When describing your male psychological portrait astrologers analyze at least 5 indicators from your personal horoscope. Among these indicators is the Zodiac Sign under which you were born, i.e. where the Sun was at the time of your birth. The position of the Sun in the horoscope is one of the important indicators that sets the overall color of the character when drawing up your male portrait. For those who want to better understand the individuality of their character or the character of a partner, I post a chapter from Linda Goodman's book "Zodiac", where, in my opinion, the most interesting and accurate description of the male character of each Zodiac Sign. However, do not forget that in addition to this characteristic, astrologers also take into account a number of other indicators.

Don't expect this man to bare his soul when he first meets you. He never trusts strangers. It will take a lot of time, patience, to get to know him for real. He can, of course, flirt, but he will be faithful. Without warning, his scowling face may light up with a smile. His usual complaints and obnoxious manners may gradually turn into tenderness. When he is sad, you want to hug him and dispel his melancholy. His caution will amaze you. He can be very attentive to you and there is no doubt that he is a romantic dreamer. However, he is very sensible and practical. What to do with such a man? Try to understand it. This is not just a changeable personality, these are changes associated with the right phrases. Today is one thing, tomorrow is another. And between these moods, he can show his true nature. Always remember that Cancer's manners may be rough or aloof, but his heart is so light and caring and so full of sentiment that he sometimes feels very vulnerable. Sometimes he crawls into his shell, which he carries in himself, to save himself from his own emotions for a while. He may seem like a real cancer to you at such moments, and this is not always pleasant. But as soon as he comes out into the sunlight again, you can get close to him again. Unfortunately, a Cancer man from time to time spreads his bad mood around him so much that it can affect you and everything around. But there are times when he can be cheerful and cheerful, like an orangutan. And it is not surprising that you do not know what to do with him: either douse him with a cold shower, or warm him with a warm blanket. These changes in Cancer can surprise anyone. Especially terrible can be his mood when he is afraid of losing something, perhaps you. Convince that you belong to him, a hundred times a day, words of love are music to his ears. He can sometimes seem just crazy.

As a rule, Cancers make good money. I am glad that I touched on the issue of money, you will also be glad to be with such a person. You may have all sorts of difficulties with money, but if you live with Cancer, such difficulties will be the least likely. Therefore, your wedding is not as bad as it might seem. Finance has attracted him since childhood. And the accumulation of money attracts him more than their spending. He cannot be called greedy, but let's put it this way - he will never light his pipe from a dollar bill. His sense of humor never extends to money. And it is possible that he learned to add and subtract before he learned the alphabet. Don't be surprised if you find that he has a bank account that started as a child and hasn't been touched since. The glitter of silver and the rustle of banknotes soothe his nerves. But Cancers very rarely save money to invest in something. They save to feel secure. And very often they underestimate their financial capabilities. They play the role of a poor man who somehow makes ends meet. And you may even feel sorry for him and offer him a loan. Don't do it, he probably has more than you.

Cancer can sometimes manifest extravagant desires, which he will courageously resist. And if he suddenly starts spending money during such periods, it will never become his habit. In addition, you should know that he has a very original approach to saving. He'd rather take you to a fancy restaurant to get his money's worth than offend his taste with a second-rate dinner. And he also thinks it's stupid to spend money on a cheap coat when a chinchilla coat will look better and last longer: in a word, quality and pleasure are synonymous for him. Even the most poetic and dreamy Cancers associated with music or other arts do not have a very keen sense of money. If you have a real Cancer, he will not wear sportswear (he is not attracted to it), he prefers conservative cut and good tailoring. And even if he has little money, his shoes will sparkle and his socks will be clean.

Well, if the tastes of his mother will coincide with yours, because. she will be mentioned very often in conversations and remarks like: “My mother never had such makeup, although she is a very beautiful woman. Don't you think, dear, that your eyelashes are too made up? or “You made frozen chicken. And my mother even baked bread herself. And these embodied virtues of his mother will frequently stick up in many situations, even when you least expect it. For example: "Honey, we will have to postpone the date, I need to take my mother to the country." To put it mildly, the Cancer man, with great reluctance, dethrones his mother and puts the crown on you. Cancer is terribly attached to the house. And if his mother's house is cozy, Cancer will not rush to leave him. The typical Cancer is very close to the mother. And this fact should not be hidden. If you fell in love with Cancer, then on the one hand, you will have to put his mother on a pedestal, and on the other hand, you remember that you are her rival and you must constantly defeat her. It is not very easy to praise a person and at the same time compete with him. But this is the only strategy you should choose. Make sure that she does not excel you in household and culinary matters. Let her teach you how to bake a lemon pie, your husband will even like this scene. Then make your own delicious beef stroganoff. Remember to feed your Cancer well, take care of him when he is sick. By this you will remind his adored mother. All this can turn him into a good husband. He will never admit it, but remember that he loves to remain a child and be treated kindly by a woman.

There are several circumstances that will equalize the score of your relationship. For example, he himself can be a very good cook. He may surprise you with his ability to cook fine meat. In addition, he likes to collect interesting things such as records, rare things. You will be absolutely safe when you come to his house for the first time. He is so gallant with women like no other. This is because men behaved this way back in their grandmother's time, and he loves the old days so much. Ask him about the family, and he is happy to talk about this topic. He loves all old things, loves to take pictures. So don't be surprised if he wants to take pictures of you, it's his hobby.

Although Cancer can easily flirt, it takes a lot of time for a serious feeling, because. it is not easy for him to find a woman who meets his ideal. Finally, having found such a woman, he will be surprisingly sentimental, he can overwhelm her with gifts and his admiration. His standards are high. And not every woman matches them. Most Cancers are afraid of failed marriages, and for good reason. An inappropriate union can become a drama for them. When something separates them from a partner, it torments them terribly for many years. Therefore, by virtue of his nature, he does not want to marry thoughtlessly. But if he has decided to marry, you cannot convince him, you cannot turn off the road. Cancer can perfectly play the role of a romantic lover. After a declaration of love, you will see that a serious and determined person is courting you, who will achieve his goal. It is very difficult to slip out of his claws. Or maybe you don't want to do it.

Cancer is a wonderful father due to his gentle understanding nature. He is infinitely patient with children, sincerely interested in their affairs. He is proud of his sons and fiercely protective of his daughters. But when the children grow up, difficulties may arise, because. he would like his children to be attached to him forever and be with him forever.

To get him to propose to you faster, pretend that someone else has proposed to you. And your Cancer will stop moving backwards. The easiest way to get him is to work on his emotions, which are always hidden behind his mind. Music, poetry, flowers, good perfumes, gentle words and kindness - this is the weapon with which he can be defeated. And also do not forget that there is a direct connection between his heart and stomach. You must show yourself a good housewife and try to treat him like a child. Put on an old bracelet - it will definitely work on him, because. he loves old things. And one day he will ask you to meet his mother. Consider that the proposal is made and you have won his heart. You can sail with him in the moonlight. I remind you again, do not throw away his old hat, torn slippers, school collections - these are all his treasures. Take your umbrella on damp nights and cover it from the rain.

Now can I ask you if you like your new chinchilla coat? I think you like it. And in general, a woman likes everything when she is loved. You are truly loved.

They themselves know very well what they want, and why they do it this way and not otherwise. These are very emotional women, with a rich inner world, but often they hide their feelings even from loved ones. A man who has chosen a Cancer Woman should know that she is very jealous, quite vulnerable and does not forget the offense for a long time. But, precisely, the insult inflicted on purpose, she does not focus her attention on minor troubles and quarrels. Mood swings sometimes make it difficult for a Cancer woman to objectively look at some events or relationships. When she is in a good mood, she is friendly, helpful and generous. In a bad mood, Cancer women are closed, unsociable and can even offend with a word.

Quite the contrary, Libra women behave.

And yet, they are rarely alone. Men are attracted to a Cancer woman, her unusualness, emotionality, dissimilarity to others. But she chooses a man for life carefully and carefully, because a strong-willed, authoritarian man does not suit her, he can simply morally suppress her, not understanding her originality, and not taking into account her vulnerability. The Cancer woman is a faithful wife, she will keep her love for her husband (if she married for love) for life, she is a good mother, she loves her children very much.

But, educating, he does not lisp with them and does not spoil them. The Cancer woman is a good hostess, and, in addition, her eccentricity is perfectly manifested in family life: she can surprise her family, either with a new original dish, or with unusual family entertainment.

The Cancer woman does not like quarrels, disputes, long-term showdowns and will never “clean linen in public”. But if there is still a quarrel, unpleasant thoughts or just a bad mood, she has a sure way to deal with it all. Simple and familiar household chores will serve as an excellent counterbalance to stress and create order and harmony in the soul.

In any non-standard situations that arise in the personal world of a Cancer woman, when the arguments of reason turn out to be useless, she relies on her intuition, which helps her navigate the worldly sea and saves her from many mistakes.

Cancer woman in love

The Cancer woman is a water sign, so outwardly she seems cold and impassive. But love is the most important thing in her life. She never fusses, does not look for her, she just waits and chooses, knowing that fate will surely bring her to her beloved. Cancer Woman accurately guesses her man, the one with whom they will become an inseparable couple. Her love is deep and long, can last a lifetime.

From a loved one, she expects reciprocal love and complete trust. She longs for close relationships and hates separation. She rarely initiates a breakup, it is difficult for her to leave, even if love has already lost its novelty. Can forgive light flirting, but will never forgive betrayal. Even the most ardent love will not make her stay close to the man who cheated on her seriously.

What interior suits a Cancer woman.
The Cancer woman is a very homely person, most of all appreciates comfort and solitude. She will carefully choose wallpaper, furniture, curtains. Preference is given to calm, dark shades (brick, gray, purple). Or cheerful light colors (blue, green, peach), but never bright, flashy tones. Cancer women love antiques, fluffy carpets, figurines, frames with family photos. The style in the setting of a Cancer woman is a retro style.

What scent does a Cancer woman prefer?

For a sensitive and gentle Cancer woman, a state of calm and harmony is very important. The Cancer Woman is a water sign, so she feels best while relaxing near the water: seas, rivers, lakes. The humid atmosphere of the water, the gentle smell of flowers soothe and at the same time inspire her. Her favorite scents are floral and fruity. A more conservative Cancer woman likes classic perfume compositions. She prefers everything that is time-tested and does not chase fickle fashion. She likes to choose her own perfume, but if you want to give a Cancer woman a gift, give a delicate floral perfume in a rounded bottle with dark yellow or white packaging.
Recommended perfumes for Cancer woman: Aqua Digio, Escape, L "Eua, D'Issey, Magnetic. Despondency and sadness will help dispel the optimistic Flower by Kenzo fragrance from Kenzo.

Talismans of Cancer woman

The talismans of the Cancer woman, in addition to crayfish and crabs, are also small fluffy animals, including in the form of soft toys. The hare will attract success in love, the ermine will protect the Cancer woman from the harassment of dangerous men, the rabbit will protect from all dangers, and the cat will relieve bad mood and bring peace and good luck to life. Jewelry-talismans of the Cancer woman are silver items in the shape of a heart, circle or crescent. In the picture-mascot - nature and always water: a river, a sea, a stream, a pond overgrown with water lilies.

Cancer woman and alcohol

It is enough for a Cancer woman, as they say, to sniff a cork to feel intoxicated. These are women with a sensitive and emotional nature. Their stomach reacts very negatively to alcohol. After drinking even a little, they fall into a lyrical mood and can open up with a completely inappropriate person.

And in the morning they feel bad both mentally and physically. An alcohol horoscope warns a Cancer woman - this sign is more prone to alcohol addiction than others. Best of all, at any party or celebration, limit yourself to one glass of martini or champagne.

Cancer woman daughter-in-law

With her mother-in-law, the Cancer-daughter-in-law is secretive, cautious, does not express obvious hostility, but does not frankly, in a word, “a thing in itself.” She will never conflict with her mother-in-law, even if she does not like something in the behavior or words of her mother-in-law, she will simply remain silent. A Cancer woman as a daughter-in-law in a new family will maintain an even but neutral relationship. She will never be the daughter of her husband's parents. But he will not try to set her husband against his parents either. But if the mother-in-law tries to open “military operations” against the Cancer woman, she will receive a fitting rebuff from the latter.

Mother-in-law cancer woman

The Cancer woman is a very caring mother, she tries to take care of even an adult son. She will apply the same policy to her daughter-in-law: to patronize and teach. A daughter-in-law can win her favor only by endlessly praising her son, admiring him. But, you need to do this subtly and unobtrusively, it is important to observe the measure. Cancer-mother-in-law is a smart woman and will immediately feel false if she sounds. Cancer mother-in-law is a kind of barometer for a young son's family. When young people quarrel, pout, the mother-in-law immediately forms a mass of important and urgent matters at each other, which do not allow her to visit her son's family. After all “thunderstorms have died down and the storms have subsided”, the mother-in-law is right there. But we must pay tribute to her, the Cancer woman is a wonderful grandmother, she loves her grandchildren equally, both the children of her daughter and the children of her daughter-in-law. Happy to babysit and take care of them.

The Moon endows Cancers with a mysterious, subtle and sensitive nature. They are excitable and emotional, have a well-developed intuition.

Lunar Cancers are very romantic. They like to dream, fantasize, for which they often retire.

Lunar Cancers are impressionable, they take everything to heart and always feel a change in attitude towards themselves. They are easily offended: pride can be hurt by a bad joke or ridicule. Lunar Cancers are able to make a tragedy out of a trifle. Therefore, they often fall into a depressed state.

In general, Lunar Cancers are often subject to mood swings. In one day, they can experience either joy or sadness, be either friendly or gloomy. This does not mean at all that Lunar Cancer is pretending or playing in public. His feelings are really sincere and reflect the state of his soul. The changeability of the mood of Lunar Cancers is especially violent when the phases of the moon change. During the period of the new moon, depression, secrecy, depression are observed. During the full moon - cheerfulness and cheerfulness.

At the same time, Lunar Cancers have strong energy, so their mood is quickly transmitted to others. Sometimes it is not easy with him: people, unwittingly, succumb to irritation or melancholy in unison with this sign of the Zodiac. So after the departure of Lunar Cancer, the interlocutor breathes a sigh of relief, as he becomes the master of his feelings and moods. Lunar Cancer gains inner peace only by learning to control his emotions, which are subordinate to the Moon.

In addition, Lunar Cancers are secretive people. They can hide their thoughts, grievances and experiences deep in their souls and withdraw into themselves for a long time. Lunar Cancers are very cautious and distrustful, so even for the closest they remain a mystery.

It is important for Lunar Cancers to constantly feel needed by others, to feel positive emotions. Therefore, they are constantly looking for a benevolent society. In general, Lunar Cancers try to avoid trouble and isolate themselves from any problems in a timely manner. Thus, they are trying to protect their vulnerable psyche.

In communication, Lunar Cancers are pleasant, delicate, have good manners, know how to listen and keep other people's secrets. They never blame or criticize. And if they are dissatisfied with the interlocutor, then they take it down silently. Lunar Cancers are attractive to other people, as they know how to delve into their spiritual world, to calm them down in a difficult situation. They always sincerely empathize, and therefore easily find loyal friends.

In general, Lunar Cancers are able to perfectly analyze their mistakes. They are wise enough not to repeat them again. Therefore, in making decisions, they calculate all the consequences and can sometimes be very slow. Often Lunar Cancers are just waiting for someone to come to their rescue. And in this they can be very patient.

Lunar Cancers are endowed with strong pride. They do not like to obey, but rather they themselves want to dominate others.

Lunar Cancers are purposeful. They are relentlessly trying to achieve something and will never miss their own. But they don't stop there. They always want to have more than they have, although they hide it from others.

Lunar Cancers are characterized by hoarding and thrift. They do not like to throw away old things, they always have stocks for a rainy day. Lunar Cancers carefully keep family foundations and traditions. In general, they are true conservatives and connoisseurs of history. Everything familiar, proven and reliable is of great importance for them. They do not like to change their appearance, their tastes. They do not tolerate rearrangements in the house and are wary of any innovations.

In addition, Lunar Cancers have a developed sense of beauty. They know how to appreciate the beauty of nature, love water and related sports.

With age, Lunar Cancers remain incorrigible romantics, they believe in luck. And she steadily accompanies them.

Lunar Cancer male

Lunar Cancer-man is distinguished by sensuality and passion. But he always takes more than he gives. Under the influence of the Moon, a Cancer man is very vulnerable and capricious. The people around him need to understand the touchiness of this sign and try not to aggravate the situation.

Lunar Cancer men appreciate people who treat them with understanding and patience. In response, they become tender and loving.

Lunar Cancer men are excellent housewives. They create coziness and comfort around themselves, they know how to cook well. They are caring parents and are always proud of the success of their children. In general, Lunar Cancer men are very kind to their loved ones. They will protect them from adversity and other people's attacks, they will not give offense. But at the same time, it is important for them to feel the main thing in a relationship. Sometimes they go to extremes and turn people into slaves to their desires and traditions.

In addition, under the influence of the Moon, Cancer men are strongly attached to their parents, especially their mothers. They always have a hard time parting with the house, because they do not like to change their habits and are wary of changes in life.

Lunar Cancer men are old-fashioned. They do not strive to look catchy and do not chase the latest collection trends. Comfort is paramount for them.

Lunar Cancer men, being romantics, often fall in love. They are always in search of an ideal, bringing one or the other closer to themselves - and leaving them without regret, without compassion for their insults and tears. Lunar Cancer men know their worth and put their partner below themselves. They believe that women themselves should seek them. To conquer the Moon Cancer man, you need to appreciate his devotion to traditions, not violate his personal space and at the same time surround him with sincere feelings. Cancer men are well aware when they are being deceived. The ideal partner for Lunar Cancer is an accommodating housewife, a nurse, a nanny, a good sexual partner, ready to provide intimate services on demand.

And as soon as he finds his soul mate, he becomes very persistent and flexible. He surrounds his companion with attention and care and keeps her in a stranglehold. Refusal Lunar Crayfish-men do not accept. But they themselves quite calmly allow novels on the side, since they believe that women are born to serve a man.

Lunar Cancer Woman

The Moon endows the Cancer woman with sentimentality and romance. It is easy to bring her to tears, as she takes any remark to heart. Lunar Cancer-woman tends to exaggerate everything, and in an empty phrase she can see a secret intent.

Lunar Cancer-woman constantly refers to her past. She always regrets missed chances, remembers old grievances, something worries her all the time.

True, the mood of the Lunar Cancer woman quickly changes from sad to joyful. Moreover, her feeling of depression and irritation is easily transmitted to others.

Lunar Cancer woman cares about her appearance. She always strives to look young and fresh in order to feel love and recognition. After all, the worst thing for a Moon Cancer woman is to be useless, deprivation of warmth and care.

However, this is not a weak woman at all. She knows how to cope with adversity on her own, protect herself and her loved ones. Lunar Cancer woman is ready to make great sacrifices for the sake of friends and loved ones. In difficult times, she will not leave and will not betray. You can safely entrust any secrets to her. True, she herself rarely opens her soul to others.

Lunar Cancer-woman is unapproachable for men. She loves to be conquered. After a casual intimate relationship, she is unlikely to want to see a partner and continue the relationship.

Lunar Cancer-woman is distinguished by passion and eroticism, although she often hides it.

True, in intimate relationships, she cares more about her own pleasure. For a man who takes care of her pleasure, she will be a real find.

In the Moon Cancer family, a woman is faithful to her chosen one and does everything to surround him with affection and care. True, in return she expects the same, and will silently worry about the lack of attention. She is an excellent hostess, loves her home and creates comfort in it. She always delights guests with culinary delights.

Lunar Cancer women have a very strong maternal instinct. She is so attached to the children that it is hard to bear their separation from home and often prevents them from creating their own family. Only after making sure that her son-in-law or daughter-in-law are worthy of her child, she will calm down. Lunar Cancer is a thrifty woman, and she always has a dowry for her children. She is just one of those people who keeps all the old things and does not throw anything away.

Lunar Cancer Child

The Moon endows the Cancer child with daydreaming and good imagination. He can compose poems, fairy tales, draw well. Therefore, it is important for such children to develop creative abilities.

A child born under the sign of Lunar Cancer is difficult to understand. He quickly changes his mood, and he often takes offense, sometimes at those little things that others do not notice.

Lunar Cancer child is very sensitive to care and affection. If you do not pay attention to him, he can withdraw into himself or become depressed. In no case should such a child be dismissed and treated roughly. In response, he himself can become cruel.

The Moon endows the Cancer child with compassion. He is always ready to help, treats animals with special warmth, shows respect for nature.

Despite its sensitivity, the Moon Cancer child strives for independence and individuality. He is able to oppose his opinion to the public, and therefore often stands out from the peer group. Such a child does not take root well in the team. Often he becomes a black sheep and feels lonely, as a result of which he is very worried. Such a child quickly grows up and, being a minor, tries to earn money on his own.

At school, the Moon Cancer child is diligent. He has an excellent memory. Quickly remembers dates and facts. Therefore, history, geography, and literature are easily given to him. Thanks to a rich imagination, the Lunar Cancer child shows interest in music, drawing, and dancing.

The task of parents is to surround the Moon Cancer child with positive emotions, to be patient and understanding, to charge him with self-confidence. After all, he is very worried about adult quarrels, as he is looking for support and protection in the family.

Then he will be truly happy and will respond to others with sincere feelings. He will become pliable and obedient.

The astrologer tells about the features and main features of people born under this sign

Background information about the sign Cancer

  • ruling planet -
  • Planet in fall
  • Element - Water
  • Symbol - claws of cancer or Yin-Yang symbol

Cancer character

How Cancer appears to you depends on the mood in which it will be when you see it. When Cancers are in a good mood, they are charming people, sensitive interlocutors, affectionate and gentle creatures. Cancerians in a bad mood are closed, and next to loved ones and in a safe home environment, they are capricious and gloomy.

Cancer Man: Characteristic

Cancer men are sorely lacking confidence in the world. They give the impression of strong and even aggressive people, but only because they are afraid of aggression in their direction and are ready to defend themselves, or even attack first. Among “their own”, they are sincere and sensitive, they, more than other men, need to be understood, pitied and never said: “Well, you are different! Men do not cry!". These are crying.

Cancer Woman: Characteristic

Cancer women to gray hair remain little girls in their hearts. They dream, love films and books about what cannot be in life, they need warmth and attention. At the same time, they are the most caring people in relation to weak family members: children, younger brothers and sisters, old parents. Often it is they who earn money for the family, pay off household loans, take relatives in their car whenever they please, go with their aunt to the clinic, and with younger siblings - to parent-teacher meetings.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Cancer?

Lifestyle and psychological portrait of Cancer

Most of all, Cancers love a calm, measured life. If other Signs are cheered up by a trip abroad, a fun holiday or a vacation in a nightclub, then Cancers need to recuperate at home. Cancers usually need rest during the waning moon. At this time, they become lethargic and are overcome by gloomy thoughts. You don't have to try to rip them off. If you really want to help - bring them a good, bright book, recommend a good fairy tale movie, please them with something tasty. Such care will not allow Cancers to become depressed, and the period of lethargy will pass in mild melancholy. Cancers in the period of cheerfulness need walks, outdoor recreation, fresh impressions. They do not want to be among unpleasant and hostile people. They open up in a friendly atmosphere. Therefore, they do not really like to discover new places for themselves - you never know what kind of reception there will be. Instead, they willingly go where everything is already familiar to them. It is Cancers who are usually the old-timers of any circle, network community, public organization.

Cancers in relationships and love

Cancer does not immediately trust a new person. He deeply and strongly experiences the emergence of relationships within himself, but outwardly he does not show this and keeps himself closed and even somewhat cold. Deep down, Cancer dreams of great love. He needs to be understood, protected and pitied. When he is convinced that such a person is nearby, he becomes soft, sentimental and sensitive. He is able to drown his partner in tenderness. In the Cancer family, they are loyal, reliable and devoted. They put the family ahead of their own interests. Cancer men are able to "go left", but only in order to realize those erotic fantasies that will never offend a wife who is deeply respected and immensely appreciated. Cancers easily find spiritual contact with Scorpios and Pisces. All three of these signs are equally emotional and value feelings. Protection and support, as well as a complete understanding in matters of money, Cancers will find Virgo and Taurus. It’s more difficult with Capricorns - they can perfectly complement Cancers, or they can be their complete opposite. Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - are as plastic and psychologically mobile as Cancers. They will easily adapt to each other if they have such a desire. But you have to admit, it doesn't happen very often. The worst option for Cancer is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Although if the romance does start, it will be a very stormy, vibrant and bewitchingly beautiful relationship.

Cancers in the business world

The economic abilities of Cancers are in demand in the work of accountants, suppliers, castellans, caretakers, office managers. Well, if something got into their claws, they can’t tear it out. Therefore, at the enterprises where Cancer is in charge, there is always complete order and there is no shortage. The ability to feel another person and get into his shoes, plus a flexible psyche make Cancers unsurpassed writers, actors and psychologists. Lucky for patients who came across a Cancer doctor: he sincerely sympathizes, attentive and sincere. Since Cancers gravitate toward coziness and homeliness, they could make good interior designers. However, Cancers are few in this profession. Perhaps because they are interested in their home, and not strangers. Cancers do not aspire to a career, and their professions most often do not involve ranks and leadership positions. Raising Cancer will usually prefer a bonus or improved social. plastic bag. But ambitions can also be awakened in Cancers: for this, he needs to understand that his family needs his career.

cancer and money

Cancers love money and know how to save it. They hate unreasonable spending. They are prudent and economic. Cancerians earn traditionally, avoiding risk, adventures and new ways of earning that have not been tested by time. They achieve a good financial position due to the fact that in any business they prove themselves to be strong business executives and derive income from everything they can. The big rich Cancers are not those who made money on crises or fussed in time when they saw a new, unoccupied niche in business. If Cancer has a lot of money, then this is the money of many generations of his family or the result of the work of the whole family. Providing for the family is the main task of Cancer. If there is a need for money in the house, they will find a part-time job, they will needlework, they will start spinning home preservation or pick up mushrooms for sale, but they will not keep the family on a starvation ration. Cancers are not particularly generous with strangers. They can share with friends and acquaintances, but only if it is about what Cancer has in abundance. Yes, and they will share not so much from the breadth of the soul, but from practicality: well, they cannot see how some kind of resource disappears! If Cancer himself or his family cannot use it, it can go to you.

From the first look woman Cancer gives the impression of a very soft, dreamy and good-natured person, but in fact this is not entirely true. The true soul of this woman is buried very deep, where a person cannot get, even if he is far from being indifferent to her. At that time, she herself loves to delve into the depths of her psyche, her feelings and experiences. Because of this, she is often suspicious and anxious, worried about every little thing, nervous and at risk of being capricious, whiny and hysterical.

Let's let's look at the list of the most famous people born under the sign of Cancer, in order to better understand the features of their character:
- Princess Diana, revolutionary Clara Zetkin, poetess Anna Akhmatova, actresses Natalya Varley, Clara Luchko, Pamela Anderson, Anzhelika Huston, singers Zhanna Aguzarova, Mireille Mathieu, Valentina Tolkunova and others.

main feature Cancer woman character is secrecy, she will not tell you everything about her life, it is very important for her to keep her inner world intact and safe. She always looks great, smart and beautiful, her languid look attracts the attention of men. She chooses men, mainly for such qualities as perseverance, reliability and security. Material security for a Cancer woman is the most important thing in life. At first glance, it may even seem that it is mercantile. In fact, this is not so, it is very important for a Cancer woman to ensure a calm and comfortable life for herself and her chosen one in the future.

The next main feature Cancer woman character can be considered her non-perception of criticism, even if it is appropriate. She is very offended if they make fun of her and is horrified when remarks are made to her. Nothing seems so offensive and cruel to her, she will not forgive you criticism for a long time and will wait for the moment to avenge her. And her memory is excellent and you should not be surprised if she constantly reminds you of the words and passages of speech that you used in a conversation with her several years ago. Thanks to a good memory, a Cancer woman remembers all her past and appreciates it very much. She does not know how to live in the present and constantly dreams of returning what was in the past.

Cancer Woman very sensual and understanding nature, it is created for warmth, romance and comfort. But the demands of modern life force her to change, requiring her participation in providing for the family on an equal basis with a man. Having married, the Cancer woman is completely devoted to family concerns and is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of loved ones. You simply cannot find a better housewife and mother. She feels very keenly if her family and children are in danger. However, due to excessive guardianship, sometimes her children grow up capricious and spoiled, not adapted to the difficulties of life.

Cancer Woman absolutely does not like a stormy and adventurous life. Noisy companies are not for her, she is closer to comfort in her own home and peace in it. She tends to complex and worry about anything, for example, that she is not beautiful enough, not very loved, and so on. To make her feel confident and strong, a man must take care of her all the time, talk about his love and loyalty to her. One of the valuable qualities of the character of a Cancer woman is patience and thrift. If food is in the first place for her, then money is in the second place. She is not stingy, but she loves to save money for a rainy day. She will not spend money on all sorts of trinkets, but she will invest them in something material and substantial. She knows how to endure all the turbulent events of family life with angelic patience and can wait a long time for the moment when everything is settled.

Very big Mother plays a significant role in the life of a Cancer woman. All her life she tries to escape from her guardianship, she constantly feels tension next to her mother, but she can never do without her advice and help. Attachment to her mother and to her past remains with the Cancer woman until old age, she constantly feels nostalgia for the time when she lived next to her parents without worries and responsibilities.

Cancer Woman loves sweets and ice cream. Especially uncontrolled overeating threatens her during a period of emotional excitement and mental stress. The stomach and digestive system are the weakest places in the body of a Cancer woman. Therefore, she should not overeat, and she should also limit her intake of starchy substances and sweets. In the diet of a Cancer woman, foods containing iodine and calcium fluoride should be present. The lack of these substances can contribute to edema, varicose veins, caries and visual impairment. In addition, a Cancer woman may suffer from migraines and vasospasm.