The child's immune system has already begun to function. This week, the baby's body begins to produce antibodies that will protect him in the first months of life. The child's nervous system is already functioning, and he can already experience emotions. Now the child is very important attention and care of his parents. Try to talk to him affectionately as often as possible, stroking his tummy. The baby's cheeks begin to appear, and by the time of his birth they will be touchingly plump. During sleep, the child closes his eyes, and when he wakes up, they are open. It can jostle in response to bright lights or loud noises. The primordial lubrication and lanugo, the primordial fluff, begin to disappear from the baby’s skin. But sometimes this fluff remains with the child in the first days after birth.

Possible complications of pregnancy

Now you need to carefully monitor your weight. Weight gain can cause obesity after childbirth, and in some cases lead to the development of diabetes. It can also cause a strong weight gain in the fetus. If the fetus is overweight, the doctor may recommend delivery by caesarean section. A lack of calcium causes the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins in a pregnant woman, and a lack of vitamin D can provoke rickets in a baby after birth. It is very important to monitor for edema, as they indicate the development of preeclampsia. If you notice the appearance of edema or a sharp weight gain that is not associated with excessive eating, you must definitely pass a urine test for the presence of protein in it. Timely detection of this disease helps to save the life of mother and child.

What can be the selection

Be sure to pay attention to the nature of the discharge. Some changes should be the reason for a visit to the doctor. The appearance of clots in the whites, white curdled discharge, purulent discharge, itching and an unpleasant odor indicate the presence of an infection. With such symptoms, the doctor will make a smear on the vaginal microflora to make a diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment. It is very important not to let the disease take its course and not try to be treated on your own. Only a specialist can determine the exact diagnosis. The main thing is to be cured before childbirth so that the child does not become infected during passage through the genital tract. Bloody discharge, accompanied by cramping pain, may be a sign of placental abruption or premature birth. In this case, be sure to go to the doctor. A large amount of yellowish or clear watery fluid means leakage of amniotic fluid. This situation requires urgent hospitalization.
From 30 to 34 weeks, the 3rd planned ultrasound is performed. If there are no complications, the woman and her baby are healthy, then this ultrasound will be the last. In addition to the usual measurements of the baby and checking the compliance of its development with the gestational age, the doctor must check the position of the fetus. As a rule, the baby is already in the correct position - head down. If the child lies incorrectly, then the doctor recommends the woman special exercises that will help the baby roll over. The doctor pays special attention to the condition of the placenta. Ultrasound can diagnose placental insufficiency. If any deviations were found, then you should not worry. The main thing is that the problem was detected in time, and it can be corrected using specialized medical treatment. Be sure to check the condition of the cervix. Its shortening or softening can provoke childbirth earlier than expected. On an ultrasound, a woman can watch her baby play with the umbilical cord, stretch, suck her thumb, sometimes the baby can even smile.

Do I need to take vitamins

Continue to take calcium with vitamin D and multivitamins if prescribed by your doctor. Vitamin-mineral complexes should not be consumed without a doctor's recommendation, sometimes an overdose of vitamins can be more harmful than their lack.

Medicines and procedures

Local medicines that do not enter the bloodstream can be used without fear for the health of the baby. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are also allowed. You can drink antispasmodics and some of the antibiotics. But it is forbidden to prescribe medications on your own. Only a doctor can choose the best treatment option that will lead to a speedy recovery and will not harm the child.

Your pregnancy is 32 weeks. The child weighs about 1700-1800 grams. Its size from the crown to the sacrum (sitting) is about 29 cm, the length is completely 41-42 cm.

From this period, the height and weight parameters of the child may differ, because, depending on the genetic predisposition, they can be either more or less than the established period. To exclude the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, the size of the fetus is measured in dynamics, every 1-2 weeks.

Baby. What does the fetus look like at 32 weeks pregnant?

Now the size of the baby can be compared with a standard computer keyboard, the baby is very cute and cute.

Your child's head has grown substantially, reaching 60 percent of the size of an adult's head. The brain continues to grow, but so far its volume is still as much as 75 percent smaller than in adults. On the surface of the brain, gyrus is cut deeper and deeper.

The baby's eyes blink rhythmically, and the pupils move from side to side.

The child already distinguishes day from night, in the daytime he opens his eyes more often, and at night, on the contrary, he closes them. Moreover, at this time, when light hits the face, tiny pupils narrow. This indicates the rapid development of the nervous system.

The child's face has almost completely smoothed out, almost all wrinkles have disappeared.

The skin takes on a pinkish color and a warm hue. Vessels gradually “hide” and in general, the skin becomes denser. Subcutaneous fat is deposited on the cheeks, this is necessary so that after birth the child can actively suckle the breast. While he is content with his fingers, training the sucking reflex.

At this time, neuromuscular maturity in the facial muscles has not yet been reached, therefore, having been born prematurely, not every baby will be able to consume mother's milk on their own. But practice shows that many premature babies born at 7-8 months master breast sucking quickly enough and without much difficulty.

There is already a lot of hair on the child’s head, they are still thin and soft, but gradually thicken. When the baby is born, you will be happy to stroke his head. At the same time, the vellus hairs (lanugo) on the body continue to disappear. Their main task of providing the necessary thermal protection has already been completed, since they have been replaced by dense fat.

The body itself is still relatively small, but the overall dimensions have become proportional, the same as those of a newborn.

The baby's head is quite heavy, in most cases, this helps him roll over and take the correct head presentation.

Now strong heels will knock on your ribs regularly. Often such kicks are given with severe pain in the hypochondrium. To wean the naughty "fight", sit down in such a way that the stomach takes up as much space as possible and is not squeezed from all sides. To do this, sit on a sofa or chair, freely leaning back.

The living space of the baby is gradually decreasing due to its natural growth and a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. now they look more like kicks with elbows or knees, and the surface of the abdomen is increasingly acquiring bizarre bulges, characteristic of a plump ass or a rounded back.

Respond to the baby, stroke him, “take his hand”, thus maintaining a close bond between you and the child, necessary for his confidence and well-being.

It's incredible, but the expectant mother can almost always guess what mood her child is in. Continue to monitor the movements of the child, they should be regular, but not too active.

We can say that now is the golden time for important purchases for the baby. We list only a few pleasant purchases that you can already make with pleasure during this period:

  • Cute ;
  • Funny and ;
  • , , etc.

Start stocking up on quality.

At this time, expectant mothers also pay attention to such products.

The development of internal organs and systems of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation.

As before, the evolution of the pituitary gland, enzymatic and reproductive systems continues. The adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas are actively working. With each new day, the metabolism in a small organism is improved more and more.

Gradually increases the production of oxytocin and vasopressin - hormones that form a generic dominant. It is at the moment when this very dominant reaches maturity that natural childbirth will begin. These same hormones are responsible for preparing the mother's breast for milk production.

The child's immune system continues to receive immunoglobulins from you and produce antibodies necessary for the child's body's natural defense against infections. It is these antibodies that are the basis of safety for the health of the child in the first months of his life.

The baby hears well the flow of your blood or the beat of the mother's heart. He is not only in the power of your body, but also of your voice. The mother's voice accompanies him everywhere and is the most important reference point, both in fetal life and after birth. You can refer to the child, call him an affectionate nickname or by his first name.

You should not be concerned about what others think about a woman who "talks to her stomach." You can “call” the baby for a walk, lunch, country trip. You can invite him to listen to music or a fairy tale. Any of your stories will be heard. Of course, the baby will not be able to answer you with a word for a long time. Now, these will be weightless touches with the palms from the inside, a little later - the first smile, and a little later - a loud, chaotic babble that will evoke a whole range of feelings in you.

Involve the future dad, as well as older children, if any, in communication with the child. They, unlike you, can kiss your stomach, and bulging fists. Such early friendship will be the key to successful communication in the future.

It is safe to say that at the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby is viable, so he is practically not afraid. Nevertheless, for the remaining few weeks, you need to take care of yourself and the baby so that his organs and internal systems, in particular the lungs, complete their formation.

Mother. What happens in a woman's body at 32 weeks pregnant?

Your uterus continues to grow. It is already 12 cm above the navel and 32 cm above the pubic symphysis. Now your weekly weight gain should be reduced to 300 grams. If earlier you could afford to gain up to 500 grams per week, now the maximum allowable “liberty” is 300 grams.

Probably, you “lost” your navel, now it has smoothed out with the surface of the abdomen, and perhaps even slightly “jumped” outward. Don't worry, after giving birth, the navel will take its original place. Do not worry about the dark vertical strip on the stomach. Literally a few months after the birth of the child and the restoration of hormonal balance, it will disappear. Do not forget that you can only wear, they do not squeeze the tummy and inguinal lymph nodes.

There is another strange, but absolutely natural phenomenon for your position - an increased amount of hair on the abdomen. Such fluffiness is also the result of temporary hormonal changes. After childbirth, all excess hair will completely disappear.

Since the skin of the abdomen is now stretched more and more, vertical stretching of a bluish or pearly color may appear. Most often they are localized on the abdomen, around the navel, on the hips and chest. Unfortunately, these pregnancy companions do not disappear on their own. Use special oils or massage problem areas with a brush. Even if you can’t completely remove them, you can reduce the formation of new tears in the skin.

Beware of the sun and apply against the formation of age spots.

If the doctor does not forbid, wear a bandage to support the abdominal muscles, and to support the enlarged mammary glands, pick up with wide straps and tight cups to prevent the chest from sinking down under its own weight.

Be sure to take care of your comfort, purchase:

  • (by doctor's prescription);
  • comfortable;
  • cute ;
  • for a comfortable sleep;

Feelings at 32 weeks pregnant.

At the 8th month of pregnancy, you may notice unexpected soreness and bleeding of the gums, this is due to the increased production of the hormone - estrogen, which greatly softens them. Thoroughly clean your teeth, and do not let the situation take its course - this is fraught with the development of periodontitis.

Your internal organs have shifted quite a lot from their usual places, but this should not be a cause for concern. Of course, the “dominance of the uterus” is still manifested in such unpleasant symptoms as: shortness of breath, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, constipation. To avoid complications, try to adjust your own diet. Continue to take, besides you, your child also needs it very much.

If the inflamed haunt, be sure to ask your doctor to prescribe safe local suppositories or ointments. To relieve painful symptoms at home, rinse your perineum with cool water after each use of the toilet, and use wet wipes instead of toilet paper. You can take warm sitz baths with an oak bark solution or apply an ice cube to your anus for a few minutes.

During this period, fluid retention in the body can also become a problem, due to which the fingers and bones on the legs swell. This is especially true for expectant mothers who have a later pregnancy in a sultry, hot summer. You should not refuse to drink, but if the tests show, or the doctor suspects the presence of edema and kidney problems, you need to limit your daily fluid intake to 1.5 liters. Do not wear tight clothing and visit your doctor regularly so as not to miss signs of late pregnancy toxicosis -.

The uterus has occupied almost the entire abdominal cavity, your bladder is now feeling special pressure. Sometimes, during coughing or laughing, involuntary can occur. To avoid embarrassment, use panty liners. In no case should you refrain from frequent trips to the toilet, stagnation of urine causes an infectious infection of the bladder, and then the uterus. This is fraught with early rupture of the membranes and the onset

Getting up at night “little by little” has to happen more and more often. Sometimes trips to the toilet happen 3-4 times an hour, it cannot but tire. In addition, it is still difficult to choose a comfortable position for sleeping. Sometimes the child rages, sometimes they torment, which can be given to the buttocks or legs. Therefore, if you do not get enough sleep at night, be sure to sleep during the day.

Now you may have very vivid, sometimes even disturbing dreams. You should not take them seriously, all your strengths and thoughts are aimed at protecting and protecting the baby. It is quite natural that sometimes your subconscious mind gives out its own maternal worries and fears through dreams.

There is another “sad” symptom of pregnancy, which is very amusing for future fathers. And now he can overtake you. It's about snoring. More precisely, about snoring, incredible strength and power.

Some women can't believe their partner's words that they can snore SO. Conviction comes only after an enchanting demonstration by the merry spouse of “night exposure” on the screen of a mobile phone or video camera.

Yes, it's incredible. It is necessary to treat such an unexpected phenomenon, perhaps with humor. The pressure of the baby on the diaphragm has almost reached the limit. But this does not mean that you will forever remain in the eyes of your partner as a loud “snorer”. After giving birth, the house will be filled with baby sounds, not your stormy “growl”.

Irregular, training contractions may bother you more than before. Unpleasant abdominal tension can appear several times a day. And this is normal, the body is busy actively preparing for childbirth. You are unlikely to confuse the beginning of real contractions with false ones.

Sex at 32 weeks pregnant.

If there are no threatening symptoms, you can enjoy your intimate life. Now your sexual activity may not be as intense as before pregnancy. This is not the time to use additional stimulation in the form of sex toys, vibrators, etc.

The fact is that now the genitals are filled with blood, and the orgasmic abilities of the uterus are enhanced. Excessive excitement can cause uterine contractions, and at this time, this is undesirable.

We can say that in your sex life there comes a period of deep tenderness. Choose poses in which there will be no maximum penetration, and the rounded belly does not give in to pressure. very useful, it prepares your birth canal for the passage of the baby, and male sperm, containing prostaglandins, contribute to the opening of the cervix.

Sexual intercourse does not harm the baby, because it is protected by amniotic fluid, and a dense mucous plug from the side of the vagina.

Pay attention to your own Itching of the perineum, a greenish or brownish color, a curdled consistency, an admixture of mucus or blood - all this is a reason to see a doctor. Your birth canal must be clean so that the baby, passing through it, does not bring pathogenic microbes into the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes or mouth.

The discharge of a healthy pregnant woman is usually homogeneous, milky in color with a slight sour smell. If the discharge becomes larger than usual, they are watery, translucent and leave wet spots on the linen, there is reason to think about the integrity of the membranes. Perhaps we are talking about leakage of amniotic fluid, which means that the infection is likely to enter the uterine cavity to the baby. You need to report this to your doctor immediately.

Keep in mind that another alarming symptom may be softening of the stool. Unexpected diarrhea, which is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate the onset of preterm labor. Sometimes, they come on quite suddenly. Listen to your body, and if something causes concern, call a specialist immediately.

At 32 weeks, your doctor may order additional screening for you. Previously, the third screening was considered mandatory, now ultrasound at a later date is prescribed only according to indications. If you still need this type of study, do not worry, ultrasound is absolutely safe.

  • First of all, this study determines the correspondence of the gestational age to the overall development of the baby. In addition to assessing the work of all internal organs and systems, the child is properly measured to determine its probable weight. This is necessary in order to avoid difficulties during natural childbirth if the fetus is really large.
  • Also, the specialist determines, and in the case of his incorrect (pelvic or transverse) presentation, recommends that the mother perform special exercises to “persuade” the naughty to roll over.
  • The location of the umbilical cord is carefully examined. If doctors note entanglement, regular monitoring of the baby's heartbeat is prescribed, up to 37 weeks. In the case when the baby does not unravel on its own, a planned caesarean section is recommended.
  • Much attention is paid to determining the amount of near-underground waters. , as well as at such a period are not safe.
  • The doctor examines the condition of the cervix to exclude its early disclosure, indicating the threat of premature birth.
  • A thorough examination of the placenta is carried out. Now it is very important to exclude the development of placental insufficiency. When the "children's place" ceases to cope with its function, the normal evolution of the fetus is suspended, and this is unacceptable. During ultrasound diagnostics, the sonologist carefully evaluates the structural integrity of the placenta, determines the degree of its aging and the condition of the vessels. The presence of salts and calcium in the placenta indicates a violation of the important system for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

If such negative changes are detected, the specialist transfers data about them to the ultrasound examination form, which is transferred to the observing doctor. Relevant conclusions make it possible to prescribe a treatment that improves the functionality of the placenta and negates all negative consequences.

Now you may experience discomfort in the pelvic area, the birth canal is gradually opening up so that the baby's natural exit is as comfortable as possible. Try not to stand or sit in one position for a long time, so as not to strain your back muscles and lower limbs.

The ideal option would be a trip to the pool, yoga, Pilates or special gymnastics for pregnant women. These exercises will allow the body to relax and relieve discomfort.

To get answers to all your questions and prepare for the birth of the baby, it's time to enroll in the school for expectant mothers. You can attend classes, both alone and in the company of the future father. It should be noted that such awareness of what exactly is happening in your body gives the expectant mother confidence that the birth will be successful.

Labor pain shocks ignorant women in labor, and they stop thinking about what, in fact, they came to. Motherhood courses describe in detail the origin of certain phenomena, explain what happens in the body of a pregnant woman, and what are their consequences.

Women who attended the courses feel more confident, therefore they cease to be afraid of the unknown, and go into childbirth as if to work, and try to fulfill their duties “perfectly”. Trained women in childbirth are more disciplined and more easily endure any birth phenomena.

Since the pregnancy is already quite long, always carry an exchange card with you, the phone number of your personal doctor and the nearest maternity hospital should also be at hand. If you continue to work, moderate your ardor.

In the third trimester, the body gets very tired due to natural changes, you should not overload it even more. No wonder you should officially be on maternity leave. Try not to travel far from home, or rest in places where medical care is nearby.

Analyzes and studies at 32 weeks of gestation

  • Measurement of blood pressure.
  • General urine analysis.

This is interesting at 32 weeks pregnant.

Another important event that can captivate a pregnant woman for a long time at such a time is the purchase of the first things for the baby and the long-awaited collection “”. We are talking about a bag of an impressive size, which you will prepare now, and take it with you to the hospital when you need it.

It must be remembered that the requirements for what can and cannot be taken with you to the maternity hospital, depending on the status and location of the institution, may differ. But most often, the list of necessary items is about the same. It includes clothes, hygiene products and household items, both for you and for the baby. Pleasant purchases are not limited to the preparation of a “disturbing suitcase”.

Now you have every right to shop or visit Internet sites for pre-selection and first purchases. Also, you can make a long list of what you want to receive as a gift from relatives and friends after the baby is born. This is very convenient, because usually, "unprepared" relatives give young parents beautiful, but quite often, exactly the same or absolutely useless things.

Something about dad at 32 weeks pregnant.

As already mentioned above, this is the time of the doctor. Involve your husband in this process. If he is "in the know" of all your events, he will be able to help you more. It is very good if your husband goes with you to see the chosen one and get acquainted with your doctor.

Let him ask all his questions. Do not be surprised if your husband is interested in the information that you have already told him. Do not interrupt him, let him find out from the doctor absolutely everything that interests him. A woman at this time, by the way, may partially forget what she wanted to ask (therefore, it is better to "collect" questions in advance and write them down).

It is better to decide whether it is going before a joint visit to the doctor. Or whether he will be present at the operation if you have a planned caesarean. Discuss this issue with your husband. Otherwise, it may turn out that the doctor will be the first to ask your husband about this, and not you. It is better to discuss this topic in advance so that there are no surprises.

When you collect the bag to the hospital, also choose the time and show your husband where everything is. Usually a "bag" is several bulky plastic bags. Don't forget to write your last name on them. It may happen that you with some things (for yourself) will go to the hospital, and then your husband will give you a ride on the rest. Therefore, be sure to show him where everything is.

If possible, prepare things (for yourself) for discharge. Their husband will bring you when you and the baby are already discharged. Where are these things, also show. Otherwise, you risk that in the search, all your clothes will be "rummaged through".

Warn your husband that you will soon begin the "nesting period". This means that he is likely to find work around the house. A woman during this period intensively “builds a nest”, and it is better to warn a man in advance, otherwise he may decide that you are crazy. The woman begins to repaint the walls, re-paste the wallpaper, wash everything, rearrange the furniture, etc.

What not to buy:

  • nothing extra that can weigh down your maternity kit.

Starting from this week, the child's mobility decreases. You will not be able to feel his movements so often, but at the same time they will become more tangible.

Every day, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, as the baby is actively growing and in the womb it becomes more and more crowded.

Baby's weight, size and height

The size of the fetus at the thirty-second week of pregnancy is approximately 1700-1800 g. From now on, every week the child will gain about 200 g in weight. The length of the baby has grown to 40-42 cm.

What's New in Child Development

Your baby continues to develop. Outwardly, he looks like a baby born at term. He has already formed all the internal organs, and their work has become harmonious.

Changes that occur to the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation:

  1. The brain is formed, the convolutions on it have become deeper;
  2. The child not only hears, but also can see. He can blink, his pupils react to light. This suggests that the nervous system is actively functioning;
  3. Hair grows on the head. So far thin and very soft, but over time they will become denser;
  4. The baby actively sucks his thumb;
  5. Most likely, the fetus has already turned its head down, facilitating its passage through the birth canal, which will take place very soon;
  6. The body becomes proportional, the head no longer looks too big;
  7. The skin is smoothed and turns pink, the child acquires a fatty layer. This is especially true of the shoulders and cheeks, the limbs also become plumper;
  8. The child makes attempts to take the first breaths and exhalations, training his lungs;
  9. During this period, the immunity of the fetus is actively developing, antibodies begin to be produced that will protect the baby's body from all kinds of infections after birth;
  10. The baby already knows your voice well and is able to distinguish it from others. He hears the beating of your heart and is already very dependent on you, not only physically, but also on a psycho-emotional level.

Despite the fact that the development of the fetus at the 32nd week of pregnancy is already almost completed, the mother needs to take care of her crumbs for the remaining weeks to allow her internal organs to complete their formation.

What changes happen to the expectant mother

The growth of the uterus continues, now it takes a position above the navel by 13 cm. In the third trimester, you no longer gain weight so quickly.

The best option is when a woman observes a weekly increase not exceeding 300 g.

What new symptoms to look out for

What happens at 32 weeks pregnant? You are likely to experience new symptoms, such as:

  • The navel has changed. It has leveled with the surface of the abdomen or may even bulge slightly;
  • A dark line appeared on the abdomen, which stretches up and down from the navel. Do not worry too much about this, soon after the birth of the baby, it will disappear;
  • Another natural feature that the thirty-second week of pregnancy brings is increased “hairiness” on the abdomen. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes in your body. This symptom will also disappear after childbirth;
  • The skin is stretched, and therefore stretch marks may appear on it.. They are localized mainly on the hips, abdomen and chest. It will not be so easy to get rid of such a phenomenon, therefore it is important to carry out various preventive measures now. Doctors recommend using special creams for stretch marks and doing massage;
  • Haemorrhoids. During this period, hemorrhoids may become inflamed. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe you soothing ointments or suppositories;
  • puffiness. Edema is especially relevant if this period falls on the hot season. Do not limit your fluid intake if you drink no more than 2 liters of water per day. However, you should definitely tell your doctor about this problem;
  • The uterus grows in size and compresses the internal organs, as a result, you may be disturbed by heartburn, shortness of breath. Often, pregnant women complain of bowel problems, frequent urination, poor sleep;
  • The breast swells, its size can double. A slight release of colostrum when pressing on the nipple is also considered normal;
  • Allocations. During this period, you should pay attention to the selection. The usual discharge of a healthy woman in position should be uniform, light beige in color with a characteristic sour smell. Itching, the presence of a greenish tint, a thick consistency, mucous or bloody impurities - all these are symptoms at 32 weeks of gestation, which indicate the need to see a doctor. It is important to take care that the birth canal does not contain any sources of infection. If you have a lot of watery discharge, it may be a leak of amniotic fluid.

Feelings at 32 weeks

The thirty-second obstetric week of pregnancy has gone. At this stage, a lot of new things usually appear in sensations.

  • Bleeding gums. Unexpectedly for yourself, you may notice that the gums began to bleed, there were painful sensations while brushing your teeth. This is due to the production of a hormone that leads to an increase in their sensitivity. It is worth paying due attention to this in order to avoid the occurrence of various gum diseases. Gently brush your teeth with a soft brush and use special mouthwashes;
  • Frequent urination. The fetus at 32 weeks has grown significantly, and the uterus occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the pressure on the bladder increases. Sometimes you have to run to the toilet at night 4 times a night, or even more, which is pretty exhausting. In addition, when coughing, some pregnant women have to be very careful, as involuntary urination can occur. In order to avoid embarrassment, it is worth using daily. You need to visit the toilet at the first urge, because urinary retention can lead to infection, which neither mother nor baby needs at all;
  • bad dream. It is much less common to get into a comfortable sleeping position. Often the child does not sleep at night, pushes and interferes with your sleep. Therefore, if you can’t always get enough sleep at night, sleep also during the day. Give enough time to a good rest now, because after the birth of the baby you will practically not have the opportunity to sleep;
  • Snore. It is noteworthy that the 32nd week of pregnancy will surprise men as well. The pressure of the baby on the diaphragm reaches its maximum value, as a result of which some women begin to snore violently. Treat this fact with humor, after the birth of the baby there will be no trace of snoring;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions. During this period, false contractions may appear. Painless periodic muscle tension in the lower abdomen prepares your uterus for real contractions, and these are only training and do not pose any threat.

How the belly grows and changes

The uterus already rises 34 cm above the pubic joint. The size of the belly has become impressive. Now the belly can give you some inconvenience. The dark line that divides your stomach in half has become even brighter.

The navel sticks out, the skin stretches more and more and there is a constant desire to scratch it.

And this is what the tummies look like at 32 weeks:

Important medical examinations and ultrasounds

At the 32 week gestation period, at the next appointment in the antenatal clinic, the doctor usually:

Do you want something interesting?

  • Issues a referral for blood and urine tests;
  • Measures your weight and pressure;
  • Determines the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • Measures the girth of the abdomen;
  • Records the fetal heart rate.

Also at this time, the last third ultrasound examination is assigned, which allows you to collect a complete picture of the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

This study helps to identify the presence of defects and pathologies..

The ultrasound specialist measures the size of the fetus, determines its location relative to the uterus, measures the baby's heart rate and sets the EDD (estimated date of birth).

With the help of ultrasound at the thirty-second week of pregnancy, the work of all organs and the blood supply system is studied, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid is revealed.

Based on this diagnostic method, the doctor determines how the pregnancy proceeds and whether the development of the fetus meets the established standards.

Parameters that doctors of ultrasound diagnostics usually pay attention to:

  • fronto-occipital size (LZR);
  • biparietal size (BDP);
  • head circumference (OG);
  • abdominal circumference (OC);
  • limb sizes;
  • length of various bones.

Based on the results of the measurements, the doctor calculates the approximate weight of the child. A lag in a number of indicators may indicate intrauterine growth retardation. The reason for this may be a lack of nutrition or oxygen starvation of the baby.

As a result, such a child after birth may be weakened and poorly adapted to life.

On the other hand, if these deviations are insignificant, this can be considered a variant of the norm. Also with regard to the growth of the baby, if you or your spouse is short, the child may simply inherit this quality.

Usually, if the results of the study raise any doubts or reveal some deviations from the norm, the doctor prescribes a second ultrasound after a few weeks.

Possible complications during pregnancy

Of course, a woman's pregnancy is a period full of joyful emotions, but at the same time, various complications can arise at a period of 32 weeks. These include:

  1. Gestosis (late toxicosis);
  2. Placental abruption;
  3. Polyhydramnios / oligohydramnios;
  4. premature birth.

Causes of pregnancy pathologies at 32 weeks:

  • anemia;
  • diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels;
  • smoking during pregnancy (this addiction also threatens the baby with low body weight after birth);
  • overweight or debilitating starvation.

If you have a pregnancy complication, you need to see a doctor immediately.

  1. It is undesirable to stand or sit in one position for a long time in order to avoid overstrain in the lower extremities;
  2. After consulting with a gynecologist, get yourself a bandage that will help support your abdominal muscles. Also, it's time to pick up a special bra with thick straps to support heavier breasts;
  3. It will be useful to sign up for a pool or yoga for pregnant women. Attending such classes will help you not only relax, but also train the skills of a special breathing system that will be useful to you during childbirth;
  4. To help you answer millions of different questions about childbirth and future motherhood, you will be able to take courses for expectant mothers, and you can attend them with your future dad. After listening to a course of lectures, as well as visiting a number of practical classes, you will feel more confident both during childbirth and after them;
  5. 32 weeks of pregnancy is quite a serious period. You should start preparing for the trip to the hospital. Gather in advance an "alarm package" with all the necessary things. If you need to travel far from home for some time, be sure to take an exchange card with you, have the phone numbers of the maternity hospital and your doctor with you;
  6. You are already on maternity leave, make the most of it! Prepare a room for the baby, buy him everything he needs for the first happy days with his mother, relax more and walk in the fresh air.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

32 obstetric week of pregnancy- this is 7 months and 3 weeks of intrauterine life of the fetus. This period is characterized, first of all, by the fact that changes in the mother's body become even more obvious.

The child is no exception, who is increasingly reminding others of his imminent birth. In general, at 32 weeks there is a transition in the development and further formation of the fetus to a new level for a pregnant woman.

Fetal size and development at 32 weeks gestation

At the time of the thirty-second week of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing and growing. Weight gain is due to adipose and muscle tissue. Baby weight at 32 weeks of gestation is approximately 1600-1800 grams, and body length fetus about 40-42 centimeters.

Outwardly, the fetus is proportional and becomes similar to a newly born child, but still lags behind that in weight. But for an increase in body weight, two more intrauterine months of life are prepared for him. Skin acquire a pink tint and smoothness. The hair on the head of the child is visible, which, without losing their softness and rarity, thicken.

Due to the tightness of the uterus, the fetus takes a forced position, namely the position of the embryo. The limbs of the child are bent and crossed, and also brought to the body itself. In general, the position of the fetus imitates the oval shape of the uterine cavity. Also especially important in the position of the child is that he drops its head down, which is the norm for a trouble-free passage of childbirth in the future.

The 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy is distinguished by the formation of especially important organs and systems of human life, both immune and neuroendocrine. The immune system it is laid during this period, and the fetus begins to receive from the mother special protein structures - antibodies. They will protect it from the effects of external pathogenic factors and resist their antigenic nature. The work of all the main secretion glands is improved, which plays an important role in the course of the metabolic processes of the fetus.

By 7 months the child's heart has already formed, but so far there is not an overgrown ductus arteriosus, that is, the cavities of the left and right atria communicate with each other.

It is interesting that, starting from this period, there is eye color determination child. The pupils of the fetus dilate, and a normal type of sleep and wakefulness is established: after birth, the child sleeps with his eyes closed, and is awake with his eyes open.

At 32 weeks pregnant, mom notices fetal movements inside her belly, his pounding from within, sips and even hiccups. In this regard, it is not at all difficult for a mother to understand what mood her baby is in at the moment.

At doubly at 32 weeks of gestation, the mother's belly is much larger, and the weight of the children is noticeably less. Babies weigh up to 1.5 kg, and each is about 40 cm tall. Quite often, twins are born this week.

What happens to mom at 32 weeks

At this point, the mother's tummy rises above the pubic joint by about 33 centimeters, due to which it causes a lot of inconvenience. Lying with such a belly is best on the left side, since in other positions the enlarged uterus with the fetus puts pressure on the wall of the inferior vena cava, which is not only not good for the mother, but also harmful to the blood supply to the placenta. Mother's position on the left side is also the most comfortable for both herself and the baby. The navel protrudes or becomes completely flat.

Some women do not have such a large belly by this time, which is more related to the anatomical features of the structure of the pelvic bones, their configuration relative to each other.

Women at 32 weeks pregnant have weight gain, and from the first day of this period, the mass should increase by 350 grams per week. usually does not exceed pre-pregnancy weight by more than 11 kilograms. The control of body weight for the mother during this period is especially important, since the risk of late complications in pregnant women increases, that is, the appearance of swelling of various parts of the body.

The shoes become small, and the rings squeeze the fingers. or an increase in body weight per week by more than 500 grams, you need to contact your leading gynecologist with this problem.

At times, mother feels a short-term slight tension of the enlarged uterus, this is normal. Also, pulling pain in the lower abdomen at 32 weeks of gestation is possible.

But there may also be pain, primarily due to a change in the position of the fetus in the womb: the baby turns head down, and his legs now rest against the mother's ribs. In this case, if the child pushes unsuccessfully, the woman will experience pain in the chest area.

The ribs themselves can also be the cause of pain, since the uterus, located at 32 weeks already between the navel and the sternum, puts pressure on them.

Vaginal discharge should not undergo changes, that is, they should be, as always, a light, milky shade or transparent. The smell should also not change, which means it should be a little sour or not at all. The consistency of the discharge is homogeneous. If a woman notices any even slight deviations from these indicators, an indispensable consultation with a doctor is indicated. More on this…

Also, very often at this stage of pregnancy, the mother begins to notice that a yellowish liquid has begun to stand out from her chest -.

Concerning psycho-emotional state pregnant, it is extremely labile. The reason for this is all of the above inconveniences, which can lead to a feeling of fatigue from pregnancy, disappointment in oneself as in a future mother. But all bad thoughts just have to surpass the fact that soon a small long-awaited treasure will be born - your baby.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 32nd week of pregnancy

At 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, you had to undergo:

  • general urine analysis;
  • complete blood count and antibody test;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • consultation with a leading gynecologist.

If you haven't already, then you need to go through everything now.

When examining a pregnant woman at week 32, it is important to measure the circumference of her abdomen and determine the height of the uterine fundus, body weight, and blood pressure.

Also, from 31 weeks, doctors often send mothers for CTG to find out how the fetus feels. about the interpretation of the results of cardiotocography ...

At this time, it is carried out in a planned manner and allows parents to see their baby with their own eyes. The main purpose of an ultrasound scan at 32 weeks of gestation is to determine the dynamics of the development of the fetus and placenta, as well as to identify abnormalities in advance and. Ultrasound also helps to diagnose placental insufficiency, the absence of which is especially important for the normal development of the child.

Doctors look at the position of the fetus in the uterus. As already mentioned, it should look like cephalic presentation. When an excellent position is identified, the doctor recommends specialized exercises for the pregnant woman to help the baby roll over.

Ultrasound also allows you to determine the size of the child, if it is too large, surgery is recommended. caesarean section.

We invite you to watch the video of the ultrasound of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation, and also consider the photo of the baby above.

Abnormalities at 32 weeks

First of all, pathological vaginal discharge: , with pus, profuse watery.

There is also a possibility of manifestation or oligohydramnios at the 32nd week of pregnancy, detection on ultrasound and breech presentation, pathology of the cervix.

At breech presentation fetus at 32 weeks of gestation, you should not immediately panic - the baby can still turn upside down, as there is still time for this.

Mom's diet, exercise and skin care at 32 weeks

Mom's nutrition

One of the basic principles during pregnancy is that the body should not be stressed, as this can have negative consequences on the birth process. Therefore, doctors do not recommend abandoning the usual diet and excessively limiting oneself in products - this will cause a stress-like reaction of the body, which is highly undesirable.

Mother's nutrition should be complete and, if possible, balanced. It is important to provide the body with energy and "building materials" for the baby, so the diet should include all food components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates,. The recommended calorie content is about 2200 kcal / day.

When saving all products in the diet, you need to pay attention to how to prepare them. Boiled and baked dishes are welcome. Fried, especially with an abundance of oil, smoked and salty foods should be limited, as their digestion consumes a lot of energy and negatively affects the pancreas and liver.

  • Lean meats (beef, chicken, turkey).
  • Vegetables and fruits are important sources of vitamins, fiber and minerals, the use of which positively affects the entire metabolism in the body and improves digestion due to the content of dietary fiber.
  • Dairy and sour-milk products - their daily use, in the absence of contraindications, also supports the body due to the presence of all dietary components in them, with the advantage of proteins and fats

Exercise at 32 weeks

at 32 weeks should be reasonable - excessive stress can worsen the course of pregnancy.

The best support activity is aerobics in water. This innovation is good because it does not require much effort from the mother, however, it allows you to train all muscle groups. The ability to swim is not required for water aerobics.

Skin care and clothing at 32 weeks

It is very important to take care of your skin and take care of it. The body of a woman during pregnancy should be protected as much as possible, including from bacterial, carcinogenic and irritating agents, since damage to the outer integument can serve as an entrance gate for infection. To prevent this, you should follow simple rules:

  • Daily adequate hygiene of the whole body.
  • Using quality cosmetics and avoiding contact with various allergens.
  • To prevent maceration, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the folds of your body.
  • Wear clothes made from natural materials (linen, cotton, silk, wool).
  • Clothing should be comfortable and not constrain the pregnant woman.

Sexual relations at 32 weeks pregnant

Despite the general opinion that in such a long period of pregnancy is prohibited, sex is not harmful for the baby. Sexual life even stimulates the child, acting as a kind of prenatal gymnastics. The child does not receive harm from having sex due to the reliable protection of the walls of the uterus, water and the placenta.

But do not forget that the frequency of sexual contact should be reduced, and choice of pose should not put pressure on the stomach and the baby. Also, if you already have a desire to have a sexual life during pregnancy, then before that you should consult with your gynecologist.

Top tip - take care of the expectant mother from emotional and physical stress.

  • Performing household duties in adequate amounts will not harm the woman's body, however, moving heavy objects and other strenuous forms of work will entail negative consequences. It is important that the spouse provides maximum help and support to the mother. This will help to avoid stressful situations for the body and bring future parents even closer.
  • The emotional unrest of a woman is also important. Stress of nervous origin is just as harmful as physical overexertion, as it leads to hormonal changes. A man should talk to his wife and reassure her, regardless of the reasonableness of her conclusions. Despite the fact that it can be quite difficult, it is his responsibility to treat the expectant mother with understanding.

Video about 32 weeks pregnant

It will be very useful to simultaneously view the video guide for this period of pregnancy for both parents of the child. It will additionally help you understand all the features of the 32nd obstetric week, both from the side of the baby and from the side of the mother. The video will be especially helpful. for future dads because of the availability of valuable recommendations for them.

If you are expecting a baby, the topic of the article should not leave you indifferent. Share your feelings who were during the 32nd week of pregnancy, and also tell us about the problems and difficulties that arose during this time. And those who are just planning a pregnancy in the near future, do not hesitate to seek help, ask all your questions and bring them up for general discussion.

Pain at the 32nd obstetric week of pregnancy

Late pregnancy is not without unpleasant painful sensations. They rarely bother some mothers, which indicates high endurance and good health. Other women constantly experience ailments that have to be endured until the birth of a child.

  • Pain in the abdomen and lower back is caused by the fact that a large fetus stretches the uterus. Thus, the woman experiences discomfort, which is often accompanied by itching.
  • Pain in the pelvic region occurs due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. This process goes on throughout pregnancy and is especially noticeable towards the end of it.
  • Pain in the head and cervical region often worries women suffering from pressure drops. At the same time, the expectant mother feels weakness and drowsiness. If the headache does not go away, severe swelling appears, you feel constantly sick - urgently see a doctor. There are signs of late toxicosis, which threatens the life of a woman and a child.
  • Pain in the hypochondrium appear due to the rapid activity of the baby. Moving in the uterine cavity, it can sharply straighten the arms or legs, which causes discomfort to the mother.

Temperature and cold

Prevention is the best way to avoid a cold. Therefore, during pregnancy, a woman needs to take precautions: do not visit places with large crowds of people, take vitamins, dress warmer in the cold season. In the event that it was not possible to avoid the disease, it is necessary to see a general practitioner as soon as possible and adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Control body temperature. If it approaches 38 degrees, drink paracetamol and wait for the doctor.
  2. Take drugs only with a doctor's prescription, so as not to harm the child.
  3. Use herbal medicine and folk remedies for the treatment of colds. But in no case, without the recommendation of a doctor, do not drink infusions of herbs.
  4. Ventilate the room as often as possible, drink more liquid.

Note that during pregnancy, the body temperature of a woman is increased. If it is 37 degrees or slightly higher, then this is the norm.

Discharge at 32 weeks pregnant

At the 32nd week of pregnancy, bloody or watery discharge is a sign of amniotic fluid leakage and the onset of the birth process. In this case, it is necessary to get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible so that the woman is provided with qualified assistance.

Normal secretions should not smell of anything, they have a whitish color and a uniform consistency.

If the discharge from the genital tract differs from the above, then there is an infection or inflammatory process. Most often in the late cycles of pregnancy, women suffer from thrush, which must be cured before childbirth.

Intimate life at 32 weeks pregnant

As a rule, gynecologists do not consider pregnancy a contraindication for continuing sexual relations. An exception is the early period of pregnancy, when a woman suffers from toxicosis or there is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the doctor will advise the couple to wait out the dangerous period. As for the 32nd week, intimacy is not prohibited, however, doctors recommend refraining from excessive activity in this matter in order to avoid the premature birth of a child.

  • Make a list of things that you will need in the hospital, collect them in a separate bag or bag. Normally, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but after 30 weeks, childbirth can begin at any time, you need to be ready for this. For the same purpose, when going for a walk or a trip, take personal documents and a medical card with you.
  • If you have not yet purchased a special bra for pregnant and lactating mothers, then it's time to buy it. The chest is noticeably heavier due to the swelling of the mammary glands, and its compression should not be allowed.
  • Learn breathing exercises. It normalizes the restless emotional state that occurs in the later period, and is also useful during childbirth.
  • Gatherings in a friendly company, shopping, preparation courses for motherhood will help to distract from unnecessary thoughts. When you go on maternity leave, you can brighten up your everyday life with these activities.

Find time for daytime rest and 8 hours of sleep at night. If it is difficult to get into a comfortable position, use a pregnancy pillow and air out the room before going to bed.

Dear expectant mothers site! It's time to think about a balanced diet and create a menu that will help you keep the rapid weight gain at a later date. Getting to this issue, adhere to the main principle - food should be healthy and non-caloric. The correct diet should include fish and beef, seafood and offal, sour milk, vegetable soups and cereal cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, berry decoctions and compotes.

If you feel sick, and this often happens when you overeat, eat small meals every two to three hours. In order not to harm the baby, to whom nutrients come through the placenta, you need to give up fatty and salty foods, alcohol, coffee, canned foods and fast food.

Vitamins at 32 weeks pregnant

Many mothers are concerned about the question: is it worth drinking pharmaceutical preparations to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body? Opinions on this matter differ, but only the observing doctor will be able to answer unequivocally. According to the results of the tests that the pregnant woman takes before each appointment, the doctor determines whether there is a deficiency of nutrients: calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C, D, E. If the doctor has written a prescription, it is better do not refuse to purchase the drug. A lack of vitamins can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Physical activity

When the 32nd week of pregnancy is on the calendar, a woman freed from work has more free time. It would seem that it's time to do nothing and relax for your pleasure. However, experts recommend diluting passive rest with physical activity. Here are just some of its benefits:

  • increase in the general tone of the body;
  • improvement of blood circulation and prevention of seasonal diseases;
  • uplifting mood;
  • muscle and breathing training before childbirth;
  • fast recovery after childbirth.

Whatever the future mother does - dancing, aqua aerobics, yoga, gymnastics or just walking - it is important to know the measure in the loads. Lifting heavy objects and severe overwork should not be allowed.

Required studies and analyzes

At the end of the first trimester, the expectant mother underwent a triple test (for alpha-fetoprotein, estriol and hCG hormones). If there were no deviations in the results, then now, until the birth, a pregnant woman will take a standard set of tests: general clinical urine and blood tests, a smear for the absence of infections.

At the appointment at 32 weeks, the doctor performs the following procedures:

  • decoding of urine analysis (its indicators help to identify inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system);
  • decoding of a blood test (special attention is paid to the level of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the oxygen saturation of the body);
  • measurement of weight and blood pressure;
  • listening to the fetal heart rate through a stethoscope;
  • measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Additional studies are prescribed if there are good reasons for this: deterioration in well-being, detection of pathology in the development of the fetus, etc.


When the thirty-second week of pregnancy comes, gynecologists send the patient for the third planned ultrasound. This procedure is mandatory for all registered women and allows you to:

  • assess the rate of fetal development (to decipher the measurements, the diagnostician uses a table of the norm of the weight and height of the child by week of pregnancy);
  • establish the degree of maturity and placenta previa, the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the umbilical cord;
  • examine the cervix;
  • confirm the gender of the baby.