If the costs exceed income, but there is no possibility to increase earnings, you will have to reduce the consuming part! Make it real.

In crisis, many families have become difficult to reduce ends meet. If income increases, it is not yet possible, you need to look for new ways of savings. Let's start with utilities. Here, it would seem, everything is clear: Fit the light when you leave the room, close the faucet while cleaning your teeth, and wash in large parties so as not to drive in vain machine. But in fact, this is not all sources of economy in the household, there are still many effective ways and effective recipes.

Ways to save electricity

Most of all expensive electricity consume heating appliances:, boiler, iron, fan heaters, water heating in a washing machine. Try using such recommendations:

  1. Get a large grandmother's thermos with the Andresole and fill it with boiling water in the morning. Do brew in a small kettle. During the day you practically do not have to use the electric kettle: just pour a little welding into the cup and add boiling water from the thermos. Also boiling water can be pouring products at the beginning cooking, which is very economical: even on the boiling of the liter of water, the electric kettle uses less electricity than electric splash.
  2. Heat outside the boiler at least simple thermoisol, which is sold in any construction store. It will be slower than cooling, and as a result you have to turn it less often.
  3. The same and bathroom: If you cover the outer part of the bath over the entire surface with thermalizol or gently punctured it sliced \u200b\u200bin the form of a small rectangle with sheet foam, it will noticeably keep the heat of water, and you can use water and boiler savingly.
  4. When you cook food, for example, potatoes, you can safely turn off the electric stove for ten years of the minutes until readiness: the potato has the property to "reach" to the desired level of cutting due to the ability to save the temperature for a long time: it was not recommended that it was recommended that it was recommended to use in grandmother's inhalation recipes.
  5. Make sure your refrigerator is, if possible, in the coldest place of dwelling: the cool environment, the smaller he spends electricity to create a low temperature inside the chamber. If you have a closed balcony - this is the perfect place for the refrigerator. At least, it is reasonable to put it as close as possible to the balcony door.
  6. Make the installation on the computer to join sleep mode every time you do not use them more than five minutes: you will be surprised to see how often your computer is turned on without a business. Meanwhile, at this time he consumes electricity, especially if you have an old bulky monitor.
  7. If the washing machine has the ability to manual water supply, this is your chance: After taking a shower, use the remaining warm water: there are thermometers in washing machines, and with sufficient temperature of the flooded water, the machine will not turn on the heating.
  8. If possible, replace those incandescent bulbs that you use more often and longer than other, cost-effective lamps. Contrary to rumors about their disadvantage, they really consume much less, but serve - longer.

Savings on clothing: new from the old

In order to noticeably save in clothing, you do not need much: quite desire, creative mood, and a little experience in. Review all your clothes and telect uncomfortable, unnecessary, old, and just boring things. Here are some directions for creative flights to economy in the household:

  1. Boring, outdated, unwitting or uncomfortable "official" costumes can be shirling on simple bags for a hike to the store. Their thin, but durable and lightweight fabric, is perfect for this. So you will not pay for the package every time.
  2. Clothes made of woolen and semi-wool fabrics are real treasures. They can be blocked on simple vests, home shoes - "Chuni" and "tracks", make fashionable now leggings, insulating the belt for the back. And you can still sew a very cute and practical sundress dress for the girl of preschool children from the old woolen skirt. To do this, you need to make a simple pattern for any T-shirt or a child T-shirt, lengthening the sarafan to the knees. You can decorate the finished product as beads or lace, but a small effectively looks a small flower of wool, created by the way - takes only 15 minutes, and is the most budget way to decorate any clothes and a headdress. You can also do on our MC or a simple application.
  3. From different unnecessary clothes, it is also possible to make wall-mounted organizers, rugs, mattresses for chairs, mats, which will also help preserve excessive money.

Spa salon at home: economical and pleasant weekends

Want a budget version of a whole complex of cosmetic procedures? Easily! It is enough to choose the output and prepare means in advance. You will need that already have in the kitchen and a person, ready to make you a massage. Although the second is optional. In the cleansing list, moisturizing and feeding facial and hair, peeling and anti-cellulite procedures for problem areas, a relaxing bath and massage with homemade oil.

  1. To prepare a person to peeling, moisten it all over the surface of a wool impregnated with hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide is perfectly breaking the layer of dead cells, which will make the work of peeling means more efficiently.
  2. First use as a means of peeling coffee thick: there is a larger fraction that removes the first coarse layer of unnecessary sediments on the skin. Circular movements rub coffee from his forehead to the chin, paying this procedure for at least 5 minutes.
  3. In order to gently clean the face in the second stage, use a teaspoon of soda and five activated carbon tablets. From these ingredients, prepare Cashitz, which also rub into the skin for 5 minutes.
  4. Then make a nutritional mask on your choice:, oatmeal and honey, eggs and fruit cashes, sour cream and cucumber or any other mixture.
  5. For spending an experiment: Wash your hair without a shampoo, but dry mustard, then make an egg mask, and finally rinse in the scaffold of nettle.
  6. For the peeling of problem areas with an anti-cellulite effect, use a mixture of dry mustard and honey, apply it to the skin sections and massaging for five to ten minutes. Then wrap the hips and the belly of the usual food packaging film, lie under the blanket and see the movie. After that, wash the mask.
  7. Filling the bath with warm water, dissolve half a cup of sea salt in it, adding a few drops of a loved one, and immerse yourself in pleasure for half an hour.
  8. Homemade massage oil is done like this: in the water bath, 250 ml of olive or high-quality vegetable oil with the addition of the handustrian of a dry beast is held. This oil has a specific characteristic smell, but very well makes the skin elastic and elastic.
  9. Do not buy cosmetics in expensive stores, many products without loud delircom are cheaper. We have already written about.

Very cheap materials for children's creativity do it yourself

So that classes with children have not ruined the family budget, try replacing the purchased materials homemade. They are not only cheap, but eco-friendly.

  1. Mass for modeling - salt dough. You need salt "Extra" (the usual cook is not suitable), flour, and PVA glue. A glass of flour and half a cup of shallow salt to mix high quality. Add a tablespoon of glue. Diligently get the dough: it should not stick to the hands. For young children, you can split the dough into pieces and add different food dyes. For older children, dried crafts will be interested in painting by hand - gouache. Read more about this technique b, and when you master the lug, try to do.
  2. Home paints for. Pour PVA glue into a few small capacities and add to each food dye. After that, the resulting paints can be applied to the polyethylene package or film and leave to dry in two days you can easily remove it and attach it to any glass surface: a translucent and bright pattern keeps himself.
  3. Color semolina for relief pattern. Dividing the cereal at the portion, add a little water with food dyes. Next, spread the semolina with a thin layer and let dry in a very warm place. After that, you can again make it a bulk, if you simply turn your hands. Now you need to apply a fine container of glue pattern on any surface and generously pour the strip of semolina. Further shake the drawing over the tray, and admire the beautiful handicraft: the color making sticks to the glue by making the image applied to them with color and relief.

Other tips on how to save on children are waiting for you.

How without money to decorate the house for the new year

The decor of the house for the new year is an up-to-date topic in the pre-holiday, but it is better to spend money on delicacies, and decorated with your own hands. Several ways to make it the most economically:

  1. Everyone knows about paper snowflakes on the windows, but this technology can also be used for a wonderful atmospheric candlestick with a real theater of shadows: to the conventional half-liter glass jar, cover cut from paper "Sugro" (wide wavy stripes, gloves) and "trees", for example, spruce You can cut the entire contour landscapes with animals. When you burn the candle inside the bank - you will have excellent drawings on the background of fire and beautiful shadows.
  2. Girlands of girlfriend: Walnut shells, glued to the addition of loops from threads, painted with gold paint, are very decorative. Dried hearts from citrus crusts are also fragrant. All sorts of beads from scattered beads, natural materials from cones and chestnuts to the acorns, updated by old nail polish or gold paint, are perfect.
  3. New Year's compositions: Snowmen from a variety of materials, from and white plasticine, to salted dough and cotton wool with PVA glue. Beautiful Christmas trees in the form of a cone, decorated with a bead garland or beads. Golden stars from ordinary cardboard or foil.
  4. Wreaths from natural materials, from branches of evergreen or deciduous trees, effectively gilded or silver plated with varnish of the right color.
  5. New fragrant and colored candles from the remains of old candles. It is necessary to collect residues, divide into parts and melt separately, adding a small piece of the wax pencil of another color to each portion and a few drops of aroma oil. Then the wick from the thread is installed in the transparent glass, and the layers of different colors are alternately poured. Of course, the previous layer should have time to harden, otherwise the candle will have a marble appearance, and not the type of striped zebra.

As you can see, finding sources of savings in the household is quite simple, the main thing is to show the smelting and creatively approach the process.

When a young family is created, and a beginner hostess is trying to realize how it is still better to keep her household, then it has a lot more questions than answers, and the economical management of the household science is far from simple.

And, in such a situation, it often seems that you only need to learn how to earn more, and all questions will disappear by themselves. Is it so? Think yourself. Do you have any familiar earns in your opinion? Surely there, and so is it cloudless financially their life? Of course, no, because the ability to earn is just one side of the medal, but it has another side, the ability to rationally spend earned.

What needs to do

Sometimes mom or mother-in-law can come to the rescue, but young people are not inclined to trust parents or close people, it seems to them that they themselves are able to figure it out. So learn on your own experience, although many are known (from the words of the Bismarck Chancellor), that on their own experience only ... Therefore, experience with tears in the eyes. But without it, a negative most of the experience, it would be quite possible and could do if ...

Let everyone who allowed such mistakes, remember himself, which can be substituted instead of dall in each case.

So, what do you need for economical homemade? Let's think together:

  • The desire of the hostess, which can raise her laziness and inability to make himself do something.
  • A little knowledge of mathematics and principles of economic science (the most basic based on logic).
  • Notebook shared (or notepad, or diary). In a word, something where you can write information.
  • General strategy of rational economic.

Of course, you can write everything you need on a leaflet, but ... leaves have a habit of rubbing, someone can just take it, thinking that the written leaf is no longer needed anymore.

In the word, the necessary information is better to write in something quite solid (volume).

For example, you often go on vacation, on a business trip or just to visit. You need to take things with you and not to forget the important list of the necessary one.

Most often for vacation, business trips or just trips, many things needed on the trip are repeated.

How to keep records

The poet in the notebook records a list of common (for all cases), and for a business trip or vacation simply adds a specific list of necessary. And then you do not need to spend a lot of time to get together on the road. Take a list and cook things to fold into a suitcase. It is more convenient than once after once to write a new list, painfully remembering the necessary and spending time on it.

It would seem puffy, but very useful. Or you need to purchase some things, kitchen utensils, dishes, electronics or clothing for family members. It is possible for this to make a list, adjusting it constantly as it acquisitions, or vice versa, complementing it necessary.

Such a habit will again teach you to think systemically, it will help together with the list to estimate the amount needed to purchase and teach it to plan purchases for every month.

After all, everything you need will not immediately buy it right away, but you can smash something for several months, acquiring something necessary monthly, or, on the contrary, to acquire expensive things for several months to postpone the required amount.

Someone can say that this is a tedious and not very pleasant work. And what, did someone promise you that the family life is the whole of one more pleasures? Remember the families of their friends, relatives or parents. All exactly the routine, sometimes tedious, but such a necessary work.

Preparation of lists

Lists can be written for different cases. For example:

  1. List of things needed to a child in school.
  2. Medicine list for home first aid kit.
  3. List of home affairs.

And many more all sorts of different lists. Completed (purchased) is noted needed. Thus, the notebook turns into an important element and a family budget document and becomes an indispensable assistant. Of course, the maintenance of all these records takes time, but the saving time from such a home assistant is much more.

It is so far only the first of a series of articles in economical management, and then others will go, in which there will be practical advice, tips and suggestions. But what to apply from this - it will be possible to solve exclusively readers.

The main thing - do not forget that in my life you need to learn, and the more difficult, the longer the study, and the household is the individual enterprise living according to its laws, which are very fraught with a very fraught.

Continuation of the publication on economical homemade industry can be found.

Welcome to you, dear readers! We, Irina and Igor, prepared another portion of advice for your perfection. Today's our article is designed rather for women, but men can reflect on its content. The fact is that it will be about the household.

It often happens when the woman tired at work postpones the exercise of its apartment cleaning the next day or on weekends. And the weekend is subsequently occupied by other affairs, which makes homemade cares to roll into a big com, who, that loose, will give you up with his weight.

The question of how to make a homemade household, to stay and rest, and other important events are worried about many women. Today we just want to talk about it.

Who are Flylady?

FlyLady or "Flylas", as our compatriots are affirmed, are women who adhere to the rules of peculiar home management, invented by American Malary Sili.

"To Fly" is translated into English - "Fly". Hence the problem of the opinion that the hostesses adhere to the principles of fly-management are literally "flourished" around the house.

However, in fact, "Fly" is an abbreviation and deciphered as "Finally Loving Yourself", which means "finally loving himself."

All because the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis household management is that it is not necessary to edit yourself for permanent mess, the ideal owners does not happen, and the trash was not created in one day, which means that it cannot be disassembled in one day.

The system invented by marlah stream is often called time management for housewives. This is partly true, since many of the principles of this system are echoing with the organization of effective time management planning.

You can independently compare these approaches, having studied video courses on time management:

  • "Master of time - highly productive time management on the Eugene Popov system"
  • "Time management, or how to increase its effectiveness"

Basic principles of home management

What do you think is the main working instruments of Flylady? No, it's not a rag and fuck, as you might think initially. This is notepad and alarm clock. Why exactly these things? Now everyone will explain!

The first thing you need to do is divide all your apartment on the functional areas: kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom and toilet, bedroom and so on. All these working zones you can mark in your notebook.

Now the notepad is needed to pay, how many days and in which sequence you are byd by a particular zone.

And why the alarm clock? The alarm clock is required to move 15 minutes. It is so much you need to go to work in the same zone per day. And if you do not have time? Then finish tomorrow! It is better than if you didn't pay this lesson at all.

And now we will go through the main postulates of home management so that you feel it easier to plan your cleaning:

  • The cleanliness of your house begins with you myself. Therefore, before you run and grab the rags, bring yourself in order. Warring, tested, apply light makeup, pick up that clothes in which it will not be ashamed to meet unexpected guests
  • An ideal zone. Choose a zone in which you will always maintain perfect order. Marla styles are a kitchen sink. If you have such a zone, you will have a reason to be proud of yourself
  • Morning and evening to devote daily affairs, the so-called "rutinms". In the morning - it can be loading the washing machine, cooking breakfast for the family, washing dishes. In the evening, share the time to decompose clean clothes in places, cook clothes for tomorrow, dedicate time to yourself - reading a book, watching a movie or carrying out caring procedures for the body
  • "No whip!" The basic principle of efficient housekeeping is that you need to learn how to get rid of unnecessary trash. Marla offers to walk around the apartment and immediately throw out 27 things with the go. It may not be used with tubes with cream, old towels, unnecessary vases and so on. If it is a pity to throw out, you can sell or give free to someone. Fortunately in social networks you will find enough auctions of a similar type. There is another trick that the applied gauze is advised when "racking": remove all unnecessary things that are sorry to throw in the bag, hide it in the closet for half a year. After half a year, without disassembling, throw this package. After all, if things have not needed for you during the six months, it means that you do not need them
  • Buying new, throw out the old. Bought a new bed linen set? Throw old. New VAZochka? Get rid of the old one. So, you will learn not to litter your home
  • Take care immediately. After dinner, do not copy the dirty dishes, it is better to wash the plate right away and take someone to this every member of your family. Or at least remove each plane in the dishwasher. It will take less time to launch it, rather than pre-shock it from the sink
  • There is a place in the house that Garl called "hot dots". Here the garbage will be copied especially quickly. It can be a bedside table, a shelf in the hallway or some other place. It should be allocated for two minutes to clean such places daily
  • Graduality. One of the most important principles - do not try to enter immediately all the rules in your life, start with the small one. Gradually introduce other tasks when learn how to cope with the primary

Do you have problems with cleaning? How do you overcome the family life burden?

If you like our advice, but you are worried that you will not be able to introduce these rules in your life, we advise you to pay attention to the free video course "Staging and achieving goals. How to achieve results in any case? " .

Sincerely, Irina and Igor

A sufficient amount of financial resources is a pledge of welfare. It is money that allows you to maintain a decent standard of living. The lack of a family budget is increasingly becoming an urgent problem for many people. The reasons for this are the regular increase in prices for food products and transition of tariffs during a stable wage level.

At the same time, many people perfectly know how to earn sufficient amounts to meet all their needs. However, not everyone can save this money. That is why the question began to sound more and more often: what are the sources of savings in the household? Many are surprised by how to some families even with a small budget can live, without falling into debts and at the same time, without refusing. And all because they skillfully use home economy secrets.


Satisfaction of nutritional needs is one of the priorities of a person. Naturally, spending on food occupy a lion share of the budget. Therefore, many prefer to start saving exactly from this point. But the right and high-quality food is a guarantee of health. Then how to eat inexpensively and right?

First, you need to make a menu in advance and determine a clear set of products that will be needed to prepare planned dishes. It is necessary to immediately select a certain amount.

Shopping best in large supermarkets or markets. On the market you can always bargain and acquire products of maximum freshness. And making purchases in large supermarkets only once a week, you can avoid temptation once again to look into the local store.

Secondly (this is a long time ago, but it is impossible not to recall), you need to walk for purchases with a certain amount and only full.

You should buy seasonal vegetables and fruits. After all, the benefits in tomatoes and cucumbers in winter are still no. So why spend more? It is also necessary to refuse from all sorts of semi-finished products. Much cheaper to do them at home.

The most devastating for the wallet are harmful, albeit such desired products - sweet water and various snacks. But the most important advice to those who want to know what sources of savings in the household is to give preference to homemade food. After all, a large proportion of the budget is lost at the cafe and purchase of finished products.


To buy cheap clothes, you need to know the time when the cost of a certain thing is minimally low. Of course, these are the seasons sales. It is worth paying attention to last year's collections, in which there are most often few sizes, but this does not mean that they are inferior to today's.

Naturally, all different ideas about what should be the ways to save in everyday life and what sources of savings in the household should be. Some it seems that the cheaper they found a thing, the more they retained money. But as they say, the miser pays twice. Sometimes it is better to wait a bit and accumulate on a really standing, high-quality thing that will serve not one season. It is also not worthwhile to bypass online shopping and second-handes.

Payment of utility services

One of the main problems remains how to reduce utility payments. Now in everyday life used a lot of technology requiring high costs of electricity, water and gas. What to do in this case? No, no need to go to coal or replace the lamps with candles. There is a huge number of smallest things that they usually do not pay attention, but they are quite substantial.

Electricity savings at home reduces to several small rules:

  • change of ordinary light bulbs on energy saving;
  • use of gas stove instead of an electric kettle;
  • refusal to install electric heating equipment.

To save water, you need:

  • take shower instead of a bath;
  • tightly twist the cranes;
  • wash, gaining water into any container, and not under the water jet.

To save on heating, you should install double glazed windows and insulate the doors.

It is also desirable to establish personal counters for each type of service.

In addition to major utility payments, there are those that are not used, however, the fee for them is charged (for example, a city telephone). The same applies to additional offers of mobile communications.

Gadgets and entertainment

In serious economy, it will not be without limiting themselves in gadgets and entertainment. These things are mainly surplus and instant whims. Most often, they cost decent money and satisfy the momenta's momentary desire. It is quite difficult to refuse them, but quite real.

If you do not work about these joys of life, there is another way out. Gadgets can be bought last year's models, it will also be possible to save considerably, acquiring a technique that has minor cosmetic defects, incomplete complete set. As a rule, the price of it will be quite reduced. It is not worth neglecting the technique of used.

From entertainment also do not need to completely refuse. After all, in the cinema you can go to the morning session when tickets are much cheaper. And even better - to arrange an interesting home party, you can even thematic. The way out of nature also does not require high costs. And in the city there will be several free and interesting events.

Budget planning

For budget planning, it is necessary to take into account only the main income. If he is a non-permanent, i.e. in one month there may be a significant amount, and next salary will barely reach the subsistence minimum, it is necessary to either calculate the average for the past six months, or take into account the minimum earnings for the same period.

Extra income may remain about the reserve, because it is always necessary to postpone part of the budget for unforeseen cases.

Debts and loans

Many, committing rapid purchases, are in a hurry to make a loan, thereby imposing many years of obligations. Before you take a loan, you need to think well about whether this thing is worth this interest that you need to give. After all, you can also make a worthwhile acquisition, and not "feed" banks. It is much better to accumulate this money and be happy to spend, while not climbing into debts.


All people are sick from time to time. Even the owners of strong immunity can not always avoid colds during the mass morbidity. And according to the current standards, it is not cheaper from the cheapest pleasure.

So, first, you need to maintain the general state of your health at the proper level. It is not necessary to go to the fitness halls, they can be perfectly replaced by morning jogs or home complex of exercises. Secondly, if the disease is still nuts, it is not necessary to engage in self-medication. Dear preparations, in addition, in most cases, it is possible to successfully replace with domestic analogues that are significantly cheaper. After all, the drugs are wonderful on the wallet.

Important little things

What are the sources of savings in the household as a whole, becomes clear. However, there are many and other tricks that will save the budget:

  • it is better to pay cash with cash, and not a card - a credit card does not give the material sensation, and the means are spent much easier;
  • do not be done on the brands, because the name is most often more expensive than the thing itself;
  • refuse bad habits that empty pockets and spoil health in the long run.
  • development of the ability to invest - it is worth striving for useful investments and to ensure that money worked, and did not lie in a dead cargo;
  • use of discount cards of various stores;
  • reusable packaging instead of polyethylene packages;
  • shopping outside the season (for example, air conditioning - in winter, and heater - in summer)
  • qualitative things that lie without necessity, but remain in good condition, you can sell with the help of Internet sites.

In general, the art save (and this is really art, if we talk about savings, which does not affect the quality of life) is not so difficult to learn.

We all sometimes complain about the lack of money. But if you do not be lazy and carefully calculate your spending, it turns out that considerable amounts we let the wind and do not even notice it. As a result, there is no money, but there is no satisfaction from their use. Would you like to learn what sources of savings in how to save money, not worsening the quality of life? Read on, and you will find a lot of useful tips.

What are the sources of savings in the household?

First, let's break the spending on the main groups:

  • Various purchases.
  • Power costs.
  • Costs associated with the content of the car.
  • Communication costs and banking services.

Now let's stop at each group more.

How to reduce the bills for a communal service?

The rules of savings in the household can be started with a decrease in such a large expenditure article as payments for light, water, gas. Take advantage of these tips:

  • Change the old on energy saving luminescent. If there is an opportunity, then it is best to immediately switch to LED.
  • When you do not need a computer, do not translate it into sleep mode, and turn off completely.
  • Unused household appliances even during disconnected form should be pulled out of the outlet, as they continue to consume a small amount of electricity. In order not to mess around every time with a tenth of forks, use and disconnect all the technique with one button.
  • Regularly clean the air conditioner, water heater, defrost the refrigerator. In the started state, they are much less effective and consume a lot of electricity.
  • To save water, put special tap and shower nozzles that reduce its stream. Always repair the plumbing so that it does not flow.
  • When clean your teeth, pick up the water into the cup, and do not leave it open. Remember, it takes not only money, but also natural resources.
  • If your toilet is not regulated the volume of water for a drain, put a bottle with water in the tank. So its volume will decrease, and you will not overcome the liquid.
  • If you have a radiated house, old windows and doors, then most of the heating costs will go to the wind in the literal sense. The slots near the windows, in places where communications come to the house or apartment, are also a source of heat loss.
  • Perhaps it will be more profitable for you not to pay for the Middle Tariffs communal, but to put the counters.

We buy with the mind

Unnecessary trash and unjustified costs - all these fights home savings. Techniques who help to avoid unnecessary spending:

  • "Wash". Do not follow the impulse "Buy!", Which appears in your head in the store. Wait at least the day before rushing at the cashier. During this time, you soberly appreciate whether you need one or another thing.
  • "Shopping list" - It is said that all the tricks of the marketer are powerless in front of a man with a list, where it is written what to buy. Here you should learn from a strong half of humanity and cannot be shedding.
  • "Does this thing make me happier?" - ask yourself such a question when buying. Is it really what you want to spend blood earned money or just a momentary desire?

How to eat delicious and cheap

What are the sources of savings in the household, if you have a big part of money goes on food? In fact, there are many of them:

  • Come up with the menu for a week, write out which products you need, and buy them once a week. Ideally should go to the market, there are many goods cheaper.
  • Even if finance is poured like nightingale, it does not mean that there are only pasta. You can make delicious and nutritious dishes from chicken, potatoes, croup.
  • Preparing lunch to work at home, it is much cheaper, and so you can snack healthy food.
  • Cut the cost of visiting cafes and restaurants. Today there are many step-by-step recipes with which you can feel yourself a chef. If I really do not want to stand at the slab, you can cover the table at home with dishes purchased in the culinary departments of hypermarkets.
  • Refuse fast food, fast food products, snacks and sweets. This food only helps deteriorate to your digestion and empty money.

Four-wheeled friend - benefit or infinite costs?

Answer to this question accounts for every motorist, well, we just offer advice on how to save in the household, if you have your own transport:

  • Many studies have proven that the fuel consumption is affected not only the season, the quality of the road, the type of route (in the city or outside the city), but also the driving style. Moreover, this factor often outrests the rest. Sharp accelerations and braking, spruce jerks significantly increase the "appetite" of the car. Smooth, neat ride is not only fuel savings, but also safety and comfort.
  • Support the car in good condition. Do not be lazy to pass timely maintenance. If you are able to perform the basic items yourself, it is very profitable, for the year you will save a round sum.
  • Invest money in special additives that improve the engine operation and help save fuel.
  • Find companions to reduce costs if you often drive alone. Now it's easy to do with special websites and applications.
  • If there is no sharp need - walk or use public transport.

Here are some more tricks that will improve the state of the family budget:

  • If you do not use a fixed telephone, turn it off. The same applies to cable and satellite channels that you do not look.
  • Calculate mobile communication costs - perhaps there are more favorable tariffs. Do not overpay for services that do not use or who are not very needed: melody for beep, subscriptions with weather forecast, etc.
  • Rate what expenses you are in connection with the use of banking services - here too, you can also find a more advantageous offer. Knowledge of the financial institution rates will avoid errors that will dearly cost. We suspend your loan - carefully read all the items of the contract and pay attention to the Commission. For example, if you have a loan for 24 months, and monthly you pay only 3% of the cost of goods (an example from the actual existing lending program), then for the purchase you will end up overpay 72%.

Now you know what kind of sources of savings in the household. In fact, this is just a small tolika, but try applying this information, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.