Composition based on the painting: K. F. Yuon "Russian winter. Ligachevo".
KF Yuon is a wonderful landscape painter.
In his paintings, he showed his love for nature, created a generalized image of the Motherland.
In his autobiographical essay, Yuon wrote: “In these paintings, I tried to convey the majestic, monumental and poetic sound of Russian nature.
I was looking for solemn notes that were supposed to express the people's feelings for their native nature in a strong artistic language.
"Russian Winter" is one of such paintings. I had many studies and sketches for it; but he wrote it, in essence speaking, from the heart, only relying on sketches and sketches.

The painting "Russian Winter" has become a hymn to life, the beauty of nature. Snow-decorated trees, hushed houses, groups of guys sledding and walking with a dog - everything is ordinary and at the same time uniquely beautiful. Winter in the village wrapped everything around with a white shawl, blushed the children's faces, offered many games and amusements. Frosty air is transparent and fresh, and the artist managed to show it.
The canvas combines grandeur and everyday life, nature is understood by the artist as a human dwelling.
When you look at the picture, your mood rises, you want to be in this winter village, go sledding, run a race with a puppy, play snowballs

Description of the painting by K.F. Yuon "Russian winter. Ligachevo".
Landscapes of the native Moscow region are a favorite theme in the work of K.F. Yuon.
The artist liked to depict views of Ligachev - a village near Moscow, where he had a house.
One of the most famous landscapes of K.F. Yuon - canvas "Russian winter. Ligachevo",
created by the artist in 1947.
The author depicted a clear frosty day and the outskirts of a village near Moscow.
We see the real kingdom of snow and the forest, immersed in a quiet winter sleep. Even the air seems to be still.
In the foreground, the paintings are pines and firs covered with a white blanket, as if chained by cold, frozen in a daze. Through their branches, covered with silver frost, sunlight breaks through.
In the background of the canvas are several small Christmas trees dressed in elegant white fur coats. White blinds the eyes. You touch a branch by accident - like a fur hat, a fluffy snowball will fall on your head. And the branch, swaying a little, will freeze again, as in a dream. Frost and snow are a joy for children. They poured out into the yard in a merry crowd to play snowballs, go sledding or just roll in a snowdrift. The merry dog ​​also does not want to lag behind - barking loudly and getting underfoot, he grabs the kids by their pants and fur coats, trying to overtake the sled flying from the mountain.
Colorful and decorative painting "Russian winter.
Ligachevo" captivates the viewer with its sincerity, sincerity, warmth and reflects the painter's boundless love for his native nature.

The famous Russian landscape painter Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon painted landscapes of the Moscow region and, in particular, the village of Ligachevo, where he had his own house, with great pleasure and love.

Painting by Yuon K. F. “Russian winter. Ligachevo ”the artist painted this work in 1947. The painter depicted one of the clear winter days outside the village. Before us appears the property of the Snow Queen and the forest, which is immersed as if in oblivion of winter sleep. There is not the slightest breeze. In the foreground - tall pines wrapped in a snow-white cover, as if bewitched by frost, froze and froze. Through the twigs in the silvery hoarfrost, a ray of dim sun barely breaks through.

In the background you can see small Christmas trees dressed up in white fluffy fur coats. From the sparkling snow literally blinds the eyes. Inadvertently touch a twig, and a whole heap of fluffy cold and prickly snow will fall on you. And the branch will only sway a little and freeze again. The kids are happy and frost and snowdrifts. They pour out into a village street in a whole gang: play snowballs, ride a sled down a hillock and, jokingly, struggle to lie in the snow to their heart's content. Near the house from a small hill on sledges and sleds, kids are moving down.

The picture depicts noon, because the guys are already returning home after school. The mischievous yard dog bursts into barking, grabs the guys by the skirts of their coats, inviting them to play with him, merrily chasing sleds flying down the hill.

The picture at first sight captivates with sincerity and it seems that we are also involved in the depicted actions of the children. Yuon wrote a large number of winter sketches. He admired Russian nature, winter landscapes, flying sparkling snowflakes, and painted snow with great talent - either fresh and sparkling white, or slightly melted and already gray.

Yuon often visited this village, drawing his inspiration here, and embodied it here. Looking at the picture Russian Winter, the viewer is seized by a perky mood, childhood pranks and pranks are recalled. Winter, as if in a fairy tale, transforms everything around, covers the boredom of a rainy autumn and gray everyday life under a snowy blanket. It brings us the purity of frosty air, the light crunch of snow under our feet, sledding, skiing or skating, a walk in a sleigh drawn by a trio of dashing horses. Therefore, Yuon often called this time of the year magical.

A quiet fairy forest after a heavy night snowfall. Trees covered with pearl frost. Christmas trees, like little sisters huddled together. Ornate birches. The whole landscape is filled with Russian flavor and poetry. I just want to exclaim how great it is in the winter in the Russian village.

Although the artist is stingy in colors. Light blue tones predominate. It's snow and peeping tree trunks. The dark figures of people and horses look like a contrast. It is clear that this is an ordinary winter weekday in village life, but still somehow memorable for its mood. No wonder Yuon was often called the poet of the Russian winter landscape. And he himself said that he wanted to paint pictures similar to Russian songs.

Yuon's painting “Russian winter. Ligachevo" sounds like a hymn to the life and beauty of Russian nature. The artist managed to show even a slight frost, tingling his nose and cheeks. The branches of mighty trees bent under the weight of the fallen snow. The amazing beauty of silver frost on the branches of firs and pines, like a lacy muslin.

The Russian landscape painter Yuon created very beautiful paintings, often depicting the nature of our country. His landscapes captivate with charm, amaze with their splendor and delight with their color. Considering the canvases, we can conclude that K.F. Yuon loved the Russian winter, because the writer prefers this season. And today we got acquainted with his next famous painting Russian Winter. Ligachevo, where the beauty of the cold season is conveyed in a special and sensitive way.

K.F. Yuon Russian winter. Ligachevo

The painting was painted in 1947. The artist depicted the Moscow region, the outskirts of the village of Ligachevo. It was there that the painter liked to come in his spare time. In Ligachevo, Yuon had a house, and there the artist had the opportunity to observe the beauty of the world around him, changing his colors depending on the season.

Description of the picture

Looking at the picture Russian winter. Ligachevo, you find yourself in a winter kingdom. Everything around fell into a dream. There is no wind, no snowfall, and everywhere you look, there is a blanket of snow everywhere. It sent away the whole earth, covered the trees of the whole neighborhood with its fluffy and light flakes. It makes you want to grab a tree branch and pull it towards you, being under a small snowfall.

In the foreground we see large trees. There are pines and spruces, and other types of trees grow here. In the background, we see a blurry dense forest, which also turns white and only slightly breaks through the black color of the trunks. Nature is at rest and only the children who ran out into the street disturb sleep and bring dynamics to the canvas. Someone is playing with a dog, someone is interested in sledding, and others are playing snowballs. On this sunny day, you don’t want to sit in the house, so the children poured out into the street, playing in their company.

On the right, several houses are visible, which are also covered with snow, immersed in this white-blue sea. They harmoniously fit into the work of the author, creating a feeling of comfort and warmth. The viewer looks at the canvas and understands that the kids can return to the house at any moment to warm up, and then run outside again.

This artist was recognized as one of the best landscape painters of our country. His paintings show us not only his love for nature, but also create an image of his homeland. In his autobiography, the artist mentioned that he creates paintings in order to convey to his viewer the unusual and unique sound of Russian nature. He is looking for solemn notes that should evoke feelings in the people for their native land and everything that surrounds it. This picture was drawn by the artist in several stages, and this work was written according to the spirit of the soul, based on memories and sketches, of which many were created.

We see that the painting depicts trees in the snow, houses, children sledding, and locals walking their dogs. At first glance, everything seems ordinary and even ordinary to us. It seemed that we meet such landscapes around us every day, but there is still something unusual in this picture. It seemed like an unusual winter to me. Every time winter surprises us with something new, unknown. It opens the doors to another world for us, and offers us completely different fun, different from other seasons. Looking at the picture, I seemed to feel the frosty air, I certainly wanted to be there and feel all the routine of that landscape. In my opinion, the picture combines both majesty and the ordinary. The mood at the sight of this picture certainly rises.

Winter is one of my favorite seasons, and I love it not only for its fun. I like to drink tea by the window on a frosty winter evening, read books and admire the patterns on the glass. I also like to catch snowflakes with my hands and look at them. There is nothing cleaner and more beautiful than the winter snow attire that this time of year indulges us with. There is never such purity as in the winter season.

Landscapes of the native Moscow region are a favorite theme in the work of K.F Yuon. The artist liked to depict views of Ligachev - a village near Moscow, where he had a house. One of the most famous landscapes of K.F. Yuon is the canvas “Russian Winter. Ligachevo", created by the artist in 1947.

In the foreground, the paintings are pines and firs covered with a white veil, as if chained by cold, frozen in a daze. Through their branches, covered with silver frost, sunlight breaks through.

In the background of the canvas are several small Christmas trees dressed in elegant white fur coats. White blinds the eyes. You touch a branch by accident - like a fur hat, a fluffy snowball will fall on your head. And the branch, swaying a little, will freeze again, as in a dream.

Frost and snow are a joy for children. They poured out into the yard in a merry crowd to play snowballs, go sledding or just roll in a snowdrift. The merry dog ​​also does not want to lag behind - barking loudly and getting underfoot, he grabs the kids by their pants and fur coats, trying to overtake the sled flying from the mountain.

Colorful and decorative painting “Russian winter. Ligachevo" captivates the viewer with its sincerity, sincerity, warmth and reflects the painter's boundless love for his native nature.

In addition to describing the painting by K.F. Yuon "Russian winter. Ligachevo”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on a painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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