The program is designed for 40 obligatory classroom hours of interaction of participants with a teacher (simulation training trainer) and teaching aids (simulators, etc.) at the leading Center for Continuing Professional Education (CNVE) "First Medical:" UVK "Mentor Medicus" . In addition to 40 classroom hours, the program provides for self-training in the mode of distance learning and computer testing on the Unified Educational Portal "First Med".

In the course of training, simulation training methods are used, as well as the Team-based learning method (team training). Classroom classes are held in TEAMS, numbering in 5 units of participants(5 people), according to the schedule.

Training is held annually from October 1 to June 8 and is offered mainly to students in grade 10 of general education schools. Only a collective agreement is concluded (number of at least 15 participants). The cost of training is 15,000 rubles.

In case of successful mastering of the program, students will be able to try their hand at voluntary testing of their practical skills according to the Sechenov minimum system and, in addition to the document on participation in the program of early professional orientation and specialized medical training of students of schools "Step into Medicine", get the following University sample documents (valid for 1 year):

  1. First Aid Volunteer Certificate
  2. Access to specific practical manipulations of junior medical personnel
  3. Eligibility to perform specific medical services as a medical trainee

Subsequently, the participants in the database of the CISO can declare a second opportunity to participate in these trials (on a preferential basis). Revocation or non-provision consent to the processing of personal data , entails the removal of participants from the database of the Center immediately after the end of the training period in accordance with the contract.

If you are interested in this training program, then you must:

1. STEP. Familiarize yourself with the standard contract for the provision of this service and on time until September 21 to the CNPO [email protected] send an application about your desire to be trained, indicating:

  • Surnames Names Patronymics of the customer of training (adult payer),
  • Surnames, First Names, Patronymics of Students,
  • Details for filling out the contract (passport data, residential address and contact phone number of the Customer and all Students),
  • Desired training schedule, based on the current schedules(select number(s) of teams)
  • The date and time before the start of training for the Customer to visit the Center for Research and Development in order to conclude an agreement and receive a payment order

2. STEP. Within 3 days from the date of sending the application, receive confirmation of the training schedule, the date and time of the conclusion of the contract from the CISV.

3. STEP. In accordance with the approved date, come to the TsNPO at 49 Nakhimovsky Prospekt Street to sign the contract (as well as an act of completed work with an open date) and receive a letter for a payment order and the contract number. Pay for tuition no later than 10 days from the date of execution of the contract.

4. STEP. Before the start of training (in accordance with the schedule) send to the address of the Center [email protected] a copy of the payment document confirming payment or provide it on the day of the first lesson (but no later than 5 days from the date of payment), in exchange for which to receive login and password for working on the distance learning portal.

5. STEP. At the second lesson, but no later than December 23, receive your copy of the agreement filled in by the University.

6. STEP. At the last lesson, receive your copy of the completed Certificate of Completion. In case of refusal to sign the Certificate of Completion before the start of training, it is necessary to ensure the presence of the Customer to sign four copies of the Certificate of Completion at the last lesson (test).


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for 9th grade students


Compiled by a biology teacher

highest qualification category

MOSSh №29 Rachko S.N.

Nizhnevartovsk, 2013

Abstract for parents and students

The elective course "Step into the World of Medicine" provides students with a variety of medical professions, encourages students to think and comprehend the most diverse aspects of medical professions: social, economic, psychological, moral, etc. Studying the course material will help students better understand their professional preferences and make a conscious decision. choice of profession.

The course is intended for pre-profile training of 9th grade students, it is designed for 17 hours, of which 3 hours are allocated for visiting medical institutions and 4 hours for practical work.

Target: professional self-determination of primary school students.


    To promote professional self-determination of primary school students, the choice of a profile of study at the senior level of education.

    To form the concept of primary school students about professions that require biological knowledge.

    Develop health and wellness skills.

    To deepen students' knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and hygiene, disease prevention and first aid rules.

Terms of the program implementation: pre-profile training for 9th grade students, 17 hours.

Basic principles for selecting and structuring material:

The course program includes a range of questions showing the problems and tasks of medicine in human society, introduces the structure of health care, forms of traditional and alternative medicine, includes laboratory work, self-observation, exercises, useful tips, the basics of first aid for domestic injuries.

In the process of mastering the course program, students get acquainted with a variety of educational institutions where you can get a medical education. It also provides for the implementation of practical work that allows you to deepen and expand the knowledge of students in the field of general and age-related physiology, psychology, and hygiene. The successful solution of the objectives of the course will be facilitated by the organization of meetings with medical workers, students and graduates of the school from specialized medical universities.

A feature of the course is that it requires active creative work of students: discussion of problems, work on projects, writing reports and abstracts.

Teaching methods:

    search and research methods that stimulate cognitive activity;

    students, laboratory and practical work, graphic work that develops the creative initiative of students;

    interactive methods (heuristic methods, educational dialogue, method of problematic tasks);

    independent work of students with various sources of information, provide information and communication competence.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: individual, group, collective.

Forms of training sessions: Teaching an elective course provides for the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies that contribute to the effective development of the creative potential of students. The high school is focused more on entering the university. In this regard, when studying the course, a lecture-seminar system of classes is provided.

The lecture provides for a large-block presentation of the material, the disclosure of the main key positions.

The seminar involves a creative study of the program material. In these classes, there is a deepening, expansion and detailing of the material. Preparation for them involves the organization of individual and group work of students, the search for information from additional literature and electronic sources, the development of skills to independently obtain, analyze, generalize knowledge, and draw conclusions. Seminars can be held in the form of student presentations based on reports and abstracts, in the form of debates, discussions, role-playing games, round tables.

When conducting practical exercises, it is advisable to use the resources of a medical office, as well as cooperation with a medical worker.

In the classroom, it is supposed to demonstrate slides, educational videos, a multimedia application, atlases, tables, which will contribute to the visualization of the information provided and the successful assimilation of the material.

In addition to the class-lesson system, it is planned to conduct an excursion to the medical laboratory. interactive lectures followed by discussions, seminars,

laboratory work, protection of creative projects, etc.

Expected results:

Students should know:

    main medical specialties;

    modern achievements of medicine;

    first aid rules;

    information about medical institutions of the city and district and region, requirements for medical students.

Students must be able to:

    plan and conduct self-observation, laboratory experience, practical work, do mathematical processing of research results, formulate conclusions;

    prepare abstracts, reports, work on projects, use additional sources of information.

Students should have the following competencies:

1. Educational and cognitive:

determine the most rational sequence when performing practical work;

independently evaluate their activities;

be able to identify causal relationships;

solve practical problems creatively.

2. Communicative:

conduct a dialogue, speak publicly;

participate in collective mental activity;

convince, prove, formulate conclusions.

3. General cultural:

manage their behavior, mood, their needs and desires, combining them with the interests of the team;

observe safety precautions when performing practical work.

4. Informational:

take notes on reading, make notes, extracts, draw up abstracts;

describe the results obtained, draw conclusions;

use Internet resources when making presentations.

Forms of control

    Messages, speeches.


    Practical work.

    Design work.

    Solution of situational problems

    Test tasks

To stimulate personal growth, you can use a score system for monitoring achievements, fixing the results in the table below.

F.I. student

Group work

Oral response

Presentation of a report

Practical work


Project defense, presentation.

As a result of mastering the course program, students must defend a project or submit a presentation. Upon successful defense, students receive credit.

Resource Feature:

Spreadsheets, dynamic manuals, educational disks, videos, instructional cards, electronic tests, interactive tasks, presentations, Internet resources, flash animations.


elective course


professional self-determination of primary school students

Training period:

Class mode:

1 time per week


Number of hours:

form of control





Thinking about the Medical Profession

Questioning, analysis of questionnaires

Medicine is the same age as humanity. History of medicine.

Testing, messages,

tour report

Doctors - the heirs of Hippocrates

Message rating.

The nurse is the chief medical assistant. History of the profession.

Evaluation of messages, excursion report.

General information about desmurgy. Types of bandages, bandaging.

Analysis of the implementation of practical work

Ambulance service - organization and personnel. Pros and cons of working in an ambulance.

Types of first aid.


Analysis of the implementation of practical work.


Solution of situational problems.

Analysis of the implementation of practical work.

Modern methods of diagnostics in medicine.

Testing, evaluating messages.

Alternative medicine.

Message rating

Phototherapy. Treatment with herbs. Homeopathy.

Message rating.

Evaluation of the work of microgroups.

Way to the top

Project protection,

Tour report.

Section 1. Reflection on the profession of a doctor. (2h)

Topic 1 . Why is the medical profession attractive?

Qualities necessary for a medical worker. Myths and realities. Health care system. Features of a medical career. Ethics and etiquette in medicine. Self-analysis of one's individual qualities, motivation to choose a profession, forecasting future education. The opinion of people about doctors and medicine in general.

Theme 2. The doctor is a profession that is more than 5 thousand years old.

"Father of medicine" - Hippocrates. History of medicine from ancient times to the present day. Central Asian scientist, doctor, mathematician, poet Avicenna. Renaissance physician Paracelsus. Italian physician and naturalist Andreas Vesalius. French physician, founder of modern surgery, Ambroise Pare. William Harvey, English physician who discovered the circulation of the blood. Louis Pasteur, great French chemist, founder of microbiology. Austrian immunologist Karl Landsteiner, who discovered human blood types. Alexander Fleming - the beginning of the era of antibiotics. Russian scientist and surgeon, founder of military field surgery, N. I. Pirogov. Physician and scientist, founder of the Russian school of physiologists, I. M. Sechenov. I. I. Mechnikov is the author of the phagocytic theory of immunity. The outstanding Russian scientist I. P. Pavlov. Russian therapist S. P. Botkin. Surgeon, one of the founders of neurosurgery N. N. Burdenko.

Use of ICT:

presentations on the history of medicine, biographies of doctors and their discoveries, a multimedia guide for 8th grade students, Internet resources.

Section 2. Doctors - the heirs of Hippocrates (8 hours)

Topic1. Brief description of the main medical professions and specialties.

Theme 2 . The nurse is the chief medical assistant.

History of the profession. Types of nurses: ward, surgical, dispensary nurse, physiotherapy room, treatment room, massage therapist. Profession - paramedic.

Theme 3 . General information about desmurgy. Types of bandages, bandaging.

Desmurgy is a branch of surgery that develops methods of application and techniques for applying bandages. Dressing material used in antiquity. Types of soft bandages. Bandages of the head, neck, limbs. Cloth bandages. Bandaging technique.

Topic 4. Ambulance service - organization and personnel. Pros and cons of working in an ambulance. Types of first aid.

Theme 5 . Bleeding, types of bleeding, ways to stop bleeding.

Bleeding is the outflow of blood from a blood vessel into the external environment, into cavities and tissues. Danger of blood loss. Bleeding traumatic and non-traumatic. Primary and secondary bleeding. External and internal bleeding. Arterial, venous, mixed, capillary and parenchymal bleeding. Ways to temporarily stop bleeding. Features of stopping bleeding in children.

Topic 6. Fractures of bones, their recognition. Methods of temporary immobilization.

Fracture is a partial or complete violation of the integrity of the bone, caused by the action of a mechanical force or a pathological process. Congenital, or intrauterine and acquired fractures. Acquired fractures: traumatic and pathological. Fractures open and closed. Fractures complete and incomplete; single and multiple. Fracture recognition. First aid for fractures. Rules for the imposition of tire bandages.

Topic 7. Pediatrics. Pediatrician - children's doctor.

The main stages of individual development of a person. Features of the treatment of children. Changes in proportions and structure of the body with age. Anthropometric studies: somatometric, somatoscopic, physiometric.

Theme 8 . Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment in medicine.

Electrocardiograph, ultraviolet and X-ray radiation, fluorography, mammography, ultrasound examination, the use of lasers in medicine, tomography, etc.

Excursions (2h)

1. Excursion to the school medical office. Acquaintance with the equipment, medicines of the cabinet, the profession of a school paramedic

2. Excursion to the children's polyclinic No. 5. Acquaintance with modern equipment of the diagnostic department.

Practical work (4h)

    Types of bandages, rules for applying bandages.

    Bleeding, ways to stop bleeding.

    Fractures of bones, their recognition. Providing first aid for fractures of the bones of the extremities.

    Anthropometric studies.

Use of ICT:

Presentations about the profession of a dentist, an ophthalmologist, the history of the profession of a nurse, the features of the organization of work of a nurse in a physiotherapy room, modern methods of examination and treatment in medicine, first aid for fractures and bleeding.

Multimedia guide for 8th grade students

Interactive assignments and electronic tests.

Internet resources.

Section 3. Alternative medicine. (2 hours)

Topic 1. Traditional and alternative medicine.

Ethnoscience. Healer healing: history, herbal medicine healers, healer recipes. Color therapy. Color treatment. Aromatherapy. Various oils and their medicinal uses.

Theme 2 . Phototherapy. Herbal treatment.

Pharmacology is a branch of medicine that studies the effect of drugs on the body, developing new drugs and methods for their use. Medicinal substances of mineral, vegetable, animal origin and waste products of microorganisms. Dosage forms: tablets, ointments, dragees, capsules, gels, solutions. Injectable drugs. Intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, drip administration. Harm of self-medication. The use of medicinal plants. Classification of medicinal plants according to their pronounced biological action.

Homeopathy. History of this science. Homeopathic doctor. Features of treatment with homeopathic medicines.

Use of ICT:

Presentations about non-traditional methods of treatment, aromatherapy, homeopathy. Internet resources.

Section 4. Way to the top. (2 hours)

Topic 1. Healthy lifestyle. Health promoting factors.

Factors affecting human health: lifestyle, genetics, environment, natural and climatic conditions, the level of health development. Risk factors. Factors that strengthen health: physical activity, rational nutrition, work and rest regime.

Independent work: Compilation of the “Health Code” and self-improvement programs.

Topic 2 city ​​medical school. Higher medical education. Requirements for medical students. Difficulties in learning. Summarizing. Portfolio presentation.

Excursions (1h)

1. Excursion to the medical school.

Use of ICT:

Presentations about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, malnutrition, Internet resources about the higher medical institutions of the district and region.

Approximate topics of individual creative and design work

    Blood pressure and pulse are indicators of the state of the cardiovascular system.

    Diet and health.

    Profession - doctor (neuropathologist, psychologist, oculist, cardiologist).

    Profession - Nurse

    Emergency medical care.

    Daily routine and human health.

    Personal hygiene and human health.

    Hardening as a means of healing the body.

    Modern methods of studying the human body.

    Achievements in medicine

    Alternative medicine.

    History of the development of medicine

    Medical dynasties in our city.


    The influence of biorhythms on human performance

    Do you want to grow up?


    Abaskalova N. P. “Health must be taught”, Novosibirsk, “Lada”, 2000.

    Baenbaeva N.B. Fundamentals of medical knowledge. Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher"

    Zverev I. D. Man. Body and health. M., 2000

    Multimedia application “Human Anatomy”, M., 2006..

    Rokhlov V.S. School workshop. Biology. Human. Grade 9 M., 2000.

    Sapin M.R., Bryksina Z.G. Anatomy and physiology of children and adolescents. M.2002.

    Handbook of practical doctor. M., Bayan, 1993.

    Stepkna E.V. Human anatomy. Volgograd, publishing house "Uchitel" 2006. Collection of programs of elective courses (recommended by the Volgograd State Institute for Advanced Studies of Educational Workers)

    Suravegina I. T. Health and environment. M., 1992.

    Spiridonova N.A. We take care of health. S-P. "Parity" 2006

    Fedorova M.Z., Kumchenko V.S. Human ecology. M., 2004.

    Shirokova M. career in medicine. Encyclopedia of professions. M., 2003.

    Encyclopedia for children. Avanta+. Man volume 18. M., 2001.

"Stronger! Sharper! - the teacher orders. - And then he will suffocate you now! Then he can’t stand it and rushes to the “victim”: “Now I’ll show you: one palm here, press with the other hand ... Hop!” - and a ball flies out of the mouth of the choking "patient".

We make injections, measure pressure

"It's really hard," he says. Alexander Chekistov, teacher of biology and life safety.- But it's okay! We're just learning."

“But with this robot we are doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation,” shows Alexander Vinogradov, one of the "rescuers".“First, you need to check if there is a pulse, breathing, and only then resuscitate.”

“We have almost no errors,” his partner assures us. Gleb Krylov. - He always comes to life! You can even feel the pulse with your fingers. Resuscitation, I think, is the most interesting thing in the medical class. Bandaging wounds is more of a chore, to be honest.” Sasha is going to enter Pirogovka for general surgery. Gleb is still undecided, but, as he says, half of his interests lie in the field of medicine, and the other half - in the field of chemistry.

Yes, medical class is a truly amazing place. Interactive mannequins, a training table with telemonitoring, tablets-laboratories, powerful microscopes, not to mention such “little things” as an electro-cardiograph or blood pressure monitors. Here they learn how to make injections, take and decipher a cardiogram, analyze blood cells and resuscitate a person with cardiac arrest. And all this is in the main schedule of school No. 1474 and 120 more educational institutions of the capital.

“Last year, we decided to enter the project “Medical class in a Moscow school,” says director of GBOU No. 1474 Irina Kurchatkina. - We have joined forces with the resources of the network institutions of the Department of Education of Moscow, the staff of the 1st Moscow Medical University. Sechenov. Then 30 polyclinics and another 60 schools joined us. This year, to our common joy, we received excellent equipment. These are modern biochemical laboratories, digital technology that helps high school students to feel the medical profession, to consciously choose a specialty. Children will be able to decide in advance even on the profile: dentistry, pediatrics, cardiology.”

If anything, the robot will tell

Alexander Chekistov tells more about what happens in the classroom, where the desks are not arranged in order, but in islands: “I teach the practice-oriented course “Step into Medicine” in our medical class. This is, in fact, a pre-university. Today we have six training grounds. The first one is a telementor, a gem of a medical class, equipped with the most unique equipment. Studying on it allows you to get a meta-subject education. This device works in two modes - training and control. The master demonstrates the actions that students must perform, and they must repeat after him. When the second mode is turned on, the students themselves perform certain actions, and the master comments on how they succeed, helps to get out of this situation if the guys make a mistake.

The second platform is work with a microscope. Children study the structure of human blood. The teacher displays the results for the students to receive. They have several samples, they must find the one they need, analyze it, and record the result on a checklist.

The third working group measures blood pressure using sensors that come with digital labs. Mechanical and automatic tonometers help them in this, the results are recorded in control sheets, and then the obtained indicators are analyzed.

The fourth training ground is the measurement of the functional parameters of the organism. Body temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate... They do it on special tablets, they are also electronic digital laboratories with built-in sensors, after which everything is recorded and analyzed.

Fifth platform - emergency conditions. We use completely unique robots: these are simulators that modulate real states. They can breathe and talk. If you are doing everything correctly during chest compressions, the green light is on. If the orange light is on during ventilation, everything is also in order. If something goes wrong, the dummy voice tells you what needs to be done. The second zone of this site is the extraction of a foreign body that has entered the respiratory tract.

The sixth platform is the study of the parameters of the atmosphere, in our case, the atmosphere of the classroom. The guys measure carbon monoxide, oxygen. All indicators are sent to a tablet computer, students take at least four measurements for the purity of the experiment.

Cardiologists and veterinarians

Refresher courses in Sechenovka - workshops and theoretical classes - are held by teachers of chemistry, biology and life safety, for each - their own group of classes. Twice a month, they themselves turned into students and attended practical classes that lasted 4-5 hours. This year, training will continue. “The new equipment is quite complex and it is difficult for a teacher to work on it. Here's an ECG. We know where to attach the sensors, which button to press. And then what? After all, the cardiogram needs to be deciphered, to build a model, - Alexander continues. - The most difficult thing for the guys in the medical class is to overcome their fear. And there are so many new things here! They are afraid to try something, to do something wrong. But we are successfully overcoming this, because if a teenager decides that he will connect his life with medicine, he needs to step over this fear as soon as possible.”

Anna Leonova wants to go to Sechenovka to study medicine in order to become a cardiac surgeon. Her partner Ekaterina Anfinogenova- at Moscow State University at the Department of Biotechnology. “The extra hours in chemistry and biology are already additional knowledge,” they argue. - The project that we are doing now gives us the opportunity to win a grant. If this succeeds, these will be additional points for the exam. Girls work with a telementor - they learn to take blood from a vein. Apparently, they are not mistaken: the interactive teacher does not make comments. “I love the series House Doctor,” says Anya. “It’s very interesting: each case history is like a detective story.” Katya likes "Ambulance" and "Clinic" more - she is more interested in the relationship between doctors.

And here Daniil Gordeev Until recently, he was engaged not in medicine, but in tennis. But a back injury did not allow him to build a sports career, but gave him a new hobby: now the guy wants to connect his life with orthopedics, and he is going to enter the 1st medical school.

Ilya Mileev also wants to become a doctor, but not to treat people, but animals. He intends to enter the Timiryazev Academy at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. “I love animals,” he shares. “I have a cat and a German Shepherd at home.”

Of course, it is impossible to guarantee that all these wonderful guys will study exactly where they want - at least not immediately. But it is clear that the medical class is already helping them turn their dream into a goal. And that means they can do it.