Alternative to electric current in the daily life of a person.

Research work


I. Entering .......................................................................................... ..... 3

II. The role of electric current in modern society

2.1. A little story. Electric current, what is it? …………..……………....four

2.2. The relevance of the chosen topic of the study ............... .. ............... .............5

2. 3. Electric current. What is it? .... .......................................... ...... .... ... 6

2.4. Why do you need to save energy? ......................................................... 9

2.5. Electric current in the daily life of a person ............................................ ..eleven

III. Practical part

3.1. Optimal sources of electric current ...... ... .............................. .. ... 13

IV. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 18

V i. Appendix ................................................................................................. 20

I. . Introduction

"When there is no life, wisdom is silent,

can not flourish art

do not play strength, it is useless wealth

and Resenable Mind. "


The value of electrical energy in the life of each of us is so great that it is difficult to assess. Now it is difficult to imagine a modern house or an apartment in which the lighting devices would be absent. We are so accustomed, clicking the switch, at any time of the day to light the light, which is hard to believe that one and a half century ago, electric lighting was absent. What did people use to him?

Today we can hardly imagine how a person could do more than a hundred years ago without electricity. After all, electricity for modern society is the basis of all types of human activity. But few of us think about how this blessing of civilization gets to us. The path of its lobol on complex systems of electrical communications in the form of wires and cables. Wires and cables are an arteries of a circulating system with a supply electrical energy Industrial enterprises and organizations. It is warm in our apartments and houses. All these elements of electrical energy transport perform a second largest action after generating an action, delivered electricity specifically to each of us. We can estimate the value of the electrical energy of our life only when this energy suddenly disappears. It is like a large full-flow river, mighty and strong, carrying from the mountains, breaking out on the plain, begins to share on many rivers, streams and streams.

But currently the problem of the lack of energy resources is very acute. After all, human civilization is very dynamic. But oil reserves, coal, gas are not infinite. The more we use these types of energy raw materials, the less they remain, and the more expensive every day they cost us. There is a danger that the main types of traditional fuels will be exhausted. The inevitability of the fuel deficit is currently no doubt about anyone.
Hypothesis: If the electric current surrounds a person everywhere, then as optimal sources can be obtained.

The purpose of this study: creating electricity sources with their own hands and consider all sorts of ways to use vegetables and fruits as a current source.

Objectives of research :

    Examine information about current sources.

    Compose galvanic elements based on objects used in everyday life with various metals.

Research methods:

    Experimental method;

    Observation method;

    Method processing method;

    Comparison method.

    The method of empirical research.

The problem of finding clean energy in the XXI century is sharp. In the modern world, humanity needs electricity every day. It is needed both to large enterprises and in everyday life. A lot of money is spent on it. And therefore electricity bills grow every year. Those enterprises that can produce cheap electricity are damaged by ecology, which is then reflected in the environment and our health. And those enterprises that produce more environmentally friendly electricity, as, for example, hydroelectric power plants, require high costs. Therefore, I was interested in this topic.

II. . The role of electric current in modern society.

    1. A little story.

Electrical phenomena, what is it?

The initial knowledge of electrification by friction belongs to deep antiquity. So, the aircraft of amber with friction was known in the VI century BC. Greek philosopher Fales from the Mileta. However, the history of science on electrical phenomena can be started with the research of William Hilbert, the doctor of the English Queen Elizabeth. The first essay on electricity and magnetism Hilbert published in 1600, where he described the electrification by friction; Here, for the first time in the history of science, he applied the term "electricity" (from the Greek word "electron", which means "amber"). Hilbert found that glass, resins and many other substances are also electrified by friction. Grained with silk or cloth, they attract guns, straws, etc.

The first electric car in 1650 built a German scientist Otto Gerica. At first he made a big ball from sulfur. Running the ball, Gerica observed the attraction to it with light items. For more convenience, the scientist set a ball on the axis in a special machine. Rotating the ball with the help of a handle and pressing his palm to him, it could be electrified. With this electric car, Geric made many experiments. Watching the attraction of the lungs of the body to the electrical ball, he noticed that the guns and pieces of paper, touching the ball, bounced out of it. Gerica managed to even force the empty to the ball, swim over the electrical ball in the air. But he did not find explanations to this phenomenon.

In 1729, English physicist Stefan Gray opened the existence of conductors and non-conductor of electricity. Testing various bodies of nature, Gray found that electricity spread over metal wires, coal rods, hemp tweeter, but it was not passed on rubber, wax, silk threads, china, which can serve as insulators protected from electricity leakage. A good conductors, as the heating experiments showed, belong to the fabric of the human body and animals.

The first devices for detecting electricity and quantitative exploitation of electrical phenomena appeared in the XVIII century. One of the first electroscopes in 1745 built academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Georg Wilhelm Richman. The electroscope of Richmana consisted of an iron line, against the rib of which the linen thread was suspended, the scale had a scale. When the line was electrified, the thread was repelled. With this device, Richman has done a lot of experiences, especially on the study of the electric field around the charged bodies and electrification of metals.

In 1750-1780 The passion for "electricity from friction" was universal. There were experiments on the electrification of people, ignition of alcohol from sparks, etc. The electric machine, with which you yourself do effective experiments in the physical office, was invented in 1870 by Wishrehst.

2.2 Relevance of the selected research topic

Imagine life without electric Energy is no longer possible. The electric power industry invaded all spheres of human activity: industry and agriculture, science and space, our life. Such widespread is explained by its specific properties: the possibility to turn into almost all other types of energy (thermal, mechanical, sound, light, etc.); the ability to relatively simply transmitted to considerable distances in large quantities; huge speeds of electromagnetic process.

In a global understanding of electricity plays one of the main roles in vitality, both one person and the entire population of the planet. Back in ancient times, people began to extract energy. It all started with the production of fire, because the fire is that energy that is necessary for human vital activity. The biggest jerk in this area, in the field of electricity production, falls on the era of an industrial breakthrough, when the industry requires all new and new capacities.
According to statistics, a modern person consumes a hundred times more energy resources than an ancient resident. This is due to the fact that electricity is firmly introduced into a life of a modern person. Also electricity is convenience and good, without which the meaning of life does not see the contemporary industry and the development of industries: agriculture, scientific research in the field of health and instrument making.

The first jump in the growth of energy consumption occurred when a person learned to extract the fire and use it for cooking and heating his dwellings. Sources of energy during this period firewood served and muscular power. The next important stage is associated with the invention of the wheel, the creation of a variety of labor instruments, the development of blacksmithing production. To the XV century Medieval man using working livestock, water and wind energy, firewood and a small amount of coal, has already consumed about 10 times more than a primitive person.

In the modern world, energy is the basis for the development of basic industries that determine the progress of social production. In all industrialized countries, the rate of development of the energy engineering was ahead of the pace of development of other industries.

With the development of nuclear physics in 1940, many useful discoveries in the field of electricity mining were made by scientists. So, with the help of research, the first nuclear power plant was commissioned in 1954. The power of this nuclear power plant was 5 MW.
The creation of such nuclear power plants was impressed by the growth of production in production. All mechanisms from small to the Great are driven by electricity. This is much reduced by the time of making parts plus saving human resources. Especially now automated production gives a greater efficiency than human hands.

We should not forget that the introduction of alternative energy sources also plays an important role for the vital activity of mankind. This is due to the fact that to protect the nature of atomic pollution, since the accidents at nuclear power plants lead to terrifying consequences.
But there is also the reverse side of the medal, when using a man of electricity, there is a risk of irradiation and damage to the internal organs. Also, the extraction of electricity has adversely affects the nature and ecology of the entire land. This is especially pronounced in the territory of hydroelectric power plants, under which the change in the river bed itself leads to a change in the water world of this reservoir.
But despite the negative factors that affect the body, humanity is inventing new and new technologies and devices, thereby facilitating the life in the whole world.

2.3 Electricity. Electrical sources.

What is an electric current and what is necessary for its occurrence and existence during the time you need?

The word "current" means movement or the course of something. Electric current is called ordered (directional) movement of charged particles. To get an electric current in the conductor, you need to create an electrical field in it. So that the electric current in the conductor existed for a long time, it is necessary to maintain an electric field in it all this time. The electric field in the conductors is created and can be supported for a long time. sources of electric current. Currently, humanity uses four main current sources: static, chemical, mechanical and semiconductor (solar panels), but in every of them work is performed on the separation of positive and negatively charged particles. Separate particles accumulate on the poles of the current source, are so called the places to which the conductors are connected using terminals or clamps. One pole of the current source is charged positively, the other is negative. If the poles connect the conductor, then under the action of the field free charged particles in the conductor will move, the electric current will occur.

Until 1650 - time when a great interest in electricity awakened in Europe, it was known that it was easy to get large electric charges. With the increasing number of scientists who are interested in electricity research, it was possible to expect the creation of even simple and effective ways to produce electrical charges.

Otto von Gerica came up with the first electric car. He poured the molten sulfur inside the hollow glass bowl, and then when sulfur hardened, broke the glass, not guessing that the glass ball himself with no less success could serve his goals. Then Gerike strengthened the sulfur ball so that it could be rotated by the handle. To get the charge, it was necessary to rotate the ball with one hand, and the other is to press a piece of skin to it. The friction lifted the potential of the ball to the value sufficient to get sparks in a long centimeter.

The fact is that powerful charges that could be created on bodies using the Heric electrostatic machine, quickly disappeared. Initially, they thought that the cause of this was "evaporation" of charges. To prevent "evaporation" charges, it was proposed to conclude charged bodies into closed vessels made of insulating material. Naturally, glass bottles were chosen as such vessels, and water was chosen as an electrified material, because it was easy to pour it into bottles. So that you can charge water without opening the bottle, through the plug was missed by a nail. The idea was good, but for reasons, at that time it is incomprehensible, the device worked not so successfully. As a result of intense experiments, it was soon open that the stored charge and thus the power of the electric strike can be dramatically increased if the bottle is from the inside and outside the conductive material, for example, thin sheets of foil. Moreover, if you connect the nail with a good conductor with a metal layer inside the bottle, it turned out that you can do without water.

The first who opened a different possibility of receiving electricity than by electrification by friction was the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani (1737-1798). He was in a specialty biologist, but he worked in the laboratory, where experiences were carried out with electricity. Galvani observed a phenomenon that many were known before him; It consisted that if the foot nerve was a dead frog, excite a spark from the electric car, then the entire foot was shifted. But once the galvana noticed that the foot came into motion when only a steel scalpel was touched with the nerve feet. The most amazing thing was that there was no contact between the electric machine and the scalpel. This striking discovery forced the galvana to put a number of experiments to detect the cause of the electric current. One of the experiments was placed by electroplants in order to find out if the same movements in the paw electricity lightning. To do this, the galvana suspected several frogs in the window in the window, closed with iron grille on brass hooks. And he found, as opposed to his expectations that the abbreviations of the paws occur at any time, beyond all the dependence on the state of the weather. The presence of a number of electrical machine or other source of electricity was not necessary. The galvana further installed that instead of iron and brass, any two heterogeneous metal can be used, the combination of copper and zinc caused the phenomenon in the most distinct form. Glass, rubber, resin, stone and dry tree did not give any effect at all. Thus, the emergence of the current still remained a mystery. Where does the current appear - only in the body tissues of the frog, only heterogeneous metals or in a combination of metals and tissues? Unfortunately, Galvani came to the conclusion that the current arises exclusively in the body tissues of the frog. As a result of his contemporaries, the concept of "animal electricity" began to seem much more real than the electricity of any other origin.

Another Italian scientist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) finally proved that if placing frogs into aqueous solutions of some substances, then the galvanic current does not occur in the frog tissues. In particular, it took place for key or pure water; This current appears when acids, salts or alkalis are added to water. Apparently, the greatest current occurred in a combination of copper and zinc placed in a diluted solution of sulfuric acid. The combination of two plates of heterogeneous metals immersed in an aqueous alkali solution, acid or salts is called an electroplated (or chemical) element.

If only friction and chemical processes in electroplating elements were used to obtain the electromotive force, the cost of electrical energy required for the operation of various machines would be extremely high. As a result of the huge number of experiments, scientists from different countries were made by discoveries, which allowed to create mechanical electric machines that produce relatively cheap electricity.

In the early 19th century, Hans Christian Ersted did the discovery of a completely new electric phenomenon, concluded that when the current passes through the conductor around it, a magnetic field is formed. A few years later, in 1831, Faraday made another discovery equal to the opening of Ersteda. Faraday found that when the moving conductor crosses the power lines of the magnetic field, the electromotive force is guided in the conductor, which causes the current in the circuit to which this conductor enters. The induced EMF varies directly proportional to the speed of movement, the number of conductors, as well as the voltage of the magnetic field. In other words, the induced EMF is directly proportional to the number of power lines intersectable by the conductor per unit of time. When the conductor crosses 10,000,000 power lines for 1 sec, the posted EDC is equal to 1 volt. Having manually by a single conductor or a wire coil in a magnetic field, large currents can not be obtained. A more efficient way is the winding of the wire to the large coil or the manufacture of the coil in the form of a drum. The coil is then planted on the shaft, located between the poles of the magnet and rotated by the power of water or steam. So, in essence, the electric current generator is arranged, which refers to mechanical sources of electric current, and is actively used by humanity at present.
Sunny energy people use with ancient times. Back in 212 BC e. With the help of concentrated sunlight, they lit the sacred fire in the temples. According to the legend, at about the same time, the Greek scholar Archimedes in the protection of the hometown of the Sails of the Roman Fleet ships.

The Sun is a distance removed from the Earth for a distance of 149.6 million km thermonuclear reactor, emitting energy, which enters the ground mainly in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The largest part of the energy of the radiation of the Sun is concentrated in the visible and infrared part of the spectrum. Solar radiation is an inexhaustible renewable source of environmentally friendly energy. Without prejudice to the environmental medium, 1.5% of the total solar energy falling on the Earth can be used, i.e. 1.62 * 10 16 kilowatt \\ hours per year, which is equivalent to a huge amount of conditional fuel - 2 * 10 12 tons.

The efforts of the designers go along the way of using photocells for direct conversion of solar energy into electrical. Photographic converters, also called solar panels, consist of a series of photocells connected in series or in parallel. If the converter must charge the battery that feeds, for example, the radio device in the cloudy time, then it is connected in parallel to the outputs of the solar battery (Fig. 3). Elements used in solar panels must have a large efficiency, advantageous spectral characteristic, low cost, simple design and a small mass. Unfortunately, only a few of those known for today photo elements meet at least partially these requirements. These are primarily some types of semiconductor photocells. The simplest of them is selenium. Unfortunately, the efficiency of the best selenium photocells is small (0.1 ... 1%).

The basis of solar panels are silicon photo converters, having a form of round or rectangular plates with a thickness of 0.7 - 1 mm and an area of \u200b\u200bup to 5 - 8 sq.m. Experience has shown that good results give small elements with an area of \u200b\u200babout 1 square meters. See, having an efficiency of about 10%. Photo cells from semiconductor metals with theoretical efficiency of 18% were also created. By the way, the practical efficiency of photovoltaic converters (about 10%) exceeds the efficiency of the steam locomotive (8%), the usefulness coefficient of solar energy in the plant world (1%), as well as the efficiency of many hydraulic and wind devices. Photoelectric converters have practically unlimited durability. For comparison, it is possible to give the efficiency of the efficiency of various sources of electrical energy (as a percentage): the thermoelectric center - 20-30, thermoelectric converter - 6 - 8, selene cell - 0.1 - 1, solar battery - 6 - 11, fuel cell - 70, lead Battery - 80 - 90.

In 1989, a two-layer photocell consisting of two semiconductors - arsenide and gallium arsenide and antimonide - with a coefficient of transformation of solar energy into electrical equal to 37%, which is quite comparable to the efficiency of modern thermal and nuclear power plants. Recently, it was possible to prove that the photovoltaic method of converting solar energy theoretically allows the use of the energy of the Sun with an efficiency, reaching 93%! But it was originally believed that the maximum upper limit of the efficiency of solar cells is no more than 26%, i.e. Significantly below the efficiency of high-temperature thermal machines.

Solar panels are still used mainly in space, and on Earth only for power supply of autonomous consumers with a capacity of up to 1 kW, the supply of radionavigation and low-power radio electronic equipment, drive of experimental electric vehicles and aircraft. As the solar damage improves, they will find use in residential buildings for autonomous power supply, i.e. Heating and hot water supply, as well as to generate electricity for lighting and nutrition of household electrical appliances.

2.4 Why need to save energy.

Let's start with a well-known fact, energy is the basis of life on Earth. Energy has always played a crucial role in human life, because any of its actions are associated with energy costs. Anyone, any family, any community cannot do without energy consumption. A man has long been looking for all new ways to transform energy for its needs and the technical progress, which he has committed over the past two centuries, transformed his life beyond recognition. Having done such a historical path and reaching such results, why do you need to save energy? An ordinary person may not be completely clear. In our consciousness there is an opinion, - if there are funds and the consumption of energy carriers is paid, then why save?

Realities of the energy crisis: cold in houses, paralysis of industry and transport, price increase, cards for petroleum products. The fuel crisis stimulated the development and implementation of energy-saving technologies on a large scale. Energy-saving machinery and technology, in turn, contributed to the successful solution of environmental problems.

Nowadays, for overcoming the economic crisis requires greater caps for the extraction of hydrocarbon fuel, which affects the constant increase in fuel prices and electricity. No matter how difficult economic transformations are, the implementation of certain energy saving programs across the state, this will necessarily affect a separate person. And to be ready to protect yourself and create comfortable conditions for accommodation in your home, we must engage in energy savings. The main motivating factors that stimulate us to move in this direction are: reducing the environmental impact, increased housing comfort; saving money; the amount of energy that remains children;

search and mastering alternative energy sources. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

We save energy, reduce the impact on the environment.

Opportunities for transformation and use of energy are unrecognizable converted and improved human living conditions. However, with new capabilities, we have energies several thousand times, considerable part of fossil fuels accumulated in the ground for millions of years. Simultaneously with an increase in energy consumption, the environment is irreversibly contaminated and the influence of the "greenhouse effect" increases, which causes irreversible consequences on Earth. Certificate of the frequent floods, storms, tsunamis, earthquakes and drought. Compared to the 18th century, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere have doubled. If we recognize that global warming is a reality, you should change your attitude to the problem of consumption of primary energy resources, which means to engage in real power saving and the maximum use of alternative energy sources, it means that it is necessary to save energy.

We save energy, increase the comfort of housing.

Global warming is directly related to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the fastest and cheapest way to reduce it is to increase energy efficiency. No need to be a specialist in order to understand that most of the potential of energy saving is in our homes, residential buildings and facilities. It is already estimated that up to 30% of the energy coming per capita is spent in the household. Almost every family has a refrigerator, a TV, a washing machine. All more often in our apartments, computers appear, dishwashers, kitchen combines, electric ketties and other devices. Therefore, accessible ways of energy saving in everyday life have been developed. This, the use of new thermal insulation materials when insulation of walls, windows, doors, allow you to increase the temperature in the room at 2 - 3 ° C, without additional heat costs. Installation of automation and adjustment systems in hot, cold water supply and heating systems, reduce costs up to 30%. Replacing incandescent lamps for luminescent and the installation of household electrical appliances of class "A", reduces electricity consumption by 20% - 25%. To enhance comfort in the house - you need to save energy.

We save energy, save money.

Each family forms its budget, its profitable and consumables. In the expenditure part of the family budget, utility payments play an important component. The constant growth of energy tariffs and utility payments cause anxiety and concern in each family. Energy consumption ranges from 8% to 15%. Forecasts are not consolation, gas and electricity prices will grow. Costs for heat and electricity in our housing can be reduced by half. As a rule, efforts and cash spending on energy saving in the household not only increase comfort and make conditions in the premises are healthier.

The concept of "smart home" is the built-in information systems that can be installed in the house and with their help to control household electrical appliances. The monitoring system itself chooses the moment of time to consume energy. It is enough to configure the control panel to leave the working technique and equipment. Then the control system will include it in the most favorable period when electricity fees below (there is a question of the difference in price for electricity through the two-line tariff). Houses under construction can use renewable energy: from wind power installation, solar panels, etc. The European Parliament adopted a resolution, in accordance with which, all new buildings, starting in 2019, should have a zero energy balance. This means that all buildings under construction will be produced by the use of renewable sources as much energy as they are consumed. The same resolutions will be adopted at the entire post-Soviet space.

Alternative energy sources are inexhaustible. The purpose of finding alternative energy sources is the need to receive it from the energy of renewable or practically inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. That is, if such a stage in the development of humanity comes, when all exhausted sources - oil, gas, coal will disappear, it will be able to use these sources if at least the necessary technologies are stored.

So, you need to save energy. Energy saving is not only saving money and creating the necessary comfort, but also care for children and our planet. Each of us is part of the planet and any action or inaction can affect the development of events.

2.5 Electric current in the daily life of a person.

The taught electron delivers light and heat into our homes and apartments, connects us to the outside world through the Internet and with the help of telephone. However, many of us do not even think about the fact that the electric current is safe only until under the "lock" and, breaking out from there, can become a ruthless beaker ready to burn your housing, and in some cases able to kill you.

The electric current is dangerous in that a person cannot determine its feelings by its senses and often for a person becomes a complete surprise. Children's prank, non-compliance, carelessness - all these are the causes of those cases when electricity did not help, but harmed man. And not to notice the dangers have already entered our habit since childhood. Tell me, did you think, someday inserting the plug into the outlet about that only a few millimeters of the polymer share from electric shock? You see, no. Even knowingly knowing that the "fork" or damaged. We still hope for Russian "Avos" and with the thought of "then with a tape" we turn on the device to the network.

The electric current is dangerous for a person, and we also know from childhood, but in most cases we do not explain why, limited to simple "impossible." It may be, it is for this reason that so many children moving with simple curiosity receives serious injuries or even die from electric current.

But what to talk about children, when not everyone can explain sensible than the electric current is dangerous. After all, it seems that the information on this issue is open and accessible, but it's still not enough to expand your horizons, then the time, then desire.

The first thing you need to know about electricity is that the power of damage to the human body depends not on the voltage, namely from the current, the example of this can serve, popular today, biostimulants for building muscles and burning fat cells. Voltage in these instruments can reach 1000 volts, but the current is so small that a person receives only muscle stimulation. Electric current is two types of constant and variable. You can meet a permanent current, for example, in batteries or a car battery. A clear division on the "plus" and "minus" determine the constant current. With alternating current, everything is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that polarity with alternating current changes with a certain frequency, that is, "plus" and "minus" are changing places. For example, the standard for our electrical network is the frequency of 50 hertz, that is, "plus" and "minus" will be changed in places 100 times per second. To say that one type of current will cause more planning consequences than others, they affect the human body and the consequences of their impact depend on the environment and the physical condition of the human body.

The effect of constant electric current per person, as the variable is also determined by its strength. At the power of current at 0.6 - 3 milliamperes is not felt by a person. In 5 - 10 milliamper, you will feel easy itching at a touch of electrode and heating.

When exposed to electric current in 20 - 25 milliamper, in addition to itching and heating the skin of the skin in contact with the current element you will feel the cutting of the muscles. 50 - 80 Milliamper cause strong muscle contraction, in some cases of respiratory paralysis. 90 -100 Milliamper, with long-term exposure, is fatal for the human body, as they cause contraction of the respiratory tract, death comes from suffocation. As for an alternating electric current, when exposed to the human body of a current by force of 0.6 - milliosper, there is a slight shake of fingers, when exposed to 2 - 3 milliamper, the jitter is enhanced. At 5 - 10, Milliamper begin the strongest cramps, accompanied by acute pain in the muscles, while it is still quite possible to dear themselves from the current-carrying elements. The exposure to the current 20 - 25 milliamper is characterized by a full paralysis, breathing becomes difficult to free themselves independently impossible. 50 - 80 Milliamper causes the trembling of the ventricles of the heart and paralysis of the respiratory tract. 90-100 Milliamper stop the heart muscle, clinical death comes (see Appendix 1)

III. Practical part.

3.1 Optimal sources of electric current.

People knew about electricity already in 1700, but they had learned only 100 years ago in a gigantic scale. It was mined from heat, water forces, internal energy of the atom, wind power. Power plants a lot and each harm ecology. The maintenance and maintenance requires a lot of money. What then to produce electricity then? The principle of an electric battery or battery is the acid and the metal interacting with it. This acid is created in laboratories. You can independently acidic medium using items from everyday life. Any product used by us enriches us with energy. If the produced interact with each other, the power released increases. We will demonstrate this phenomenon next experience:

Devices: 2 Sugar Sugar, Copper and Zinc Wire, Acetic Acid solution, Light bulb.

1 step : In Sugar, we make small holes so that sugar does not split. Insert the wires into the holes.

2 step: Pour the pieces with a solution of acetic acid.

3 Step : We connect the contacts of the bulbs with the contacts of the assembled installation.

But the acid is also contained in other substances. For example, in Lemon. It's not so many acid in it, as in the battery and it is not a current powerful, but it is acid. Also acid is also contained in sufficient quantities in potatoes, in oranges, in salted cucumbers and tomatoes.

Practically in any fruit and vegetable there is electricity !! And you think why they charge you with energy when used? For their research, we took potatoes. Chose it because in Russia the potatoes are the second bread. Per year per resident of Russia accounts for 150 kg of potatoes. It is about 37 million tons per year. That is, the stock of potatoes in Russia is always. We insert two different conductor into potatoes, for example, zinc and copper and connected the LED, which began to glow concluded that through potatoes there is an electric current and the electrolysis phenomenon occurs.
Let's try to create an energy source:

1 step

For breeding fire, you first need to do so to speak "Electrical generator"
To create our generator, we will need: Potatoes 1 piece, toothpicks 2 pieces, 1 piece and teaspoon, wires 2 pieces, toothpaste N-minimum quantity, salt

2 step

Wires should be cleaned! Potatoes cut into two halves with a knife.

3 Step

Wires to do after half the potatoes. With the help of spoons to make a recess in another half of the potato - the size of the hole is equal to the size of the spoon

4 Step

Tooth pasta to mix with salt and fill it with a notch in half potatoes

5 step

Connect 2 halves (wires on the inside should be adjusted, but so that they are dipped in toothpaste). Half potatoes connect with toothpicks.

6 step

To mining the fire should be hiding a piece of wool on one of the wires. Wait a couple of minutes (the battery must boast). Then you should bring the wires to each other before the appearance of the spark.

Using this experiment, we investigate from which the voltage depends, which products may be alternative current source.

Experiment No. 1.Find the dependence of the voltage from the volume of potatoes.

Devices:measuring cylinder, water, potatoes, copper plates, autometer.

Work plan:

1. Determine the volume of the tuber

2. Measure the voltage in the tubers of different volumes

3. Make an outline

No. Sample

Volume, V (cm³)

Voltage, u (c)

Sample No. 1.

Sample number 2.

Sample number 3.

Sample number 4.

Output:The dependence of the voltage from the volume of potatoes produced by him, direct. The greater the volume, the voltage.

Experiment # 2:Determine the dependence of tension from the mass of potatoes.

Devices:scales, tubers, copper plates, autometer.
Work plan:

    Determine the mass of the tuber

    Voltage in tubers of different masses

    Make output

No. Sample

Mass, M (kg)

Voltage, U (b)

Sample No. 1.

Sample number 2.

Sample number 3.

Sample number 4.

Output:The dependence of the voltage from the mass of the tuber is straight. The greater the mass, the higher the voltage.

Experiment No. 3:Find the dependence of the voltage between the raw tuber and boiled.

Devices:potato tubers, water, pan, copper plates, autometer.

Work plan:

    Measure tension in cheese club

    Cook potatoes

    Measure the voltage in the boiled potato

    Make output

No. Sample

Voltage in cheese potato, u (b)

Voltage in boiled potato, u (b)

Sample No. 1.

Sample number 2.

Sample number 3.

Sample number 4.

Output:In boiled potatoes, the voltage is higher than in cheese. This is explained by the fact that the structure of the compounds changes in the boiled club.

4: explore Which of the substances will give above voltage.

Devices:potato tubers, orange, lemon, bank with salted cucumbers, brandy, copper plates, autometer.
I took the products with the same mass, because From experience number 2, we learned that the voltage and the strength of the current depends on the mass.

Work plan:

    Measure a lot of several products

    Measure the voltage on these products


Mass, M (kg)

Voltage, U (b)



≈ 0.18 kg

cucumber pickle

≈ 0.225 kg

bank of cucumbers

Output: According to the experiment, it can be judged that with the most small mass of all products used, the lemon gives more voltage than the bank with cucumbers with a mass of 300 g.

Experiment No. 5:Increase potato voltage from remedies. Creating biofuels.

Devices:tubers, soda, toothpaste, copper plates, avometer.

Work plan:

    Measure the tension of the tuber

    Add to potatoes toothpaste with soda.

    Measure current strength in the resulting instance.

I took one potato tube and measured his tension. Then cut the tuber in half, a spoon in one of the halves made a hole. There put a toothpaste mixed with soda. Connected two halves of the tuber and measured the voltage. Results are recorded in the table.

No. Sample

Voltage, U (b)

Mass, M (kg)

Potatoes without pasta

Potatoes with paste

Output: Virtually no change in mass, voltage was increased. I created biofuels. Thus, we proved that when mixing certain components, the voltage can be achieved.
Let's summarize the experiments. The greater the volume and body weight, the higher the voltage. Boost products give more electricity than raw. Lemons gives the most electricity. If you mix certain components, you can increase the voltage.
From the experiments carried out, it is possible to draw conclusions and continue to work on the release of environmentally friendly energy. We can plant potatoes and extract more current. We can mix crushed substances with each other, thereby increasing the amount of acids in the resulting product. The relevance of my work is that in the modern world, scientists are engaged in the problem of finding new environmentally friendly energy sources.

IV. . Conclusion.

Modern life is unthinkable without electricity. It is difficult to imagine how a person could do without electric current. But currently the problem of the lack of energy resources is very acute. After all, human civilization is very dynamic. But oil reserves, coal, gas are not infinite. The more we use these types of energy raw materials, the less they remain, and the more expensive every day they cost us. There is a danger that the main types of traditional fuels will be exhausted. The inevitability of the fuel deficit is currently no doubt about anyone.
My job is only the first step in studying this problem. But my research can also be used in everyday life. Studies in this field can be continued, because They are relevant and simple. From the experiments carried out, it is possible to draw conclusions and continue to work on the release of environmentally friendly energy. We can plant potatoes and extract more current. We can mix crushed substances with each other, thereby increasing the amount of acids in the resulting product. The relevance of my work is that in the modern world, scientists are engaged in the problem of finding new environmentally friendly energy sources.

V. . List of recommended literature:

1. Bliding M.I. Conversations in physics. - M.: Education, 1984, p.225

2. O. F. Kabardin. Reference materials in physics. - M.: Education 1985

3. A. K. Kikoin, I.K. Kicoin. Electrodynamics. - M.: Science 1976.

4. Krasnovsky A.A. Transformation of light energy with photosynthesis - Saransk, 1987, p.223

5. Ryzhkov A.P. Physics. Human. Environment. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999, p.336

5. Encyclopedic dictionary of young physics. - M.: Pedagogy, 1991

6. Wikipedia (http: // RU. Wikipedia .org / Wiki)

7. Research and Popular Show "Galileo"www. galileo.- tV.. ru

8. http: // "Roll off the battery.r f ".




Electric cable and power wires - materials that are widely demanded in construction, trade, industry and other fields. Mounting wires are used for laying engineering communications, power transmission, creating security systems. Control cables are used to create power supply systems. In accordance with GOST, they withstand the current of industrial frequencies.

The usual cable is used to create low-current systems and long-distance systems, for the formation of information and signaling networks, as well as for laying household wiring, installation of a security circuit and main engineering communications. It is used in mines, ships, railway nodes, as well as during the construction of various purposes.

Depending on the application of the wire, they have different characteristics and are mounted differently at the facility. Namely:

- Some are designed for stationary gasket, both under the ground and in the air;

- others are in demand when creating moving accession;

- Third are suitable for the creation of air power transmission lines.

If the installation requires heat-resistant and fire-resistant materials, you can purchase special cables and wires with delivery in Moscow and to other cities of Russia. They have resistant insulation, low susceptibility to high temperatures and provide a good level of security.

Benefits of wire and cable

The cable and wire is based on copper. This metal is not corrosion and provides optimal conductivity. It is resistant to breaks, it is easily twisted, plastic, flexible, and also does not support burning.

All products have unique specifications and high quality, according to world standards. The products presented in the catalog of our online store are beneficially distinguished by their reliability and high quality.

A person cannot live without light. For a long time, humanity has used all possible sources of natural energy to light up life, cooking and acquiring forces, both spiritual and physical.

The first source of light and energy was the sun. He was worshiped as God, folded countless songs, legends, poems and legends. The sun was used and honored. Just like the fire. By taking fire, an ancient man received an integral source of life and protection. This event made it possible to open a long path of growth, perfection and development of a person as a higher earthly creature.

Passed century and at the coming many years, a terrible mind of a person created artificial energy sources. Today, one of them is very actively and is constantly used in all aspects of the vital activity of mankind. Moreover, without its existence, a modern person does not represent his life. This is electricity. This source of energy was created by scientists recently enough, but very quickly captured the board over human existence.

Indeed, how can you live today without all devices that work only on electrical energy? There is no replacement yet.

If you ask the question about the place of purchase of chandeliers Kiev of course is the first sources, since the main part of all goods always goes to the capital. But in the regions you can easily find this necessary product for human life. So in regional centers you can find a lot of specialized stores for the sale of chandeliers and lamps of various kinds. For example, in central Ukraine to buy chandeliers Vinnitsa is a wonderful city for this purchase.

Today, different types of extraction of this energy are created: thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants. As well as alternative stations for the extraction of electricity: sunstations, wind stations and others. Every day, scientists of the world work fruitfully on the invention of new technologies to extract electricity, more powerful and environmental.

But, great great. And ordinary people use electricity every day in their everyday. One type of use is the same as other sources of energy at first the existence of humanity: as a light source. And vessels transmitting light energy a lot of centuries, and this is a whole great industry.

Beautiful chandeliers, lamps and candelabra have created many centuries in all countries of the world. There is not a single nation that does not produce lighting devices today.

The homeland also succeeded in the production of various types of chandeliers. But besides its own production, many lighting devices of foreign production are supplying in Ukraine. Thus, the country's market is replete with an assortment of lighting devices.

Of course, you can man today can not do without electricity. But it is also difficult for him to live and without associated items, such as chandeliers and lamps.

Electricity in the life of modern society is completely unimportant part. Before you turn on the computer, or open the refrigerator, or simply call the apartment door - for a moment try to imagine that all this has become unavailable. Elevator does not work in the entrance; At the intersections, traffic police, pedestrians - traffic lights do not work; At the refueling, cars are not refilled; It is the metropolitan, trolleybuses, trams. The starter does not work in cars, the generators are the same electricity. The mixture of gasoline and air in the internal combustion engine lights up from the electrical discharge on the ignition candle. The diesel engine also does not start: the starter electric motor does not work and the calil candles are not heated. From transport only horses and steam locomotives. Horse breeding from the sports industry will take an important place in the life of a person: this is a bus, and taxis, and cargo transportation. Aviation without electricity remains on Earth. It will be possible to climb only in the balloon, which flies only to where his wind carries. And you can only fill it with hot air; For the industrial production of hydrogen or helium, there is again electricity. Flying the ocean on such a balloon, for example, from Europe to America will be a real feat.

Sea transport will immediately lose in speed, and the price of transportation will also increase, as decreasing the scale of shipping. Steam marines require a lot of coal, high-quality water, have a smaller speed and range of swimming. Modern production will stop completely. All machines and aggregates work from the electric drive. Then it turns out, each plant, or the factory will have its steam machines, boilers. Couple will rotate a different drive: hammers, press, large machines. Each workshop will have its own compound mechanical transmission from the main steam machine of the plant. Such programs often served as injury and workers in the 19th century.

Instead of electrical welding for the compound of metals, rivets will apply. Metal processing, high quality production steels, alloys - modern technologies will disappear along with electricity just instantly. Internet, telephone and even invention of the 19th century - Telegraph - immediately disappear. The human life will return to the end 18 and the beginning of the 19th century; The distance is 1000 kilometers this is already a journey that changes the human life; Get a simple letter from a neighboring distance remote 50 kilometers of the city will have an event. In the absence of electricity, the pace of life will fall rapidly; Distances become huge, the world is immense and little-known.

Modern electricity consumption has the structure almost the same for all developed countries. Russia refers to the number of world energy powers, has many power plants: thermal, atomic, hydraulic. Since the beginning of the 20th century, when electricity was only in major cities and in large enterprises, energy in our country has changed much. Electricity consumption in Russia has its pronounced structure:

Direct person uses more than 33% of the generated electricity. Not many less accounted for production. Electricity consumption directly by man - more than a third.

A modern man is so accustomed to the benefits of civilization that it is quite difficult to imagine life without electricity. We will analyze a simple example. Before us is a modern apartment. Consider who is worth it. What amount of electricity consume household appliances?

  • 1. Refrigerator (300 L): 240-320 kWh per year
  • 2. Washing machine (5 kg of linen, 60 ° C): 0.85-1.05 kWh per cycle
  • 3. Electric laundry dryer (7 kg of linen): 2,4-4.4 kW · h per cycle
  • 4. Electric stove with oven: Konford (diameter 145-180 mm) 1-2.3 kWh per hour; Oven (200 ° C): 0.9-1.1 kWh · h per hour
  • 5. Coffee maker (for cooking 8-12 cups): 0.8-1.2 kWh
  • 6. Computer: 0.1-0.5 kWh
  • 7. TV (82 cm LCD): 0.1-0.2 kWh
  • 8. Incandescent lamp: 60 kWh
  • 9. Energy saving fluorescent lamp: 16 kWh.

Each state, society has its own production and distribution of electricity. Electricity is a product that cannot be stored. Electricity and distribution production is determined by consumption. The tasks of the distribution and transportation of electricity are solved by power lines, distribution devices, substations. The lines of electrical gear can be both cable, located usually under the ground and air - high poles with wires. Transformer substations are noticeable in the city: small structures where high voltage is converted to "home" 220 volts. At the same time, its power, the number and distribution devices of high voltage (6 or 10 thousand volts) and low voltage (6 or 10 thousand volts) are always written on each substation (0.4 kV - it means on each of the three conductors there is an electric current with a voltage of 220 volts relative to the Earth). As a rule, all power lines have high voltage. Accordingly, these lines have their own security zone, where it is not necessary to be a stranger.

Electricity makes our life comfortable, more interesting. Production with electricity is effective and high-tech with a minimum presence of manual labor; The use of computer technology exempt human even from such tasks as direct control of the technological process. For example, the automation of assembly conveyors at BMW factories in Germany is almost 100%. Transportation with electricity is becoming more comfortable and affordable; Distances of several thousand kilometers do not represent large obstacles. Aviation and all terrestrial infrastructure is impossible without power supply and telecommunications, electricity at all.

At the same time, the technical tasks for the production, transportation, distribution and consumption of electricity require strict compliance with the rules of security, the exception from the work of any faulty electrical devices, discipline and responsibility. At the same time it is necessary to remember that the benefits of civilization are expensive, and it needs to be careful.

It is clear that there is hardly hunters at a time and voluntarily to lose the "electrical comfort", even as an experiment. Meanwhile, electricity production is growing, and the only reason for this growth is an increase in consumption. The most important question arises - saving resources, and first of all - electricity. Because the production of electricity includes a huge list of solved tasks involved in resources, often irrelevant.

Electricity is an excellent energy, you can say - magic. This is energy without which it is almost impossible to live. At the expense of it we warm, we have light in homes and lighting on the streets. As beautiful New Year's Eve in the light of multicolored lanterns, as a beautiful fountain of light bulbs is beautiful.

Imagine only for a minute that there is no electricity. The person is simply returning to the age of primitive building, there are no factories and factories, there are no amenities of the modern usual world.

Life of a person is a technique, household appliances, computers, televisions and much more, which would not work without electricity. Magic is perfect, but also at the same time dangerous. It carries an invisible fear that can be dangerous for a person. Whatever this does not happen to play with electrical appliances and independently repair, touch the bare wires with bare and wet hands, play under power lines, climb on electrical tracts, into transformer booths.

Electricity is your necessary assistant.

However, with the goal of these, who exactly does not understand either ignores the instructions of the electrical safety, cannot resort to home devices, does not comply with the principles of operation near energy facilities, electricity hides a destructive threat.

Updated: 2017-10-12

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