for effective action in dangerous and emergency

tea situations of natural, technogenic and social character-


OK 08. Use the means of physical

Classification of health-improving systems of physical education,

culture for the preservation and promotion of health

aimed at health promotion, prevention of occupational

Vya in the process of professional activity

diseases, bad habits and an increase in the duration

and maintaining the required level of physical


sky preparedness.

Compliance with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, consciously follows the rules

life safety.

Drawing up your individual complex of physical exercises

to maintain the required level of physical fitness.

Organization of own health promotion activities and

physical endurance.

OK 09. Use information technology in professional activities.

Information retrieval planning.

Deciding on the completion (continuation) of the information

search based on the assessment of the reliability (inconsistency) of the obtained

information for solving professional problems.

Implementation of the exchange of information using modern

hardware and software, including network-based

vogo interaction.

Analysis of information, highlighting the main aspects in it, structured

nie, presentation.

OK 10. Use professional documentation in national and foreign


Study of legal documents, technical literature and

modern scientific developments in the field of future professional

noah activities in the state language.

Application of the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum

for reading and translating foreign professional texts


Possession of modern scientific and professional terminology,

independent improvement of oral and written speech and replenishment


Possession of skills of technical translation of the text, understanding of the content

instructions and graphic documentation in a foreign language in the field

OK 11. Planir ovate entrepreneurial activity in the professional field.

Development of alternative solutions to the problem.

Self-organization of their own teaching methods within the framework of entrepreneurial activity.

Development and presentation of a business plan in the field of their professional activities.


by order of the Ministry of Education

and sciences of the Russian Federation



23.02.07 ENGINES,



1.1. This federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - FSES SVE) is a set of mandatory requirements for secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SVE) in the specialty 23.02.07 Maintenance and repair of vehicles (hereinafter - specialty).

1.2. Obtaining an SPO in a specialty is allowed only in a professional educational organization or an educational organization of higher education (hereinafter collectively - an educational organization).

1.4. The area of ​​professional activity in which graduates who have mastered the educational program can carry out professional activities: 17 Transport, 33 Service, provision of services to the population (trade, maintenance, repair, provision of personal services, hospitality services, catering, etc.).

1.5. Training according to the educational program in an educational organization is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education.

1.6. When implementing an educational program, an educational organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

When teaching disabled people and persons with disabilities, e-learning and distance learning technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

1.7. The implementation of the educational program is carried out by the educational organization both independently and through a network form.

1.8. The implementation of the educational program is carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.

The implementation of the educational program by an educational organization located on the territory of the republic of the Russian Federation may be carried out in the state language of the republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the educational program in the state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.

1.9. The term for obtaining education under the educational program in full-time education, regardless of the educational technologies used, is:

on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months;

on the basis of secondary general education - 2 years 10 months.

The term for obtaining education in the educational program in full-time and part-time forms of study, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases compared to the period for obtaining education in full-time education:

no more than 1.5 years when receiving education on the basis of basic general education;

for no more than 1 year when receiving education on the basis of secondary general education.

When studying according to an individual curriculum, the period for obtaining education in an educational program, regardless of the form of education, is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education. When studying according to an individual curriculum for students with disabilities and persons with disabilities, the period of education may be increased by no more than 1 year compared to the period of education for the corresponding form of education.

The specific term for obtaining education and the volume of the educational program implemented in one academic year, in part-time and part-time forms of education, according to an individual curriculum, are determined by the educational organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

1.10. An educational program implemented on the basis of basic general education is developed by an educational organization based on the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, taking into account the specialty received.

1.11. An educational organization develops an educational program in accordance with the qualifications of a mid-level specialist specified in the List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2013 N 1199 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2013, registration N 30861), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2014 N 518 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014, registration N 32461), of November 18, 2015 N 1350 (registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2015, registration N 39955) and dated November 25, 2016 N 1477 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2016, registration N 44662):



2.1. The structure of the educational program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable part).

The obligatory part of the educational program is aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies, provided for in Chapter III of this Federal State Educational Standard, and should not exceed 70 percent of the total time allotted for its development.

The variable part of the educational program (at least 30 percent) makes it possible to expand the main (s) type (s) of activity, for which a graduate who has mastered the educational program should be ready, according to the qualifications received, specified in clause 1.11 of this FSES SVE (hereinafter - the main types activities), deepening the training of the student, as well as obtaining additional competencies necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market.

The specific ratio of the volumes of the mandatory part and the variable part of the educational program is determined by the educational organization independently in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph, as well as taking into account the exemplary basic educational program (hereinafter referred to as the POEP).

2.2. The educational program has the following structure:

general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle;

mathematical and general natural science cycle;

general professional cycle;

professional cycle;

state final certification, which ends with the assignment of the qualification of a mid-level specialist, specified in clause 1.11 of this FSES SPO.

Table 1

Structure and scope of the educational program

The structure of the educational program

The volume of the educational program in academic hours

General humanitarian and socio-economic cycle

at least 468

Mathematical and general natural science cycle

at least 144

General professional cycle

at least 612

Professional cycle

at least 1728

State final certification

The total volume of the educational program:

on the basis of secondary general education

on the basis of basic general education, including obtaining secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education

2.3. The list, content, volume and procedure for the implementation of disciplines and modules of the educational program is determined by the educational organization independently, taking into account the PEP in the relevant specialty.

To determine the volume of an educational program, an educational organization can apply a system of credits, with one credit unit corresponding to 32 - 36 academic hours.

2.4. In the general humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural sciences, general professional and professional cycles (hereinafter referred to as training cycles) of the educational program, the amount of work of students in cooperation with the teacher is allocated according to the types of training sessions (lesson, practical lesson, laboratory lesson, consultation, lecture, seminar), practice (in the professional cycle) and independent work of students.

At least 70 percent of the volume of study cycles of the educational program provided for in Table 1 of this GEF SVE should be allocated for conducting training sessions and practices when mastering the study cycles of the educational program in full-time education, at least 25 percent in part-time education, in part-time education - at least 10 percent.

The training cycles include intermediate certification of students, which is carried out as part of the development of these cycles in accordance with the funds of assessment tools developed by the educational organization, which allow assessing the achievements of the learning outcomes planned for individual disciplines, modules and practices.

2.5. The obligatory part of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle of the educational program should include the study of the following compulsory disciplines: "Fundamentals of Philosophy", "History", "Psychology of Communication", "Foreign Language in Professional Activities", "Physical Education".

The total volume of the discipline "Physical culture" cannot be less than 160 academic hours. For students with disabilities and persons with disabilities, the educational organization establishes a special procedure for mastering the discipline "Physical Culture", taking into account their state of health.

2.6. When forming an educational program, an educational organization should provide for the inclusion of adaptive disciplines that ensure the correction of developmental disorders and the social adaptation of students with disabilities and people with disabilities.

2.7. Mastering the general professional cycle of the educational program in full-time education should include the study of the discipline "Life Safety" in the amount of 68 academic hours, of which 70 percent of the total amount of time allotted for this discipline is for mastering the basics of military service (for boys).

The educational program for subgroups of girls may provide for the use of 70 percent of the total time of the discipline "Life Safety", provided for studying the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

2.8. The professional cycle of the educational program includes professional modules that are formed in accordance with the main activities provided for by this Federal State Educational Standard.

The professional cycle of the educational program includes the following types of practices: educational practice and industrial practice.

Educational and industrial practices are carried out when students master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules and are implemented both in several periods and dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within the framework of professional modules.

The part of the professional cycle of the educational program allocated for conducting internships is determined by the educational organization in the amount of at least 25 percent of the professional cycle of the educational program.

2.9. State final certification is carried out in the form of defense of the final qualification work (thesis (thesis project).

At the discretion of the educational organization, the demonstration exam is included in the final qualifying work or is conducted in the form of a state exam.

The requirements for the content, volume and structure of the final qualifying work and (or) the state exam are determined by the educational organization independently, taking into account the PEP.



3.1. As a result of mastering the educational program, the graduate should form general and professional competencies.

3.2. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must have the following general competencies (hereinafter - OK):

OK 01. Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity, in relation to different contexts.

OK 02. Search, analyze and interpret the information necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

OK 04. Work in a team and team, interact effectively with colleagues, management, clients.

OK 05. To carry out oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the peculiarities of the social and cultural context.

OK 06. Show a civil-patriotic position, demonstrate conscious behavior based on traditional universal values.

OK 07. Promote the preservation of the environment, resource conservation, and act effectively in emergency situations.

OK 08. Use the means of physical culture to maintain and improve health in the process of professional activity and maintain the required level of physical fitness.

OK 09. Use information technology in professional activities.

OK 10. Use professional documentation in the state and foreign languages.

OK 11. Plan business activities in the professional field.

3.3. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must be ready to perform the main types of activities in accordance with the qualifications of a middle-level specialist specified in paragraph 1.11 of this FSES SVE:

maintenance and repair of automobile engines;

maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles;

maintenance and repair of car chassis;

body repair;

organization of the process of maintenance and repair of the car;

organization of the process of modernization and modification of vehicles.

Also, the main activities include the development of one or more professions of workers, positions of employees specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Federal State Educational Standard.

3.4. A graduate who has mastered the educational program must have professional competencies (hereinafter referred to as PC) corresponding to the main types of activity:

3.4.1. Maintenance and repair of car engines:

PC 1.1. Carry out diagnostics of systems, components and mechanisms of automobile engines.

PC 1.2. Carry out maintenance of automobile engines in accordance with technological documentation.

PC 1.3. Carry out repairs of various types of engines in accordance with the technological documentation.

3.4.2. Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles:

PC 2.1. Carry out diagnostics of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles.

PC 2.2. Carry out maintenance of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

PC 2.3. Carry out repairs of electrical equipment and electronic systems of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

3.4.3. Maintenance and repair of car chassis:

PC 3.1. Carry out diagnostics of the transmission, chassis and controls of vehicles.

PC 3.2. Carry out maintenance of the transmission, chassis and controls of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

PC 3.3. Carry out repairs of transmission, chassis and controls of vehicles in accordance with the technological documentation.

3.4.4. Carrying out body repairs:

PC 4.1. Detect vehicle defects.

PC 4.2. Repair damage to car bodies.

PC 4.3. Paint car bodies.

3.4.5. Organization of the process of car maintenance and repair:

PC 5.1. Plan the activities of the unit for the maintenance and repair of systems, components and engines of the car.

PC 5.2. Organize the logistics of the process for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

PC 5.3. To organize and control the activities of the personnel of the department for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

PC 5.4. Develop proposals for improving the activities of the unit, maintenance and repair of vehicles.

3.4.6. Organization of the process of modernization and modification of vehicles:

PC 6.1. Determine the need for modernization of the vehicle.

PC 6.2. Plan the interchangeability of components and assemblies of a motor vehicle and improve their performance.

PC 6.3. Master the technique of car tuning.

PC 6.4. Determine the residual resource of production equipment.

3.5. The minimum requirements for the results of mastering the main activities of the educational program are presented in Appendix No. 2 to this Federal State Educational Standard.

3.6. An educational organization independently plans learning outcomes for individual disciplines, modules and practices, which must be correlated with the required results of mastering the educational program (graduates' competencies). The set of planned learning outcomes should ensure that the graduate masters all the OK and PC established by this Federal State Educational Standard.



4.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program include general system requirements, requirements for material and technical, educational and methodological support, personnel and financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2. General system requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.2.1. An educational organization must have, on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds, a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of educational activities of students provided for by the curriculum, taking into account the PEP.

4.2.2. In the case of the implementation of an educational program using the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the educational program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical and educational support provided by educational organizations participating in the implementation of the educational program using the network form.

4.2.3. In the case of the implementation of the educational program at the departments or other structural divisions created by the educational organization in accordance with the established procedure, the requirements for the implementation of the educational program must be provided by the totality of the resources of these organizations.

4.3. Requirements for the material, technical and educational and methodological support for the implementation of the educational program.

4.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for all types of classes provided for by the educational program, including group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work, workshops and laboratories equipped with equipment, teaching aids and materials , taking into account the requirements of international standards.

4.3.2. Premises for independent work of students should be equipped with computer equipment with the ability to connect to the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the educational organization (if available).

In the case of the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, it is allowed to use specially equipped rooms, their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master OK and PC.

4.3.3. An educational organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

4.3.4. The library fund of an educational organization should be completed with printed publications and (or) electronic publications for each discipline, module at the rate of one printed publication and (or) electronic publication for each discipline, module per student. The library fund should be completed with printed editions and (or) electronic editions of basic and additional educational literature published over the past 5 years.

As the main literature, the educational organization uses textbooks, teaching aids provided for by the POOP.

If there is an electronic information and educational environment, it is allowed to replace the printed library fund by granting the right of simultaneous access to at least 25% of students to the electronic library system (electronic library).

4.3.5. Students with disabilities and persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources adapted to their disabilities.

4.3.6. The educational program must be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all academic subjects, disciplines and modules.

4.4. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.4.1. Implementation of the educational program by the teaching staff of the educational organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the educational program on the terms of a civil law contract, including from among the heads and employees of organizations whose activities correspond to the field of professional activity specified in clause 1.4 of this Federal State Educational Standard having at least 3 years of work experience in this professional field).

4.4.2. The qualifications of teaching staff of an educational organization must meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards (if any).

Pedagogical workers involved in the implementation of the educational program should receive additional professional education in advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in organizations whose activities correspond to the field of professional activity specified in paragraph 1.4 of this Federal State Educational Standard, at least 1 time in 3 year, taking into account the expansion of the range of professional competencies.

The share of teachers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) that ensure the development of professional modules by students who have at least 3 years of experience in organizations whose activities correspond to the field of professional activity specified in paragraph 1.4 of this Federal State Educational Standard, in the total number of teachers, implementing an educational program should be at least 25 percent.

4.5. Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of the educational program.

4.5.1. Financial support for the implementation of the educational program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of secondary vocational education in the specialty, taking into account adjustment factors.

4.6. Requirements for the applied mechanisms for assessing the quality of the educational program.

4.6.1. The quality of the educational program is determined within the framework of the internal evaluation system, as well as the external evaluation system on a voluntary basis.

4.6.2. In order to improve the educational program, the educational organization, when conducting a regular internal assessment of the quality of the educational program, involves employers and their associations, other legal entities and (or) individuals, including teaching staff of the educational organization.

4.6.3. An external assessment of the quality of an educational program can be carried out when employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, including foreign organizations, or professional and public organizations that are part of international structures, carry out professional and public accreditation in order to recognize the quality and level of training of graduates, who have mastered the educational program that meets the requirements of professional standards, the requirements of the labor market for specialists of the relevant profile.

Appendix No. 1

Maintenance and repair

engines, systems and units







Code according to the List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2013 N 513 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 8, 2013, registration N 2922), as amended , introduced by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2013 N 1348 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2014, registration N 31163), of March 28, 2014 N 244 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 15 2014, registration N 31953) and dated June 27, 2014 N 695 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 22, 2014, registration N 33205)

Name of professions of workers, positions of employees

Car driver

Car mechanic

Appendix No. 2

to GEF SPO in the specialty 23.02.07

Maintenance and repair

engines, systems and units








Main activity

Requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience

Maintenance and repair

automotive engines

device and fundamentals of the theory of road transport rolling stock;

classification, main characteristics and technical parameters of an automobile engine;

methods and technologies of maintenance and repair of automobile engines;

quality indicators and selection criteria for automotive operating materials;

the main provisions of the current regulatory documentation for the maintenance and repair of automobile engines.

carry out technical control of vehicles;

choose methods and technologies for maintenance and repair of an automobile engine;