Also, for those clients who receive wages or pensions on a card or account of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, the interest rate under the classic car loan program is reduced by 1%. As you can see, under the Sberbank car loan program, the interest rate may vary.

"Auto loan with government subsidies"

As part of this offer, you will have to choose from a list of exclusively Russian-made cars, and you will be able to purchase only a new car. But do not be afraid, because today many well-known and well-established car brands are assembled in Russia, so there is no infringement of the rights of customers to choose - Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat, KIA, Hyundai, Opel, Chevrolet, VAZ, Mitsubishi at your service. As the name of the program implies, part of the loan is refinanced with special government payments, the client gets a low interest rate. Let's see what other conditions are, as well as what percentage in Sberbank for a car loan is offered under this program:

  • Loan term - up to 1 year, from 1 year to 3 years;
  • Interest rate on the loan - from 8 to 10% (depending on the term);
  • Initial payment - from 15%;
  • The maximum cost of the car is up to 750 thousand rubles.

"Affiliate car loan programs"

This program, as the name implies, is intended for those potential borrowers who wish to purchase a car in a particular car dealership, listed in a special list of the bank. Most often, a car dealership and a bank are connected by partnerships and work, as they say, with mutual benefit. As a result, the client is provided with a significant discount from the market price of the car, with the condition of buying a car in a particular salon and concluding a loan agreement with a specific financial institution.

The rest of the conditions are clear and understandable:

  • Initial payment of at least 15%;
  • Interest rate on the loan - from 10.5% to 15% (for some brands from 11.5% to 16%);
  • Loan currency - rubles, dollars or euros;
  • Loan term - up to 1 year, from 1 year and up to 3 years.

Car loan in Sberbank conditions and requirements

The bank imposes special requirements on each potential client-borrower, namely:

  • Age of the borrower - from 21 to 75 years inclusive;
  • Presentation of an official document confirming income;
  • Registration of collateral and the presence of a guarantor, if the income does not allow you to get a car loan on your own;
  • Total work experience - from 6 months at the last place of work and in total from 1 year for the last 5 years (from 3 months without other requirements for participants in the salary project, pensioners receiving deductions to the bank account).

In general, it can be noted that a car loan is an excellent, affordable and profitable way to purchase your own car. However, you can resort to it only if you have a strong confidence in your income, and also that you will be able to pay off the loan much faster than the period specified in the contract. In other cases, you run the risk of being left without the desired car and losing the money already paid, if suddenly you do not have enough funds for the monthly installment, or as a result, observing all the terms of the contract, by the time it expires, give the bank an amount that significantly exceeds the cost of your “iron horse” ".

As it must have become clear by now, Sberbank alone offers its customers three car loan programs to choose from. If, before concluding an agreement in the first bank you come across, you carefully study all the other offers, then it may happen that you will find the most optimal and profitable option for yourself. It is likely that you are already a client of some bank and have shown yourself extremely positively, or the brand of car you have chosen is on the list of those whose sales the government is trying to increase.

Loan terms

1 to 84 months 1

Interest rate
Loan currencyRussian rubles
Minimum deposit

10% - for borrowers engaged in agricultural activities, when purchasing new vehicles/equipment;
20% - for borrowers engaged in agricultural activities, when purchasing used vehicles/equipment;
15% - for non-agricultural borrowers when purchasing new vehicles/equipment;
25% - for non-agricultural borrowers when purchasing used vehicles/equipment;

Postponement of principal debt

Up to 3 months 3

Credit amountFrom 150,000 rubles - for agricultural producers,
from 500,000 rubles - for other Borrowers.
The maximum amount is limited only by the financial condition of the Borrower
  • Pledge of the purchased vehicle
  • Guarantee of individuals and/or legal entities
  • Guarantees JSC "Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises"

Commission for issuing a loan 4


Commission for early repayment of the loan 4

InsuranceThe purchased vehicle is subject to compulsory insurance
Penalty for late transfer of payment to repay a loan or pay interest0.1% of the amount of overdue debt. It is charged on the amount of the overdue payment for each day of delay in payment.

1 For agricultural producers, the maximum loan term is 84 months. For all other enterprises with a period of activity over 12 months, the maximum loan period is 60 months; for all other enterprises with a period of activity of less than 12 months, the maximum loan period is 36 months.

2 This interest rate is valid for a loan term of 60 months. and the loan amount is more than 5 million rubles. The final amount of interest rates is set individually and depends on the financial condition of the borrower, the term and amount of the loan, as well as the collateral provided. You can get detailed information about Sberbank's loan products for small businesses, loan conditions and documents required to obtain a loan at the Bank's branches serving legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

3 The maximum amount of deferral for certain categories of Borrowers is indicated. The final amount of the principal debt repayment deferral is set individually for each Borrower and depends on its solvency and credit history with the Bank for previously issued loans to legal entities.

4 From February 3, 2014, commissions for issuance and early redemption are not charged. When receiving loans in the form of a credit line with a free drawdown schedule, a commission is provided for an unused limit, the minimum commission is 2% per annum of the amount of the unused limit, the maximum amount is set individually.

At the end of 2017, there was no separate car loan at Sberbank with interest rates and conditions solely for the purchase of a car. Therefore, we will consider ordinary consumer loans for which there is no specific intended use of funds, which means that you can buy a car with this money.

Sberbank has 2 developed loan programs that are most suitable for the concept of a car loan. The conditions for them are almost identical and the interest rates differ slightly. The main difference is the absence or presence of guarantors, which can be maximum two. Their income is taken into account to increase the maximum car loan amount. The maximum and minimum interest rates for both programs of Sberbank can be found in the table below.

Program Car loan amount Percentage for clients receiving a salary or pension at Sberbank Interest rate for everyone else
Without a guarantor Up to 250 000 ₽ 12,9-19,9% 13,9-19,9%
From 250,000 ₽ to 500,000 ₽ 14,5% 15,5%
Over 500 000 ₽ 12,5% 13,5%
With a guarantor Up to 250 000 ₽ 12,9-18,9% 13,9-18,9%
From 250,000 ₽ to 500,000 ₽ 14,5% 14,5%
Over 500 000 ₽ 12,5% 12,5%

As you can see from the table, customers who receive a pension or salary at Sberbank can count on lower interest rates on car loans. However, it must be said that the fixed percentage values ​​from the table are an ongoing New Year's promotion, valid until January 31, 2018. What conditions will be after this date is still unknown. The rest of the terms and conditions can be found below:

Issuance and redemption takes place only in Russian rubles. In case of late payment of the next payment, a fine of 20% per annum is charged on the amount of delay for each day until the full repayment of the debt that has arisen. Additionally, Sberbank can issue a credit card with the maximum possible limit of 150,000 ₽ or a personalized card with a maximum limit of 200,000 ₽.

Auto loan in Sberbank with state subsidies

The government of the Russian Federation is running a program of state subsidies for car loans, but Sberbank, unfortunately, does not participate in it. The essence of the program is the repayment by the state of 2/3 of the interest rate set by the credit institution. But you can only buy cars produced in the territory of the Russian Federation in this way. There are other requirements for purchasing cars. You can get acquainted with the conditions of car loans with state subsidies and the list of cars approved by the government for state support in a separate article by clicking on the banner.

Loan calculator calculation

Before applying for registration, we recommend that you estimate the amount of the monthly payment. To do this, enter the interest rate, amount and term of the loan in the appropriate fields of the Sberbank car loan calculator. Repayment occurs in an annuity way, that is, in equal installments. It remains only to press the button of the calculator "Calculate" and familiarize yourself with the results.

For the calculation on the loan calculator, thanks to the site calcus

Requirements for borrowers and required documents

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the requirements of Sberbank for an individual who wants to get a car loan:

  • The age of an individual must be at least 21 years old at the time of application and not more than 65 years old at the end of the contract.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation is required.
  • Official employment and work experience at the current place of work for at least 6 months.
  • At least 12 months of physical experience in the last 5 years.

You can apply for a car loan on the official website of a financial company, through Sberbank Online, or at any branch. For the latter method, the interest rate increases by 1% per annum. After preliminary approval, a full package of documents must be submitted. It takes up to 2 business days to process them. After the final positive decision, the transaction is concluded and the funds are issued. Money can be received in cash at the cash desk of Sberbank or by transfer to a debit card.

List of required documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mark of permanent or temporary registration.
  2. A copy of each page of the work book certified by the employer.
  3. Certificate of income in the form of a bank or 2-personal income tax.

Despite the fact that Sberbank does not have a separate program for issuing car loans, this does not prevent you from buying a car by taking money from the bank. Interest rates in this case are somewhat higher, but the car is not pledged and can be freely sold if necessary. But we recommend that before applying, make a calculation on a loan calculator and assess your financial capabilities.

Just a few decades ago, buying a car was considered a luxury. By the presence of a car in the family, they judged the material condition. Nowadays, a car is just a means of transportation. Almost everyone can buy it on credit.

Today in Russia there are many banks where, with a minimum set of documents, you can get a loan to buy a car. But among the variety of financial institutions, Russians often choose Sberbank, considering it reliable and proven.

Conditions for obtaining a loan

On the official website of Sberbank there is a loan calculator where, if desired, it is possible to calculate an approximate monthly payment. Loan terms and interest vary. and depend on many factors loan amount, loan term, loan purpose. For bank customers, the procedure for granting a loan is one; for those who have nothing to do with the bank - another. But the main conditions are:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age from 21 to 65 years;
  • permanent place of work(at least six months in the last place and at least 1 year of total experience).

Loan programs and annual interest

There is no car loan, as such, in Sberbank. But it is quite possible to take a loan to buy a car. The financial institution offers two types of loans for any purpose.

consumer credit

The Bank offers its customers the opportunity to issue a loan in the amount of 15,000 to 3,000,000 rubles for any purpose, including the purchase of a car.

  • the approximate percentage per annum is from 14% to 19% for a period of 3 to 24 months and from 15% to 20% for a period of 25 to 60 months.
  • For ordinary clients approximate annual percentage - from 15% to 20% for a period of 3 to 24 months and from 16% to 21% for a period of 25 to 60 months.

Consumer loan secured

The amount of a loan secured by individuals can vary from 15,000 to 5,000,000 rubles at a more attractive annual interest rate.

  • For owners of salary and pension cards exemplary rates from 13% to 18% for up to 3 years and from 14% to 19% for up to 5 years.
  • For ordinary clients approximately 14% to 19% for up to 3 years and 15% to 20% for up to 5 years.

Registration procedure

To obtain a loan, you must leave an application at the bank branch, providing the required package of documents.

Salary clients of Sberbank m can apply for a loan online through your personal account. To obtain a loan at a branch, you need to provide a Sberbank bank card and an identity document.

Required documents

The following documents are required to apply for a loan:

  • application-questionnaire;
  • the passport(obligatory citizenship of the Russian Federation and registration);
  • salary certificate for the last six months;
  • certified copy of the work book by the employer;

Early repayment of a car loan

If possible, credit can be repaid early at any time. This can be done both online and at a bank branch by writing an appropriate application. The loan repayment service is free.

Today, buying a new car is not difficult for any motorist. Having available only up to 30% of the cost of transport, you can get a loan to buy a car, for example, in Sberbank. This offer is for those who do not like to wait, but want to drive their vehicle today. Let's consider what are the conditions for car loans at Sberbank of Russia and what are its advantages, in more detail.



  1. Strict requirements for potential borrowers. Sberbank does not issue loans to clients with bad credit history, low income or short work experience.
  2. The need for a down payment. Although Sberbank will contribute most of the amount for the purchase of transport for you, you should still have the amount of money for the first installment.
  3. The stay of the purchased car in the status of a pledge of Sberbank. A prerequisite for the bank is the registration of the purchased car in the collateral of the lender. More details can be found.
  4. Casco insurance. All Sberbank car loan programs require mandatory comprehensive insurance.
  5. In addition to paying the entire cost of the car, you have to pay interest on the cost of the loan to a financial institution for the provision of services.

When studying the terms of lending to buy a car at Sberbank online, weigh again the pros and cons of such an important step as applying for a car loan. After all, this is a debt obligation not for a month, but for several years. Sberbank of Russia offers several options for car loans - these are the "Car loan", "Car loan with state support" and "Partner car loan programs" programs. Consider the conditions and requirements for their provision each separately.

Autocredit program from Sberbank of Russia

The bank's offer called "Autocredit" applies to the purchase of a new or used car of a domestic and foreign manufacturer. In addition, the conditions of this type of loan offer:

  • issuance of a loan for a period of 12 to 60 months;
  • the possibility of granting a loan in several currencies (rubles, dollars, euros);
  • making a down payment of 15% of the cost of the car;
  • payment of an interest rate of 11.5-16% per annum.

The advantage for individuals who use a Sberbank card to receive a pension or salary, as well as who have a bank account, is a 1% reduction in the annual interest rate on this loan. In this case, you can take a loan to buy a car with more favorable terms.

"Auto loan with state support"

This offer of the bank applies to the purchase of cars exclusively of Russian assembly. However, you should not worry about this. Today, many well-known brands of cars come off the Russian conveyors. The loan terms for this program are as follows:

  • a period of 1-3 years is provided for repayment of the loan;
  • interest rate (depending on the loan term) varies from 8 to 10%;
  • the amount of the first installment is equal to 15% of the cost of the purchased car;
  • the cost of the car should not exceed 750 thousand rubles.

"Affiliate car loan programs"

This offer is suitable for potential borrowers who wish to purchase a car from a car dealership that is affiliated with the bank. For such persons, the auto shop is ready to offer a significant discount, various gifts and favorable conditions for a loan from Sberbank of Russia:

  • the minimum amount of the down payment does not exceed 15% of the cost of the car;
  • the interest rate under the loan agreement varies from 10.5 to 16% per annum;
  • granting a loan in several currencies - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • The maximum loan term is 3 years.

Thus, if the car dealership where you chose the car is included in the list of Sberbank partners, then you can get a car loan right on the spot and at the same time get favorable conditions.

Important requirements that the bank imposes on borrowers

For individuals, the bank puts forward special requirements for providing a loan for the purchase of a car:

  1. The age of the potential borrower must be in the age group of 21-75 years.
  2. You must have a certificate confirming the official income of the borrower.
  3. Mandatory presence of guarantors or registration of the purchased car as a pledge.
  4. The length of service at the last place of work should not be less than 6 months, and the total experience for the last 5 years - less than 1 year.

Thus, we can conclude that a car loan should be taken only if you are completely confident in financial stability. Otherwise, there is a big risk of being left without a car and the amount already paid under the loan agreement.

It is also worth noting that Sberbank offers its customers three car loan programs, from which you can easily choose the one that suits you. In addition, real customers (individuals) who have a card or account with Sberbank, the lender makes concessions and offers more favorable conditions.

But still, before taking such a responsible step, sensibly evaluate your strengths. The right decision will save you from further troubles, and buying a car will bring long-awaited joy.

Maxim Pogorelov

Worked for 7 years in a bank. I have two higher educations FINEC(St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance) and SPbPU(St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great).