Before the start of the men's relay, fans of the Russian national team could well count on a good result, despite the weak start to the season. Still, on the chest of our biathletes there was a proud one. The more embarrassing it turned out to be a failure. Well, in the women's relay races, we have not been favorites for a long time, so we could only hope for a miracle, namely, for massive misses by competitors.

A cursory glance at the starting protocol was enough to understand the approximate alignment of forces. In principle, the ninth starting number corresponded to the real possibilities of the Russian team at the moment. Germany, France, Norway, Ukraine, Italy, Belarus - these teams have stable and complete squads. One could expect a surprise from the Slovakian team, where the Fialkovy sisters and Anastasia Kuzmina could well claim a high place. In such a company, finishing in the top 6 would be a good result for our girls.

And again the last round, Victoria

In the main part of the Russian national team for a year, a week, but is already considered almost a full-time starter of the team. Slivko kept in the middle of the peloton, saved her strength and did a great job on the prone, going to the second round with a gap of only four seconds behind the leader. And ahead of all rolled Paulina Fialkova followed by Elisa Gasparin And Hope Scardino.

Slivko kept the pace of the leaders at intermediate levels on the second lap. The lag increased by a few seconds, but no more. Considering that the Russian woman has always been considered a reliable shooter, our team had certain hopes that everything would turn out well. However, Victoria did not cope with the "rack", made two misses and went to the final lap with a delay of 22 seconds. Got into the lead Vanessa Hinz, 10 seconds ahead of Vita Semerenko and Paulina Fialkova. Well, then again the last round! Slivko predictably lost another 15-plus seconds to the leader and passed the baton 38 seconds behind the German. The national team of Belarus, thanks to the efforts of Nadezhda Skardino, got into second place, Fialkova arrived third to pass the baton.

Played, played, but lost

At the second stage, it was supposed to save the motherland, which in Austria, apparently, is beginning to take on a good shape. Akimova went through the first lap cheerfully and consolidated her success in shooting, having worked without a miss. The leader of the race, Franziska Hildebrand, missed twice in the prone, so the backlog of the Russian team was reduced to 29 seconds. Following the German woman, four biathletes immediately ran to the second round - Irina Krivko, Julia Jima, Hanna Oeberg And Selina Gasparin.

Thus, five teams approached the second shooting together. Akimova lost about 10 seconds on the second lap, maintaining sixth position.

The wind conditions in Hochfilzen were slightly better compared to the men's relay, but the shootout at the turn was still like a lottery. The lucky ticket was pulled out by Ukrainian Jim, who, having made only one mistake, ran away to the last round of the stage as a leader. 12 seconds lost to her Oeberg, 22 seconds rolled Hildebrand. Akimova made three misses, but still avoided the penalty loop. Now we were over a minute behind, such a familiar scenario! At the same time, some strong teams experienced even greater problems. Krivko went for two penalty loops and lowered Belarus beyond the top ten. Somewhere in the same region lived French women, Norwegians, Italians and Czechs. In general, the situation for our girls was difficult, but not catastrophic. Akimova cheerfully started the last lap, but at the end she didn't have enough strength. The delay exceeded 1 minute and 10 seconds. Canadians and Japanese were ahead…

World Cup. Biathlon. 12th race without podiums. How it was

All events on December 9 at the Biathlon World Cup in Hochfilzen. News, interesting facts, chips of the day and photos in our timeline.

Savior of the Old

At the third stage, we flew into battle. It flew, because in the first kilometers Irina won back from the leading Valentina Semerenko 15 seconds. Starykh, who missed the start of the season and completely failed the sprint, did not look like an obvious option for the relay. Nevertheless, the Russian woman has repeatedly shown that she knows how to get ready for relay races and show the result. Recall at least the last World Cup. Starykh missed once on the prone, but strategically remained in the fight, losing 1 minute and 5 seconds. Ukraine was still in the lead, but the Swiss team unexpectedly flaunted in second place, where, after the Gasparin sisters, they ran Lena Hekki. Canada and Japan were still in the top 6.

Worked best on the stand Maren Hammerschmidt and took the lead. Hekki and Semerenko ran after the German woman. Surprisingly, Canadian Megan Banks moved up to fourth place. That's where the sensation kicked in. Hardly less sensational was the intermediate sixth place of the South Korean team, where Moon Chi-hi ran. She missed the old ones once on the “rack” and ran after the Korean woman. Yes, yes, Korea again trolls the Russian team in a sporty way.

Starykh famously ran the final kilometers of her stage. The Russian woman jumped from seventh place to fourth, ahead of Sweden, Canada and Korea, lagging behind the leader by 1 minute and 25 seconds. By the way, Irina always knew how to add on the last lap, which greatly distinguished her from the rest of the Russian team. Ahead, the Germans held the lead, ahead of Switzerland and Ukraine by 14 and 26 seconds, respectively.

Katya - well done!

The Swiss national team at the last stage ran Irene Cadourish- objectively the weakest biathlete from the quartet of leaders. Caduris predictably could not stand the terrible pressure at the first line and went immediately to two penalty loops. Laura Dahlmeier And Elena Pidgrushnaya were far ahead, but the Russian team broke into third place! missed the last shot when she was about to run away at a distance. However, this failure did not prevent the Russian woman, who closed the target with the very first additional cartridge. Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, Canada and Belarus pressed Russia behind. The intrigue was hoo!

On the "rack" Dahlmeier quickly dealt with the targets and ran to victory. Pidgrushnaya hesitated, but still went to the second distance. Yurlova-Perkht again waved her fifth shot, when it already seemed that the podium was guaranteed to us. The Russian woman quickly closed the notorious target and still ran into the race third. The problem was that the French Anais Bescon was only six seconds behind. Bescond quickly ate those six seconds and broke into third place. Katya tried to stand behind the Frenchwoman, but in the end she was a little lacking in strength. Happiness was so close.

But. In all this situation, the fourth result can be safely called excellent. And the podium? Well, let's leave it for February. Now, in general, it is not so important.

Today, February 17, in the Austrian Hochfilzen, the relay race for women continued the competition of the 2017 Biathlon World Championship. In today's women's 4x6 km relay with eight firing lines, the Russians finished only tenth, and the victory, as in the last relay of the current season, is again celebrated by the German team, the Ukrainian team won silver, and the French biathletes became bronze medalists.

The honor of the Russian flag was defended today by: Olga Podchufarova, Svetlana Sleptsova, Irina Starykh and Tatyana Akimova completed the race. At the last stage, which Akimova was running, she fell, the stick was broken, the rifle was damaged and, unfortunately, Tatyana could not cope with the shooting, allowed a penalty loop, which naturally crossed out all our hopes for a medal that was so close ...

Biathlon World Championship 2017. Hochfilzen (Austria), February 17
Women's relay, 4x6 km with eight firing lines

1. Germany (0+9) - 1:11:16.6
2. Ukraine (0+4) - +6.4
3. France (0+7) - +8.1
4. Czech Republic (0+6) - +14.0
5. Italy (0+6) - +36.5
10. Russia (Podchufarova, Sleptsova, Starykh, Akimova) (1+8) - +2:15.5

Detailed results of the women's relay race of the 2017 Biathlon World Cup, as always in the section "Biathlon results"

Interviews with biathletes and coaches after the women's relay at the Biathlon World Championships in Austria

It's a shame that we rolled back so low, but this is a relay race, this is a team. I will never say anything offensive to anyone, because we are a single whole and will support each other in any situation. Would you like to run the fourth stage? The stages were distributed by the coaches, and our opinion was not taken into account. We were asked: “What are your wishes?” I said: "Where you put it, I'll run there." With a minute of loss, of course, I had hopes for a good result. You always go to the start with the idea that you need to work to the maximum and do everything that you are capable of. I did it, and I'm happy for my stage, at which I managed to get closer to the leaders.

There were a lot of coaches around the track, they said to stick with Jima. But maybe I shouldn't have done it. She came to the counter warm, it shook normally. I could not catch the target, I had to stand for a long time. Thanks to everyone who supported me. And special thanks to Valery Alekseevich Medvedtsev.

Everything resulted in 30 seconds, because there were two unnecessary extra cartridges. I wanted to work in a faster rhythm rack. I was sure that the last shot had closed. But unfortunately it didn't close. The weather is heavy, the sliding is heavy. The first lap was tight, going ahead here is not profitable, because there are many windy sections along the track. The skis worked just perfect. I compensated for a lot of time at the expense of skis.

Valery Zakharov(coach of Svetlana Sleptsova)

Yes, Svetlana did not go through her finishing segment in the best way, a mistake was made in setting up an attack. Plus, the Old Ones had to be put on the last stage. Whatever Akimova is today, she is not a finisher. And so, in general, the result is natural. At the first stage, we immediately lost 30 seconds, then Svetlana added the same amount.

Participate in Prediction Contest» - make your prediction for the World Cup races
Watch live broadcasts, read biathlon news, comment on the results of the race in the chat and here right along the way (comments on the news, see below)! Our biathletes have every chance to win! Cheer for ours!


Domracheva at one time fell, shot at someone else's target, shot from the wrong position (standing when she should have been lying down).
She dealt with it. Withstood ridicule, injections, meanness. Changed my attitude towards training.
I think ours can.

Yuri, do not spread any nonsense. And then people like you are already spreading with might and main that Kaisheva was beaten by Dahlmeier in juniors and so on.
And “one doctor of the sports medical center” is not a doctor at all, but the director of the Izhevsk Institute of Physical Education named after Alexander Tikhonov, Professor Ildus Gibadullin, who tested it 2 years ago and made an optimistic forecast.
By the way, you can believe it or not, but he called Irina Kruchinkina the most promising girl in our country.

ASP, runs 5, look at your time and compare with the time of the Olympic Champion at the World Championship relay stage.
Keep in mind that stage 6, and still have time to shoot.

SS sucks. This must be accepted as inevitable. She always gets in the way.

Alexander LS, this is his signature. He also signs letters to me in a personal

zakol, everything is absolutely correct. And Kaisheva, having gorgeous physical data, does not seem to be improving in some way. Although, slipped in one article, the speech of one doctor of the sports medical center, could not find the article again. So he said that their examination of Ulyana showed that she had nothing outstanding. Maybe that's not true, let's hope.

Elen, what pisses you off? Indeed, skiing is the next most important indicator of a biathlete. From a skier who does not know how to shoot, a biathlete will turn out. A biathlete will never turn out of a shooter who cannot stand on skis. You can talk about good or bad shooting only with at least some decent move. Otherwise it's pointless. Skiing - can be considered some indicator of the potential. A good shooter Merkushina's speed grows and she turns into an excellent biathlete. A good shooter Kaisheva's speed does not increase and she is still turning into the usual average for our team.

Leonid Alexandrovich,
“And of course you can’t start the relay with the weakest member of the team.”
But the men don't know! (With)
We look at the composition of the first stage: Ukraine - Varvinets, Czech Republic - Zhislova, Norway - Nikolaisen. Well dumb! Common truths do not know! If Ukraine would put Jim at the first stage - they would become champions!))

It's funny when a person speaks about "dummies" who did not even think of deleting "Your comment ..."!))

Asparagus - 2, I was waiting for a qualitative breakthrough, something like Akimova's this year (Let's wait for more years.

Elen, I confess the first impression was the same as yours. Don't worry everything will be fine. And we need your bright head

Well done girls.

1. They tore everyone at the European Open Championship.
2. Three stages in the relay race at the World Championships fought on an equal footing with TI.
3. Lost, only, terminally ill in the fourth stage. And then, not for everyone - the 2016 world champions saw Tatiana's back at the finish line!

Varvinets has not yet said the last word, she has huge potential, she needs competent coaching in the offseason - and she will become a real biathlon star

Wind, in vain about Yurlova

Sergey, Sergey, thank you for the compliments and, especially, for the clarifications. Even I didn’t get it, my head is not busy with that)).

Wind, well, about Virolainen, you are in vain - she has potential - she started great. I really don't know what happened to her...

Well done, Ukrainians, congratulations, girls! Special thanks to Alena for leaving Koukalova with nothing! In general, I got the impression that the coaches arranged the stages so that they would lose, the question is, why? Drachev's interview cut my ear - that the coaches were very surprised when Irina began to win back .. How is that ?! And in general, what Vira, Yurlov, Zagoruiko, etc. in the team are the people talking about here? Thank you all and go home! Leave Starykh and Akimov, treat Podchufarov over the summer and see in the fall, and now the youth will roll on the remaining stages! After all, Noritsyn wanted to run the young in the relay, so there’s no such high high ((.. That 14th place was much more worth than at the World Cup 10 with “deserved and outstanding” (and 11 last year, by the way). Tanechka, I support from all the forces, the main thing is the confidence that you CAN!

Sanjobar, I did not rummage through the statistics and therefore missed that result. It seems to me that Varvinets simply lowered the requirements for herself, like Zhuravok.

"Valery Zakharov (coach of Svetlana Sleptsova)" - Ha, is someone else coaching Sleptsova?!

Alexander, Lena in 15/16 was the seventh.
Regarding Varvinets, she had a serious accident, and yes, there were high hopes for her.

Igor Ovcharenko, and you are one of the angels, as I see it. flawless and always on top

Dummies always have someone to blame, weather, sleet, crooked skis, wind. Teapots, they are also teapots at the World Cup. One Irina performs with dignity.
Your comment...

Tanya was just tired, hence the fall, she shouldn't have run away from the IG.

Good view Khovantsev

Relay in the past. I'm looking forward to the mas-start. I hope and believe that Tanya will recover psychologically. Good luck to Irina and Tatyana and a medal with a tide!

Well, what do you compare with Ukraine? I'll try to answer well, mayzhe to everyone and try not to be very chaotic)
Stay away from Merkushina. She does not have a move at the level of leaders in world biathlon. Who doubts, look at the statistics on the course at the World Cup in personal races. She has a wonderful fast shooting and character. Well, our hopes that it will add.
Jima: Our love and our pain. In the off-season, she improved her speed performance, but at the same time she forgot how to shoot a stand at a high pulse, There is no stability. Our "Eberhard" well, or "S. Gasparin". A girl who moves quite well, but the stars have never met in personal races. Another of the obvious shortcomings is not quite a confident finish lap. Well, she's not a finisher.
Varvinets: Our unfulfilled hope, I hope so far. The main trump cards are the same as those of Merkushina, but tear the personal trainer from the TS of Ukraine, a failed off-season and an absolute fiasco in terms of speed on the track this season.
Pidgrushna: Our captain and the main example for the same Merkushina and I hope Varvinets. She has never been in 10 total. She does not have super-speed and super-accuracy, but she, like Ole, competently brings herself to the main starts. Sometimes for this, skipping personal races. for the benefit of the team. (persecution at the World Championships. But a place in 30 is guaranteed to her a place in ms). She is a great tactician and strategist. Well, her character is one of the strongest in the world biathlon.

Add to this a competent TS. Rifle part including. Competent service team. Lena's skiing was noticeably better yesterday, and all the girls in the view noted the work of the service team. Well, an amazing atmosphere within the team and unlimited support from the fans. And you will get the secret of the team's success, which, being not a set of top biathletes, is in fact a top team.

Here I read the comments, they say Kasperovich said that Starykh refused the fourth stage of the relay. What's up with the Old Ones? And what is the coach for, for show? Unfortunately, this is what happens with Kasperovich. All the blame for the failure of the relay is on the coach, who determines the composition of the participants in the relay. And of course you can not start the relay with the weakest member of the team.

Elen, 1. France - 1:01.18.2, and all the others plus by this time, of course, in minutes, the same for shooting. Note that I didn't say that. 21:29 "Dmitry, how this time infuriates me"

Tanechka accurately determined what happened to our biathlon. Respect Tanyusha

Sergey, do you want to say that our team shot for more than an hour, but spent all two on the track? Or is it minutes?
And, by the way, it’s not the skiing indicator itself that infuriates me, but when it is given out as the main one in biathlon, it is almost more important than the overall result.

Khinskiy, the problems of women's biathlon have been going on for more than one year, years, if it's not okay, six at least.

In general, a disgrace to our TS. I don’t want to condemn any of the athletes and I can’t. I know only one thing - they did everything they could at the moment. It is necessary to work with Akimova in terms of psychology: it is not the first time she falls, she flies into a fence with a ski. It feels like he's losing focus. Check it out before you start. Age-old sadness on the face, because it presses, presses and presses both coaches, and you and I all together. She just needs to rest. The physical form is not bad, but everything else is just in the head. The most important thing is not to get sick. The fact that, physically, Tanya is strong, this is evidenced by the fact that she has been running all season without passes and is not in the basement of the total.
In general, Pidgrushnaya surprised me so much. It was probably the first time I was rooting for Ukraine. Still, well done Olena. She just drilled this track, and when she overtook both Doren and Gaby, it became clear that she would not give up second place. Fighter. Merkushin is impressive. So tiny, but such a thorn...

Elen. everything seems to be clear with Flint, the first time is the time of the move of the whole team (which "enrages you"), the second time of shooting of the whole team

It is obvious that TS is not able to take our women to the main competitions. Salvage, their interests, shtetl and professional incompetence will completely stifle biathlon. Alas, the coaches are silent, the athletes, of course, are also silent, and as a result ... The athletes were simply strangled both physically and mentally with their endless selections, etc. It is pointless to criticize our women, they run and shoot as they were prepared and set up.

Alexey Alekseevich,
“I think when she gets to KM, she will do Kaisa too”
Hermann was already at KM. Kaisa did not. In Pokljuka she lost 19 seconds to her, in Nove Mesto - more than a minute.

Flint didn't understand the numbers. Please explain how they are calculated.

pioneer, do you think Doren and Koukalov were ordered to lose the finish by Pidgrushna?

I think the apotheosis of everything is the statement “WHAT CAN BE DONE IN THREE YEARS?” everything, curtain (((
by God, my will, without any two years of absence, would have sent Akimov, Starykh, Kaisheva, Mironova and Virolainen to Korea and rooted not for the country, for the girls

In general, this is only the second season for Akimova and the Starykh at the highest level. Not even a year has passed since Tatyana was recognized as the best novice, and Irina had fewer KM races than the young Merkushina. But for some reason we want to plant a tree in the evening, and in the morning to collect fruits from it.

But this is not the case: nothing is taken from nothing. The current winners have at least 4 seasons at the highest level behind them, and they win precisely due to the experience gained, and not at all because they eat vitamins that are inaccessible to us.

So far, the level of our girls is a single surge, but this does not mean at all that in a year or two they will not be among the leaders of the total. In the training of women, faith and trust mean a lot. This is what I call for.
Get excited and that's enough. Let's believe again.

I'm more surprised how the speeds have increased among the Ukrainians.))
McLaren your report!))

Earrings were distributed to everyone ... Khokhls were given a medal according to the “layout”, and they received it ... We also got at least one more, so WILL ...

Yet Akimova this season, compared to the past, proved to all of us that we can still fight! Some apparently forgot how we "jumped to the ceiling" from emotions. No need to spoil Tatyana's mood with loud words. And the fact that the fourth stage is not for her, even our little fans seem to know.

It's not the end of the world. Yes, it happens. No need to attack Tanya.

Yuri, Nuu Hermann is not an indicator - do not forget who she is - I think at the KM when she gets - she will do Kaisa too - Merkushina is also a decent runner - stop underestimating her - she firmly took her place at the heart of the Ukrainian team. As for the same Daria, you can recall her brilliant start at the KM - and she runs quite well with her legs - in any case, the appearance of the same Virolainen and Mironova at the base along with Akimova and from the Old Ones can create a ski-racing biathlon team of Russia with an even composition, which we have not had for a long time - even if not super fast - but no longer dead-walking - there is only one question in relation to the rifle unit - but this issue should be decided by our shooting specialists.

Alexey Alekseevich, about Mironova's move, it's the same with Virolainen, plus or minus a second, someone like both. Hermann also takes them a minute with his feet in the sprint, which means they are the strongest in the KM as well, so count. And in the only sprint at KIBU, they and Merkushina bypassed them, not to mention the shooting. Kaisheva's move is always worse than both, I only watched the sprint. The best we had was Zagoruiko in relation to Hermann in the first sprint of the season and where is Nastya now? In Russia, and the German will go to race the KM. Here is such a prospect and hopelessness. No illusions of victory should be built among women, pure chance.

Ivan, stop throwing empty words around, Mironova does not win against anyone with a move. It's a bullshit. Kaisa, Laura, Koukalova wins with a move, and she slightly bypasses a couple of our girls again, and the rest of ours is already a minor league. Sorry, but these are numbers. Not so everything is rosy with Kaisheva. I don’t know the reason, I only appeal to the numbers in the races and that’s it.

Men have a choice of whom to put on the relay. Why is there no choice in women's biathlon? This is a question for TS and SBR. Why wasn't Virolainen invited to the Worlds? The same Mironov, who beats everyone with a move? Or is it a pity for the leadership of the RRF to spend money on themselves, on the maintenance of their useless apparatus?

Yuri, Kasperov is his boss and it's up to him to decide who and where will run, it has always been like this, in rare cases you can listen to an athlete if the situation is right. But here is the World Cup, there is no place for sentimentality, only strict calculation, only hardcore. Kasperovich stupidly justifies himself and substitutes the athlete.

Alexey Alekseevich, that's for sure, there are such obvious and indisputable moments in which everyone has one single opinion, for example, that Shipulin is running the fourth stage. But TS never ceases to amaze and cheats with enviable regularity, so they miscalculated with Akimova.

Yuri, Of course, you can forget about the quota - this is a fact - if you knew in advance that it would be so, you could at least run in some of the youth - the same Mironova could even be checked - even if she still has problems with shooting - but it would be interesting to see her skiing in comparison with elite athletes - after all, in biathlon now shooting is largely in the background in all races - even in IG, skiing often decides everything - we clearly lack runners in the women's team.

Perhaps at the last stage, the youth will still be checked. Obviously, most of the base should be sent to rest - with the exception of Irina and Tatyana.

The women's relay in Hochfilzen was won by Italy. Russia did not reach the podium.

Hochfilzen (Austria). Stage of the World Cup. Women. Relay race
1. Italy (Vittozzi, Rungaldier, Wierer, Sanfilippo) - 1:10.58.7 (0+3)
2. Sweden (Persson, Broursson, Nilsson, Oberg) - 8.4 (0+9)
3. France (Chevalier, Simon, Emonnier, Bescond) - 11.8 (0+8)
4. Russia (Pavlova, Yurlova-Perkht, Vasnetsova, Starykh) - 47.2 (0+6)
5. Belarus (Alimbekova, Krivko, Sola, Kruchinkina) - 1.13.4 (0+4)
6. Norway (Knotten, Eckhoff, Lanmark Tandrevold, Ulsby-Roisland) - 1.24.4 (2+11)

Six extra rounds prevented the Russian team from interfering in the fight for medals in the women's relay at the World Cup in Hochfilzen. To compete for awards, the Russians had to shoot in much the same way as the biathletes from the Italian national team did, who became the first with three additional cartridges.

Debutante Slaughterer

At the first stage, the coaching staff put, which only this season made its debut in the main team. And in her debut relay at the World Cup, she had to become a slaughterer. From the current team, the first stage could have run, but she completely lost her form.

Pavlova coped with her task. Before the first shooting, she did not rush anywhere, stayed in the group of the strongest in fifth place, shot clean prone and went to the distance third. True, she came to the second shooting with a slight lag behind the top three and could not do without a miss.

Veteran as a catch-up

But one extra round in the first career relay at this level is a completely normal indicator. In the final segment of the distance, Pavlova tried to keep the speed of the leaders, but in the last 500 meters she lost a little.

Today, February 17, in Hochfilzen (Austria) at the Biathlon World Championships there will be a women's 4x6 km relay with eight firing lines. The Russian national team includes: Olga Podchufarova, Svetlana Sleptsova, Irina Starykh and Tatyana Akimova.

But in yesterday's interview, the head coach of the Russian biathlon team, Alexander Kasperovich, emphasized that it is quite possible to replace Svetlana Sleptsova with Irina Uslugina: “As for the women's relay, Svetlana Sleptsova's functional condition is now good. We looked at her biochemical and physiological data. Plus, we have a reserve athlete - Irina Uslugina, she will be ready to replace Svetlana in the relay if the need arises. Tatyana Akimova will run in the relay at the last stage. We looked purely tactically: Podchufarova had a good race. If the loss is minimal, then at the second stage we will try to keep it. At the third or fourth stage, we will increase the advantage or, on the contrary, catch up.”


Watch the race.. The strongest win..

Eh, Tanya-Tanya - I really didn’t expect from anyone, but apparently for the first time at the last stage - this explains everything ... (((

ASP, it is not only weak, it is generally no-for the championship of the region and then it is not worth releasing. All profukala that you can -1.03 brought. Although Starykh won back 23 seconds from the German in the last 2 km, yes, these are women ... there are no explanations. Thanks to Akimova for the penalty loop ... and she doesn’t run and doesn’t shoot ... to hit 10-Ku!

Podchufarova lost her stage on the last lap. She is now, in her youth, like Romanova in her old age, even worse. In general, firewood!

I personally am glad that the ME is without Garanichev, but with Volkov)
And the girls shoot at 0 and good luck, of course!

I want to be in the top three! Good luck!

Andrey Gusev,
"Coaches who led their players to youth championships and the IBU"
Right now there is such a coach in the national team: Kasperovich led his pupils - Loginov, Tsvetkov, Babikov - from the youth team itself.)

PS: by the way - blogs have the ability to edit your posts, you can add your phrase from the interrupted place. Just hover over your post and an edit button will appear in the top right corner.

We'll just cheer for our girls... And how will it turn out there...

Girls, I really, really wish you to perform with dignity! We are with you, we are for you.


and drop back two hours from Moscow, there is the 1st time zone
+2 in general, and either rain or snow

Who knows the weather in Hochfilzen

If we are in the top three it will be a miracle! Scary for 1-2 stages, we wish good luck to our girls

Come on, we stock up on something: validol or vodka, and cheer for our girls. A miracle is such a miracle, a failure, such a failure ... We will still be sick and believe!

Montenegrin and Olga Vlad (and) are true patriots of Russia.

Vlad, and I have two - women and men, and both are golden

I want a medal...

And what - Guberniev did not say correctly - Marten, are you a pig? Why are you running into him like that? Another thing is that then the Czechs began to ... suck up ... Today I really want to believe in success today, but ... Nevertheless, good luck to the girls!

Let's fight Korea and Japan for hitting the tag.
It is a pity for the Old and Akimov, who will again have to tear their veins after a semi-invalid and a pensioner

I would like to support our female athletes, wish them good luck, I believe that it’s really possible to be high today, you just need to get past failures out of your head, tune in and fight!

There is heavy snow in Hochfilzen now, if it continues during the race, we have hope with good shooting

I am very interested in what criteria are used to appoint the coaching staff, the head coach. Everyone says that Russia has one of the best biathlon schools. There are results at the IBU, there are results at the youth competitions. The question is where does it all go.
It seems to me that TS does not have a system of work. Many decisions are made in the same way.
There is no system of rolling promising youth.
We did not show the result at the stage immediately in the link.
But when you switch from the IBU, it won’t happen right away, it takes time.
In a word, the analysis of the season should begin not with the athletes, but with the coaches. As long as there are no cardinal changes in TS, nothing will change on the cup.
And foreigners can be attracted, but as consultants, no more.
And also mandatory consultants should be those trainers who, in

Coaches who led their players to youth championships and the IBU

There is no one to rely on except for the Old Ones, Sleptsova is not even funny anymore. Forever tired, it is not clear why Podchufarova. Akimov also has a lot of questions, well, at least she has a normal speed. The old one will not pull the team. Yes, and generally not entirely clear raids on it. She is good and hard worker.

gavaler, well, you are wise as Solomon.

We want positivity from our girls. Well, all right - each ran for himself before, but now it's a team and not a collection of someone. Good luck girls!

All friends - it's time to end this season, learn lessons and work on mistakes! I have big claims only to the SBR andTSh! There are some - Guberniev is blamed for all serious, but he is the same fan as you and I - sometimes emotions go wild. And yet, it's time for everyone to think carefully about future starts and the fate of the Russian biathlon in general!

Montenegrin, that's for sure

Most importantly, shoot to zero!

It's too late to discuss who is needed and who is not. Everything is decided without us. Let's cheer for this team

Sleptsov shouldn't! Will not pull, weak.

The compositions are defined, the arrangement is clear. Good luck to the girls, good luck to the fans too. I hope today we can do without validol. I believe that the girls will do their best. It seemed to me that after the last race, some began to appear normal sports anger. The most important thing is not to fly away in the early stages.

Yes, they won’t put Usluzhinu, although they were called, but they will lose, they will say they didn’t cope psychologically, that’s the whole story. we've already been through this. this squad was taken to all stages of the KM (without the Old Ones), Akimova alone pulled it, young people are not needed, so they are reaping the benefits in the pre-Olympic year, do they think that something will change in a year? If so, then the flag is in their hands, only you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty. The girls work hard, but there is no efficiency, and the whole coaching staff, young and old, is to blame for this.

Good luck, what else can you say, there is hope that they will get together and do everything, I will be sick.

Again the fable of I. A. Krylov "quartet"!

RozaR, I saw her interview after the race already at the World Championships, everything is in order with her head. The way Slivko behaved after the relay races is completely different from Sleptsova.

We will have to fight for the 5th place, if the girls go through in their strength. Above is a miracle.

The main thing is that Sleptsova gets together and holds out, the rest will not let you down. So she became very serious. The interview shows that he is worried about his cuts.
Today we all need to push ourselves.
I wish the team today to jump above their heads and grimacing their elbows!

And I like the composition, so a little luck will not hurt us!

Today, surprises can be a wagon and a small cart. In Hof it is overcast and rain is passing. So we wish our girls to get into the prizes, maybe the stars will be favorable to us today. Our composition is not worse than others. And if even fresh forces are pulled up, you look at the podium we will run. Good luck to our team. We are rooting for you and believe that everything will be fine. Forward to the victory

Our place in the relay is 6 +/-2.

norweg, "Chances are zero!" - this is when there is no goal. And when there is a goal, there is always a chance, at least some small one. “Looking for others” is rude, but true. “I would change the commentator on MATCH-TV. Too bland." - redneck, that's putting it mildly, here I agree 100%.

What about the rest of them shaking the air? I also understand Leonid Alexandrovich - the frame is still the same. Swap this one for that one and then back again. And I'm here he is a cool special. The composition has already been announced.

Ours will take their place. How do you not get stuck here.

aklima, Haha, is it years?

thank you guys for the victories, give me health and family happiness, I'm 54 years old, I watch you with rapture until the morning, well done, keep it up

Hmm... Win back, win back... Looks like when that time comes,
the leaders will already finish...
There will be happiness if they run into the top six!
I’ll watch anyway, I wonder what the SS will freeze today
or overheat...

Podchufarova's performance is compared with her move in the IG with the move that is needed in the relay, knowing in advance that it will bring a backlog in the region of the second ten, which cannot be won back because there is no one to win back. I repeat for the hundredth time - you can’t put Olga in the relay race, the price of losing is too high. The first stage of Sleptsov. The finisher is not Akimov, but Starykh. Akimova her usual second stage, the third service, with her head in order. Yes, a key milestone. My only question is, is Kasperovich ready to leave the post of head coach in the deliberate planning of the blockage of the first stage in the person of Olga Podchufarova, or will he wait for a kick from above?

rest today .. you can root for Belarus .. you look and they will enter the top three. ashamed? what can you do .. for 10 million countries that are completely dependent on Russia, the national team is quite competitive .. unlike Russia .. Ukraine is unlikely to be allowed .. debtors and defaulters are not liked in Europe ... but for the West, the main thing is that Russia should not be in prize-winners.. otherwise.. a ghost. communism .. will again walk around Europe ..

For that, it's unmistakable.