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Biography, life story of Semenchenko Semyon Igorevich

Semenchenko Semyon Igorevich - commander of the special forces battalion "Donbass".

Childhood, youth

Semyon was born on June 6, 1974 in the city of Sevastopol. It is known that he had a complete family - mother, father and brother. A little later, the whole family moved to the Crimea. By the way, Semyon's paternal ancestors are Russians.

Information about Semenchenko's education has always varied. Some sources indicated that he received only a secondary education and decided to stop there. In others, it was assured that in the period from 2006 to 2008 Semyon Igorevich studied at the VGIK named after him in Moscow on the course “Dramaturgy and Directing of Television”, but he could not defend his thesis. Third sources said that for some time Semyon studied at a military school, a little later he studied finance, then he tried to master the craft of an operator. Semenchenko did not graduate from any educational institution. In one of the interviews, he once admitted that the reason for this was not his laziness at all, as it might seem, but the fact that he was terribly disappointed in the Russian education system, when he realized that you can only get good knowledge and decent "peel" for money - knowledge and talent are no longer needed by anyone.

Semyon Semenchenko is a pseudonym for a military man. Previously, he had a different surname, but after his dismissal from the Naval Forces of Ukraine (and he rose to the rank of lieutenant commander there) and the start of the war in Ukraine, he changed his passport.

In the summer of 2014, cunning hackers from the organized CyberBerkut group found out that Semyon Semenchenko's name is actually Grishin Konstantin Igorevich. Soon after this statement, many of Semyon's like-minded people repeatedly told the press that earlier, at the first acquaintances, Semenchenko introduced himself as Konstantin.


After the military career was left behind, Semyon Igorevich went into private business. He also tried his hand at the film industry, but nothing came of it. In the 90s of the last century, he was the editor of two printed publications (“Sevastopol Bulletin” and “Our Sevastopol Pravda”), led a charitable foundation and several public organizations.


Fight for freedom

In 2014, when Euromaidan began, Semenchenko took an active part in it. In April of the same year, Semenchenko created the Donbass battalion from ordinary residents of Ukraine.

On June 29, 2014, Semenchenko arrived in Kyiv and demanded that martial law be introduced in the territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. On the same day, the military commander staged a demonstration and made a heated speech on the Maidan stage.

On August 19, 2014, during military operations in the city of Ilovaisk, Semenchenko was wounded in the back and thigh. The commander of the "Donbass" was urgently operated on in Dnepropetrovsk.

For all the time of his military activity, Semyon Igorevich never showed his face - he hid it behind a balaclava. But on September 1, 2014, Semenchenko finally took it off. He explained his act by the fact that he had previously been terribly afraid for his relatives and friends, but now that they are safe, he can not be afraid that the people will know him by sight.

On September 9, 2014, Semyon Igorevich put forward his candidacy for the post of deputy to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


On September 1, 2014, the prosecutor's office of the Donetsk People's Republic announced that Semenchenko was wanted.

Personal life

At one time, Semyon Igorevich got married. His wife gave him four children.


In 2014, Semyon Semenchenko received the Order

Semenchenko Semyon Igorevich - Ukrainian military man, former lieutenant of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, commander of the Donbass special-purpose battalion, formed from volunteers. Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation.


Semyon Semenchenko was born on 06/06/1974 in Sevastopol.

According to Semenchenko himself, "he is Russian, his wife is Ukrainian, and the children are Ukrainians."

Family: Married.

Wife - Natalya Moskovets.

Has four children.

On the Ukrainian TV channel "STB" on September 5, 2014, Semenchenko said that his close relatives: his mother, father and brother, who live in Crimea, supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia and did not want to leave. Semenchenko was worried about their safety, and in order to take out his relatives, he sent battalion fighters to the Crimea. According to Semenchenko, he lived half his life in the Crimea, half in the Donbass, where his wife comes from. His children were also born in Donbass. He was a private entrepreneur, participated in the 1st and 2nd Maidan. He was careful, because he was worried about his business and family.


On May 15, 2014, in an interview with The Guardian, Semenchenko said that he was educated as a film director, on the CEC website, in the information about the candidate for people's deputies of Ukraine, it is indicated that Semenchenko has only a secondary education.

On September 5, 2014, Moskovsky Komsomolets published an article claiming that Semyon Semenchenko studied at the Moscow VGIK. Gerasimov from 2006 to 2008, at the courses of Yuri Belenky in the workshop "Dramaturgy and Directing of Television". At the end of his studies, he did not complete his thesis work and did not receive a diploma.

Activity and career:

On May 27, 2014, Semyon Semenchenko told Forbes journalists that this was his pseudonym, that in the past he was a lieutenant commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, after his dismissal from the fleet he became an entrepreneur.

On May 30, 2014, in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda, Semyon noted that before the war he had been an entrepreneur and participated in the organization of the Euromaidan in Donetsk.

On September 14, 2014, in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel "24", Semenchenko said that, initially, he had a different surname: "Semyon Semenchenko - it was a pseudonym, my surname was completely different, but now (according to my passport) I am Semyon Semenchenko ... in fact, I I already feel like Semyon Semenchenko, this name has grown together with me, and I will continue to be like that. According to Semenchenko, in the past, in the 90s, he was the editor of two newspapers, the head of a charitable foundation, the head of public organizations, was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, tried to realize himself in the cinema, participated in the first and second Maidan, after the victory of the Maidan in Kiev, he returned to Donetsk - created local self-defense to counter the "Russian spring".

  • In April 2014, to counter the armed groups of supporters of the so-called. of the Donetsk People's Republic, Semenchenko formed the "Donbass" battalion from the inhabitants of Ukraine. On April 20, the fighters received the necessary permission to "work" from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Titles and awards:

  • On September 1, 2014, in the Dnipropetrovsk administration, Semenchenko took off his balaclava, stating that "I was never afraid, I was afraid for my family, now they are safe and I am not afraid." On the same day, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov presented him with the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree - for courage and military merit shown during the liberation of the cities of Artemovsk, Popasnaya, Lysychansk.
  • On October 2, 2014, in an interview with TSN, Semenchenko said that he had been awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel.

operational business

In an interview with the Ukrainian edition of Ostrov on September 30, 2014, Semenchenko told the following about himself: “my last name was not Semenchenko originally, and it would be stupid if I, having a family and children, fought under my real name. However, the person who is now useful society and the country needs - this is Semyon Semenchenko. I am him. I was born in Sevastopol, in 1974. My mother is Ukrainian, my father is Russian. My wife is also Ukrainian. I studied at four educational institutions. I left the military school, did not graduate Studied finance and credit.Educated at the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow (VGIK) - quit, did not pass my thesis.I was depressed by the quality of Russian education, everything is commercialized there.Fourth (educational institution) - I studied camera art.All my life I was engaged in self-education "Never worked for anyone, that is, initially he worked only for himself. He was the director of enterprises. He was a private entrepreneur. He was the editor of two newspapers: "Sevastopol Bulletin" and "Nasha Sevastopolskaya Pravda" - it was a counter-newspaper - they fought against the communists in the nineties. He was the founder and head of the Charitable Foundation and a participant in two Maidans - in 2004 and 2013. I tried to organize the "Will of the People" movement - we were engaged in the demolition of fences that enclose the beaches, we were looking for Mr. Lozinsky (a BYuT deputy convicted of murder) and even caught him, or rather, participated, let's say, in this story. But that movement quickly died out, because there were no such tectonic faults in society as it is now ... I came to the Donbass in 2000, all my children were born in the Donbass - in Makeevka and Donetsk. My apartment has just been burned down, my office has been burned down."

On the ICTV channel on October 10, 2014, Semenchenko said that his name was originally Konstantin Grishin, he was born in Sevastopol, graduated from the Sevastopol Military School, and was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. He was the founder and editor of two newspapers: Sevastopol Bulletin and Nasha Sevastopolskaya Pravda. In the early 2000s, he moved to Donetsk, worked on security systems, installed satellite television, and was a fairly wealthy person. In 2014, he was forced to move to Kyiv with his whole family. Semyon's father, a naval officer, did not want to leave and stayed in Sevastopol. The plot also showed Semyon's wife, Natalya Moskovets.

According to the Russian TV channel Dozhd, Semyon Semenchenko and his wife Natalya Moskovets were the owners of the Regional Courier Service company, operating under the New Satellite Television brand. The company's annual turnover was $1.5 million, monthly revenue was UAH 1 million. The company was engaged in the installation and maintenance of satellite equipment in the Donetsk region. In the spring of 2014, the couple closed the company and moved to Kyiv. The TV channel cites such data referring to a former employee of the company, Yevgeny Maksimenko.

The teacher of the Moscow VGIK, Vitaly Kalinin, in the plot of "Rain" said that he clearly remembers his former student Semyon Semenchenko - Konstantin Grishin, during his studies Semyon was very fond of writing screenplays and often brought these works for verification. According to the Dozhd TV channel, Semenchenko began using pseudonyms long before the events in eastern Ukraine, when he was still doing business, in particular, Semenchenko introduced himself to his employees as Andrei Semenovich.

In an interview with various publications, Semenchenko said for a long time that Semyon Semenchenko was a pseudonym, that his real name was completely different, but now according to his passport he became Semyon Semenchenko and will continue to live under that name.

Since January 2014, Semenchenko has been wearing a balaclava at all public events, explaining that he is from Donbass and fears for his own life and the life of his family if DPR supporters can identify him. He took off his balaclava only on 1 September.

At the end of July 2014, hackers from the Cyberberkut group published their own investigation, in which they claimed that they had managed to identify a person hiding under the pseudonym "Semyon Semenchenko". According to the hackers, it turned out to be Konstantin Igorevich Grishin, the owner of the New Satellite Television company. It is worth noting that the date and place of Grishin's birth published by the hackers coincided with the date and place of birth of Semenchenko (06/06/1974, Sevastopol).

The former chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, Sergei Eremin, in an interview with Obozrevatel on September 4, 2014, said that when he first met Semenchenko in February 2014, Semyon called himself Konstantin.

At a press conference organized by Obozrevatel on September 7, 2014, former battalion fighter Viktor Kondratyuk revealed that Semenchenko's real name is Konstantin Grishin. Donetsk journalist Artem Furmanyuk also confirmed that during a conversation with Semyon in March 2014, Semyon called himself Konstantin.

In an interview with TSN on October 2, 2014, when asked if the relatives knew that he was him, when Semenchenko put on a balaclava (and took a pseudonym), Semyon replied: "of course (knew), "cyberberkut" is their version I've already told you. I've been a star of Russian television since April. Very quickly, my photos (from the pro-Ukrainian rally) appeared ... By chance, someone recognized me, and the clarification of my biography and the demonization of my personality began." Thus, Semenchenko indirectly confirmed the investigation of hackers (in terms of the surname), which initially relied on the photo of Konstantin Grishin from the pro-Ukrainian rally and on letters from people who recognized him.

In the program "Insider" on the Ukrainian TV channel "ICTV" on October 10, 2014, Semenchenko admitted for the first time that before he changed his name, his name was Konstantin Grishin.

On September 1, 2014, Semyon Semenchenko was put on the wanted list by the prosecutor's office of the self-proclaimed DPR.

In September 2014, allegedly former fighters of the Donbass battalion accused Semyon Semenchenko of unprofessionalism and excessive populism, their own PR.

On October 15, 2014 in Kyiv, about a dozen people picketed the building of the Presidential Administration, demanding to find the deputy chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, Alexander Kalashnik, who disappeared a month ago. The plot of the TV channel "Ukraine" even suggested that Semenchenko himself could be involved in this loss, since there was allegedly a conflict between him and the missing person.

According to Nadezhda Maltseva, a friend of the missing person, Alexander Kalashnik regularly performed his duties until September 14 (when he disappeared), but among other things, he also investigated the financial activities of the battalion.

Semenchenko denied all accusations, but at the same time accused the missing Alexander Kalashnik of disclosing personal information: "He kept a database of the battalion, which on September 12 (a couple of days before his disappearance) was published on the Cyberberkut and Russian Spring websites." According to Semenchenko, after the publication of personal data, had to urgently evacuate the families of soldiers living on the territory of the separatists.Semenchenko also noted that he himself was interested in finding the missing person and hoped that he would be found soon.

Battalion "Donbass"

In mid-April 2014, to fight the militants of the self-proclaimed so-called. "Donetsk people's republic" Semenchenko formed a detachment of people's militia from citizens of Ukraine in the Donetsk region and proposed to call it the "Donbass" battalion. However, the leaders of the Donetsk Regional State Administration did not support Semenchenko's initiative. Therefore, the activists relocated to the territory of the neighboring Dnipropetrovsk region, where, thanks to the support of its leadership, they were able to form their unit in the status of the Donbass-1 company of the National Defense Regiment of the Dnipropetrovsk region. As Semenchenko noted: "We faced serious opposition in our region. The governor, agreeing in words, did nothing. Only in the neighboring region we were able to form thanks to Kolomoisky and his deputies, Filatov and Korban." The volunteers were trained in one of the villages on the border of the Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk regions on the territory of the former machine and tractor station.

According to Semyon Semenchenko, he and his comrades-in-arms received their first military weapon by attacking a checkpoint controlled by terrorists on May 1 with a "traumatic weapon". In the future, before being included in the National Guard, the battalion was armed with small arms, RGD and sniper rifles.

At the end of May, on the basis of the 1st company of the expanded Donbass, a special-purpose battalion of reservists of the National Guard of Ukraine was formed. Having led the battalion, Semenchenko received the rank of captain of the NSU reserve.

In early June 2014, the NSU reserve battalion conducted training and combat coordination at the training ground of the National Guard of Ukraine near the village of Novi Petrivtsi, Vyshgorod district, Kiev region. Of the 630 "Donbass" fighters, 460 guardsmen were selected; the rest joined the ranks of the 24th territorial defense battalion "Aidar" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On June 29, Semenchenko arrived in Kyiv demanding an end to the truce and the introduction of martial law. He held a demonstration under the Presidential Administration and spoke from the Maidan stage.

On August 19, during the cleansing, Ilovaiskaya, being in the front ranks, was wounded and operated on in Dnepropetrovsk. Continued to coordinate the functioning of the battalion "Donbass" during treatment.

At the end of August 2014, Semenchenko called on the leaders of local self-defense units, patriotic associations and youth paramilitary organizations throughout Ukraine to start organizing an all-Ukrainian partisan movement: “The Motherland is in danger! a means capable of not only stopping the horde, but also sweeping it to hell with historical reality."

On September 8, 2014, battalion commander Semenchenko joined the idea of ​​creating a new public association - "Ukrainian military organization": "42 organizations expressed their readiness to join the initiative, which was then called the "Partisan Movement", and now receives a new, broader content."

Political activity

Participated in the First and Second Maidans.

At the early parliamentary elections of 2014, the battalion commander Semenchenko decided to run for the party of the Lviv politician, the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovy - "Association" Samopomich. number 50. On the air of "Espresso.TV", the battalion commander explained the reasons for his decision to go into "big politics": “There are things that need to be done right now before the elections to the Rada. This is primarily the situation with the wounded, prisoners, with people who died. Most often there are situations when people who are captured take a very long time to be released. agreements. I think that according to the "Minsk agreements" these people should already be free. Now we will slowly organize public pressure. No shouting, no rallies along with mothers and wives. So that they give us an account of how this is happening".

One of the points of Semenchenko's program is the development of the "Ukrainian military organization" he created, which mobilizes the public to promote the process of forming a unified system of territorial defense in Ukraine.

On September 14, 2014, Semyon Semenchenko, as part of the delegation of the Ukrainian Military Organization, arrived in the United States of America, where he met with members of Congress, representatives of the Pentagon, the American public and the Ukrainian diaspora. Discussed were ways of helping the United States to create a system of territorial defense in Ukraine.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on National Security and Defense

In his numerous stories, Semyon says that he has 4 children, that he is an ethnic Russian, originally from Donetsk, a private entrepreneur, one of the organizers of the Donetsk Maidan, was a member of the Maidan self-defense and guarded the rallies. In particular, here he admits that at the rally on March 13, 2014. Maidan supporters were severely beaten, but self-defense was powerless and he placed all responsibility for this on the police. In about the creation of the Donbass battalion, Semyon indicates that he is a lieutenant commander in the reserve of the Ukrainian Navy.
What else do we know about Simon? practically nothing else. Then let's start our investigation.

Part 1

The first thing that catches your eye is the name of his page “”, the date of creation of the account is February 2, 2010, except for Semyon, no one else uses this login “dostali.hvatit”. At first glance, it may seem that Semyon was fed up with everything, he said that's enough and created the dostali.hvatit page, but this is certainly not the case, dostali.hvatit is Semyon's life credo, which appeared to him in 2008, when actions were held throughout Ukraine Motorists A search in this direction led us to the following posts by Semyon:

According to the Donetsk businessman Semyon, who left his email address in the comments… 120 people wrote to him from Donetsk, an order of magnitude more in Kharkov (Semyon tried to coordinate actions in two cities at once)… “this is just the beginning, we want to preserve self-respect, show that we are not suckers, to help each other get out of a state of depression, ”said Semyon.

Further searching led us to the following posts:
semen413, 05/03/2009, my name is Semyon, on the move (Volya Naroda) I am the coordinator of the Donetsk cell and the coordinator of the planning group (make action plans and make sure that everyone else sticks to my plans). My biography: the first higher naval school (specialist in cruise missiles, surface ships), the last VGIK im. Gerasimov 2008 release. In the middle, “finance and credit” was still in absentia. Never voted for anyone in any election! Married, 6 month old child. Now I am not working, but in the autumn I will start working, I will start doing business again.

As we can see, Semyon is most likely a graduate of the Sevastopol Higher Naval School. Nakhimov, after which he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. Semyon received the rank of lieutenant commander later while serving in the Ukrainian Navy. Note that Semyon was one of the organizers of the “Will of the People” movement - further search in this direction leads us to the following VKontakte groups:

Holland 2010

Paris 2013

2013 Holiday for children.
Semyon said that he had 4 children (it is true, the 5th child in the photo is the daughter of Oksana Butenko)

2013 Natalya Moskovets and Oksana Butenko.
by going to the page of Oksana Butenko we will see the following photos
photos are clickable - click to see captions

2012 - 2013. New Year's corporate party, the spouses Moskovets and Grishin, surrounded by their employees.

You can see other photos of Natalya Moskovets.

Moskovets also has Facebook, his hometown is Makeevka, his city of residence is Donetsk, his career has been Viasat since 2008. and to the present.

Why did Grishin choose the pseudonym “Semyon Semenchenko”? on the page among his friends are Vasily Semenchenko and Elena Semenchenko, perhaps they are relatives, perhaps just a coincidence.

The first mention of the swindler Andrey Semenovich appeared back in 2005, people familiar with “Semyon” said that it was about him, if you are interested, you can read here.

So what do we know about "The Seed"? his name is Konstantin Grishin, his wife Natalya Moskovets, both entrepreneurs, created the company New Satellite Television (which still functions to this day). They like to travel: over the past 4 years they have visited Holland, France, England, often visited the Crimea. Kostya wanted to lead the protest movement back in 2008, but at the same time he believed that paying taxes was an excess and worked in the gray, throwing money at his clients and employees in every possible way. It is encrypted and uses the names Semenchenko, Semchenok, Semen Semenych, Andrey Semenych, Semenov. He graduated from the Higher Naval School (captain-lieutenant of the reserve), in 2009. tried to create a protest movement “Will of the People”, a supporter of the Maidan…

Phones of the "New Satellite Television", see.

Part 3

After the publication of the 2nd part about “Semyon Semenchenko”, Natalya Moskovets and Oksana Butenko deleted their pages so that the information leak would not become catastrophic - this tells us that we are on the right track. So let's continue our investigation. First, let's go through the list of colleagues Natalia and Oksana, marked on and ask if they recognized themselves in person.

La-la-fa, hello, we are conducting a journalistic investigation and interviewing the employees of the New Satellite Television, perhaps you know Andrei Semenovich? on him?
- good afternoon, I worked very little at the NST, and therefore I can’t tell you anything special, I knew Andrey Semenovich in absentia, it’s him in the photo ... sorry, I don’t have time now, all the best, goodbye - goodbye.
note: La-la-fa worked at the NST for 2 years, it’s a pity that she didn’t want to communicate with us, let’s move on ...

Maria, hello, we are conducting a journalistic investigation and want to know about Andrei Semenovich ...
- good afternoon, I really worked for Andrey Semenovich for several months, there’s not much to tell about, our immediate supervisor was Natalya Olegovna. He was more engaged in installers, it is he who is shown in the photo, goodbye - goodbye.

Malvina, hello, we are conducting a journalistic investigation and want to find out ...
– good afternoon, yes, I worked in this company, but I can’t tell anything special.
Malvina, is it true that Andrei Semenovich became Semyon Semenchenko? read this article here
- no comments.
note: Malvina also worked for the NST for several years and we are sorry that she did not want to communicate with us.

Olga, hello, we are conducting a journalistic investigation and want to find out ...
- good afternoon, yes, in this photo Andrei Semenovich, he is the one, I worked for him at the NST company, how can I help?
Here is kiber-berkut, what can you say about this?
- I read ... the information on the reviews is reliable, it is, in this office a lot of people were thrown for money
But tell me, please, are Oksana Butenko and Natalya Moskovets relatives or friends? they are too often photographed together.
Yes, they are sisters, like cousins.
Your colleagues note that Andrei Semenovich has a small scar on his face, have you paid attention to this?
- yes, there is a scar, on the cheek or on the lip, I don’t remember exactly.

Hello Svetlana, and you Natalya Moskovets by chance is not a relative, it's just that you have the same last name as hers, maybe you know her? Please look, here she is next to her cousin.
No, she's not related to me, but I know her! the bitch is still the same...
that is?
- my husband's ex-wife :), they are in 2006. divorced, maiden name Music, but after the divorce, she left her husband's surname Moskovets, by the way, in the photo next to her is not a cousin, but a sister - they have different fathers and surnames are also different.
Thank you very much, goodbye - goodbye.

Irina, hello, we are conducting a journalistic investigation and want to know if you know Andrey Semenovich and Natalia Moskovets? what can you say about them, here is Andrey Semenovich?
- good afternoon, yes, this is him, I worked at the NST and I know them very well, it was said that Andrey Semenovich's passport was in a completely different name. Natalya Moskovets graduated from DonNTU, if I'm not mistaken, the faculty of whale. Her cousin, Oksana Butenko, also worked with us. Excuse me, but why such curiosity?
Yes, here is kiber-berkut, and we, as journalists, understand, by the way, what can you say about this?
- I’ll read it now ... I see they have already found a lot of things
Yes, they are great, what can I say. Irina, but everywhere NST is referred to as FLP “Moskovets”, SPD “Moskovets”, PE “Moskovets”, even tax fines are issued specifically for Moskovets, but Andrei Semenovich (Grishin) is not mentioned anywhere. Please tell me, according to the documents in the NST, who passed Natalya Olegovna or Andrey Semenovich?
- according to the documents, Moskovets was everywhere, and in contracts with clients we wrote Svetlana Moskovets - such a scam on her part, Moskovets also always introduced herself to strangers as Svetlana, although she is Natalya according to her passport.
Some strange leaders you have, by God, both are encrypted, as they say, two pair of boots.
- yes, that’s for sure, but I’ll note that they almost broke up, Andrei Semenovich met with some woman from the Crimea, he said that he liked to relax there and now he began to go there every week, so to speak, “rest” and went around the office rumors, Natalya Olegovna went angry all week, and when Andrei Semenovich returned, she yelled at him in front of everyone and began to scold him, such a story, but then they reconciled.
Irina, they write to us here that Andrei Semenovich actively cooperated with the 051 taxi service in Donetsk, do you know anything about this?
- yes, he and his wife traveled exclusively by taxi, they did not have their own car. Even at a distance of less than a kilometer (to the shopping center around the corner), Andrey Semenovich only traveled by taxi, as if it were his own taxi, but most likely it was his friends who served at a reduced rate.
Irina, but such a question, yesterday we wanted to talk with Marina Makarenko, and she deleted

Semyon Igorevich Semenchenko(ukr. Semyon Igorovich Semenchenko - in the past Konstantin Igorevich Grishin; born June 6, 1974, Sevastopol) - Ukrainian public, military and political figure. He gained fame and political weight as the commander of the Donbass volunteer battalion. Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation from the Samopomich party.

Semyon Igorevich Semenchenko Ukrainian Semyon Igorovich Semenchenko
Date of birth June 6, 1974
Place of birth Sevastopol, Crimean region
Affiliation Armed Forces of Ukraine
Type of troops Naval Forces of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine
Rank reserve captain, lieutenant colonel
Commanded the battalion "Donbass"

By nationality - Russian. Born on June 6, 1974 in Sevastopol.
On May 15, 2014, in an interview with The Guardian, Semenchenko said that he was educated as a film director, on the CEC website, in the information about the candidate for people's deputies of Ukraine, it is indicated that Semenchenko has only a secondary education.
May 27, 2014 Semyon Semenchenko told Forbes reporters that this is his pseudonym, that in the past he was a lieutenant commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, after his dismissal from the fleet he became an entrepreneur.
May 30, 2014 in an interview with Ukrayinska Pravda Semyon Semenchenko noted that before the war he was an entrepreneur, participated in the organization of the Euromaidan in Donetsk.

In the Okna-Novosti program on the Ukrainian STB TV channel on September 5, 2014, Semenchenko said that his close relatives - his mother, father and brother, who live in Crimea - supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia and did not want to leave. Semyon Semenchenko he was worried about their safety and, in order to take out his relatives, he sent battalion fighters to the Crimea. According to Semenchenko, half of his life he lived in the Crimea, half - in the Donbass, where his wife comes from. His children were also born in Donbass. He was a private entrepreneur, participated in the 1st and 2nd Maidan. He was careful, because he was worried about his business and family.
On September 5, 2014, Moskovsky Komsomolets published an article claiming that Semyon Semenchenko studied at the Moscow VGIK. Gerasimov from 2006 to 2008, at the courses of Yuri Belenky in the workshop "Dramaturgy and Directing of Television". At the end of his studies, he did not complete his thesis work and did not receive a diploma.
On September 14, 2014, in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel 24, Semenchenko said that he originally had a different surname: “ Semyon Semenchenko- it was a pseudonym, my last name was completely different, but now (according to my passport) I Semyon Semenchenko... in fact, I already feel like Semyon Semenchenko now, this name has grown together with me, and I will continue to be like that. According to Semenchenko, in the past, in the 90s, he was the editor of two newspapers, the head of a charitable foundation, the head of public organizations, was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, tried to realize himself in the cinema, participated in the first and second Maidan, after the victory of the Maidan in Kiev, he returned to Donetsk - created local self-defense to counter the Russian spring.

In an interview with the Ukrainian edition of Ostrov on September 30, 2014, Semenchenko said the following about himself:
“My last name was not originally Semenchenko and it would be stupid if I, having a family and children, fought under my real name. However, the person who is now useful to society and the country needs is Semyon Semenchenko. I am them. I was born in Sevastopol, in 1974. My mother is Ukrainian, my father is Russian. My wife is also Ukrainian. I studied at four educational institutions. In a military school - left, did not graduate. Studied finance and credit. He was educated at the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow (VGIK) - he quit, did not pass his thesis. I was depressed by the quality of Russian education, everything is commercialized there. Fourth (educational institution) - I studied cameramanship. All my life I have been educating myself.
He never worked for anyone, that is, initially he worked only for himself. He was a director of enterprises. Was a private entrepreneur. He was the editor of two newspapers: "Sevastopol Vestnik" and "Nasha Sevastopolskaya Pravda" - it was a counter-newspaper - they fought against the communists in the nineties. He was the founder and head of the Charitable Foundation and a participant in two Maidans - in 2004 and 2013. I tried to organize the “Will of the People” movement - we were engaged in the demolition of fences that protect the beaches, we were looking for Mr. Lozinsky (a BYuT deputy convicted of murder) and even caught him, or rather, participated, let’s say, in this story. But that movement quickly died out, because there were no such tectonic faults in society as it is now ... I came to the Donbass in 2000, all my children were born in the Donbass - in Makeevka and Donetsk. My apartment has just been burned down, my office has been burned down.”

In April 2014, to counter the armed formations of supporters of the Donetsk People's Republic Semenchenko formed the battalion "Donbass" from the inhabitants of Ukraine. On April 20, the fighters received the necessary permission to "work" from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
On June 29, 2014, he arrived in Kyiv, demanding an end to the truce and the introduction of martial law. He held a demonstration near the Presidential Administration and performed on the Maidan stage.
According to Arsen Avakov on Facebook, on August 19 in the battles for Ilovaisk Semenchenko received shrapnel wounds in the thigh and back and was operated on in Dnepropetrovsk, the operation was successful.

Acquaintance of the leader of the "Right Sector" Dmitry Yarosh and battalion commander "Donbass" Semyon Semenchenko in the war zone
September 1, 2014 in the Dnipropetrovsk administration Semenchenko took off his balaclava, stating that “I was never afraid, I was afraid for my family, now she is safe and I am not afraid. On the same day, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov presented him with the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree.

On September 9, 2014, information appeared that Semyon Semenchenko will run for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the lists of the Samopomich party. September 25, 2014 Semenchenko officially registered as a candidate for deputies from this party.
On October 2, 2014, in an interview with TSN, Semenchenko said that he had been awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel.
On November 11, publishing an appeal to voters on his Facebook page, he signs it as “major of the NSU reserve, commander of the 2nd Special Recognition Battalion of the National Guard ‘Donbass’.”

In the program "Insider" on the Ukrainian TV channel "ICTV" on October 10, 2014. Semyon Semenchenko said that his name was originally Konstantin Grishin, he was born in Sevastopol, graduated from the Sevastopol Military School, and was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. He was the founder and editor of two newspapers: Sevastopol Bulletin and Nasha Sevastopolskaya Pravda. In the early 2000s, he moved to Donetsk, worked on security systems, installed satellite television, and was a fairly wealthy person. In 2014, he was forced to move to Kyiv with his whole family. Semyon's father - a naval officer - did not want to leave and remained in Sevastopol. The plot also showed Semyon's wife, Natalya Moskovets.

According to the TV channel "Rain", Semyon Semenchenko and his wife Natalya Moskovets were the owners of the Regional Courier Service company, operating under the New Satellite Television brand. The company's annual turnover was $1.5 million, monthly revenue - UAH 1 million. The company was engaged in the installation and maintenance of satellite equipment in the Donetsk region. In the spring of 2014, the couple closed the company and moved to Kyiv. The TV channel cites such data, referring to a former employee of the company, Yevgeny Maksimenko.

The teacher of the Moscow VGIK Vitaly Kalinin in the plot of "Rain" said that he clearly remembers his ex student Semyon Semenchenko - Konstantin Grishin, during his studies, Semyon was very fond of writing screenplays and often brought these works for verification. According to the Dozhd TV channel, Semenchenko began using pseudonyms long before the events in eastern Ukraine, when he was still doing business, in particular, to his employees. Semenchenko introduced himself as Andrey Semyonovich.

On December 14, he announced plans to block humanitarian aid and cargo on the territory of the DPR "until the hostages are released."
On January 31, 2015, during the operation to release the Svityaz battalion near the city of Uglegorsk, Semenchenko was shell-shocked, and while being transported from the battlefield, he got into an accident. On February 1st Semena Semenchenko fractures and a punctured lung were recorded, his condition is characterized as stably serious.

real name question
In interviews with various publications Semenchenko for a long time said that Semyon Semenchenko- this is a pseudonym, that his real name was completely different, but now according to his passport he has become Semyon Semenchenko and under this name will continue to live
Since January 2014 at all public events Semenchenko put on a balaclava, explaining that he was from the Donbass and feared for his own life and the life of his family if DPR supporters could identify him. He took off his balaclava only on 1 September.

At the end of July 2014, hackers from the Cyberberkut group published their own investigation, in which they claimed that they had managed to identify a person hiding under the pseudonym "Semyon Semenchenko". According to the hackers, it turned out to be Konstantin Igorevich Grishin, the owner of the New Satellite Television company. It is worth noting that the date and place of Grishin's birth published by the hackers coincided with the date and place of birth of Semenchenko (06/06/1974, Sevastopol).

The former chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, Sergei Eremin, in an interview with Obozrevatel on September 4, 2014, said that when he first met him, in February 2014, Semyon called himself Konstantin.
At a press conference organized by Obozrevatel on September 7, 2014, former battalion fighter Viktor Kondratyuk said that his real name Semena Semenchenko- Konstantin Grishin. Donetsk journalist Artem Furmanyuk also confirmed that during a conversation with Semyon in March 2014, Semyon called himself Konstantin.

In an interview with TSN on October 2, 2014, to the question: “Did the relatives know that he was him when Semenchenko put on a balaclava (and took a pseudonym)?” Semyon replied: “Of course (they knew), CyberBerkut had already told them their version. I have been a star of Russian television since April. My photographs (from the pro-Ukrainian rally) appeared very quickly… By chance, someone recognized me, and the clarification of my biography and the demonization of my personality began.” Thus, Semenchenko indirectly confirmed the investigation of hackers (in terms of the surname), which initially relied on a photo of Konstantin Grishin from a pro-Ukrainian rally and on letters from people who recognized him.

On September 1, 2014, Semyon Semenchenko was put on the wanted list by the prosecutor's office of the self-proclaimed DPR.

Married with four children

Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree (2014) - for courage and military merit shown during the liberation of the cities of Artemovsk, Popasnaya, Lysichansk.


The former chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, Sergei Eremin, in an interview with Obozrevatel on September 4, 2014, accused Semenchenko of unprofessionalism and excessive populism. According to Eremin, the battalion for Semenchenko is a commercial project, he writes well on Facebook, but he is not a military man, and at critical moments he simply withdraws. To promote the battalion, Semenchenko often invited journalists and arranged photo sessions. According to Eremin, Semenchenko said: "I understand that television can make someone out of no one."

The company commander of the Dnepr battalion, Vladimir Shilov (a former fighter of the Donbass), accused Semenchenko in losses near Karlovka: “In Karlovka, he laid out the route of movement in two days. And he threw practically unarmed people into a meat grinder, while he himself was behind and painted everything on Facebook ... After that, many turned around and left him, some in Dnipro, some in Shakhtarsk.

In early September, UNIAN hosted a press conference at which 15 Donbas fighters criticized Semenchenko. The press conference was attended by representatives of 29 media outlets, but not a single story appeared on the screens. A week later, on September 11, 2014, Obozrevatel published a video from this press conference, the participants called Semenchenko a PR man who did not understand military affairs and accused him of excessive human losses.
The press conference was attended by: Viktor Kondratyuk (call sign "Pisar"), Oleg Shevchenko (call sign "Seraphim"), Vladimir Babenko (call sign "Fagot"), Viktor Degtyarev (call sign "Sensei"), Sergei Povolsky (call sign "Pavel") , Artem Solobodyanyuk, Alexander Utsenko, Vladimir Shilov, Oleg Dub and others.
Semenchenko, commenting on this conference, said that only 2 active fighters of the Donbass battalion, with call signs Sensei and Fagot, were present at it. According to Semenchenko, after they heard the lies that they say about their battalion commander (that is, about him), a fight began.

It should be noted that what Semenchenko said is not true. Fagot and Sensei sat silently throughout the entire press conference and calmly listened to the other participants criticizing Semenchenko. Already at the end Fagot took the floor; almost crying, he said that he had come to this press conference not to talk about Semyon, but to ask people for help in releasing his comrades from captivity and delivering the bodies of the dead from Ilovaisk. Then Sensei (Viktor Degtyarev) together with Fagot (Vladimir Babenko) summed up that Semyon led badly, unprofessionally, but at the same time it should not be made public, because in general, thanks to the efforts of the general staff, the battalion performed its tasks successfully. This ended the press conference. That is, in fact, all the participants of the conference, including Sensei and Fagot, accused Semenchenko in unprofessionalism.

The disappearance of Alexander Kalashnik
On October 15, 2014 in Kyiv, about a dozen people picketed the building of the Presidential Administration, demanding to find Alexander Kalashnik, the deputy chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, who disappeared a month ago. The plot of the TV channel "Ukraine" even suggested that Semenchenko himself could be involved in this loss, since there was allegedly a conflict between him and the missing person.
According to Nadezhda Maltseva, a friend of the missing person, Alexander Kalashnik regularly performed his duties until September 14 (when he disappeared), but among other things, he also investigated the financial activities of the battalion.

Semenchenko refuted all the accusations, but at the same time accused the missing Alexander Kalashnik of disclosing personal information: “he kept a database of the battalion, which on September 12 (a couple of days before his disappearance) was published on the Cyberberkut and Russian Spring websites.” According to Semenchenko, after the publication of personal data, the families of soldiers living on the territory of the separatists had to be urgently evacuated. Semenchenko also noted that he himself is interested in finding the missing person and hopes that he will be found soon.
It is worth noting that the personal data of the fighters of the Donbass battalion were not published by hackers on September 12 (as stated by Semenchenko), and on September 24.

Trip to Rivne
In mid-October 2014, when visiting Rivne, Semyon Semenchenko traveled around the city in an Audi Q7 car with a state license. issue "Donbass 07", the photo was published by a Rivne journalist, volunteer Yuriy Dyug, on his Facebook. Some users spoke critically and saw this as a violation of traffic rules, since the license plate "Donbass 07", in their opinion, is not real.
Semenchenko, commenting on this incident, he referred to the fact that the car he was driving did not belong to him, if there was any violation of the rules, then this must be reported to the traffic police, according to the law.

Semyon Igorevich Semenchenko(ukr. Semyon Igorovich Semenchenko - in the past Konstantin Igorevich Grishin; born June 6, 1974, Sevastopol) - Ukrainian public, military and political figure. He gained fame and political weight as the commander of the Donbass volunteer battalion. Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation from the Samopomich party.

Semyon Igorevich Semenchenko
Ukrainian Semyon Igorovich Semenchenko
Date of birth June 6, 1974 (age 40)
Place of birth Sevastopol, Crimean region
Affiliation Armed Forces of Ukraine
Type of troops Naval Forces of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine
Rank reserve captain, lieutenant colonel
Commanded the battalion "Donbass"

By nationality - Russian. Born on June 6, 1974 in Sevastopol.
On May 15, 2014, in an interview with The Guardian, Semenchenko said that he was educated as a film director, on the CEC website, in the information about the candidate for people's deputies of Ukraine, it is indicated that Semenchenko has only a secondary education.
May 27, 2014 Semyon Semenchenko told Forbes reporters that this is his pseudonym, that in the past he was a lieutenant commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, after his dismissal from the fleet he became an entrepreneur.
May 30, 2014 in an interview with Ukrayinska Pravda Semyon Semenchenko noted that before the war he was an entrepreneur, participated in the organization of the Euromaidan in Donetsk.

In the Okna-Novosti program on the Ukrainian STB TV channel on September 5, 2014, Semenchenko said that his close relatives - his mother, father and brother, who live in Crimea - supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia and did not want to leave. Semyon Semenchenko he was worried about their safety and, in order to take out his relatives, he sent battalion fighters to the Crimea. According to Semenchenko, half of his life he lived in the Crimea, half - in the Donbass, where his wife comes from. His children were also born in Donbass. He was a private entrepreneur, participated in the 1st and 2nd Maidan. He was careful, because he was worried about his business and family.
On September 5, 2014, Moskovsky Komsomolets published an article claiming that Semyon Semenchenko studied at the Moscow VGIK. Gerasimov from 2006 to 2008, at the courses of Yuri Belenky in the workshop "Dramaturgy and Directing of Television". At the end of his studies, he did not complete his thesis work and did not receive a diploma.
On September 14, 2014, in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel 24, Semenchenko said that he originally had a different surname: “ Semyon Semenchenko- it was a pseudonym, my last name was completely different, but now (according to my passport) I Semyon Semenchenko... in fact, I already feel like Semyon Semenchenko now, this name has grown together with me, and I will continue to be like that. According to Semenchenko, in the past, in the 90s, he was the editor of two newspapers, the head of a charitable foundation, the head of public organizations, was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, tried to realize himself in the cinema, participated in the first and second Maidan, after the victory of the Maidan in Kiev, he returned to Donetsk - created local self-defense to counter the Russian spring.

In an interview with the Ukrainian edition of Ostrov on September 30, 2014 Semenchenko said the following about himself:
“My last name was not originally Semenchenko and it would be stupid if I, having a family and children, fought under my real name. However, the person who is now useful to society and the country needs is Semyon Semenchenko. I am them. I was born in Sevastopol, in 1974. My mother is Ukrainian, my father is Russian. My wife is also Ukrainian. I studied at four educational institutions. In a military school - left, did not graduate. Studied finance and credit. He was educated at the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow (VGIK) - he quit, did not pass his thesis. I was depressed by the quality of Russian education, everything is commercialized there. Fourth (educational institution) - I studied cameramanship. All my life I have been educating myself.
He never worked for anyone, that is, initially he worked only for himself. He was a director of enterprises. Was a private entrepreneur. He was the editor of two newspapers: "Sevastopol Vestnik" and "Nasha Sevastopolskaya Pravda" - it was a counter-newspaper - they fought against the communists in the nineties. He was the founder and head of the Charitable Foundation and a participant in two Maidans - in 2004 and 2013. I tried to organize the “Will of the People” movement - we were engaged in the demolition of fences that protect the beaches, we were looking for Mr. Lozinsky (a BYuT deputy convicted of murder) and even caught him, or rather, participated, let’s say, in this story. But that movement quickly died out, because there were no such tectonic faults in society as it is now ... I came to the Donbass in 2000, all my children were born in the Donbass - in Makeevka and Donetsk. My apartment has just been burned down, my office has been burned down.”

In April 2014, to counter the armed formations of supporters of the Donetsk People's Republic Semenchenko formed the battalion "Donbass" from the inhabitants of Ukraine. On April 20, the fighters received the necessary permission to "work" from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
On June 29, 2014, he arrived in Kyiv, demanding an end to the truce and the introduction of martial law. He held a demonstration near the Presidential Administration and performed on the Maidan stage.
According to Arsen Avakov on Facebook, on August 19 in the battles for Ilovaisk Semenchenko received shrapnel wounds in the thigh and back and was operated on in Dnepropetrovsk, the operation was successful.

Acquaintance of the leader of the "Right Sector" Dmitry Yarosh and battalion commander "Donbass" Semyon Semenchenko in the war zone
September 1, 2014 in the Dnipropetrovsk administration Semenchenko took off his balaclava, stating that “I was never afraid, I was afraid for my family, now she is safe and I am not afraid. On the same day, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov presented him with the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree.

On September 9, 2014, information appeared that Semyon Semenchenko will run for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the lists of the Samopomich party. September 25, 2014 Semenchenko officially registered as a candidate for deputies from this party.
On October 2, 2014, in an interview with TSN, Semenchenko said that he had been awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel.
On November 11, publishing an appeal to voters on his Facebook page, he signs it as “major of the NSU reserve, commander of the 2nd Special Recognition Battalion of the National Guard ‘Donbass’.”

In the program "Insider" on the Ukrainian TV channel "ICTV" on October 10, 2014. Semyon Semenchenko said that his name was originally Konstantin Grishin, he was born in Sevastopol, graduated from the Sevastopol Military School, and was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. He was the founder and editor of two newspapers: Sevastopol Bulletin and Nasha Sevastopolskaya Pravda. In the early 2000s, he moved to Donetsk, worked on security systems, installed satellite television, and was a fairly wealthy person. In 2014, he was forced to move to Kyiv with his whole family. Semyon's father - a naval officer - did not want to leave and remained in Sevastopol. The plot also showed Semyon's wife, Natalya Moskovets.

According to the TV channel "Rain", Semyon Semenchenko and his wife Natalya Moskovets were the owners of the Regional Courier Service company, operating under the New Satellite Television brand. The company's annual turnover was $1.5 million, monthly revenue - UAH 1 million. The company was engaged in the installation and maintenance of satellite equipment in the Donetsk region. In the spring of 2014, the couple closed the company and moved to Kyiv. The TV channel cites such data, referring to a former employee of the company, Yevgeny Maksimenko.

The teacher of the Moscow VGIK Vitaly Kalinin in the plot of "Rain" said that he clearly remembers his ex student Semyon Semenchenko - Konstantin Grishin, during his studies, Semyon was very fond of writing screenplays and often brought these works for verification. According to the Dozhd TV channel, Semenchenko began using pseudonyms long before the events in eastern Ukraine, when he was still doing business, in particular, to his employees. Semenchenko introduced himself as Andrey Semyonovich.

On December 14, he announced plans to block humanitarian aid and cargo on the territory of the DPR "until the hostages are released."
On January 31, 2015, during the operation to release the Svityaz battalion near the city of Uglegorsk, Semenchenko was shell-shocked, and while being transported from the battlefield, he got into an accident. On February 1st Semena Semenchenko fractures and a punctured lung were recorded, his condition is characterized as stably serious.

real name question

Semena Semenchenko

In interviews with various publications Semenchenko for a long time said that Semyon Semenchenko- this is a pseudonym, that his real name was completely different, but now according to his passport he has become Semyon Semenchenko and under this name will continue to live
Since January 2014 at all public events Semenchenko put on a balaclava, explaining that he was from the Donbass and feared for his own life and the life of his family if DPR supporters could identify him. He took off his balaclava only on 1 September.
At the end of July 2014, hackers from the Cyberberkut group published their own investigation, in which they claimed that they had managed to identify a person hiding under the pseudonym "Semyon Semenchenko". According to the hackers, it turned out to be Konstantin Igorevich Grishin, the owner of the New Satellite Television company. It is worth noting that the date and place of Grishin's birth published by the hackers coincided with the date and place of birth of Semenchenko (06/06/1974, Sevastopol).

The former chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, Sergei Eremin, in an interview with Obozrevatel on September 4, 2014, said that when he first met him, in February 2014, Semyon called himself Konstantin.
At a press conference organized by Obozrevatel on September 7, 2014, former battalion fighter Viktor Kondratyuk said that his real name Semena Semenchenko- Konstantin Grishin. Donetsk journalist Artem Furmanyuk also confirmed that during a conversation with Semyon in March 2014, Semyon called himself Konstantin.

In an interview with TSN on October 2, 2014, to the question: “Did the relatives know that he was him when Semenchenko put on a balaclava (and took a pseudonym)?” Semyon replied: “Of course (they knew), CyberBerkut had already told them their version. I have been a star of Russian television since April. My photographs (from the pro-Ukrainian rally) appeared very quickly… By chance, someone recognized me, and the clarification of my biography and the demonization of my personality began.” Thus, Semenchenko indirectly confirmed the investigation of hackers (in terms of the surname), which initially relied on a photo of Konstantin Grishin from a pro-Ukrainian rally and on letters from people who recognized him.


Semena Semenchenko

September 1, 2014 by the prosecutor's office of the self-proclaimed DPR Semyon Semenchenko was put on the wanted list.

Semena Semenchenko

Married with four children

Semena Semenchenko

Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree (2014) - for courage and military merit shown during the liberation of the cities of Artemovsk, Popasnaya, Lysichansk.

Semena Semenchenko


The former chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, Sergei Eremin, in an interview with Obozrevatel on September 4, 2014, accused Semenchenko of unprofessionalism and excessive populism. According to Eremin, the battalion for Semenchenko is a commercial project, he writes well on Facebook, but he is not a military man, and at critical moments he simply withdraws. To promote the battalion, Semenchenko often invited journalists and arranged photo sessions. According to Eremin, Semenchenko said: "I understand that television can make someone out of no one."

The company commander of the Dnepr battalion, Vladimir Shilov (a former fighter of the Donbass), accused Semenchenko in losses near Karlovka: “In Karlovka, he laid out the route of movement in two days. And he threw practically unarmed people into a meat grinder, while he himself was behind and painted everything on Facebook ... After that, many turned around and left him, some in Dnipro, some in Shakhtarsk.

In early September, UNIAN hosted a press conference at which 15 Donbas fighters criticized Semenchenko. The press conference was attended by representatives of 29 media outlets, but not a single story appeared on the screens. A week later, on September 11, 2014, Obozrevatel published a video from this press conference, the participants called Semenchenko a PR man who did not understand military affairs and accused him of excessive human losses.
The press conference was attended by: Viktor Kondratyuk (call sign "Pisar"), Oleg Shevchenko (call sign "Seraphim"), Vladimir Babenko (call sign "Fagot"), Viktor Degtyarev (call sign "Sensei"), Sergei Povolsky (call sign "Pavel") , Artem Solobodyanyuk, Alexander Utsenko, Vladimir Shilov, Oleg Dub and others.
Semenchenko, commenting on this conference, said that only 2 active fighters of the Donbass battalion, with call signs Sensei and Fagot, were present at it. According to Semenchenko, after they heard the lies that they say about their battalion commander (that is, about him), a fight began.

It should be noted that what Semenchenko said is not true. Fagot and Sensei sat silently throughout the entire press conference and calmly listened to the other participants criticizing Semenchenko. Already at the end Fagot took the floor; almost crying, he said that he had come to this press conference not to talk about Semyon, but to ask people for help in releasing his comrades from captivity and delivering the bodies of the dead from Ilovaisk. Then Sensei (Viktor Degtyarev) together with Fagot (Vladimir Babenko) summed up that Semyon led badly, unprofessionally, but at the same time it should not be made public, because in general, thanks to the efforts of the general staff, the battalion performed its tasks successfully. This ended the press conference. That is, in fact, all the participants of the conference, including Sensei and Fagot, accused Semenchenko in unprofessionalism.

The disappearance of Alexander Kalashnik

and connection with Semenchenko

On October 15, 2014 in Kyiv, about a dozen people picketed the building of the Presidential Administration, demanding to find Alexander Kalashnik, the deputy chief of staff of the Donbass battalion, who disappeared a month ago. The plot of the TV channel "Ukraine" even suggested that Semenchenko himself could be involved in this loss, since there was allegedly a conflict between him and the missing person.
According to Nadezhda Maltseva, a friend of the missing person, Alexander Kalashnik regularly performed his duties until September 14 (when he disappeared), but among other things, he also investigated the financial activities of the battalion.

Semenchenko refuted all the accusations, but at the same time accused the missing Alexander Kalashnik of disclosing personal information: “he kept a database of the battalion, which on September 12 (a couple of days before his disappearance) was published on the Cyberberkut and Russian Spring websites.” According to Semenchenko, after the publication of personal data, the families of soldiers living on the territory of the separatists had to be urgently evacuated. Semenchenko also noted that he himself is interested in finding the missing person and hopes that he will be found soon.
It is worth noting that the personal data of the fighters of the Donbass battalion were not published by hackers on September 12 (as stated by