Form of event: literary and musical composition

Participants: pupils of 1-7 grades PURPOSE:

  • to cultivate interest in folk art, love for the Motherland, its history and culture, to expand the horizons of children on the basis of acquaintance with the wonderful world of Russian culture;
  • to form in children moral and ethical responsiveness to the beautiful in life and art, to develop fantasy, creativity, imagination;
  • to consolidate children's knowledge of arts and crafts through an overview of the crafts of Khokhloma and Gzhel.

- to develop the creative abilities of children, communication skills; - to teach children to expressively perform dance movements, to convey the cheerful, joyful nature of the songs; - develop the ability to work collectively in groups; - Cultivate a sense of unity.


— computer, multimedia projector; - Russian folk costumes; - musical accompaniment; - tea, pies.


— objects of decorative and applied art; — posters, manuals, books; - drawings and crafts of students.


The creations of Russian craftsmen are more expensive

My soul is all sorts of others.

And something special and resonant similar

For those who thought of them.

I. Creations of Russian craftsmen

II. Forget-me-not Gzhel: a) round dance with a tree; b) video presentation; c) ditties; d) Gzhel in drawings.

III. Fairy-tale Khokhloma: a) round dance with a tree; b) ditties; c) the tale of Khokhloma; d) playing with spoons.

IV. Star of Russia Pupil 1. Khokhloma is summer and autumn, A scattering of berries and a golden leaf. Gzhel - marvelous blue in January Above the snows in a frosty winter. Curl to curl - bright red, To make the soul more cheerful, Khokhloma is joy and celebration, This is the generosity of my Russia! Purity and sophistication of lines - Pale-faced Gzhel is cold - This is a blue unrestrained downpour, A blue crazy blizzard. Beauty is both quiet and sad, Inaccessible, like a lady's whim. Here it is - an undisclosed secret - For the Snow Maiden, a tea set. Borrowing colors from nature, The people are infinitely talented, And since Russia is contrasting, Khokhloma lives next to Gzhel. Round dance with a tree Presenter 1. Sit down soon, but listen About what miracle I will tell. Everything around is white-white, As if the snow had piled up. And on white - flowers, Like the azure of heaven, pure. Blue like a stream. This is Gzhel!

A song about Gzhel is being performed. Again on a winter evening we rejoice at the meeting, The blue fairy tale of Gzhel has come to us. From distant times, deep antiquity She conveyed her warmth and affection to us. Oh, dear Gzhel, blue fairy tale, Where did you get so much tender beauty? Away from my dear, From my beloved land, Where now, my little one, Are you growing up. From white birch trees, and even from snow My porcelain sparkled with white. Blue roses, Russian frosts, Gently painted my pattern with a brush. Oh, dear Gzhel. Fairy tale blue, You do not lose beauty over the years. In the direction of the dear, beloved Motherland From the heart you give warmth and affection! Student 2. Blue-blue Roses, leaves, birds. Seeing you for the first time, Everyone will be surprised. Miracle on porcelain - Blue font. This is called Just a painting ... (Gzhel). Student 3. Miracle with blue flowers, Blue petals, Blue flowers, Delicate curls. On white porcelain, Like on a snow-covered field, Blue flowers grow from under a white snowball. Really, really, you have not heard of Gzhel? Pupil 4. In the quiet suburbs of Moscow, the Gzhelka River runs. There is a village along this stream. Carved windows, a ridge on the roof. A sip from a clean well of water. Thickets of willow run along the river, Craftsmen live in that village. They make painted dishes, They create miracles in blue on white. Pupil 1. The blueness of heaven, What is so sweet to the heart, The brush of the master on the cup Easily transferred. Student 2. Here is a blue-white dish, Tell me, where are you from? It can be seen from afar came And blossomed with flowers: Blue, blue. Delicate, beautiful. Pupil 3. The inhabitants of Gzhel are proud of the Heavenly blue, You will not meet such Beauty in the world!

Slide presentation (first 12 slides) Student 1. Blue birds across the blue sky, a sea of ​​blue flowers. Pitchers and mugs - a true story or fiction? Golden handicrafts! A blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes, like drops in the spring. Kindness, care, warmth and patience - the Russian voiced Gzhel! Pupil 2. Grandmother and grandfather were sitting at the table, Drank tea from Gzhel Often, for many years. Teapot, cups, mugs Warmed us, Lovely little animals Pleasing to the eye. But the grandson came with his girlfriend to his home. Cuckoo clocks, A fringed tablecloth, Maybe they run wild Somewhere far away, Only in Gzhel he poured tea For her. No matter how many millions of days fly, We are without our Gzhel As if without roots. Whites and blues Delicate flowers, It's all Russia - Mom, dad, you.

Continuation of the presentation Student 3. It's hard to believe: are there really only two colors? Miracles!.. This is how artists from Gzhel put heaven on the snow!

(Slides 13 - 18) Presenter 1: Different elements of painting are used by masters in their work: lines and dots, borders, droplets.

(Slides 19-20) But perhaps the most favorite pattern is the Gzhel rose. Sometimes it is depicted in large, broad strokes. And sometimes, written with a thin brush. Either we see a bouquet of several roses, or the flowers are scattered over the entire surface.

(Slides 21-22) Sometimes fabulous animals and birds are depicted.

(Slide 23) On large products, you can often see a landscape.

(Slides 24-25) Student 4. What kind of roses and peonies Masters write on the cups. And blue-white buds are beautiful today, like yesterday!

(Slides 26-28) Student 5. Blue on white, a thin outline of flowers We see in the patterns of our cheerful meadows. Dark blue miracle, nightingale trill. You sunk into everyone's soul, Our Russian Gzhel.

Pupil 6. Each artist has his own favorite pattern And each reflects a little side of her dear Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring And the skill is magical, worthy of admiration! Student 7. What could be more beautiful than Gzhel? Her porcelain products And teapots, and samovars, And dishes, funniest toys? Stucco handicrafts of painted pots, wonderful cups? Gzhel crafts: Cats, mice, squirrels... Under the magic brush of our craftswomen, flocks of colorful birds come to life. Magical flowers wave their petals, Gzhel paintings of wonderful beauty!

Presenter 1: Russian painter B.M. Kustodiev said that Gzhel teapots and cups bloom with "magical blue flowers." Indeed, the famous blue flowers, leaves and buds on a white background are an exceptional Gzhel tradition that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Gzhel masters deeply and sacredly preserve the traditions of their ancestors, creatively develop and increase them. In the semi-fairytale world created by the Gzhel masters, it is difficult to draw a clear line between the art of the past and the present. The spring that arose centuries ago in the soul of the Russian people does not dry up; having passed through the thickness of centuries, it still remains a powerful aesthetic force and does not lose its purity. In the continuity of the traditions of folk craftsmen, loyalty to them lies the grain of success and popularity of Gzhel ceramics in our time. Masters of Gzhel paint each item only by hand. The history of Gzhel goes back centuries, and its folk art is destined for a long life. Gzhel blue birds fly to different parts of the planet to decorate the life of people, to cultivate a sense of beauty.

Chastushki Put your ears on top of your head, We'll sing ditties about Gzhel. Blue blue pattern, Whiter than white porcelain. Gzhel products - Just a feast for the eyes! A blue flower, A blue leaf, This is a Gzhel rose, Not a cornflower. How I'll start from the curb, I'll jump on the grate, Don't think badly - I'm pulling the pattern. I put on a white skirt, I braided a blue ribbon, That's what I became - Admire me! There are two flowers on the window, blue and white. When, mother, I grow up, I will give them to my dear! I'm looking out the window At the birch and spruce I'll invite Cyril with me On an excursion to Gzhel. I washed Gzhel dishes, Splashes scattered everywhere. Spray wipe - no problem! Oh, the dishes are good! What needlework Gzhel products! We are not just kids, We are Gzhel masters! Podmoskovny masters kept traditions. Already seven centuries have passed But Gzhel has not been forgotten.

Presenter 1. In life, you will hardly find anywhere, So that flowers of unprecedented beauty bloom around. Pause, the student approaches the guests.

Student 1. I see there are craftswomen here. Draw us a pattern - Blue skies expanse. We will ask you, girls, needlewomen-sisters, to draw a pattern for us, to show our Gzhel. The task was given to the guests to draw dishes painted in Gzhel style. The song "Forget-me-not Gzhel" sounds. At this time, a Gzhel slide presentation is on the screen.

The presenter collects the work of the guests.

Student 2. A simple pattern From shades of paint, White clay, porcelain - Attributes of a fairy tale! Like a child's hand On pieces of clay Drawn in three strokes Blue paintings. Cups round sides Having painted in rings, In petals and clouds - Tiles for the stove. Blue lace, Cobalt hoarfrost, As if a blizzard has swept Curls of lines. I stuck Blue figurines for the game, For the fun of the kids, Hares and whistles. Hidden in the lightness of the stroke The secret of miracle clay. Centuries live in Rus' An ancient craft. Generations of masters of the White and Blue Gzhel. Magicians of two colors, Our Botticelli!

Pupil 3. A gentle flute plays, And freezes in admiration. The pearl of Russia is Gzhel, Where inspiration settled. Here everyone is a master and a creator. One paints a vase, Another, skillful, taking a chisel, Inflicts a pattern with a secret script. The Slavic god, the beautiful Lel, Who sang the beauty of the earth, Removed the cradle with flowers, Breathing into them a completely different life. Interlacing of leaves, herbs, flower, twig, border. In everything I see the Russian temper. And the soul of a bright child. Such a miracle could be created by a master who loves nature. His vocation is to give minutes of joy to the people. Here is a pretty little slipper with azure shining merrily, On it a tired little man lay down comfortably, resting. Gracefully the lizard stands, Climbing deftly onto the box. The back is burning in the sun And the head is proudly raised. In a beautiful blue frame The clock is running quietly. Years and moments pass. And Gzhel is alive, flowers are blooming! A pattern for many years. It will remain the calling of the Gzhelians. And the Pleiades of craftsmen will never run out!

Before the second part, a video dance about Gzhel is shown, the song “Khokhloma” performed by M. Pakhomenko sounds.

Presenter 2. In the village of Semenovo - In the Russian region. There were huts There when they were there... And the birds sang there, The earth fed. And the yellow rye caressed the fields. Forests there gave birth to Rowan, flowers. And people lived there, Cherishing dreams. To make life more beautiful For the inhabitants of those- They wrote on the bowls A pattern for fun. Wrote patterns Their hands, souls. Prayed in cathedrals, That there was no land. And in these patterns Rowan vines. Cathedrals, Forests and mowing reigned. There, the Russian people performed the muse with the Brush. And he created a fairy tale, Gently inscribed fruit. There, a fairy tale was woven into buckets and houses. This is how Khokhloma was born! Round dance around the tree

Presenter 2. Carved spoons and ladles You see - but do not rush, There the grass curls and flowers of Amazing beauty. They shine like gold, As if flooded with the sun. All the leaves are like leaves, Here is every golden one, Such beauty people Call Khokhloma! Student 1. Like a firebird sorceress, Does not go out of her mind, Enchantress-craftswoman, Golden Khokhloma! And rich and beautiful, I am glad to the Guest from the bottom of my heart. Goblets, cups and ladles, And there is just nothing here: Clusters of fiery mountain ash, Sun-colored poppies, And daisies of meadows. Dawn red rays, And the patterned ornament of ancient Suzdal brocade! Student 2. Cups, cups, spoons, Russian nesting dolls, All the dishes are painted And almost like gold! The whole world knows this: This is a Russian souvenir. All - old letters - Golden Khokhloma!

Pupil 3. The branch smoothly bent And turned into a ringlet. Next to the three-fingered leaf Strawberry scarlet color.

Pupil 4. She shone, rose, poured with sweet juice. And the grass, like a fringe, Golden Khokhloma! The children sit down, the presenter remains

Presenter 2. Look! These things have now come to visit us, To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty. To introduce us to the world of Russia, the world of legends and goodness. To say that there are miracle people in Russia - masters! Student 1 asks a question, Student 2 answers.

  • I have questions for the Khokhloma master. Where did the name Khokhloma come from? (Back in the 17th century, in the trading village of Khokhloma, the predecessors of the Semyonov masters were selling painted dishes with an amazing name, which came either from a fiery bird with high feathers on its head, or from tall grasses, golden from sunset)
  • How old is this craft? (He is already 700 years old)
  • Your dishes are wooden, but they look like gold. How do you do it? (Khokhloma craftsmen have their own way of “gilding”. The dishes were rubbed with tin powder, covered with drying oil and heated in ovens. The drying oil turned yellow from the high temperature, and the tin that shone through it became like gold)
  • In Khokhloma painting, I see only three colors. Do masters use other colors? (Khokhloma masters use four colors: red, black, gold and sometimes green. These colors convey well the special Khokhloma grass pattern.
  • Khokhloma is very similar to Gorodets painting. How to distinguish them? (On products from Khokhloma, you can see only herbal or floral patterns of four colors, and on Gorodets painting there are people, animals, birds, blue and yellow colors are used, but this special Khokhloma golden color is not.)
  • Is Khokhloma known in other countries? (Modern Khokhloma has rightfully received wide recognition not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. Table sets, cups, spoons, and furniture decorated with bright painting are exhibited at many major international exhibitions. And it always unique cheerful art finds love and understanding of people of all nationalities).

Chastushki All the leaves are like leaves, Here is every golden one. People call such beauty Khokhloma! My grandfather's grandmother made me draw before lunch - After all, it's nice to pour cabbage soup into beautiful dishes! Khokhloma and Khokhloma - I will decorate all the houses, And then the whole street, Rooster and chicken! I'll give milk And pour a kitten, I'll paint with Khokhloma Dear Burenka! My ugly kitten, Here are the news, Khokhloma painted, Became in first place. I saw this yesterday - You won't tell anyone: A hare sits on a birch And draws Khokhloma! I run, my legs are tired. What can be done to lift the spirit? It would be nice to draw Khokhloma along the road! I will paint the whole sky, I will paint with Khokhloma, Let all the pilots fly Under such beauty. Oh, do it, do it, do it, doo-la-la, Do it, do it, do it, doo-la-la!

Tale of Khokhloma

Student 1. A long time ago, 300 years ago, In a small village beyond the Volga, Peasants lived, rich in labor (I will talk about this later). From the tree "raw linen" was cut out. They dried it with clay - they coated it with peahen. They skinned (removed all the excess clay) And lubricated with boiling vegetable oil - Olifili means. And again they dried it. Then they rubbed it with silver-powder - Ludili. And put it back into the hot oven. And they wrote in dry colors. They wrote with flowers. A blade of grass. Droplet. And the stalk - kriul on the pattern was allowed. Green leaves large and small And berries - a miracle thrown across the field: Raspberries, currants, cherries, strawberries - All scarlet against a golden background. Animation. Drying. Zakrepok - A gift is ready, a wonderful one for anyone's home. Yes, there is a gift. Or to the crowded fair A good product is Khokhloma dishes. Went and flew around the world from here. Went and flew. And now we all know the beautiful Khokhloma. And spoons with trays. And cups. And boards - Fairy tale-nature, where everything is in reality. (Simultaneously with the fairy tale, a cartoon about Khokhloma is shown). Pupil 2. Khokhloma spoons and those I have a constant feeling for them. Since childhood, they are dear to me, dear! I'll lay them out, and people are happy, And no remarks or complaints, One thing is heard in the conversation at the table: - The cabbage would be hot, borscht would not hurt! Khokhloma brush, thank you very much. Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life. You, like the soul of the people, are beautiful, You, like people, serve the Fatherland! Student 3. If I just get bored, As soon as I play them, It will immediately become more fun, My legs want to dance.

Spoon game. Student 1. Khokhloma painting, Scarlet berries scattering, Echoes of summer in the green grass. Coppice groves, silky bursts of sun-honey golden foliage. The chiseled beauty has a brocade sundress, Yakhonts burn on the waves of patterns. What kind of sorcerers Khokhloma dressed In this indescribable festive outfit. Khokhloma painting, as if witchcraft. She asks herself for a fabulous song. And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences - Our Khokhloma is more wonderful than all miracles!

Children perform the final song "Star of Russia" (at the same time, photographs of Gzhel and Khokhloma are broadcast on the screen).

Presenter 1. Our Russia is great,

And our people are talented.

About Rus' native craftsmen

The whole world is talking.

Presenter 2. Our Russian creations,

Do not age hundreds of years.

In beauty, in Russian talent

Everything is a secret!

Presenter 1. Craftsmen enjoyed good fame among the people and received awards for good work, but folding awards

Presenter 2. And we will present you with tea and pies! They take out the samovar, pies.

Marina Annenko
Entertainment scenario "Gzhel patterns"

Entertainment Scenario« Gzhel patterns»

To the tune of a song "Autumn" (words by T. Artyukhova)

1. What happened? White all around

Only blue flowers stood in a circle.

Blue and white...

This Gzhel came to us(2 times)

2. White field, blue flower,

How good it is for me to be with you.

The blue river birch is white ....

Oh, how good are you, Rus'! (2 times)

3. White clay, white porcelain.

Blue paint, blue pattern.

It's you, Gzhel my dear,

Thank you for coming to us (2 times)

1st teacher. Just 30 minutes drive from our kindergarten there is a place known to the whole world under the name gzhel! Why is she famous?

1st child. IN gzhel dishes are made from white clay.

2nd child. And paint it with blue and blue paint.

3rd child. More such dishes are not made anywhere else in the world.

2nd teacher. Work in Gzhel for glory but also know how to have fun.

Two children go to the center of the semicircle.

1st child.

Restless Boots

They themselves hear where the accordion is,

They themselves dance

My boots are.

2nd child.

We don't stand still

Won't you let me sit down?

Because of you, because of you

I'm always dancing

Both together

We ask everyone to stand up,

Let's dance the polka

Here the music plays

He invites us to dance.

(Perform polka of your choice)

All the children dance, then sit on both sides of the hall.

1st teacher. Do in Gzhel not only dishes but also figurines of people and animals (shows to children and parents)

2-educator. And once the master turned out such a nesting doll.

Performing skit"Caprilly" Then the children read poems about Gzhel(author V.K. Lobanva)

In the quiet suburbs,

river Gzhelka runs.

Along this stream

The tree is standing.

different windows

Horse on the roof

From a pure well

A sip of water.

Thickets of willow run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village

They make painted dishes

Blue on white miracle work

white lump of clay

The master is holding

Something native felt

In the features that suddenly appeared

Here comes the hostess

Distribute food to chickens

Here's a daughter cuddled up to her mother -

Blue on white.

Thin contour color

We see on patterns

Our cheerful meadows.

White and blue wonder

Nightingale trill

You all sunk into the soul,

Our Russian gzhel!

1st caregiver

I love Russian birch

The light one, the dark one.

In a white dress

With handkerchiefs in my pocket

Children lead a round dance to a Russian folk song "There was a birch tree in the field"

2nd caregiver

Put your ears on top

We are about Gzhel sing ditties

Children perform ditties (words by L. A. Lyapina)

I walked across the field

Found three flowers.

White, blue, light blue...

I admire beauty.

I found paint at home

Turned up her blue eyes,

Cheeks blushed...

Mom, don't scold me!

Wearing a white skirt

I wove a blue ribbon.

This is how I became

Admire me!

There are two flowers on the window

Blue and white

When, mom, I grow up,

I'll give them to my little one!

I'll look out the window

On birch and spruce.

I will invite Cyril with me

On an excursion to gzhel!

blue clouds,

blue water

I will be the captain

You will be proud of me!

Soaps Gzhel dishes,

Split spray everywhere.

Splashes wipe - no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!

We sang ditties to you.

Is it good? Is it bad?

Now let's ask you

for you to clap.

1st teacher.

A swan floats along the river,

Above the bank carries the head

She flaps her wings

We shake off the flowers with some water.

Girls perform a dance « Gzhel patterns» to a Russian folk song "The moon shines, the clear one shines"

1st teacher.

Let's end the holiday with a friendly song!

We will sing it all together

2nd teacher.

There is no more wonderful country on Earth,

Than the one in which we live!

Children become a semicircle and sing a song about their native land, leave.

Related publications:

Purpose: all-round development of children in the fresh air. Tasks: To carry out work on familiarization with the surrounding world. How to spend time walking.

After reviewing the publication of Irina Safarova "Didactic game" Decorate the dishes ". Gorodets painting ", I decided to show my game, made according to.

Games and fun with sand "Patterns on the wet sand" Purpose: To help children get to know the world of inanimate nature around them better. Create favorable conditions for sensory perception, improvement.

In my opinion, Gzhel painting is the most beautiful. Outlandish flowers, leaves and blades of blue are located on the snow-white background of her painting.

We met golden autumn, decorated the kindergarten "Rosinka". We watched the fall of the leaves from the window and in the garden, we did not get tired of rejoicing, the mood.

Abstract of the drawing lesson "Frosty Patterns" Topic: "Frost patterns" Purpose: teaching children how to draw patterns on the window. Tasks: Learn to draw in a certain sequence; Call.

Target: to acquaint children with folk craft: Gzhel, Dymkovo Khokhloma art, the features of that art, with the technology for the production of art objects; develop mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking; connected, colloquial speech; emotional responsiveness; to cultivate love for the Motherland, people: respect for the work of craftsmen, artisans, artists; aesthetic taste.

Equipment: in the center of the front wall there is a sham Russian tower, in front of it is a bench (or a mound); on the right is another bench, on the left is a birch; on the right, not far from the bench, an easel with illustrations of objects of Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo painting (like a flip calendar); tape recorder with recordings of Russian folk melodies.

The progress of the matinee

Russian folk music sounds, the boy Foma enters the site and addresses the audience.


From all doors, from all gates

Come quickly, hurry up, people!

The music stops, Foma turns sideways to the tower and speaks.


I stand, Thomas, in the middle of the courtyard,

Opposite the wide tower,

Opposite the high porch.

Not hewn, tower, not hewn.

Just well painted.

He starts playing the balalaika (a quiet phonogram of the balalaika sounds).


Play it, balalaika

Play it, call.

Are the girls at home?

Knocks on the window of the tower.

At home el Marya,

At home, is Daria,

Is darling Katyushenka at home?

Thomas. Red girls, I ask you to take a walk.

Girls. Why not go?

3 girls come out dressed in costumes with Gzhel, Dymkovo, Khokhloma painting, to the music. Pass by Thomas, bow to the audience.


Let's sit down, we youngsters, on a maple bench.

On a maple bench, but under a white birch.

Gzhel, Khokhloma sit on a bench.


And I'll take a walk, I'll have fun.

I will look at people, I will show myself.


What will you show people?

How do you respect the good?


And I will show myself, I will tell you everything about myself.

Am I not good, not ruddy, cheerful?

Gzhel, Khokhloma, Foma. Good! Yes, you, Dymka, are very beautiful.

Haze. In order for me to be like this, many masters put their skillful hands to me. The Dymkovo craftsmen will first knead the clay, fashion figures of people and animals from it (shows illustrations on an easel). Then the figures are dried in the sand. After they whiten everything, everything, from head to toe.

Thomas. And then?

Haze. And then the painting masters get down to business. Their skillful hands will take brushes and paints, and various frills, bright lace, patterns, beads on the neck, flowers on the apron will appear on the figures. Oh!

Thomas. What's happened?

Haze. Yes, here (points to the apron). She was in such a hurry that she put on an apron that was not fully painted.

gzhel. No problem. We will now help you paint your apron. Here you just need to complete the drawing, just like on the other half of the apron. Who wants to help?

A pre-prepared child comes out and lays out a drawing on an apron. Gzhel and Khokhloma put on an apron on Dymka.

Haze. Thank you. How beautiful it turned out.

A Russian folk melody is heard.

Thomas. Who is it there?

Haze. These are my relatives. Dymkovo toys. Here, here. (Waving hand.)

Children in Dymkovo costumes enter to the Russian folk tune. They dance and sing the Russian folk song "The Moon Shines".

Thomas. Ah, how fun! What a miracle, these Dymkovo toys. We ask you to be our guest. Have a seat.

Seating them among the guests in the hall.

Khokhloma. Why are you so sad, Gzhel?

Gzhel. How can I not be sad. I also want to have the same bright outfit, otherwise my outfit is only blue and white.


What are you, dear friend,

You're good too

My kind soul!

gzhel. Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I, too, like you, Dymka, are made by the skillful hands of a master. The masters will cast figurines from glass (shows on the poster). Masters make cups, saucers, teapots, candlesticks and even clocks with chess. These objects will be covered with glaze, and then they will begin to paint with paints. I am painted with blue, blue paint. So I get a blue-blue outfit. (Whirls around showing off his costume.)

Thomas. Yes. There are only three colors: white, blue, blue, and what a beauty it turns out. Eye-catching. Only Gzhel masters are capable of this.

The melody of the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field" sounds.

Gzhel. And these are my sisters.

3 girls enter in costumes with Gzhel painting and dance around a birch (1-2 verses).

Thomas. We ask you to visit. Have a seat.

He escorts the girls to the audience.

Khokhloma. And now it’s time for me to show myself, to tell everything about myself. I, unlike you, are carved from wood by craftsmen. I Khokhloma - always young and cheerful. The craftsmen will carve plates, dishes, cups, bowls, spoons from wood. Covered with clay. The layer of clay on the tree is thin-thin. Then such blanks are placed in the oven and fired. The blanks become golden. Then the blanks are signed. Brush in hand - and fantasize. Here is the outfit I have.

Spinning around showing off his costume.

Thomas. And really good! Bright. Just a miracle!

Khokhloma. They sat well and sat their legs. Isn't it time to sing and dance?

gzhel. It would be nice, Thomas, to sing ditties.

Thomas. Why not. Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gzhel masters always sing at work. And we will sing.

Other children-toys join the actors and begin to sing ditties. All the children conclude by singing a verse together:

We sang ditties to you,

Is it good or bad

And now we ask you

For you to clap us.

Khokhloma. Just as fun as in the old days, and today, in our days, the masters made Dymkovo toys to the delight of everyone, (Dymkovo children and Dymka bow) Gzhel (bow) and Khokhloma (bow).


It got dark, it got dark.

And now, kids

It's time for us all to go home.

We say goodbye

Together. Goodbye!

The participants wave their hands to the audience, the audience leaves the hall to the music.

Lesson in arts and crafts. gzhel

Target: to update the knowledge of students about the painting "Gzhel"; to teach how to draw elements of the painting "Gzhel", to form concepts about the ornament.
1. Introduce children to the painting "Gzhel"
2. To introduce children to the heritage of Russian folk art and its traditions.
3. Teach children to draw up an action plan, to properly allocate time for work.

1. Develop children's horizons and form ideas about the role of art in society.
2. To develop figurative thinking, creative imagination and imagination in children.

1. To educate a creative personality, spiritually rich, internally free, capable of building a life worthy of a person who knows how to be happy in this world;
2. To cultivate such personality traits as kindness, responsiveness, diligence, love for the native land.
3. Raising students in harmony with the outside world, with native nature, discovering the beauty of the world
Equipment: slides, dishes and figurines with Gzhel painting, patterns of ornaments, on the board the words “potter”, “porcelain”, “cobalt”, “palette”, “sketch”.

I. Organizational moment.
The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson starts!
Here are the ideas and tasks,
Games, jokes, everything for you!
We wish everyone good luck -
To work, have a good time!

II. Introduction
- Guess the riddles:
1. A spider dreams at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch
Long beak and two wings...
Arrives - bad things.
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This is ... (bird)
2. She dies before autumn
And comes alive again in the spring.
A green needle will come out to the light,
It grows and blooms all summer.
Cows without it are in trouble:
She is their main food. (flowers, grass).
Teacher: That's right guys! Birds, grass, flowers, curls are the main elements of the painting, which we will learn about today in class.

III. Main part.
- Today we will get acquainted with Russian folk art and it is called GZHEL.
Fifty miles to the east of the capital princely city of Moscow, dense forests stretched, and among the forests, on loamy non-chernozem lands, stood the Gzhel volost. She was famous not for pies and carpets, but for handicrafts of local craftsmen. Pottery craftsmen used to live here.
Teacher: - Who are potters?
(masters who make products from clay)
For a long time they made dishes from white clay. Even the name of the village was associated with the word “burn”, because clay products were fired in a kiln at a high temperature.
And then one day they got together and began to think how it would be better for them to show their skills, to please all people and glorify their land. Thought and thought and thought. We decided to sculpt dishes that the world had never seen before.
Each master began to show his ability. One made a teapot: a spout in the form of a cockerel's head, and a chicken flaunts on the lid. Another master looked, marveled, but did not begin to sculpt the teapot. He saw a bull on the street, and fashioned it. The third master marveled at such beauty, but he himself came up with an even better one. He made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fish. The fish smiles, waving its tail, shaking its fins. It turned out to be a wonderful sugar bowl.
They began to think and wonder how to decorate such beauty?
They dispersed to their homes. They go down the road and look. And all around is fabulous beauty, blue-blue is spreading: a high sky with white clouds, a blue forest in the distance, a blue expanse of rivers and lakes, and white fog spreads over them. So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain. And everything that the brush paints becomes blue and blue. And flowers, and people, and birds, and grass ...
People fell in love with elegant dishes, and they began to affectionately call it “Pale blue wonderful fabulous Gzhel”. The Gzhel masters glorified their beloved land all over the world, they told everyone what skillful craftsmen live in Rus'.
And to this day the ancient town of Gzhel is alive. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous masters work in it, continue the glorious tradition, sculpt and paint amazing Gzhel dishes (showing dishes with Gzhel painting) Fizminutka
One - hands waved up
And at the same time they sighed.
Two or three - bent down, got the floor
And four stood up straight.
We breathe in the air,
When bending, we exhale.
But you don't have to bend your knees.
So that the hands do not get tired,
We will put them on the belt.
Jumping like balls
Girls and boys
Today, the Gzhel Association is a modern enterprise, which includes 6 production facilities with a staff of 1,500 highly qualified workers.
Gzhel is vases, figurines, toys, fireplaces, chandeliers and many other porcelain products. Gzhel products are very popular in Russia and abroad.
Russian painter B.M. Kustodiev said that Gzhel teapots and bowls bloom with "magical blue flowers." Indeed, the famous blue flowers, leaves and buds on a white background are an exclusively Gzhel tradition that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The original style of cobalt (blue paint) painting uses thirty different shades, from an almost transparent light blue to a rich dark blue. But the shades appear only after firing, when raw, the cobalt pattern looks gray-black.
Let's try to get as many shades of blue as possible on our palette.
(we use blue paint of only one color)
Since the Gzhel masters painted their products with flowers, leaves, curls, birds
Let's also try to apply our pattern (sketch) beautifully on paper. First, you think about what you will depict on your products.
(The teacher shows on the board the techniques and techniques of strokes, brush work) Children try to make their own sketches

Eyelashes fall...
The eyes are closing...
We rest in peace.
We rest in peace.
We fall asleep with a magical dream.

Our hands rest...
The legs also rest.
Rest, sleep.
Rest, sleep.
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...
Lips slightly open
Everyone is wonderfully relaxed.
Everyone is wonderfully relaxed.
Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...
We rested calmly
They fell asleep with a magical dream.
It's good for us to rest!
But it's time to get up!
We squeeze our fists tighter,
We raise them higher.
Stretch! Smile!
Everyone open your eyes and stand up!

And now, when you have thought about what pattern you will apply to your products, you can get to work. Take your time, work calmly.
(Soothing music plays.)

IV. Final part.(exhibition of works)

Guys, did you like our lesson?
- What new did you learn?
- Did you have any difficulties?
- Thank you for your work.

  • to acquaint children with folk crafts, traditions of Russian folk holidays;
  • fostering respect for the history of their people, patriotism;
  • development of children's creative abilities.

Decoration: the class is decorated with children's works made at drawing lessons (in the technique of Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, Dymkovo toys), panels "Russian Village", "Fair", as well as various handicrafts brought by students from home. All children are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

The course of the holiday

1. Leading - two buffoons.

1) To the fair! To the fair!
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!

2) Under a bush by the path
The buffoons were sitting.
I am a buffoon Troshka.

1) And I'm Fedul-buffoon!
Welcome to us, dear guests!
Don't be bored, have fun!

2) There are many different crafts in Rus',
Those that please the eye and bring benefits.

2. A story about folk crafts.

1) Why is Dymkovo famous?
With your toy!
It has no smoky color,
What gray is gray.
There is something of a rainbow in her,
From dew drops.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.
In her youth is a highlight,
It has prowess and scope.
Shine ocher with red lead
All over the earth in houses!
And anger and gloom like an ice floe
Without any trace
Let under the smile of Dymkov
Grow forever!

2) The Dymkovo toy is called so because it was born in the settlement of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Vyatka. The toys of the Dymkovo craftsmen were the brightest decoration of the fair, which hosted a festive festivity with a mischievous and cheerful name Whistler. Why whistle? Yes, because at this folk festival, the cheerful whistle of Dymkovo whistles rang in different voices.

3) About the ancient Dymkovo toy
We will sing ditties now!
Our pretzel hands
Cheeks like apples.
Have known us for a long time
All the people at the fair.
We are painted toys
Vyatka laughers,
Slobodskie dandies,
Posad gossips.
Dymkovo ladies
Everyone in the world is more beautiful.
And the spoiled hussars
Our Cavaliers.
We are noble toys
Complicated and fine.
We are famous everywhere
You will like us too.

4) Lace in dragonfly wings
And in the flying through clouds.
In the web of the airy forest,
In the weightless shadow of the carved,
A lace leaf circles over me,
Laced grass

5) Rhythms of blue-white wonderful colors
Sky blue and white blizzard
Moscow region - you are always beautiful,
This is our fabulous Gzhel.
Gzhel, Gzhel, fabulous Gzhel.
The song is soulful, the song is good.
As if a white blizzard covered the blue flowers.

6) And we all go, again forward and forward,
The road will lead us to Pavlov Posad.
What a wonderful pattern, what colors around
This field, flowers, like a sunny meadow!
Everyone is happy to see this Russian fairy tale here.
This fairy tale is called Pavlov Posad!

7) Khokhloma brush, thank you very much!
Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life!
You, like the soul of the people, are beautiful!
You, like people, serve the Fatherland!
Khokhloma, Khokhloma! All the people went crazy!
Bright, radiant, golden patterns!

8) How many fabulous places in Russia!
There are countless cities in Russia.
Maybe somewhere it's more beautiful
But it will not be dearer than here!

9) "Matryoshka" (to the music). Performed by girls dressed as nesting dolls.

Girlfriends walked along the path
There were few of them
Two matryoshkas, three nesting dolls
And one matryoshka.
Oh, yes, we are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls!
Albeit a little clumsy
On a holiday on our
We'll definitely dance!
Oh yes, we are all, we are all chubby,
Very famous sisters.
We can open up
Get out of each other.
Oh yes, balalaika, balalaika,
Come on, have fun playing!
Play it, don't break
For nesting dolls try!

3. That's how many different folk crafts there are in Russia. And all this was created by the "golden hands" of Russian craftsmen.

Children perform the song "Russian craftsmen" (V. Temnov, S. Abramov)

Small Russian villages
nice big cities
Often surprising
The beauty of ancient labor.

Ivanovo is famous for gentle chintzes,
Tula - samovars, sonorous button accordions,
Orenburg - famous for downy scarves,
Conquers Vologda with miracle lace.

As if in a shawl Kostroma, Goose Crystal, Khokhloma,
Palekh is also famous, everyone in the world likes it.
There is no miracle in this.
That Russia has long lived.
Grandson, seeing grandfather's secrets,
Passes on to his sons.

On scarves, on wood, on chintz
Everyone recognizes our land.
How can we not be proud of Russia
Its wise craftsmen!

4 buffoons.

Buffoons guess old Russian riddles. Children and guests guess.

Buffoons play with the guys in the Russian folk game "Tsar and Workers". The guys unite in 2-3 people, approach the king and pantomime show what kind of work they can do. If the king guesses correctly, then he takes them as workers. If not, then the workers leave, and everyone says in unison: "I didn't guess, I was left without workers!"

5. At our fair, you can buy and bargain a cow.

Dramatization of S.Mikhalkov's poem "How an old man sold a cow".

6. Buffoons tell boring tales and nursery rhymes.

Dear guests, would you like to eat sweets and listen to nursery rhymes.

1) - Fedul! What did you pout your lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

There is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

2) - Troshka! Why don't you come out of the forest?

Caught the bear!

So lead here!

He doesn't go!

Go yourself!

Yes, he does not let!

3) - Son, go to the river for some water.

Belly hurts.

Son, go eat porridge!

Well, if your mother tells you, you have to go.

7. - You can also listen to music at the fair.

The children play musical instruments. They perform folk songs.

8. - What a fair without ditties!

The girls are singing ditties

1. We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's good to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

2. And in our yard
The frogs croaked.
I'm barefoot from the stove
Thought it was girlfriends.

3. They say about me:
"He doesn't know how to bake bread!"
Well, what a curiosity -
On a shovel, and in the oven!

4. I have a combat
Ukhazherov - oh-oh-oh!
Grisha, Misha, Senechka
Not enough time.

5. You guys listen
We will sing awkwardly.
A pig grazes on an oak
A bear is steaming in the bath.

6. I'm from a high fence
I'll fall right into the water.
Well, who cares
Where will the spray go?

7. I will harness the cat to the droshky,
And a kitten in a tarantass.
I'll take my good
Show to all people!

8. There is a cart under the mountain,
Tears drip from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain
Puts on boots.

9. I work, I work,
I'm not afraid of work.
If the right side gets tired,
I will turn to the left.

10. We danced with the boys
Boots are rubber.
The whole village stared
Only mouths gaped.

11. I have a rose in my pocket,
The rose is fragrant.
And my character
Like a stinging nettle.

12. I don’t have a darling,
My friend has seven.
I asked: "Where did you find them?"
"Sowing in the garden!"

13. I walked through the village
And I saw Petrusha.
Sitting under the fence and crying
The chicken hurt.

14. Samovar, samovar
Golden leg.
I sowed peas
The potatoes have grown.

15. Giggles and giggles
Our guys are bastards.
Because of the bumps, because of the stumps
Can't see our guys.

16. We finish singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
When there is nothing to do.

9. Dance "Ring".

First, the guys dance (4 couples). Then each dancer invites a guest. The dance is performed again (8 couples).

10. Dance music is playing. Those who want to dance At the fair, tables with refreshments.