Exactly 40 years ago, Nikita Khrushchev began dictating his memories.

"On Vagankovskoye - to Vysotsky, at Novodevichi - Khrushchev!" - We call tourists from Moscow railway stations. Khrushchev's daughter, Rada Nikitichna, who visits the grave more often than other relatives, sometimes finds modest flowers or Easter eggs there. So, remember ... He raised five children, participated in workers' strikes in the Donbas, was held civil and great domestic, put an end to the cult of the personality of Stalin, lasted the plantation of corn, launched the first cosmonaut to the orbit, resigned the art exhibition in Manezh, knocked his own boot On the Tribune of the UN, threatened the West of the Kuzkina Mother, the people from the basements and communal in Khrushchev, became the hero of many jokes, lived in isolation of the remainder of days, two thousand pages of candid memories were dirty and died on the dacha batch near Moscow. Hrushchev's funeral day "by chance" coincided with a sanitary day at the Novodevichy Cemetery. There was no official farewell. Two days after his death, a modest concise necrologist appeared in the newspaper. Here, in fact, all the most significant and well-known milestones of the biography of Nikita Khrushchev. The unknown remained in the memory of relatives in the family legends of people who knew the head of the USSR personally. Such people are in the Donbas where Chrushchev's childhood passed and his party career began. They remember something, and something invented. For example, how Khrushchev, already being the head of the USSR, visited the former workplace on Donetsk Mashazavod, saw new vice and indignant: they say, it's not mine, I worked with the old ones, and I better give someone from the workers. Or about the fact that Nikita Sergeyevich in Donetsk grew the daughter, about which he never told anyone, as well as about the repressed son Leonid. We talked about this and many other things with the son of Nikita Sergeevich Sergey Nikitovich.

"Mom tram went to work. And I, when I was a student, it happened, hanging on the steps "

- In the Donbas about Khrushchev, remember, although almost no living people remained who knew him personally. Remember the children of his friends and comrades in the party, but the truth is soluble in time, rumors and legends remain. They say, Nikita Sergeevich had another daughter - from a woman named Marusya, with whom he lived in marriage for some time. Father told you about it?

- The first time Nikita Sergeevich married in 1912 on the Efrosinization of Pisareva. Five years later, she died from Tifa when his father served in the Red Army. In his arms, he had two children - Leonid and Julia. And in 1924 Nikita Sergeevich and my mother, Nina Petrovna Kukharchuk, became husband and wife. Many years later, I learned that they were not painted. In those years, it was not required. People just lived together, raised children. If it reached the divorce, even the consent of the second party was not necessary. The question of issuing a marriage, got up only after the resignation of Nikita Sergeevich, when it was necessary to register in the apartment. As for Marusi and her daughter, I talked about it when I was in Donetsk. But I myself do not know anything and think it's rumors. Nikita Sergeevich in relation to the family was a person responsible and his daughter would not forget. By the way, that Leonid and Julia were born from the first marriage, we also learned many years.

- Your parents could not meet. Nikita Sergeevich in the Donbass a man sucked, and Nina Petrovna turned out to be there by chance ...

- My father was born in the village Kalinovka Kursk region. My grandfather went to the Donbass to work and transported the family. Grandfather worked at the mine, and his father from 15 years old - at the Uzowskaya Machine-Building Plant of the Belgian Industrialist Boss, then also switched to the mine. Mom comes from Galicia, until the 39th year, all her relatives lived in Poland. During World War I was evacuated to Odessa. He joined the revolutionary movement, and in the 20s she accidentally fell into the Donbass - he drove through these edges from Odessa to Moscow to courses and fell ill with typhus. Mama was keen in Seraphim Ilyinichna Ganner, in the house of which parents and met. When they decided to get married, his father put a mom one condition - so that she threw smoking. He was generally a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and before the revolution in the Donbass was the chairman of the local sobriety society. After many years, the American ambassador's wife gave Nikita Sergeyevich "Hitrut" Ryumka - the usual in appearance, but the container fluid is only two millimeters. Father always took this wine glass with himself and at the receptions only made the view that he drinks ...

My sister Rada was born in Kiev in 1929, I in 1935, Elena for two years younger than me. Children from the first marriage, Leonid and Julia, lived with us, and the parents of Nikita Sergeevich too. When the father was transferred to Kiev, he took his grandmother with his grandfather. The grandmother is buried in Kiev on the bike cemetery, her grave and now can be found, it is well maintained. In Moscow, we had a large apartment in the house on the embankment. Before death, my grandfather Sergey Gavrilovich lived with us. My family was friendly. I can not say that my father was engaged in us, checked the notebook or sat in bed when we were sick, but he really appreciated the house and spent the evening with us. We were still lucky that after the war we lived for a long time in Kiev, that is, away from Stalin. There was no night regime, when a person leaves three nights to work and returns to unknown when.

- In one of the interviews, Rada Nikitichna said that in childhood you were chained to bed due to illness. Did it continue for a long time?

- I had a tuberculosis of a hip bag. Tuberculosis in the family was ill not only me, but also my sister Julia, and my mother's sister. I really lay a whole year and began to go to evacuation. In my memory, this event coincided with the victory in the Stalingrad battle. Father then was not with us - we did not see him at all from 1941 to 1944. He moved along with the troops from Stalingrad to Kiev.

- Parents held you in rigor?

- Mom was very strict, and father is a soft man. But we were afraid to bring bad marks from school, first of all, because they did not want to upset the Father. Mom visited the school and asked for five to me to put it. Honestly, I was not considered a good student, and in this partly the merit of my mother. My father and I always went to walk together, and for walking was a special time. We walked and when I was a schoolboy, and at the institute, and when I already worked: we walked, talked, and it was our communication.

On weekends, guests came, and we also communicated with them all together. When youth parties happened at home, and the speech could not be about the table stood alcohol, and it was forbidden to smoke. Later, I, of course, lit, then threw. But did not drink long. I already worked in a missile KB in Chelyai, and when we went to the test site, the guys at the stops bought wine "Red Torch" for me (it was also called "ink"), and so I learned to drink.

- Your youth came to the era of styles and sixties. How did Nikita Sergeevich belonged to your tastes?

- I was not a style. And the songs of Okudzhava listened that, I remember, I was very surprised by one of my friend: she was confident that the songs of such a free-minded man could not sound in the house of Khrushchev, like Okudzhava.

- Is it true that Nina Petrovna tram went to work? Or is it also a beautiful Soviet legend about the modesty of Khrushchev and his family members?

- No, not a legend. And my mother went to the tram, and I, when I was a student. It happened and hang on the steps.

- And the privileges in the children of Khrushchev had no ...

- Talking fairy tales is stupid. Of course, the families of all who reached such a situation as Khrushchev, enjoyed privileges. But the main privilege was a ban on doing something or another - "otherwise you will be like Vasya Stalin."

"The ban on the name of Khrushchev was filmed in the early 90s"

- Candidates for the role of husbands and wives also selected parents?

- They absolutely did not interfere in our personal life. I remember how I was glad (she studied in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism) brought her future husband to Kiev, Alexey Agubei, to acquaint with his parents. Nobody advised her anything and did not forbid anything.

- "I don't have a hundred rubles, but you get married like Ajubei ..." - you can only imagine how much enviousness was Alexei Ivanovich and with what pleasure they threw hands when, after the resignation of Khrushchev, Ajubey was forced to leave the chair of the chief editor of Izvestiy! Rada Nikitichna was kept as editor of the magazine "Science and Life". But you also suffered for your surname ...

- It happened not immediately after the resignation of Nikita Sergeevich, but four years later. I worked in the man, I called and said: I will go out from there. I moved to the research institute, where with pleasure and worked for 20 years without trips to the landfill. But then I was very offended and did not understand that it was a warning father, who at that time had already written his memoirs: it is necessary to be more conspirational.

- Nikita Sergeyevich banned writing memories?

- Father began his memories in the 67th. He did not write, but pressed for a tape recorder, who called the "drawer", and very regretted that there was no interlocutor to be in front of him. One day, he called Kirilenko and said that the story should write the Central Committee, and not individual people, and demanded to hand over the materials in the Central Committee and stop dictation. Khrushchev replied: "This is a violation of human rights. I only know one case - when the king banned Shevchenko to write and draw. You can still take away from me, deprive everything, I can go to work - a plumbing thing has not forgotten yet, and if I don't understand it, then people will always be served. But you will not be served. "

For the cottage to Nikita Sergeyevich after his resignation, none of the people close to power did not come. Is that Mikoyan called one day. Our friends were and Peter Yakir came, Roman Carmen, Evgeny Yevtushenko. Near the cottage there was a holiday home, and from there people came to him crowds. Father with pleasure engaged in a garden, grown tomatoes in a kilogram of a kilogram, he himself smeared the watering system. But three years, from 1967 to 1970, he dictated his memories - almost 400 pages of printed text.

When he had a heart attack, the KGB materials selected. But we managed to make a copy and crossed it abroad. In the 71st year in the US, the book "Khrushchev recalls". But even after decades, nobody asked the Central Committee in what Khrushchev dictated. Not printed, did not look. With the book made a transfer for a limited circle. They were not interested not what Khrushchev said, but what was published in America - there is no such thing about people who are now in power. Memories begins from 1929 and end with the death of Stalin and the arrest of Beria. Nikita Sergeevich believed that this is the most important period, and what he did himself, allegedly uninteresting to anyone.

The ban on the name of Khrushchev was removed only in the early 90s. His memories were published in five rooms of the magazine "Spark". Then the publications banned people from the Central Committee, but the editor-in-chief of Vitaly Korotich magazine at their own fear and risk released four more rooms with memories. Finally, an important person from the Central Committee called and read the resolution of Medvedev: "No Khrushchev. Medvedev. After the death of the Father, I began to perform, trying to restore his name.

- Memoirs are largely devoted to Stalin. Nikita Sergeevich recalls that he personally called him to save the arrest of Maxim Rylsky, when he was blamed in Ukrainian nationalism. But after all, Khrushchev's signature also stood on documents related to repression ...

- At that time, not to put the signature was impossible. He believed that everything was involved in repressions and everyone should be responsible. I was ready to answer if they call. The main thing was - to end with all the horrors that happened then. It was a life that we are completely incomprehensible.

- Is it true that repressions did not go around and your family?

- My brother Leonid's wife Lyubov Illarionovna arrested for the connection or French, or with Swedish intelligence. She was not a spy, but just a sociable woman. From the Karaganda reference returned only after 1956. She still lives in Kiev. But if you mean the story with my brother Leonid, then this is all wrong. I myself believed for a long time that he shot at war with some sailor and for it was sent to the Penalbat and that his plane was shot down over the territory of Belarus occupied by the Germans, and perhaps Leonid was captured. True, this is just what he died.

In 1963 Nikita Sergeevich, when he was still with the authorities, asked to find aircraft shot down in that battle - there were more than 30. But before the resignation of the father, all the planes did not have time to raise, and then, when he was removed from power, no one was engaged in this. Seven years ago there were publications in newspapers that the locals raised some kind of car, next to which they found a uniform jacket and helmet, and that it seems to be a plane Leonid Khrushchev. But his son, Yuri, did not find any documentary confirmation of this. The fuselage of the aircraft rotted, and it was necessary to find the motor numbers. But the fact that Leonid was died there, it is known exactly, and this is no doubt anyone, except Stalinist.

- So there was no bottle-target and no finebate?

- Not. He himself came up with this legend. There was such a historian Kolesnik - he squandered, as it was all really. Leonid flew on the bombarder and got wounded in his leg. The leg turned out to be interrupted, she wanted to amputate, because gangrene feared, but Leonid, threatening the surgeon with a gun, forbade it. Left left, and Gangrena passed. But for a long time he had to be in the hospital. It was in Kuibyshev, then there he gave the performances of a large theater. Leonid walked with a stick, as well as all pilots, very attractive. In general, he met a ballerina from Greater, and they had a stormy novel.

Leonid in the heat of passion promised that it was divided with his wife and they would marry, and the ballerina did not forget. She returned to Moscow and began to tell everyone that he was married to the son of Khrushchev. Rumor reached Stepan Mikoyan, who was friends with our family. Leonid was frightened that our mother learns about everything, Nina Petrovna, "he was afraid of her more than the German messerschmids (in relations with women he did not differ in constancy, and her mother did not like it). Then he had to write a letter to Leonid and come up with that such a terrible story with a fine was happening and that they would not be able to see. So he had no criminal record, and this is confirmed by documented responses from the military prosecutor's office.

"Father was very worried when they began to sink his merit in the Great Patriotic War"

- But this story fell on the soul to those who, after the end of the war, was looking for all sorts of reasons to defame the name of Khrushchev.

- When his merits in the Great Patriotic War began to be silent, the Father was very worried. The commander of the Army Batov said: "I don't know about Stalin at all or about Khrushchev - where they were." Nikita Sergeevich worried: "How so? We fought with a companion Batov in Stalingrad, on a Kursk arc, and suddenly he lost his memory? ". Of course, it was very offensive. But my father was strong man. He said: "Everything grinds." Although it touched him much more than what Brezhnev did not mention, for example, about his role in raising virgin. Then the name Khrushchev tried to strike out from history. Brezhnev even ordered to rename the Crimean village called Nikita to Botanic - it is still so called, although it has nothing to do with Khrushchev. I was told that after the resignation of Nikita Sergeyevich Brezhnev and in Kursk, in the homeland of Khrushchev, fundamentally no longer appeared, although he lived there at one time.

- Sergey Nikitovich, you are a US citizen, and this is a separate topic - how and why it happened. But the first your trip to this country happened in 1959, when Nikita Sergeevich took you, and Rada, and Nina Petrovna. Before that, you were not over the border. Did the coup happen in your consciousness?

- All this is described in my books. Something surprised me, but then we already lived in a closed society, read about America, knew a lot.

- To the trip, probably thoroughly prepared, sewed costumes and outfits?

- No, clothes before was not attached to such a value as now. Mom specially outfits did not sew, and the father sewed a dark suit. Usually he wore a gray suit (black was not accepted). When the Father presented Rockefeller, he was amazed: "It is necessary, looks just like us." And even wanted to touch him.

"Since we started talking about clothes ... In 1941, in the May Day demonstration in Kiev, Khrushchev, being the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, stood on the podium in the ledge coat. I had to read and that the wife of Mikoyan brought in the studio suits a husband for transfushing. Is such an indicative modesty in fashion?

"Of course, I don't remember that my father was dressed: I was too small." But I fully admit that it was. At that time, all dressed modestly. Yes, and mom was a very economical woman. So the transfused coat does not surprise me.

- Did you dare to argue with Nikita Sergeevich? Is it possible to convince him something?

- In humans, I never objected Father. But at home could try to prove something. Sometimes argued desperately - for example, about Academician Lysenko. I argued that genetics exists, and he was amazed as I, an engineer, I do not understand that this could not be. Father told me then: "Get out of the house of Von!". But I stayed, and overnight he moved away. Father, of course, it was nice that I am an engineer doing rockets. He himself did not reappear either in Rabafak, nor in the industrial academy (by the way, in the same group, Stalin Svetlana Allilueva studied with him, she presented to Khrushchev with him). Probably, the father was interesting to me. After his resignation, we often went for a walk, talked a lot. Sisters even jealous of him to me.

- And corn? Did you understand that this is begging?

- Americans do not understand why Matryoshka with the appearance of Nikita Sergeyevich is drawn corn, and not a rocket. For them, Khrushchev is a person who has achieved strategic recognition from the West. In the US, it is very serious. And the corn was needed to feed the cattle, - the fodder grain was nowhere to take. But Nikita Sergeevich sincerely believed that we had a wonderful life much better than in the United States. And it was not going to fight - he wanted to invest in the economy and agriculture. They understood each other well with the then American President Eisenhawer and even thought together what to do with the military, who in the USSR, and in the USA all the time asked for money for weapons. As for the corn, then with the light hand of Khrushchev corn through Germany and Finland spread throughout Europe.

"Nobody saw the father pounded the boot"

- Is this story with a boot in the UN? You think that journalists are inflated ...

"Nobody saw him pounded the shoe." There was a common meeting, the journalists were surrounded by Nikita Sergeevich, someone stepped on his leg, and the shoes slept from his feet. The father was a full man and did not lean. He put the shoe near himself on the table. Then intervened in the discussion and began to wave a shoe to attract attention.

- And when did the scandal in the mannepen happen, did you try to explain something too?

- Then he did not try. You know when a person persistently blow in the ears, it is difficult not to hear. In his surroundings there were people who began to convince Nikitu Sergeevich in the fact that cultural figures are conductors of the bourgeois ideology that hostile works are exhibited in the Manege. Father simply stood. And this is not only my opinion ... Ernst Unknown also believes that the playpen turned out to be pure provocation.

"And this is all about him ... Khrushchev could put paintings with bulldozers, to be disturbed by bird trills and even write them on a magnetic tape. By the way, the records of bird votes are preserved in your family archive?

- We selected these records with Nikita Sergeevich's memoirs. And I remember how in the 46th of Germany, he brought the recorder and they with the guard wrote sparrow voices. And then the father said that they need to record, as nightingales sing. He gave the films acquaintances, so maybe someone they have survived.

- Romantic! The flight of Gagarin became a holiday, probably not only because it was an outstanding technical achievement ...

- Yes, Nikita Sergeyevich wanted this day to become a universal holiday. He hit the point. When Gagarin was met and they drove together by car, all Moscow came out. There was such a sunny weather, people hung in the windows, shouted: "Give the moon! We are in space! " Such a vacation was for the first time after the Victory Day.

- The report of the country "On the cult of personality" could not be born in one day. Surely Nikita Sergeevich has long thought over, adjusted. It can not be that they did not know anything in the family.

- It turned out to be a shock. Stalin for me, as for everyone, was the leader of the peoples. To this report, of course, people treated in different ways, but no one was discussed in my presence. When Stalin was alive, it was just dangerous to talk about him, but after the death of the leader in the house there were no conversations, even when the report "On the cult of personality" was preparing. So he became a complete surprise to me.

- From each trip abroad Nikita Sergeevich brought some ideas. Once, they say, I saw somewhere lights, directed upwards, as it was in the USSR, and down, illuminating the pavement and the road.

- Yes, these lanterns he looked in Scandinavia. I arrived and turned the first secretary of the Moscow City Council of Nikolai Egorchev's party for the fact that they still did not think of such a simple thing. In the US, he drew attention to self-service stores, supermarket samples. Soon, in Moscow, the first universal appeared on Suvorovsky Boulevard.

In the US, Nikitu Sergeyevich received the President of IBM Watson Sr. and showed him a cafeteria with a self-service system. After time, the same appeared in our USSR. And with Watson, the eldest fate brought me later again - I work at the Brown University, which he founded. Father then argued that our computer is better than American, but Watson did not agree with him.

- Sergey Nikitovich, in the country with which the USSR, in Khrushchev, was in the state of the Cold War, were you taken warm and for a long time?

- In the US, I was not going to stay forever. I was invited by Watson Jr. - to keep a project associated with the lessons of the Caribbean crisis. The contract was designed for three years, and this period seemed terribly long to me. English I knew badly, I remembered only my mother's lessons and something else stood in memory from childhood. When I arrived in America, I was sent to lecture in Seattle about what happened in Russia after the coup. I asked: "And who will translate?". I was answered: "Nobody translates in America. This is a country of foreigners. No accent does not care. " So from the racket I became a political scientist.

- And in the USA helped you set up Richard Nixon ...

- It says loudly - settled. For registration of the Green Card, we needed the recommendations of people respected in the US. I was given to Nixon, the former US Defense Minister McNamarra, Watson Jr. and Professor Taubman, with whom we were traveling in the places of Nikita Sergeevich (were in Donetsk, by the way) when Bill wrote a book about him. I accepted American citizenship, and the noise rose. But why? If the son of Thatcher lives in Texas, it does not surprise anyone. It is not clear why the son of Khrushchev cannot live in another country. I am a citizen of Russia and the United States, I have two passports ... And what is the interesting fact: despite the citizenship, from the entire American delegation, which went to Havana to the conference on the Caribbean crisis, Fidel Castro, once so friendly with his father, Cuban A visa did not give me only.

"In North Carolina, a shrinkled old woman approached me and said that I was a teacher Nikita Khrushchev"

- Someone from the Khrushchev family still lives in the USA?

- Liberty Nina, granddaughter of the deceased Leonid, - she teaches international relations in the new school of New York. The rest live in Moscow. At the sisters of Yulia and Elena children were not, the glad - three, and I, too. One of my sons died recently - the full names of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev.

- He didn't seem to him, and 50. He sick hard?

- He had prerequisites for unhealthy - overweight and other problems. Nikita worked in the editorial office of the Moscow News of 16 years, but this year the contract did not extend with him. He was hard for it. I didn't leave Nikita's grandchildren, I was not even married, I lived with my mother.

- Do you miss Russia?

- No more than yes. This is another country.

- Do you think Nikita Sergeevich could manage today's country?

- I think if he was eternal and would bring his reforms until today, we all live happily and better than the Americans.

- And Putin - it would have enough courage, like Khrushchev, to debunk the cult of Stalin?

- Of course not. I think Putin in the soul Stalinist, and it is not surprising, because he is a person from the organs. You will not do anything - every time has its own "vegetable."

- Are you comfortable in America?

- I just live - teach, I read lectures, I write books about your father and about that time. The "Pensioner of Union Value", Nikita Khrushchev and the creation of superpowers, are published, now working on the book "Reformer". It will be a trilogy of father. I am writing with pleasure, but very slowly - old has become. It used to write 30 pages per day, and now - much less.

- Your phone is easy to find in a telephone help. Probably the address too. You call you, write people from the former USSR?

- Rarely. But I get something. Once from Donetsk, one person sent a gate to Nikita Sergeevich, through which he walked through the factory pass. The relic was kept in the Khrushchev Museum, which was in his house. But when, with the Brezhnev, the museum was eliminated, this man is a token saved. Another Donetchanin - Viktor Lappo - wrote that he was heading the club, where the portrait of Nikita Sergeyevich hung, and he also saved him and he wants to convey. But we have not yet taken it yet, because, as it turned out, to take a picture from Ukraine to Russia - a big problem. And one day, when I spoke in North Carolina, a shrouded old woman approached me and said that I was a teacher Nikita Sergeevich. So the world is cracked.

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The only son of Nikita Khrushchev Sergey Khrushchev, the honorary professor of the University of Brown in the United States, today is mainly engaged in what the dad was engaged in, - a cold war. With the difference that his son is passionate about the scientific plan - as a story. For the second ten years, Sergei Nikitovich residing in the United States recently introduced his new book to the court - "Nikita Khrushchev and the creation of superpower."

Sergey was 20 years old when his father came to power. He studied, then he worked as an engineer, later became the director of the institute, she was engaged in rocket-building and cybernetics. Traveled a lot with the Father and was usually a silent witness of historical events in Russia and in the world. With Sergei Khrushchev, the news "Izvestia" Alla Borisov talked to Illinois University, where he represented his book.

- It doesn't seem to you that the times of the Cold War can return? For example, aggressive intonations in the press sometimes resemble old times.

I do not think. What is the Cold War? She was conducted by two ideologies that no longer exist. After all, then it was necessary to divide the world. And today Russia has no budget. The Cold War was a strange time of transition from the war to understand how to live in no fighting. When I arrived in the USA in 1991, I understood - yes, we were different civilizations and did not understand each other at all. But ... As we were close, Idean. We had a fear of each other, but there was no desire to start a war.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was a weak country. We got stupid, grew up in superpower. And until the death of Stalin lived in fear that America would begin the war, it was the syndrome of the first German attacks of the 41st year. Like Pearl Harbor for Americans. I know people who laid life, waiting for the American invasion with Alaska. Tupolev at one time honestly said Stalin, which will not be able to build a rocket that will do to America and will not be intercepted. But there was a man who said: "I can". And work began, the money went ... Stalin died. And the father reported that the rocket would be able to achieve America.

- Father never thought that war is possible?

Father sincerely believed that we will soon come to a wonderful life, much better than in the United States. And then why to fight? He wanted to invest in economics, agriculture. What a war there is when the Russian economy was 1/3 of the American ...

Yes, and relations with states we began to build just in the 60s. We finally saw each other. The same faces, the same eyes ... Father, I remember, presented Rockefeller, and he was just amazed. All said: "It is necessary, it looks very like us!" And even wanted to touch him.

- Do they have understood each other with Eisenhower well?

Absolutely! Both even heard could not about war. And all the time they discussed how to behave with the military, which in the USSR, which in the US was all the time asked for money.

What is propaganda

- You had to ride a lot with my father. I never wanted to fix it, somehow influence?

I was 20 years then ... after all, the difference in age. In humans, I never objected my father, but then we walked a lot and talked.

- He was strict?

No, he was a very soft man, loved people, but, you know when we take such a post, I do not always like when you mind. Sometimes argued to hoarseness. O Lysenko, for example. I tried to prove that genetics exists, and he was convinced that his advisers know better that she could not be. He then did not drive me out of the house.

- But how many curiosities we know! For example, visiting Prime Minister of Britain, he standing by the fireplace and chatting with his wife's premiere, said (you themselves told on lectures): "Do you know how many rockets need to dissemble your whole island? Do not know? And I know ... and we can do it! ".

Well, I then realized that this is also such a reception of diplomacy. And by the way, this conversation then played a role.

- And the famous story with the boot in the UN?

Do you know what's most interesting? So I will explain to you now what propaganda is. Have you seen your own eyes like Khrushchev pounded the boot on the table in the UN? Not? And no one saw. Because it was not. I can tell you what was. There is a routine meeting. At some point, the journalists surrounded the Father, and someone stepped on his leg. The shoe flew. And he was a complete person and did not bend. The shoe put nearby on the table. And at some point wanted to intervene in the discussion. He began to wave this boot, attracting attention. That's all. But what is interesting: my London Publisher asked to find this historic shoe, I found a couple in which he left then to the United States, and gave. And then suddenly it turned out that this is not the boot. Another picture. It turns out that in New York then it was hot, and he bought some sandals, American, probably. Here he was in them. (Sergey Nikitovic, apparently, here still talks about another episode. There are newsreel personnel, in which Nikita Khrushchev is knocking the boot in the UN meeting room. - Approx. Izvestia)

- And where are they now?

Rot. The son digs in them in the courtyard at home, and somewhere they are in the ground ...

Returning to the Lenin Covenants?

- How was your American journey?

From some moment I wondered what was happening in the country and in the world. He took a vacation at the institute and wrote the book "Pensioner of Union Value." And I was invited to the conference in Harvard. It was 89th year, and the KGB did not want to release me even for a week. Through Gorbachev still managed to leave. And after that I received an invitation from the Kennedy Institute as an honorary "fellow". And then I did not know English, I got into the dictionary and saw that Felow was a friend. I did not understand anything, of course. And then, when I arrived, I saw that the apartment, office, salary was ready. There I worked during the semester. I was not going to live in the USA. But the affairs of our ministry collapsed, and I stayed.

- Returning to your memoirs about the Father ... What period does it seem to you the most interesting?

You know, he was a fond of man, and every period was interesting to him. Here, for example, decentralization. He began to prepare this reform, and if she had succeeded, we would have a much earlier market relations. I usually speak this: "No, he could not go to it." Not sure. Yes, he was a convinced communist, but he could, say, declare: "We return to the Lenin Covenants." And everything is in order. After all, he was actively looking for, thought what to do. Lasil, for example, in the mine in Yugoslavia, all tried to understand that this is for democratic socialism. After all, he and party leaders tried to turn into modern managers.

- But he would not change the system.

What is the system? After all, it is not in the title, the fact is that the system should work better. It is difficult to advise the failed reform, but maybe in the 70s we would have to overtake America with our oil and economic reform?

- The story does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination.

About the death of Leonid Khrushchev, Senior Son Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev from the first marriage, there is a lot of legends. According to one of the versions, the fighter pilot, the Guard Senior Lieutenant Leonid Khrushchev died as a hero in air combat in 1943. On the other, it was shot on the orders of Stalin as a traitor of the Motherland. These are just two of several assumptions, the reliability of which researchers, historians and journalists will still argue.

All the greatest puzzles of history / M. A. Pankov, I. Yu. Romanenko and others.

Most readers are known only by one son N. S. Khrushchev - Sergey, a very prosperous person, who has been living in the United States for a long time. The existence of his senior consolidated brother Leonid was heard by very few of the 1980s. Nikita Khrushchev himself never mentioned about him. However, in memoirs, documentary books, newspaper and journal publications of recent years, a huge number of information devoted to the fate of Leonid Khrushchev appeared. Officially senior lieutenant Leonid Khrushchev is listed missing during the air combat on March 11, 1943 in the village of Mashutyno near the town of the Orlovsk region. Most of the published materials not only refute the death of the pilot in battle, but also claims that he voluntarily surrendered to captivity, and then he was shot as a traitor. Numerous arguments are not complemented by the authors, and often they simply contradict each other. What kind of versions is genuine or at least to some extent approximate to the truth?

In the late 1990s, at first, Leonid Sergey's consolidated brother, and then the son of Leonid Yuri and the granddaughter of Nina publicly announced that all published materials about the betrayal of Leonid Khrushchev were a lie, and through legal authorities demanded refutations. Khrushchev argued that during the lifetime of Nikita Sergeyevich no publications about the betrayal of his son, since he would be denied them; There are no documentary confirmations of the condemnation of Leonid. In addition, the family never said in the family - the children always knew from their parents that Leonid Heroyaki died in an air combat.

Indeed, documents, one way or another confirming the guilt of Leonid Khrushchev, have never been detected from researchers anywhere. Some explain this to a thorough cleaning of state and party archives, which N. S. Khrushchev conducted at the very beginning of his rule. All materials, in some way, its compromising, were withdrawn and, most likely, destroyed. Some of the former Kremlin security workers argue that there was often a special aircraft service between Kiev and Moscow, which delivered Nikita Sergeyevich documents from which he relief was relief.

Nevertheless, documents relating to L. Khrushchev, stitched and numbered, are stored in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of Podolsk. Appeal to them, and in particular to the personal cause of senior lieutenant L. N. Khrushchev, does not give any confirmation of what he ever was convicted. In the original of the autobiography written by Leonid Khrushchev on May 22, 1940, it is possible to read: "Born in Donbas (Stino) on November 10, 1917 in the family family. Before the revolution, the Father worked as a mechanic at the mines and the Boss plant. Currently, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b), the secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine. There are no relatives abroad. Married. The wife operates an assault-pilot squadron of the Aeroclub in Moscow. Father wife is a worker. Brother is a military personnel of the Air Force, Odessa. Sister - housewife. Common and special education received, studying in the seventels, FSU, School of Pilot GMF, at the preparatory course of the Academy. GVF school graduated from February 1937 in the Red Army, the listener of the preparatory course VVI. Zhukovsky. From February 1940 - Evash (Engels Military Aviation School). Abroad was not, under the court was not. "

Although there are no mentionality in the autobiography, some legends that are not only about the death of Leonid Khrushchev, but also about his whole life, they say that he was convicted, and not one day. Many authors depict Leonid Khrushchev as a person who is capable of betrayal and murder. So, Sergo Beria in his book "My Father - Lavrenty Beria" claims that the son of Nikita Khrushchev before the war contacted the gang of criminals, which manufactured murder and robbery. For the crimes perfect crimes, His accomplices were shot, and Leonid himself, being the son of a high-ranking statesman, was separated by ten years of imprisonment. However, no traces of respect to ten years in prison, which mentions the son of Lavrentia Beria, no in any of the documents.

As you know, after learning to Evash Leonid Khrushchev, having received the first military rank of lieutenant, was appointed a junior pilot in the 134th aircraft of high-speed bombers of the Moscow Military District. And in the first months of 1941, I fought bravely, which is documentary evidence. In the presentation of the commander of the 46th air traffic police, the Order of the Red Banner said: "Tov. Khrushchev has 12 combat departures. Manly, fearless pilot. In the air combat 06.07.41, the brave fought with the fighters of the enemy until the reflection of their attack. From the battle of com Khrushchev came out with a ceremony machine. " His combat characteristic of January 9, 1942 is no less positive: "disciplined. Piloting technique on Sat and AR-2 aircraft are excellent. In the air calm and calculating. Tireless in battle, fearless, always rushed into battle. On the Western Front stayed two months in the initial period, i.e., in the most difficult period, when the regiment flew without cover. Made 27 combat departures above the enemy's troops. In battle was hit by the enemy and broke the leg when landing. "

Leonid Khrushchev, who received injury, was immediately taken to the hospital in Kuibyshev, where they were then in the evacuation of the family of many leadership workers. It is by this period of his life that another story belongs to which the accuracy of which is still in question. She talks about that in 1942, in Kuibyshev in a drunken Ugar, Leonid Khrushchev allegedly shot a sea officer, was convicted and sent to the forefront. In his book "Children of the Kremlin" Larisa Vasilyeva writes about this: "Stalin reported that the son of Khrushchev - Leonid, a military pilot in the rank of senior lieutenant, in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication shot Major of the Red Army." Stepan Mikoyan, son A. I. Mikoyana, clarifies: "There was a party, there was some kind of sailor from the front. Well, they started talking to how she shoots. The sailor insisted that Leonid knocked down from his head a bottle. He fired and chopped neck. The sailor insisted: fall into the bottle. And he shot the second time and got into the front of that sailor. He was given 8 years with his departure on the front. " Tragic case with shooting in a bottle confirm the other eyewitnesses of the event. However, they were all just heard that "that Lie Lenya shot, whether he was shot, or he only attended." Therefore, the version of the murder of a maritime officer again has no documentary confirmation.

In addition, after recovery, Leonid Khrushchev was sent not to the Penalbat, as many wrote, but to reappear into the training aircraft regiment, after which he was appointed commander of the link of the 18th Guards Fighter Aviamol. The regiment had a good training base, and the young pilot, before that fought in bombardment aviation, quickly mastered in a new place. Soon he began to participate in the execution of combat missions on the Yak-7b plane. It was rumored, however, that Leonid Nikitovic was allegedly set off to the front to avoid punishment for the debaches with a scuffle and a random murder. Others resolutely did not believe such a tale: "Leonid - a honest soul man, just got into the millstone circumstances during the times, when not such climbed." In any case, the son of an important state person did not sit in the rear and went to the front - it's already worthy of respect.

In the new air strike, Leonid Khrushchev fell literally a few days before his last departure. In the fatery for him, Khrushchev's battle on his Yak-7b was driven, leading - one of the best combat flyers of the regiment of the womb. The link attacked two German fighters "Fockey-Wulf-190". At an altitude of 2500 meters, the air battle was tied - a pair of steam. About the last wrestling guard of senior lieutenant Khrushchev still walks too much legends. The most popular two versions. According to the first one, he was shot down, he managed to get out with a parachute, landed on the territory occupied by the Germans and surrendered. According to the second - he was not shot down, but simply voluntarily flew to an enemy airfield. In one newspaper even wrote that "flew to the Germans with all his division ...".

Lead, Guard Senior Lieutenant, Zamorin, gives three versions relating to the fatal battle, and all different! As Zamorin himself was confessed later, it was scary - and he, and the command of the regiment was afraid of punishment for the fact that the son of a member of Politburo did not save. Therefore, in the first report, Zamorin writes that the Khrushchev plane broke into a corkscrew, in the second - that Leonid, saving him, put his plane in the turn "Fokke-Wulf", in the third - that he did not notice that he did not notice what happened . Already after the war, and even after the death of the former head of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev, Zamorin sent a letter to Marshal of the Soviet Union of Ustinova, in which he admitted: "I was mistaken in the report that when the German" FV-190 "rushed into my car in Attack, going to the bottom of the right wing, Lenya Khrushchev, to save me from death, threw his plane in the fire of Fokker's fire lupile. After an armor-piercing strike, the Khrushchev aircraft literally crumbled at my eyes! That's why it was impossible to find any traces of this catastrophe on Earth. Moreover, the bosses ordered not immediately - our fight took place over the territory occupied by the Germans. " Nevertheless, in a letter, one is unquestioned - the former leading of all his might tried to save the reputation of the deceased slave, tried to protect the partner from the accusations of betrayal and explain why they did not find anything on Earth.

In a sad message, with which exactly one month after the incident - April 11, 1943, he turned the commander of the 1st air army Lieutenant Lieutenant Khudakov to a member of the Military Council of the Voronezh Front Lieutenant-General Khrushchev, was reproduced by the picture of the battle and put forward a version that Leonid Khrushchev broke into the corkscrew: "For a month we did not lose hope for the return of your son, I reported Khudyakov - but the circumstances at which he did not return, and the time to force us to make a sorrowful conclusion that your son - Guard Senior Lieutenant Khrushchev Leonid Nikitovic fell by the death of brave in air combat against German invaders. "

Organized by Khudyakov the most thorough searches from the air and through partisans (did the Soviet pilot hit the German captivity?) The results were not given. Leonid Khrushchev, like through the earth, failed - no fragments of the aircraft, no other pilot detected. What happened to the L. Khrushchev plane, it still failed to reliably solvely and hardly succeed. Probably information about this does not exist at all or they are in archives inaccessible to research. According to some data, comprehensive information was contained in the dossier on N. S. Khrushchev, stored in the Personal archive of Stalin, but where it is a dossier and whether it is unknown.

The search for the deceased pilot continues today. In May 1998, members of the Association "Cosmoposisk", combating Kaluga forests for the detection of meteorites, accidentally found the details of the Soviet fighter Yak-7b. Technique times of the Great Patriotic War - in these parts are not uncommon. However, this time the search engines were waiting for sensations. Plowing in archival documents, they concluded that the fragments found by them can be parts of that aircraft, on which Leonid Khrushchev flew. Search engines interviewed local residents, and some of them confirmed the hypothesis "Cosmoposk". According to their information, in April 1943, they, at that time, quite a boys, saw how the plane collapsed and had exploded on Earth. One of them, P. F. Clasts from the village of Vaskovo Lyudinovsky district, told how in his eyes the German fighter went into the tail and two queues hit our plane: "None of the car jumped up, the plane with how to crashed into the ground, boys came running to For funnel and managed to find three fingers of the pilot and some documents. There were no more digging in the wreckage - they moved the Germans who came on the motorcycles. My fingers were buried in the garden, and the documents were hidden in the Chulana at home. After liberation, the documents were transferred to Soviet officers. Those praised us, but seeing the name in the certificate ("see, important was the last name!"), Strictly-setting ordered to be silent about what he saw. Clearly, it was the son of Khrushchev, and otherwise why such strictness !? ". Thus, the members of the expedition "Cosmopoice" were almost confident that the fragments of the aircraft belonged by them belonged to Leonid Khrushchev's combat vehicle, although it is definitely imposed.

The search results commented on the close relatives of Leonid Khrushchev. His son Yuri said: "The last time I saw the Father in 1941, when he went to the front. I was six years old. Since then, it is surrounded by solid rumors and conjectures about him: "Sent" to the front from the term for hooliganism, flew to the side of the Germans and in general he to fly, they say, did not know how to fly ... All this is nonsense. Father went to the front, being a personnel military: even before the war was the pilot instructor in the aeroslobe. In 1941 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner - such awards do not give just like that. Could search engines come across the remnants of his aircraft? I guess, yes. But the examination is required before saying anything. Although I also know that the father died as a real hero. He was a good man, a class pilot. I went to his footsteps, became a test pilot. He retired only four years ago in the rank of Colonel, with the title of the Honored Test pilot of Russia. " But R. N. Ajubey, sister L. Khrushchev, treats such "finds" with great caution: "We are long and with the help of experienced professionals looking for the remnants of the Leonid aircraft, but still can not be said to say anything definite. A few years ago, fragments of the Soviet battle aircraft and the remains of the pilot did indeed found in the Kaluga region. But it was not possible to identify it, although it was engaged in this well-known Russian geneticist Ivanov - the one that identified the remains of the royal family in Yekaterinburg. Yes, and the military equipment here is full: tense battles went here. Around my brother's name a lot of rumors and gossip. I never believed in dirty fiction. When he was injured in one of the first fights, I was in his hospital. He kept well done, although he almost lost her leg then. If it was possible to find at least something that was left, and to get buried, would be happy. But so far to talk about it early. "

As for the legend of the betrayal of Leonid Khrushchev, it is based, in particular, on the story of the former deputy head of the Main Directorate of the USSR of the USSR General Polovnik I. A. Kuzovlev. According to his version, Leonid Khrushchev in 1943 was captured to the Germans. At the ultimate request, Nikita Khrushchev, Stalin, agreed to the exchange of his son on the German prisoner of war. The exchange took place (according to some reports, Khrushchev was captured by the partisans, and someone even claims that he was redeemed, and the capture was simply staged). But, as KGB workers installed, when L. Khrushchev was in a filtration camp for former servicemen, he went to cooperation with the Nazis. For the aggregate of the crimes of L. N. Khrushchev, the military tribunal was convicted and sentenced to shooting. Nikita Khrushchev begged Stalin to spare a son, but received a hard failure. There are bright descriptions of their meeting in numerous publications. For permissions, the authors tend to refer to the memories of P. Sudplatov, A. Prakrebyshev, M. Dokuchaeva, etc., although none of them was a direct witness of the conversation, but only "something from someone heard."

In 1999, the main military prosecutor's office conducted its own investigation. In the conclusion, which signed Colonel of Justice L. Kopalin, it is said that "information about the commission of any crimes by the senior lieutenant L. N. Khrushchev does not have the main military prosecutor's office." But people continue to argue about the fate of Leonid Khrushchev. Everyone defends his opinion, believing that it was the truth. Probably the right was L. Väsangg when he said: "There may be as many truths between people, as much as good qualities as bad, as much as the pleasures, how much is grieving.

HistoryLOST.RU - history riddles

Lhadmitry Khrushchev

Nikolay Nepomnyaching - 100 great mysteries of the XX century ...

September 11, 1971, Surgeevich Khrushchev left the life of Nikita. For a quarter of a century, his ill-wishers continue to take revenge on him, already dead, for the report at the XX Congress of the CPSU, for the subsequent defeat of the "Anti-Party Group", for the removal (by decision of the XXII CPSU Congress) of the Body of Stalin from Mausoleum on Red Square. Handing Khrushchev tries to convince public opinion in the fact that the main cause of the Khrushchev criticism of Stalin and Stalinanchers were personal motives related to the death of his eldest son Leonid. The author of this article on archival documents and stories of eyewitnesses tried to trace the genuine history of Leonid and the roots of rumors about his death.

From time to time, a variety of "sensations" appear in the Russian press, desperately fighting for the circulation. These include the stories about the extraordinary fate of the son of Khrushchev from the first marriage. Echo of these stories even flew Ocean. In the US, the newspaper "New Russian Word" (January 26, 1996) was reprinted from December for 1995, the number of the Moscow Express Newspaper, the note of the former GGB Vadim Snival, about how the son of Khrushchev Dmitry was supposedly stoled from German captivity by General KGB Sudoplatov and shot for betrayal - he agreed to cooperate with the enemy. In this publication, all - lies.

Let's start with the fact that Dmitry's son Nikita Sergeevich was not. One can only guess that we are talking about the son of Khrushchev from the first marriage (his first wife died in 1919 from Tifa) by name Leonid. The pilot, senior lieutenant, he participated in combat departures from the first days of war. I managed to make a couple of dozen departures, was presented to the award, but on July 26, 1941, his plane was bridged after the bombing of the station Idud and barely retressed the neutral strip. When landing the aircraft on the Leonid field broke his leg, then Led for a long time in the Hospital in Kuibyshev. Here, as General Stepan Mikoyan says (he then in the rank of lieutenant was treated in the same hospital), the following happened:

"Once a sailor turned out to be in the company of the wounded. When everyone was strongly "under the degree", someone said that Leonid Khrushchev is a very taller shooter. The sailor - on the dispute - suggested Leonid to knock down the bottle from his head. He refused for a long time, but then he still fired and beat off the neck of the neck. The sailor began to argue, prove that the neck "is not considered", it is necessary to get into the bottle itself. Leonid fired again and fell a sailor in the forehead. "

A simple pilot for this "game in Wilhelm Tell" (such a game was in the go in hospitals, on rear retraining, etc.) would have punished strictly. But in this case, it was about the battle pilot, which was treated after severe injury, and the son of a member of the Politburo. All eyewitnesses showed that the initiative in this sad story proceeds not from Leonid, but from the deceased sailor. The Tribunal sentenced Leonid to the Penalbat (according to other data - by 8 years of the camps), but as a partner allowed to serve his sentence in aviation.

Leonid asked for a fighter and fought desperately. On March 11, 1943, his plane was shot down near the Village of the School over the occupied territory. The front commander suggested Nikita Khrushchev to send a search group, but he refused: the risk does not find anything, but to destroy people was too large.

No documents and information about the fact that Leonid Khrushchev was allegedly captured, there was no. In February 1995, the Russian newspaper in the article "found the grave of Khrushchev?" (A more complete version of this article under the title "Son N. S. Khrushchev died in Bryanskin?" It was published in the Bryansk Worker "dated January 20, 1995) reported that in a dried swamp near the town of Fokino (45 kilometers from Sudatra) The local search group (the head of Valery Kondrashov) found the fragments of the aircraft, and in it - the remains of the pilot. According to some signs (type of the Yak-7 fighter, the fur headset of the same species that Leonid was wary, the date on the machine gun - 1943) it seems that this is the plane Leonid. I write so cautiously because the fighter type coincides, but this is not the modification on which Leonid has usually flew. Perhaps this flight he went on another plane. Unfortunately, until it was possible to find the documents for the plane, who died near Fokino; If you manage to verify the engine number with the form (it would have to be preserved in the archive of the Ministry of Defense), it will be possible to say for sure about the fate of Leonid.

And now about the fate of the legend about his imaginary captivity, abduction and execution.

Until 1969, there were no conversations about this. But in 1969, "Upstairs" began to be inclined to be rehabilitated by the Comrade Stalin - approached its 90th anniversary. In Truth, the anniversary lap was prepared on the "outstanding" merit of Stalin before the revolution, the country and the world. Having learned about this, a group of prominent scientists and writers wrote a sharp protest to the Central Committee (a well-known publicist Ernst Henry showed greater activity). The letter has worked out, the article from the room was removed. But the matrix of the newspaper was already flying to the Far East. And the Far Eastern number came out with the article! Then they joked: we have two truths about Comradist Stalin.

Supporters of Stalin's rehabilitation tried "believable" to explain the reasons for the exposure of the personality cult in the XX and XXII CPSU Congres. Philipp Bobkov, Deputy Chairman of the KGB, in those years headed the 5th control (fighting dissenters). There is information that it was he who put his hand to the creation of a legend of "Traitor, the Son of Khrushchev." His subordinate, General Vadim Lyodov, speaking in the "express newspaper" with the "exposing" Anthrushchev essay, continues the same line: "Son Khrushchev" collaborated with the enemy, agitated for the surrender of Soviet soldiers to the Germans ... Of course, the "authorities" could not remain in Side: The Sudplatova group stole the son of Khrushchev from German captivity, and a merciless, but the humane and fair Soviet tribunal decided to shoot him as a mad dog. Stalin in the presentation of the remote looks harsh, but noble. He tells Khrushchev, who allegedly asks for a condesception: "If the same thing happens to my son, I will accept this stern, but a fair sentence." Not tyrant, but still Taras Bulba! Some comrades, alas, still remember how the Body of Comrade Stalin was taken out of Mausoleum, and try to create a myth about why this "disgrace" occurred. Everything is very simple: Khrushchev was allegedly angry at Comrade Stalin for the shooting of the Son, it was offended that he did not hear his tear request. And as soon as he was revealed to power, so immediately shiplatova planted, and the "great" Stalin Zapleval and Lenin in Mausoleya Osirolov ...

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" in November-December 1994 placed three publications of the editor-in-chief of Rosinform Evgeny Zhirnov called "Red Prince", where the same version about the son of Khrushchev is set out: captivity, traitor, abduction, execution. But fat, at least, correctly calls the name: Leonid (and not Dmitry). And you can understand the newspaper: you need a circulation, you need sensations. But why still again and again such an excitement around the famous plot has arisen?

Liskov's article clearly denotes where the edge is directed: the text is accompanied by a photo of Nikita Khrushchev of the War years with the signature "General Nikita Khrushchev, father of the Motherland?". But it is noteworthy that in the book of the former guard Stalin A. T. Rubin "next to Stalin", first published in the form of an article in 1949, there is not a word about the "traitor, son of Khrushchev". And it is clear why: Khrushchev's branding at that time was still nothing. But in the second edition of "next to Stalin" (1992, without weekends), this story supened from the finger appears. And the moral from here is all the same: Nikita Khrushchev allegedly wrapped the "Great Leader" by malice and for revenge. But in fact it turns out everything just the opposite: this is the Stalinist wrath of malice and for revenge goals are trying to wrap the Khrushchev for the debunation of crimes committed by their owner.

Material Valery Lebedev

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Sergey Nikitich Khrushchev

Khrushchev in 2010
Scientific sphere:

space system designer, political scientist

Place of work:

Institute of International Studies by Thomas Watson University Brown

Academic degree:
Alma Mother :
Awards and Prizes:

Sergey Nikitich Khrushchev (gen. July 2 ) - Soviet and Russian scientist, publicist. Son of the former first secretary CPSS Central Committee Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev . Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Hero of Socialist Labor ().


Sergey Nikitich Khrushchev was born July 2 1935 in Moscow . At the age of 6, he was transferred to the fracture of the hip joint, spent the year in the gypsum. IN 1952. graduated moscow School number 110 from gold Medal.

In the summer of 1952 he entered the Faculty of Electrovacuum Technology and the Special Instrument MEI with the specialty "Automatic Regulation System". Recalled that the main role in his decision to go to learn exactly in MEI played his former rector, spouse Malenkov Valeria Golubsyova.

With the first wife - Galina Noise - divorced. The second wife, Valentina Nikolaevna Golenko, lives with Sergey Nikitich in the United States. Senior Son. Nikita , journalist and editor "Moscow news" , died February 22 2007. in Moscow. Junior Son Sergey lives in Moscow.

Publicistic activities

After the resignation of N. S. Khrushcheva edited the book memories of his father, sent for edition abroad. Was under the supervision of special services.

Later released a number of own books with memories of historical events, whose witness he was, and with his own suspended assessment of what was happening: "The Pensioner of Union Value", "Birth of Superzhava". The works adheres to a clear antistaline position. Currently, working on books about "Khrushchev reforms". Books are translated into 12 foreign languages. One of the movie scenarios " Gray wolves "(Mosfilm, 1993).

In 2010, the book of the Ukrainian Writer and Journalist Dmitry Gordona "Son for the Father", in which all the author's interviews are collected with Sergey Khrushchev.

Main works

  • Khrushchev S. N. Pensioner of the Union value. - M.: News, 1991. - 416 pp. - ISBN 5-7020-0095-1
  • Khrushchev S. N. Birth of the Superstand: Book On Father. - M.: Time, 2003. - 672 p. - ISBN 5-94117-097-1
  • Sergei Khrushchev. Khrushchev on Khrushchev - An Inside Account of The Man and His Era, by His Son, Sergei Khrushchev, Verlag Little, Brown and Company, 1990, ISBN 0-316-49194-2
  • Sergei Khrushchev. Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of A Superpower, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-271-01927-1
  • Sergei Khrushchev. Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev: Reformer, 1945-1964, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-271-02861-0

Write a review about the article "Khrushchev, Sergey Nikitich"


  • Vladimir Skachko. Fee for signs. Children and grandchildren of the leaders ignored the case of fathers and grandfathers. // "Kiev Telegraph". № 27-29.
  • Dmitry Gordon. Son for father. Sergey Nikitich Khrushchev about father, Stalin, time and about himself. - Kiev: Dnipra, 2010. - ISBN 978-966-8881-13-8



  • Interview with the information agency TPP-Inform 09/12/2013
  • Interview with the information agency TPP-Inform 09/11/2013
  • Interview of the information agency TPP-Inform 09/10/2013
  • Interview newspaper "Today" , Ukraine , 06/18/2009
  • (eng.)

Excerpt characterizing Khrushchev, Sergey Nikitich

Sonya Red, like Kumach, also kept behind his hand and had shone in a blissful look as directed into his eyes, which she waited. Sona has passed for 16 years, and she was very beautiful, especially at this moment of happy, enthusiastic revival. She looked at him, not showering eyes, smiling and holding up his breath. He gladly looked at her; But still waited and looking for someone. The old countess has not yet come out. And here heard steps in the doorway. Steps are so fast that it could not be the steps of his mother.
But it was she in a new, unfamiliar to him, sewing a dress without him. Everyone left him, and he ran to her. When they came together, she fell on his breasts sobbing. She could not lift the faces and only pressed him to cold Sonurkov his Hungarian. Denisov, who was not seen by anyone, entering the room, stood right there and, looking at them, he was terraged her eyes.
"Vasily Denisov, a friend of your son," he said, recommending a count, who looks at him.
- Welcome. I know, I know, "said Count, kissing and hugging Denisov. "Nichushka wrote ... Natasha, faith, here he is Denisov."
The same happy, enthusiastic faces appealed to the shaggy figure of Denisov and surrounded him.
- Blue, Denisov! - Natasha scored, without remembered himself from delight, jumped to him, hugged and kissed him. Everyone was embarrassed by the act of Natasha. Denisov also blushed, but smiled and taking Natasha's hand, kissed her.
Denisov was taken to the room prepared for him, and the Rostov was all gathered in the sofa near Nichushka.
The old Countess, not releaseing his hands, which she kissed every minute, sat with him next; The rest, crowded around them, caught his every movement, the word, look, and did not descend the eyes enthusiastically. Brother and sisters argued and intercepted places from each other closer to him, and they fought for someone to bring to him tea, handkerchief, tube.
Rostov was very happy with the love that he was told; But the first minute of his meeting was so blessed that his present happie seemed little to him, and he was still waiting for something else, and also.
On another morning, visiting slept from the road to the 10th hour.
In the preceding room, sabers, bags, caski, opened suitcases, dirty boots were lying around. The cleaned two pairs with spurs were just put at the wall. The servants brought washbasins, hot water for shaving and cleaned dresses. Plowed tobacco and men.
- Gay, G "Ishka, T" Ubka! - shouted the hoarse voice Vaska Denisov. - Rostov, get up!
Rostov, rubbing the fucking eyes, raised the confused head with a hot pillow.
- And what's late? - Late, 10th hour, - Natashin's voice answered, and in the next room there was a blizzard of starchy dresses, a shop and laughter of maiden votes, and something blue, ribbons, black hair and funny faces flashed into a slightly dissolved door. It was Natasha with Sonya and Petya, who came to visit, did not get up.
- Nikoleka, get up! - Natasha's voice was heard again at the door.
- now!
At this time, Petya, in the first room, seeing and grabbing the saber, and experiencing the delight that boys are experiencing, at the sight of a militant older brother, and forgetting that the sisters are indecent to see the divided men, challenged the door.
- Is this your saber? He shouted. Girls bounced off. Denisov with frightened eyes hid his shaggy feet into the blanket, looking at the help of his friend. The door missed Petya and got out again. Behind the door heard laughter.
"Nicholyka, go out in a bathrobe," Natasha's voice said.
- Is this your saber? - asked Petya, or is it your? - He addressed the unceol, black Denisov with an uncertain respect.
Rostov hastily shoved, put on a bathrobe and came out. Natasha put on one boot with spur and climbed into another. Sonya was spinning and just wanted to inflate the dress and sit down when he came out. Both were in the same, new, blue dresses - fresh, ruddy, fun. Sonya ran away, and Natasha, taking a brother at hand, led him to the sofa, and they had a conversation. They did not have time to ask each other and respond to questions about thousands of little things that could only interest them. Natasha laughed at every Word he spoke and which she said, not because it was ridiculous what they said, but because she had fun and she could not hold his joy, expressing laughter.
- Oh, how good, excellent! She sentenced to everything. Rostov felt under the influence of hot rays of love, for the first time after a year and a half, on his soul, and on his face was blooming the children's smile, which he never smiled since then drove out of the house.
"No, listen," she said, "are you now a man now?" I'm terribly glad that you are my brother. - She touched his mustache. - I want to know what kind of men are you? Are these as we? Not?
- Why did Sonya ran away? - asked Rostov.
- Yes. This is still a whole story! How will you talk to Sonya? Are you or you?
- How to happen, "Rostov said.
- Tell her you, please, I'll tell you after.
- What?
- Well, now I will say. You know that Sonya is my friend, such a friend that I am burning for her. Look here. - She knocked her backstage sleeve and showed on his long, thin and tender handle under the shoulder, much higher than the elbow (in the place that closed and ballroom dresses) is red methine.
"I burned it to prove her love." Just the ruler squeezed on fire, and pressed.
Sitting in her former classroom, on a sofa with pads on the handles, and looking at these desperately lively eyes of Natasha, Rostov again entered that his family, a children's world, who did not have any meaning, except for him, but which delivered him some of the best pleasures in life; And the burning of the hand of the line, for the reading of love, it seemed not useless to him: he understood and was not surprised at this.
- So what? only? - he asked.
- Well, so friendly, so friendly! This is that, nonsense - ruler; But we are forever friends. She will love who is so forever; And I do not understand this, I will forget now.
- So what?
- Yes, she loves me and you. "Natasha suddenly blushed," well, you remember, before leaving ... So she says that you all forget it ... She said: I will love him always, and he will be free. " After all, the truth is that it is great, noble! - Yes Yes? Very noble? Yes? - Natasha asked so seriously and excitedly, which was visible, that she said now, she had previously spoke with tears.
Rostov thought.
"I don't take my word back in anything," he said. "And then, Sonya is so charm that what a fool will give up his happiness?"