Vladimir Osipov

25.01.2016 - 22:54

On the Internet, for 3 months there is a secret international memorandum, signed in Strasbourg on June 25-29, 2014, which comes into force on May 1, 2016, i.e. Simultaneously with the convening on the initiative of Constantinople Patriarch, Bartholomew T.N. "The Unmarked Meeting" in Istanbul.
Memorandum produces a shocking impression. It refers to the establishment of a new planetary religion, which is actually the purpose of the and mentioned ecumenical meeting in Istanbul. The radical reforms of the church and society are planned:
- Reform of church worship, incl. Cancel of the morning;
- removal of icons from the church, removing iconostasis;
- the abolition of the mandatory wearing clothing of clerics outside the church;
- removal of saints - "anti-Semites";
- Delete "anti-Semitic" chants from all Christ. churches;
- Holiday introduction for the Jewish Holocaust for all Christian churches;
- removal of all national holidays for all Christian churches;
- introduction of new polyligious worship services with musical instruments for all Christian churches;
- organization of anti-racist and anti-fascist concerts within the church and beyond;
- the abolition of the ban on the entry to the holy Mountain of Athos and the transformation of Athos to the ecological Archaiko-Byzantine hostel-state, turning it into a new center of the new (ie, Ecumenical - St. Petersburg) of the Christian direction;
- the adoption of the first role in the Christian Church of the Vatican;
- elimination of all the patriarchy, except Russian, Roman and Constantinople;
- entry into the UN of the United Christian Church;
- the care of the Greek Church on maintaining from its own funds and the European Union about Muslim, Buddhist prayer houses and in general, all religious beliefs;
- issuing an electronic card to all persons insured in a single electronic system for 365 days;
- cancellation of religious and national holidays in all educational institutions;
- the elimination of the church of the students;
- Mandatory visits to the synagogues and the Islamic mosque (not indicated only, it is necessary to attend the mosques under the control of ISIL and other Islamist organizations - St. Petersburg);
- practical implementation of the course of sexual education at all levels of school education;
- Introduction of slide images in a lesson on sexual education;
- recognition of sexual freedom on television and in the press and free distribution of portraights;
- legalization of homosexuality in educational institutions, learning homosexuality;
- Entrance to hospitals only with insurance card, otherwise the entry will be prohibited;
- electronic identification of all citizens of the European Union and the Russian state;
- legalization of all immigrants in all countries of the European Union;
- removal of the Greek flag and flags of the whole of Europe, the abolition of religious holidays in Europe;
- recognition of homosexual marriages and marriages of transgender;
- the creation of monasteries with monks and nuns of all denominations and religions in the European Union and in the Holy Mountain;
- adoption of civil partnership and gay and elimination for the entire European Union of mandatory religious and civil marriages;
- Canceling the mandatory baptism of young children and metric. books;
- removal of religious burial and gradual introduction of mandatory incineration - cremation of the dead;
- Cancellation of national holidays and recognition of the World Government - from December 10, 2016;
- adoption by Christian churches the abolition of national states. Cancellation of state sovereignty.

The Memorandum comes into force on May 1, 2016. And until August 16, 2020, the document ends with the words: "We again and multiply pray to one God and a single person, so that he appeared to the world to solve all the problems of the planet." It is impossible to imagine that God approve of homosexuality, the actual liquidation of Christianity, the elimination of the church of the students, the notorious sexual education and other abuse listed in the memorandum. Obviously, the authors of the Memorandum have in mind by no means God, but another person. As for the cult of the "Unified Man", then this is certainly meant an antichrist. So this is a Memorandum of Antichrist.

Under the document costs 12 signatures. It raises a lot of doubt that the Antichrist Memorandum will sign the representative of Athon Archimandrite Ephraim and Morphian Neophyte (Cyprus). As for the chairman of the European Parliament of Herman Van Roby, the representative of the Konstantinople Metropolitan Church of Fethopolitos, these persons could sign the sinister text, because Its content largely corresponds to the position of the European Parliament and the Heretical Constantinople Patriarchate, which from the 20s of the last century is permeated by the Masonic Spirit. Article 15 of the Masonic Memorandum reads: "The above agreements will be ratified by the Universal Cathedral of the Christian Orthodox Church from June 19, 2016 until July 9, 2016. - This year.

The signature of the Slavic Patriarchate and the Russian Government of the Archbishop (actually - Metropolitan - St. Petersburg) of the Volokolam Hilarion also has among the signed Memorandum. Although Vladyka Hilarion actively ceps about the meeting of Patriarch Kirill with a heretic-pantiff and tasty for joint worships with heretics, we still doubt that he could put his signature under the Antichristian and anti-Russian document. It seems that the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia would not allow this. Yes, and hardly the head of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev gave Hilarion such a sanction.

And although a number of signatures under the secret memorandum are clearly falsified, we still do not consider it an absolute fake. Obviously, the Mason Group fabricated this document on the future, in-1, it largely corresponds to the general line of the EU member states and the United States (the liquidation of the family, the binary code of mankind, "velvet" while the discrimination of Christianity, the imposition of homosexuality and other perversions, intentionable damage to children and schoolchildren of the so-called Bartholoma at the so-called. "The Divorce Meeting" in Istanbul or in Shambiz (Switzerland) in May-June 2016

We once again contact the Holy Patriarch Kirill with a request to refrain from participating in the so-called. The "Unatario-Unqualified Meeting" of 2016. Russian Orthodoxy is the last rock, discarding worshilation and apostasia on the planet. Amen.

Union of Orthodox fractors
SPb Co-Chair Vladimir Osipov
Moscow. January 24, 2016

From the editorial The statement enrolled in the edition of the famous Orthodox figure of Vladimir Osipov, comments on a very controversial so-called. "Memorandum", walking on the global network. Even the SPb co-chair himself notes that a number of its provisions are falsification. Of course, it is impossible to exclude that this "document" ("Memorandum") as a whole - fake, like signatures of hierarchs under it.

However, the anxious letter of Vladimir Osipov raises not the narrow issues of the "Memorandum" authenticity. All items on the calculation and dehristianization, above all, Europe is actively implemented. A few days ago it became known about the ban on the baptism of babies in a number of EU countries. On the legalization of same-sex marriages and the total plantation of sodomy in the EU and it is not worth talking - this is commonplace, as well as the fact that even Orthodox Greece broke, which, under the leadership of the Sziprase, in addition to the crisis, also received the legalization of "partnerships" of sodomites.

Against this background, information on the preparation of the Distributed "Cathedral" or "Meeting" continues to receive, which cannot but cause anxiety from believers. Unfortunately, the Patriarchate is not paying enough attention to the clarification of what is happening among the flocks, which is why the impression of the latent training of global forums is outlawed out of sight of all members of the Russian Orthodox Church. Separating the alarm of letters of St. Petersburg, the editorial office "Today.ru" confirms the unacceptability of the disintegration of the disintegration, which is imposed by Russia by the so-called. "Partners".

In addition, we emphasize the importance of the openness and publicity of training participation or non-participatory ROC shepherds in joint with the Vatican and Constantinople patriarchy events. It is the clarity and the apostolic church from the clarity and the apostolic church from the clarity and the apostolic church from the other branches that hooked on the path of exhaustion and heresy, which is clear and a clear vocabulary position.

Shocking document!

In Strasbourg, June 25-29, 2014, the Secret International Memorandum was signed Υπερμνημονιο - Memorandum And it comes into force on May 1, 2016.

The full text of this Memorandum translated from English to the Greek is posted on August 14, 2014 and re-published on September 6, 2014 on the Internet portal http://apokalypsisnow.blogspot.ru/2015/04/blog-post.html.

And accompanied by an article-comment "Σοκ!ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ, ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΕΝΑΡΙΟ ΤΡΟΜΟΥ ! Η Συμφωνια του ολοκληρωτικου σκοτοςς ", that is," shock! Read, this is not a script of terrorism! The consent of all the power of evil. "

Memorandum - υπερμνημονιο-memorandum Unrestited concerns cooperation in the field of politics and religion between the Erosport - the Greek Government, the Kostankinopol Church "Istanbul", the Christian Orthodox Churches, the Catholic Church, the Russian Government and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

The essence of this memorandum comes down to establishing New Planetary Religion - Mudana Religio Adunata With the new type of society by culture, morality, education, medical care., Or rather, to say the project of a complete reorganization of the church and society, the creation of anticere and society-state-state antichrist. This document is discontinted the causes of the events that occur in Greece, Russia, proves an indisputable link to a single and solid node-electronic identification, homosexuality, new morality, education and religious reforms. In the light of this document, transformations and in the sphere of spiritual education are understandable, as well as the reasons for such a hasty convocation in Constantinople in 2016 on the day of St. Pentecost of the Divine Cathedral. The goal is to destroy the Orthodox Church, turn people into cattle.

Prominent hierarchs who signed this memorandum if they actually signed what we still doubt, because among them the signatures of such true shepherds of the Church of Christ as Archim. Ephraim, Metropolitan Morphine Neophyte, who is a student of the Holy Starf Phaiusa Svyatogort, as well as Metropolitan Vosta Timofey , they showed their full disbelief in God in the Trinity of Slutevoy and Fans, renounced their signatures from the true God and prepared themselves eternal hellish flour. However, we emphasize it, we have no doubt that this document is still a real "plan for the actions of the Masonic Forces, which largely explaining the existing reforms in our society.

He was signed:

A. Chairman of the European Parliament Herman Van Roby

B. Government Representative Greece Minister of Education

Andreas Lovneldos

B. Representative of the Constantinople Church, outside Constantinople, Metropolitan Iconia Fooclitos, Small Asia

G. Representative of the Slavic Patriarchate and Russian Government, Archbishop Volokolamsky Illarion, Russia

D. Representative Holy Mountain Athos Igumen Ephraim Watopedsky

E. Representative of the Cyprus Church and Government Cyprus Metropolitan Morphian Neophyte and Trimifuntsky Varnava,

J. Representative of the Antioch Church, Tripolsky Elijah,

I. Representative of the Alexandrian Church, Vasily Tripolsky,

K. Representative of the Jerusalem Church, Vostrian Timofey.

Memorandum text (in abbreviated version)


Our duty and authority is to implement reforms during the term of the Memorandum. Memorandum can extend its action or it can start its application earlier.

Memorandum of Insurance Funds in Greece, Cyprus and European Union

  1. Articles 11.

Article 1: Consolidation of the Funds of the Insurance System in Greece in two to 09/18/2019 ,
1. Social Security Health Credit Institution
2.Shism agencies of agriculture and labor
Article 2: Consolidation of pension payments in the amount of 560 € in two offices (2) from 09.30.2017 and 365 €, and up to 30.9.2020
Article 3: Issuance Electronic card to all persons insured in a single electronic system within 365 days, after completion of the card, it is automatically updated in institutions (insurance funds) for another 365 days, etc. FROM 01/12/2017 Change card.
Article 4. : Institutions remain open (work) on all Sundays of the year From 12 o'clock, institutions remain open on all Sundays of the year from 12 midnight to 8 afternoon except for 8 months. Realization of the Reformation dated 01.01.2017.
Article 5: day off for insurance organizations is Saturday during the whole year.

Article 11: Later, make a connection of institutions in one (1) from 16.8.2020

Memorandum - Ypermnimonio in the field of education

Articles 12.
Article 1. : Policy education In all educational institutions of the country, from 09.11.2016.
Article 2. : Cancel of religious holidays and national in all educational institutions , from 09.11.2017.
Article3. : Elimination of church of students 11/11/2016.
Article 4. : Mandatory visit to the synagogues and the Islamic mosque students of the level of school-dimato , and gradually at the levels of gymnasium and lyceum from 11/11/2016.
Article 5: Introduction to the educational level of Cola Dimotics (primary classes) of sexual education lessons from 09.11.2016 and providing free condoms for all students in elementary education in elementary school from 10.11.2016.
Article 6: Cancel of the lesson of Greek history , removal of information about the Greek uprising, the introduction of a lesson on the European revival with consecration of predominantly issues about the French and Italian revolutions of Garibaldi 1843. Reform starts from 11/11/12/2018.
Article 7: Practical implementation of the course of sexual education in all levels of school education, with 11.12.2017.
Article 8: Explanation of national holidays and festivals, from 10.16.2016.
Article 10: The abolition of theological faculties at universities from 10.16.2016. The transformation of them to the Faculties of Religious Studies as the Department of the Faculty of Philosophy. Delete a course of religious education at all levels of school education, starting from 09/11/2016, and the introduction of a reference lesson from 09.12.2016.
Article 11: Cancel many professors at different levels of education and Internet introduction From 1.1.2017.
Article 12:
12 A: Introduction of images-slides in a lesson for sexual education from 09.19.2016.
12 B: Introduction E-identification of students From 09.20.2017.
12 s: The introduction of electronic Baras (here is meant only bar codes or something afflicted) security in all schools and universities and the introduction of students-teachers in schools and universities with Security card.
12 D: transformation of educational institutions and university institutions in place with sexual freedom 09.17.2017.
12e: Sexy Freedom Stu denta from 09.16.2016.

Momerandum - Ypermnimonio relative to the church

Articles 15:

Article 1: Special
1A. : Reform of Church Services . In particular: time, schedules. Winter season: Making Divine Liturgy on Sundays from 10 am to 11:30 am. Summer season: committing Divine Liturgy on Sunday afternoon, at 7:30 pm afternoon, at 9 pm. The reform will start from 10.17.2017.
1B: Delete iconostasis from the church, from 26. 10.2017.
1. G: Introduction Icons for the Renaissance - Replacement of the Byzantine mentality , 01.03.2017: 1
1D: Introduction of musical instruments in the church, from 01.03.2017.
Article 2:
2 A: cancel Clearing Clearing Clothes outside the Church from 08.15.2017.
2B: Removing beard and hair from the clergy, from 01.05.2017.
Article 3: Definition of vigils in the sacred temples and monasteries, from 08.14.2018.
Article 4: Remove holy antsimits from 08/15/2016
Article 5: Introduction of the anti-racistic direction of sermons for the entire clergy, all the degrees of the priesthood, from 09.15.2016.
Article 6: Delete anti-Semitic chants from all Christian churches, from 09.16.2016.
Article 7:
7A: Remove morning In the Christian Orthodox Churches, from 09.16.2016.
7 V: The introduction of new worships In all Christian churches, from 09.16.2017.
7 C: Introduction of the Holidays of the Environment on June 5, each year, and on December 21, dedicated to the Mother Earth on April 14. The beginning of reform 09/20/2016.
7d: Introduction Holiday for Jewish Holocaust With a certain liturgical selection for all Christian churches. The holiday is determined to perform (3) times a year, especially in January 27, on April 21, in the second week after the Christian Easter, the eaugen is called the St. Thoma. The beginning of reform 1.7.2016.
7 E: Delete all national holidays of all Christian churches, from 07.15.2017.
Article 8:
8A: Reforming all Christian holidays of Christian churches (Comment: Does not write from what time it is entered for use).
8B: The introduction of new holidays in the Christian Church.
8B: Delete inaccessibility input For all Christian churches, since 04.17.2017.
8D: Log in the UN which will church , from 07.15.2017.
8 Question: Jerusalem will become a spiritual capital, from 01.05.2017.
8 F. : Take the abolition of the Patriarchate of the Jerusalem-Alexandria-Antioch and Slavic Patriarchate except Moscow , from 01.05.2017.
8 g: Only three patriarchate of the Christian United Church will remain, that is, the Russian Patriarchate, Roman Patriarchate and Constantinople Patriarchy, from 01/05/2016.
8: Changes in church schools in religious schools, all Christian churches, from 07.17.2017.
Article 9.
9A: Halkinskaya Theological School will open 07.17.2017.
9 B: The Greek Church assumes the care of maintaining, from own funds and the European Union, Muslim prayer houses.
9B: Also (to accept the Church of Greece) the care of Buddhist prayer houses and in general about all religious beliefs, from 01.09.2016.
9 D: Lessons for all believers of all religious beliefs in all religious centers of all Christian churches, from 09.20.2016.
Article 10.
10 A: Introduction of new polyteligious worship services with musical means in all Christian churches, from 05/20/2017.
10 b: Receiving all the temples of musical instruments and organizing concerts not only religious, in religious temples, on 10/20/2017.
10 C: carrying out anti-racist and anti-fascist concerts inside and outside the church as regularly conducted by Christian churches, from 01.05.2017.
10 D: Explanation of the ban on the entry to the holy mountain of Athos , From 01.06.2017.
10 E: The adoption by Christian churches of federal and multi organizations, from 09/01/2017.
10 F: Adoption of the UN World Government for International Associations, from 09/01/2018.
Article 11.
11A: The adoption of the first role in the Christian Church of the Vatican, from 08.15.2017.
11B: Introduction of Catholic (i.e. papal) monks and catholic orders and monks with ancient Greek worship for the holy mountain, from 11/21/2017 to 18/08/2018.
11C: adoption on the holy mountain cableway - smart systems - ancient cult statues - the conversion of Athos to the ecological Archaiko-Byzantine hostel-state - with independent public administration - transformation into a new center of the new Christian direction - a new center of the new religious direction and new church music , C 1.4 0,2018.
Article 12: The agreement of Christian churches with the fact that they are already included in the new era, since 2016 .
Article 13.
13a: from 07/17/2017 Translation of the Universal Patriarchate on about. Patmos in Greece or Mount Athos or in self-defraquity, i.e. Creation of three (3) centers of the Universal Patriarchate.
13 B: Tressing the leaders of Christian churches aged 28 and older, 11.1.2017.
Article 14.
14A: Organization for the ecology of symposia, conferences and international associations on the Islands of Greece, but also in Cyprus and in the Holy Mountain.
14B: Adoption by Christian Churches Cancellation national states and the creation of associations, such as multi-country, multi-centers, multi-cultural, polyconfessional and religious states and the creation of religious education institutions, such as the Universal Patriarchate 08/15/2017.
14 C: DISCUSATION OF CHTERS-PSALTS in Christian Churches and the introduction of choirs, from 16. 10, 2014.

Article 15.
15A: The above agreements will be ratified by the Universal Cathedral of the Christian Orthodox Church, from 19/06/2016 to 09/07/2016.

The above agreements are ratified:

. Representative of the Universal Patriarchate, Iconian Feoklitos
. Representative of the Holy Mountain of Heguman Ephraim
. Church and state Cyprus Bishop Trimifuntsky Varnava, Metropolitan Neophyte Morphian
. For Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Metropolitan Egory Timofey
. For the Alexandrian Patriarchate Archbishop Vasily Tripolsky

For Antioch Patriarchate Archbishop Tripolsky Elijah
. For all Slavic Orthodox churches and the Russian state, Archbishop Volokolamsky Illarion
. For Vatican cardinal Walter Caspersion

15V. : Acceptance from Jerusalem Patriarchate of all Christian pilgrimage sites in order to transfer them to four administrative and managers: UN, UNESCO, Russian Church, Vatican, proceed to execution from 1.5.2017.
15 C: Explanatory article, all components of the property will be directly controlled by the above mentioned Christian Orthodox Churches together with state and hypergazvators.

Memorandum - Ypermnimonio against hospitals and health care

Articles 8.
Article 1: Hospitals will be divided for people aged and modulus by age. They will be examined and treated in other places from 09/08/2017.
Article 2. : Entrance to hospitals only with insurance card Otherwise, the entry will be prohibited from 08/09/2017.
Article 3:
3A: hospitals, as will be determined from 01.08.2017.
3B: Creation of specialized prison hospitals, from 09.16.2017.
Article 5: electronic identification of citizens From 06.17.2017 on all services, not for hospitals.
Article 6: Liquidation of many medical specialties, from 08.17.2017.
Article 7: The merger of hospitals and the creation of multifunctional hospital centers, from 08.17.2017.
Article 8.
8A: Introduction of the healthcare card for all citizens, doctors, from 09.19.2017.
8B: Liquidation of the centers of the building and care, from 09.19.2017.

MomeramDum - Ypermnimonio according to administrative reform

Article 1: Electronic identification of all citizens of the European Union and the Russian State , from 16.6.2017. The adoption of the article by all Christian churches.
Article 2:
2 A: Cancellation of state sovereignty - making the creation of federated states united in the district - with the capital of the districts, application from 10.17.2017.
2B: Adoption in the Federation of Cyprus, from 8.14.2017.
2 C: The adoption of the UN as a higher authority, from July 10, 2017, for all religions of the world.
2D: the creation of HSC religious centers throughout the planet, as Famagusts in Cyprus 14/8/2018 - in Constantinople two religious centers in the temples of St. George, St. Fanuria, Saint Sophia Konstantinople, from 08.14.2018.
Article 3: Legalization of all immigrants in all countries of the European Union, without restrictions, from 11.19.2016.
Article 4:
4a: Taking actions of homosexuality (Probably gay parades and processions) - so that they can freely and regularly pass on all the streets of the cities of the European Union, from 08.16.2016.
4V: Recognition of homosexual marriages and marriage trayssexuals, and adoption of children with homosexuals, from 05.16.2016.
4 C: recognition of sexual relations from the age of 19 and years as adults, from 05.18.2016.
4 D: Recognition of sexual freedom on television and in print and the spread of various types of numerous portraits, freely, at all levels of education, from 11.18.2016.
4: Creating community houses near all educational institutions of all levels of education throughout the European Union - and in the camps for the military, from 12.19.2016.
4 F: Training at all levels of education to excellent erotic pleasure , from 12/22/2017, not only by professors, but also by simple employees.
Article 5: Recognition on the Internet Free Child Pornography But only from 14 years old and older, from 12.24.2017.
Article 6:
6 A: cancel national holidays and recognize the World Government , from 12/10/2016.
6B: Legalization of homosexuality in educational institutions - training homosexuality in educational institutions, from 09/20/2016.
Article 7:
7A: Legalization of new cults - New Age, from 09/21/2017.
7 V: Remove the Greek flag and flags of the whole of Europe, cancel the religious holidays of Europe, from 01.03.2017.
7 C: Introduction of environmental festivals, from 03.21.2017.
7 D: Removing the Greek and Byzantine flags, which are located on the buildings of educational, public services and temples, from 04.20.2017.
7 E: the creation of monasteries with monks and nuns of all denominations and religions in the European Union and the Holy Mountain, from 03.17.2018.
Article 8:
8A8B: adoption of civil partnership and gay and elimination of mandatory religious and civil marriages for the entire European Union, from 10.21.2017.
8B: recognition of the cremation of the dead, from 01.05.2016.
8D: Delete religious burial in the EU and gradually introduce mandatory burning-cremation of the dead, from 05.20.2016.
8E: The adoption of church cremation and those and those who want religious burial , from 05.22.2016.
8 F: Remove from application in the European Union of Religious Oath and oaths in the Parliament of Politicians, Governors, Mayors, Students, etc., from 05.23.2016.
8 g. : Remove Water Engine In Parliament , educational and government agencies, if applicable in the EU, from 05.24.2016.
Article 9:
9a: Remove the oath of parliament EU from 25.5.2016.
9 V: Remove Water Engineering in all educational institutions, from 09.11.2016.
9V. : Canceling the mandatory baptism of small children and metric books , from 09.12.2016.
9 D: Creating electronic archives in all educational university institutions and public institutions, institutions and ministries in all European countries to introduce handprint systems and scanning a rainbow shell to all citizens, students, teachers, students and political leaders would be introduced into these systems on the mentioned criteria . Application from 07/27/2017 at 10/29/2017.
Article 10:
10A: the creation of multinational armies and non-national armies on NATO standards from 01.30.2017, while canceling the EU a mandatory military service life.
10 B: the electronic signature for all citizens in relations with a multinational state of the EU and citizens will begin these operations with 03/30/2017.
Article 11.
.....11 d: from 01/05/2016 Creation of European reform management.
11 E: 05/01/2016 Creation of a European office on reform reforms with initial capital at 800,000,000 euros.
11 F: Creation of the Regional Mediterranean Association with all United States of the Mediterranean, from 07.13.2017. The European coordinating authority will have its headquarters on the Hagia Mount Athos from 12.17.2017.
11Z: Creating an ecological office on reforms from 11.21.2016 is based in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
11 and: Creating an office on the reform of a new era in Barcelona , from 01.22.2016.
11 to: Create a new office of European religious reforms, in 03/11/2016, with the coordinating role of the Vatican religious center With complete consultation and coordination of the Mediterranean Union, the UN, the WTS, the headquarters of which and the office are in Paris, at 11.24.2016.

These signatures are:
. President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy
. Representative of the Greek Government Minister of Education Andreasov Loverydos
. Representative of the Universal Patriarchate, Iconfylitos Icon
. Representative Athos Igumen Athos Ephraim
. Church and State Cyprus - Bishop Trimifuntsky Varnava, Metropolitan Neophyte Morphic
. For Patriarchate Jerusalem Archbishop Timofey Vostorsky

For the Alexandrian Patriarchate Archbishop Vasily Tripolsky
. For all Slavic Christian Orthodox churches and the Russian state, Archbishop Volokolamsky Illarion
. For Vatican Cardinal Walter Caspers
. Representative of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Andre Boats
. For the Church of Albania, Metropolitan Gyrostrian Polycarp

We strive to implement all these reforms 1 May 2016-16 to August 2020

for the sake of making changes and the introduction of a new era from May 1, 2016.
We strive to make changes in the famous Mount Athos in Greece and establish in it monasteries of all religions and teachings and monastic orders of the Vatican. We strive for this for those who will become our successors in order to apply the above mentioned reforms. We again and multiply pray to the whole God and one person in order to decide in the world to solve all the problems of the planet (pray probably antichrist) ... ..

translation performed by the Internet Commonwealth "Orthodox Apolders" 2015.

Shocking document! Secret International Memorandum, entering into force on May 1, 2016.

In Strasbourg, June 25-29, 2014, a secret international Memorandum "υπερμνημονιο - memorandum" was signed, which comes into force on May 1, 2016. The full text of this memorandum translated from English to the Greek is posted on August 14, 2014 and re-published on September 6, 2014 on the Internet portal http://apokalypsnow.blogspot.ru/2015/04/blog-post.html and is accompanied by an article - Comment "Σοκ! Διαβαστε, δεν ειναι σεναριο τρομου! Η Συμφωνια του ολοκληρωτικου σκοτοςς ", that is," shock! Read, this is not a script of terrorism! The consent of all the power of evil. "

Memorandum - υπερμνημονιο-memorandum directly concerns cooperation in the field of politics and religion between the European Union - the Greek Government, the Konstantinople Church "Istanbul", the Christian Orthodox Churches, the Catholic Church, the Russian Government and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

The essence of this Memorandum comes down to establishing a new planetary religion - Mudana Religio Adunata with a new type of society by culture, morality, education, medical care, and rather to say the project of a complete reorganization of the Church and society, the creation of anticere and society - the state of the Antichrist. This document discloses the causes of the events currently occurring in Greece, Russia, proves an indisputable link to a single and solid node-electronic identification, homosexuality, new morality, education and religious reforms. In the light of this document, transformations and in the sphere of spiritual education are understandable, as well as the reasons for such a hasty convocation in Constantinople in 2016 on the day of St. Pentecost of the Divine Cathedral. The goal one is to destroy the Orthodox Church, turn people into cattle.

The prominent hierarchs who signed this Memorandum, among them the signature of such true shepherds of the Church of Christ as Archim. Ephraim, Metropolitan Morphian Neophyte, who is a student of the Holy Elder Pairieving Svyatogort, as well as the Metropolitan of East Timofey, then they showed their full disbelief in God in the Trinity of the Slavima and Encouraged, renounced their signatures from the true God and prepared themselves eternal hellish torments. However, we emphasize it, we have no doubt that this document is still a real "plan for the actions of the Masonic Forces, which largely explaining the existing reforms in our society.

He was signed:

A. Chairman of the European Parliament Herman Van Roby

B. Government Representative Greece Minister of Education

Andreas Lovneldos

B. Representative of the Constantinople Church, outside Constantinople, Metropolitan Iconia Fooclitos, Small Asia

G. Representative of the Slavic Patriarchate and Russian Government, Archbishop Volokolamsky Illarion, Russia

D. Representative Holy Mountain Athos Igumen Ephraim Watopedsky

E. Representative of the Cyprus Church and Government Cyprus Metropolitan Morphian Neophyte and Trimifuntsky Varnava,

J. Representative of the Antioch Church, Tripolsky Elijah,

I. Representative of the Alexandrian Church, Vasily Tripolsky,

Question 1: Now the Memorandum on the creation of a new world religion has been widely in the Internet, adopted in Strasbourg from June 25-29, 2014. Memorandum comes into force on 01.05.2016, that you can say about this document, as far as all this is serious How needs to be related to this and how to do how to react when this plan will be implemented or christians once again injected panic?

There is such a document, the Memorandum on the creation of a new world religion, well who did not hear, then they will hear soon.

That this is a fiction or injection - I would not say that, firstly, that the names and the ranks of those who have signed this memorandum would not allow them to be silent if they did not sign this document, but someone's document I wrote from their behalf - they would have submitted to the court and would refute that it was not true that we did not sign - this protest is not yet.

World backstage for this and leads.
Such documents if subscribed to the quiet ( note the Memorandum was adopted in 2014. And in 2016 he only became known, well, as he leaked to the Internet - this is another question, probably, someone was already interested in this, but notice, two years have passed And a sudden excitement appeared: someone writes something, argue, ask ..., etc..), then the information leaks will be leaks so that it goes somewhere and become available to the wide masses. This is the ability to run a trial ball, as they say those who play in Billiard, and check the reaction of people to this information. If a stormy protest is not - the memorandum will be implemented. There will be a sharp reaction, they can explain that it was someone's duck or something else ... and maybe for a while someone will be able to postpone.

In Europe, there will be no big protests in Europe, since the European people talked to law-abiding relationship from the eastern neighbors, the countries of the former USSR (there are less obedient people, and considering this, then there will be some kind of protest - I don't think Orthodox in Russia, in Ukraine and in Belarus, accustomed to live on some canons and if something does not fit there - they will not sit and argue for a long time).

That's what the protests will be - we will not make it, life will show.

The last variety of states of measurements so that there was a legality, but in fact I have to tell you about what freedom of conscience will it be possible to say when a single religion will be created, a single center of worship (as in the Soviet army to go on the right one during the elections and vote for candidate, no one even read what he candidate - everyone went and voted, so it was in Soviet times)

And when there will be no global election government, there will be no choice, maybe they will maintain some kind of visibility, but it will be, as always, the defense of the existing authorities.

This is not a duck. Everything goes to it. This is a real document and that this is a subtle hint of thick circumstances. Why thin? Well, they would take printed about it in the newspapers, they would be announced on television, the popular media would involve .... But this is on the Internet, as if the illegal walking of the document is alarming. There are no official statements, there is no official ... .. without ratification, signing in each state ... And why are fat circumstances? Because a new world order is already the real order established by the authority of the Antichrist.

And it is unlikely that all this will pass without protests especially in Russia. Well, how do you imagine this suddenly everyone woke up and realized that from now on, the Orthodox would not live as Orthodox, but Protestants are like Protestants. Not so simple and not so easily change. Well, of course, if the law is defined and punishment, then the people, as always, can and go, as they say with the head downstream, where they will behave.

I want some articles from this memorandum to read.

Article 1: Polical educationin all educational institutions of the country, from 09.11.2016.

(This is to erase national-religious identity, the polyculture to interfere all what you want together. Allegedly under the guise of education so that porridge was in the head).

Article2 : Cancel of religious holidays and national in all educational institutions,

(so that no religion has an impact on the minds of students, education (for which everyone is chased now, so that there is a diploma, there is no education can not take a certain position) - this is an impact on the consciousness of people and they are already people of another variety, they have no other people The point of view on life is different, there are 4-5 years in consciousness. Other principles are already formed. Education is a damage to the consciousness of a person - the erasure of the fact that parents in childhood managed to lay down .... His medium, their peers, their own puppets. And consciousness is formed) . There is a hidden preparation for the revolution in order to change the consciousness of people by changing the values \u200b\u200bin their concept, conscience; Then these people can be skillfully manipulated and with the help of their money to call them anyhow.

In each nation, including the Jewish, there are simple people who do not decide anything, they manipulate them, they enjoy, as always in any people and the country, the Top.

Article 4: Mandatory visit to the synagogues and the Islamic mosque students of the level of school-dimatotics, and gradually at the levels of gymnasium and lyceum 11/11/2016.

(for which a visit to the synagogue - so that Christians do not remain Christians)

Article 5:Introduction to the educational level of the Dimato school (primary classes) sexual education lessons from 09.11.2016 I. providing free condoms For all students in elementary education in elementary school from 11/10/2016.

Article 6: Cancel of the lesson of Greek history, removal of information about the Greek uprising, the introduction of a lesson on the European revival with consecration of predominantly issues about the French and Italian revolutions of Garibaldi 1843. Reform starts from 11/11/12/2018.

(in general, everywhere the story change to everywhere one story, nothing national and nothing religious typical for this nation)
Article 7: Practical implementation of the course of sexual education in all levels of school education, from 11/12/2017.

In Europe, this is so long ago the law.

Article 8: Abolition of national holidays and festivals, from 10.16.2016.

Nationality should be labeled.
Article 10:The abolition of theological faculties at universities from 10.16.2016. The transformation of them to the Faculties of Religious Studies as the Department of the Faculty of Philosophy. Delete a course of religious education at all levels of school education, starting from 09/11/2016, and the introduction of a reference lesson from 09.12.2016.

To religion even do not smell

Article 11: Cancel of many professors at different levels of education and Internet introduction From 1.1.2017.

Education via the Internet.

Article 12:12a: Introduction of slide images in the lesson on sexual education from 09.19.2016.12B: Introduction electronic identification of studentsfrom 09.20.2017.12g: The introduction of electronic Baras. (here are referring to barcodes or something to them) Security in all schools and universities and the introduction of teachers' students in schools and universities with a security map.12D: transformation Educational institutions and university institutions in places with sexual freedom 09.17.2017.12E: Sexy Freedom of Students from 09.16.2016.

what would dad and moms prevent children to enjoy sexual freedom. You hear yes, in childhood it is impossible to raise a child in a religious spirit, because it is violence, and when it grows up - then let him choose whether it will be a believer or not, and when it grows up, it will not want to go sexually concerned about the church and morality will already be such that religion will breed

Article 1:Special1a: Reform of church worship.
Article 4: Remove holy anti-SemitesFrom 08/15/2016 - they are so about the Orthodox responding to how to remove, well, as with a revolution, when the Communists came and said:

There is no god!

And the man answers:

How God is not? And and what did you sit in the bridle?

So, with the saints, they are in the sky, how to remove them?

Article 6: Remove anti-Semitic chants from all Christian churches, from 09.16.2016.

Preaching will be deleted, the interpretation of prophecies - everything will be removed.

Article 7:7A: Introduction West of the Jewish Holocaust- Armenian will not be.

Article 8:8A: Reforming all Christian holidays of Christian churches (Comment: Does not write since what time is entered for use) .8b: the introduction of new holidays in the Christian church.8c: Delete inaccessibility input For all Christian churches, since 04.17.2017.8d: Log in the UN who will oversee a unified Christian Church, from 07.15.2017.8 Question: Jerusalem will become a spiritual capital, from 01.05.2017 (Comment - May 1 - Satanian holiday Beltan (Valpurgiyeva Night)). 8f: Adopt the abolition of the Patriarchate of the Jerusalem-Alexandria-Antioch and Slavic Patriarchate except MoscowFrom 01.05.2017.8g: only three patriarchy of the Christian United Church will remain, that is: Russian Patriarchate, Roman Patriarchate and Constantinople Patriarchate, from 01/05 / 2016.8: Changes in church schools in religious schools, all Christian churches, from 07.17.2017.

Article 11.11A: Taking first role in the Christian Church of the Vatican, from 08.15.2017.11B: Introduction of Catholic (i.e. papal) monks and catholic orders and monks with ancient Greek service for the holy mountain, from 11/21/2017 to 18/08/2011.11C: adoption on the holy mountain cable car - Smart systems - ancient cult statues - the conversion of Athos to the ecological Archaiko-Byzantine hostel-state - with independent public administration - the transformation into a new center of the new Christian direction is a new center of the new religious direction and new church music, from 1.4 0,2018.

Article 2: Entrance to the hospital only with an insurance card, otherwise the entry will be prohibited, from 08/09/2017.
Article 3:3A: hospitals, as will be determined, from 01.08.2017.3b: the creation of specialized prison hospitals, from 09.16.2017.
Article 5: Electronic Identification of Citizens From 06.17.2017 on all services, not for hospitals.
Article 6: Liquidation of many medical specialties, from 08.17.2017.
Article 1: Electronic identification of all citizens of the European Union and the Russian State, from 16.6.2017. The adoption of the article by all Christian churches.
Article 2:2a: Cancellation of state sovereignty - making the creation of federated statesunited in the district - with the capital of the districts, application from 10.17.2017.2b: adoption in the Federation of Cyprus, from 8.14.2017.2c: Adoption of the UN as a higher authority, 07/10/2017, for all Mira religions. .2018.

In other words - your home is not your home.

Article 4:4a: Taking actions of homosexuality (probably gay parades and processions) - So that they can freely and regularly take place on all the streets of the cities of the European Union, from 08.16.2016.4B: Recognition of homosexual marriages and marriages of tracesexuals, adoption of children with homosexuals, from 05.16.2016.4c: recognition of sexual relations from the age of 19 and years as adults, from 05.18.2016.4d: Recognition of sexual freedom on television and in the press and distribution of different types of numerous portrains, freely, at all levels of education from 11.18.2016.4E: Creating houses of charity near all educational institutions of all levels of education throughout the territory of the European Union - and in the camps for the military, from 12.19.2016.4F: Training at all levels of education to excellent erotic pleasure, from 12/22/2017, not only by professors, but also by simple employees.

Article 5:Recognition on the Internet free child pornography, but only from 14 years old and older, from 12.24.2017.
Article 6:6A: cancel national holidays and recognize the World Government, from 12/10/2016.6v: Legalization of homosexuality in educational institutions - training homosexuality in educational institutions, from 09/20/2016.

Closer to the matter, so to speak.

Article 8:8A8B: adoption of civil partnership gays and elimination for the entire European Union of mandatory religious and civil marriages, from 10.21.2017.8B: recognition of the cremation of the dead, from 01.05.2016.8D: Remove religious burial in the EU and gradually introduce mandatory burning-cremation of the dead, from 05.20 .2016.8E: The adoption of church cremation and those and those who want religious burial, from 05.22.2016.8F: Remove from the application in the European Union of Religious Oath and oath in the parliament of politicians, governors, mayors, students, etc., from 05.23.2016.8G: Remove Water Engine In Parliament, educational and government agencies, if applicable in the EU, from 05.24.2016.

Article 9:9a: Remove the oath in the EU Parliament From 25.5.2016.9B: Delete Water Engineering in all educational institutions, from 09.11.2016.9b: Canceling the mandatory baptism of small children and metric books, from 09.12.2016. 9D: Creating electronic archives in all educational university institutions and public institutions, institutions and ministries in all European countries to implement handprint systems and scanning the irisSo that all citizens, students, teachers, students and political leaders would be introduced into these systems on the criteria mentioned. Application from 07/27/2017 at 10/29/2017.
Article 10:10a: Creating multinational armies, not national armies According to NATO standards from 01.30.2017, while canceling the EU submitter for military service.10B: electronic signature for all citizens in relations with a multinational state of the EU And citizens will begin these operations from 03/30/2017.

The army should not be national: in Russia - Russian, and Germany - German, why? And because the people and the army can eat and not obey, and the war arrange. But when in Germany there will be an American army, and in Russia German - then there will be order.

Article 11.......11d: from 01/05/2016 Creation of European Reform Management. 07.13.2017. The European coordination body will have its headquarters on the Holy Mount Athos from 12.17.2017.11Z: the creation of an environmental office on reforms from 11.21.2016 is based in Dubrovnik, Croatia.11. Creating an office on the reform of a new era in Barcelona, from 01.22.2016.11K: Create a new office of European religious reforms, 03/11/2016, with the coordinating role of the Vatican religious center With complete consultation and coordination of the Mediterranean Union, the UN, the WTS, whose headquarters and the office are located in Paris, at 11.24.2016.

The beast from the sea is not the papacy, there is one head, which is personally mentioned, there are seven goals, one was mortally wounded, and then she came to life. I wondered - this is a speech about the Vatican. The Vatican will be the Prime Minister of the Beast from the sea in the book of Revelation.

How it all quietly fit and the puzzles are already folded into a certain picture.

In Europe, this is all almost in the same way. But in the countries of the AD, due to the one hundred we slightly backward - we are happy. Before us so quickly can all come.

The misfortune in Russia was always expensive, but it was always the advantage of Russia, when someone attacked - he always stuck in the dirt.

The absence of the road was an obstacle to the penetration of the West and its culture.

And so that there is a single electronic and identification of Russia, the backwardness of Russia is also not a minus, but a plus, because there is somewhere in Altai, for Baikal, so that in the village of grandmother there is an identification number, eye iris to her Could come to the store and stick this card, not knowing what side ... There are no other communications, thanks to which this European infection, the sore infection, will not come soon.

Of course, this is not 10.15 years old .... But not as fast as everyone expects.

No person will be able to be out of this government: everyone either bow, or will be responsible.

The memorandum is more written for Orthodox countries, because Europe is ready for this and everything is much faster ... In Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan will be problematic, but all this really shows us that the Bible is not mistaken that all this is predicted and exactly Performed. If you read the Bible and understood that it was written there, it could be to someone and would come.

We live on the eve of grand variables. This is not far off, in the field of visibility of our vision.

We are approaching a new world order to the power of the despotic, after which the end and this power will be and all these sufferings and torment.

As far as it is serious - yes seriously. Not in a year not in two, but it will be.

When it starts to be implemented, you should understand how to react if you understand what truth is, who are behind these documents and what it leads to and what to worship the beast - either to renounce Christ .... The reaction should be Christian. And since I should hold on and before the finish to renounce and not get rewards - well, it is generally stupid.

It can be renounced that the pensions do not take ... well, there will begin the ulcers + 3.5 years and still death, so better death for Christ, than it is not clear for whom.

The days are approaching when everyone will be tested for loyalty and from how we behave and our eternal fate will depend.

What to be - not to unleash, it is not necessary to give in a panic, the calm should be kept.

For the flesh, this is an unpleasant approaching moment, yes, it will be a fiery test and we want not want. It is not excluded that they will suffer. But it will be the greatest stimulator, a catalyst that will speed up the separation of the whole world, regardless of the denominations on the righteous and unrighteous.

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According to information from the Greek site.
In Strasbourg, June 25-29, 2014, a secret international memorandum was signed on the establishment of a new planetary religion and a new world order - Memorandum and it enters into force on May 1, 2016

The full text of this Memorandum translated from English to the Greek is posted on August 14, 2014 and re-published on September 6, 2014 on the online portal apokalypsnow.blogspot.ru/2015/04/blog-post.html. And accompanied by an article-comment "Shock! Read, this is not a script of terrorism! The consent of all the power of evil. "

Memorandum - Memorandum is unpossens to cooperate in the field of politics and religion between the Erosoyuz - the Greek Government, the Kostankinopol Church "outside Istanbul", the Christian Orthodox Churches, the Catholic Church, the Russian Government and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

The essence of this memorandum comes down to establishing a new planetary religion - Mudana Religio Adunata with a new type of society by culture, morality, education, medical care., More or rather, the project of a complete reorganization of the church and society, the creation of anticere and society - the state of the Antichrist. This document reveals the reasons for the events currently occurring in Greece, Russia, proves an indisputable link to a single and solid assembly - electronic identification, homosexualism, new morality, education and religious reforms. In the light of this document, transformations and in the sphere of spiritual education are understandable, as well as the reasons for such a hasty convocation in Constantinople in 2016 on the day of St. Pentecost of the Divine Cathedral. The goal one is to destroy the Orthodox Church, turn people into cattle.

The prominent hierarchs that have signed this Memorandum, if they really signed, they showed their full disbelief in God in the Trinity of Slute and Fans, renounced their signatures from the true God and prepared themselves eternal hellish torments.

He was signed:

A. Chairman of the European Parliament Herman Van Roby

B. Representative of the Government of Greece Minister of Education Andreas Lovneldos

B. Representative of the Constantinople Church, outside Constantinople, Metropolitan Iconia Fooclitos, Small Asia

G. Representative of the Slavic Patriarchate and Russian Government, Archbishop Volokolamsky Illarion, Russia

D. Representative Holy Mountain Athos Igumen Ephraim Watopedsky

E. Representative of the Cyprus Church and Government Cyprus Metropolitan Morphian Neophyte and Trimifuntsky Varnava,

J. Representative of the Antioch Church, Tripolsky Elijah,

I. Representative of the Alexandrian Church, Vasily Tripolsky,

K. Representative of the Jerusalem Church, Vostrian Timofey.

Text Memorandum
(in abbreviated version)


Our duty and authority is to implement reforms during the term of the Memorandum. Memorandum can extend its action or it can start its application earlier.

Memorandum of Insurance Funds in Greece, Cyprus and European Union

Article 1: Consolidation of the Funds of the Insurance System in Greece in two to 09/18/2019,
1. Social Security Health Credit Institution
2.Shism agencies of agriculture and labor
Article 2: Consolidation of pension payments in the amount of 560 € in two compartments (2) from 09.30.2017 and 365 €, and until 09.30.2020
Article 3: Issue an electronic map to all persons insured in a single electronic system within 365 days, after completion of the card, it is automatically updated in institutions (insurance funds) for another 365 days, etc. From 01/12/2017 to change the map.
Article 4: Institutions remain open (work) On all Sunday days of the year, at 12 o'clock, institutions remain open on all Sundays from 12 midnight to 8 afternoon except for 8 months. Realization of the Reformation dated 01.01.2017.
Article 5: Weekend For Insurance Organizations This is Saturday throughout the year ...
Article 11: Later, make a connection of institutions in one (1) from 08.16.2020

Memorandum in education

Article 1: Polycultural education in all educational institutions of the country, from 09.11.2016.
Article 2: Cancel religious holidays and national in all educational institutions, from 09.11.2017.
Article3: Elimination of church of students from 11/11/2016.
Article 4: Mandatory visits to the synagogues and the Islamic mosque students of the level of school-dimatotics, and gradually at the levels of gymnasium and lyceum from 11/11/2016.
Article 5: Introduction to the educational level of Cola Dimotics (primary classes) of sexual education lessons from 09.11.2016 and providing free condoms for all students in elementary education in elementary school from 10.11.2016.
Article 6: Cancellation of the lesson of Greek history, the removal of information on the Greek uprising, the introduction of a lesson on the European revival with consecration of predominantly issues about the French and Italian revolutions of Garibaldi 1843. Reform starts from 11/11/12/2018.
Article 7: Practical implementation of the course of sexual education in all levels of school education, from 11/11/2017.
Article 8: Explanation of national holidays and festivals, from 10.16.2016.
Article 10: The abolition of theological faculties at universities from 10.16.2016. The transformation of them to the Faculties of Religious Studies as the Department of the Faculty of Philosophy. Delete a course of religious education at all levels of school education, starting from 09/11/2016, and the introduction of a reference lesson from 09.12.2016.
Article 11: Cancel many professors at different levels of education and Internet introduction from 1.1.2017.
Article 12:
12 A: Introduction of images-slides in a lesson for sexual education from 09.19.2016.
12 b: Introduction of electronic identification of students from 09.20.2017.
12 C: The introduction of electronic Baras (here is meant by bar codes or something afflicted) security in all schools and universities and ?? Introduction of teachers' students in schools and universities with safety map.
12 D: Transformation of educational institutions and university institutions in places with sexual freedom 09.17.2017.
12E: Sexual Freedom of Students from 09.16.2016.

Momerandum regarding the church

Article 1: Special
1a: Reform of church worship. In particular: time, schedules. Winter season: Making Divine Liturgy on Sundays from 10 am to 11:30 am. Summer season: committing Divine Liturgy on Sunday afternoon, ?? at 7:30 afternoon, at 9 pm. The reform will start from 10.17.2017.
1B: Delete iconostasis from the church, from 10.26.2017.
1. G: Introduction Icons for the Renaissance Epoch (i.e., passionate images written from modern living people - approx. Editors) - Replacing the Byzantine mentality, 03/01/2017: 1
1D: Introduction of musical instruments in the church, from 01.03.2017.
Article 2:
2 A: Cancel the obligatory wearing of customer clothes outside the church from 08.15.2017.
2B: Removing beard and hair from the clergy, from 01.05.2017.
Article 3: Definition of vigils in the sacred temples and monasteries, from 08.14.2018.
Article 4: Remove holy anti-Semites, from 08/15/2016
Article 5: Introduction of the anti-racistic direction of sermons for the entire clergy, all the degrees of the priesthood, from 09.15.2016.
Article 6: Delete anti-Semitic chants from all Christian churches, from 09.16.2016.
Article 7:
7A: Remove the morning in the Christian Orthodox churches, from 09.16.2016.
7 V: The introduction of new worship services in all Christian churches, from 09.16.2017.
7 C: Introduction of the Holidays of the Environment on June 5, each year, and on December 21, dedicated to the Mother Earth on April 14. The beginning of reform 09/20/2016.
7D: Introduction of the holiday of the Jewish Holocaust, with a certain liturgical selection for all Christian churches. The holiday is determined to perform (3) times a year, especially on January 27, April 21, in the second week after the Christian Easter, which is called the Week of St. Thomas. The beginning of reform 1.7.2016.
7 E: Delete all national holidays of all Christian churches, from 07.15.2017.
Article 8:
8A: Reforming all Christian holidays of Christian churches (a comment: not written with what time is entered for use).
8B: The introduction of new holidays in the Christian Church.
8B: Remove the input of the entrance for all Christian churches, 04.17.2017.
8D: Log in the UN which will oversee the Unified Christian Church, from 07.15.2017.
8 Question: Jerusalem will become a spiritual capital, from 01.05.2017 (comment - May 1 - Satanian holiday Beltan - Valpurgiyev night).
8 F: Take the abolition of the Patriarchate: Jerusalem, Alexandrian, Antioch and Slavic Patriarchs other than Moscow, from 01.05.2017.
8 g: Only three patriarchate of the Christian United Church will remain, that is, the Russian Patriarchate, Roman Patriarchate and Constantinople Patriarchy, from 01/05/2016.
8: Changes in church schools in religious schools, all Christian churches, from 07.17.2017.
Article 9.
9A: Halkinskaya Theological School will open 07.17.2017.
9 B: The Greek Church assumes the care of maintaining Muslim prayer houses from its own funds and the European Union.
9B: Also (take the Church of Greece) the care of Buddhist prayer houses and in general, all religious beliefs, from 09/01/2016.
9 D: Lessons for all believers of all religious beliefs in all religious centers of all Christian churches, from 09.20.2016.
Article 10.
10 A: Introduction of new polyteligious worship services with musical means in all Christian churches, from 05/20/2017.
10 B: Reception in all temples of musical instruments and organizing concerts not only religious, in religious temples, for 10/20/2017.
10 C: carrying out anti-racist and anti-fascist concerts inside and outside the Church as regularly conducted by Christian churches, from 01.05.2017.
10 D: Explanation of the ban on the entry into the holy Mount Athos, from 01.06.2017.
10 E: The adoption by Christian churches of federal and multi organizations, from 09/01/2017.
10 F: Adoption of the UN World Government for International Associations, from 09/01/2018.

Article 11.
11A: The adoption of the first role in the Christian Church of the Vatican, from 08.15.2017.
11B: Introduction of Catholic (i.e. papal) monks and Catholic orders and monks with ancient Greek worship for the Holy Mountain, from 11/21/2017 to 08/18/2018.
11C: adoption on the holy mountain of the cableway - smart systems - ancient cult statues - the conversion of Athos to the ecological Archaiko-Byzantine hostel-state - with independent public administration - transformation into a new center of the new Christian direction and new church music, from 1.04, 2018.
Article 12: Agreement of Christian Churches with the fact that they are already included in the new era, since 2016.
Article 13.
13a: from 07/17/2017 Translation of the Universal Patriarchate on about. Patmos in Greece or Mount Athos or in self-defraquity, i.e. Creation of three (3) centers of the Universal Patriarchate.
13 B: Tressing the leaders of Christian churches aged 28 and older, 11.1.2017.
Article 14.
14A: Organization for the ecology of symposia, conferences and international associations on the Islands of Greece, but also in Cyprus and in the Holy Mountain.
14B: The adoption by Christian churches is the abolition of national states and the creation of associations, such as multi-country, multi-centers, multi-cultural, polyconfessional and religious states and the creation of religious states, such as the Universal Patriarchate 08/15/2017.
14 C: Elimination of Psalms CHTERS in Christian Churches and the introduction of choirs, from 16.10. 2014.

Article 15.
15A: The above agreements will be ratified by the Universal Cathedral of the Christian Orthodox Church, from 06/19/2016 to 07/09/2016.

The above agreements are ratified:

Representative of the Universal Patriarchate, Iconian Feoklitos
Representative of the Holy Mountain Igumen Ephraim
Church and state Cyprus, Bishop Trimifuntsky Varnava, Metropolitan Neophyte Morphian
For Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Metropolitan Egory Timofey
For Antioch Patriarchate Archbishop Tripolsky Elijah
For all Slavic Orthodox churches and the Russian state, Archbishop (approx. Now - Metropolitan) Volokolamsky Illarion
For Vatican Cardinal Walter Caspersion
15B: Adoption from Jerusalem Patriarchate of all Christian places of pilgrimage in order to transfer them to four administrative and managers: UN, UNESCO, Russian Church, Vatican, proceed to execution from 1.5.2017. (approx. - Again to the Satanian holiday timed)
15 C: Explanatory article, all components of the property will be directly controlled by the above mentioned Christian Orthodox Churches together with state and hypergazvators.

Memorandum for hospitals and healthcare

Article 1: Hospitals will be divided for people aged and modulus by age. They will be examined and treated in other places from 09/08/2017.
Article 2: Entrance to the hospital only with an insurance card, otherwise the entrance will be prohibited from 08/09/2017.
Article 3:
3A: hospitals, as will be determined from 01.08.2017.
3B: Creation of specialized prison hospitals, from 09.16.2017.
Article 5: Electronic identification of citizens from 06.17.2017 on all services, and not for hospitals.
Article 6: Liquidation of many medical specialties, from 08.17.2017.
Article 7: The merger of hospitals and the creation of multifunctional hospital centers, from 08.17.2017.
Article 8.
8A: Introduction of the healthcare card for all citizens, doctors, from 09.19.2017.
8B: Liquidation of the centers of the building and care, from 09.19.2017.

MomeramDum on administrative reform

Article 1: Electronic identification of all citizens of the European Union and the Russian State, from 16.6.2017. The adoption of the article by all Christian churches.
Article 2:
2 A: Cancellation of state sovereignty - the adoption of the creation of federal states united in the district - with the capital of the districts, application from 10.17.2017.
2B: Adoption in the Federation of Cyprus, from 8.14.2017.
2 C: Adoption of the UN as a higher authority, from July 10, 2017, for all religions of the world.
2D: Creating Religious Centers Allols throughout the planet, as Famagustov in Cyprus 14/8/2018 - in Constantinople two religious centers in the temples of St. George, St. Fanuria, Saint Sophia Konstantinople, from 08.14.2018.
Article 3: Legalization of all immigrants in all countries of the European Union, without restrictions, from 11.19.2016.
Article 4:
4A: Taking the actions of homosexuality (probably gay parades and processions) - so that they can freely and regularly pass on all the streets of the European Union cities, from 08.16.2016.
4B: Recognition of homosexual marriages and marriages of tracesexuals, and adoption of children with homosexuals, from 05.16.2016.
4 C: recognition of sexual relations from the age of 19 and years as adults, from 05.18.2016.
4 D: Recognition of sexual freedom on television and printing and spreading a different type of numerous portraits, freely, at all levels of education from 11.18.2016.
4: Creating community houses near all educational institutions of all levels of education throughout the European Union - and in the camps for the military, from 12.19.2016.
4 F: Training at all levels of education to excellent erotic pleasure, from 12/22/2017, not only by professors, but also by simple employees.
Article 5: Recognition on the Internet Free Child Pornography, but only from 14 years old and older, from 12.24.2017.
Article 6:
6 A: Cancel national holidays and recognize the World Government, from December 10, 2016.
6B: Legalization of homosexuality in educational institutions - learning homosexuality in educational institutions, from 09/20/2016.
Article 7:
7A: Legalization of new cults - New Age, from 09/21/2017.
7 V: Remove the Greek flag and flags of the whole of Europe, cancel the religious holidays of Europe, from 01.03.2017.
7 C: Introduction of environmental festivals, from 03.21.2017.
7 D: Removing the Greek and Byzantine flags, which are located on the buildings of educational, public services and temples, from 04.20.2017.
7 E: the creation of monasteries with monks and nuns of all denominations and religions in the European Union and the Holy Mountain, from 03.17.2018.
Article 8:
8A8B: Adopting a civil partnership of gays and elimination for the entire European Union of mandatory religious and civil marriages, from 10.21.2017.
8B: recognition of the cremation of the dead, from 01.05.2016.
8D: Delete religious burial in the EU and gradually introduce mandatory burning-cremation of the dead, from 05.20.2016.
8E: adopting cremation by the church and those who want religious burial, from 05.22.2016.
8 F: Remove from application in the European Union of Religious Oath and oaths in the Parliament of Politicians, Governors, Mayors, Students, etc., from 05.23.2016.
8 g: Delete Water Engineering in Parliament, educational and government agencies, if applicable to the EU, from 05.24.2016.
Article 9:
9A: Remove the oath in the EU Parliament from 05.25.2016.
9 V: Remove Water Engineering in all educational institutions, from 09.11.2016.
9B: Canceling the mandatory baptism of young children and metric books, from 09.12.2016.
9 D: Creation of electronic archives in all educational university institutions and public institutions, institutions and ministries in all European countries to implement handprint systems and scanning a rainbow shell, so that all citizens, students, teachers, students and political leaders would be introduced These systems in the criteria mentioned. Application from 07/27/2017 at 10/29/2017.
Article 10:
10A: the creation of multinational armies, and not national armies according to NATO standards from 01.30.2017, while canceling the EU a mandatory term of military service.
10 B: An electronic signature for all citizens in relations with a multinational state of the EU and citizens will begin these operations from 03/330/2017.
Article 11.
11 D: from 01/05/2016 Creation of European reform management.
11 E: 05/01/2016 Creation of a European office on reform reforms with initial capital at 800,000,000 euros.
11 F: Creation of the Regional Mediterranean Association with all United States of the Mediterranean, from 07.13.2017.

The European coordination authority will have its headquarters on the Holy Mount Athos from 12.17.2017.
11Z: Creating an environmental office on reforms from 11.21.2016, is based in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
11 and: creating an office on the reform of a new era in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfrom 01.22.2016.
11 K: Create a new office of European religious reforms, in 03/11/2016, with the coordinating role of the Vatican religious center in full consultation and coordination of the Mediterranean Union, the UN, the WTS, whose headquarters and the office are located in Paris, at 11.24.2016.

It signed:

President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy
Representative of the Greek Government Minister of Education Andreasov Loverydos
Representative of the Universal Patriarchate, Iconfylitos Icon
Representative of Athon Igumen Ephraim
Church and State Cyprus - Bishop Trimifuntsky Varnava, Metropolitan Neophyte Morphic
For Patriarchate Jerusalem - Archbishop Timofey Vostorsky
For the Alexandrian Patriarchate Archbishop Vasily Tripolsky
For all Slavic Christian Orthodox churches and the Russian state, Archbishop Volokolamsky Illarion
For Vatican Cardinal Walter Caspers
Representative of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Andre Boats
For the Church of Albania, Metropolitan Gyrostrian Polycarp

We strive to make changes in the famous Mount Athos in Greece and establish in it monasteries of all religions and teachings and monastic orders of the Vatican. We strive for this for those who will become our successors in order to apply the above mentioned reforms. We again and multiply pray to the whole God and one person in order to decide the world to solve all the problems of the planet (pray probably antichrist).

translation performed by the Internet Commonwealth "Orthodox Apolders" 2015.


In addition:

IS HE. Chetverikova "On the Secret International Memorandum and the 8th Cathedral".