On the whole, Russian car owners have a positive view of the system of compulsory third party liability insurance. Nevertheless, over 70% of disputes in domestic insurance are connected precisely with the “auto-citizenship”. That is why the right choice of an insurance organization when buying OSAGO is so important. Ratings of insurance companies are designed to facilitate the search for a suitable insurer.

  • Rating of insurance companies for OSAGO based on statistical information;
  • Current national rating based on feedback from policyholders for 2011-2013.

OSAGO rating: assessment of financial performance of insurers

Table 1. Leaders of the Russian OSAGO market in 2012.

table scrolls to the right
Company namefees,
thousand roubles.
thousand roubles.

ROSGOSSTRAKH39 195 714 19 041 986 49%

INGOSSTAKH12 159 854 5 824 026 48%

RESO-GUARANTEE10 324 285 5 636 573 54%

INSURANCE GROUP MSK7 727 406 5 555 895 71%

VSK7 044 149 3 495 704 50%

AGREEMENT5 209 704 2 717 788 52%

ALFAINSURANCE5 141 984 2 173 577 42%

ALLIANCE (formerly ROSNO)3 329 875 1 911 420 58%

URALSIB3 164 275 1 997 252 63%

RENAISSANCE INSURANCE2 372 787 1 170 101 49%

MAX2 280 143 1 618 520 70%

GUTA-INSURANCE1 926 542 856 530 44%

RUSSIA1 861 077 1 421 450 75%

YUGORIA1 826 428 1 220 097 67%

ZURICH1 463 000 837 051 57%

It should be noted that the fees of insurers for OSAGO are distributed extremely unevenly:

  • The market share of Rosgosstrakh exceeds 32%;
  • The top three Russian companies account for over 50% of the market;
  • Fifteen largest companies in Russia have collected 85% of the insurance premium for OSAGO.

Rosgosstrakh is the undisputed leader of this rating. The second and third places are occupied by Ingosstrakh and RESO-Garantia, respectively. It is these three companies that have the most developed branch network, which allows them to cover regions where other companies are poorly represented.

Other financial indicators

A significant amount of insurance premium is not the only indicator of the reliability of the company. A more objective assessment is possible with an additional comparison of the level of insurers' payments under OSAGO for the reporting period:

  • An extremely high level of payments may indicate that this type of insurance is unprofitable for a particular company. This may force the insurer to use various unpopular ways to reduce the total amount of payments (refusal to pay out OSAGO, underestimate the amount of compensation). From the point of view of the car owner, this situation is far from ideal.
  • The extremely low level of payments is also an alarming sign for the insured. Deviations from the average market value are possible, but a significant difference most often indicates a high percentage of refusals to pay compensation under OSAGO.

The average market level of OSAGO payments for 15 largest insurance companies in Russia is 56.6%. At the same time, companies with payout levels in the range of 42%-67% can be considered relatively stable. An abnormally high level of payments (over 70%) is typical for several companies (MSK Insurance Group, MAKS, Rossiya). If the situation does not change, they may face financial problems in the future.

People's rating for OSAGO for 2013

Expert rating allows you to consider insurance companies in terms of objective indicators. However, it is also necessary to take into account subjective data: the level of service of the insurance company, the speed of customer service, the friendliness of employees. For these purposes, there is a national rating for 2013. When compiling the rating, the following are taken into account:

  • Reviews about insurance companies of users of the portal "Insurance Guru";
  • People's ratings of the IC on the leading insurance resources of Russia.

Table 2. People's rating for OSAGO for 2013.

table scrolls to the right
Company nameMedium


(former KIT FINANCE)





ALLIANCE (formerly ROSNO)3,0


AIG / AIG (ex. CHARTIS)3,0







It is noteworthy that the top two lines of the national rating are occupied by insurance companies with a similar business model:

  • Intouch and Liberty Insurance are owned by large foreign financial groups;
  • The share of both companies in the OSAGO market is relatively small;
  • A similar approach in working with clients is sales without intermediaries;
  • A significant part of the insurance premium is accounted for by Internet and telephone sales.

The above points partly explain such a high position of Intouch and Liberty in the rating:

  1. Working without intermediaries means, on average, a higher level of service for car owners. A considerable number of negative reviews on OSAGO insurers with an extensive branch network receive through the fault of unscrupulous insurance agents in certain regions.
  2. The rating of larger companies often "suffers" due to more reviews (and, as a result, more negative reviews).

It should be remembered that even the consolidated rating of reviews of policyholders for OSAGO is quite subjective, because the level of service in an organization can vary significantly depending on the region. However, it allows you to determine which companies insurers distinguish from others. Having decided on the choice of insurance company using ratings and reviews, you can calculate the cost of the policy for your car on

At first glance, choosing an insurance company for OSAGO or CASCO is easy, because prices and services are similar. In addition, when choosing OSAGO, the driver usually believes that he will not have to contact his insurance company. However, this is not entirely true. After contacting the insurance company, the motorist is faced with the real face of the insurer, who is trying his best to underestimate the amount of the payment or even prevent it.

What are the most common mistakes insurance companies make when it comes to auto insurance?

— Poor service (rudeness, mistakes, loss of documents)
— Deliberate underestimation of the amount of insurance payment and denial of payment
- Imposition of additional services and deception
— Risk of company disappearance or license revocation

1. Reliability ratings of insurance companies(Rating agency "EXPERT RA") http://raexpert.ru/ratings/insurance?sort=rating&type=desc
This rating shows financial stability, business stability and the degree of risk of disappearance of the company.
First of all, it is worth paying attention to 18 companies that received an A ++ rating (an exceptionally high level of reliability). This indicator is the same for all eighteen companies, so they are not listed:

VSK, RESO-Garantia, Soglasiya, Energogarant, BTA Insurance Company, Renaissance Insurance Group, UralSib Insurance Group, Rosgosstrakh Group,
Capital Group, AlfaStrakhovanie, VTB Insurance, Alliance, MAKS, OSAO Ingosstrakh, Unity Re, SK Transneft, SOGAZ, VSK Group

The national rating is designed to show how satisfied real customers are with auto insurers. However, he doubts the absolute reliability of the data of this rating. First, most consumers leave their reviews online when they are not happy with something. This applies not only to the insurance market, but to all consumer areas. Most of the positive reviews are the work of the companies and PR agencies they hire. Secondly, the number of negative reviews often indicates not the poor quality of the company's work, but a large customer base. With the same percentage of dissatisfied customers in all companies, the company with the most satisfied and dissatisfied customers in general will have the most negative reviews.

3. LIBERTY INSURANCE (formerly KIT Finance Insurance)
4. VSK
11. Zurich
16. ALLIANCE (formerly ROSNO)
18. BIN Insurance (former First Insurance Company, 1SK)

3. Ratings of insurance companies(according to the site of the same name) http://www.ic-ratings.ru/
This rating is difficult to take seriously due to the extremely low number of reviews, but it can be used to familiarize yourself with the most common claims.

What rating shows real data? Which of the ratings can be called a real auto insurance rating? According to Afftomobilya, none of the above ratings is a rating on the basis of which you can choose a company to insure your car. Therefore, we will study additional statistics.

Clients of Rosgosstrakh claim that their insurance payments are understated by 4-5 times http://fn-volga.ru/news/view/id/6803

The main indicator on which the rating of insurance companies for CASCO is compiled is the reliability of the company, the ease of obtaining compensation, as well as the cost of the services offered. Depending on who makes this list, certain additional factors may be taken into account.

The overall rating of insurance companies for CASCO is compiled on the basis of statistical data received from both firms and users. An important role is played by the assessment of expert bureaus and the number of litigations.

Rating agencies of insurers represented in Russia

Unlike compulsory insurance, CASCO is purchased at will. It is because of this that attention to the choice of the company is especially close. In order to choose a company, you can consider several ratings. First of all, this is an expert opinion compiled by the well-known rating agency RAEX (or Expert RA). When compiling this list, the financial condition of the company is taken into account, as well as the effectiveness of investment risk management and the overall rating of the company.

Also known judicial and popular ratings. In the first case, the top shows which companies are most likely to meet in court in order to obtain the due compensation. The people's rating is determined directly by the clients of certain CASCO agencies.

Reliability parameters by which insurers are evaluated

What factors do citizens and professional rating agencies pay attention to? First of all, on the financial reliability of the company (based on the data of the Central Bank and the Federal Tax Service). Secondly, it is the number and speed of making payments under insurance contracts.

The number of branches, the speed of the expert’s departure in the event of an accident, the possibility of remote assessment and the number of litigations also play an important role. Rating agencies take into account all these parameters, while ordinary car owners, as a rule, put ratings solely depending on their own experience and impressions.

Rating scores

Consider the top 5 companies offering CASCO, according to the Expert RA rating for 2019.

Renaissance InsuranceruAA+
Reso GarantruAA+

The ruAAA rating indicates that the company is a leader with the highest degree of reliability and the most preferential insurance rules. The ruAA+ assessment also guarantees the receipt of the due compensation in the amount and within the time specified in the contract.

It should be noted that the percentage of applications to the court is also affected by the number of citizens directly insured in a given company. The greater the number of cars insured under CASCO, the higher the likelihood that a conflict will occur and one of the parties will sue.

These indicators can help newcomers decide on firms, as well as initially exclude offers from the most problematic insurers.

Major players in the auto insurance market in Russia

All companies presented in the above ratings are large organizations with offers not only for CASCO insurance, but also for other services.

Among all the others, there are several main "players" in the market:

  • Alpha insurance;
  • Renaissance Insurance;
  • Tinkoff Insurance;
  • VTB Insurance.

Why do we note separately the role of these insurance organizations? The fact is that these companies are primarily banking institutions that also carry out OSAGO and CASCO insurance, both for their customers and for everyone.

It is necessary to take into account the volume of cars that are issued on credit or leased in these banks. Obviously, any such vehicle is subject to full insurance against accidents, theft, etc., that is, CASCO registration. Considering that each bank offers and insists on drawing up a contract in its own insurance company, it should be noted how profitable and safe it is.
The rating and assessments of experts regarding the above insurance companies prove that regardless of whether you have a loan and whether you are obliged to take CASCO in these companies, CASCO is carried out on the most favorable terms.

Also one of the main leaders among all insurance companies is Ingosstrakh. One of the first organizations on the market for many years has proven that it works exactly as agreed and almost never have problems with obtaining compensation.

Rating of insurance companies by CASCO payments

First of all, any car owner who has taken such a step and insured his car against all troubles is interested in the CASCO payment if necessary. No matter how strange it may seem, but the indicators of rating agencies often differ from the ratings of motorists.

This happens due to the fact that a person considers only how the insurance company communicated with him and what compensation was in his case, and also due to the fact that even the best company can sometimes reduce the amount of payment. It should be understood that the task of rating agencies is to take into account all aspects of companies, while motorists are interested in their insured event separately.

  1. Rosgosstrakh.
  2. RESO Guarantee.
  3. Agreement.
  4. SOGAZ.
  5. INGOSstrakh.
  6. Alpha Fear.
  7. Renaissance-Fear.
  8. Alliance Insurance.
  9. VTB Insurance.

Top 10 Companies Rated by Motorists

The people's rating is based mainly on the opinion of motorists, as well as on the overall impression of working with an insurance company. This CASCO rating of insurance companies was compiled in 2019, taking into account all the ratings and reviews of real customers.

  1. INGOSstrakh.
  2. Zetta.
  3. RESO insurance.
  4. Liberty.
  5. Agreement.
  6. Alpha insurance.
  7. SOGAZ.
  8. URALsib.
  9. Tinkoff insurance.
  10. Max.

As can be noted, according to this list, one of the indisputable and most firmly entrenched leaders in the market is Ingosstrakh, which falls into the TOP, both among the people's choice and from the professional side.

Having studied all the rating data, as well as real reviews of car owners, even a beginner can easily decide which company approach to his requirements and wishes is the most optimal. There are several factors that should also be considered before insuring a car:

  1. Rating is not always a guarantee. Unfortunately, even firms with an ideal reputation and excellent ratings from time to time can behave differently from what was written about them in the reviews. In many ways, it depends on the head and employee of a particular office. In any case, it is recommended to additionally insure and carefully study the insurance contract before signing it. Do not rely solely on positive reviews.
  2. Having an office in your area is an extremely important factor that many people forget about. In the event of an accident or any problem, you will have to visit the office yourself to receive compensation, clarify details, etc. In addition, the distance of the organization depends on how quickly the expert arrives. Therefore, before applying, be sure to consider this aspect.

RIA Rating - 28 Feb. The past year 2013 was rather difficult for Russian insurance companies and was characterized by negative dynamics of indicators of many participants in the insurance business. However, despite significant changes in the market as a whole, the leaders of the industry from year to year are predominantly the same companies. This is evidenced by the rating of insurance companies in terms of the volume of insurance premiums collected in 2013, excluding compulsory medical insurance, prepared by experts from the RIA Rating agency based on data from the Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia.

The largest companies in Russia

For several years now, the top three rankings have remained unchanged. It includes insurance companies "Rosgosstrakh" with 99.8 billion collected premiums, SOGAZ - 84.8 billion rubles. and Ingosstrakh with 66.6 billion rubles. The top ten also included RESO-Garantia, IC Soglasie, AlfaStrakhovanie, VSK, IC Alliance (Allianz), VTB Insurance and IC Renaissance Life.

The biggest change in the top part of the ranking was due to the inclusion of IC Renaissance Life in the top ten, which rose from 18th to 10th place over the year. Among the largest companies, it demonstrated the highest increase in collected premiums - 2.5 times. VTB Insurance (+35%) ranked second in terms of growth rates out of the top ten, and IC Alliance ranked third with +32%. Negative dynamics of premiums was recorded only for two of the first 20 largest insurance companies in the rating.

According to RIA Rating experts, the share of Rosgosstrakh in the insurance market (without CHI) was 11.0% in 2012, SOGAZ - 9.4%, Ingosstrakh - 7.4%. At the end of 2012, these figures were 12.0%, 9.4% and 8.4%, respectively.

Voluntary property insurance accounts for the largest share in the structure of premiums collected by most companies in the top ten. The exceptions are the company VTB Insurance, where the largest collections fall on personal insurance and IC Renaissance Life, which specializes in life insurance.

The leaders in terms of payments were the company Rosgosstrakh, which came out on top in 2013, which paid 47.1 billion rubles excluding compulsory medical insurance, Ingosstrakh, and SOGAZ. The top five in payments also included RESO-Garantia and IC Soglasie.

According to the RIA Rating calculations, the highest ratios of payments made to collected premiums among the top ten companies in 2013 were demonstrated by Ingosstrakh, IC Soglasie and RESO-Garantiya.

In terms of the number of contracts concluded in 2013, Rosgosstrakh is also the leader with 26.4 million insurance contracts. AlfaStrakhovanie followed with 8.8 million contracts and ZhASO with 7.5 million contracts.

It is highly probable that in 2014 the list of leaders in insurance services will not change significantly. At the same time, some aggravation of competition can be expected, which can lead to an increase in the market share of companies that “support” the top five in the rating. In addition, certain changes may occur due to tougher legislation and more difficult market conditions. Some small insurance companies will leave the market or join the leading insurers - as a result, some leading companies will show extensive growth in performance.

Tough period for the market