All attack helicopters that appeared after the AH-64 were created in one way or another with a clear eye on him. The AH-64 proved to be a very successful machine, and even today, more than forty years after its birth, it is one of the best attack helicopters in the world. And maybe the best. In any case, the demand for it remains consistently high, which was facilitated by the modernization potential and a successful combat career. And Apache had to fight a lot in its lifetime: starting with the famous Operation Desert Storm, to numerous subsequent local conflicts. AH-64 is in service with 16 countries of the world, and in some of them its licensed production has been established.

And again our

The direct competitor of the AH-64 thirty years ago was supposed to be the Soviet attack helicopter Mi-28. But due to the collapse of the USSR and the subsequent economic difficulties, the adoption of the Mi-28 into service was greatly delayed. Having first taken to the air in 1982, the helicopter was drafted into the ranks of the armed forces only in 2009, and it had to take part in hostilities for the first time six years later in Syria. Unlike the Mi-24, the helicopter has less visibility, is easier to maintain, better armored and armed, and can operate in adverse weather conditions and at extremely low altitudes. It cannot land and evacuate troops, like the Mi-24, but, as the history of military conflicts in recent years has shown, this feature is useless for an attack helicopter. Not a single country in the world, except the USSR, has created specialized attack transport helicopters and, apparently, will not create it.

However, the designers still provided for a small compartment at the rear of the Mi-28, which can accommodate two people. Another feature of this machine is the ability to rescue the crew at an altitude of more than a hundred meters using parachutes. In the event of an emergency, the doors of both cabins are automatically fired, special airbags are inflated to protect the crew from contact with the landing gear, after which the helicopter is evacuated. Currently, the Mi-28 is in service with Russia, Iraq and Algeria, but it lost the Indian tender, largely due to imperfect electronics and flight and navigation systems at that time.

The Russian helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator" has no analogues in the world. This unique machine has become a further development of the Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter, with which it is 85% unified. The Ka-52 is the second in the world (after the Ka-50) coaxial attack helicopter, thanks to which it has a very high maneuverability: the trial operation of its predecessor during the second Chechen war showed a significant advantage of this model over other helicopters in mountainous areas. Another feature of the Ka-52 is the crew's ejection seats, which allow the pilot and weapons operator to eject at any height, including ultra-low. It is also the only attack helicopter in the world where the crew is not located in tandem, but sits side by side in a single cockpit. The pilot and operator can interchange each other if one of the crew members cannot perform their duties - the helicopter has a duplicated flight and fire control system.

The Ka-52 made its first flight in 1997, and was put into service in 2011. Five years later, he and his deck modification Ka-52K took part in the hostilities in Syria. The latter was developed for the Mistral-type helicopter carriers that never entered the Russian Navy, and, unlike its land-based counterpart, it has folding propeller blades, improved anti-corrosion protection and more powerful weapons with a new radar station. If you call a spade a spade, then the Ka-52K is no longer an attack helicopter in the usual sense of the word, but a helicopter with the capabilities of an attack aircraft. There is currently no other such helicopter in the world. In addition to Russia, the Ka-52 is also in service in Egypt. In the country of the pharaohs, he finally reunited with the Mistral helicopter carriers, for which he was created.

Thanks to the State Arms Program until 2020, unprecedented in its scale, for the third year in a row, the Russian military-industrial complex ranks first in the world in terms of industry growth and second in terms of arms and military equipment exports. The Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recently published ranking of the largest arms manufacturers includes six domestic companies, five of which (except KLA) have significantly improved their performance compared to the previous study. Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern ($5.51 billion) took the first place in terms of export earnings, climbing eight lines in the SIPRI rating, to 14th place. The most "advancing" in the list was the Russian Helicopters holding, which immediately climbed ten positions up. In 2012, it sold $3.52 billion worth of military equipment, rising from 35th to 25th place. The most demanded product of the company was Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters, the annual “order” for which exceeds $0.9 billion. This is an absolute record in modern history. Let's see what is the secret of the success of the new Russian rotorcraft.

Photo by RIA Novosti

The Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter (NATO Hokum B) is a further development of the famous Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter. The main difference between the Ka-52 and the Ka-50 is the presence of a second seat for the weapon operator, which expands the functionality of the Ka-52 from a purely attack helicopter to a reconnaissance and command vehicle capable of performing reconnaissance, target designation and coordination of actions of a group of helicopters.However, if we compare its tactical and technical characteristics with the world analogues, which are in service with other countries, then the conclusion is quite obvious that the Russian development is objectively the bestattack helicopter in the world. This device has a long list of unsurpassed qualities that are out of reach even for promising devices for the US Army currently being tested.A comparative analysis of the performance characteristics of the Ka-52 with other newest helicopters in the world gives an unambiguous answer about its superiority on the main positions, including in comparison withthe best American all-weatherAH-64D Apache attack helicopter.

First of all, this is a unique maneuverability - it can even fly tail-first at a speed of 130 km / h, sideways - 100 km / h, withperform such aerobatic maneuverss with huge overloads thatand did not dream of the pilots of NATO and the United States. Maximum s crust Ka-52 - 370 km / h - also the highest figure on the planet.If we talk about all the technical advantages of our apparatus, we will have to write a book. Perhaps with among the main "best" characteristicsit is still worth noting its amazing all-weather ability - it can fly even in a hurricane with wind speeds up to 140 km / h and at the same time clearly maintain its position in the air according to the coordinates of the radar and satellite data.

In the "ball" behind the cabin glazing, find tsya optics of the Samshit surveillance and search system, daytime telesystem for normal and lowillumination, thermal imager, laserrangefinder-target designator, combined with a laser spot direction finder for automatic tracking of the target and highlighting it when moving andhelicopter, and targets. Happy in horoIn cold weather, "Samshit" allows you to detect and recognize a tank from distances up to 15 km(American Apache the latest generation only for 12 km). The nose cone took the painthe largest antenna of the Arbalet-52 radar, which detects a tank from a distance of 20 km, gives a mapterrain and warns ofsteps. A small antenna of the same station was installed above the screw hub to detect air targets and other objects - she is detects even enemy projectiles and attacking missiles.

Takeoff power boosted TVZ-117VMA F is 2500 hp, and in emergency mode, if one of the two engines fails, the other produces up to 2800 hp. The new electro-hydraulic control system increases the throttle response, stability and reliability in transient conditions and during missile launches. Implemented recovery from surge and "rotating stall" of the compressor, as well as automatics agglochania.

Ka-52 is equipped with new m pr and all-aerobatic m and navigation complex om "Argument-2000". It included a survey and flight system, a search-sighting system GOES-451. They can work around the clockaccurately and into the fog, together with the Arbalet-52 locator, which is part of this complex, the main antenna of which is anov lena in the bow. All equipment including the onboard defense complex, as well as three radio stations, the encryption system and data transmission equipment, the BKS-50 communication complex, is integrated into a single whole by the Baget-53 on-board computer network with an open architecture that allows changing the composition of combat systems without replacing the hardware by installing a new "software".

The main weapon of combatabout the helicopter is anti-tankkovy missile system - ATGM"Vortex" . Its 9A4172 automated laser-guided missile destroys a tank with armor equivalent to a 900 mm homogeneous steel plate from a distance of up to 3 km. And d dynamic protection is not an obstacle for its tandem cumulative high-explosive fragmentation warhead."Whirlwind" surpasses even a similar American ATGM AGM-114A,which the States are so proud of,but the Tula gunsmiths have already created a modernized strike weapon system (KUV) "Whirlwind-M" with a family of missiles9M4172. Complex of one rocketth destroys a tank with 1000 mm broher behind dynamic protection from a range of 400 m to 10 km with a probability of 80%. At the American DARPA so far, such characteristics have been laid down only on paper as a promising task.Provided round-the-clock destruction of not only armored vehicles, but also the defensive structures of a standard warhead or new ones - fragmentation and thermobaric. The Ka-52 helicopter can cover four targets with a series of Vikhr missiles in 30 seconds.KUV "Vikhr-M" can fire outside the radiusand the reach of self-propelled missilessystems "Roland", MANPADS "Stinger", "Mistral" and artillery systems "Gepard"currently in service with NATO countries.

The Ka-52 arsenal also includes Kh-25ML guided missiles with a heavy warhead, spdesigned for percussion years. His classic weapons remainand unguided missilesThe Ka-52 carries four blocks of B-8V20 with twenty 80-mm S-8 projectiles, which are supplied in 15 modifications with warheads of cumulative fragmentation, volumetric detonation or high-explosive-penetrating action, and against infantryyou - with arrow-shaped strikingmi elements, etc. The American AN-64 also carries four NAR units, but 19-chargers, and missilesthey are weaker - caliber 68 mm. ToIn addition to light S-8 shells, our Ka-52 can take 10 heavy NAR S-13 caliber 422 mm or four S-24 (240 mm). The traditional weapons of Russian combat helicopters are free-fall bombs, which is not provided for the AN-64.

P The advantage of the Ka-52 "Alligator" armament over similar NATO helicopters is also gun 2A42. American M-230 ve det fire n and the range is up to 1500 m, and the combat range of our gun is 4000 m, and the destructive effect of Russian shells is higher than that of the American M789 and M799, - at a distance of 1500 m they are abouthit 15 mm steel armor at a meeting angle of 60 degreesmustache - an unattainable indicator in the world. American The gun uses special aircraft projectiles, and aircraft ammunition is a reserve type. ears - an English ADEN or French DEFA, but their ballistic data is even lower.

Size cannon sighting near the center masses on the Ka-52 increases maneuverability and speed of the vehicle, and the accuracy of shooting is four times higher than that of the AN-64. In addition to 2A42, the Ka-52 can take two hanging containers UPC 23-250 with guns GSh-23L, which are effective againstin lightly armored targets andthread installations at short ranges. An indicator is installed in the Ka-52 cockpit against the background of the IPS-28K windshield. With it, you can shoot not only at ground, but also atmaneuvering air targets. Kamovsky verThe aircraft also has air-to-air guided missiles. He carries four missiles 9M39 "Igla-V". This modification of verified in boyu portable anti-aircraft systemSA with a passive homing head reliably highlights the true target at the rate of shooting traps one every 0.3 seconds at a power of their radiation exceeding the radiation of the target itself.

Now the main thing is maneuverability.An ordinary helicopter spends to compensate for the reactive moment of the carrier rotorra tail rotor up to 10-20% powerengines, and when changing the mode of operation of the power plant, the pilot must adjust the thrust. The coaxial scheme does not allow such losses, and due to the higher efficiency, its energy characteristicskteristiki higher by 6-10%. OsoThis is especially important when accelerating from a hover mode, for example, when attacking from an ambush. Its aerodynamic symmetry improves stability and controllability, and the absence of cross aerodynamic links between the longitudinaland lateral movement and independentThe bridge of control channels simplifies piloting and makes it safer. The pilot of the AN-64 or Mi-28, when changing the flight mode, must parry the rebalancing of the machine by rolling and sliding, and the pilot of the Ka-52 is not distracted by this and does not consume the thrust of the power plant. The negative impact of air currents has also been reduced. At the coaxial helicopterand less moments of inertia and painlower control torques, which makes it possible to perform more vigorous maneuvers using normal overload. Due to the increased power of the longitudinal control, the Ka-52 "freezes" at the end of the maneuver. All this allows him toincredible "pas" in the air - then, what pilots of other helicopters only dream of.Only Ka-52 can perform specific combat maneuver - flat turn, vigorous course change without using normal G. The Ka-52 flies with slip, which is unacceptable in the RV scheme, and attacks an ordinary helicopter by simply turning its nose on it and not changing course. He can fly steadilytail forward at speeds up to 130 km / h, and at a speed of 230 km / h, the slip angles reach ± ​​90 degrees. The enemy, in order to take a position for an attack, needs to turn around “like an airplane”, spending more time. Flat turn "nose into the wind" onallows you to safely land with mahigh forward speeds when aerodynamic speed devices are not working.

The energy and independence of the control channels make it possible for the Ka-52 to continuously fire at the chain, constantly moving around it using the "funnel" maneuver. He can attack suddenly, energetically moving around the hills horizontally (the “slalom” maneuver"") or bending around them vertically maNeuroma "Dolphin", which allows you to destroy rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns, being in the zone of their fire. The special mode of operation of the Arbalet-52 radar allows you to use these techniques even at night. Less stringent restrictionspermissions for angular movementsallow the Ka-52 to perform vertical maneuvers "oblique loop", "somersault", "ascending barrel" with rolls up to 140 degrees mustache and pitch angles 90 degrees mustache.

Booking protectno crew from fire 12.7-mm machine guns and high-energy fragments of shells and missiles. The fuel system is protected from fire and explosion of fuel, as well as from the occurrence of hydraulic shock in the tanks during an emergency landing. dke. The flight experiment showed that the Ka-52 is able to continue flying with the complete destruction of the tail, while the AN-64 andother modern helicopters do not retain controllyability in case of failure of the tail rotor. Screen-inexhaust devices,stinging, dissipating and distorting the thermal footprint of engines. Means of premissile attack warningshelicopter beaming by enemy radars and laser target designation and jamming systemsnew equipment brought to borona computer-controlled defense complex.

If both engines fail, autorotation remains. The aircraft in such a situationAnimates, helicopter uses sarotation of the rotor. Aerodynamic symmetry and lackYour cross-talk control makes autorotation landings safer than conventional helicopters. Besides, the crew of the Ka-52 is protected from impact. If there is time to release the landing gear, then the main part of the load will be taken up by its shock absorbers, and then the struts, breaking, will protect the fuselage and cockpit from heavy damage. The armored nose resists deformation, and under the seats there are special crushable blocks that dampen the energy of a fall. There are also ejection seats K-37-800M. They are specially designedbut for helicopters, taking into account specialspecifics of their application and fully tested in a flying laboratory. When bailing out, a special device “breaks” the glazing of thebins, and shoot the propeller blades vayutsya.

The on-board systems and armament of the Ka-52 make it possible to find and destroy carefully camouflaged, "quiet" non-radiating objects.projects, and this is extremely important in the period when stealth technology is being actively introduced in the navy and ground forces. The ability to operate against land, sea and air targets makes the Ka-52 indispensable in the offensive, and in defense, and in peacekeeping operations, and in the fight against militant gangs.

Order for Ka-52 helicopters for the Ministry of Defense Russia is 240 pieces. 21 helicopters manufactured in 2012, in In 2013, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation received 24 more, in 2014, according to the plan, there will be 28.About a hundred cars are going to take onNavyfor fire support of amphibious assaults, escort of carrier-based amphibious transport helicopters, destruction of small and medium shipsth displacement.

Today, about 27 different models of military helicopters are actively used in the world. There are likely to be quite a few passionate military enthusiasts who will be interested in learning about the most powerful and best helicopters in the Air Force. In this review, the best examples of equipment in this segment.

1. Boeing AH-64D "Longbow Apache" (USA)

During the hostilities in the Persian Gulf, the Boeing AH-64D "Apache Longbow" was recognized as the most powerful weapon against tanks. The latest model of this aircraft - AH-64E Apache Guardian - has a 30-mm M230 cannon, sixteen AGM-114L Hellfire 2 anti-tank missiles, 4 air-to-air missiles, a pair of anti-radar missiles. But that's not all, the helicopter is also equipped with four suspensions of 19 volleys of 70-mm Hydra 70 unguided rockets.

2. Mi-24 Lan (Russia)

The Mi-24 is one of the most popular and sought-after helicopters around the world; it is successfully used in practice in the air forces of 50 countries of the world. And despite the fact that the Mi-24 stopped being produced back in the 91st year of the last century, its popularity and modernity does not diminish even today, and it is still considered one of the most powerful in history. The model was equipped with a 23-mm double-barreled gun and Shturm and 2K8 Falanga anti-tank missiles.

3. Agusta A129 "Mangusta" (Italy)

This is the first special attack helicopter that was released in Western Europe. Double, twin-engine colossus was developed specifically to repel missile attacks. The combat helicopter was equipped with a 22-mm cannon, 70 and 52 mm Medusa missiles, 8 TOW-2A anti-tank missiles

4. Denel AH-2 "Rooivalk" (South Africa)

This is a new aircraft of the latest generation, presented by the South African Denel Aviation. The unit can carry a wide variety of weapons, depending on the performance of a particular mission. The base model has a 20mm cannon, four launchers for Denel ZT-6 Mokopa or TOW anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers for unguided missiles.

5. Z-10 (China)

The first professional combat vehicle in a series of Chinese aircraft, which was assembled on the basis of the "Project 941" of the Russian bureau of Kamov. It is generally accepted that this helicopter is a member of the same class as the AH-2 Rooivalk and A-129 Mangusta. The unit has a classic configuration with stepped tandem cockpits and a narrow fuselage. The combat component includes a 30-mm cannon, HJ-10 and HJ-9 anti-tank missiles, four unguided missiles and air-to-air missiles.

6. Eurocopter "Tiger" (Germany/France)

It is among the most first-class helicopters that are used by the German and French Air Forces. This twin-engine four-blade unit first saw the light in 2003 and belongs to the class of medium-lift aircraft. The helicopter is equipped with eight anti-tank missiles, a 30-mm cannon, four air-to-air missiles, 68 unguided rockets and machine guns on hangers.

7. Mi-28 Night Hunter (Russia)

This Russian-made, two-pilot armored aircraft is among the most advanced anti-tank helicopters in the world. The Mi-28 entered the ranks of the army in 2006. Its maximum speed is 320 km / h, it is equipped with nine guided anti-tank missiles, a 30-mm cannon and 9 A-2200 or M120 / M121F Whirlwind missiles.

8. Ka-52 "Alligator" (Russia)

An improved version of the Ka-50 is also one of the fastest and most modern combat aircraft. This is a very powerful, versatile and one of the most maneuverable helicopters on earth. He successfully makes sorties both in the daytime and at night. The Alligator is equipped with a 30 mm cannon with 460 rounds, 4 air-to-air missiles and 12 anti-tank missiles.

9. Bell AH-1Z "Viper" (USA)

From a technical point of view, this is one of the most ideal helicopters. It is the only combat helicopter worldwide with a fully integrated air-to-air missile system. In addition, the Viper has a 750-round 20mm triple-barreled cannon, anti-ship and anti-tank missiles, bomb and rocket pods.

10. AH-64E "Apache Guardian" (USA)

On the American continent, this model is considered the most advanced combat helicopter ever assembled in the country. The maximum speed of the unit is 300 km / h, it carries 16 AGM-114L Hellfire missiles, four air-to-air missiles, two anti-missile and the same number of anti-tank missiles, as well as a suspension with unguided missiles.

Thousands of helicopters - from small ones, weighing several tens of kilograms, to multi-ton giants - regularly surf the expanses of the air ocean. A helicopter, unlike an airplane, does not need airfields, as it is able to take off, land vertically, move horizontally at different speeds and hang in the air in one place. Such properties of the helicopter make it a valuable, and in some cases, completely irreplaceable machine.

Helicopters carry passengers and cargo to remote villages that are located among forests or mountains, find schools of fish in the sea, and help in the fight against forest fires and floods. With their help, they successfully control field pests, carry out gravimetric and geophysical surveys of the terrain, check high-voltage power lines for serviceability, etc. In recent years, they have been systematically used as cranes at construction sites, when laying pipelines, and so on. Helicopters are an important part of the air force in many countries around the world. Scientists all over the world are responsible for the creation of the scientific theory of helicopters, without which it would be impossible to achieve such success in modern helicopter engineering.

Traditionally, the entire helicopter market is divided into two parts: civil and military. The civilian one, in turn, contains helicopters of government agencies and commercial companies that provide emergency assistance and public safety. Rapidly developing areas of the civil sector are transport helicopters with luxury cabins for VIP flights and helicopters for servicing offshore oil platforms.

The civilian spectrum of the market far exceeds the military one. However, in real monetary terms, according to experts, military helicopters account for more than 70 percent of the contract value of deliveries. The main reason for this is the widespread aging of past generations of military helicopters. Many countries of the world have approached the cyclical need for a global renewal of their helicopter fleets.

Russian helicopters

Despite all the crises, our helicopter industry is still developing, albeit not as fast as we would like, but, most importantly, there is a progressive trend. Helicopter sales volumes in well-known corporations of our country are constantly increasing. The introduction and implementation of many programs for the sale of new and modernization of existing aircraft continues successfully. For the effective development of the industry in the future, a constant increase in orders with state support is required.

Many holdings have a huge potential for development, since the domestic helicopter industry is one of the world's leaders. Many scientific and constructive solutions of Russian and Soviet designers are still used abroad. Our Mi-8, Mi-12 can be found in any camp. They have been incredibly popular for more than a dozen years.

Of course, far from everything has been achieved. We are facing serious challenges to reform the industry, which should entail financial and production performance. It is important that the Russian aircraft operator has the opportunity to buy the helicopter he needs. We need to expand our presence in the global helicopter market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to overcome the technical gap from the world's leading aviation corporations, primarily in terms of equipping the industry with modern equipment.

The reconstruction of the Russian helicopter industry is a problem that has been boiling over for a long time and needs to be solved. Follow-up activities in a modern market economy, while maintaining the structure of the planned system, are much more complicated, but clear improvements are still noticeable.

Helicopters of the world

Helicopter technology is operated in more than 190 countries. As already mentioned, it is used for both military and civilian purposes.

The current situation in the helicopter industry is based on production and demand, which is provided by customers-operators. The global helicopter market has formed three main classes of aircraft:

  • 1) heavy - more than 15 tons;
  • 2) medium - 5−15 tons;
  • 3) light - up to 5 tons.

But often a more detailed breakdown is used to classify the world park, and transitional models are also taken into account.

In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the production and sale of helicopters. Over the past five years, more than 8,000 helicopters worth about $40 billion have been sold on the world market.

At the stage of creation and formation of the helicopter industry can be characterized by the following features: phasing and regional in its development. As you know, helicopters were widely used only in the 20th century. It should be noted 3 stages in development: formation, constant Soviet-American competition and the modern Euro-American stage.

As a result, today there are 4 regions for the creation and production of helicopters: European, American, Russia and the countries of the former USSR, India-China.

Both well-known Western developments and rather unexpected Eastern and African combat helicopters were included in the list. There are also three Russian "iron birds" in the rating.

MIR 24 collected information about the main bladed "death machines", which to this day can be seen in reports from "hot spots" and at exhibitions of the best examples of military equipment.

10th place. Agusta A129 Mangusta

This Italian attack helicopter was the first fully developed and assembled in Western Europe. Its carrying capacity is 4.6 thousand kilograms, while it can reach speeds of up to 278 km / h. It is typically equipped with three 20mm Lockheed Martin cannons, as well as eight air-to-ground, air-to-air, and several dozen rockets. It is in service with the Italian and Turkish Air Forces.

9th place. Mi-24 "Crocodile"

8th place. CAIC WZ-10

Chinese helicopter developed on the basis of a Russian project. The crew in it is placed in tandem, which is not in any other combat vehicle. Used primarily as an anti-tank helicopter. Due to the relatively small carrying capacity, it can accelerate to 300 km / h, while the body of the "iron bird" is made using stealth technology. Armed with a 23 mm cannon, as well as air-to-ground, air-to-air missiles and unguided projectiles. It is in service with the Chinese Air Force.

Photo: 3GO*CHN-405/mjordan_6

7th place. AH-2

Attack helicopter developed in South Africa. Designed to destroy enemy manpower and equipment. It develops a speed of up to 300 km / h, while there are no seats for passengers, only a pilot and an operator of weapons systems get on board. Equipped with a 20 mm cannon, guided and unguided rockets. It is in service with the South African Air Force.

Photo: Danie van der Merwe

6th place. HAL LCH

5th place. Eurocopter Tiger

It was developed by a Franco-German consortium on the basis of three principles: "It should not be visible to enemies", "If it was seen, it should not be hit", "If it was hit, it must remain in the air." The combat vehicle is equipped with modern systems for reducing visibility, detecting and countering air defense and "survivability". The latter provides for massive armor. Equipped with a 30mm cannon, versatile rockets and 12.7mm machine guns as secondary weapons. It is in service with the armies of Australia, Spain, Germany and France.

Photo: DVIDSHUB - Flickr: French, US forces continue working side by side

4th place. Bell AH-1Z "Viper"

The US-designed attack helicopter has state-of-the-art main and tail rotors and avionics. It also works flawlessly in bad weather conditions and at night. Mainly used by the US Navy. In sea battles, speed is important, so the Viper is one of the fastest combat vehicles, reaching speeds of up to 410 km / h. Armed with a 20 mm triple-barreled cannon, a large number of air-to-ground missiles and other projectiles. It is also possible to install two additional guns.

Photo: Lance Cpl. Christopher O'Quin, USMC-U.S. marine corps photo

3rd place. Mi-28N Night Hunter

Another helicopter developed at the Mil plant. This is a maneuverable combat vehicle capable of performing many aerobatic maneuvers. Forward, it can fly at speeds up to 325 km/h, and its lateral speed is 100 km/h. The helicopter perfectly copes with tasks in any weather. Armed with a 30 mm cannon, several types of missiles, and can also carry small loads for setting minefields. It is in service with the Air Force of Algeria, Iraq and.

Photo: Yevgeny Volkov

2nd place. Ka-52 "Alligator"

"Alligator" - a heavily armed reconnaissance helicopter of a new generation. It develops a good speed of 330 km / h, but this combat vehicle does not need to fly fast. It has a target detection range of up to 300 km, and can also hit armored vehicles at a distance of 100 km. One of the most modern Russian aircraft is equipped with a 30 mm cannon and several diverse missiles. It is interesting that both the commander of the crew and the operator of weapons systems can control the helicopter.