Preparation of orphans and children left without parental care, in independent life has always been an acute state problem. The state care system covers almost all children who need care, and creates material prerequisites for their full development and preparation for adulthood.

Today, the question of postintern accompanies of graduates of boarding schools remains open, despite the fact that various technologies and techniques are tested in many institutions of this type in various regions of the country. Psychological and pedagogical studies dedicated to the study of the problems of graduates of orphanages and boarding schools convincingly prove that orphans, crossing the threshold of the orphanage or boarding school, need to be accompanied by assistance in solving housing, legal, social and other other issues. One of the problems in the field of support for orphans and children remaining without parental care is the successful adaptation of graduates to new conditions in society.

The relevance and necessity of post-investment support is due to the fact that a graduate of the boarding school is simultaneously included in different areas of activity: the vital activity of the institution of vocational education, professional self-realization, vital activity of the hostel, leisure. Continuing training in a professional educational organization, building a constructive relationship with peers and adults, receiving and arrangement of their housing, housekeeping, the distribution of funds and other problems a graduate is difficult to solve independently, being with them "one on one" outside the orphan institution.

At the boarding school, training programs are being implemented for independent life for the development of communicative, social knowledge, skills. However, it is important to provide further assistance to graduates at the stage of their independent vital activity.

To organize support, a school-boarding school has developed and implemented a program for organizing work on socialization and postinternal accompaniment of graduates "Step by step".

Today I imagine the experience of implementing this program.

Purpose:to provide experience in organizing individual post-trial support and support for graduates MKOU "Shi No. 37 OBS".

Tasks:To summarize the experience in implementing the program of post-trial support of graduates "Step by step".

Organization of postintern accompanation of orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities

1. The essence of sentient accompanation of graduates of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care

The relevance and necessity of studying the organization of post-investment support are determined by the presence of a complex of problems characteristic of orphans after the release of the orphan institution: the difficulties of adapting to the conditions in society, the lack of housing, the skills of independent life, the choice of profession and employment opportunities. The entry of orphans with limited health capabilities in an independent life is associated with great difficulties and is not always successful. The reasons for the emergence of the difficulties of the child's entry into the system of social relations can be completely different. First of all, they are associated with the inadequate perception of the orphans of those demands that the society presents.

According to the results of all-Russian research, a low level of social and emotional well-being, as well as integration into the society of young people from among children-orphans and children left without parental care, which form most of the unemployed and offenders, becomes the source of the new wave of social orphanhood. That is, on the one hand, our society is not yet ready to adopt young people with the status of orphans, which is confirmed by refuses to accept work, the unwillingness of employers in the conditions of market competition to help graduates of boarding schools. On the other hand, graduates themselves due to the characteristics of personal development are difficult to independently find a worthy place in society. The absence from the earliest childhood of the conditions necessary for the full mental and social development of orphans, prevents the formation of the abilities that ensure the achievement of genuine adulthood. As a result, young people with such life experience, as a rule, are peculiar to a passive life position, an indifferent attitude towards their status, dependency, a low formation of social skills and skills.

The socialization process (inclusion in the system of social relations), even with a favorable coincidence, the circumstances unfolds uneven and can be fraught with a number of difficulties, deadlocks that require joint efforts of specialists and orphans.

The education of orphans with disabilities provides for the creation of a special correctional and educational environment for them, providing adequate conditions and equal opportunities with conventional children to obtain education within special educational standards, treatment and recovery, education, correction of developmental disorders, social adaptation.

We understand that today there is no service that would be "from hand to hand" adopted our matured, but far from adult children. We agree that the institutions of vocational education, when working with our graduates, orphans with disabilities with disabilities are experiencing great difficulties. Our children have a lack of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality, which is combined with the lack of support for life experience, insignificant cognitive activity.

In all cases, even with a relatively favorable forecast, our graduates need long-term socio-pedagogical accompaniment, and one of the forms of socio-pedagogical support of orphans and children left without parental care is postinal support. The goal that is a successful social adaptation of the graduates of the organization for orphans and children left without parental care to the conditions of a professional educational organization and to the conditions of independent life.

When implementing sentient maintenance of graduates of organizations for orphans and children who remained without parental care, it is important to take into account the following conditions:

Joint activities of the mentor and graduate, aimed at gradual increase in the level of independence of the latter;

The graduation has the ability to establish permanent emotional contact with the mentor;

Recognition by the central process of adaptation of the graduate does not master the knowledge and skills of life, but the rehabilitation of his personality.

These conditions can be implemented through various forms of accompaniment.

The legal basis of activities to ensure the social adaptation of graduates of organizations for orphans and children who remained without parental care is a number of federal and regional regulatory documents. In regional programs for social adaptation of graduates in the post-trial period, it is recommended to provide for the main development and implementation of innovative technologies of assistance and support based on the use of the Institute of Mentors / Curators, an individual approach to the organization of sentient accompaniment.

After analyzing the existing problems, the boarding school administration has created a post-checking program of graduates of MKOU "Shi No. 37 OBS" "" Step by step ", the goal that closely intersects with the existing problems of this institution.

2. The main directions of the post-indicate support program of orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities "Step by step"

Preparation of orphans and children left without parental care, an acute problem has always been an acute problem. The state care system covers almost all children who need care, and creates material prerequisites for their full development and preparation for adulthood.

Having studied the experience of post-investment support in Russia, in the Kemerovo region, we concluded that we need to develop a program of post-sale accompaniment of graduates aimed at successful socialization and social adaptation of orphans and children left without care of parents with disabilities.

The program of post-investment support of orphans and children left without parental care "step by step" contributes to the development of social competence of the person, its self-determination in society. Support is carried out from the moment of release from the boarding school when entering a professional educational institution and is directed to graduates from 14 to 23 years. The main technologies of the post-investment support program are curability and an individual accompaniment plan.

The purpose of the programit is the preparation of graduates of the Correction School - boarding school, who remained without parental care to independently, with the subsequent organization of individual support and support for graduates for successful social, professional adaptation in the post-centurient period under 23 years.


Organization and work on the professional definition of pupils in accordance with the abilities, medical testimony;

Raising the level of social adaptation (development of communicative culture skills, the formation of the need for communication, intimate personal relationships);

Promoting adaptation of graduates of the organizing boarding school to life and training in an educational institution of primary vocational education;

Increasing the level of social and legal literacy of graduates;

Diagnosis of psychological causes of violations in the training and behavior of graduates of institutions for orphans;

Prevention and elimination of violations in the training and behavior of graduates of institutions for children - orphans;

Providing support to pupils that provided in a difficult life situation in order to successfully socialize and integrate into society;

Assistance in the employment of graduates;

Assistance in restoring connections with blood relatives.

This program is a comprehensive content, because Its implementation is associated with the use of various methods of work and in its implementation, the team of teachers and specialists of the boarding school.

Postintern accompaniment is a holistic, system process and is achieved during the implementation of the following steps:

Stage 1 - Preparation of the pupil for independent life in the walls of WEAT.

2 stage - Support of the graduate in the post-trial period by the teacher-curator.

Acceptable model of postintern accompaniment School graduates at the first stage is the creation adaptation group For pupils of youthful age at least 2 years before the actual release from the boarding school and includes adami 1 stage:

    the creation of a certain stock of life skills and skills, as well as civil-law knowledge;

    formation of skills that make their own life plans to independently.

The adaptation group allows you to find a new approach to solving the problems of preparing the pupil to issue from the boarding school and enhance its success in the post-trial period.

In the adaptation group, a number of conditions are created, allowing to prepare a pupil to independent life:

    organization of life, nutrition, budget planning;

    pedagogical support for an independent organization by pupils of living space and free time;

    personal participation of the pupil in the awareness of their own vital problems and the inclusion of it in the search for ways to solve them;

During the period of stay in the adaptation group for each future graduate, with its directly inclusion in this process and personal interest in successful life management, compiled:

    individual route for the adaptation of the future graduate;

    the post-check-out program before the release.

At 2 stage Upon admission to the educational institution of vocational education, a graduate is accompanied by a teacher-curator.

purpose This stage: post-check-out graduate of the boarding school, the implementation of an individual graduate accompaniment plan (IPS).


    creating conditions for the successful social and psychological adaptation of a graduate in society;

    solving issues of social security;

    prevention of social deadaption;

    joint search for possible ways to solve emerging problems.

The work of post-investment curators is aimed at helping to solve psychological, interpersonal, social, economic and other graduate problems by establishing direct direct interaction between the curator and a graduate.

The stage is carried out from the moment of release from the boarding school until the graduate is 23 years. The content of the stage is connected with the escort of a graduate in the process of professional and social adaptation (during the training period in the institution of vocational education and / or after the end of the educational institution).

The curator is enshrined by order of the director of the boarding school, the curator carries out its activities in accordance with the local acts of the educational organization.

At the second stage, the accompaniment plan is monitored. It includes:

    intermediate results of work and their assessment;

    tasks for the next stage of accompaniment.

The accompaniment plan monitoring provides for a reflection of the process dynamics and an estimate of its effectiveness. Monitoring includes: an assessment of the initial situation, intermediate and final results of activity.

When monitoring:

It is estimated to perform the tasks assigned (mastering skills and skills), meet the needs and implementation of expectations;

The assessment is made by the specialists and the graduate himself, with the priority opinion is the opinion of the graduate;

Assessed how much graduate sells skills and skills in everyday life;

An analysis of the factors affecting the accompaniment process (efficiency of cooperation, suitability of methods, organizational level, etc.);

Formulate conclusions.

Expected program implementation results:

    readiness for independent life;

    the ability to interact in society;

    developed self-consciousness, responsibility, the ability to make decisions;

    healthy lifestyle;

    professional and labor self-realization.


To address the problems of preparing pupils to life management, the development of the profession and the beginning of labor activities at the boarding school, the search for new social technologies is being seen, the system of postinternal support of graduates from among children-orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities. The accompaniment is carried out on the basis of adopted laws and regulatory legal acts regulating the organization of work on postintern accompaniment to the teachers of the boarding school.

As a result of post-personal support of orphans and children left without parental care, it will be possible to more complete the social and psychological, legal protection of graduates from among the orphans and the possibility of their full-fledged life in society.


        Bayborodova, L.V. Professional guidance and self-determination of orphans [text]: Textual method. Manual / L.V. Bayborodova, M.I. Rozhkov. - Kaliningrad: Publishing house RSU. Kant, 2010. - p.140-143.

        Bobrova, L.M. Technologies of social assistance to the community of boarding schools (from the experience of the project "Youth centers" in the Murmansk region) [Text] / L.M. Bobrov // Postintern accompaniment of orphans: successful practices, technology, regulatory support: interregional materials. scientific study. conf. (June 22-23, Smolensk) / Ed. I.A. Bobyl. - Moscow: Charitable Foundation for Social Assistance to Children "Practice Wings!", 2010. - Ch. - P. 15-21.

        Kilina, I.A. Postintern support of graduates of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care [Text]: Method. Recommendations / I.A. Kilina, N.V. Osipova, so-called. Mikhailova. - Kemerovo: Publishing House "Crirpo", 2014. P. 7-52.

Electronic resources:

    On additional guarantees on social support for orphans and children left without parental care [Electronic resource]: Fed. From December 1, 1996 No. 159 / System Guarantor Aero - Garant Master. Version from 9 Jan. 014. - Moscow, 2014.

    On improving the activities of organizations for children orphans and children left without parental care [Electronic resource]: Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2013 No. 06-369 / System Garant Aero - Garant Master. Version from 9 Jan. 2014. - Moscow, 2014.

    On the main gvurantia of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Fed. From July 24, 1998 T 124 / System Guarantor Aero - Garant Master. Version from January 29. 2014


social adaptation and post-sale support

Foreign program:

Julia Vasilyevna Mikhailov

(Pedagogue - Psychologist)



Explanatory note

In GBPOU, SPC No. 3 annually admits children of orphans and children left without parental and face from their number.The beginning of an adult independent life is not an easy time for any young man. Inexperience generates errors that can affect the entire subsequent life. At this time it is very important to have a close person to which you can contact in a difficult case, which will support and prompt the right output. Children - orphans - graduates of orphanages have to go in adulthood before the child from the family. The greatest number of children are produced from orphanages aged 15-16 years. Their life experience is very small, often there are often no skills necessary for independent life: children do not know how to equip their life, dispose of money, to independently organize leisure.

Leaving the children's homes, these young people, in fact, are completely more children, turn out to be unwitting to life and their problems begin:

    lead a dependency lifestyle;

    suffer from alcohol dependence;

    denate offense, turn out to be involved in criminal activities.

This is due to the fact that most graduates of institutions for children - orphans and children left without parental care are insufficiently adapted to independent life. Therefore, it is necessary, after leaving the children's home to provide graduates in the form of postintern accompaniment, which will help them successfully adapt in a new social environment, build a constructive strategy of independent life, to create new and strong social contacts, both with close environments and state structures.

Graduates can be divided into several groups in the degree of complexity of the problems with which they face during the post-trial adaptation period, respectively, the assistance required by them in social adaptation.

First group - Graduates who have a fairly high level of social competence, well-structured life plans that have gained general education and ready to continue training in an educational institution of primary, secondary or higher professional education or get a job. Graduates of this group may need social and pedagogical and psychological support in the initial period of life at the end of their stay in the orphanage.

Second group - Graduates who have not sufficiently formed social skills, clear life plans, the ability to independent decisions, they are not active enough, have problems with communication, consolidation in the team at the place of study or work. This group of graduates needs information, socio-pedagogical and psychological support, intensive accompaniment and providing assistance in life.

Third group - Graduates who have violations of health, physical or mental development, as well as violations associated with social dezadapotation. They do not have sufficiently developed social skills, have serious problems with adaptation in society, the continuation of education and employment, differ in high levels of conflict, low social competence. Such graduates need special assistance and organization of maintenance and control over their lives in order to overcome a complex life situation, which can be provided by the efforts of various profile professionals: teachers, psychologists, defectologists, doctors, social workers.

Accounting for the peculiarities of the psychological, social, medical status of graduates, as well as the development of social adaptation programs that meet the needs of each of the listed groups are important aspects of organizing their post-checking accompaniment.

The purpose of the program: Organization of individual support and support of graduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental carefor successful socialization and integration into society.

Program tasks:

    To promote the adaptation of a graduate to the living conditions and training in an educational institution of vocational education.

    Influence the development of professionally important qualities of a graduate.

    Create conditions for further successful adaptation and socializationgraduate after the end of the educational institution.

The implementation of the Program implies postintern support for pupils and social adaptation of graduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental care

Principles on the basis of which the program is implemented:



    individual personal approach

    creativity and freedom

    freedom and choice

    joint activity

    complexity and integrity

    systematic and sequences

Work methods used in the program:

Analysis of documentation (educational plans, personal cases of pupils), modeling the process of socio-pedagogical activity;

Collection and processing of information (observation, conversation, questionnaire, psychological testing, analysis of activity products, data graphics methods);

Socio-psychological counseling, support, methods of socio-psychological assistance (training, business game, confidence dialogue, role playing);

Sociological research on adaptation of graduates;

The formation of consciousness, organization and stimulation of activities.

Forms of work:

- group;

- Individual group.

The program is implemented in the class of theoretical and practical cycle.

Theoretical classes are held in shape: lectures, conversations, reflection.

Practical classes are conducted in the form: warm-up, watching video movies, exercises.

    Stage postintern accompaniment.

Purpose: Assessment of opportunities and develop measures to prepare for social adaptation of the pupil.


implementation of pre-trial training




1. Social

psychological and pedagogical examination

1. Collect information about a graduate.

2. Diagnosis of the formation of personal qualities, everyday skills and skills.

3. Study: the level of development of social behavior (deviations from social norms and rules);

4 Identifying the features of social adaptation of pupils to determine, requiring the development and special formation of socially necessary skills, including interpersonal skills.

Deputy. Director for SV and BP,

educator, social teacher, teacher- Psychologist, Master P / O,

2. Social Education and Prevention

1. Formation of social adaptation, legal literacy and psychological sustainability for an unforeseen situation.

2. Prevention of interpersonal conflicts.

3. Work on the reconstruction and maintenance of the "social network". Identify the desire and the possibility of relatives who are familiar to take part in the graduate life, to assist in his adaptation.

Deputy. Director for SV and BP,

Educator, social teacher, teacher- Psychologist, Master P / O,organizer for educational work in the study group

3. Socio-psychological and pedagogical counseling

1. Assistance in professional self-determination and vocational guidance.

2. Creation of a "information field" of post-trial adaptation for a graduate, including: information on embodilance of education; employment opportunities; constructive leisure organization; support, health or graduate treatment; receiving a teenager psychological assistance; About alternative forms of residence.

Deputy. Director for SV and BP. Educator, social teacher, teacher- Psychologist, Master P / O,organizer for educational work in the study group

4. Protection of the rights and interests of graduates

1. Solving issues related to the availability of documents necessary for life support.

2. Assistance in matters related to the protection of rights and interests.

3. Representation in human rights and administrative bodies.

4. Assistance in obtaining housing and life management.

Social teacher, administration

The individual post-investment program is a socio-pedagogical technology aimed at the active inclusion of the pupil into the socialization and adaptation process.

    Stage post-checking accompaniment.

Purpose: implementation of practical measures for post-follower accompaniment, adaptation depending on the type of graduate.

According to the results of all directions of the first stage, the results of the social training of the graduate are summed up. The second stage of the implementation of the Program involves the use of a differentiated approach with the determination of the complexity of the problems of the graduate life and setting it into account in one of three types of support:

Characteristics of post-checking adaptation types

Expected program implementation results:

1. A sufficient social and personal potential in graduates of orphanages for independent life and successful integration in modern society. As a result of the implementation of the program, the graduate must:

To own communication skills with senior, peers and younger.

To be able to carry out joint activities in the team, including labor.

Observe the culture of behavior in public places, be able to behave correctly in various situations.

Have psycho-emotional stability, the adequacy of the perception of unforeseen situations, the ability to self-regulation.

Know your body, be able to care for him, have self-service skills, follow your appearance, accomplishes accuracy, tidy. Be able to create your own style in clothes.

Own the skills of providing first aid.

To be able to conduct a household.

Have knowledge of child care, be able to build and plan family life.

Form professional interests. Focus on a certain kind of profession, have a goal in life.

Being a law-abiding citizen of the Russian Federation, to have knowledge of their rights and responsibilities.

2. Professional self-realization of graduates of the orphanage.

3. Obtaining data on problems and violations of adaptation of graduates, the possibility of their operational use.

4. Accumulation of the statistical database characterizing the post-factory life of graduates.


postintern accompaniment and social adaptation

graduate of the orphanage

Organization of life in a hostel:

issuance of detergents, clothes, shoes, linen.

Teach to use household appliances in the buffet: EL. oven, microwave, refrigerator, potter.


graduate, teacher, commandant hostel, social teacher, teacher- Psychologist, Master p / about Class leaders

Organization of a graduate in vacation time and weekends

Vacation time and weekends

Administration GBPOU SPC №3

October November

Administration GBPOU SPC №3

Socio-psychological and pedagogical advice of a graduate for difficult life issues

During the term of learning

Psychologists, social teacher

During the term of learning

Administration GBPOU SPC №3

social teacher, masters p / about cool leaders

Creating conditions necessary for the successful socialization of a graduate in the context of GBPOU SPC No. 3 (obtaining education, leisure activities, social activities, facilitating the adaptation of a graduate to the conditions of life and training in GBPOU SPC No. 3).

During the term of learning

Administration GBPOU SPC №3

social teacher, masters p / about cool leaders

Continue the development of a graduate of vital skills and skills.

During the term of learning

Educator, Commander of the Hostel, Social Pedagogue, Pedagogue- Psychologist, Masters P / O Class Officers

Ensuring the rights and legal guarantees of the graduate

During the term of learning

Administration GBPOU SPC №3

Guardianship and guardianship

Ensuring the implementation of the graduate social support

By issuance from GBPOU SPC№3

Administration GBPOU SPC №3

social teacher

Comprehensive Plan for Adaptation and Socialization

graduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental care in the post-trial period

Deputy. Directors

on sv and vp

1. Control of the implementation of measures of prevention and socializationand adaptation

during a year

2. Interaction with law enforcement agencies on the prevention of unauthorized care and investigation of students of orphans and children left without parental care

during a year

3. Communication of the Council for the Offenses of the Offenses of Children's Orphans and Children left without parental care


Teacher organizer

1. Organization of extracurricular activities: contests, quiz evening entertainment, theatrical setting, trips with concerts, military - sports games

during a year

2. Attraction in mugs, clubs, public organizations, management bodies

during a year

Tutor hostel

1. Control of accommodationstudents of orphans and children left without parental care In the hostel (the journal of control for living in the hostel)


2. Control over the observance of the residence mode in the hostel


3. Evidence and prevention of situations in whichstudents of orphans and children who remain without parental care, Self leaving OU (individual conversations)

during a year

4. Creating an asset of the hostel (by sectors: sports, "Sanatterka", cultural and mass, editorial board)


5. Organization of extracurricular activities


6. Organization of the individual work of students of orphans and children left without parental care

during a year

7. Organization of individual work with students from among orphans and children left without parental care prone to offenses and violating the Charter of the educational institution

during a year

Commandant hostel

1. Control over the observance of the residence regime in the hostel


2. Creating the necessary conditions for livingstudents of orphans and children left without parental care

during a year

2. Individual conversations S. (Legal advice)


3.Profilact work S.learning from the number of children orphans and children left without parental care (Council of Prevention)


4. The "Commandant hour: the rights and obligations of minors to comply with the curfew"

during a year

5.Bested "Protection against physical and mental violence"

during a year

6. The performance of raids in the day and evening on the inspection of children,students from the number of children orphans and children left without parental care, evading learning; carrying out preventive work with them.

during a year

7. performance of lectures, conversations, on legal topics; Conducting joint classroom hours.

during a year

Conducting individual prophylactic conversations withlearning from the number of children orphans and children left without parental careprone to committing crimes and offenses.

during a year

Psychiatrist, Narolog

1. Administration "Smoking, alcohol reduce human self-esteem"

during a year


as needed

3.Rofilact activities S.students of orphans and children who remain without parental care, inclined to use alcoholic and psychoactive substances

during a year

Doctor leakager

Conversation "What can fail to comply with hygiene requirements"

during a year

Specialist JSC

Legal consulting on employment, career guidance



Specialist of the police officer

1. Right consultinggraduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental care on housing and further life



2. Control over the observance of rightsgraduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental care In OU


3.Profilact work with guardians, adoptive families, temporary trustees of minors

during a year

4. Independence and protection of legitimate interestsgraduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental care In court instances

as needed

5. Control per compliancegraduates from the number of orphans and children left without parental care in law enforcement agencies

as needed

Appendix No. 1.

Individual map of observation for students

FULL NAME (learning) ____________

Group № ________________________________________________________________



Learn with interest

Looking is not interested

3. Village qualities


Not formed

4. Volitional qualities that have a student











5. Self-satisfaction




6. Communication






7. Character communication in the group

A low-cost

Communicates selectively

Communication smooth, with everyone in the group

He is the center of communication

Informal leader


8. Skipter communication with teachers


Comments react aggressively

Friendly, west

Right relations, calm

9. Socially behavioral features






10. Position in the group




11 Appearance

Neat appearance

Indifference to clothing

Jewish in clothing

Constant wearing sports form

11. Culture of speech

High culture of speech

Regular use of obscene expressions

Allows itself to use obscene


Obscene expressions in speech appear, but


Not reacts for comments

12. Attitude to alcoholism, smoking

Smokes regularly

Smokes for company

I do not smoke

Drinking sometimes

Do not drink

Was noticed with the smell of alcohol in college

Has reprimands and warnings for alcohol consumption

13. Public activity

Do not participate in the life of the group

Passive participant of public affairs in the group

Organizer of creative affairs in the group

Participant of sports events

Active Participant of Creative Affairs SPC

14. Manner, communication style with others:

The dominant style (confident in herself, seeks to impose his opinion, easily interrupts, but does not allow him to kill himself, it is not easy to recognize his wrongness);

A non-general style (shy, compliant, easily recognizes himself wrong, needs to be promoted during conversation);

Extravert (constantly sent for communication, it is easy to contact, curious, opened, full of attention to others);

Introvert (not inclined to contacts, closed, prefers to communicate activities, in a conversation a few).

15. Attitude towards public opinion:

Actively positive (understands criticism, I agree with her, the shortcomings seek to correct);

Passive-positive (understands criticism, I agree with her, but the shortcomings do not correct);

Indifferent (does not react to criticism, does not change behaviors);

Negative (arguing, disagree with comments, behavior does not change).

Appendix 2.


creating or reconstructing a socio-supporting network of learning

1. FULL NAME ________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth: ___________________________________________________


(specify the name)

Location address

The nature of relationships







Older brother:


Elder sister:











Other relatives:

Other citizens involved in the fate of the child:



Appendix 3.

General information about learning

"____" __________ 20____


standing without care

The level of physical and somatic development (emphasizes):

Chronic diseases:

Health Group:

Physical Group:

There is no

1 2 3 4 5

Basic preparatory special

Education (emphasizes):

graduated 9 grades graduated from 11 classes

Housing conditions (emphasize):

housing does not have, but put in line;

own accommodation with amenities;

own accommodation without amenities;

a room in the hostel;

The place of intended accommodation at the time of release from the orphanage (emphasizes):

own accommodation with amenities

own accommodation without amenities

room in the hostel

removable accommodation

other: _________________________________________

What implies to engage in after the release from the orphanage (emphasize):



study and work at the same time


accounting at the Employment Center

The place of intended work and position after the release of OU:

Possible means of content (emphasize):

salary at work

random earnings

help relatives



unemployment benefits

resale housing, property

other: _________________________________________

How to spend your free time (emphasize):

walks through the streets

playing sports


goes to a computer club

spends time in the company of friends

other: _________________________________________

Who communicates with (emphasize):

with relatives

with members of a replacement family

with friends

with no one

other: _________________________________________

Having bad habits (emphasize):




Drugs (what): ______________________________

Attitude towards offenses (emphasize):

serving a sentence in places of imprisonment

was condemned

payment of an administrative penalty

other _____________________________________

It is registered:

KDN and zp __________________

One ___________________

Wyin _____________________

Internal control of OU ________________

How many times was invited to the Prevention Council ____





specialists of the orphanage

others _____________________________________

Coordinates for communication with a graduation:

(location address, phone)



Social teacher:


Postinternal support center

"With confidence in adult life"


head of Center

Postintern accompaniment

Cow "Zavyalovsky


Antipova Aigerm Asharbekovna

from. Zavyalovo 2012

1. relevance .......................................................... ... 4

3. The main stages of the project ..............................................7

4. Expected results ................................................ 8

5. Project Event Plan for a year ..................................9

6. List of references .................................................... ..1.1


About the role of the family in a person's life says a lot. Experts argue that the origins of the formation of a person stands the family. And indeed, the child is happy, who was born in good, smart, good family. Here the child receives the first lessons of love for loved ones, absorbs basic social knowledge, acquires certain values \u200b\u200bnecessary for living in society.

Parents continue to take care of the child and after the age of majority. What happens to children from government agencies? The child marks 18 years old and seemingly the state continues to take care of him and help, but in reality an adult graduate of the orphanage remains one on one with the difficulties of life. Often, the child - the orphan turns out to be unprotected after the release, is not able to fully adapt in society and live independently. He does not have anything else, how to return to his relatives, and sometimes parents and gradually accept their lifestyle. "Crisis Circle", therefore, continues to exist.

Despite the fact that many children's houses work on family education issues, further support of graduates in independent life is necessary.

Analysis of the lives of graduates over the years of our institution and similar, shows that most graduates can independently solve emerging problems.

The lack of a positive sample of family relationships in the parent family leads to a displacement of the value orientations of orphans, complicates the construction of its own family or leads to copying negative images of parental relations, as well as images imposed often by the media. Graduates of orphanages have difficulties not only in creating a prosperous family, but also in its preservation.

The difficulties of socializing young orphans are associated with the depletion of the main sources of socialization, among which:

The absence of the ability to absorb the social experience of parents and progenitors by imitating samples of behavior and ways to overcome vital difficulties;

Weak development of a sense of responsibility for their actions, for the well-being of those who tied their lives; Egocentrism, consumer attitude to loved ones, inability to take care of them;

The presence of negative experience in handicating children;

Lack of qualified assistance or lack of information about it.

All this leads to the uncomplication of young families, asocial behavior, distorted by the submission of the family and the role of parents in it, secondary orpathy.

In August 2012, on the basis of Cow "Zavyalovsky Children's House", the center of postinternal support of graduates was opened. One of the tasks of the center is to prepare graduates and support them in independent life. In this regard, a project "With confidence in adulthood" was developed, aimed at providing psychological and pedagogical care, as well as on the formation of social and moral and volitional readiness of graduates to independent life. The project allows you to create a pedagogically correct organized environment, which is a powerful raising and educational factor and incentive for self-education.

Objective of the project: Providing professional assistance for the prevention of family disadvantage and social orphanhood of children.

Tasks: 1. Providing differentiated and individual advisory assistance to young families to prevent family conflicts, social orphanhood of children.

2. As a constructive solution of conflicts in the family.

3. Communication of family values \u200b\u200bin children - orphans, the formation of submissions about the family, its meaning in human life.

4. Formation of a conscious feeling of motherhood and paternity aimed at the value attitude towards the child.

The priority direction of our project is the prevention of family disadvantage and social orphanhood of children.

The project implementation provides for assistance for young parents from the orphans of the Zavyalovsky orphanage.

Target group - young people from the number of orphans and children left without parental care. Namely -25 former pupils, 7 of which have one child. Middle age graduates19-22, children 1-2 years old. Official marriage consists of 4 people, mothers - single 3 people, in civil marriage 9 people. During the project, the Task Force will be brought to participate in its work.

The main activity will be carried out by specialists of the Center for postintern accompanation of graduates of the orphanage: Social teacher, teacher - psychologist. Representatives of state, public structures, private entrepreneurs, volunteers will be attracted to cooperation. The project will play the role of the coordinator for improving the situation of specific families from the number of orphans.

The main stages of the project:

The project is designed for 1 year - from October 2012 to October 2013 and consists of three stages.

Organizational stage:

2. Notification of graduates about the creation of a project through:

Publication of the article in the district newspaper;

Edition of information booklets, posters, leaflets about the work of the project "With confidence in adulthood";

Placement of information on the website of the institution;

3. Presentation of the project "With confidence in adulthood."

The activity stage involves the monthly holding of group classes with graduates, young parents and children according to the project program plan, as well as the provision of individual advisory assistance, the work of the confidence phone.

The final stage will be carried out through the analysis of the work done and the generalization of positive experience.

We have allocated 3 directions for which the project "With confidence in adulthood" will carry out its activities:

1. Conduct individual and group classes with graduates.

2. Organization of joint events.

3. Individual informing and advice on psychological, pedagogical, social character (on request).

Project implementation mechanisms.

1. Questioning and testing of project participants in order to identify topical problems.

2. Organization of round tables and conversations on interaction with society, professional self-realization, marital relationships and family education.

3. Individual informing and consulting.

4. Exchange of positive experience in seminars.

5. Organization of joint cultural and sporting events.

Expected results.

1. Enhance educational competence among parents.

2. Overcoming the communicative isolation of the pupils from the number of orphans.

3. Understanding participants of family values.

4. Increasing the motivation of graduates to cooperate with specialists.

5. Increasing the number of young parents who have received qualified assistance from specialists in solving family conflicts on children's education.

6. An increase in the number of pupils of the orphanage has been successfully adapted in society.

Possible risks in project implementation

1. Failure to graduates from cooperation with service specialists.

Causes of such failures:

Noncriticality to its own life experience;

Rigidity (inability to change the point of view, the inability to hear and listen to the interlocutor);

Explicit inadequacy of graduates (unmotivated aggression, irrational arguments, illogic behavior).

Ways to overcome risks in work

The establishment of cramped, friendly, trust, reliable relationships between service specialists and graduates.

Individual work with each graduate and accounting for the positive experience of other project participants.

Distribution of positive experience between graduates.

Project Plan for Year



1. Organizational stage

Creating a data bank to graduates from the number of children - orphans and children left without care to Parents Cow "Zavyalovsky Children's House"

Notification of graduates from the number of orphans COU "Zavyalovsky Children's House" on the creation of the project

Publication of articles in the district newspaper;

Edition of information booklets, posters. Leaflets about work;

Specialists from the center of escort

Presentation of the project "With confidence in adulthood." Spending graduate Gembel O. "My experience of adult life"

Specialists from the center of escort

Questioning to identify adaptation in society. Test "Value Orientation" M. Rokich.

Methods Pari E. Schaeffer,

Parental Relationship Questionnaire,

Test questionnaire satisfaction with marriage

Specialists from the center of escort

2. Activity stage

Working phone confidence. Individual consultations.

During a year

Specialists from the center of escort

Release of methodical manuals, booklets, posters for graduates on the subjects of the events held

1 time in the quarter

Specialists from the center of escort

Round table "My attitude to marriage and family"

Specialists from the center of escort

Entertainment Event "Family Traditions"

Specialists from the center of escort

Discussion "Property Rights of Children's Homes"

Social teacher

"Day of Spring Congratulations" (Holiday Mom and daughters dedicated to the International Women's Day)

Specialists from the center of escort

Seminar "The Health of Our Children"

Consultative Help

Sports and recreational event "Faster! Above! Stronger!"

Specialists from the center of escort

Photo exhibition "Children - Flowers of Life"

Specialists from the center of escort

Conversation with testing "Professional implementation in life"

Specialists from the center of escort

Round table "The Role of Father and Mother in the Family"

Specialists from the center of escort

Talking for a family table "What is the non-fulfillment of maternal duties"


Specialists from the center of escort

3. Final stage

Analysis of the work done and the tasks of the future development of the project

Specialists from the center of escort


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5. Age standards for the socialization of orphans. - M., 1999. - 52c.

6. Gusev A. Education of social competence in pupils of the orphanage // Teacher.-2003. - №6.-C.12-15.

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10., SHELINA Ensuring the social adaptation of pupils of the orphanage // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work. - 2003. №2. - p.31-39.

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13. Ostrukhova A. Successful adaptation. How to "measure" it? // Learning. - 2000. - P. 16-17.

14. Post-therant adaptation of graduates of special educational institutions for juvenile. Practical manual / ed. - Evstigneeva. SPb.: Speech, 200С.

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16. Psychological assistance in difficult and extreme situations: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Institutions / .- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 288С.

18. Family Employment of graduates of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. M .. - 2005.

19., Slugina and the development of a system of specialized centers in various institutions and organizations providing primary jobs to graduates of educational institutions for children - orphans and children left without parental care. M. - 2006.

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21. Trushkin S. The problem of failures from newborn children // Social work. - 2006.-№3.-S.53-57.

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Public offer to conclude a donation agreement

Regional public organization of volunteers of the Samara region "Domik of Childhood", in the face of Rubina Anton Borisovich,
Invites citizens to make a donation to the following conditions:

1. General Provisions
1.1. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation This offer is a public offer (hereinafter - offers).
1.2. In this offer, the terms have the following meaning:
"Donation" - "Given a thing or rights in generally-weaving purposes";
"DIRECTOR" - "Citizens who make donations";
"Recipient donation" - "Regional Public Organization of Volunteers of the Samara Region" Domik Childhood ".

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1.4. The recipient of donations has the right to cancel the offer at any time by removing it from the page of his site on the Internet.
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5. Signature and details of the recipient donation

Regional public organization of volunteers of the Samara region "House of Childhood"

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Rubin Anton Borisovich