SEMINAR “INNOVATIVE FORMS OF WORK OF A TEACHER IN ADDITIONAL EDUCATION. ART PEDAGOGY IN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES" On February 26, in the Municipal Educational Institution "Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity of the Kirovsky District of Donetsk", according to the work plan of the district methodological association of circle leaders, a workshop was held on the topic "Innovative forms of work of a teacher of additional education". The seminar was attended by 45 leaders of circles, teachers of schools and institutions of additional education for children. The seminar program addressed the following issues that are relevant for teachers of additional education: 1. "Art-pedagogical support for the socialization of children in conditions of additional education" (speaker Burlaka S.E., methodologist of the Children's and Youth Children's Theater); 2. "Art pedagogy as a system of psychological support of the educational process" (speaker Burlaka, methodologist of the Children's and Youth Youth Theater). Master classes were held: - “Art therapy: technique “Akvatush”, “Monotype” (teacher-master Orlova I.V., Children's and Youth Sports Theater); - "Multifunctional souvenir from yarn" (master teacher Shaparenko N.S. CDT); - "Flower cards for Easter" (master teacher Provotorova L.V., CDT); - "Work on the image when studying a vocal work" (Shelkova D.M., teacher of the Children's Youth Theater). Art pedagogy is one of the most actively developing areas of scientific knowledge today. Her field of activity is the problem of using various types of art in pedagogical and correctional work, the education of a harmoniously developed personality, the transmission of universal and spiritual values ​​and the adaptation of a person through artistic activity. The participants of the seminar noted that today, in the use of the element "art" by teachers, there is some figurativeness, since in art pedagogy art is not the only goal of activity, but becomes only a means of solving professional problems. In other words, art pedagogical theory and practice, with the help of art, solves professional pedagogical problems, without pretensions to a serious art education. And the obvious advantages of art pedagogy include the fact that its competent and systematic use increases the possibility of finding new creative ways in pedagogy in general and in correctional pedagogy in particular. All this contributes to a better development of sciences and arts by children, as well as to spiritual and moral development, which is so relevant today. In the work of the master classes, the use of various elements and techniques of art pedagogy in subject activity was presented. The topics were chosen in such a way that the participants of the seminar could use the practical experience of colleagues in their work with members of the circle, as well as get acquainted with new modern applied techniques used in arts and crafts and fine arts. It should be noted that the seminar was held according to the month of the "Festival of Pedagogical Excellence-2018"; Teachers who are subject to certification in 2018 demonstrated their own style of creative activity in the format of conducting master classes. According to the results of the seminar, out of 22 respondents, 62% noted novelty, 71% noted the content of the seminar and the relevance of the topic, and 85% participants noted practicality. The creative atmosphere, the novelty of the pedagogical technologies used, interesting pedagogical techniques, the personal skill of the teacher-master - such characteristics were mainly given by colleagues to teachers presenting their skills. Teachers, seminar participants were familiarized with the Procedure for preparing, organizing and conducting a master class, considered at a meeting of the district methodological association of circle leaders on August 25, 2017, approved by order No. district of the city of Donetsk", as well as with the Regulations on the competition-exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts of teachers "Wings of inspiration".

municipal state institution of additional education

"Center for Development and Creativity"

municipal district of the city of Neya and the Neisky district of the Kostroma region


holding a workshop

for teachers of additional education

"Modern approaches, principles and forms of planning

and organization of work with parents and the public

in additional education »

methodologist MKU DO "MDG"

Volkova Valentina Vasilievna

Neya, 2018

Workshop for teachers "»,

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of students


clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

increase the professional competence of teachers in organizing new forms of interaction with parents;

to activate the pedagogical thinking of the PDO as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in the PDO, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;

support the interest of teachers in the further study of this topic.

Material: hearts, tree with leaves, glue, cards with the names of animals, tables with work forms.

Seminar progress:

I. Introductory part. Creating a positive atmosphere.

The theme of the workshop """Modern approaches, principles and forms of planning and organization of work with parents and the public in additional education» . Today we will talk about how to make these meetings interesting. And we will hold our seminar in the form of training, as one of the innovative forms of work.

The motto will be the saying of Confucius: "Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me do - and I will understand." Today we will play and talk!

Any event begins with an organizational moment or "acquaintance". I will offer you several options. Can be used with parents

Exercise "Magic tangle", (tangle) naming your name, (child's name,) tells some information about yourself; And I'll start. While you collect your thoughts a little.

This is how we get to know each other today. And you can do it this way (Exercise “Colorful caps”, (cocktail tubes, caps) moving around the hall, the group gets to know each other;

(Exercise "Hearts" (Box, hearts)

I suggest you take one, two or more hearts from our box. Depending on how many hearts you have, tell a few facts about yourself (teacher stories).

(Exercise "Perfect communication" (pairs of animal names)

I will give you cards on which the name of the animal is written. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says "elephant", know that someone has a card that also says "elephant". Read the name so that only you can see the inscription, the card can be removed.

The task of everyone is to find their mate, while you can use any expressive means, you can’t just speak and make sounds characteristic of your animal. When you find a couple, stay close, but keep silent, do not talk. Only when we have all the pairs formed, we will see what we got.)

This exercise can be done with parents, it is usually fun, as a result, the mood of the group members increases, fatigue decreases. Especially if not all parents know each other.

We continue: Now those who like to read books will stand up. And now those who have a cat or a cat will raise their hands. Those who have beads will jump on their left foot. Those who love ice cream will jump on their right foot ... Those who have a sister will hug themselves. Who has a brother, clap their hands. Those who ate porridge today will pat their heads...

Great. Take some pressure off and move on.

The teachers sit down.

II. Theoretical part.

At all times of the existence of educational institutions, the question of working with parents, involving them in cooperation in all areas, both educational and educational, has been raised and raised. Along with traditional forms of work, we often hear innovative, non-traditional ones. Today we will try to deal with them.

But first, let's listen to our teachers. They will share their work experience, we will learn their experience of working with parents.

(PDO, methodologists speak)

Round table for PDO "Innovative forms of work with parents: a bridge of communication"

And now the exercise:

Exercise "Find a definition"

On one table are the formulations of the forms of work, on the second - their approximate definitions: find the correct definition for the forms of work.

Round table - this is a form of organizing a discussion of a topic in which several points of view are initially laid down.

Parental a meeting is the joint presence of a group of people in a certain place to discuss various topics or solve certain problems.

Parental boxing ring - one of the debatable forms of communication between parents, the opportunity to discuss various situations in education, to study the experience of overcoming conflict situations, to get acquainted with different points of view of parents on a particular problem of raising children proposed for discussion. In the course of the discussion, two or more families are arguing on the same issue. They may have different positions, different opinions.

parent conference - one of the forms of education of parents, which expands, deepens and consolidates the knowledge of parents about the upbringing of children.

parent training is an active form of work with those parents who are aware of problem situations in the family, want to change their interaction with their own child, make it more open and trusting, and understand the need to acquire new knowledge and skills in raising their own child.

parent club are weekly meetings with moms and dads to improve their parental competence in matters of upbringing and home correction.

family clubs - These are informal associations of parents created to solve the practical problems of education. Usually they are organized by a group of enthusiasts: teachers and parents. The activity of family clubs is based on a voluntary basis.

family living room - this is an alternative to the parent meeting, in which pedagogical tasks are solved in the form of free communication between the families of pupils and teachers. This can include tea.

Master class for parents is an interactive form of learning and exchange of experience, for practicing practical skills in various methods and technologies in order to improve the professional level and exchange best practices of participants, broaden their horizons and familiarize themselves with the latest areas of knowledge.

family visit - this form of work allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house.

Folders-sliders - they select thematic material with illustrations and practical recommendations; it is systematically replenished and replaced by new ones.

Individual conversations - parents are more willing and frank to talk about the grief that can sometimes be in the family, about the anxiety that the child's behavior causes, about the success of the baby.

Open Day - an event designed to acquaint parents with the life of children.

This is only a small part of the innovative forms of work that can be used, let's try to fill in the missing forms.

But first, the nome needs to be divided into subgroups, what options can be used? (answers of the seminar participants)

Mosaic game, fold the picture.

"Leaders" who recruit a group.

“Scouts. Shooting eyes. Participants stand in a circle, lower their eyes. At the command of the teacher, the children look up, looking for their mate. If the eyes meet, then a pair has formed, it leaves the circle.

External signs: the color of clothes, backpacks, the presence of ties, watches, hairpins, jewelry, etc.

The game “One, two, three” moves around the hall to the music, the host says “three” - the participants found they disgrouped in three people, etc.

Game "Drop, river, sea"

Purpose: emotional release, division into pairs, triplets, fives. Combining three "fives" into two circles. (2-3 min)

Instruction: “Imagine that we are drops. Chaotically moving around the hall in any direction. At the signal "River!" we take the hand of a nearby comrade, the “Sea” all join hands.

Work in subgroups:

Exercise "Carousel"

We have settled on the forms of work. Divided into teams, perform the exercise "Carousel". Your subgroup, writes to the table

information and analytical forms of work;



visual and informational.

1 minute is given to complete, then we change until all subgroups fill in the tables.

Now let's read.

Information and analytical - aimed at identifying the interests, requests of parents, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children: (survey; tests; questionnaires; filling out a social passport; mailbox of trust; interviews with parents; visiting students at home; familiarizing parents with documentation on the association, with the charter and other documents of the OS)

Leisure forms - joint leisure activities, holidays, exhibitions - are designed to establish warm, informal, trusting relationships, emotional contacts between teachers and parents, and between parents and children. (family theatres, concerts, games, competitions; sports leisure activities, hikes, excursions; vernissage of joint creativity; exhibitions of family collections; parent creative corner ..).

cognitive forms play a dominant role in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Their essence is to familiarize parents with the age and psychological characteristics of children of age, the formation of children's practical skills. (parent meetings in an unconventional form (readers' conference, auction); parent clubs; projects; individual practical classes (child + parent); workshop; information stands, etc.).

Visual and informational forms necessary to correctly assess the activities of teachers, to review the methods and techniques of family education. (open classes; parental corners; newspaper issues; exhibitions of children's works, photographs; watching videos; open day; web pages for parents; conducting correctional classes via Skype; technology case; mini-library; price lists.)

I hope that our workshop was not in vain, and when planning work with parents for the next academic year, the range of various forms of work will increase.

    Dear colleagues, and now, in a nutshell, continue the phrase:

I found out…

I understand…

I think that….

    Exercise "Smile"

Close your eyes, try not to think about anything for a few minutes, while there must be a smile on your face. If you manage to hold it even for a minute, you will immediately feel that you have calmed down and your mood has improved. Try to do this exercise at least once a day.

Final reflection.

So the time of our communication has come to an end. I suggest you take a heart for yourself, and on the second heart write wishes about our meeting and attach them to our tree.

ksenia shaimova
Workshop on the organization of additional education in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: To systematize the knowledge of educators about. Improve the skills of teachers organization circle and studio work of the preschool educational institution.


1. Study the theory and practice of organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Mugs as a shape

3. Develop a variable part of the main general education preschool programs education taking into account circle and studio work.

Equipment: Interactive board

I. 1. Theoretical Part:

1.1. " Organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard»

At present, not only the main education, but also additional. Additional education in preschool institutions provides an opportunity to identify and develop the creative abilities of children. In the classroom for further education is being deepened, expansion and practical application of acquired knowledge in the main educational activities.

Additional education children gives each child the opportunity to satisfy their individual cognitive, aesthetic, creative needs. At organization of activities of additional education children kindergarten takes into account:

The interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle, sections, studios;


additional education children precisely on its basis;

Norms of load on the child.

Additional education children in kindergarten is one of the areas of creative, physical, social, personal and intellectual development of pupils, in addition to the main general education preschool programs education.

Most wanted additional education children of artistic and aesthetic directions: teaching children various techniques pictorial activities - modeling from plasticine, non-traditional methods of drawing, as well as the physical development of preschoolers.

Additional education carried out in extracurricular activities, and carried out throughout the academic year by teachers and specialists.

Children study once a week in the afternoon. The results of the children's activities are expressed in the design of collective exhibitions, in the publication of albums, in the design of wall newspapers, in holding reporting concerts.

1.2. Mugs as a shape additional education in the preschool educational institution;

A circle is an informal, free association of children into a group for classes, based on their common interest, based on additional material to the tasks of the Program of education and training in kindergarten under the guidance of an adult (teacher).

Target additional education- introduction of new variable forms of preschool education to improve quality educational process and meet the needs of society.

Circles in kindergarten perform several functions:

- educational– each pupil of the educational institution has the opportunity to satisfy (or develop) their cognitive needs additional skill development, skills in the type of activity that interests him;

Socially adaptive - classes in circles allow pupils to gain socially significant experience of activity and interaction, to experience "success situation", learn to assert themselves;

Correction-developing - educational- educational process, implemented in the classroom, allows you to develop the intellectual, creative, physical abilities of each child;

Educational - the content and methodology of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personality traits, the formation of communication skills, the education of social responsibility, collectivism, patriotism.

Mugs as a shape additional education in preschool educational institutions can open with various goals:

1. Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advancing the development of the child or compensatory classes (for children with developmental delay).

2. Acquaintance with areas of knowledge that go beyond the scope of the state Program (work with gifted children).

3. Acquaintance with the areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, the formation of interpersonal communication skills.

The activities of any circle are regulated by regulatory and legal documents:

the Charter of the DOW;

- The educational program of the preschool educational institution;

Regulations on the circle;

Circle program (goal and objectives, expected end result); - The work plan of the circle for the year;

the list of children;

Schedule of activities;

Quality control materials (performance) mug work (diagnostic cards).

Algorithm for the activity of the teacher to create a circle (sections, studios):

1. Study of the regulatory framework.

2. Identification of the needs of the educational institution, parents, children in.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on the assimilation by children of the state program of preschool education.

4. Development (selection) circle programs.

5. Development of a circle plan for the academic year.

6. Approval of the program, work plan of the circle of the head of the preschool educational institution.

7. Implementation of the work plan of the circle in practice.

8. Analysis of the performance of the circle.

9. Protection of the results of work in front of the parent and pedagogical community. (corners of circle work, exhibitions, participation in competitions, shows, etc.)

It is important to take into account that organization circles involves voluntary (without psychological coercion) inclusion of children in activities, therefore, in addition to the selection of interesting content, there are a number of specific conditions:

organization working space;

- the opportunity for children to engage in their own strengths and interests.

- the playful nature of the presentation of any material;

Circle leaders organize its activities through the following forms:

With kids:

Front lessons (group)


Thematic walks

Entertainment, leisure

Participation in various competitions

With teachers:

Consultations, master classes, seminars for preschool teachers

With parents:

Consultations, master classes, speeches at parent meetings, information on the site.

Mugs can be different focus:

1) Physical development

2) Social - personal development

3) Cognitive-speech development

4) Artistic and aesthetic development

The topics of circles can be diverse.

At organizations the activities of circles, teachers should consider:

The interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle;

Age characteristics of children, their experience of participating in such activities;

The need to address educational and educational tasks in unity with the main program of the kindergarten;

Understanding the game as a leading activity and building content additional education children precisely on its basis;

The need to create a comfortable environment in which a creative personality will develop;

Norms of load on the child.

Scheme for developing a circle work program

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives)

3. Expected results (intended result)

4. Educational and thematic planning

5. Diagnostic cards, diagnostic methods

6. References

2. Practical part:

2.1. Drawing up sample questions to identify the needs of parents, children in additional educational services.

2.2. Development (selection) circle programs (studios, sections).

Expected Result workshop:

1) Improving the efficiency of pedagogical activity.

2) Improving the quality of the provided educational services.

3) Creation and attraction of innovative pedagogical technologies.

4) Creation of accessible preschool educational space.

Methodical seminar "Educational lesson in the institution of additional education for children"

Seminar for teachers of additional education

"Educational lesson in the institution of additional education for children"

The purpose of the workshop: increasing the professional competence of novice teachers in the field of building a lesson.

Plan of the event:

1. Methodological bases for constructing a lesson in the system of additional education for children.

2. Classification of training sessions and basic requirements for their construction.

3. Practical part.

    Methodological bases for constructing a lesson in the system of additional education for children

The training session is the main element of the educational process. In the system of additional education, the form of its organization is significantly changing. The main thing is not the communication of knowledge, but the identification of the experience of children, their inclusion in cooperation, active search for knowledge and communication.

Teachers of additional education (both those with special pedagogical education and those who do not) often experience difficulties in modeling a training session, determining its type, stages, tasks, content of each stage, self-analysis of activities. Especially often these difficulties are encountered by novice teachers who are not ready for systematic activities in preparing a lesson.

Knowledge of the types and features of training sessions will help to form the need and skills to correctly model the lesson, improve their constructive, methodological knowledge, skills and abilities.

The training session is:

Model of the activity of the teacher and the children's team;

A time-limited form of organizing the educational process, which involves not only the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children in a particular subject and their assimilation of educational material, but, above all, development;

The time during which students under the guidance of a teacher are engaged in educational, educational, leisure activities.

All elements of the educational process are presented in the lesson: goals, content, means, methods, organization. The quality of the training session depends on the correct definition of each of these components and their rational combination. However, the main requirement for a training session is to achieve the goal set by the teacher and accepted by the students.

Depending on the objectives of the lesson, the following types of training sessions can be distinguished:

Actually teaching;

general developmental;


Actually, the training sessions pursue purely educational goals: teaching something, mastering children with specific knowledge and skills in the subject being taught. These are the tutorials:

On the transfer of knowledge;

By comprehending knowledge and consolidating it;

To consolidate knowledge;

On the formation of skills and the application of knowledge in practice;

Training sessions (working out skills and abilities);

On the generalization and systematization of knowledge.

General developmental classes set goals for the formation and development of certain personal qualities of the child. Such activities include a discussion session, an excursion, a quiz session, and various collective creative activities.

Educational classes aim to form a positive psychological climate in the children's team, familiarizing children with moral and cultural values. For example, traditional holidays: “Initiation into circles”, “Birthday days”, “Skill contests”, etc. These lessons also involve learning tasks, but differ from learning lessons in that learning, as a rule, is not of a specially organized nature and is not at all necessarily related to the educational subject. Quite often, the lesson of a teacher with a children's team is difficult to attribute to any one type, since in the course of one lesson, most teachers solve both teaching and educational tasks in a complex.

The training session, being a time-limited process, is a model of the activity of the teacher and the children's team. In this regard, the training session must be considered in the logic of organizing activities, highlighting the goal, content, methods, results of activities, as well as the stages of their achievement.

A model of a training session of any type can be represented as a sequence of the following stages: organizational, verification, preparatory, main, control, final, reflective, informational. The basis for the allocation of stages can be the process of assimilation of knowledge, which is built as a change in the types of activities of students: perception - comprehension - memorization - application - generalization - systematization.

As a basis for the training session, we take the model proposed by M.V. Ushakova, methodologist researcher of the laboratory of problems of additional education and upbringing of the regional center for children and youth in the city of Yaroslavl (Table 1).

Table 1

Model of a training session in an institution of additional education for children



Stage of the training session

Stage tasks




Preparing children for work in the classroom

Organization of the beginning of the lesson, creation of a psychological mood for learning activities and activation of attention



Establishing the correctness and awareness of doing homework (if any), identifying gaps and correcting them

Checking homework (creative, practical), checking the knowledge of the previous lesson

Self-assessment, assessment activity of the teacher


Preparatory (preparing for new content)

Ensuring motivation and acceptance by children of the goal of educational and cognitive activity

The message of the topic, the objectives of the lesson and the motivation for the educational activities of children (for example, a heuristic question, a cognitive task, a problem task for children)

Considering the possible start of work

Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action

Ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of connections and relationships in the object of study

The use of tasks and questions that activate the cognitive activity of children

Mastering new knowledge

Primary check of understanding of the studied

Establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of new educational material, identifying erroneous or controversial ideas and correcting them

Application of trial practice tasks that are combined with the explanation of the relevant rules or rationale

Conscious assimilation of new educational material

Consolidation of new knowledge, methods of action and their application

Ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge, methods of action and their application

The use of training exercises, tasks that are performed independently by children

Conscious assimilation of new material

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Formation of a holistic view of knowledge on the topic

Using conversations and practical tasks

Understanding the work done


Identification of the quality and level of mastery of knowledge, self-control and correction of knowledge and methods of action

The use of test tasks, oral (written) survey, as well as tasks of various levels of complexity (reproductive, creative, search and research)

Reflection, comparison of the results of one's own activities with others, understanding the results



Analysis and evaluation of the success of achieving the goal, determining the prospects for further work

The teacher together with the children sums up the lesson

Self-affirmation of children in success


Mobilizing children for self-esteem

Children's self-assessment of their working capacity, psychological state, reasons for poor-quality work, work effectiveness, content and usefulness of educational work

Designing children's own activities in subsequent classes


Ensuring understanding of the goal, the content of homework, the logic of further classes

Information about the content and final result of homework, instruction on how to complete it, determining the place and role of this assignment in the system of subsequent classes

Definition of business prospects

Building a lesson in accordance with this model helps to clearly structure the lesson, determine its stages, tasks and the content of each of them. In accordance with the tasks of each stage, the teacher predicts both the intermediate and final results.

    Classification of training sessions andbasic requirements for their construction

Classification of training sessions

Based on modern scientific ideas about the training session, its meaningful goal is triune in nature and consists of three interrelated, interacting aspects, cognitive, developmental and educational, which are reflected in the goal of the content of the educational material.

Goals are the mechanism by which the teacher encodes the main content and predicts the results of his activity and the cognitive activity of students.

The stages of the lesson, its structure are designed in accordance with the didactic purpose and the laws of the learning process. Movement towards the realization of the goal as a predictable result causes the transition from one part of the lesson to another, from stage to stage. The methods of work of the teacher and pupils at each stage depend on the content, purpose, logic of mastering the educational material, the composition of the group and the experience of the creative activity of the teacher and pupils.

The didactic goal is the most important structural element and determines the type and structure of the lesson. Taking into account the active position of pupils in mastering the material and developing skills, it is possible to classify training sessions according to the didactic purpose as follows: learning and primary consolidation of new knowledge; consolidation of knowledge and methods of activity, complex application of knowledge and methods of activity; generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity; verification, evaluation, correction of knowledge and methods of activity. Each type of lesson has its own structure, the main component of the lesson is encoded in the name of the type of lesson, the common stages for all types of lessons are organizational, goal-setting and motivation, summarizing.

The organizational moment of the lesson involves the creation of productive conditions for the interaction of the teacher and pupils.

The stage of goal-setting and motivation ensures the desire of the participants in the pedagogical process to work in the classroom through setting goals and updating the motives of educational activities, through the formation of attitudes towards the perception and comprehension of educational information, and the development of the student's personal qualities.

When summing up, the level of achievement of goals, the degree of participation of all students and each individually, the assessment of their work and the prospects for the cognitive process are determined.

The relationship between the type, didactic purpose and structure of the training session is presented in Table 2 "Types of training sessions, their didactic purpose and structure."

table 2

Types of training sessions, their didactic purpose and structure

Lesson Type

Didactic goal


Non-traditional forms of conducting classes

Training session for the study and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Create conditions for understanding and comprehending a block of new educational information


Updating knowledge and skills

Motivation. goal setting

Organization of perception

Organization of reflection

Initial check of understanding

Organization of primary fixation


Lecture, seminar, excursion, conference, laboratory-practical lesson, didactic fairy tale

Training session to consolidate knowledge and methods of activity

Ensure the consolidation of knowledge and methods of activity of pupils



Updating knowledge and methods of action

Designing a pattern for applying knowledge in standard and modified situations

Independent application of knowledge

Control and self-control



Seminar, excursion, consultation, travel game

Training session for the integrated application of knowledge and methods of activity


Goal setting. Motivation

Updating the complex of knowledge and methods of activity

Independent application of knowledge (exercises) in similar and new situations

Self control and control



“Literary Lounge”, quiz “What? Where? When?”, “Journey-Travel”, concert

Training session of generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity

Organize the activities of pupils to generalize knowledge and methods of activity


Goal setting. Motivation

Highlighting the main thing in the educational material

Generalization and systematization


Generalization can be carried out both on a topic, section, and on a problem. The most important thing in the methodology of generalization is the inclusion of a part in the whole. Careful preparation of pupils is necessary (reporting problems, questions in advance, providing didactic material at the lesson)

Lecture, excursion

Training session on checking, evaluating, correcting knowledge and methods of activity

1. Provide verification and assessment of knowledge and methods of activity of pupils (control lesson)

2. Organize the activities of pupils to correct their knowledge and methods of activity


Independent completion of tasks

self control




The classes are dominated by activities aimed at the gradual complication of tasks due to the comprehensive coverage of knowledge, their application at different levels.

Conditions for achieving the effectiveness of the lesson:

Complexity of goals (training, educational, general developmental tasks);

The adequacy of the content to the goals set, as well as their compliance with the characteristics of the children's team;

Compliance of methods of work with the set goals and content;

The presence of a clearly thought-out logic of the lesson, the continuity of the stages;

Clear organization of the beginning of the lesson, motivation of children for educational activities;

The presence of a favorable psychological atmosphere;

The active position of the child (activation of cognitive and practical activities, the inclusion of each child in activities);

Full methodological support and material and technical equipment of the lesson.

The constant transfer of the student from the zone of his actual to the zone of proximal development is the main indicator of the effectiveness of the training session.

Basic requirements for the construction of modern training sessions:

Creation and maintenance of a high level of cognitive interest and activity of children;

Expedient use of class time;

The use of a variety of pedagogical teaching aids;

Personally-oriented interaction of the teacher with pupils;

The practical significance of the acquired knowledge and skills.

To conduct an effective training session, a sufficiently serious preparation of the teacher for it is necessary. Will the job work? How to keep the attention of the children, develop interest in the subject? These and many other questions concern almost every teacher. What is the most important thing for a teacher when preparing a lesson?

Algorithm for preparing a lesson

The algorithm for preparing a training session, as the basis of this methodology, can be as follows:

Stage 1

Analysis of the previous training session, search for answers to the following questions:

Did the training session achieve its intended purpose?

To what extent and quality are the tasks of the lesson implemented at each of its stages?

How complete and well-realized is the content?

What is the overall result of the lesson, did the teacher’s forecast come true?

Due to what were these or other results (reasons) achieved?

Depending on the results, what needs to be changed in subsequent training sessions, what new elements to introduce, what to refuse?

Have all the potential opportunities of the lesson and its topics been used to solve educational and training problems?

Stage 2

Modeling. Based on the results of the analysis of the previous lesson, a model of the future lesson is built:

Determination of the place of this training session in the system of topics, in the logic of the learning process (here you can rely on the types and varieties of classes);

Designation of the tasks of the training session;

Definition of the topic and its potential, both teaching and educational;

Definition of the type of occupation, if necessary;

Determining the type of lesson;

Thinking through the meaningful stages and logic of the lesson, selecting the ways of work of both the teacher and the children at each stage of the lesson;

Selection of pedagogical methods for monitoring and evaluating the assimilation of the lesson material by children.

Stage 3

Ensuring the content of the training session:

Self-training of the teacher: selection of informational, cognitive material (content of the lesson);

Ensuring the educational activities of students: selection, production of didactic, visual, handouts; preparation of tasks;

Logistics: preparation of the office, inventory, equipment, etc.

It should be noted that in each specific situation, the proposed algorithm will vary, be refined, and be detailed. The very logic of actions is important, the teacher tracking the sequence of both his work and the educational activities of children, the construction of training sessions not as separate, one-time, unrelated forms of work with children, but as a learning system that will allow you to fully realize creative, cognitive, developing potential of the subject taught by the teacher.

Detailed observance of the conditions for the effectiveness of the lesson, the basic requirements for its preparation and construction will ensure a high result of the lesson.

    Organization of classes within the framework of a system-activity approach

The report of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century chaired by

Jacques Delors "Education: a hidden treasure", formulated "4 pillars on which education is based: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live

together, learn to be "(J. Delors)

    Learning to know, which implies that the learner constructs his own knowledge on a daily basis by combining internal and external elements;

    Learning to do focuses on the practical application of what has been learned;

    Learning to live together actualizes the ability to refuse any discrimination, when everyone has an equal opportunity to develop themselves, their families and their communities;

    Learning to be emphasizes the skills necessary for the individual to develop his potential;

In fact, he defined the global competencies necessary for a person to survive in the modern world.

Didactic principles necessary for organizing classes within the framework of a system-activity approach:

1. Operation principle is that the student, receiving knowledge not in a finished form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to the active successful formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

2. Continuity principle means such an organization of learning, when the result of activity at each previous stage provides the beginning of the next stage. The continuity of the process is ensured by the invariance of technology, as well as the continuity between all levels of training in content and methodology.

3. The principle of a holistic view of the world means that the child should have a generalized, holistic view of the world (nature-society-itself), the role and place of science in the system of sciences.

4. Minimax principle is that the school offers each student the content of education at the maximum (creative) level and ensures its assimilation at the level of a socially safe minimum (state standard of knowledge).

5. The principle of psychological comfort involves the removal of stress-forming factors of the educational process, the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the center and at the lesson, focused on the implementation of the ideas of pedagogy of cooperation.

6. The principle of variability involves the development of students' variant thinking, that is, an understanding of the possibility of various options for solving a problem, the formation of the ability to systematically enumerate options and choose the best option.

7. The principle of creativity implies a maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational activities of schoolchildren, the acquisition of their own experience of creative activity. Formation of the ability to independently find solutions to non-standard problems.

These didactic principles set a system of necessary and sufficient conditions for the functioning of the education system in the activity paradigm.

Goal-setting activities can be divided into four groups:

1. classes of "discovery" of new knowledge;

2. reflection classes;

3. classes of a general methodological orientation;

4. classes of developing control.

1. Occupation of "discovery" of new knowledge.

Activity goal: the formation of students' ability to a new way of action.

Educational goal: expanding the conceptual base by including new elements in it.

2. Lesson of reflection.

Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities for reflection of the correctional-control type and the implementation of the correctional norm (fixing their own difficulties in activity, identifying their causes, building and implementing a project to overcome difficulties, etc.). Educational goal: correction and training of the studied concepts, algorithms, etc.

3. Lesson of general methodological orientation.

Activity goal: the formation of students' ability to a new mode of action associated with the construction of the structure of the studied concepts and algorithms.

Educational goal: revealing the theoretical foundations for constructing content-methodical lines.

4. The occupation of developing control.

Activity goal: the formation of students' ability to implement the control function.

Educational goal: control and self-control of the studied concepts and algorithms.

And before we move on to getting acquainted with the structure of the lesson in the framework of a system-activity approach, I suggest that our creative groups complete the following task: you have 10 sheets of A4 format on your tables, glue, stapler, adhesive tape, you need to build a tower with maximum efficiency.

(Performing the task in subgroups. Discussion of the completed task and the concept of efficiency).

This task is an example of creating a problem situation for the beginning of physics or technology lessons, for example, you and I have switched very well to the concept of "efficiency".

And now I present to your attention the technology of setting a learning problem:

    Encouraging Dialogue

    Encouragement to recognize the contradiction of the problem situation

    Encouragement to formulate a learning problem

    Acceptance of student formulations of the educational problem.

    Leading dialogue

    Topic message with a motivating reception.

Technology for finding a solution to an educational problem:

Hypothetical dialogue

    Hypothesis drive

    Acceptance of hypotheses put forward by students

    An incentive to test hypotheses.

    Acceptance of student-suggested checks

    Dialogue leading to knowledge.

The structure of the lesson of maintaining new knowledge within the framework of the activity approach has the following form:

2. Actualization and fixation of individual difficulties in the trial educational


3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (total).

    Practical task: Match in circles the stage of the lesson and the activity corresponding to this stage.

Checking the correctness of the task:

1. Motivation for learning activities.

This stage of the learning process involves the conscious entry of the student into the space of learning activities in the classroom. To this end, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely:

1) the requirements for it are updated from the side of educational activities (.need.);

2) conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (.want.);

3) thematic framework is established (.can.).

In the developed version, there are processes of adequate self-determination in educational activity and self-assertion in it, involving a comparison by the student of his real self. with an image. I am an ideal student., conscious subordination of oneself to the system of normative requirements of educational activity and the development of internal readiness for their implementation.

2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial learning activity. At this stage, the preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent implementation of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of individual difficulties are organized.

Accordingly, this stage involves:

1) actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient for the construction of new knowledge, their generalization and sign fixation;

2) actualization of the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes;

3) motivation for a trial educational action (.must. - .can. - .want.) and its independent implementation;

4) fixation of individual difficulties in the implementation of a trial educational action or its justification.

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty. At this stage, the teacher organizes the students to identify the place and cause of the difficulty.

To do this, students must:

1) restore the performed operations and fix (verbally and symbolically) the place-step, the operation where the difficulty arose;

2) correlate their actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and, on this basis, identify and fix in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are not enough to solve the original problem and problems of this class or type in general.

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty (goal and theme, method, plan, means).

At this stage, students in a communicative form consider a project for future learning activities: set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen), agree on the topic of the lesson, choose a method, build a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means - algorithms, models, etc. This process is led by the teacher: at first with the help of an introductory dialogue, then a prompt one, and then with the help of research methods.

5. Implementation of the constructed project.

At this stage, the project is being implemented: the various options proposed by the students are discussed, and the best option is selected, which is fixed in the language verbally and symbolically. The constructed method of action is used to solve the original problem that caused difficulty. In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the difficulty that arose earlier is fixed.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

At this stage, students in the form of communication (frontally, in groups, in pairs) solve typical tasks for a new method of action with pronouncing the solution algorithm aloud.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and carry out their self-examination.


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