In 2018, the Lipetsk Region participates in the implementation of the activities of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020. on the event "Formation of modern managerial and organizational - economic mechanisms in the system of additional education for children."

The main goals of the project:

  • creation of a regional model center for additional education of children
  • introduction of a navigator for programs of additional general education programs; an increase in the number of children in the subject of the Russian Federation aged 5 to 18 covered by additional general education programs, including natural science and technology;
  • organization of correspondence schools and annual seasonal schools for motivated students;
  • introduction of models to ensure the availability of additional education for children from rural areas;
  • development and implementation of multi-level (introductory, basic, advanced) programs of additional education;
  • implementation of cooperation programs between organizations of various types (including in the form of networking);
  • retraining (training) of certain groups of employees in the RMC, supporting municipal organizations, leading educational organizations for programs (courses, modules)
  • development and implementation of distance learning courses;
  • introduction of a model of personalized financing of additional education for children

Project participants in the Lipetsk region are institutions of additional education, private educational organizations, schools, kindergartens, art schools, youth centers, technical schools and colleges, sports schools, higher educational institutions - all educational organizations that have a license and implement additional general education programs . Regional Model Center for Additional Education for Children.

What is personalized financing?

Personalized financing involves the determination and “assignment” of funds to the child in the amount necessary for the implementation of the additional general education program chosen by him (his parents), with the subsequent transfer of these funds to an organization of additional education or an individual entrepreneur.

What is a Continuing Education Certificate?

The certificate of additional education for children is a personalized document that has an identification number and gives the right to parents (legal representatives) to pay for education services for additional general development programs. The certificate guarantees that regardless of which educational organization is chosen for education (state, municipal, private), the municipality will pay for the education of the child.

A certificate of additional education is an official confirmation of the child's ability to study in circles and sections of additional education at the expense of the state. The certificate itself is not material and the only important thing is that the child is included in a special register (nothing critical, today we are all included in a bunch of different registries). The presence of a child in the register is a signal to the state that it is necessary to pay for his education. That is, a certificate is, in fact, a tool for realizing the “right” of children to receive free education.

What documents are required to obtain a certificate?

To apply for a certificate, you will need:

  1. a birth certificate of a child or a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of the child, or a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the child's passport, if the Applicant is a child who has reached the age of 14 years;
  2. an identity document of the parent (legal representative) of the child, if the Applicant is the parent (legal representative) of the child;
  3. certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay, or other document containing information about the registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay.

How to get a certificate of continuing education?

You prefer to apply for the certificate in person

Step 1. Starting September 1, 2018, submit your documents to one of the organizations authorized to accept applications for a certificate

Together with a specialist of the organization, fill out the application and sign it.

Step 2. Write down and save the certificate number provided to you by the specialist of the organization. We recommend that you save the password as well, with its help you will be able to use your personal account in the system to select and enroll in circles and sections, as well as to obtain other certificate opportunities.

Step 3. Contact the educational organization you are interested in to enroll in an additional education program. Together with a specialist of the organization, select the circle or section of interest, familiarize yourself with the educational program, the conditions of study and sign the application for admission to study.

To independently obtain a certificate of additional education, follow these steps: on the official portal of personalized additional education in the Lipetsk region

Click the "Get Certificate" button,

step 1 You can apply online for a certificate

2: Email confirmation. An email should be sent to the email address you provided earlier. Find it (check your Spam folder too) and follow the instructions in it.

3: select the action with the certificate. To obtain a certificate, you will need to click on the "Get Certificate" link.

4: The choice of the municipality. In the pop-up window, you will need to indicate the municipality in which the child is planning to receive a certificate of additional education.

5: filling out the application. Enter the child's personal data in the appropriate fields of the application. Please provide contact information for the applicant. Select the certificate group for which this child claims. Confirm your consent to the processing of personal data and the fact that you are familiar with the conditions for the provision, use, termination of the certificate of additional education, as well as the Rules for personalized financing.

6. In the case of a child over 14 years of age applying for a certificate, the full name of the child is filled in, a checkmark is placed that the child is over 14 years old and submits it independently, and the full name of the applicant (full name of the child himself) is filled in.

7. Click the Submit button.

8. After the successful creation of the application, an application form for obtaining a certificate of additional education will be sent to the e-mail specified when creating the application. The text of the letter itself will contain the application number, the number of the certificate, as well as information on where the parent (child) can bring the signed application and the necessary supporting documents to receive the certificate.

Please note that after submitting an electronic application, the login and password from the child's personal account on the navigator portal will also be sent to the email address that you specified when creating the application. Through it, you will have the opportunity to independently enroll your child in educational programs. After activating the certificate, it will be possible to conclude valid contracts for educational programs.

9. You will need to print out the application form, sign it, bring it along with supporting documents to organizations that accept applications for certificates in your municipality.

After creating an application for a certificate of additional education and until the child’s certificate is activated, you will already have the opportunity to enroll in an educational program (submit an application) by coming to an educational organization and giving the certificate number and full name of the child, but you will not be able to conclude a valid contract for this program .

So, you are a full-fledged customer, you have money, you have the right to choose: where and according to what program your child will study! The main thing to remember is that the state, when transferring funds to you for the education of your child, thinks that you will be able to manage them better than it, so do everything you do for the sake of the successful future of your children!

You can get a certificate of additional education for children on the website

You can download the video at:

Everyone who plans to study under the programs of physical culture, sports and choreography must have medical documents on admission to classes.

List of places for issuing and activating certificates of additional education (Order of the Department of Education of the Mayor's Office of the City of Yaroslavl)

Priority project "Affordable additional education for children"

The development of the system of additional education today is one of the conditions for the development of society as a whole and ensuring that the competencies of new generations meet modern challenges. One of the changes in the system of additional education is the transition to the new management principles laid down in the federal priority project "Affordable additional education for children".

Since January 1, 2018, the Yaroslavl Region has been one of the 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are implementing a system of personalized financing of additional education for children (PFDO) - certificates of additional education.

Personalized additional education for children is a system that provides for the consolidation of the state's obligations to pay for the education in which the child is primarily interested. In fact, the personal certificate will be assigned budgetary funds to pay for circles and sections of additional education, which a child aged 5 to 18 years old can use in any organization, regardless of the form of ownership (municipal or private organization of additional education, and even individual entrepreneurs). By introducing a system of personalized additional education for children, several important tasks are solved at once:

- children get the opportunity to study free of charge in any organizations, including those where previously parents had to pay their money, provided that the latter are included in the regional register of providers of additional education services;

- competition in the market of additional education services for children is increasing, and hence the quality of educational services provided; organizations begin to focus on the real educational needs of children. The presence of a certificate in a child means that his family has the opportunity to influence the offer of educational programs (according to the general law “demand creates supply”);

- educational organizations providing high-quality and in-demand services have the opportunity to attract additional budget funding;

- there is a "recovery" of educational programs and additional education services financed from budgetary funds at different levels, their orientation towards what is really interesting for children;

- access of new organizations (private and individual entrepreneurs) to budgetary funds is opened on equal terms with municipal institutions.

What is a Continuing Education Certificate?

Additional education certificate - this is an official confirmation of the child's ability to study in circles and sections of additional education at the expense of the state. The certificate itself is not material and the only important thing is that the child is included in a special register (nothing critical, today we are all included in different registers). The presence of a child in the register is a signal to the state that it is necessary to pay for his education. That is, a certificate is, in fact, a tool for realizing the “right” of children to receive free education.

What is the Continuing Education Certificate for?

What we know to be free is paid for by someone else and remains free for us as long as it is consistently paid for.

Despite the importance of additional education, recognized, including at the highest level, neither the Constitution of Russia, nor any of the federal laws enshrined our rights to receive additional education free of charge. No one will take away the right to education as such, but the state is not obliged to pay for additional education. So what does this mean in practice? After all, today we can enroll in free clubs without any certificates.

Indeed, the current system of additional education implies that there is at least one institution in the municipality where we can come and enroll for free. But today it is this institution that determines what kind of circles they will be, and we sign up where there are places left. If we do not sign up, there will be someone who will sign up for us. After all, the state directly owes us nothing, it simply finances the activities of the institution.

But the essence of additional education is not to give development opportunities to those whose interests coincide with the directions of the institution's work, but to take into account the needs of all children and give them the opportunity for their individual development.

What is the principle of the certificate? Specifying in it that the certificate is nominal. Presenting a certificate to a child is intended to change the situation described above. Indeed, for an institution, a certificate is money that it can earn only when it interests a child to come to study with him. You can’t just take and write down someone else, because in this case the money will remain with the child and will not reach the organization. If a child wants to go to another organization to study, then the institution will lose money along with him. All this is designed to stimulate institutions to develop, taking into account the modern needs of children.

A personal certificate of additional education is your money that you can spend exclusively on the education of your child. The state, providing you with a certificate, this time already, guarantees you free additional education in the amount determined by the certificate.

At the same time, as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin noted at the end of 2014: no matter what you choose, “the main thing is that the child, the parents should have a choice: to receive additional education on the basis of a school, or in a municipal creative center, or in a non-state educational organization so that it is accessible and that really well-trained specialists work with children.

What does the certificate of additional education give and how to use it?

The additional education certificate is used by parents to choose and enroll in circles and sections offered by various organizations and even individual entrepreneurs, at no cost to the family budget or with a small additional payment. Any certificate can be used to enroll in any program included in the region-wide navigator. Municipal and state organizations are required to enroll children under a certificate, private organizations are also entitled to accept certificates as payment under contracts.

By receiving a certificate, you also get access to the personal account of the information system, which, in fact, is your access to your personal account.

When choosing circles and sections, you use the available free "enrollments" and / or money directly assigned to your certificate, which can be used to pay for additional education received by children in municipal and private organizations.

Organizations interested in additional education for your children undergo independent certification of programs and are included in the register of educational service providers located in your personal account. You just have to choose among them. And based on the results of the child's education, evaluate the chosen program. Thanks to you, the program registry will include the best organizations offering high-quality and interesting programs.

At the same time, due to the circumstances set forth above, enrollment in municipal circles and sections without using a certificate will not be carried out from September 2019. But you should not worry about this circumstance - you can always get a certificate as soon as you decide to apply for training.

Memo to parents

Frequently Asked Questions from Parents When Obtaining a Continuing Education Certificate and Answers to Them

How to get a DO certificate

Obtaining certificates of personalized financing as part of the implementation of the priority national project "Affordable additional education for children" will begin in the Municipal Education System of the city of Yaroslavl from April 15, 2019.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES - to increase the coverage of schoolchildren and children from orphanages with high-quality and diverse additional education services through the introduction of new generation educational programs aimed at developing high motivation in children, the ability for independent cognitive activity, functional competencies in the field of IT technologies, the basics of financial literacy; - improving the quality and accessibility of career guidance training for schoolchildren and orphanages in accordance with modern programs ("guide to professions", navigators, pro...

PROJECT OBJECTIVES - to increase the coverage of schoolchildren and children from orphanages with high-quality and diverse additional education services through the introduction of new generation educational programs aimed at developing high motivation in children, the ability for independent cognitive activity, functional competencies in the field of IT technologies, the basics of financial literacy; - improving the quality and accessibility of career guidance training for schoolchildren and children from orphanages using modern programs (“a guide to professions”, navigators, professional simulators) in order to prepare for a conscious choice of profession. ESSENCE OF THE PROJECT Schoolchildren, pupils of orphanages and foster families (grades 2-11) are provided with free access to distance additional education on modern developmental and subject programs that allow them to choose and plan their own educational trajectories, develop competency-based knowledge and skills, entrepreneurial skills. By registering on the website of the National Academy of Entrepreneurship (hereinafter referred to as the Academy), a student becomes a student of the Academy and receives weekly training materials and tasks for programs based on an activity approach. Education of students is provided with the support of teachers. Education at the Academy is free and lasts from grades 2 to 11. During the year, students take part in meta-subject and subject Olympiads, develop and implement business projects. Learn the basics of financial literacy. The cost of participation in the Olympiad is from 100 to 150 rubles. For children from orphanages and foster families - free. Graduates receive a certificate from the Academy. As part of the career guidance training for students in grades 5-11, the “Professional Simulator” program was developed, including video simulators, video trainings, within which schoolchildren get acquainted with the features of various professions. The program provides an opportunity to learn through practical activities (video simulators), get acquainted with current professions, and allows students to make the right choice of profession. The program regularly updates the content, which ensures the relevance of the list of offered professions and the possibility of replenishing the labor market with in-demand specialists. The implemented model enables network interaction between state and non-state educational organizations of basic and additional education; the possibility of partnerships, pooling their resources to solve common problems: methodological support for teachers, adoptive parents in foster families, holding joint events, professional creative communication of teachers.

Main provisions of the priority project

"Affordable additional education for children."

Recall that the adoption of the project was previously announced by Olga Vasilyeva at the III All-Russian Congress of Specialists in Additional Education for Children.

Let us recall that earlier in October the Government of the Russian Federation also approved the passports of four priority projects for the development of the education sector in Russia. In particular, passports were approved for such projects as "Creating a Modern Educational Environment for Schoolchildren", "Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation", "Training Highly Qualified Specialists and Workers Based on Modern Standards and Advanced Technologies", "Universities as Centers space for innovation”.

Priority projects are being developed under the leadership of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, created this summer.

The key goal of the "Affordable additional education for children" project was to ensure that by 2020 at least 70-75% of children aged 5 to 18 years will be covered with high-quality additional education, including on the basis of the model centers of additional education for children that are being created.

The stated project implementation period is from 2016 to 2021.

As a result of the implementation of the project, modern systems of additional technical and natural science education for children will be launched in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, while these programs will take into account both the interests of children and their parents, and the needs of the socio-economic and technological development of the country.

In 2018, it is planned to re-equip about 400 thousand places of additional education, of which 150 thousand are in rural areas, and by 2025 - more than 1.8 million places of study, of which 600 thousand are in rural areas.

Already in 2019, additional education programs will cover 1.5 million children aged 5 to 18 years more than in 2017.

Priority project novels.

Regional system of additional education

For the first time, the document clearly defines the system of additional education for children in the region, the key interacting elements of which are regional model centers, municipal support centers based on leading organizations and organizations that implement additional general education programs or participate in their implementation in a network form. Based on the best practices, regional DL systems ensure the implementation of modern and popular additional general education programs in various areas for children, including technical and natural sciences, corresponding to the interests of children and their parents, regional characteristics and the needs of the socio-economic and technological development of the country.

Organizations of additional education.

Additional education organizations formally (and, apparently, finally) lose the status and powers of the "monopolist" of the system of additional education for children in the transition from the development of a network of organizations to the development of a network of additional education programs.

The regional system is based on the implementation of additional general education programs in educational organizations of various types, including professional educational organizations and educational organizations, as well as organizations of sports, culture, scientific organizations, public organizations and organizations in the real sector of the economy, including using network interaction mechanisms .

The educational organization of additional education is mentioned in the text once - as municipal support centers for additional education. Municipal support centers are the leading educational organizations of municipalities) that ensure the implementation of modern additional general education programs, as well as implement new practices of additional education in the activities of municipal educational organizations, coordinate informing families and children in the system of additional education for children.

Municipal support centers interact with the regional model center, as well as educational organizations, implement multi-level additional general educational programs.

Navigator for additional general education programs.

At the federal level, a public navigator for additional general education programs will be created - an information portal with a regional and municipal segment. The Navigator contains constantly updated information about additional general education programs implemented in a particular subject of the Russian Federation and municipality, information about organizations implementing them, as well as the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the activities of the relevant organizations by the families of children mastering the corresponding ones, and the results of monitoring the satisfaction of citizens with the availability and quality of additional general education programs. With its help, parents will be able to choose educational programs that meet the needs, level of training and abilities of children with different educational needs and opportunities, providing the opportunity to design individual educational trajectories of the child.

performance and competition.

In addition, a system of multi-stage and multi-level competitive, exhibition and other events for children will be created to help identify outstanding abilities and motivate to reveal and develop the abilities of each child, as well as form their professional orientation. The events include exhibitions, olympiads, contests and competitions (including team competitions), aimed, among other things, at building skills and teamwork, coordinated with a system for identifying children who have shown outstanding abilities, accompanying them and monitoring their further development, aimed at solving the problems of revealing the abilities of each child with different educational opportunities and needs, ensure the formation of sustainable motivation for children, identifying the abilities of each child. The created mechanisms for recording the achievements of children studying in additional general education programs in multi-stage and multi-level competitive events in the GIS "Contingent" provide feedback for educational organizations and families, which makes it possible to provide targeted support and support for children, take into account the achievements of children when choosing their educational and professional trajectories.