When it gets colder outside every day, a cup of fragrant hot tea will warm you up. But what this tea will be like - choose according to your taste.

1. Ginger tea

Ginger tea has a tonic property, it returns clarity of thought and, thanks to this, it is especially indicated for people of intellectual labor and creative professions.

Ginger root promotes blood thinning, so many Eastern doctors believe that ginger is a means of preventing tumors.

Also, ginger tea helps digestion and has a very beneficial effect on skin color.

Hot ginger tea with lemon is one of the best remedies for preventing colds.

- 1 liter of water,
- 3 tbsp. l. finely grated ginger (or chopped)
- 3 tbsp. l. honey,
- a pinch of ground black pepper,
- 1 lemon or orange,
- Chopped mint leaves (optional)


Throw grated ginger into boiled water. When it boils for a couple of minutes, carefully strain into a cup. Then add pepper, lemon (orange), mint and honey. Serve hot!

2. Sea buckthorn tea
Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of vitamins. It has twice the beneficial vitamin C of citrus fruits and twice the vitamin E of wheat oil. There are other vitamins in sea buckthorn, as well as antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for a healthy and youthful appearance of the skin.

Sea buckthorn and honey tea is the best antidepressant. Scientists have proven this, and we confirm it. Sea buckthorn also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. And it's also very, very tasty!


150 g sea buckthorn
- 2 tbsp. l. black tea,
- 2 tbsp. l. honey,
- 500 ml of water.


Rinse sea buckthorn berries well, crush 2/3 parts with a spoon in puree. Put the sea buckthorn puree, the remaining berries and black tea into the teapot. Pour boiling water over everything, wrap and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Pour the finished tea through a strainer, adding honey to taste. You can prepare this drink without adding black tea.

3. Moroccan mint tea with cinnamon
Peppermint tea is a versatile drink. It can be drunk both cold and hot. In the morning it gives energy, in the afternoon it will add strength and help with digestion, and in the evening it will perfectly relax. Try making Moroccan mint tea, it's also very tasty.


1-2 cinnamon sticks
- 4 sprigs of cloves,
- orange peel,
- lemon or lime zest
- dried ginger (3 slices),
- 1 lime,
- 1-2 pieces of brown sugar,
- bunch of mint
- 3 tsp black loose tea
- 500 ml of water


Cut the zest from an orange and a lemon, cut into strips, remember the mint in your hand or with a mortar right in the teapot. Put 2 cinnamon sticks into the kettle, add cloves, orange and lemon zest, chopped lemon or lime, ginger, 2 pieces of brown sugar, mint, 3 teaspoons of tea and pour boiling water.

4. Rosehip tea with honey
Rose hips are rich in vitamin C and tannins, which are very beneficial for digestion. This tea helps reduce excess cholesterol in the body. This composition of rosehip tea makes it an excellent tool for maintaining immunity.


20 g rose hips,
- 15 g of honey,
- 5 g lemon juice,
- 200 ml of water.


Grind dried rose hips, pour boiling water, cook for 10 minutes in an enamel bowl with the lid closed, then let it brew for 10 minutes. Strain the decoction. Add honey, lemon juice.

5. Chamomile tea with mint

Chamomile tea relieves inflammation, calms the nervous system and relieves insomnia. Chamomile lowers blood sugar levels and inhibits enzymes that contribute to the development of complications of diabetes. Chamomile has also recently been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Doctors believe that only 1-2 cups of chamomile tea per day can have a positive effect on the body.


1 tsp black tea
- 1 tsp chamomile flowers
- 1 tsp mint
- 1.5 cups of water


Pour boiling water over chamomile, tea and mint and leave for 10 minutes under the lid.

Strain the infusion. When serving, you can put honey in tea.

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Probably everyone likes to sit with family or friends and chat over a cup of warm, delicious tea.

After all, this drink helps not only to keep up the conversation, but also to warm up on winter evenings and just relax.

So what makes tea so popular? Of course, its unforgettable aroma.

If you are still buying tea bags from the store, you are missing out. After all, you can completely make your own tea mixture at home. It does not have to be a huge amount of money. Plus, it's pretty fun to do.

Homemade tea ingredients can be:
Finely chopped fruits;
Large leaves of good green or black tea;
All kinds of spices: mint, thyme, cardamom, cloves;
Dried berries.

Useful properties in tea blends

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to prepare. You can prepare and dry the berries in the summer, fruits are always on store shelves, but finding spices is not a problem at all.

In addition to the fact that you can use the mixture prepared with your own hands for your own purposes, it can be used as a present. For example, give it to a friend or loved one for any occasion. No one will remain indifferent to such a surprise.


Tea has long been valued for its healing properties. Its use began in China and Ethiopia, and subsequently spread throughout the world.

Many no longer imagine their life without this drink. Black or green tea is necessarily included in the daily diet of a person; it is popular in bars, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers and many other establishments.

It must be said that the main advantage of the fragrant tea mixture is the presence of natural ingredients:
Dried berries: cranberries, currants;
mint leaves;
Rose hips.

Now tea shops are very popular. They can offer the client a variety of drinks from the most trusted manufacturers. In the modern world, competition in this area is rapidly increasing, more and more companies are appearing on the market, ready to lure the buyer with pleasant aromas and unique tastes.

However, making your own tea blend is the best solution. After all, we are sure of the quality of the ingredients that we add, and we choose them to taste.

The method of preparing a fragrant tea mixture is simple:

1. We choose the ingredients that we want to use: different types of tea, fruits, spices, dried berries.
2. Wash the fruit and cut into small slices. Use apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruit to taste.
3. Place citrus slices on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 1-2 hours. The temperature regime should correspond to 100-120°C.
4. Dry mint with berries: raspberries, cranberries, currants, blueberries.
5. Grind cinnamon and cardamom in a mortar.
6. Mix all the ingredients, leave to brew for 7-14 days.
7. Brew aromatic tea and enjoy the delicious taste.

Red, which is mined in the southern regions of China, is characterized by the smells of dried fruits and milky aroma. In its production, only young, unopened tea buds and leaves are used. He's great at recuperating. Valued for taste.
White tea drink. It is the most aristocratic product. Harvested by hand from the famous Da Bao tree, it has a unique taste of honey, great for women who care about their figure.
Herbal tea with maximum healing properties due to its production from natural fruits, flowers and berries.
Oolong tea, made from adult leaves of plants, is the most expensive and difficult to process.
Pu-erh is a semi-fermented drink valued for its aging.

There are many options for preparing a fragrant mixture. You can experiment on taste by mixing different types of tea and spices, or play on flavors by including fruits and berries in the drink.

In any case, you should be guided by the taste preferences and healing properties of the selected components. Show off your talent for blending flavors and aromas by preparing an aromatic tea blend for dinner. Bon appetit!

Tea in our open spaces is a cult drink that everyone loves without exception. In addition to the great taste and smell, it has a number of health benefits due to its high content of antioxidants. In, which you still need to be able to cook properly, drinking tea does not seem to be too complicated a process. However, even here there are secrets.

1. Pay attention to the freshness of tea

Over time, the essential oils contained in tea can break down, which negatively affects its taste. Tea can last up to two years if stored in a cool, dry place (try an airtight container).

You won't get sick or poisoned if you drink expired tea, but the taste will be much better if you use it for six months.


2. Freedom for tea leaves!

Tea leaves expand significantly when brewed. Therefore, in order to fully reveal its full potential, take care of the free space.

This means that you should give preference to loose leaf tea. If you still like tea bags, then pay attention to the pyramids, which have more space for tea.

3. Tea is delicious water

In our cup of tea, the main part is water, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the taste of tea depends on the water used, even more than on the type of tea leaves.

Everyone understands that chlorinated tap water is not recommended, but specific recommendations for choosing water depend on your preferences and where you live. Either way, take this matter seriously.

4. Boiling point

Just as important as the quality of the water is its temperature. Since childhood, we know that water must be boiled well, "so that there are no germs." However, brewing good tea does not require bubbling boiling water.

So, black tea is best brewed at a temperature of about 90 degrees, and green and white varieties at 70-80 degrees. Therefore, after boiling water, it is better to let it cool down a little to the required temperature.

And in no case do not boil water again and do not mix boiled and not boiled water - good tea will not work!

5. Not too much, not too little

Aim for 1½ to 2 teaspoons per glass of water for loose leaves and greens and herbs.

For most black teas, which are more compact and have a longer drying time, 1 teaspoon is sufficient. If you want a stronger and more aromatic drink, then add tea, but do not increase the steeping time.

6. Proper utensils

The use of the right utensils is of great importance for making delicious tea. It is best to brew and consume this drink in ceramic dishes, because it is not for nothing that the triumphant march of tea around the planet was accompanied by a fashion for porcelain and faience.

Now on sale there are a wide variety of glass teapots for brewing, which are also quite applicable. The main thing to remember is that making tea in a metal bowl is highly undesirable.

If the drink has stood too long, then it will taste too bitter, because the tea begins to release tannins. It's still not a health hazard (overbrewed tea is sometimes used as a home remedy for diarrhea), but it's hardly tasty.

Black teas will take about three to five minutes to infuse, while green and white teas only need two to three minutes to mature.

8. Not a drop of milk!

In our country, unlike some other countries, tea with milk is not very common. And it's just great! Milk proteins can bind to the beneficial substances of tea and weaken, thus its healing effect. Well, there is no need to talk about the taste of such “tea”.

9. Some lemon

The addition of lemon enhances the antioxidant properties of tea. Vitamin C provides an acidic environment for catechins within our bodies, making them more available for absorption in the highly acidic environment of our intestines. The addition of citrus can also help make the tea taste better, as it cuts through some of the bitterness.

At the same time, you can experiment not only with the canonical lemon, but also try orange, grapefruit, and so on.

10. Drink to your health!

Whether you strictly follow the rules of tea or take them completely lightly, remember that tea is not just a food product, but a real cultural tradition associated with relaxation and communication.

Even the cheapest variety, surrounded by pleasant interlocutors, can seem unusually tasty and vice versa. So the main secret of getting delicious tea is not at all in the field of cooking.

I am sure that many of our readers love tea and have "signature" ways to brew it. We are waiting for them in your comments!

Charge with a shock portion of vitamins in order to fully meet the winter - what could be more relevant ?! Our friends from famous Moscow restaurants shared their most delicious recipes for amazing tea with fruits, berries, mint and all kinds of spices. We have prepared all 10 and now we declare with all responsibility that neither a cold nor a weakened immune system threatens us anymore.

Cranberry tea


60 g orange
50 g lemon
40 ml orange juice
50 ml of sugar syrup (50 g of sugar and 50 ml of water are heated until the sugar dissolves)
50 g cranberries (you can use frozen)
1 cinnamon stick
400 ml boiling water

How to make cranberry tea:

Cut the orange into small pieces and place in a teapot together with cranberries. Add orange juice, sugar syrup and cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water over everything, let it brew for 15 minutes.

Did you know that real tea crust brewed for 3-4 minutes - this is super useful, and if you brewed tea leaves for more than 5 minutes, then the drink becomes poisonous!? See and learn all about tea!

Tea "Hot citrus"


6 g hibiscus tea
1 slice grapefruit, orange, lemon
40 g honey
400 ml boiling water

How to make Hot Citrus Tea:

Hibiscus tea, fruits and honey pour boiling water in a saucepan. Boil. Pour into teapot. Insist 2 minutes.

Tea "Transsiberian Express"

The Trans-Siberian Express is a legendary train that connects Europe and Asia along the longest railway. In honor of him, the tea is named, which combines the aromas of Asian ginger and sea buckthorn common in Russia. In addition to invaluable medicinal properties, ginger effectively fights overwork, fatigue and stress, and sea buckthorn is an indispensable natural multivitamin.


100 g frozen sea buckthorn
200 ml orange juice
40 ml ginger juice
40 ml lemon juice
40 ml honey

How to make tea "Transsiberian Express":

Mix everything, heat up to 60 ° C. Tea is ready!

Ginger tea


200 g orange
60 g lime
80 ml ginger juice (made from medium sized ginger root)
400 ml boiling water
100 ml honey
sprig of mint

How to make ginger tea:

Mash orange and lime, add honey and ginger juice, pour boiling water over and stir well. Add mint and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

apple vanilla tea


100 g apple
100 g pear
60 g orange
50 g lemon
1 cinnamon stick
50 ml vanilla syrup (can be replaced with vanilla sugar, to taste)
400 ml boiling water

How to make apple vanilla tea:

Fruit cut into cubes and place in a teapot. Add vanilla syrup and cinnamon stick, pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Tea "Berry Mix"


10 g each of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries (if there are no fresh berries, you can safely replace them with a frozen berry mix)
40 g honey
400 ml boiling water

How to make Berry Mix tea:

Mash the berries, pour boiling water, add honey and mix. Bring to a boil in a saucepan. Pour into teapot. Insist 2 minutes.

Warming tea


60g ginger root (or 30ml ginger juice)
1 slice of lemon and orange
40 ml honey
400 ml boiling water

How to make warm tea:

Ginger cut into thin slices. Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil in a saucepan. Pour into teapot. Insist 2 minutes.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine


300 ml cherry juice
40 ml currant syrup
40 ml honey
cinnamon, cloves, star anise - to taste
4 slices of apple, orange, lime and lemon

How to make non-alcoholic mulled wine:

Pour cherry juice and currant syrup into a saucepan with fruit, add spices. Heat up. Pour into a jug, if desired, decorate with an apple, star anise and cinnamon stick.

Tea with sea buckthorn and quince jam


120 g frozen sea buckthorn
30 g quince jam
20 ml pear syrup
30 ml passion fruit puree (optional)
6 g Ceylon tea
350 ml boiling water

How to make tea with sea buckthorn and quince jam:

Prepare sea buckthorn puree: boil frozen sea buckthorn with sugar and rub through a sieve (we need 70 ml of puree). Add sea buckthorn puree, quince jam, pear syrup, passion fruit puree, Ceylon tea and boiling water to a saucepan, bring to a boil and strain into a kettle.

Chamomile tea with elderberry and cranberry


500 ml water
50 g dried apples
100 g cranberries
25 ml elderberry syrup (do not be alarmed, it is sold in pharmacies!)
5 chamomile tea filter bags
prunes, cranberries, dried apples - for serving

How to make chamomile tea with elderberry and cranberries:

Boil dried apples in a saucepan, add cranberries, elderberry syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Throw filter bags into the same pan, brew. Cool and strain. Reheat before serving. Serve in a teapot with prunes, cranberries and dried apples.

The healing properties of herbal teas have been known to people since ancient times. They were used not only for the treatment of ailments, but also as a preventive measure, increasing vitality, and general health promotion. In addition, unlike chemical medicines, herbal teas are a completely natural product that has a pleasant taste and wonderful aroma.

herbal teas

Herbal teas, tinctures, decoctions - all these drinks came to us from ancient times. Already in those days, their beneficial properties were used by people with might and main. Then every housewife was a bit of a witch and knew what herbal teas you can drink. All natural gifts were used: roots, herbs, berries.

From time immemorial, herbal preparations have been prepared, which relieved fatigue, toned up in the morning, and helped to fall asleep at a late hour. Medicinal teas relieved diseases, restored the supply of vitamins and useful microelements in the body. The best herbal teas are still used by people today.

Properties of herbal teas

What are the benefits of herbal tea? Recipes (you can easily brew any tea at home) are diverse not only in their content, but also in purpose. In addition to herbs, the collection may include various healing components: fruits, roots, buds. Sometimes traditional tea is also added to herbal teas. Fees can contain up to ten components.

Herbal preparations for tea are usually divided according to their effect on:

  1. Therapeutic.
  2. Preventive.
  3. Tonic.
  4. Soothing.
  5. Vitamin.

Ready-made herbal teas can be purchased at any pharmacy and supermarket. However, it is hardly worth relying on their quality, because no one can guarantee that they are made from natural and environmentally friendly raw materials. Since we consume a lot of non-natural products that are harmful to the body in our daily life, we need natural herbs with all their beneficial properties to maintain health.

The best option is self-collected all the necessary plants. The preparation itself is a very interesting and exciting process that will bring you many pleasant moments of unity with nature. You just need to know the rules by which herbs are harvested.

In the conditions of living in a metropolis and lack of time, not everyone will be able to allocate time to collect plants. Then you can be advised to purchase all the necessary herbs in the market, as a rule, there are grandmothers selling ready-made plants.

How to brew tea?

We want to note right away that only one plant is brewed for medicinal purposes. Then the finished drink will have a targeted effect. And combined tea will have a whole range of therapeutic effects, since it will contain a large number of biologically active substances that are found in different plants. At the same time, our unique organisms independently select the necessary elements from the entire presented complex and send them for processing into metabolic processes.

As a rule, the composition of herbal tea includes restorative and immunostimulating components. And most importantly, they do not contain caffeine, so drinks can be given to children too.

The main components of teas

What is in herbal tea? Recipes at home can come up with a wide variety. However, first you need to figure out which components are used in different situations.

So, let's list the most commonly used components:

  1. Flowers of oregano, chamomile, linden, etc.
  2. Raspberry, mint, currant, strawberry leaves.
  3. Herb lemon balm, oregano, sage, thyme, valerian, St. John's wort.
  4. The fruits of raspberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, currant, blackberry, mountain ash.

We emphasize once again that these are far from all the components, there are actually a lot of them. It is good to add various spices to the preparations, they give an exquisite taste and aroma, and also bring additional vitamins. For such purposes, you can use cinnamon, vanilla, pepper, cloves.

medicinal tea

You need to understand that any medicinal herbal tea (recipes at home can be invented and modified) does not have an instant effect. After all, this is not a pill, and therefore it takes some time. However, regular use of it will help to cope with the problem. Herbal teas for every day (we will give recipes in the article) will help to establish processes inside the body:

  1. Savory and licorice are added to tea to relieve stress.
  2. With a cold, wormwood, sage, licorice root helps well.
  3. With a tendency to depression, you should regularly use St. John's wort, ginseng, rosemary.
  4. If you are worried about stomach pains, then dandelion flowers and dill are added to tea.
  5. Tea with valerian, hop cones, chamomile, lemon balm, verbena helps to cope with sleep disorders.
  6. If you get irritated at the slightest pretext, drink tea with valerian and lavender.
  7. To relax and calm down, you should use a drink made from lemon balm, hops, strawberry grass.
  8. Motherwort will help with heart problems.
  9. Linden tea (useful properties and contraindications will be discussed later) has a wide range of qualities - antiseptic, choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic.
  10. Mint, thyme and sage will help with frequent headaches.

Grated ginger can be added to any of the listed fees. It enhances the anti-inflammatory, expectorant, stimulating effect of tea on the body.

Multivitamin herbal teas for every day

The recipes for such teas are not difficult, but the benefits of them are very great. They can be prepared on the basis of fruits and berries. Herbal and are a storehouse of vitamins. Most of the nutrients are found in rose hips. They also use mountain ash, blackberries, strawberries, black and red currants, and sea buckthorn to make decoctions. Not only healthy, but also delicious herbal teas are obtained by adding aromatic herbs: oregano.

To get a multivitamin drink, all components are placed in equal parts. Such a drink is brewed according to the general rules. In the cold season, tea is drunk warm with the addition of honey and ginger. In summer, all decoctions and infusions can be consumed cold with the addition of ice. Such drinks are good to tone up in the heat.

Strawberry tea: strawberry leaves (10 g), St. John's wort (2 g), mint (2 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for ten minutes.

Heather heather (2 g), rosehip leaf (2 g), strawberry leaves (10 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist from five to ten minutes.

Rowan tea: dried rowan fruits (30 g), raspberries (5 g), currant leaves (2 g). Infuse for five to ten minutes and use as tea leaves.

Tonic fees

Tonic teas are suitable for daily use, they not only have a pleasant taste, but also have a positive effect on the body. Juniper, currant, mountain ash, wild rose, oregano, blueberry, St.

Such fees in the winter should be consumed hot, and chilled in the summer. They quench thirst well and invigorate cold teas with a slice of lemon or zest, raspberry and blackberry leaves. In hot weather, mint can be added to green tea.

How to choose a delicious drink?

It's no secret that any herbal tea is bitter. Therefore, you must independently choose for yourself such a collection that you will like. As a rule, one plant dominates in the collection, and the rest only harmoniously complement it, emphasizing the taste.

Compositions are always obtained according to the scheme: spices + fragrant grass + leaves of a berry plant. Cinnamon, vanilla, anise, cloves, star anise are usually used as spices. All these ingredients harmonize perfectly and open in a very special way if citruses are added to the tea.

What nuances about teas should you know?

How different can be herbal tea! Recipes at home can be used in a variety of ways. They will help diversify your usual menu, even if it is not about food, but about drinks.

At home, you can make herbal teas from the following ingredients:

  1. Orange slices, cinnamon, raspberry leaves.
  2. Lemon slices, star anise, mint.
  3. Carnation, lemon balm, sage,
  4. Lemon peel, oregano, thyme.
  5. Strawberry and cherry leaves, vanilla stick.

All components for teas are best stored in paper bags or cloth bags, but not more than two years. But the roots can lie for three years. Over time, herbs lose their taste, smell and all useful trace elements.

Crushed citrus zest should be added to green or black tea in advance (for example, a couple of weeks in advance). In a closed jar, the orange peels will give off their flavor to the tea petals. And as a result, you get a fragrant drink without artificial flavors.

I would like to note that you should not use the same collection for a long time. The human body has such a feature as addiction. Herbs in this sense are no exception. Over time, the usual collection may not have the desired effect. Therefore, it is better to alternate tinctures.

Lime tea

The largest amount of nutrients is found in lime flowers. Essential oils and flavonoids are the main therapeutic components. Lime blossom destroys bacteria in the human body, reduces fever, and removes phlegm.

For colds and flu, tinctures are used. For convulsions, rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder, stomach and intestines, colds and fever, they are taken two to three glasses a day. The drink is prepared as follows: a few tablespoons of linden flowers are poured into a glass of hot water.

Linden tea (useful properties and contraindications are given in the article) has a calming effect on the nervous system, significantly reduces blood viscosity. A drink made from flowers has completely unique properties. It contains a large number of vitamins and other medicinal components. In addition, this tea is very pleasant in taste and has a strong aroma.

Linden drink is used for hypertension, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

As for contraindications to the use of lime color, there are not so many of them. But still, it should be remembered that the decoction has medicinal properties. Linden increases the body's defenses and has a diaphoretic effect. Therefore, tea gives a load on the heart. People with heart disease should not get carried away with such a drink every day.

Herbal tea is brewed similarly to green or black, but there are some nuances. As a rule, two hundred grams of water put a tablespoon of the collection. Brew a drink in a teapot, wrapping it with a towel. You can also use a thermos. It will make the tea stronger and richer.

The brewing process itself lasts:

  1. Three minutes if we brew leaves and flowers.
  2. Five minutes - for seeds and leaves.
  3. Within ten minutes, the kidneys and roots are brewed.

The finished drink should be filtered.

Healing recipes

Herbal tea for cough: a teaspoon of mint is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for ten minutes. Take up to five times a day.

Fortifying drink: blackcurrant leaves (1 part), raspberries (1 part), oregano grass (1 part), bergenia leaves (3 parts).

Soothing (1 part), mint leaves (1 part), hawthorn (1 part of fruits and leaves), lemon balm (1 part).

Raspberry leaves (1 part), strawberries (1 part), nettle and blackberry leaves (one part each), apple peel (1/2 part).

Fortifying infusions, multivitamins and sedatives can be drunk as regular tea after meals three times a day, or in smaller quantities. For example, soothing before bedtime, and vitamin in the morning.

Drink for neuralgia and back pain: thyme (1 part), black elderberry (1 part), lime blossom (2 parts). Tea is drunk in a long course up to four times a day (3 cups).

Tea for gastritis and stomach ulcers: bergenia (1 part), mint (2 parts), chamomile (1 part), sage (2 parts), St. John's wort (2 parts), thyme (1 part). You should drink up to three glasses per day.

Are there any contraindications to the use of herbal teas?

People prone to allergic reactions should be aware that the drink can cause an allergy attack. Therefore, for the first time using a new collection, drink quite a bit of it and make sure that there are no side effects.

Most often, when allergic to herbal preparations, dryness and irritation of the skin, a small rash appear. Swelling may appear much less frequently. In general, people with bronchial asthma should treat herbal teas with great care.

At the first manifestations of an allergy, you should stop drinking the herbal drink and take Suprastin or Tavegil.

Medicinal teas should be consumed only after consulting a doctor or as prescribed by an herbalist. The fact is that any herb, in addition to a beneficial effect, can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the state of health.

If you still choose your own collection, then before using it, carefully study the indications and contraindications for the use of each individual component.