Running training - this is a system that is subject to the rules of cycle-li-ro-va-tion of loads and special-tion-li-za-tion. Running training involves the study of technology, the selection of suitable ammunition and the optimization of tri-ro-voch-no-go volume and in-ten-siv-no-ty in conjunction with the level of physical fitness of the athlete. That is why in this article we will separately consider the methodology for selecting equipment, running techniques, and then we will train programs for people with different levels of training and how to in-te-gra-tion in the tre-ni-ro-voch-ny process. Regarding the latter, it is worth noting separately that aerobic loads not only do not interfere with strength, but even very much help them, which you can read about in more detail in our previous review . Another de-lo is that running overweight people is not re-ko-men-du-et-xia, it is better for them to use ve-lo-tre-na-zher.

However, running workouts are becoming more and more popular, although they are not rarely accompanied by joint pain, which is why you need to learn how to run right and in the right ammunition. What are we talking about? Firstly, girls must definitely follow a special sports bra , under-holding the chest. Secondly, you need to get the right shoes. It is very important! Ade-quat-naya tre-ni-ditch running is impossible without the right shoes. In part, it is precisely for this reason that barefoot running is gaining more popularity. But in order to run barefoot, you need conditions, and this is not always effective, so you just need to take the right shoes for running. There are two key points in this regard: soft but-juice and flat soles without soft heels,.

Running training: selection of running shoes

Running workouts

Running technique largely depends on the specific type of training. The key factor in the ade-quat-nos-ti technique is the coefficient-fi-ci-ent eff-fek-tiv-nos-ti. That is why on short distances they run on toes. Short-distance runners don’t match the heels with the floor at all. Does this mean that everyone should run like this? No! If a person is jogging, then he should put his entire foot on the surface, along which he runs. But this does not mean that you need to put your heel on the floor first. On-against, this is co-ver-shen-but not true! If a person runs “from the heel”, then you can immediately hear it. To put no-gu over the center of the foot, and then immediately from-tal-ki-wa-sya with a toe. At the same time, it is not necessary to jump, run, run. The head looks forward while running, the arms are bent at 90 ° and move synchronously with the legs, the back is even and the body is slightly forward.

Running training involves not-medium-st-veins-but the running itself, the performance of general-time-vi-va-ing and special exercises. You should start running for 10 minutes per workout, gradually increasing the duration to 40 minutes, after which you can already run not just op-re-de-len time, but op-re -de-lyon mileage. The most popular weekly scheme is: 1 day - 4 km, 3 day - 2 km, 4 day - 1 km, 5 day - 4 km. Accordingly, if an athlete runs 5 km on day 1, then 2.5 km and 1.25 km. You can also include acceleration intervals in your run. It goes without saying that we are talking about amateur running, and not about preparing athletes for sprint competitions. Ho-tya in the tri-ro-voch-ny process of sprinters, such training can also be in-teg-ri-ro-va-na as a morning cardio load. It is generally recommended to run in the morning circadian rhythms .

General developmental running training, in general, has nothing to do with running trainers. These are general development workouts that include concentric exercises like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and anything else you can do with. If you are not particularly worried about the speed of running, you need it for health, then in this case it is possible and even desirable tre-no-ro-vat-sya in the tre-on-zher-room . Why exactly in the gym we are sub-rob-but op-sy-va-li

Running programs on the site allow you to take running training to a new level. With this section, you will learn:

  • Understand the essence of running training. You will find out how progress is made in running training, instantly get rid of dozens of mistakes that beginners make.
  • Adapt the resulting programs to your own goals. You can't get the perfect program without meeting a personal trainer who understands your body, your goals and lifestyle. You can learn how to adjust ready-made programs based on understanding the essence of the training process and your goals for this process.
  • Create your own training programs. You can train on your own without losing the effectiveness of training.

Running program. Construction principles

Most of the private problems can be avoided by knowing the basic training principles.

Running training is based on an understanding of 3 principles:

  • The principle of load progression. A fundamental principle in sports, without which any schemes are ineffective.
  • The principle of supercompensation. Regulates the frequency of training, allows you not to fall into undertraining or overtraining.
  • The principle of gradualism. Allows you to progress at the maximum pace with realistic expectations from the training process.

Let’s take a closer look at these principles and see how they relate to your running goals.

The principle of progression of loads in running

The principle of progression of loads in running says that the objective training stress must constantly increase. The amount of training load should increase.

Increasing training load is a factor that underlies running as well. Most beginners progress in the first 3-4 weeks, when the body adapts to the load, after which the progress ends. We train according to static programs without understanding that at each training session (perhaps once every 2-4 training sessions) the load should increase. An increase in objective (subjective feelings from the severity of training should remain at the same level) training stress is the key to progress at maximum speed.

Consider the correct and incorrect programs for running from the point of view of the principle of progression of loads.

Beginners usually train like this:

Workouts #1-30

Before 30 workouts, things often do not reach due to the lack of visibility of progress. Regular 15-minute runs tone muscles, help you lose weight, improve health and keep fit. But this "system" does not follow the principle of progression of loads - the key to compiling an effective program for running.

Running workouts should look like this:

Running workout #1

Running workout #2

Running workout #3

Running workout #4

Running workout #5

Running workout #6

Running workout #7

Running workout #8

Running workout #9

Running workout #10

You can find a continuation of this scheme below.

The difference between a correct and incorrect running program is that, with equal initial data, training according to the second scheme built more muscles, burned more fat, brought the hormonal system to a new level, and improved the functioning of the lymphatic system. The evaluation criterion of the training program is the result. A dynamic scheme that takes into account the principle of progression of loads is ten times superior to static programs. And the longer the athlete trains, the more visible the difference. Static programs only work for beginners who remember physical activity only from school physical education classes.

The principle of supercompensation

Before drawing up a training schedule, it is necessary to understand what processes take place in the body in various phases of the training process.

We single out 5 phases of the training process:

  1. Traumatization. Muscle fibers are injured by the load, the body receives stress from training, with the help of which muscles will be gained, the process of fat burning will start, and physical data will improve. Muscles do not grow during training! Doesn't burn fat! No increase in stamina! Training is a trigger for starting processes that will help you achieve the goals listed above.
  2. Rapid recovery phase. Lasts 30-90 minutes after the end of the workout. The nervous system is restored, the level of anabolic and stress hormones returns to normal (not completely). In this phase, you need to give the body a rest. It is desirable - not to be very active, to nourish the body with quickly digestible food. Those who want to gain muscle mass can use chocolate, bananas, milk, eggs. When losing weight, it is better to either refuse food altogether, move the meal between 90-180 minutes after training, or use amino acids that will slightly speed up fat burning while maintaining muscle mass.
  3. slow recovery phase. Lasts until the body is fully restored to the pre-training level. Learn more about how to recover after a workout.
  4. phase of supercompensation. The body recovers to pre-workout levels and creates a "reserve" - ​​additional opportunities to overcome similar stress with less effort. This "reserve" can be expressed in the form of gained muscle mass, dropped 200 grams of fat, or improved functioning of the musculoskeletal system. When the body has created a "reserve" for the less stressful passage of the previous workout, we can do a little more - increase the load so that the next time the body adapts to new indicators. This is the principle of load progression, which can only be realized in the supercompensation phase.
  5. Loss of supercompensation. If the athlete did not train in the supercompensation phase, the body stops expending energy to maintain the “reserve”. The athlete returns to the indicators that he had before the training.

It is critical to train in the supercompensation phase!

Training should be carried out only in the supercompensation phase!

There are special techniques that allow you to train in the recovery phase in order to get more supercompensation, and stretch this phase for a longer period.

But it makes no sense for a beginner to use these techniques.

Signs of the onset of supercompensation are:

  • The disappearance of pain in the target muscles.
  • Lack of psychological revulsion at the thought of exercising. Desire to exercise.
  • Ability to perform more work than in the previous workout.

Example: today you were able to run for 15 minutes, after which the body refused to continue training. In the recovery phase with the same comfort, you will run for 10-12 minutes. After the end of the recovery phase - the same 15 minutes. In the aze of supercompensation - 16-18 minutes. After the loss of supercompensation - 15 minutes. Training in the supercompensation phase is a little discomfort. You can squeeze out 17 minutes of running in the recovery phase, but it will be a "squeeze", and not progress with a little discomfort, as in the supercompensation phase.

Training in the supercompensation phase is work for pleasure. It is difficult for you, but the training does not turn into hell, and after the end there are pleasant sensations. In the recovery phase, every step seems like hell, and after a workout, you want to quit everything and never repeat. It is important to understand this difference in order to seize the moment for training.

The principle of gradualness

The principle of gradualness in building a training program allows you to balance the frequency of training and the speed of progress. Beginners tend to want instant results, believing that 20 kilograms gained in 10 years can be burned in a week.

It's physically impossible. We must not forget that progress is a gradual increase in load, taking into account the "feedback" from your body.

Let's compare workouts using the principle of gradualness and without using it:

We have two friends - Vasya and Fedya, who decided to lose weight by running. Both weigh 100 kilograms each and have equal physical data. Vasya - immediately “pounces” on training, every time he gives all the best to the end, runs for 40-60 minutes 5 times a week. Fedya starts with 10 minute workouts 6 times a week.

A week later, Vasya will weigh 96 kilograms. Fedya - 99.

We do not draw rash conclusions. During the second week, Vasya's level of cortisol, the main stress hormone, rises from excessive exercise. Vasya has to force himself to repeat the feat of a week ago. As a result, he loses weight to 94.5 kilograms.

Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 15 minutes and, without much discomfort, loses weight up to 97.5 kilograms.

The third week is a real hell for Vasya. The body hurts, there are no mental resources. Intense workouts alternate with breakdowns and fast food eating. Vasya loses only 0.5 kg. Its weight is 94 kg.

Fedya effortlessly increases the duration of the workout to 18 minutes and loses weight up to 96 kg.

In the fourth week, Vasya missed 2 workouts due to physical and mental overwork. He managed to restrain himself and not "eat off the belly" in fast food, and therefore lost another 0.5 kg.

Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 20 minutes and loses weight up to 95 kg.

The result for the month: Vasya threw off 6.5 kilograms. Fedya - 5.

In the fifth week, Vasya quits training due to the huge level of cortisol and returns to his previous lifestyle. One and a half kilograms are returned to him. Vasya's weight is 95 kg.

Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 23 minutes and loses 1.5 kg. Its weight is 93.5 kg.

In the sixth week, Vasya continues to rest. Another 2.5 kg. Total - 97.5 kg.

Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 25 minutes and loses a kilogram. Total - 92.5 kg.

Vasya returns to training, starts running with the same intensity, limits himself in everything. The result - minus 2 kg and weight at around "95.5".

Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 27 minutes. Now his weight is 91.5 kg.

On the eighth week, Vasya breaks down again. Against the background of intense training, there is an intense overeating of burgers. His weight has not changed - 95.5 kg.

Fedya trains for 30 minutes. This allows you to lose another 2 kg per week. The result is 89.5 kg.

For 2 months, Vasya lost 3.5 kg. Fedya - 10.5.

The differences between the results of the first month and the results that we observe at the end of the second month are a demonstration of the effectiveness of the principle of gradualness. Vasya put much more energy, passion and willpower into training than Fedya. But Fedya built a system thanks to which a stable result is achieved with minimal discomfort. Six months later, we will see a fit athlete Fedya with a weight of 75-80 kg (with an increase in muscle mass) and 100 kg Vasya, who by that time will score in training.

Running training programs

  1. Running workout programs to get in shape.
  2. Running programs for weight loss.
  3. Training programs for running, with which you can gain muscle mass.
  4. Running programs to improve health.
  5. Running workouts to keep fit.

In this article, you will receive a program for weight loss and muscle tone. This program is based on all of the above principles, thanks to which you can increase the effectiveness of training by 10 times.

Look for the beginning of the program above.

Running workout #11

Running training program No. 12

Running workout #13

Running Training Program #14

Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes
Running at an easy pace 1 25 4
sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
Running at an average pace 1 9 5
jump rope 3 1

Running workout #15

Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
Running at an easy pace 1 25 4
sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
Running at an average pace 1 10 5
jump rope 4 1

Running training program No. 16

Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
Running at an easy pace 1 25 4
sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
Running at an average pace 1 10 5
jump rope 5 1

Running workout #17

Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
Running at an easy pace 1 27 4
sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
Running at an average pace 1 10 5
jump rope 5 1

Running training program No. 18

Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
Running at an easy pace 1 29 4
sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
Running at an average pace 1 10 5
jump rope 5 1

Running workout #19

Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
Running at an easy pace 1 30 4
sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
Running at an average pace 1 12 5
jump rope 5 1

Running Training Program #20

We divide the run into 2 workouts in order to reduce the duration of the training session and add variety to the exercises.

Running workout #21

Running Training Program #22

Running workout #23

Running Training Program #24

Renat provided an overview of the sources of information that will help you plan your training and prepare well for your first marathon or other important running competitions. And in this post, he will talk about a step-by-step algorithm for creating a training plan, based on the book "From 800 meters to a marathon" and his own experience.

This is a simple step-by-step plan for preparing your training schedule, for which it is enough to have at least one competitive race behind you at any distance from 800 meters and a sports watch with a heart rate monitor.

Determine heart rate zones

This item is optional. It will be great if you pass a test on a treadmill in a sports clinic and find out your heart rate zones (by the way, in this case you will also find out your VO2max - the level of maximum oxygen consumption - and follow two points of the algorithm at once).

This is especially important if you are a beginner runner, have no athletic experience, or are in your 20s or 25s. In other cases, you can limit yourself to the classic (very approximate) formula “220 - age”, which means your maximum heart rate, or use the online heart rate zone calculator and use the resulting value (I have a limiter on my watch, and I try to reach this value only during interval running uphill). You can determine the rest of the heart rate zones yourself by percentages (100–90% is the fifth zone for interval training, 90–80% is the fourth, 80–70% is the third aerobic zone, and so on) or use the automatic calculation if your watch have such a function.

Try to do light workouts in the second and third zones, and interval workouts in the fourth and fifth. Warm-up and cool-down can be carried out in the first zone.

What is it for? To avoid overtraining by running at a high heart rate only certain segments, but at the same time increase your level without spending the entire workout at a medium or low heart rate.

Example. You are 28 years old and your resting heart rate is 60. You enter this data into any online calculator and get the following limits: 161-187 beats per minute for intervals (these are the fourth and fifth zones) and 136-161 beats per minute for light workouts (second and third). For warm-ups, a range of 123-136 (the first zone) is suitable.

Define IPC

MPC - maximum oxygen consumption - is one of the key physiological parameters that characterizes the shape of a runner (namely, his aerobic performance). It can be calculated using special tests on a treadmill or in a stadium, during which samples of exhaled air are collected at the maximum tolerated load. You can also calculate the approximate level of the IPC according to your competitive results - for this, in the book "From 800 meters to the marathon" there is a special table of correspondence between the IPC and the results in competitions. Another way to calculate MPC is to use a Garmin watch (while the Forerunner 620 and Fenix ​​2 models have this feature), which calculate an approximate value based on the pace of your workouts and the observed heart rate (heart rate) during them.

Consider the important questions that the reader may have:

  • Does the IPC characterize my shape unambiguously? That is, can I be sure that with an IPC = 55 I will overtake a runner who has an IPC = 52?
    Answer: not necessarily, since all runners have different oxygen efficiency, mental attitudes and other factors that affect the result.
  • Is it possible to predict the results of the competition, knowing the IPC?
    Answer: yes, but the accuracy will not be very high (see above - there are other factors). My own experience shows a good forecast at distances of 5 and 10 kilometers according to the calculated (that is, calculated using a Garmin watch, without air sampling) MPC. But knowing the IPC is enough to understand what pace to use in training.

Algorithm for determining the IPC by book

  1. Find the IPC value (Jack Daniels refers to it as VDOT, indicating by another name that this is a calculated indicator, “pseudo-MIC”) that corresponds to your results in competitions in the table “VDOT values ​​for competition results”. For example, you ran 5,000 meters in a race in 22 minutes. The closest IPC to this value is 44. In addition, you finished the half marathon in 1:45:02 - this corresponds to an MPC = 43. As a result, you have two values ​​\u200b\u200b(there can be as many as you have completed distances in competitive mode ; some may match).
  2. Select the maximum VDOT obtained. In our example, this is max (43, 44) = 44. This is the value you will use to calculate your training pace.
  3. You can predict your result in competitions using the received value. For example, given an IPC of 44 and no marathon experience, you can expect to run a marathon in 3:32:23 (corresponding to a VDOT of 44) with proper training volumes.

Using online IPC calculators

You can use one of the online IPC calculators. Enter your result in one of the competitions into it and get your IPC level, forecast for all distances and your training pace. It looks like this:

Determine your easy and interval paces

You received the calculated value of the IPC in the last step (or passed the test and found out the real value - they may be the same or slightly different). You can now find your pace in the Workout Intensity vs. Current VDOT table. For IPC = 44, calculated in our example, these are the following indicators:

  • L-temp(easy, pace of long runs, warm-ups and cool-downs) - 5:52 per kilometer.
  • M-temp(marathon - in which you run a marathon and do long preparatory training on the way to this goal) - 5:02 per kilometer.
  • I-tempo(interval, for fast and short segments) - 4:21 per kilometer.

Choose a training plan

Which training plan to take as a basis is up to you. You can make a plan for your goal on or use the literature - I took the plan from Daniels' book as a basis, adjusting it for myself. It has four types of plans: starter, intermediate, advanced and elite, which is suitable if you want to keep fit and run for health or participate in different competitions. If you are preparing for one key event, such as a marathon, then you should take a plan tailored specifically for it. A sample list of sources for creating a plan is below:

If you plan on your own, consider a few principles:

  • A balance of long, light and interval workouts. The approximate ratio is 1:2:2. Exact percentages can be taken on any site with a VDOT calculator.
  • Increase your weekly volume by 3-5% every week, making every 4-6th week a deload.
  • Take at least one day off.
  • In the week before important races, reduce training volumes, give yourself extra rest days.
  • If possible, add hills to the plan - either at the end of some workouts, or as a separate workout.

Adjust the finished plan, taking into account your features:

  • Perhaps you only have 3-5 days a week to exercise.
  • You are a pool or bike rider and would like to reduce your running load on those days.
  • The easy pace obtained in the previous step seems too easy for you, or the interval pace is too heavy (let's say the heart rate is above the maximum value). Adjust the pace as you go. For example, I sometimes run 5-10 seconds faster than my easy VDOT pace.

Above, I recommend adding hill running. You can do a single hill workout on one of the days, as I did, or you can include small climbs at the end of two or three workouts per week. What are the benefits of climbing training:

  • They are less traumatic (but keep in mind that running down is a serious shock load; it's good if you can climb at a high angle and go down a gentle road).
  • They are more intense and develop aerobic performance and leg power in a shorter amount of time than regular workouts.
  • In climbing events, you will have an advantage over many runners. I have already had the opportunity to win several positions in the protocol in races with a small climb, as constant training allows me to overtake others in hilly areas.

Here is an example of a plan derived from the calculated VDOT, based on the blue plan from the book (this is an advanced plan for preparing for various competitions; it worked for me, since I participate in races at different distances) and adjusted to suit my characteristics:

*Note: A lap is a 20-30 second run at your limit with a minute of rest at an easy pace.

Such a plan can be made in Excel and keep records of training there. This is an example of one training week that can be repeated over the course of one month. Next, you will need to adjust the plan by increasing the volume. As a rule, in all books with training plans, templates for several months are immediately given.

Separately, make a table of your pace and look at it before training. It will come in handy until you remember that your easy tempo is 5:52 and your interval tempo is 4:42, for example.

It may look very simple:

Participate in competitions and adjust the plan

Of course, you can keep fit and run solely for your health by refusing to participate in competitions. But if you are not only a jogger, but also have a desire to improve and improve your results, then you should participate in competitions for the following reasons:

  • It's a fixed time and distance goal that can be intimidating or motivating, but either way it won't let you relax and skip your workouts for no good reason.
  • In competition, you work at the IPC level, and competition (along with interval training) is the right way to increase it and reach a new level. "Competition is the best training."
  • Running with thousands of other runners supported by fans is easier and more fun than running in the park. They add variety to your running experience.

After the next competition, check your result on the VDOT table or using the online calculator - it may be time for you to adjust your training pace as your level has increased.

As we said earlier, it may not be correct to compare the MOC of different runners due to other physiological and psychological factors, but it is possible and necessary to look at the dynamics of your MOC - it reflects your development. I note that it allows you to understand the dynamics of development by comparing different competitions: you can convert the results of consecutive 10 km and 21 km races into VDOT values ​​and evaluate your progress.


Let's briefly repeat the algorithm: we find out the heart rate zones in order to prevent overtraining and conduct training with an appropriate load; we determine our pace for different types of training (using the value of the IPC); we form a plan that takes into account our capabilities and goals; enjoy the competition and adjust the plan if necessary.

Finally, the standard wish: listen to your body, consult with a coach, if he is, get regular checkups with your doctor and, most importantly, don't be afraid to give yourself an extra day off from running if you feel tired or if your resting heart rate is high.

Municipal state educational institution

basic comprehensive school No. 26


Teaching and research project

Completed:8th grade student

Pisarev Ilya

Head: teacher of physical culture

E.L. Moshkina

Korkino - 2014


annotation : the project is designed to form the need for an active lifestyle when using recreational running. While working on the project, it is possible to study the effect of health-improving running on the body, controlling the load on the heart rate, in addition, having studied the literature, to try out the preparation of a plan for the training process.

The relevance of the project. INRecently, due to technological progress, the physical activity of the population has noticeably decreased. There is a decrease in students' interest in physical education lessons and other types of physical culture and sports activities. As a result, the fatigue of schoolchildren increases and their performance decreases.

Object of study : running and its effect on the human body.

Subject of study : the effect of recreational running on the cardiovascular system.

Objective of the project : to study the effect of health running on the cardiovascular system and increase efficiency.

From the goal of the project, I definedproject tasks:

    Study the literature on this topic.

    Explore how wellness running affects health and physical activity.

    To form skills in drawing up a training plan and a self-control diary.

    Prepare a booklet with basic recommendations for self-improvement jogging.

Hypothesis: jogging has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and performance.

Student Age : 14 years old.

Project duration : 2 months.

Project Study Plan:

    setting a problematic issue, defining the goals of the project;

    literature study

    drawing up a training plan

    monitoring well-being and keeping a diary of self-control

    project presentation.

Form of organization : individual training.
Leading activity : search, creative.
Scope of results : sociological, sports, health-improving.
How to combine results in a presentation: growth dynamics of indicators.
Presentation type: defense of the report.


Health running is the simplest and most accessible (technically) type of cyclic exercises (they include running, walking, swimming, etc.), and therefore the most massive. According to the most conservative estimates, more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet use running as a health remedy. According to official data, 5,207 jogging clubs are registered in our country, in which 385,000 joggers are involved; There are 2 million people running on their own.

Insufficient motor activity of a person is a characteristic feature of our time, a disease of the century. The development of personal and public transport, the mechanization and automation of labor, the growth of material well-being have led to the fact that most of the population does not receive the necessary dose of movement. A decrease in the required minimum daily physical activity practically leads to a deterioration in strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, dexterity, and coordination of movements. A direct consequence of physical inactivity - diseases of the heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders.

Insufficient motor activity is also reflected in mental activity: drowsiness or insomnia, lethargy or irritability appear, due to rapidly onset fatigue, mental performance decreases.

In order to understand what a huge and dramatic change has come in the way of life of modern man, one must remember what the motor activity of his ancestors was even in the relatively recent past. According to the data of Academician A. I. Berg, in the middle of the last century, of all the energy artificially produced and consumed on earth, 96% came from the muscular strength of humans and domestic animals. Only 4% produced steam engines, water wheels, windmills, etc. And now muscle power produces only one percent of energy.

The overall effect of running on the body is associated with changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, compensation for missing energy costs, functional changes in the circulatory system, and a decrease in morbidity. Endurance running training is an indispensable means of discharging and neutralizing negative emotions that cause nervous chronic overstrain. Health-improving running (at the optimal dosage) in combination with water procedures is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia caused by nervous overstrain with an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, sleep and well-being improve, and efficiency increases. Particularly useful in this regard is the evening run, which relieves the negative emotions accumulated during the day, and "burns" the excess adrenaline released as a result of stress. Thus, running is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.


2.1. Development and implementation of a training plan

Before starting work on the project, I conducted a survey of my classmates. I asked the following questions:

    Did you know that jogging has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system?

    Do you do jogging?

Survey results:


Number of respondents



From the results of the survey, we can conclude that out of 12 respondents, only 5 people know about the benefits of jogging, which is 41%, and only 1 person is engaged in jogging, i.e. 8%. That is why I decided to start researching.

After studying the literature, as well as information from the Internet, following these recommendations, I developed a training plan.

Training plan.



Running time / total time

5 minutes walk

10 x (1 min at L-tempo + 1 min on foot)

5 min walk

10/30 min

repeat program of day 1

10/30 min

5 min walk

7 x (2 min at L-tempo + 1 min on foot)

4 min walk

14/30 min

repeat program of day 3

14/30 min

5 min walk

6 x (1 min at L-tempo + 30 s on foot)

8 x (30 s at L-tempo + 1 min on foot)

4 min walk

10/30 min

repeat program of day 5

10/30 min

repeat program of day 1

10/30 min

In the process of training, I increased the segments of the run involuntarily, naturally and imperceptibly for myself, because. I am a beginner runner and my heart rate under exercise after 5 weeks of training is 120 bpm.

2.2. Analysis of intermediate training results

I measured thepulse before training, immediately after it. I recorded all the indicators in a self-control diary.


Body condition


Heart rate before exercise - 70 beats / min. Running 2 km

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 150 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before exercise - 70 beats / min. Run 2 km.

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 140 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before exercise - 69 beats / min. Run 2 km.

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 130 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before exercise - 69 beats / min. Run 2.4 km.

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 127 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before class - 67 beats / min. Run 2.4 km.

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 125 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before exercise - 65 beats / min. Running 2.4 km

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 122 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before exercise - 65 beats / min. Run 3 km.

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 120 bpm


Slept well. Feeling good.

Heart rate before exercise - 65 beats / min. Run 3 km.

Heart rate immediately after the end of the run - 120 bpm


As a result, the fitness of the cardiovascular system is observed, since after 2 months of regular jogging, the heart rate decreased with increasing load, which means thatWellness jogging has a significant positive effect on the circulatory system. Due to thisMy productivity has increased and my grades have improved.


Thus, the development and implementation of the system of using independent physical culture lessons are sufficient for the implementation of the presented problem. The result that I planned to achieve with the selected activities in independent running - my physical, mental and social health - has been partially achieved.

It follows that the hypothesis put forward by me was confirmed.



    Korobov A.N. Almost everything about running.Publisher:Physical culture and sports.1986

    Bogdanov G.P. Schoolchildren - a healthy lifestyle, M. Physical culture and sport, 1989

MKOU "Novoduginskaya secondary school"


Health running is the most important component of a healthy lifestyle

Completed by: Baranov Ruslan

(student 6 B class)

Head: Kolyshkina I.S.

Novodugino, 2016


Main part

  • General information about fitness running
  • The positive effects of jogging
  • Fitness running technique
  • Health running rules

Practical part



Objective of the project: find out what effect health jogging leads to.

Tasks project:

  • study the theory on the subject
  • check in practice the effect of health running
  • draw the attention of classmates to the health run.

Work plan:

1) Selecting a topic and discussing it with the project manager

2) Collection of theoretical material

3) Selection of the intensity level of training (for beginners)

4) Observation of the state of the body during training

5) Design of the project (presentation and report)

General information about fitness running

Health running is the most accessible natural exercise that does not require special equipment, inventory, sports facilities. To use it, you need to have only one thing - desire. With the help of running, you can strengthen your health, improve the functioning of the main body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.

Positive effects of health running.

  • Improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Positive effect on the functions of internal organs;
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • Increased immunity (hardening effect);
  • Improving the emotional state

Fitness running technique

  • Body position - 85-90 º relative to the track;
  • Looking ahead at 30-40 m;
  • The arms are bent at the elbows, work along the body, the hands are relaxed;
  • The leg is placed on a support on the entire foot;
  • Step length 0.5-1.5 m;
  • Movements are smooth and free;
  • Breathing is deep and voluntary

Types of loads

  • Low load - accompanied by a small number of exercises, approximately 25% of the volume of work.
  • Average load - the number of exercises 50% of the volume of work before the onset of fatigue.
  • Heavy load - accompanied by a large number of exercises 70-80% of the volume of work

A runner's workout should consist of the following parts:

  • Light jogging or jogging alternating with brisk walking until warm up.
  • Gymnastics with a comprehensive study of all major joints with flexibility exercises.
  • Strength exercises (5-6) for the muscles of the arms, torso and legs.
  • Exercises (2-3) to relax and stretch the muscles.
  • The actual running workout.
  • Exercises (5-6) for relaxation and slight stretching of the muscles.

Discomfort while running

Discomfort while running:

  • Pain in the ankle and knee joints, lower legs (incorrect foot placement, wide step, hard track, inappropriate shoes);
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity (high running speed, insufficient time interval after eating);
  • Pain in the chest area (high running speed, stiffness of the muscles of the hands, incorrect position of the body);
  • Excessive fatigue (general fatigue, incorrect training regimen)

When starting running training, remember and follow the following rules:

  • Choosing a convenient time for classes (morning-evening, 2-4 times a week);
  • Compliance with the temperature regime (not higher than +30 º С and not lower than -10 º С);
  • Choosing a place to study;
  • Choosing comfortable shoes and clothes for running;
  • Performing a warm-up before running;
  • Compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • Permanent health monitoring

While running, a person's heart rate always rises!


Rules for training in the first stage.

  • At the beginning, run only for a given time, without trying to overcome any specific distance. Start with 5 min. If this is not difficult for you, then add a minute next time. Increase the duration of the run only if during the previously set time it was easy for you!
  • Control the correctness, uniformity of the pace of running on the run route. After running exactly half the time, turn back and cover the second part of the distance in the same amount of time. You will not be able to do this if the initial pace was too high. Then the second half will always come out “slowed down” because you are tired. The first stage can be considered completed if you run the entire route within the set time. Or for example, 50 meters of running alternates with 100 meters of walking.

Choice of running distance.

  • Where should the running distance be?
  • It is best to train where the distance passes through a forest, park or field, that is, where there is a lot of greenery. During endurance running, the body requires much more oxygen than usual. And, as you know, plant leaves secrete this important chemical element.
  • And what about those who do not have a forest nearby, or anything like that. In this case, you need to use, first of all, numerous lanes where few cars drive. It is very important that the start and finish are not far from your home: after all, after running, you will sweat and therefore you cannot stay outside for a long time, otherwise you can catch a cold, especially in cold weather


For my training, I chose the second half of the day, when my head was already tired from schoolwork and I needed to rest a bit. For several days in a row, for 5-10 minutes, I ran along the road and tried to place my feet correctly, ran slowly so as not to strain my muscles too much, because they are not too trained for me.

I measured my heart rate before and after running, I got the following results.

My heart rate before running averaged 75 beats per minute. After a run, the pulse rate increased to an average of 110 beats (this is normal). This means that blood circulation improves, the organs are better saturated with oxygen.

Health running is the best means of combating neurasthenia and insomnia caused by nervous overstrain with an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, sleep and well-being improve, and efficiency increases. Particularly useful in this regard is the evening run, which relieves the negative emotions accumulated during the day, and "burns" the excess adrenaline released as a result of stress. Thus, running is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.

Health running is one of the best and most affordable forms of physical education, which does not require large material costs, and its positive effect is huge.

The tasks of my project have been completed, the goal has been achieved. I will try to continue running, especially since it does not take much time, but it helps to be in good shape. DO PHYSICAL EDUCATION!!!


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