The life of a student is inextricably linked with the movement. Transportation is a big expense for them.

After all, many students enter educational institutions located in another city.

To save student money, various benefits are also provided, including travel. After all, students are a category of the population that does not have a large amount of money.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" provides for the provision of social support measures for students. The state provides assistance to students by providing benefits, including travel by public transport.

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Travel discounts

Benefits for students for train tickets and trains:

Benefits only apply to places in the reserved seat, but it does not matter what kind of train it is - fast or regular.

Unlike school discounts validity student - 1.09. – 15.06. This is due to the fact that students pass the session in the summer.

Public ground and underground transport

This benefit is not provided at the federal level, but in some regions of the Russian Federation the authorities enter into agreements with transport companies to provide benefits to students on these types of transport.

Discounts are available for full-time students only.

Only those students who purchase a public transport ticket or a special smart card can receive such a discount. Each school has its own rules on this issue.

Aircraft and ships

Here we are talking about the features of each region. In this case, you need to find out from each company if they have any discounts for students. Often, local authorities enter into contracts with such companies, which provide for some benefits. If such contracts are concluded, then students can purchase a ticket with a 50% discount on the total ticket price. The flight is carried out only by the middle class, while the cost of luggage is not included in the payment.

For commercial shipments benefits do not apply. These include taxis, some airlines and shipping organizations.

Whenever you travel, you must show student ID. It should always be with you, just like a passport. Without it, you will not receive a discount, even if you provide a ticket. In his absence, the student may be removed from the vehicle or fined.

Registration and receipt of these benefits

At present, among the students is very popular, the so-called smart card. This is a type of ticket that is used in big cities. In order to obtain this card, you should contact the relevant authorities at your educational institution. To apply for a student travel card, you will need to collect the necessary documents and fill out an appropriate application.

The application contains passport data, data from a student card and an insurance policy. You will also need to take a 3 * 4 photo in black and white, as well as copies of those documents that will be asked at your educational institution. They often ask for a copy of your passport or student ID.

When filling out the application, it is recommended not to make mistakes and blots, and the information must be reliable. The application must be completed in blue ink. After the application is filled out, and all documents are collected, it is necessary to certify all this with a seal. Usually, this entire procedure takes no more than two days. You then receive a decision from your institution's committee.

With a ready solution go to a special box office which issues travel cards for students. You must have your passport with you. The cashier checks the documents and, if everything is done correctly, the student is given a special form back. Two weeks later, you need to come back to the box office, where this spine will be exchanged for a ready-made travel card for public transport. When the ticket is in your hands, it will have a zero balance. You will need to deposit money on it and provide it when you travel.

The validity period of such a card is five years, which is very convenient. That is, a student who draws up a card in the 1st year can use it until graduation. Those students who, for some reason, stop studying, do not have the right to use this card.

Regional features

IN Moscow and Moscow region for students, a social card is provided, which provides for free travel on public transport in the city, but not more than 230 rubles. When traveling by trains and commuter trains, students receive a 50% discount on the total ticket price.

Free travel on the metro can be no more than 350 rubles, and on a bus in the suburbs - 410 rubles.


There are benefits for students that are not common in the Russian Federation, but are typical for other regions. Among them is the so-called ISIS map.

This card is considered international european travel card. This card can only be obtained by students who have not reached the age of 26.

It can be issued at the educational institution where the person is studying. This issue is dealt with by the same people as the design of a social card. In addition to their educational institution, a student can contact a specialized center that issues these cards. Basically, such centers are only in big cities.

This card provides the student with many benefits. For example, you can use them to buy tickets with a 40% discount on the total cost. It can also be used while flying. In this case, the student can receive a discount in the range of 10-30% of the total cost. This discount is considered very beneficial for students who are studying outside the Russian Federation.

The ISIS card is also considered a student ID. It is international and currently the only one of its kind. Such cards are popular in many countries of the world and are considered very beneficial for those students who love to travel. By the way, in many countries this card gives a discount not only on travel, but also on rental housing. Also, only full-time students can apply for an ISIS card. As already mentioned, it can be issued in a special center, which are available on the territory of the Russian Federation.

To become the owner of this card, you need to come to the office with a student card, passport and take a 3*4 photo. In principle, the list of documents is the same as when applying for a smart card. But there is one difference - this procedure is paid and in order to purchase a card, you will need to pay 600 rubles. Its validity period only one year.

This card is very beneficial for students, as it involves the use not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. But it is worth remembering that in different countries there are different conditions for providing student discounts, but they are available almost anywhere in the world.

Thus, travel benefits are considered the most important and significant for almost every student.

So, summing up, we summarize that for full-time students the following discounts apply:

  • Discounts on travel in railway transport, excluding long-distance trains, from September 1 to June 15 inclusive;
  • The discount for travel in railway transport is 50% of the ticket price;
  • Under existing agreements between the authorities and companies, students may be provided with discounts on air tickets;
  • In this case, the discount on the flight will be from 10% to 30% of the ticket price;
  • Students with a social card also have a number of advantages when using public transport.

There is one more point - benefits are provided only to students who study in national educational institutions. If the educational institution is a branch of an institution located in another country, then the discounts do not apply.

About the provision of travel benefits for students and schoolchildren is described in the following video:

Students can be attributed to the socially unprotected segments of the population. Most of them receive a low stipend, and many of their parents cannot help them fully.

The situation is complicated by the fact that many students study far from home, in other cities. Not surprisingly, they often have to use long-distance transport. The most affordable and affordable mode of transport is rail.

What benefits are provided to students on train tickets?

Despite the availability and relatively low prices for railway transport, the state takes care of the socially unprotected segments of society, prescribing various discounts and bonuses for such persons.

Students should carefully study the legislative acts in order to clearly know their rights and be able to use them in the right situation.

All benefits to which a student of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution is entitled are prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated December 22, 2012 No. 273-FZ.

Benefits are provided only to students of universities of the Russian Federation. If a young person is studying at a branch of a foreign university located in Russia, then he is not entitled to benefits. Students studying outside the Russian Federation are not eligible for benefits.

All benefits for student travel in the railway transport of local and domestic directions are provided from the federal budget and are mandatory for the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

Types of benefits for students on railway tickets

There are two types of discounts for train tickets

For students there is a 50% discount upon presentation of a student ticket for travel in railway transport:

  1. in reserved seat cars on regular and fast trains;
  2. in second and third class carriages on intercity trains.

Benefits do not apply to carriages of the highest category: SV, compartment, first class (except for regional trains). For these trips you need to buy a ticket at full price. Payment on regional trains depends on local legislation.

The benefit is valid during the academic year from September 1 to June 15. The discount lasts until mid-June, because in June, despite the end of the academic year, many students pass the session.

When using this benefit, it should be remembered that some subjects of the Federation have their own benefits and rules. When traveling, you need to take this into account.

Despite the fact that in 2017 there are no discounts for foreign trips and long-distance trains, students can apply for an international ISIC preferential card. This card provides a 40% discount for trips on all modes of transport in Europe.

This card is issued for 1 year, you must come to the office with a student card and a 3x4 photo. You will have to pay 600 rubles to get a card. But it allows you to travel throughout Russia and European countries for a whole year, using special discounts for all types of transport.

It should be remembered that each country has its own characteristics and its own system of discounts. This card allows you to get discounts not only on transport, but also a 15% discount on rental housing, visits to theater museums, libraries in Europe (50%).

Russian Railways provides a 25% student discount

Federal Passenger Company JSC offers the Russian Railways Bonus loyalty program for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This program offers a 25% discount on compartment car tickets for trains within Russia.

In addition to this discount, points are accumulated for trips by the trains of this company, Sapsan or Allegro. These points are then converted into free award tickets. To participate in the program you need:

  1. register in the program;
  2. confirm registration through your email;
  3. get a certificate from the dean's office;
  4. send it through your personal account.

The discount is assigned within 2 days after sending the certificate. For students aged 14-25 there is a simplified form of obtaining a discount. Those over the age of 25 need to do all of this through the Student Council or Trade Union Committee.

Features of discounts on train tickets for students

There are no ticket discounts in July and August

Full-time students in primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education receive a 50% discount on commuter trains and commuter trains.

It is valid from September 1st to June 15th. To receive a discount, you need to have a student ID with you.

Starting from 2015, there is a new rule: if a student studies in nearby or neighboring cities, then he is entitled to a subscription ticket with a 50% discount on suburban trains.

Subscription tickets can be purchased by students of secondary and higher educational institutions.

To do this, an agreement must be concluded between local executive authorities and a transport company that carries out suburban passenger transportation.

Students who use or apply for discounts should remember:

  • there are no discounts on tickets in July and August;
  • they rely only on full-time students, part-time students are not included in the list of beneficiaries;
  • the discount is half the ticket price;
  • the benefit is valid only during the academic year and half of June;
  • applies only to second-class carriages on all trains (except for foreign ones).

In some places, benefits are provided only for a certain period of time. If the student is not satisfied with the time, and he chooses another, then there will be no benefits. Therefore, such questions need to be clarified in advance.

Benefits do not apply in the summer, because in the summer students have vacations and summer trips related to personal matters. According to the law, benefits rely only on the period of study. In addition, the student may have already been expelled or be on the drop list.

University students studying far from home are entitled to a free train or air ticket once a year.

If the student is under 17 years of age, then he is entitled to a 50% discount on train tickets during the summer holidays for southbound trains.

The procedure for granting discounts

ISIC student card provides 40% discount on railway transport in Europe

Student discounts on train tickets are clearly defined perks. They are assigned to students studying in state educational institutions on a full-time basis. Benefits work only with the provision of a certificate from the place of study. These certificates must be renewed annually.

There are no discounts for part-time students. The privilege begins to operate from the moment of providing a document confirming the right to receive it.

When traveling on a discount ticket or subscription, a student ID and passport are required. These documents, along with the ticket, must be kept with you throughout the trip in case the tickets are checked by controllers.

How to get a discount on a train ticket:

  • enter flight details and start searching;
  • choose a train and a place in a compartment using the car map;
  • enter the word "student" in the field "Ticket type";
  • enter the number and series of the student card, your personal data;
  • press the word order and pay for the ticket.

The task of local governments is to comply with all laws and regulations provided by federal law. Especially when it comes to travel benefits.

Fare on all modes of transport takes up a significant part of the budget of a young person who is forced to travel long distances several times a year.

In the following video you will learn about discounts on train tickets for students:

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The state provides benefits for schoolchildren for train tickets in 2018. It consists in providing a discount when buying a ticket for long-distance and short-distance trains. However, the exemption is subject to certain conditions.

When you can carry for free

Children under the age of 5 are entitled to free travel without a separate bed. But this does not relieve parents from the need to purchase a ticket. It is issued when buying a ticket for an adult, subject to the presentation of a birth certificate of a small family member.

Parents can only carry one child free of charge. The trip of the second and subsequent ones will have to be paid at current rates, regardless of the fact that passengers are under 5 years old. But not at full price, but with a discount provided for a child aged 5 to 10 years

Benefits for children aged 5 to 10

Children between the ages of 5 and 10 can only ride the trains when accompanied by an adult. The ticket is purchased separately, but at a discount. It ranges from 35% to 65% depending on the train class and the chosen car.

The discount applies to trips within the country. If you travel to the CIS, then the tariffs may differ. But in any case, benefits are provided for children, so parents do not have to pay the full cost of a ticket for transporting small family members.

You can buy a child ticket at the ticket office of the station after presenting a birth certificate. The purchase is also available when booking via the Internet. But in this case, the travel ticket is only included with an adult - you should take this point into account when planning a group trip.

Persons under 10 years of age travel free of charge in a luxury carriage on domestic trains. But they will have to share one place with their mother or father.

Benefits for schoolchildren on the train

School benefits apply to the purchase of tickets for trips on the "swallow" (train). They are determined by regional authorities and depend on the policy of the subject of the Russian Federation. In most regions, schoolchildren have a 50% discount on ticket purchases. The benefit is valid from September 1 to June 15 (in some areas until June 30).

Benefit features:

  • in some regions, schoolchildren pay for the train ticket at full cost (for example, in the Tver region);
  • can apply both to all schoolchildren and to persons who have a residence permit in a certain region (for example, in Crimea, a discount is provided only to local residents, and in Moscow - regardless of the region of registration);
  • in some regions you can purchase a monthly subscription with a 50% discount.

To receive the benefit, you will need to provide a certificate from the school. Children over 7 years old can ride the train without adult accompaniment within the region.

The relevance of the benefits to the federal authorities remains in doubt. It is planned to cancel it due to lack of demand for electric trains. Many regions want to abandon this type of rail transport.

For trips on the Sapsan

Since 2016, Russian Railways has introduced a new tariff scale for schoolchildren and students. Children between the ages of 10 and 21 can receive a 30% discount on the fare for the Sapsan high-speed trains. The tariff is valid from September 1 to May 31 inclusive.

The Junior fare applies to the purchase of tickets for economy, economy+ and business class carriages. You can buy tickets at the box office of the station and on the official website of Russian Railways.

For long distance trains

Federal legislation provides for a discount for schoolchildren on train tickets in the form of a 50% discount. It has several features:

  • valid from September 1 to June 15;
  • applies to schoolchildren over the age of 10 (before this age, parents buy a child ticket);
  • to receive benefits, a certificate confirming the status of a student is required;
  • the certificate must be with you at the time of ticket purchase and for the entire period of the trip;
  • if the passenger is already 14 years old, then together with the certificate, he must present a statement that determines the right to the benefit;
  • children over 14 years of age are required to present a passport.

The discount does not apply during the summer. This is due to the fact that many are trying to deceive the station staff by passing off their child as a student after graduation.

Summer discounts

Since 2016, parents can buy a ticket for a child on long-distance trains not only during the period of study. For two years in a row, Russian Railways has been providing a 50% discount on travel expenses for children aged 10 to 17. The promotion is valid from June 1 to August 31.

The purpose of the implementation of this action was to increase the number of vacationing children. Since traveling long distances hurts the budget of parents, many refuse to take vacations together. Thanks to a special, "summer" benefit, schoolchildren and students can pay only half the cost of the trip.

Advice. You can use the discount when you actually buy tickets at the station or advance booking 60 days in advance. To do this, when placing an order, you must specify the age of the child.

A feature of the action is the absence of the need to present a certificate from the school. To get a discount, it is enough for a child (parent) to show a birth certificate or passport.

The promotion was valid in 2016 and 2017. It is now projected to be extended until 2019.

How to take advantage

To purchase a school ticket at a discount, you must perform a number of actions:

  1. Get a student's certificate for travel by train. If the child is already 14 years old (or turns 14 on the date of the trip), then a certificate of entitlement to a benefit at an educational institution is additionally issued.
  2. At the checkout, present the birth certificate (passport) of the student and a certificate.
  3. Keep the certificates until the end of the trip - they will be requested by the train conductors.

The certificate is compiled by the principal of the school according to the model and has a unified form containing information:

  • Full name and date of birth of the student;
  • name of the school principal;
  • details of the educational institution;
  • the essence of the certificate (it is indicated that the applied child is studying at school);
  • stamp and signature of the director.

The certificate is valid for one academic year. But in some cases, the station may require a fresh document received no more than a month ago. This information should be verified in advance.

Forecasts for 2018

In 2018, no changes in the provision of benefits for school-age children are predicted. Parents will also receive a 65% and 50% discount for a child under 10 and a student, respectively.

The "Summer Holidays" promotion, which provides a summer discount for all minors, is also planned to be launched before the holiday season.

According to analytical data, the "summer" rate significantly increases the number of traveling students. According to forecasts, from June 1 to August 31, 2018, over 500,000 teenagers and kids will use the Russian Railways service.

Parents of schoolchildren are entitled to a privilege, which consists in providing a discount of up to 65% on the purchase of railway tickets. There are several different tariffs: for an electric train, long-distance trains, high-speed trains. A reduction in the cost of a travel ticket is provided for each of the listed modes of transport. To reduce the price, you will need to provide a certificate from the educational institution and an identity document for a small passenger.

The order of material assistance to students is determined by the law "On Education", which was adopted in 2012. Anyone who is getting an education should familiarize themselves with it, because it is there that all types of material support that can make life easier are registered. Many students have to study away from their home, so the benefits for train tickets are most in demand.

What can students expect

Until 2015, the list of transport benefits for those receiving higher professional education was slightly wider. Due to the economic crisis, the discount on long-distance train tickets, that is, those that cross the border, was removed from it. Now, at a reduced cost, you can only move around the suburbs or the country.

At the same time, subscription tickets were introduced in 2015, with which it is realistic to reduce the cost of travel on railway transport by 50%. The subscription applies to trains. You can get a document for suburban transport according to the rules:

  • students who receive primary vocational and higher education are able to use the discount;
  • when buying a travel document, you must have a student ID with you;
  • the discounted pass can be used from the first day of the school year to mid-June, in the summer you will have to travel at full price.

The procedure for using the benefit is regulated by regional legislation, so the rules may vary slightly. The conditions depend on what agreements have been reached between the executive authorities and transport companies operating in the field of suburban transportation.

Similarly, there is a benefit for moving around the country. The procedure for its provision can be found in the educational institution.

Features of purchasing tickets

There is one feature - you can not buy a ticket at a reduced cost in the summer. This is due to several reasons:

  • students use the benefit for personal purposes;
  • at this time, the student may already be a graduate;
  • He is on the drop list.

The benefit applies only to seats in second-class carriages, but the train can be either an ordinary passenger train or an express train. In some regions of Russia, the right to receive a discount on a travel document applies only to part of the routes. In this case, an alternative option is offered with a different departure time, for example, a train passing through a settlement at night or daytime. Specify in advance the features of the provision of benefits so as not to get into a difficult situation when buying. It is best to take a certificate from the place of study and a student ID in advance, with which you need to contact the cashier. Purchase tickets two to three weeks before departure to be able to choose from several destinations.

Other helpful perks for students

Higher education students may also qualify for other beneficial benefits. Here is their list:

  1. In some regions, they are entitled to preferential travel on the subway or on land transport. To do this, you need to purchase a smart card or a special travel document. This discount is provided for travel only in those cities where the executive authorities have concluded contracts with carriers.
  2. Students studying on a paid basis and their parents are entitled to a refund of a 13% tax deduction from actually paid contributions (they are deducted from salaries by the accounting departments of enterprises).
  3. With successful studies or a certain social status, the student is eligible for a scholarship.
  4. Students are given discounts on housing and communal services or a hostel, they are entitled to live on campuses for a fee not exceeding 5% of the scholarship that is established in an educational institution.
  5. In large cities, with a student card, you can visit the theater, nightclubs or cinema on favorable terms. This benefit is not guaranteed at the federal or state level, it is provided by the heads of entertainment establishments.
  6. The situation is similar with shopping centers or supermarkets, where you can get a discount on purchases upon presentation of a student document, especially often such promotions are held before January 25th.
  7. Practically in all localities, those receiving vocational education have the right to visit municipal museums and use the collections of state libraries free of charge. This is a good help for writing essays and term papers. In Moscow, some libraries work around the clock, which is very convenient for full-time students.

Most benefits can really be obtained only at the time of receiving the first education, it is allowed to use regional or federal social assistance only once. A student can study at two faculties at the same time, but this does not mean that his right to benefits will be different. A certificate from the place of study must be obtained where knowledge is received in person.

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Free in Russia

Most Russian students regularly travel by train, as many of them study outside their hometowns. The state aims to help students, because the future is behind them. Therefore, there are benefits for students on railway tickets.

Discounted train tickets

There are certain features of providing benefits to students.

  1. Only full-time students in the areas of primary, secondary and higher vocational education have the opportunity to purchase a discount on train travel. To purchase a discount ticket, a student ID is required.
  2. Discounts are provided on the basis of an agreement between transport organizations and state authorities of the region of the Russian Federation.
  3. The benefits apply exclusively to reserved seats, but at the same time, it does not matter what kind of transport it is (fast or regular).
  4. Discounts for persons studying at universities are valid from September 1 to June 15, that is, for the duration of the academic year, with the exception of the session. Such a restriction is provided so that students do not use the benefit for personal interests during the holidays, since this is contrary to the goals that are indicated by Russian law.
  5. Since 2019, benefits have also been applied to long-distance routes. Long-distance travel is understood as the route that the train carries out, leaving the borders of the subject of the Russian Federation. In 2019, discounts did not apply to long-distance routes.

Factors affecting the discount

The cost of a rail pass varies depending on specific factors such as:

  • time of year;
  • holiday;
  • weekday;
  • selected train, etc.

There is a project that sets a discount on Tuesdays. On such a day, at the ticket office of a passenger company, you can buy an inexpensive train ticket for the desired date.

You can buy a ticket at the box office or in the electronic sale mode on the official website. Discount cannot be combined with other benefits.

How to buy preferential train tickets?

In accordance with the established procedure, students are granted a benefit based on documentation that confirms such a right. It must be shown at the box office to an employee of the Russian Railways station. At the time of purchasing a ticket, you must have the following documents with you:

  • identification;
  • student card;
  • a certificate from an educational institution stating that a citizen is studying full-time there (rarely required).

The listed documentation must be valid and issued for one person.

Are there any perks for part-timers? Benefits for rail transport do not apply to students:

  • correspondence department;
  • in branches of foreign higher educational institutions.

The fare, taking into account the benefits for the student, is 50% of the total amount.

Discounts on other transport

At the level of regions of the Russian Federation, it is planned to reduce the cost of travel on the metro, buses, trolleybuses and trams. There is no discount at the federal level. If such a benefit is provided for in the region, this means that the executive bodies have concluded contracts with transport companies. Only full-time students are eligible to use these offers. To do this, they will need to purchase an individual travel card or smart card.

Some firms that carry out transportation by aircraft and ships also provide privileges for persons in this category. If the companies have entered into an agreement, then students can purchase tickets at a discount of up to 50% of the full price. The flight is made only in economy class, while the discount does not apply to baggage fees.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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