Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov is a Russian businessman of Chechen origin, a former common-law husband. Born on August 9, 1968 in a large Chechen family Sulima and Kasirat Baysarov in the Grozny region of the Chechen Republic, in the village of Prigorodnoye. Ruslan is a native representative of the Chechen teip khacharoy.


Baysarov moved to Moscow immediately after school. He entered the Moscow Construction and Engineering Institute. In 1986, Ruslan was drafted into the army, after demobilization he was transferred to the Grozny Oil Institute. Academician M. D. Millionshchikov to the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, from which he graduated in 1996.

Ruslan Baisarov, photo - Alexey Vitvitsky

Five years later, Ruslan Baisarov receives a master's degree in sociology at Moscow State University, and in 2018 he defends his Ph.D. in technical sciences at the National Research Technological University "MISiS".


The first business project of Ruslan Baysarov is the creation of a beauty studio. The salon was located in the World Trade Center, where the young businessman later met. In the mid-90s, together with an aspiring director and actor, Baisarov created the Infant Silver closed gaming club.

Businessman Ruslan Baisarov (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baisarov)

In those years, at WTC, Ruslan rented several facilities for a sports complex, a nightclub and a casino. In the same place, Baysarov organizes the first Japanese restaurant in Russia.

In the late 1990s, Ruslan Baysarov entered the oil business, began working with the Moscow Oil Refinery, and soon became vice president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which included more than 50 organizations that sell 75 percent of sales in the Moscow fuel market.

In the 2000s, Ruslan became first vice president and then first vice president of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company. In 2008, he acquired the rights to part of the assets of Sibir Energy, which was subsequently bought by Gazprom Neft.

Ruslan Baisarov and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baisarov)

In the 2010s, Ruslan Baisarov drew attention to the mineral-rich Republic of Tuva. In April 2013, his Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEPC) acquired a license to develop Russia's largest Elegest coal deposit, the comprehensive development project for which was approved at the end of 2017 and included the construction of the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway.

In 2019, Ruslan Baysarov, General Director of TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC, signed a contract with JSC Russian Railways for the construction of a railway line. As noted by the Minister of Economic Development, who was present at the signing, “this is the largest investment project that can seriously improve the state of the East Siberian region and create a large number of new jobs.”

Ruslan Baysarov in 2019 at the signing of an agreement with Russian Railways (photo - Russian Railways press service)

At the same time, in 2015, Ruslan Baisarov became a shareholder, and in 2016 - a controlling shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of the construction company (SK) Most, a Russian enterprise in the construction industry, which unites 12 bridge-building enterprises and 3 tunnel divisions.

IC "Most" implements a lot of significant infrastructure projects throughout Russia, including two bridges across the Amur River connecting Russia and China in the areas of Blagoveshchensk and Nizhneleninsky, the second Baikal tunnel, distillation tunnels on the Kozhukhovskaya line of the Moscow metro, construction of Arctic seaport facilities " Sabetta" and others.

Personal life

For the first time, Ruslan Baisarov married in the early 90s to fashion model Tatyana Kovtunova. In 1993, a daughter, Camilla, appeared in the family. But the marriage did not last long.

Later, the young man met his daughter Christina Orbakaite. Ruslan and Kristina did not record relations in the registry office, however, the wedding ceremony was registered according to Muslim laws in a mosque in Moscow. In 1998, a son was born to the young, who received the citizenship of Lithuania and Russia. In the early 2000s, relations between Christina and Ruslan went wrong.

Ruslan Baisarov and his son Denis (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baisarov)

In 2003, Ruslan had a second son, Ilman, from a young fashion model of the Modus Vivendis agency, Alina Tsevina, who became the third wife of a businessman. The girl did not live in her lover's house for long, since six months after the birth of the child she moved to a personal apartment in the center of Moscow. Alina received a luxurious gift as a token of gratitude for her son from Ruslan. The child, like the first daughter, remained in Baisarov's house.

In 2005, from a girl named Yulia, Ruslan has a second daughter, Dali.

In 2009, the story received a wide public outcry after Denis Baysarov did not return to Kristina Orbakaite after the holidays. In the press, the singer accused her ex-husband of kidnapping her son. But, as Ruslan himself claimed, the boy stayed with his father voluntarily. Denis had to fly to the USA to continue his studies, but, according to Ruslan, the boy wanted to stay in his homeland, where he has relatives and friends.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ruslan Baysarov on vacation (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In October 2009, a settlement agreement was concluded, according to which the boy, during Orbakaite's absence, will live with his father, and during Baisarov's absence, with his mother. The decision on who exactly he will stay with at the moment, Dany, according to the document, can make on his own.

In 2009, Ruslan married a Chechen girl, Madina Gaitaeva, from her ancestral village of Prigorodnoye, who bore him two sons, Amir and Amin.

Ruslan Baisarov has six children. The father takes care of the education of his own sons and daughters. Ruslan pays much attention to the cultural education of children in the national spirit. The businessman often spends time with them.


Businessmen Jack Ma and Ruslan Baysarov (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

Ruslan Baysarov is recognized as the wealthiest representative of the Chechen diaspora in Russia. Currently, according to Forbes magazine, Ruslan Baysarov is included in the list of two hundred richest businessmen in Russia. In 2018, his fortune was estimated at $900 million (118th place).

The biography of the famous entrepreneur Ruslan Baysarov is too often reduced to that tiny part of it that is interesting to the yellow press. Meanwhile, the significance of this person in today's Russia is difficult to overestimate.

Considering that the general public is extremely eager to perceive news from the life of stars, the Chechen businessman Ruslan Baisarov is perceived by the public primarily as the former son-in-law of Alla Pugacheva and the father of the idol of the girls Denis Baysarov. Meanwhile, Ruslan Sulimovich himself is a very extraordinary figure, and his biography deserves a serious discussion, and not just mentions in the gossip column.

Childhood and stars

Baisarov Ruslan Sulimovich was born on August 9, 1968 in an ordinary large Chechen family of the teip Khacharoy. The boy was distinguished from his peers by his energy and enterprise: “For as long as I can remember, I have been earning money all my life,” he recalls about selling apples as a child. However, the first commercial projects did not prevent him from finishing school well and at the age of 17 to come to conquer the capital - to enter the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. But in those years even full-time students were called up, so Ruslan Baysarov spent two years in the army, and then decided to continue his studies closer to his native mountains - at the Grozny Oil Institute. Moscow knowledge also turned out to be useful - although in his student years, Baisarov, like many then, began with the trade in computers, he will be engaged in oil and construction all his adult life.

Despite the fact that the situation in the republic at that time was not conducive to academic studies, and in Moscow it was much safer, Ruslan Baisarov graduated from the Grozny Institute. After already in the capital, Baysarov opened a salon at the World Trade Center, then, on shares with Fyodor Bondarchuk, became the owner of a nightclub, in general, he was in the center of Moscow social life. One of the main stars of the then capital, Kristina Orbakaite, the daughter of Alla Pugacheva, could not resist the charms of this Chechen youth. Many were amazed then that the famous wife of Ruslan Baysarov agreed to formalize the relationship according to the Muslim rite. A year later, their son Denis was born, and although the marriage did not turn out to be lasting, the boy grew up in an atmosphere of love. Now, at 21, he has become one of the most popular young people on Russian social media. Probably, an enviable artistic future awaits him, although it is possible that he will show interest in continuing his father's work.

Finishing the topic of his personal life, let's say that later Ruslan Baysarov married a Chechen girl Madina Gaitaeva, they are doing well, they are raising their two sons, and the businessman has six children in total, and he takes an active part in the fate of all six.

Oil and construction

Directors, fashion designers and singers are, of course, interesting and fun, but a man should do the real thing. At the turn of the century, Ruslan Baisarov went into the oil business:

  • founded the oil refinery company "Infant",
  • was elected Vice President of the Moscow Fuel Association,
  • in 2001 became vice-president of the Moscow Oil Company,
  • later - "Moscow Oil and Gas Company",
  • even later - "Central Fuel Company".

Having accumulated vast experience in top management, in 2011 he founded the Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEIC) - his first truly large project as an owner. And in 2015-16, Ruslan Baysarov acquired a controlling stake in the Most group of construction companies (SK Most Group of Companies), which is now associated with his name in business circles.

Infrastructural tasks of the "Bridge"

GK SK Most is now participating in the largest infrastructure projects in Russia - after all, it was not in vain that the head of the holding began to study specifically as a builder. If you are not very interested in construction projects in remote corners, you can simply skip the next few paragraphs - it is enough to understand that some kind of development of our economy becomes possible thanks to such works of strong people in harsh conditions:

  • One of Ruslan Baysarov's most famous projects is a bridge between the village of Nizhneleninskoye in the Jewish Autonomous Region and the city of Tongjiang in China. For a second, the first ever train crossing across the Amur border river, with an estimated capacity of 21 million tons of cargo per year, two and a half thousand tons per hour! The easier and cheaper the exchange of goods with China, the easier it will be for our entire country to diversify export flows, which is extremely important in the current circumstances.
  • The reconstruction of the BAM continues - older readers probably remember this great Komsomol construction site, which was first the cause of the whole country, then the object of ridicule over the enthusiasm of the fathers, and now - the vital artery between the center of the country and its east (if you think that the center is Moscow , look at the map). The Ruslan Baysarov Most Group of Companies has laid the Second Baikal Tunnel, which is expected to open for trains in the coming winter.
  • The employees of Ruslan Baisarov in the Far East are engaged in an unusual project - the expansion of the gauge of the Sakhalin railway from the dwarf 1067 mm to the generally accepted in Russia 1520 mm. This will facilitate the delivery of goods across the legendary island, which means it will lead to an increase in trade and, as a result, an increase in tax collection.

The first rails of Tuva

In Russia, they practically do not build passenger railways - on the contrary, from time to time they "mothball" the existing sections, reduce the number of trains. Now commuter trains cannot travel either from Murmansk to Sochi, or from Moscow to Khabarovsk. And only Ruslan Baysarov swims against this current - the above-mentioned TEPK is now working on the country's largest railway project - the 410-kilometer Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino route in Tuva. Probably, not many readers will immediately show Tuva on the map - this republic is in 21st place in terms of area among the regions of Russia, but only in 78th in terms of population, and its gross regional product reaches 15 thousand rubles per person per month. The infrastructure of the republic has significant potential for development: air communication with Moscow appeared four years ago, and there are no railways in principle. At the same time, the republic is rich in minerals, it can extract it, but the cost of delivering it to buyers exceeds all reasonable figures. This problem is designed to solve the new railway. It will connect Tyva with the unified railway network of Russia and allow mining enterprises to finally breathe deeply.

Thanks to this, after the highway is put into operation, the republic will find 15,000 new jobs, that is, almost 5% of the population of Tuva will get a stable, well-paid job. That is how, and not by sporting achievements and political squabbles, the real greatness of Russia is forged.

Serbia and Amur again

We will briefly talk about other significant areas of work of Ruslan Baysarov and his SK Most Group of Companies and the companies included in this structure.

Another interesting project is the construction of a giant railway viaduct in Serbia. This country, although eager to join the European Union, still remains our closest European ally, and the help of the Russian enterprise in the construction of railway facilities for the high-speed route between Belgrade and Budapest will certainly not go unnoticed. At the moment, the project entrusted to Stroy-Trust by Ruslan Baisarov is one of the largest in Europe.

And in the spring of 2020, we are waiting for the ceremonial commissioning of the famous "Friendship Bridge" Blagoveshchensk - Heihe between Russia and China across the Amur River. This bridge will undoubtedly significantly revive the economy of the Amur Region, simplify and reduce the cost of trade - it is not surprising that local residents are literally counting the days until traffic opens.

The success of Ruslan Baysarov is not only his merit

It is clear that any business of this magnitude is not the merit of one person, but a complex of efforts of thousands, and even tens of thousands of specialists of various profiles and levels. And yet, as a rule, one guiding hand, one strong will is needed in order for all these people to organize themselves for gigantic tasks. Then tunnels, bridges, railways appear in different parts of Russia, then destruction and desolation are replaced by creation and prosperity.

Ruslan Baisarov is still quite young, he is 51 years old, most of the projects we have listed have been completed or are nearing completion, so in the foreseeable future we can expect big news from SK Most - what other half-forgotten places will transport and civilization come to? Russia is great, you can master it endlessly.

Ruslan Baysarov was born in the village of Prigorodnoye, Chechnya, into a large family. In 1985, after graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. In the period from 1986 to 1988 he served in the army, after which he transferred to the Grozny Oil Institute named after academician Millionshchikov, from which he graduated in 1996. In 2001, he received a master's degree in sociology from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, and in 2018, a PhD in technical sciences from the National Research Technological University MISiS.


First projects and work in oil companies

Due to the fact that the Baisarov family was not very wealthy, he began to think about earning money from early childhood. He received his first serious money as a student at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute and selling computers.

However, his first serious business project can be considered a beauty salon at the World Trade Center on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in the capital. They also appeared there:

    one of the first Japanese restaurants in the country,

    night club

    external parking.

In the late 1990s, Baisarov entered the oil business. His retail company Infant processed about one and a half million tons of oil at the Moscow Oil Refinery. Baisarov's clients were not only two thousand gas stations in Russia, but also various budgetary organizations and government agencies.

At the same time, he became vice president of the Moscow Fuel Association. The structure included more than 50 different organizations, which together controlled 75% of sales in the fuel market of the capital.

    From 2001 to 2004, Baisarov served as Vice President of the Moscow Oil Company OJSC.

    From 2004 to 2005, he continued his career at OJSC "Central Fuel Company".

    In addition, in 2005 he served as chairman of the board of directors of CJSC MNK-AVTOCARD.

    In the same year, Baisarov became vice president of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company. In 2007 he is the first vice-president of the company.

In 2008, he acquired the rights to part of the assets of the oil company Sibir Energy. He sold this package to Gazprom Neft for $740 million.

From 2010 to 2011, he served as First Vice President of OJSC Central Fuel Company, after which he headed CJSC Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEPC) as General Director.

Founding of TEPK and construction of the first railway in Tuva

In 2013, TEPC received a license to develop the Elegest deposit in the Ulug-Khem coal basin. This is the largest deposit in Russia with reserves of 855 million tons.

In the same year, TEPC began to cooperate with the Russian Geographical Society. An agreement was reached to conduct excavations at the construction site of the railway. According to archaeologists, there could be valuable historical artifacts. In order to preserve them, Baysarov's company became a partner of an archaeological and geographical expedition with more than 700 participants.

In order to implement the government decree, in May last year, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC and the state, represented by the Federal Agency for Railway Transport, signed a concession agreement on the creation and use of railway infrastructure facilities of the promising Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino line - the first railway in Tyva, which will connect republic with the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In April 2019, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino signed an agreement with Russian Railways. The parties agreed that the railway carrier would become the general contractor for the construction of a branch line from Elegest through Kyzyl to Kuragino. The government is confident that the implementation of the project will improve the economic and transport situation in Eastern Siberia and create many new jobs.

The project for the integrated development of the Elegestskoye deposit also attracts attention. The concept includes the creation of a coal terminal for the seaport of Vanino.

Infrastructural projects of GC "Most" Ruslan Baysarov

Another brainchild of Baysarov is the SK Most group of companies. In 2015, the entrepreneur acquired a 25% stake in the group of companies, and a year later he brought his share to the controlling one - 56% - and headed the board of directors.

SK Most Group takes an active part in the implementation of the most important infrastructure projects:

  • The structures of Ruslan Baisarov are building the first railway bridge across the Amur River, which will connect the Russian Far East with China. In March 2019, part of the work was completed: a pre-assembly and installation of a superstructure 132 meters long, weighing more than a thousand tons, was carried out. The total length of the structure with access roads exceeds seven kilometers. It is expected that the bridge will handle about 21 million tons of cargo per year.
  • In addition, the Group of Companies SK Most participates in the project for the modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway, and is also involved in the construction of the second Baikal tunnel 6.5 kilometers long. Transport industry experts emphasize that after the work is completed, the volume of traffic on the site will be increased by 2.5 times.
  • Since 2017, Ruslan Baisarov’s company has been implementing a large-scale project to rebuild the Sakhalin railway from 1,067 mm gauge to a network-wide gauge with a width of 1,520 mm. The reconstruction will make it possible to increase the volume of transported goods up to eight million tons.
  • Among other things, in January 2019, SK Most completed work on the construction of some facilities of the Sabetta seaport on the Arctic coast. It is part of the large-scale Yamal LNG project. The new port will provide navigation for gas carriers all year round.

Baisarov's company implements projects in the capital of our country. So, at the end of last year, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that SK "Most" had completed laying the first double-track tunnel in Moscow, built according to Spanish technology.

This is a section of the new, Nekrasovskaya metro line from the Okskaya station to Stakhanovskaya. As the head of the capital's construction complex Marat Khusnullin noted, despite the most difficult geological conditions, as well as dense residential development, the tunnel was built successfully and on time.

Personal life

Ruslan Baysarov is married and has six children - two daughters and four sons. The first wife of the entrepreneur was Tatyana Kovtunova, a daughter, Kamila, was born in the marriage. In 1997, Baisarov met the singer Kristina Orbakaite, a year later Denis's first son appeared. In 2003 they broke up.

In 2003, the son Ilman was born, in 2005 - the daughter Dali.

In 2009, the businessman married again, his wife gave birth to two sons - Amir and Amin. The girl is an economist by education.

Participation in charity

Like many big businessmen, Ruslan Baysarov takes part in charity. According to media reports, in 2009, for 200 thousand euros for an aspiring actress, he acquired a three-minute role in Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Stalingrad".

The proceeds were used to treat children with cancer.

Builder, oilman, industrialist, philanthropist, and besides, a handsome, intelligent and rich man in the prime of his life. Could Ruslan Baysarov, a boy from the Chechen-Ingush village of Prigorodnoye, who brought his first money to the family from the sale of orchard apples, imagine that he would be included in the Forbes list? Hardly.

But if you are a person with exorbitant ambitions, an entrepreneurial streak and a great desire to plow day and night, sooner or later you will definitely find yourself in the “gold rating”.

Today, 51-year-old Ruslan Sulimovich Baisarov (born August 9, 1968) is the CEO of Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation JSC (TEPC) and the chairman of the board of directors of SK Most Group of Companies, and he began his career in the entertainment business. In 1997, together with Fyodor Bondarchuk and Nikita Mikhalkov's son Stepan, a descendant of an ancient Chechen family opened almost in the very center of Moscow

Beauty saloon,
- one of the first Japanese restaurants in the country,
- gambling establishment
- and a nightclub.

The novice businessman earned money for this project while still studying at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, where he entered immediately after school in 1985. Serious for those times, the first-year student made capital by selling computers adapted for Russian-speaking users.

Before implementing in the late 90s a salon and entertainment, as they would say now, a startup, the future businessman served two years in the army. After military service in the capital's university, Baysarov decided not to return - he transferred from it to the Grozny Oil Institute. Academician M.D. Millionshchikov. Five years later, a graduate engineer-economist became interested in the science of society and received a master's degree from the Department of Sociology of Moscow State University. And in 2018, Baisarov defended his thesis at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Now the dollar millionaire is a candidate of technical sciences.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Ruslan Baysarov has been trying his hand at the oil industry - first he created the Infant oil refinery, which annually processed about 1.5 million tons of oil, supplying gasoline to domestic gas stations and providing fuel to state-owned companies, and later, already having solid entrepreneurial background, actively involved in several projects in the fuel and oil and gas sectors.

Over the years, he has held senior positions at:
- Moscow Fuel Association,
- Moscow oil and gas company,
- Moscow Oil and Central Fuel Companies.

At the end of the 2000s, Ruslan Sulimovich buys part of the assets of Sibir Energu, and then sells them to Gazprom Neft for $740 million.

Family is the key to success

Before moving on to the details of what the entrepreneur is focused on today, it is worth saying that business for Ruslan Baisarov is an important part of his life, but he never forgets about his family and children.

Ruslan Sulimovich, 51, has six children. True, from different wives.

The first child in 1993 was the daughter of Camilla. After a while, the young man meets Kristina Orbakaite, and in 1998 Denis, the eldest son of a businessman, was born. The couple later separated. The entrepreneur also has a son, Ilman (born in 2003). The boy, like daughter Kamila, is brought up in the Baisarov family. The second daughter, Dali, was born in 2005. In the current marriage, with his countrywoman Madina Gaitaeva, whom the businessman married in 2009, sons Amir and Amin are growing up.

Despite being busy, Baysarov, who himself grew up in a large family, takes care of all his children, tries to spend as much time with them as possible and pays special attention to their cultural education in the national spirit.

Coal perspective projects and not only

The main sphere of interests of a Russian businessman today is the development of the Russian fuel and energy complex and the formation of modern infrastructure in the Far East and Western Siberia, without which, according to Ruslan Baysarov, it is impossible to establish economic ties between regions, increase foreign trade turnover and expand investment cooperation.

In 2011, the entrepreneur creates his own project in Tuva, establishes a company and becomes its head himself, and two years later TEPC acquires a license to develop Russia's largest Elegest coal deposit.

The huge prospects for the development of Elegest, as well as the entire Ulug-Khem coal basin, of which the deposit is a part, have been talked about for a long time. The construction of mining and processing enterprises here is, first of all, the rise of the economy of Tuva and the development of the coal industry in the republic. And the volume of industrial reserves of only one field of the entrepreneur is huge - almost 860 million tons. In addition, Ruslan Baisarov’s company is building not only a mining and processing plant, but also creating infrastructure as part of the project - this is a coal shipment terminal in one of the Russian ports, which is planned to be built by 2024, as well as the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line - between by the way, this is the first railway in the history of the region. In Soviet times, local residents could not even dream of this - it was not clear how such a project could be carried out in such difficult conditions. And now everyone realizes how laborious the work is. No joke: on the 400-kilometer highway, eight tunnels will be laid through the mountains and more than a hundred bridges will be built. But the main thing is that the resource-rich region will get access to the federal highway.

The prospects for the implementation of the entire coal project for the region are huge: as Ruslan Baysarov said, in addition to taxes, and they promise to be very impressive, the construction of the railway alone will help create about five thousand jobs. Twice as many more Russians (and this is at least) will be employed after the mining and processing plant is built and the enterprise reaches full capacity. Ties between regions will be strengthened with the advent of the road.

In order to speed up the implementation of the project, in the spring of 2018, the Russian government ordered the construction of the road under a concession agreement. Its participants are JSC TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino, a subsidiary of Baysarov, who also heads the company, and the Federal Agency for Railway Transport, as a representative of the state. A year later, the structure of the entrepreneur signed an agreement with the Russian Railways, which acted as the general contractor for the construction of the branch. Economic Development Minister Maxim Oreshkin, who is also responsible for the development of the Tuvan region as a whole, was appointed to oversee the process. According to the investor, the appearance of a curator of this level and the involvement of Russian Railways in the project will speed up the pace of the project.

In August 2019, it became known that an expert opinion had already been received on part of the documentation, and Baysarov’s company could proceed with the direct implementation of the project. The main work is scheduled for 2020. At the same time, Russian Railways proposed to consider the possibility of increasing the capacity of the future railway to 27 million tons or more. In the original version of the project, this figure is about half as much. At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov, said that the construction of the plant at Elegest, as well as the port terminal in Vanino, could receive guarantee support from the state in the future.

It is likely that as soon as the promising Elegest project begins to operate, Baisarov's financial assets will go up, and in the prestigious rating of an authoritative economic publication, he rises above the current 187th line. Recall that thanks to successful investments in various industries, for the past four years, a successful entrepreneur has been a permanent member of the list of the two hundred richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes magazine. The first time he got into the prestigious rating in 2014. Then, with a fortune of $ 900 million, one of the richest representatives of the Chechen diaspora in Russia ranked 116th.

Development of the Great Siberian Route

In the mid-2010s, Ruslan Sulimovich became a shareholder of SK Most Group of Companies. Then the businessman became the owner of a blocking stake in the company, and already in 2016 he brought the share to 56%, becoming the controlling owner of the enterprise. Specializing in the construction and reconstruction of bridges, tunnels and subways, the group of companies has put into operation more than two and a half thousand objects in 27 years. The leader in the construction industry has successfully implemented dozens of significant infrastructure projects for the country's economy. The Russian Bridge, which has already become famous, the tunnels in Sochi, laid for the Winter Olympics, are among the brightest.

Perhaps there is no region in the country where at least one bridge, road junction, tunnel or overpass was not built by Baisarov's company. You can list the rivers, whose banks are connected by the hands of specialists from the SK Most Group of Companies, railway and road tunnels on highways throughout the country, for an arbitrarily long time. With the help of the giant shield "Victoria" they laid a new section of the Moscow metro: "Okskaya" - "Stakhanovskaya", and today the company has completed tunneling work and entered the "Nizhegorodskaya" on the Nekrasovskaya metro line.

Ruslan Baysarov's companies have recently been active in the Arctic region. The businessman is sure that the implementation of large-scale "northern" projects will give impetus to the development of not only the border zones near the North Pole, but the entire country. So, at the end of 2018, his company, which has vast experience in building complex facilities in difficult natural conditions since the construction of BAM, commissioned one of its “Arctic” facilities - the seaport of Sabetta, through which shipments of liquefied gas produced in Yamal are already uninterrupted. A significant amount of cargo from the Northern Sea Route will also pass through the new terminals year-round.

At present, a company headed by Baysarov, which unites more than a dozen bridge-building enterprises and three tunnel divisions, is building two trans-border bridge crossings with China across the Amur River in the Far East. A road bridge 1,080 meters long will connect the countries near Blagoveshchensk (Amur Region) in December 2019, and a railway bridge near the village of Nizhneleninskoye (Jewish Autonomous Region) also at the end of 2019. The length of the Russian part of the railway crossing itself is small, but together with the adjacent access roads, its length will be more than five kilometers. It was planned that the bridge would be opened for traffic in 2019. It will provide a throughput capacity of 21 million tons of cargo per year.

Ruslan Baysarov has repeatedly noted the importance of joint projects with China, which will help build bridges with a neighbor, both literally and figuratively. Because it will help to integrate the economy, first of all, of the Far East into the economy of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Trade and economic ties between the two countries participating in the project will further strengthen, and the path to consumers of Russian products in Southeast Asia will be reduced by more than 1,700 kilometers. Speaking about the peculiarities of the construction of crossings, the investor noted that, for example, the railway bridge provides for the passage of trains on tracks with different widths - 1520 mm for Russian and 1435 mm for Chinese trains.

These are not the only grandiose projects of SK Most Group of Companies. Since January 2018, Sakhalin has been upgrading the Far Eastern Railway from the 1067 mm gauge to the network-wide 1520 mm gauge. In the course of this geographically unprecedented project, Baysarov's company will reconstruct 53 infrastructure facilities, including several dozen bridges. Experts note the severe deterioration of the island infrastructure, and therefore they have to build bridges, in fact, anew. The pace of modernization largely depends on the coordination of their actions, because the company's task is to prepare bridge crossings for the laying of a railway with a new gauge. However, delivery of objects just in time has always been a competitive advantage of SK Most Group of Companies. On the same Sakhalin, the company is simultaneously building three dozen bridges. Moreover, the structure of Ruslan Baysarov joined the project only in 2018 - two years before the completion of all work. At the same time, it was necessary to deliver machinery, equipment, materials to the island from the mainland (and this is in the absence of a bridge). And besides, they worked only during technological breaks, so as not to deprive local residents of their usual means of transportation.

In fact, the situation is similar with the project of laying the second Baikal tunnel, which is being carried out parallel to the first branch. Construction as part of the modernization of the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway to increase the capacity of both highways is also carried out by the structures of Ruslan Baisarov. After the entrepreneur became the main owner of the group of companies, the tunneling, which has already acquired the status of one of the largest artificial structures in the country, accelerated, which definitely speaks of the businessman as an effective strategic investor capable of quickly resolving financing issues. After all, the construction of a tunnel is still a laborious and therefore extremely costly process - you need to take into account a lot of nuances when passing through the rock. We have to work in complex mining and geological conditions, in earthquake-prone areas, take care of equipment that often needs repair, because constant friction against hard rock leads to wear.

Moreover, during the construction, Baisarov’s specialists use a special tunnel-boring complex, which passed all the tests with a bang back in Sochi when preparing the infrastructure for the 2014 Olympics. He is affectionately referred to in the company as a "veteran", and he will give odds to many young people, especially in capable hands. According to the professionals of SK Most, they had to use a trick to reduce the time for repairs: the project provided for a breakdown every three hundred meters between the tunnel and the adit, because of which the complex did not have to be rolled back to replace the blades.

By the way, the construction of the second branch of the tunnel at BAM can already be considered history. The main work has been completed, according to the plan, by the end of 2019, the first trains should pass through it. Compared to the first Baikal tunnel, this is a sample of modern infrastructure: the facility is equipped with all kinds of sensors that monitor uninterrupted power supply, security, and ventilation. A video surveillance system helps keep order. After the completion of all work, the capacity of new and reconstructed highways will increase significantly. When it became clear what important and necessary work had been done, we thought about reconstructing the first branch.

Good deeds of Ruslan Baisarov

In December 2009, Ruslan Baysarov transferred a significant amount for the treatment of children with cancer. It was two hundred thousand euros that the businessman paid for a lot exhibited at one of the charity events - the right to a three-minute appearance of an aspiring actress in Bondarchuk's film "Stalingrad". But this is only a small part of all the businessman's charitable projects that got into the media. The entrepreneur does not advertise activities in this direction.

Biography of an industrialist and philanthropist, CEO of TEPC JSC and head of the board of directors of USK Most JSC.

A famous person, although he cannot be called a public figure. He is a successful businessman and economist. Ruslan Baysarov is the founder, owner and CEO of the Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEPK JSC), as well as the owner of a blocking stake and chairman of the board of directors of USK Most JSC. These largest business structures are engaged in the most important infrastructure projects that change the life of entire regions.

In addition, the 50-year-old businessman of Chechen origin is actively involved in charity work, in particular, helping children with cancer. Married, father of six children.

Who is Ruslan Baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov, a native of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR, was born on August 9, 1968 in the village of Prigorodnoye, Chechen Republic, into a large family of representatives of the Chechen teip Khacharoy. The family was not rich, so Ruslan worked from childhood, trying to contribute to the family budget.

After graduating from school in 1985, he entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, where, not without success, he tried himself in the then new computer business.

The training was interrupted by the army. After serving for two years and being demobilized, the future person on the Forbes list changed his profile of study and transferred to the Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, from which he graduated in 1996. In 2001, Ruslan Baisarov received a master's degree in sociology from Moscow State University, and in 2018 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the National Research Technological University MISiS.

From the owner of a beauty salon to the "head" of Moscow oil

Ruslan Baysarov took up business seriously in Moscow, first opening in a prestigious place - the International Trade Center on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment - a beauty salon, one of the first Japanese restaurants in Russia, a small casino and a nearby parking lot.

In 1997, Ruslan Baysarov, together with director Fyodor Bondarchuk and actor Stepan Mikhalkov, created the Infant Silver company, and then the entrepreneur decided to return to the specialty he had chosen at the university and seriously engage in the oil business.

Ruslan Baysarov's retail network Infant processed about 1.5 million tons of oil at the Moscow Oil Refinery. Baisarov's structure served not only about 2 thousand gas stations in Russia, but also various budgetary organizations, as well as government agencies. Soon he became vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which included more than fifty organizations that sell 75% of sales on the Moscow fuel market.

From 2001 to 2004 Ruslan Baysarov - Vice-President of OJSC "Moscow Oil Company"; in 2004–2005, he was vice president of OJSC Central Fuel Company, which included the Moscow Oil Refinery, at that time the main supplier of petroleum products in the Moscow region.

In 2005, Ruslan Baisarov - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC MNK-AVTOCARD, at the same time he becomes Vice President of OJSC Moscow Oil and Gas Company (MNGK). Since 2007, he has been the first vice president of the company, under his management the Moscow Oil Refinery, the Moscow Fuel Company and OAO Mosnefteprodukt.

According to Wikipedia, in 2008 Ruslan Baysarov bought part of the assets of the oil company Sibir Energy. In 2010, Gazprom Neft bought this package, estimating the value of the assets at more than $740 million.

In 2010-2011, Ruslan Baysarov served as First Vice President of the Central Fuel Company, since 2011 he has been the General Director of JSC Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEPC).

The first railway in Tuva

In 2013, Ruslan Baisarov's company TEPC acquired a license to develop Russia's largest Elegestskoye coal deposit in the Republic of Tyva.

More recently, in May last year, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC (a subsidiary of TEPK) and the state Federal Agency for Railway Transport signed a concession agreement for the financing, creation and operation of public railway transport infrastructure facilities of the Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino railway line. This will be the first railway in Tuva, which will connect the republic with the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Just a few weeks ago, in April 2019, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC signed a general contractor agreement with Russian Railways for the design and construction of the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line. The government expects that the implementation of such a powerful infrastructure project will improve the economic and transport situation in Eastern Siberia, as well as create new jobs.

Being engaged in the railway, Ruslan Baisarov does not forget about coal mining: as part of the integrated development of the Elegest coal deposit, a project is already being prepared to create a coal port terminal in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Infrastructure projects of the Most Group of Companies

The group of companies IC "Most" is also a sphere of serious business interests of Ruslan Baysarov. In 2015, the businessman acquired a 25% stake in the company, and a year later he increased his share to a controlling 56% and headed the board of directors.

Most is engaged in the most important Far Eastern infrastructure projects for the Russian Federation - the construction of the first Nizhneleninsk-Tongjiang railway bridge across the Amur River and the first Blagoveshchensk-Heihe road bridge, which should connect the Russian Far East with China.

The total length of the railway bridge, together with access roads, will exceed 5 km, the planned capacity is about 21 million tons per year. The length of the road bridge with access roads is almost 20 km, its capacity, according to media reports, is 630 trucks, 164 buses, 68 cars and about 5.5 thousand people a year.

In addition, IC Most is participating in the project to modernize the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway, as well as in the construction of the second 6.7-kilometer Baikal Tunnel, which will increase the volume of traffic in this section by 2.5 times. Also Ruslan Baisarov since 2018 is implementing a large-scale project for the reconstruction of the Sakhalin railway network to the all-Russian standard of track gauge - 1520 mm, which will significantly increase the volume of goods transported along it.

In December 2018, Ruslan Baysarov's company completed work in the Sabetta seaport on the Arctic coast as part of the large-scale Yamal LNG project. The renovated port will provide year-round navigation for gas carriers.

SK Most implements projects in Moscow as well. At the end of 2018, the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin said that Ruslan Baysarov's construction corporation had completed the laying of the first double-track tunnel in the capital, built according to Spanish technology as part of the construction of the new Nekrasovskaya metro line. As noted by the deputy mayor of the capital for construction Marat Khusnullin, the tunnel project from the Okskaya station to the Stakhanovskaya station was commissioned on time, despite the difficult geological conditions and dense residential development in the area.


Ruslan Baysarov does not forget about the social role and responsibility of big business, he is actively involved in charity work. However, the businessman does not particularly talk about his charitable projects.

But something is leaking to the media: for example, in 2009, Ruslan Baysarov participated in a charity auction, during which he laid out 200 thousand euros for a small role for an aspiring actress in the film Fyodor Bondarchuk"Stalingrad". The money went to the treatment of children with cancer.

Father of six children

Ruslan Baysarov is married and the father of six children. The first wife of a businessman was a fashion model Tatyana Kovtunova, in 1993 the couple had a daughter Camila.

The second wife of Baisarov was the singer Christina Orbakaite, in 1998 their son Denis was born. The businessman also has a 16-year-old son, Ilman, and a 14-year-old daughter, Dali.

In 2009, Baisarov married his fellow villager Madina Gaitaeva, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the Chechen State University, the couple had two sons in marriage - Amir and Amine.