People have been struggling with the mysteries of the past for centuries, but they still remain unsolved. Mysterious artifacts, mysterious personalities and mysteries of history - no matter how annoying, but apparently no one will ever know the explanation for these facts.

Geoglyphs of Nazca

A geoglyph is a giant pattern on the earth's surface. In Nazca, such figures depict either geometric figures or silhouettes of animals. They seem to be scratched on stony soil and from the height of human growth are only an intricacies of yellow lines. Only by rising into the air, you can see their true outlines. And then a fifty-meter spider appears to the eyes, then a condor with a wingspan of 120 meters, then a lizard 180 meters long.
The age of geoglyphs lends itself only to approximate dating. Archaeological studies have shown that they were created at different times. The latest dates back to the 1st century AD, the most ancient - the 6th century BC.

Mummies from peat bogs

In the peat bogs and swamps of Denmark, Germany, Holland, England and Ireland, people found well-preserved human mummies. About the first find made in Germany, it is said: "In the summer of 1640, a dead man was dug up in the swamps of Schalholtingen." Only a few of the swamp mummies found are so well preserved that they can be exhibited in museums. All the bodies show signs of violent death: strangulation marks, broken bones, slashed throats, and sometimes all together. On the body of the so-called "man from Lindow" traces of blows were found, his skull was pierced with an axe. The executioners tightened the veins of the unfortunate animal around the neck, after which they cut the throat. Under the long braids of the young "woman from Elling" on the back of the head was found a deeply depressed inverted letter V. A teenager of 10-14 years old, who was taken from a swamp near Kayhausen in Lower Saxony, was tied up so skillfully that he could not even move.
It is still unclear whether it was an execution or a sacrifice. Why were these people treated so cruelly? Archaeologists believe that the swamps served as a place of ritual actions, because since ancient times they were known as sacred. However, this mystery, apparently, will remain unsolved.

Easter Island idols

These grandiose stone sculptures, moai, the enigmatic remains of a little-known ancient civilization, are different from those found on other Pacific islands. The inhabitants of Easter themselves have long forgotten about their purpose. They were first seen by the Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeven, who landed on this island on Easter Day.
In 1955 Thor Heyerdahl managed to raise one of the statues in 12 days with the help of the inhabitants of the island. Armed with beams, the workers lifted one side of the statue and placed stones from below. Then they lifted the statue a little higher and placed stones again. The operation was repeated until the sculpture stood upright. But Heyerdahl could not explain how the "hats" weighing several tons were put on the statues.

Popess Joanna

According to medieval biographers, Popess Joanna was born in 882. Hungry for knowledge, she went to Athens. In those days, theological education was not available to women, so she pretended to be a young man and took the name John the Englishman. When Joanna arrived in Rome, she was immediately noticed for her learning, piety, and beauty. Having become a cardinal, after the death of Pope Leo IV, she was appointed his successor. From the outside, she seemed absolutely worthy of her dignity, but suddenly, during the festive procession of John, right on the road, she gave birth to a child and soon died.
A kind of confirmation of this story is the fact that from about 1000. and for almost five centuries, the sex of each elect to the papacy was checked.
The veracity of the story of a female pope, repeated since the 13th century, was first challenged in the 15th century. Beginning in the middle of the 16th century, historians no longer doubted the fiction of this story. The legend probably arose in mockery of pornocracy - the period of female domination in the pope's court, from John X to John XII (919-963). A similar phenomenon was also noted under Pope Alexander VI Borgia (1492-1503), who appointed his mistress Giulia Farnese to the post of chief treasurer (accountant-auditor) of the curia, and her younger brother Alessandro Farnese, without a spiritual order, a little later, in 1493 , at the age of 25 he received the post of cardinal treasurer of the curia and at the same time bishop of three dioceses at once; moreover, it was this cardinal who subsequently (through two popes) occupied the papal throne under the name of Paul III (1534-1549). An interesting fact is also known related to the military campaign of Alexander VI during the civil strife with the Sforza family, when his youngest daughter Lucrezia Borgia was in loco parentis, that is, “in the place of the parent” - she occupied the throne of St. Peter in the absence of her father by his own appointment .

Tomb of Genghis Khan

It is still unknown where the grave of Genghis Khan is located. This, one of the greatest mysteries of human civilization, no one has been able to unravel for the past eight hundred years. The burial place attracts not only with its historical value, but also with countless riches buried in the ground along with the deceased. According to the most conservative estimates, taking into account the historical value, the cost of precious stones, gold coins, expensive dishes, skillfully made weapons is estimated at no less than two billion dollars. Kush is quite decent and deserves to devote years and even decades to the search for the grave of Genghis Khan.
After the death of Genghis Khan, his body was returned to Mongolia, apparently to the place of his birth in the territory of modern Khentii aimag; he was buried, as is supposed, somewhere near the river Onon. According to both Marco Polo and Rashid ad-Din, the funeral escort killed anyone they met along the way. The slaves who performed the burial were put to the sword, and then the soldiers who executed them were also killed. The mausoleum of Genghis Khan in Ejen-Khoro is a memorial that is not the place of his burial. According to one of the folklore versions, a river bed was laid over his grave so that this place could not be found. According to other legends, many horses were driven over his grave, trees were planted there.

Origin of the Basques

The Basques are one of the most amazing mysteries of history: their language has nothing to do with other European languages. In addition, genetic studies have established the uniqueness of the people we are considering. Basques are the people who have the highest proportion of negative Rh factor in their blood among all Europeans (25 percent) and one of the highest proportions of type O blood (55 percent). There is a very sharp genetic difference between representatives of this ethnic group and other peoples, especially in Spain.
Most scientists agree that the Basques are the indigenous inhabitants of Europe, directly descended from the Cro-Magnons, who came to European lands from Africa 35 thousand years ago and remained there. The Cro-Magnons probably did not participate in any subsequent migrations of peoples, since archaeologists have not found a single piece of evidence that allows us to talk about a change in the population in this area throughout the entire time, until the appearance of the Romans. This means that all those people who today call themselves Europeans are just children compared to the Basques. Amazing, isn't it?

Time Travelers

Is time travel possible? Science does not give a definite answer. But the world has accumulated a lot of, to put it mildly, strange facts that no one can explain. Here are some of them.

This photograph was taken in 1941 at the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, Canada. A man who clearly stands out from the crowd with his extraordinary appearance got into the frame. Short haircut, dark glasses, wide-necked knitted sweater over a T-shirt with some kind of symbolism, a massive camera in his hands. Agree, the appearance is quite familiar to our days, but not for the early 40s! And he really stands out from the rest. This photo was investigated. Found a participant in these events. But he couldn't remember the man at all.

Swiss Watches

This item, found in a Ming Dynasty tomb, has puzzled researchers. The tomb was opened in 2008 in the Guangxi region (China) during the filming of a documentary. To the surprise of archaeologists and journalists. in the burial were found ... a Swiss watch!
“When we were removing the soil, a piece of rock suddenly bounced off the surface of the coffin and hit the floor with a metallic sound,” said Jiang Yan, a former curator of the Guangxi Museum who participated in the excavation. We have picked up the item. It turned out to be a ring. But, having cleared it from the ground, we were shocked - a miniature dial was found on its surface.

Inside the ring was an engraved inscription "Swiss" (Switzerland). The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. The fact that in the 17th century they could create such a miniature mechanism is out of the question. But Chinese experts claim that the tomb has never been opened over the past 400 years.

Ancient computer?

On the remote peninsula of Kamchatka, 200 km from the village of Tigil, St. Petersburg University of Archeology discovered strange fossils.
According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, it is able to change the course of history. This is not the first time that ancient artifacts are found in this region. But this find is special. Analysis has shown that the mechanism is made of metal parts that seem to combine to form a mechanism that could be something like a clock or a computer. The most amazing thing is that all the pieces have been dated at 400 million years.

Voynich manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious, undeciphered book written in the 15th century (1404–1438) by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The thickness of the book is 5 cm, it contains about 240 pages, measuring 16.2 by 23.5 cm. During its existence, the manuscript was intensively studied by many professional cryptographers, including those recognized all over the world, and none of them managed to decipher a single word . There is a theory that this book is just a collection of meaningless random characters that make no sense, but there are those who believe that the manuscript is a ciphered message.

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper is the nickname of an unknown serial killer (or killers) active in the Whitechapel area of ​​London in the second half of 1888. His victims were prostitutes from poor neighborhoods, mostly middle-aged, whose throats were slit by the killer before opening the abdominal cavity. The cutting out of some organs from the bodies of the victims was explained by the assumption that the killer had some knowledge of anatomy or surgery. However, all the names, the exact number of victims, as well as the identity of Jack the Ripper are still a mystery.

crystal skulls

The riddle of fossil crystal skulls (from rock crystal) has long been trying to solve by experts in various fields of science. Where could they come from? Who was able to create them? What were they for and who did they serve?
A total of 13 crystal skulls are known, and according to some sources, even 21. They are kept in museums and private collections. These are very accurate copies of human skulls and mask portraits made of quartz. They were found in Central America and Tibet. All these amazing objects were made in ancient times, but the skill of their execution testifies to the highest level of technical knowledge that the ancestors of modern mankind possessed.

ancient aircraft

The Incas and other peoples of the Americas of the pre-Columbian era left behind a lot of very curious mysterious little things. Some of them have been called "ancient planes" - these are small gold figurines that are very reminiscent of modern aircraft. Initially thought to be animal or insect figurines, it was later revealed that they had strange details that looked more like fighter jet parts: wings, tail stabilizer, and even a landing gear. It has been suggested that these models are copies of real aircraft. The version that these figurines are just an artistic representation of bees, flying fish or other earthly creatures with wings is also quite real.

Phaistos Disc

The mystery of the Phaistos Disc, a round-shaped clay tablet found by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in 1908 in the Minoan Palace, also remains unsolved.
The Phaistos disk is made of baked clay and contains mysterious symbols that may represent an unknown language. It is believed that this language was developed sometime in the second millennium BC. Some scholars believe that the hieroglyphs resemble symbols once used in ancient Crete. However, this does not provide a clue to their decryption. Today, the disc remains one of the most famous puzzles in archeology.

Case of Taman Shud

"Taman Shud" or "The Case of the Mysterious Somerton Man" is a still unsolved criminal case following the discovery of the body of an unknown man on December 1, 1948 at 6:30 am on Somerton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide.
Despite the fact that the best policemen of the whole world were involved in the identification of the person who died from barbiturate poisoning or sleeping pills, it was not possible to establish who the unknown person was ...
In addition, a piece of paper discovered with the deceased (in a secret pocket of his trousers) caused a great resonance, torn from a very rare copy of the book by Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - “Taman Shud”.
After persistent searches, the police managed to find one of the copies of the book with Khayyam's poems and with the last page torn out. On the back of the book were several words written in pencil that looked like a cipher.
All numerous attempts to understand the inscriptions were in vain. Thus, the Taman Shud case remains one of the most intricate and mysterious cases still unsolved by the police.

What is it about riddles that excites our curiosity? They entertain our senses and stimulate the imagination. Fortunately, history has some strange, illogical cases in store for us.
ice woman

Nature sometimes goes beyond the normal, but the worst thing is when it happens to people. It was a very cold morning in Langby, Minnesota, when a man found his 19-year-old neighbor, Jean Hilliard, lying in the snow. Her entire body was frozen. Apparently, Jean was trying to get to a neighbor to ask for help after her car went off the road. When she was discovered, she was immediately sent to a local hospital, where her condition amazed all the doctors. Her body seemed to be made of ice. Jean was seriously frostbitten and none of her limbs moved or flexed. The doctors did their best, but the situation remained critical. Even if Jean came, she would certainly have suffered severe brain damage and her legs would have to be amputated. Her family hoped for a miracle. 2 hours later, the patient began to have convulsions and regained consciousness. Jean felt well physically and mentally. Even frostbite, to the surprise of the doctors, slowly disappeared from her legs. She was discharged 49 days later without losing a single finger.

Iron pillar in Delhi

Iron, the king of all metals, is used in almost everything from the foundation of a house to the chain on a bicycle. Unfortunately, iron cannot escape its fate in any way, slowly turning into rust. Except for this phenomenal structure: The Iron Pillar from Delhi. With a height of 7 meters and a weight of more than 6 tons, this iron giant was able to resist corrosion for 1600 years! How did something made of 98% iron last so long? Scientists have found the answer to this question, but how ancient blacksmiths discovered this fact so many years ago still surprises archaeologists.

Carroll A. Deering

50 years after the mysterious disappearance of the crew of the Maria Celeste, a similar event occurred when the schooner Carroll A. Dearing was discovered off the coast of North Carolina on January 31, 1921. When the rescue ships finally reached the ship, they saw to their dismay that no crew was on board. Although it was noted that food was prepared for the next day, nothing else was found to indicate the presence of the team. No personal belongings, no logbook, no traces, just like in the case of Maria Celeste. Theories were put forward about paranormal phenomena, due to the fact that the ship was in the Bermuda Triangle. Others thought it was the work of pirates or Russians.

Hutchison effect

The Hutchison effect refers to a series of eerie phenomena that occurred when inventor John Hutchison attempted to recreate several of Nikola Tesla's experiments. Some cases include levitation, the merging of different textures (wood and metal), and the disappearance of small objects. Even more strange is that after his experiment, Hutchison was unable to repeat it with the same result. This experiment became so popular that it even aroused the interest of NASA and the military, but they could not succeed either.

Faces of Belmes

Is it me, or does this stain on the wall look like a person looking at you? This is one of the faces of Belmes that were in the house of the Pereira family. For 20 years, these faces have been reminiscent of men and women. They appear each time with a different expression on their faces. The strange thing is that the faces stay in the house only for a short time, and then they disappear. Research has been done into what causes this effect. During one of them, a human body was dug out from under the house, but the faces continued to appear. No answer has been found.

vanishing lake

In May 2007, a lake in Patagonia, Chile, literally disappeared, leaving behind a 30m deep pit, ice mountains and dry land. It wasn't some small lake. The lake was 5 miles long! When geologists last examined the lake in March 2007, they found nothing strange. However, something happened during these 2 months that not only made the lake disappear, but also turned the river flowing from it into a small stream. Geologists wonder how such a large lake just disappeared. This could have been due to an earthquake, although no tremors were observed in this region. Ufologists claim that it was the spacecraft that dried up the lake. This mystery has never been solved.

viscous rain

On August 7, 1994, the residents of Oakville, Washington, were in for a surprise. Instead of the usual rain, people saw jelly falling from the sky. When that rain passed, almost everyone developed severe flu-like symptoms that lasted from 7 weeks to 3 months. Finally, after the mother of one of the residents of the city fell ill after touching the substance, he sent a sample of it for analysis. The results shocked all scientists. The drops contained human white blood cells. The substance was then brought to the State Department of Health in Washington for further analysis. Here they found that gelatin drops contain two types of bacteria, one of which is also present in the human digestive system. However, no one was able to identify this substance, and how it was related to the mysterious disease that gripped the city.

black helicopter

On May 7, 1994, in Harahan, Louisiana, a black helicopter chased a teenager for 45 minutes. The frightened child explained that people had descended from the helicopter and pointed weapons at him. Until now, the boy does not know why he was persecuted and why then they let him go. A week later, a similar thing happened to people driving a car past Washington. Unable to escape, they saw men in black uniforms with weapons descending a rope ladder. However, the travelers, to their dismay, were released. Black helicopters have been featured in UFO reports, and while simple explanations have been found for some of the sightings, others (see above) remain unresolved.

Animals in stone

There are several documented cases when frogs, toads and other small animals were found alive in a single stone. The strange thing is that people found animals not only in natural formations, such as stone or trees, but also in artificial ones. In 1976, Texas workers found a live green tortoise in the concrete, it was in an air bag that was shaped like this small reptile. If somehow it got there a year ago when the concrete was being poured, then how did the turtle manage to live so long? After all, there were no holes or cracks in the concrete for a turtle to crawl through.

Donnie Decker

He was nicknamed the rain boy in 1983. Donnie was visiting a friend when he suddenly went into a trance. Immediately, water began to flow from the ceiling, and mist filled the room. His friends called the owner, who was disturbed by what he saw. Some time later, Donnie was sitting in a restaurant with his buddies when the rain began to pour right on their heads. The owner of the restaurant immediately kicked him out into the street. Years later, a petty infraction caused Donnie to go to jail, where he too caused havoc when it rained right into his cell. After complaints from inmates, Donny explained that he could make it rain at will, and immediately demonstrated this by dousing the jailer on duty. Finally, he was released and found work as a cook at a local restaurant. Donnie's real whereabouts are unknown, as is the cause of the mysterious rain.

A lot of secrets and mysteries have accompanied mankind since the appearance of our Universe. People are surrounded by a large number of inexplicable phenomena that are trying to reveal the greatest minds of all times and peoples. But there are still mysteries that remain unanswered. We have ranked 20 most amazing and unsolved mysteries of the world according to X-Files magazine.

20. Funnels in Yamal

In Siberia, in the summer of 2015, a crater about 100 meters in diameter appeared in the ground on Yamal. After some time, another hole appeared in another place, but of a smaller diameter. According to eyewitnesses, the emergence of the 2nd hole was accompanied by smoke and bright blinding light.

After that, in November, an expedition was assembled to the bottom of the funnel. Scientists took samples for research, but so far have not been able to explain the reason for the appearance of these deep black holes. The only reliable fact suggests that the distance between the appeared craters and the permafrost line is the same.

19. Walrus from St. Pancras

St Pancras is a London railway station made famous by archaeological excavations in 2003. On the site of the old church, a burial was found dating back to the beginning of the 19th century.

At that time, such cemeteries were a frequent manifestation due to constantly emerging epidemics. In one of the coffins, a family of 8 was found along with a marine animal - a walrus from the Pacific Ocean. Scientists still cannot explain what the walrus was doing in the 19th century more than 13,000 kilometers from home and how it got there.

18. The D.B. Cooper Case

The sensational crime of the second half of the 20th century, organized by D.B. Cooper, still remains unsolved. On Thanksgiving Eve, a young man boarded a Boeing 727 to Seattle. After informing the flight attendant that he had a bomb, Cooper demanded a ransom of 200 thousand dollars and 4 parachutes.

The terrorist's demands were met by the FBI, after which the plane took off into the sky and landed safely at the destination airport. Cooper released all the hostages, except for the pilots and the stewardess. Then he demanded to raise the plane into the sky and flew towards Mexico. Somewhere in the middle of the road, DB Cooper jumped out and still hasn't been found. Perhaps he just crashed.

17. Penetration into the air of Max Headrum

During the broadcast of the famous series "Doctor Who" in 1987, an unknown person in the mask of Max Headroom was able to interrupt the live broadcast. The burglar slurred something and, after 90 seconds, disappeared.

The incident occurred on November 22 in Wyoming. At the same time, in 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Someone still considers these events to be connected with each other. Recall that Max Headroom is a fictional character created by George Stone, presented in the role of artificial intelligence.

16. Meat Rain

Another amazing thing happened in Kentucky. Pieces of meat fell from the sky for half an hour, which is confirmed by the newspapers of that time. The meat tasted like lamb. The incident happened more than 100 years ago in 1876 in the Bath area.

At the moment, an explanation for the past phenomenon has not been found. Scientists suggest that the cause could be cyanobacteria, which, when released into the atmosphere, swell up to the size of a good steak.

15. The Man with the Iron Mask

Probably everyone has heard the legend of the man who wore the iron mask from movies or books. This mysterious story took place in France during the troubled times of the 17th century.

Scientists still have not been able to identify the identity of this mysterious man and the reasons why he wore it. In fact, historians claim that the mask was not made of iron, but of black leather with metal clasps.

14. Hinterkaifeck Farm Mystery

The incident happened on April 4, 1922 at the Hinterkaifeck farm in Germany. What happened is reminiscent of a classic horror movie scenario. In a remote wilderness, an unknown person brutally kills 6 people with an ordinary hoe.

The mass murder of all the tenants of the house is still the most mysterious crime committed in Germany. According to official data, the investigation is ongoing, but there is no guarantee that the killer will be punished. Perhaps he is already dead.

13. Golden State Killer

This is an American story about a serial killer operating during the late 20th century. On account of his many crimes, according to police estimates, about 50. The maniac robbed, raped and killed his victims.

Survivors of his attacks claim that this man, having committed a crime, called them and taunted them. The killer has been arrested.

12. Mysterious hum

There are many stories of people from different parts of the world that at one fine moment some kind of sound suddenly appears, resembling a terrifying rumble.

Especially coming from the desert.

Scientists have spent a lot of time trying to explain this phenomenon. One thing is clear that this is not a hallucination caused by the brain, since there are a lot of eyewitnesses. However, the reason has not yet been found.

11. Sailboat Mary Heavenly

Quite a well-known story in narrow circles of people who love stories about ghost ships. One of them is the legend of the sailing ship "Mary of Heaven", whose crew disappeared without a trace under mysterious circumstances.

According to the researchers, the crew left the ship not because of a storm, but for their own unknown reasons. All jewelry and money were in place, as was the cargo being transported. One can only guess what made the crew leave the ship in a hurry.

10. Wow signal

The events of this phenomenon date back to 1977. Astronomer Jerry Eyman receives a strange signal from space, on the printout of which he writes the word "Wow!".

9. Tarrare

So called a man who could eat anything. Tarrare arranged performances in which stones, animals and a basket of whole apples were served as dishes. The action took place in France at the end of the 18th century.

The physiological features of this person are still unknown. Historians say that in life Tarrare was no different from those around him and had an average build. Or maybe he was just a skilled illusionist, who knows.

8 Silent Twins

The story begins in the 1960s with the birth of the mysterious twins June and Jennifer Gibbons in Wales. Throughout their lives, twin sisters do not want to communicate with other people.

However, this does not mean that they could not speak or hear. The girls communicated well with each other, however, it was not always clear what they were saying. Later, when they got older, they were placed in a psychiatric hospital.

The sisters agreed that if one of them dies, then the second must begin to communicate with others. Some time later, Jennifer dies under mysterious circumstances. Inflammation of the heart muscle (myacorditis) was diagnosed, although the doctors did not find the reasons for this. June kept her promise.

7. Tunguska meteorite

A powerful explosion, 100 times stronger than an atomic bomb, thundered on June 30, 1908. Even a village located 60 kilometers from the epicenter felt the effects. Many trees were simply destroyed, and everything around was burned. The official version of this phenomenon says that it was a meteorite.

However, there is no crater at the scene, nor any evidence pointing to the impact of a celestial body. This mismatch of facts gave rise to many assumptions, one of which is Tesla's experiment in the field of teleportation of colossal energy reserves collected in his laboratory.

6. Cicada 3301

A more recent phenomenon that began in 2012. Every year someone puts on the Internet complex puzzles that are not easy to solve even for scientists.

Until now, the identity of the hacker has not been established, and it has not been possible to trace the mysterious person. It is also unknown what awaits that smart guy who will solve all the puzzles.

5. Green Children of Woolpit

The top five is opened by an event of the 12th century that took place in England. According to legend, two green-skinned children entered the village. They claimed to have escaped from the underworld, where the same green people live.

This story is still controversial, but the sources of those years indicate its reliability. Whether this is true is still unknown.

4. Voynich Manuscript

Manuscript, probably written in the early 15th century. The Voynich manuscript contains many drawings, drawings and inscriptions in an unfamiliar language. Presumably, the document contains a certain code, the rules of which were carried out by the warriors of that time.

At the moment, this is one of the encrypted messages that could not be interpreted. Scientists are still trying to decipher this manuscript, but so far to no avail.

3. Tamam Shud

This is the name of a criminal case opened in 1948 in the Australian city of Somerton. On the ocean shore, the corpse of a man was found, in whose pocket they found a fragment with a phrase from the collection of poems by Omar Khayyam “Tamam Shud”, which means “completed”.

The piece of paper belonged to a book that was in a car parked near the crime scene. An incomprehensible code was also recorded there, which the police could not decipher. In addition, the nurse's telephone number was recorded in the collection.

Later, during the investigation, a hospital worker told the police that she had given the book to a man named Albert Boxall. However, after some time, a man appeared with the same name and a collection with the same words "Tamam Shud".

2 Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

2nd place goes to the disappearance of an entire aircraft. In March 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 307 went missing under mysterious circumstances. After taking off for an hour, the plane gradually deviated from the course, but then simply disappeared from the field of view of the radar.

No SOS signals were received, the flight proceeded normally. 289 people are missing, the police still can not determine the reasons. The official version says that the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean, but no wreckage was found.

1. Zodiac

The first place goes to the most mysterious and cunning serial killer of the 1960s, known by the nickname "Zodiac". The offender communicated with the police through local newspapers and media, sending them encrypted messages and cryptograms with information about himself.

The maniac still remains at large, despite the fact that many suspects have been interviewed and verified. However, the revealed evidence was not enough to accurately identify the perpetrator.

The case is not closed at this time. Only one cryptogram with personal information about the Zodiac was deciphered. The killer himself claims to be responsible for 37 victims, of which only 7 are known to the police.

There are so many unsolved mysteries and mysteries in the world that it even becomes a little uncomfortable! Someone is constantly trying to comprehend these secrets of the higher worlds, but once again fails. Ciphers, coded messages, mysterious signs on the margins, cryptograms, and so on - all this intrigues not only scientists, but also ordinary people. Each of us at least once in our lives, but think about one of the many mysteries of our universe. Or maybe someone else has yet to figure it out?

Secrets are all around us.

How many films have been made and books written about how to unravel these mysteries, but all these films are just fiction. In fact, neither the world-famous manuscripts nor the complex messages to descendants from their ancestors were ever completely unraveled.

Mystery of Voynich

It was not possible to unravel the unknown language in which the manuscript was written. In 1912, Wilfrid Voynich, a dealer in antique books, purchased a very strange book. All of its 240 pages contained completely new letters and numbers (if they were exactly these signs at all). In the book, in addition to words in an incomprehensible language, there were also diagrams, illustrations that demonstrated incomprehensible events, and also depicted unthinkable plants. Mystery? Also what! It was not possible to establish who the author of the manuscript was. But scientists were able to determine the time period in which the book was created - 1404-1438.

Manuscript "The Secret of Voynich"

Whoever did not try to unravel the handwritten manuscript, and all in vain. But it does not seem that the author of the text simply decided to mock his descendants and drew scribbles in order to mislead everyone. Today there are a large number of theories in which the great scientists of the world are trying to solve the mystery of the book. Some think that this is a manual on alchemy, others are a pharmacopoeia, and still others generally see the intervention of other worlds in the creation of the manuscript and assign the book the status of an extraterrestrial manuscript. But whoever the author of the manuscript was, he definitely did not regret his personal time, effort and money for its creation!

Secrets of the higher worlds! Difficult to understand, encrypted and not fully solved the riddle on the sculpture located near the CIA in the USA - this is the sensational Kryptos! The sculpture was created by the master Sanborn and the four encryptions on its surface have not been completely unraveled (despite such a “neighborhood” with the CIA). The scientists managed to solve the first three riddles, but with the last one (despite the artist’s hints that the answer to it is encrypted in the first cipher), they are still tormented. In 2010, the most persistent researchers were still able to unravel one word in the code - Berlin, but what other words are nearby is still unknown.

Bail Treasure Search

Thomas Bale at the beginning of the 19th century was able to extract the treasure in the process of developing gold deposits in Colorado. It is not known what motivated this man, but he decided to encrypt the location of real wealth from a large number of precious metals and stones. For this he used a set consisting of three ciphers. Of these, only the second was decoded, and the American Declaration of Independence became the key to it. This code indicated the area where the treasure is located, but the exact location of the cache is still unknown. Many seekers of adventure and mysterious treasures still hunt for untold wealth to this day.

How to find the Holy Grail?

In the UK, there is the famous Shepherd's Monument, created in the 18th century in Staffordshire. Many think that this is a message from the ancients to our contemporaries regarding the place where the Holy Grail is kept. The letters of the code have a certain sequence, only no one can decipher it. The author of the cipher is unknown, and this is another mystery of the surrounding world. Scientists suggest that in this way the secret of finding the Grail was encrypted by the Templars. Many celebrities have tried to decode this code, including Charles Dickens and Darwin.

Writing system or Rongorongo

On Easter Island, mysterious signs were found, depicted on artifacts and called Rongorongo. Scientists believe that these may be writing systems invented by different branches of mankind. It has not yet been possible to decipher the secrets of the ancient words, but there is an opinion that the encryption contains some information about the civilization that built the statues on this island.

Message from space

In 1977, as part of a program to search for signals from extraterrestrial intelligence, Jerry Eman recorded an incomprehensible signal, and it really did not come from Earth. Only 72 seconds continued human communication with an extraterrestrial civilization, which was supposedly located in the constellation Sagittarius, which is 120 light years away from our planet. On his transcript, the young man wrote the word "Wow", as an expression of delight about communicating with aliens. Perhaps the younger generation uses this word for a reason, but at the suggestion of other worlds!

Secrets of the Phaistos Disc

This is the most difficult riddle that would be beyond the power of Indiana Jones himself if he actually existed, and not just on the TV screen. The disk was found at the beginning of the last century by an archaeologist from Italy named Luigi Pernier. There are some strange symbols on this disc. One can see their similarity with the hieroglyphs of the ancient Chinese written languages. It is believed that the secrets of the ancient world are contained in this message, because it is at least three thousand years old, it was made in the second millennium BC. The Phaistos disc is the most important of all the mysteries of archeology.

Mysterious underwater world

The secrets of the underwater world are of interest to scientists and ordinary people on all continents. Learning about ancient civilizations that lived before the Flood, unraveling the mysteries of Atlantis that went under water and solving other most complex problems associated with the Hydrocosmos is important for understanding our history. And if earlier they devoted a lot of time to the study of the underwater world, now they have switched more to the study of space. But in the depths there are also many secrets that have not yet been comprehended!

Who are the NZOs?

Incomprehensible noises are recorded using modern acoustic devices (hydrophones). For the first time they were used by the American military services to track the movement of enemy submarines - the USSR. With the help of instruments, it was possible to listen not only to the songs of whales, but also to something more interesting. The secrets of the underwater world were not fully revealed to scientists from this, but they concluded that someone in the ocean was sending purposeful conscious signals. was named NSO - unidentified sound object. And who emits these signals to this day has not been established. Maybe these are the messengers of the ancient world, aliens, sea monsters or someone else?

"Quakers" of the oceans

Great scientists tried to answer the question of who makes interesting sounds “kva-kva” under water. Maybe it's a huge sea frog? Doubtful! It all started with the interest in this phenomenon of sailors who served on submarines. With the help of hydroacoustic devices, they picked up incomprehensible signals and called them Quakers. This name is even mentioned in the official documentation.

The sound came from objects that circled around the boats. This is exactly what was established thanks to direction finding. Incomprehensible creatures that could not be detected, as if they were trying to establish contact with the submarines, because they willingly responded to the signals of the submarine itself. And there was no aggression from the Quakers. The submarine was accompanied by creatures to a specific area and then they left it, saying goodbye to their usual “qua-qua”. What it was is still a mystery. So far, scientists have stopped working on it (or do it unnoticed by large masses of people so as not to sow panic), but the sounds have not disappeared and still inspire fear in sailors.

This anomalous zone does not reveal the secrets of the underwater world one iota, but only confuses researchers even more. Complex calculations, great research - and the mystery has not been solved. Since 1492, this place has been considered at least strange and frightening. The glow of water and sky, flames, a furious compass needle - all this is noted in the notes of the expedition of Columbus himself. In 1840, the place, located near Bermuda, was given the unofficial name of the triangle. In this area, a self-moving vessel was then found, which was completely without a team. What happened to the crew and thousands of other people who disappeared in the area after a strange find, is unknown to modern science.

In this place, not only ships, but also aircraft disappeared and disappear. And to find at least some wreckage and remains has not yet succeeded even once. But scientists studying the seabed in the Bermuda region stumbled upon a huge pyramid, several times larger than the famous pyramid of Cheops. The walls of this structure are absolutely smooth - there is no plaque, no shells or algae on them, and they are made of a material that resembles glass ceramics. The secrets of the underwater world, even with this discovery, have not been fully explored. The ocean is still a mystery to us, which interested ancient scientists and our contemporaries. Many studies of great scientists are classified. But sooner or later, everything secret becomes clear, so let's wait!

Atlantis is out of sight

The world only after millennia learned that there was another continent. And it will take the same amount of time to search for and study it. The secrets of the underwater world are revealed only to the persistent! Among the representatives of the ancient world, Aristotle mentioned Atlantis. But words are words, but evidence of the existence of the continent in the form of the remains of civilization has not yet been found. They say that the Atlanteans did not die all and founded their city in Tibet. And Mount Kailash is nothing but one of the pyramids built by these giants. But where they lived before and what actually happened to their homeland is known only from myths. Whether to believe them or not is up to you!

The secrets of the ancient world, the depths of the sea, one generation to another - this has always aroused and is of interest to people. Great scientists have not yet been able to solve a lot of mysteries. Suddenly it is you who can do it, write in the comments!

From time immemorial, humanity has attracted and at the same time frightened that which was incomprehensible and could not be rationally explained. Previously, they tried to explain riddles by the intervention of otherworldly forces. Now, in an age of unprecedented development of science and technology, conspiracy theorists come up with conspiracy theories.

There are also inquisitive minds who are trying to find a reasonable explanation. The most striking example of a modern attitude to secrets is Nessie, as the monster allegedly living in the Scottish Loch Ness is often called. The first meeting with Nessie dates back to the year 565, the last - in April of this year. For many years it was believed that plesiosaurs were preserved in a lake in the north of Scotland.

Steve Feltham devoted 24 years to the search for the Loch Ness monster, but eventually lost faith in its existence. Now Steve has changed his position 180 degrees and considers Nessie, albeit very large, but just a catfish. Since ancient times, catfish have lived in fresh water in Europe, grow up to 3 meters and weigh up to three centners. Such a fish from a distance may well seem like a real monster.

Feltham's sonar often catches very large animals in Loch Ness, sometimes the size of a car. He believes that this is the giant catfish. As for the inconsistency in anatomy: the presence of a long neck in Nessie plesiosaur and its absence in Nessie catfish, he explains this by the strong excitement of the observers or the poor quality of the images.

Steve Feltham, by the way, is not a fan of his version, ready to defend it at any cost. He believes that a very large catfish lives in the lake, but intends to keep looking to prove his theory. Given solid evidence, Steve is willing to accept any other theory, no matter how implausible it may be.

The American news agency CNN has compiled a list of the 10 biggest secrets and mysteries in the history of mankind. Of course, not everyone will completely agree with the authors of the list, but it should be recognized that most of the secrets will certainly fall into other ratings.

1. The two-masted brigantine Mary Celeste set sail from New York on November 7, 1872 and headed for Genoa. When she was found four weeks later in the Strait of Gibraltar, there were neither crew members nor 10 passengers on board, following her to Italy. No signs of a struggle were found. The cargo remained safe and sound, but the only boat disappeared.

2. Britain learned about Jack the Ripper from a letter sent in 1888 to the London Police Department. The identity of the perpetrator who allegedly killed 5 prostitutes is still unknown.

3. The Shroud of Turin is considered the most famous religious artifact. Many Christians sincerely believe that Jesus Christ was wrapped in this piece of cloth, on which the human body was imprinted, before burial.

The body imprinted on the fabric has wounds in the same places as Jesus, as follows from the description of the execution in the Bible. Most scholars, however, consider the Shroud of Turin to be a forgery made in the Middle Ages. In those days, Europe was literally covered by the ninth wave of Christian relics. Most of all there were pieces from the cross on which Christ was crucified.

4. A Lockheed Electra, piloted by Amelia Earhart, flew over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on March 17, 1937. The brave pilot disappeared along with the plane during a round-the-world flight made in the same year.

5. A squadron of naval aircraft Avenger during a flight in 1943. The same planes with 14 people on board disappeared without a trace in December 1945 off the south coast of Florida. Another 13 servicemen disappeared when they went looking for their missing comrades. This mysterious disappearance was the birth of the legend of the Bermuda Triangle. In the 70 years that have passed since then, the mysterious place, located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico, is credited with other equally mysterious disappearances.

6. Legends about humanoid creatures covered with long hair have been told for many centuries on all continents. In the Himalayas, these creatures are called Yeti, in North America - Bigfoot.

7. Los Angeles County Coroner Declared Marilyn Monroe's Death a Suicide. The 36-year-old actress took a large dose of barbiturates in August 1962. However, not everyone believes the official version.

8. In the photo, US President John F. Kennedy sits with the first lady in the back seat of a limousine on November 22, 1963 in Dallas. Kennedy's assassination is considered in America one of the most tragic events of the 20th century. It also remains one of the biggest mysteries of the last century. The official version that the killer acted alone, according to a Gallup poll six decades later, is not believed by 60% of Americans.

9. Police comb a field in Waterford, Michigan, in July 1975, looking for the body of Jimmy Hoffa. The former chairman of the largest truckers' union was last seen alive outside a restaurant. His disappearance is still a mystery and causes FBI agents to dig up the ground from time to time and look for his remains.

10. Actors Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood on a yacht in October 1976. Natalie's body was found at sea in November 1981. At first, the authorities thought that the actress drowned by accident. However, last year, the Los Angeles County Coroner re-examined the case and issued a verdict: "drowned in unexplained circumstances."