Do everything qualitatively, and the result will not keep you waiting.


Such a word as “bar” may not be familiar to everyone, but someone now thought not about sports at all. But it's even better, because when you don't know something, and then it turns out that this is something interesting, useful and easy to do (in terms of what does not require any special training or equipment). The plank is a specific exercise for the abdominals, legs, and back that requires no movement. Static for the reason that during its execution you do not make any movements, but simply freeze in one position for a while. Do not flatter yourself in advance! The exercise is quite difficult to perform and believe me, even 30 seconds will seem like a real test to you. But the beauty of this exercise is that it is incredibly useful for those who want to strengthen the abdominal muscles and, of course, lose a little weight. Yes, this process will not be easy and definitely not fast, but if you do it regularly, you will immediately feel a pleasant tone in your muscles, and over time, your clothes will become looser, and thanks to the application “ Plank. Be stronger” you will always have an up-to-date set of exercises.


After launch, the application is immediately ready for use, no data is required to be entered. The number of exercises is really amazing, so choose the ones that suit you best. If you do not have a fitball, then feel free to remove these exercises from general classes. After pressing the Start button, you will need to select the time for performing one exercise and confirm the action by pressing Start again. After that, carefully read the description and rules for the exercise, and then proceed to its implementation.


In the settings, it is possible to set up reminders so as not to lose motivation, as well as change the language of the application. To summarize: “ Plank. Be stronger” is a wonderful application that collects really the best exercises for doing different types of planks. Happy using!

The plank is one of the most popular static exercises in the world, and one of the most difficult to achieve serious results, because every beginner thinks that he can easily stand in one of the poses for a minute, but in reality everything turns out to be much more sad, so the application for android was created for everyone who has a desire to learn how to perform this exercise correctly, while slightly tightening their body and bringing it into the necessary tone.

After launching the free application, you are offered a choice of one of the models that will be displayed in each exercise. The application gives you freedom of choice and allows you to use the workouts already created for each day, or create your own using the built-in database. You can also use certain sets of exercises, which differ in the complexity of the implementation. In fact, these are all the same exercises from the database, simply sorted by complexity and type (for example, some are performed strictly with a fitball, while others require the use of only one hand). Regardless of the selected mode, before the start, you must select the number of laps, total time, preparation time and other parameters that affect the final value called training time.

During a workout, exercises can change automatically if the appropriate option was selected before starting. For each exercise there is a textual detailed description, and a static picture on top shows the correct position during the workout. You can cancel the workout at any time by clicking on the back arrow and confirming the correctness of the action taken. Regarding the exercise itself, we can say that it is useful to absolutely every person, but the correct implementation of it plays a huge role, because if the coccyx constantly sags, this will seriously affect the general condition of the back and thus you will absolutely not help yourself.

Settings are created only to adjust how reminders work, allowing you to either turn them off completely or change the frequency of their appearance. To summarize: the android application perfectly popularizes this static exercise among everyone who wishes themselves good health and most of all wants to keep their own body in good shape and health, while doing the bar will not take you more than 10-15 minutes.

is a wonderful program that allows you to monitor your physical condition and do it at a high level. It is in this program that you can find many exercises that are collectively known as planks. These are such static exercises that help very well to keep all the muscles of the body in good shape. Therefore, they are great for all people, regardless of their age.

Also, these exercises will allow you to achieve optimal weight or say in a simple way - to lose weight. By increasing the overall muscle tone, you can get an incredible improvement in well-being. That is why this application is a unique complex that will give you real results. Feel free to start downloading the application to your smartphones, because the program is completely in Russian.

As you can see from the screenshots, the application will first test your physical condition. Based on it, the application will calculate and create your individual training program. All exercises will be categorized and there will be a countdown. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to keep track of the execution time. Also, the program is able to independently remind you of the start of a workout every day. Start monitoring your fitness right now, because doing it with this application is not at all difficult.

Hello my dear readers! If you have a great desire to tone your body, become slimmer and fitter, lose a few pounds and reduce your waist, then a very simple exercise called the plank, as far as technique is concerned, will suit you. More and more often I see on the Internet that static classes give an incredible result. The plank for weight loss is becoming more and more popular every day, and positive reviews about its effectiveness literally flooded fitness sites and communities. Today we’ll talk about what, in fact, this physical activity is, how to perform it correctly and what can be achieved.

Imagine, in just 2-5 minutes a day you can not only get in shape, but also strengthen the muscles of your back, abdomen, arms and hips. Unbelievable, but true! Regular exercises will give you a great result, the buttocks will become more toned and elastic. Many people think that these are just promises, how can you lose weight in 5 minutes a day, and even literally carve out a body? In order to understand everything, you need to understand the essence of the exercises.

But in fact, the plank is a static exercise, the purpose of which is to keep the muscles of the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks in tension. It is actually effective. And don't think it's very easy to do. Yes, in technical terms, nothing is particularly visible. No need to jump, run in a special way. Nothing but desire, your body and gender will be needed. The meaning of training is that the hands and toes rest on the floor, and the body, as it were, hangs above it. In this case, it is necessary to observe the correct technique so that instead of burning fat, you do not get injured. We will talk about this further.

When I first learned about these classes, I thought that it could be complicated and difficult. Just think, you need to hold out in a certain position for a few seconds. Yeah, my first attempt was super difficult. I wouldn't say I don't work at all. I like running, but the 30 second static exercise was still difficult for me. I completed it, but I lost 100 sweats.

Plank exercise: what are the advantages?

  • You will not only tone your body, but also achieve significant results in losing weight. Due to the high tension that is created in the muscles during exercise, the metabolism improves, which undoubtedly leads to the loss of body fat.
  • As I said above, the bar perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs. The external, internal and transverse muscles of the press, the muscles of the front of the legs, the spine, and the buttocks are pumped.
  • This is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. The risk of the disease is reduced in those who regularly perform the plank.
  • Improvement in posture occurs due to the same strengthening of the back muscles.
  • During classes, the thigh muscles are involved, and this is a problem area for many women. Hated by many women, cellulite most often makes itself felt in this area of ​​the body. Therefore, such exercises are another effective way to deal with orange peel.
  • The rhythm of life does not allow many people to waste time in gyms and play sports under the control of trainers. The plank for weight loss is a great opportunity to put yourself in order at home, while spending a minimum of time and equipment that you don’t even need. Spent 2-5 minutes a day will bring a guaranteed result.

Cons of exercise plank for weight loss

The disadvantages of this type of physical activity do not actually exist. The only thing that can be noted is pain in the muscles and body after the first classes. But this applies to any sport, if a person is just starting to get acquainted with physical activity. Regular exercise, warm baths and massage will quickly solve this problem.

How to do plank exercise. Rookie Mistakes

In order for the exercises to be effective, the body to tone up, and the extra pounds to go away, it is necessary to perform classes adhering to certain rules. There are not many of them, but, nevertheless, they are very important. The lack of results can only be attributed to the wrong execution technique, so be sure to pay attention to this.

  1. Remember to keep your body straight while exercising. The buttocks should be tightened, the stomach is tense, do not lower or raise the hips. Legs, buttocks and back should be on the same line. If you relax even a little bit one of the parts of the body, then everything will go downhill - the hips will bend, the back too.
  2. Stretch your legs during exercise, do not bend.
  3. Keep your head in line with your body.
  4. If you are performing the plank on outstretched arms, then the hands should be under the shoulders at shoulder width. Thus, you protect yourself from injury.
  5. If you have just started to master static exercises, do not rush and do not strive to fulfill the norm that is superfluous to you. Start doing each exercise from 15 seconds, gradually, day after day, increasing the time. Thus, your body will gradually get used to the loads.

plank for weight loss

More than once I have already said that the plank is a great opportunity to get rid of the stomach and bring your weight back to normal. Despite the fact that this type of physical activity is very effective and efficient, you will not be able to achieve your goal if you do not follow a few rules. They are mainly about nutrition. Indeed, in case of gluttony, eating pies and pies at night or before bedtime, hobbies for soda and chips, no super-efficient sports will help.

It is important to understand that, first of all, you need to take care of the quality of your own.

  • First, always eat breakfast.
  • Secondly, .
  • Thirdly, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions of 200-250 ml.
  • Fourth, do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Fifth, prepare food at home, prepared food is not the best option for weight loss due to the huge amount of additives and fat. Instead of soda, cook compotes, kissels, instead of hamburgers, cook and so on.

These simple rules, coupled with statics, will help you in the fight against excess weight and generally improve your health.

Plank types

There are several types of planks. Which one to choose is up to you, but consider the degree of your physical fitness. Beginners are best to start with the classic version.

Classic variant

  • To do this, lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and take emphasis on your elbows. They should be on the floor with their shoulders.
  • Spread your legs a little and lean on the tip of the foot.
  • Head, back and legs in one line.
  • Tighten your buttocks and tighten your abdominal muscles.

For beginners, this kind of exercise is considered the easiest than the rest. Therefore, I advise you to start by trying to perform the classic bar.

Straight arm plank

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Stretch your arms so that your wrists and hand form a right angle.
  • The wrists are under the shoulders at a distance of their width. The heels are slightly raised.
  • Do not bend under any circumstances. Keep your body straight, tensing your buttocks and stomach.

side plank

This exercise is considered difficult, since the support goes only to 2 points. Here, in addition to strength and endurance, you also need to keep your balance, which will be difficult for the inexperienced.

  • Lie on your side.
  • Place your elbow so that it is under your shoulder.
  • Draw your legs in and join them together.
  • Place your free hand on your thigh or lift it up.

Back plank

Another type of exercise that, judging by the reviews, fights cellulite and extra pounds in the lower body. Well, if you want to tighten your ass, then this kind of exercise will do an excellent job with this task.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Rise up and place your hands so that your wrists are under your shoulders.
  • Lean on your heels and stretch your legs forward.
  • Do not lower your hips, but try to keep them in a straight line with your legs.
  • But, and if you want to pump up your calves, then you should not pull your socks forward.

Complicated planks

Each of the previous types of exercises can be complicated, thereby getting more stress on the body. This option is suitable for already trained individuals who have been playing sports for more than one day.

For example, you can improve the bar on outstretched arms like this:

And the classic pose is like this:

Training program "Plank for weight loss"

And so, now you know how to properly perform workouts without mistakes and get the maximum result. I am sure that they will bring incomparable health benefits and play a huge role in losing weight. But the last but not least question remains regarding the training program. It is very important in this matter to find a suitable mode and amount of physical activity.

For example, if an inexperienced person starts exercising immediately from 1 minute, but the next day he will face a fiasco, as the muscles will ache from pain and there will be no question of repeating the exercises.

Therefore, I offer you a program of classes that are suitable for beginners. Its essence is to bring the total exercise for a month to 5 minutes. And you need to start small, with just 20 seconds. Day after day, the time of classes will increase, the body will gradually get used to the loads.

As for the type of bar, as I said, you can start with the classic one, then move on to more complex training options, for example, combine them with each other. Thus, classes will become more diverse and effective.

And in order to have fun, turn on the music louder or put on headphones.))

That's all for today. I hope the article was useful and interesting for you! Write your comments and leave feedback. See you soon!

The effectiveness of training will depend only on your contribution.


The plank is a well-known exercise and one of the most effective, because it involves not one, but several muscle groups at once and requires good endurance. The application “” is not the only one of its kind, but your entire workout will be built on your primary indicator. It is enough to devote about 5-10 minutes a day to this exercise and you will feel a significant improvement in the back muscles, posture straightening and good muscle tone. In addition, this exercise has a very positive effect on the back muscles, making them more resistant to injury.


When you first start, get ready to perform a standard plank and try to hold out as long as possible. After that, you can safely press the workout and perform other types of planks, following the instructions that are indicated for each exercise. The exercise time is automatically selected for each exercise, so it's up to you to press Start and get ready to perform. Between each exercise, you can rest as much as you like, and then proceed to the next exercise. Don't worry, the screen won't turn off during class.


In the settings, you can turn on reminders and change the text of these reminders, as well as select the time when they will be sent. Let's summarize: "" will help to effectively and efficiently perform a well-known exercise, and if you approach this with great diligence, then the result will be excellent. Happy using!