In this article:

Fortune telling is a magical rite, the main focus of which is the prediction of the future. Questions about what fortune-telling is in general, how to learn and conduct it at home, are of interest to many beginners in magic.

In fact, it is very easy to understand all aspects of foresight, this does not require additional training, a sincere desire and faith in the final result is enough.

There are a huge number of prediction methods, some of them have come down to us from time immemorial, others have appeared relatively recently, but in each of them the performer himself plays the main role, the truthfulness of the answers received depends only on him. Each of us must choose the method of foresight that suits him best, and for this we need to get more information about the existing magical means, and experiment a little.

What are the ways to guess

All fortune-telling is usually divided into groups in which techniques are combined according to certain criteria, for example, according to the attributes or means used.

Runic practices are a very interesting work that does not leave anyone indifferent

Runes divination

These are very ancient techniques that appeared in the Scandinavian countries. Runes are a kind of alphabet of 24 characters, divided into 3 groups (attas) of 8 pieces each. Each such group is dedicated to one of the supreme aces - the gods of Scandinavian mythology, and, accordingly, is under his authority and protection. Runes do not give exact answers to the questions asked. They work much deeper, because with their help a person can get information that will help him understand the essence of the problem of interest to him.

Divination with coffee

Coffee is an ancient, mystical drink with many legends associated with it. Since ancient times, coffee beans have been used in various methods of predicting the future, this includes fortune telling on coffee grounds, and on raw or roasted seeds.

In thick divination, coffee sediment creates certain symbols and signs in the cup, interpreted by the performer. If they guess on the grains, then the answer to the question asked can be hidden in the number of seeds that fell out, their location and in the symbols formed by them.

Christmas divination

In Russia, people have been using various methods of predicting the future since ancient times. In our country, there was even a special period of time - Christmas time, when fortune-telling was carried out in almost every house, although this was condemned by the official religion. For the most part, Christmas divination is aimed at obtaining information about matters of the heart, many of them help to find out when you are destined to meet your lover, what his name will be, where he will come from, etc.

Depending on the terrain, various additional accessories could be used to make such predictions. In the villages, divination with wax, water or chicken was usually used, and in large cities they used mirrors, candles and cards.

Fortune-telling of various directions can show the right results, it's all about the performer

Divination by water

Fortune-telling techniques in which water is the main instrument of the performer are quite rare. Symbols of this element are often found in magic, but usually they only complement the ritual, and do not act as its basis.

Divination by water is hydromancy, this is a whole science, the adherents of which study the properties and conditions of water, they believe that according to such data as: the color of water, ripples on its surface, circles and more, it is possible to predict the future. It is also worth noting that in hydromancy, the amount of water used is of paramount importance. If the magician judges the future by the water in the circle, he can find out his fate, and if he looks at the seas and oceans, then all the secrets of the future can be revealed to him.

Divination by fire

Pyromancy is a highly specialized divination used by many worshipers of the fire element. These people can predict the future by asking their questions directly to the flame (candle, bonfire). It is believed that the flame is a living being that can not only move and illuminate, but also speak. According to the vibrations and sounds emitted by fire, one can predict the future and fully trust the result.

Divination with mirrors

Mirrors were endowed with mystical properties by all peoples without exception. It is believed that the mirror can act as a door to other worlds and dimensions, so it is not surprising that these items are used as a tool to predict the future.

Many esotericists are sure that if you put two mirrors facing each other, place two burning candles between them, and after peering into the darkness of the mirrors for a long time, you can really consider the future and get answers to any questions.

At the same time, we must not forget that a mirror as a witchcraft attribute can be very, very dangerous. By opening doors to other worlds, you run the risk of letting in someone or something from there that can bring you a lot of trouble.

These divinations are effective because the author tested them on herself. Therefore, I affirm that everything you read about below works great.

1. Divination on the water

Of all the elements of nature, water has the best memory. We are 70% water, our brain is 90%. Therefore, everything that you say to the water that you are going to drink will be received by your body. This unique effect of H2O determines the high efficiency of this divination.

Sit on your bed before going to bed. It is better if the room is dark so that nothing distracts you from concentrating on the question you would like to receive an answer to. It is on how much you are collected and concentrated that the truthfulness of the answer depends.

Take a glass of water in both hands. Relax your body. Think for a few minutes on your question. Bring the glass to your lips so that when you speak, your breath touches the water. Say a couple of kind words to her in a whisper. Science says that the most effective words for water are: "love" and "thank you". But you can say what comes from the heart. Voice her in a couple of phrases your specific question. Approximately, it should begin like this: "Dear water, you know everything, tell me, please, (further what you want to know)." Slowly, drink half. Put the rest in your heads, on the bedside table, if not, on the floor. After that, it is advisable not to watch TV, not to read, but simply to fall asleep.

At night, you will see in a dream the exact answer to your question. Most importantly, upon awakening, do not forget it. To do this, I give advice: do not open your eyes as soon as you wake up. Scroll in your head what the dream showed you. Then you will definitely not forget it! Take the glass, thank the water again, and drink the rest.
This fortune-telling is especially effective when the issue concerns health. But not necessarily.

2. Fortune telling on wax

Everything is simple here. Melt natural wax and slowly pour it into a bowl of cool water, straight from the tap. You will be amazed at the pictures you see! Sometimes you can consider the answer so accurately that you are simply amazed. Since water and wax are natural things, do not forget to hold the wax in your hands, thinking about your question, and say “thank you” to the water.

This fortune-telling is also good because in its course, you can improve your health. In this case, you whisper “Our Father” into the water, and your assistant, holding a bowl of this water over your head, pours wax into it. Do not forget about safety, do everything carefully and slowly !!! After use, the water is poured onto the ground, and the wax is buried in the ground.

3. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Well, where would we be without it! Everything is also much simpler than it seems at first glance. Be sure to take natural coffee beans. It is desirable to grind by hand, but how will it work. Put a heaping teaspoon of coffee in a cup, with or without sugar - as you wish. An important point: the cup and saucer must be pure white, without patterns and rims. Fill with boiling water. Cover the cup with the front side of the saucer. Wait 5-7 minutes, scrolling through your question in your head. If you want, you can speak out loud, only specifically.

Drink silently, slowly, leaving a sip. Again cover with a saucer in the same way with your left hand. The right hand holds the cup, and quickly turn the cup upside down so that it remains standing on the saucer. Wait a couple of minutes. Invert the cup carefully. Admire the resulting patterns. Interpret the answer. If the wax shows you the exact answer, for example, you can even see a familiar face, then this divination will, of course, require creative imagination. But that's what makes it interesting!

By the way, unlike the first two fortune-telling, which answer a specific question, this fortune-telling can immediately show you the past, the present, and the future.

4. Divination by the book

The simplest fortune-telling that does not require special skills, but also quite accurate. Most often in this type of divination, oddly enough, the Bible is used. But it is not important. The main thing is that this book should be authoritative for you. For example, it is convenient for me to use a book of aphorisms, quotes, or just an oracle. It also requires a developed creativity in order to correctly understand the answer. But everything comes with experience! You may not get a direct answer, but on the other hand, this fortune-telling is one of the most interesting and enjoyable!

So, put a book on your right hand, cover it with your left hand. Close your eyes, mentally ask a question. We opened the book with our left hand wherever we could. Now, either you can poke your finger at random and read the answer. Or say to yourself: right (left) page, such and such a line from above (from below). Everyone, read.
Most often, this type of fortune-telling answers a question like: what will I have? Or what should I do?

There could be another fifth divination here, the most accurate, time-tested. It is, of course, about cards. I will not hide, I have always been drawn to this business, although I did not have such teachers, nor in my family. I swung at once on TARO. What perishing trifles! I learned by myself, in practice. By the way, everything that I guessed - everything came true. But! Smart people shook hands. A man who has been doing card fortune-telling for 30 years said that he even takes out TARO once a year, on a special occasion. And that they can open the door to such forces that will sweep me off the face of the earth like a grain of sand. I, as a person who has some relation to the occult sciences, of course, believed. So I don't recommend it. If you really want card fortune-telling, find a professional.

Of course, there is still such a mass of fortune-telling that no article can accommodate. From the simplest, such as: on a camomile, by the clock, on a ring, according to a table, etc. To professional, such as: runic, zodiac, astrological, palmistry, etc. The choice and answer, of course, is yours. But let me give you advice: do not look into the future unless absolutely necessary. Every time think about whether you really need it.

Since ancient times, man has wanted to find ways to know the future, to unravel what awaits him ahead. Here and human curiosity, and craving for magic and something unknown, and the desire to be ready for their fate. The types of fortune-telling in the entire history of mankind among different peoples can be listed endlessly, because they are very different.

Each divination is born individually, in a unique way. Why, when it arose, who was the first to tell another about it? Often there are no answers to these questions. It's just a belief passed down from generation to generation.

Is it worth it to believe the predictions? Here everyone decides for himself. There are also notorious skeptics, and there are those who saw with their own eyes how predictions come true and began to believe that there is something that cannot be scientifically explained.

Each nation has its own favorite ways of divination. After all, it’s normal for us to guess on the coffee grounds, but somewhere they guess on the donkey’s head.

Different types of fortune-telling on cards are very diverse and popular. Initially, they were guessing on Tarot cards, and then they began to guess on ordinary playing cards.

Fortune telling on tarot cards

Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards, each of which has its own meaning, its own symbol. This is an ancient, still medieval way of divination and is very popular all over the world. The world of Tarot cards is complex and deep, it is not just entertainment, but deep knowledge.

The cards of the Tarot deck are divided into two groups: the major arcana (there are 22 of them) and the minor arcana (56 pieces).

It is still unknown who and when created the Tarot cards. There are many versions of their origin, there is no reason to believe only one yet.

Fortune-telling occurs by distributing to a specific given request. An experienced fortuneteller analyzes the symbols that have fallen out. Of great importance is the relationship of cards in the layout. Depending on the type of layout, on neighboring cards, a lot depends on the moment the card appears in the layout. And the value can change a lot. Therefore, it is difficult for a simple person, far from Tarot, to correctly interpret the alignment, even if he has a description of all the cards in his hands.

It also matters if the card is turned upside down in a layout or is in a straight position. For example, a good card in an inverted meaning changes its message to a negative one. The reverse is also true.

Types of fortune-telling on the Tarot are divided by complexity. There are simple layouts, for example, an analysis of the current situation on five cards. The personal spread is a complex spread and requires sixteen cards.

The simplest layout is the card of the day. A person pulls out just one card that describes the current day and the person's feelings here and now. The map can also give recommendations for the future based on the situation.

Many Tarot spreads can give predictions to the person being read. A simple “cross” layout will give advice on what to do and what not to do and predict the development of events.

From Tarot cards, you can find out not only the future, but also ask for advice. For example, the “choice” layout speaks for itself and helps to see the consequences of future choices.

Tarot can also tell about the past in a new light, show the reasons for certain events, point out trends.

Tarot can help you better understand yourself, your feelings, dispel doubts, or establish yourself in your current position. The “blind spot” layout tells about your personality, the “planet” layout describes the character of the person they are guessing at.

Types of divination on playing cards

For fortune telling on playing cards, both a regular deck of 36 cards and a deck of 52 cards are suitable. The main thing is that it should be intended exclusively for fortune-telling, it is impossible to play on such a deck.

To guess on the deck, it is important to establish contact with it. You can carry it with you, put it under your pillow, just shuffle it and do simple layouts. It is believed that in this way the deck is saturated with your energy and will show the truth.

You can check fortune-telling cards like this - tell fortunes about the past or about a situation that you already know. If the result of fortune-telling coincides with the real state of affairs, then the deck is ready for fortune-telling.

By analogy with tarot, divination on playing cards is based on symbolism. Each card has its own meaning.

The simplest fortune-telling on playing cards is fortune-telling "quick answer". The deck is shuffled, the question of interest is asked in a whisper three times. Then one card is drawn, its value is the answer to the question asked.

Everyday simple divination

Sometimes we are tormented by some question, and then we can quickly and easily tell fortunes in one of the simple ways.

coin toss

An ancient way of making decisions. Ask a question to a coin and flip it. Perhaps while the coin is in the air, you will have already decided whether you want to see heads or tails.

Divination by the book

Ask a question. For example, what awaits me tomorrow? Take a book, think of a page and a line, read the answer. Or, in another version of fortune-telling, open a book on a random page and poke into the text at random. A sentence taken out of context can give you new thoughts and amuse you.

Divination by hand

Fortune telling by hand is called palmistry and this is an interesting and ancient way of divination. It is assumed that all the traits and features of character, the whole fate, the whole future of a person is encrypted in the lines on his palms. Most people know the meanings of the three main lines - life, mind and love. In addition to them, there are many more thin lines, “islands”, nets, branches, thickness, depth, color of lines also have meanings.

An experienced palmist can predict life expectancy, marriage, the number of children, a person’s career fate, whether he will be rich, whether he will be happy in love.

Divination for Christmas

The night before Christmas has always been considered magical and many guess on the eve of Christmas. Young unmarried girls are guessing and the main questions are when I will get married, what will my husband's name be, what will he look like, how many children will there be and what gender. Even if they do not strongly believe in the result, this is more of a tradition and is done for fun.

Fortune telling on the narrowed-mummer

The famous divination with a mirror and a candle. The girl takes off her belt and loosens her hair, puts cutlery on the table, sits down in front of a mirror, lights a candle. You need to carefully look in the mirror and say "Narrowed-mummered, come to me for dinner." Soon, the image of the future husband may appear in the reflection.

Also, many claim that they saw their future husband in a dream when they were guessing at Christmas time. An unmarried girl does something before going to bed and says a special phrase. There are several ways:

  • Eat something salty and do not drink water before going to bed. Before going to bed, it is said "Narrowed-mummer, come, give me a drink."
  • The king of diamonds is placed under the pillow. In a dream, a future husband should appear.
  • Put on one stocking per leg. Before going to bed, say "Narrowed-mummer, come undress me." In a dream, the future husband will come and take off the stocking.

Divination is a great way to look behind the veil separating the present and the future, to prepare in time for both positive and negative events. Today, different peoples have accumulated vast experience in numerous fortune-telling, which can be practiced by everyone. A beginner can only decide on the choice of one method or another.

Today, each of us can easily a huge amount of guesswork which were practiced by different peoples at different times. The question of which one is best to choose can be answered quite simply: the one that best suits a given person. But in reality, this often turns out to be quite difficult.

There is only one way out - to try different methods and decide which one "lies with the soul" more. After all, this is an indispensable condition for obtaining reliable predictions.

Divination mechanisms

It should be noted that the same mechanisms underlie all types of divination. The fact is that, according to many mystical teachings, as well as the achievements of modern science, time is nothing but one of the dimensions of space. And, in principle, a person can move freely in it, receiving information about both the past and the future.

But, if remembering the past is simple enough, then everything is more complicated with the future. In order to “remember” it, it is necessary to work with subtle energies, first of all astral. And for this, a person needs either special skills or “tools”. And such tools were invented by man: these are various divination cards, runes, pendulums, magic mirrors (remember the crystal ball of a gypsy), etc.

Thus, various objects for divination do not initially carry information about the future by themselves. They serve only as a kind of conductors, which help a person to discover in himself the ability of clairvoyance using symbols, colors, images, sounds, etc.

For every person who plans to take up divination, the question is which of the " tools' suits him best. Capturing this resonance is quite difficult, but the result can be quite impressive in the end.

Below are some methods of divination and their brief descriptions, which are intended to help beginners.

Of course, it is worth starting with the well-known tarot cards. Most likely, they came to Europe from Muslim culture, having been brought by the Knights Templar. Since then, they have become a very popular tool for fortune telling. The deck consists of 78 cards, each of which has an image symbolizing a particular event, a person's state.

This divination method is best suited for people in whom figurative thinking predominates, and visual perception plays the most important role among other senses. Today, there are many options for Tarot decks from different authors, among which you will also have to choose “your own”.

- a very popular divination system that came to us from Scandinavia, being developed by the ancient mythical god Odin, who nailed himself with a spear to an oak tree in order to obtain secret knowledge. The runic alphabet (its most common variant called "Elder Futhark") is a set of 22 characters. It will work great with people committed to logical, symbolic thinking. Rune lines are simple, and at the same time carry a lot of information.

Today, various types of runes can be practiced for divination. There are Germanic, Celtic and even Slavic versions of the runic alphabet.

Another great way of divination for people with imaginative thinking is Lenormand cards, which were obtained as a result of the modification of the cards by the famous French occultist - Madame Marie Lenormand. This deck consists of 36 cards, which are identical to ordinary playing cards, but additionally carry images.

Where will the pendulum swing?

A very common type of divination - working with a pendulum. Its advantage lies in the fact that it is quite simple: it does not require the study of complex symbols, it is enough just to internally understand the movements with which the pendulum “answers” ​​certain questions.

A rope with a pendulum is suspended from the index finger, which is a powerful conductor of astral energy. This is best fortune-telling will turn out for people with a developed sense of touch and the ability to internally feel the situation.

Shaman dance

If you are an active person who likes to do gymnastics, dancing or yoga, that is, he is fluent in body language, then it will be interesting for you to do shamanism - a divination practice that came to us from and consists in dancing while playing the tambourine when a person, tuning in whole body on a certain wave, gradually falls into a trance, receiving predictions. This technique is rather complicated and requires a lot of practice.

Mirror, say...

Very interesting fortune-telling with the help magic mirrors, one of the clearest examples of which is the work with a crystal ball. For this it is necessary to be able to look at one point for a long time without blinking in the crystal. Thus, you can get images that tell about the future. During such fortune-telling, certain words can often be read, designed to get the most accurate result.

Future in the palm of your hand

Divination by hand - palmistry, is a very interesting system that allows you to obtain data about the past, present and future of a person. The fact is that the astral body, which lives outside of time, is capable of changing human organs in a certain way. The palm and its folds are the most accessible "mirror" of astral flows inside the body. A similar technique is physiognomy- Obtaining information about a person by his face. This method is actively practiced by modern psychologists.

The famous mathematician Pythagoras said that "the whole world is a way of existence of numbers." This statement is true and has found expression in such a method of divination as numerology. The simplest numbers that influence the fate of a person are the date of birth and the numerical correspondence of the letters of the name. If you know how to perform special arithmetic operations with this data and know the meanings of numbers, then you can get a lot of useful information about the future.

Simple Ways

There are also a large number of fortune-telling methods, which I personally would call “marching”. They are simple, require the use of available items and allow you to quickly get simple predictions. These methods include:

  • divination on coffee grounds
  • divination on wax
  • divination on grains and bones
  • divination on a coin (the old ones are especially good for this)
  • fortune-telling on a mirror (often used "for a betrothed")
  • divination-omens on natural phenomena
  • divination by candlelight.

This list can be greatly expanded. All these types of divination are closely connected with folk customs and are perfectly suitable for those who guess from time to time.

The choice is great. Among the presented methods of divination, there are suitable for a person of any type. You just need to dig a little into the depths of your own soul, try different methods and decide which one is the most effective for you.

I hope that this information about the types of fortune-telling will help some of you make a choice. I want to wish good luck to everyone who is not afraid to look into the future and is actively looking for ways to fulfill their desire!

Many magicians and shamans use candles in their work, and not only to burn them. You can see how sometimes sorcerers gaze long and intently into the flame. Even an ordinary person can discern certain meanings in a candle flame.

If the candle burns evenly and the flame goes up clearly, then this is a good sign, it personifies a favorable environment around, a good aura, and a calm relationship.

If the flame blows away and sparks, then this place is unclean, there is a lot of negativity in it, or the personal state of the person who performs the ceremony is weakened and nervous.

When you peer into the fire of a candle for a longer time, you can see patterns on the walls or in the air that symbolize something important to you. Also, visions can visit a person at this moment, as there is a complete focus on a specific thought or problem. Often, after such sessions with a candle, clear thoughts and ways to solve problems come. A person feels peace and a surge of strength.

Divination for the betrothed

Before going to bed, you need to eat something very salty (do not drink it), then say the old words: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me, give me a drink.” According to legend, whoever gives a girl a drink in a dream will be narrowed down.


To find out the answer to a question of interest, you need to focus on it and go outside. Secretly overheard conversations will be important clues, from which a clear picture will emerge at the end. It is considered a bad sign to hear screams of quarrels and abuse.

Fortune telling by an apple

Make a wish. Take an apple and cut it with your left hand. If the bones are not cut and an even star in the core is obtained, then the wish will come true.

Divination on objects. Symbolism

In a large company of people, fortune telling can be done on many small items. For example, collect in a box a wide variety of things related to the type of human activity: a coin (financier), a compass (traveler), a sleeve () and others. The pulled out object symbolizes the activity of the future spouse. Variants of this divination can be very diverse.

Spiritual Divination

A dangerous type of divination, but very interesting. Its meaning is that a group of people calls for help a spirit that answers their questions. There are many varieties: with a saucer, with a book, with scissors. When conducting a session, a serious and positive attitude of all participants is important. Be sure to open the door or window, turn off the light (you can only light candles), hold hands. The company must have at least one person with strong energy, it is he who will be the conductor. At the end of the session, the spirit must be carried out, and the space behind it must be closed.

Divination online has become extremely popular. This is not surprising, because they are available to anyone who has a device with Internet access. You just need to press the buttons a few times to get a prediction! But such a hobby has not only pluses, but also minuses, and one should not forget about it.

Advantages of divination online

1. No need to buy special tools. For example, Tibetan is accessible to everyone. To do this, you do not need a special die with symbols. And the process of divination itself is unusually simple and does not require preliminary preparation.

2. You do not need to learn how to make layouts, memorize interpretations, gain experience. Everyone can use divination without remembering the values ​​of the arcana, because as a result the program will give a ready-made answer with the expanded values ​​of the cards.

Cons of divination online

1. They come true very rarely. The program gives the user a random prediction, so the chance that it will come true is small. Unfortunately, fortune-telling for the future often comes true only if the forecast is unfavorable. A person who has received a bad prediction begins to get nervous, set himself up for the worst, and as a result, he himself can destroy relationships or a career.

2. Are addictive. Alas, having started using flash layouts, it is sometimes very difficult to stop. It gets to the point that people start guessing "yes or no" online, allowing the program to solve for them even such small problems as for a party. This weans a person to reason independently, dulls the sense of responsibility even for one's own life.

3. Such hands can be dangerous. It is especially sad when people start guessing online about relationships, see a bad prognosis and assure themselves that they and their partner are not on the same path at all. Even worse, when only on the basis of such alignments, lovers accuse their soul mates of treason. This is a sure way to destroy relationships.

4. They make you waste time. At first, it may seem that online fortune-telling takes only a couple of minutes, which means that there is nothing wrong with it. But if you get carried away with the process, you can spend hours trying different flash layouts and asking hundreds of questions to the program.