Doctor (referring to guests) Good evening ladies and gentlemen! And by the way, you are all patients and patients for me! So, good evening, patients and patients! I would like to inform you that from today, by order of the Ministry of Tasty and Healthy Food, a medical worker must be present at events of this kind. Are there any objections? Of course, what are the objections? Will something happen? Are you going to take responsibility? That's it. So let's start the medical examination.
- Here you, for example, smoke? Maybe you drink pure alcohol? Well, don't grin like that, anyway, I'll find something from you, but for now, take a thermometer.
- Let's get to you. So, good, how good, how great. It's great……that I don't have it.
- Let's move on. For example, do you love children? So you have nothing against children? You know, it's bad! Sometimes you need to have. Here I, for example, have! If you are interested, you can come after the medical examination. And that's how it happens. One man thought, and a thought was born to him, and the other did not think, and he ... had a daughter, and then a son.
“By the way, why are you here today?” Ah, birthday? And why is the birthday boy so pale then?

(to the birthday boy) How is your appetite? How about the pressure? Pulse? Well, don't worry, honey. Now I will give you pills, and everything will be removed as if by hand. And appetite, and pressure, and pulse ...
Well. maybe you're tired? Well, nothing, an hour and a half lecture will not hurt you. In the meantime, I will give the birthday boy a personal medical card.

1st doctor:
Medical card
Personal medical card No. 1
Year, month, date of birth:

The council of doctors that came to the anniversary,
After examining the ear, throat, nose, liver,
Heart, kidneys, spleen,
Eye, intestines and brains,
Taking analysis from longing,
Taking the convolutions depth and intestines length,
The width of the holes of all, having calculated the metabolism,
The conclusion was made as follows: our hero of the day is young!!!

2nd doctor:
The cardiogram says, the heart beats flawlessly.
According to a blood test, fit for fiery love
And like a glass of urine, it does not hit the head.
Yes, and on the lower floor, when viewed, everything is in order,
Only smeared heels
Well, yes, it doesn’t matter, we always ran a lot.

3rd doctor:
Our hero of the day is not worn out, the brain, digestion are normal,
The pressure is still not naughty
And physically can work up to a sweat.
He can go in for sports - we can't keep up with him.
He warms with a kind word, he can do anything, he can do everything:
Wash, wash, cook, make something.
By the way, come to work regularly.

4th doctor:
We make a conclusion: does not need treatment.
Is it just to relax, maybe to wave to the sea.
Conclusion: without getting sick, without risking, we recommend to live long.
To have an active mode, to be obsessed with life.
So that on your centennial anniversary you are not sweeter!


  • The doctor is in a white coat and cap, with a phonendoscope. Can be played by both men and women. Not bad if the role is played by a real doctor.


  • “Certificate of the health of the hero of the day” - print the text on sheet A-4, provide the anniversary logo, seal. You can beautifully arrange, laminate and hand over to the hero of the day as a keepsake after the end of the scene.

Dear guests! Today you are all about a big pull, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be checked by the most highly qualified doctor, whose appointment…

A doctor in a white coat and cap enters.

Hello guests! Please prepare your hearts for the medical examination.

The doctor (Approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) says:

  • 1. Absolutely healthy.
  • 2. Let me hear what is in your heart? Diagnosis - easy love!
  • 3. And your heart is singing about something ... Can I listen?
  • 4. Young man, say A-A-A. Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It's okay, half of our population lives quietly with such a diagnosis.
  • 5. Well, you dear, what will please us? All clear. She is sleeping!
  • 6. And you, father, why are you so sad? We write: depression.
  • 7. So, the diagnosis is clear - it means 100 grams of vodka every half an hour tonight. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
  • 8 And who are you, can I listen? Heightened self-esteem. Nothing can be done about it.
  • 9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us. Who are you, what is your last name? Persecution mania..
  • 10. You sigh throughout the physical. Did you eat anything today? How do you generally eat?
  • 11. Here is your heart, it seems now it will jump out from an overabundance of feelings. Do you really want to say something? Well done.

12. Your heart, it seems to me, is worried about gifts. What did you give the hero of the day today? Better listen
heart, it will tell the truth.

(suitable for the hero of the day)

Tell me, when the anniversary is over, everyone will go home, and in the evening alone you will say to your wife the words that are in your heart. Can we listen too?

So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis is clear for everyone:

  • 1 Chronic jubilism.
  • 2 Bottledism.
  • 3 Dancelite.
  • 4 Relocation.
  • 5 Retost.
  • 6 Acute drunkenness.
  • 7 Hangover syndrome.
  • 8 Acute glass failure.

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!

Also passed a medical examination and our dear hero of the day! He is issued a "Certificate of the health of the hero of the day."

Nsh council of relatives and friends,
who came for the anniversary
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver,
heart, kidney, spleen,
Taking the meanders of the depth
and intestine length,
The conclusion was made like this:
our young hero of the day!
The cardiogram says
heart beats without a hitch.
By blood test,
fit for fiery love.
And like a glass of urine,
She doesn't hit her in the head.
yes, downstairs
when viewed from below,
Everything is in order, everything is in order,
just smudged heels.
Well, it's not a problem -
always runs a lot.
And the language of the hero of the day is not worn out,
there are no extra wrinkles on the face.
Normal brain, digestion,
only the channel of childbearing is blocked,
Well, it's not a problem -
He always wants sex.
And physically work
maybe up to a seventh sweat.
We conclude -
does not need treatment.
Just to rest.
And with the guests a little bit,
For health take
Grams 100, 125!

Cheerful sketch for an anniversary or birthday "Medical examination".

Congratulating the birthday man on his birthday, we always wish him happiness, success, prosperity and, of course, health. So today a representative of the city health department came to us and, breaking the Hippocratic oath, wants to divulge a medical secret to us.
(They hurriedly run into the room: Dr. Aibolit, a nurse (a man in disguise) with a suitcase in her hands, two nurse mice (their role can be played by children).

Dr. Aibolit:

We have heard about the anniversary for a long time
And "ambulance" immediately drove.
I'll introduce myself as my upbringing dictates,
Before you is the good doctor Aibolit.
I have two nurses next to me.
We call them in the ambulance - "Mice".
I have an intern.
Meet the nurse!

Today is very twirled
But they managed to get the vaccine.
So that the table does not double in front of you,
Now we will give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes out two syringes from the suitcase and hands them to the Mice. They, in turn, fill the syringes with juice or lemonade and inject a few drops into each guest's mouth.)

And we need a double dose already,
To better lay down prose on poetry.

(Mice are served by medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)

And our birthday girl

Always fresh and good-looking.
Now let's look in our suitcase,
To support your image today.
For sickness, we exclude all causes,
When we prescribe these vitamins.

(The nurse takes vitamins from the suitcase and hands them to the birthday girl.)
So that you surprise the whole world with health,
Take from us a magical elixir.

Making an accurate diagnosis
It's called an anniversary.
You had an urgent departure,
So welcome guests!

Our board of doctors
What came to this holiday,
I examined the hero of the day,
And, of course, stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,
Heart, kidneys, spleen,

Appreciated and brains
On the subject of melancholy, melancholy.
Taking the meanders of the depth,
And intestine length,
The conclusion was made like this:

In general, this instance
Vigorous, healthy, not at all old.

The cardiogram says, the heart beats flawlessly.

According to a blood test, he is fit for fiery love.

And like a glass of urine, it does not hit the head

Yes, and on the lower floor, when viewed in a negligee,

Everything is in openwork, everything is in order, only smeared heels,

Well, yes, it doesn’t matter, he always runs a lot.

And the tongue of the hero of the day is not worn out, there are no extra wrinkles on his face.

Normal brain, digestion

We conclude:
Doesn't need treatment!
Is it just to rest

And with the guests a little bit,

For a healthy person, take Grams 100, 125!

Maybe move to the sea.
Or on your own hacienda,
On the lawn, under the bushes!

No pain, no sorrow
Long life is recommended.
In active mode
Obsessed with a stormy life
Sports, honey and labor,
The house will be a full bowl!

Friends, as you know, in wine - wisdom, in cognac - a fortress, in vodka - fun, and only in water - microbes! Therefore, I propose once again to fill the glasses.

A woman, then prepare a festive scenario in which all the guests will take part in the skits.

Funny scenes for a woman’s birthday will cheer up even the most serious guests, and it will be interesting for the birthday girl to watch comic scenes of congratulations on her birthday.

Funny and funny mini scenes for a woman's birthday will be a great addition to the main gifts for the hero of the occasion.

Cool scene for a woman's birthday "Congratulations from a baby doll"


Dear guests!
Now let's remind the birthday girl about childhood,
About her carefree time!
We have a guest who is without coquetry
He knows everything about childhood and will tell you everything!

(runs out, jumping like a child, a plump man dressed up as a little girl, that is, he has a big bow on his head, knickers with ruffles to the knee, some kind of children's blouse, humming “La-la-la, la-la- la”, stops in front of the birthday girl and sings a song in a childish manner, to the tune “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

baby doll song

I am a little girl,
I play and sing
(Name of the birthday girl), like candy,
I sincerely love!

Everyone calls me baby
To each his own!
Because of the big belly
Most likely I'm a bobblehead!

In your favorite dress
I came to visit you
Beloved birthday girl
Brought a gift!

She sits dressed up
Got all the guests!
For this chocolate
The medal will be for her!

(runs up to the birthday girl and gives her a chocolate medal)

Cheerful scene for the birthday "Hunter and hares"

A hunter with a gun runs into the hall. You can think of him rolling on skis, for example, on roller skis, according to the scenario. He has a cap with earflaps on his head, and a jersey on his body.

Hunter, addressing the birthday girl:

This is where I got here
At least a little out of breath.
Pour a glass to drink
The neck should be moistened.
I haven't been for a long time
But there is one reason for this.
I still couldn't catch the gift,
Although he raced after them with all his legs!
But, thank God, I have a gun,
And I took advantage of it.
So it's a gift! Come in!
And show us your song!

Bunnies (disguised guests) enter the hall. Naturally, if they are in costumes like at matinees, then it will be even funnier.

Hares come out and begin to sing a song to the tune of the song "but we don't care."

We will sing today
We'll dance today
Only for you
Only for you.
On this glorious day
Your name day
We congratulate you
And these are the words:

Happy birthday,
Happy birthday,

We have a case
At this festive hour,
We scream to you
Be happy!

And all the guests are drunk
And all the guests are in a frenzy,
From your beauty
Can't take their eyes off them.
Congratulations with songs
And we sing faster
Cool words:

Happy birthday,
Happy birthday,
All your friends are here now.
We have a case
At this festive hour,
We scream to you
Be happy!

Happy birthday,
Happy birthday,
We scream loudly
We congratulate.
You have happiness
It will be ... oh-ho-ho!
We scream to you
Be happy!

Cool mini scene for a woman's birthday


Dear birthday girl!
One came to visit us
Extraordinary Citizen!
He looks a little weird
He wants to say thank you
And for what - now we find out.
Guest! We invite you!

(a man comes out with very large ears made of cardboard, foam rubber or sewn from something, he sings a song to the birthday girl):

Song Ushastika(to the motive of a song about Cheburashka “I was once a strange nameless toy ...”)

I used to be weird
Eating manna porridge
That's why he grew those ears!
About trendy diets
I learned from the newspaper
And immediately, foolishly, immediately applied!

But somehow on Sunday
me for my birthday
(Name of the birthday girl) invited and I decided to go,
From tasty treats
Have a nice experience
I could not go away for a long, long time!

I spit on the diet
Bought some candy!
Thank you, (name of the birthday girl), I want to tell you
For inviting
And tasty food
After all, the ears have become cool again!

(removes big ears and says a toast):

To fix my result,
I ask everyone to pour now!

Scene for a woman's birthday "Three girls under the window"

Three maidens by the window
Spinning late at night
And not so much they spun,
How they spoke with their tongues!

1st girl:
Something got boring for us!
Won't you go, girls,
Are we guests today?

Leading: Then the second picked up ...

2nd girl:
Drinking would not be a sin!
But where should we go
To accept us all?

The third did not guess for a long time,
Eyes become more cheerful ...

3rd girl:
Won't you go, girls,
Together for an anniversary!

And everyone went to you
Celebrate birthday.
Now don't be surprised
They will congratulate you.

1st girl:
Congratulations to the anniversaries from the bottom of our hearts.
We have gifts for you
They are very good!

2nd girl:
So that the disease does not take you -
We present this salt.
Don't hold the seasoning
And lie down on the temechko.
From diseases of all
Helps, they say! (hands over a pack of salt)

3rd girl:
You with this very gift
Do not grieve, do not be discouraged!
Slowly in your bath
Rub every place! (hand over a washcloth or sponge)

1st girl:
On this bright, glorious day
We congratulate you!
And with all my heart
Let's dedicate the dance!

A short funny scene for a woman's birthday "Medical Examination"

One of the guests plays the roles of a doctor and an assistant, and the birthday girl, of course, is a patient.

After a short examination, flavored with funny jokes, the "medical staff" leaves "for a meeting."

A few minutes later, the "health workers" return, and the "doctor" in the hands of List with a diagnosis. The doctor announces medical indications:

Passport data.

Age: blooms and smells.

Pulse: over the edge, difficult to measure.

Blood group: red bodies in excess, real blood with milk.

Heart rate: sometimes calm, from time to time freezes with excitement or delight, at the moment indicates complete happiness.

Hearing: versatile, suitable for everyday use.

Vision: helps to notice the positive even in small things.

Sense of smell: helps to accurately determine where the wind is blowing from, but the nose reacts only to the representatives of the stronger sex.

Diseases: for a strange reason, can hibernate after a hearty lunch or dinner. The same symptoms are observed while watching TV.

The final conclusion: the patient has just begun to live, it is urgent to get everything from life that has so far passed by, and also learn to enjoy everyday activities.