Water has no color, taste or smell. She has zero calories. It is a striking combination of simplicity and complexity at the same time. It has only 3 atoms: 2 - hydrogen and 1 - oxygen. But scientists, even knowing what water consists of, still cannot understand how they interact with each other. For them, it is still a real mystery.

One thing is certain: the importance of water is enormous, because without it there would simply be no life.

The value of water in nature

Water is an essential element of life. Without it, there would be no people, animals, plants. Even microscopic bacteria simply cannot survive without this amazing fluid. But it is good that there is more than enough water on the planet. The Pacific Ocean alone is larger than all the continents combined.

Why is water needed in nature? It plays a crucial role because it is involved in many different mechanisms and processes on Earth. Here are some facts that prove its importance:

  • thanks to the water cycle, moisture is formed, which is so necessary for the life and existence of animals and plants;
  • seas and oceans, rivers and lakes directly affect the climate of nearby regions;
  • water has a high heat capacity, due to which a comfortable temperature regime is ensured on the planet;
  • water is involved in the process of photosynthesis (without it, plants would not be able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, and we would not be able to breathe clean air).

In a word, without water there would be no ecosystem (animals, birds, plants). And what would the climate be like without it - it's hard to imagine. All life that exists on the planet is largely formed thanks to water.

Water in human life

The role of water in human life is no less important. And this is easy to prove with an elementary example. It is enough just to ask how much a person consists of water. The numbers will be amazing: the body of each of us contains approximately 70-80% of water. And it is everywhere: from the brain, and ending with muscle tissue.

Water and man are inextricably linked with each other. Without it, people simply would not have survived. Water is constantly used by us throughout life. We use it for:

  • quench thirst;
  • food preparation;
  • washing;
  • bathing, etc.

Every day we lose a certain amount of water - depending on the air temperature, the specifics of work activities and other parameters. A clear need for it is clearly visible in the following table:

That is, every day we need to drink from 1.2 to 3 liters of water.

Interestingly, with a significant loss of water in the body, failures of all processes immediately begin:

  • when the body loses at least 2% of water, strong thirst begins;
  • with a loss of 12% of water, a person will already need medical assistance;
  • if the body loses 20% of water, death occurs.

But as soon as he gets the right amount of water again, everything is magically restored. As if nothing happened.

Prove that water in human life is of great importance, and the following facts:

  • according to statistics, on average, each person drinks 2 liters of water per day (60 liters per month);
  • each cell of the body receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs just at the expense of water;
  • water helps convert food into energy, improves nutrient absorption;
  • water accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

In some cases, water for the body is a real medicine. For example, doctors recommend that their patients drink plenty of fluids when:

  • acute conditions that are accompanied by high fever (fever or diarrhea);
  • increased heart rate (since the body loses a lot of water);
  • inflammatory processes in the internal organs;
  • food poisoning;
  • circulatory delay;
  • excess decay products, etc.

But it is necessary to maintain the balance of water in the human body, since its excess leads to the opposite effect. So, with excessive drinking:

  • digestion worsens;
  • the heart and kidneys experience additional stress;
  • the body loses the trace elements it needs;
  • muscle work is disrupted (convulsions appear).

In a word, here you always need to adhere to the golden mean. If you follow this recommendation, it will eliminate problems with well-being and health in general.

Importance of clean drinking water

If the water on the planet was always clean, a real idyll would reign. Unfortunately, it is not.

First, most of the water is in the seas and oceans. But in this form, it contains a lot of salt and is completely unsuitable for humans. Any of us would simply die of thirst, as the body does not know how to cope with so much salt.

Such water is also not suitable for agriculture. It will simply destroy the entire crop.

It is also not used in the industrial sector. The reason is extremely simple: because of salt, any mechanism begins to rust.

Therefore, fresh water is really valuable for people. But it is too small: only 3% of the total volume on the planet. And almost all of it is in glaciers and on mountaintops. Or it flows in the bowels of the earth.

This not very attractive picture is spoiled by another factor - water pollution. Nowadays, various wastes and harmful substances are constantly poured into rivers, lakes, reservoirs.

There are more than enough sources of pollution. Offhand, you can immediately note:

  • oil refineries;
  • radioactive elements;
  • heavy metals;
  • pesticide;
  • city ​​sewer drains;
  • effluents from livestock farms.

Due to pollution, water loses most of its properties. As a result, it becomes absolutely unsuitable for drinking or for any other use.

That is why clean drinking water is always valuable. In truth, she's just worth her weight in gold. And it is very good that today there is an opportunity to buy a filter for drinking water. Of course, he will not clean up what is in polluted rivers and reservoirs. But what comes to our apartments and houses is quite. And this is already enough to get access to clean drinking water.

Is water harmful?

There are a number of situations where water can really harm our body. First of all, this happens if it is of poor quality. That is, if it contains chlorine, an excessive amount of hardness salts, pathogens and viruses. Unfortunately, apartments and houses usually receive just such water: chlorinated and too hard. However, to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough just to purchase a filter to clean it. And the problem will be solved. As part of the filter backfill, placed in filter cartridges, contains a large number of necessary components that can purify water for both drinking and domestic use, for example, filters for household appliances eliminate lime deposits in boilers, washing machines, etc.

Also, water can harm your health if you:

  • exceed the daily norm (this leads to edema and other unpleasant disturbances in the functioning of the body);
  • drink a lot on an empty stomach (for better absorption, you should drink it slowly, in small sips);
  • drink too cold water (firstly, it is harmful to the stomach, and secondly, it does not quench thirst, no matter how strange it may sound).

How much water should you drink per day?

Each person has their own need for water. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism (weight, physique), as well as external factors such as the climatic features of the region. But in general, the optimal rate of water is 2-3 liters per day, it all depends on the weight of a person and on his life characteristics.

It is necessary to drink it not only in those cases when dryness is felt in the mouth. Any expert will tell you that if the body is thirsty, then dehydration has already begun. And it is better not to allow such situations.

The following tips will help you drink the optimal amount of water:

  • drink 1 glass of water every 30 minutes. before each meal (at least 3 times: morning, afternoon and evening);
  • be sure to drink water before, during and after physical activity (morning jogging, training in the gym);
  • at work, it is advisable to drink water instead of coffee - it is much more useful;
  • bring a bottle of water with you (or be prepared to buy one from a nearby store).

Can it be replaced with other drinks? Looking what. Fruit and vegetable juices are a good alternative. They are tasty and healthy, plus they will help quench your thirst.

But sweet carbonated drinks, on the contrary, lead to dehydration. And tea, coffee, alcohol and does have a diuretic effect. And after you drink a cup of your favorite drink - the body will still require ordinary drinking water.

Appreciate clean water!

Water in the human body is a vital element. It improves digestion, helps regulate body temperature and control your own weight, and cleanses harmful toxins. Water also energizes us, improves the condition of the skin, joints and muscles, and in some cases can be used as a remedy for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases.

At the same time, clean drinking water is of particular value. Nowadays, it is difficult to access it, but it is still possible, since installing a filter helps to solve this problem. Which one to put - depends on the available budget. For example, a triple purification system is considered a popular option, as it not only filters the water, but also disinfects it, and also corrects taste and smell. No less significant main filters for water purification.

In general, appreciate water - it is very important to us. But drink only pure and safe for health, since it can be easily obtained using inexpensive household filters.

Water plays an extremely important role in nature. It creates favorable conditions for the life of plants, animals, microorganisms. Water remains a liquid in the temperature range most favorable for their life processes; for a huge mass of organisms, it is a habitat. The unique properties of water are of unique value for the life of organisms. In reservoirs, water freezes from top to bottom, which is of great importance for the organisms living in them.

The abnormally high specific heat capacity of water favors the accumulation of an enormous amount of heat, contributes to slow heating and cooling. Organisms living in water are protected from sharp spontaneous fluctuations in temperature and composition, as they constantly adapt to slow rhythmic fluctuations - daily, seasonal, annual, and so on. Water has a softening effect on weather and climate conditions. It is constantly moving in all spheres of the Earth, along with the circulation flows of the atmosphere - over long distances. The circulation of water in the ocean (sea currents) leads to planetary heat and moisture exchange. The role of water as a powerful geological factor is known. Exogenous geological processes on Earth are associated with the activity of water as an eroding agent. Erosion and destruction of rocks, soil erosion, transport and deposition of substances are important geological processes associated with water.

Most organic substances in the biosphere are products of photosynthesis, as a result of which organic substances are formed from carbon dioxide and water in plants that use the light energy of the sun. Water is the only source of oxygen released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Water is essential for biochemical and physiological processes in the body. Living organisms, including humans, consisting of 80% water, cannot do without it. The loss of 10-20% of water leads to their death.

Water plays a huge role in human life support. It is used by him directly for drinking and household needs, as a means of transportation and raw material for industrial and agricultural products, has a recreational value, its aesthetic significance is great. This is a far from complete enumeration of the role of water in nature and human life.

In nature, water does not occur in a chemically pure form. It is a solution of complex composition, which includes gases (O 2 , CO 2 , H 2 S, CH 4 and others), organic and mineral substances. There are suspended particles in moving water streams. The vast majority of chemical elements have been found in natural waters. The waters of the oceans contain an average of 35 g/dm 3 (34.6-35.0 ‰) of salts. Their main part is chlorides (88.7%), sulfates (10.8%) and carbonates (0.3%). The least mineralized are the waters of atmospheric precipitation, ultra-fresh waters of mountain streams and fresh lakes.

Depending on the content of dissolved mineral substances, waters are distinguished: fresh with a content of dissolved salts up to 1 g / dm 3, brackish - up to 1-25 g / dm 3, salty - more than 25 g / dm 3. The boundary between fresh and brackish waters is taken according to the average lower limit of human taste perception. The boundary between brackish and saline waters was established on the basis that, with a mineralization of 25 g/dm3, the freezing point and the maximum density quantitatively coincide.

Water is the source of life on Earth, a great natural value that covers 71% of the surface of our planet, the most common chemical compound and the necessary basis for the existence of all life on the planet. The high content in plants (up to 90%) and in the human body (about 70%) only confirms the importance of this component, which has no taste, smell or color.

Water is life!

The role of water in human life is invaluable: it is used for drinking, food, washing, various household and industrial needs. Water is life!

The role of water in human life can be determined by its share in the body and organs, each cell of which is rich in an aqueous solution of essential nutrients. Water is one of the effective means of physical education, widely used for personal hygiene, recreational physical education, hardening, and water sports.

Biochemical properties of water

Preservation of the elasticity and volume of a living cell would be impossible without water, as well as a significant part of the chemical reactions of the body that occur precisely in aqueous solutions. Such a valuable liquid is indispensable for its thermal conductivity and heat capacity, which provides thermoregulation and protects against temperature extremes.

Water in human life is able to dissolve some acids, bases and salts, which are ionic compounds and some polar non-ionic formations (simple alcohols, amino acids, sugars), called hydrophilic (from Greek literally - a tendency to moisture). Nucleic acids, fats, proteins and some polysaccharides are hydrophobic substances (from Greek - fear of moisture) beyond the power of liquid.

The biological significance of water is quite large, since this priceless liquid is the main medium for internal processes occurring in the body. In percentage terms, the presence of water in the body is as follows:

Body systems

Adipose tissue

The statement of the science fiction writer V. Savchenko, who revealed the meaning of water in one phrase, is interesting on this occasion: a person has much more motives to consider himself a liquid, in contrast, for example, to a 40% sodium solution. And among biologists, a joke is popular that water “invented” a person as a means of its own transportation, the main component of whose body it is. 2/3 of its total amount is contained inside the cells and is called "intracellular" or "structured" fluid, which is capable of providing the body's resistance to the influence of negative environmental factors. The third part of the water is outside the cells, and 20% of this amount is the intercellular fluid itself, 2% and 8% - respectively, the water of the lymph and blood plasma.

Importance of water in human life

The value of the natural component in life and everyday life is simply invaluable, since without it existence is impossible in principle.

Water is essential for life because:

  • humidifies the inhaled oxygen;
  • helps the body in the qualitative assimilation of nutrients;
  • contributes to the conversion of food into energy and normal digestion;
  • participates in passing metabolism and chemical reactions;
  • removes excess salts, toxins and toxins;
  • regulates body temperature;
  • provides skin elasticity;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • is a kind of "lubricant" for the joints and a shock absorber for the spinal cord;
  • protects vital organs.

The water cycle in the body

One of the conditions for the existence of all living things is the constant content of water, the amount of which enters the body depends on the lifestyle of a person, his age, physical health, and environmental factors. During the day, up to 6% of the water available in the body is exchanged; half of its total amount is updated within 10 days. So, per day the body loses about 150 ml of water with feces, about 500 ml with exhaled air and the same amount with sweat and 1.5 liters is excreted in the urine. Approximately the same amount of water (about 3 liters per day) a person receives back. Of these, a third of a liter is formed in the body itself during biochemical processes, and about 2 liters are consumed with food and drinks, and the daily need for exclusively drinking water is about 1.5 liters.

Recently, experts have calculated that a person should still drink about 2 liters of pure water a day in order to prevent even the slightest dehydration of the body. The same amount is recommended to be consumed by yogis who know the true meaning of air and water. An absolutely healthy human body should ideally have a state of water balance, otherwise called water balance.

By the way, German scientists, after a series of experiments conducted on students, found out that those who drink water and drinks more than others show greater restraint and a penchant for creativity. Water in human life plays an incentive role, filling with energy and vitality.

According to some estimates, for 60 years of life a person on average drinks about 50 tons of water, which is commensurate with almost a whole tank. It is interesting to know that ordinary food is half water: in its meat - up to 67%, in cereals - 80%, vegetables and fruits contain up to 90%, bread - about 50%.

High Water Consumption Situations

Usually a person receives about 2-3 liters of water per day, but there are situations in which the need for it increases. This:

  • Increased body temperature (more than 37 ° C). With each increasing degree of water, 10% more of the total is required. .
  • Heavy physical work in the fresh air, in which you need to drink 5-6 liters of liquid.
  • Work in hot shops - up to 15 liters.

Deficiency of valuable fluid is the cause of many diseases: allergies, asthma, overweight, high blood pressure, emotional problems (including depression), and its absence leads to disruption of all body functions, undermining health and making vulnerable to diseases.

Loss of water up to 2% of the total body weight (1 - 1.5 liters) will cause a person to feel thirsty; loss of 6 - 8% will lead to a semi-conscious state; 10% will cause the appearance of hallucinations and impaired swallowing function. Deprivation of 12% of water from the total body weight will lead to death. If without food a person is able to survive for about 50 days, subject to the consumption of drinking water, then without it - a maximum of 5 days.

In fact, most people drink less than the recommended amount of water: only a third, and the ailments that appear are not at all associated with a lack of fluid.

Signs of lack of water in the body

The first signs of dehydration:

A stable intake of water in the body in the required amount helps to ensure vitality, get rid of ailments and many serious diseases, improve thinking and coordination of the brain. Therefore, the emerging thirst should always be tried to quench. It is better to drink little and often at the same time, since a large amount of liquid for the purpose of a one-time replenishment of the daily norm will be completely absorbed into the blood, which will give a noticeable load on the heart until the water is removed from the body by the kidneys.

Water balance of the body - a direct path to health

In other words, water in human life, with a properly organized drinking regime, can create acceptable conditions for maintaining the necessary water balance. It is important that the liquid is of high quality, with the presence of the necessary minerals. The situation of the modern world is paradoxical: water, the source of life on Earth, can be dangerous for life itself, carrying various infections with almost every drop. That is, only pure water can be useful for the body, the problem of the quality of which is very relevant in the modern world.

Water scarcity is a scary future for the planet

Rather, the very problem of the availability of drinking water becomes vitally important, every day turning into an increasingly scarce product. Moreover, the importance of water on Earth and its lack in international relations are discussed at the highest level and often in a conflicting way.

Now more than 40 countries are experiencing water shortages due to the aridity of many regions. In 15 - 20 years, even according to the most optimistic forecasts, every person will understand the importance of water on Earth, since the problem of its shortage will affect 60 - 70% of the planet's population. In developing countries, water deficit will increase by 50%, in developed countries - by 18%. As a result, international tension around the topic of water scarcity will increase.

Polluted water as a result of human activity

This is due to geophysical conditions, human economic activity, often ill-conceived and irresponsible, which significantly increases the burden on water resources and leads to their pollution. A huge amount of water goes to the needs of cities and industry, which not only consume, but also pollute water, dumping about 2 million tons of waste into water bodies every day. The same goes for agriculture, where millions of tons of waste products and fertilizers flow into waterways from farms and fields. In Europe, out of 55 rivers, only 5 are considered clean, while in Asia, all rivers are extremely littered with agricultural waste and metals. In China, 550 out of 600 cities are experiencing water shortages; due to severe pollution, fish do not survive in water bodies, and some rivers that flow into the ocean simply do not reach it.

What flows from the taps

And why go far if the quality of water, which leaves much to be desired, concerns almost every person. The importance of water in human life is great, this is especially true when it is consumed, when sanitary standards go against the quality of the consumed liquid, which contains pesticides, nitrites, oil products, heavy metal salts that are harmful to health. Half of the population receives hazardous water, which causes about 80% of all known diseases.

Chlorine is dangerous!

To avoid possible infection with any infection, the water is chlorinated, which in no way diminishes the danger. On the contrary, chlorine, which destroys many dangerous microbes, forms chemical compounds that are harmful to health and provokes diseases such as gastritis, pneumonia, and oncology. When boiling, it does not have time to dissolve completely and combines with organic substances always present in water. In this case, dioxins are formed - very dangerous poisons, surpassing even potassium cyanide in their strength.

Water poisoning is much worse than food poisoning, because water in human life, unlike food, takes part in all biochemical processes of the body. Dioxins accumulated in the body decompose very slowly, almost tens of years. Causing disorders of the endocrine system, reproductive functions, they destroy the immune system, cause cancer and genetic abnormalities. Chlorine is the most dangerous killer of our time: killing one disease, it gives rise to another, even worse. After global water chlorination began in 1944, epidemics of heart disease, dementia and cancer began to appear massively. The risk of cancer is 93% greater than that of those who drink non-chlorinated water. There is only one conclusion: tap water should never be drunk. The ecological significance of water is the No. 1 problem in the world, since if there is no water, there will be no life on Earth. Therefore, an indispensable condition for maintaining health is its cleaning and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

In the photographs, our planet is green-blue. The blue color indicates the presence and amount of water space on the surface of the earth, which can be measured in percentage and absolute mass. Without life-giving moisture, life on earth did not exist; it would be like the rest of the planets of our solar system.

Scientists have not yet identified the origin of the liquid on Earth and how old it is, but its amount has been calculated:

  • 70% of the planet's area is occupied by oceans and seas - this is 96.5% of the total amount of water reserves (salty).
  • 1 percent - lakes, rivers (fresh).
  • The rest is contained in groundwater, icebergs, in the atmosphere, soil, flora and fauna. Together they make up the planets.

The numbers will look like this:

  • the total mass of all oceans is 1.35X1018 tons.
  • 1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers.
  • 1,386,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters.
    I must say that liters are calculated approximately, but the numbers do not change due to the water cycle in nature.

The water cycle in nature

An aqueous liquid in any of its manifestations and everything that is on the planet is held on it by gravity.

Note: The amount of liquid on earth does not change, only the quality.

The ratio of water and land on earth

The area of ​​the world's oceans is 70.8% of the area of ​​the entire surface of the planet.
29% - land area.

But on land there are rivers, lakes, in percentage it will be 1.7. Subtract from 29%, we get 27 percent of the land. Glaciers, swamps another 2%.

As a result, 25% is occupied by land, and the water surface - 75 percent or 380 million square meters. km.

The volume of water reserves on our planet is huge - about 1,500 million cubic kilometers, which is 1/800 of the volume of the planet, or 1.54 quintillion tons.

If you collect the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds and swamps of the Earth into one mass, you would get a “drop” with a diameter of about 1400 kilometers.

Most of the water on Earth is contained

  • The world ocean - 1.37 billion km³ or 93.96%.
  • Groundwater - 64 million km³ or 4.38%.
  • Glaciers - 24 million km³ or 1.65%.
  • Lakes and reservoirs - 280 thousand km³ or 0.02%.
  • Soil - 85 thousand km³ or 0.01%.
  • Rivers - more than 1 thousand km³ or 0.0001%.
  • Atmospheric steam - 14 thousand km³ or 0.001%.

How much fresh and salt water

In percentages.

The land area is about 510,066,000 km² and 71% of this surface belongs to the oceans, with a volume of about 1.4 billion km³ of saline liquid.

The share of fresh liquid is 3%. Of these, 2% is enclosed in icebergs and ice of Antarctica. Available fresh water is only 1 percent.


Salt water makes up 97% of the total water resources on Earth, or 1.47 billion km3, if converted, it will be 1,370 quintillion liters.

125 quadrillion liters of fresh liquid, which is concentrated in glaciers, rivers and lakes.

Fresh springs

  1. Lakes, freshwater reservoirs - 180 thousand cubic km. water (0.6 percent of the total mass).
  2. Rivers - 2,000 cubic kilometers of water (0.04% of the total volume).
  3. Soil moisture - 83,000 km3 or (0.3%).
  4. Glaciers - 24 million km³ (85 percent of the total mass).
  5. Atmosphere - 14,000 km3 (0.06%).

Water collected in one mass would make up a ball with a volume of approximately 1,386,000,000 km3, and suitable and available for drinking 10,600,000 km3.

Salt springs

These are seas and oceans. There is not a single fresh ocean in the world. All oceans and seas are salty. The average depth of the oceans is 3,682.2 meters, and the average surface area is 361.84 million km3, and 1.3324 billion km3 of saline moisture has been received.

Reference: For comparison, for every hundred liters of salt water, there are two liters of fresh water.

There is a huge amount of water on the planet, but it is unevenly distributed, which is a global problem for mankind. In some regions it is very little, while in others it is abundant. Scientists propose to solve the problem of uneven distribution of fresh water throughout the planet by desalination of salt water, but so far there are no developments.

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Water in nature and human life

1. Where did the water on our planet come from

Water is the substance without which life on Earth is impossible. Scientists are still arguing about the appearance of water on Earth. Two groups of researchers, working independently from each other, concluded that the water on the planet arose due to a “wet” asteroid.

The origin of water on the planet is as unclear as the origin of the planet itself. There are hypotheses about where the water came from. Some scientists believe that the Earth was originally a cold meteorite, others that it was a hot fireball.

Scientists claiming the origin of our planet say that water was part of that same meteorite in the form of an icy or snow-like substance. Proponents of the "hot" theory of origin argue that water stood out like sweat from the heated magma of the Earth in the process of cooling and solidification. Water gradually penetrated to the surface, remaining in the lowlands forming seas and oceans.

And due to the fact that the Sun unevenly heated the Earth, the water cycle began in nature, rivers, lakes and reservoirs began to appear. Geologists suggest that after the formation of the planet, it was very hot and dry. According to the theory, 3.9 billion years ago, many comets and asteroids containing water bombarded the surface of the planet, this explains the origin of the seas and oceans, after the formation of the planet.

However, many studies show that the structure of natural water, especially in the seas and oceans, contains a large amount of deuterium, an element called "heavy hydrogen". So deuterium is created by reacting with hydrogen, whereby a small percentage of atoms gain an extra electron, effectively becoming deuterium. According to scientists, this phenomenon indicates the terrestrial origin of water.

The Earth, the third planet farthest from the Sun, it has the largest mass among other Earth-like planets in our solar system. The uniqueness of our planet is that it is the only known planet on which the existence of life is recorded. Scientists have suggested that the Earth was formed 5-6 billion years ago. And soon after its creation, the gravitational field attracted the only satellite - the Moon.


Recently, the Herschel Space Observatory conducted a study of the comet Hartley 2, which approached the Earth at a distance of about 18 million kilometers a year ago. It turned out that the ratio of deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen, and ordinary hydrogen in the comet's icy core is very close to that of Earth's oceans.

2. Water is a special component of the Earth

Water is the most abundant and important substance on Earth. The total water reserves on the planet are 133,800 cubic kilometers. Of this amount, 96.5% is accounted for by the oceans, 17% is groundwater, 1.74% is glaciers and permanent snow. However, the total fresh water supply is only 2.53% of the total water supply.

Fresh water resources exist due to the constant circulation of water in Nature. Water exchange in Nature is the process of evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean and land, the transfer of water vapor, their condensation with the following precipitation, redistribution, all kinds of conditions, which ultimately leads to the return of water to the ocean, to the Earth.

Annually, an average of 485 mm of water evaporates from the land surface, and a layer with a thickness of about 1250-1400 mm from the water surface. Some of this water returns with precipitation to the ocean, and some is carried by winds to land. This feeds rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers and other water resources. This “natural distillation” of water consumes about 20% of the energy of the Sun, which reaches the Earth.

Fresh water reserves on the planet are limited, but they are constantly updated. The rate of water renewal determines the water resources available to man. In the patriarchal era on Earth, the water cycle, which included plums, rains, snowfalls, floods, and so on, was, despite the cataclysms of nature, beneficial to humans. Rains, melt waters irrigated the earth, brought substances useful for plants, enlivened the very environment of nature. With the development of civilization, when chemical fertilizers, detergents, internal combustion engines appeared, when human activity became nature-transforming, when a person separated himself from Nature and stood above it, human waste began to pollute everything and, first of all, reservoirs. In those ancient times, when man lived in harmony with Nature, any fresh water, with the exception of swamp water, was drinkable. There was sea water and just water, without any further definitions. It was believed that water is a mineral that a person should consume naturally. Now a person is talking about a separate type of water - drinking water. In addition, there are waters of rivers, lakes, where a person can and cannot swim. There is sewage, there is acid rain, there are emissions from the reservoir of waste from enterprises, from which all life in the water dies. Today, the water cycle in nature is closely connected with the man-made environment.

Man, having risen above Nature, did everything so that today Nature is sick with Man, and it is especially annoying that the earth, water and air of the planet are sick. The health of a person, especially a child, is now very dependent on the state of drinking water.

microbiological fractal drinking water

3. Properties of water

Water is a transparent liquid, colorless (in a small volume) and odorless. Water is of key importance in the creation and maintenance of life on Earth, in the chemical structure of living organisms, in the formation of climate and weather. In the solid state it is called ice or snow, and in the gaseous state it is called water vapor. About 71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ice at the poles).

Water properties are a combination of physical, chemical, biochemical, organoleptic, physicochemical and other properties of water. Water - hydrogen oxide - is one of the most common and important substances. The surface of the Earth occupied by water is 2.5 times the surface of the land. There is no pure water in nature - it always contains impurities. Pure water is obtained by distillation. Distilled water is called distilled. The composition of water (by mass): 11.19% hydrogen and 88.81% oxygen.

Pure water is clear, odorless and tasteless. It has the highest density at 0°C (1 g/cm3). The density of ice is less than the density of liquid water, so ice floats to the surface. Water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C at a pressure of 101,325 Pa. It is a poor conductor of heat and a very poor conductor of electricity. Water is a good solvent. The water molecule has an angular shape; hydrogen atoms form an angle of 104.5° with respect to oxygen. Therefore, the water molecule is a dipole: that part of the molecule where hydrogen is located is positively charged, and the part where oxygen is located is negatively charged. Due to the polarity of water molecules, electrolytes in it dissociate into ions.

In liquid water, along with ordinary H2O molecules, there are associated molecules, i.e., connected into more complex aggregates (H2O)x due to the formation of hydrogen bonds. The presence of hydrogen bonds between water molecules explains the anomalies of its physical properties: maximum density at 4 ° C, high boiling point (in the series H20 - H2S - H2Se) anomalously high heat capacity. As the temperature rises, hydrogen bonds break, and a complete break occurs when water changes into steam.

Water is a highly reactive substance. Under normal conditions, it interacts with many basic and acidic oxides, as well as with alkali and alkaline earth metals. Water forms numerous compounds - crystalline hydrates.
Obviously, water-binding compounds can serve as desiccants. Other drying agents include P2O5, CaO, BaO, metallic Me (they also chemically interact with water), and silica gel. An important chemical property of water is its ability to enter into hydrolytic decomposition reactions.

The chemical properties of water are determined by its composition. Water is 88.81% oxygen and only 11.19% hydrogen. As we mentioned above, water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, but boils at a hundred. Distilled water has a very low concentration of positively charged hydronium ions HO and H3O+ (only 0.1 µmol/l), so it can be called an excellent insulator. However, the properties of water in nature would not be realized correctly if it were not a good solvent. The water molecule is very small in size. When another substance enters the water, its positive ions are attracted to the oxygen atoms that make up the water molecule, and the negative ions are attracted to the hydrogen atoms. Water, as it were, surrounds the chemical elements dissolved in it from all sides. Therefore, water almost always contains various substances, in particular, metal salts, which provide the conduction of electric current.

The physical properties of water "gave" us such phenomena as the greenhouse effect and the microwave oven. About 60% of the greenhouse effect is created by water vapor, which perfectly absorbs infrared rays. In this case, the optical refractive index of water n=1.33. In addition, water also absorbs microwaves due to the high dipole moment of its molecules. These properties of water in nature prompted scientists to think about the invention of the microwave oven.

Recently, there has been increased interest in studying the properties of water at the microscopic level. Thus, to understand many aspects of the physics of surface phenomena, it is necessary to know the properties of water at the phase boundary. The lack of strict ideas about the structure of water, about the organization of water at the molecular level leads to the fact that when studying the properties of aqueous solutions both in the bulk phase and in capillary systems, water is often considered as a structureless medium. However, it is known that the properties of water in the boundary layers can differ markedly from those in the bulk. Therefore, considering water as a structureless liquid, we lose unique information about the properties of the boundary layers, which, as it turns out, largely determine the nature of the processes occurring in thin pores. For example, the ionic selectivity of cellulose acetate membranes is explained by the special molecular organization of water in the pores, which, in particular, is reflected in the concept of "non-dissolving volume". Further development of the theory that takes into account the specifics of intermolecular interactions underlying selective membrane transport will contribute to a more complete understanding of membrane desalination of solutions. This will make it possible to give sound recommendations for improving the efficiency of water desalination processes. This implies the importance and necessity of studying the properties of liquids in boundary layers, in particular, near the surface of a solid body.

4. Water is a structural component of life

The basis of any living structure is organic molecules and water as a solvent. Organic molecules in relation to water are amphiphilic molecules (they have a non-polar, neutral part and a part that has the corresponding charge, positive or negative, depending on the chemical structure). If amphiphilic molecules are dissolved in water, then, depending on the concentration, they form different ordered structures - natural lyotropic crystals. It is lyotropic liquid crystals that are the basis of all living structures.

Almost all biological media of living structures, to one degree or another, can be represented in the form of lyotropic liquid crystals, and their structure is of great diagnostic importance for the organ or system whose properties are represented by the lyotropic system. For a person, this is the structure of all fluids that the glands of the human body secrete (saliva, tear, blood plasma, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, bile, and others) are of particular diagnostic importance. For normal (normal) functional activity, the structure of internal water, which forms the corresponding biological structure, is of particular importance.

5. Water cycle

Water is the most common substance in the biosphere. Its main reserves (97.1%) are concentrated in the form of bitter-salt water of the seas and oceans. The rest of the water is fresh. The waters of glaciers and eternal snows (that is, water in a solid state) together make up about 2.24% (70% of the total fresh water reserves), groundwater - 0.61%, waters of lakes and rivers, respectively, 0.016% and 0 .0001%, atmospheric moisture--0.001%.

Water in the form of water vapor evaporates from the surface of the seas and oceans and is carried by air currents over various distances. Most of the evaporated water returns in the form of rain to the ocean, and a smaller part to land. From the land, water in the form of water vapor is lost due to the processes of evaporation from its surface and transpiration by plants. Water is transported into the atmosphere and returns as precipitation to land or oceans. At the same time, river runoff of water enters the seas and oceans from the continents.

As you can see, the basis of the global water cycle in the biosphere is provided by physical processes that occur with the participation of the world ocean. The role of living matter in them, it would seem, is small. However, on the continents, the mass of water evaporated by plants and the soil surface plays a major role in the water cycle. So, in various forest zones, the main amount of precipitation is formed from water vapor entering the atmosphere due to total evaporation, and as a result, such zones live, as it were, on their own closed water balance. The mass of water transpired by the vegetation cover is very significant. Thus, a hectare of forest evaporates 20-50 tons of water per day. The role of vegetation cover is also to retain water by slowing down its runoff, to maintain a constant level of groundwater, etc.

6. Fractal drinking water

Often in the literature, drinking water is called a liquid crystal, which emphasizes that natural drinking water is not a set of water molecules that form a network structure of H2O molecules in the liquid state, which is also called a cluster structure, a structure that can change over time. It is the cluster structure of water molecules that determines the basic chemical and physical properties of water. This is true when it comes to so-called pure water or distillate. Natural water, in addition to H2O molecules, contains various organic and inorganic impurities, which together are natural drinking water. It would be more correct to say that natural drinking water is a solution of various organic and inorganic substances in a solvent matrix - water. From the point of view of physics, chemistry of such aqueous solutions, depending on the composition of the solution, the concentration of certain organic or inorganic molecules, their characteristics, two limiting cases of the structure of aqueous solutions are possible. It can be a heterophasic solution, when all organic and inorganic molecules are dissolved in water. However, they interact very weakly with each other in solution; introduce themselves into the solution individually. Such water does not have any self-organized, ordered structural systems in its structure. If for such a heterophase solution the phase transition - heterophase solution - solid phase, then as a result the solid phase will be a set of various microcrystals formed from dissolved impurities in a heterogeneous solution.

Another limiting case of a solution is a homogeneous solution - all dissolved impurities and the solvent itself, the water matrix - is a single, self-organized system in which, as a result of natural self-organization, an ordered environment (micellar or lipoprotein) is realized, which is typical for living structures, i.e. a lyotropic liquid crystal structure is formed. In this case, as a result of the same phase transition as in the first case, liquid phase - solid phase, a clear ordered structure of the solid phase is formed. Such a structure of the solid phase is called fractal, and fractals exhibit optical activity. A number of important physical conclusions follow from this.

The fractal structure means a special symmetrical structural order, the main element of symmetry appears, repeats itself on any geometric dimensions. It turns out that all living structures are built according to the fractal principle, and not according to the principle of dense packing of molecules or atoms from which the structure is built.

The fractality of the structure is the principle of optimal structural ordering or loose ordered structure. The presence of optical activity or structural dissymmetry is a very important natural phenomenon. If the structure of a living system has dissymmetry, this means that it corresponds to the law of V. Vernadsky, according to which the main difference between a living structure and an inanimate one is the presence of dissymmetry in a living one. In turn, the presence of water structure dissymmetry means that water is a living biogenic structure. Thus, natural, structurally balanced and ordered drinking water is a fractal, dissymmetric structure, and it is this water that most closely matches the properties of the intracellular water of the human body.

7. Importance of water in human life

Water is one of the most important elements of the biosphere. Without water, the life of people, animals and plants is impossible. A person without water can live no more than 5-6 days. An adult's body consists of an average of 65% water. With age, its number decreases. So, the human embryo contains 97% of water, the body of newborns - 77%, at the age of 50 the amount of water in the body is only 60%. The bulk of water (70%) is concentrated inside the cells, and 30% is extracellular water, which is distributed unevenly in the body: less (about 7%) is blood and lymph, and more is water that washes the cells. In different organs and tissues, the water content is also not the same: the skeleton contains 20%, muscle tissue - 76, connective tissue - 80, blood plasma - 92, vitreous body - 99% water.

Water is a good solvent. All biochemical reactions take place in the human body and are associated with the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients occurring in the aquatic environment. Along with salts, water is involved in maintaining the most important physiological and ecological constant of the body - the magnitude of osmotic pressure. Due to its low viscosity, the ability to dissolve various chemicals and enter into loose bonds with them, water is the main part of the blood, it plays the role of a vehicle. In addition, it is the basis of the acid-base balance in the body, since it exhibits the properties of both acids and bases. All processes of assimilation and excretion in the body also take place in the aquatic environment.

At the beginning of the 21st century, about 1.1 billion people on Earth do not have access to safe water supplies, and over 2.4 billion do not have adequate sanitation. Rapid population growth during the 1990s, especially in metropolitan areas, led to an increase in people's access to water supply and sanitation services. According to experts, in 2000 already 620 million more people than in 1990 gained access to water supply, and 435 million more - access to sewerage. However, despite the positive developments during the International Decade for Water Supply and Sanitation (1981-1990), there is still a terrible lag in Third World countries where billions of people, mostly poor and marginalized urban dwellers, live in poor, unhealthy environments.

To meet physiological needs, a person needs 2.5-3.0 liters of water per day. It enters the human body with food and drink. Water gets a lot of physiologically necessary salts, including such macro- and microelements as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iodine, fluorine, etc.

The human body does not tolerate dehydration well. The loss of 1.0-1.5 liters of water already causes a feeling of thirst. It is associated with the transport of certain parts of the central nervous system (the "drinking" center) involved in the regulation and replenishment of the body's water resources. overheating of the body Insufficient water intake adversely affects the absorption of nutrients in the intestines A loss of water in the amount of 15-20% of body weight at air temperatures above 30 ° C is fatal, and 25% is fatal at lower temperatures This is the so-called physiological significance of water.

8. Water and human consciousness

Water has a very important message for us. Water invites us to look deeper into ourselves. When we look into ourselves through the mirror of water, the message is wonderfully revealed and crystal clear. We know that human life is directly related to the quality of our water, whether inside or outside of us.

Recently, photographs of Masaru Emoto, a creative and dreamy explorer from Japan, have become popular. Mr. Emoto published an important book: The Message of Water, based on his research. Emoto proved in practice that human energy vibrations, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of water, the very water that makes up 70% of the human body and covers the same amount of the surface of our planet. Water is the source of all life on our planet, its quality and integrity and is vital to all life forms. The human body is like a sponge, made up of trillions of chambers called cells that store fluid. The quality of our life directly depends on the quality of our water.

Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to any environment where it is located. But her physical appearance isn't the only thing that changes; its molecular structure also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment can change the molecular structure of water. In this sense, water reacts not only physically to its environment, but also molecularly.

Emoto visually captured these molecular changes in water. His work clearly demonstrated the differences in the molecular structure of water and its interaction with the environment.

Emoto discovered many surprising differences in the crystal structure of water taken from various sources and conditions from all over our planet. Water from ancient mountain streams and springs was beautifully shaped geometrically. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and polluted areas and stagnant water from aqueducts and reservoirs had a clearly disturbed and randomly formed structure.

9. What kind of drinking water is needed (useful) for a person

Today, to formulate the basic chemical, microbiological and physical criteria that drinking water must satisfy, which is necessary for a person to maintain the health of his body.

1. Drinking water must contain in its composition all the necessary micro and macro elements that a person needs for the normal functioning of his body and which a person comes with drinking water. It should be natural, surface, flowing water, which has its own, natural bioenergetics, given by its natural property. It must have the highest criterion of structural order - it is fractal, dissymmetric drinking water.

2. Water must be natural, biologically available, easily digestible, must have maximum permeability through the body's cell membranes, and have basic physical and physiological characteristics comparable to intracellular water. For example, tap water has a surface tension of up to 73 dynes/cm and intracellular water has a surface tension of about 43 dynes/cm. The cell requires a large amount of energy to overcome the surface tension of water.

3. Drinking water should be of medium hardness. Very hard or soft water is equally not optimal for the normal functioning of body cells. Due to the constant contamination of the human body with various environmental toxins, structured, alkaline water (pH 8.0 - 9.0) is more acceptable for our body. It is alkaline, but structurally ordered drinking water that will better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, most of which have a slightly alkaline reaction.

5. Such an important characteristic of drinking water as the redox potential of water must correspond to the redox potential of the interstitial fluid. This value is in the range of -100 to -200 mV (millivolts). In this case, the body does not need to spend additional energy to equalize the redox potential.

6. Drinking water should not contain any negative, negative information for the human body.

A person can make his own, high-quality drinking water from natural sources, or from tap water that meets the “Drinking Water” standard, and make melted drinking water from such water. Melt water, which is first born in the apartment of the one who receives it, gives him a structured, ice-like structure of drinking water, which corresponds well to the structure of intracellular water. At room temperature, melt water retains the structure of ice for 6-8 hours.

A person must constantly remember that only high-quality, structurally ordered natural drinking water is necessary for his health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of all human health problems are determined by the quality of drinking water. A person cannot be healthy if he drinks poor-quality drinking water.

Some informative and interesting facts about water:
Water is undoubtedly the basis of all life. All living things are made up of water: fish - 75%, animals - 75%, potatoes - 76%, jellyfish - 99%, tomatoes - 96%, apples - 85%. Even a person, and that one, consists of water: in a newborn, the body contains 86%, in an old person - no more than 50%.

It turns out that the water in the pipeline can freeze even at +20 C, but with one condition: if this water contains a lot of methane. The molecules of this gas "push" the water, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the pressure of the liquid and an increase in the freezing point.

The purest water is found in Finland. A total of 122 states took part in the entire study. Yet more than a billion people do not have access to safe and clean water at all.

The evaporated water molecule will spend about 10 days in the air before falling from the sky as precipitation and repeating the cycle.
Ever wondered why icebergs don't sink? After all, an iceberg is solid ice, which, like a stone, must sink to the bottom. It turns out that everything is simple: frozen water has a less dense structure, and also contains air bubbles, so it does not sink.

The hydrological cycle (water cycle) around the planet produces more energy in one day than all of humanity in its entire history. In 20 minutes, one thunderstorm pours about 125 million liters of water onto the earth!

Imagine that the amount of water evaporating from the surface of the globe during the year is 577,000 cubic kilometers.

Much more drinking water is stored underground in aquifers than on the surface. The total supply of water that can be used for drinking is only 3% of the total water resources

On our planet, about 96% of the water is in the oceans, about 1.5% of the world's liquid reserves are groundwater and the same amount is in the ice caps and glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica. Most of all terrestrial water is salty, the share of fresh liquid is no more than 2.5%, while the majority of fresh water, which is about 99%, is contained in groundwater and glaciers.

Hot water placed in the refrigerator freezes faster than cold water. Scientists have not been able to fully solve this riddle. It is believed that boiled water contains less salts, because. they settle when boiled, so it will quickly turn into ice. An interesting fact: hot water extinguishes fires more effectively than cold water.

We all remember from school that water comes in 3 states: liquid, gaseous and solid. But it turns out that scientists share only 14 states in a frozen form, and about 5 in a liquid form.

Sea water is a very nutritious substance: about 1.5 g of protein is placed in 1 cubic centimeter. Scientists also calculated that the Atlantic Ocean contains about 20,000 crops, which are harvested by Lyuli per year on all land.

Water, it turns out, not only brings life, but also takes it away. It has been proven that more than 80% of diseases are transmitted through water resources. Every year, 25 million people die from these diseases worldwide.
Salt water has slightly different temperature limits for changing its state: it freezes at -1.8 degrees Celsius, and begins to melt when the temperature on the thermometer is above 2.3 degrees.

Only one kind of animal is able to run on water. These are lizards belonging to the basilisk genus. They are able to move on the water surface due to very frequent blows of their hind legs.

If the glaciers of our planet suddenly melted, then about 1/8 of the entire land would be flooded with water, and the level in the world ocean would rise by 65 meters!

It turns out that water can burn. There is a place in Azerbaijan where the water contains a large amount of methane. Presenting a match to it, it will light up in the same second.

Even in Ancient Rus', it was believed that the fire that comes from lightning is a sacred fire, and they extinguished it not at all with water, but ... with milk!

Interesting fact! Ice exists not only on our planet. There are confirmed data on the presence of ice on other planets of the solar system and in the nuclei of all comets.

Also, the whole of Europe is covered with ice - one of the satellites of the planet Jupiter.

Interesting facts about how people use water:

The average person in the United States uses anywhere from 80-100 liters of water a day. Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this water. A family of three used the tap 74 times a day. About 74% of household water use is in the bathroom, about 21% is for laundry, and about 5% is in the kitchen.
For comparison, in medieval times, a person used only 5 liters of water per day.

In Kenya's capital, Nairobi, water costs 10 times more than in New York City.

A person begins to feel thirsty when he loses 1% of body fluid, and during intense training, the body loses weight due to water loss, but not fat loss.

Water is necessary for a person in the fight against extra pounds. During the diet, you must drink at least 2 liters of water in order to facilitate the removal of harmful toxins. And a glass drunk before a meal dulls the feeling of hunger and fills the stomach, which helps to reduce appetite by at least half.

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