How good is direct marketing? In simple terms, this method of advertising helps to abandon the mass channels of attraction, because. focused only on those customers who are interested in purchasing your product.

Issues to be addressed before launching a direct marketing campaign

1) What customer problems do you solve? In the case of windows, this is: children get sick, it’s noisy, it’s cold, repairs have been made, we want beautiful windows, etc.

2) Which client has the most acute problem? In the first case, your audience is young mothers.

3) When is the problem most acute? When a mother with a child comes to the clinic. This point needs to be captured in direct marketing campaigns.

4) What places do these people visit? Children's centers, polyclinics. There are not so many of these places, so it will be quite easy to make targeted offers to your audience.

5) Where will they look for information? Young mothers usually look for information either from friends or on the Internet (in particular social networks).

Direct Marketing Examples

Another need that often defines the target audience is "I want a window like my neighbor's". If we talk about the place of obtaining information in this case, then basically these are shops, post office, etc. Therefore, in this case, it is enough to hang up in these places with leaflets on which it is written "Windows for free, metering, consultations" and company phone number.

Other Ways to Get Attention

  1. Outdoor advertising(shields hung around the city). This approach works especially well when the summer season begins.
  2. Social programs. These are a kind of PR campaigns that are very effective in small towns. For example, we reached an agreement with the administration of one village and held a “window for veterinarians” campaign.
  3. We chose 3 veterans in the village and installed free windows for them, after which we worked in this territory for another year. And we didn't have a single competitor.
  4. One-time promotions. This can also be attributed to effective window advertising, but only if you have chosen the right approach to disseminate information.

Very often flyers and billboards disappear the next day. In this situation, a great trick is to use:

A) signs, the text on which will be applied to them with reflective paint. Such a sign attracts attention and can last a long time.

B) Stickers in buses of interregional flights. They work especially well in spring and autumn.

This is how you can organize effective window advertising through direct interaction with a specific target audience.

One of our clients gave a great example of how they used funny window ads at the opening of a new office. Actually, this will be discussed in this article, you may want to implement something similar in your company.

Here is the idea!

It all started with the fact that he had a serious problem associated with increased competition. Moreover, former employees of his own company became competitors.

As a result, the owner was fed up with this situation and decided to hold a large-scale action on the opening of a new office of the company, which he timed to coincide with the city day. i.e. he combined the opening of the office with the show. He simply chose the right moment when a large number of people gathered on the main street of the city.

Continuation of a story

The owner of the company called this action "Battle of Installers", which already attracted attention with its originality. Not only did this funny window advertisement bring the expected effect, he set up his own stage in the city center and announced on all radio stations 2 weeks before the event that "the battle of installers will take place in honor of the opening of a new sales office".

He also sent out written invitations to all his competitors with an offer to compete with him in this type of work and, in case of victory, promised them a reward in the amount of the prize fund - 50,000 rubles.

How was the competition?

This peculiar and funny window advertisement was realized in the following way. The entrepreneur ordered 3 identical windows, wrote down in the rules of the competition what needs to be done to win, and asked for official data on who will come to the competition.

As a result, not a single competitor responded to his proposal, and he had to imitate the struggle between the windows. He simply distributed the responsibilities among his own installers and designated who should win and who should lose in the competition. And after the competition, he distributed the money among the installers as a bonus. But, of course, no one in the city knew about this fact.

In order to increase the effect of the action, he also used:

  • Leaflets that read: "Only today! In honor of the opening of a new sales office, we offer you a unique promotion, you pay us 1000 rubles now and get a window for 8900 rubles".
  • Present. When buying the 1st window - a kettle, for 2 - a screwdriver, for 5 - a microwave. Plus each client a bottle of champagne in honor of the day of the city.


After the campaign, the entrepreneur received stunning results. Thanks to her, he sold as many goods in one day as he had not sold in a whole month. He immediately recouped the stock's $150,000 budget, and made the same profit in the following days.

Plus, this move was an excellent PR for the company, which after that became quite famous.

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Selling "chips" in the advertising of window companies

Quite often, advertisers are faced with such a problem - the layout seems to be beautiful, and the corporate identity is bright, but there are no calls and sales. And how many people think - why? The BLIZKO Repair magazine analyzed what "chips" window companies can use when creating effective advertising layouts.
In order for advertising to work well and make a profit, it is important not only to choose a high-quality promotion channel, but also to correctly compose an advertising message, understanding the principles by which this message works and what audience it affects. This is especially important when placing in specialized print media, where the number of advertising offers is quite large, which means that it is not difficult to get lost among competitors.

We study the buyer

Even the best layout will work in vain if we do not know or have not defined “our” audience. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing an advertising medium, you need to understand who the buyer of your product is. For example, is this a person who is building a chic country house and is looking for stained glass windows? Or is it a young family who bought an apartment with a mortgage? Or maybe your customers are middle-aged couples doing scheduled repairs? This list can be quite extensive, but it is important to identify some general and key characteristics of your audience. This can be, for example, income level or social status. After all, if your company sells economy-class windows for urban panel houses, the “builder” of an expensive country cottage will most likely not contact your company. And, if he does, he will waste both his and your time in vain. Therefore, it is important to direct your message to those who will be really interested in it.

Revealing our benefits

At this stage, you need to write down the main distinguishing features of your product or company. Many people think that all windows are the same, and competitors sell identical products. This means that there can be no advantages other than price in this market. Let's look wider and deeper. Maybe your company is a dealer of five brands of window profiles, and competitors do not have such a choice? Or can you guarantee the installation within a short time? Or do you have sales offices in each district, and the buyer himself can drive up and "feel" any profile? Or maybe your company works until 23:00 or even around the clock? And so on. You should analyze the advantages of your company based on the needs of your potential buyers. For example, for many people planning the installation of windows, installment payment is important, while others are concerned about the timing of the order. Understand what the advantages of your company are and tell about them!

We develop a competent layout

Attract attention.

Build trust in the company.

Reliability indicators can be publications of "insignia" - various diplomas, quality assurance badges, medals from exhibitions, links to ratings. You can give direct links to facts. For example: “more than 100 customers trust us every week”; “we are recommended to friends”; “Every day, 10 people come to us on the recommendations of their friends.” It works well to indicate indirect factors confirming the high professionalism and experience of the company's employees, experience or time in the market. This information can be conveyed in the following way: “we have been selling windows for 10 years”, “in 10 years we have installed 5000 windows” or “installation experience - more than 15 years”. It is important to convince a potential buyer of the reliability and professionalism of your company.

Show the uniqueness of your offer.

Why should a buyer be interested in your offer? Explain it in your ad layout! It is necessary to find such “buttons” that the consumer wants to press. A potential client must understand what the main benefit will be - a low price or ease of ordering, or maybe comfort or quality. You can pre-test several of these "buttons" on a small group of target audience and choose the most effective ones. For example, you can include a unique selling proposition, offer discounts to early buyers, or announce a huge sale. You need to convince a potential buyer that it is profitable to buy this product from you.

Show additional customer benefits from purchasing goods in your company.

If your layout has already attracted the attention of the buyer with its unusualness and unique offer, then that's not all. Now he should explain in detail what additional benefits the consumer will receive by ordering windows from you. Such benefits in the window market include - the minimum terms of production or installation, quality assurance, the possibility of installments, free consultation, etc. For example, "guarantee for goods (installation) - 10 years", "service life - 30 years" or "installation in accordance with GOST". Also, it is advisable to indicate prices for windows of standard designs - “a window with a mosquito net - for 10,000 rubles!” In this case, the buyer, already in the process of viewing your advertising message, will understand what exactly and at what price he receives.
More feedback from customers will be received by a company that has placed in the layout information about the availability of a loan or installment plan, as well as a detailed description of the conditions - “first installment - 1000 rubles”, “overpayment - 0%”, “monthly payment - 1,000 rubles”, etc. Are professionals working in your company? Tell about it! This, perhaps obvious information, is very important for buyers. You can write about it like this: "get professional advice" or "free consultation by phone."
Buyers trust professionals, so your layout can be designed, for example, as an expert column and contain tips and tricks for choosing quality windows.
It will be good if you talk about the advantage that other companies do not have. The advantage may be small, but there will definitely be buyers for whom it will be decisive when making an order. This can be free delivery, lifting to the floor, removal / removal of garbage, the possibility of measurements / installation on weekends / holidays or at the exact time, as well as an indication of services that are provided free of charge. Actively demonstrate your advantages!

Help make a decision now, do not delay the purchase.

After the ad has captured the attention of the consumer, aroused interest and a desire to buy, it's time to call the buyer to action. The so-called “urgency effect” works well, when the advertisement says that an important decision needs to be made as soon as possible, otherwise the person will miss the benefit. For example, "call us today (and get it for free)"; “call us today as the promotion will end soon”, etc. The main thing is for the consumer to take an action without delay (call or come to the store).

Competent advertising layout - paper seller

Today, every consumer is bombarded with a variety of information every day. The consumer is becoming more resistant to advertising and less open to its perception. Therefore, it is important for each advertiser to understand the needs of his buyer and build his advertising message based precisely on the benefits of the client. All the information that is contained in your layout should clearly work in your favor, explaining why the buyer should buy exactly your product, exactly from your company and at the specified price.

MK, together with the expert of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights Vladimir Prigogine, found out - "what tricks are used by unscrupulous sellers of double-glazed windows", We decided to join an expert company and express our opinion on each item, as manufacturers and sellers of PVC windows.

By the way, you can’t call the entire window a double-glazed window (very often the media sin with this). A double-glazed window is what is in the picture, it is part of a window. It's like talking about a car - a gearbox. Have you seen how beautifully designed all of our delivery department gearboxes are?

Plastic windows:

1. Absolutely tight and due to this they do not let the cold into the apartment!

Expert: there are no such windows. Another question is that modern windows are about twice as successful at saving heat than the old "Soviet" ones. In addition, they are much better sealed. However, there is another side to the coin: a room with such windows should be ventilated more often.

Plastic Windows: The word "absolutely" is already superfluous, either hermetic or not. The definition of tightness is tightness, the ability of a shell (case), its individual elements and connections to prevent gas or liquid exchange between media separated by this shell. About high-quality PVC windows, one can say this: they do not let water through, and gas is gas, the exchange between environments will occur, but so insignificant that, indeed, it is necessary to ventilate more often.

2. Completely isolate any street noise.

Expert: That's another trick. Low-frequency sounds - a tram, a jackhammer, a transport rumble, especially from multi-ton tractors - will still be heard. But good windows can significantly reduce them.

Double-glazed windows with glasses of different thicknesses will give an additional effect due to the partial elimination of resonance phenomena. In addition, double-glazed windows, divided into several sections, will help to weaken the resonance - solid large glasses only increase it in this.

Plastic Windows: This is not even a trick, this is an outright lie. The most correct definition is that PVC windows minimize the noise level as much as possible with the help of windows, with the modern development of the window industry :-). Here is some secret knowledge for you, to which adherents of the industry of translucent structures are attached :-).

3. The vacuum inside the double-glazed window provides additional sound insulation.

Expert: in the manufacture of double-glazed windows, a certain vacuum is indeed created inside so that the glass is pressed more tightly against the frame. However, this is not a vacuum in the conventional sense.

Plastic Windows: A reader once asked this question:

How to understand - vacuum in a double-glazed window or not?

It is very easy to understand that vacuum is in your double-glazed window - it should be torn to pieces by pressure.

4. The thicker the window, the better.

Expert: not the most correct statement based on the fact that air is the best heat insulator. Remember from the course of school physics the law of convection - warm air rises, and cold air sinks down. Approximately the same principle works in the air space between the outer and inner panes. Along the inner (warm) glass, the air rises, and its place is taken by cold air, which has descended down along the outer (cold) glass. Air circulation is formed between the glasses. This type of heat exchange gives the greatest heat loss.

To prevent this from happening, the distance between the glasses is made just small, its increase can lead to a deterioration in the thermal characteristics of the double-glazed window. A double-glazed window is thickened due to a larger number of chambers (layers of glass). But the more cameras in the package, the more expensive it is. For Moscow, the best option (price - quality) is a double-glazed window (three glasses).

Plastic Windows: it is necessary to achieve the optimal ratio of the width of the double-glazed window, at which the air convection in it is small. With a small chamber width, heat losses are no longer due to convection.

5. We have the cheapest windows - from $40 per square meter!

Expert: high-quality "plastic" cannot be cheap. All self-respecting manufacturers have about the same prices for windows. And the concept of "square meter" is abstract. Modern windows are a complex structure, consisting of several dozen components. And their price cannot be determined only by the area.

Plastic Windows: neither add nor take away. What is really important is to find the optimal ratio "price - quality".

6. Our double-glazed windows are filled with argon!

Expert: This may be true. But it is quite difficult to check what is actually inside the double-glazed window. You won’t break glass and use a special device to determine whether there is argon or air.

Besides, it's not that important. The thermal conductivity of gases depends on their pressure. And air or argon inside - it does not matter.

Plastic Windows: it is really difficult to check, buy windows from a trusted manufacturer. And this is a comparative table of thermal conductivity of gases:

And most importantly - the conclusion :-):

7. The thicker the profile and the more cameras it contains, the better.

Expert: the profile initially transmits heat much worse than glass. Therefore, it makes no sense to increase its thickness. If the window will “freeze”, then on the glass. And we simply don’t have such frosts to freeze the profile.

The standard scheme - a three-chamber profile, two sealing circuits and a two-chamber double-glazed window - is the best option. Choose any well-known manufacturer - you will not lose.

Plastic Windows: In addition to the window itself, a large one, but what's big - a huge role (50% success) is played by the quality of installation. About the profile: all you need to know about the wall thickness of the profile when ordering is its class, if it is A, then everything is fine. As for the number of cameras in the profile, they still affect which double-glazed window will stand, the wider the profile, the wider the double-glazed window.


Expert: some sellers indicate prices without VAT. Remember this. Specify how much it will cost you to install and deliver the ordered windows and all the necessary equipment for them (window sills, ebbs, transitional profiles, etc.), including VAT.

Plastic Windows: most likely - very "some", Usually the buyer is called the amount that he pays. It happens that buyers rely on the cost calculated by them on their own calculators according to their size, but we already wrote that only the measurer will tell the final cost!

Check out the label:

Expert: The quality of the profile cannot be determined by eye. Carefully study the factory marking on the inside of the window frame (some foreign manufacturers make it directly on the profile). It should have a stamp with the name of the manufacturer (each company has its own) and a number of numbers - the shift number, the number of the extruder (device for the production of PVC profiles) and the date of manufacture.

Plastic Windows: exactly.

Plastic windows are a demanded product, but not an everyday one. Customers are quite scrupulous about choosing and buying, so it is necessary to attract people either with high quality or low prices. Unfortunately, for plastic windows, these two parameters are mutually exclusive.

Advertising of a company selling plastic windows should be based on exactly one of the postulates: price or quality, then the entire advertising campaign will look believable and will not make buyers doubt again.

However, in addition to advertising the product, self-promotion is important for the company. In a fairly fierce competition, all means are good, but not all are legal, so let's take a look at legal advertising tools and evaluate their effectiveness.

Registration of a point of sale

The store is the face of the company. How it will look and where it will be located depends on the number of buyers who will notice it just passing by, remember it and decide to come in when the need arises to buy.

The first thing that is noticeable in any store is the facade.

Facade decoration

outdoor advertising

Billboards (billboards, billboards)

A popular and sought-after advertising medium, the advantages of which are quite obvious - constantly in front of thousands of people, the audience coverage is extensive, and the effectiveness has been tested and proven over the years of use. The most profitable billboards for advertising are those that are found near traffic jams. At such points, potential buyers will not only notice advertising, but will also be able (more precisely, will be forced) to study it.

You can also choose a billboard located near the store, then in addition to the advertising function, it will also act as a pointer.


Banners are good because they can be placed almost everywhere - shopping centers, bus stops, residential buildings - there is almost no piece of vertical surface left where it would be impossible to reattach the banner. For advertising windows, the most “convenient” places will be places near old houses or cheap new buildings (with cheap and “cold” windows), that is, where the goods will be in demand. A few weeks or even months of such advertising will definitely motivate one of the tenants to buy. The main thing to consider is the lack of nearby competitors. If a competitor's store is located under your banner, consider that you have paid for advertising for them.


Small advertising stands that can be easily moved from place to place, put away in the store at night and not be afraid that they will be damaged by vandals, are convenient and multifunctional. Their main advantage is in a small price, for which you get both advertising and an index, and in some cases even a sign.

Internal advertising

Internal advertising of the store is, first of all, its product. Samples of windows (in a section, by elements, mounted, etc.) will become a clear example of what awaits the buyer in the event of a purchase. The quality of the sample will determine whether they become advertising or anti-advertising.

Printable advertisement


Were, are and will be an integral part of window advertising. Small, informative booklets are able to describe to the buyer all the advantages of the product and the company, invite them to “see with their own eyes” and buy. An important component of the booklet is the information load (new technologies, convenient forms of payment and delivery).


Yaro is hated (primarily for obsessive distributors). Most buyers will never admit to taking flyers (even fewer will tell the truth about not throwing them away). But the whole “workability” of leaflets lies in the fact that, without throwing them away in the first minute after receiving them, a person cannot get rid of them for weeks. Pretty annoying advertising, as for a piece of paper, you will agree.

Internet advertising

The most modern, the most popular, and so on and so forth ... The Internet in the age of technology cannot be underestimated, so it is a must to use it as an advertising platform.

Personal site

If resources allow, then it is highly desirable to acquire a personal website. This is your own mini-platform for advertising, the ability to monitor the reaction of customers (who reached beyond the main page, how many people placed an order after viewing the catalog). The website is a powerful marketing and statistical tool. Of course, in addition to the site, it is desirable to have a person who could work with it, and not only create beautiful texts and pictures, but also conduct a complete analytics of the work.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Social media

Free analogue of the site. Starting your own group in one of the social networks (or all at once) and posting new items, promotions, polls and much more is very easy today. This does not even require any special knowledge.

Add to this advertising in several thematic groups - and that's it, the flow of visitors is guaranteed. However, please note that the advertising policy of some social networks. networking is now pretty insidious. Even without your knowledge and consent, your group may become a place for someone else's advertising.

search engines

Useful for owners of personal sites. The famous Yandex and Google are also not averse to making money on advertising, so it’s quite easy to be on the first lines of search results, although not cheap. But the effect is tangible.

word of mouth

The most ancient, but no less effective method of advertising. No banners, signs and comments in the social. networks, people do not believe like a neighbor who bought windows from a "company in the house across the street." And those windows “have been standing for a year and don’t even get dirty.” Yes, exaggerated, but it works!

Ineffective Advertising Methods


Replacing windows in a house or apartment is a balanced decision that requires both moral and financial investments. Companies to buy are chosen carefully after reviewing all available information. With this attitude of people, they cannot be expected to be attracted by an ad on the radio. In addition, now the majority listens to the radio only in the car, and while driving, it will not work to be distracted by “high-quality triple-glazed windows” - you need to follow the road.

A television

Effective for large companies with a whole network of stores in different regions. In all other cases, this is an expensive advertisement for a buyer who will never come to you.

Slogan examples

  1. We are warmer.
  2. Winter is not so close when the houses have reliable windows.
  3. The weather doesn't have bad weather when you have our windows.
  4. Protection from rain, wind and cold 24/7.
  5. Our windows will protect both in the heat and in the cold.
  6. Quality is above all.
  7. Let's do it for ourselves - from the heart.
  8. Quality does not depend on price, but on employees. Ours are the best.
  9. You need to look at the world not through rose-colored glasses, but through a three-chamber double-glazed window.
  10. You won't freeze with us!