Welcome to the Forgotten Hill: Surgery game, and if you don't mind doing scary quests, then sit back and start playing in full screen! Attention: the game has scary and bloody scenes, it is not suitable for children!

Welcome to Colonel Mac Milan's Surgical Clinic! You woke up in an ominous and cold room and do not remember how you ended up here. The only thing we are sure of is that we need to run away from here as quickly as possible! Don't panic, escape requires preparation! You will have to solve many puzzles of the scary quest, you will meet disgusting things and scary symbols. Can you survive in this hell?

How to play

This is the third escape quest from the Forgotten Hills, our hero will meet with the ghosts of the surgical department, obsessed with madmen and the results of criminal experiments. Explore every centimeter of the sinister place, memorize the symbols and the location of objects. Communicate with everyone who is ready to speak and do not be afraid of defeat: each time you will start with a new experience.

Video walkthrough of the game Forgotten Hill: Surgery

Forgotten Hill: Surgery step by step guide will help you understand how to complete each step of the puzzle. Watch it as a last resort, do not deprive yourself of the joy of discovering the mysteries of a terrible quest!

Game Features:

  • creepy sound effects;
  • interesting puzzles;
  • strange characters and mystical objects;
  • you can play the quest in Russian.

Expand the game board to appreciate the creepy graphics of Surgery of the Forgotten Hills and make it easier for yourself to pass. Enjoy the game and be sure to write your impressions!


After the “welcome” speech of the nurse you find yourself locked inside a hospital room/cell, but after a while someone (a laughing children?) comes and open your door…


Open the drawer using the hint in the calendar: October - 4 - 21=> 10421 and collect the bunch of keys.


Use the keys on the door of the experiments room. Take note of the red bones position in hand poster.

In the corridor place the switches on the wall according to the clue seen in the foot poster.

Trick to position correctly: move all switches to the bottom by dragging down the second and the fourth, than move up the first and the 4th of one position

Collect the key and use it to open the locker in the nurse room. Collect the scalpel, lightbulb and the bottle of acid.



Go back to the left corridor and enter the toilet. Look inside the sink and try to catch the metal disk. Use acid on the weird finger that is holding it. Take note of the symbols that will appear inside the sink.


Use the bunch of keys to open the patient room number 2. Speack with the strange guy and remember what he says: The truth is a staring eye, a gray mouse, a sharp scalpel, a huge fly in a sunny day.

Collect the piece of paper behind him.

Go back to your room and cut the mattress seam with the scalpel. Take the mandrake.

Go ahead in the corridor and take the elevator to the first floor.

Open the door next to the gambler. Take the blue marble and watch the founders picture. Take note of the symbols on their hats.


Open the maintainance room using the hints found in the sink.

Fix the plumbing by rotating the pipes in the way that all edges are connected. Turn on the water valve.


Go back to the bathroom on the second floor. Turn on the tap to let some water run in the sink. Take the metal disk.

Flush the toilet, take the key and go out. Take note of the flowers picture on the wall.


Go back to floor number 1 and open the monitoring room with the eye key. Place the colored pins and rubber band according to the flowers picture.

Take the elevator key and the medallion's piece.

Collect the red marble under the table. Fix the monitoring system by solving the puzzle on the table: place the bulb in its socket and arrange the ray switches on the board in a way that every receiver is hit by the light ray.

Click on the monitors and collect the printed sheet. Take note of the time: 12:15:35

Take the lift and go back to the experiments room on the second floor.

Place the clock hands in a way it indicates 12 hours, 15 minutes and 35 seconds. Collect the piece of medallion and the metal disc.

1.After "greeting" the nurse, you find yourself locked in a hospital room/cage, but after a while someone comes and opens the door...

2.Open the drawer using the hints in the calendar:

On the calendar, a hint to the code:

You have received a bunch of keys.

3. Buttons on the experiment room door. Pay attention to the position of the red bones on the poster:

4. In the corridor, put the switches on the wall in accordance with the hint on the poster.

Select the key and use it to open the locker in the nurse's room. Take scalpel, light bulb and bottle of acid.

5. Return to the left corridor and enter the toilet.

Look inside the sink and try to catch the metal disk. Use the acid on the strange finger that is holding it. Pay attention to the symbols that will appear inside the shell.

6. Use a bunch of keys to open the patient room number 2. Talk to the strange guy, and remember what he says: It's true - an eye looks, a gray mouse, a sharp scalpel, a huge fly on a sunny day. Take the piece of paper behind him. Return to your room and cut the seam of the mattress with the scalpel. Take mandrakes. 7. Go to the corridor and take the elevator down to the first floor. Open the door next to the player. Take the blue marble and look at the picture founders. pay attention to symbols on their hats.

8.Open the guarded room using the clues found in the shell.

Secure the plumbing by turning the pipe in a way that connects all the ribs. Turn on the water valve. Return to the bathroom on the second floor. Turn on the faucet to let some water into the sink. Take the metal disk. Flush the toilet, take the key and exit. Pay attention to the picture with flowers on the wall.

Return to the monitoring room with the key. Place the colored pins and rubber band according to the colors of the picture.

9. Take the elevator key and medallion piece.

Take the red marble under the table. Solve puzzles on the table: place the ball in the socket and position the beam switches on the board in such a way that each receiver transmits a beam of light.

Press the toggle switches on the monitors and get a printed sheet.

Pay attention to the time: 12:15:35

Take the elevator up and return to the experiment room on the second floor.

Place the clock hands - indicate 12 hours, 15 minutes and 35 seconds.


10.Climb the elevator and use the key to access the basement.


Enter the room on the left and take note of the clues from the posters: Mandrake good food! Read the warning in front of the prison cell.

Solve the puzzle on the cell door to open it: select all the symbols that match the combination on your printed sheet.

Give the creature a mandrake so it doesn't eat you.

Place the 2 pieces of the medallion in the hatch on the floor and take the large key.

11.Open cell number 1, number 4 (see the numbers written on the body), number 2, number 3, number 1, number 4 and number 2. Take the key that hangs on the leg. Solve the skull puzzle: arrange the skulls so that the symbols match as in the picture Founders.

12. Take the vial, return to the laboratory and place it in the chemical machine. Open the door to the surgery with the key found in the dissecting room and talk to the colonel. After he disappears, inspect the body. Use the scalpel. You have received the disc. Look at the symbols on the body. This is a four-digit code: 1635

13. Return to the first floor.

Enter code. Using a hammer, break the glass vessel with the contents. Use the scalpel. You got an eye. Exit the room and break the crack on the wall with a hammer, take metal disk.

Give the flying creature balls and objects that look like eyes. Go to your room, find the tile indicated on the map and break it with a hammer. Take paper from serum formula.

Enter the experiment lab and place all disks on the computer. Look inside. Rotate all the disks with the arrow buttons the way the weird guy said.

Disk 1: Eye, Disk 2: Mouse, Disk 3: Scalpel, Disk 4: Fly, Disk 5: Sun.

Take the item that looks like a heart and give it to the strange guy from room 2.

Take the two objects that look like eyes, which he will give you, and you need to go back to the basement.

14. Go to the lab and organize the vial of the chemical apparatus as a formula. Take the serum and pay attention to the symbols on the wall.

Click on the red bricks on the wall.

Take the key.

Open the kitchen door and drop the serum on the nurse monster. Click on her dress a few times to find another clue. Open the left drawer and take a jar of flies.

Open the jar on the dissection table. Exit and solve the puzzle using the table's clues.

You have received a magnet.

Find a gambler.

Place the magnet on the gambler's table and play with it: now you can trick it and the balls will always be in the center of the bell! Take the metal ball.

Enter the number next to the player and the open door of Colonel McMillan's office with the nurse's key. Solve the colored puzzle discs on the bookshelf. Each color must match the adjacent

Take the green marble and the key. Place the key in the keyhole on the wall to reveal a new painting outside the frame. Give the creepy kid the last two balls so he can finally get away and play! Use the key on the large door four-digit code 1635.

You got out of this terrible hospital and you are free!


The plot of the game is as simple as five cents: the main character (that is, we) comes to the Forgotn Hill Museum Library to figure out what the hell is going on in the city. To do this, you need to inspect all 4 sections of the museum, along the way solving puzzles and collecting various documents scattered around the building. Please note that the books that you find are scattered here for a reason - they contain important information, you will have to read a lot.

In this guide, documents and items that can be collected are highlighted bold, achievements - underscore.

How to play? (Basics for beginners in point-and-click)

We have at our disposal: inventory, a folder with documents and an old grandfather clock, which is missing a few details. Later we will be able to use the camera found in the library. To re-read the found documents, click on the folder icon in the lower left corner, similarly, clicking on the clock icon takes out the clock (in the first half of the game we will hardly need it). How to interact with the outside world through the items collected in our inventory, will tell a small tutorial at the very beginning of the game. (items don't need to be dragged, just click on them)
If you are stuck and do not know what to do next, you can click on the question mark icon in the upper right corner to bring up a hint. Several hints are given for each puzzle, after viewing them there is an opportunity to skip the riddle.

WARNING: if you want to get all the achievements in one playthrough, you can't use hints!

About achievements

There are a total of 27 achievements in the game, all can be obtained in one playthrough. Most of the achievements are story ones, that is, they cannot be missed, but you will have to try to get the rest - they are either not obvious or require certain actions that are easy to miss, so I advise you to read the list of all the achievements of the game before playing. Most importantly - do not use hints and collect all the documents!

Historical Library

After the cutscene and a short tutorial, we get into the library building and immediately get achievement Welcome (1/27). If the hero immediately tries to leave, he will be stopped by a guard who will say that it is impossible to leave without a special ticket (as they say, entry - ruble, exit - two). Nothing to do but play.

In the first room, examine information poster (2/30) on the left, this is our first document. All documents are stored in a folder, they can be re-read. On the right - the first riddle: you need to swap the pieces of the mosaic in places to get a picture. Once we're done, we'll get key.

We go further into the corridor with two doors and a picture (pay attention to the location of the eyebrows at the skulls, we will need it further). We go in the first door, this is the library. Pick up from the table map of the Historical Library (3/30), we remember the location of the swords in the picture above the table, we pass to the right. There is a closet in which several books are missing, we need to find them. We leave back into the corridor.

The second door is locked, so we go to the right. Here again there are two doors and a sculpture. In a box under the sculpture lies book (4/30), we take it. In the hand of the sculpture - piece of paper. We pass through the left door, pick up from the table letter (5/30) and hypnotic.
The next puzzle is on the chest of drawers, you need to arrange the symbols in the correct order (hint: pay attention to the signs on the left and right. solution: you need to arrange the figures in descending order by the number of corners in them). A locker will open, from which we pick up book (6/30).
Above the chest of drawers is a circle with swords that need to be rotated correctly (hint: remember the painting above the table in the first room. solution: all swords point to the center of the circle). By clicking on each sword, you do not twist it itself, but the one to which it points with its tip. We decide, we take coin, we leave.

The right door leads to the kitchen, which consists of two rooms. We pick up standing in the locker book (7/30), using the previously selected key, open the lower doors. Pick up wine and sugar. We will immediately open the wine, for this we use an opener with a goose's head, it stands right there. To open the bottle, you need to turn the handles in the correct order (hint: remember the picture with skulls. after setting each new position, you need to press the red button, if you do everything right, the goose's head will rise. solution: both centered - right down / left up - right up / left center - both down - both up). We pour the wine into a glass, add sleeping pills there, take the glass and go to the right, into the second room. Here we read recipe book (8/30) and pick up mousetrap. We leave the kitchen.

In the corridor we again go to the right, where we meet the curator of this section. He asks us to bring him wine. We give him wine with sleeping pills, but he does not want to drink without snacks, we will have to cook it. He will give us the key with which we return to the corridor with a picture of skulls and open the second door. Immediately set the mousetrap near the hole. We move the lamp at the very top to the empty picture, click on the red button. An image appears, according to which you need to arrange the items in the closet. We get key, with him we return to the kitchen and open the second drawer, we take out cheese. We go back, put the cheese in the mousetrap. We leave the room, hear a click, return and pick up dead rat. We go to the kitchen, into the back room.

Now you need to cook a crispy snack, how to do this is written in the recipe book (solution: put the mouse on the plate, which lies on the kitchen cabinet, put the plate in the oven. set the time to 15 minutes, the temperature to 180 degrees, the mode is a square with two straight parallel lines. press the button and wait). We take the snack to the curator, he drinks wine and falls asleep, and we Get the achievement Cheers! (2/27). Now we can take from him book (9/30) and gear, which we insert into our watch.

All the books are collected, so we return to the very first room and put them in the closet (hint: the books need to be arranged in a special order, see the note that was taken from the statue). A passage will open in the wall, go there. We select camera and instructions (10/30) to him. The number of pictures is limited and cannot be deleted. Don't shoot everything.

With the help of a camera, the hero can look into a parallel reality - point the lens at the pictures to see how they change. The hint with the code to the safe will also change, you need to type exactly new characters. Pick up from the safe peaks and scissors, let's go back.

In the corridor, we point the camera at a picture with skulls, take a picture of it. We go into the room to the left of the statue, you need to rearrange the cards in the boxes in accordance with the picture you see (hint: the real symbols on the cards can only be seen through the camera). Pick up a hammer.

We return to the curator and cut off a piece of his costume with scissors, from which diamonds. We pass to the very end of the corridor, where the slot machine is located. We carefully examine the walls with a camera, break the wall with a hammer in the place where the cross is drawn. We get worms and Piece of paper with code to install on the dresser- install, collect sharp pencil.

We return to the back room of the kitchen and click on the beetle on the wall, pour sugar on it, and then click on it again so that it attacks us - get the achievement Ouch! (3/27). Click on the beetle again, pour sugar and pierce the beetle with a pencil, after which we place it above the chest of drawers, in the center of the circle with swords and pick up baptize.

We pass to the slot machine, throw a coin into it and start the game. The point is to count the number of burning dots and use the buttons to type the correct answer (for example, if there are 8 dots, dial 5 + 3). We win ticket to the flora and fauna section. We insert all the suits found into the next door to open it. We pass into the transitional location - the entrances to the next three sections are located here, but we can get into them only if we have a ticket. Reading information posters (11/30,12/30,13/30) near each door, then go to the Flora and Fauna section.

Flora and fauna

We show the ticket to the guard, for this we get the right to enter and achievement Flora & Fauna (4/27). In the first corridor, because of the picture with the stork, we get section map Flora and fauna (14/30). We point the camera at the picture and notice that the stork has changed to a candle. We press the red button - the symbol above it and the candle in the picture change, remember this. We examine the first room and move on.

Further along the corridor - a locked door and a riddle with gears, but a few pieces are missing, you'll have to look. In the next corridor we go into the only door, look around, photograph the drawing of the skeleton on the wall. This same skeleton is visible in the next corridor, we need to bring it to the same position as in the figure. To do this, pull the chains above the skeleton, after which we take owl wing and key.

Have you already noticed that on the plates with the names of the skeletons, some letters are underlined? We collect the word from them DYING and use it as a password to open the locker in the very first room, we get gloves.

We return to the corridor with the second skeleton and go into the room with the owl. We read there book (15/30) and attach the wing to the owl. In the same room we pick out with a screwdriver eye skeleton and give it to the owl.

We move on. In the corridor with a cross, click on the cross three times and pick up another one key. We go into the first room, where the curator of this section is waiting for us. She asks us to catch a runaway bird and gives us cage. Reading in the same room book (16/30). We go back, inspect the remaining room. You need to put the pictures in order. We recall that we have already seen such symbols on the button next to the picture and determine their correct sequence (bold hint: each symbol corresponds to a certain length of the candle, we arrange them in order from a non-burning candle to an almost burnt one, decision: circle - triangle - cross with underline - circle with cross - square). We arrange pictures with beetles and get the second wing of an owl.

We return to the corridor with a riddle with gears. Let's set up a bird trap here. A rope hangs above the table, we hang a cage on it. Open the door with the key, go into the room, pick up bucket, mop and screwdriver. Bulb too hot - we take it with gloves.

To catch a bird, you need to know how to lure it - for this, let's turn to books Amazing Creatures and Amazing Plants. From them we learn that the bird likes special fruits with an unpronounceable name, which I will call pears for convenience. We need to grow them, you can do this in a room with plants, but first you need to neutralize the most aggressive. To do this, we return to the first room, open the showcase with "dangerous firefly" and take it with gloves. Then we throw a "firefly" to an aggressive flower, after which it will explode, and we can fill the bucket with the resulting slime, as well as photograph the poster with the skeleton that this plant blocked. We pull out from a neighboring pot mandrake, let's go right. We insert the light bulb into the lamp, and hang the mandrake on a hook.

In the corridor we give the skeleton the correct position, as a reward we get poster and knife. We return to our mandrake and hit it with a knife, the flowing juice will help the "pear" to germinate. We pick up the fruit and return to the trap, put the pear on the table. Now you can find and scare away the bird so that it flies right into our hands. We press the button to lower the cage, but the length of the rope is not enough - we need to fix it.

In the very first room, we hang a full bucket by the hook and get gear. In the second room we hang a poster on the wall, take pictures to find out the numerical password - 23759 to be dialed in the room with the owl, for this we get eye to insert the owl. The owl is ready, a panel with a color puzzle opens (hint: carefully examine the paintings with bugs through the camera. solution: according to the colors of the paintings - green - yellow - red - blue - gray). The "second level" of the puzzle will open, here you need to dot in accordance with the colors not of the paintings themselves, but of the points under them and attention, very obscure, swap dots and pictures (i.e. all dots at the bottom, all rectangles at the top. don't change the sequence, just move up and down). We get the second gear.

In the room with the owl, we pass to the right and notice a poster with rings on the sides of it - you need to pull them in the sequence indicated on the poster (how to pull the rings at the same time? use the mop!). We get the third last gear and back to the puzzle. It is necessary to pave the way from a spinning gear to a non-rotating one. The end result looks like this:

Now you can catch the bird. We press the button and pick up the cage, we take the bird to the hostess. She scolds us for being slow and leaves, leaving us key and Bird catcher achievement (5/27). Pick up right here gear and insert into our watch.

The resulting key is inserted on the pedestal with an owl, activating it. The owl will begin to move its wings, indicating to us the sequence both wings down - both up - right in the middle / left up - right down / left in the middle to remember and use in the very last room on the handles of the machine. We do everything right and get ticket to the section Secrets of the deep sea.

Secrets of the deep sea

We show the ticket to the guard and get achievement Sea Mysteries (6/27). In the first corridor, we remove from the jaw of the fish map of the section Secrets of the deep sea (17/30), we notice that several teeth are missing. We move further along the corridor and go into the first open door. There are containers with jellyfish here, but you can't activate them - there is no light. Pick up tooth, hidden behind jellyfish and leave.

There are two doors in the next corridor - nothing works in the first room, and in the second there is a section curator who asks to bring him fish or not to distract him over trifles. Let's look for fish!

We pass to the right and photograph the poster, then we go to the technical room (left door). Pick up bolt cutter and jar of worms, worms immediately pour into a meat grinder.
A huge fish skeleton hangs in the right room, we remove another one from it tooth and knob, we return to the meat grinder. How to turn the knob, we have already discovered - see your last photo. IMPORTANT: do not let go of the knob until you scroll all the turns at all; do not let go, even if you start to twist in the other direction. Pick up a plate of minced meat and return to the very first door.

Now that we have a bolt cutter, we can open the first door, just cut off the lock. We immediately find out why the electricity went out - the generator ran out of fuel. What can a generator run on in a section full of fish? .. That's right, on worms. Pour our stuffing into the funnel and raise the lever. Electricity included.
In the same room we open the safe (hint: start turning down. make sure that all divisions are green. solution: 4 down - 6 up - 6 down - 4 up - 4 down), pick up tooth, bottle and wiring diagram, read book (18/30).

There are two puzzles in this section with building an electrical circuit, now we need the one that is farther from the entrance (we will call this circuit long, and the one closer to the entrance - short). We solve it using the connection diagram. (hint: watch the lines where the symbols are). As a result, we get the scheme:

Pay attention to the position of the toggle switch: the electricity in the nearest room will turn on only if the current goes to it, and not to another circuit (as in the screenshot).

We go into the room on the left and activate the curtain. Each button calls a certain fish, and the central one - a harpoon. The meaning of the puzzle is to launch the fish into the aquarium in a certain sequence so as not to frighten everyone away. To do this, you will have to read about interspecies relations in the book. Creatures of the Deep. (decision: correct sequence of clicks - bottom right - top left - top right - bottom left - center).

We pick up the fish and bring it to the curator. He moves away, allowing us to enter the room, and we get Fish catcher achievement (7/27). We remove from the left fish gear(immediately insert into the clock) and map, by clicking on the right one, we speak with the captive child, we give him water from the bottle, for this they give us tooth. However, he is still thirsty, more water needs to be found.

We pass to the end of the corridor, after the machine we select more tooth. We go into the room, put a map on the aquarium and click on it - the fish will highlight the correct sequence of characters. In the back room we pick up the sixth, last tooth.

We return to the jaw and insert all the teeth, we get drill. We pass a little to the right and solve a puzzle with symbols - we substitute those prompted by the fish from the last room. Pick up fuse and eye.

In the room in which we were fishing, we pass to the far aquarium and use the drill in the lower right corner. We fill the bottle with flowing water, then by pressing the red button we take it out key. We take the water to the child and get a valuable, but not yet clear clue. In the same room, we insert an eye into the left stuffed fish, we get one more hint - an image of a fish and a number, we photograph them.

In the corridor with the poster we go into the right door, we solve the riddle with the picture (solution: select the desired image with the top button and press the bottom button three times), pick up pearl. We pass to the corridor with a machine gun, open the wall box with the key and take it from there fossil. We go into the very last room and hang the fossil on the wall, then collect the drawing. Now all the fossils need to be positioned correctly, for this we recall what the captive child told us (solution: everyone looks to the left, except for the lower right fish). We get bone, to be inserted into the skeleton of a large fish.

We're going to make a second, short electrical circuit. First make sure that the toggle switch on the long chain is in position 1 (the left light is on), then you can proceed to the assembly. First of all, put the fuse in place. In this diagram, we need to rotate the arrows like this. so that the current flows smoothly. Just turn the arrows in the direction of current flow. The finished circuit looks like this:

We expose the toggle switch to the left and go into the room with jellyfish, go to the curtain and open it. We play the local analogue of the game "beat the mole" - we press the button corresponding to the jug from which the eye pops out. The last jug is broken. We return to the long chain and switch the toggle switch, and then we go to the technical room (the first door in the corridor with the poster) and press the green buttons in the correct sequence (hint: the top button corresponds to a small ball, the bottom one to a large one. Think about where we could see it. decision: bottom - top - top - bottom - top). Colored lights come on. Again we switch the toggle switch in a long chain and return to the jellyfish. Colored wires appeared above their banks - we arrange them in accordance with the colors of the light bulbs from the previous room and press the button. Remembering the sequence of colors blue - red - yellow - green, go to the room with a large skeleton and in this sequence knock on the painted bones, after which new details will appear in the skeleton, the colors of which can be seen through the camera. This is a clue to the puzzle in the very last room (hint: turn all knobs so they point up. solution: press the handles in the order red - green - yellow - green - red - red). We take it out of the sink coin, and in return we put a pearl - we get key.

We approach the machine and unlock it with the key, then put a coin and start the game. Our task is to help the boat reach its final destination, for this you need to correctly answer all the questions (correct answers: 2 - spider (third picture) - 2 - 1 - 1). We win ticket to the Art of Sculpture section.

Sculpture art

We continue our tour. As usual, we show the ticket and get the achievement Sculptural Art (8/27). In the first corridor we take away the hidden behind the right sculpture map of the section Art of Sculpture (19/30), and photograph the left sculpture. We go into the room and pick up from the cherub rag. We move along the section, inspecting the rooms. We pass to the right to the corridor with a sculpture suspended from the ceiling and go through the left door, where the curator of the section is torturing the boy. Our task is to take him out of the room and help the child. We take a picture of the table at which the boy is sitting in order to find out another combination of characters.

We return to the corridor and go to the right, put the correct combination on the pole (hint: we already found it) and pick it up map, which we take to the room with projectors. We insert the card into the desired projector (the symbols must be the same), from the opened box we take out butter.

In the second corridor, we grease the wheels of the statue of an angel and move it away from the doors, we go in. We throw a rag on the head of the sculpture "I see you" and take it away marble balls.
With balls we go into the room with the statue of the lizard, we look at it through the camera. Use the balls on the statue ( you need to place them in those holes in which closed eyes are located in a parallel reality) and take another map. Insert the card into the projector and pick up key.

The key opens a locked room in the corridor with a hanging sculpture, we go in there. Here on the pedestals are children-statues, they need to be placed in the correct order by weight so that all the pedestals are on the same level. If you did everything right, all the pedestals will rise up. The correct order looks like this:

*when solving the puzzle, the pedestals will be lower than on the screen, I just didn’t manage to catch the moment when they don’t rise yet

Let's take another one map and eye. We insert the card into the projector and get sheet. We insert the eye into the empty eye socket of the lizard sculpture, a chain will descend from the ceiling, pulling on it, we will open the elevator. Take the elevator to the -1 floor. Here we read book (20/30) and go to the back room.
We take the jar and solve the puzzle (hint: arrange the numbers so that you get equality. Please note that a three-digit number in this case can only begin with the number 1. solution: 99+8+5+4+7=123 ). We get map.

We insert the last card into the projector, now it can be used. By dragging each projector, you change the image by shrinking and expanding it, or moving it up/down.

We go into the corridor with 4 sculptures. Have you already noticed that every time we are not looking, they change their position? There are miniatures of these sculptures scattered around the section, which show the correct pose and serial number of each, this order needs to be recreated (hint: they only move when we are not looking, which means we need to hide each one from our eyes one by one. solution: we take a sheet and cover each sculpture with it in turn, when we remove the sheet, it changes its position. miniatures with the correct poses are in the room with projectors and at the very end of the corridor). If we did everything right, we get pattern sheet.

We return to the projectors and recreate the drawing from the sheet. Here I don’t even know what hints can be given: clearly follow the drawing, if a circle is drawn, we make a circle, if an oval, we stretch the circle to an oval. If it doesn't work, check if each element is evenly spaced. If it fails again, try making the image bigger or smaller, or exit the puzzle and try again. We get mandolin and key.

In the corridor with the fallen angel, insert the key into the lock and scroll the symbols to the correct position (we have a hint in the photos), pick up a piece of paper, with which we return to the corridor with a suspended statue. The statue has a bowl of meat in its hands, we collect it in a jar and go into the room with the children on the pedestals. We need to set the height of the pedestals in accordance with the picture, for this we feed the children with meat (solution: we feed the children in order a certain number of times: 3 times - 1 time - 2 times - 2 times - 3 times - 1 time - 0 (do not feed) - 2 times). Take from the opened box mascot, its shape is also repeated in the hall with projectors (hint: the upper circle of the figure of two circles and a single circle are superimposed on each other), we take key and flute.

The key opens the locked door in the room with the "I See You" sculpture. There is another sculpture inside, we read about it in the book Forgotten Hill Museum Sculpture Collection. The poster has a triangle (true) and a circle (false). If you look at the sculpture through the camera, you can see the symbol on her forehead - this is the direction she points with her finger. We need to follow the path of truth (hint: remember the name of the sculpture. solution: the sculpture is called "Sincere Liar" - it cannot be trusted. if it shows that the true path is on the right, we go to the left and vice versa) and pick up mushrooms. We go back, remember what the book says: "the true path is not always the right one", similarly we go along the false path to the riddle with faces (hint: pay attention to the location of the faces to the right and left of the riddle field. solution: you need to get 4 rows with the same faces in each, the faces must go in the same order as the faces on the sides of the puzzle field. press the red buttons: middle left - top right twice - top middle thrice - top left twice - middle right twice - middle - bottom middle thrice - middle - top right - bottom right thrice). We get a figurine, which we also reproduce in a room with projectors to open tambourine and key.

In the very first room, we give the cherubs a mandolin, a flute and a tambourine. We go to the elevator and insert the key into the lock near the button -2 floors, we go down there. Pick up pickaxe, a hint about what to do with it - in the picture with the devil and the saint in the corridor, we look at it through the camera (solution: the devil is a fallen angel, we just have a fallen statue of an angel. we cut off her head and place it on a pike under the picture). When we finish, we pick up score and return to the orchestra of cherubs, put the notes on the stand. The music starts The Long Live Opera achievement drops! (9/27), and we are going to save the child from the curator of this section.

The curator is distracted by the music and leaves, and we can give the boy mushrooms. His pain decreases, in gratitude they give us coin. With a coin, we approach the machine in the very last corridor and start the game, the meaning of which is to light all the lights while the eyes of the head are closed. If the eyes open, and we continue to light the bulbs - we are caught, we start again. Then we are asked to "hear the correct ticking" - we take out the clock. The machine drives off, opening the passage. Naturally, we go into it.

We get into a room with a bookcase, pick up book(21/30) and gear. We insert the gear into the clock and, after receiving the achievement with the eloquent name New reality? (10/27) we realize that we have fallen into a parallel reality - the one that the camera has been showing us all this time.

Now, taking out the watch, we can switch between realities (if you suddenly get confused which one you are in, look at the icon on the watch. the sun is a normal reality, the crescent is a nightmarish parallel).

Another Reality: The Art of Sculpture

We leave the room with a closet into the corridor, in the book of inventions we read about the mechanism of the pillar with a password. We expose the symbols that we like (( first we click on the circle with the child until the first symbol changes to the one we need (absolutely whatever you want), then we fix its value by clicking on it and twist the circle again to change other symbols. similarly set all 4 characters)) and go left to the corridor with a puzzle on the wall. There we enter the password we invented and take sickle. Here we go into the room and pick up rag from the head of the sculpture. In the very first corridor, we throw a rag on the statue on the right, this will allow us to pick up tentacle.

We go into the corridor with a suspended sculpture, take out the watch and return to normal reality. We cut off the rope on which the sculpture with the bowl hangs, return to another reality and take a piece of paper. It may seem that it depicts a face, but in fact it is also a symbol that can be repeated on projectors. We do this, returning to normal reality, the table with the projectors will rise. In another reality, we understand that this is a door locked with a password.

We go into the room with the elevator and pull the chain to return the lizard statue to its place. As you can see, this is no longer a statue, but an ordinary lizard - we feed it a tentacle, we get feces and Feeder achievement (11/27). We return the elevator to its place and go down to the -1 floor. Reading book (22/30), from which we learn that the curators are turning children into Nynchkuddi, we pass into the back room and return to normal reality. The feces in our inventory turned into a blue sapphire - we insert it into an empty place in the blue picture (remember how the pictures looked or look through the camera). We return to another reality and take yellow card.

Again we pass to normal reality and return to the room with cherubs, inside it we pass to another reality (all this dregs with transitions back and forth is needed because in another reality there is no door to this room and we can neither enter nor exit). There are three boxes with the signs of the sun, wood and fire. We insert the yellow card into a suitable box, we get brain.

Similarly, we repeat the already familiar algorithm: we return to normal reality, leave the room, move to another reality and feed the brain to the lizard to pick up feces. Then we act exactly as last time - turn the feces into a gem to get green card, which we change to heart, we feed the heart to the lizard, feces change to red card. Change the red card to fingers, lizard feces - on a ruby, insert it into the last picture and get a hint with a password from the door. You can take a picture of the hint, but note that the camera still shows the wrong reality you are in, which means you have to go, take a picture and return.

We go down to the -2 floor, pick up letter (23/30).

We return to the locked door and type the correct characters, open it. Inside we are waiting for a meeting with the curator in all its glory. Our task is to beat him three times in the "Devil's Game", the rules are described in the game itself in sufficient detail, so I will not dwell on them.

How to beat Gustav Mellor?

The first game: move diagonally left down - move diagonally left down - shield diagonally right up - shield right

Second game: move diagonally to the right down - move to the right - shield diagonally to the right up - shield to the left - diagonally to the left down from us there is an obstacle, put the shield in a cage under it

Third game: move left - shield diagonally left down - shield down - move left - shield right - shield up - shield diagonally left up

Perhaps there are other ways, I tell you how I personally played.

The curator is defeated and goes to hell get the achievement Phantom of the Opera (12/27) and we can leave. Don't worry about Nynchkuddy, we'll be back for them until we have the tools to free them. We leave the section of the Art of Sculpture into the common corridor, read again information posters (24/30, 25/30, 26/30)- the text on them has changed. We pass into the section Secrets of the deep sea.

Another reality: Secrets of the deep sea

We go into the section and immediately go to the right, into the corridor with two riddles. We solve the first one - you need to open all eyes (solution: just click on all eyes in a row clockwise, starting from the leftmost one), take crowbar. We pass to the very end, on the way we examine the rooms and corridors, we go into the very last room and return to normal reality in order to go to the farthest room. Open the shell with a crowbar, go to another reality and click on the eye - it will show us the sequence ( bottom right - top right - top left - bottom left - top left - top right - bottom left - bottom left) in which you want to rotate the triangles on the wall. We remember or photograph the result - this is the answer to the riddle with triangles, it is on the wall in one of the corridors. We solve the second riddle, select transparencies and a piece of paper. We go into the room with the captive child, insert the slide into the light bulb, photograph the symbols.

On a piece of paper is written the answer to a riddle located in the second corridor to the right of the door. We solve it and get key. In the room with jellyfish, insert the key into the lock and turn it, the jellyfish will shock in sequence blue - yellow - red - green - red - blue - yellow. We return to the room with a huge fish skeleton and click on the colored circles in this sequence, we take it from the first aid kit scalpel.

We go to the very first room and with a scalpel we cut out lamps from the monster's flesh, get the achievement Surgeon (13/27). We go into the room with two large aquariums, we need a distant one. We insert a green lamp on the left, a red lamp on the right. A door will appear, but we cannot open it yet.

We pass into normal reality, we go into the technical room. We take out the camera, we see that a picture hangs on the wall - we photograph it. We pass into another reality, we take away newspaper (27/30). We pass back to the normal world and return to the room with two aquariums. This time we need the first one. We pass into another reality. This is where the picture comes in handy, it shows which numbers to dial and which buttons to press to move the fish, as well as the sequence in which the fish should be. The end result (on the screen) will give us saw:

We go to the jaw of the fish and saw off the wooden stakes. They need to be taken to the very last room, there and plug 4 holes in the box corresponding to certain symbols. We look at the symbols through the camera, which ones need to be closed, we already know - those shown by the transparencies. We move to normal reality, pick up a starfish and return back to the world of nightmares.

We insert the star into the locked door, go in and meet with the curator, who also needs to be beaten in the "Devil's Game".

How to beat Adam Drake?

The first game: move to the right - move diagonally right down - find the cell diagonally on the top right and put the shield ABOVE it - move diagonally to the right up - diagonally to the left down shield - diagonally to the right up shield - find the shield located diagonally to the left down from us, put another shield UNDER it

Second game: move diagonally to the right down, then arrange the shields, as in the screenshot:

Third game: everything is elementary here - a shield on the left - a shield on top - a shield on the bottom - a shield on the right

Adam Drake is going to hell, why are we get achievement Sea Fruits (14/27), we can go to the Flora and Fauna section.

Another Reality: Flora and Fauna

We immediately pass into the second corridor and solve the puzzle on the wall. Here are the cards - they are arranged in two circles of 4 cards each. For a short time, we will be shown the location of all the cards, we need to remember at least one pair of the same. (hint: every time we correctly mark a pair of identical cards, the circles rotate, and not in accordance with the arrows, but vice versa, that is, the right circle is clockwise, the left one is counterclockwise. solution: always choose cards 1 and 3 in the bottom row). We get gears and empty vial.

We immediately apply the gears to the owl, remember the sequence left wing down/right up - left up/right down - left in the middle/right down - left down/right in the middle which she shows. We go out into the corridor, move to the right and apply this sequence to the crucified child (we put the correct position of the hands - we pull the chain, then we put a new one). The cache is opened piece of paper. We go into the left room, take it from the table letter (28/30).

We go to the very first room, solve the riddle on the right box - a hint on a piece of paper in our inventory. How to solve: The buttons control the movement and rotation of the arrows. the order of the positions we need is written on the sheet - we move the arrows so that the top one points to a circle, and the bottom one - to a triangle, press the button. then so that the top one looks at the square, and the bottom one looks at the line, press the button, and so on in accordance with the hint on the sheet. We get axe, we break a test tube with a floating embryo and we'll get it.

We go into the room with plants, move to normal reality, fill an empty bottle with juice, go into the right room. There we go to another reality and cut off with an ax hand. We return to normal reality to leave the room, then back to parallel reality. We pass into the room with the owl, we chop off the skeleton standing on the left scull and back to plants. We attach the skull to the leftmost plant, we get secateurs. In normal reality, cut with pruners pumpkin, we pass into the next room, again we move to another reality and cut off the plant in the form of a half sun-half moon with a pruner - Prunus Bipertitus.

We pass into the room with the monster guarding the child. Insert Prunus Bipertitus into the poster in the middle, pick up shirt. Pour the juice of the plant into the pot, it grows fetus, which we cut with secateurs. We return to the room with the owl and put the embryos on the scales: vegetable - on the right, human - on the left. Pick up key and a piece of paper. We open the locker on which the owl stands, we take from it hat and gloves. We go into the technical room and with the help of gloves we pick up tentacles.

We pass into the room with crows and read what is written about them in the book - only the worst scarecrow can scare them away. We build a scarecrow: on the cross set behind them we put on a pumpkin, a human hand, tentacles, a shirt and a hat. It worked, the birds fly away, and we got Scarecrow achievement (15/27). Now you can lift wrench- they need unscrew the grate in the technical room to get corpse of a frog.

We return to the first room and solve the riddle with beetles - you need to press the buttons in the sequence that is written on the piece of paper we found. From the opened box we get dead frog. In a parallel reality in the far room with plants, you can see a drawing on the table - six hooks, something is suspended behind the second and sixth. We return to the corridor and hang the frogs on the second and sixth hooks. We get ornament, which we insert into the door in the room with the scarecrow. As you might guess, in this room we will meet with the curator.

How to beat Abigail Blumenthal?

The first game: move diagonally right up - move diagonally right up - shield diagonally left down - shield diagonally right down - shield left - shield right

Second game: move diagonally to the left down - move diagonally to the left down - shield diagonally to the right up, then put the shields around us counterclockwise

Third game: move diagonally right down - move right - move diagonally right down - move down - shield up

Evil spirit neutralized Devil's Granny achievement (16/27) our. We can continue our tour of the museum.

Another Reality: Historical Library

From the table at which the curator drank wine, we take a piece of paper, in the next corridor we take away from the statue mandrake. We move along the corridor to the left and go into the right door, we read newspaper (29/30). We pass even further along the corridor to the exit, examine the map on the table in the first room. Reading in the hallway information poster (30/30), earn the Bibliophile achievement (17/27). Click on the puzzle on the right - you need to insert a piece of paper that we found on the table into it. We point the magnifying glass in turn at each symbol in the column and remember which of them the moon points to us (counting from top to bottom - first - fourth - second - third - fifth) This will come in handy for the next puzzle.

We use the obtained values ​​to solve the puzzle on the box on which the sculpture stands, and get urine bottle. We take it to the room from which the newspaper was taken and pour it onto the closet. We pass into normal reality and turn on the lamp, highlighting the spot. In another reality, we see a hint: you need to swap the Moon and the Sun, for this just swap the moon and sun pictures that hang in the hallway and in the kitchen. After that, the kitchen will appear key, we use it in a room with spilled urine. A hint will appear with a piece of the card and the number 2.

We go to the kitchen and read the recipe for mandrake bread. To find out the cooking time and temperature, we solve a system of equations (the correct answer is 90 minutes at 120 degrees). The mode is written in the book. Then we put the mandrake in the oven, set the settings and get the finished bread. We give the bread into the hands of the statue, a hint appears with another piece of the map and the number 3. We pass into normal reality, go through the door to the left of the statue and return to another world. Pick up a piece of paper, go out into the corridor with the picture and use the hint from this piece of paper - you need to click on the circle with a cross three times. The picture falls, we take out the hidden behind it a photo.

We go into the first room, from it we pass into the room with photographs and hang the photo we found in an empty frame. The Eyeball sword appears (the name itself is a clue what to do with it) and achievement Legendary Swordsman 18/27). We go back and we pierce the eye located above the entrance to the tunnel, the last piece of the picture appears with the number 1. We approach the map and click on the pieces in the correct order in accordance with all the prompts. A passage opens into the room where the curator is waiting for us.

How to beat Ioan Thompson?

The first game: move diagonally up left - move left - shield right - shield diagonally down - shield down

Second game: move diagonally down right - move right - shield left - shield diagonally up left - shield up

Third game: move to the left - shield down - shield diagonally up to the right - shield to the right - shield to the left

Done with insects get achievement Mulled Wine 19/27). However, we are not in a hurry to rejoice - there is still a guard in the building, and he will not let us out just like that.

How to defeat the guard?

In the room in which we got rid of Thompson, we pick up the gun hanging on the wall. The case for small - to kill the guard.

WARNING: if you're going to get all the achievements in one playthrough, don't shoot the guard. Let him kill you and get the achievement Dead (20/27)!

As soon as we leave the room, a guard will immediately appear in front of us. Our job is to have time to click on one of the sight icons that will appear on it. Please note that he will not die the first time, you will have to run around all the sections (you don’t need to go into the rooms, in any case he will be in one of the corridors). We kill the guard-rat and get achievement Killer (21/27), we take from the corpse from the belt key. We return to the library and open the locked door near the table.

Finale: Save the Children

Having opened the door, we find ourselves in the Lost and Found - here are collected all the items that we used during the game. We can take any three items with us (of which only one key), then return them to their place and take others. Let's start the rescue operation!

In total, 20 children are locked in the museum building, for the glory of mercy and achievements, we must release them all.

In the lost and found we take a saw, a sheet (it lies on a shelf) and a bolt cutter. We go to the very first room, we talk with the child under the carpet - he cannot go out, because the picture is watching him. We cover the picture with a sheet and click on the carpet. First child free! We take the sheet back.

We pass into normal reality, go into the room to the left of the statue and return to another world. We release second child with the help of a saw, we return to the corridor.

We go into the kitchen, cut off the lock from the box with a bolt cutter. third child released.

We return to the lost and found office, hand over all the junk back and take a brush and pliers. Move to the Art of Sculpture section, into the hallway with the bowl statue. We dip the brush into the bowl with meat and go into the right door. We pull out the nails with pliers from the head fourth child, He's leaving.

We return to the library, to the kitchen. With a brush, paint over the picture with the witch. We go to the right, into the room with the oven and hit the bell in the upper left corner. Open the tray and take out chicken leg, which we give fifth child. Now he is full and has enough strength to run.

We take the brush and pliers to the Bureau, take the second key, knife and sickle. We go to the Flora and fauna section, we open the picture with a candle with a knife, we see a cage with sixth child. We unlock it with the key. We pass into the back room with plants, cut off with a sickle six eyes from the bush, we return to the Bureau.

We take scissors and a silver key, go to the section of the Secrets of the Depths. We go into the room with jellyfish, go to the far aquarium and cut the ropes from seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth child. We go into the room with eleventh child in a cage, insert the key into the lock. Now you need to solve the puzzle by substituting the correct pictures (hint: one of these pictures is drawn on the wall of each section, go through them all and find them. solution: coffin - gallows - drowned man - puppet). The child is free.

Go to the section Art of Sculpture, take the elevator down to the -2nd floor. We substitute six eyes for the sculpture, we get key. We go upstairs to a room with children chained to the pedestals. We unlock as many as eight children received key.

The last, twentieth child remained. We return to the Bureau, put the silver key and scissors in place, pick up the crowbar, bolt cutter and the first key. We go to the kitchen, in the back room we open the locker with the key, we select meat. We move to the Flora and fauna section, straight to the child locked in a cage. We distract the monster by putting meat on the plate. Unlocking the last one twentieth child by cutting off the lock with a bolt cutter.

We return to the library and head to the exit. Children crowded near the doors - count them, there should be 20 of them. If less, then you missed someone. We remove the boards from the front door with a crowbar (press 4 times), DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR, OTHERWISE THE GAME WILL END!!! WE ARE NOT LEAVING YET. We return to the Bureau and hand over all the things that we took back. We are not thieves.

Now we can all run! We return to the doors and open them, watch the final cut-scene. We get a whole mountain of achievements at a time - Fugitive (22/27)(for leaving the museum) Good but not great (23/27)(for saving not all children, but when saving all, it drops automatically), Witch Hunter (24/27)(for the salvation of all children), Brainiac (25/27)(only if you didn't use hints!) and Fair Play (26/27)(to get this achievement, you need to leave the museum building with an empty inventory).

If you are not a perfectionist, you can stop there. However, we only got 26 achievements, and there are 27 in total. Let's spend another two minutes and finish the game to the end.

The latest achievement is called "Carpenter" and has an interesting description - "take the first step towards your future career." Its meaning is difficult to understand right off the bat, but getting it is actually very simple. In the main menu of the game, press the "Play" button (DO NOT start a new game). We find ourselves at the point of the last save - near the doors of the museum. We tear off the boards with a crowbar, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. We go to the Bureau, hand over everything that is in our inventory and pick up the tools needed in our "future profession" carpenter - namely saw, hammer and drill, then we can exit. Done, last achievement Carpenter (27/27) ours, the game is 100% completed.


After the “welcome” speech of the nurse you find yourself locked inside a hospital room/cell, but after a while someone (a laughing children?) comes and open your door…


Open the drawer using the hint in the calendar: October - 4 - 21=> 10421 and collect the bunch of keys.


Use the keys on the door of the experiments room. Take note of the red bones position in hand poster.

In the corridor place the switches on the wall according to the clue seen in the foot poster.

Trick to position correctly: move all switches to the bottom by dragging down the second and the fourth, than move up the first and the 4th of one position

Collect the key and use it to open the locker in the nurse room. Collect the scalpel, lightbulb and the bottle of acid.



Go back to the left corridor and enter the toilet. Look inside the sink and try to catch the metal disk. Use acid on the weird finger that is holding it. Take note of the symbols that will appear inside the sink.


Use the bunch of keys to open the patient room number 2. Speack with the strange guy and remember what he says: The truth is a staring eye, a gray mouse, a sharp scalpel, a huge fly in a sunny day.

Collect the piece of paper behind him.

Go back to your room and cut the mattress seam with the scalpel. Take the mandrake.

Go ahead in the corridor and take the elevator to the first floor.

Open the door next to the gambler. Take the blue marble and watch the founders picture. Take note of the symbols on their hats.


Open the maintainance room using the hints found in the sink.

Fix the plumbing by rotating the pipes in the way that all edges are connected. Turn on the water valve.


Go back to the bathroom on the second floor. Turn on the tap to let some water run in the sink. Take the metal disk.

Flush the toilet, take the key and go out. Take note of the flowers picture on the wall.


Go back to floor number 1 and open the monitoring room with the eye key. Place the colored pins and rubber band according to the flowers picture.

Take the elevator key and the medallion's piece.

Collect the red marble under the table. Fix the monitoring system by solving the puzzle on the table: place the bulb in its socket and arrange the ray switches on the board in a way that every receiver is hit by the light ray.

Click on the monitors and collect the printed sheet. Take note of the time: 12:15:35

Take the lift and go back to the experiments room on the second floor.

Place the clock hands in a way it indicates 12 hours, 15 minutes and 35 seconds. Collect the piece of medallion and the metal disc.

Welcome to the Forgotten Hill: Surgery game, and if you don't mind doing scary quests, then sit back and start playing in full screen! Attention: the game has scary and bloody scenes, it is not suitable for children!

Welcome to Colonel Mac Milan's Surgical Clinic! You woke up in an ominous and cold room and do not remember how you ended up here. The only thing we are sure of is that we need to run away from here as quickly as possible! Don't panic, escape requires preparation! You will have to solve many puzzles of the scary quest, you will meet disgusting things and scary symbols. Can you survive in this hell?

How to play

This is the third escape quest from the Forgotten Hills, our hero will meet with the ghosts of the surgical department, obsessed with madmen and the results of criminal experiments. Explore every centimeter of the sinister place, memorize the symbols and the location of objects. Communicate with everyone who is ready to speak and do not be afraid of defeat: each time you will start with a new experience.

Video walkthrough of the game "Forgotten Hill: Surgery"

Forgotten Hill: Surgery step by step guide will help you understand how to complete each step of the puzzle. Watch it as a last resort, do not deprive yourself of the joy of discovering the mysteries of a terrible quest!

Game Features:

  • creepy sound effects;
  • interesting puzzles;
  • strange characters and mystical objects;
  • you can play the quest in Russian.

Expand the playing field to appreciate the creepy graphics of the Surgery of the Forgotten Hills and make it easier for yourself to pass. Enjoy the game and be sure to write your impressions!

1.After "greeting" the nurse, you find yourself locked in a hospital room/cage, but after a while someone comes and opens the door...

2.Open the drawer using the hints in the calendar:

On the calendar, a hint to the code:

You have received a bunch of keys.

3. Buttons on the experiment room door. Pay attention to the position of the red bones on the poster:

4. In the corridor, put the switches on the wall in accordance with the hint on the poster.

Select the key and use it to open the locker in the nurse's room. Take scalpel, light bulb and bottle of acid.

5. Return to the left corridor and enter the toilet.

Look inside the sink and try to catch the metal disk. Use the acid on the strange finger that is holding it. Pay attention to the symbols that will appear inside the shell.

6. Use a bunch of keys to open the patient room number 2. Talk to the strange guy, and remember what he says: It's true - an eye looks, a gray mouse, a sharp scalpel, a huge fly on a sunny day. Take the piece of paper behind him. Return to your room and cut the seam of the mattress with the scalpel. Take mandrakes. 7. Go to the corridor and take the elevator down to the first floor. Open the door next to the player. Take the blue marble and look at the picture founders. pay attention to symbols on their hats.

8.Open the guarded room using the clues found in the shell.

Secure the plumbing by turning the pipe in a way that connects all the ribs. Turn on the water valve. Return to the bathroom on the second floor. Turn on the faucet to let some water into the sink. Take the metal disk. Flush the toilet, take the key and exit. Pay attention to the picture with flowers on the wall.

Return to the monitoring room with the key. Place the colored pins and rubber band according to the colors of the picture.

9. Take the elevator key and medallion piece.

Take the red marble under the table. Solve puzzles on the table: place the ball in the socket and position the beam switches on the board in such a way that each receiver transmits a beam of light.

Press the toggle switches on the monitors and get a printed sheet.

Pay attention to the time: 12:15:35

Take the elevator up and return to the experiment room on the second floor.

Place the clock hands - indicate 12 hours, 15 minutes and 35 seconds.


10.Climb the elevator and use the key to access the basement.


Enter the room on the left and take note of the clues from the posters: Mandrake good food! Read the warning in front of the prison cell.

Solve the puzzle on the cell door to open it: select all the symbols that match the combination on your printed sheet.

Give the creature a mandrake so it doesn't eat you.

Place the 2 pieces of the medallion in the hatch on the floor and take the large key.

11.Open cell number 1, number 4 (see the numbers written on the body), number 2, number 3, number 1, number 4 and number 2. Take the key that hangs on the leg. Solve the skull puzzle: arrange the skulls so that the symbols match as in the picture Founders.

12. Take the vial, return to the laboratory and place it in the chemical machine. Open the door to the surgery with the key found in the dissecting room and talk to the colonel. After he disappears, inspect the body. Use the scalpel. You have received the disc. Look at the symbols on the body. This is a four-digit code: 1635

13. Return to the first floor.

Enter code. Using a hammer, break the glass vessel with the contents. Use the scalpel. You got an eye. Exit the room and break the crack on the wall with a hammer, take metal disk.

Give the flying creature balls and objects that look like eyes. Go to your room, find the tile indicated on the map and break it with a hammer. Take paper from serum formula.

Enter the experiment lab and place all disks on the computer. Look inside. Rotate all the disks with the arrow buttons the way the weird guy said.

Disk 1: Eye, Disk 2: Mouse, Disk 3: Scalpel, Disk 4: Fly, Disk 5: Sun.

Take the item that looks like a heart and give it to the strange guy from room 2.

Take the two objects that look like eyes, which he will give you, and you need to go back to the basement.

14. Go to the lab and organize the vial of the chemical apparatus as a formula. Take the serum and pay attention to the symbols on the wall.

Click on the red bricks on the wall.

Take the key.

Open the kitchen door and drop the serum on the nurse monster. Click on her dress a few times to find another clue. Open the left drawer and take a jar of flies.

Open the jar on the dissection table. Exit and solve the puzzle using the table's clues.

You have received a magnet.

Find a gambler.

Place the magnet on the gambler's table and play with it: now you can trick it and the balls will always be in the center of the bell! Take the metal ball.

Enter the number next to the player and the open door of Colonel McMillan's office with the nurse's key. Solve the colored puzzle discs on the bookshelf. Each color must match the adjacent

Take the green marble and the key. Place the key in the keyhole on the wall to reveal a new painting outside the frame. Give the creepy kid the last two balls so he can finally get away and play! Use the key on the large door four-digit code 1635.

You got out of this terrible hospital and you are free!


After the “welcome” speech of the nurse you find yourself locked inside a hospital room/cell, but after a while someone (a laughing children?) comes and open your door…


Open the drawer using the hint in the calendar: October - 4 - 21=> 10421 and collect the bunch of keys.


Use the keys on the door of the experiments room. Take note of the red bones position in hand poster.

In the corridor place the switches on the wall according to the clue seen in the foot poster.

Trick to position correctly: move all switches to the bottom by dragging down the second and the fourth, than move up the first and the 4th of one position

Collect the key and use it to open the locker in the nurse room. Collect the scalpel, lightbulb and the bottle of acid.



Go back to the left corridor and enter the toilet. Look inside the sink and try to catch the metal disk. Use acid on the weird finger that is holding it. Take note of the symbols that will appear inside the sink.


Use the bunch of keys to open the patient room number 2. Speack with the strange guy and remember what he says: The truth is a staring eye, a gray mouse, a sharp scalpel, a huge fly in a sunny day.

Collect the piece of paper behind him.

Go back to your room and cut the mattress seam with the scalpel. Take the mandrake.

Go ahead in the corridor and take the elevator to the first floor.

Open the door next to the gambler. Take the blue marble and watch the founders picture. Take note of the symbols on their hats.


Open the maintainance room using the hints found in the sink.

Fix the plumbing by rotating the pipes in the way that all edges are connected. Turn on the water valve.


Go back to the bathroom on the second floor. Turn on the tap to let some water run in the sink. Take the metal disk.

Flush the toilet, take the key and go out. Take note of the flowers picture on the wall.


Go back to floor number 1 and open the monitoring room with the eye key. Place the colored pins and rubber band according to the flowers picture.

Take the elevator key and the medallion's piece.

Collect the red marble under the table. Fix the monitoring system by solving the puzzle on the table: place the bulb in its socket and arrange the ray switches on the board in a way that every receiver is hit by the light ray.

Click on the monitors and collect the printed sheet. Take note of the time: 12:15:35

Take the lift and go back to the experiments room on the second floor.

Place the clock hands in a way it indicates 12 hours, 15 minutes and 35 seconds. Collect the piece of medallion and the metal disc.

Welcome to the Forgotten Hill: Surgery game, and if you don't mind doing scary quests, then sit back and start playing in full screen! Attention: the game has scary and bloody scenes, it is not suitable for children!

Welcome to Colonel Mac Milan's Surgical Clinic! You woke up in an ominous and cold room and do not remember how you ended up here. The only thing we are sure of is that we need to run away from here as quickly as possible! Don't panic, escape requires preparation! You will have to solve many puzzles of the scary quest, you will meet disgusting things and scary symbols. Can you survive in this hell?

How to play

This is the third escape quest from the Forgotten Hills, our hero will meet with the ghosts of the surgical department, obsessed with madmen and the results of criminal experiments. Explore every centimeter of the sinister place, memorize the symbols and the location of objects. Communicate with everyone who is ready to speak and do not be afraid of defeat: each time you will start with a new experience.

Video walkthrough of the game Forgotten Hill: Surgery

Forgotten Hill: Surgery step by step guide will help you understand how to complete each step of the puzzle. Watch it as a last resort, do not deprive yourself of the joy of discovering the mysteries of a terrible quest!

Game Features:

  • creepy sound effects;
  • interesting puzzles;
  • strange characters and mystical objects;
  • you can play the quest in Russian.

Expand the game board to appreciate the creepy graphics of Surgery of the Forgotten Hills and make it easier for yourself to pass. Enjoy the game and be sure to write your impressions!