Sociology, social work and statistics

Therefore, today the growth of the human capital of young people is coming to the fore, which, accordingly, will require solving the problem areas of the youth sphere: - a significant increase in the quality of education of young people; building up social and economic competencies by young people; - improving the culture and discipline of labor productivity of responsibility for the work performed; - formation of moral behavior of family values ​​of responsibility for the upbringing of children; - the growth of patriotism of civic participation and high responsibility ...

The main directions for improving the GMP

The current stage of development of the GMP includes both the medium and long term, which involves a departure from the usual model of state youth policy, by and large, based on quantitative indicators, for example, an increase in the number of young people in public associations, their involvement in various youth practices. There is a real need to improve quality indicators in all areas of youth development and activities. Therefore, today comes to the foreyouth human capital growth, which will accordingly require solving the problem areas of the youth sphere:

A significant increase in the quality of education of young people, building social and economic competencies by young people;

Improving the culture and discipline of labor, labor productivity, responsibility for the work performed;

Formation of moral behavior, family values, responsibility for raising children;

The growth of patriotism, civic participation and responsibility, a high level of legal awareness;

Promoting the installation to change the world and the surrounding reality for the better, the inclusion of young people in innovative and entrepreneurial activities;

Finding the values ​​and culture of a healthy lifestyle for young people.

In Russia as a whole and its regions, in particular, there are conceptual foundations for the socio-economic support of the state youth policy, specific mechanisms have been developed and proposed to optimize the economic support of the GMF, the essence of which is to expand the youth economic space to involve young people both in production, as well as commercial activities. These goals involve the implementation of the status role of young people within certain boundaries of internal and external conditions.

Measures to activate positive factors that increase the human capital of young people are largely based on the same set of measures that prevent the development of negative trends in the youth environment. Therefore, two directions should be considered in more detail - the development of youth entrepreneurship and the provision of housing for young people.

1. In many ways development of youth entrepreneurshipresonates with measures that should ensure that young people have access to investment resources and support youth start-ups. The main resource for creating a new startup is a good innovative idea. The success of startups is facilitated by the youth of startups (average age 25 years), their passion for the idea and the cause, and of course hard work. It should be noted that in this area of ​​youth policy there are significant opportunities for cooperation with business, including the organization of many projects and programs based on public-private partnerships. Business is already independently striving to support youth initiatives in order to create a favorable environment for its activities. In particular, educational programs on entrepreneurship can be implemented jointly with large companies and corporate universities or training and retraining centers. Within the framework of joint actions, master classes can be organized with the participation of prominent representatives of Russian business for young entrepreneurs, consulting on the development of start-ups, fundraising and other topics necessary for the development of their own business.

2. Housing affordabilityis one of the most important conditions for the development of young people, increasing their human capital, since housing is necessary to increase the territorial, including labor, migration of young people, as well as to create a family and have children. Unfortunately, despite the great attention paid to this problem by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, it has not yet been resolved. The high cost of housing and mortgage interest prevent young people (or allow them to a very limited extent) from buying a home. The decrease in the interest rate by the Central Bank in 2015 on mortgages to 14% also does not contribute to solving the housing problem for young families. As a rule, young families take out mortgages to improve their living conditions when the loan amount is small. However, among young people aged 18-20, the proportion of those who have their own small housing (a room in a communal apartment or a small apartment received by inheritance) is insignificant, does not exceed a few percent. Due to this circumstance, the emphasis in youth policy in modern conditions should be placed not only and not so much on preferential mortgages for young people, but on providing support for rental housing.

The rental trend is completely new to Russia's youth policy, and its implementation will require solving existing problems. In particular, it is necessary to legalize a fairly large part of the rental housing market, which is currently in the shade, and create legal guarantees for young families with children when renting housing.

However, the effective development of the two above-mentioned areas, respectively, requires effective financing, since fyouth policy fundingis one of the most important factors in increasing the human capital of young people. Stable, regular financial support is able to solve most of the tasks of youth policy, which are complex and require the joint efforts of many actors, both state and non-state. The complexity of these tasks lies in the fact that they are intersectoral, interregional in nature, weak coordination of activities of which will require efforts from the federal and regional levels of government and, of course, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs as a subject of youth policy management. The low availability of financial resources for the SME affects not only the effectiveness of the youth policy itself, but also the effectiveness of state policy in the field of demography, employment, housing policy, health care, education and culture, as well as physical culture and sports and, of course, regional policy.

Effectiveness of youth policyis a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of the interaction of subjects of youth policy in the process of its implementation. First of all, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the GMF with the help of such indicators as the ratio between specific results (social effects and the achievement of political goals) and resource costs (socio-economic costs), as well as establishing a correspondence between the results and the problem field, which was aimed at solving. the main efforts at the stages of development and implementation of youth policy.Common Factorsthe effectiveness of youth policy are objective economic (the level of production, features of production and production infrastructure, features of the distribution of means of production) and socio-political (ideology, spiritual values, traditions, norms, national and cultural characteristics, features of social infrastructure). Also very significantsubjective factors, in particular the staffing of the youth policy (the level of special professional training, competence, the development of functional duties, the motivation of the work of persons responsible for the development and implementation of the GMF).

Let us turn to specific indicators of the effectiveness of youth policy at the FADM level, which are: internal and external; quantitative and qualitative estimates. Internal in relation to the subject of management, external in relation to the object, since the quality, consistency and coordination of the work of the subject of management inevitably affects external criteria and indicators.

Quantifying EfficiencyFADM project activities can be carried out by the method of comparative analysis of trends in certain characteristics:

Project cost variances Project budget variances due to overspending or underspending;

Schedule deviations shifts in the project schedule caused by delays or advances in the work schedule;

Elimination of deficiencies found during the verification and quality assessment Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project team to eliminate the deficiencies identified during the implementation of the project;

Number of unresolved issues effectiveness of the project team's response to emerging difficulties;

Staffing of the project team availability of all project participants and a clear distribution of the scope of work between them.

Qualitative performance assessmentcan be assessed according to the following indicators:

Coordination of work of substructures;

Formed and constantly updated database on various categories of youth (innovators, difficult teenagers, unemployed, talented);

The current legal and regulatory framework;

Project approach to the implementation of programs and projects with precisely specified deadlines, results, resources;

Quantity and quality of developed, formed and implemented projects, programs, events;

Coverage of the target audience;

The quality of training in the field of youth policy.

Based on the learned materials, the following number of youth policy problems can be identified that require more effective solutions:

Imperfection of the regulatory legal framework;

Weak coordination of youth policy with other areas of state policy, leading to a certain artificial isolation of youth issues in relation to other areas of state activity;

The limited infrastructure of the institutions of the bodies for youth affairs, the areas of their activities that adequately meet the needs, interests and problems of the youth sphere;

Insufficient level of personnel and financial support for youth policy;

Lack of a universal system of diagnostics and comprehensive social monitoring of the state of the youth sphere;

Limited access to a single information bank of data on the current areas of youth policy, state authorities, their institutions, specialized areas of activity, technologies for working with youth;

Lack of interest of the media in covering the practice of implementing youth policy.

State youth policy is one of the most important tools for the development of the country, the growth of the welfare of its citizens and the improvement of social relations. Only through the formation of modern youth such qualities as responsibility, purposefulness, initiative, tolerance, it is possible to revive the strength, power and greatness of Russia. It is quite obvious that what resources will be invested in youth policy, such will be the development of the country, its political and economic stability.

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Modern state support of Moscow for the activities of youth and children's public associations, non-governmental organizations that support youth is provided in Moscow in the following forms:

Placing a social order for the implementation of target programs in the field of youth policy;

Target financing of individual socially useful programs of youth and children's public associations at their request (state grants);

Provision in accordance with the current legislation of benefits for the payment of taxes, other fees and payments within the amounts credited to the budget of Moscow

Providing compensation for payment of utility bills;

Leasing free of charge or at the rates of rent established for state institutions of the social sphere of Moscow, premises of the state non-residential fund of Moscow, as well as providing for the use of property owned by Moscow.

The mechanisms of state support for youth policy are as follows:

1. The list of youth and children's public associations, non-governmental organizations providing support to youth, using Moscow state support and specific forms of Moscow state support are determined on the basis of specially held annual competitions.

2. Competitions are held by the Moscow Administration openly with the announcement of their holding in the media, with the involvement of members of the public, relevant specialists.

3. Based on the results of the competition, the Moscow City Register of Youth and Children's Public Associations, Non-Governmental Organizations that provide support to young people that use Moscow's state support is formed, indicating specific forms of Moscow's state support. The register shall be sent to all departments responsible for the implementation of Article 19 of this Law.

4. Youth and children's public associations, non-governmental organizations that provide support to young people, enjoying the state support of Moscow, are taken into account without fail when compiling the Main Directions of Moscow's Youth Policy, developing targeted programs in the field of Moscow's youth policy.

5. The Moscow Administration forms and registers a unified classifier of information bases and data banks in the field of youth policy in Moscow.

6. The Moscow Administration finances the activities of the mass media for children, adolescents and youth, including the relevant editorial offices of Moscow television and radio programs, within the budgetary allocations allocated for these purposes.

7. Staffing of the youth policy of Moscow is carried out by the Moscow Administration by determining the need for personnel and performing the function of a customer in organizing their training, retraining and advanced training.

8. The Moscow Administration determines the list of problems for research work in the field of Moscow's youth policy and performs the functions of the customer of these works.

9. The organizational basis for the implementation of the Moscow youth policy is formed by the relevant sectoral and territorial bodies of the Moscow Administration, city and district public youth advisory and advisory councils, which include citizens and representatives of organizations operating in the field of youth policy.

The state youth policy in Moscow is funded by:

Federal, city, district budgets and budgets of municipalities;

Extrabudgetary state and non-state funds.

Improving the financing of youth policy can be facilitated by attracting income from the activities of structures that are part of the state youth policy industry, charitable contributions from individuals and legal entities.

You can also highlight the following ways to improve youth policy in the main areas.

1. Increase in state grants aimed at targeted financing of certain socially useful programs of youth and children's public associations at their request.

2. Increasing the objectivity of specially held annual competitions, on the basis of which a list of youth and children's public associations, non-governmental organizations that provide support to young people that receive state support from Moscow, and specific forms of state support from Moscow are determined

3. Increasing the information content of citizens, organizations that support youth, and other interested organizations about draft documents and decisions, as well as about planned and ongoing activities in the field of Moscow's youth policy.

4. Organization of the work of volunteer clubs, where schoolchildren and students receive useful skills and experience, learn how to carry out preventive measures, and most importantly, become "bearers" of a healthy lifestyle themselves.

5. Creation of a specialized program to solve the youth housing problem, within the framework of the program "Youth - Affordable Housing"

In addition to programs on youth policy, it is necessary to create special programs for working with youth at the district and municipal levels. Such programs should be of an interdepartmental nature, which clearly indicates the set of measures carried out by each of the departments and its responsibility for a specific area of ​​joint work.

In municipalities, work should be intensified to develop the infrastructure of youth policy, the network of municipal youth centers, as well as social services and teenage clubs subordinate to youth affairs agencies, should be increased. This circumstance will significantly affect the structure of financial costs in district and municipal youth programs. In those municipalities where youth affairs bodies have subordinate institutions, a large share of the financing of programs for the implementation of youth policy is made up of expenditure items for the maintenance and operation of these institutions, since each of them is an active executor of many youth work activities included in the rest. sections of these municipal programs.

Youth policy proceeds from the fact that young people have a powerful innovative potential. At the same time, under certain conditions and under the influence of political forces, it can be both constructive and destructive, to the detriment of the state and society, including the youth themselves. The activities of state bodies are designed to promote the development of creative, creative activities of young people, the implementation of their initiatives in all spheres of life in the formation of responsibility for today's society and its future.

At the same time, it should be noted stable views on young people as a socially passive, social group in a transitional, marginal state, a consumer of social services, various types of gratuitous assistance, support from the state, closed in the system of their internal, sometimes purely economic, interests and needs. .

The state does not always manage to mobilize the youth initiative in the public interest.

Based on this, it should be noted that the new requirements for the state youth policy can be formulated as follows: Ikonnokova S.N. Dialectics of continuity of generations / Sociology of youth. Ed. V.T. Lisovsky. SPb, 1996.- p. 220.:

"The initiative of the young - for the good of Russia", which includes: promoting and supporting the development of civil initiatives of youth, stimulating youth self-government and enhancing the activities of youth and children's public associations.

"Diversification of youth policy" implies the use of a differentiated approach to youth by social and age groups and the development of new technologies for working with youth, based on social and age differences.

“Interdepartmental cooperation and integration”, first of all, determines the priority of the state youth policy as an intersectoral sphere, the joint use of the material base of institutions of various departments and the development of “youth sections” in targeted and investment programs at all levels.

"Accessibility of social institutions" should be the integration of sources of funding for state youth policy, strengthening the role of economic leverage of attracted resources and equipping youth policy institutions with modern equipment.

"Approximation to the interests of youth" can be implemented by re-profiling the activities of youth centers, taking into account the modern needs and interests of young people and creating a modern youth policy infrastructure.

"Liquidation of lost profits" affirms the principle of long-term investment in costs in the field of state youth policy and the forecast of a possible amount of profit.

“Creating an informational youth space” should be formed through interactive interaction between the state and youth in global information networks by the youth themselves, the creation of an all-Russian youth information portal and the conclusion of a public agreement by the mass media on the comprehensive coverage of youth with information.

"Dialogue with youth" should take place through organizing meetings, "round tables" with youth, holding annual festivals of youth initiatives and stimulating the creation of public associations in the field of working, rural, creative, law enforcement and other youth.

“Tolerance instead of aggression and violence” will be possible only if a system of street social work is created by older youth to establish channels for interaction with informal subcultures, correction and rehabilitation.

Therefore, we can dwell on the most important factors of new approaches to working with youth, which are: the activity of the youth themselves, associated with the expansion of potential opportunities in their social development; meeting the needs of each age group of young people (17-19 years old, 20-24 years old, 25-30 years old); formation of targeted projects and programs at the regional and federal levels, confirmed by the regulatory framework, the mechanism of state support, and financial resources. The socio-pedagogical triad should become the basis of the system of work with youth: the state - society (represented by a wide range of youth and children's public associations) - social and age groups of young people.

As we have already discussed above, the main principles of the state youth policy, first of all, should be considered the responsibility of the state for observing the rights and legitimate interests of young people and the priority of state support for young people at the stage of social, cultural, spiritual and physical development, choosing a life path. Therefore, in order to confirm these arguments, we will dwell in more detail on the priority areas of the state youth policy and the main mechanisms for their implementation:

1. State support for young citizens in the field of education, upbringing and development.

2. Assistance and support for young citizens in the field of protecting their health, in the prevention of dangerous diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Assistance in ensuring the economic independence of young citizens and the realization of their labor rights and obligations.

4. State support for young families.

5. State support for young citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, in their social services, in social rehabilitation and adaptation.

6. Support for socially significant initiatives, social and political activities of youth, youth and children's public associations.

First of all, in order to implement the main directions of youth policy, it is necessary to create an effective management system. Building an effective management system requires regulation of the relationship between the federal bodies that regulate issues of state youth policy and the relevant bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of delineation of powers, interdepartmental coordination.

The current practice also requires the delimitation of the powers of governing bodies on organizational and legal approaches to the implementation of state youth policy as an intersectoral sphere, on the one hand, and as an independent industry that has its own institutions, organizational and financial mechanisms, a system of subordination, its own personnel, information, scientific and methodological support, performance standards State youth policy in the Russian Federation. - M.: Logos, 2003.- p.300..

Particular attention in the new system of state youth policy management should be given to the coordination of the activities of all state structures and interaction with the bodies of education, health, labor, physical culture and sports, defense, internal affairs, and other social, political, public entities working with youth.

The second aspect that we will consider is the improvement of the regulatory framework. In order to significantly improve federal regulatory legal acts in the field of state youth policy, it would be advisable to systematically implement the following measures.

1. Work out the issue of approving, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Concept and the main directions for the implementation of the state youth policy by the President of the Russian Federation.

2. In accordance with the main identified priorities, prepare a draft of the basic federal law on state support for youth in the Russian Federation, which establishes priority areas and main mechanisms for state support of young citizens at the stage of social development and entry into independent life.

Special legal regulation should be carried out in matters that have not been sufficiently worked out in federal legislation (issues of lending to young families, social services for youth, support for youth entrepreneurship, etc.).

Legislation should provide for resolving issues related to attracting extrabudgetary sources, creating favorable conditions for organizations implementing youth support programs that promote a healthy lifestyle; sponsors and investors directing their funds to the development of the younger generation. One of the priority areas in the implementation of the state youth policy can be called state support for young citizens in the field of education, upbringing and development. For this, it is necessary to expand the availability of education, improve its quality and efficiency, develop long-term measures to ensure the employment of graduates of professional educational institutions, to support their stable , full-fledged work activity. It is necessary to form and implement targeted programs and projects to support public associations operating in educational institutions.

It is extremely important to develop and implement federal, regional, local targeted programs for the civic development of young people, their cultural and physical development, patriotic and spiritual and moral education, as well as the coordination and support of the activities of youth and children's public associations in the field of military-patriotic, spiritual and moral , environmental education, career guidance, consumer education, the introduction into practice of competitions of programs and projects in this area. To support the above, it is necessary to hold competitions, olympiads and festivals in various areas of creative implementation of children and youth, including in the field of professional, entrepreneurial activities, as well as support and development of various forms of educational work in specialized institutions, in institutions of additional education, in adolescents and youth clubs in the community. In the field of protecting the health of young citizens, in the prevention of dangerous diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary on the part of the state to implement the following measures: improving measures of state support and assistance to young citizens, including those in difficult life situations, ensuring a healthy lifestyle for young citizens, activating measures for the prevention of drug addiction and dependence on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, for the treatment and rehabilitation of young citizens with drug addiction, for the preservation of the mental health of young people. stimulation of measures to promote a healthy lifestyle, to develop the needs of young citizens and ensure active physical culture and sports, the development of the practice of holding all-Russian, interregional and regional sports competitions, youth tournaments in mass sports. It is necessary to expand the system of social service institutions for young people and form measures to support the activities of children's health-improving, educational institutions, experimental sites in order to introduce innovative technologies and methods in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged children's, youth, family recreation, leisure, creative development.

The next provision of the direction of the state youth policy is to ensure the economic independence of young citizens and the realization of their labor rights and obligations - and this is, first of all, the creation of conditions for youth employment, including the development and adoption of measures to allocate jobs for young people, the formation of programs to promote social adaptation, increase competitiveness of youth in the labor market and support for youth entrepreneurship.

No less important can be considered state support for young families, which must be implemented through the development and adoption of federal, regional, local targeted programs and projects for state support of young families, primarily the poor, to provide them with material and other assistance in solving social problems. economic, social and domestic problems, to ensure the employment of young parents and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. First of all, for this it is necessary to improve the legislation on supporting young families in the construction and purchase of housing (for example, on the implementation of subsidies, targeted concessional lending, mortgage lending, on the introduction of mechanisms for renting state and municipal housing, etc.) Next, we will consider the following aspects of state participation in youth policy - state support for young citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, for example, with deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development, for this purpose it is necessary to improve a number of measures, including the legal framework for supporting public associations and other legal and individuals who provide assistance and support to young citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Let us give more specific examples of existing program measures to support youth and youth initiatives, some of which we have already discussed above. In view of the insufficiency of resource support for solving major problems in the field of state youth policy, it is necessary to carry out a number of priority initiatives in the field of state support for youth and, above all, initiatives of the youth themselves as part of the implementation of new elements of the Federal Target Program "Youth of Russia", developed by the Department for Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education of Russia , regional targeted programs in the field of state youth policy Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2000 No. 1015. “On the federal target program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” / “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, 28.10.2001, N 25, art. 2890.:

1. subprogram of the federal target program "Youth of Russia (2001-2005)" - "State support of social initiatives of children and youth". The subprogram contains a system of relevant measures and includes: development of regulatory legal acts in the development and improvement of the mechanism of state order for the implementation of children's and youth initiatives; creating conditions for improving the information support of public initiatives of children and youth; development and implementation of scientific and methodological support for public initiatives; improvement and development of organizational support and support for public initiatives; development and implementation of economic support mechanisms for the implementation of public initiatives, development of indicators of economic efficiency of the implementation of public initiatives; development and implementation of mechanisms to stimulate and motivate public initiatives of children and youth.

2. A program to promote the employment of young people entering the labor market for the first time, which involves: improving the legal framework governing youth employment; development of financial mechanisms and technologies aimed at solving the problems of youth employment; dissemination of experience in the application of organizational, financial and other technologies aimed at ensuring the solution of youth employment issues; expansion of the circle of subjects promoting youth employment; formation of economic mechanisms that ensure the functioning of the system for promoting youth employment; creation of scientific support for interrelated forecasting of the development of labor markets and educational services; formation in the vocational education system of a network of regional and university centers dealing with issues of promoting the employment of students and graduates of vocational education institutions; development of mechanisms for legal and social support for students and graduates of vocational education institutions in the labor market; formation of mechanisms for correcting the content, forms and methods of vocational education, the list of specialties of a set of state educational standards, based on forecasts of the interconnected development of labor markets and educational services.

3. The program of additional resource provision for 2003-2015 on the topic “Provision of housing for young families”, which proposes the following system of measures: the development and implementation in practice of the subjects of the Russian Federation of legal, financial and organizational mechanisms for providing state support to young families in need of improved housing conditions ; assistance to the initiatives of youth organizations aimed at improving the housing and social conditions of young families; development of interdepartmental forms of planning and designing possible ways to solve the housing problem of young people;

creation of new organizational and legal forms of youth associations in order to solve housing problems; coordination and support on a competitive basis of projects and programs of youth, enterprises and organizations aimed at solving the housing problem of youth in the regions; development of a mechanism for implementing a system of state support for young families in the construction (acquisition) of housing; creation of a regulatory framework for state support of young families in the construction (acquisition) of housing; providing state support for the initiative of youth organizations to improve the housing and social conditions of young families.


Assessing the overall activity of the state in the formation of youth policy in Russia in recent years, it can be characterized only as a stage of origin. To date, a situation has developed in the country when one can state the complete absence of a youth policy on the part of the state.

That is why today only 10-17% of young people out of all respondents believe that the Government of the Russian Federation is pursuing a targeted youth policy in a number of areas of life that are especially important for young people, and 55-69% believe that this is not being done.

Youth policy has not yet become a priority policy of the state, and financing of its activities is practically not carried out or is carried out according to the residual principle. Most of the decisions, resolutions, targeted programs covering the youth sphere are of a declarative or recommendatory nature. They directly depend on the positions of the central and local authorities and the availability of appropriate amounts in the regional budgets. The provisions directly related to the state youth policy are short-term and fragmented. They are not linked to a single concept of solving the acute social problems of the younger generation in the context of active reform of the social system and a deep systemic crisis as a result of this reform. The process of formation of youth policy has the character of endless, as a rule, poorly prepared, experiments and development of individual provisions aimed at creating the foundations of youth policy.

The most significant shortcomings in the development and implementation of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation include the lack of:

Deep scientific validity of the state youth policy at the federal level and a methodologically unified system of regional studies,

Legislative consolidation of the concept of "youth" as a single social group according to the age socially significant criterion, having a legitimate status both at the level of the federal center and at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation,

A logical relationship with other areas of state policy, which leads to an artificial isolation of youth issues.

It should also be recognized that the formation and implementation of state youth policy, the intensification of legislative activities in relation to youth are often initiated by the country's power structures for opportunistic reasons - on the eve of the next elections or possible socio-political instability.

This can, to a certain extent, explain that the attention of the state and society to young people in general and to the implementation of youth policy in particular has noticeably decreased over the past decade in Russia.

The edifying and guardian attitude towards the young on the part of the older generation in the spiritual, ideological and educational spheres has been transformed in recent years into misunderstanding and indifference. Today, the view of young people as a passive social group in a transitional, marginal state is widely spread.

Summing up, it should be concluded that in order to intensify the state youth policy, it is necessary to implement the following comprehensive measures.

1. Further development of the state youth policy management system, taking into account the interdepartmental nature of this area.

Particular attention should be paid to the coordination of the activities of all state structures and interaction with the bodies of education, health, labor, physical culture and sports, internal affairs, other social, political, public entities to work with youth, as well as the development of a system of bodies for youth affairs in municipal formations.

2. Improvement of the regulatory legal framework.

Audit of existing regulatory legal acts in the field of state youth policy with the involvement of the public in this activity.

3. Strengthening the material and technical base of social institutions dealing with youth problems, conducting an active investment policy in relation to youth. The task of forming a modern youth policy infrastructure with an extensive network of institutions is topical. It is necessary to make maximum use of the entire material base of institutions of education, health care, culture, physical culture and sports. It is advisable to develop calculation models that take into account not only the cost part, but also the projected income from the implementation of relevant government measures. Taking into account the world practice, extra-budgetary sources of financing should be more actively attracted.

4. Implementation of a differentiated approach in relation to various groups of youth in the implementation of the state youth policy.

5. Improving the system of training specialists working with youth. On the basis of new principles of work with youth, it is necessary to form a modern staffing program in the system of pre-university, university, postgraduate levels of training specialists for youth policy.

6. Activation of the public component of youth policy.

It is necessary to develop a system of interaction with youth and children's public organizations, to develop and support youth parliamentarism. It is advisable to define a set of measures to support youth volunteering, aimed at increasing youth social initiative, enhancing youth participation in society, forming their civic responsibility and an active life position.

The concept of youth and its significance in social life. State youth policy. Methodology and principles of formation of municipal youth policy, its indicators. Analysis of the state of medium and small business and youth participation in it.

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    Characteristics of youth and youth policy. The principles of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation, the emergence of the program "Youth of Russia". Shortcomings in the development and implementation of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

    thesis, added 02/26/2012

    The young generation in Russia as an object of state interests. The activities of municipal authorities in the formation and implementation of youth policy, measures to improve it (on the example of the Sayansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory).

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    CHAPTER I. Literature review

    1.1 The position of youth in society

    1.3 Features of the youth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    1.4 Youth associations of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    CHAPTER II. Research methods and organization

    2.1 Characteristics of research methods

    2.2 Organization of the study

    CHAPTER III. Research results and discussion




    After the "Komsomol" stage in Russia, youth policy as such was not observed at all. Again, the state took up the youth only in the early 90s - for the first time structures began to appear in power, designed to deal with the problems of the younger generation. But this work was limited by the fact that, at best, young people were provided with a minimum standard of social services, or young people were “taken by the hand” and tried to bring them to the established norm - where, according to the authorities, young people should be. The problems just kept getting worse. The very formulation of the question that youth policy is the formation of the “correct” youth by the state turned out to be erroneous. This type of relationship between youth and the state is not only unproductive from the point of view of equal partnership, but also provokes a confrontation between generations.

    The formation of a viable younger generation is a strategic task for the development of the state. Youth is an object of national-state interests, one of the main factors in ensuring the development of the Russian state and society.

    The state youth policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is an integral part of the federal policy in the field of socio-economic, cultural and national development of the Russian Federation and is an integral system of legal, organizational, managerial, financial, economic, scientific, informational, personnel measures aimed at creating the necessary conditions for young citizens to choose their way of life, for responsible participation in the revival of Russia.

    The implementation of the state youth policy in the region is aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of the personality of a young person, at the development of youth and children's public associations, movements and initiatives. The state youth policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory expresses, in relation to the younger generation, the strategic line of the state to ensure the socio-economic, political and cultural development of the region, to develop patriotism among young citizens and respect for the history and culture of the fatherland, for other peoples, for the observance of human rights.

    Investments in the state youth policy of the region, in the social development of young people, their involvement in creative, active participation in the life of society and the state, is an investment in the development of the productive forces of the state as a whole.

    The main thing in the state youth policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is to increase the activity of a young person and youth as a social group in the implementation of personal, state and public interests aimed at the revival of Russia and the social development of the individual.

    The relevance of our topic is primarily due to the fact that it is young people who are the most mobile, agile, energetic part of our society. It is she who in 10 years will turn into the main part of our society - will take places from the sphere of production to the sphere of management, having finally formed in her view of the world. In our opinion, this topic is also relevant because modern youth is a unique phenomenon. It was formed at the junction of two largely contradictory eras - the Soviet, socialist, and today's, Russian, aimed at capitalism. This, of course, left an imprint on the perception of the world, led to great variability in personal attitudes to today's life, led to a revision of life values, one's own principles.

    Target possible improvement of the regional youth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    1. Reveal the meanings and concepts of youth as a social group

    2. Consider social ways and methods of working with youth.

    3. Study documents on youth policy adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

    4. Develop methods for improving regional youth policy

    An object research - youth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    Subject of this study are ways to improve regional policy on the example of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    Hypothesis- if you study certain areas of the youth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk and transform them, then the result can be used to improve the regional youth policy

    Research methods:

    1. Theoretical analysis of documents of the legislative assembly;

    2. Survey method;

    3. Methods of mathematical statistics.

    • CHAPTER I. Literature review

    1.1 The position of youth in society

    Young people make up 30% of the world's population, and it is they who will eventually occupy leading positions both in the economy and politics, as well as in the social and spiritual spheres of society.

    In sociology, the concept of "youth" in the broadest sense of the word is defined as a set of group communities formed on the basis of age characteristics and related activities. In a narrower sense, youth is a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of age-related features of the social position of young people, their place and functions in the social structure of society, their specific interests and values.

    Before talking about the social status and protection of young people, it is necessary to determine the age limits of this population group. In ancient China, for example, youth included persons under the age of 20, followed by a period of marriage up to 30 years. In the classification of the ages of life according to Pythagoras, youth is designated as "summer of life" - from 20 to 40 years; Hippocrates attributed the periods to youth: from 14 to 21 years and from 21 to 28 years.

    The International Symposium on Age Periodization (Moscow, 1965) defined adolescence from 17 to 21 years for boys and from 16 to 20 years for girls, the first period of middle age - from 22 to 35 years for men and from 21 to 35 years for women.

    Modern scientists believe that the age limits of the period of youth are conditional, they can be determined by the interval from 13-14 years to 29-30 years. However, youth is not so much a stage in the life cycle as a certain social status of a person associated with the main activities of students, military personnel, workers, etc.

    Youth is the subject of study in many social disciplines. Sociology, for example, studies the essence of youth as a social group, the peculiarities of its social position, role and place in society; establishes criteria for age limits; studies the activities of the younger generation, the process of socialization of young people, their role and place in power structures, etc.

    The social mechanisms of interaction between society and youth are specially studied, since the social development of youth is associated with the renewal of the social system, is one of the components of the development of society. In modern Russian society, such problems as the social stratification of young people, their participation in market relations, various forms of behavior, etc., have also acquired particular relevance. All this must necessarily be in the field of view of sociologists who study youth as a community.

    Medicine and biology are busy studying the health of young people, the functional and morphological features of various body systems, and much more.

    Science is interested in the psychological and pedagogical aspects of youth development, demographic changes in this social group. By the beginning of the XXI century. there have been such noticeable demographic changes in the youth environment that they, like no other indicator, clearly characterize the position of Russian youth in society. Its total number by now is more than 32 million people, or 22% of the total population of the country.

    The natural change in the population is mainly due to the constant decrease in the number of children born. Of particular concern is the excessively high mortality among young people. First of all, this applies to young men: by the age of 30, the mortality among them is more than 2 times higher than the mortality among women. In a number of reasons, such as an accident, death as a result of traffic accidents, etc. are put forward in the first place.

    Many problems are associated with the health of young people, the number of perfectly healthy boys and girls has sharply decreased. The number of diseases that were previously not characteristic of young people has increased; there is an increase in the number of patients with venereal diseases and AIDS.

    The main reason for the deterioration in the health of young people continues to be the crisis state of society and its consequences - poor nutrition, a reduction in the number of health facilities, etc. Perhaps the situation will change after the implementation of youth programs adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    In the field of youth education, the state of affairs is also ambiguous. An indisputable achievement is the desire of young people for knowledge, study in universities and technical schools. At the same time, there is a problem of employment of graduates who have received professional education.

    As a result, many of them are forced to work outside their specialty.

    Among the officially registered unemployed, the share of young people over the past 5 years has been 30% or more.

    The sharpness of the social position of the younger generation in Russian society is also evidenced by the phenomena of social pathology among the youth. Despite the preventive measures taken, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, substance abuse, and alcoholism continue to grow. The reasons for moral degradation lie both in social troubles and in the inability to organize one's leisure time, the inability to find a suitable job, drunkenness, parental cruelty, low incomes, loss of social and moral guidelines, etc.

    Of course, youth as a social group has its own characteristics. Often they are associated with difficulties in adapting to modern socio-economic conditions: professional and social self-determination, employment, housing problems, etc. Involuntarily, the question arises of a system of social protection aimed at providing legal and economic guarantees for every young person. There is a need for targeted assistance to young people, families, organizations and public institutions working with youth, constant assistance to those who are unable to do without it, live below the poverty line.

    Youth occupies an important place in social relations, the production of material and spiritual wealth. However, its position in society and the degree of its participation in creative activities directly depend on the actions of society and the state. We are talking about the state youth policy and social work with young people. Under the state youth policy is meant the activities of the state aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of each young person and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives.

    The state youth policy is one of the specific activities of the legislative and executive authorities in order to realize the creative potential of young people and successfully enter independent life. State youth policy is the common cause of the state, political parties, public associations.

    The object of the state youth policy are citizens of the Russian Federation (including foreign citizens and stateless persons) aged 14 to 30; young families, as well as youth associations. Its subjects include state bodies and their officials; youth associations and associations, as well as young citizens themselves.

    The state youth policy in the Russian Federation is based on such principles as the combination of state, public interests and individual rights in the formation and implementation of the state youth policy; attracting young citizens to direct participation in the formation and implementation of policies and programs relating to youth and society as a whole (the principle of participation); ensuring legal and social protection of young people.

    The state activity occupies the leading position in the youth policy of the society. It is she and only she who is associated with the adoption and implementation of laws and regulations relating to young people, their rights and opportunities in society.

    The creation of a modern system of coordination of youth policy began in January 1992, when the position of Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was introduced by order of the President of the Russian Federation.

    The scope of his activities were: ensuring the coordination of efforts of various ministries and departments of the Russian Federation in the field of youth policy; methodological guidance of committees on youth affairs in the subjects of the Federation; development and implementation of state programs in the field of social development and social protection of youth; state support for youth and children's organizations, etc.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On priority measures in the field of state youth policy" (September 16, 1992), the Committee on Youth Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation was created, which was soon reorganized into the Committee of the Russian Federation on Youth Affairs, a federal executive body: the status of the committee was significantly increased .

    The Committee was instructed to participate in the development and implementation of measures to create conditions for the comprehensive development of young people and their adaptation to life, to ensure the protection of the interests and rights of young citizens, to support young families, talented youth, youth and children's organizations, to organize summer holidays for children and teenagers. .

    In order to increase the attention of the state and society to the problems of youth, by order of the President of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1994 No. The Council for Youth Affairs under the President of the Russian Federation was formed and the Regulations on the Council were approved. This allowed youth organizations to exert more influence than before on the solution of youth issues, on the development of state youth policy. Unfortunately, in 2000 the Council was liquidated.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 21, 1994 No. Regulations on the Committee on Youth Affairs were adopted. In the future, its structure changed several times; August 14, 1996 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the structure of federal executive bodies" was adopted, on the basis of which the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was created.

    On the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, its functions were transferred to the Department for Youth Affairs within the structure of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, but on May 25, 1999, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was restored.

    Six months later, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 1999 No. A new Regulation on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was approved, which acquired the status of a federal executive body designed to carry out the functions of state regulation and intersectoral coordination in the field of youth policy.

    The Committee had to solve the following tasks:

    Development of the main provisions of the state youth policy and its implementation;

    Ensuring the solution of intersectoral problems in the field of state youth policy;

    Methodological support of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues of state youth policy;

    Development and implementation, together with the federal executive authorities concerned, of measures to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young citizens, the creation of conditions for solving their social, material and housing problems, the organization of training, employment and recreation for young people, as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

    Development and implementation of measures to support a young family, talented youth, youth and children's public associations, promoting the spiritual and physical development of young people, the education of citizenship and patriotism.

    In accordance with these tasks, the State Youth Committee of Russia participated: in the implementation of measures to provide socio-psychological, pedagogical, legal assistance and rehabilitation of young people who find themselves in a difficult life situation; in the organization of physical culture and health-improving work with children and youth; in the development and implementation of federal targeted programs aimed at addressing issues of education, employment, housing, social services, organization of recreation and health improvement, prevention of drug addiction and delinquency among young people, child neglect, spiritual, physical and civic-patriotic education of young people, to support activities of youth and children's public associations, etc.

    According to the decree of the President of Russia, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs was obliged to submit reports to the Government of the country on the situation of young people, socio-demographic trends and directions for the social development of the younger generation. In total, several such reports were prepared. Their authors were employees of the Research Center of the Institute of Youth (now the Moscow Humanitarian and Social University), specialists from various departments and institutions, leaders of youth public associations.

    In the report "The Youth of Russia: Situation, Trends, Prospects" (1993), the need for a holistic state youth policy was substantiated. The report "The Youth of Russia: Education of Viable Generations" (1995) was devoted to the problems of their education and preparation for work, which contributed to the creation of new concepts of such state activity in this direction.

    The report “The Status of Youth in the Russian Federation: 1995” (1996) analyzes the social status of young people, defines their place and role in various spheres of public life. In the report “The Status of Youth in the Russian Federation and State Youth Policy” (1998), the main attention was focused on the role of state youth policy in solving the most important social problems of Russian youth. In the report “Youth of the Russian Federation: position, choice of path. Main Conclusions and Suggestions” (2000) characterizes the situation in the youth environment in the last two years of the 20th century, draws attention to the importance of using the potentials of the young generation as a strategic resource for the development of society. Later, regular state reports for 2000-2001, 2002, 2005 were prepared and published.

    Reforms of state bodies in the field of youth policy are ongoing. In May 2000, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the abolished State Committee, the Department for Youth Affairs was again created, however, now within the structure of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The state youth policy of the last decade was summarized by the Department and published in the collection "Practice of implementing the GMP in the regions of the Russian Federation" (2002).

    With the reorganization of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the creation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2004. the former body for youth affairs was reformed into the Department for State Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children.

    Legislative authorities are also involved in youth policy issues. In 1995, the Committee for Women, Family and Youth Affairs was formed in the State Duma of the Russian Federation; In 1997 The Council for Youth Affairs was created under the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. There are committees for youth affairs in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. By the beginning of 2000 they employed more than 1000 people. At the city and district levels - about 3,000 people, almost 15 thousand employees are directly employed in social services related to youth.

    In addition, youth organizations and associations of Russia are involved in the formation and implementation of the state youth policy. There are more than 400 youth and children's public associations in the country. Among them are all-Russian, international, interregional and local.

    In January 1992 The National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia was formed. It includes more than 40 all-Russian and interregional public organizations, about 30 coordinating councils ("round tables") of youth and children's associations of the regions of the Russian Federation. In December 1998, at a conference of this council, the concept of interaction with state bodies of the Russian Federation was adopted. In accordance with the Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations” (NQ 98-FZ, dated June 26, 1995), there is a federal register of associations that receive state support. It is conducted on the basis of regulation NQ 1104 of June 13, 1996, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The register of youth and children's public associations is maintained by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It includes more than 50 public organizations that enjoy state support under the Federal Interdepartmental Program.

    Under the state support of youth and children's associations is meant a set of measures taken by the state authorities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The purpose of support is the creation and provision of legal, economic and organizational conditions, guarantees and incentives for the activities of such associations aimed at the social formation, development and self-realization of children and youth in public life, at the protection and protection of their rights.

    State support for youth and children's associations is carried out in accordance with the humanistic and patriotic values ​​of their activities; on the basis of equal rights to state support for youth and children's organizations; on the principle of recognizing the independence of youth and children's associations and their rights to participate in determining the measures of such support, etc. Guarantees, general principles, content and measures of state support for youth and children's public associations are regulated by the above-mentioned law.

    Youth public associations participate in the development, examination and submission to the authorities of draft laws and regulations on youth policy. They coordinate the implementation of projects and programs of youth and children's associations and assist it.

    Registers of children's and youth public associations are also formed at the regional level. The state supports youth and children's programs and projects - allocates "grants, subsidies, subsidies, provides organizational and informational assistance.

    By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2001, a Coordinating Council was established for interaction with youth and children's public associations. This is a consultative and advisory body designed to develop proposals for improving the activities of youth and children's public associations.

    Executive authorities and youth; associations adopt joint action plans and programs in various areas of state youth policy. In recent years alone, they have jointly held the All-Russian Youth Forum “Step Into the 21st Century”; All-Russian Student Forum; All-Russian Festival of Youth Initiatives; International forum "30 years of the SWC movement"; Congress of Orthodox Youth; All-Russian forum "Media - a new generation"; All-Russian competition "Leader of the XXI century"; All-Russian rally of pedagogical teams and other events of a national scale.

    The basis of the support system for public associations is the mutual obligations of the state and public associations, which make it possible to more clearly define the goals, objectives, principles of this interaction, the most important directions for its implementation. They are reflected in the federal interdepartmental program “State Support for Youth and Children's Public Associations (2002-2006), which provides for increasing the effectiveness of youth policy in the Russian Federation; supporting the initiative of youth and children, ensuring the coordination of actions of public associations and state bodies on the implementation of programs and projects for children and youth.

    1.2 The content of social work with youth

    social youth executive

    Since 1995 in the Russian Federation there are a number of concepts of state policy in various spheres of society. In particular, the main directions of the state family policy were approved by a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 14, 1996; On June 3 of the same year, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the main provisions of regional policy were legalized. The main provisions of the state policy in the field of local self-government development in the Russian Federation were approved by presidential decree on October 15, 1999. These documents formed the basis of the Concept of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation (GMP).

    May 2001 The Government Commission on Youth Issues approved the draft Concept. It defines the basic concepts, the most important principles of GMF, targets, priority areas and mechanisms for implementation. The concept implies the obligatory implementation by the state of certain guarantees to ensure the economic and social interests of young people, their needs in the field of education) and employment, in solving housing problems, in supporting a young family, i.e., a set of all life problems that young people face. In addition, the Concept outlines ways and mechanisms to overcome negative social phenomena that have become widespread among young people (offenses, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, etc.). The tasks associated with the involvement of the young generation of Russians in active creative activity are substantiated. Social work with youth is carried out with the help of a system of social service institutions. It has developed in parallel with the formation of bodies for youth affairs, since 1991-1992, and operates strictly on a competitive basis. The Department of Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Education of Russia annually holds a competition among institutions of social services for youth and, based on its results, decides to award the special status "Experimental Center for Social Work" to the best institution of social services for youth. This work is organized on the basis of the relevant regulation approved by the Department on October 23, 2002. Youth social service institutions, which have been assigned a special status, develop and implement innovative forms and areas of work, participate in the preparation and holding of seminars and conferences on the territory of the federal district, and disseminate positive experience its activities. At the same time, the total number of winners in the competition cannot exceed 14 social institutions. Moreover, the regulation defines the procedure for conducting such reviews, and the criteria for evaluating competitive materials, and the rights and obligations of social service institutions with a special status, the procedure for their financing. The development of a system of social services for young people is recognized as a priority direction of the state youth policy. The infrastructure of social services became more active after the adoption of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” (1995), in which social services are defined as the activities of services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services - and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

    The institutions of social service of youth organizations with good reason include a comprehensive center for social service of youth; socio-psychological center for the provision of medical and psychological assistance to young people in crisis and in conflict situations; a center for the prevention and prevention of deviant and suicidal behavior in this category of youth; social service for youth; social center of youth; youth social support center; center for emergency, anonymous, free psychological assistance to young people by telephone; family planning youth center; youth legal aid center; youth information center, designed to provide information and methodological services to executive authorities for youth affairs, organizations and institutions working with youth, various groups of youth; youth and youth club; a complex of social and leisure centers for children and youth; club for children, teenagers and youth; center for work with children, adolescents and youth; Youth Center; health-improving and educational institution; youth labor exchange; center for career guidance and youth employment; youth business incubator; youth entrepreneurship center; agency of seasonal employment and information support of youth; center for civil and patriotic education of youth; center for the development of physical culture of children and youth; and many other institutions providing social services.

    September 30, 2002 The Ministry of Education of Russia has sent to the heads of the Committee for Youth Affairs of the Subjects of the Russian Federation an instructive letter "On the Creation (Functioning) of Institutions of Social Services for Youth, Bodies for Youth Affairs" and methodological recommendations developed by the Department for Youth Affairs. Later, the “Approximate regulation on the Center for Social Services for Youth” was developed (2005). They outline the main activities of social protection institutions, their goals, objectives and functions. In particular, the main responsibility of such institutions is to participate in the implementation of measures related to the implementation of the state youth policy; provision of social services to young citizens of various age groups; development of social services for youth, etc. .

    In accordance with the goals and objectives of social service institutions for youth, the main areas of their activity should be educational and preventive, rehabilitation, health and leisure, information and advisory work, as well as employment promotion and social support. The main activities of social service institutions can and should include: social and preventive; social rehabilitation; production and labor; social and domestic; sports and recreation; cultural-mass; information, consulting and other activities.

    The state youth policy of Russia is built on the basis of major whole programs. At the end of 1994 The federal program "Youth of Russia" was adopted, approved by the President of the Russian Federation and approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the importance of this area of ​​social work, May 15, 1996. The program "Youth of Russia" was given the status of a presidential program. It was designed for 1994-1997. and set as its goal the formation of legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the formation of the personality of a young person, the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives. The program involved increasing the effectiveness of social work with youth by solving a number of such tasks as: providing young people with information about their rights and opportunities in the most important areas of life; creation of conditions for independent effective activity of young people in the field of education, employment and entrepreneurship, international exchanges; assistance in solving the housing problem, support for the young family" and socially disadvantaged categories of youth; introduction of a permanent system of support for the activities of children's and youth organizations and their programs.

    In accordance with these goals and objectives, a number of subprograms were singled out: the creation of a system of information support for young people; ways to solve the housing problem of young people; support for a young family; support for youth entrepreneurship; solution of youth employment issues; development of citizenship and patriotism of the Russian youth; support for talented youth; development of artistic creativity of youth; development of mass sports among children and youth; formation and development of social services for youth; development of a system for children, youth and family recreation, etc.

    The program "Youth of Russia" was improved and extended for a new period. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997 No. "On the program of social reforms in the Russian Federation for the period 1996 - 2000" and in order to further develop and implement the state youth policy, a new federal target program "Youth of Russia (1998-2000)" was approved. Its goal remained practically the same, but its content and the form of its implementation, some changes have been made.

    The main objectives of the program were the following areas: formation of a legislative and regulatory framework and improvement of the system of financing youth support in order to receive education, support business activity, housing construction and home improvement; formation of a system of bodies dealing with issues of temporary and secondary employment of young people, further development of social services and information support for young people, the main forms of organizing leisure, recreation, mass sports and tourism, including international; support and development of various forms of technical creativity of youth, youth and children's associations; formation of conditions for spiritual and moral education, civil and patriotic formation of youth, comprehensive development of the individual.

    In addition, much attention in the program was paid to the organization of educational work with youth, civic development and spiritual and moral education of youth, the creation of military-patriotic youth and children's public associations, clubs of young paratroopers, border guards, sailors, and pilots. A system of holding patriotic song festivals was created, the activities of search parties, etc. were organized.

    An equally important place among the program activities is occupied by the socio-economic problems of youth. The federal target program "Youth of Russia" contributes to more substantive coordination of the activities of departments to ensure youth employment, support youth entrepreneurship, and solve the housing problem.

    The state devotes a lot of effort to creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of talented youth. To this end, educational and research programs aimed at the development of scientific and technical creativity are being created. The programs “Youth. The science. Culture”, “Space Lessons”, “Step into the Future”. Separate programs are also successfully operating, supported in the form of presidential and government scholarships for especially gifted students, graduate students, and young scientists.

    In recent years, summer health campaigns have noticeably intensified. Slowly, but still, the number of stationary camps for children and youth is increasing. This makes it possible to maintain the upward trend in the number of rested children and youth. The federal target program "Development of the All-Russian children's centers "Eaglet", "Ocean" in 2001-2002 deserves special attention. The implementation of the sub-program "Development of artistic creativity of youth" helped to revive one of the most accessible and popular forms of leisure for teenagers and young people. In the field of physical culture and sports, the priority was the creation of a system to support mass sports and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for boys and girls.

    The federal program “Youth of Russia and Information Support. Information centers have been created and are functioning in most regions of Russia, youth supplements are regularly published in print and electronic media, press releases are published, and press conferences are held.

    Together with the Russian State Youth Library, as well as with youth libraries in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a unified All-Russian information and reference service "Youth of Russia" is being created. The information and bibliographic collections "Mass Media and Youth", "Youth of Russia in the Research of Scientists", "Ecology and Youth", "Problems of Youth, Children and Family in Dissertation Research (Humanitarian and Social Aspect)" were published. Department for State Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is creating an all-Russian data bank on the main directions of state youth policy in our country.

    Despite the existing difficulties in the implementation of the federal target program "Youth of Russia 1998 - 2000", the development of program methods of work in this direction justifies itself. That is why the Government of the Russian Federation on December 27, 2000. approved a new stage of the program, designed already for 2001-2005. As in the previous program, its main goal is the creation and development of legal, socio-economic and organizational conditions for the self-realization of young people, spiritual and moral education of young people.

    As a result of the implementation of the youth program, it was expected that the pace of the unfavorable dynamics of the development of the demographic situation in the country would slow down.

    Following this - raising the level of civil and military-patriotic education of youth; improving the physical health of the younger generation; increasing the income level of youth and young families; improvement of social and living conditions; reducing the level of unemployment among young people on the basis of advanced training and the formation of relevant requirements of the labor market; increase in the number of institutions for work with youth; increasing the business and social activity of young people.

    1.3 Featuresyouth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    Despite the fact that the Krasnoyarsk City Youth Committee has existed for 13 years, it can be said that the municipal youth policy in the city is at the stage of formation. What is youth policy - youth policy or youth policy? How do those who really work in municipal youth structures, youth public organizations determine their place in it? And what is youth policy in the minds of young people themselves? To all these questions at the same time there are unambiguous answers, and they are not.

    There are various strict definitions, for example, the following: "The state and municipal youth policy today refers to the activities of state and municipal authorities in the interests of children, youth and citizens, as well as children's and youth associations." What does this definition give, besides the strict framework that defines the subjects of activity? Historically, youth policy is a kind of “set” of certain youth activities (in the broadest sense of the word), but who said that this particular “set” meets precisely the interests of young people who are currently most in demand in society, and the needs society itself. .

    The peculiarity of youth policy lies in the fact that it is based not on the solution of a specific social problem, but on generational specifics in general. The younger generation always carries emerging norms of behavior, values ​​and needs that did not exist before. This is an objective process caused by constant changes in the social, cultural and economic life of society. The new socio-cultural situation is reflected in the minds of the new generation and forms new norms, values ​​and needs. Since these are new norms, they objectively lack a mechanism for interaction with rooted, pre-existing norms.

    Such an understanding of youth policy requires the creation of new institutions, organizations and mechanisms that would be able to identify new needs of citizens, formulate and formalize them, organize their interaction with existing traditional norms of behavior and institutions of society.

    Therefore, the implementation of the youth policy of the city of Krasnoyarsk is currently based on a combination of two approaches - compensatory and innovative. The compensatory approach involves the provision of targeted assistance to socially vulnerable groups of youth, the creation of conditions for the maximum possible inclusion of the socially unadapted part of the youth in the process of socio-cultural development of the region, the functioning of municipal youth centers of various kinds. An innovative approach to youth policy is aimed at creating conditions and mechanisms for the manifestation, registration and formation of new needs of citizens, support for youth initiatives, and the creation of new civil institutions. The method of searching and designing youth initiatives can be considered the design and competition of projects for a resource of support.

    Youth policy is an industry that is undoubtedly in its infancy, but, nevertheless, in Krasnoyarsk there is a whole network of organizations that implement youth policy on the territory of our city. These are the city committee for youth affairs, and departments for working with youth of the district administrations in the city, and thirteen youth centers. .

    The goals of the youth policy in Krasnoyarsk are:

    1) assistance to the social, cultural, spiritual, moral and physical development of young people;

    2) creation of conditions for the involvement of young people in the socio-economic and cultural life of society, the realization of the creative possibilities of young people in the interests of society;

    3) realization of the innovative potential of youth in the interests of the development of society and the development of the youth themselves;

    4) empowering a young person in choosing his life path, achieving personal success;

    5) protection of the rights and interests of young people;

    6) provision of assistance and social services to young citizens in difficult life situations;

    7) information support for young people;

    8) ensuring legal and social guarantees in the field of labor, employment and housing for young people;

    9) promotion of entrepreneurial activity of young citizens;

    10) non-admission of discrimination of young citizens on the basis of age.

    The main principles for the implementation of youth policy in the city of Krasnoyarsk are:

    1) youth participation in the formation and implementation of youth policy;

    2) balancing the rights and interests of young people with the rights and interests of other social groups and the urban community as a whole;

    3) the priority of common humanistic and patriotic values ​​in the field of municipal youth policy;

    4) reliance on the results of scientific research on youth problems;

    5) ensuring guarantees of legal and social protection of young citizens, necessary to make up for age-related restrictions on their social status;

    6) equality of rights to municipal support for youth and children's public associations that meet the requirements set forth in this decision.

    1. The main directions in the youth policy in the city of Krasnoyarsk are developed by the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk with the participation of the public advisory and advisory Council for Youth Affairs and are approved by the decision of the city Council for a period of up to 3 years, taking into account the main directions of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation, as well as social , economic, demographic, cultural features of the city of Krasnoyarsk, based on the interests of the population, its historical and local traditions, as well as the strategy for the development of the social sphere of the city.

    2. The main directions of youth policy in the city of Krasnoyarsk are implemented through the development and implementation of targeted programs.

    3. The administration of Krasnoyarsk prepares an annual report on the situation of youth in the city of Krasnoyarsk, which substantiates changes and additions to the main directions of youth policy, the list and content of municipal target programs.

    4. The annual report, changes and additions to the main directions of youth policy in the city of Krasnoyarsk, as well as targeted programs implementing them, are submitted for consideration and approval by the Krasnoyarsk City Council along with the draft city budget for the corresponding financial year.

    1. Target programs in the field of youth policy (hereinafter target programs) are developed by the administration of Krasnoyarsk. They can be carried out in the form of a municipal order on a competitive basis.

    2. The customer for the organization of work on the implementation of targeted programs is the administration of Krasnoyarsk. The coordinating body in matters of defining, developing and implementing targeted programs is the Youth Affairs Committee of the Administration of Krasnoyarsk.

    3. The Youth Affairs Committee of the Administration of Krasnoyarsk, on the basis of the conclusion of the competition commission, selects the executors of target programs, finances target programs in the amount provided for by the budget of the city of Krasnoyarsk, and is responsible for the implementation of these programs. All structures working in the field of youth policy have common areas of activity - the formation of positive values ​​in the youth environment, the social formation and participation of young people in the development of the city, employment, organization of leisure and youth employment. All this can be considered as a cumulative course of action, however, each structure of the "youth policy" industry, including the district departments for youth affairs, has only its own landmark events and projects.

    1.4 Youth associations of the city of Krasnoyarsk

    The state youth policy is recognized as one of the priority areas of activity of our state, carried out by its bodies and aimed at creating socio-economic, political, legal, organizational conditions and guarantees for the social formation and development of young citizens and the fullest realization of the creative potential of young people in the interests of the whole society.

    According to the regional committee of state statistics, young people aged 14 to 29 make up 738,490 people in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is slightly more than 23.7 percent of the total population of the region. This imposes special requirements on the quality characteristics of this group, which in the coming years will become the basis of the labor potential of the region.

    Socio-economic changes in the country have contributed to significant changes in the mass consciousness of young people, so the norms and principles of collectivist morality are gradually being replaced by individualistic morality, based on a completely different system of values. These changes are sustainable, the social type that is being formed in the modern youth environment has changed.

    Although the level of education of Russian youth is significantly higher than that of the population as a whole, the quality characteristics of education do not meet modern requirements, the level of education does not correspond to the nature and content of work and does not provide opportunities for social advancement. The existing educational potential is used irrationally.

    The financial situation of young people is much worse than the average of the entire population. In the structure of incomes of young people, the leading place is occupied by material assistance from parents. Currently, only 20 percent of youth families have normal housing conditions, the rest do not have their own housing and live in their parents' apartment or hostel.

    Lack of information about their rights and opportunities is noted by 75 percent of young people. As a rule, women and young people are subject to priority dismissal in case of job cuts at enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. Of the 54.7 thousand unemployed registered with the regional employment service, more than a third are young people aged 16 to 29, of which about 40 percent are young people looking for work for the first time.

    Difficult material conditions have become one of the main causes of the crisis of family and marriage relations. The number of people getting married is decreasing. An increasing proportion of them are those who cannot afford to have children due to financial difficulties. Over the past five years, there has been a clear trend towards an increase in the number of divorces in the region. Due to the breakup of families, the number of children under the age of 18 who are left without a parent is growing every year.

    There is a trend towards a deterioration in the health of young people. Only 15 percent of children in the region can be considered practically healthy, 50 percent have deviations in health, and 35 percent are chronically ill. By the time they finish school, about 40 percent of boys and only 23 percent of girls consider themselves healthy. The number of disabled children continues to increase, with an annual increase of 20 percent.

    The unstable economic situation and, as a result, the decline in the living standards of many families, significantly worsened the situation of children and the possibilities of the family and the state for their livelihood, development and socialization. The problems of social maladjustment of children and adolescents have become seriously aggravated. The number of neglected children has increased.

    A direct consequence of dissatisfaction with the socio-economic conditions of life is the constant growth of asocial manifestations among young people, adolescents, children (alcoholism, drug addiction, vagrancy, etc.). More than two thirds of registered drug addicts are under the age of 30, a quarter of them are minors. The number of adolescents diagnosed with drug addiction and substance abuse increased by 8.4 per cent in 1997. In general, more than 3,000 adolescents are registered with a diagnosis of drug pathology, and the group of girls has increased among them. In the past year, teenagers committed 3,691 crimes on the territory of the region. Young people aged 14-30 make up 11.4 percent of the total number of offenders.

    The state of juvenile delinquency is affected by the expulsion of students from educational institutions, the complexity of their employment, the commercialization of leisure, the involvement of adolescents in dubious business, and the curtailment of the base for work at the place of residence.

    The life self-determination of today's adolescents and young people takes place in a situation of social stratification of society, the destruction of the foundations of its morality, legal relations, the mass manifestation of low culture, the decline in the value of education, productive labor, and the loss of traditional ideals. Patriotism and civic consciousness occupy the last places in the value system of draft youth. 70 percent of conscripts do not want to serve in the army, every second believes that such concepts as "military honor", "military prowess" are a thing of the past and have no meaning.

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    Section 3. Estimated results of improving the mechanisms for implementing the youth policy of the municipality of Orel



    List of sources used


    The experience of recent decades convincingly proves that political and economic success is achieved precisely by those states that pay special attention to young people, that sustainable development is demonstrated by precisely those societies that have revised the system of traditional views on new generations, on the system of relationships between generations and on their significance for the political and socio-economic development.

    Obviously, those states and societies that learn how to effectively use human potential and, first of all, the innovative potential of development, which the youth is the bearer of, will have strategic advantages.

    Russia is traditionally at the center of global political and economic processes. The task of ensuring its progressive, sustainable development and security requires an effective and adequate response to modern challenges, the achievement of national competitiveness in all areas. Babochkin P.I. Youth in the structure of modern Russian society [text], - M .: Nits at the Youth Institute, 2008.-204 p.

    Therefore, the need for a special policy towards youth is determined by the very specifics of its position in society. Youth is not enough to understand in the traditional sense, only as a future society. It must be assessed as an organic part of modern society, which has a special, irreplaceable function of other social groups, the function of responsibility for the preservation and development of our country, for the continuity of its history and culture, the life of the elders and the reproduction of subsequent generations, and, ultimately, for the survival of peoples as a cultural -historical communities. Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    Young people have their own special functions in society, which cannot be replaced or implemented by any other socio-demographic group.

    The conditions for the formation of youth responsibility for the future of the state are: expanding the democratic participation of youth in the development of society; the eradication of poverty and significant socio-economic inequalities; expanding the rights of children and young citizens in the political and economic fields and ensuring their representation at all levels of decision-making; support for information management, greater visibility and accountability in governance and economic and social decision-making.

    Modern Russia is going through a difficult period of formation of civil society, the rule of law and a socially oriented economy. At the heart of any social state is the principle of responsibility of the authorities for the fate of their citizens. Today Russia is at the center of global political and economic processes. Lisovsky V.T. The spiritual world and value orientations of the youth of Russia [text]. - SPb., 2009. - 67 p. According to the Constitution, it is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a decent life and free development of people. At the same time, the state and society need to correctly determine the strategic priorities, including youth issues, which occupies one of the leading places.

    The youth is objectively an active and interested participant in the transformations taking place in the country. The development of positive trends in the youth environment and the use of the potential of youth innovative activity in the interests of creating a civil society can only be sustainable if an adequate state-public system of youth socialization is formed.

    In the summer of 2008, the State Duma adopted an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation on holding the Year of Youth in 2009 in the Russian Federation. Russian President D. A. Medvedev supported this initiative and by his Decree No. 1383 declared 2009 the Year of Youth. This, of course, is due to the fact that the state perceives youth as a strategic resource for Russia's development.

    This paper reveals the issues of socio-political activation of youth, as well as the optimization of youth policy in the municipality of Orel.

    The relevance of this work lies in the fact that at present the implementation of the state youth policy in municipalities is not always effective.

    The underestimation by the authorities at the municipal level of the role of youth in the development of society, the lack of full influence of government institutions on it, their detachment from active participation in solving the problems of the younger generation can become obstacles to further modernization, as well as an objective threat to the normal functioning of the state and society. in future.

    The future of Russia in general and the region in particular is in the hands of the younger generation. It is at this age that state support and stimulation of personal abilities, labor and professional potentials is important for a person. The development and strengthening of an effective youth policy is the goal of any modern state that thinks about its future.

    The object of the study is the implementation of the state youth policy at the municipal level (on the example of the city of Orel)

    The subject of the study is ways to improve the mechanisms for implementing youth policy in the municipality of Orel

    The purpose of the study is to develop a project to improve the mechanisms for implementing youth policy in the municipality of Orel

    In accordance with the goal, the following research tasks are solved within the framework of the graduation project:

    Analyze the goals, objectives and mechanisms for the implementation of the state youth policy at the municipal level;

    Develop project proposals to improve the mechanisms for the implementation of youth policy in the municipality of Orel;

    To identify the expected results of improving the mechanisms for implementing the youth policy of the municipality of Orel.

    The theoretical basis of the graduation project was the provisions and conclusions contained in monographs, scientific publications, textbooks and manuals of specialists in the field of implementation of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation.

    The main directions of the formation and implementation of the state youth policy are outlined in the works of such authors as: Ilyinsky I.M., Lisovsky V.T., Slutsky E.G., Gusev B.B., Mertsalov A.A.

    The characteristic features and problems of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation at the present stage are characterized by such authors as: Pereverzev M.P., Pershukin S.N., Gusev B.B.

    The system of state program measures to support youth in the Russian Federation is presented in the works of the following authors: Smirnov V.A., Kharchenko A.A., Platoshkin N.A.

    The regulatory framework of the study is represented by a set of legal acts, including: Federal laws, federal target programs, the Concept of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation and other legal acts regulating the process of formation and implementation of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation. The work uses such research methods as theoretical analysis and description, generalization, modeling and forecasting. The structure of the work: the work consists of three sections, introduction, conclusion, list of references and applications.

    Section 1. Youth policy of the municipality: goals, objectives, implementation mechanisms

    Young people are called upon to play a special role in ensuring and prosperity in Russia in the 21st century. It is young people who are already today potentially the main driving force of Russian society. Despite the fact that in the course of the reforms the youth turned out to be one of the groups of the population most affected by their costs. It maintains its status as the leading group of Russian society, quickly adapting to constantly changing social conditions, constantly participating in the very process of their change.

    The state youth policy in the Russian Federation is carried out in order to:

    Revival of Russia as a state that provides a decent life and free development of its citizens;

    - creation of legal, socio-economic, organizational conditions for the choice of young citizens of their life path, social development and the exercise of their constitutional rights and obligations;

    Promoting the social, cultural, spiritual and physical development of young people;

    Upbringing and education of youth;

    Implementation of socially significant initiatives, socially useful activities of youth, youth and children's public associations;

    Using the innovative potential of youth in the interests of state and social development, in the interests of the development of the youth themselves;

    - creating conditions for a more active creative inclusion of young people in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society;

    Prevention of age discrimination, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young people.

    Not a single country in the world can develop normally without a clear and deeply thought-out program for educating and preparing the young generation for professional, including political activity. Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    Society itself is primarily interested in this. The social experience accumulated by mankind shows that the youth has always been the overthrower of the old, stagnant, conservative and was in the forefront of the creators of the new, progressive.

    Youth is one of the hidden resources of society and on the mobilization of which its viability depends.

    Societies are divided into static and dynamic. Static societies that develop gradually with a slow type of change rely mainly on the experience of older generations. They resist the realization of the hidden opportunities of youth. Education in such societies focuses on the transmission of traditions. Kapranov V.A. Youth in the system of time coordinates [text]. - St. Petersburg: 2009.-47 p.

    Such a society deliberately neglects the vital spiritual reserves of young people, since it does not intend to violate existing traditions.

    In contrast, dynamic ones, striving for new opportunities, regardless of the social or political philosophy that dominates them, rely mainly on cooperation with young people. Lisovsky V.T. The spiritual world and value orientations of the youth of Russia [text]. - SPb., 2009. - 67 p.

    The special function of youth is that it is a revitalizing mediator, a kind of reserve that comes to the fore when such revitalization becomes necessary to adapt to rapidly changing or qualitatively new circumstances.

    It is a mistake to say that young people are progressive by nature.

    After all, conservative and reactionary movements can also captivate young people. Young people are neither progressive nor conservative in nature - they are ready for any undertaking. Being young means standing on the edge of society, being an outsider in many ways. Kapranov V.A. Youth in the system of time coordinates [text]. - St. Petersburg: 2009.-47 p.

    And it can be argued that a teenager is that social force that can carry out various undertakings, because he does not take the established order for granted and does not have interests enshrined in law, either economic or spiritual.

    This characteristic of youth implies the need for political socialization of youth.

    The task of the youth within the country may be that they must put an end to the spiritual crisis. At present, young people cannot do without the realization of their aspirations. And only the state can help her in this.

    Based on the foregoing, we can say that the main task of youth policy is the creation of socio-economic conditions for the implementation by young people of their functions in a dynamic society.

    Now we can define the meaning of the term "youth policy".

    To begin with, let us designate what is included in the concept of youth policy.

    First, it is a very broad multifunctional policy that includes a large list of measures that affect the younger generation from birth to 30 years of age (kindergartens, family support, education, social security, employment, housing).

    Secondly, “youth policy” refers to the activities of specialized central government agencies, committees, and commissions for youth affairs.

    Thirdly, the term “youth policy” covers only politics in the field of leisure time and youth education.

    Thus, youth policy is the activity of the state, political parties, public associations and other subjects of public relations, aimed at influencing the socialization and social development of young people, and through this - on the future state of society. Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    The other side of youth policy is determined by the fact that the system of ideas, events, institutions, personnel of one or another subject of political life in relation to youth is developed and implemented in order to get support for its political line from it or from a certain part of it, meaning both momentary and strategic objectives of political competition.

    The subjects of youth policy are various social forces.

    Multi-party system, which means, among other things, the equal rights of political parties to occupy a leading position in society as a result of victory in regular elections, limits the ability of the political leader's party to approve its (party) concept of youth policy as a state one.

    This circumstance means that the principle of party independence should be affirmed in the state youth policy.

    State youth policy is a system of socio-economic, political, organizational and legal measures aimed at supporting young citizens.

    Youth policy cannot develop according to models that contradict the general concept of the state in the field of social management, its priorities and mechanisms. When the prospect of an independent choice of a life path by a young person expands, support for the self-realization of the young generation becomes a priority for youth policy.

    The purpose of youth policy is to create favorable economic and political conditions, legal guarantees that can improve the quality of life of the youth population (without prejudice to the life of other groups and strata of society). Lisovsky V.T. The spiritual world and value orientations of the youth of Russia [text]. - SPb., 2009. - 67 p.

    The goal defines interrelated tasks:

    Creation of objective conditions for civilized social formation and development of the younger generation (as an object of youth policy);

    Creation of favorable conditions for innovative, independent activities of young people in various spheres of society and in the interests of society itself;

    Practical development of new social relations and forms of youth activity (as subjects of politics).

    Speaking about state events designed to solve the problems of youth, it should be emphasized that youth policy often does not represent some kind of complete system that regulates in detail the relationships of the young generation in all the existing diversity of modern life.

    It can be argued that the state youth policy is the integration of individual programs and projects related to youth into a single whole while strengthening the regulatory role of the modern state. Gadzhiev K.S. Kamenskaya G.V. Rodionov G.A. Introduction to political science [text]. - M.: Press, 2007.p.179.

    Russian society and the state should consider youth as a strategic resource, which is more important than raw materials, energy and financial resources.

    In modern conditions, it is required to single out youth policy as a priority of state policy, the implementation of which should serve the revival of Russia as a great power.

    These circumstances imply the constant attention of the state to young people, which should be implemented in a certain set of measures of the state youth strategy.

    At present, the importance of youth as a political and social resource is increasing, which is associated with an increase in the role of the human factor in solving the problems of the development of the Russian state in the 21st century. The reforms being carried out today are expected to produce results in the medium and long term. Rozhnov O. A., Lukov V. A. State youth policy and national security // Security of Eurasia [text]. 2006. No. 3. p.65.

    In scientific and political circles, discussions arose more than once about the need to shift the priorities of state policy in general, to provide young people with the central role of a political, economic and social author.

    The predominant allocation of young people among other groups of the population can be argued by the fact that young people know, share and accept the goals and objectives of state and social development, associate their life prospects with them, have all the qualities (physical, personal, educational, professional) to respond to new challenges of our time in the form of adaptation and independent implementation of the necessary innovations, provided with resources and opportunities for active involvement in solving the problems of ensuring the country's competitiveness.

    Without a targeted impact on the part of the state and society, this can create a serious threat to public security in the present and deprive society of a predictable future. Youth in the context of socio-economic reforms [text].// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. - 2007.p.15.

    Therefore, it is necessary to influence the socialization of young people so that they can respond to the challenges of our time in the future and do not pose a threat to society in the present.

    Thus, in the modern socio-political system, the role of the state, its structures at the federal and regional levels in the implementation of policy in relation to the younger generation occupies a dominant position. Political science. [text] / Ed. G.V. Polunina.- M.: Akalis, 2007.p.196.

    The goals of the state youth policy are implemented by state authorities, local governments. Non-governmental organizations and other legal and natural persons participate in their implementation.

    Tasks for the implementation of the state youth policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are considered by representative and executive authorities and approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Local self-government bodies implement the goals and objectives of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation in accordance with their competence.

    Public associations, other legal entities participate in the implementation of the tasks of the state youth policy in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Municipal youth policy is a set of goals and measures for their implementation taken by local governments in order to create and provide conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of the personality of a young person and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives. This policy is carried out on the basis of normative legal acts of representative bodies of local self-government and in line with the state youth policy, giving it a logical harmony, systemic and holistic character and making democratic mechanisms for its implementation. Youth policy is developed and implemented in relation to persons aged 14 to 30 years, the total number of which in Russia exceeds 30 million people.

    The implementation of the main directions of the municipal youth policy should be built in such a way as to strengthen the integrity of the nationwide youth policy. It is advisable to implement the main directions, programs and projects of youth policy in a single package of federal, regional and local programs for the socio-economic development of the relevant territory.

    Youth policy at the municipal level, closely related to state policy, however, is a relatively independent process with its own implementation mechanism. The latter involves taking into account the most acute problems of youth in a particular municipality in the field of health and leisure, employment and education, and everyday problems. Rozhnov O. A., Lukov V. A. State youth policy and national security [text] // Security of Eurasia. 2006. No. 3. p.65.

    At the municipal level, an integral system of social support for young people, their training and employment should be formed, which creates opportunities for regulating the processes of youth migration, ensuring the protection of the rights and realization of the interests of young people, supporting young families, and contributes to the development of youth and youth movement.

    The purpose of the municipal youth policy is to assist young citizens under the age of 30 and their public associations in exercising their rights and freedoms, life self-determination, self-expression and self-organization in the interests of the whole society.

    Modern priorities for the economic and political development of regions and municipalities, including the city of Orel, cannot but take into account human capital, the qualitative improvement and development of which is recognized at the present stage as the main vector of Russia's development. Among the main resources of the city, the most important is the population, in which the strategic component is the young generation.

    According to the estimates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the rapid aging of the population and unfavorable demographic trends will force society in the near future to present new requirements for 14-25-year-olds: young people will become the main labor resource of the country, their labor activity, to a greater extent than their parents, will become a source of funds for the social security of children, the disabled, the elderly.

    The dependency ratio (the number of disabled people per 1,000 people of the able-bodied population), according to the forecast of Rosstat, will increase in 2016 compared to 2005 by 20% and will amount to 700 people. That is, the socio-economic situation of the city of Orel in the near future depends on the qualitative parameters of such a category of the population as youth. Target program "Youth of the city of Orel for 2011-2015" [text]

    According to the Federal State Statistics Service for the Oryol region at the beginning of 2010, 75,774 citizens aged 14 to 30 and 24,190 people aged 30 to 35 live in the city of Orel, which is approximately 31.55% of the total population of the city (316,838 people). Kapranov V.A. Youth in the system of time coordinates [text]. - St. Petersburg: 2009.-47 p. (Appendix A)

    The structure of the younger generation is becoming more complex and multilayered. In conditions of social stratification, the lack of equal opportunities for young citizens to receive education, decent work, negative phenomena continue to exist among the youth. At the same time, young people tend to strive to get an education, start their own business, realize their creative and intellectual potential in various public associations.

    Youth is one of the main strategic resources that must be directed to the socio-economic development of the city. Thus, an effective youth policy is one of the most important elements in the development of the city of Orel, the growth of the well-being of its inhabitants and the improvement of social relations.

    According to a sociological survey, for 53% of respondents from among young people, the problem of employment and employment remains an urgent one. Among the main priorities when choosing a job, young people name the following: high wages (82%), convenient work schedule (31%), career prospects (27%). Target program "Youth of the city of Orel for 2011-2015" [text]

    Among the factors hindering finding a job in the specialty are low wages (24%), lack of vacancies (25%), lack of work experience, insufficient level of education (34%). Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    Only 34% of young professionals surveyed reported that they were fully prepared to perform their duties at their first job and did not need time to adapt.

    For 32%, the adaptation period at the first workplace lasted up to 3 months.

    Over 70% of the young workers surveyed noted that at the beginning of their career they needed a mentor, 56% reached a certain level of skill only after one or two years of work. The slow solution of these problems leads to a negative attitude of young people to social and political life, their low activity in the electoral process.

    The imperfection of the system for identifying and promoting talented youth, the mechanisms for involving young people in innovative activities can significantly complicate the implementation of socio-economic priorities for modernizing the economy and other areas of the city's life. The realization of the creative potential of young people needs to be improved. Kapranov V.A. Youth in the system of time coordinates [text]. - St. Petersburg: 2009.-47 p.

    Despite the wide range of participation of representatives of talented creative youth in the qualifying and final stages of city creative competitions, the scope of events cannot cover everyone and allow them to show their creative abilities due to limited funding.

    The option of attracting extra-budgetary sources (sponsor funds, own funds of the contestants) is used, but due to the financial and economic situation of recent years, such requests often end up being refused by commercial structures.

    The level of financial security of the youth policy does not allow sending representatives of the youth of Orel to participate in creative competitions at the invitation of other cities and regions. For the same reasons, youth delegations from the city of Orel do not have the opportunity to take part in many inter-municipal and inter-regional seminars, conferences, round tables and active camps, invitations to which are regularly received by the city administration.

    Thus, young people do not have the opportunity to exchange experiences and realize their potential outside the city. In addition, this leads to a decrease in the reputation of the city of Orel at the inter-municipal and inter-regional level.

    Currently, the city is implementing a long-term target program "Youth of the City of Orel for 2011-2015." The main objectives of this program are:

    1) Involvement of youth in social practice.

    2) Patriotic, moral and civic education of youth, prevention of extremism among the youth.

    3) Formation of a system for identifying, developing the potential and supporting talented youth.

    4) Formation of youth activists and support of youth public associations.

    5) Formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of antisocial behavior among the youth.

    6) Improving personnel, information and methodological activities and developing infrastructure for working with youth.

    Financing structure of the program "Youth of Orel for 2011-2015." (Appendix B)

    As of the beginning of 2010, about 40% of the youth of the city were involved in program activities in the field of youth policy in the city of Orel, only about 60% of young people had information about the possibility of using their creative, intellectual, leadership potential. Oparina M.V. Municipal youth policy [text] //Expertise, 2009.-154p.

    In program activities, based on the possibilities of their financing from the city budget, it is possible to involve less than half of the youth of the city. However, this small proportion consists of opinion leaders in the youth environment and forms the city's youth asset.

    It is through the asset of public associations, educational institutions, enterprises and institutions of the city that the interaction of executive authorities with young people can be established. The expansion of the asset and its involvement in social, economic and political processes is a vital necessity for the development of the city of Orel.

    The leading subject of the state youth policy on the territory of the city of Orel is the Office for Youth Affairs and Interaction with Public Organizations of the Administration of the City of Orel. The structure of the Office is shown in the form of a diagram (Appendix B).

    The main mission of the department is the development and implementation of a youth policy in the city of Orel, aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, the formation and development of young citizens of the city of Orel.

    The main management functions are:

    Analysis of the situation in the field of youth policy, forecasting of social processes in the youth environment;

    Interaction with public organizations;

    Identification of the real needs, interests and problems of young people, as well as the possibility of their participation in the socio-economic development of the city of Orel through research, seminars, forums, scientific and practical conferences, meetings, other events involving public organizations, movements, initiative citizens;

    Development, together with interested organizations, of city comprehensive and targeted programs in the field of implementing youth policy and the activities of public organizations, coordinating and monitoring their implementation;

    Participation in the development and implementation of regional programs on issues of their authority; Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    The specificity of youth work is the high concentration of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions concentrated in the city.

    As the general description of the Department for Youth Affairs and Interaction with Public Organizations shows, the scope of its powers is very wide, it is both work with youth and interaction and coordination of the activities of public organizations, in addition, the activities of the Office for Youth Affairs and Interaction with Public Organizations partially overlap with the activities of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration of the city of Orel.

    In the city of Orel, the problem of imperfect infrastructure for working with youth remains unresolved. The system of clubs and centers for work with youth is poorly developed. There is a discrepancy between the material and technical base of the municipal educational institution of additional education for children “Children and Youth Center “Paratrooper” with modern work technologies and the expectations of young people.

    Significant events in 2010 were: the festive event "Russian Youth Day" (June), the celebration of which took on a large-scale character. Oparina M.V. Municipal youth policy [text] //Expertise, 2009.-154p.

    On the summer stage of the children's park were held: a youth concert "Rock of Freedom", a youth ball; in the City Park of Culture and Leisure were held: concert programs "We are together", "Youth Kaleidoscope"; on Alexander Bridge: an exhibition of young artists, a graffiti competition and a festival of youth cultures; in front of the Pobeda cinema: break dance festival, body art; on the square. Lenin: streetball tournament, concert program, festive disco and fireworks; youth cultural and entertainment program "Knowledge Day" (September 1), which was held on the stage of the children's park with the invitation of the Moscow KVN team; student action "World Peace" (September), dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism. Active, creative, caring young people gathered in the city park of culture and recreation, who protested against wars, aggression, and terrorism with their creativity.

    As a symbol of love for humanity and the fight against terrorism, the creation of a canvas of the world, launched into the sky, has become. Youth action dedicated to a healthy lifestyle "Let's hit bad habits" (October) with an environmental clean-up in Victory Park.

    In October 2010, the first rally of the youth activists of the city of Orel was organized, the purpose of which was to involve young people in the socio-political life of the city of Orel, the formation of an active citizenship and the improvement of legal culture. As part of the meeting, a business game was held: “Time to choose the young!”.

    Also, together with youth public organizations of the city of Orel, the following events were held: a rally to places of military glory (July), an action dedicated to Children's Day (June 1), a gathering of Oryol radio amateurs (September), a youth action "Flags of Russia" (August 22) , the championship of the city of Orel in computer sports, dedicated to the Internet Day in Russia (September 30). Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    Work has resumed on the formation of the headquarters of youth operational detachments. October 07, 2010 a seminar was organized with representatives of the prosecutor's office, law enforcement agencies and the head of the city headquarters of the DND, at which certificates of a member of the operational detachment were presented, as well as the topics of subsequent seminars, which are planned to be held at least once a quarter. In 2010, 22 youth operational detachments were formed on the basis of universities and secondary schools in the city of Orel.

    For the first time, a competition for working youth “Minute of Glory” was held (October-December). Kapranov V.A. Youth in the system of time coordinates [text]. - St. Petersburg: 2009.-47 p.

    For the development of program activities in 2010, 1,200 thousand rubles were allocated from the budget of the city of Orel, which were fully utilized. Also thanks to the active work of the management with sponsors for the second half of 2010. about 155 thousand rubles were attracted. additionally. All major cultural youth events were widely covered in the media.

    In its activities, the Department of Youth Affairs faced the following problems:

    1. Low level of youth interest in participating in the socio-political life of society, social isolation of young people in difficult life situations, low level of youth involvement in economic activity and preparedness for competition in the labor market.

    2. Inconsistency of life attitudes, values ​​and behavior patterns of young people with the needs of the city: strengthening the trend of devaluation of family values, distrust of young people in the values ​​of democracy, institutions of power and civil society, a decrease in the prestige of military service, the presence of negative ethnic and religious stereotypes, leading to extremist actions.

    3. Decrease in the prestige of public activity among the youth, low level of preparedness of youth public leaders, lack of a support system for youth public associations.

    4. The deterioration of the health of the younger generation, the high prevalence of bad habits and antisocial behavior among the youth. Karpukhin I.O. Youth in Russia: features of socialization and self-realization // sociological research [text].- 2010

    5. Insufficient number of clubs, centers for working with youth, discrepancy between the material and technical base of organizations working with youth and modern technologies of work and the expectations of young people. The youth of Russia and the challenges of the 21st century: social and moral problems of adaptation in new historical conditions / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A.Shulus. M., 2011. - 203s.

    6. Another unfavorable trend of recent years is the influence of various informal associations among the youth. It is necessary to constantly monitor the situation and constantly update the methods of working with young people, including among fans, on an interdepartmental basis. Currently, the city of Orel does not attach importance to this problem.

    These problems require a systematic solution, as they manifest themselves in all spheres of youth life against the background of the deterioration of the health of the younger generation, the growth of social apathy of young people, the decrease in economic activity, the criminalization of the youth environment, the growth of intolerance, ethnic and religious and political extremism in its environment.

    The current state of youth policy is characterized by the presence of a large number of regulators - youth is a consumer of education, social protection, health care, law and order, ethno-cultural development, and so on. Designing a system of state youth policy at the regional and municipal levels, it is advisable to carry out guided by several principles. These include:

    1. Systemic character, which is manifested in the fact that social projects must take into account the systemic nature of the municipal space;

    2. Variability, which is ensured by the use of several important development scenarios in the development of the project;

    3. Innovativeness, determined by the specifics of the object, the high dynamics of change in Russian society, and the rather significant innovative potential of youth workers;

    4. Perspective, expressed in the long-term nature of youth projects. Danilin P.M. New Youth Policy [text] 2007-2010. M.: Europe, 2009.-254 p.

    Prospects for the development of youth policy show that comprehensive targeted programs in this area of ​​activity allow you to determine specific measures with the optimal and rational spending of federal, regional and municipal budgets in accordance with the goals and objectives to achieve socially significant results in a particular direction of youth policy.

    The program-target method of managing youth policy is a management method in which the goal of managing the youth sphere, the mechanism for implementing the directions of youth policy, the timing, the state of the intermediate values ​​of the process, as well as the expected end results of the proposed activities are developed.

    The target complex program is the key concept of program-target methods of planning and management, a set of measures aimed at achieving the specified final results and solving specific scientific, technical, economic, social problems. Usually it is a project and address document linking the actions of different organizations and co-executors, regardless of their departmental subordination, in terms of the timing of the work stages and the allocated resources.

    The use of the program-target method makes it possible to optimize the actions of different departments, which will, on the one hand, eliminate duplication and create uniform standards for working with youth throughout the country, and on the other hand, make youth services comprehensive, uniting the efforts of various executive authorities.

    In addition, the program-target method of management makes it possible to quickly and with the maximum degree of manageability apply new tools and technologies for implementing youth policy priorities.

    Section 2. Ways to improve the mechanisms for the implementation of youth policy in the municipality of Orel

    Modern society is faced with the problem of low social activity of the young population, which is also characteristic of the city of Orel. Currently, the proportion of young people actively participating in society is less than 7 percent of the total youth population. This trend is manifested in all spheres of a young person's life - civil, professional, cultural, family.

    If this situation persists, there is a threat of a steady habit of paternalism and the perception of social infantilism as a norm, which in ten years, when modern young people become decision makers, may limit the development of the city and the region, including due to a decrease in the economically active population .

    At the same time, young people have a significant potential that is not fully used - mobility, initiative, receptivity to innovative changes, new technologies, and the ability to counteract negative challenges.

    The formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important tasks of the municipality of Orel.

    Physical culture is an integral part of culture, a municipal formation of social activity, which is a set of spiritual and material values ​​created and used by society for the purpose of physical development of a person, strengthening his health and improving his physical activity.

    Sport is an integral part of physical culture, historically formed in the form of competitive activity and special practice of preparing a person for competitions.

    Thus, physical culture and sports are one of the types of human activity aimed at the physical improvement of both the population as a whole and each individual person, an activity that has a health-improving, educational, political and socio-economic impact on the social development of mankind.

    Our time is characterized by a certain decline in the interest of young people in physical education, including its sports. Young people are passive about their health, preferring to devote time to gambling, drug use and a disorderly lifestyle, and do not understand that such a lifestyle leads them not only to personal tragedies, but can gradually turn into a global catastrophe.

    A strong sports policy, socially balanced and resource-provided, should become the foundation for the development of mass physical culture and sports for all as an important factor in the improvement of the population, the harmonious, full-fledged formation of the younger generation, and the establishment of a healthy lifestyle. Pipkina T.A. State municipal policy [text]. - M.: Smart, 2007.- 324p.

    At the municipal level, the regulation of the development of physical culture and sports is carried out by the relevant structural unit (department, department, committee, etc.) of the administration, which, together with others (in the field of education, healthcare, etc.), regulates the activities of the following institutions and organizations:

    Sports clubs, physical culture groups operating on an amateur and professional basis in educational institutions, other organizations, regardless of ownership and at the place of residence of citizens;

    Children's and youth sports schools, children's and youth physical training clubs, children's and youth sports and technical schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve;

    Educational institutions and scientific organizations in the field of physical culture and sports of all types and types, regardless of organizational and legal forms, municipal sports and recreation, sports and sports and technical facilities.

    In the city of Orel, this activity is carried out by the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

    It is precisely the solution to the problem of physical education and health of the inhabitants of the city of Orel, the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​and the creation of conditions for active recreation for people of all age groups, especially young people, the stabilization of physical fitness indicators and the improvement of the health status of the population of the city, the increase in the level of preparedness in sports, which allows athletes show worthy results at competitions of various ranks, and can be defined as the main task of the development of physical culture and mass sports in the city of Orel.

    In order to create conditions for the development of physical culture and mass sports, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and increasing the efficiency of using the means of physical culture and sports in improving the health of the population, the city is implementing a long-term target program: "Development of physical culture and mass sports in the city of Orel for 2011- 2015"

    The main objectives of the Program:

    Involvement of the maximum possible number of residents of the city of Orel in systematic physical education and sports;

    Organization and holding of health-improving and sports events in the city of Orel;

    Ensuring the preparation and participation of sports teams of the city of Orel in regional and interregional competitions in various sports;

    Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle among residents of the city of Orel, increasing the city's sports prestige;

    Ensuring the maximum possible coverage of ongoing physical culture and sports events in the media, preparing special reports, publications on the achievements of athletes, coaches, performance results for a certain period of time, significant events in the field of physical culture and sports;

    Carrying out construction and reconstruction works and arrangement of existing sports facilities, including technologies;

    Providing assistance to the subjects of physical culture and sports operating in the city of Orel, to attract citizens to systematic physical education and mass sports;

    Improving the system of training leading, promising athletes and national teams of the city to participate in competitions of various ranks;

    Development of physical culture and mass sports at the place of residence. Ilyinsky I.M. Youth and youth policy. Philosophy. Theory. History [text]. - M .: Voice, 2009. - 696s.

    One of the fundamental tasks is to create conditions for the development of physical culture and sports among children, adolescents and youth. Work on physical education is not fully carried out in educational institutions, an insufficient number of schoolchildren and students of secondary specialized educational institutions involved in sports sections. A slight increase in students attending sports schools (26.1% in 2009, 26.3% in 2010) is due only to a decrease in the number of young students by 360 people. By 2015, it is necessary to increase the share of students involved in sports schools to 40%.

    One of the most acute problems is the lack of a sports base in most educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, as well as the absence of a broad student sports movement.

    Solving the issues of developing the sports base of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education is not within the competence of the state authorities of the city of Orel, but the expansion of the sports base as a whole can greatly help to reduce the severity of the problem. Ilyinsky I.M. Youth and youth policy. Philosophy. Theory. History [text]. - M .: Voice, 2009. - 696s.

    In order to increase interest in sports among the population at the place of residence, it is necessary to work on the restoration of yard sports grounds and yard teams that meet public needs and are affordable for everyone.

    However, the construction of outdoor playgrounds is not enough to popularize sports among the youth, one of the priorities is to make sports accessible to young people.

    Equally important is the organization of sports, entertainment and creative events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle for young people.

    The imperfection of the system for identifying and promoting talented youth, the mechanisms for involving young people in innovative activities can significantly complicate the implementation of socio-economic priorities for modernizing the economy and other areas of the city's life. The realization of the creative potential of young people needs to be improved. Pipkina T.A. State municipal policy [text]. - M.: Smart, 2007.- 324p.

    Despite the wide range of participation of representatives of talented creative youth in the qualifying and final stages of city creative competitions, the scope of events cannot cover everyone and allow them to show their creative abilities due to limited funding. The option of attracting extra-budgetary sources (sponsor funds, own funds of the contestants) is used, but due to the financial and economic situation of recent years, such requests often end up being refused by commercial structures. The youth of Russia and the challenges of the 21st century: social and moral problems of adaptation in new historical conditions [text] / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A.Shulus. M., 2011. - 203s.

    The level of financial security of the youth policy does not allow sending representatives of the youth of Orel to participate in creative competitions at the invitation of other cities and regions. Karpukhin I.O. Youth in Russia: features of socialization and self-realization// sociological research[text].- 2010 which are regularly received by the city administration.

    Thus, young people do not have the opportunity to exchange experiences and realize their potential outside the city. In addition, this leads to a decrease in the reputation of the city of Orel at the inter-municipal and inter-regional level. Therefore, there is a need to carry out a number of activities aimed at selecting the active youth of the city from attracting active youth to social activities. The youth of Russia and the challenges of the 21st century: social and moral problems of adaptation in new historical conditions / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A.Shulus. M., 2011. - 203s.

    The gathering of the youth activists of the city of Orel is a methodical and technological preparation of the youth activists of the region. This project will bring together social activists, young professionals interested in politics and economics. Holding a gathering in the region will create an asset for the implementation of youth projects in the region. Youth policy in the region: problems and prospects [text]. Interuniversity round table, under the general editorship of Professor A.A. Kharchenko.-Orel: Orags publishing house, 2009-244 p.

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