Sports entertainment "Health Day" for children of the middle group. Fairy tale characters: Baba Yaga and Dr. Aibolit come to the children for a holiday. In a playful way, they remember the rules of a healthy lifestyle with children. Children read poetry and guess riddles, compete and play outdoor games. At the end of the holiday medals and treats for all children.



State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

"School with in-depth study of English No. 1356"

Preschool department No. 1

Thematic holiday

"Health Day"

(sports entertainment)

in the middle group No. 8 "Ladushki"

Prepared by:


Belko Lyudmila Anatolyevna

Moscow, 2017

Sports entertainment "Health Day"

for children of the middle group

Target: Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

1. Continue to improve the health of children, develop physical qualities.
2. To improve in children the ability to use ATS in games - relay races. Develop agility, speed, endurance.

3. To form in children the skills of rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music, the ability to convey its emotional and figurative content through movement. Develop the skill of expressive reading of poems.

4. To cultivate organization, independence, the ability to maintain friendly relations.

Preliminary work:Conversation, guessing riddles, memorizing sayings about a healthy lifestyle.

Attributes and benefits for the event:Balloons, poster “Health is the main wealth”, column, medals “World Health Day; balls, sticks, landmarks, baskets, cubes, panicles, hoops.

Entertainment participants: children of the middle group No. 8 "Ladushki", educators.

The course of the holiday

Leading: Come on in, don't be shy!
We invite everyone now
Holiday of sports and health
Starts with us
(Children enter the hall under the sports march)

Leading: Guys, today we have gathered for the holiday "World Health Day".

With a bright smile, a friendly parade, we need to start Health Day. Let's all shout together to Health Day “Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!".


1 child:
To grow and mature
Not by the day, but by the hour
engage in physical education,
We need to take care of.
2 child:
To grow us strong
Cunning and bold
Daily in the morning
We are charging.
3 child:
We raise our hands to the sun
Together, we walk cheerfully,
Sit down and get up
And we don't get tired!

- Who's to say what it means to be healthy?(children's answers). Yes, you are right, it means not to get sick, go in for sports, do exercises, temper. And of coursewash your hands before eating, brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.
And don't sit still, move more often. Let's get moving, let's compete.

Leading. Attention attention!
Let's start the competition!
Dashi, Dani are all kids,
You pulled up your pants.
Shouted loudly in response
Are you ready...
Yep, got it
Shouted out loud then

Are you ready...

Leading: Teams are waiting for fun starts - so, we start.

Knock on the door.
What kind of guest is in a hurry for a holiday?
What is his name, do you know?
And for this, guess the riddle as soon as possible:
Come to him for treatment.
Any animal, any bird.
He will hurry to help everyone
Good doctor...
Children. Aibolit!
Aibolit. Oh, children, barely managed. I ran through the fields, through the forests and whispered all the time: kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten. And here I am! Do you have angina?
Children: No.
Aibolit. Scarlet fever?
Children. No!
Aibolit. cholera?
Children. No!
Aibolit. Appendicitis?
Children. No!
Aibolit. So are you healthy?
Children. Healthy!
Aibolit. Are you ready for the test?
Children. ready!
Aibolit. So so so! Breath! Do not breath!
All right, take a rest! Raise your hands together, excellent, lower, bend over, stand straight, smile. Yes, I am satisfied with the inspection, healthy, really healthy! You can start the competition. I hear some strange sound!

Baba Yaga runs in. She holds on to her heart, her lower back, groans.

Aibolit. Baba Yaga, what's wrong with you, are you sick? Get up, the guys have a sports day today.
Baba Yaga. I barely caught up with you, Aibolit, it's bad for me. Everything hurts, everything hurts.
Aibolit. What are you eating?
Baba Yaga. Anakom, chips, ...(lists harmful foods), I love Snickers!
Aibolit. You're not eating right. Will you eat Snickers sweet,
Your teeth will be out of order.
If someone does not believe -
Will check for himself.
Guys, what kind of food, what should you eat to be healthy and strong?
Children. Vegetables fruits.
Aibolit. Summer is coming, berries will ripen, fruits and vegetables will grow. Eat them as much as possible, because they are living vitamins! But do not forget that they need to be washed with water, and hands with soap.

From simple water and soap, microbes lose their strength.

Aibolit. What do you like to drink?
Baba Yaga. Fanta, cola, sprite!
Aibolit. Oh oh oh! You are ruining yourself! And tell me, my dear, about your motor mode. And tell me, Yaga,
What are you doing in the morning?
Baba Yaga. Guys, I'm sleeping for a long time
Until noon I snore.
Tell me, but in order
How often do you exercise?
Do you do sports?
Do you splash water?
Baba Yaga. No! Charge something guys
I never did!

Aibolit. Guys, we have a typical case in front of us, and we can help Yaga, we will teach her to lead a healthy lifestyle! Yaga, all your troubles come from the fact that you lead the wrong way of life, and if you continue, you may end up in the hospital.
Baba Yaga. Oh, I don't want to go to the hospital! I want to lead a healthy lifestyle, but I don't know what it is! Teach me!
Aibolit. Well, let's start! I suggest we relax a bit!

Baba Yaga. Oh, this is what I warmed up ... Ryabyatki. I have toys lying around in the hut. Even though I'm old, it's a passion to play the way I like.

- And now my boys
Guess the riddle:
Round, soft, striped,
He likes all the guys.
Can he ride for a long time
And don't get tired at all!

Children. Ball!

Leading . Grandmother Yaga, do you know what a useful item this is?
After all, with the ball you can perform various exercises and even compete. And it is no coincidence that you probably came to us on this very day. Today is World Health Day. Our guys are competing. They will show us how strong and dexterous they are, and you look and learn.

Aibolit. I will play with you

Don't break the rules.

Injury not to get

You have to be careful.

Leading: Cause time is an hour of fun.

The first team is on the right. Here the second stand.

The host organizes sports competitions:

  1. "Pass the ball": The children line up one after the other and pass the ball over their heads.
  2. "First second":in each team, the first child - takes a basket with cubes, runs to the landmark and pours the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player - the second. He must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team.
  3. "Flight on a broomstick":The child sits on a broom and runs to the landmark, runs around it and returns to the team, passes the broom to the next player.
  4. "Through the Eye of a Needle":the participant runs, runs to the landmark, passes the hoop through himself, runs around it, comes back and passes the baton.

Leading: All teams played well, everyone immediately became healthier.

the results are summed up and commemorative medals are awarded to everyone without exception

"World Health Day".

Baba Yaga: Oh thank you guys. I ran, jumped and got better. I will now live another 200 years.

Hear Aibolit. The heart no longer hurts. And the back does not creak.

Aibolit: Well, then granny Yagulya, you and I want to play your favorite game.

Mobile game "Baba Yaga bone leg"

(children and Baba Yaga are on opposite sides, Yaga is catching up)

Grandmother-hedgehog-bone leg.

Went outside and saw a chicken

Ko-ko-ko chicken

Grandma-hedgehog is far away.

And I will chase you

I'll put it in the oven right away.

Baba Yaga: Oh kidding, kidding.

I won't put you in the oven

I'd rather get apples.

Help yourself kids

You will be healthy

For many years.

(hands out apples)

Leading: Here comes the moment of farewell.

Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition that ensured success.

Aibolit: There is no better recipe in the world: be inseparable from sports.

You will live to be a hundred years old! That's the whole secret.

It's time to end the holiday. Shout the holiday "Hurrah!"

(children march to the music and leave the hall)

(Heroes can go into a group and have a conversation about World Health and Sports Day)

Rogozhina Lyubov Evgenievna
Abstract of entertainment for the middle group "Health Day"

Abstract of entertainment for children of the middle group: « health day» .

Target. Cultivate a desire to lead healthy lifestyle, save your health. Develop dexterity, speed.

Entertainment progress.

Educator. Hello guys, I am very glad to see you in our hall. I want to know who is at our party. Now I will ask a question, and you will answer me.

Are you kind?

Are you brave?

Are you lazy?

Are you cowardly?

You are charging every day do?

Do you love nature?

Are you destroying nature?

Are you shooting from a slingshot?

Do you throw stones at cats?

Do you scream in class?

Are you silent at matinees?

Are you in a cheerful mood?

The guys answered all questions. Oh, and someone is coming to us.

To the music, the teacher enters, disguised as a cold.

Says the following words.

I am a nasty cold, and I came to you from there, I will infect everyone with a cough, I will reward everyone with a sneeze.

How I will blow on you, how I will cough now.

I will infect everyone with a cough, I will reward everyone with a sneeze.

Educator. You won't get a cold, because our children lead healthy lifestyle: every day doing exercises, every week we have physical education classes, massage. Let's show the cold how we exercise. Children to the song "Hares got up in order, hares do exercises, perform gymnastic exercises."

Educator. Now let's say in chorus the words that we say at the end of the exercises.

We will always be healthy, we are not afraid of the flu, we will go in for sports, we will grow strong.

And now we will show the cold how we massage.

Here is the field (children stroke their foreheads)

Here is the forest (children stroke bangs)

Here is a mountain (children stroke their nose with their index fingers0

Here is a hole (stroke mouth)

Here is the chest, here is the stomach, and here the heart lives.

And now we will massage the palms.

Ay frets, frets, frets, we baked pancakes (children stroke their hands)

We baked pancakes.

First pancake for bunny brother (children stroke their thumbs)

The second pancake for the fox sister (children stroke index finger)

Third pancake bear brown brother (children petting middle finger)

The fourth pancake for a mustachioed cat (children stroke the ring finger.

We won't give the fifth pancake to anyone, we'll eat it ourselves (children stroke their little fingers)

Then the teacher suggests stroking the backs of the palms, rubbing the hands as if we were soaping them, and shaking off the drops of water.

Then the teacher offers to massage the ears, pull out the ears with two fingers, then stroke the ears, clean the ears with the index fingers.

Cold. What good fellows you are, that everyone do exercises for a day, massage. And I want to ask you sports riddles.

You can hit anyone

He is angry and crying

And you hit this

He joyfully jumps


I twist it by hand

And on the neck and leg

And I twist at the waist

And I want to drop it


Air cuts deftly

Sticks on the right, on the left - a stick

Well, there are ropes between them

This is a long… (jump rope)

Hands apart. And legs together

Running, then jumping in place

Count in order

Business in the morning.... Charging.

Educator. So that healthy stay and eat right. Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer.

Porridge is delicious food, is it good for us?

Green onion sometimes, is it good for us?

There is dirty water in the puddle, is it good for us?

Shchi is great food, is it good for us?

Amanita soup always, is it good for us?

Fruit is just beauty, is it good for us?

Unwashed berries sometimes, is it good for us?

Juice, compote sometimes, is it good for us?

Eat a bag of big candy, is it harmful to children?

Only delicious food is always on the table.

And since healthy food, we will healthy?

Educator. And now we will show you a cold, and how we do physical education classes. And how smart, brave, fast we are. The teacher invites the children to stand in two columns of five people. Children on command step over the bridge, run around the skittles. The first team to complete this task wins.

The teacher calls two children and offers, on command, to collect vegetables in a basket. The one who completes this task first will win.

Cold. Yes, I see I can’t infect you with a cough. I need to go to other guys who do not do exercises, do not play sports

Educator. Colds, do not harm children. Better stay with us dance, play.

Children stand in a circle, dance to the song heel toe.

Educator. And we also know a fun dance.

Children dance to the song the clock is running.

Related publications:

Sports event dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. Vedas. Back in 1961, the first man flew into space. Say his name.

Abstract of entertainment in the middle group "In the country of Health" Tasks: To consolidate and replenish the understanding of the words "health, a healthy person." Continue learning to solve riddles. Develop thinking. Pin.

Summary of entertainment for Mother's Day "Health Day with Mom" ​​(preparatory group) Good evening, our dear mothers, hello dear guests! Vedas: They invited us to visit us. Today we have our mothers. We have mothers with experience.

Scenario of entertainment on the walk "Health Day" Tasks: promotion of a healthy lifestyle; creation of sustainable motivation and interest of children.

Characters: presenter, grandfather Naturalist, magpie, cuckoo, jackdaw, hare, hare, hedgehogs, wolf, bears, squirrels. Move: Leader: Attention.

To continue to form in children an idea of ​​the main value of life - health;
To give children elementary information about the "helpers" of a person;
To inform children about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human life and health.
Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello together.
Children. Hello, we are glad to see you!
Educator. Listen little people
Gathering in a circle
Get up quick everyone
And repeat after me!
Head - nightingale Children stroking themselves on the head
Snub nose Close your eyes and touch your nose with your finger
Cheeks are lumps. Wrinkled cheeks rub their palms
Sponges are tubes. Pull lips into a tube
The teeth are oaks. chattering teeth
Eyes - hints. Look around you
Eyelashes are sisters. blinking
Ears are servants. Rubbing earlobes
Shoulders - grasshoppers. Move shoulders up and down
Handles are grips. Make grasping movements
Fingers are boys. wiggle their fingers
Breast - duck. Pull chest forward
The belly is a watermelon. Stroking the tummy
The back is a reed. Pull out the back
boots feet stomp feet
Teacher: Well done guys! (The sound of a bell is heard.)
Educator. Guys, can you hear the sound? Let's go and see why the bell is calling us? Look what he left us. Mirrors. I wonder why we need them? (Children's answers) Let's look at them! (All children are asked and any answers are accepted) What do we see? Eyes. The eyes are our helpers. What are (child's name) like? I wonder why we need eyes, let's find out. Everyone close your eyes. What do you see now? Is it good or bad to see nothing? Why? (Answers of children). Let's look in the mirror again, what else do we see on the face? spouts. They are also our helpers. Spouts are different: long, short, snub-nosed. Why do we need spouts? (Answers of children).
Stand all around, and I will give you a riddle: “Nosik, spout, guess! What does it smell like, you know?
Game "Guess by smell"
Children close their eyes, and the teacher brings them fragrant objects: lemon, chocolate, perfume, etc., children guess these smells)
Educator. We take the mirror again, what do we see in it? Mouth. Why do we need a mouth? What does the mouth have? (Children's answers)
Game "Guess the Taste"
Children close their eyes. The teacher puts small pieces of fruits and vegetables in the children's mouths. (Children name what they ate, determine the taste).
Educator. Once again we take the mirror, what else do we see in it? Ears. Why do we need ears? (children's answers)
Game "What does it sound like?"
The teacher plays musical instruments. (After each fragment, the children guess what sounded). Clarifies that the ears are protected from danger, as they can hear even when the eyes are sleeping.
Educator. Look, what are these assistants called? Hands. Boys are tough and strong. Girls are gentle and affectionate. Why do we need hands? (Answers of children). Now (the name of the child) will read the poem “For what we love hands” to us.
What a miracle - miracles!
One is a hand and two is a hand.
Here is the left hand
Here is the right hand
And we say not melting
Everyone needs hands friends!
Strong arms won't rush into a fight
Kind hands stroke the dog
Smart hands can heal
Sensitive hands can make friends!
Educator: Hold hands and feel the warmth of the hands of your friends. Do you feel how your hands are? (children's answers)
Our legs are not standing.
They want to dance.
You answer slowly
Why do we need children's legs? (children's answers)
Where legs can't
Hands help us!
Dancing famously - chok - chok - chok -
All teeth and tongue!
(A rhythmic dance is held, after the dance the children sit down)
Educator. What parents, well done, answered all questions correctly.
A boy enters the group, sneezes.
I look sad
My head hurts in the morning.
I sneeze, I'm hoarse.
What is the flu?
Day I lie, the second I lie,
I don't go to kindergarten for the third time
The temperature has risen,
I drink salty medicine
I gargle with grass.
They say that I will infect (sneezes).
Educator. Boy, what's your name? What happened to you? Children, what do you think, why did Vanya get sick? (Children's answers) (The teacher tells the children that microbes enter the body.) Nastya will tell us what microbes are.
A microbe is a terribly harmful animal:
Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.
Such an animal in the stomach
Climb - and live quietly there
Walks on the patient and tickles.
He is proud that he has so much trouble:
And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.
You (child's name) look like you have a cold
Wait - ka, you have a hot forehead:
You must have a germ in you!
Educator. Guys, how can we help Vanya to get better? (Answers of children). (They treat with fruit, give a handkerchief, kinder with garlic).
Children. Vanya, get well soon and come to our kindergarten, we will be glad to see you.
Educator. Oh, someone is knocking on the door. Who is it that came to us?
Dirty. My name is Fedya, but everyone teases me and calls me Zamarashka.
Zamarashka Fedya
I didn't go to the bath for a month,
How much dirt, how many abrasions!
We will plant an onion around the neck!
Educator. Children, why is Fedya called Zamarashka? (Answers of children). Now Seryozha will read you a poem, and you listen carefully.
Who doesn't brush their teeth
Doesn't wash with soap
He can grow
Painful, frail.
Dirty afraid of water and colds
And sometimes they don't grow at all.
Dirty. What do I need to do? (children's answers)
(Children give Zamarashka a soap dish, soap, toothbrush, towel)
Dirty. Guys, today I understood what these things are for. Now I will always take care of myself. (Thanks the children, leaves).
Educator. Guys, and we will remember the lines from K. Chukovsky's poem "Moidodyr"
Long live scented soap,
And a fluffy towel
And tooth powder
And thick scallop.
Anytime and anywhere
Eternal glory to water!
Educator. Today at our holiday we talked about our helpers, about how they help us, but don't forget about how to take care of your health. And let me say goodbye (all together) WISH ALL HEALTH!

Marina Gribova
The scenario of sports entertainment "Health Day" for children of the middle group.

sports entertainment scenario« health day»

For middle group children.

Children go to their places to the music, sit on the chairs.

Vedas: Hello guys! Today in our hall there will be a celebration « health day» and we will learn what to do in order to be healthy and strong. And so we begin.

1 reb: How many of you guys know that hardening helps?

And the sun, air and water are always useful to us!

2 reb: To grow us strong, dexterous and courageous,

Every morning we do exercises!

3 reb: We raise our hands to the sun, we walk together, cheerfully,

We squat and stand up and do not get tired at all!

Vedas: Guys to be healthy, I suggest you do exercises!

Charging with flags and sultans.

Vedas: Well done! Everyone tried and did their exercises together! And now it's time to rest. Whether it's winter day or summer, the game begins!

mobile game "Beetles".

There is a knock on the door, Gryaznulkin enters.

dirty: What kind of kindergarten is this, what kind of children are these? You are so dirty, unwashed, shaggy, unkempt!

Vedas: Are we dirty, are we shaggy? Guys, let's prove to Gryaznulkin that we are not at all like that, but completely, completely different!

1 reb: I myself got up early today, I went to brush my teeth.

He washed himself from the tap and found the comb himself!

2 reb: Brush your teeth twice a day, brush for a long time 3 minutes.

We clean with a brush that is not shaggy. Delicious, fragrant pasta!

3 reb: Open the faucet, wash your nose. Wash both eyes at once!

Wash your ears, wash your neck. Wash yourself. Wash well!

dirty:(Sad) Guys, I no longer want to be Gryaznulkin, to be a dirty boy! I want to be like You: clean, tidy and healthy!

Vedas: Do not worry, Gryaznulkin, we will help you. Guys, let's tell Gryaznulkin what to do to be healthy. Let's start in the morning. We woke up and...

Answers children: wash, brush your teeth, comb, do exercises.

Vedas: Let's tell Gryaznulkin what you need to eat to be healthy.

Answers children: berries, vegetables and fruits, because they have a lot of vitamins.

Vedas: I have two baskets, let's fill them with vegetables and fruits.

Relay race "Fill the basket".

Vegetables are in one hoop, fruits are in the other. Run to the hoop with a basket in your hands, take a vegetable (fruit) one, run back, pass the basket to the next player. One team collects vegetables, the second - fruits.

Vedas: Gives baskets to Gryaznulkin. This is what we have put together for you. Eat fruits and vegetables and you will healthy!

dirty: Thank you!

Vedas: And now look how smart our guys are.

Relay race "Through the tunnel".

Run to the tunnel, crawl through the tunnel on all fours, run to the landmark, run around it and run back.

dirty: Guys, you compete so much fun, but do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Vedas: Our guys know a lot of games, will you play with us?

dirty: Certainly!

Mobile games optional children. (2-3 games).

dirty: I also love to dance!

Vedas: And our children are very fond of dancing.


dirty: Guys, it's time for me to go home. I give you my word that I will wash my face, brush my teeth and be friends with sports.

Goodbye! Gryaznulkin leaves.

Vedas: And to you guys, I give vitamins so that you are healthy.

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Entertainment scenario for the middle group of preschool age. "Health Day!"

Target: Preserve and improve the health of children.


  • consolidate knowledge of the necessary cultural and hygienic skills.
  • educate interest in healthy lifestyles and sports.
  • develop endurance and attention in games and relay races;
  • create a joyful emotional mood.

Entertainment progress

kids under sports march out into the hall. They go around the circle of honor and line up.


Today in our kindergarten
We celebrate health day
We wish everyone to be healthy.

Song : "Oh, how good life is in the garden."


So as not to know about diseases,
We need to temper.
We are used to doing
Physical education in the morning!

Dance warm-up to music.

Leading: Someone is in a hurry to visit us ... (Music sounds, Dr. Aibolit enters) Who is this?

Children: Good Doctor Aibolit!

Aibolit: Hello children! Hello adults!

Today everyone is celebrating World Health Day! Are you guys all healthy?

Children: Everyone is healthy!

Aibolit: I'll check now (takes out a phonendoscope, starts listening, checks the throat)

Do you always brush your teeth?

Children: Yes!

Aibolit: Wash your hands with water and...

Children: Soap

Aibolit: And what are you brushing?

Children: Comb!

Aibolit: Are there sluts, lazy people among you?

Children: No!

Aibolit: Get up in a circle, I will check you in the game to play.

Game: "Where we were, we will not say, but we will show what we did"

One child leading leaves the hall, the children who are in the hall agree that they will portray i.e. washing hands, combing, washing, brushing teeth, etc.

The driver is invited and asks: “Where were you? What did you do? The children answer in chorus: “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show.” Children depict, for example: wash their hands. The driver guesses: "You wash your hands." You can also portray: combing hair, doing exercises, brushing teeth, washing, etc.). To continue the game, another driver is selected.

The music sounds, the boy "dirty" comes in.

Leading: Hello boy.

Boy: Hello! I want to go to kindergarten with you.

Leading: Guys, we can take this boy to our kindergarten.

Children: No!

Leading: And why?

Children: He is dirty, unwashed, etc.


ran away
The sheet has flown
And a pillow
Like a frog
Ran away from me.

I want to drink tea
I run to the samovar,
But pot-bellied from me
Run away like fire.
Everything is spinning
And spinning
And rushes somersault.
I don't understand what happened...

Leading: Only clean and tidy children go to our kindergarten.

And you are dirty, unwashed!
You have wax on your neck
You have a blob under your nose
You have dirty hands
You're blacker than a chimney sweep
Admire yourself, (holds out a mirror to him)

Boy: What should I do, how should I be? How can I wash it all off?

Music sounds Moidodyr comes in.


I am the Great Washbasin,
The famous Moidodyr,
Washbasin Head
And washcloths Commander!
Early in the morning at dawn
The mice are washing
Both kittens and ducklings
And bugs and spiders.
You alone did not wash
And remained dirty.

Look at the ripples all washed and clean sitting.


Open warm water
Wash dirty hands!
Gotta, gotta wash
Mornings and evenings
And unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and shame, shame and shame! (gives soap, towel, comb)

The boy is washing.

host :( Riddles.)


Long live scented soap,
And a fluffy towel
And tooth powder
And thick scallop!

Now I will always walk clean and take care of myself.


Now I love you
Now I praise you!
Finally you are dirty
Moidodyr pleased!

Aibolit: Now it's a different matter, it's nice to look at you. Where there is cleanliness, there is health!

Leading: Where did you walk, that you were so smeared.

Boy: I walked through the puddles (sneezes, ap-sneezes)

Aibolit: Guys, tell the boy, can you walk through the puddles?

Children: children's answers.

Aibolit: Of course not! Walking through the puddles, be dirty, damp, and if you get your feet wet, you will get sick. Our guys can jump over puddles.

Game "Cross the Puddle"

Leading: We, with the guys, know for sure that hardening helps. And always useful to us, the Sun, air and water!

Moidodyr: What else do you guys need water for?

Children: children's answers.

Moidodyr: Did you eat all the porridge?

Wash the plate, otherwise there are a whole mountain of microbes

They will sit down together and chat

“How good it is for us to infect guys”

The game "Wash the dishes, set the table"

In the basin lies dishes: cups, plates. On the opposite side is a table. Participants run up to the basin, imitate washing dishes and run, put it on the table.

Game: "We wash handkerchiefs"

Children take basins in which there are three handkerchiefs, go to the washbasin, pour water, imitate washing handkerchiefs. On command, they take one scarf each and run up to hang it on a rope.

Moidodyr: It's time for me guys, but I don't say goodbye to you until we meet. (leaves)

Leading: Sun air and water. We are always good for our health. Let's take the sun's rays in our hands, take them off to dance, and let's go to play.

(Children take a yellow ribbon)

Song dance "Sunshine"

Game: "Sunshine"

(The guys around the yellow hoops lay out yellow ribbons).

Knock on the door, Moidodyr comes in.

Moidodyr: I have prepared a surprise for you guys. I have prepared soap, shampoo and water?. Look what is it? (shows to children)

Children: bubble.

Soap bubbles game

General dance.


Stay healthy kids
Make friends with sports, play,
Temper yourself by pouring water.
Eat - my advice to you -
Porridge - for breakfast, cabbage soup - for lunch!
Be healthy kids!
From me to you a surprise - Vitamins.