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Among the various speech disorders in preschool children, one of the most difficult to correct is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of the word.
Under the concept of "syllable structure of a word" it is customary to mean the mutual arrangement and connection of syllables in a word.
This defect of speech development is characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of a complex syllable composition, the order of syllables in a word may be disrupted, omissions, or the addition of new syllables or sounds, distortions, substitutions, errors of reproduction of consonants are noted.
In speech therapy work with children, overcoming the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is often highlighted and the importance of the development of the syllable structure of the word is underestimated. Difficulties in pronouncing individual sounds, as well as focusing on overcoming them, lead to the fact that the sound, and not the syllable, becomes the unit of pronunciation. This, to some extent, contradicts the natural process of speech development. Therefore, it is of particular importance to determine the correct relationship between the development of sound pronunciation and the mastery of the syllable structure of the word. In this case, the individual level of speech development of each child and the type of speech pathology (polymorphic dyslalia, dysarthria, alalia, childhood aphasia, rhinolalia) should be taken into account.
From early childhood, a small child hears auditory stimuli - sounds, which is a great impetus for the emergence of speech function. The child hears and tries to reproduce what he hears. The chain of muscle contractions changes, the vocal organs are adjusted to the audible sounds, and the coordination of hearing and voice is improving. The kid starts talking. Along with the growth of the child, his speech changes and improves. Clear, calm, unhurried speech of adults is the main condition for the normal speech development of a child.
In ontogeny, mastery of the syllable structure occurs gradually, through a series of regularly changing phases. By the age of 3 - 3.5 years, subject to the normal development of speech, all the main difficulties of syllable formation are overcome. The appearance of the so-called "linguistic instinct" is associated with the same age period, when a child is able to assess the correctness and reveal the disharmony of not only his own, but also someone else's statement (E. N. Vinarskaya).
Violation of the syllable structure of words is usually revealed during speech therapy examination of children with general speech underdevelopment, it can also be in children with phonetic - phonemic underdevelopment. There is a dependence of mastering the syllabic structure of a word on the state of phonemic perception, articulatory capabilities, semantic insufficiency, and the child's motivational sphere.
As a rule, the range of these violations varies widely: from minor difficulties in pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure in spontaneous speech to gross violations when a child repeats two and three-syllable words without a concatenation of consonants, even with reliance on clarity.
It should be noted that this type of speech pathology occurs in all children with motor alalia, in whom phonetic speech disorders are not leading in the syndrome, but only accompany vocabulary disorders.
In the analysis of children suffering from a violation of the syllable structure of words, a delay in speech development at an early age and the appearance of the first words in a truncated form are noted.
Based on materials by A.N. Gvozdev "Questions of studying children's speech", the formation of the syllable structure of words occurs in the following stages:

1 year 3 months - 1 year 8 months- the child often reproduces one syllable of the heard word or two identical syllables: av; bbc; Mu Mu;
1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months- two difficult words are reproduced; in three-syllable words, one of the syllables is often omitted: bus - tobus;
1 year 10 months - 2 years 1 month- in three-syllable words, a syllable is sometimes omitted, most often a pre-stressed one: I will bite - I will bite; the number of syllables in four-syllable words can be reduced: cosmonaut - monat;
2 years 1 month - 2 years 3 months- in polysyllabic words, pre-stressed syllables are often omitted, sometimes the prefixes: hooked - clung;
2 years 3 months - 3 years- the syllable structure is rarely violated, mainly in unfamiliar words.

In children with speech pathology, these age-related disorders do not disappear from children's speech by the age of three, but, on the contrary, acquire a pronounced, persistent character.

The first words of abnormal children's speech can be classified as follows:

  • correctly pronounced words: baba, give;
  • words - fragments: milk - mako;
  • words - sound pronunciation, denoting an object, action: tu - that.

Despite the fact that by the age of 6-7 years, a preschooler usually pronounces all the sounds of his native language well, has a sufficient, active vocabulary, knows the grammatical structure of speech, and nevertheless, a violation of the syllable structure of words persists in children with speech pathology for many years, showing up, every time, as soon as he encounters a new sound-syllable and morphological structure of a word (for example, a guide, yogurt). In this case, the child's speech has pronounced deviations in the reproduction of the syllable composition.

There are several types of violations of the syllabic structure:

  1. a type "Elision"- violation of the number of syllables:
    • truncation, reduction of the number of syllables in a word or syllable vowels: hammer - skein; scooter - mokat; bicycle - a wheeze;
    • omission of the syllabic vowel: piano - pinino.
  2. a type "Perseveration"- inert stuck on any syllable when pronouncing a word, cyclic repetition, persistent reproduction: boat - ko-ra-ra-blik; chanterelle - li-si-sich-ka-ka.
  3. a type "Anticipation"- replacement of previous sounds with subsequent ones or assimilation of one syllable to another: captain - pipitan; pineapple - nananapple; the dog is a babak.
  4. a type "Iteration"- adding, increasing vowels in words where there is a confluence of consonants or the addition of whole syllables: whistle - sivisitok; foliage - fox; room - room; tractor - tyraktor.
  5. a type "Contamination"- mixing of syllable elements of two words, that is, words that do not at all resemble the words of the native language: on the table in the bread box - on the table; the tractor plows - trashet.
  6. type - Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word; rearrangement of syllables: hippopotamus - hebemot; plane - mosalet; tree - redvo
  7. a type
    • Assimilation of syllables: apricots - cococonuts.
    • Distortion of the structure of a single syllable (reduction of consonants): chair - tul.
    • Inserts of consonants in a syllable: lemon - lemon.

By the type of breakdown of the syllable structure, it is necessary to find out the level of speech development of the speech pathologist. So, elision usually correspond to the I level of general speech underdevelopment. Permutations most often speak of the III level of general speech underdevelopment. All other types of violations of the syllable structure of the word occur in children with level II general speech underdevelopment.

This begs the question: what is the reason for such a phenomenon as a breakdown of the syllable structure of a word?

This is kinetic apraxia - the inability to smoothly switch from one syllable to another, the inability to understand the correct position of sounds in a word, words in a phrase, to move from one word to another.
The presence of apraxia indicates impaired mobility of the main, nervous processes, stagnant foci of excitation or inhibition in the motor speech analyzer.

What are the signs of kinetic apraxia?

1. The impossibility of performing the entire exercise by the child.
2. Sudden loss of exercise (a child who is a speech pathologist in the middle of the exercise may switch to his own, because it is easier for him this way).
3. Decreased range of motion. For example: he cannot perform the exercise "Turkey" or "Horse" and click his tongue.
4. The presence of conjugate movements (hands, head and other organs are used). For example: when performing the "Painter" exercise, children throw their heads back.

The main thing with apraxia is to improve the voluntary movements of the tongue, lips, facial muscles. It is necessary to show the child which muscles and how to strain them. It is necessary to develop the speech apparatus on a daily basis, to form phonetic hearing, to clarify and correct the articulation of sounds, to help relieve fear of pronouncing difficult and cumbersome words, to include the development of speech breathing and voice in the work.

Violation of the syllable structure of words persists in children with speech pathology for many years.

Work on the syllabic structure of the word is painstaking, lengthy, does not immediately allow you to see the result of the work, but it must get ahead of the formation of sound pronunciation.

The syllabic structure of a word, mastered in an isolated pronunciation, is often distorted again when the word is included in a phrase or independent speech.

Of great importance for the correct pronunciation of the syllable composition of a word is the degree of familiarity with it - unfamiliar words are distorted more often than words well known to a child. According to Markova's recommendation, the complication of the formation of the syllable structure of words consists in increasing the number of different types of syllables:

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children)
2. Three-syllable words from open syllables (hunting, raspberry)
3. Monosyllabic words (house, cheese, cat, poppy)
4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable (sofa, furniture)
5. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of a word (bank, branch)
6. Two-syllable words from closed syllables (compote, tulip)
7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable (telephone, hippo)
8. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (room, shoes)
9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle)
10. Three-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (tablet, matryoshka)
11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word (table, cabinet)
12. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of the word (lift, umbrella)
13. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (lash, button)
14. Four-syllable words from open syllables (turtle, piano)

Despite the relevance of this topic, guidelines for correcting this violation are contradictory and incomplete. The importance of this problem is evidenced by the fact that the timely mastery of correct speech is of great importance for the development of a full-fledged personality of the child, and the assimilation of the syllabic structure of words is one of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and further successful education of the child at school.

Violation of the syllable structure of words is a significant difficulty for speech therapy work. An insufficient degree of correction of this type of phonological pathology in preschool age subsequently leads to the appearance of dysgraphia in schoolchildren on the basis of a violation of language analysis and word synthesis and phonemic dyslexia.

The examination of the state of the syllable structure of words is carried out according to the traditional scheme, with the obligatory consideration of the general level of the child's speech development, his intellectual capabilities and age.

It should be noted that speech therapy examination of a child with any speech pathology necessarily includes a section: "The state of the syllable structure of words."

A teacher-speech therapist should be both an artist and a director, capable of giving an exceptionally correct sample of "speaking", using his accessible, colorful speech as a model.


1.Agranovich Z.E."Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words in children"; St. Petersburg, 2001
2. Bolshakova S.E."Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words in children"; Moscow, Creative Center, 2007
3. Bolshakova S.E."We form the syllabic structure of the word", supplement to the magazine "Speech therapist", Moscow, Creative Center "Karapuz", 2007.
4. Vinarskaya E.N."Early speech development and problems of defectology", M: Education, 1990.
5. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina R.V."Basics of speech therapy", M: Education, 1989.
6. Chetverushkina N.S."Syllabic structure of the word", Moscow, 2001.

3.1 The main directions of correctional speech therapy work

Speech therapy work to correct violations of the sound-syllabic structure of a word is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders. Work on the syllabic, phonemic and morphological composition of the word is carried out in parallel with work on clarifying, expanding, activating a passive and active vocabulary, on the development of the grammatical structure of speech, the formation of coherent speech, as well as mental functions. It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the syllabic, articulatory, phonetic and morphological composition of the word, which occurs through a system of games and exercises.

Various directions are used in work on the sound - syllabic composition of the word:

  • 1. work on the perception of various types of intonations;
  • 2. development of tactile sensations;
  • 3. development of rhythmic abilities.
  • 4. work on the sound composition of the word;
  • 5. work on the preservation and development of the syllable composition of the word;
  • 6. working out the grammatical forms of words and their inclusion in the phrase.

Throughout the entire period of work, it should be borne in mind that the formation of the syllable structure of a word is carried out in two directions: the development of imitative ability, i.e. the formation of skills for the reflected reproduction of the syllable contour; constant control over the sound - syllabic filling of the word. They switched to a more complex syllabic class after practicing the words of the studied productive syllabic class in phrasal speech. Directly the method of work in this section includes the preparatory and main stages.

1. Preparatory (the work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material. The purpose of this stage is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of words in his native language);

The main task of the main stage is the formation of the skill of correct pronunciation of words of productive classes. At the beginning, the speech therapist does not require the child to consciously treat the syllable as part of the word. Children learn to divide words into syllables unconsciously, and this work is based on a clear verbal pronunciation of a word by an adult. N.S. Zhukova proposes to associate this pronunciation with the rhythmic movements of the right hand, which, in time, slaps the number of syllables spoken in the word on the table.

Thus, the number of syllables is rhythmically combined with the simultaneous up and down movements of the right hand. In addition, the child is given visual support for the syllable in the form of any objects (chips, circles, cards) laid out one after another on the table. The speech therapist explains to the child that the word can be “tapped on the cards”, that words can be long (shows three cards laid out one after another) and short (removes two cards, leaving one on the left). Pronouncing the word by syllable, the speech therapist simultaneously slaps on the spread sheets of paper or chips so that the syllable falls on a separate card. Then the speech therapist asks the child to determine whether this word is long or short. For comparison, one- and three-, four-syllable words are given. Complicating the work on the syllable structure of the word, the speech therapist introduces combinations of consonants into the words being practiced, taking into account the fact that the sounds that make up these combinations are already correctly pronounced by children. When moving to words with a confluence, it should be borne in mind that the division of words into syllables should occur at the junction of morphemes, for example: cat (and not ko-shka). It is proposed to replace articulation exercises with exercises in pronouncing concatenations of consonants, but these exercises include only those sounds that the child can pronounce correctly. The worked out concatenations of consonants are then introduced into the words, which are initially pronounced by the children by syllables. If it is difficult for a child to imitate a syllable with a confluence of consonants, then the speech therapist suggests first repeating the syllables after it, but in such a way that between the two consonants there is a vowel sound [a], for example: da-va, davu, mano, manu, etc. ... Then two different syllables seem to shift, and between the consonant sounds, not a vowel sound of complete formation is pronounced, but a reduced solid vowel, something between [a] and [s], for example: dva, dvu, mno, mnu. Finally, the reduced vowel is completely omitted and consonants are pronounced without it: two, two, mno, mnu. After the concatenations of consonants have been worked out, words are given with them, which are necessarily spoken by the child by syllables (tapped). Gradually, these words can be entered into the phrase. Examples of small phrases - pure phrases are given in the lexical material of this book. As a rule, children with severe speech impairments do not memorize poetry, especially in four or more lines, so they should start learning poetry in no more than two lines.

Learning couplets should be carried out with the obligatory support of subject and uncomplicated plot pictures. The speech therapist, at his discretion, selects texts, as well as pictures for the proposed couplets. When memorizing verses, it is necessary to make sure that the children understand their content, for which the corresponding questions are put to the pictures. At this stage, the child is offered tasks first on non-verbal material, and then on verbal. Work on non-verbal material.

  • 1) Games and exercises for the development of concentration of auditory attention, auditory gnosis and auditory memory on the material of non-speech sounds (Where did you call? Find out a musical instrument? Etc.).
  • 2) The development of rhythmic abilities is the basis for mastering the sound-syllabic composition of words of the native language, intonation, stress. It is necessary to combine correct rhythmic speech with rhythmic movements. In addition, children with general speech underdevelopment, as a rule, have metrhythm disorders, which manifests itself in irregular walking, in impaired coordination of movements. In this regard, you can use various types of walking with musical and speech accompaniment, dance movements in combination with claps of hands. Various methods of rhythm reproduction are offered: clapping hands, tapping a ball on the floor, using musical instruments - a drum, a tambourine, a metallophone. At the heart of work on a speech rhythm or rhythm at the word level is the slapping of words by syllables with the emphasis of the stressed syllable in a voice and a louder clap. When pronouncing and simultaneously clapping words, they should be pronounced without pauses between syllables. For example, we pronounce the word machine not ma - shi - na (between syllables - pauses, all syllables are of the same volume, claps of the same strength), but machine (without pauses, the syllable shI is pronounced longer and louder; quiet clap, loud clap, quiet clap ). Similarly, the word milk, not small - la - ko, and even more so not young - ko, but malakO (without pauses, the syllable kO is pronounced longer and louder). Slamming words in this way, in addition to working out the syllable structure, significantly contributes to the easier selection of stressed syllables by children in literacy classes. Before starting work on words, you need to teach your child to clap softly and loudly, clap once and many times with different rhythms. When these tasks are performed clearly enough, you can proceed to pronouncing with the simultaneous slapping of sound combinations consisting of vowel sounds. Then we move on to the level of direct syllables (equally repeated), then syllables with different sounds of early ontogenesis (for example, ma - pa, pa - ma, pa - ta - kA, etc.). Then you can go to the word level. Work on the syllable structure should go in parallel with the development of phonemic hearing and the formulation of sounds. It is recommended to start work on the syllabic structure not with words of the type that is impaired in the child, but first with words of a simpler syllabic composition. When practicing words of different syllabic structure, the following should be taken into account: the structure of the words being mastered expands and becomes more complicated due to the constructions already present in the child's speech; the formation of the syllabic structure of words is based on certain word schemes, which are fixed both isolated and as part of a phrase; in the most severe cases, work should begin with evoking or reinforcing the onomatopoeic words available in the child's speech.

Violations of the syllable structure of a word are retained in the speech of preschoolers with OHP longer than deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds. The syllabic structure of a word, mastered in an isolated pronunciation, is often distorted again when the word is included in a phrase or independent speech. Of great importance for the correct pronunciation of the syllable composition of a word is the degree of familiarity with it - unfamiliar words are distorted more often than words well known to a child.

An individual approach to children is of paramount importance in the work, which suggests taking into account mental characteristics, working capacity, speech abilities of a preschooler and the nature of a violation of the syllabic structure of the word. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out work on the formation of the syllable structure of the word individually, as part of the lesson on the correction of sound pronunciation. A characteristic feature of the lesson on the formation of the correct syllabic structure of a word is the frequent repetition of types of work on different speech material with the inclusion of elements of novelty in content and form. Correction of violations of the syllable structure of a word in children with general speech underdevelopment is a poorly studied and insufficiently described topic. The guidelines for correcting this violation are contradictory and incomplete, despite the fact that the problem is relevant. The importance of this problem is evidenced by the fact that the timely mastery of correct speech is of great importance for the development of a full-fledged personality of the child, and the assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word is one of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and further successful education of the child at school.

Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of the word in children with general speech underdevelopment (hereinafter referred to as OHP) is characterized by the duration and complexity of correctional work.

In correctional work, one can distinguish a preparatory stage, aimed at creating the necessary prerequisites for children to master the syllabic structure of a word, and a correctional stage, the work on which is carried out on speech material.

In their activities, speech therapists very often focus on direct work on the formation of the syllabic structure on verbal material, while the development of the necessary basis for the development of the syllable structure of the word is to a lesser extent.

However, "when determining the content of correctional work, it is advisable to take into account not only the typology and nature of distortions of the syllabic structure in children, but also the state of non-speech processes that are basic for its formation."

When determining the content of work on the development of the necessary prerequisites, it is necessary to take into account that "some types of activity are rhythmic in themselves." Examples include playing the drum, playing badminton, etc. "The ability to perceive and reproduce rhythm (sense of rhythm) is one of the components of musical ability."

Therefore, when organizing special assistance to children with speech disorders in a preschool institution, musical and motor activity presents great opportunities for the formation of prerequisites for the development of syllabic structure.

Consider the possible content of the work of a music director and physical education instructor, depending on the stage of correctional work.

When organizing educational activities at the preparatory stage, it is advisable for the music director to recommend a number of games and exercises to develop a sense of rhythm. It is necessary to carry out the work taking into account the ontogenetic principle, as well as “from simple to complex”. Initially, exercises are selected that involve the perception and reproduction (slapping, tapping) of simple rhythms (| | |), then - complex rhythms (|| || ||), then - complex asymmetric rhythms (| || | || | ||) and exercises for reproducing rhythms according to the type of reaction of choice.

The choice of exercises should be determined taking into account the stage of correctional work of the speech therapist teacher, the characteristics of the children of the group. Tasks are offered in a playful way, for example "It is raining", "Big feet and small feet", "From bump to bump", etc. It is also advisable to reproduce the rhythms of melodies in playing musical instruments.

It is known that children with OHP are characterized by insufficient development of coordination of movements, general motor awkwardness is noted. At the same time, as the researchers note, “there is a correlation between the degree of rhythm and dexterity of everyday everyday movements. In the absence of a sense of rhythm, the sharpness and unevenness of movements are revealed, and, conversely, in the case of detecting motor awkwardness, the insufficiency of the rhythmic characteristics of the motor sphere is also determined. " Therefore, in order to form non-verbal prerequisites for the assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word by children, it is necessary to include appropriate tasks when carrying out motor activities in kindergarten with children with OHP. These are exercises for various types of walking, jogging with changing movements in accordance with the change in musical accompaniment, walking with claps for each step, exercises for building and rebuilding to music or sound signals, which contribute to the development of a sense of pace and rhythm, auditory attention and memory in children. ...

Exercises for the perception and reproduction of rhythms in a motor activity of the type of choice reaction are interesting for children. For example, children are asked to jump once, if the teacher makes two jumps, and accordingly, if the teacher makes two jumps, the children perform only one jump. The teacher presents tasks without a certain sequence, thus, children develop not only a sense of rhythm, but also attention, memory, switchability of movements. Exercises for hitting, throwing the ball, jumping, etc. are performed in the same way.

After carrying out correctional work on non-verbal material as part of the preparatory stage, it is advisable to proceed to the implementation of work on the formation of the syllable structure of the word on the verbal material: the level of vowels, the level of syllables, the level of words (taking into account the type of syllabic structure), the level of the phrase, the level of texts and independent speech ...

When organizing correctional work at this stage, it is important for the speech therapist to continue to interact with both the music director and the physical education instructor.

In accordance with the stage of correctional work of the speech therapist teacher, the musical director sequentially complicates the speech material offered to children, starting from the reproduction of chains of vowel sounds, syllables with a change in duration, sound strength, moving on to tasks for developing the ability to perceive and reproduce the rhythmic structure of a word, singing words, and then phrases, short songs, taking into account the peculiarities of their syllabic structure. When performing such tasks, children develop not only auditory perception, a sense of rhythm, but also speech-motor coordination.

More complex tasks include exercises for drawing up rhythmic schemes, as well as reading a rhythmic recording, playing it back (clapping, playing musical instruments), for example, "Music on Cubes".

When organizing motor activity, a physical education instructor uses games where movement is combined with pronouncing chains of syllables, word structure, phrase. Children are interested in games such as “How many syllables, so many steps”, “Ball in a circle” (passing the ball with the words pronouncing words), “The end of the word is yours” (throwing the ball with the last syllable and pronouncing the word completely). When working out the syllable structure at the phrase level, you can offer children exercises for pronouncing a phrase with simultaneous hitting the ball, as well as relay games, where the transfer of a certain attribute (ball, flag, etc.) is accompanied by the pronunciation of a given speech material.

Thus, in the work on the assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word by children, it is advisable for the speech therapist to use the possibilities of musical and motor activity, to carry out the interaction of teachers who work with children with OHP.

Master class for educators: "Correction of the syllable structure of the word in preschool children"

To acquaint teachers with the system of techniques and methods for correcting violations of the syllable structure of the word in preschool children.

A system of game exercises for the development of syllabic structure in children is proposed.



Master class for educators

Topic: "Correction of the syllabic structure of the word in preschool children"

Master class for educators.

Topic: "Correction of the syllabic structure of the word in preschool children."

Target: to acquaint the teaching staff with the system of techniques and methods for correcting violations of the syllable structure of the word in preschool children.

Educational: to activate the dictionary of nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the consultation.
Developing: develop the ability to notice and correctly respond to a violation of the syllable structure of a word in a child.
Educational: to form the interest of the teaching staff in this issue.

Dictionary activation:syllabic structure of a word (SSS), vocabulary, grammar, phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFN), dysgraphia, dyslexia.

Equipment: subject pictures, paper strips (to indicate syllables), chips (to indicate sounds - blue, green, red), musical instruments, paper, scissors.

The course of the master class.

1. Organizational moment.
- Dear colleagues. I am glad to welcome you to our master - class, please, have a seat.

2. Announcement of the topic of the master - class.

I will offer you to determine the topic of our master class yourself, for this I will pronounce the words the way the children say them, and you will try to guess what they mean:
"Sill" or "sill" - a window sill,
"Midols" - tomatoes,
"Fopotarat" - a camera,
"Mioninel" - a policeman,
"Kosholad" - chocolate,
"Bizyana" - a monkey,
"Barelina" is a ballerina.

Can you guess what items the children named? Did it make you wonder why? (Children rearranged and skipped sounds and syllables, replaced some sounds with others.)

You are right, the syllable structure of the word was violated. Our master - class will be devoted to the correction of violations of the syllabic structure of the word in preschool children.

3. Theoretical aspect.

One of the significant tasks in teaching in preschool educational institutions and in the family is the development of coherent speech of preschool children: the formation of grammatical and phonetic-phonemic competencies, enrichment and systematization of the vocabulary. A child with a well-developed speech can easily enter into communication not only with peers, but also with adults, clearly express their thoughts, ask questions. On the contrary, in a child with speech disorders at the age of 5-7 years, when he already adequately assesses his capabilities, complexes associated with his speech defects may appear.

Closer to entering school, the question of the state of speech of children arises sharply, special attention is paid to sound pronunciation, since there is a close relationship between the purity of the sound of speech and the spelling literacy of the future student: children transfer their mistakes from oral speech to written speech, which manifests itself in the form of specific reading errors and writing (dyslexia and dysgraphia).

So what is a violation of the syllable structure of a word? A violation of the syllable structure of a word is a speech defect characterized by a distortion of the structure (composition) of a word: children skip, replace, add new ones, and also rearrange syllables or sounds. The range of this speech disorder can range from the difficulty of pronouncing words with a complex syllabic structure to the impossibility of pronouncing simple words even with reference to a picture. In children without speech disorders at the age of 2 years 3 months. up to 3 years of age, the formation of the syllable structure of the word is coming to an end: kids can pronounce complex words, but sometimes they make rare mistakes in unfamiliar words (N.S. Zhukova, A.N. Gvozdev).

4. The practical part. Correction of violations of the syllabic structure of the word in preschool children.

In speech therapy work to correct violations of the syllable structure of a word, there are 2 stages:preparatory and corrective.

  1. Preparatory stage.

Target: prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of words in the native language (non-verbal and verbal material is used in the work). I present to your attention the tasks that are used onpreparatory stage.

1. Exercise “Where did they call? "
Ask the child to turn away or blindfold him and ring the bell to his left, right, below and above, ask him to correctly determine from which side the bell is ringing. The same task can be done with other sounding objects.

2. Exercise "Far - close."

Ask the children to close their eyes and determine where the bell is ringing: far away (low sound) or close (loud sound).

3. Exercise "What sounds?"

Ask the children to close their eyes and determine by ear what musical instrument sounds (bell, rattle, pipe, tambourine, etc.). The same exercise can be carried out with the eyes of children open, but in this case, the screen should cover the musical instrument and the teacher's hands, so that by their movement it would be impossible to guess which instrument is being used.

4. Exercise "Miracle cube".

In turn, invite the children to throw a dice and clap their hands as many times as the dots are shown on the upper edge. You can also ask the children not to clap, but to stomp or take steps forward.

5. Exercise "Listen, remember, pick up the card!"

The teacher claps the rhythm or simply claps his hands several times and asks the children to pick up a suitable card (a number can be written on the card, dots (like on a dice) are drawn indicating the number of claps, or a rhythmic pattern is depicted: !!! !!,! !! !!! etc.).

6 ... Exercise "Try it again!"

The teacher slaps with his hands (taps with a pen on the surface of the table) a simple rhythm and asks the children to repeat it (at the beginning all at the same time, and then in turn).

2) Correctional stage.

Target: direct correction of the violation of the syllabic structure of the word (verbal material is used in the work).

Correctional stageincludes work onthe level of sounds, syllables and words.But before working with sounds, you should pay attention to the formation of spatio-temporal representations: children should master the concepts of “beginning, middle, end, before, after, after, first, last.These concepts are necessary for mastering the sequence of the sound-syllable series, the sound filling of words of a simple and complex syllable structure.

  1. Exercise "Turnip".

Children together with the teacher act out the fairy tale "Turnip" using a puppet theater or plane images of heroes, and then answer questions about the location of this or that character. For example, “Who stood between Grandma and Zhuchka? Who was behind the cat? Who stood in front of the granddaughter? "

  1. Exercise "Engine".

Children are invited to stand behind each other, like the trailers of a steam locomotive, and "ride" a little around the group, and then stop and tell about the position of their trailer, using the words: before, after, before, behind, between, first, last. Then the children scatter, the trailers are mixed and the game is repeated.

Work at the level of sounds.

1. Exercise "Guess the sound!"

The teacher shows the articulation of the vowel sound, but does not name it, and the children must guess and name the hidden sound ("a", "o", "y", "i", "e", "s").

2. Exercise "Who says so?"

The sound of the same sound can be different, depending on who pronounces it, for example: the sound "A" - Anya is crying, the singer is singing, the doctor looks at the baby's throat, the mother rocks her baby, etc. Offer the children plot pictures and ask them to determine what sound a character can make.

3. Exercise "Catch the sound."

The teacher makes a series of sounds, and children should only clap (stamp their feet) when they hear the given sound. It is better to start with a series of vowel sounds, then vowels - consonants, consonants - consonants.
At this stage, not only phonemic hearing develops, but also breathing, facial expressions, memory and attention.

Work at the level of syllables.

1. Exercise "Say the other way around."

The teacher pronounces the syllable, and the child must repeat it, but backwards (from the end), for example: RA - AR, AP - PA, SKA - ASK, etc. (we start with straight syllables, then closed, and after syllables with a confluence of consonants ).

2 . Exercise "Syllabic ladder".

The teacher draws a ladder on the board, the letter A is written on its first step on top, the letter A is written on the second, O, the third - U, the fourth - Y, the fifth - E and invites the children to help the consonant letter go down, for this they need to name which syllable will turn out (letter K: ka, ko, ku, ky, ke, letter B: wa, vo, woo, you, ve, etc.)
By the same principle, you can work out closed syllables, for example: for the letter C: ac, wasp, mustache, as, es.

  1. Exercise "Lay out the syllable"

The teacher offers children tokens - circles of red (for vowels) and blue (for consonants) and asks to lay out a syllable scheme: vowel - consonant (ak, op ...), consonant - vowel (on, woo ..), consonant - consonant- vowel (one hundred, cool ...)

  1. Exercise "Echo".

The teacher pronounces a series of syllables and asks the children to repeat it from memory, as if they were an echo (syllables cannot be skipped and reversed).

Work at the word level.

1. Exercise "Long word - short word."

On the table in front of the child there is a long strip (indicates a long word) and a short strip (indicates a short word), the teacher pronounces the word, and the child must determine its size and put a chip under the strip of the appropriate length.

Words for work: mouth, policeman, bell, cheese, nose, windowsill, juice, traffic light, excavator, moat, library, etc.

2. Exercise "Invent the end of a word."

The teacher gives the beginning of the word (syllable), and the children add syllables at the end to get different words, for example: RU - ka, - myanets, - whose, - kav, - cans, etc.

3. Exercise "Say a word."

The teacher pronounces the word, and the children must name his last syllable and pick up a word starting with this syllable: frame - Masha - checkers - cinema - notes, etc.

4. Exercise "Poets".

The teacher invites children to become poets for a short time and come up with a rhyme for the object drawn in the picture, for example: a spoon - a leg, a fine fellow - a cucumber, etc.
Possible rhymes: fox - scythe (wasp), owl - grass, helmet - mask (paint), bunny - T-shirt, candle - stove, mouse - cover, baby - reed, frog - pillow (girlfriend), bear - book, flag - a pie, a spoon - a cat (crumb), a kalach - a strong man, a snail - a gate.

5. Exercise "Slam a word."

The teacher invites children to clap their hands as many times as there are syllables in this word.
You can complicate this task and ask to count the number of syllables in a word, name 1, 2, 3, 4 syllables (in order or out of order).

6.Exercise "Word chain".

The teacher asks the children to repeat the chain of words after him, while the words cannot be changed or skipped.



7. Exercise "The word has broken."

The teacher tells the children that the word is broken: all the syllables are messed up and, in order to fix it, they must be returned to their place.

For example: LA - PI (saw), JA - LU, GI - NO, KA - MAC, TA - PAS, YOU - KUS, KA - MU, KA - SUM, BA - TRU, DUK - SUN, NIK - SKI, TUK - HEADLIGHT, DYSH - LAN, POT - COM.

5. Summing up.

What new have you learned at our master - class?
What questions do you have, is there anything unclear?
What topics would you like to discuss at the next consultations, master classes?


1. Aranovich Z. E. "Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words in children"
Childhood-Press, 2004

2. Bogomolova A.I. "Speech therapy aid for classes with children." M., ed. School; SPB., Bibliopolis, 1996

3. Bolshakova S.E. "Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of the word in children", "We form the syllabic structure of the word." Sphere, 2007

4. Bolshakova S. E. "The work of a speech therapist with a preschooler." M., 1996

5. T. A. Tkachenko “Correction of violations of the syllable structure of the word. Album for individual work with children 4-6 years old "to the manuals" We teach to speak correctly ", GNOM and D, 2004

7. Tsenina N.B. "One, two, three - repeat the syllables", Sphere, 2011