What is the nail to be crushing?
In a hat

It is the hut bezbalna,
People live in it are trouble-free.

Face - to the wall,
And back to the hut

It is hard, not hard, but they do not throw off the hut.

One father, one mother,
And neither the other is not a son?

My heart friend
In a tea trust, the chairman:
All family in the evening
He treats seagull.
Little boyfriend he and strong:
No harm swallows sins.
Although the growth is small,
And puffed like a locker.

In the sky hole,
In the ground hole
And in the middle - fire and water.

Hands in Boki, as a boss,
Previously all on the table rises,
Himself plates, and kettle -
He will brew himself, the nail himself.

Two brothers are worried -
Do not sleep
Friend fighting -
Do not disperse

Two Kuma Abakum,
Two kuma Avdoti,
Six phaleleys,
Yes nine Andreev.

And we have, and you are stuck

Koching the galley, go far.

Stand up, so above the horse,
And a block so below the cat

Chicken - on a chicken,
And Khokhol - on the street.

Here Asya, ruled,
Kaba got up
The sky got!
Kaba hands - the thief tied
Kababi legs - a horse caught up,
Kaby's eyes - see!
As if tongue - told!

No legs run
Mouth screaming,
Roads do not know
And others accompanied

What do you wish around the hut?
Water in Serete

It is high, bumpy

What do not be expelled from the hut?

Through the wall through the wall.

Lies the goat in the hut.
And the horns - in the yard.

One hundred guests, one hundred bed,
All in the felt.
Logs and moss

On the field on Romanov, there are horses selected,
Drink water rain, eating the grass of the marsh.
Logs and moss

Does not walk, but goes.
And day and night on one passage goes.
Door in Izbe

Two go, two roam.
Two will come together, yes kiss.
Swing door

What is there no buuer in the world?
Wind and water

What is not faster?

Cornbow, iron horn,
Topics and useful; In winter, twice day,
Summer is once on the pebbles,
The intermont does not go.

In stone slept, in the gland stood up,
The tree went like falcon flew.
the fire

I'm not by myself, but the strongest
And the worst thing, and everyone loves me,
And everyone lies me.
the fire

What is every selection worth?
On the righteous person

Baran - in Klelev,
And horns - in the wall

Little boy is watching everything under his feet.

It is a post, burning fire;
Neither heat, nor a couple nor coals.

Turchen flies on storm
And in the hole shrum.
Castle and key

The red rooster on the street runs.

Suna, wish in gold dishes,
There herself, turn up.

Black chicken sits on red eggs.

Black sheep all on fire is burning.

Three legs, two ears,
Yes, the sixth belly.

Not sewn, not krohen, but all in scars

Without hands, without legs,
In all parties will be sluggish.

I was on Copans, I was on a foster,
Was on the fire, was in the bazaar;
Young was - fed people,
Star became changing,
Died - my bones screaming
Throw into a hole, and the dogs are not allowed.

Was in the bazaar, found himself on fire.
Pot in the furnace

Stands mountain, in Rog - Nora,
In Nore - Beetle, in the beetle - water.
Oven and boiler

Little puzzle.
And the whole house grows.

What do not pull out from the hut?

In winter, there is no warmth,
There is no colder summer

It is worth Yaga, in the forehead rog.
Oven and Voronets

We have under the bench of the bear paw.

Chernyak dog, curled lying;
Does not bark, does not bite.
And the house does not allow

Nor the light nor dawn
Been from the courtyard

Two brothers want to fight,
Yes, hands are short

Two tanks sit on one stick
Buckets and rockers

Two bathe, the third is lying;
Two came out, the third hung
Buckets and rockers

Forty gender - one hem

Through the ceiling of the bathtub.
Roofing pipe

Are you a lot in the belly lived?
9 months

Where is the water and horn?
Where drinks cow

What can produce good and evil?

The old man with a boy walked
The boy was asked: what kind of native of the old man?
He answered: his mother's mother - mother-in-law.
What kind of birth is?

Not a bird
Singing does not sing
Who goes to the owner -
She knows.

I will come out to the leaving,
Manya I'm a little bit
Fucked kufkchka.
Chicken and chickens

King the city of the city
Wears Honor on the head.

Pan passed into the water fell,
And the water did not clutch.

I will go out in the forest without an ax, without bit
Sevets two riding boats,
two floor boards,
Pot Tire, Warman handle.

We have red brush in our hut.

Cow - in Klelev, and the tail is hlev.
Spoon in a cup

Without hands, without legs - noodles crumble.

Lies the body: no head, and the throat is ko.

Never eats, but only drinks;
And how the checimit - all convenes

What is wealthy in the world?

Black, little,
The whole field was convened, the king had lunch.

I will take dusty, I will make liquid;
I brag into the flame - it will be like a stone.

Sits on a spoon, squeezing legs

On the Nogai field
At the turn of Tatar
Standing pillars are accurate,
Heads are gilded.

On before pounding.
The whole field is bypassed
Home comes
The slots will go.

Long itself,
Nose long,
And the knobs are small.

Not so much
How many stakes.

Standing Baba Yaga,
Resume foot
The whole world feeds,
Hungry itself.

Old man on the mountain
And the old woman is under the mountain;
The old man was attached,
I was attached to the old woman and clung to the old woman.

Between the mountains
Between the pit sits a bird Hollyan,
Bashes eggs - God's gift.

On the tag of the town,
In it seven hundred governor.

What animal B.
Noah's ark was not?

Knocks, spinning,
God's fear is not afraid;
Consider our age, not a person.
Watches on the wall

What do you not stick to the hut?

What is more expensive in the world?

I do one day and night.

Partially taken from the site http://presspull.ru

Basic concepts: definition, functions, origin, difference of children's riddles from adult, composition / structure, artistic, shape, rhymes, language, connection with other genres.

Definition. The riddle belongs to the small genres of folklore, it is distinguished by the briefness and conciseness of the statement. Usually the riddles are built "on allegory, metaphor, allegory, descriptions of objects, phenomena, living beings in an intricate questionatively (where this question is meant)" and require "attenuation, response, deciphering specially encoded information" (SL., P. 76 ).

We encounter a similar definition from V. I. Dalya, one of the first publishers of the genre. He noted that the mystery is "allegory or hints, an area, an offense, a brief allegorical description of the subject proposed for the attelligence".

A modern researcher gives the following definition of the riddle: "The mystery is a poetic intricate description of a subject or phenomenon made in order to experience the intelligence of a person, as well as in order to instill a poetic look at reality."

Functional purpose of riddles, The promoting "activation of cognitive activity, the formation of logical thinking skills, the development of intelligence, observation" (SL., p. 77) led to its distribution in the children's environment. The mystery contributes to the development of imagination, stimulates the word "

Throughout the history of the existence of the riddles, their educational and training feature remained, which also turned out to be popular in the children's environment. Some riddles are often found in books and collections, they help to expand the presentation of a child about the outdoor world, showing him familiar objects from an unusual side or revealing some new parties:

Two are standing.

Two are lying.

One walks

Another leads. (A door)

I will rise early

I'll go to Ivan,

To long nose -

To the thick head. (Water dispenser)

Others in the game form show some grammatical forms: "On what expensive one is half a year, you go half a year?" (Down the river). In this case, the riddle intersects with pun and becomes one of the components of verbal games.

The origin of the riddles. The riddles can be considered the most ancient genre of Folklore, taking back in primitive society. This is evidenced by the fact that the riddles are common in all primitive peoples. They made out to ensure the well-being of themselves and their family, a person believed that, guessing the riddles, he subjugates his nature, animals, plants.

Magic power of the riddles manifested itself in different rites; So, when initiated, the dedicated was tested with the help of mysteries - without knowing the secret speech, the young man could not become a man. Later, the riddles are found in the mythology of the ancient peoples (for example, in the ancient Greek myths, the "older Edde") and fairy tales, heroes are guessing, competing with their opponents. In the ancient Russian poses, the bride and groom exchange ride.

Russian riddles in origin are also associated with the conditional speech - the encrypted language of hunters, with rites and magical actions aimed at "ensuring the crop and success in cattle breeding and agriculture.

As already mentioned by researchers, the famous Russian traveler S. P. Krasheninnikov noted the remains of an ancient secret speech among Russian hunters for a sable. Artel elected the "conveyant", he appointed assistants and punished them by the way, "so that by the usual of the ancestors of his crow, a snake and a cat with direct names were not called, but called b verkhovy, thin and baker. "

Next S.P. Krasheninnikov wrote: "Industrial affects that in previous years, much more things were called strange names, for example: church - vostorurhoy, Babo - shelukha or whitewash Girl - hardening horse - long-haired cow - rive sheep - tonon pig - lowland Rooster - golonogim And so on ... "Krasheninnikov noted that all these words, in addition to replacing the crow, snakes and cats, left, i.e. did not take it.

Usually the mystery served as a means of entertainment at parties when young people practiced in sponderfulness and resourcefulness. He entered the mystery and in the wedding rite. "Buying places" was a dialogue, where one (mystery) asked, and the other (the bride and his friend) tried to guess.

"Serve a monk in the White Rubach." - My friend serves a bottle of vodka. "Serve the Golden Crutch so that the bride is to rely on." - The friend points to the groom. "Consolidate a quadrangular hill with a silver roof." - A friend puts a paper ruble and a silver coin from above.

Over time, the magical function of the riddles gradually fade, but their poetic features are preserved, in particular metaphoricity. It is known that Aristotle considered a riddle of a well-defined metaphor. In Russian folklore, the most common type of riddles is metaphorical. As noted by MA Rybnikova, comparison is based on traditional convergence: "Hands - sheep, sacking - stack."

Let us give an example:

Five sheeps stack up

Five sheeps away run away.

Among the metaphorical images of animals, pets and birds predominate, and among them - a cow, bull and horse (mare, stallion); Chicken, rooster, goose. Needle - pig, golden bristle; Soka - Cow, all fields of a feedstock.

Classification. One of the first puzzle publishers, D.N. Gardeners, located a collection of puzzles on the topics compiled by him: "Dwelling", "Heat and Light", "Household", "Yard, Garden and Garden", "Pets", "agricultural work". "Forest", "The World of Animals", "People and the structure of their body", "Earth and Heaven", "the concept of time, life and death", "gram and book wisdom". Other topics were sometimes affected in the riddles: a person and parts of his body, food and drink, clothes and shoes, a house, its parts and accessories of the farm, natural phenomena. Currently, this classification is generally accepted.

Content of mysteries It became both household and secular life. Over time, new realities appeared in them: "Without a head, without a language, but speaks in all languages" (radio), "We bought a white closet, in it a little winter" ( refrigerator), "Hanging a pear - can not be ease" ( electromagnemp). The child usually does not make up the riddles on the items that have left, but it is in his repertoire that new riddles of the new objects of life and technical phenomena appear faster.

Children's riddles records are few, although in the XIX century they entered the children's environment and began to be printed as a training material. Traditionally, among the children, "talked (perhaps, and at present) all or almost all varieties of works of this genre: Metalifora riddles, musculosay, joking questions, riddles - tasks" (March., P. 26).

The difference between children's riddles First of all, it is the elected subject, more often it is household items or creatures from the animal world, familiar to the child who should be well to imagine what is being discussed. The child is able to perceive and humor laid down in the riddle:

Horrel walks

Hanging hangs

Hanging fell

Horing ate. ( Pig and Acorn)

Compositional The riddle consists of two parts: the riddles (question) and the deposit (response) that are interrelated. In the riddles, the similarity is found between the most distant and, it would seem not compared to objects, the abstract and material, significant and irrelevant in the subjects are compared.

The depth is given on the basis of signs of similarity, the similarity in ordinary subjects is found. Sometimes the depth is encrypted in a metaphor or other allegory. It is not by chance that the riddle of the riddle is known: "Without a face in the larva."

Many riddles in the first part do not contain a direct question, but are built on the span: they are given an intricate description of the subject in which it is necessary to guess what it is about. Then the first part necessarily implies the answer: "Without hands, without legs, and the gate opens" (wind).

Sometimes riddles are built in the form of a direct question:

What is visible only at night? (Stars)

What kind of creature people feeds

In the church illuminates? (Bee)

Some riddles are created by changing the deposit, while the initial sounds are preserved, and the end of the word is strongly changed:

Stands penda

On Pendre is a dendra

And tells Condre:

"Do not climb on Pendru,

There is not one Candra -

And Undra is. " (Oven, grandfather, cat, porridge and duck)

Structure Riddles are characterized by simplicity. They do not have a plot, so the dynamics are created in a different way. Often there are riddles built on dialogue:

- Is it black?

- No, red.

- Why white?

- Because green. (Red currants)

Some riddles are built on denial:

Crop, not a month,

Yellow, not butter,

With the tail, not the mouse. (Turnip)

Sometimes there are riddles in which the description is set out in

- I rose,

I got to the sky

Kaba hand yes legs,

I would associate a thief

Kaba Mouth and Eyes,

I would tell everything. (Road)

In a brief compressed form in the riddle, a whole car

In the middle - scarlet sugar,

Caftan green, velvety. (Watermelon)

In most riddles, the description of the signs of the subject, which must be guessing, is given from a third party. Riddles, in which the description is given from the first person, are built on personification:

They beat me, crop, turn, cut

I will endure everything and cry all kind. (Land)

Metonimias are spread in riddles less than metaphors. Most often, the material from which the subject is manufactured, replaces it:

Standing tree (table). On the cannabis tree (tablecloth). On hemp clay (pot). On clay cabbage (soup). And in a pig cabbage (pork).

A variety of comparisons are used in the riddles:

Bel as snow, in honor of all. (Sugar)

In school mystery, the basis of comparison can be the images of the Holy Scriptures and the Old Slavic vocabulary:

Taken from the ground, IKAO ADAM, entrusted to the cares of fire, Yako three years; Take away from the pedesia and is entrusted to the chariot, Yako Eliu: Wheel on the trade, Iosifa, Iosif: put on the frontal place and Bien on the chapter, Iako, Jesus; Harvesting a great wife, and a certain wife, Iako, and Maria Magdaline, arrive. And, bought him behind the mednica, brought home; But he broke through his mother, dying, and the bottom of his bones are not buried. (Pot)

There are in riddles and antithesis:

Mother-in spring in a color dress. Mother-in winter in Savan one. (Field)

Often epithets are used in the riddles.

Form of mysteries gradually became predominantly poetic (poetic), so there was a special meaning rhymes. Rhythm is created not only by the consonance of words, but also the intonation pattern of the phrase: "Hanging a pear is not to be ease." (Light bulb)

In double mysteries, riffs can be rhymed. In the multi-line rhymes are diverse. Let us give an example of the adjacent rhyme:

Grew up house

Full house grain,

Walls are gilded,

Shutters are clipped:

Walking house wallery

On the column gold. (Rye)

Sometimes the first line is not connected with the rest, but is built on the inner rhyme:

Small, humpback,

Fit all the field,

I came home to go - all year lay out. ( Sickle)

The outer and internal rhymes often serve as a tip to the riddle: "Without meat, without bones, and still five fingers." (Hand) Expressive expressions are possible in the riddle:

Oh, what is Ivan Poles:

Sat on the horse

And drove into the fire. ( Cast iron and grasp)

Language features, word formation in riddles are close to children's speech, and therefore also the reason for the distribution of such texts. Melnikov calls them "pedagogical backgrounds of riddles" and believes that these features caused the widespread riddles in the children's environment.

In some cases, new deposits appear to traditional mysteries: "One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners" suggests such an answer: "the marriage of our garment factory."

Communication riddles with other genres It has a bilateral nature: riddles are component of individual genres and at the same time serve as the basis for creating a new text. Riddles were part of the works of many genres of oral folk art. They are traces of ancient beliefs or reflect a later phenomenon of folk synthesis. Only a special study of each fact will make it possible to determine the nature of the riddles in the text of the work.

The texts of the old riddles have been preserved in the epons, fairy tales. Many sub-complusion songs are built in the form of riddles, when a description of the fate of a person is replaced by an indication of the subject or action.

O.I. Kapitsa gives an interesting example of preserving the riddles in the composition of the children's song. In the song below, the last four lines represent their mystery to Len.

You, aunt,

My grains,

Topi Hatu,

Look into the oven

And I will pancakes oven.

Mother Volga

Broad and debt

Chair on the mountains

About seven heads,

It is kernel

Says good.

Often riddles arise on the basis of Byulovk:

Rides a man not by way. Does not see anything around. I drove into a bump. Do not get out in any way. (Deceased)

The diverse use of riddles leads to the emergence of adjacent forms of synthetic nature, absorbing elements of riddles and other genre formations. First of all, we will call questions based on synonyms allocated by O.I. Kapitsa. They have the form of a numerical task; To answer, you need to figure out the trick. Let us give an example: "The man bought a goat for three rubles. How much the goat came? " "How much" is usually understood: "how much" "," how much costs ", and instead of answering" on the ground ", the answer should be:" Three rubles ".

There are other similar questions:

"After seven years that the goat will be?" (Will go 8th year.)

"What is the stone in the river?" (Wet.)

"Can the rain go two days to work?" (Can't, because between days night.)

"What goes goose from?" ( From the shore.)

Sometimes it is difficult to separate the riddle from the problem of a numerical nature: "Geese flew over the forest and you need to sit down. If they are twisted two on the tree, one tree will remain, and one one - the goose will remain. How much wood and geese? " (2 wood, 3 goose)

"Sit four cats, against each three cats, are there many of them?" (4 cats in the corners of huts)

Walked column

Son with father,

Yes, grandfather with grandson.

How many of them? ( Three)

The verbal riddles are built on the principle of charade or are based on the game of letters and words: "What two animals are placed in one bottle?" (horse, yak) "What name is the name of the boy and one hundred names of girls?" ( Sevastopol)

The reverse process is possible, the transition of mysteries to the proverbs: "Nothing hurts, but everything moans."

In the modern riddle, new realities are actively penetrating: "With two legs, and you cannot walk" (Tights). "Two legs in one pant (Skirt-pants). The humorous nature of such mysteries is obvious.

The impressions of the notified in everyday life and seen on TV determine the improvisational nature of the mysteries, not always a diligent riddles about the emerging heroes of the series:

Not sinking, does not burn

In the Red Dreesice sits,

In love with eyes

On Sisi looks (Gina).

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book the daily life of the Highlanders of the North Caucasus in the XIX century Author Kaziev Shapy Magomedovich

From the book ancient Egypt Author Zgur Maria Pavlovna

From the book 100 great archaeological discoveries Author Nodovsky Andrey Yuryevich

From the book. People's life of the Great North. Tom II. Author Burtsev Alexander Evgenievich

From the book Russian Children's Folklore: Tutorial Author Kolyadich Tatyana Mikhailovna

From the book Scythians: flourishing and falling the Great Kingdom Author Glyaev Valery Ivanovich

Riddles Basic Concepts: Definition, Functions, Origin, Differences Children's Riddles from Adult, Composition / Structure, Art Forms, Form, Rhymes, Language, Communication with other genres. Determination. The riddle belongs to the small genres of folklore, it is different

From the book Sumer. Babylon. Assyria: 5000 years of history Author Glyaev Valery Ivanovich

Massagetti tribes riddles The main source according to the description of nomadic Massagetti tribes is "Father of History", Herodotus. He pretty clearly assigns them the territory from the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea to Cheese Darya. "So we have the sea, called the Caspian, - writes this

From the book BCE Secrets of the world J. P. R. Tolkina. Symphony Iluvatara Author Barkova Alexander Leonidovna

From the book around St. Petersburg. Notes of the observer Author Glazers Sergey Evgenievich

"The riddles in the dark" b "Hobbit" Tolkin not without reason writes that the game in the riddles (which is leading thylum and bilbo) "the old and is considered sacred, and even evil creatures do not dare to join, playing in it." This is an easy recognizable reference to the "Elder Edde", where in a different form game in

From the book two faces of the East [impressions and reflections from eleven years of work in China and seven years in Japan] Author Ovchinnikov Vsevolod Vladimirovich

Riddles - a completely special kind of folk folklore. This is not just entertainment, the riddles train the mind of the child, develop attention and memory, learn to allocate important signs of items.

Guess children riddles! Even if the child could not guess the riddle himself, and found out the answer from you is also good. It helps to look at the thing or phenomenon on the other hand enriches the vocabulary of the child. Children learn to determine the figurative meaning of words.

We are accustomed to offering the petties of poetic riddles in which the answer is easily guessing rhyme. The child often does not even delve into the meaning of the words of the riddle, but simply substitutes rhyme. But Russian folk riddles for children - rarely come with poetic, often this is just one sentence. But they are concise and require smelting.

When guessing Russian folk mysteries, children have one nuance. In some of them, outdated words are used, and some of the subjects that the modern child in the eyes did not see, or who are not ordinary (for example, the boots: "Not sewing, not crowns, but all in scars"). Having made such a riddle, be prepared in case of difficulty child, give leading questions, small hints, but do not speak the right answer immediately, do not take pleasure to guess yourself.

Riddles about tools

  • Iron nose in the ground is inserted, digging, digging, the land is breaking. (Plow)
  • Who beat on your head to go smoothly? (Nail)
  • It is bowed, bowed, comes home - it stretches. (Ax)
  • Koching the galley, and go far. (Ax)
  • Steel nose, linen tail. (Needle with thread)
  • Two rings, two ends, in the middle of the carnation. (Scissors)
  • Knocks, spinning, God's fear is not afraid. He considers our century - and not a man. (Clock)
  • One brother is resting in winter, and another summer. (Trug and Sani).
  • Not so much will take how much stakes. (Mortar)
  • Babya Yaga stands, Leg resumption. The whole world feeds, and the Hungry itself. (Sokh)
  • Without hands, no legs, crumble noodles (knife).
  • Little head and a thousand eyes. (thimble)
  • Black chicken on red eggs sits. (Boiler on fire)
  • I will rise, so above the horse, and a blunder, so below the cat. (Rocker)
  • Two brothers want to fight, yes the hands are short. (Rocker)
  • Neither the light nor the dawn went, bent off the yard. (Rocker)
  • Small, puzzy, and the whole house is saving. (Lock)
  • No one offends, and her all pushed. (A door)

Riddles on plants

  • Without a deposit, and everything is without a buckle. (Cabbage)
  • Not fire, but burn. (Nettle)
  • Golden sterils of black houses are full. (Sunflower)
  • Sits grandfather at a hundred fur coats dressed; And who undresses it - tears sheds. (Onion)
  • A red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, and a spit on the street. (Carrot)
  • White blooms, green hanging, red drops. (Apple)
  • The golden calf on the lesy pulls. (Melon)

Folk riddles about animals

  • Not a tailor, and all my life with needles goes. (Hedgehog)
  • It came from the forest Bird in Redhead curb county. (Fox)
  • Not a ride, but with spurs, no watchman, and all wakes up. (Cock)
  • Among the courtyard is a shock: in front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow)
  • Under a big stone, a lot of pebbles sing. (Chickens under chicken)
  • It is the hut bezbalna, people live in it are mowing. (Hive)
  • Who was not in a noah ark? (fish)
  • Nothing hurts, but all moans. (Pig)

Children's riddles on the phenomena of nature

  • From one focus all the world is heated. (The sun)
  • She went tenolve, stuck in the ground. (Rain)
  • Painted rocker through the river hung. (Rainbow)
  • White tablecloth all field covered. (Snow)
  • Flies - silent, lies - silent when he dies, then zaring. (Snow. Zaren - here in the value "Claim", i.e. melts).
  • Without hands, no legs, and the gate will answer. (Wind)
  • One pouring, another drinks, the third greasure yes grows. (Rain, Earth and Grass).
  • Gray Children at the gates to us the eyes of the challenges. (Fog)
  • Garked goose on all Russia. (Thunder)
  • When you see, you do not see. And when you do not see - you see it. (Darkness)
  • Fucked - noisy, fell asleep - Zalestel. (River)
  • Divide the door - the shaggy dog \u200b\u200bwill go. (Couples in frost)
  • Everything is, it does not eat, and the water will go - die. (The fire).
  • Where the red goat was lying, the grass is not growing there. (Fire)

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

Riddles Material prepared a teacher of the Russian language and literature Kashirina N.V. http://aida.ucoz.ru.

2 Slide

Slide description:

3 Slide

Slide description:

Riddle - genre of oral folk art. The riddle of allegorically (without calling) describes the subject or phenomenon. The purpose of the riddles to experience the intelligence, to learn to see the world in a new way, so it is not an independent genre, but applied. The name of the genre "Riddle" comes from the word "gadati" - think, reason. "The fortune telling the clarification of something hidden, darkened.

4 Slide

Slide description:

Is it a mystery? Where Bereznyak, Raby and Rare, where the flushing of a slotier, he, stern, sits on the branch and holds a worm in his beak. But this is he, simple, unparalleled, clinging at night from dew, wakes up the village village at the suburban strip. (Sergey Plipchyov) Copyright Name of the "nightingale" poem is not a mystery. Why?

5 Slide

Slide description:

The history of the riddles time ago, even when they were afraid of nature, it seemed an ancient hunter, a farmers and cattle worker, that everywhere there are good and evil creatures. In the forest - the ledged, in the river - water, mermaids, in the hut - the house. Then thought people as the tree, and the fish, and the bird - everyone understands the human language. And people in those times, going to the hunt, fishing or just with a herd in the forest, tried out loud not to pronounce those words that are connected with the success of the upcoming business. And in order for the beast to deceive, and understand each other, hunters came up with, fishermen and the shepherds a special "secret" language, a special "mysterious" speech.

6 Slide

Slide description:

Winter evenings, when all things are converted on the farm, gathered, had, and old and small in some hut. And old people began to ask the old people. And the old people were made not just, as he wonders, but strictly kept. We started with mysteries about a person, about what is closest to him - about clothes, about the house. Then about the garden, garden, field, apiary. And then already about snow, thunder, lightning, about the stars and month.

7 Slide

Slide description:

Gradually, with centuries, more so smarter than the man became less than the "dark forces" fear. They do not need steel and "fraudulent" names, they were forgotten gradually. And the riddle was not forgotten. It was widely used as a test of wisdom and in life, and in fairy tales. The main thing was that the man smeared his experienced, once again looked around - let him see, in which interesting world he lives.

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Slide description:

And everywhere, in the everyday life, the riddle can do something interesting to notice, the most familiar to make an unusual, mysterious. That's, for example: "Laughs laugh, up - crying." The ramp is simple: bucket in the well. But so subtly noticed that the empty bucket goes down squinting, as if laugh, and up climbing - it breaks water, as if it cries. Later, the riddle went to the world of childhood, began to teach the child to learn the world, see him in a new way. For a child, the world is always full of mystery, he still has much to guess. Running the riddles gives pleasure, the deposit - pleases and surprises.

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Slide description:

Guess the riddles. (From the archive of the teacher) 1. Dima went, and we took in the hands of strange mushrooms: there is a hat and the leg is, but, alas, you can not eat them. 2. Hands the girl fungus so that the sewer is not wet. 3. Dog pouring like a bucket, I have to go to school. And I revealed my fungus - look: not wet! 4. Whole wings will open - we will save us from the rain. 5. It is only for me to reveal - I will become a bird look like. 6. In the rain steps along the path of the Heron on a high leg. 7. Multicolored daisies in the rain carry everything over himself. Clouds are cleaned - chamomile closes.

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Slide description:

I and the house decorate, I also collect dust. And me people trample with legs, but then they are still beaten by baotogs. Inside - empty, and the voice is thick. It myself is silent, but beaten - grumbling. She has a whole soul with a lady, and even even there is a shirt, not a turkey, but inflates, and not a bird, but poured. Throw back, then a steamer wanders forward. Stop - Mount! Thrink the sea! All my life wings waves, but can't fly away. He is with a trunk rubber, with the stomach canas. How his engine will threaten, he swallows dust and litter. Dust I will see - Zavorka, certification and swallowing.

11 Slide

Slide description:

Learning to compose the riddles of the workpiece. 1. Aromatic snowflakes hang on the blade (Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Lily of Lily) 2. White rattles appeared on the edge. (Lily of the Lily of the Lolan) 3. Stick, the hammers are knocking, the beaks fall into the smooth lines. (typewriter) 4.The is the bell on a thin leg in a lilac dressing. (Bell) 5.Visitsy like beads, but do not ring, a strong fragrance is dealt with. (Lily Sisha flowers) Superior Option 1. Fragrant snowflakes on the forest hanging blasting. (Lily of the Lily of Lily) 2. In the end of May, rattles were headed on the edge. (Lily of the Lily of the Lilyside) 3. The Caught Boyko Hammer and drive the letters into the lines. (typewriter) 4.The is a call on a thin leg in purple dressing. (Bell) 5. White bubrels hang, but do not ring, and the wonderful fragrance flows from them. (Lily Sisha flowers)

& NBSP sitting and standing on the go and in transport you can play in puzzles. Here is a cheerful and fruitful pastime.
& NBSP guessing riddles brings undoubted benefits. This is the development of intelligence, and a memory training, and a fascinating way to learn a lot about various subjects.
& NBSP Gaying mysteries - a kind of test of human intelligence.
& NBSP Welcome to the world of mysteries where so many incredible discoveries are lurking!



    If I was asked to name the most poetic phenomenon created by a person with the help of a word, I, without thinking, would say: these are riddles. But, unfortunately, we don't know them so much, and so small is the time that is released at school for familiarity with them!

    What is puzzles? If you give them a traditional brief definition, then it may be like that. Puzzles - This is an allegorical image of objects or phenomena of reality that are proposed to guess. And in fact, for example, in riddle"It costs a matryoshka on one leg, the cabbage is enandoned by an allegorically presented cabbage. But, of course, for this one definition cannot be substituted all the riddles. After all, the material that we perceive as riddles is much richer. For example, in the riddle of the river "flows, flowing - not follows, runs, runs - it does not run out." There is no allegory, it has a description of the river, but there is no image of the subject that allegorically reminded the river. There are riddles and other types. For example, such: "Without which a person can not live?" Answer: "Unnamed". Or: "What's all softer in the world?" It turns out, palm. These are riddles that require leaving extraordinary thinking. After all, it is necessary to give one from a huge number of possible answers, but that everything would agree with what. You never know, for example, without which a person cannot live! And without water, and without air, and without food. But after all, an unexpected deposit is "no name" - will satisfy, perhaps all. Indeed, without water, air, food can not live not only a person ... But only people (all!) Get the names.

    This example testifies another feature of such mysteries. The depth must be the original, unexpected, often causing a smile. And there are many mysteries that have comic deposits. Well, for example: "What month is shorter than everyone?" Ordinary answer: "February." But the right - "May" (just three letters!). "What stones in the sea are not?" - "Dry".

    These types mysteries It would be possible to call like this: riddles-allegory, riddles, descriptions and riddles-questions. But there is another type mysteries: Riddles-tasks. They are very similar to the challenges from school textbooks if it were not for one circumstance. Here, for example, one of these mysteries: "Flying a pack of geese, towards them one goose. "Hello," says, one hundred geese! " - "No, we are not a hundred geese. It was still so much so much, yes a quarter so much, yes you, goose, so we would be a hundred geese. " "How many geese flew?" Answer: "36 geese." The task is purely arithmetic, requires a leaving ability to count. But there are other tasks. For example: "Walnut walked. I saw three raven on the tree and fired. One killed. How much remains on the tree? " "Reasonable" answer is purely arithmetic: two crows remained on the tree. No! One thing he killed, and the rest - flew away ... or: "Flying a pack of geese, one hunters killed. How much is left?" Of course one - killed.

    We see that the riddles of the tasks, as the issues of the Questions - are extraordinary, these are really tests for intelligence, they develop, activate our mental activity. And it combines riddles-issues with riddles-tasks; They undoubtedly have similarities and with riddles-allegory, mystery-descriptions. After all, the tasks proposed in the riddles and riddles of the tasks require exactly intelligentness, non-standard thinking: to see in an ordinary unusual, and in an unusual one - the usual.

    Thus, all these small folklore forms are united in their respective destination: we are interested in training, contribute to the development of human mental activity. That is why we learn them at school.

    However, not only life appointment unites these types. mysteries. It is impossible not to notice that they are all built on the paradox. Translated from the Greek "paradox" means an unexpected phenomenon, sharply contrary to common sense, diverging with a generally accepted opinion. We saw that the riddles were built on unusual comparisons expected in line with common sense, the generally accepted opinion of the rags are false, and correct are the most unexpected, but the only true.

    The similarity of these four types of puzzles - and in their construction. The composition of everyone without exception of the two-party riddles: the first part is the question, the second is the answer. This is very clearly visible on the example of questions and mysteries-tasks. The questionnaire is knocked in riddles-allegoryrs and riddles-descriptions. However, the question must necessarily be expressed by the word. After all, the mystery existed and exists truly only orally, and the question can be converted and intonation. In addition, the question of the first part of the allegory mysteries and the descriptions of descriptions is the need for a response only to their first part. The answer also offers the availability of a question.

    But this is similarity and ends. Some differences have already been discussed, but we note another - important. Puzzles-allegory and riddles and descriptions differ from questions and mysteries and mysteries to the fact that they are created on the basis of poetic imagery, surprise us with poetic paintings, artistic details; But the riddles of the questions, the riddles of the tasks are strong in their logic, the game is not imagination, but the mind. That is why it is why in the lessons of literature lessons in the school there is a clear preference to the municipality of allegoryrs and mystery-descriptions. And in the people, they used the consistently great success. We know their thousands, while riddles-questions and riddles-tasks are little known.

    In this way, puzzles - This is an allegorical image of items and phenomena of reality or their description that is invited to solve.

The game of riddles 1.

    In this book, there are many mysteries of different peoples of our country - both about the person, and the beasts, and about the birds, and on the plants, and about the Earth, and about the sky, and about various subjects ...

    Riddles can be made to each other, but in the riddles you can still play together how to other games.

    Here's how they play in puzzles Russian guys. They are going somewhere, sitting comfortably and begin to play in the "cities". Everyone takes up several cities, say ten.

    In order not to forget your cities and not confuse with others, you need to write them on a piece of paper and keep this piece in front of yourself.

    The names of the cities in the players should not be repeated. If you are repeated, confusion will begin, disputes.

    One of the players is prescribed by a mystery. He must make a dozen riddles.

    So he makes the first riddle. Playing in turn fit to him and quietly, so that they do not hear the rest, they say a flaw.

    Who will not be able to guess or guess incorrectly, gives the mysterious one of his cities.

    How do it do? The mystery puts the icon near the city name.

    When all the participants of the game gave the answer, the mystery makes a new riddle. She guess the same as the first.

    After ten, the riddles are watching how many cities remained. It happens that other from the players will surrender all their cities.

    Then the new mystery comes out, and the game continues. He comes up with other riddles, and everyone gose them. He who guess them.

    The one who rents correctly receives the city he passed.

    Then the third mystery comes out, with its new riddles, and everyone gose them. After that, they look, from whom how many cities remained. One who passed all their cities and failed to return them, make it make any funny thing. On this game ends.

    You can "take" not only cities, but also animals, and birds, and parts of the clothes - cap, scarf, jacket, shirt, belt, shoes.

    The game of riddles 2.

    This game is called "grandmother". Play in the "grandmother" so. Everyone becomes in a row (you can play and sitting). The first makes some kind of riddle.

    Many participants of the game can guess it, but it is impossible to say out loud. A guess can only say a loud one who stands or sits next to the mystery.

    As soon as he fits, he must make a new riddle to his neighbor. If he rents, hesitates another riddle to his neighbor. So the riddles go along their chain to the end, and then they can return the reference path.

    But it is not always so easy to go riddles on a chain. It happens that anyone cannot guess the riddle or is responsible incorrectly. Then the neighbor makes him a second riddle. I could not guess this and this is my third. . Well, if the third does not guess, let go to the easiest of the row. After that, the game continues. They play as long as they can invent new riddles.