Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy

(economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries,

complexes - industry; regional economy)

Dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences

Izhevsk - 2008 The dissertation work was carried out in the Perm branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific director– Doctor of Economics, Professor Pytkin Alexander Nikolaevich

Official Opponents: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Nekrasov Vladimir Ivanovich Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Ishmanova Maria Sergeevna

Lead organization– GOU VPO "Ural Academy of Public Administration"

The defense will take place: June 10, 2008 at 13.00 at a meeting of the dissertation council DM.212.275.04 at the Udmurt State University at the address: 426034, Izhevsk, st. Universitetskaya, 1, bldg. 4, room. 444.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Udmurt State University, with the abstract on the official website of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education "UdSU" http://v4.udsu.ru/science/abstract

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor A.S. Baskin


Relevance research topics. It is a historically established fact that in most regions of Russia the industrial sector of the economy is a backbone element of the economic system of the region.

The processes of globalization, which significantly complicate economic activity at the levels of countries, regions and specific enterprises, as well as the need to take into account not only economic, but also social, environmental and institutional aspects in both strategic and daily business activities, require consideration of organizational aspects of functioning along with other the industrial sector of the region's economy and the enterprises that form it, taking into account the strategic directions of the region's development.

In this sense, it is advisable to consider the industrial sector of the region's economy as an organizational system, i.e. association of people realizing a common goal and acting on the basis of certain procedures and rules.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The theory of organizations and related scientific areas have received significant development: control theory, active systems theory, hierarchical game theory, contract theory, realizability theory, etc. Within the framework of these scientific directions, the theory of management of organizational systems was formed - a section of management theory that studies the mechanisms of functioning of organizational systems. The main method of this study is mathematical modeling (system analysis, game theory, decision theory, operations research) of managerial decision-making procedures.

The works of foreign and domestic researchers describe the features of organizations and the processes of their functioning, give characteristics of their structure, formulate tasks management, classifications of management tasks are given. The concepts of management systems, models of decision-making by the subjects of organizations, the composition and content of general scientific methods for studying organizational systems are described.

The questions of planning and stimulating the activities of organizations are considered.

However, almost all developments in this direction are related to research at the microeconomic level.

At the same time, at the regional level, for such organizational systems as the industrial sector of the regional economy, there are no theoretical and methodological developments in terms of improving the management of their development. The relevance and increasing practical significance of this problem predetermined the choice of topic, subject, object and main directions of the dissertation research.

The field of study complies with the requirements of the passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission:

Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes - industry) - 15.1. Development of new and adaptation of existing methods, mechanisms and tools for the functioning of the economy, organization and management of economic entities of industry; 15.2. Formation of mechanisms for sustainable development of the economy of industrial sectors, complexes, enterprises.

Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economy) - 5.16. Management of the regional economy at the national, regional and municipal levels, functions and management mechanism; development, methodological justification, analysis, evaluation of the effectiveness of organizational charts and management mechanisms;

5.18. Development of problems of functioning and development of enterprises, industries and complexes in the regions; rational use of the natural resource base.

The degree of development of the problem. The study of the theory and practice of industrial development, including at the regional level, in market conditions in Russia began in the 90s, during the implementation of market and democratic reforms.

Yu.P. Alekseev, E.G. Animitsa, S.S. Artobolevsky, I.O. Botkin, O.I. Botkin, V.Yu. Budavey, S.D. Valentey, A.G. Granberg, G.B. Kleiner, D.S. Lvov, A.M. Makarov, A.S. Marshalova, T.G. Morozova, V.I. Nekrasov, A.N. Pytkin, A.I. Tatarkin, O.A. Romanova, V.F. Ukolov, A.N. Shvetsov, R.I. Schniper and others.

Theoretical and methodological problems of the functioning of organizations in a market economy are presented in the studies of I. Adizes, L. Greiner, E. Downes, P. Drucker, R. Kaplan and D. Norton, F. Liden, M. Porter, and many others.

In the field of organization theory and management theory, it is necessary to highlight the works of B.Z. Milner, A.I. Prigogine, works of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign studies, to some extent related to the improvement of the management of the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy as an organizational system, showed the need for further study of problems both in theoretical and practical aspects.

aim research is the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy as an organizational system operating in market conditions.

This goal required the solution of a number of interrelated tasks, namely:

Investigate and summarize the theoretical and methodological foundations of the industrial sector of the region's economy as an organizational system;

Determine the key directions for improving the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy;

Highlight the features of the mechanisms for planning, stimulating and managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy;

Substantiate the organizational and economic prerequisites for improving the management system for the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy;

Develop a model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy;

The object of the study is the industrial sector of the region's economy. As an example, a subject of the Russian Federation is considered - the Perm Territory, which corresponds to the Russian specifics of the functioning of industry in market conditions.

Subject of study are organizational and economic relations in the industrial sector of the region's economy as an organizational system operating in market conditions.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the scientific works and developments of domestic and foreign authors in the field of managing the development of industry and the regional economy.

Basic research methods. The methodological basis of the study is organizational and structural modeling and the method of comparative analysis, general scientific methods of management and organization, expert assessments, methods of forecasting and planning.

The information base of the dissertation research was the data of statistical bodies, information of the legislative and executive authorities of the Perm Territory, federal authorities, and industrial enterprises. The dissertation reflects the results of research work carried out by the author and with his participation.

Scientific novelty dissertation research is to develop scientific and methodological approaches and guidelines for improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy. In the process of research, the following theoretical and practical results were obtained, which determine the scientific novelty and are the subject of protection:

The concept of "industrial sector of the region's economy" has been clarified as an organizational system that unites groups of industrial enterprises and industries, a characteristic feature of which is the territorial affiliation to the subject of the Federation and, together with the authorities, develop and implement industrial policy in order to increase the competitiveness and sustainable development of enterprises and the economy of the region in in general;

The features of managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy are determined, which actively influence the improvement of planning mechanisms, incentives and management methods in a competitive environment;

The conceptual aspects of modeling the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy are substantiated;

A model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy has been developed;

Practical significance research is determined by the need for theoretical and methodological justification and development of guidelines for improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the region as individual regions of Russia, and to ensure the methodological and managerial unity of the development of the industrial sector of the economy in the regions and the Russian Federation as a whole.

The materials of the dissertation can be used for training and retraining of specialists of the legislative and executive authorities of the region, specialists and practitioners of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

The results of the work can be used to teach courses in industrial economics, regional economics, state and municipal administration in higher educational institutions.

Approbation of the study. Key points, the conclusions and recommendations formulated in the dissertation work were reported in the order of discussion at theoretical seminars and conferences at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg, 2005-2007).

Theoretical and methodological results of the study are reflected in the scientific developments of the Perm branch of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including in the scientific direction "Regional industrial policy and economic security of regions" within the framework of the research work "Development of the theory and methodology for the structural modernization of the region's industry" - 2007 - Decree of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences of February 28, 2003 No. 61.

The methodological and practical recommendations of the dissertation work have been used in the development of concepts and projects of regional target programs for the development of industry, timber industry and construction complexes of the Perm Territory, draft laws of the Perm Territory "On science and scientific and technical policy of the Perm Territory", "On innovation activity in the Perm Territory" in terms of issues of formation and implementation of regional industrial policy, sustainable development of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

Theoretical, methodological and applied results of the research are used in the course of lectures on the disciplines "Industrial Economics" and "Regional Economics" in special advanced training programs for employees of government bodies and industrial enterprises at the Perm Academic Training Center.

Publications. The results of scientific research are reflected in publications, with a total volume of 14.28 p.l. (personal contribution of the author 9.26 pp).

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices. Contains 158 pages of the main text, includes 10 figures, 11 tables, appendices, a bibliography of 135 titles.

In the first chapter"Theoretical and methodological foundations of the industrial sector of the regional economy as an organizational system" reveals the theoretical aspects of organizational systems and classifies the tasks of managing the development of the region, reflects the role and place of the industrial sector of the regional economy as a regional organizational system, shows key areas for improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy.

In the second chapter"Features of the management system for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy" the current level of planning and stimulating the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy was studied, the features of managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy were identified, and the organizational and economic prerequisites for improving the management system for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy were identified.

In the third chapter“Improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the region” presents the conceptual aspects of modeling the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the region, developed a model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the region, and proposed methodological recommendations for improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the region.

In custody the conclusions obtained in the course of the study are summarized.


1. The concept of "industrial sector of the region's economy" has been clarified as an organizational system that unites groups of industrial enterprises and industries, a characteristic feature of which is the territorial affiliation to the subject of the Federation and, together with the authorities, develop and implement industrial policy in order to increase the competitiveness and sustainable development of enterprises and the economy the region as a whole.

The industrial sector is a determining component of the development of the regional economy and acts today and in the near future as a guarantor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country. This, in turn, requires the development of an effective system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy and its constituent industrial enterprises and industries, which will make it possible to form relevant areas of industrial policy and increase the potential for industrial development of the regions.

In modern conditions, the authorities, and especially at the level of the subjects of the Federation, are taking certain steps to solve the problems of coordinating and organizing industrial production. Unions and associations of industrialists have been created in many regions and republics, which determine the goals and priorities of industrial policy in their activities, and solve other priority tasks for the functioning of enterprises.

The study showed that in scientific papers that consider the terms "developed industrial production", "industrialized region", "regional industry", the focus is on the structure of industry and the mechanisms for their adaptation to changes in the external and internal environment. Based on this, the author believes that the industrial sector of the region's economy should be considered as an organizational system, which allows us to comprehensively characterize its level.

The very concept of "organizational system" includes the term "organization", which is used to denote a property, process and object, and the term "system", which adds a functioning mechanism - a set of rules, laws and procedures that regulate the interaction of participants in the organizational system, and a management mechanism - a set of procedures for making managerial decisions.

An analysis of the results of work in this area, carried out by the author, shows the feasibility of applying this approach to the industrial sector of the region's economy, namely, its following provisions:

participants in the organizational system are the governing body, teams and / or individual performers (agents);

a set of procedures and rules that determine the interaction of participants in the organizational system is the mechanism of its functioning; an integral part of the functioning mechanism is the control system (mechanism) - a set of procedures for making managerial decisions;

managerial decision - the choice of the best action according to the chosen criterion from the set of possible alternatives; the management system determines the behavior of the participants in the organization, the adoption and implementation of management decisions by them;

management of the organizational system - the impact on the managed system in order to ensure the behavior required from it;

The functioning of the organizational system consists of the following stages:

- decision-making by the center on the action plan;

- implementation of the plan by the center and agents;

- Summing up, stimulating agents.

The dissertation clarifies the main difference between the organizational system and the technical one - the presence of active goal-oriented behavior among agents. The meaning of activity lies in the fact that each agent has its own goals, to achieve which it can choose appropriate strategies.

To clarify the content of the definition of the industrial sector of the regional economy, the following parameters are considered in the work:

composition of the industrial sector of the region's economy; structure of the industrial sector of the region's economy; strategies of participants in the industrial sector of the region's economy; target functions of participants in the industrial sector of the region's economy; awareness of participants in the industrial sector of the region's economy. These parameters are linked to management mechanisms: management of the composition, structure, strategies, target functions, awareness. The development of the industrial sector of the region's economy, its improvement is also inextricably linked with a constructive industrial policy.

An analysis of the theoretical foundations, views of various experts on the essence of the industrial sector of the region's economy and the author's own research made it possible to clarify the definition of the concept of the industrial sector of the economy. The industrial sector of the regional economy in the dissertation is understood as an organizational system that unites groups of industrial enterprises and industries, a characteristic feature of which is the territorial affiliation to the subject of the Federation and, together with the authorities, develop and implement industrial policy in order to increase the competitiveness and sustainable development of the economy of enterprises and the region in in general.

2. The features of managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy are determined, which actively influence the improvement of planning mechanisms, incentives and management methods in a competitive environment.

In the dissertation work, close attention is paid to the analysis of such components of managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy as a planning mechanism, an incentive system, management methods, due to the fact that they determine the ability of industrial enterprises and industries and the economy of the region as a whole to solve strategic, tactical and operational goals. and tasks in a competitive environment. A comparative analysis of the functioning of industrial enterprises and industries in the Perm Territory allows us to identify the main directions of managing the development of the industrial sector of the region:

formation of an organizational and economic mechanism that ensures effective interaction between the authorities and the industrial sector;

identifying priority areas and strategies in the development of the industrial sector and increasing its competitiveness;

promoting the development of intraregional, interregional relations and international cooperation;

support for the development of medium and small businesses in the field of material production and services;

organizing the training of highly qualified managers - professional managers of industrial enterprises, etc.

It should be noted that at the present stage, the management of the development of the industrial complex of the regional economy is determined by a number of regulatory legal acts adopted at the level of the federal center and the subject of the Federation, which is important for organizing effective state support for industrial enterprises, complexes and industries.

The author refers to the features of managing the development of the industrial sector at the level of the federal center:

macroeconomic regulation with methods of indirect influence based on the strategic objectives of sustainable socio-economic development of Russia;

direct regulation with a wide application of the mechanism of the legal approach focused on the elements of state control.

In this connection, the management of the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy is influenced by the tools of legal, economic and organizational methods of both direct and indirect regulation and control over the activities of industrial enterprises and industries.

At the level of the subject of the Federation, the interaction between authorities and participants in the industrial sector is also built on direct and indirect regulation. At this level, the dissertation work identifies the following features of managing the development of the industrial sector:

substantiation of the choice of priority development of industrial enterprises and industries;

formation of a new structure and directions of competitive industrial production;

provision of regional state support to the industrial complex;

ensuring a favorable business climate for the functioning of the industrial sector;

monitoring the effective use of available natural, labor and financial resources;

development and improvement of the regional market infrastructure.

Taking into account the identified features of managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, according to the author, allows developing a set of priority measures to improve the mechanisms for planning, stimulating and managing enterprises in a competitive environment. Each direction incorporates certain functions and solves its specific tasks.

The planning mechanism should be based on a reasoned regulatory framework that meets the organizational and technical conditions for the production of competitive products and ensure the reliability of planning, assessment and analysis of the need for material, labor and financial resources. This means the inevitable strengthening of the role of planning in the development of the industrial sector.

The mechanism for stimulating the activities of industrial enterprises to increase the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce production costs, improve economic results in the dissertation is considered from the point of view of applying the theory of contracts, which allows choosing a motivation system to encourage employees to work effectively.

The need to integrate the essential points of industrial, scientific, technical, investment, production, marketing, environmental, financial and other types of policy, concretizing and specifically refracting general approaches to the strategy of managing an industrial enterprise, determines the search for effective management methods and functions.

From the point of view of the theory of management of organizational systems, the industrial sector of the regional economy, in which there are several governing bodies located at one or more levels of the hierarchy, corresponds to the type of systems with distributed control (DC) or distributed decision-making systems (DDS). In the case of the industrial sector of the regional economy, the task of analyzing the RSPR is to describe the set of states and/or strategies of its participants that are in equilibrium in one sense or another, the task of synthesis is to search for interaction procedures (functioning mechanisms) of decision makers (DM) that allow them to make consistent decisions effective management decisions. This raises three difficulties.

First, in order to determine the effectiveness of a particular decision, it is necessary to have a model of behavior of the controlled subject depending on this decision (management).

Secondly, all participants in the system under consideration have the activity property. That is, the ability to independently make decisions - choose states, communicate information, etc., in accordance with one's own interests. Consequently, both the model of the controlled subject and the procedures for the interaction of decision makers must take into account this activity.

Thirdly, the decision-making system, in addition to the property of distribution, in relation to the industrial sector of the regional economy can be characterized by a complex multi-level structure. There are both “horizontal” distribution in decision-making (characterized by the presence of several decision-making entities that are at the same level of the hierarchy), and “vertical” distribution in decision-making (characterized by the presence of several levels of the hierarchy on which decision-makers are located). ).

The main problem in managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy is that during the reforms in the regions the system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy has not been formed. Like any organizational system, the industrial sector of the economy, according to the recursive property, is a subsystem of the regional economy and itself consists of subsystems. Due to the current situation, the author sees the key direction in improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the economy in the development and implementation of an effective model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the region.

3. The conceptual aspects of modeling the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy are substantiated.

As the study shows, the conceptual aspects of modeling the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy are determined, first of all, by the characteristics of the management object.

The dissertation deals with the industrial sector of the economy of the Perm Territory. Its composition and structure, as an object of management, reflect the indicators of the distribution of the number of organizations by type of economic activity (Table 1) and the structure of goods of own production (Table 2).

Distribution of the number of organizations in the Perm Territory by type of economic activity (as of January 1), including the industrial sector of the regional economy:

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 306,368 Structure of own-produced goods, including the industrial sector of the economy:

extraction of fuel and energy minerals 18.2 14.9 16; publishing and printing activities production of coke, petroleum products and nuclear materials 5.7 20.7 24, production of other non-metallic mineral products metallurgical production and production of finished metal products production of machinery and equipment production of electrical, electronic and optical equipment production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 14.8 16.5 13, of which:

production, transmission and distribution of electricity 9.9 11.6 9, production, transmission and distribution of steam and hot water (thermal energy) The Federation shows that the Perm Territory is a predominantly industrial region, so it is advisable to talk about the improvement of the industrial sector of the region's economy by the development.

Structure of gross value added in 2005

The Russian Federation from the sum of subjects The essence of the model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the economy is determined by the goals and objectives of the development of the region and, accordingly, its industrial sector. As a rule, they are concretized in the regional industrial policy adopted by the authorities and implemented in regional target programs for the development of industry.

The dissertation notes that the development of regional management systems such as the organizational management system for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy requires a description of the objects of management, the definition of the main (essential) factors characterizing the socio-economic situation in the region, the assessment of these factors, the creation of mechanisms for the development and implementation of regional programs development. The solution of such problems encounters difficulties predetermined by the peculiarity of the control object. A number of such features are considered in domestic scientific research. With regard to the industrial sector of the region's economy, the author singles out the following:

1) difficulties in describing processes in a strictly formalized form;

2) the complexity of the indicators included in the structure of the control object;

3) hierarchical structure of the control object;

4) multivariate management;

5) lack of reliable initial information.

One of the main tasks in developing an organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy is to assess the state of the industrial sector of the regional economy, both existing and desirable. To manage its development, it is necessary first of all to assess where we are and where we want to go. Recently, an approach based on the use of a goal tree has become widespread for constructing generalized estimates of objects of various types.

In the field of industrial policy, public authorities are forced to experiment in search of acceptable and effective forms of direct and indirect regulation, creatively mastering world experience, taking into account the changing environment and determining factors. A reliable guide for developers of concepts and industrial development programs are the methodological foundations of system design. System methodology involves the definition of the following elements of the system: goals (priorities), tasks, subject, object, stages (strategic, tactical), methods, tools (means), forms, coordination and subordination relations, mechanism (model). At the same time, it is of fundamental importance to take into account the socio-cultural and historical context of the planned measures.

In accordance with the theory of management of organizational systems, in the model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, it is necessary to use the following management mechanisms (Fig. 1):

- management of the composition of the industrial sector of the region's economy;

- managing the structure of the industrial sector of the region's economy;

- institutional management (management of restrictions and norms of activity);

- motivational management (management of preferences and interests);

Information management (management of information that participants have at the time of making decisions, management of the sequence of obtaining information and determination of strategies by participants on this basis).

Rice. 1. Management mechanisms of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy.

Based on the procedural components inherent in any activity, the author identifies the types, components and four main functions of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy (Table 4).

Types, components and main functions of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy a sufficient basis for developing a model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

4. A model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy has been developed.

Like any management (regulation) system, the organizational management system for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy should be based on the subsystems of monitoring, diagnostics, adjustments, have performance criteria, certain relationships that ensure its coordination with the functional forms of state economic policy. From a managerial position, the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy can be represented as consisting of the following blocks:

- development of goals and priorities;

- resource provision of the selected priorities;

- implementation of control functions;

Institutional and law enforcement (creation and operation of institutional structures, development and adoption of regulatory documents).

At the same time, the development of goals and priorities for the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy should be linked to the goals and priorities for the development of the region as a whole, other sectors of the economy and spheres of life in the region.

In the same way, the task of resource provision of the selected priorities should be balanced.

Since the priorities for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy should be considered from the point of view of sustainable development, the control in the management system for the development of the industrial complex of the regional economy should take into account the requirements for balancing the social, economic, environmental and institutional components of the region's development.

Rule-making activity and institutional development for the industrial sector of the regional economy are also an integral part of the regional management system, since, first of all, the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the region are entrusted with the functions of rule-making in the interests of the region.

In accordance with the current Russian legislation, the responsibility for the development of the region lies with the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the structure of state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation should take into account that, as stated, for example, in the Charter of the Perm Territory, “Government bodies of the Perm Territory interact with the population for the sustainable development of the Perm Territory, the well-being and prosperity of its population, and the preservation of a favorable environment. Wednesday." That is, in the structure of public authorities there should be at least blocks: social, economic, environmental and institutional, which may include units that meet the development of the most significant sectors of the social sphere, economy, ecology and institutional development, other spheres of life in the region . Since the management of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is traditionally singled out in the regional management system, it is advisable to separately consider the budget block as part of the development of the regional financial system.

This approach makes it possible to organize the purposeful activities of government departments on the basis of a system of balanced indicators that reflect the balance of social, economic/financial, environmental and institutional components of the region's development.

The definition of the most significant for the region spheres of life of the region and the corresponding indicators is given in the strategy for sustainable development of the region, in the scheme of territorial planning and the integrated development program.

Thus, for a historically developed industrial and/or industrially oriented region, the center for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy should be a subdivision of the “Economy” block of the state authorities of the region.

The Russian practice of recent years shows that in the center for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, it is advisable to single out units in the following areas:

1) development of goals and priorities; institutional and law enforcement;

2) resource provision of the selected priorities; implementation of control functions.

At the same time, the subdivision of the second direction is functionally subordinate to the first. In practice, such units are called ministries and agencies.

Based on the foregoing, the author proposes the following positioning of the organizational system (center) for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, shown in Figure 2. At the level of the government of the region, ministries coordinate activities and balance the social, economic and financial (regional financial system), environmental and institutional components development of the region in the system of balanced indicators of sustainable development of the region of the regional information and analytical system.

development of the industrial sector within the framework of the management system Fig. 2. Positioning of the organizational management system The working body of the ministry is the collegium (coordinating council), which allows coordinating the work of agencies for the interaction of the sectors of the region's economy.

Based on a number of research works carried out with the participation of the author, it is proposed to single out divisions (departments) within the agency for industry for technological modernization, environmental modernization, for training and retraining of personnel, for improving the organizational and economic mechanisms for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy ( Fig. 3). These divisions solve the problems of territorial marketing in their areas within the framework of the regional information and analytical system. The summary of data by divisions is carried out by the division for analysis and monitoring of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

Government of the Subject of the Russian Federation for Economic Development Department for Technological Modernization of Industry Department for Ecological Modernization of Industry Department for Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel Department for Improving Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Managing Industrial Development Pic. Fig. 3. Model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy. The divisions of the agency for industry correspond to similar blocks of the regional target program for the development of industry. They perform contractual work under government contracts within the framework of the program, monitor the implementation of program activities and indicators of the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

The author proposes to implement the functioning of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy on the basis of a regional information and analytical system (“electronic government”). The development of a regional information and analytical system involves the development of a structured system of indicators in a certain way, which reflects the strategy for sustainable development of the region, the scheme of territorial planning and the parameters of a comprehensive program for the development of the region. The regional target program for the development of industry, as an integral part of a comprehensive program for the development of the region, a set of program activities, planning its implementation, evaluation of results and control over the implementation of program activities is also reflected in the regional information and analytical system. Here, decisions are made on the implementation of the program and program activities.

The component of the regional information and analytical system in terms of managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy is shown in Figure 4.

The author connects the improvement of the management of the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy with the introduction of a model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy.

The implementation of the model is possible by developing new regional regulations and amending the current regional legislation.

As a rule, in the subjects of the Russian Federation adopted laws on industrial policy or similar. Based on them, industrial policy is developed and adopted.

The President/Governor of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation determines the main directions for the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy, which ensure an increase in the competitiveness of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

The government of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on this basis, approves the priority directions for the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy, which ensure the solution of the problems of sustainable development of industry and the region.

The Ministry of Economic Development of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on behalf of the president/governor and the government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, organizes the development of the main and priority directions for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy (industrial policy). Direct work Fig. 4. The development management component of the industrial sector of the economy of the regional information and analytical system for the preparation of the draft industrial policy is performed by the industry development agency.

The industrial policy on the proposal of the president/governor is adopted by the legislative body of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Based on the adopted industrial policy, a regional target program for the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy (industry) is being developed. The development of the program is carried out by the industry development agency, attracting competent organizations and specialists on a competitive basis.

To implement the industrial policy, its main and priority areas, including through the regional target program for the development of industry, the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy uses the following management mechanisms:

1) management of the composition of the industrial sector of the economy of the region is carried out based on the historical situation in the industrial sector of the economy itself, based on the composition of the natural, technological, financial, human, intellectual and other resources of the region. The change in the composition of enterprises in the industrial sector of the economy takes place in accordance with the strategy of sustainable development of the region, the scheme of territorial planning, a comprehensive development program through the implementation of a set of measures of the regional target program for the development of industry;

2) similarly, the management of the structure of the industrial sector of the economy of the region is carried out based on the historical structure of the industrial sector of the economy, based on the structure of the natural, technological, financial, human, intellectual and other resources of the region. The change in the structure of the industrial sector of the economy takes place in accordance with the strategy of sustainable development of the region, the scheme of territorial planning, a comprehensive development program through the implementation of a set of measures of the regional target program for the development of industry;

3) according to the sustainable development strategy of the region, the scheme of territorial planning, the integrated development program, the regional target program for the development of industry sets target functions for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, on the basis of which enterprises adjust their own development strategies;

4) motivational management is carried out by providing regional tax incentives, rental incentives, budgetary guarantees and financing, other preferences to those enterprises that adjust their activities in the interests of sustainable development of the region, take part in the program activities of the regional target program for industrial development;

5) to improve the efficiency of managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, information management methods are used that provide reliable information sufficient to obtain the required results.

The formation of an organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy is facilitated by the self-organization of enterprises in the form of regional chambers of commerce and industry, unions of industrialists and entrepreneurs, industry associations and associations, associations and associations by type of economic activity, the organizational forms of which begin to move towards self-regulatory organizations in connection with the adoption Federal Law No. 315FZ of December 1, 2007 “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”. Noticeable activity is the creation of holding structures in industry and regional industrial clusters.

Planning the implementation of the regional target program for the development of industry within the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy is based on the following mechanisms:

- active examination mechanisms;

- competitive mechanisms;

- mechanisms of internal prices.

The listed mechanisms are most applicable in the process of formation and evaluation of a set of measures of a regional target program for industrial development.

It is advisable to harmonize domestic prices within the framework of tripartite commissions in almost every region consisting of employers - trade unions - state authorities. Within the framework of tripartite commissions, it is possible to conclude agreements on tariffs, rent, etc., as well as in general - on the implementation of program activities of the target program for the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy.

The model of the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy and methodological recommendations for its implementation developed in the dissertation are aimed at improving the management system for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy, contribute to increasing competitiveness and sustainable development of the economy of industrial sectors, complexes, enterprises and the region as a whole.



1. Nikiforova T.E. The industrial sector of the regional economy as an organizational system: theoretical and methodological foundations. Preprint. - Perm: Publishing house of NIIUMS, 2006. - 2.32 pp.

2. Nikiforova T.E. Implementation of environmental management in the activities of enterprises of the baking industry in the city of Perm. Theory and practice of ecological modernization of the economy of territorial entities: Collection of scientific papers. Issue V / Ed. A.N. Pytkin.

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3. Pytkin A.N., Nikiforova T.E. Features of the mechanisms for planning, stimulating and managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy. Preprint. - Perm: Publishing house of NIIUMS, 2007. - 4.15 pp.

(ed. 2.77 pp) 4. Atamanova E.A., Nikiforova T.E. Organizational and economic aspects of improving the management system for the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy. Preprint. - Perm: Publishing house of NIIUMS, 2008. - 3.16 pp. (author 1.58 pp) 5. Misharin Yu.V., Nikiforova T.E. Modeling the organizational system for managing the development of the industrial sector of the regional economy. Preprint. - Perm: Publishing house of NIIUMS, 2008. - 4.12 pp. (author 2, p.s.) 6. Nikiforova T.E. Conceptual aspects of improving the management of the development of the industrial sector of the region's economy // Proceedings of the Russian State Pedagogical University.

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The recently increasing dynamism of economic processes has a direct impact on all aspects of the economic and production activities of enterprises, industries, complexes and the industrial sector as a whole. At the same time, the transformations taking place in the economy and the related structural changes caused by the processes of globalization and integration pose the task of transitioning to a new type of socio-economic development based on the large-scale use of the achievements of science and technology. The process of transition of the economy to a new stage of intensive development, like any other transitional process, requires special attention to determining the directions of strategic development, both for the economy as a whole and for the industrial sector in particular.

Of particular importance in these conditions is the policy of managing structural transformations of the economy of the industrial sector, which in the new economic conditions should be aimed at stimulating an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of industries, the development of their material and technical base based on the latest achievements of science and technology, and the growth of competitiveness in the new economic conditions. The stimulating direction of the state management policy is a necessary condition for the positive dynamics of the industrial sector of the economy.

The implementation of such a policy predetermines the need to identify potential opportunities for the development of industries of the industrial complex, the choice of priority areas of development that can ensure overall economic growth within the framework of the emerging technological order, which places high demands on innovative and technological development factors.

An assessment of the potential opportunities for the development of industries of the industrial complex can be carried out using an analysis model based on identifying the dynamics of economic development and should include an assessment of both current and future development directions, taking into account the existing economic potential of the industry. The dynamism inherent in the economic structure of the industrial sector predetermines the study of the directions of its development in the aspect of structural dynamics, which can be considered as one of the categories of the theory of economic equilibrium.

Despite the fact that equilibrium has an undeniable advantage over other states in the economic literature, such a state is considered as a special case of economic dynamics. Achieving an equilibrium state, both in the economy and in the industrial sector, is one of the main goals of development. If, for some reason, non-equilibrium states arise in the structure, then all the tasks of the corresponding policy are reduced to its elimination.

In works devoted to the problems of choosing effective models for the development of the structure of the economy, the emergence of a non-equilibrium state is regarded as a normal process, since equilibrium is formed by adjusting constantly occurring deviations. Thus, the change of equilibrium states by non-equilibrium states forms an economic cycle, which, like structural dynamics, can be considered an immanent property of the economy.

Structural-dynamic processes consist of such categories as a structural shift, crisis, and cause the processes of structural transformation and restructuring. At the same time, under the influence of the structural-dynamic process, the structure is transformed in at least three aspects: innovation-technological, institutional, and opportunistic. The emergence of new technologies determines the formation of a new technological base in the industrial sector, institutional transformations determine the emergence of a new structure of the economic system, and the transition from the old equilibrium state to a new one changes the economic situation within the existing technological order. Thus, the transformation in these aspects transforms the current structure of the industrial sector of the economy, and we can say that under the influence of the process of structural dynamics, a new quality of the economic potential of industries is being formed.

From this it follows that it is possible to assess the state of development of the industrial sector and its economic potential by analyzing the structural dynamics. An analysis model based on the identification of structural dynamics in the sectoral composition of the industrial sector will allow ranking industries in accordance with the level of economic development, as well as determining the direction of the policy of structural transformation.

In the works of Dedov L.A. and Botkin O.I. devoted to the problems of structural dynamics and cyclicality, a model of analysis of structural-dynamic intensity is presented, which is used to assess sectoral differences at the regional level, as well as to determine the dynamics of development of individual sectors of the economy. From our point of view, the use of this model to assess the structural and dynamic intensity in the industrial structure of the industrial sector is considered appropriate and justified, since the structure of industry has the same dynamic properties as the structure of the economy. The advantage of the presented model is that it allows one to determine not only the dynamics of structural changes, but also to compare it with the economic growth rates of industries, which will make it possible to perform a structural-dynamic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the economy. The model makes it possible to determine the scope of the innovation-technological corridor for the development of the industry; in contrast to the previously proposed approaches, innovative and inertial components are formed, which make it possible to determine due to which factors the increase in economic growth occurs. If in the structure of an industry an increase in the rate of economic growth occurs due to an increase in the component of structural delay, then such an industry does not meet the criteria for innovative development.

Analysis of structural dynamics is carried out using the coefficient of structural elasticity, which is a summary indicator characterizing the dynamics of structural changes and economic growth. Structural elasticity consists of inertial and innovative components.

where is the inertial component, is the advance component in the expansion of the growth rate.

Economic processes cause changes in the share composition of the structure, some share characteristics increase, others decrease, and others remain unchanged. This process reflects the dynamics of structural shifts. At the same time, the output of the economic system is subject to either growth or decline. This part can be characterized as the release rate. Part of the rate of growth or decline in the output of the system is associated with a decrease or non-increase in its constituent shares. This part can be called structural delay ( N 1 ). Accordingly, the other part of the rate of growth or decline is responsible for the growth of increasing shares and is called structural lead ( N 2 ). The total value of the structural delay and structural advance is equal to the rate of change in the growth rate ( N).

Thus, the coefficient of structural elasticity of output ( E) shows how many percent of the growth or decline associated with a structural lag is accounted for by one percent of the growth associated with a structural lead. Therefore, the following relations hold

N 2 = lm; N 1 = N-N 2

Wherein l represents an aggregate index of growth, decline in the output of the economic system, and m is the mass of the structural general shift, which is the sum of the increments of increasing shares in the composition of output. To characterize the pace of economic development, the modes of structural dynamics are used, each of which is characterized by a certain value of the coefficient of structural elasticity (Table 1). The zero mode of structural dynamics is characterized by a state of general equilibrium. The formed stable share components of industries are subject to insignificant fluctuations and the dynamics of the industry development consists in increasing output. The resulting fluctuations in the structure are insignificant and, accordingly, cannot affect the equilibrium process.

The first regime corresponds to general economic growth, while some equity positions in the aggregate under study crowd out others. The coefficient of structural elasticity in this mode is still positive. At the same time, growth based on the traditional output structure is complemented by growth based on structural changes. This mode is a phase of complementary development and is upward.

In the second mode, the growth in some equity positions overlaps the decline in others. If growth on a traditional basis decreases, but growth on the basis of structural changes persists, and at the same time there is an increase in output, then E>-1. Such a regime characterizes the process of compensatory substitution. It is in this mode that the purpose of the structural shift is manifested, which causes the expansion of production capabilities and the renewal of the technological base. However, a frequent case is the decline in traditional production capabilities, which leads to a crisis in the industrial sector and the economy. In this case, the structure moves to the third mode of structural dynamics.

In the third mode, growth in increasing positions is not able to cover the decline in decreasing positions. With a fundamental transformation of the traditional structure, the decline based on it ceases to be compensated by simultaneous growth based on structural changes. In the fourth mode, an uncompensated decline in production occurs. Here E< -1 And N<0 For any structural-dynamic process, the fourth regime should be an exception. The transition to this regime is associated with the layering of market, technological and institutional types of restructuring. In this case, the economic system cannot cope with the problems that have arisen, and the industrial production system collapses.

Table 1. Regimes of the structural dynamics of the industrial sector of the economy.


Meaning of indicators


Structure state

the changes that occur are insignificant, the fluctuations are insignificant and do not cause the structure to deviate from equilibrium

Structural balance

general economic growth, while some equity positions in the aggregate under study crowd out others. The coefficient of structural elasticity is positive. At the same time, growth based on the traditional output structure is supplemented by growth based on structural changes.

Structural imbalance

growth in some equity positions covers the decline in others. If growth on a traditional basis decreases, but growth on the basis of structural changes is maintained, and at the same time, output increases. Such a regime characterizes the process of compensatory substitution.

Structural growth based on innovation and technology

growth in increasing positions is not able to cover the decline in decreasing positions

Structural recession


characterized by an uncompensated decline in production

E<-1 и N<0

-4 to -3 (can go below -4)

Structural crisis

Under the influence of the innovative structural cycle, the restructuring of the technological base of industry diverts a significant part of the resources, which naturally causes a recession in the economic system. But later, in connection with such renewal, new opportunities for economic growth arise.

Based on the tools for identifying structural-dynamic regimes, it is possible to determine the quality parameters of the structural dynamics of the industrial sector of the economy. First of all, it should be noted that the main condition for the qualitative development of the structure is a combination of positive structural shifts with economic growth. This combination sets the innovation-technological corridor of structural dynamics. Threshold values ​​of various types of innovation-technological corridor of structural dynamics are determined by the coefficient of structural elasticity, which consists of inertial and innovative components. The excess of the structural lead coefficient over the lag coefficient means that the increase in the growth rate occurs due to technological renewal in the industry structure.

The innovation and technological corridor is a combination of progressive structural shifts with high growth rates in the industrial structure. The conditions for the functioning of an industry or an industrial complex within the framework of an innovation-technological corridor are as follows -1 ? E? 1. At the same time, it is desirable for any industry to move within the framework of this corridor. This will indicate that the technological component of the industry is developing on an innovative basis and meets the requirements of the current technological order. It should also be noted that for a normally occurring structural-dynamic process, the phase of structural recession takes place in the second and third modes and does not take much time, since during this period technologies are replaced and a new level of technological growth is reached.

Accordingly, the industries identified by the results of the analysis and developing within the innovation corridor will be considered progressive and do not require fundamental structural changes. In relation to such industries, individual industrial policy measures of a stimulating nature can be applied. The remaining industries can be divided into groups in accordance with the revealed intensity of structural and dynamic processes, as well as the norm of deviation from the framework of the innovation and technological corridor. For such industries, separate industrial policy measures are needed to stimulate the modernization of the technological component.

Thus, the proposed model makes it possible to describe the structural and dynamic processes occurring in the structure of the industrial sector of the economy, identify industries developing within the innovation and technological corridor, and also determine the nature of deviations of industries from a given structural and dynamic process. To do this, it is necessary to determine the statistical indicators and the time period for the study (Table 2).

Table 2. Indicators required for calculating the intensity of structural dynamics

First of all, it is necessary to determine the structural-dynamic intensity in the industrial sector as a whole. To do this, the values ​​of the growth rate, structural shift are calculated and the coefficient of structural elasticity is determined. For the analysis of structural dynamics, the period from 2006 to 2010 is taken, while 2010 is taken as the base period for calculating the mass of the structural shift (Table 3). Aggregate index of industrial production l% (decline, growth) for 2006 = 106.3, respectively, the growth rate for this period is calculated as N= 106.3 - 100 = 6.3 Structural shift mass is calculated by the formula

respectively M= 23667-11934 = 11733 = 11.7. The reconstructed Structural Shift Index is designed to compare growth rates with structural shifts m*% = 106.3 - 11.7 = 94.6. Structural lead is calculated as N 2 = 106.3% x 11.7 = 12.4, structural delay N 1 = 6.3 - 13.2 = -6.1, structural elasticity of output E= - 6.1 / 12.4 = -0.5. Similarly, all indicators are calculated for the period from 2007 to 2010.

Table 3. Estimated data on the structural dynamics of the industrial sector of the economy


Composite output index l %

Growth rate N

Structural shift mass M

Reconstructed Structural Shift Index m*%

Structural delay N 1

Structural lead N 2

Structural elasticity release E

Calculated according to Rosstat

As can be seen from the presented table, the dynamics of structural shifts is positive, the growth rate has a positive value, and the structural lead indicator is higher than the structural lag indicator. That is, we can say that the structure of the industrial sector as a whole is developing on the basis of updating the technological component. The value of the structural advance indicator is several times higher than the structural lag indicator. Only in 2009, there is a reverse trend - the structural lag is several times higher than the lead, which is most likely due to the financial crisis. This is also evidenced by the negative growth rate ( N= -9.3) (Table 3).

In 2010 the situation will stabilize ( N 1 = 3,7; N 2 = 4.5), while the growth rate is 8.2%, which is higher than the level of the pre-crisis period, and the elasticity coefficient tends to a positive value. If from 2005 to 2009 the coefficient is negative, with a maximum value in 2009. (-8.1), then in 2010 it exceeds zero, which can be regarded as the dynamics of the rise in the innovation and technological corridor and the exit from the phase of structural recession.

Based on the results of the calculations, a graph was constructed that reflects the processes of structural dynamics, which allows you to determine in what mode the industrial sector is currently operating.

If in the normally proceeding process of structural dynamics the fourth mode is characterized by a maximum decline to -4, then in the domestic industrial sector in 2009 the structural recession phase reached -8.1, that is, the elasticity coefficient decreased by 8 times over the year. However, at an equally rapid pace, the value of the coefficient increased to 0.8 between 2009 and 2010 (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Scheme of a normally flowing structural-dynamic process with a transition to an innovation-technological corridor on the example of an industrial complex for the period from 2006 to 2010.

The dynamics of indicators for 2009 deserves special attention. Here, there is a sharp decline in the elasticity coefficient, the structural delay overlaps the structural advance, which puts the structure into a structural recession, the value of which is several times higher than the permissible level. This situation may indicate a deep structural crisis, the way out of which takes a long time. However, in 2010 the value of all indicators exceeded the pre-crisis level, and for the first time in the study period, the value of the elasticity coefficient was above zero.

From this we can conclude that the situation in 2009 is not natural. The decline in all indicators is due to the decline in the composite output index (90.7 compared to 2008 - 100.6), which in turn is associated with a decline in production as a result of the financial crisis. The emerging crisis phenomena did not cause a long-term structural recession in the industrial sector as a whole. At the same time, this process led to the exit of all industries beyond the innovation corridor. The dynamics of the indicators, identified using the method of determining the structural and dynamic processes in the industrial sector, indicates that the topics of growth and structural shifts depend on fluctuations in the world market. That confirms the situation with the global financial crisis.

The application of the structural-dynamic intensity analysis model to study the dynamics of development in the sectoral structure of the industrial sector makes it possible to distinguish four groups of industries in the structure of the industrial sector of the economy, which differ in the nature of the structural dynamics.

The first group consists of fuel and energy complex industries characterized by weak structural dynamics. The second group includes industries with pronounced unstable structural dynamics. The third group is industries with stable structural dynamics with minor deviations from the innovation and technological corridor. The fourth group includes industries with stable structural dynamics occurring within the innovation and technology corridor (Table 4). All four groups of industries were affected by the economic crisis, which resulted in a drop in production volumes in industries. At the same time, it should be noted that in the sectors of the fuel and energy complex, the decline in production turned out to be much less than in the manufacturing industries. Which, most likely, determined the rapid transition of the industrial structure from the fourth to the zero regime.

Table 4. Grouping of branches of the industrial sector in accordance with the intensity of the structural-dynamic process

Structural Dynamics Intensity

Weak structural dynamics

Unstable structural dynamics

Stable structural dynamics with deviations from the framework of the innovation and technology corridor

Stable structural dynamics within the innovation and technology corridor

Extraction of fuel and energy minerals, Extraction of minerals, except for fuel and energy

Textile and clothing production, Production of leather goods, footwear production,

Manufacture of rubber and plastic products,

Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products,

Manufacture of machinery and equipment

food production,

Wood processing, production of wood products,

Pulp and paper production,

Chemical production,

Production of electrical equipment for electronic and optical equipment

Production of coke and oil products,

metallurgical production,

Production of vehicles and equipment

Directions of structural transformations

Increasing the intensity of structural dynamics through the introduction of innovative technologies

Stabilization of structural and dynamic intensity due to the additional loading of production capacities and the introduction of new equipment, improving the quality of the technological process

Establishment of stable positions of industries within the innovation and technological corridor, by increasing their economic potential

Maintaining existing stable positions, due to the intensive growth of technological potential

The groups of industries identified in this way with different intensity of structural dynamics require separate measures of state incentives. The presented model of the analysis of structural-dynamic intensity makes it possible to determine the directions of industrial policy aimed at stimulating technological modernization, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of existing mechanisms for regulating structural transformations.

Thus, in relation to the group of industries with weak structural dynamics, which includes the industries of the extractive sector, government regulation measures are needed to increase the structural and dynamic intensity. This can be achieved by introducing innovative technologies into the technological process, which will ensure an increase in the quality of manufactured products, an increase in competitiveness on a new technological production basis. The growth of product quality and its compliance with international standards provides an opportunity to increase prices for the final product. It is this process that will provide the industries of this group with the necessary fluctuations in the structure. The existing weak structural dynamics in these industries is explained by the fact that the extractive sector is essentially a rental sector. That is, the demand for the products of such industries is always relatively stable and there is no need for technological modernization, which is the main factor causing significant fluctuations in the structure.

A fairly large group of industries is characterized by extremely unstable structural and dynamic intensity. This situation is due to the fact that the products of many industries included in this group are not in demand not only in the world, but also in domestic markets. The sectors of this group have experienced the effects of the global financial crisis more than any other. The inefficient use of the technological base, the low level of product quality, as well as its low competitiveness compared to world analogues predetermine unstable dynamics.

In relation to this group, stimulating industrial policy measures are required. Full additional loading of idle technological capacities, as well as their intensive renewal, will allow the industries of this group to increase the growth rate and stabilize the processes of structural dynamics. management industry competitiveness

The group of industries with stable structural dynamics, deviating from the innovation and technological corridor, includes mainly industries with the highest technological potential, as well as industries whose products are in not only domestic but also external demand. For such industries, stimulating industrial policies are needed to continue building technological capacity. This will allow industries to develop steadily within the technological corridor.

The last group of industries is relatively competitive industries with a developed economic potential. Here, industrial policy measures can be reduced to maintaining established growth rates and positive structural shifts for sustainable growth within the technology corridor.

The advantage of using the presented model of analysis of structural and dynamic intensity in the system of managing structural transformations of the economy of the industrial sector lies in the possibility of identifying promising areas of industrial policy aimed at ensuring the growth of high-tech industries in the manufacturing sector, as well as at achieving a balanced state of the industrial structure, within the framework of the emerging technological way of life.


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1 Shevchenko I.K., Fedotova A.Yu., Razvadovskaya Yu.V., Sinnikova O.E., Pipiya B.R. INNOVATIVE AND TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTERS AS ORGANIZATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FORMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE FORMATION OF A NEW TECHNOLOGICAL MODE Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southern Federal University" Introduction. In the current macroeconomic conditions, characterized by instability, the achievement of the goals of modernization and the transition to an innovative type of development largely depend on the state of the industrial sector of the economy. In turn, the efficiency of the industrial complex is largely determined by the proportions of its sectoral structure, which are formed under the influence of economic, political and technological factors and conditions. The main condition for the transformation of the structure is the process of changing technological patterns, under the influence of which the technical and economic characteristics of industries change, old industries are replaced by new, more technological, resource- and energy-saving innovative industries. In this regard, one of the main tasks of state management of structural transformations is to create optimal conditions for the formation of a balanced structure of the industrial sector of the economy that meets the technological and economic requirements of the current technological order, the expansion of technologies which forms the prerequisites for long-term economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the industrial complex and the economy as a whole.

2 One of the most effective organizational and institutional forms of development of the industrial complex is a cluster, which is an association of various organizations and allows you to take advantage of the intra-company hierarchy and market mechanism, which makes it possible to distribute new knowledge, scientific discoveries and inventions more quickly and efficiently. The formation of complex technological solutions is a key advantage of the cluster, which provides the transfer of knowledge about new physical principles and effects obtained in the laboratories of the country's academic institutions into industrial production technologies. 1. Prospects for the development of the economy of the industrial sector in the context of the formation of a new technological order. The current technological order began to take shape in an integral reproduction system in the 80s of the twentieth century. The upward wave of the fifth Kondratiev cycle ended in 2005 and today the world economy is in a phase of depression, which is expected to end in 2017. The basis of this technological order is formed by: software, computer technology and information processing technologies, microelectronics, production of automation and communication means. According to the forecasts of some scientists, in the second decade of the 21st century, developed countries will move to the formation of the sixth technological order. By this time, a reproductive system will be formed for a new technological order, the formation of which is currently taking place. The new technological order will lead the economy to even greater intellectualization of production, the transition to a continuous innovation process in most industries and continuous education in most professions. The final process will be the transition from "society

3 consumption" to an "intellectual society", in which the requirements for the quality of life and the comfort of the living environment will become of paramount importance. Information, educational, and medical services will dominate in the structure of consumption. Progress in information processing technologies, telecommunications systems, and financial technologies will entail further globalization of the economy, the formation of a single world market for goods, capital, labor. These patterns reflect the economic development of advanced countries that set the trajectory of the development of the world economy. Forming the directions for the development of technological structures, they play the role of leaders in global economic development, taking advantage of all the resulting advantages. in development, countries will be forced to copy the achievements of world leaders or use the results they have achieved, while giving away their natural resources at low prices.Within each technological order, there were changes in political regimes and certain political reforms that directly changed the structure of economies and, accordingly, the industrial sector of the economy . From the analysis of economic and technological development, it can be seen that the technological backlog of Russian industry from world trends has been developing since the end of the 18th century. Despite the fact that at each stage of technological development the state implements measures to stimulate industries, there is no significant growth in the corresponding technologies. Objectively, this is due to the low density of the demographic potential, the strong differentiation of the economic space, frequent political and military upheavals, and the low share of its own innovative potential. As follows from the results of the available assessments, at this stage of economic and technological development, the fifth technological order prevails, which has reached the maturity phase in the carrier industries with

4 simultaneous core lag. The branches of the core of the fifth TU include the branches of microelectronics, optoelectronics, precision and electronic instrumentation, radio engineering, aircraft engineering, and the branches of communication systems and communications. According to academician Fedoseev, “It is very difficult to overcome the lag behind the world level in these technologies, even with impressive investments.” The existing lags in the domestic industrial sector are compensated by the acquisition of imported technologies and equipment. This is evidenced by statistical data, according to which there is an increase in the fleet of personal computers, the volume of software technologies at an annual rate of about 20-30%. These indicators indicate that at present the expansion of the fifth technological mode in the Russian structure of the industrial sector of the economy "is of a catching-up imitation character" . This fact is also confirmed by the dynamics of the spread of various components of this mode; the closer the technology is to the sphere of final consumption, the higher the rate of its spread. The accelerated expansion of the main industries of the fifth order occurs due to imported technologies, which leads to the impossibility of the effective development of the key technologies of the core of this order. The current technological lag forces the economy to non-equivalent exchange with the countries leaders of this technological order. G. Fetisov’s statement is fair: “The main reason for the underdevelopment of the high-tech sector in Russia was the creation of many technological monopolies that arose due to the privatization of individual links in the “technological chains” for the production of finished products, especially enterprises that were under the jurisdiction of different ministries in the Soviet era” . That is, instead of intersectoral complexes and clusters in the industrial sector, separate enterprises have emerged with interrupted technological ties.

5 The complexity of this situation lies in the fact that there is a certain continuity between the fifth and sixth technological orders. And the technological lag in the development of the supporting industries of the fifth order will slow down the spread of the new sixth. The boundary between the fifth and sixth modes lies in the depth of penetration of technologies into the structures of matter and the scale of information processing. The fifth way is based on the application of microelectronics achievements, and the sixth on the use of nanotechnology. And it is precisely at the phase of substitution of technological modes that it is important to advance the development of key industries in the core of the new mode. This will allow in the future to receive intellectual rent and thereby finance the expanded reproduction of technologies of the new order. That is, the timely identification and development of the basic industries of the new order makes it possible for developing countries to accelerate development in a new long wave of economic growth, due to the rapid formation of technological sets of the core of the new order and the modernization of its supporting industries. According to the forecasts of domestic and foreign experts, nanotechnologies, cellular technologies and genetic engineering methods, which are based on the use of atomic force microscopes and appropriate metrological systems, are becoming key factors in the development of a new technological core. Accordingly, the core of the future technological order will be nanoelectronics, nanomaterials and nanostructured coatings, optical nanomaterials, nanobiotechnologies, and nanosystem technology. The industries capable of providing the production of the latest technologies will be the electronic and nuclear industries, the information and communication sector, the aircraft industry and the rocket and space industry, cell medicine, and the chemical and metallurgical complex. Despite the fact that the costs of mastering the latest technologies are growing, the share of the sixth order in the modern economy remains

6 minor. According to some forecasts, a qualitative leap will occur in the years after the completion of structural adjustment, when the scale of relevant technologies will become significant and the economic environment will be ready for their widespread use. Along with the growth of the core industries of the new technological order, there will also be a rise in the supporting industries, such as aviation, electrical engineering, nuclear power, instrument making, machine tool building, and education. The development of integrated reproductive innovation cycles in industry will make it possible to equip the second subdivision for the production of consumer goods with the means of production, which will ensure that part of the demand for competitive industrial products on the domestic Russian market is met. Then, reproduction relationships based on complex innovation cycles should cover the integration of high-tech means of labor and objects of labor through the priority investment of macro-innovations, followed by the restoration of the entire reproduction chain of the macro-innovation cycle based on the deployment of NIS in the sectors of the economy and throughout Russia. Today, the mechanisms for activating innovation cycles do not work effectively enough, and the main factor holding back innovative development is the weak generation of innovative demand for national science-intensive products and the lack of methods for reliable assessment, planning, and tools for monitoring the dynamics of innovation development indicators. To measure the impact of innovation cycles in assessing the transformation of industrial structural transformations, traditional indicators are not enough. When mastering the achievements of the new way, it is proposed to determine the contribution of innovative factors to the growth of GDP, labor productivity, capital productivity, material productivity, energy intensity in accordance with the investment capacity and taking into account the balance

7 volumes of market demand for innovative factors in a favorable investment climate. Support for industry should be formed based on the understanding of the fact that the state is not a stationary and permanent source of financing for part of the current and capital costs of enterprises. Financing should be provided on a project basis to achieve specific development goals. In the medium term, the share of budget financing should be consistently reduced in favor of extrabudgetary sources. Support measures must be finite, and at a certain stage, industries that have received state support must enter the mode of development based on market resources and value generation in efficient companies. The transition to improved, more efficient and innovative technologies in the manufacturing industries is one of the main tasks set by the Government of the Russian Federation. As part of the implementation of the main provisions of the Strategy for Innovative Development, the state program provides for a number of key measures aimed at significant transformations in the leading sectors of the manufacturing industry. To solve the problems in the field of modernization and innovative development, it is planned to implement measures to develop the national innovation system, form a technological forecasting system focused on meeting the long-term needs of the manufacturing sector of the economy, taking into account the development of key production technologies. For these purposes, it is planned to link the activities of the subprograms with the emerging technological platforms and pilot projects of innovative territorial clusters. The development of intersectoral technologies is primarily expected as part of the implementation of the directions of the federal target program

8 "National technological base" for years. This program is aimed at ensuring the technological development of the domestic industry based on the creation and implementation of breakthrough, resource-saving, environmentally friendly industrial technologies for the production of competitive science-intensive products. Achieving the goals of the program and its subprograms involves the creation of new advanced technologies and equipment necessary for their implementation, at the level of experimental lines, demonstration plants and (or) prototypes, confirming the readiness of technological solutions for industrial implementation. The priorities of industrial policy, especially for regions and territories, are determined based on the competitiveness of the economic activities of the industry. At present, it is not fixed capital, but personnel, information and trade that determine the competitiveness of territories. Not only advanced technologies and companies are important, but also the readiness and ability of the territory to accept new firms and investment flows. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the sectoral logic of industrial policy with a spatial-territorial logic. To implement this approach, it is necessary to transform the internal organization of the economic space of the territory. The refusal of territories from an integrated model of economic activity in favor of a network of autonomous and interchangeable links - industrial complexes and enterprises tied to a place (networks of place), allowed the economic authorities in the territory to distribute powers mainly on the basis of economic assessments of the competitive potentials of the main types of economic activity. The solution to this problem is still largely debatable. For the development of control actions for the development of industry on the part of government and business, it is not so much the cost assessment of the components of the competitive potential that is important, but the rate of increment of competitive

9 development opportunities. With the isolation of potentially competitive types of economic activity in the territory according to objective indicators, it becomes possible to separate the regional industrial policy by time horizons. The current industrial policy should aim at dominating the markets in the short term. To "cultivate" promising conglomerates, it will be necessary to activate the territory's intellectual resources, the development of which is based on a technological approach. Practice shows that among the three main factors of competitive growth (technology, public institutions, macroeconomic environment), the level of technological development, the ability to innovate develops, takes precedence. The above factors should form the basis of a new structural industrial policy that will make it possible to make the best use of existing competitive advantages for a qualitative leap in the development of domestic industry. 1.2 Cluster formation as the main organizational and institutional form of economic development. At present, one of the main directions of the reorganization of the country's sectoral structure is the rejection of the traditional industrial policy and the transition to a new industrial policy - a cluster one. In this regard, the most important factor in ensuring the successful functioning and implementation of economic activity in a highly competitive environment is the interaction between enterprises, which provides conditions for the creation of network structures of clusters. The relevance of the application of cluster policy in Russia is also due to the fact that: a significant part of the industrial potential created in the former USSR was not initially oriented to the market;

10 the current export-raw material orientation of the economy does not meet today's requirements; countries; the technological potential is rapidly collapsing; the efficiency of Russian industry is low; technological backwardness from developed countries does not allow creating competitive science-intensive products. World practice shows that in the last two decades the process of cluster formation has been quite active and by now certain areas of clustering in the world have developed (Table 1). bioresources Netherlands, Germany, France, Great Britain, Norway Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, Germany Agricultural production and food processing Finland, Belgium, France, production Italy, Netherlands Oil and gas complex and chemistry Switzerland, Germany, Belgium Mechanical engineering, electronics Netherlands, Italy , Germany, Norway, Ireland, Switzerland Healthcare Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands Communications and transport Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Belgium Energy Norway, Finland Light industry Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Finland Timber and paper complex Finland The effectiveness of the cluster approach is proved by the analysis of integration processes for the creation of clusters in developed countries.

11 In Denmark for three years at the turn of the 1990s. an assessment was made of the prospects for the development of network structures in the country. Thanks to research based on the cluster approach, not only were enterprises identified that reflected a wide range of problems in the Danish economy, but measures were taken that brought Denmark to the world leaders in economic clustering, where 29 leading clusters operate today. The cluster approach in Finland for the development of the country's industrial policy in the years. helped the country overcome a deep economic crisis: GDP in 1991 fell by 7%, while the volume of industrial production in the same year decreased by 9%, private investment in fixed capital by 23%. Effective state intervention based on the cluster approach led to the rapid growth of the economy in the second half of the 1990s. Currently, the forestry, information and telecommunications clusters are the most important for the Finnish economy, providing the bulk of exports. Pulp and paper and woodworking companies of the forest cluster are implementing a global development strategy, actively acquiring companies from abroad, and have one of the highest levels of labor productivity in the industry both domestically and in the world. Other examples of the most well-known cluster-type systems are the cooperation of companies: in the field of computer technology and information technology in Silicon Valley (USA); in the field of communications and telecommunications in Helsinki; in the field of film production in Hollywood (USA); cluster "Bio Valley", located at the junction of the borders of France, Germany and Switzerland. The state policy in the field of formation and development of clusters is determined by national characteristics and can take the form of:

12 specific policies with a well-defined strategy and allocated budget, which may cover a number of industrial sectors; policies focused on certain aspects of cluster development, for example, interaction between business and research organizations or business and government; development. policy as a component of other economic strategies Foreign experience indicates a wide variety of government organizations supporting clusters (Table 2) Analysis of foreign practice of creating clusters Table 2 Country Forms of support / implementation USA National Competitiveness Council, Cooperation Institutions Strategic Partnership Program for Economic Development Germany Federal programs in the Länder Italy Industrial Regions France Territorial Development Authority National Planning Agency Finland National Industrial Strategy United Kingdom Technology Foresight Program China National Development and Reform Commission Canada Regional Development Agency National Research Council (Cluster Strategy) Japan Central Organization for Sustainability and Promotion of Development industrial clusters Austria Innovation and Research Program (TIP) India Austrian Business Agency National Scientific and Technological Development Program Analysis of foreign experience in cluster formation shows that there are two main models (Table 3) within which cluster policy is implemented - liberal and dirigiste.

13 The main principle of the liberal model is that the cluster is a market organism, the role of the state is quite minimal, and comes down only to removing obstacles to its natural development and does not involve direct state intervention. In countries with a dirigiste policy, the state plays a more active role in the process of cluster formation. This policy includes a set of measures from the selection of priority areas and financing of programs for the development of regional clusters to the targeted creation of key factors for their successful development. Thus, representatives of the conductor's direction independently choose a region to create a cluster, purposefully create an infrastructure for priority clusters, and also determine the amount of its funding. Table 3 Cluster Policy Models Country Model Characteristics Dirigiste Liberal Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sweden, France, Finland and Slovenia USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada An active state (federal) cluster development policy plays an important role The cluster is considered as a market organism. The role of the federal authorities is to remove barriers to its natural development. There are three differences between the dirigiste model of cluster policy and the classical liberal one: 1. Choice of priorities. Conductors at the state level choose industry and regional priorities and those clusters that they intend to develop. Liberal cluster policy grows clusters that were originally formed by the market.

14 2. Development of infrastructure. Conductors purposefully create infrastructure for priority clusters: universities, research institutes, airports, roads. In countries with liberal cluster policies, governments, on the other hand, rarely participate in creating the infrastructure for clusters. 3. Selecting the region where the cluster is being created. Conductors independently choose the region to create a cluster, and also determine the amount of funding. The liberals, on the other hand, create incentives for the regional authorities, who bear full responsibility for the cluster being created. The course towards the formation of clusters in the Russian economy was taken in 2005. It is from this period that the topic of creating clusters has become one of the main directions of federal and regional programs of socio-economic development. In the last ten to fifteen years, the formation of clusters has become an important part of the state policy in the field of regional development in many countries of the world. In the Russian Government, cluster policy is also considered as one of the 11 “key investment initiatives”, along with the creation of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs, the Russian Venture Company, special economic zones, a new program to create technology parks and other initiatives that are tools for diversification Russian economy. In the Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015, one of the tasks of modernizing the economy is stimulating demand for innovation and the results of scientific research, creating conditions and prerequisites for the formation of sustainable scientific and production cooperation ties, innovation networks and clusters. The Concept for the Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020 notes that the success of the implementation

15 of the innovative scenario of the country's development will depend on the ability of state authorities to provide conditions for further improvement of the institutional environment and the formation of institutional structures inherent in a post-industrial society. These conditions include support for cluster initiatives aimed at achieving effective cooperation between organizations - suppliers of equipment and components, specialized production and services, research and educational organizations within the territorial production clusters. Thus, the state cluster policy that is being formed in Russia uses the tools of both the liberal and dirigiste models, i.e. a “mixed” model is used, which, on the one hand, assumes the active role of the regions themselves and regional companies in the formation of clusters, and, on the other hand, support for cluster initiatives from the federal authorities. But, despite the active state policy for the development of clusters, in Russia there are a number of factors that hinder the formation and development of clusters: - poor quality of business management, lack of orientation of many enterprises to the international market; - a weak level of development of territorial cooperative structures, which, as a rule, cannot independently cope with the task of developing and implementing priorities for promoting the interests of regional business; - an insufficient level of planned decisions on territorial economic development; - long horizons for achieving the expected results, since the real benefits from the creation of clusters appear only after 5-10 years. In general, based on the experience of foreign countries, we can say that the cluster can be represented as a point of growth, as the core of an innovation-oriented economy. And an economy in which clusters are given

16 the main role, has every chance of becoming competitive and, importantly, investment attractive. The regional cluster acts as a tool, stimulates the development of the region, creates a special favorable environment for the development of small, medium and large businesses and has a multiplier effect that not only has a positive impact on the development of industry, but also helps to improve the level and quality of life of the population of the region, which will allow Russia to strengthen its competitive position in world markets. 1.3 The role of innovation and technology clusters as an institutional form of development of the economy of the industrial sector The high level of the country's competitiveness in the world market today is called the main source of sustainable economic growth. Since the current success of the country is increasingly determined by the renewal of technologies, the development of new market niches and organizational innovations, the basis for increasing the competitiveness of the state is the high innovative activity of business. Today, for Russia, the issues of innovative development are more relevant than ever. This topic is in constant focus of attention of the political leadership of the country. The implementation of the state innovation policy will significantly affect how and at what pace Russia will move from countries “catching up” to the category of countries of global innovation leaders, at least in several positions capable of generating significant and sustainable income from high-tech exports. Russia is facing a challenge related to the strengthening of the role of innovation in socio-economic development. The National Innovation System (NIS) is a set of legislative, structural and functional components that ensure the development of innovation activity in the country. There are quite a few definitions of NIS. As part of solving the problems of this

For this study, the concept of NIS is sufficient as a system that transforms knowledge into new technologies, products and services that are consumed in national or global markets. The decisive role in the functioning of the NIS is played by the state, which determines the rules for the functioning and interaction of participants in the innovation process through the formation of a regulatory environment. In addition to the state, the NIS includes the actual subjects of innovative activity - organizations and individuals involved in the creation and promotion of an innovative product, and infrastructure facilities - organizations that contribute to the implementation of innovative activities. The composition and system of relations of the NIS are shown in Fig. 1. Political and legal environment National innovation system Innovation activity Technological sphere Infrastructure of the NIS Innovation Subjects of innovation 1. The composition of the NIS and the system of links of innovative activity As follows from the definition of the NIS, the main result of its functioning is an increase in the volume of production of science-intensive products. Achieving almost all the goals formulated in the latest materials of the Government (doubling the GDP, raising the standard of living of the population, etc.) ultimately boils down to how efficiently production will be organized. Therefore, the main goal of analyzing the functioning of the NIS and the innovation infrastructure is

18 definition of measures that stimulate the growth of sales of science-intensive products of Russian enterprises. At present, the dynamic development of the economy largely depends on its ability to introduce and master advanced technologies, new markets, generate knowledge and human capital. This is especially true for Russia. In the context of globalization, it is impossible to make a scientific, technological, informational breakthrough and at the same time remain aloof from ongoing processes. Technological cluster as an organizational and institutional form of development of innovations in industry is a set of enterprises located in the same limited area and connected by industrial relations. The main idea of ​​cluster formation is to create conditions for the re-equipment of the high-processing industry (development of new generation devices, mechanical engineering, new materials, polymers, ultrapure materials, nanotechnologies) and thereby preparing comprehensive production and technological packages for profitable investment. Such decisions, which form the basis of investment projects, are a condition for the formation in Russia for the first time of a zone of profitable financial investments outside the resource-extracting sector of industry, in accordance with the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the mission of Russian industry. The construction of a cluster is associated with the need to unite, within one special zone, production business projects in a specific technological area, fundamental developments and modern systems for designing new products and preparing for the production of these products. Clusters can be classified into several types:

19 Technological re-reproduction and re-development of some existing infrastructure platform based on fundamentally new technological solutions for the next techno-industrial and socio-cultural order. The main advantage of this cluster is due to the fact that it is formed around a system of guaranteed consumption of products. It is worth including fundamentally new materials in the design of infrastructure units and now the manufacturers of this range will have a guaranteed consumer. The main difficulty in the formation of this cluster lies in the docking, organization and aggregation of different technological solutions so that the re-equipped infrastructure would function stably. The next type of cluster is associated with the creation of infrastructures that do not currently exist on the basis of fundamentally new physical principles and effects. For example, such a new infrastructure could be the launch of a constellation of satellites of different sizes of large satellites, small satellites, nanosatellites, which provide the creation of multi-level surveillance systems. The main advantage in the formation of this cluster is that it does not need to fit into existing production systems. It is formed in a new free space. The main disadvantage of this cluster is that it is never possible to calculate the guaranteed demand for the products of this cluster in advance. Therefore, the formation of this cluster can only be carried out under serious guarantees from the state. The third type of cluster should be called ultrastructural (as opposed to infrastructural), meta-industrial cluster. On its basis, an industry is being created to transform existing types of industry. The industry for the re-equipment of existing industry is what we call meta-industry. A typical type of ultrastructural meta-industrial cluster can be a nanoelectronic cluster. The main advantage of this cluster is

20 opportunities to form around a new class of advanced technology a whole bunch of enterprises in which it will be implemented. The main difficulty in building this cluster lies in the most complex system of coordination of scientific and technological, financial and organizational and industrial and production decisions. The fourth type of cluster can be called the “frontier technology platform borrowing” cluster. Progress towards the formation of a new techno-industrial order involves the creation of conditions for the development of technologies that form the cutting edge of technological development in the world today. Therefore, the borrowing and remastering of advanced technological platforms in the system of Russian industry is a prerequisite for its competitiveness. In this case, we are not talking about the simple development of technological lines that produce finished products. The task is to propose the next step in the development of this technological platform based on the connection to the analysis of technological solutions embedded in this platform of fundamental practice-oriented science. The advantage of building this cluster is that it is based on import-substituting technologies. The operation and use of these technologies involves entering the domestic market and offering lower prices for the production of products already mastered by the consumer. The main difficulties in the formation of this cluster are associated primarily with the domestic culture of industrial and production labor. Very often, the cost and production costs on a borrowed technological platform are higher than on similar foreign productions. There are such types of clusters as innovative, industrial, regional, transnational, etc. Researchers define the essence of cluster associations in different ways. Some single out geographic concentration as the main characteristic of a cluster, others industry affiliation, and others innovative orientation. According to our

According to the opinion, it is innovation orientation that becomes the main characteristic of modern clusters, since it determines their competitiveness. An innovation cluster is an association of various organizations that allows you to take advantage of the intra-company hierarchy and market mechanism, which makes it possible to distribute new knowledge, scientific discoveries and inventions more quickly and efficiently. The difference between an innovation cluster and other forms of economic associations is that the cluster companies do not go for a complete merger, but create an interaction mechanism that allows them to maintain the status of a legal entity and at the same time cooperate with other enterprises that form the cluster and beyond. Clusters form a complex combination of competition and cooperation, especially in innovation processes. The sustainable development of innovation clusters to a decisive extent depends on access to advanced sources of scientific knowledge and modern technologies, as well as on the possibility of concentrating significant amounts of financial resources. The presence of a developed infrastructure of intellectual and financial capital plays a decisive role in the process of innovative orientation of the cluster. Innovative clusters become a kind of "platform" on which the continuous interaction of financial and intellectual capital takes place. The innovation cluster includes the entire innovation chain from the generation of scientific knowledge and the formation of business ideas based on it to the sale of commercial products in traditional or new markets. There are centers for generating innovations of one kind or another in any cluster, and therefore any cluster has one degree or another of innovation. The formation of innovative clusters synthesizes the synergy effect arising from the universal standardization of products. At the same time, all cluster members receive additional competitive advantages.

22 influenced by the combined effects of scale, coverage and synergies. The success of innovation, like any other, is largely determined by the forms of its organization and methods of financial support. As new scientific developments and technologies become fundamental components of the national power of the state, countries with market economies find a variety of opportunities to support and develop innovation. At the same time, the variety of methods for financing innovation activity and the range of measures to indirectly support innovation are expanding. 1.4 Institutional forms of state regulation of the development of productive forces Institutional forms are patterns, methods, rules, and norms of behavior determined by specific socio-economic and technological conditions for the existence of society, which regulate the order of social interaction in society. These are specific formal and informal ways of fixing the norms that regulate people's behavior. The former include the constitution, legislative acts, rules, instructions, including the norms governing property relations, the latter include traditions, customs, and rituals. They determine the status, scope, nature, measure of responsibility for non-compliance with the norms. On the content side, institutional forms are patterns, methods, rules, norms of behavior that regulate the order of social interaction in society due to specific material, technological, socio-economic conditions of the environment. The institutional form does not exist by itself, it is an element of a structured system of social relations. Even being relatively independent, it draws the very condition of its existence from the existence of other institutional forms.

23 The stage of modernization, the formation of an industrial society, the transition from the dominance of the natural to the economic way of managing is associated with the complication of the structure of the jointly divided human activity, the growth of its individualization in all areas. And this requires the intervention of the state in order to avoid various incidents and the emergence of problems between the interaction of various institutional forms. The state of a country's economy depends on the level of development of its productive forces. The level of productive forces determines the dynamics of the growth of national wealth and the productivity of social labor. Productive forces are a system of personal and material factors of production in their interaction, the functional purpose of which is to transform the substance and forces of nature to meet the needs of mankind. The level of development of productive forces expresses the degree of knowledge and mastery of the laws of nature, is the most important indicator of social progress. Productive forces are a self-developing system in which in the course of a person's labor activity there is an impact on the object of labor, its transformation. Accordingly, a person with his intellect, psycho-physiological qualities, professional knowledge and skills, experience, attitude to work, value orientations, etc. is the main element of this system, the main productive force of society, and the most important source of innovation in the company is its own personnel. All employees of the company should be considered as sources of innovation, because they are the ones who are best versed in the features of the respective business. In the words of Steve Jobs, “Innovation does not depend on how many dollars you invest in research and development. When Apple entered the market with Macs, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on them. It's not about the money. It's about your people, how you manage them and how much you understand.

24 Issues of innovative development are relevant for Russia today more than ever. They are under close attention of the political leadership of the country. Russia is facing a challenge related to the strengthening of the role of innovation in socio-economic development. The implementation of the state innovation policy will mainly affect the pace and how Russia will move from the countries “catching up” to the category of countries of global innovation leaders. To begin with, it must be produced in several positions capable of generating substantial and sustainable income from high-tech exports. In the near future, most of the technologies used in all spheres of the economy and human activity in general should be sufficiently updated based on modern advances in bio-, nano- and IT technologies. It should be noted that Russia's position here is not very strong yet, but by 2020 Russia should take a leading position, as stated in the Order of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r. In red. Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation from N 1121-r. “Economics and Leadership”: “by 2020, Russia can take a significant place (5 10 percent) in the markets of high-tech goods and intellectual services in 5 7 or more sectors. Conditions will be created for the mass emergence of new innovative companies in all sectors of the economy, and primarily in the field of the knowledge economy. Thus, the proportion of organizations implementing technological innovations in our country is 5 times lower than in the OECD countries. The persistence of this situation may lead to a deepening of the technological, and subsequently economic and social gap with developed countries. But in the event of a change in trends, due to the scientific and technological backlog accumulated in Soviet times and the presence of strong scientific schools, Russia can become a leader in a number of important technological areas. Increasing innovation and modernization of the Russian economy is possible under the condition of the closest possible cooperation between the state, science and business, and

The implementation of the tasks set largely depends on the activity of the latter. In this regard, one of the key directions of state policy is a sharp increase in the innovative activity of business both in the direction of modernizing technological processes and bringing to the market fundamentally new products that are competitive in the world market. It is necessary to develop an environment conducive to innovation. Business should function in such conditions when constant innovations become an integral element of civilized competition between companies, when it is precisely innovation-active companies that receive long-term advantages in the market, and in this regard, their owners are interested in effective innovations. An important role in the process of increasing the susceptibility of the economy to innovations will be played by large companies with state participation, which are one of the most important structural elements of the Russian economy, accounting for more than 20% of the country's GDP. The transition of these companies to the implementation of an active innovation policy will significantly increase innovation activity, expand the demand for innovation, and generate significant progressive technological changes in the Russian economy. These companies represent the key sectors of the Russian industry, while often occupying a dominant position in them, their innovative development in the medium term can have a significant impact on the relevant industries and the Russian economy as a whole. The main idea of ​​cluster formation is to create conditions for the re-equipment of the high-processing industry (development of new generation devices, mechanical engineering, new materials, polymers, ultrapure materials, nanotechnologies) and thereby preparing comprehensive production and technological packages for profitable

26 investment investments. Such decisions, which form the basis of investment projects, are a condition for the formation in Russia for the first time of a zone of profitable financial investments outside the resource-extracting sector of industry, in accordance with the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the mission of Russian industry. The formation of complex technological solutions is a key advantage of the cluster, which provides the translation of knowledge about new physical principles and effects obtained in the laboratories of the country's academic institutions into industrial production technologies, as well as into the technological know-how of devices and instrumental systems of a new class for various industries. In his article “Russian competitiveness: where are we?” Michael Porter identifies several functions that clusters perform in the economic development of any country: “clusters are critical engines in the economic structure of the national and regional economy. The prosperity of the region depends on significant positions in a certain number of competitive clusters; clusters can define fundamental challenges in national or regional business environments: clusters are highly correlated with the nature of competition and microeconomic factors that affect competitive advantage; clusters provide a new way of thinking in the field of economics and efforts to develop its organization. Thus, the cluster forces to reconsider the roles of the private sector, government, trade associations, educational and research institutions in economic development, as well as to identify common opportunities, and not just common problems of firms and companies of all forms of ownership. Conclusion. The promising sixth technological order will lead the economy to even greater intellectualization of production and the transition to a continuous innovation process in most industries. Advances in technology

27 information processing, telecommunications systems, financial technologies will entail further globalization of the economy, the formation of a single world market for goods, capital, labor. In this regard, there is a need to develop a high-tech manufacturing industry that can ensure the competitiveness of the Russian economy in international markets, as well as create prerequisites for long-term economic growth. Despite the fact that in recent years there has been an increase in innovative activity, the share of organizations implementing technological innovations is still 5 times lower than in OECD countries. The persistence of this situation may lead to a deepening of the technological, and subsequently economic and social gap with developed countries. Increasing the innovative and technological potential of manufacturing and modernizing the Russian economy is possible under the condition of the closest possible cooperation between the state, science and business, and the implementation of the tasks set largely depends on the activity of the latter. In this regard, one of the key directions of the state economic policy should be strengthening the relationship between the state, science and business in potentially high-tech industries. Such a policy involves the formation of innovative clusters, which are centers for generating innovations and contributing to the modernization of technological processes, as well as the introduction to the market of fundamentally new products that are competitive both in the domestic and global markets. Literature: 1. Dane Ya. What phase of the Kondratieff cycle are we in? // Questions of Economics, 1992, 10, p.

28 2. Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V. Philosophy of historical forecasting: rhythms of history and prospects for world development in the first half of the 21st century. Dubna: Phoenix+, p. 3. Kapitsa S.P., Kurdyumov S.P., Malinetskii G.G. Synergetics and forecasts of the future. Moscow: Editorial URSS, p. 4. Makhov S.A. Sustainable Development from the Position of the Technological Imperative // ​​In Sat. Synergetics: The Future of the World and Russia, s / Ed. G.G. Malinetsky M.: LKI Publishing House, p. 5. ScheprovS. V., An outstanding revolutionary N. E. Fedoseev, M., Industry of Russia: Statistical collection M., Glazyev S.Yu. Theory of long-term technical and economic development. М.: VlaDar, Fetisov G. The future of the Russian economy: export of raw materials, diversification or high technologies? VI International Kondratiev Conference "Does Russia have a non-resource future?". Reports and speeches of the conference participants and reports of the laureates of the V International Competition for the N.D. Kondratieva M.: Institute of Economics RAS, Akaev A.A., Mikhailushkin A.I., Sokolov V.N., Sarygulov A.I. Investments and economic scenarios of innovative and technological development of the Russian Federation based on logistic models / In the book "Forecast of innovative and technological development of Russia for the period up to 2030". Moscow: MISK, s Economic security. Editor-in-chief V.K. Senchagov. M.: "Finance" Novitsky N.A. Chapter 11. Indicators of investment and innovation security. 11. Abstracts of the State program of the Russian Federation "Industrial development and increasing its competitiveness"

The main directions of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the innovation system for the period up to 2010 (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2005 N 2473p-P7) I. General provisions 1. Main directions

CLUSTERS AS A FORM OF INTEGRATION OF INVESTMENT RESOURCES LN Rodionova, RF Khairullin. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University In this article, the authors describe the main limitations for

Topic 8. Forecasting and strategic planning of economic growth and structural dynamics. Questions 1. Economic growth and structural shifts as objects of macroeconomic planning and forecasting

Gelmanova Z.S., Candidate of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of "Management and Business" Karaganda State Industrial University, Republic of Kazakhstan Biryukov V.V., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Economics

UDC 338.22 Boris O.A., Samoilenko Ya.Yu. INTERESTS OF SMALL BUSINESS IN THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY North Caucasian Federal University In this report, the role of small business

K. e. n., prof. Vorobyov Vadim Petrovich Ph.D. n. Lipatnikov Vitaly Sergeevich INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON THE CLUSTER APPROACH Continuous and regular interaction is necessary to boost the country's economy

DIRECTION OF THE STATE SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEM OF RUSSIA N.F. Chebotarev, Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Financial University under the Government

Yu.N. Nesterenko SYSTEM OF OPEN INNOVATION: CONDITIONS AND WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS In the modern economy, under the influence of such objective processes as globalization, informatization, dematerialization,

G.S. SAKTAGANOVA CLUSTERS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMY Current trends in modern economic development put science and technology in the forefront as one of the most effective and efficient resources

EXPLANATORY NOTE to the draft Concept of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020" In 2010

National Research Tomsk State University Topic: "The system of monitoring and forecasting the socio-economic and technological development of the state as a section of innovation management"

Lipina Svetlana Arturovna, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Research Laboratory of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

1 23. Institutional economic theory. 24. Theory of property rights. Historical evolution of forms of ownership. 25. Theory of transaction costs. Transaction costs: essence and classification.


On the Road to the Future Socio-economic Aspects of Innovative Development of the State The innovative sector of the world economy, especially in the sphere of high technologies, is becoming global in its content.

INNOVATIVE TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS AND INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT V.A. Sheremetiev In economic theory, two main types of development of economic systems are distinguished: extensive and intensive.

IMPROVEMENT OF THE MECHANISM FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL POLICY Maslova SI, Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva Each historical stage of the development of the country involves the development


From the city of kurgan GOVERNMENT OF THE KURGAN REGION ORDER On the draft law of the Kurgan region "On cluster policy in the Kurgan region" In accordance with Article 96 of the Charter of the Kurgan region: 1. Approve


Designing regional innovation systems in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: regional and national levels. INSTITUTE OF REGIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS Institute of Regional Innovation Systems

State innovation policy: basic principles and priorities N.Ye. Bondarenko, I.P. Komarova The article considers the role of the state in the conditions of the formation of an innovative economy, identifies common

Innovation policy as the basis for the modernization of the national economy Sidneva Zh.K., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, National University of Food Technologies, Kiev

Belokrylova O.S. Factors, indicators and mechanisms of innovative development of the region

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION No. 1217-r dated July 3 1. Approve the attached action plan ("road map") "Introduction of modern materials in industries" for the period up to 2018 (plan).

Topic 1 1. Prerequisites for modernization and transition to an innovative economy Brief analytical review of the state and prospects of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus 1. Prerequisites for modernization and transition

UDC 336.5:001.895(470) Pivovarova N.V. Orenburg State University E-mail: [email protected] State programs of the Russian Federation as a tool for innovative development In the article

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION REGULATION No. 1632-r of July 28, 2017 MOSCOW Approve the attached program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". Chairman of the Government of the Russian

Theory of growth poles Theories of regional economy in "Innovation management" Group of theories - Structurization and effective organization of economic space Founder of the theory of growth poles

Vaganova O.V. PhD in Economics (Belgorod State University, Belgorod) STATE AND PROBLEMS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY The innovative state of each country is different

Law of St. Petersburg DRAFT "On innovation activities in St. Petersburg" This law applies to innovation activities in St. Petersburg, the formation and implementation of innovation policy

ABOUT THE INFRASTRUCTURAL APPROACH OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Kamieva Almagul Akbolatovna Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, First Vice-Rector of the University of Kazakhstan

ORDER of the Government of Russia dated July 03, 1217-r 1. Approve the attached action plan ("road map") "Implementation of innovative materials in industries" for the period up to 2018 (plan). 2. Managers

Dan. Lenchuk E.B. (Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences) XXVI Kondratieff Readings “The Spatial Potential of Russia’s Development: Unlearned Lessons and Tasks for the Future” November 22, 2018

But heads are still needed goals and objectives of forecasting the training of highly qualified personnel for high-tech industries at the present stage. A characteristic feature of the world economy in

Alimbaev A.A.*, Ismailova R.A. ** * Research Institute of Regional Development, Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda ** Kazakh University of Economics, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL

FORMATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGICAL MODES AS A FACTOR OF SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Sapelkin Evgeny Petrovich Institute of Business and Technology Management Belarusian State University Minsk, Republic

Babkin P.Yu. Surkova T.V. Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Eremeeva M.A. student On the question of ways to invest industrial clusters in the Russian Federation At the beginning of the 21st century, Russia began the initial stage of development in accordance

Rails to the future cluster transformation of the economic system of Ukraine based on logistical innovative development priorities Integration of the Ukrainian economy with the world needs to develop a model


UDC 330.342.24 Bolshakova Diana 4th year student Northern Arctic Federal University Russia, Arkhangelsk KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY AND MODEL OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA The term "knowledge economy"

INNOVATIVE RUSSIA - 2020 Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation O.V. Fomichev MOSCOW, OCTOBER 2011 THE PLACE OF STRATEGY IN THE SYSTEM OF STRATEGIC PLANNING CRA other strategies

I.N. Berezin, 2012. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg moy_and [email protected] FORMATION OF INNOVATIVE INFRASTRUCTURES IN MODERN

Proceedings of the ISA RAS 2009. V. 49 Innovative development in a crisis Innovative development in a crisis M. A. Kuryatnikova In a crisis, to ensure sustainable development of the economy, one of


Specialty code: 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy Specialty formula: Within the framework of this specialty, economic systems, their genesis, formation, development, forecasting are studied.

Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System IMPORT SUBSTITUTION: BORDERS OF ENERGY SECURITY N.N. Shvets Deputy Chairman of the Board, Doctor of Economics Increasing Threats to Infrastructure



UDC 332.122 (470.21) : 330.142.211.2 (045) Analysis of the dynamics of technological development in the Murmansk region V.A. Zuckerman, S.A. Berezikov Institute for Economic Problems KSC RAS, Apatity Abstract. In the article

1 Strategy of the building materials industry for the period up to 2020 and beyond until 2030 Moscow, 2016 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 868-r dated 10.05.2016 Ministry of Industry and Trade

IB Khmelev Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Moscow, Russia Industrial policy as a factor in the modernization of the Russian economy. The report substantiates the need


1 2014 Support for the regional economy / “green” economy

"APPROVED" Director of IREI, Doctor of Economics, prof. P.I.Burak 2011 LIST OF QUESTIONS OF THE CANDIDATE EXAM in the specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy" (specialization in economics, organization

Working group on the development of scientific potential, innovations and reindustrialization of the economy Moderator: Alekseenko Sergey Vladimirovich Co-moderator: Sobolev Anatoly Konstantinovich February 2, 2018

Abramov Valery, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Analysis of the most important factors of scientific and technological development in the context of civilizational cycles. State contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2011 13.521.12.1009.


PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF THE REGION L.А. Kudabaeva, Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulaty, Taraz

As a manuscript


Methodological foundations of strategic analysis



Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy

(economics, organization and management of enterprises,

industries, complexes: industry)

dissertations for a degree

Candidate of Economic Sciences

St. Petersburg-2011

The work was carried out at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance".

Scientific adviser - doctor of economic sciences, professor

Rokhchin Vladimir Efimovich

Official opponents: Doctor of Economics, Professor

Uvarov Sergey Alekseevich

doctor of economic sciences, professor

Kibitkin Andrey Ivanovich

Lead organization: Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Institute for Regional Economic Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

The defense of the dissertation will take place "____" _______ 2011 at ___ hours at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.237.10 at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance" at the address: 191023, St. Petersburg , st. Sadovaya, 21, room ______.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance".

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council E.V. Pesotskaya

  1. general description of work

Relevance of the research topic. Russia is a country of cities, where about 75% of the country's population lives, about 76% of fixed assets are concentrated, most of the industrial enterprises, scientific and educational centers. In the economy of the vast majority of Russian cities back in the Soviet period, the leading place was occupied by material production, and in it - the industrial sector of the economy. The objective needs of the country's economic development dictated the need to place predominantly industrial specialization sectors in cities, as a result of which, even in the post-Soviet period, the economic development of Russian cities is most closely determined by the state of the industrial sector of their economy.

The solution of the task of modernizing the economy of Russia, its cities, set by the political leadership of the country, objectively increased the need to use the methodology of strategic management of economic development. Moreover, the development of the industrial sector of the economy of most Russian cities can be considered as a relatively independent object of strategic management, since the industrial enterprises of the city form a set of interrelated objects, which, even if they do not constitute a single production and technological chain along the line of mutual supply of products, closely interact as competing business entities in terms of consumption of the same territorially limited resources - labor, energy, raw materials, utilities, etc. In addition, urban industry enterprises have a decisive influence on such parameters of economic development as the revenue side of the city budget and the urban balance of financial resources, the environmental situation, the state of employment, the level of development of the social and domestic sphere, etc.

The content of the strategic management of the development of urban industry can be revealed through the functions that implement it, among which strategic analysis occupies an important place. Within its framework, a set of tasks united by a common goal is solved - from various kinds of data, sometimes contradictory and disparate, reflecting individual phenomena, facts, hypotheses, analytical developments, to compile a holistic description of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy - to assess the results of development, to identify and evaluate its inherent trends, identify and analyze the influence of the main factors of internal and external nature that determined the results of the development of urban industry.

Currently, the practical implementation of work on the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the urban economy is hindered due to the lack of appropriate methodological and instructive materials intended for use, first of all, by city management, whose task is to regulate the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy. As a result, the analytical work carried out in the considered area of ​​the development of the urban economy is not comprehensive, does not consider many aspects of the problem, and often does not have a strategic character at all, because they do not study the influence of the external environment on the development of urban industry. In general, we can talk about the underestimation of the importance of work on the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy by municipal and regional management, meanwhile, it is at this, to a certain extent, key stage of management work that the prerequisites for the emergence of future strategic errors in the development of the often structure-forming city economy branch of the economy are laid. Therefore, studies aimed at creating scientific tools for strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy are relevant.

The consideration of the essential characteristics of the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, the development of methodological proposals for its implementation, the substantiation of methodological and conceptual proposals for determining strategic priorities and goals for the development of urban industry with the help of the proposed tools gives this work additional relevance.

The degree of knowledge of the problem. The problem of strategic analysis of the economic development of regions is reflected in the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists V.N. Andreeva, V.A. Gnevko, A.G. Granberg, I.A. Kovaleva, O.V. Kolomiichenko, D.S. Lvov, M. Porter, V.E. Rokhchina, V.S. Selina, J. Schumpeter and others, the results of which served as the basis for research in the field of scientific support for the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the economy of Russian cities.

Separate theoretical, methodological and methodological aspects of the strategic analysis of the development of the city's economy and its industrial sector are considered in the works of Yu.S. Popkova, V.I. Resina (using a systematic approach in the analysis of the economic development of the city), L.V. Ivanovsky, A.E. Karlika, A.E. Polovinkina, E.M. Rogovoi, A.A. Rumyantseva, Yu.V. Yakishina (structural restructuring of the city's economy), S.F. Zhilkina, B.S. Zhikharevich, K.N. Znamenskaya (analysis in the strategic planning of the economic development of the city), V.E. Kerimov. A.N. Petrova, A.N. Khorin (organization and technology of strategic analysis of the development of industrial enterprises), etc.

At the same time, we have to admit that today there is no comprehensive scientific support for the strategic analysis of the development of urban industry, which, in turn, hinders the creation of methodological materials necessary for practice. Among the priority tasks, the solution of which, in our opinion, will open the way to the development of methodological recommendations for the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, one should point to the study of the specific features of the development of urban industry as an object of strategic analysis, the definition of the essence, basic principles and stages of analytical work. , clarification of the list of the main tasks of the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial component of the city's economy and their meaningful interpretation.

Object of study are the processes of strategic development of the industrial sector of the economy of the Russian city.

Subject of study constitutes a set of methodological, methodological and applied problems related to the implementation of a strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy.

The aim of the dissertation research is development of methodological, methodological and applied problems in the field of strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy in modern political and economic conditions. To achieve this goal, the dissertation solves the following tasks:

  • justify the expediency of considering the development of the industrial sector of the urban economy as an object of strategic analysis;
  • explore the essential characteristics of the strategic analysis of urban industry development;
  • substantiate the main stages and directions of the strategic analysis of urban industrial development;
  • determine the composition and give a meaningful interpretation of the main tasks of the strategic analysis of the development of urban industry, identify and meaningfully reveal the key problems of scientific and methodological support for their solution;
  • to develop methodological proposals for the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, within which to propose a systematic list of the main indicators of a comprehensive analysis of the starting conditions for the strategic development of the city's industry; determine the composition of the main factors of the strategic development of urban industrial potential and indicators of their assessment; substantiate the main directions of the analysis of the system of strategic management of the industrial development of the city;
  • develop methodological proposals for using the results of analytical work in the strategic management of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, within which to substantiate the principal schemes for determining strategic priorities for the development of urban industry and the formation of goals for its development and restructuring;
  • using the developed methodological tools to substantiate the conceptual proposals on the strategic priorities for the development of industry in the largest city of the Russian Arctic - the city of Murmansk.

theoretical and m methodological basis of the dissertation research made up: modern theory of strategic management of economic development; theory of state and municipal management; fundamental research of domestic and foreign authors in the field of strategic analysis of regional economic development.

In the process of solving problems, the dialectical method was used, which predetermines the study of phenomena in their constant development and interconnection, methods of systemic and logical analysis, and scientific generalization.

The information basis of the dissertation compose regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, materials of the Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Murmansk region, materials from periodicals, the Internet, and the author's own research.

Field of study meets the requirements of the passport of the scientific specialty HAC: 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: industry)

The following scientific provisions are proposed for defense, which make up the conceptual idea of ​​the dissertation:

1. In modern political and economic conditions, when solving the problems of developing the industrial sector of the city's economy, methods of strategic management are objectively in demand, which necessitates giving the property of "strategicity" to the main functions of strategic management of the development of urban industry, including the function of analysis.

2. The development of the industrial sector of the urban economy is proposed to be considered as an object of strategic analysis, within the framework of which a set of analytical works is carried out aimed at assessing the results of the development of urban industry, determining current trends and identifying development problems in the considered area of ​​the urban economy in a strategic perspective.

3. The development of methodological aspects and methodological proposals for the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy will contribute, firstly, to the preparation of methodological recommendations for conducting analytical work in this area; secondly, the development of guidelines for using the results of analytical work in the field of strategic management of the development of urban industry; thirdly, for the formation of scientifically based strategic priorities and goals for the industrial development of the city, the adoption of effective management decisions for their implementation

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research is determined by the following results of a methodological, methodological and applied nature:

  • the main conditions for the modernization of the industrial production that has developed in Russian cities are determined - strengthening the role of state regulation based on political will to radically change the negative trends in the development of the industrial sector of the economy of Russian cities, and using the methodology of strategic management of industrial development; the objective necessity of considering the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy as an object of strategic analysis has been clarified.
  • the essence of the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy is determined as a function of the strategic management of urban industrial development, as the initial stage of its scientific knowledge, which consists, firstly, in studying the practical experience of analytical work on strategic analysis and evaluation of the main results, trends and problems of the industrial development of the city ; secondly, in the development of methodological foundations for the strategic analysis of the development of urban industry, within which the main economic patterns of development should be determined, a conceptual apparatus of analysis, principles for conducting analytical work; thirdly, in the development of methodological proposals for the performance of work related to the strategic analysis of the development of the city's industry. The main scientific principles of carrying out analytical work - purposefulness, consistency, complexity, efficiency; the composition is defined and a meaningful interpretation of the main tasks of the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy is presented, the main problems of scientific support for their solution are identified.
  • clarified the essence of the concept of "factor in the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy", which consists in the totality of the possibilities of regular, purposeful, staged, irreversible, successive changes in the development of urban industry; it is shown that as the main factors determining the results and nature of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, it is advisable to consider the industrial potential of the city and the system of strategic management of its development.
  • as part of the development of methodological proposals for the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, the following were determined: firstly, the main indicators of a comprehensive strategic analysis of the starting conditions for the industrial development of the city; secondly, the main factors of industrial development of the industrial potential of the city and indicators of their assessment; thirdly, the main directions of the strategic analysis of the urban industry development management system in the context of its element-by-element composition and proposals have been developed for a system of indicators for their assessment.
  • as part of the development of methodological proposals for using the results of strategic analysis in managing the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, firstly, the essence of the concept of "strategic priority for the development of urban industry" was revealed, which consists in the position of the subject formed on the basis of the results of a strategic analysis of the industrial development of the city and documented management of urban industrial development regarding the expediency of advancing development in the city of certain types of industrial production; the basic principles for the formation of strategic priorities for the development of urban industry - scientific character, partnership, resource security - are defined and meaningfully disclosed; the basic scheme of formation of strategic priorities of industrial development of the city is substantiated; secondly, a conceptual scheme has been developed for determining the strategic goals of development and restructuring of the city's industry.
  • using the developed scientific and methodological tools, the substantiation of conceptual proposals for innovative strategic priorities for the development of the industrial sector of the economy of the city of Murmansk was carried out.
  • in setting and justifying the purpose of the study, choosing the object and subject of the study, determining the totality of interrelated research tasks;
  • in clarifying the essential characteristics of the strategic analysis of urban industrial development;
  • in the development of a set of guidelines for conducting a strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the urban economy, guidelines for determining strategic priorities and goals for the development of urban industry, based on the results of analytical work;
  • in the substantiation of conceptual proposals on innovative strategic priorities for the industrial development of the largest city in the Russian Arctic - the city of Murmansk.

Practical significance of the research and approbation of the work. The results of the work can be used in the structures of regional and municipal management in solving the problems of strategic analysis of industrial development.

The results of the study have found practical application in the activities of the divisions of the economic block of the Administration of the Murmansk region and the city of Murmansk.

The dissertation materials are used when reading the courses "Enterprise Economics", "Strategic and Innovation Management" at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, "Regional Economics" at the State Polar Academy.

The main scientific results of the study were discussed at conferences and seminars, including: at the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Russia's Development Strategy and National Maritime Policy in the Arctic" (Murmansk, 2010); scientific and practical symposium "The Russian economy: prospects for post-crisis development" (St. Petersburg, 2010); interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the development of the northern territories of Russia: socio-economic aspect" (St. Petersburg, 2011), scientific and practical seminars of the Institute for Regional Economic Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, 2010, 2011), etc.

Publications. The provisions of the dissertation are reflected in 11 scientific publications with a total volume of 14.9 pp. (author's contribution - 9.8 pp), incl. in a publication recommended by the HAC.

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters of the main text, a conclusion, a list of references from 103 titles, contains 139 pages, including 7 figures.

In administered the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the purpose and objectives of the study are determined, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the conclusions and results of the work are disclosed.

IN Chapter 1 "Analysis in the system of strategic development management industrial sector of the city's economy" the expediency of considering the development of urban industry as an object of strategic analysis is substantiated, the essential characteristics of such an analysis and the basic principles, stages and directions of analytical work are clarified, a meaningful interpretation of the main tasks of strategic analysis of industrial development in the city and the problems of scientific support for their solution is presented.

In the second chapter "Methodological proposals for the strategic analysis of the development of industrial sectors of the city's economy» the main indicators of a comprehensive strategic analysis of the development of the city's industry have been developed; the composition of the factors of the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial potential of the city and the indicators of their assessment was determined; the key directions of the strategic analysis of the development of the urban industry management system are substantiated.

In the third chapter, "Methodological and conceptual proposals for using the results of strategic analysis in managing the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy," methodological recommendations are substantiated for solving a number of practically important tasks of strategic management, using the results of the above analytical work - determining strategic priorities for the development of urban industry and forming a system of strategic goals of development and restructuring of the industrial component of the city's economy. In the same section of the dissertation research, proposals on possible innovative priorities for the strategic industrial development of the city of Murmansk are substantiated.

IN imprisonment the main results of the dissertation work are formulated.


The expediency of considering the development of urban industry as an object of strategic analysis is substantiated.

The dissertation research examines the development of the industrial sector of the economy of Russian cities that have the status of an urban district or an urban settlement in a municipal district, and such development is understood as a complex process of changing the elements that make up the urban industry, leading to their qualitative transformations and, ultimately, to improving the quality of life townspeople.

The strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy is interpreted in the dissertation as a specific function of the strategic management of urban industrial development, which consists in carrying out a set of analytical works aimed at assessing the results of the development of urban industry, identifying current trends and problems in the development of the considered sphere of the city's economy; the system of basic scientific principles (purposefulness, consistency, complexity, efficiency) is revealed in a meaningful way, the requirements of which must be taken into account when conducting analytical work.

An important methodological problem of the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy, considered in the work, is the definition of the main stages (Fig. 1) and directions (Fig. 2) of analytical work.

Rice. 1. The main stages of strategic analysis

industrial development of the city

Rice. 2. Main areas of work on strategic analysis

urban industry development

The composition of the main tasks of the strategic analysis of urban industrial development has been developed.

The purpose and objectives of the strategic analysis of the development of urban industry follow from the principle of purposefulness of analytical work. The main goal of the analysis, according to the author, is to assess the results of industrial urban development, to determine the trends and problems that have developed here, due to the action of internal and external factors. Achieving this goal involves solving a number of tasks of strategic analysis (Fig. 3), the meaningful interpretation and problems of scientific support for the solution of which are presented in the dissertation research.

Methodological proposals for the strategic analysis of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy have been developed.

It is known from the general theory of systems that the results of their development depend mainly on the potential of the system and on the quality of management of this potential. In relation to our study, we are talking about the industrial potential of the city and the system for managing this potential, which are considered as the main factors determining the effectiveness and dynamics of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy. Therefore, it is proposed to consider the analysis and assessment of the industrial potential of the city and the system for managing its development as the leading areas of strategic analysis implemented at the stage of factor analysis of the development of urban industry.

Rice. 3. The composition of the main tasks of the strategic analysis of the starting conditions for the development of the industry of the city

The industrial potential of the city is interpreted by the author as an integral factor that characterizes the possibilities for the development of the industrial sector of its economy using the entire range of local resources, the features of the structure of the city's economy, its geographical location, etc. in the interests of improving the quality of life of citizens and solving problems arising from the adopted system of territorial division of labor. In the dissertation research, the composition of the main factors for the development of the industrial potential of the city was developed and meaningfully characterized (Fig. 4), a system of indicators for their quantitative assessment was proposed.

The system of strategic management of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy - the object of analytical research, is considered in the work as a set of object and subject of management, interacting on the basis of control action and feedback in order to provide certain quantitative and qualitative parameters that characterize the processes of change in the urban industry.

Structurally, such a system is presented in the work as a set of interrelated subsystems: target, functional, providing and object; the composition of the target subsystems is determined by the specific goals of the development of urban industry, the composition of the functional ones is determined by a set of key management functions (planning, organization, decision-making and implementation, communication, motivation, control); the composition of the supporting subsystems includes subsystems of legal, information and analytical, scientific, personnel, socio-psychological, financial support. At the same time, the function of strategic planning is proposed to include analysis, forecasting, goal setting, setting priorities, development strategies, formulating industrial policy and ways to achieve the set goals on time with given resource constraints, including the development of appropriate measures.

The elemental composition of the system of strategic management of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy (Fig. 5) and the content characteristics of the control mechanism that interacts between the subject and the object of management using the functions and methods of management act as the subject of analytical work. In the dissertation research, methodological proposals have been developed for the quantitative assessment of individual elements of the system of strategic management of industrial urban development.

Methodological proposals have been developed for using the results of strategic analysis in development management industrial sector of the economy cities.

In the dissertation research, the essence of the concept of "strategic priority for the development of the industry of the city" is defined as formed on the basis of the results of a strategic analysis of the industrial development of the city and documented position of the subject of strategic management of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy regarding the advisability of advancing the development of certain types of industrial production in the city. The main principles for assigning strategic priorities - scientific character, partnership, resource security - are defined and meaningfully disclosed; a schematic diagram of the formation of strategic priorities for the development of urban industry has been developed (Fig. 6).

Rice. 4. The composition of the main factors in the development of industrial

city ​​potential

Rice. 5. Composition of the strategic management system

the development of the city's industry

The strategic goal of the development of the industrial sector of the city's economy is interpreted in the work as a scientifically based, qualitatively and quantitatively determined predictable result, which is planned to be achieved at a particular point in time. The strategic nature of the goal is determined by taking into account external factors for the industrial sphere of the urban economy. At the same time, the qualitative characteristic of the goal is determined by the target setting, which is understood as a target set at the verbal level of urban industrial development. the required scientifically substantiated level of the final (desired) state of the urban industry. The paper substantiates the principal scheme for determining the general strategic goals for the development and restructuring of the city's industry (Fig. 7).

Conceptual proposals have been developed for possible innovative strategic priorities for the development of industry in the city of Murmansk.

The city of Murmansk is the administrative center of the Murmansk region and is distinguished by its unique economic and geographical potential; it is located on the coast of the ice-free Kola Bay, 50 km from the exit to the Barents Sea. The Northern Sea Route originates here - the only transport route that provides access to the natural resources of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East, transit from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

The practical implementation of the new state policy in the Arctic zone of Russia determines, in relation to the city of Murmansk, the largest Russian industrial center beyond the Arctic Circle, the search for possible innovative strategic priorities for the development of urban industry. In this regard, the paper proposes for subsequent detailed study such innovative poles of urban industrial development as the chemical industry, which uses oil and gas produced on the shelf as a feedstock. Based on it, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, the production of high-octane gasoline, plastics, etc. can be developed.

A significant increase in mining and the revival of the Northern Sea Route can serve as an impetus for the development of the production of machinery and equipment, shipbuilding and ship repair. In turn, the solution of the noted and related tasks can contribute to the further development of the electric power industry, the disposal of nuclear waste and other types of industrial production technologically linked to the identified potential poles of the city's industrial development.

Rice. 6. Schematic diagram of the formation of strategic

urban industry development priorities

Rice. 7. Conceptual scheme for determining the overall strategic goals of development and structural

industrial restructuring of the city


Economic sciences / 9. Economics of industry

Razvadovskaya Yu.V.

Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Russia

Increasing the economic potential of industries in the system of managing structural transformations of the economy of the industrial sector

The entry of the Russian economy into the post-industrial phase of development strengthens the requirements for the efficient use of available resources. This predetermines the need to form an economic potential that can not only ensure the production of the maximum amount of products, but also allow achieving progressive structural changes in the industrial sector for a long period of time. This is precisely the essence of the sustainable development of the industrial sector of the economy in the phase of the formation of a new technological order, characterized by the intensive development of equipment and technologies.

Achieving economic growth in industries, as well as the formation of positive structural changes in the technological component of the industrial sector, is possible in the development and implementation of industrial policy aimed at achieving economic independence of the industrial sector, based on the effective use of economic potential. The general direction of industrial policy should be the maximum technological renewal of the material and technical base, as well as the efficient use of existing production capacities.

Research by domestic economists in the field of determining the essence and significance of economic potential has made a significant contribution to understanding its content. However, despite the large number of works devoted to the definition of methodological approaches to the structure of the potential, the formation of economic and mathematical models for its determination, many methodological and theoretical problems in this area of ​​research have remained unresolved to date. The potential of the industrial sector is a multidimensional category and includes at least three components. The basic potential is an invariable part, in contrast to the economic potential, the targeted impact on which by the industrial policy can ensure the improvement of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics and the achievement of the parameters required at the moment. At the same time, the impact on the economic potential occurs through the process of transforming the legal, scientific and methodological, as well as investment and innovation base.

Table 1. Scheme of potentials of the industrial sector of the economy

Industry potential

Basic resource potential

Economic Development Potential

Potential for the transformation process

Economic and geographical position

Natural and climatic conditions

Demographic potential

Historical and cultural potential

Production potential

Technological potential

Labor potential

Potential for Regulatory Readiness for Change

Scientific and methodological readiness

Investment readiness

innovation readiness

The main goal of forming and improving the economic potential is the constant support of product quality at the level of competitiveness.

Recently, the processes of integration and globalization, as well as innovative processes in the world economy, which primarily predetermine qualitative structural changes in the industrial sector of the economy, have had a decisive influence on the structure of economic potential.

From this position, it is necessary to form such a structure of economic potential that contributes to the outstripping growth of the latest technologies, the growth of scientific achievements and new forms of production management in the conditions of the formation of a new technological order. Thus, industrial policy faces a complex and multifaceted task of forming an improved structure of the economic potential of the industrial sector, which, from our point of view, should be based on the priorities of industrial development, with the help of high technologies and new knowledge. Only on this basis will the industry be able to ensure the necessary rates of economic growth, economic security, improvement of the environmental and social situation, that is, the solution of those problems that have most acutely confronted in recent years.the Russian state.

From this it follows that the management of structural transformations should be aimed at creating economic relationships that ensure innovative neo-industrial development of the material and technical base. It is noted that “for the development of productive forces in line with neo-industrialization, based on effective technotronic technologies, effective incentives are needed, and they can only be internal, since they are provided and supported exclusively by internal reproduction, driven in the system of their own macroeconomic coordinates: target, labor , technological, costly, price, investment, competitive, etc.”

This approach determines the need for a transition to the formation of a modern material and technical base, which will contribute to a more efficient use of production resources per unit of time. This sets the task of involving the accumulated scientific and technical potential in the production process, which is a reserve for economic development and is able to provide the necessary growth rates.

It becomes important to choose the form of intensification of industrial production, of which there are two in modern economic literature. First of all, this is a capital-intensive form of intensification, which is based on the renewal of the active part of fixed assets. The fund-economical form involves the development of industrial production by improving the quality of the use of the existing production potential.

From the standpoint of the current economic difficulties, the fund-saving form of intensification is preferable, which does not require significant government investments.

However, the application of this form is limited to the current state of fixed assets of industry. Long years of market reforms, accompanied by financial difficulties, have significantly worsened the condition of the fixed capital of the industrial sector of the economy. Statistical analysis of indicators of the quality of fixed capital of industries shows that the level of depreciation of fixed assets in the extractive sector in 2010 is 45.9%, and in the manufacturing sector 41.1%. At the same time, the highest degree of wear and tear in the industries of production of vehicles and equipment 50.3% and the industry of production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment 45.9%

The reduction in the volume of investment in fixed assets significantly aggravated the situation with the technological component of industrial modernization. Despite the improvement of the situation in recent years, the level of obsolescence and physical depreciation of fixed assets remains quite high.

The current situation in the industries of the industrial sector of the economy is a common feature of transition processes, as well as the result of the financial crisis of recent years. The crisis phenomena that arose in the economic system had a devastating effect on the technological structure of production, which is reflected up to the present time on the qualitative characteristics of the use of fixed assets in industries. The main negative trend was the high level of depreciation of fixed assets. At the same time, the moral aging of the latter is of no small importance, especially in the context of the rapid growth of innovative technologies, which predetermine the high rate of renewal of fixed capital. This problem also manifests itself in the low workload of production capacities of enterprises in almost all industries.

In the economic aspect, low utilization of production capacities causes an increase in the costs of the enterprise and a decrease in the efficiency of the use of fixed production assets. Secondly, low volumes of manufactured products do not provide domestic demand and, accordingly, are not present on the world markets for similar products. Low self-sufficiency in certain goods affects the development of the industry itself.

Thus, the existing problems make it much more difficult to improve the production apparatus, especially in the direction of meeting the technological conditions of the new order and the pace of scientific and technological progress. In this regard, there is an urgent need for changes in the formation and development of the material and technical base of the industrial sector of the economy.

That is, from this point of view, in the current conditions of underdevelopment of the technological component, it would be preferable to choose development directions that meet the requirements of capital-intensive intensification of industrial production, on the basis of which it is possible to form new production forces that embody the current state of world technological development. Development on this basis will create favorable conditions for increasing the competitiveness of industrial products, which in turn will provide opportunities for further improvement of fixed assets.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that a one-time increase in the economic potential in all industries is impossible, due to the limited investment resources. Thus, it is necessary to choose priority areas for investment, that is, certain industries that can provide a multiplier effect in the industrial sector. This predetermines the selective nature of industrial policy in relation to the directions of development of the economic potential.

Increasing investment and innovation activity in the industries of the industrial sector of the economy are the main directions of industrial policy, within which the problem of increasing the efficiency of economic potential is solved. Active state participation in the process of forming the economic potential corresponding to new economic requirements will ensure stable long-term growth of the industrial sector and the economy as a whole.


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