Among the international educational systems, the standards of which will receive state support in 2013 when implemented in Moscow schools, the International Baccalaureate is noted first of all. The International Baccalaureate IB is an international educational program with a common curriculum for all participating countries. Education within the framework of the program is conducted in English (French, Spanish) for 12 years. Holders of the IB diploma can enter any university in any country in the world without entrance exams.

The IB program has collected all the best that is in the school education of the participating countries. At the same time, IB does not replace national education systems, but raises them to a qualitatively new level above the national standard. In 2012, the IB program was officially accredited in 3180 schools in 140 countries, 18 schools are registered in Russia, 10 of them are in Moscow.

The main goal of the International Baccalaureate program is to develop students' independent work skills, learning skills, the ability to plan and conduct individual and collective experiments and research. The program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the creative abilities of students, the formation of their personality.

The program solves such high goals step by step. The first level of education in primary school is designed for preschoolers and primary school students from 3 to 12 years old (PYP). The second level, medium, is for teenagers 11-16 years old (MYP). The final level of study is the Diploma Program for high school students aged 16 to 19 (DP). The educational programs of the first and second blocks are based on the educational programs of the country in which the school is located. The diploma program for grades 11-12 has a pronounced international focus.

The Diploma Program is based on six subjects, which each student chooses independently from six groups of disciplines (for example, foreign languages, natural sciences, human and society, etc.). He studies three of them at an advanced level in an increased volume, mainly they are necessary for entering a university. The remaining three subjects are studied at the standard level. In addition, all students study two general courses: "Theory of Knowledge" and "Creativity, Action, Service", which meets the goals of the program.

After completing their studies, students take very serious exams. According to statistics, about 1/3 of those who graduate from the International Baccalaureate program do not receive a diploma. To receive a diploma, you need to successfully pass exams, write a detailed essay, conduct independent research and complete programs of social and creative activity. The final grades are made up of internal and external assessment. All examination papers are sent to the examiners of the International Baccalaureate.

Hence the conclusion that, first of all, an IB diploma is needed for those who are going to receive higher education abroad. Indeed, studying under IB programs in Russia is a worthy alternative to a foreign high school, moreover, it is cheaper and psychologically more comfortable. You won't have to think about what to do with the year difference in the duration of secondary education in Russia and in a number of other states. Teaching in a foreign language of all subjects compensates for incomplete immersion in the language environment when studying at home. In addition, foreigners living temporarily in Russia willingly send their children to such schools, so that education and communication with native speakers is ensured.

Schools where you can study under the International Baccalaureate programs in Moscow:
Moscow School of Economics (PYP, MYP, DP)
GOU Gymnasium No. 45 (MYP, DP)
NOU "European Gymnasium" (PYP, MYP, DP)
NOU "Integration XXI century" (MYP, DP)
GOU Gymnasium No. 1531 "Linguistic" (MYP)
NOU Anglo-American School in Moscow (PYP, DP)
GOU Educational Center "Gamma" No. 1404 (MYP)
KNOU British International School (DP)
NOU School "President" (DP)
GOU Gymnasium No. 1306 "School of Young Politicians" (DP)

The average cost of education for the IB program in Moscow schools starts from 1500 euros per month and depends primarily on the level of education: in elementary school or under the Diploma program. In foreign schools, for example, in the UK, the cost of education starts from 2200 euros per month.

ProgramInternational Baccalaureate (IB program)

Earn an internationally recognized university preparation qualification.

The International Baccalaureate program is a pre-university preparatory program designed for high school students who plan to further enter the best universities abroad.

More and more British schools are now offering the program International Baccalaureate (IB) on a par with the classical preparatory program A- Level. The IB Diploma is recognized by the world's leading universities.

IB Diploma Program

What is this program?

2-year study program for obtaining the International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Who is this program for?

For graduates of grades 10-11 and older

Academic Requirements

a high level of academic achievement or a certificate of passing 5 GCSE exams (including mathematics) with a score of at least C or equivalent.

English level

IELTS 5.5 / TOEFL 194 CBT / 71 IBT / SLEP 57


New York Oxford Torbay


2 goals (6 trimesters)

WhatsuchInternational Baccalaureate Diploma?

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) is an international high school diploma that is recognized by universities around the world. This intensive 2-year international education program is suitable for high school students aged 16 to 19 who have completed at least 10-11 years of high school.

Why IB Diploma Program?

The IB Diploma program provides an opportunity to earn an internationally recognized secondary education diploma. Successful completion of the program will allow you to enter the most prestigious universities in the world. Studying subjects from various academic fields, as well as working on assignments both individually and in groups, allows you to gain extensive knowledge and develop independence.

Main advantage International Baccalaureate compared to A-level is considered an approach to the study of the subject. The IB program uses various methods of analysis, with an emphasis on writing research papers and independent activities of students. Unlike the A-level, the International Baccalaureate program offers a more versatile education: 6 disciplines to choose from, of which the student studies 3 subjects at the advanced level (advanced level), and 3 at the standard level.

Subjects are selected according to one of 6 groups, into which all possible disciplines are distributed:

1. First language- usually this is the student's native language: there are about eighty of them taught in IB courses. If your native language is not taught in the chosen school, you can choose one of the foreign languages ​​and learn it at the standard level.
2. Second language- Depending on the first language, the second language is studied at a standard or advanced level.
3. Man and society- refers to the social and human sciences: philosophy, economics, business and management, psychology, computer science, geography and history.
4. Natural Sciences- physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, etc.
5. Mathematics
6. Art or items of your choice- theatrical art, music, design or subject to choose from groups 2,3 or 4.

In addition to 6 selected subjects, students study:

  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) -"Theory knowledge" . Students are taught to write essays correctly, argue their point of view, give definitions and formulate hypotheses, and competently discuss.
  • Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)- students are taught teamwork skills and the ability to think creatively.

By the end of the program, each student must write extended essay(Extended Essay) of at least 4000 words. It is a report on self-conducted research on a chosen topic, which is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. This allows students to acquire research skills. Essays, like exams, are mandatory.

The course of the International Baccalaureate program, like A-levels, is designed for 2 years.

Education system

The IB Diploma Programs will offer you much more than just a list of learning facts. International Baccalaureate Diploma prepares students for university entrance and teaches them:

  • formulate difficult questions
  • be motivated students and be able to independently find answers to questions
  • develop self-confidence
  • develop communication skills, understand people of different countries and cultures
  • to eventually become true "citizens of the world".

The concept of the IB Diploma program

The International Baccalaureate Diploma program gives students an excellent opportunity to receive a prestigious international diploma. Successful completion of the program allows students to apply for admission to the best universities around the world. IB Diploma includes the study of a wide range of subjects in groups and individually. The learning process is designed in such a way that knowledge is acquired with pleasure.

Training program

The curriculum is formed in 6 subject groups, supplemented by three compulsory subjects. Students choose one discipline from each group. Usually 3 of them are studied at the standard level and 3 at the advanced level. Compulsory subjects are fundamental to the philosophy of the program and are studied by all students.

The IB Diploma program offers a varied academic background. Students study the humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, as well as creative disciplines. All students write an extended essay on a chosen topic of 4000 words. Students choose the topic of the essay themselves, based on their own interests. In addition, students study Theory of Knowledge, a subject that teaches critical thinking. They also participate in the Creativity-Action-Service project and have the opportunity to express themselves outside the classroom, to be active in a variety of social and volunteer activities.

The International Baccalaureate, or IB, is an internationally recognized curriculum that helps students get into foreign universities.

In the process of studying under the IB program, students study compulsory and optional subjects in various fields, and then take the final exam. At the end of the program, students receive diplomas, which serve as proof of a high level of knowledge and readiness to study at the university. IB diplomas are recognized by most foreign universities, along with school certificates and language test results.

The undoubted advantage of the IB program is the opportunity to complete it without leaving your country or even your city! Today, IB schools operate all over the world. There are 36 schools in Russia and the CIS, most of which are located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Do you want to get an IB diploma? Looking for a suitable educational institution nearby? Here is a list of 10 IB schools in Russia...

1. Moscow School of Economics, Moscow

The school offers the IB Diploma Program to students in grades 10-11. The educational institution is proud of the success of its students when passing the IB exam and their demand in the international academic arena. Today, school graduates study at the City University of London, the University of Manchester, the University of Warwick, University College London, King's College London, New York University, Columbia University, Cornell University, the University of Washington and other foreign universities.

2. Samara Medical and Technical Lyceum, Samara

The International Baccalaureate Department has existed at the Lyceum since 2000, during which time 33 students of the Lyceum received IB diplomas and were prepared for studying abroad. The program is taught by qualified teachers in English and takes place simultaneously with the standard program at the 10-11 grade level.

3. International school "Integration XXI century", Moscow

The IB program has been offered at the school since 2006 and lasts for two academic years (grades 10 and 11). Experienced teachers teach at the school, some of them are graduates of foreign universities. Today, graduates of the IB program at the "Integration XXI Century" school study at recognized universities in the UK, the USA, Switzerland, Cyprus and other countries.

4. School "Learning in dialogue", St. Petersburg

The school offers International Baccalaureate diploma programs, preparing its graduates for study abroad. Education is provided at the level of 10-11 or 11-12 grades, its cost is RUB 950,000 for 1 year. Teaching is carried out by highly qualified teachers who speak English at the highest level.

5. School "President", Moscow region

The private school offers IB Diploma Programs that last 2 years (grades 10-11). The student can choose to study in a small group (up to 5 people) or a standard group (from 5 people), the cost of the program also depends on this.

6. Secondary school No. 9 named after A. S. Pushkin with in-depth study of subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle, Perm

The school is the only educational institution in the Perm region offering the MYP IB (The IB Middle Years Program) for students aged 11 to 16. This program develops students' critical thinking as well as an intercultural global approach to education, preparing them for the IB Diploma Program.

7. Lyceum No. 10, Perm

IB diploma programs at the Lyceum are taught by teachers accredited and certified by the International Baccalaureate Organization, who have the appropriate IB certificates based on the results of foreign internships. Education is provided at the 10-11 grade level, and a pre-DP diploma program course at the grade 9 level is also offered.

8. School No. 7 with in-depth study of the English language, Perm

Initially, the school offered only the English-language curriculum PYP IB (for children under 12 years old), aimed at the full mental, creative and language development of children. Since 2015, the school has also offered the IB Diploma Program at grades 10-11. 11 teachers of the school successfully received IB certificates and began preparing students for admission to foreign universities.

9. Boarding school for gifted children VSUES, Vladivostok

On the basis of the International Department, the school implements two International Baccalaureate programs - MYP IB (for students in grades 5-9) and the DP diploma program (for students in grades 10-12). The boarding school is located in a beautiful place on the shores of the Amur Bay and, in addition to teaching, offers students comfortable accommodation, meals and the opportunity to engage in various sections and circles.

10. International school "Istochnik", Ulyanovsk

For high school students, the school offers education in the IB diploma program at the 10-11 grade level. Teaching is conducted by qualified and experienced teachers using the best teaching aids in English, recognized at the international level.

IB or not IB?

IB or not IB?

If you want to study at Oxford or Harvard, this desire is welcome. But the trouble is that immediately after graduating from a Russian school, you will not be admitted to an English, German or, say, American university. However, there is one option, how to study at school in Russia and immediately enter a foreign university. This is the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
An educational program called International Baccalaureate (International Baccalaureate) was created in Switzerland in the late 60s. At the initiative of the UN School in New York and the International School in Geneva, a group of international experts undertook to draw up a universal school curriculum that would allow educational institutions to recognize the equivalence of education received in another country.
The program was a success. At first, it was taught only in a few private schools, but then more and more educational institutions around the world, including state ones, began to introduce it.
As the IB Diploma program spread (the so-called IB diploma, in fact - a school leaving certificate) the leading universities of the world began to recognize. Now in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and some other countries, applicants with such a certificate are admitted to universities without entrance exams. Only the passing score and the requirements for grades in the certificate for a certain set of subjects are negotiated. In other countries - for example, in Spain - the IB diploma is recognized along with the national one, but does not exempt from passing entrance exams. In Russia, the IB diploma is recognized as a document comparable to the national certificate, but no one has yet been admitted to Russian state universities with such a document on secondary education.
Today, under the IB program, you can study in 1,020 schools in 100 countries around the world. The fastest growing number of IB schools is in the US. As a rule, in all countries, schools that practice teaching according to this model are among the best (see Table 2). This, in essence, means that the level of secondary education received in IB schools is above the national standard.
There are seven IB schools in Russia: six in Moscow and one in Tolyatti. Another school in Samara is currently undergoing authorization. The Russian Ministry of Education became interested in the program back in 1989. And in 1995, at his invitation, representatives of the IBO came from Geneva with an inspection and opted for the Moscow school L45. She was the first to start working under the program, and a year later, in 1996, she was accredited and received the right to issue an IB diploma.

What is IB made of?

IB programs are primarily designed to give students the knowledge and skills needed in life for everyone, regardless of profession, as well as social adaptation skills. Thanks to this approach, students increase motivation and interest in classes, and consequently academic performance.
There are currently three International Baccalaureate programs. These are the Diploma Program, which, in fact, is the hallmark of the IBO, the Middle Years Program, which appeared in 1992, and the Primary Years Program, created only three years ago. We will talk about the Diploma Program, as for students seeking to enter a foreign university, it is of the greatest interest.
The diploma program lasts two years. Education is conducted in one of the three working languages ​​of the IBO: English, French or Spanish (teaching of the native language, native and world literature in the national language is allowed). The basis of the diploma program is the study of six subjects that the student chooses himself. "Instead of studying everything in a row, as in the Russian program, the student can choose the subjects that interest him the most," says a student at Warwick University in England. Natalia Tumasyeva, who graduated from school under the IB program. and since there are only six subjects, much more time and effort can be devoted to each of them.
The subjects of the program are taught at two levels: "higher" (Higher level) and "auxiliary" (Subsidiary Level). The first one involves studying the discipline in the amount of 240 academic hours, the second - 150 hours. At the "advanced" level, three or four subjects are studied. This allows the student to focus on the disciplines he needs to enter the university.
At the end of the course, students are required to write a so-called Extended Essay of at least 4,000 words. It should be a kind of report on self-conducted research on a chosen topic, which is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. This allows students to acquire research skills. Such works are accepted in 60 subjects.

"Theory of knowledge" and others

The subjects of the IB program are grouped into six groups; From each group, the student chooses one to study. The first group is the "first" language (as a rule, the native language) and the selective study of works of world literature. The second is foreign languages ​​and literature in these languages. Teaching is conducted for three levels of language proficiency: advanced (fluency), intermediate, with a previous study period of more than two years, and elementary (ab initio).
The third group of subjects called "Man and Society" includes history, geography, economics, philosophy, psychology, social anthropology, business and management, information technology in the world community and ... a course in the history of the Islamic world.
The fourth group consists of natural sciences: biology, physics, chemistry, applied chemistry, as well as a course with the promising title "Ecological Systems". The fifth group includes mathematical disciplines.
The sixth group combines optional subjects. This includes design, music, theater arts, classical languages, computer programming, a third modern language, a second subject from the third or fourth group, advanced mathematics, or any other course offered by the school and approved by the IBO.
The IB Diploma Program also has two features that distinguish it from all national school systems in the world. The first is the compulsory study of a subject called Theory of Knowledge (TOK). It is a philosophical course that brings together various issues of interdisciplinary knowledge. "In these classes, schoolchildren are 'taught to learn' and argue with teachers," explains Natalya Tumasyeva. "It provides a basis for self-learning." As part of this course, students are taught to write essays correctly, argue their point of view, give definitions and formulate hypotheses, and competently discuss.
The second difference is also mandatory for all work within the framework of the program "Creativity, Action, Service" (Creativity, Action, Service - CAS). Creativity can include publishing a school newspaper, writing a script for a Christmas tree, etc. Action is sports, dancing - in a word, all mobile activities. Service to society is any activity aimed at helping the disadvantaged, protecting the environment, etc. - from visiting orphanages to helping build a church.
“Once a week I study English with a disabled boy from our area,” says Nadya Manoilo from the Moscow School of Economics. “And together we go to a sponsored kindergarten in Khotkovo. Now we are going to restore the veranda there. Several people will be involved in this. prepares the estimate for the construction, the other is responsible for the delivery of building materials. It teaches us to work together."

We pass Pushkin, Lermontov - went to mind

The difference between the IB program and the Russian one is manifested, first of all, in the approach to studying the subject. Thus, the Russian literature program is built on a chronological basis and includes a large number of studied works. The IB program uses the method of comparative analysis. Pupils study less literary works, but analyze them much deeper.
The student's final grade in literature consists of four components. This is an essay based on two works of world classics, an oral commentary on an excerpt from a work of Russian literature, a written commentary on an excerpt from another work of Russian literature, and, finally, an examination essay on works of Russian literature. The last two elements are a mandatory part of the final written examination for the IB Diploma.
The course of mathematics within the framework of the IB program is more detailed and has many more sections, but at the same time the level of complexity of the tasks being solved is not so high. But IB students study probability theory and mathematical statistics - sections that are not included in the Russian school curriculum.
These differences do not end there. The history program, according to Elena Abakumova, coordinator of the history block of the IB program at the Moscow School of Economics, teaches children to analyze sources and write research papers. "While the Russian program is more focused on knowing names, events and dates, the IB program teaches the skills of historical analysis. As a rule, the most striking examples are developed in detail," she says. In the courses of biology, chemistry and physics, the emphasis is on independent experimental activities of students (projects and mini-projects, individual and group). And most of the subjects included in the complex of social sciences - for example, business and management, sociology, etc. - are not studied at all in Russian secondary schools.

I'll give you a seven!

“The International Baccalaureate is, first of all, a unique teaching method,” says Mikhail Schneider, assistant regional program coordinator in Russia. “It is believed that in Russia there is a very high level of teaching mathematics, in the UK - the humanities, and natural sciences are best studied in Germany . The IB program has incorporated the best aspects of school education in each of the countries."
In addition, schools must meet very strict standards. Before introducing IB teaching, the school must be certified for compliance with its conditions for the requirements of the program, and teachers are trained in IBO training centers. School accreditation is usually made one year after the start of the program.
Of particular note is the flexibility of the program. It is updated every three years. The specialized committees of teachers are constantly working on improving the courses. With the help of a questionnaire, almost all teachers working on this system are interviewed, and their opinions are taken into account when improving the program.
The credibility of the IB diploma is also facilitated by an objective assessment of the results. A graduate of the program must receive two grades on a seven-point scale: internal, which is given by the teacher of the school, and external, that is, the one that will be given by foreign examiners. All examination papers are flocked for verification to the city of Cardiff in Wales, to a single examination center. Evaluators do not know the students, so the bias of the assessment is eliminated. In total, more than 3,500 examiners are involved in checking papers.
The very approach to grading may seem unusual. The fact is that IB evaluates not so much the knowledge of the student at the current moment as their dynamics - from one exam to another.
Examinations in six selected subjects are held at the end of the second year of study, in May. Internal and external assessments add up to a certain amount of points for each subject - from 1 to 7. In addition, students write two papers on the "theory of knowledge", which is assessed on the AC scale, and a thesis in any of their chosen subjects (assessed on the scale A-E). Excellent work is marked with additional points, which are added to the points received for 6 items. Thus, the maximum number of points that a student can receive is 45. They say that this has happened only once in the entire history of IB.
IB exams are taken by 36,000 students every year. Of these, only about 80\\\\% receive a diploma. It is issued if all the requirements of the program are met: a "detailed essay" and two papers on TOK have been written; at least 150 hours worked under the CAS program; completed all projects and mini-projects in various subjects; successfully completed exam papers (at least 24 points for 6 exams).

Russian outposts IB

So far, only a few study under the IB program in Russia, because by our standards it is quite expensive, although cheaper than studying at a private school abroad. At the same time, the IB program is studied in parallel with the Russian one, so the academic load on the child turns out to be fair. And the schools themselves are not ready to provide hundreds of study places.
For example, Moscow school No. 45, headed by the honored teacher of Russia Leonid Milgram, cannot afford to teach more than 8 people a year under this program. So far, only three graduates of the IB program have left the school. “The idea of ​​teaching English to existing teachers was abandoned right away. They invited outsiders who were fluent in English. It was difficult to find a math teacher, but this problem was also solved,” says Mikhail Shneider, the school's deputy principal.
From those who are going to study under the IB program at this school, only knowledge of English is required. For all three years, parents have to pay about $10,000. This includes the cost of textbooks and the salaries of teachers who read subjects in English. Education in the subjects of the state school curriculum at school is free.
The Diploma Program has already existed for a whole year at the Ecole school. There are more applicants for a diploma in 2001 - 32 people. This is partly due to the fact that teaching is carried out according to the program of an English special school, and kids begin to learn English from the "zero" grade. There is no competition for admission to IB classes, everyone is given a chance to try their hand. Those who quickly realize that they will not be able to withstand studying in English are eliminated themselves.
Teachers working under the IB diploma program, as a rule, have two educations: specialized and linguistic. For example, economics is taught here by specialists who graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and Moscow State Linguistic University.
The private Moscow School of Economics is one of 12 schools in the world that has received accreditation for all three IB programs. The level of teaching of the diploma program here is very high. Suffice it to say that three graduates of the school graduated from the program with final grades of 37, 38 and 39 points, and with 38 points they are already taking to Cambridge.
Teaching under the International Baccalaureate program at MES began in 1997. The school managed not only to invite teachers from outside, but also to train its own teachers in refresher courses, which are held every summer by the IBO. In addition, school teachers travel to major universities around the world to study special vocabulary and methods of teaching a subject in the language. For example, this summer a group of MES teachers will travel to Scotland, to the University of St. Andrews.
MES makes very serious demands on students. Only those who are really determined to study seriously are taken to IB classes. Students who wish to study under the IB diploma program are required to have a good level of English proficiency (at least 150 points out of 200 possible on the Oxford Placement Test, which corresponds to the Upper Intermediate level), a sufficient level of social and intellectual maturity.
In tenth grade, those who want to take the IB program can take the test and start studying in the pre-IB class. In it, children go through the Russian program of the 10th grade, but most of the subjects are read in English. Then - another test in mathematics, English, Russian and literature, as well as an interview with a psychologist. Based on their results, the final decision is made.
“We look at how the child’s analysis and generalization skills are developed, to what extent he is result-oriented. To engage in this program, the child must have a certain personality, be emotionally stable and have a high level of self-control,” explains school psychologist Olga Gavrilova. “After pre-IB, many people themselves understand that the workload is too great for them, and continue to study further according to the Russian program.”
There is no additional fee for the IB program for MES students. The price of education for all students of the school is the same - $ 500 per month. Most of the costs of organizing the work of the program are borne by the school board of trustees.
Now 11 people are studying at the MES under the IB diploma program, who were divided into 8 study groups. According to the IB program coordinator Alla Skvorkina, it was very difficult to make a schedule. “While no one has chosen geography yet, everyone has chosen biology from the natural sciences. And no one took information technology, which three of our graduates studied last year. It’s good that TOK is studied all together,” she jokes .
Nadya Manoilo is currently studying in the 11th grade of IB, she is an excellent student. Last year, she took 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history. He is going to enter the London School of Economics (LSE, see b). Nadia says that she has not been watching TV for a year now, because "there is absolutely no time for it."
Her classmate Maxim wants to go to Harvard. He chose mathematics at the Higher level, and the topic of his extended essay was "Game Theory and Its Application in Economics". Naturally, the work will be written in English. And this despite the fact that the theory of games in the Russian course of mathematics is not studied at all.

school after school

The main difficulty that worries many young people and their parents is how the relationship between graduates and military registration and enlistment offices is built. Recall that young men finish the IB program at the draft age - at the age of 18. But, according to Natalya Zykova, coordinator of IB programs at the Ekol school, the school provided the military registration and enlistment office with a list of boys - applicants for an IB diploma, and they were given a delay, so they still have time to enter the university.
Students of the IB Diploma Program of other schools are finishing the 12th grade, having already entered the first year of a Russian university. So, the leadership of the L45 school made a single, but significant change to the program: the number of hours prescribed by the program was "stretched out" not for two, but for three years. The last year of the program, IB students pass after graduation, combining their studies at the university with the completion of all assignments and writing final papers.
As for the MES, in 1999 the International Institute of Economics and Finance of the SU-HSE enrolled two graduates of the school who received state certificates - Alexei Kotlov and Denis Skuratovsky. They were considered full-time trainees in the Department of Economics and continued to study in the IB program in the 12th grade. In May 1999, they passed the International Baccalaureate exams, as well as ("for safety net") external exams in the Advanced Placement Program system in microeconomics, macroeconomics and statistics, together with ICEF 1st year students. Exams under the Advanced Placement Program system are counted by universities in the USA and other countries and are considered by many leading universities (including the University of London) as entrance exams.
In addition to ICEF, students with an IB diploma are admitted to the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. According to Alla Skvorkina, the requirements for admission to the Center for International Education of the Russian Academy of Economics named after. Plekhanov - two "sixes" and one "five" in specialized disciplines. Students with an IB diploma receive a large discount on tuition.
As for the possibility of entering other Russian state universities with an IB diploma, it is still difficult to talk about something definite here. But with foreign universities, everything is very simple: a complete list of universities in all countries that accept applicants with such certificates is published annually. According to Natalya Tumasyeva, she did not have any special problems when she entered the University of Warwick. This is exactly what many parents need. And you?
Table 2. Tuition fees for the IB Diploma Program at selected foreign schools

School name Location Cost of education, thousand dollars per year

College du Leman Versoix, Switzerland 28.8-33
Ecole Brilliamont Lausanne, Switzerland 36-42
Ecole Lemania Lausanne, Switzerland 34-39
St Clare College Oxford, UK 28.5
Skagerak Gymnas Sandefjord, Norway 16

Traditionally, the A-level course includes up to 45 different disciplines, from which students choose 3-6 depending on their goals and learning ability. The choice of subjects studied is an important step in obtaining education, it must correspond to the future specialty. Typically, the list of disciplines offered for study includes the following subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Accounting
  • higher mathematics
  • English literature
  • Politics
  • Art and design
  • Economy
  • Environmental management
  • Psychology and others.

A-level usually has two levels, the development of each of which takes an academic year - AS-level and A-level. Students have the right to determine the number of subjects they study, but most often it is 4 academic disciplines in the first year of preparation and 3 in the second. For foreign students, English becomes an additional subject of study.

The academic year consists of three trimesters: autumn, spring and summer. At the end of each term, students take exams. After completing their studies and receiving a certificate of education, students can apply to institutions. The higher the grades for the A-level, the more likely it is to enter a prestigious university.

Requirements for foreign applicants may differ depending on the school:

  • Results not lower than 5.0 - 5.5 (may differ in different educational institutions), 500

A feature of this program is the possibility of passing it in some schools at an accelerated pace in a year or a year and a half. Many educational institutions in the UK also offer A-level preparation courses, designed to make it easier for a teenager to adapt to life in another country, improve his knowledge of the English language (expand vocabulary, study specialized vocabulary) and academic subjects, and develop learning skills.

For admission to the British A-level, you should first get acquainted with the list of necessary documents for the chosen educational institution and the rules for their submission.

IB Diploma

The educational program International Baccalaureate (International Baccalaureate) is a program aimed at obtaining a complete secondary education abroad. This course is taught in one of three languages ​​- English, Spanish or French. Education under the IB Diploma program can be completed in more than 120 countries around the world. The IB Diploma course of study is becoming increasingly popular, because the certificate of completion makes it possible to enter various well-known universities in Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium, France, Sweden, Norway and some other countries.

Institutions offering the IB Diploma program are generally ranked among the best, reflecting the level of mastery of the disciplines. International Baccalaureate is known for its objectivity due to the student passing a single exam.

The IB Diploma program was developed in 1968 by . IB is aimed at developing the student's personal potential, instilling a desire for academic success, mastering the ability to think critically and independent work skills. A feature of the program was the use of various methods of analysis, the writing of a huge number of research papers, the emphasis on experimental activities.

The current duration of the program is 2 years. During this time, students are required to master 6 compulsory disciplines, write an essay (scientific work). The study of the main subjects is conducted at two levels:

  • Higher level (advanced level) involves 240 hours of classes. As a rule, it studies 3-4 disciplines that are necessary for admission to the institute
  • Standard level (standard level) - 150 hours of study.

IB Diplom subjects are usually grouped into 6 groups. The student is required to choose one subject to study in each class:

  • First language, selective study of works of world literature
  • Foreign languages ​​and literature on them
  • Man and society (history, psychology, geography, economics, philosophy, business and management, information technology, etc.)
  • Natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, ecological systems, etc.)
  • Mathematics
  • Additional electives (design, music, theater arts, one of the subjects of group 3 or 4, mathematics at an advanced level).

An obligatory part of education in the IB program is the passage of the Theory of Knowledge (knowledge theory) and Creativity, Action and Service (creativity, sports and social work) courses:

  • The theory of knowledge is a general course that includes a number of disciplines and is aimed at the practical application of the theoretical knowledge gained.

The duration of the course is a minimum of 100 teaching hours. It helps to develop students' critical thinking, logic, the desire for self-education. Upon completion of the course, students write an abstract, the volume of which is 4-5 pages of printed text. Upon successful presentation of the project, the student can be awarded up to 3 additional points.

  • CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) is an additional education block. The purpose of the course is to motivate students to go in for sports, creativity, participation in socially significant projects. This allows you to go beyond the school curriculum, learn how to interact with other people.

The duration of the course is at least 150 hours of study (50 hours for creativity, 50 for sports, 50 for social work). Upon passing the CAS, the student receives a diploma on completion of the course.

Admission requirements (may vary depending on the educational institution and the internal curriculum):

  • Age - from 16-17 years old (completed 10th or 11th grade of Russian education)
  • Report card with grades for the last 2-3 years (for successful admission, grades in the main disciplines must be at least 4)
  • English level - IELTS 5.5 / TOEFL 194 CBT / 71 IBT / SLEP 57
  • A high level of academic achievement or a certificate of passing 5 GCSE exams (including math) with a score of at least C or equivalent.

After completing the program and passing the exams, the student receives a certificate of completion. Grades are given in points, where 7 is the highest. The maximum possible result that a student can get is 45 points. To receive a diploma, a student must score a minimum of 24 points.

Comparison of A-level and IB Diploma programs

The main difference between the A-level and IB Diploma programs is their different focus.

  • A-level allows the student to focus on the few core subjects he needs to get into university. Perfectly suited for students who have decided on the choice of specialty.
  • IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate) provides a broader outlook and makes it possible to decide on the necessary subjects and future profession a little later.

high school

is a program of study that allows a child to spend an academic year or semester in another country. This course is most widely used in the USA. It allows a teenager to immerse himself in the culture of another country, significantly increase his knowledge of the English language, complete an academic program, adapt to living abroad and make friends.

The main goal of education is to familiarize a teenager with the education system, its values, cultural characteristics and the main ideals of the country. High School can be both an independent program aimed at developing the language skills of a child, and an excellent preparation for entering the A-level or IB Diploma programs.

The curriculum of the course is aimed at adapting foreign students to the philosophy and rules of international education, where the main value is critical thinking, independence and the disclosure of personal potential. During their studies, students improve their English, expand their vocabulary, and improve their oral speech skills. Students also learn how to make competent presentations, write interesting essays, analyze educational texts and build independent judgments.

Different schools offer different options for the duration of the program - from 3 months to a year. The most popular are courses lasting 6 months or a year.

Basic requirements for a High School participant:

  • Age - 15-18 years old (students who have completed grades 8.9 or 10)
  • English language:
  • For a course of 9-12 months: minimum IELTS 4.0/TOEFEL 60 CBT/19 IBT/SLEP 40 or equivalent score on the free EF Academy test
  • For a course of 6 months: minimum IELTS 4.5/TOEFEL 103 CBT/34 IBT/SLEP 43
  • Report card with grades for the last 2-3 years (for successful admission, grades in the main disciplines must be at least 4).

The necessary personal qualities traditionally include independence, politeness, responsibility, sociability and others.

Successful completion of the High School course, A-Level or IB Diploma programs opens the door to the best universities in the world. High School is perfect for students whose level of English is below the level required for admission to the A-level or IB Diploma programs, those who are younger than entry age or have insufficient academic preparation.

As we can see, each of the programs has its own characteristics, pros and cons. That is why the choice of a course of study should be built in accordance with the needs and abilities of the child. Another factor in choosing a training program may be its main goal - entering a prestigious university, obtaining an excellent education or revealing the personal potential of a teenager.

There is no unequivocal answer to the questions “what is better - to enter the program or to give a year of preparation” or “which program to enter” there is no. A year of preparation is a great opportunity for a teenager to get used to a new environment, improve their language skills and make friends. It is also ideal for catching up with the academic program in the chosen direction.