The world

Topic: project "Forest is our friend"

Students should know: the main inhabitants of the forest, representatives of the flora of the forest; types of forests; the importance of the forest in human life; the dangers that lie in wait for a person in the forest; the impact of human activities on the state of forest resources; rules of conduct in the forest.

Students should be able to: perform partial search activities, analyze its results, draw conclusions; compose coherent stories based on the materials of the work; work in groups; use the products of joint project activities.

Equipment: handout for each group to complete the tasks; landscape sheets for designing sections of the project; reference literature; glue, markers.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. Distribution of children into groups.

The teacher organizes several initiative groups according to the number of pages of the proposed project.

Roles are distributed in each such group: analyst, experimenter, illustrator, tester.

Children are transplanted according to new groups.

2. Clarification of the features of work in the lesson using project activities.

II. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to take part in the "Forest is our friend" project. The teacher asks to remember the features of the project activity. (Children list)

The teacher talks about the differences between the project activities in this lesson and the previous ones: the distribution of roles among the project participants will take place not in groups, but within each group.

As a result of collective discussion, changes are made to the main stages, taking into account the new distribution into groups.

Plan on the board:

Actions in a group

    Discussion of the task (collectively).

    Fulfillment of a practical task ("experimenters").

    Design of the task ("illustrators").

    Formulation of conclusions ("analytics").

    Application of results (“researchers”).

Collective action: test the entire project.

The teacher invites the children to discuss the objectives of the lesson.

As a result of the discussion, the following goals are named: to learn new information about the forest, to derive the rules of behavior in the forest, to find out what depends on a person in preserving forests on Earth.

III. Preparatory stage.

    Thinking about a project. It takes place in the form of "brainstorming".

(“Analysts” from each group select the best sections of the project.”

As a result, a blank with the main sections of the project appears on the board.

    Distribution of tasks.

IV. Development of project components and illustration.

To perform practical tasks, we used the material of the problem book

The work is carried out in groups.

Children work with a high degree of independence, the teacher provides individual assistance.

    Section "Forest types"

This group is offered cut cards with the image of twigs and fruits of various trees.

"Experimenters" lay out the cards into two groups. "Analysts" draw conclusions about the existence of coniferous and deciduous forests. "Testers" prepare a story based on visual material.

    Section "Inhabitants of the Forest"

Children receive a blank for an application from the series “What grows where, who lives where?” and a set of subject pictures for this blank.

"Experimenters" have plants and animals against the backdrop of the forest.

"Analysts" explain the characteristics of each plant and animal based on materials prepared in advance from reference publications and popular science books.

"Illustrators" paste pictures, as well as riddles that the children of this group prepared in advance at home.

"Testers" are preparing a story for this page of the album.

    Section "The importance of the forest in people's lives"

Children receive a “crumbled” poem by S. Marshak “What do we plant when planting forests?” and a picture depicting a forest, as well as a set of subject pictures from the series “What does the forest give us?”

"Experimenters" make up a poem from lines.

"Illustrators" combine the image of the forest with the pictures and stick it on the album page.

"Analysts" explain the meaning of the links established between the forest and its products.

"Testers" compose the text of the message.

    Section "Rules of conduct in the forest"

Children receive a set of cards consisting of two groups:

1) conventional signs prohibiting any actions in the forest;

2) verbal formulations of the rules of behavior in the forest.

Separately, they receive a set of cards that tell about the impact of human activities on the forest. "Experimenters" lay out the cards in pairs, matching the sign and the rule.

"Illustrators" make out the page of the album.

"Analysts" work with the second set of cards. Their task is to determine the harmful effects of human activity on nature from the drawings.

"Testers" prepare reports based on the materials of the group's work.

5 Section "What is useful and what is harmful."

Children receive a set of paired pictures depicting useful and dangerous plants and mushrooms growing in the forest.

The "Experimenters" create two groups called "Edible Mushrooms and Plants" and "Dangerous Mushrooms and Plants".

"Illustrators" make out the page of the album.

"Analysts" find signs by which plants and fungi of these two groups can be confused.

"Testers" are preparing a message

    Section "Red Book"

Among the proposed photographs and drawings depicting animals, children must find those that are listed in the Red Book.

"Experimenters" select the necessary photographs and drawings.

"Illustrators" make out the page of the album.

"Analysts" and "Testers" in this group are represented by the same children. They speak a message using pre-prepared material.

V. Testing the whole project.

The teacher attaches the pages of the album “Forest is our friend” prepared by the children on the board

The "testers" of each group make a report on the topic of their section.

VI. Self-analysis of project activities

Children tell what they liked, what difficulties they encountered, analyze the reasons for these difficulties.

VII The results of the lesson.

Summing up the overall result of the project activities, determine the value of the project.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT "Forest is our friend"

Project motto.

Brighter, brighter the sun shines from the sky for us.

Higher, higher the tree above the ground to grow.

Let the sprout trees grow with love.

Project passport

1. Topic: "Trees are our true friends"

2. Type of project: design - research.

3. Nature of the project: creative - research.

4. By the nature of contacts: children, educator, parents.

5. By the number of participants: group

6. By duration: short-term (22.10.12 -26.10.12).

7. Subject of study: trees on our site.


Ecological education of preschoolers is the formation of ecological consciousness, ecological culture, the ability to understand and love the world around and take care of it in preschoolers. When children get acquainted with nature, opportunities for aesthetic, patriotic, moral education open up. Communication with nature enriches the spiritual sphere of the child, contributes to the formation of positive moral qualities.

Objective of the project:

- Research activities to study the life of trees in relation to its ecosystem.

To form in preschoolers ideas about the life of trees, their relationship with the environment, identifying the benefits and harms of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem during observations and conversations.



To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees;

To form generalized methods of mental activity and means of building one's own cognitive activity.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

To develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to gain new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation fantasy;

To gain experience in research activities for children, to form the ability to realize interests;

Develop the ability to predict future changes;

Develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


Cultivate an emotional attitude towards trees, communication with them on an equal footing;

To cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it, protect it.

Expected results:

The development of a person who is not indifferent, with an emotional and valuable aesthetic attitude to the world, which combines the qualities of morality, aesthetic taste, communication skills, empathy, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities, continues.

Formed consciously - the correct attitude to objects and natural phenomena, environmental thinking;

The mental abilities of children develop, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;

The children had a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

There comes an understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans.

Action plan:

1. Goal setting;

2. Search for a form of project implementation;

3. Development of the content of the entire educational process based on the subject of the project;

4.Organization of a developing, cognitive, subject environment;

5. Definition of directions of search practical activity;

6. Organization of joint creative search practical activities with parents and children;

7. Collective implementation of the project, its demonstration.

Project stages:

1. Preparatory:

Purpose: the formation of environmental literacy of the child.


1) The development of the child as a person (thinking, emotional, aesthetic, sensory development).

2) Protection and strengthening of children's health.

3) Education of love for the nature of the native land.

Research methods: observations during excursions, research on walks, drawing, appliqué, manual labor, play, conversation, writing stories and fairy tales, acquaintance with literary works and paintings.

2. Research:

Search for answers to the questions posed. Working with children: a conversation about trees.

Purpose: to interest the problem, to find out the ideas of children about these plants, their attitude towards them.


1. How are trees different from other plants?

2. What trees do you know?

3. Are trees alive or not? Why do you think so?

4. Are there many trees near our kindergarten? What are their names?

5. Who do you think plants trees? For what?

6. How many of you have seen trees in the forest? And who puts them there?

7. Where do you think trees live better - in the forest or in the city? Why?

8. Do people pay enough attention to trees? And you personally? Have trees ever helped you? And you to them? Give examples.

9. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen all over the earth? In our city? Near kindergarten? At your house? Will anything change in our lives? Why do trees disappear?

3. Final:

Ecological entertainment "Birthday of the forest".

tree passport


Birch in Russia is one of the most common tree species. Birch is distinguished by its slender growth. . The height of the trees reaches 20 - 25 m or more, birch lives up to 100 - 120 years.

A plant with flowers - catkins, which appear before the formation of leaves. Blooms in April - May.

The root system of birches is powerful. Birch grows slowly only in the first years, then, on the contrary, it begins to grow rapidly,

The bark of birches is white, yellowish.

Birch leaves are serrated along the edge, with a wide wedge-shaped base, smooth, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, turn yellow before falling off. Young leaves are sticky.

Kidneys covered with often sticky scales

Birch is suitable for many things: excellent wood, even to cut down a house, even to make furniture. Firewood is very hot, others are not like birch.

And a Russian sauna is inconceivable without a birch broom. And how many folk crafts use birch bark and wood.

Birch heals people from many diseases. In the spring, during sap flow, birch sap can be harvested: it has healing properties.

Medical activated carbon is obtained from its wood.

Medicine has been using birch buds, leaves and sap since ancient times.


Rowan It is a deciduous tree with a height of 4 to 8 m.

Grows in open and shaded places, on different soils, does not tolerate only heavily waterlogged. It responds well to fertilizers and competent tillage, easily tolerates unfavorable years. It grows throughout our country.

root system it is branched and is located in the upper layers of the soil, so it can be grown on soils with close standing groundwater, where many fruit crops cannot grow.

Tolerates frost down to minus 50°С. Blooms late.

Bark she has grey. Leaves are compound, up to 21 cm, consisting of 9 small leaves. White small flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

Fruit mountain ash - orange-red berries of a bitter taste.

Rowan - a valuable fruit, medicinal and ornamental plant.

Its fruits contain many biologically active substances: vitamin C, iron, a lot of glucose, fructose, iodine was found. It is also rich in phytoncides.

From fruits rowan you can cook juices, jams, compotes, jam. The pureed fruits of some varieties are used as a condiment.

medicinal value

Dried rowan fruits are used in the form of collections, liquid extracts from fresh berries.

Rowan fruits are also used for atherosclerosis, hypertension and nephrolithiasis, used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent, as well as for diabetes, liver and kidney diseases.
The fruits of mountain ash are especially valuable as a rich multivitamin remedy.

At any time of the year, mountain ash is an adornment of streets, gardens and parks.

Poems about trees

Sad birch..." A.A. Fet

sad birch
By my window
And the whim of frost
She is torn apart.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.

I love the daylight game
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

L. Kavaliaka

Behind the birch window
In festive attire
The breeze is swaying
Solar strands.
Leaves will fall
Will lay down with a veil

And cover the earth
Light blanket.
And spring will come -
Earrings hang again
The branches decorate
Like the dress brooches


I am thick, curly
Grow up to fame
Note me!
I am honey colored
Blooming in summer
Protect me!
And on a hot day
I'll hide in the shade from the sun, -
Water me!
The downpour pours at times, I will hide from the downpour, -
Don't break me!
good for both
We grow with you -
Love me!
You will go out into the wide world,
You will see the whole country,
Do not forget about me!

P. Voronko

Treasury of folk wisdom

Decorates their people

Every time on New Year's Eve.

Instead of leaves - needles.

Name the trees! (Christmas trees)


yellow and red clothes

Each leaf is like a palm.

It is the brightest in autumn.

Guessed? This... (maple)

*** ***

*** ***

The bush is drowning in terry flowers,

As if in purple clouds.

On a bright warm May day

Our eyes please... (lilac)

White bottom, green top -

In the summer grove is the most beautiful of all!

Stripes on trunks.

are good ... (birches)

Proverbs, sayings about trees

Proverbs, sayings about linden

v And nuts, it turns out, grow on linden.

Proverbs and sayings about oak:

v You can't cut down an oak without puffing out your lips.

v In the forest, an oak is a ruble, and in the capital - a knitting needle for a ruble.

v Oak fruits are only suitable for pigs.

v The oak is old, but the root is fresh.

v The oak is great, but from a small ax it falls.

v The storm will knock down the oak, but the reed will stand. Oak slowly gaining its growth.

v If the herd roars at once at the oak, the oak will fall.

Proverbs and sayings about pine

v Pine feeds, and linden shoes.

v Every pine makes noise only to its forest.

v For us, every oak is a sheepskin coat, every pine is a hut.

v From the apple tree - apples, and from the pine - cones.

mini museum

Passport of exhibits of the mini-museum

"Wonderful tree transformations"

Exhibit name: Matryoshka is a wooden doll.

brief information

Matryoshka (from the diminutive name "Matryona") is a Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside of which there are smaller dolls similar to it. The number of nested dolls is usually from three or more, has an ovoid ("egg-like") shape with a flat bottom and consists of two parts - upper and lower. By tradition, a woman is drawn in a red sundress and a yellow scarf. Nowadays, the themes for painting are diverse: these are fairy-tale characters, the theme of Russia in the form of a girl, as well as a family

One of the main centers for the manufacture and painting of matryoshkas is the city of Semyonov (after the name of the city, the matryoshka is called Semyonovskaya). Neighborhood with Khokhloma largely determines the originality of the painting of the Semenov matryoshka. Matryoshka dolls from the city of Semyonov have multi-color painting and an abundant sophisticated pattern with thick curved branches, flowers, berries, curls on a light background.

Nested dolls are made in various workshops. First, a suitable type of wood is selected linden, alder or birch. Trees are usually cut down in early spring, the bark is removed. . The logs are then stored and dried for several years in a well-ventilated area.

How to use in working with children: Matryoshka is used as a visual material for the development of children's decorative creativity, for modeling and play activities. Drawing up creative stories for children.

additional literature : I. Chernitskaya "Matryoshka" . riddles about matryoshka, reading proverbs: “A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant”, “Forest is not friends with fire”, “The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest”.

Exhibit name: Miracle Spoons.

brief information

Wooden spoons are a reflection of the originality of our Russian culture and its cultural traditions. Wooden spoons came to us from time immemorial, charming everyone with their originality and color.

The Spoon Capital of Russia and the recognized center of the world-famous Khokhloma painting is popularly called the city of Semyonov, which is located in the depths of the Kerzhen forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Here, the traditional craft of the ancestors, who made wonderful wood chips, is carefully preserved, multiplied and passed down from generation to generation.

Carving a real Russian wooden spoon is not easy, it requires talent from the craftsman. Used to make spoons linden, aspen , First, the carpenter needs to decide on the shape of the spoon: round or oval, flat, voluminous or faceted. Each shape of a wooden spoon corresponds to its purpose. It can be a spoon for pickles, a dessert spoon, a slotted spoon, a spoon for mustard, salt, etc.

The spoon is often decorated with exquisite carvings, sometimes so skillful that you have to examine its individual details through a magnifying glass.

How to use with children : visual material for the development of decorative creativity of preschoolers, used to develop musical abilities

Educational project "Forest is our friend"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the involvement of each participant in an active cognitive process, to stimulate his independence and the need for self-realization and self-expression.

1. Dive into the project .

ecological fairy tale. The music of the forest is playing. Children read the words.

There are many different miracles on our earth: high mountains, and deep rivers, and icy seas, and hot deserts. But perhaps the greatest miracle is the forest. You will go into a cool green thicket, and how much you will hear and see! The leaves rustled, the birds sang, someone rustled in the grass. So many mysteries in the forest!

Wood-drakes stretch their hands to the nest for eggs.

Meeting of forest friends and forest dragons.

What are you doing? Nests must not be destroyed! There will be no birds!

Because of three eggs?

If you take the eggs, the mother of future chicks will fly away and will not return to our forest again. If there are no birds, the trees will dry up and the forest will die.

Who you are?

We are lumberjacks. And who are you?


Why are you messing around in the forest?

In our "black" forest, everyone is having so much fun: nests are being destroyed, they are shooting from slingshots, anthills are tossed, butterflies' wings are torn off.

That's why you call your forest "black". You broke all the rules of the forest. Do you really like this forest?

I do not like. There is no greenery in it, flowers, firebrands from the fires underfoot, birds do not chirp, animals are not visible. And we want berries, mushrooms.

Do you want to change yourself and change your forest?

Will it work? We are lumberjacks.

Guys, let's invite the lumberjack to take part in the "Forest is our friend" project. Let's think about what we will tell them about the forest.

/ Rules of conduct in the forest, about the meaning of the forest,

about animals, plants, about the Red Book /

2. Planning stage.

We will try to answer the question of why the forest is called a friend of man and convince the forest drac to treat nature like this: “Observe and admire, study and take care!”

The main sections of the project.



Today we will continue to learn how to work in groups. Everyone in the group has their own responsibility. Remember what basic rules must be followed when working in a team?

/ Work together, be able to listen to another person,

to help each other./

Right. Each group prepares its section for presentation. Everything you need is on the tables: album page, working materials, visualization and work plans. What qualities will help you successfully cope with all tasks?

/Attention, responsibility, concentration./

3. Project development.

So, each of you performs an important task: glorifies the miracle of miracles, the beauty of the Earth, the green forest!

4. Project test.

So, 1 page of the album - "Views of the forest."

1st group

1). The forest is a huge wealth of our homeland and our region. Forests are coniferous, deciduous and mixed. The leaves of coniferous trees are shaped like long, thin needles. Most conifers keep needles throughout the year, constantly forming new ones. That's why they are always green. Coniferous trees include spruce, pine, fir. Spruce needles are separated from each other. But pine needles are connected together by 2-3 or 5. Coniferous seeds are hidden in cones.

Deciduous trees are easy to recognize. Some have an extensive crown, others are elongated upwards. Leaf plate, buds, fruits are signs of deciduous trees. They shed their leaves in autumn. Deciduous trees that are often found in the forest: oak, birch, maple, linden, aspen.

Task 2.

Show the desired picture with a pointer and tell the text.

1. This is a cheerful, light-filled birch forest. Thick grass, flowers. Sunbeams run along the white trunks of birches, along their glossy leaves. A golden oriole is poured with a flute.

2. It is light and dry in the pine forest. Underfoot is thick moss. There are a lot of berries in the forests - blueberries, lingonberries. The pines shake their heads so high that it seems they are about to hit the cloud.

3. And here is the oak forest. The oak trees are far apart. Under stocky oaks - a shadow, in the clearings - light. There is little vegetation in the shade, but in sunny clearings there are tall grass and thick bushes. Bird and beast here expanse.

4. Here is a spruce forest. Twilight. Around a soft carpet of pine needles. There are few grasses and bushes. Occasionally a tit will ring, a woodpecker will rattle, a hazel grouse will whistle - and again silence. Squirrels, woodpeckers, crossbills deftly deal with hard cones. For them, spruce seeds are the most delicious food.

2nd page of the album - "Inhabitants of the forest".

2 group

The forest resembles a multi-storey building. Each has its own plants, birds, animals, insects. All of them are closely connected with each other and with the outside world.

Under the ground, the roots of grasses, shrubs, trees are intertwined with mycelium. Here, underground, there are houses of mice, moles, badgers. earthworms live in this dungeon. they loosen the soil.

Moss and herbaceous plants grow on the surface of the earth: lily of the valley, fern, burdock, oxalis, strawberry shrubs.

Nightingales build nests right in the grass, ants build houses, lizards, hedgehogs live, foxes dig holes.

The next floor is shrubs: willow, wild rose, raspberry, viburnum. Thrushes build their nests here.

The top floor is trees. Squirrels, woodpeckers, titmouse, owls make hollows in their trunks. On the highest trees there are nests of birds of prey: hawks, eagles.

In summer, all floors of the forest are inhabited. And how many insects are there in the forest: ants, grasshoppers, butterflies, wasps.

Well done!

There is also a special book called "The Book of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals and Plants." Its cover is the color of danger, red, hence the name "Red Book". It includes those animals and plants that are few on Earth, they say, protect, people, protect, and if necessary, help them!

3rd page of the album - "The meaning of the forest in people's lives."

3 group

Exercise 1.

The forest is our green friend. These are the "light" planets. The forest purifies the air and enriches it with oxygen. The forest air is healing, so sanatoriums are often located in the forest. The forest is the decoration of the Earth. We always have a good mood in the forest. The forest is the custodian of moisture. The forest is the home of the animals. The forest is a pantry of mushrooms, berries, nuts, medicinal plants. The forest is a source of wood from which paper, furniture, and houses are made. Wood needs a lot, and the forest grows slowly. Therefore, already now we must think about how to save the forest.

Task 2.

Reading a poem by S. Marshak “What do we plant when planting forests?”

The forest is a solid natural formation that has existed on Earth for millions of years. Nothing and no one can destroy it.

Is it so? Who can disturb the forest?


Page 4 of the album - "About the harmful influence of man on nature and how we should behave in the forest."

4 group.

5 page of the album - "What is useful and what is harmful."

5 group.

Both adults and children love to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest. Our forests are rich in mushrooms: russula, boletus, honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms. Many different berries: strawberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Children should be especially careful when picking mushrooms and berries. In the forest there is a plant "crow's eye". It has 4 leaves and one blue berry at the top of the stem, which resembles a "crow's eye". This plant is poisonous.

A small forest shrub, "wolf's bast", very beautiful. It has red fruits. They are very dangerous. Never put them in your mouth! Mushrooms are very poisonous: fly agaric and pale grebe.

Follow the rules:

Never pick mushrooms and berries alone, without adults!

Take those berries and mushrooms that you know for sure!

5. Self-analysis of project activities.

Guys, look, as a result of common activities, a whole album “Forest is our friend” turned out.

Who liked to participate in its development and testing?

What did you especially like?

What difficulties did you experience?

Guys, why did we try so hard, what is the significance of our project?

/ We wanted the forest fights to fall in love with the forest, change

their "black" forest, learned more about the forest./

Let's ask the lumberjacks what they think about this.

/Our forest will be saved!/

And what needs to be done for this?

/ First you need to remove garbage from the forest, trees

treat, clean the river, anthills

correct and never break the forest rules!/

It's good that you understand this.

/ Can we also be forest friends? /

Yes, sure. We are very happy about this!

6. Drawing up a memo.

Forest friends, let's prepare an appeal to the guys from the "black forest" in the form of reminders: "How to behave in the forest."

They work in groups. Everyone discusses - one writes.


Let's see what happened.

/Check by 1 rule./

7. Bottom line.

Scientists call the forest:

"lungs" of the planet,

bacteria killer,

pantry moisture,

boundless wealth.

And we call the forest a kind, affectionate and warm wordFriend.

Let's "Observe and admire, study and protect" the forest.

With what mood did you walk through our green forest? Show.


Thank you all for your active work. Well done!

Working materials.

Group work plan 1.

1. Using cards depicting twigs and fruits of various trees, draw conclusions about different types of forest.

2.Design the album page.

3. Find among the illustrations a spruce forest, a birch forest, a pine forest, an oak forest, correlate with the text and read expressively.

Group work plan 2.

1. With the help of cards and the information collected earlier, draw conclusions “What grows where, who lives where.”

2. Having selected the necessary visual material, design the album page.

3. Prepare for the story.

Group work plan 3.

1. Make a diagram of the “Meaning of the Forest” by collecting “crumbled” phrases, and explain it.

2. Design the album page.

3. Collect the “crumbled” poem by S. Marshak “What do we plant when planting forests?” according to the plan: - how would you answer:

1) shipbuilder;

2) carpenter;

3) carpenter;

4) animals and man.

Group work plan 4.

1. Based on the drawings, determine the harmful human impact on the forest.

2. Using conventional signs, formulate the rules of behavior in the forest.

4. Prepare your message.

Group work plan 5.

1. Create 2 groups called "Edible Plants and Mushrooms" and "Dangerous Plants and Mushrooms", match the pictures and names.

2. Draw conclusions about the dangers that await children in the forest when picking mushrooms and berries.

3. Design the album page.

4. Think about what rules children need to follow when picking mushrooms and berries.

5. Prepare your message.

Project evaluation criteria.

The significance and relevance of the topic.

Independent work on the project.

Completeness and correctness of the disclosure of the topic.

Artistry and expressiveness of performance during the defense.

Answering questions during the defense of the project.

The quality of the product of the project activity.


Helper questions.

What is the name of your project?

Name the main issue of the project.

Why is it important to answer this question?

Why are you doing this project?

What did they do to solve the problem?

What did you get?

What caused the difficulty?

What did you like most about working on the project?

Tell us about your role in the project.

What did you learn?


Project protection requirements.

1. Voice the theme of the album page.

2. Tell about the problem you were working on, prove its relevance.

3. Completeness of knowledge of the problem.

4. Skills of oral speech.

5. Making your work.

6. The ability to draw a conclusion on the problem.

7. Ability to answer questions on the topic.

Project passport

Full name of the project

"Our green friend is the forest"

Target group

Students of grades 4-B and 4-A, class teachers, parents.

Denis Pinaev, Arseniy Seryakov, Milena Druzhkova, Anastasia Koshkarova, Kristina Besklinskaya


Tatishcheva I. A.

Creation of the "Green Book"

Collect waste paper.


Subject - content area


Number of participants

5 students



Main resources and sources of their financing

The basis for the implementation of the project is the information and material resources of the school library, Bilimbaevsky forestry, Internet resources.

Expected Result

Presentations for class hours: “Who will save the forest?”, “Forests of our region”

Article in the school newspaper "Help the Forest";

Creation of the Green Book.

Period and stages of implementation

January - March 2014


"Green Book".


    Ivchenko. Book about trees.

    Kozak. To the forest for mushrooms.

    Krutogorov. Tree stories.

    Menninger. Weird trees.

    Petrov. The world of forest plants.

    Petrov. Forest secrets.

    Petrov. Stories about forest plants.

    Shimanyuk. Dendrology.

    Forest encyclopedia. In 2 vols.






"The green world of the living world gives joy to you and me!"

Topic: "Our green friend is the forest"

Team: Lesovichki:

Pinaev Denis

Seryakov Arseniy

Druzhkova Milena

Koshkarova Anastasia

Besklinskaya Kristina

4th and 4th grade students


Tatishcheva I. A

primary school teacher

tel: 64-15-52


The country has considerable wealth,
The bowels of the earth do not take into account miracles,
But more important than many, perhaps,
For the breath of the Earth - forests


At the lesson of the world around us, we studied the ecosystem - the forest. We learned how important forests are for life on Earth. This is air purification, and habitats for animals. The forest protects the soil from erosion, delays precipitation, creates a favorable microclimate for agricultural plants, and prevents water pollution. The forest is used in various sectors of the national economy; it serves as a source of chemicals obtained during the processing of wood, bark, needles. The forest supplies raw materials for over 20 thousand articles and products. Almost half of the wood produced in the world is used for fuel, and a third goes to the production of building materials.

We live in a forest zone. Therefore, we were interested in the question of what role the forest plays in our life.

We wondered what would happen if all the trees disappeared? What trees grow in the forest? What trees are most often planted in the city and why?

With these questions, we turned to our classmates and conducted a survey among students in grades 2-4. 100 students were interviewed.

The results of the survey revealed the following results:


Difficult to answer

Which tree holds the record for producing oxygen, protecting the city from dust and harmful emissions?

What trees grow in the city of Pervouralsk and its environs?

How does a person use the forest?

What damage do fires cause?

How does a forest appear?

How many years must pass for the restoration of the dead forest?

What organizations are there in Pervouralsk responsible for the conservation of forests and greening the city?

What can I do for the forest?

Most of the students found it difficult to answer several questions.

Thus, the main Problems:

Living in the forest zone, the guys know little about the forest ecosystem;

Most of the guys left the last question “What can I do for the forest?” without an answer, not understanding how they can help the forest, whether the forest needs human help, and how this help can be expressed.

Conclusion: We live in a forest zone. Therefore, we must know and protect the forest. It is necessary to promote respect for our green friend among classmates, acquaintances, neighbors. Tell what benefits we can bring to the forest right now.

Objective of the project: Creation of the "Green Book".

Project idea: the rational use of forest resources is, first of all, taking care of our planet Earth, and the use of recycled paper is a great saving of forests.


Find out which organizations are engaged in forest protection;

Find out what our county is doing to restore deforestation and protect endangered plant species;

Find out which trees are better at purifying polluted air;

Hold a contest of posters "Take care of nature";

Write an article for the school newspaper "Help the Forest";

Select materials for the creation of the "Green Book";

Collect waste paper.

To achieve our goals, we must:

Visit the school library and use the Internet - resources;

Meet with Akhmetov Ildar Fanzalievich, a forest foreman from the Bilimbaevsky forestry;

Announce a contest of posters "Take care of nature";

To select material for an article in the school newspaper "Help the Forest";

Select materials for the creation of the "Green Book";

Collect waste paper

Stages of work on the project.

Istage. Theoretical

Target: study of literature and Internet - resources on the topic of interest. Search for answers to problematic questions: “How much oxygen does one tree produce per year? How much oxygen does an average person need per year to breathe? What is the area of ​​forests on the planet? and others.

Having visited the school library, we got acquainted with books about the forest, which Chalova T.N., the librarian of our school, helped us pick up.

We learned from books that deforestation began at the dawn of human society and increased as it developed, as the need for wood and other forest products increased rapidly. Over the past millennium, 2/3 of forests have been reduced on Earth. Therefore, they say: forests precede man, deserts accompany him. During this historical time, about 500 million hectares have turned from forests into barren deserts. Forests are being destroyed so rapidly that clearing areas far outweigh tree planting areas. To date, about half of their original area has been reduced in the forest zone. In connection with deforestation, the water content of rivers is reduced, lakes dry up, the level of groundwater drops, soil erosion increases, the climate becomes more arid and continental, droughts and dust storms often occur.

We also turned to Internet resources. Worked with the Internet on sites:

viki rdf/ru,,,,,

From the Internet, we found out that one tree on average produces 2.5 kilograms of oxygen per day, and 912.5 kilograms of oxygen per year. One person needs 0.83 kg of oxygen per day to breathe; 302.95 kg of oxygen per year.
The approximate area of ​​forests on the planet is about 3 billion hectares, approximately 0.8 hectares per person. It's not that much. 14-15% is occupied by northern coniferous forests (Russia, Canada and the USA), 55-60% is tropical forests. Most forests per capita are in Canada - 9.4 hectares. More than 6 billion people live on the planet. When burning 1 kg of coal or firewood, more than 2 kg of oxygen is consumed. This is approximately the oxygen produced by a single tree. One passenger car burns 1825 kg of oxygen for every 100 km of travel. This is approximately the oxygen produced by 734 trees. Every year, a car absorbs an average of more than 4 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, emitting about 800 kg of carbon monoxide, about 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various hydrocarbons with exhaust gases. If these figures are multiplied by the 400 million vehicles in the world, one can imagine the extent of the threat posed by excessive motorization. The number of trees is constantly decreasing. The reduction of forest areas as a result of increased wood consumption is a sad fact.

WWF, FSC and Greenpeace, with the participation of civil activists, formulated the 5 most pressing problems of Russian forests.

    The need to adopt the forest policy of Russia.

    Forest fires.

    Illegal logging and sale of timber.

    Lack of an environmentally sensitive market in Russia.

    Low civil activity.

On the website of the Living Forest magazine, we were interested in several questions, which were answered by a specialist in the forestry department.

Who is the champion in the production of oxygen? And are such data still true that one tree releases as much oxygen during its life as one person needs, and a car at a speed of 120 km / h absorbs all the oxygen released by a tree in just two hours?

Forestry Specialist. The most active suppliers of oxygen are poplars. 1 hectare of such trees emits 40 times more oxygen into the atmosphere than 1 hectare of spruce stands. Within one year, an ordinary tree releases the amount of oxygen needed for a family of 4 over the same period, and one car in 2 hours of work will absorb as much oxygen as 1 tree releases in 2 years!

Could you name a few tree species that are the most productive in terms of oxygen production. And how productive are the types of trees in our forest, such as birch, linden, pine, aspen.

Forestry Specialist. You have touched on a really interesting topic. It does not allow unambiguous interpretations. The oxygen productivity of a tree depends not only on the species, but primarily on the size of the tree and the season; it differs for trees from different types of forest. But trees emit biologically active substances - aromas, phytoncides, technogenic dirt is deposited on their leaves, and this is actually extremely important, so do not change your attitude towards trees, they already do everything they can for us, they can do without us grow, we would not be without them.


We learned: - about the most urgent problems of Russian forests;

About trees that most actively release oxygen and purify the air in the environment;

About how much oxygen is produced by trees.

II stage. Collection of information.

Meeting with Akhmetov Ildar Fanzalievich, a forest foreman from the Bilimbaevsky forestry enterprise.

Target: find out how forests are protected and restored in our Pervouralsk district.

Ildar Fanzalievich told us a lot of interesting things about our forests. He said that the main task of protecting forests is their rational use and restoration.

The master of the forest noted that with proper forest management, cuttings on hotel plots should be repeated in 80-100 years, this is how long it takes for the seedlings to become full-fledged trees again.

Another important forest conservation measure is the fight against forest losses.

wood. The greatest losses occur during the harvesting of timber. In places

cuttings, there is a lot of wood and needles that can be used for

preparation of essential oils.

The most important condition for the conservation of forest resources is the timely

reforestation. Only a third of the annually cut down forests in Russia

restored naturally, the rest require special measures to

their renewal. In clearings where natural reforestation does not occur, after loosening the soil, seeds are sown or seedlings grown in the nursery are planted. Ildar Fanzalievich spoke about how seedlings are grown in the nursery in Bilimbaevsky forestry to restore cut down forests.

Among forest protection measures, fire fighting is of great importance.

The fire completely or partially destroys the forest biocenosis. Fires deal

great damage, destroying plants, animals.

Up to 97% of forest fires are caused by humans. Therefore, among the measures

fire fighting an important place is occupied by fire propaganda

among the population. In our forestry and in Yekaterinburg there is a sentinel service to detect fires. When extinguishing forest fires, aviation brigades are used, sometimes military units and the entire population are mobilized to fight fires.

Diseases and pests cause great harm to forests. Mass outbreaks

pest numbers cover vast areas.

To control pests of forest plants, it is useful to attract insectivores.

birds. They can regulate the number of insects, preventing them

mass reproduction. To attract birds, foresters create favorable conditions for them: hang artificial nests, feed them.

Biological pest control methods are cheap, harmless and most

effective. They should be combined with other methods so that together they

represented a unified system of forest protection.

Result: we learned about what work is being done in the urban district of Pervouralsk to protect and restore the forest.

IIIstage. Research

Target: research how much paper accumulates in the classroom and at home; how many trees we saved from cutting down, thanks to the participation in the collection of waste paper.

Practical research.

We asked our classmates to measure the weight of the waste paper that they accumulate during the week. The data was entered into a table. As a result of the research work, we came to the conclusion that up to 5 kg of paper is accumulated at home per week, which can be reused.

In the first half of the year, the collection of waste paper "Save the tree - save the forest!"

First half

3 quarter

qty kg

qty kg

All students of our school took part in the collection of waste paper and together they collected 1070 kg.

In the second half of the year, we decided to take part in the collection of waste paper in each quarter. In February, from the first days, we again took part in the collection of waste paper and we got such results.

On the Internet site we found information that 5.6 m 3 of wood is needed to make 1 ton of paper. If we take into account that the average volume of one log (tree) is 0.33 m 3, then 17 trees are required to produce 1 ton of paper. And from 1 ton of paper you can make about 30 thousand ordinary student notebooks. As a result of recycling waste paper, the same paper is obtained as from fresh pulp, which is obtained from wood. Only the production of paper from waste paper is 2 times cheaper. And from 1 ton of waste paper, how much is obtained from 12 trees. Therefore, from an economic and environmental point of view, recycling paper from waste paper is very beneficial. Unfortunately, in Russia only 0.1% of paper is produced from waste paper. In Europe, this figure reaches 50%, and in Japan, 65% of new paper is made from old waste paper.

Result: we decided , What can we do to save paper:

    Not very important texts and notes should be made on the other side of a written sheet of paper;

    Take old magazines, newspapers to waste paper collection points.

    Buy paper made from recycled materials, such as paper with the FSC or Nautilus logo.

    Leave at the end of the school year unused sheets of their workbooks (sheets for testing, drafts);

    Take care of all paper products (notebooks, textbooks)

IV stage. Creative activity

Having learned a lot about the forest, its benefits and the need to preserve it, we decided to hold class hours for classmates together with the teacher:

"Who will save the forest?", "Forests of our region."

After class hours, we decided to hold a contest of posters "Take care of nature".

Based on the information received, we jointly created the Green Book.

It included our class hours, forest legends, memos, natural monuments of the Pervouralsk urban district, a green pharmacy, quizzes and many other entertaining material.


In the process of working on the project, we studied a lot of information about the forest in our country and in the world, got acquainted with what work is being done in the urban district of Pervouralsk to protect and restore the forest.

We took an active part in the collection of waste paper to save natural forest resources. We used the knowledge gained during the work on the project during class hours: “Who will save the forest?”, “Forests of our region”. The contest of posters "Take care of nature" aroused the interest of most of our classmates.

As a result, many children from our classes learned about the meaning and problems of the forest.

The goal of the project has been achieved. We have created a "Green Book", which teachers and schoolchildren can use in the future.

All in our hands…

Vera Moskaleva
Ecological project "Forest is our home"

Take care of nature guys

And flowers, and trees, and a meadow,

And animals, and soil, and water,

After all, nature is our reliable friend.

Relevance project:

unformed ideas in children that the forest is "house" ; about the inseparable connection between man and nature.

Trees (forest) purify and moisten the air, create coolness, some give tasty, edible fruits. Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected.

Protecting nature means protecting not only animals, but also its vegetation!

Let's save our forests!

Goals project:

to deepen children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants, to instill a desire to preserve and protect their native nature;

to form in children ideas that the forest is - "house" a community of plants and animals living together in the same area (the life of all forest dwellers depends on each other);

that man and nature cannot exist without each other;

convey to the minds of children that the forest is our wealth.

Tasks project:

To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest;

Develop the cognitive and creative abilities of children;

To form a caring attitude towards nature, to induce the desire to protect it from destruction, and, if necessary, restore it.

Involve parents in the educational process.

To develop children's imagination, speech, fantasy, thinking, ability

analyze, compare and generalize.

To cultivate a careful attitude towards the vegetation of the forest and its inhabitants.

Members project:

educator, music director

children 4-5 years old,


View project

informational and educational,

cognitive research,


Implementation timeline project: long term (from 13.03-13.04.2017)

Forms and methods of implementation project:

OD, games - travel and research, observations, outdoor and didactic games, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations and albums.

Stages project: project"includes" three main stage:

1st - preparatory; setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research, preliminary work with teachers, children and their parents, selection of equipment and materials.

2nd - main (research): search for answers to the questions posed in different ways;

3rd - final (generalizing) summarizing the results of the work in a variety of forms, analyzing them, consolidating the knowledge gained, formulating conclusions and, if possible, making recommendations.

Expected Results:

form an idea of ​​the forest as a community of plants and animals: the inextricable connection between man and nature;

build basic skills environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature;

responsible attitude of children to the environment;

involvement in the creative activity of each child;

development of cognitive interest in nature, communication skills of interaction and cooperation.

I. Preparatory stage project.

Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods

research, preliminary work with teachers, children and parents, selection of equipment and materials.

Teacher activity

Children activities

Working with parents

Talking to children about the forest

revealing the level of knowledge of children about the forest as a community of plants and animals.

Making didactic games,

Ecological signs"What Not to Do in the Forest"

Consideration of illustrative material on the topic project.

Joint discussion of implementation measures project

II. main stage

Action plan

Educational area Activity Objectives

Physical Culture


Health Mobile games:

"Who will gather mushrooms faster (berries)», "Trees - bushes", "Bears and Bees", "Homeless Bunny", "Bird in the Nest", "Run to what I call", "At the bear in the forest". To cultivate the desire to improve one's physical qualities, determination, develop dexterity, speed, strength, endurance;

Perform movements at the signal of the teacher;

Clearly navigate when finding your partner.

To consolidate the idea of ​​the need to take care of your health from childhood.


Development of gaming activities Didactic and desktop - printed games:

"Edible - inedible"

"Find a tree by description"

"The Fourth Extra", "Vice versa", "What is the house?", "Whose footprints?", "Put down the bird", "Learn by the office", "What grows in the forest,

what's in the garden?

Role-playing game:

"Journey to the Forest"




"Hospital": plot "At the vet's appointment"

finger games: "Mushroomer", "Collecting Leaves", "Wild animals", “How many birds flew in our feeder?” Continue to develop attention, memory, logical thinking; classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to the place of their growth, according to the method of their application).

Continue to teach children to connect games with a single plot.

cognitive development


"What is a Forest".

"What are the benefits of the forest"

"Learn to protect the forest"

What animals live in the forest

"Medicinal plants of the forest"

Album review:

"Medicinal herbs"

Examining posters: "How a forester takes care of the forest", "Who needs trees in the forest", "Why do people go to the forest", "This should not be done in the forest".

"Excursion to the spring forest"

Observation: behind a birch in spring, behind insects (in early spring, buds on trees, herbaceous plants.

Refine ideas about the forest as a community in which plants live (trees, bushes, herbs, mushrooms) and animals (animals, birds, insects, amphibians). Learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships that necessitate the cohabitation of animals and the growth of plants. To form a generalized idea that in the forest everyone needs each other. To cultivate interest in the life of forest plants and animals, the desire to know the rules of behavior in the forest and follow them.

To form ideas about spring changes in wildlife, in the life of plants and birds in connection with the arrival of spring. To cultivate interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty, the desire to preserve all living things; develop respect for nature.

Speech development

Reading fiction

Reading with children works

K. Chukovsky "Wonder Tree",

M. Prishvin "Forest floors"

I. Gurina

"Bear's Adventure"

"Stories and tales by ecology» (file cabinet)

Russian folk tales:

"Hare-brag", "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"

memorizing nursery rhymes “A fox with a box ran through the woods”

Riddles about the forest. Riddles about forest animals, insects and birds

poetry reading

S. Mikhalkova "Bird Dining"

V. Kudlachev "In the forest"

A. Prokofiev "Our Forest"

Introduce children to fiction on the topic project. To expand the horizons of children on the example of works of art and their heroes. Continue to teach children to listen to works, empathize with the characters, answer questions about what they read. Cultivate respect for nature. Encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, and verbal communication among themselves.

Artistic and aesthetic development


"Mushroom meadow"



"Forest Animals"

Drawing (blotography)

"Spring tree"»

Artistic design

"Berries" Learn to identify parts of a mushroom according to geometric shapes (leg - oval, hat - semicircle); learn to transform the form, cut the circle into semicircles; to form compositional skills of arranging the image on the entire plane of the sheet; to fix the methods of careful use of paper, glue. develop a sense of form, composition;

Introduce children to several methods of sculpting animals, nurture children's interest in animals, develop curiosity, be able to convey

characteristic signs of animals, to learn to control their actions when sculpting.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to consolidate the knowledge of children that a tree is a living organism. Continue, clarify children's ideas about trees; To develop the creative abilities of children through familiarity with non-traditional drawing methods.

Systematize children's knowledge about wild berries; teach them how to make paper.

Introduction to art. Examining a reproduction paintings:

I. I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest",

I. I. Levitan "Birch Grove";

V. M. Vasnetsov "Oak trees" To teach to consider pictures through individual details, to activate the dictionary, to develop creative imagination, the ability to express one's feelings in words; to cultivate interest in painting, to instill an aesthetic taste.

Music Listening to music works:

Giacomo Puccini "Evening Forest"

C. Saint-Saens. "Animal Carnival"

P. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. April"

Vivaldi "Seasons. Spring" To learn to hear and understand the musical image, character and mood expressed in music.

Working with parents

The right attitude to nature begins in the family. Advice for parents

Stage 3 Generalizing

Open OD screening "Journey to the Forest"

outdoor display ecological performance"Forest Pharmacy"

Exhibition of drawings "Forest through the eyes of children"

Used Books.

Kolomina N.V. "Educating the basics ecological culture» .

Shorygin "Forest Conversation"

Aksenova, Z. F. Enter nature as a friend. ecological education of preschoolers. - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2011. - 128 p. -

Gorkova, L. G. Scenarios of classes in ecological preschool education (middle, senior, preparatory groups)/ L. G.

Kovinko, L.V. Secrets of nature - it's so interesting! - Moscow: Linka-Press, 2004. - 72p.: ill.

Lopatina, A. A. Tales of Mother Earth. ecological education through fairy tales, poems and creative tasks / A. A. Lopatina, M. V.

Nikolaeva, S. N. ecological education of younger preschoolers. A book for kindergarten teachers. - Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2004. - 96s

Fedotova, A. M. Understanding the world around us playing: story-didactic games for preschoolers. - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2015. - 112 p. - (Library of the Educator).

Environmental poems and fairy tales of WWF friends clubs. / Comp. E. Kuznetsova. - Moscow: World Wildlife Fund, 2006. - 104 p.: ill.

Articles from magazines

Volosnikova, T. V. Fundamentals ecological education of preschoolers // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2005. - No. 6.- S. 16-20.

Voronkevich, O. A. "Welcome to ecology» - modern technology ecological education of preschoolers // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2006. - No. 3.- S. 23-27.

Dikanova, I. Na ecological path // Preschool education. - 2013. - No. 3. - S. 62-64.

Kuznetsova, L. V. Interaction of kindergarten and family in ecological education of children // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2009. - No. 6. - S. 54-57.

Nikiforova, O. A. Ecological path to preschool // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2013. - No. 5. - S. 26-32.

Timofeeva, I. Ecological complex"Living Planet"// Preschool education. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 105-112.

Tulov'eva, A. With a soul to nature // Preschool education. - 2014. - No. 8. - S. 28-30.

Ecological games

Andrienko, N. K. Game in ecological education of preschoolers // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 1.- S. 10-12.

Berestneva, N. P. Environmental classes using TRIZ and RTV elements // Child in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 1. - S. 48-52.

Bodrachenko, I. V. Didactic games on ecology// Child in kindergarten. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 73-74; No. 2. - S. 52-53.

Cheban, M. I. Environmental games // Child in kindergarten. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 50-54.