Working from home is the dream of most modern people. Even if at least one day a week we are allowed to work from home, we cannot afford to neglect such an opportunity. But what if you have already become a happy freelancer or managed to divide your working time into office and home?

Daily chores and constant distractions can prevent us from putting our plans into action. Even if you have set yourself up for a productive day, stocked up on tea and your favorite snacks, you are unlikely to get something worthwhile without a suitable place to work. Not everyone can afford to equip a full-fledged office or workshop at home. It is difficult to find a private room in which no one could disturb you. But to equip your personal corner in one of the rooms in the apartment, even a very small one, is quite realistic. We offer you practical ideas and real photos of a workplace equipped right at home.

Workspace for two

Workplace in a separate room

In some apartments, there is still a separate room in which you can equip an entire home office. Let it be small, but still the walls and the door will protect you from everyday noise and help you focus on business. A personal account is not only a desk with a computer. A separate room is often needed for those who are engaged in needlework.

A good idea: equip the room so that there is everything you need for work, such as water and a printer. If this is a workshop, then transfer all the necessary tools there. If this is a home office, then take care of all the necessary equipment. This way you won't be distracted from your workflow by having to bring something from the kitchen or pantry.

Workplace in a narrow room: nothing more!
Spacious office in a separate room
Home office for two in a classic style

An office in a separate room will create a feeling of a good working atmosphere, even if no one is at home except you. Separate areas for work and leisure will help you maintain a balance between work and family. But what if you don’t have the opportunity to set aside a special place for your favorite thing? Use the idea of ​​building an office in other rooms, for example, in the bedroom!

Workplace in the bedroom

An unexpected decision, but quite acceptable if you know how to distinguish between work and leisure time. Working while lying in bed is certainly tempting, but it does not always lead to a productive time. If you work from home regularly, you'll likely need a good desk with a wide top and plenty of room for a laptop, monitor (and even two), file storage, or craft supplies. A workplace in the bedroom will be comfortable if you equip it with your favorite comfortable things and take care of a good chair or armchair. Working sitting on the couch at a low coffee table is not the best idea for those who want to really earn money, and not just work from home.

To designate functional areas, try positioning the monitor so that it stands with its back to the bed. This will help smooth out the light from the screen, which is important if someone else lives in the room. How and where can you arrange a workplace in the bedroom? If possible, it is better to place the table near the window or so that the light source is on your left. Another way out is to separate the bed from the work area with a bookcase. This will help create a comfortable layout and make the atmosphere of the office more private.

Workplace in the bedroom by the window
A full-fledged workplace in a spacious bedroom
Cozy work area

Workplace in the living room

Arranging a workplace in the living room is perhaps the best solution for small apartments. There is always a corner here that will not suffer from additional load in the form of a table, chair and small cabinets or shelving. Where is the best place to put your mini office? Choose an impassable place, in the back of the room, away from the doors. So passing by family members will create a minimum of interference for you.

An interesting idea: put a table at the side or back of the sofa if it is in the middle of the room. This is a great opportunity to divide the space with minimal loss of square meters. Many living rooms today are equipped with wardrobes. Such a simple piece of furniture can also be a great workplace in the living room. You can free one of the sections by placing a small console table there, passing the necessary power supplies for the equipment. Add a small, preferably foldable, chair and enjoy a mini office with nothing to distract you from your work!

Well organized workplace in the living room A work area that fits perfectly into the style of the living room
Compact workplace located in the dining area

We use unusual places for arranging the workplace

Do you think that you can organize an office only against a wall or in a spacious room? Nothing like this! Below are non-standard places of cozy corners, where no one will interfere with your concentration.

  • Pantry. Too small for a full dressing room, but too big for a regular closet, these small spaces are perfect for a home office. All you need is a door or a curtain to hide your privacy from prying eyes. In the bedroom, living room or kitchen, you can freely arrange such a workplace, and you will definitely know that no one will stop you from working when you pass by.

An office that is easily hidden behind a curtain
  • Niche in the wall. You are very lucky if your, maybe even a small apartment, is equipped with a niche. It does not matter if it is too narrow: with a compact placement, a separate table and a small chair will fit there. And storage space can be arranged on the shelves above your head.

Workplace in a niche
  • Hallway. In ordinary apartments, sometimes there are huge hallways in which it is difficult to rationally use the space. A closet is located against one wall, and the rest are empty, and it does not look very comfortable. If there is a blind corner in the hallway, fill it wisely: set up a workplace and enjoy a separate office!
  • Place under the stairs. Although this option is rare in apartments, this idea still has the right to life. Usually a pantry is equipped in such places, but why not take such a secluded area for more useful needs?

Workplace under the stairs - saving space!
  • Balcony or loggia. These places in the house are now increasingly equipped for living space. If you have already insulated a balcony or loggia and you know that it will be comfortable to spend a lot of time there, why not make a separate work area there, similar to a whole private room, small but your own? In the following photos you will see a few more ideas for the unusual location of the office at home.

Workplace behind a glass partition
Cabinet right in the closet Cabinet in dressing room

Workplace by the window

This is ideal for enjoying beautiful sunrises and sunsets and making the most of natural light. Looking out the window, you can be inspired and rest your eyes, alternately looking at the monitor and into the distance.

In addition, to organize a workplace by the window, it is not necessary to set up a separate table: just expand the window sill, and a full-fledged field for activity with a comfortable table top is ready!

Artist's desk
Comfortable workplace on the windowsill
Spacious corner workspace

We plan a competent organization of the desktop

The key to productive work and purity of mind is a comfortable place, devoid of distractions. Therefore, pay close attention to the organization of the desktop. What takes up the most space? Are there items that are unlikely to be useful during work? Take care of sufficient storage space: papers and folders should not settle on the table by themselves. Give them a place on the shelves or buy a computer desk with ready-made drawers and shelves.

Tip: so that the printer and large equipment do not take up useful space on the table, move them to a shelf above the table. Unusual, but why not?

Organization of a compact workplace Storage areas moved to upper shelves
The top shelves make the desktop unloaded.

How can you decorate your workplace?

Here you can focus on your type of activity. How do you spend the bulk of your day? What inspires you? For those who like to make something with their own hands, mini-boxes, drawers and special storage systems will come in handy to help keep shreds, beads, threads, accessories and other tools in order.

A versatile option for decorating your workplace is a visualization board that can be filled with photos, magazine clippings, personal drawings, and writing that will motivate you to be productive.

Workplace of a needlewoman
Workplace in pastel colors
Thematic design of the workplace

Workplace photo

We hope that the following photos of the workplace will inspire you to create your own comfortable home office, which will help you create something new day after day!

If it seems that you are too tired during the work process, you experience stress and feel generally uncomfortable - you may just be uncomfortable. There is such a science - ergonomics. About the interaction of a person with his working environment. Simply put, the science of how to make work enjoyable and efficient? Let's figure it out!

Iron Man's workplace is neat and atmospheric - conducive to work.

But Neo from the Matrix clearly did not read about the desktop and under-table storage levels. Okay, these photos are a joke.

5 General Rules for Workplace Ergonomics

1. "The table is the head of everything"

Furniture for the work areaChoosing a table is the main task in organizing a workplace. The rest of the furniture and decor will line up around it. The work surface should be large enough to accommodate all the tools that are used constantly.

The standard dimensions of an office desk are 1200x60x75 cm. If you only occasionally check your mail, a small table will suffice. To put a laptop and a cup of coffee. If you work remotely all the time, take a closer look at multifunctional large tables. What you use all the time, place in the “capture space” - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe table that you can easily grab with your hands. Adjusting the seat height is easier with the help of a chair. When you are sitting, your feet should not rest on the table, cabinets and storage boxes. If necessary, use a special footrest.

There are coasters with a massage effect to relieve stress and maximize comfort. They can be powered by a network, batteries, or simply have a relief surface.

2. "In the morning - money, in the evening - chairs." Which chair is more comfortable?

The office chair should be as comfortable as possible. It is the main concern for our body. The correct position of the legs and arms will avoid health problems and ensure an efficient work process.

A good office chair should meet the following criteria:

  • Height-adjustable soft seat - legs should reach the floor and bend at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Ergonomic backrest with adjustable inclination for back support and proper blood circulation in the body.

Good chair on the left, bad chair on the right.

3. "Ray of the golden sun" or illumination of the workplace

There should be enough light in the workplace, there is never too much of it. It is best to use natural light to the maximum and place the work area near the window. Mandatory attribute - a table lamp. If necessary, you can install additional lighting - wall and floor lamps. Spot lamps can be mounted or mounted on racks, rails and LED strips can be used.

4. "In the order of things." Home Office Storage Furniture

There are three levels of storage required for work - above the table, on the table and under the table. For maximum convenience, use all three levels. Shelves for books and office equipment are useful above the table, cabinets and drawers under the table. Arrange furniture so that everything can be easily reached. Place shelves and bookcases above the table. Under the table, place cabinets and drawers for documents and other necessary things. Do not forget about all kinds of coasters, holders, boxes and dividers.

5. "Work is not a wolf" or rest on time

The scientist I.M. Sechenov experimentally proved that the best rest is a change of occupation. Therefore, from time to time take breaks for gymnastics, including for the eyes, be distracted by something that improves your mood and allows your brain to relax. Decor and accessories for the workplace also deserve attention, inspiration is the best motivator!

Where can you set up a workspace?

Unfortunately, not everyone in the house has the opportunity to allocate a separate room for an office. But if you are among the lucky ones, make the most of the opportunity. Do not save storage space and be sure to equip the lounge area with a soft sofa or armchair.

If there is no separate room - it does not matter! Arrange the work area where there is space. Most often, people choose a living room for these purposes. Ideally, before repairing, you need to consider the general functionality of the room, a single style and zoning with a workplace. By the way, we have an interesting design project with a working area in a odnushka. See how functional!

To separate the workplace, partitions, screens or a large floor rack are suitable, which will also become a place to store things.

If the living room seems too noisy for work, the bedroom is a better option. Often in the bedroom there is an opportunity to place a table by the window and go about your business in a relaxed atmosphere. The main thing is to take care of the separation of the sleeping area - curtains, a canopy and various partitions will help with this.

Balcony - almost a separate room! Plus balcony - there is always a lot of light and fresh air, which has a positive effect on working capacity. Minus - the area is limited, and the furniture will have to be chosen based on the width of the balcony and use the entire space as efficiently as possible. Take care of the glazing and insulation of the balcony in advance so that you can comfortably stay there all year round.

For those who have very little space, we have a couple of life hacks!

Use a folding table: it is mounted directly to the wall, open it when you want to work.

Take a closer look at the window sill - it can be expanded, lengthened, you get a work surface. In addition, there is always a lot of light by the window.

Nice and useful decor

Even the workspace is dull without decor. Things that are pleasing to the eye will inspire and motivate you: photos of loved ones, pictures from magazines, postcards, beautiful book dividers, folders, bookmarks, and memorabilia like a favorite toy or souvenir from a trip. The main thing is that these items do not litter the space, have their place and cheer up.

For a working mood, print or write motivating quotes on stickers, make lists of upcoming tasks for the day, week, month. Schedules, calendars and schedules will help you plan your workflow correctly. You can fix all this with buttons, pins, or even just tape on a special board (magnetic or cork).


To make the work go even faster - place all the most important things in front of your eyes. For example, on the wall. To do this, you can paste over the wall with cork and pin everything to it with buttons.

Hang a net or just string ropes over a table and attach papers to clothespins. Paint the wall with slate paint and write down everything important on it. All this will also help determine the boundaries of the workspace.


In any case, the main thing is inspiration. Surround yourself with things that inspire you to feel uplifted and motivate yourself to move mountains. Fashion photo shoots or photos of cats. In your "office" you are free to do whatever you want.


We are all different. Someone gets up at dawn, full of strength and energy, someone "wakes up" closer to the night. When working from home, choose a convenient time. It doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon or night, the main thing is that at this time you concentrate as much as possible on the tasks at hand.

Determine when you must finish. Strive to stick to the plan and not delay. Use whatever helps you not to be distracted: turn on your favorite music, or vice versa - use earplugs. The workplace will also become a “protected” space for you: if you are there, it means that you are busy now and it’s better not to distract you at home. It will be helpful to make this a new family rule. "Use whatever helps you not to be distracted: turn on your favorite music or vice versa - use earplugs."

A comfortable workplace is the key to productivity. The "office" corner will help you cope with all matters quickly and make the "remote work" not a trap of household chores, but the freedom of an organized person.

Whatever your workplace, the main thing is that you personally like it! If things don’t go well and are always put off until later, maybe you just feel uncomfortable doing them? It is much more pleasant to work sitting at a good table in a comfortable chair, surrounded by things that motivate you to new achievements or simply please the eye.Work with pleasure and devote more time to what is really important.

We'll take care of the rest.

The modern pace of life is sometimes difficult even for the most progressive and hardy of us, so offices and mini-offices within the walls of our own home are becoming a frequent occurrence. The workplace, equipped in an apartment or house, makes it possible to organize an acceptable schedule and not waste time on the road under the motto "home-work-home".

We will tell you how to create the best conditions for freelancers to work at home or organize an office in the city center, pointing out common mistakes in the design of the work area.

Errors and solutions

  • Wrong fit

First of all, when arranging an office or workplace at home, you should not place the table in such a way that the window remains behind the seated person, especially if it is alone in the room. Periodically, you will need to look at the view behind the glass to relieve eye strain and just get a little distracted.


It is better to install a full-fledged desk perpendicular to the window: this way you will be provided with a free view of the landscape outside the window, as well as watching the entrance to the room in order to feel comfortable.


  • Enhanced brightness

Quite often, an area near the window in the kitchen, living room or bedroom is allocated for a home office, placing the table close to the windowsill. We have nothing against such a decision, but if you work with a computer, you should not place its monitor parallel to the window. So, intense daylight and the brightness of the screen on, will inevitably lead to a feeling of heaviness and tension in the eyeball.


If it is not possible to select another, less lit area for the table with the monitor, simply turn the latter perpendicular to the window. This simple action will significantly reduce eye strain, in addition, you can cover curtains or blinds while working with a computer in the daytime.


  • Snow-white interior

It is undesirable to use white color in large quantities in the design of the office, because it will create the same effect as in the case of a monitor opposite the window. The intense light that surrounds you throughout the working day is tiring, in addition, white has the ability to reflexively reflect other colors and sunlight. That is, if, for example, the sun is shining outside the window, then it will be very difficult to work in a white office, and when it is raining outside, the space will seem cold and dull.



Use white, provided that the cabinet is made in a warm natural palette: woody, herbal, black and brown, terracotta and sand colors. So, snow-white accents will not harm, but will only create a more solemn and light atmosphere.


  • visual void

Boring walls, dull colors, simple geometric shapes - this is the scourge of most urban office spaces. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to work productively without falling into apathy and despondency.


Remote work today makes it possible to plan your schedule more flexibly and make adjustments to the established image of the average office. At home, it is possible to adapt the workplace to personal needs and habits, so you should not ignore such a privilege. For example, you can decorate the walls with paintings depicting landscapes in a natural range of shades (these will help your eyes relax during a break), black and white photographs (they do not distract from work and advantageously complement the interior). We also recommend using lamps and decor of an unusual shape and texture, pleasant to the touch.

  • Not an ergonomic chair

Poor perseverance can develop for quite a prosaic reason, for example, due to hard, deep, too low or high sitting.


The right piece of furniture for sitting at a desk is a chair with a back slightly tilted back. The feet of the seated person should freely touch the floor, the legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the back should be leaning against the back.

Keep in mind that the seller of the furniture store may not tell you this, but there are different types of chairs: some will be comfortable for men, others are suitable for women, due to differences in the location of centers of gravity


  • Lack of local lighting

A workplace or a table in a separate office cannot do without additional lighting, because quite often you have to work in the evening. So, the light from the monitor will obviously not be enough to see the characters on the keyboard, or write down the necessary information in a notebook.


Coming to work at dusk, or succumbing to a creative impulse at dawn, is a little easier if the home office is equipped with a table lamp or an architect's lamp.


  • No storage sections

It is difficult to maintain order in the workplace if the table is hidden under a pile of papers, and boxes with folders, stationery and other accessories are scattered under your feet. A significant disadvantage in the design of the workplace is the lack of space to accommodate the most necessary things in the work.



If you do not want to clutter up the space with cabinets, cabinets and other heavy furniture, you can attach several shelves along the wall above the table, on the sides of it, and even under the table top. This will help organize the work area, and just make it more tidy.


  • dilapidated furniture

When it comes to furnishing a home workplace, many people make the same mistake of using furniture that was used and borrowed from neighbors, bought at a flea market, or brought from the city office. It is good if these items are vintage, in excellent condition, made of durable materials. Worse, when an office is formed from a wobbly table and chair, broken drawers and pencil cases without handles, in the hope of soon replacing old items with new ones. As a rule, this “soon” does not come for a long time, and you suffer from your own short-sightedness.


The choice of home office furniture should be approached carefully, and even if it is not new, it must be tested for strength and quality so that later you do not regret the money spent and the time spent searching for items.

  • An excess of colors

Beautiful cheerful colors energize and inspire you to work harder and yet, the office does not need to be oversaturated with flashy colors. Some of them are too active (yellow, red, fuchsia) and make it difficult to focus on the main tasks.


If you apply bright combinations correctly, they will not only not hurt, but will help restore strength during a work break. So, you should not place bright color spots on the desktop and the wall in front of it: it will be difficult to focus on something else. It is better if the color finds use in the upholstery of the chair you are sitting on, on the rug under your feet, on the wall behind you.

  • cold floor

Being in a sitting position for a long time, we lose flexibility, quickly freeze and get tired. These discomforts can be exacerbated if there is tiled flooring or other floor material that is cold to the touch underfoot.


You are not ready to replace the coating or use a warm floor system, but it will not be superfluous to lay a soft and warm rug, fur bedding or mat.


home workplace- this is a properly equipped workspace in the apartment (in the room, on the balcony, and in the case of a private house - in the attic or under the stairs). Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate an entire room for organizational needs, you have to make do with small ones.

Small home place for easy work

Where is the best place to set up a workplace?

  1. Combination with living room/bedroom. You can separate the office area using shelving, decorative partitions, glass blocks,. In addition to natural lighting, additional light sources must be provided.
  2. Hidden office. Great solution for . Such a workplace can be hidden behind the doors of a pantry or built-in wardrobe. A convenient solution is a sliding wardrobe, in one section you can hide a computer, in the side sections - the necessary library. Blinds, screens, textile partitions are actively used.
  3. On the balcony or loggia. To make the office comfortable, you should take care of the following points: good lighting, heat and sound insulation. It is rational to use folding furniture, hanging shelves and racks.
  4. Niches and window sills. A small office under the stairs, in a recess in the wall or between cabinets will not bother anyone. A wide window sill is also perfect for these purposes: if space allows, you can install an arc-shaped table.

What you need to arrange a workplace in an apartment

  • Workspace: if there is no place for a full-fledged table, you can limit yourself to a retractable tabletop or folding furniture.
  • Comfortable armchair.
  • Boxes, drawers, shelves, necessary improvised things.
  • Office equipment.
  • If necessary, a basket for papers, stationery.

Interesting! A convenient feature is a “reminder board”, it can be hung on the wall and you can write down important meetings, phone numbers, addresses, schedules and other necessary information.

Wall board for notes - can be cork, wood, plastic, etc.

When designing a home office, it is worth using shades and textures, as close as possible to - then the workplace will organically fit into any room. It is important not to litter the space with extraneous things, but to place the necessary items ergonomically: you can easily get up from your chair and get the required thing.

Labels, wire holders, stickers, document folders organize the workspace, they cannot be neglected.

The workplace should not look untidy, proper organization of the workspace is necessary. Decor - minimum, a beautiful stand for stationery or a figurine - you don’t need more.

Important: it should be comfortable, and not necessarily expensive. After all, it's a matter of health, not prestige.

Photo ideas of jobs at home

Workplace in an apartment for a child

Workplace for two children

Another version of the design of workplaces for two children

Organization of a children's workplace in the closet

Cozy bright children's room with everything you need

An example of children's furniture for creative work

A cozy place for creative children - everything is at hand

Organization of the workplace in the children's room

The right workplace at home for a student

Think more about the convenience of furniture, rather than its style. Test the chairs and tables themselves before you buy them for your child.

A place for schoolchildren's homework on the first tier of a bunk bed

Proper furniture for a student's even posture

Organization of a window seat: lighting is important both in the daytime and in the evening

A compact place for schoolchildren's homework (only suitable for elementary grades, then you need to expand the space)

Organize shelves, niches for books and other items needed by the student

Photo workplace of a seamstress, for needlework at home

A seamstress must have a huge number of shelves (there are a lot of small parts)

You need a strong and spacious surface for the work of a seamstress, placing a sewing machine.

This working area was made, as if from a kitchen set, agree - a good idea?

A very stylish place for a professional seamstress.

Large desktop - that's what else is very important!

Excellent surface for patterns, sewing. The presence of niches and pockets simplify the work of a seamstress.

Such a workplace can be organized under the stairs or in the attic of a country house.

living room design with work space

Options for placing the desktop next to the wall

Organization of a window seat. Daylight is very pleasant to work with.

Stunning examples of space zoning

Mini workplace in the closet

Workspace organization with recessed plasterboard niches

Organization of a workplace on a loggia, a small balcony

Folding furniture for the working area on the balcony - convenient to use

Using a window sill as part of a computer desk

Small workplace on a small balcony

Cozy lighting of the working area on the balcony

Unfortunately, you can’t walk around on our balconies, so you can’t arrange a workplace for schoolchildren or for a hobby here. Maximum - work on a laptop, or a children's playroom.

Attics with an organized workplace

Narrow space near the window and wall is a good option for using unnecessary space

Cozy bedroom and work desk in the attic

Spacious office

Workplace near skylights

For attics of very large country houses

The workplace in the attic is very dependent on the size of the space under the roof.